southern sierran - Sierra Club


southern sierran - Sierra Club
Volume 70 No 2
Check out our picks for Earth Day happenings PAGE 50
An inside look at Chapter’s trip to Cuba
and more Travel Adventures. PAGE 4-5
Meet Chapter award winners and come
to the May 3 Banquet! PAGE 6-7
Living in the city getting you down? 12
websites for the green urbanist. PAGE 51
SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES: Hundreds of hikes and events inside. PAGE 8
We’re proud of our record!
By Carole Mintzer
For over 120 years the Sierra Club has been America’s best-known
environmental advocate. The Angeles Chapter, nearly 40,000 strong, is
the largest and most influential of the
63 Sierra Club chapters nationwide.
With so many threats to the environment in 2015, simply preserving the gifts of nature isn’t enough.
“Business as usual” is not sustainable.
Failing to change doesn’t mean things
will go on as before -- because they
can’t. Change is urgent, and you can
Your voice and financial support
will help Make Change Happen!
Here are just a few challenges we
face in 2015:
• Adopt Clean Energy -- Thanks to neighbors like you in Los Angeles
and Orange Counties,our rooftop solar program is among the largest in the nation. It’s part of a big picture. We’re backing Governor
Brown’s call for half the state’s energy to come from renewables by
2030 – up from the current goal of one-third clean energy by 2020.
Big Oil has made clear it will fight to prevent this change. Join us to
Make Change Happen!
• Protecting Public Lands -- The Chapter worked for years to gain
national recognition of the San Gabriel Mountains as a special place.
In this issue
We’re proud of our 120-year record
Long-awaited land victory in Orange County Travel Adventure to Cuba
Upcoming Travel Adventures
Muir-themed awards banquet and winners
Schedule of Activities
Earth Day happenings
Chapter Briefs
12 websites for the green urbanist
April-June 2015
Volume 70 No 2
Mary Forgione Editor
Tom Politeo Design
George Watland Senior Director
Jane MacFarlane Chapter Coordinator
Angélica González Conservation Program Manager
Chapter Officers
Carole Mintzer Chapter Chair
David Haake Chapter Vice Chair
The Southern Sierran (ISSN 1078-6875) is published quarterly
by the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, 3435 Wilshire Blvd. #660
Los Angeles, CA 90010-1904. Phone (213) 387-4287, Ext. 212
(fax: (213) 387-5383). Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Subscription rate for Chapter members is $1 and is included
in membership dues. For nonmembers, the annual rate is $12.
Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA 90052.
POSTMASTER: Send change of address to: Southern Sierran,
Sierra Club Data Changes, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., #660, Los
Angeles, CA 90010-1904.
Advertisers: To advertise, call (213) 387-4287 Ext. 212.
Deadline for the July-Sept. 2015. issue is June 1, 2015.
©2015 Sierra Club Angeles Chapter. Image copyrights held by
the artists. Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily
those of the Angeles Chapter.
The Sierra Club is open to all people who believe in preserving
the environment for future generations. Club policy prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender
or native language.
Printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks.
A long-awaited land victory in Orange
County. Who cares why it happened?
By Carole Mintzer
This is a long story with a happy ending
that was hoped for but not assured. The Sierra
Club played a role in the story, but I’ll leave
it to you to decide whether we should claim
victory, just say thank you to a developer, or
do some combination of the two.
Our story starts in 2000 when the Angeles
Chapter formed the Orange Hills Task Force
(OHTF) to protect and preserve 7,700 acres
of hills in and around Irvine Park and Peter’s
Canyon Park near the City of Orange. The
Irvine Company, the largest and most powerful land developer in Orange County, proposed to build 3,900 houses, a lodge, a golf
course, and a marina at Irvine Lake, east of
Orange. In the early years, the task force
worked to raise public awareness about the
housing plan while waiting for the release
of the Draft Environmental Impact Report
Grass-roots protests, as the cars go by
We held signs on street corners, circulated
petitions, and worked to elect city council
members who we thought would vote for the
environment. Meanwhile, in 2001, the Irvine
Company set aside 11,000 acres of open space
for permanent protection. This generous act
was hailed far and wide as a wonderful thing
for which we should be extremely grateful.
But it didn’t include the 3,000 acres around
Irvine Lake, which were still set for a large,
sprawling housing development right in the
middle of this newly protected land. The
Sierra Club continued its fight.
The Orange Hills Task Force submitted
extensive comments both when the Notice
of Preparation (NOP) was released in 2003
and again when the Draft Environmental
Impact Report (DEIR) was issued in 2004.
In late 2005, we were frustrated when the
Environmental Impact Report (EIR) contained only perfunctory responses to all our
comments. When the City Council met to
approve the EIR, 70 people spoke against
the project, all to no avail – the project was
In late 2005, we entered the lawsuit phase
of the project when the Sierra Club sued the
City of Orange and The Irvine Company,
claiming the EIR did not adequately address
the environmental impacts of the development, particularly as related to traffic. We lost.
We appealed and lost again. Our request to
have the State Supreme Court review the case
was denied.
Sierra Club activists regularly held signs on street corners and sought signatures
on petitions to stop a proposed development in the hills in Orange.
An unintended consequence of the
2008 recession
In 2008, the City of Orange approved the
tract maps for the development without requiring a supplementary EIR. The Sierra Club
again sued, claiming a supplementary EIR was
necessary, partly due to changes in legislation
that had taken place in the intervening years.
Our concerns included the plans for fuel abatement around the perimeter of the development
and the adequacy of the fire escape plans.
Again we lost in court – and finally came to the
conclusion that it would be impossible to win
an environmental lawsuit against The Irvine
Company in an Orange County court. We
licked our wounds, worked on paying off the
debt we had incurred filing three lawsuits, and
laid in wait to see when The Irvine Company
would begin construction.
It was a sad time for the task force. We
may have been the only people in Southern
California to have any positive thoughts about
the recession, because as awful as it was for so
many people, it also brought a stop to new
housing construction. Where we had failed,
the economy had succeeded. But what would
happen when the economy turned around?
Would the intervening time bring new ideas
and considerations about housing? Could
the desire for large houses in sprawling communities be waning? Was it at all possible that
the proposed development would be obsolete
before it was ever built? We also hoped and
believed that Donald Bren, the elderly CEO
of The Irvine Company, was concerned about
his legacy and how it would be tarnished if
3,000 houses were built in the middle of the
open space he had set aside 10 years earlier.
And as new housing construction began again
in Orange County, the land in east Orange
remained ready but untouched.
And then came the best news of all. Six
years after Sierra Club filed its last lawsuit
against The Irvine Company, Donald Bren
and The Irvine Company announced they
were going to donate all of the land to the
County of Orange so it could be protected as
park land. No new houses would be built; the
open space would remain whole. It was everything we had fought for and we are beyond
grateful for this change of heart and incredible
donation. Our celebration really began when
County of Orange officially accepted the land
in November 2014.
Of course, we will always wonder how our
efforts affected the outcome. Did public opinion that was clearly against the development
factor in to Donald Bren’s final decision? Or
was it just a business decision and a desire
for a lasting legacy? I guess we’ll never know,
and perhaps it doesn’t matter. Here in Orange
County, we have all won.
Carole Mintzer is chair of the Angeles
Chapter’s Executive Committee.
Travel Adventure trip to Cuba —
the yucca, Sinatra
and the cars!
Let us take you on your next Travel Adventure! Here’s an account of
the 14-day people-to-people tour that included visits to eco-preserves
and community projects as well as traditional Cuban landmarks.
Photo and story by Bruce Hale
Sierra Club leaders Bruce Hale and Jon Perica led a 14 day travel
adventure in Cuba last December. This trip marked the first time the
Sierra Club has sponsored a trip to the island nation. Travel had been
severely restricted for years, but the Obama administration has allowed
Americans to travel legally to Cuba on “people-to-people” educational
tours operated by companies licensed by the U.S Treasury. Thus, our
trip was licensed and legal. We included visits to some eco-preserves
and some community projects.
The trip came at a timely, watershed moment in light of President
Obama’s announcement three days after we returned that the U.S. will
normalize diplomatic relations with Cuba. In other words, as restrictions are further eased, more Americans will be traveling to Cuba so
that the destinations there will become more crowded. Already in 2013
officials estimate that over 90,000 Americans [as part of the total figure
of 500,000 foreign visitors in 2013] visited the island. The figure for
Americans may well double or triple in coming years. Our trip participants, however, saw Cuba as it has been before big potential changes
start to develop. Up to this point, Cuba has been almost suspended in
time for over 50 years. For this reason, during these years, Cuba has had
one of the smallest environmental footprints on the planet.
The old American cars from the 1950s still so prevalent in Cuba
reflect this sense of suspended time. In Havana, I would estimate that
about one quarter of the cars on the road are such classic vehicles. As
a result of the embargo imposed by the U.S. after the Revolution, no
American vehicles were ever imported into Cuba after 1959. Thus
today there are still cars like 1953 Chevys and 1955 Fords and 1959
Buicks and the like. Many of these cars, however, have replacement
engines, even diesel engines. Many have been repainted in bright colors. Most are used as taxis for tourists. I enjoyed taking photos of these
old classics, --until I had enough pictures of ’53 Chevys et al.
Cuba needs to build tourism infrastructure
Before Cuba can handle hordes of American tourists, the tourist
infra-structure needs to be more developed and updated. Once relations normalize, this will no doubt follow. The biggest industry in
Cuba is in fact tourism [followed by medical services]. Europeans
and Canadians have been enjoying the destination for years. Our trip
experienced some glitches in part because of limited infrastructure. A
typical response when something went awry is “This is Cuba, what do
you expect?!” Our guide often had to work her cellphone to make sure
that things would roll out the way they were supposed to. In recognition that our tour had the occasional glitch, our tour operator covered
some meals which would not have otherwise been included.
But our group did substantially fulfill the itinerary over the course of
the two weeks. Indeed the odometer on our luxury tour bus (imported
by the Cuban government from China) showed that by the end of the
trip we had covered 2,260 km or about 1,400 miles. And, ours was a
custom tour, not a cookie-cutter tour such as the typical off-the-shelf
commercial tours which usually stay rather close to Havana and visit
maybe only 3 other cities. We visited seven cities besides Havana.
Havana was our focal point as we checked in to the Hotel Nacional
New England Extravaganza II
October 3-11
Take a trip through history, from Paul Revere’s house in Boston to Mt.
Washington in New Hampshire. $1395 per person. Contact: Michael
Sappingfield 949-768-3610
and Patty Sappingfield 949-768-3610
Kilimanjaro and Safari in Tanzania
June 27-July 12
Kilimanjaro is the highest point on the African continent at 19,340 feet
and it takes no technical skills to climb. Nowhere else on earth can you
see as far as from the top of Kilimanjaro. $5,495 per person. Contact:
Shlomo Waser 408-483-7716
Pilgrim’s Route
on the Via
Podiensis in
June 9-July 4
Join us for a longdistance hiking experience on a historic
pilgrimage route and
walk from Le Puy to
Moissac. $4300 per
person. Contact: Ed
Maurer 949-768-0417, Helen Maurer 949-768-0417
Upcoming Travel Adventures
Bali Island and Komodo Dragons
September 9-24
Come with us to experience this fast-growing travelers paradise with
its rich history, Hindu temple culture and traditions. Our land package takes us around the famous island of Bali and to the island of
Flores. $1795 per person. Contact: John B Lajeuness, 818-248-5763; and Andrea Lim 818-249-8584; andrealim94@
there four times during the two weeks. The hotel, built in 1930 [it is
said with money from the mafia], displays the art-deco and neoclassical
style popular at the time, is now declared a national monument. It is
picturesque upon the bluff over the waterfront. To impart a sense of its
history, the hotel has named certain rooms after celebrities like Frank
Sinatra, and has photos on the wall of famous past guests. By the time
we checked in for the last time, the hotel felt like home. Its convenient
location allowed us to walk on the Malecon, the boardwalk along the
waterfront, and to explore the nearby University of Havana where to
this day in the middle of the student square there is still a tank, harking
back to the Revolution which was fomented on the campus.
Havana, current population about 2.1 million today and established in 1515, offers many opportunities for walking tours, not only
along the Malecon, but also in Old Havana with its narrow cobblestone streets, historic plazas and cathedrals dating back to the 16th
century, and the Prado which is particularly a good pedestrian street
for the sighting of the 1950s cars as well as the eclectic architecture
Havana is famous for.
Getting there
During the first week, after flying into Havana on Cubana Air
from Mexico City and after some flight delays beyond our control, we
started in the eastern part of the island and then gradually worked our
way west back to Havana. Unfortunately this required some lengthy
bus rides. We had a really careful, cautious bus driver. The rough, often
China Panda
Yunnan Shangri
La Adventure
October 8-21
See seldom visited sights
in Yunnan, see China’s
ambassador, the Panda,
Shangri La, several
UNESCO world heritage sites & scenic areas
and ethnic peoples of
Southern China. $3,899
per person. Contact: Bruce Hale 818-957-1936 brucehale@sbcglobal.
net and Fred Dong 818-545-3878
Patagonia Adventure
January 10-23, 2016
Join us for an active 14 day adventure to explore the wilds of southern
Chile and Argentina known as Patagonia. $4,350 per person. Contact:
Kath Giel 415-720-4430 and
Shlomo Waser 408-483-7716
pot-holed roads slowed the bus down as did the horse carriages and
bicycles riding right in the middle of the lanes. We went east first by
air to Santiago de Cuba, the second largest city, and then by bus as far
as the town of Baracoa, which is on the Atlantic coast in Guantanamo
Province. As a site where Columbus landed, Baracoa displays the cross which
Columbus is said to have erected there in December 1492. Carbon
dating has revealed that the wood dates back to the 15th century.
Today the cross is protected behind bars so that people do not cut off
pieces of it.
Returning to Santiago de Cuba, we attended a performance of
dances from the slavery era in replicated costumes. A dinner followed at
a ranch in which the 13 employees raise organic produce for the restaurant. As we ate a guitarist was playing classical Latin songs. Usually live
music was featured in restaurants. This dinner was one of many that we
had at the “paladores.” These are privately operated restaurants which
the government has permitted since 1995. They have proliferated with
the increase of tourism in recent years. Some paladores are established
in restored classic buildings.
A lesson in Cuban cuisine
Jon and I especially liked all the vegetarian options available in the
ample buffet since at many restaurants the offerings are “pork (the
national dish), or beef, or chicken.” In fact, what is Cuban cuisine like?
Everyone is invited on these trips led by the Sierra Club’s Angeles Chapter. These trips help support our work to improve the environment.
Come celebrate the Year of Muir at
the Awards Banquet on May 3
By Glenn Pascall
What better way to celebrate the Angeles
Chapter’s remarkable 2014 volunteers than
with a Year of Muir-themed Annual Awards
Banquet on May 3 in Pasadena.
Bruce Hamilton, Sierra Club’s deputy
executive director, will speak about Muir,
who died in Los Angeles on Dec. 24, 1914.
The Chapter has dedicated 2015 as a “Year
of Muir” to honor his writings, his legacy
and most importantly his founding of the
world’s largest environmental organization.
Hamilton started with the Sierra Club
38 years ago as a regional organizer in the
Northern Rocky Mountains and Northern
Plains. He then served as National Field
Director and National Conservation
Director. During his tenure, he has helped
design and implement campaigns to promote climate change solutions through
clean energy. He has worked to preserve Our
Wild America and to support Safe, Healthy
Communities through lifestyle changes.
His many credits on behalf of the Sierra
Club include serving on the Support Center
for the Environmental Advisory Board of
the U.S. Department of Energy and the EPA
National Advisory Council on Sustainable
Economies. He is presently a member of
the World Commission on Protected Areas. Prior to joining the staff, Hamilton was
field editor for High Country News, an
environmental magazine covering the West,
and a consultant in drafting federal environmental impact statements. He is the
recipient of a 1973 summa cum laude B.S.
degree in Wildlife Biology and Natural
Resources Administration from Colorado
State University.
He has spoken about John Muir and
Sierra Club history at public events at the
Oakland Museum, Le Conte Lodge in
Yosemite, the University of the Pacific John
Muir Symposium and the John Muir
Banquet Tickets
Tickets for the Annual Awards
Banquet cost $40 per person or $400 for
a table of 10. Reservations must be made
by April 19.
Please download and fill out the reservation form at (note
mixed case) and make checks payable to
“Sierra Club Angeles Chapter.” Mail
to Donna Specht, 22221 Wood Island
Lane, Huntington Beach, Calif. 92646;
National Historic Site. Hamilton describes
himself not as an expert on Muir but as an
amateur who loves what Muir wrote and
did and stands for. He hopes to build on
that legacy, and last year he and his wife
walked the John Muir Trail from Yosemite
to Mount Whitney.
Chapter volunteers who made a difference in 2014
Mary Morales
Ron Campbell
From Chapter reports
Each year Angeles Chapter Sierra Club gives out awards to volunteers who have shown outstanding commitment and leadership to
the club. Below are award winners for 2014. Join us at the Chapter’s
Annual Awards Banquet on May 3 to salute their good work.
Phil Bernays Service Award: Mary Morales has served for six years
as an at-large member of the Chapter Executive Committee. Over the
past 15 years, she also has served on numerous Chapter committees as
chair and/or member of the Awards Committee and has assisted with
many Chapter newcomer events. She has served as Chair of the Sierra
Singles Section for more than 10 years in addition to being an active
outings trip leader for Sierra Singles and Chapter Travel Adventure
trips. Mary serves too as a long time overseer of Harwood Lodge.
Chester Versteeg Outings Award: Ron Campbell is the Angeles
Dan Richter
John Lajeuness
Chapter’s Safety Chair and was previously the Safety Committee Vice
Chair serving as the accident and incident reviewer. Ron has led scores
of outings since receiving his I rating in 1991 and M rating in 1992.
Ron was the First Wilderness Travel Course management committee
chair and was a longtime WTC group leader in Orange County. He
also served as Leadership Training vice chair for approximately 10 years
and continues to serve the committee.
Lifelong Service Award: Dan Richter has served as the chair of both
the Desert Peaks Section and Sierra Peaks Section and is an E rated
leader. Dan is an active member of the Leadership Training Committee
and has implemented and been the guiding light of the Sierra Club’s
Advanced Mountaineering Program.
Donna Specht Fundraising Award: John Lajeuness is the father
of Angeles Chapter Fundraising Outings known more commonly as
Travel Adventures. Starting in 1995, John
organized Catalina Island camping trips, summer bus trips to Mammoth, car camps and
once filled three buses for a trip to Laughlin,
Nevada. Since the 1990s, John served on various Chapter Fundraising committees and still
serves on the Fundraising Outings Committee
and Budget and Finance Committee. John
branched out using his extensive fundraising
skills to leading international trips to Costa
Rica, Peru and Bolivia, Bali, China, Nicaragua
and Vietnam. He led cruises to Alaska, the
Caribbean and the Mediterranean.
Political Service Award: Howard Strauss
has been chair of the Los Angeles County
Political Committee of the Angeles Chapter
for at least the last four years. He also has
served as chair of the Sierra Club California
Political Committee, heads the state local
candidate review committee and serves as
compliance officer for the Angeles Chapter.
In addition, Howard is Southern California
vice-chair of the California-Nevada Regional
Conservation Committee.
Linda Hoyer Chapter Staff Award: Angeles
Chapter Staff members George Watland,
Jennifer Robinson, Jane MacFarlane, and
Mary Forgione performed extraordinary service after the departure of our previous Senior
Chapter Director and the loss of one staff
position. They stepped up as a team to bring
new fundraising ideas to the Chapter, bring
clarity to our budget process, improve our
communications with members, bring in and
train new volunteers to fill gaps in staffing,
and keep the office running smoothly.
Judy Chu has an
unmatched record of
public service. She
began as a member
of the Garvey School
Board, followed by
her election to the
Monterey Park City
Council and then
the California State
Assembly. She now is a congresswoman who
has served since 2009. After years of work and
outreach, Chu introduced legislation to create
more protection for Southern California’s San
Gabriel Mountains. In 2014 President Obama
followed Chu’s call for permanent protection
and declared much of the area the nation’s
newest national monument last year. Special Award for Conservation Work:
Environmental Priorities Network is an interfaith conservation organization active in the
South Bay and Palos Verdes areas. Since 2002,
they have organized a series of forums on
various environmental issues, inviting speakSOUTHERN SIERRAN
Extraordinary Achievement Award: Bob Thompson left, Joe Young, second from left,
and Stag Brown, far right, are extraordinary leaders. For 32 years starting in 1981, the three
have led an overnight hike through downtown L.A.’s Skid Row around Christmastime.
Called the Annual Midnight Hike to Help the Homeless, it was truly an urban hike as
participants put on their backpacks and hiking boots to help those less fortunate. Hikers
covered about about 6 miles round trip, handing out food, clothing and good cheer. ers and hosting tabling by environmental
groups and related vendors. At the very first
global warming forum they held, they saw
the Cool Cities booklet at the Sierra Club
table. Inspired by that booklet, they lobbied
the various cities of the South Bay and Palos
Verdes areas and got them to sign up as Cool
Cities. These cities pledged to inventory their
municipal greenhouse gas emissions and to
reduce their emissions to be equivalent to
what would have been reduced under the
Kyoto Treaty.
Outings Service Award Certificates
Membership & Fundraising Service
Special Service Award
For the past three years, these entities
have been tops in recruiting new Sierra Club
1. 20-30’s Section
2. Orange County Sierra Singles Section
3. Palos Verdes South Bay Group
4. Wilderness Training Committee
5. West Los Angeles Group
Conservation Service Certificates
Elaine Trogman
David Campbell
Kathleen Norma Smith
Eva Cicoria
Ann Pedreschi Shields
Christian Latunos
Jason Hashimoto
Patricia Barnes
Scott Closson
Stephanie Gross
Sylvia Stevenson
Ed Lubin
Sid and Joyce Alpert
Priscilla “Pixie” Klemic
Jim Ulmer Al Sattler Carole Scurlock
Evelyn Alexander
Grant Rigby Joel Ortmann & Marty Kluck
Karen Buehler
Nancy Le
Penny Elia Tom Politeo
Wayne Norman
Margee Hills
David Hyman
Sierra Club, Angeles Chapter
S chedule
Great Outdoor Adventures in Los Angeles and Orange Counties
Everyone is invited to join us.
Follow us, we know the way.
The Angeles Chapter leads these outdoor activities as a public service to everyone
interested in coming along. We offer diverse physical activities — walks, hikes, kayaking,
bicycling, backpacking, outdoor photography and more— all covered in these pages.
Activities range from short to long, easy to hard, day walks to overnight backpacks, nearby
hikes in the city to hikes in our local mountains and wilderness areas. Some events are tailored
for families and beginners. Others aim to suit tigers who want a vigorous workout. Weekly
conditioning hikes can help get and keep you fit. Wilderness hikes can help you experience
the best of scenic Southern California.
So, step away from that sedentary lifestyle and join us. Learn firsthand about the thousands
of miles of trails that surround the city from people who know the way. And see the wonders
of Southern California’s wild side.
In this schedule
Ratings codes
Repeating events
Advance notice
Rideshare locations
Activities and Outings Skill Level Rating Codes
Repeating Events
These repeating events include an ample selection of conditioning hikes,
many of meet weekly throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties.
Sunday Repeating Events
0:00 am - Island Hopping in Channel Islands National Park
Angeles Chapter Outing
C/O: Join us for a 3-day, 3-island, live-aboard tour of the enchanting
Channel Islands! Hike wild, windswept trails bordered with blazing wildflowers. Kayak rugged coastlines. Marvel at pristine waters teeming with
frolicking seals and sea lions. Train your binoculars on unusual sea and land
birds--and an occasional whale. Watch for the highly endangered island
fox. Look for reminders of the Chumash people who lived on these islands
for thousands of years. Or, just relax at sea. All cruises depart from Santa
Barbara, California. The cost, $615, includes an assigned bunk, all meals,
snacks, and beverages plus the services of a ranger/naturalist who will travel
with us to help lead hikes, point out items of interest and give evening
programs. Kayaking will be overseen by concessionaire; all hikes will be on
trails/Class 1 terrain. This is a fundraiser for the Angeles Chapter Political
Action Committee. To reserve space, send a $100 check, written to Sierra
Club, to leader Joan Jones Holtz, 11826 The Wye St., El Monte, CA 91732.
For more information contact leader: 626-443-0706;
Dates: Apr 5, 2015
Leaders: Joan Jones Holtz,, 626-443-0706, 626-4438021; Don Holtz,, 626-443-8021
7:00 am - Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle: Navigation noodle at
Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Saturday for practice, skills refresher, altimeter, homework, campfire.
Sunday checkout. Send email/sase, contact info, navigation experience/
training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare to leader.
Dates: Apr 26, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers,, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler,, 310-214-1873
7:00 am - Navigation: Grinnell Ridge Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Grinnell Ridge Navigation Noodle: Navigation Noodle in
San Bernardino National Forest for either checkout or practice to satisfy
Basic (I/M) or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. Send email/
sase, contact info, navigation experience/training, any WTC, leader rating,
The Angeles Chapter Safety Committee has established the
following classifications for all chapter-sponsored outings to
differentiate the levels of skill required of participants and event
leaders. Classifications do not relate to outing strenuousness.
C Events conducted by a non-Sierra Club entity (e.g., concessionaire).
O Uncomplicated outings such as city walks, bike rides, trail
hikes, backpacking. May involve simple off-trail hiking not
requiring navigation skills. Climbing level: Class 1 terrain.
I Outings that involve cross-country travel where navigation is
necessary. Rougher ground than O outings may be traversed,
and the use of hands for balance may be necessary. Includes
outings that have snow travel or skiing on easy terrain.
Climbing level: Class 2 terrain.
M Moderate-level climbing: Class 3 terrain. On rock, the hands
are used for climbing. Some participants may want a safety
belay. On snow, safety dictates the use of ice axes and the ability to self-arrest.
E More exposed than M outings. Climbing on Class 4 terrain.
Rock climbs will use a rope for all in the party. On snow,
steeper terrain than M outings is permissible, and safety dictates the use of crampons.
T Technical outings requiring specialized skills as identified in
the sponsoring group’s safety policy.
rideshare, to leader.
Dates: Jun 14, 2015; Sep 20, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers,, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler,, 310-214-1873
Monday Repeating Events
6:30 pm - Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Slow moderate 2 hr. 4-6 mile hike: Some streets, some trails overlooking
the ocean, and city lights. Some steep trails. Only one group, not for beginners. Arrive early, leave at 6:30 P.M. every Monday at the end of Crenshaw
Blvd near Del Cerro Park (click on “Get Directions” for more info). Wear
sturdy shoes or lug sole boots and bring a red lens flash light for winter
times. Rain cancels.
Dates: Apr 6, 2015; Apr 13, 2015; Apr 20, 2015; Apr 27, 2015
Leaders: William Lavoie,, 310-378-8723; Zoltan Stroll,, 310-378-8975
Tuesday Repeating Events
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
Evening conditioning hikes range from moderate to very strenuous over
hilly, sometimes steep terrain with uneven footing. Hikes are intended only
for hikers capable of maintaining the pace as set by leaders. Leashed, wellbehaved dogs welcome at the discretion of each leader. Hikes last from 1-1/2
to 2-1/2 hours. Meet at the Griffith Park upper merry-go-round parking
lot #2. The hikes start at 7pm sharp. Come early to complete waiver form.
(Participants must sign the waiver and must have waiver card with them
on hikes.) Sturdy hiking shoes or boots strongly encouraged. Flashlights
are optional; a colored filter is recommended to avoid blinding other
participants. The Tuesday/Thursday hikes typically have a wider range of
levels than the Wednesday hikes, which are not recommended for newcomers. Tuesday/Thursday coordinators Mike Johnstone and Louis Alvarado.
Wednesday coordinators Joe Young and Sue Schohan. For more information, see
Dates: Apr 7, 2015; Apr 14, 2015; Apr 21, 2015; Apr 28, 2015; May 5,
2015; May 12, 2015; May 26, 2015; Jun 2, 2015; Jun 9, 2015; Jun 16,
2015; Jun 23, 2015; Jun 30, 2015
Leaders: Sue Schohan,, 818-648-9170; Joseph
Young,, 310-822-9676; Emmy Goldknopf,, 213-804-0967
6:30 pm - San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Strenuous 2 hr, 5-8 mi conditioning hikes on flat/hilly streets/trails to
explore fauna/terrain in San Pedro & RPV. Not for beginners. Arrive early.
Leaves 6:30 pm every Tue from 8th and Averill, San Pedro. Wear lug sole
boots and bring red lens flashlight. If you anticipate rain, wear rain gear.
Dates: Apr 7, 2015; Apr 14, 2015; Apr 21, 2015; Apr 28, 2015
Leaders: Barry Bonnickson,, 310-519-0778; Jacques
Monier,, 310-320-1249; Joyce White, 310-383-5247;
Dorothy Boynton Chadwick,, 310-544-0600; James
Brooks Chadwick,, 310-544-0600
6:30 pm - Irvine Conditioning Hikes
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Easy/Moderate/Tiger paced hikes, 4-7 mi rt on hilly trails. Bring water,
light hiking boots. 405 Fwy, exit S at University/Jeffrey, L on Ridgeline, L on
Turtle Rock, pass Sunnyhill, L into parking lot of Turtle Rock Community
Park. Arrive about 15 minutes early to get a parking spot and sign in.
Regular Tues/Thur Night conditioning Hikes
Dates: Apr 7, 2015; Apr 14, 2015; Apr 21, 2015; Apr 28, 2015; May 5,
2015; May 12, 2015; May 19, 2015; May 26, 2015; Jun 2, 2015; Jun 9,
2015; Jun 16, 2015; Jun 23, 2015; Jun 30, 2015
Leaders: John C LaRue,, 949-661-4437; Jim Palmer,, 949-551-8912; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@, 714-963-6345; Chris Dickey,, 949651-9642; Maura Van Strien,
6:45 pm - Tue Tiger Hikers
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 2 hr, 5-8 mi fast-paced strenuous hikes in Santa Monica Mountains with
some bushwhacking. Rideshare to local trailheads. Meet 6:30 pm; leave
6:45 pm sharp each Tues 1 block W of Topanga Cyn Bl on Clarendon St
(1 stoplight S of Ventura Fwy, next to Post Office). No dogs. Rain cancels.
Dates: Apr 7, 2015; Apr 14, 2015; Apr 21, 2015; Apr 28, 2015; May 5,
2015; May 12, 2015; May 19, 2015; May 26, 2015; Jun 2, 2015; Jun 9,
2015; Jun 16, 2015; Jun 23, 2015
Leaders: Bill Crane,, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,, 818-717-1946
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes & Potluck
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
Evening conditioning hikes range from moderate to very strenuous over
hilly, sometimes steep terrain with uneven footing. Hikes are intended only
for hikers capable of maintaining the pace as set by leaders. Leashed, wellbehaved dogs welcome at the discretion of each leader. Hikes last from 1-1/2
to 2-1/2 hours. Meet at the Griffith Park upper merry-go-round parking
lot #2. The hikes start at 7pm sharp. Come early to complete waiver form.
(Participants must sign the waiver and must have waiver card with them
on hikes.) Sturdy hiking shoes or boots strongly encouraged. Flashlights
are optional; a colored filter is recommended to avoid blinding other
participants. The Tuesday/Thursday hikes typically have a wider range of
levels than the Wednesday hikes, which are not recommended for newcomers. Tuesday/Thursday coordinators Mike Johnstone and Louis Alvarado.
Wednesday coordinators Joe Young and Sue Schohan. For more information, see
Dates: May 19, 2015
Leaders: Sue Schohan,, 818-648-9170; Joseph
10 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Young,, 310-822-9676; Emmy Goldknopf,, 213-804-0967; Mike Johnstone, mikebroker26@gmail.
com, 323-663-1318; Louis D Alvarado,, 818-3523632
6:30 am - HPS Management Committee Meeting
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Club Support Event
All are welcome to attend our bi-monthly management committee meeting
to discuss the business side of the section and upcoming activities. All are
welcome to join us and opportunities to become involved are available. The
meeting begins at 6:30 pm via conference call. To receive access information
to join in on the conference call, to have items added to the agenda, or to
volunteer, please contact the HPS Chair: Coby King
Dates: May 12, 2015; Jul 14, 2015; Nov 10, 2015; Jan 5, 2016
Leader: Coby King,, 818-313-8533
Wednesday Repeating Events
6:30 pm - Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
Angeles Chp 20s & 30s Singles Outing
O: This weekly Wednesday evening conditioning hike has been going on
for more than 20 years, come out and be part of the continuing tradition.
Moderately paced 5-6-mile hike in the lush canyons of the Puente/Whittier
Hills. Enjoy this Emerald City Hike as the sun sets in the west. You will get
a spectacular 360 view of LA and Orange County lights. 700’ gain up along
switchbacks and trails with varying routes. Wear hiking boots and bring
water. This group loves to snack, so bring some to share. Meet at south end
of 7th Avenue where street ends and turn right on Orange Grove to park
on street. Use 7th Ave. exit off (60 Fwy) Pomona Fwy, go south to Orange
Grove. Leaders: Lisa Lee, Marty Kluck, Alan Daniels, Sandy Viernes. Rain
Dates: Apr 1, 2015; Apr 8, 2015; Apr 15, 2015; Apr 22, 2015; Apr 29,
2015; May 6, 2015; May 13, 2015; May 20, 2015; May 27, 2015; Jun 3,
2015; Jun 10, 2015; Jun 17, 2015; Jun 24, 2015; Jul 1, 2015; Jul 8, 2015;
Jul 15, 2015; Jul 22, 2015; Jul 29, 2015
Leaders: Lisa Lee,, 626-286-2443; Martin Kluck,, 562-677-4740; Alan Daniels, adan1207@, 714-882-0031; Sandy Viernes,, 562941-4917
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes and 1st Wednesday of the
month Cookout
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
Slightly shorter hikes followed by optional Potluck. Evening conditioning
hikes range from moderate to very strenuous over hilly, sometimes steep
terrain with uneven footing. Hikes are intended only for hikers capable of
maintaining the pace as set by leaders. Leashed, well-behaved dogs welcome
at the discretion of each leader. Hikes last from 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 hours. Meet
at the Griffith Park upper merry-go-round parking lot #2. The hikes start at
7pm sharp. Come early to complete waiver form. (Participants must sign the
waiver and must have waiver card with them on hikes.) Sturdy hiking shoes
or boots strongly encouraged. Flashlights are optional; a colored filter is
recommended to avoid blinding other participants. The Tuesday/Thursday
hikes typically have a wider range of levels than the Wednesday hikes, which
are not recommended for newcomers. Tuesday/Thursday coordinators Mike
Johnstone and Louis Alvarado. Wednesday coordinators Joe Young and Sue
Schohan. For more information, see
Dates: Apr 1, 2015; May 6, 2015; Jun 3, 2015; Jul 1, 2015
Leaders: Sue Schohan,, 818-648-9170; Joseph
Young,, 310-822-9676; Emmy Goldknopf,, 213-804-0967
7:00 pm - Mission Peak Moonlight Conditioning Hike
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: Moderate 5 mile, 1200’ gain to view San Fernando Valley. Meet 7 pm
at Neon Way trailhead. Exit on Balboa Ave off 118 Freeway N 2 miles to
Sesnon, W 1 mi to Neon Way, R to end of street. Bring water, lugsoles,
Dates: Apr 1, 2015; Apr 29, 2015; May 27, 2015; Jul 1, 2015
Leaders: David Morrow,, 661-254-5245; Kate
Okamoto,, 661-288-7931; Gaylon S Rodin,, 661-263-0568; Ken Kerner, 661-259-8800; Mary Ellen
Dittemore,, 661-254-8543
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
Evening conditioning hikes range from moderate to very strenuous over
hilly, sometimes steep terrain with uneven footing. Hikes are intended only
for hikers capable of maintaining the pace as set by leaders. Leashed, wellbehaved dogs welcome at the discretion of each leader. Hikes last from 1-1/2
to 2-1/2 hours. Meet at the Griffith Park upper merry-go-round parking
lot #2. The hikes start at 7pm sharp. Come early to complete waiver form.
(Participants must sign the waiver and must have waiver card with them
on hikes.) Sturdy hiking shoes or boots strongly encouraged. Flashlights
are optional; a colored filter is recommended to avoid blinding other
participants. The Tuesday/Thursday hikes typically have a wider range of
levels than the Wednesday hikes, which are not recommended for newcomers. Tuesday/Thursday coordinators Mike Johnstone and Louis Alvarado.
Wednesday coordinators Joe Young and Sue Schohan. For more information, see
Dates: Apr 8, 2015; Apr 15, 2015; Apr 22, 2015; Apr 29, 2015; May 13,
2015; May 20, 2015; May 27, 2015; Jun 10, 2015; Jun 17, 2015; Jun 24,
Leaders: Sue Schohan,, 818-648-9170; Joseph
Young,, 310-822-9676; Emmy Goldknopf,, 213-804-0967
Thursday Repeating Events
6:30 pm - Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Not for beginners. 5-8 mi in 2 hours with many hills through various
areas on the Peninsula. Multiple speed groups. Start in the slowest group and
work your way up. (The faster groups may not be able to wait for anyone
who cannot keep up.) Please come early so that everyone can sign the Waiver
by 6:30. Meet in the Peninsula Center parking lot near the SW corner of
Hawthorne and Silver Spur (click “Get Directions” for map).
Dates: Apr 2, 2015; Apr 9, 2015; Apr 16, 2015; Apr 23, 2015; Apr 30,
Leaders: William Lavoie,, 310-378-8723; Jacques
Monier,, 310-320-1249; James Brooks Chadwick,, 310-544-0600; Joyce White, 310-383-5247; Zoltan
Stroll,, 310-378-8975
6:55 pm - Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike: Sponsored by Pasadena Group and
Wilderness Adventures Section. 6 mi rt, 1400’ gain aerobic conditioning
hike. Great views of LA Basin and the night sky. Meet 6:55 pm (we start
promptly at 7 PM) every Thursday at gate at Pinecrest (from Pasadena,
exit east bound I-210 at Altadena Dr, N 2½ mi to Crescent Dr, R to 2260
Pinecrest Dr; Altadena). Remember the neighbors, keep your voices down as
we gather. Bring water, flashlight, sturdy shoes. Rain/landslides cancel. For
additional information contact
Dates: Apr 2, 2015; Apr 9, 2015; Apr 16, 2015; Apr 23, 2015; Apr 30,
2015; May 7, 2015; May 14, 2015; May 21, 2015; May 28, 2015; Jun 4,
2015; Jun 11, 2015; Jun 18, 2015; Jun 25, 2015
Leaders: Pam Allen,, 626-296-6911; Keith Martin,
SOUTHERN SIERRAN ◊ SCHEDULE, 626-396-9701; Beth Powis Martin, whmscl@, 626-396-9701; Ginny Heringer,,
626-793-4727; Patricia Pipkin,
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
Evening conditioning hikes range from moderate to very strenuous over
hilly, sometimes steep terrain with uneven footing. Hikes are intended only
for hikers capable of maintaining the pace as set by leaders. Leashed, wellbehaved dogs welcome at the discretion of each leader. Hikes last from 1-1/2
to 2-1/2 hours. Meet at the Griffith Park upper merry-go-round parking
lot #2. The hikes start at 7pm sharp. Come early to complete waiver form.
(Participants must sign the waiver and must have waiver card with them
on hikes.) Sturdy hiking shoes or boots strongly encouraged. Flashlights
are optional; a colored filter is recommended to avoid blinding other
participants. The Tuesday/Thursday hikes typically have a wider range of
levels than the Wednesday hikes, which are not recommended for newcomers. Tuesday/Thursday coordinators Mike Johnstone and Louis Alvarado.
Wednesday coordinators Joe Young and Sue Schohan. For more information, see
Dates: Apr 2, 2015; Apr 9, 2015; Apr 16, 2015; Apr 30, 2015; May 7,
2015; May 14, 2015; May 21, 2015; May 28, 2015; Jun 4, 2015; Jun 11,
2015; Jun 18, 2015; Jul 2, 2015
Leaders: Sue Schohan,, 818-648-9170; Joseph
Young,, 310-822-9676; Emmy Goldknopf,, 213-804-0967; Mike Johnstone, mikebroker26@gmail.
com, 323-663-1318; Louis D Alvarado,, 818-3523632
6:30 pm - Irvine Conditioning Hikes
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Easy/Moderate/Tiger paced hikes, 4-7 mi rt on hilly trails. Bring water,
light hiking boots. 405 Fwy, exit S at University/Jeffrey, L on Ridgeline,
L on Turtle Rock, pass Sunnyhill, L into parking lot of Turtle Rock
Community Park. Arrive about 15 minutes early to get a parking spot and
sign in. Regular Tues/Thur Night conditioning Hikes
Dates: Apr 9, 2015; Apr 16, 2015; Apr 23, 2015; Apr 30, 2015; May 7,
2015; May 14, 2015; May 21, 2015; May 28, 2015; Jun 4, 2015; Jun 11,
2015; Jun 18, 2015; Jun 25, 2015
Leaders: John C LaRue,, 949-661-4437; Jim Palmer, james., 949-551-8912; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.
com, 714-963-6345; Chris Dickey,, 949-6519642; Maura Van Strien,
7:00 pm - Rio Hondo Group monthly mtg:
Rio Hondo Group Club Support Event
rogram: TBD. Join us for conversation and dinner or snack at 7:00 followed
by meeting around 7:30. Meeting location: CoCo’s, 1250 East Imperial
Highway, Brea, CA, southeast corner of State College and Imperial Hwy in
Brea near Imperial Hwy and the 57 freeway.
Dates: Apr 9, 2015; Jun 11, 2015
Leaders: Gary Sjogren,, 562-941-8485; Margee K
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes & Potluck
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
Evening conditioning hikes range from moderate to very strenuous over
hilly, sometimes steep terrain with uneven footing. Hikes are intended only
for hikers capable of maintaining the pace as set by leaders. Leashed, wellbehaved dogs welcome at the discretion of each leader. Hikes last from 1-1/2
to 2-1/2 hours. Meet at the Griffith Park upper merry-go-round parking
lot #2. The hikes start at 7pm sharp. Come early to complete waiver form.
(Participants must sign the waiver and must have waiver card with them
on hikes.) Sturdy hiking shoes or boots strongly encouraged. Flashlights
are optional; a colored filter is recommended to avoid blinding other
participants. The Tuesday/Thursday hikes typically have a wider range of
levels than the Wednesday hikes, which are not recommended for newcomers. Tuesday/Thursday coordinators Mike Johnstone and Louis Alvarado.
Wednesday coordinators Joe Young and Sue Schohan. For more informaAPRIL-JUNE 2015
tion, see
Dates: Apr 23, 2015; Jun 25, 2015
Leaders: Sue Schohan,, 818-648-9170; Joseph
Young,, 310-822-9676; Emmy Goldknopf,, 213-804-0967; Mike Johnstone, mikebroker26@gmail.
com, 323-663-1318; Louis D Alvarado,, 818-3523632
meeting time/place call Ldrs Ron Webster, John Russell Marshall.
Dates: Apr 4, 2015; Apr 11, 2015; Apr 18, 2015; May 2, 2015; May 9,
2015; May 16, 2015; May 23, 2015; May 30, 2015; Jun 6, 2015; Jun 13,
2015; Jun 20, 2015; Jun 27, 2015
Leaders: Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126; John Russell Marshall,, 951-898-4632
Friday Repeating Events
C/O: Join us for a 3-day, 3-island, live-aboard tour of the enchanting
Channel Islands! Hike wild, windswept trails bordered with blazing wildflowers. Kayak rugged coastlines. Marvel at pristine waters teeming with
frokicking seals and sea lions. Train your binoculars on unusual sea and land
birds--and an occasional whale. Watch for the highly endangered island
fox. Look for reminders of the Chumash people who lived on these islands
for thousands of years. Or, just relax at sea. All cruises depart from Santa
Barbara, California. The cost, $615, includes an assigned bunk, all meals,
snacks, and beverages plus the services of a ranger/naturalist who will travel
with us to help lead hikes, point out items of interest and give evening
programs. Kayaking will be overseen by concessionaire; all hikes will be on
trails/Class 1 terrain. This is a fundraiser for the Angeles Chapter Political
Action Committee. To reserve space, send a $100 check, written to Sierra
Club, to leader Joan Jones Holtz, 11826 The Wye St., El Monte, CA 91732.
For more information contact leader: 626-443-0706;
Dates: Jun 13, 2015; Jul 18, 2015; Sep 26, 2015
Leaders: Joan Jones Holtz,, 626-443-0706, 626-4438021; Don Holtz,, 626-443-8021
6:45 pm - Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
West Los Angeles Group Outing
O: Spectacular view of Santa Monica Bay and LA Basin. Moderately strenuous conditioning hike for fit hikers. 2 hr, 5 mile round trip, 1100’ total gain
on fire road. Meet and sign in at 6:45 pm every Friday, Los Liones Drive at
Sunset Blvd (0.3 mi from PCH). Carpool 1.5 miles to trail head. Lug soles.
Bring flashlight. Optional dinner at restaurant after. Beach Walk when there
is a Red Flag Warning. Palisades Highlands sidewalk when it rains.
Dates: Apr 3, 2015; Apr 10, 2015; Apr 17, 2015; Apr 24, 2015; May 1,
2015; May 8, 2015; May 15, 2015; May 22, 2015; May 29, 2015; Jun 5,
2015; Jun 12, 2015; Jun 19, 2015; Jun 26, 2015
Leaders: Edward H Lubin,, 310-826-2750; Marshall
Ratinoff,, 310-420-3600; David Haake, dhaake@ucla.
edu, 310-237-3447; Joe Phillips,, 818-3488884
7:00 pm - Griffith Park Monthly Full Moon Hike with Potluck on top
Angeles Chp Griffith Park Sctn Outing
O: Meet by 6:45 p.m. in the Upper Merry-Go-Round parking lot (see map
below). We will be ‘snacking’ at the top, so bring whatever goodies you want
for sharing at the Potluck at the vista during the hike. Hike starts at 7pm.
The hikes are approximately 2 and a half hours long. Come early to complete waiver form. (Participants must sign the waiver and must have waiver
card with them on hikes.) Sturdy hiking shoes or boots strongly encouraged.
Flashlights are optional; a colored filter is recommended to avoid blinding
other participants.
Dates: Apr 3, 2015; May 1, 2015; May 29, 2015; Jun 26, 2015
Leaders: Kathy Faulds,, 818-845-9687; Judy
Rosenberg,, 323-954-1522
Saturday Repeating Events
8:00 am - Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Fast paced conditioning hike, 6 mi RT, 700’ gain. No beginners or
Tigers! From 5 Fwy, N on Jamboree, or from 55 Fwy E on Chapman. Take
Canyon View into parking area. Bring water, hiking boots, $3 for parking
or have permit. Rain cancels. (Important Note: If park is closed, meet in
Taco Bell parking lot, corner Chapman/Jamboree).Conditioning Hike every
Saturday. Arrive a few minutes early to sign in.
Dates: Apr 4, 2015; Apr 11, 2015; Apr 18, 2015; Apr 25, 2015; May 2,
2015; May 9, 2015; May 16, 2015; May 23, 2015; May 30, 2015
Leaders: Sharry Puraty,, 714-761-8761; Donna
Meade,, 714-846-3969; Norman O
Montgomery, 714-557-0794; Shilo Bartlett,, 714968-5099
8:30 am - Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Volunteers (males and female) help build and maintain trails in the Santa
Monica Mountains. 8:30 am – 2 pm (usually) each Sat in Oct thru June.
(No trail work in July, Aug., Sept). Tools and instructions provided. For
12 APRIL-JUNE 2015
0:00 am - Island Hopping in Channel Islands National Park
Angeles Chapter Outing
0:00 am - Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle: Navigation noodle at
Joshua Tree National Park to satisfy the basic (I/M) level navigation requirements. Saturday for practice, skills refresher, altimeter, homework, campfire.
Sunday checkout. Send email/sase, contact info, navigation experience/
training, any WTC, leader rating, rideshare to leader.
Dates: Apr 25, 2015
Leaders: Robert M Myers,, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler,, 310-214-1873
Harwood Lodge Schedule
These events are at Harwood Lodge, the Chapter’s beautiful 1930s mountain retreat located at 6000’ feet elevation near several trailheads on the edge
of Mt. Baldy. Harwood is open to Sierra Club members most weekends
from Sat at 10am to Sun at 3pm. For specific dates listed here, check the
Daily Schedule by date. Or visit Harwoods website for more information:
Sat Apr 4 to 5, 2015: Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND
Sat Apr 11 to 12, 2015: Harwood-CLOSED WEEKEND
Sat Apr 18 to 19, 2015: Harwood-SPRING WORK PARTY
Sat Apr 25 to 26, 2015: Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND
Sat May 2 to 3, 2015: Harwood-CLOSED WEEKEND
Sat May 9 to 10, 2015: Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND
Sat May 16 to 17, 2015: Harwood-CLOSED WEEKEND
Sat May 23 to 25, 2015: Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND (Memorial Day
Sat May 30 to 31, 2015: Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND
Sat Jun 6 to 7, 2015: Harwood-CLOSED WEEKEND
Sat Jun 13 to 14, 2015: Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND
Sat Jun 20 to 21, 2015: Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND
Daily Schedule
Events from Tuesday July 1st through September 30, 2014, with selected
advance listings into next year. Please see our online schedule of events for
more events, trips and updates, including possible cancellations at:
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes and 1st Wednesday of
the month Cookout
7:00 pm Mission Peak Moonlight Conditioning Hike
8:00 am - Tenaja Falls & Beyond
Orange County Group Outing
O: Join us for a 6 mi rt, 1000’ gain, hike past Tenaja Falls to explore the
upper canyon and have lunch among the oaks below Stewart Ranch. The
spring display of prickly phlox along this route is the best in the Santa Ana
Mtns. On the return, we will take time to explore the area around the falls.
Meet 8:00 am at the South Orange County rideshare point or 9:15 am at
the falls trailhead. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, good hiking boots. One crossing
of San Mateo Creek is required; depending on the winter rains, wading may
be necessary. Rain or critical fire level cancels.
Leaders: John Kaiser,, 714-968-4677; Bob Hansen,,, 949-586-4928; Rich Maxey,, 949-310-5134
8:00 am - South Hawkins from Crystal Lake
Angeles Chp Local Hikes Cmte Outing
O: : South Hawkins (7,783’). Starting from Crystal Lake, the hike is 7 miles
round trip on trail and road with 2000’ gain. Join us for a pleasant hike to
this former fire lookout above Crystal Lake. We will take a different route
from those more frequently taken to the peak. Before we start, we can stop
by the Crystal Lake Cafe to pick up some of Adam’s wonderful food for
a snack or lunch. Then we’ll proceed up the Windy Gap trail and South
Hawkins Road to the peak. Bring lugsoles and layers, water, sunscreen, hat,
and lunch or snacks. Co-sponsored with HPS. Meet at Azusa ride share at
8:00 AM: On Santa Fe St. just E of Azusa Ave, one block N of Foothill, just
before the railroad tracks. Contact leaders if additional information needed.
Leaders: James Hagar,, 818-243-6574; Brookes
Treidler,, 626-792-1520
7:00 pm - ‘Honeybee Keeping in the LA Basin...’Pasadena
Group Monthly Meeting
Pasadena Group Club Support Event
O: Pasadena Group Monthly Meeting: Manhattan Beach honeybee keeper
Susan Rudnicki presents a live program “Honeybee keeping in the LA
Basin---an emerging craft”. Susan responds to citizen calls regarding human
conflicts with honeybees, rescuing the bees and re-homing them to people
wanting honeybee hives through the network of her club, HoneyLove, a
non-profit dedicated to education in urban beekeeping. She has 8 hives of
feral rescued bees, is a mentor to new beekeepers, and sells honey from her
hives. She will bring a observation hive with a frame of live bees on their
honeycomb. Honeybees live in a world that is endlessly fascinating for its
complex behaviors, communication and organizational structure; with a
queen and all her sisters, it is a matriarchy driven largely by chemical signaling and with strict “job descriptions” through which all workers will pass in
their lifetimes. Bees play a critical role as pollinators for food and flower production; an understanding of this role helps dispel negative views of stinging
insects. Information on Group’s hikes, outings, and conservation activities.
Newcomers always welcome! 7 pm doors open, 7:30 pm program at Eaton
Canyon Nature Center, 1750 N Altadena Dr in NE Pasadena. For information contact Group Membership Chair, Elizabeth Pomeroy, 626-791-7660
Leader: Liz Pomeroy,, 626-791-7660
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Chantry Flat, Mt Zion Loop
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 10 mile, 1800’ gain loop hike in Angeles National
Forest. Meet at Chantry Flat parking area 8 am. From 210 Foothill freeway
in Arcadia take Santa Anita Ave exit and drive north 6 miles. Forest Service
Adventure Pass is needed to park. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Norm Stabeck,, 818-518-5454;
Reaven Gately,, 661-255-8873
Friday, April 3, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
7:00 pm Griffith Park Monthly Full Moon Hike with Potluck on top
7:30 pm - Moonlite Hike in Palos Verdes Estates
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Moonlite Hike in Palos Verdes Estates: Leave from Neptune’s Fountain
in center of Malaga Cove Plaza: 7:30 pm Malaga Cove Plaza, Via Almar and
PV Drive N. Marvelous vistas across Santa Monica Bay. Rain Cancels Wear
sturdy shoes for muddy trails. Go for pizza afterwards.Alix Benson.
Leaders: William Lavoie,, 310-378-8723; Catherine
Whittington,, 310-532-2380
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, April 04, 2015 to Sunday, April 05, 2015
Eagle Mountain #1 (5359)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Easy paced but moderately strenuous cross-country scramble to Eagle
Mountain in Joshua Tree. The Eagle Mountains mark the transition between
Colorado Desert and higher-elevation Mojave Desert ecological zones.
Approximately 10 miles and 2400’ elevation gain. Saturday we will hike 3
miles off-trail to dry camp area, set up camp and then hike 4 miles roundtrip to summit. Return to camp for happy hour and good conversation.
Sunday morning will break camp and hike out. This is a dry camp so be sure
to bring at least 6 liters of water and something to share for happy hour on
Saturday. Trip size is limited. Please send an email or sase including name,
address, phone number, and recent experience and conditioning to leader.
Sponsored by WTC, Crescenta Valley Group.
Leaders: Karen Buehler,; Sharon Moore,
8:00 am - Los Cerritos Wetlands tour and restoration
Orange County Group Outing
O: April 4 Sat Orange County O: Los Cerritos Wetlands land tour and
habitat restoration: Come with us as we participate in the monthly stewardship program at the Los Cerritos Wetlands. This is one of two wetland
walks in our annual series of “urban conservation walks”. A nature tour of
the wetlands area begins at 8 am until 10am; followed at 10:30 am to 12:30
pm with a habitat restoration project. We will be planting native wetlands
plants at a brand new restoration site! Participants are encouraged to stay
for both the tour and the restoration project. Meet 8 am at PCH and 1st St
(just before the San Gabriel River) in Seal Beach. Park along the road (1st
St.). Wear closed toed shoes; bring water, sunscreen, hat and snack. There is
no bathroom on site for the duration of the nature tour, so arrange to use
the facilities at a nearby restaurant if need be before the tour. There is water,
sunscreen and a bathroom available on site during the restoration event.
Leaders: Ron Schrantz,, 714-995-8240; Joann
Schrantz, 714-995-8240
8:00 am - SoCal Summits #2 - Strawberry Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Join us for training hike #2 of the Seven SoCal Summits hikes, a 13-mile
round trip with 3000’ of gain to Strawberry Peak (6164’) in the Angeles
National Forest.
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Mary Forgione,, 562-618-1129; Mandy Horak, amandahorak@, 909-596-8824; Ernest M Scheuer,, 310274-7987
8:30 am - San Juan Capistrano Shea Trail
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: Hike the San Juan Capistrano Shea Trail up to Colinas Ridge with views
of the valley and the city’s project to restore native plants. We will head north
then down a moderately steep downhill on single track to loop back to the
start on a part of San Juan few have seen. Moderate 6.2 mile round trip,
900’ gain on mostly double track dirt trails. Meet 8:30 am at the corner of
Calle Rio Vista and Alipaz in San Juan Capistrano. Park on Calle Rio Vista
or nearby. From 5 South, take Ortega Highway exit to the right. Follow
the curve to continue on Del Obispo Street. Continue to Alipaz. Right on
Alipaz to the end. Left on Calle Rio Vista. Bring 1-2 quart water, snacks,
hat, hiking boots. Rain cancels. Provisional
Leaders: Linda Ledger,, 949-496-8029; Sharon Kirk,, 714-376-3197
9:00 am - Brown Mt. (4,466’) from Eaton Saddle (5,110’)
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Brown Mt. (4,466’) from Eaton Saddle (5,110’): 8.5 mi, 2750’ gain.
Hike from Eaton Saddle along a fire road and trail to Tom Sloan Saddle then
up the east ridge of Brown Mt. for spectacular views of the Front Range.
This hike is a down and up hike with most of the gain on the return. Meet
9 am La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring water, lunch, and hiking boots.
Leaders: Carole Scurlock,, 626-794-5207; William
Joyce,, 909-596-6280
Saturday, April 04, 2015 to Sunday, April 05, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Open Weekend: Relax, hike and enjoy the local mountains at your beautiful stone lodge nestled among a pine forest. Open to all members ($15/
per night) and their guests ($20/per night-limit 2). No reservations required.
Bring SC CARD.
Leader: Elizabeth Ward,, 909-932-1980
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Repeating Events
0:00 am Island Hopping in Channel Islands National Park
Monday, April 6, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
14 APRIL-JUNE 2015
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Upper Las
Virgenes (Ahmanson)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 5 mile hike with 700’ gain. Enjoy our recently
acquired Santa Monica Mtns Conservancy land at the edge of the Simi Hills.
Hike the rolling grassland hills of oaks and coastal sage and visit the old
ranch house at Lasky Mesa. Meet 8:30 am at Victory trailhead. From 101
Ventura Fwy take Valley Circle Bl exit and go north to Victory Bl, about 2
miles. Turn left on Victory, go 1/2 mi to fee parking area. Bring water, snack,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Muddy when wet. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Rita Okowitz,, 818-889-9924; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Zuma Canyon
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 11 mi, 2500’ gain loop hike with spectacular ocean views.
Meet at Zuma Canyon Trailhead (PCH 1 mi W of Kanan-Dume Rd or 7.3
mi E of Mulholland Hwy, N 0.4 mi at Busch Dr, R 0.2 mi at Rainsford Pl,
L 0.7 mi at Bonsall Dr). Park free in dirt lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles.
Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Jon Sheldon,, 805-496-4371; Ernest M
Scheuer,, 310-274-7987
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Upper Mandeville Cyn Loop
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 7 mi loop, 1200’ gain hike with vistas of Mt. Baldy
and Catalina, and with lunch at Nike site. Meet 9:00 am at Gardenland Rd
Trailhead in Mandeville Cyn ( 5 mi N of Sunset Blvd on Mandeville Cyn
Rd. Gardenland Rd is second to last street on left; limited parking). Rain
Leaders: Margaret C Fields, 310-839-8235; Ernest M Scheuer, ems728@, 310-274-7987
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
9:00 am - Riley Park Loop
Orange County Group Outing
O: 5 mi, 400’ gain. This will be an easy hike around the varied landscape
of the park: oak groves in the ravines, wildflowers and cactus on the slopes.
Bring water, snack, lugsoled shoes. Newcomers welcome. Meet 9:00 am at
the Park. From I-5, go east on Oso Pkwy almost to the end where the road
enters Coto de Caza, turn right into Riley Park. OC Parks decal needed or
parking fee is $3.Mike Sappingfield 949-768-3610
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Peter
R Height,,, 949-412-8954, 949-7134569
7:00 pm - Wilderness Skills: Planning the Backpack Trip
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Join us for this fun and informative evening series of monthly classes at
REI, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, California as we will be discussing subjects such as day hiking, backpacking, navigation, first aid, stoves, cooking
and meal planning, sleeping and sheltering, emergencies and survival, gear
selection, and more. All courses will be taught by experienced Sierra Club
Outing Leaders. This topic will cover how to plan the trip, including items
to consider in selecting the location, trailhead requirements/restrictions,
obtaining the permit, fire restrictions/requirements for the area, trip duration, checking the weather, and before and after trip campground information that may be helpful. Information will be available about upcoming
hikes and events. There is no charge for the course. [Feel free to arrive at 6:30
pm for social, registration, and to find out what is happening with Sierra
Club in the area and to visit with the leaders before class.]
Leader: Frances Penn,, 714-747-1019
Thursday, April 9, 2015
number, contact and carpool info, climbing resume, recent experience and
conditioning to for trip status and details.BRAD
Leaders: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490; Bradley
H Jensen, 626-797-1242
Repeating Events
Saturday, April 11, 2015 to Sunday, April 12, 2015
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
7:00 pm Rio Hondo Group monthly mtg:
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Hummingbird Trail to Rocky
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 9 mile, 2000’ gain hike in Santa Susana Mtns to Rocky
Peak, on beautiful trail through coastal sage scrub and chaparral, then on fire
road to peak with great views. Meet 8 am at Kuehner Dr trailhead (from
118 freeway in east end of Simi Valley, take Kuehner Dr, exit 30, go north of
freeway 100 yards and park off pavement on east side of street beside fence).
Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Rosemary Campbell,, 818-344-6869;
Gary Anderson,, 818-592-0710
Sierra Snow Check-Off
Angeles Chp Desert Peaks Outing
O: For M & E candidates wanting to check off leadership ratings and/or
others who wish to practice new techniques. Restricted to SC mbrs with
some prior basic training with the ice axe. Send SC#, climbing resume,
email, H&W phones to leader. Leader: NILE SORENSON
Leader: Douglas Mantle,, 818-362-5132
7:00 am - Wonderland of Rocks Exploration
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
Friday, April 10, 2015
MR: Wonderland of Rocks Exploration: Rock scramble to explore remote
canyons looking for arches, domes and other interesting rock formations
in the southern portion of the Wonderland of Rocks, 6 mi rt, 1000’ gain.
Class 3 rock travel experience required. Restricted to Sierra Club members.
Helmets and medical forms required. Send email/sase, SC#, class 3 experience, conditioning, contact info to
Leaders: Robert M Myers,, 310-829-3177; Virgil
Shields,, 818-637-2542; Regge Bulman, film185@, 424-750-9519
Repeating Events
Saturday, April 11, 2015 to Sunday, April 12, 2015
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, April 11, 2015 to Sunday, April 12, 2015
Snow: Sierra Snow Checkoff/Practice:
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Snow: Sierra Snow Checkoff/Practice: For M & E candidates wanting to check off leadership ratings and/or others who wish to practice new
techniques. Restricted to SC members with some prior basic training with
the ice axe. Send SC#, climbing resume, email, H&W phones to leader.
Leaders: Nile Sorenson,, 714-996-5683; Douglas
Mantle,, 818-362-5132
Saturday, April 11, 2015 to Sunday, April 12, 2015
Clark Mountain (7,907), New York Mtns HP (7,532)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
MR: Join us for a fun spring weekend in the Mojave National Preserve near
Primm, NV to climb a couple of classic DPS 3rd Class Peaks. Both peaks
are strenuous and involve travel across rocky, thorny, steep, and loose desert
terrain. Experience and comfort on exposed Class 3 terrain is required.
Saturday’s trip to Clark Mtn will be about 2.3 RT miles with 1,900’ of gain.
After returning from the peak Saturday we’ll drive over to the trailhead for
the New York Mtns HP to enjoy a hearty and festive DPS Happy Hour &
Potluck around a roaring fire and camp out for the night. Sunday we’ll head
up to the high point of the New York Mtns and while we’re up there we’ll
pick up the nearby New York Mtn for a day’s total of about 5.0 RT miles
with 2,200’ gain. This is a Restricted Mountaineering outing; participants
must be current Sierra Club members, and must submit a Sierra Club
“Medical Form”. Helmet, harness, belay device, and experience with their
use is required. Limited group size with priority given to WTC Leaders
working towards their M rating. High clearance 4WD vehicles recommended. This is a WTC Outing co-sponsored by DPS. Email Sierra Club
Deer Mountain (9,481)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us for early season slow/moderate pace backpack (18mi rt., 6100’
gain) over the Haiwee Pass (8,180’) Trail to set up camp at Dutch John
Meadow 6.0 mi/ 3,400’ gain. Sunday morning trail/xc to Deer Mountain
(9,481’) 6 mi rt. 1700’ gain), and return to camp to pack up to hike 6 mi
back to the cars. Wilderness Permit $5.00 deposit required for this WTC
outing. Send email with contact information, experience, recent conditioning and WTC group leader info to Ldr
Leaders: Garry McCoppin,, 714-269-5078; Paul
Warren,, 562-810-5283
8:00 am - Leadership Training Seminar
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Club Support Event
O: Become a qualified Sierra Club leader. Seminar in Pasadena Area.
For information, see the LTC website (
Deadline for receipt of application is March 28. No registration after this
date or at the door. Next seminar: Fall 2015.
Leader: Steven Botan,, 714-321-1296
8:00 am - Leadership Training Seminar - Pasadena
Angeles Chapter Club Support Event
O: DARE TO LEAD!! Leadership Training Seminar. Becoming a Sierra
Club outings leader starts with curiosity and a love of the outdoors. What
better way to step up and lead than by taking advantage of the training
opportunities that the Angeles Chapter’s Leadership Training Committee
provides each year. As home to one of the largest outings programs on the
planet, the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter’s many groups, sections and committees sponsor thousands of trips ranging from beach barbecues, Little
Hikers and Local Hikes to world wide travel and mountaineering expeditions. You can take the first step toward becoming a leader by attending a
class offered on Saturday, April 11. 1750 North Altadena Drive, Pasadena,
91107. Eaton Canyon Nature Center The seminar covers all the basics of
leadership. Experienced leaders will tell you how to plan a trip, prevent
problems on the trail and make sure that everyone – including you – has
a great time. They’ll also explain good conservation and safety practices.
And they’ll give you tips for getting your “O” rating quickly and then, if
you choose, pursuing more advanced ratings. The all-day class costs $25.
The application is online at At this same site,
you can pore over more of LTC’s upcoming offerings which are also on the
Schedule of Activities page. Mail the application and check $25, payable
to Sierra Club, to Steve Botan, LTC Registrar, 18816 Thornwood Circle,
Huntington Beach 92646. You also can reach Steve by email (ltcregistrar@ or by phone 714-321-1296). Applications and checks are
due March 28, 2015
Scholarships are available for those with financial need. Apply to LTC Chair
Anne Marie Richardson
Leaders: Anne Marie Richardson,,, 909-621-2812; Steven Botan, ltcregistrar@hundredpeaks.
org, 714-321-1296
Leaders: Ginny Heringer,, 626-793-4727; Liz
Pomeroy,, 626-791-7660
8:30 am - Three LA City Parks Hike in Northern SFV
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
Sunday, April 12, 2015
O: Moderately paced hike in Aliso Canyon Park, Limekiln Canyon Park,
and Tampa/Wilbur Park. Outstanding views, and some spots where “ET”
was filmed. Meet 8:30 AM, 1/4 mi E of Reseda Bl on N side of Rinaldi St
in newly renovated Aliso Canyon Park. Water and restrooms are available.
Bring water and snacks, clothing appropriate for the weather, comfortable
walking shoes/boots, shade hat.Sponsored by Wilderness Adv & SFV.
Leaders: George Denny,, 310-838-2354; Fran
Denny,, 310-838-2354
8:30 am - New hike in N San Fernando Valley
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Approximate 7.5 miles, 1200 gain moderately paced hike in 3 LA City
Parks; Aliso Canyon Park, Limekiln Canyon Park, and Tampa/Wilbur Park.
Outstanding views, and some spots where “ET” was filmed. Meet 8:30 AM,
¼ mi E of Reseda on N side of Rinaldi at newly renovated Aliso Canyon
Park. Water and restrooms are available. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Fran Denny,, 310-838-2354; George
Denny,, 310-838-2354
9:00 am - Serrano Valley via La Jolla Canyon
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 15 mi, 2000’ gain loop hike in Pt. Mugu State Park.
Hike to rarely-visited Serrano Valley; return via Ray Miller trail. Should be
beautiful in April! Meet 8:30 am at the Malibu rideshare point; 9:00 at Ray
Miller trailhead (fee parking). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Baldwin,, 818-510-1274; Ron
Rosien,, 310-474-0349
9:00 am - Introductory Botany Walk:
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Introductory Botany Walk: learn common plant families and flowers of
the coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and riparian habitats. Hike with frequent
stops about 3 miles on road and trail, 1000 ft gain. Bring hat, water, sturdy
walking shoes, and any plant ID materials you may have. Optional lunch in
the canyon after the hike. Meet at 9 am in the parking lot at Millard Canyon
in Altadena: from Interstate 210 in Pasadena, exit Lake Ave. and go north
to Loma Alta Dr. Turn west (left) on Loma Alta and drive to Chaney Trail
(flashing yellow light). Turn right and continue 1.7 miles up into the mountains and down into the parking lot. Co-sponsored by the Natural Science
Section and the Pasadena Group.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer,, 626-793-4727; Liz
Pomeroy,, 626-791-7660
9:00 am - Introductory Botany Walk
Angeles Chp Natural Science Outing
O: learn common plant families and flowers of the coastal sage scrub,
chaparral, and riparian habitats. Hike with frequent stops about 3 miles on
road and trail, 1000 ft gain. Bring hat, water, sturdy walking shoes, and any
plant ID materials you may have. Optional lunch in the canyon after the
hike. Meet at 9 am in the parking lot at Millard Canyon in Altadena: from
Interstate 210 in Pasadena, exit Lake Ave. and go north to Loma Alta Dr.
Turn west (left) on Loma Alta and drive to Chaney Trail (flashing yellow
light). Turn right and continue 1.7 miles up into the mountains and down
into the parking lot. Co-sponsored by the Natural Science Section and the
Pasadena Group. Half-day Environmental Awareness credit for prospective
16 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015 to Sunday, April 12, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: (Reserved for Inner City Outings weekend)
Leader: Cia Kirchner,, 949-675-0313
10:00 am - Chatsworth Nature Preserve
San Fernando Valley Group Social Event
O: Chatsworth Nature Preserve SUNDAY, April 12, 2015 10-3:00
MISSION STATEMENT We are pledged to preserve the largest remaining
natural area in the northwestern San Fernando Valley region of the City of
Los Angeles, with an Ecology Pond, seasonal wetlands and vernal pools,
grasslands, oak woodlands and savanna, and riparian areas. We are working
together to preserve all wildlife, and cultural and archaeological assets. To
join the celebration, enter the chain link fence gate on Valley Circle Blvd just
SouthWest of the curve where Plummer St turns into Valley Circle. Parking
is available near the gate along the streets shoulder. NO dogs allowed.
PURPOSE The CNP Coalition has formed to protect this precious open
space as a nature preserve for wildlife and to prevent any development or
modifications that will negatively impact the habitat. The long-term vision
is to incorporate the CNP within a larger network of wildlife corridors and
protected open space. BACKGROUND The Chatsworth Nature Preserve
(CNP) is a major City of Los Angeles open space preserve teeming with
wildlife. More than 200 species of Birds are on site including, Residents:
Greater Roadrunner, California Quail, woodpeckers, herons and egrets;
Migrants: Canada Goose, Western Meadowlark, Tricolored Blackbird, and
sapsuckers as well as a variety of ducks and shorebirds; Raptors: Ferruginous
Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Prairie Falcon, Long-eared Owl, and many others.
There are notable amphibians and Reptiles: western spadefoot toad, slender
salamander, western skink, ring-necked snake, red racer and much more.
The fauna includes large and small Mammals: desert cottontail rabbit, gray
fox, coyote, raccoon, and occasional visits of bobcat, cougar and mule deer.
Habitats include oak woodlands and savanna, riparian areas, chaparral,
grassland, and an Ecology Pond. The seasonal wetlands, and vernal pools, as
well as portions of the grasslands and riparian areas are now under threat by
a poorly conceived modification project. For any further info,Carla @ Carla. Mobile: 818-307-6418
Leader: Joe Phillips,, 818-348-8884
Monday, April 13, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
6:30 pm - Newcomer Night: Spotlight on Orange County
Orange County Group Club Support Event
O: Orange County Sierra Singles, Orange County Group Newcomer
Night: Find out all about events with 20s30s40s, hiking, conditioning
hikes, backpacking, ICO, adventure travel and conservation opportunities.
Refreshments. Free. Free Drawing. Be a part of the largest grassroots environmental organization in the US and join Sierra Club $15 Special Offer,
free gift. Newcomers welcome, bring a friend! Meet Costa Mesa Community
Center, 1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa (55 Fwy S, R on 19th, cross Harbor
Blvd., L on Park Ave, R into parking lot next to library.) Contact: Donna
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Charles
G Geller,, 714-292-2352
6:30 pm - Newcomer Night: Spotlight on Orange County
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Orange County Sierra Singles, Orange County Group Newcomer
Night: Find out all about events with 20s30s40s, hiking, conditioning
hikes, backpacking, ICO, adventure travel and conservation opportunities. Refreshments. Free. Free Drawing. Be a part of the largest grassroots
environmental organization in the US and join Sierra Club $15 Special
Offer, free gift. Newcomers welcome, bring a friend! Meet Costa Mesa
Community Center, 1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa (55 Fwy S, R on 19th,
cross Harbor Blvd., L on Park Ave, R into parking lot next to library.)
Contact: Donna Specht Event on Facebook:
events/789697854434034/ Event on Meetup:
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Charles
G Geller,, 714-292-2352
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Hondo Canyon
Backbone Trail
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 5 mile, 1400’ loss hike in a dramatic, scenic canyon.
Short shuttle to top of mountain and a downhill hike. Should be lots of
wildflowers. Meet 8:30 AM at trailhead, located on Old Topanga Canyon
Rd 0.4 mile west of intersection with Topanga Canyon Blvd. Limited roadside parking, so please ride-share. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Marcia Harris,, 310-828-6670; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Trippet to Topanga Lookout
on the Backbone Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 14 mi, 2100’ gain out and back hike from Trippet Ranch, past
the Deadhorse trailhead, behind Topanga School, up Hondo Canyon to
Saddle Peak. Meet at Trippet Ranch parking lot (PCH to Topanga Cyn Bl,
N 4½ mi to Entrada rd, 1 mi, 2 L turns to lot; or 7½ mi S of 101/Ventura
Fwy on Topanga Cyn Bl to Entrada Rd). Park free on Entrada Rd and walk
in or in lot (fee, or free with appropriate parking permit). Bring water, lunch,
lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Jeri Segal,, 310-391-3439; Mike Louis, 310395-8432
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Kanan Dume Backbone Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 8 mi rt, 1400’ gain hike on BBT past Upper Zuma Falls then
to Buzzard’s Roost (2500’). Meet 8:20 am Pacific Palisades rideshare pt, or 9
am at Newton Canyon trailhead lot (Kanan Dume Rd 4 ½ mi N of PCH,
just past 1st tunnel on L or 8 mi S of Ventura Fwy on R just before 3rd
tunnel). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Wlodek Proskurowski,, 310-202-0331;
Hannelore Suddeth,, 310-370-3008
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
7:00 am - Strawberry Peak (6164’), Mount Lawlor (5957’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Continuing our on run through the lower San Gabriels, let’s hike these
fine peaks with excellent views. Depart from beyond Red Box for a total
distance of 8 miles and 2500’ of gain on trail and xc. Moderate pace. Please
bring lugsoles layers and lunch, beverages, sunscreen and hat. Especially
tasty treats provided. Contact leaders for trip details.
Leaders: Jim Hagar,, 818-468-6451; Bill Simpson,, 323-683-0959
8:30 am - Chiquito Trail
Orange County Group Outing
O: 9 mi, 900’ gain. Starting near Blue Jay Campground, we hike thru varied
terrain possibly seeing spring flowers and deer, to Lion Cyn Falls for lunch,
then on to the Candy Store. Bring 2 liters water, lunch, lugsoles. Short car
shuttle. Rain cancels. Meet 8:30 am South Orange County rideshare point.
Leaders: Sharon Kirk,, 714-376-3197; Rich Maxey,, 949-310-5134
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Upper Zuma Canyon
Backbone Trail, Zuma Ridge Rd
Non Club Sponsor Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mile, 1400’ gain hike on scenic trail through lovely
canyon, then on fire road with great mountain and ocean views, to Buzzard’s
Roost. Meet 8 am Newton Canyon Trailhead. From 101 Ventura Fwy take
Kanan Rd exit, go south on Kanan Rd to paved trailhead parking area on
west side just north of Tunnel 1 (3rd tunnel from 101 about 1 3/4 miles
past Mulholland Hwy). Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen.
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Nancy Krupa,, 818-981-4799; Diane De
Marco,, 310-645-9442
Friday, April 17, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
8:00 am - San Mateo Canyon Trail Maintenance
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O-2: The Santa Ana Mtn Task Force (Orange County Group, Sierra Sage
Group, and San Gorgonio Chapter) sponsors trail maintenance activities in
the San Mateo Canyon Wilderness. After a one-year hiatus, we resume our
backpacking activities with the 38th Annual “Backpack / Swim / Gourmet
Trail Maintenance” outing in the San Mateo Canyon Wilderness. On Friday
morning, we will backpack 4 mi, 400’gain / 900’ loss to scenic “Castlerock”
campsite adjacent to San Mateo Creek. Equestrian assist with gear is pending. Friday afternoon through Sunday morning, we will work on improving
the Bluewater & San Mateo Cyn Trails. Sunday afternoon we pack out.
Tools are provided. Significant rain or critical fire danger will cancel. For
further information or to register, contact
Leaders: John Kaiser,, 714-968-4677; Michael Metcalf,, 949-492-6277
Friday, April 17, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Malibu Creek Camping MASH-4077 Style (TRIP FULL)
Verdugo Hills Group Outing
O: TRIP FULL – WAIT LIST ONLY: Enjoy a fantastic camping weekend
getaway at nearby Malibu Creek State Park in the Santa Monica Mountains
a short drive from LA & OC. We have reserved the large secluded and
private group campsite overlooking a meadow covered in wildflowers where
deer come to graze. This leader’s most favorite local campsite that is tough to
get! You can hike through oak and sycamore woodlands, visit where MASH
4077 and other movies have been filmed, go searching for wildflowers, or
relax at our exclusive group camp with our own bathroom facilities. We will
enjoy evening happy hours (come dressed as your favorite MASH character),
Potluck dinners and campfires. The camping fee is $40 per person ($10 extra
for non-member or solo driver) which includes group campsite, parking
fees, light breakfasts, and happy hour goodies. Due to limited parking we
encourage carpooling and can assist in connecting with others interested.
K9: Well behaved dogs with responsible owners are welcome (must follow
all regulations). Space is limited so sign up early. Reservation *must* include
participant name, email, phone #, city, SC # (or extra fee for non-member),
any carpool arrangements and a check payable to Verdugo Hills Sierra Club
mailed to Ed Khatch, 338 Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821. All communication will be via email (no SASE). No day-use visitors, attendance is limited
to participants signed-up in advance only.
Leaders: Ed Khatch,, 714-671-1977; Jacqueline
Meese,,, 714-3626679; Jean Noud,, 714-928-6282, 714-841-8798
Friday, April 17, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Malibu Creek Camping MASH-4077 Style (TRIP FULL)
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: TRIP FULL – WAIT LIST ONLY: Enjoy a fantastic camping weekend
getaway at nearby Malibu Creek State Park in the Santa Monica Mountains
a short drive from LA & OC. We have reserved the large secluded and
private group campsite overlooking a meadow covered in wildflowers where
deer come to graze. This leader’s most favorite local campsite that is tough to
get! You can hike through oak and sycamore woodlands, visit where MASH
4077 and other movies have been filmed, go searching for wildflowers, or
relax at our exclusive group camp with our own bathroom facilities. We will
enjoy evening happy hours (come dressed as your favorite MASH character),
Potluck dinners and campfires. The camping fee is $40 per person ($10 extra
for non-member or solo driver) which includes group campsite, parking
fees, light breakfasts, and happy hour goodies. Due to limited parking we
encourage carpooling and can assist in connecting with others interested.
K9: Well behaved dogs with responsible owners are welcome (must follow
all regulations). Space is limited so sign up early. Reservation *must* include
participant name, email, phone #, city, SC # (or extra fee for non-member),
any carpool arrangements and a check payable to Verdugo Hills Sierra Club
mailed to Ed Khatch, 338 Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821. All communication will be via email (no SASE). No day-use visitors, attendance is limited
to participants signed-up in advance only.
Leaders: Ed Khatch,, 714-671-1977; Jacqueline
Meese,; Jean Noud,, 714-8418798
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
12:00 am - Ken Pt (6423’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
O: A moderately strenuous walk on PCT and hiker trails for 16 miles round
trip with 2600 ft of gain to a peak above Palm Desert. Bring food, water, 10
essentials. Slow to moderate pace. Afterwards stay and join us for a festive
celebration including a big Potluck feast along with plenty of hanging out
and socializing at the Hurkey campground. Contact leaders for status and
18 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Leaders: David Comerzan,, 909-482-0173; Patricia
Arredondo,, 562-618-4391
Saturday, April 18, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Pahrump Point (5,740’), Stewart Point (5,265’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Pahrump Point (5,740’), Stewart Point (5,265’) - Come join us for a fun
spring-time weekend of rocky class 2 peakbagging near Death Valley NP
high above the Chicago Valley north-northeast of Shoshone, CA. Feel free
to join us for one or both days. This is a DPS Outing co-sponsored by WTC
and HPS. Email Mat Kelliher at with contact and
carpool info, recent conditioning, and experience for trip status and details.
Leaders: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490; Bill
Simpson,, 323-683-0959
6:00 am - Pyramid Peak (7035’), Pine Mountain #2 (7054’),
Lion Peak (6868’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Pyramid Peak (7035’), Pine Mountain #2 (7054’), Lion Peak (6868’): Join
us for a day of hiking on the Desert Divide southeast of Idyllwild. An out
and back hike of 12 miles round trip, 3200’ gain on trail and use trail. Pace
slow to moderate. Bring food, water and 10 essentials. Experienced youth
hikers welcome with prior approval. Serious weather may cancel. Contact
leaders for status and details.
Leaders: Michael McCarty,, 818-653-3305; Asher
Waxman,; Mark S Allen,,
Saturday, April 18, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Sentinel Peak (9,634)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us for a trip into the Panamint Mountains of western Death Valley
to visit the ghost town of Panamint City and climb Sentinel Peak. On
Saturday we’ll backpack along a stream up Surprise Canyon to Panamint
City (6 miles, 4,000’). We’ll make camp and explore Panamint City before
enjoying a happy hour Potluck. Sunday we’ll get an early start and hike XC
to climb Sentinel Peak (9 miles, 3,400’) before breaking camp and packing
back down to the trailhead (6 miles). Good conditioning and experience
on 2nd class XC talus required. Send e-mail with resume containing recent
experience, contact, and rideshare info to leader.
Leaders: Crystal Davis,, 323-463-9261; Neal
Robbins,, 310-540-5089
Saturday, April 18, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Sentinel Peak (9,634’)
Angeles Chp Desert Peaks Outing
I: Join us for a trip into the Panamint Mountains of western Death Valley
to visit the ghost town of Panamint City and climb Sentinel Peak. On
Saturday we’ll backpack along a stream up Surprise Canyon to Panamint
City (6 miles, 4,000’). We’ll make camp and explore Panamint City before
enjoying a happy hour Potluck. Sunday we’ll get an early start and hike XC
to climb Sentinel Peak (9 miles, 3,400’) before breaking camp and packing
back down to the trailhead (6 miles). Good conditioning and experience
on 2nd class XC talus required. Send e-mail with resume containing recent
experience, contact, and rideshare info to leader. Leader: Crystal Davis
Leader: Neal Robbins,, 310-540-5089
Saturday, April 18, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Grinnell Mtn (10284), 10,000 Ft. Ridge (10094), Lake Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Early chance to get your WTC experience trip in! Preference given to
2015 WTC students. Enjoy an easy paced, moderately strenuous, 13.5 mi
rt. 3350’ gain, overnight backpack trip in San Bernardino. We will hike
4.5 miles and set up camp at Fish Creek Saddle, then xc route to summit
Grinnel Mtn before dinner. Sunday, take xc to route to 10,000 ft ridge, then
xc to Lake Peak. We will head back to camp, gather our gear and return to
the trailhead. Peaks are subject to snow conditions. Send email and telephone, hiker’s resume, and ride share info to leader.
Leaders: Gabriel Lacktman,; Homer Tom,
7:50 am - Muir Peak from Sunset Ridge
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Muir Pk (4688’) Rendezvous Hikes: Celebrate the birthday and anniversary of the official naming of John Muir Peak, east of Inspiration Point.
Learn history of Muir’s visit to Pasadena, trekking in the local mountains,
and his first ascent in 1877. Choose among routes of varying difficulty with
rendezvous about 12-12:30 pm for lunch. Bring 2 quarts water, hiking
boots, food item to share. This route, via Sunset Ridge trail and Mt Lowe
fire road, is moderately strenuous with 12 mile, 2900’ gain. Meet at 7:50
am in the parking area adjacent to Sunset Ridge fire road. From I-210 in
Pasadena, exit Lake Ave. and go north to Loma Alta Dr. Turn west (left) on
Loma Alta and drive to Chaney Trail (flashing yellow light). Turn right and
continue about a mile and a half to the ridge top junction, parking outside
the locked gate across the Sunset Ridge fire road. Do not block the gate. If
parking area is full, continue down to Millard Campground parking area
and walk back up (0.5 miles). Forest Service Pass is needed.
Leaders: Beth Powis Martin,, 626-396-9701; Keith
Martin,, 626-396-9701
Saturday, April 18, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Carey’s Castle
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Overnight trip in southeastern part of Joshua Tree NP. From Red Butte
wash, this will be a moderately paced 9 mile RT /1300’ gain trip with
predominately cross country travel through sandy canyons and moderately
rocky terrain. Trip includes nearby peak 3344T and will return via the same
canyon. Bring 10 essentials, food and plenty of water. Camp is dry, 6-8 liters
of water recommended. Must be comfortable with xc travel. Send e-mail
with recent experience to leader.
Leaders: Justin Bruno,, 909-731-2313; Robert
Draney,, 818-935-1843
Saturday, April 18, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Pinto Mountain (3983)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us for an early backpack in the Mojave Desert near Twentynine Palms
to a peak with panoramic views of the Pinto basin. Late morning start on
Saturday as we backpack 3 miles to our campsite. Sunday we’ll climb up a
wash to the summit and follow an alternate route down via ridgelines to
camp and then out to the cars. This all cross-country route has some steep,
loose, and rocky sections along the way. We’ll keep a steady and relaxed pace
for a weekend total of 13 miles and 2,400’ gain. Email contact info and
recent experience to
Leaders: Brett Smith,; Sarah Schuh Quist,
8:30 am - Muir Peak via Echo Mt
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Muir Pk (4688’) Rendezvous Hikes: Celebrate the birthday and anniversary of the official naming of John Muir Peak, east of Inspiration Point.
Learn history of Muir’s visit to Pasadena, trekking in the local mountains,
and his first ascent in 1877. Choose among routes of varying difficulty
with rendezvous about 12-12:30 pm for lunch. Bring 2 quarts water, hiking boots, food item to share. This route, via Echo Mtn, Castle Canyon, is
faster paced, moderately strenuous 10 mi rt, 2900’ gain hike. Meet 8:30 am
at N end of Lake Ave (from 210 Fwy in Pasadena, exit Lake Ave, N to end).
Arrive early - parking is limited and you may have to park a distance from
the trailhead. Not suitable for beginners.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer,, 626-793-4727; William
Joyce,, 909-596-6280
8:45 am - Muir Peak from Eaton Saddle
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Muir Pk (4688’) Rendezvous Hikes: Celebrate the birthday and anniversary of the official naming of John Muir Peak, east of Inspiration Point.
Learn history of Muir’s visit to Pasadena, trekking in the local mountains,
and his first ascent in 1877. Choose among routes of varying difficulty with
rendezvous about 12-12:30 pm for lunch. Bring 2 quarts water, hiking
boots, food item to share. This route, from Eaton Saddle via West Mt Lowe
Trail and Mt Lowe Campground, is moderately easy 6 mi rt, with 1000’
loss on descent and 800’ gain on return. Meet 8:45 am at La Cañada ride
share pt.
Leaders: Bonnie C Strand,, 818-247-6398; Liz
Pomeroy,, 626-791-7660; Pat Zeider, pszeider@, 626-794-1750
San Fernando Valley Group Social Event
O: Join us for a beginners and intermediate hike to discover the hidden trails
of Malibu State Park. We will be have a variety of options, such as visit the
MASH site, visit the Visitor Center and watch a documentary about all the
movies that were made in the park the last 80 years. There will be a few hills
to climb. But we will decide on the level of the hike on the wishes of the
participants. It is our understanding that a and a another section is planning
to spend the weekend at the campground. They are welcome to join us for
the hike and for the Potluck after the hike. Please bring your favorite dish to
share and wine if you like. Don’t forget the utensils.We meet at the corner
of Malibu Canyon Rd. and Mulholland Highway.
Leader: Joe Phillips,, 818-348-8884
10:00 am - Skyline Trail hike and Buddhist Temple
Orange County Group Outing
O: : A leisurely hike along the ridge between La Habra Heights and
Hacienda Heights, with lunch at the turnaround point of the Buddhist
Temple on Hacienda Blvd. 1200’ gain over 3½ miles through walkways
under Colima and Hacienda Blvds. Meet 10:00 am. Park on S. Holmes
Circle between S. Hermitage Dr and E. Cargreen Ave. Vegetarian lunch
($5 donation) with time to look around the largest Buddhist temple in the
Western Hemisphere. Bring water, and sturdy shoes. No tank tops or shorts
allowed in the main temple. Rain within 48 hours cancels
Leaders: Fred Reed,, 714-528-4841; Eric Johnson,, 714-524-7763
Saturday, April 18, 2015 to Sunday, April 19, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Spring Work Party: Come have fun, meet new people, all while working
on Lodge repairs/maintenance. Receive lodging, food and drink, and pass
to come back for a free weekend. Wear old clothes, bring favorite tools or
just a can-do attitude.
Leader: Graeme Whitaker,, 909-861-2931
5:00 pm - 2015 HPS Spring Fling
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Social Event
O: 2015 HPS Spring Fling - Welcome in the spring with a fun and festive
weekend filled with outstanding peak bagging and spectacular wildflower
viewing in the San Jacinto Mountains, and then join us Saturday night for
a celebratory Happy Hour and Potluck, along with lots of socializing and
serious relaxing around a roaring campfire beneath the moonless and starry
night skies. Check the HPS outings website for scheduled Spring Fling
hikes, and contact hike leaders directly for information on specific hikes.
For driving directions, potluck suggestions, and campground information
& reservations, contact the HPS Programs Reservationist - mkelliher746@
Leader: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490
Sunday, April 19, 2015
12:00 am - Butterfly (6228’), Rock Pt (5280’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Join us for a day of hiking these 2 peaks on the Desert Divide, southeast
of Idyllwild. A loop hike of 8 miles round trip, 2300’ gain. Pace slow to
moderate. Bring food, water and 10 essentials. Contact leaders for status
and details.
Leaders: David Comerzan,, 909-482-0173; Patricia
Arredondo,, 562-618-4391
6:00 am - Suicide Rock (7528’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Suicide Rock (7528’) - Join us for a day in the San Bernardino Nation
Forest, 2 miles north‐northeast of Idyllwild. Estimate 2 miles on use trail
and cross‐country, 1300’ gain. Other routes possible. Slow to moderate
pace. Bring food, water, and 10 essentials. Experienced youth hikers welcome with prior approval. Serious weather may cancel. Contact leaders for
status and details.
Leaders: Michael McCarty,, 818-653-3305; Asher
8:15 am - 32nd Annual Great Rendezvous Hikes: Hondo
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Join one of four memorable Rendezvous hikes that converge at Trippet
Ranch for John Muir’s Birthday Party and annual leaders’ celebration from
12-1 pm. Help decorate the famous John Muir birthday cake. Rain cancels.
Hondo Cyn: Well-paced 8 mi rt, 1800’ gain. Hike up Hondo Cyn to old
cabin site with wildflower views. Meet 8:15 am at Dead Horse fee parking
lot on Entrada Rd (PCH to Topanga Cyn Bl., N 4 ½ mi to Entrada Rd, lot
is on left side of Entrada Rd; or 7 ½ mi S of Ventura Fwy to Entrada Rd).
Free parking on Entrada (off Topanga Cyn Rd).
Leaders: Bill Crane,, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,, 818-717-1946
8:30 am - Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably
flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural
beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in
Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington
Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead
(Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat,
light hiking boots, rain does not cancel.
Leaders: Houria Hall,; Dorothy Gutierrez,, 562-483-7362; Julie Garner,,
8:30 am - Hike in the Arroyo Trabuco
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Outing
O: This is a “Mike’s Hike”. an easy hike downstream and back with up
to six stream crossings so bring your poles if you have them. Approximate
100’ of loss/gain on the hike. Enjoy the fabulous tropical rain forest look
to this unique area of Orange County which includes one of the largest
sycamore groves in California. Meet at 8:30 am at the O’Neill Park trailhead on Arroyo Vista in Rancho Santa Margarita. From I-5,exit onto Alicia
Parkway going east. Follow Alicia Parkway until it ends. Turn right on Santa
Margarita Parkway to Empresa, right on Empresa to Banderas, right on
Banderas to Arroyo Vista, right on Arroyo Vista until the houses end on the
right. Trailhead 100 yards further on right. Park on street. Bring munchies,
water, hat, and change of socks in case your feet get wet.
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Don
Clarence,, 949-709-2967
20 APRIL-JUNE 2015
9:00 am - 32nd Annual Great Rendezvous Hikes: Garapito
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Join one of four memorable Rendezvous hikes that converge at Trippet
Ranch for John Muir’s Birthday Party and annual leaders’ celebration from
12-1 pm. Help decorate the famous John Muir birthday cake. Rain cancels.
Garapito Cyn: Moderately strenuous 12 mi rt, 1500’ gain hike. Meet 9:00
am south end of Reseda Blvd (in Tarzana, 2 1/2 mi S of Ventura Blvd) at
top of hill at round-about (fee park).
Leaders: Robert Baldwin,, 818-510-1274; Ron
Rosien,, 310-474-0349
9:30 am - LA River Walk
San Fernando Valley Group Outing
O: LA River Walk: Join us on one of our irregular walks along the LA River.
We start by seeing the Water with Rocks gate. Then start our walk by going
through the Great Heron Gate, look at the historic Fletcher Drive Bridge
and see several intimate parks. And if open, we’ll stop at the Frog Spot for a
spell on our return. Wear appropriate attire; bring 2l water and money for
optional lunch afterwards. Walk is approximately 5 to 5.5 mi. Rain or rain
within 24 hours cancels. We meet 9:30 am at 2487 Fletcher Dr, 90039.
Leaders: Sandra Tapia,, rick8183612465@hotmail.
com, 818-365-8789; Gerrie Montooth,, 818-7617490
10:00 am - 32nd Annual Great Rendezvous Hikes: Santa
Ynez Canyon
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Join one of four memorable Rendezvous hikes that converge at Trippet
Ranch for John Muir’s Birthday Party and annual leaders’ celebration from
12-1 pm. Help decorate the famous John Muir birthday cake. Rain cancels.
Santa Ynez Cyn: Moderately paced 8 mi rt, 900” gain hike. Meet 10 am at
Santa Ynez trailhead in Pac. Palisades (PCH E ½ mi on Sunset Bl., L2 ½ on
Palisades Dr., L on Vereda de Montura to gate).
Leaders: Wlodek Proskurowski,, 310-202-0331; David
Haake,, 310-237-3447; Howard Strauss, htstrauss@, 310-838-4842
10:00 am - 32nd Annual Great Rendezvous Hikes: Dead
Horse Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Join one of four memorable Rendezvous hikes that converge at Trippet
Ranch for John Muir’s Birthday Party and annual leaders’ celebration from
12-1 pm. Help decorate the famous John Muir birthday cake. Rain cancels.
Dead Horse Trail: Topanga State Park. Easy 4 mi rt, 300’ gain family walk.
Meet 10 am at Dead Horse fee parking lot on Entrada Rd (PCH to Topanga
Cyn Bl., N 4 ½ mi to Entrada Rd, lot is on left side of Entrada Rd; or 7 ½
mi S of Ventura Fwy to Entrada Rd).
Leaders: Mary Ann Webster,, 310-5593126; Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126
Monday, April 20, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Towsley Canyon,
Santa Clarita Woodlands
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 5 1/2 mile, 1000’ gain with great vistas, a chilly narrows, diverse plant life, tar seeps and a fumarole. Meet 8:30 am Ed Davis
Park, Newhall. Take the Calgrove exit from Interstate 5, turn west under the
freeway and take the Old Road south 1/2 mile to Ed Davis Park entrance
on right, park in second dirt parking area on the right near kiosk, about
50 yds past entrance gate, before fee area. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Reaven Gately,, 805-255-2350; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Mugu/La Jolla Ramble
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
6:00 pm - Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Basic
Safety System
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Basic Safety System:
First of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club members with prior
roped climbing experience. Today’s indoor evening workshop of four hours
reviewing ropes, harnesses, helmets and basic climbing gear will take place in
Pasadena. As space is limited, priority will be given to participants who commit to all four workshops. Send email or sase, phones, Sierra Club number,
resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter,, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky,, 626-794-7321
6:45 pm - Evenings in the Arroyo
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 2200’ gain hike to the summit of Mugu Peak first
thing at a moderate pace and get much of the gain over with. Then enjoy a
beautiful ramble, including a descent of Heavenly Hill (Hell Hill the other
way) and Guadalasca Trail. Meet at Chumash trailhead (PCH 22.7 mi W of
Malibu Cyn Rd, opposite Navy Firing Range orange tower). Park free in dirt
lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Lynn Lively,, 805-256-4106; Jeri Segal, gsegal@, 310-391-3439
O: Evenings in the Arroyo: Easy 3 mi hike on level trails along Pasadena’s
Arroyo Seco. Learn natural and human history of the Arroyo and programs
to restore streamside habitats. Meet 6:45 pm at trailhead next to San Pasqual
Stables on S Pasadena border, 221 San Pasqual Ave, S Pasadena, CA 91030
(exit 110 Fwy at Orange Grove Blvd, S to Mission Blvd, W on Mission to
end, descend Stoney Dr into Arroyo and follow it under freeway past playing
fields to end at San Pasqual Ave, R to stables parking lot).
Leaders: Liz Pomeroy,, 626-791-7660; William
Joyce,, 909-596-6280; Bonnie C Strand,, 818-247-6398
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Chumash Trail - La Jolla Cyn
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
7:00 pm - Sierra Club Quarterly Meeting
Palos Verdes Group Social Event
O: 8 mi rt, 1500’ gain hike that starts with very steep 900’ climb. Meet 8:00
am Pacific Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am at Chumash Trailhead (PCH
22 mi W of Malibu Cyn Rd to lot on N, opposite Pt Mugu Rifle Range).
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Peter Ireland,, 310-457-9783; Robert
Cody,, 310-410-9172
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
7:00 am - Sheephead Mountain (5896’), Monument Peak #1
(6271’), Garnet Peak (5880’+), Garnet Mountain (5680’+)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Sheephead Mountain (5896’), Monument Peak #1 (6271’), Garnet Peak
(5880’+), Garnet Mountain (5680’+): Join us an a series of small adventures
in the Laguna Mountains of southern San Diego County. Doing all four
peaks is around 12.5 miles round trip with about 2500 feet of gain. Much
cross-country and brush, some trails -- a little of everything. Contact
Leaders: Bill Simpson,, 323-683-0959; Jimmy
Quan,, 323-257-9846; Bruce Craig, bruce1084@, 213-746-3563
8:00 am - Santa Rosa Plateau
Orange County Group Outing
O: 6.5 mi, 300’ gain. Enjoy the glorious springtime in this ecological
preserve, and a leisurely hike along streams, through rolling grasslands and
100-year-old Englemann oak woodlands. Lavish wildflowers should be in
bloom, as spring runoff collects in vernal pools, which beckon wildlife. $3
entrance fee supports reserve upkeep. Meet 8:00 am at the South Orange
County rideshare point, or 9:00 am at the Preserve. Bring water, lunch/
snack, lugsoles, binocs, field guides. Newcomers welcome. Rain cancels.
Ldr: Mike Sappingfield, 949-768-3610
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Sherri
Sisson,, 949-786-7681
O: Apr 22 Wed Quarterly Meeting. Join us 7-9 pm for a presentation
given by Muriel Murhoracek: Sex and the City Zoo. Murial will talk about
survival of species, transferring animals between zoos to avoid inbreeding,
and the surprises that occur. The mischief part is mostly the antics of orangutans. Muriel has traveled extensively in Aruba, Peru, Benghazi, Libya, and
Brussels, Belgium. In the past 15 years she has done 20 natural history/
birding trips to India, Papua New Guinea, and Peru. The meeting will be in
the Community Room of the Palos Verdes Library, 701 Silver Spur Road,
Rolling Hills Estates ( entrance also on Deep Valley Drive ). Refreshments
served. For information, call Joyce White 310-383-5247.
Leader: Joyce White, 310-383-5247
7:30 pm - Monthly Meeting
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
O: April 22 Wed Verdugo Hills Monthly Meeting: The Verdugo Hills group
is pleased to present Carol Henning who will relate though stories and pictures a search for Jane Austen through the fields and woods of Hampshire
[England] where Jane grew up and spent most of her life. The search ends
in Winchester where Jane lived her final months and is buried in the famous
Cathedral. Anyone who has enjoyed her novels or the programs that were
made from them should appreciate the influence these areas have on her
stories. Everyone is welcome at 7:00 for social time and refreshments. The
meeting begins at 7:30 in the community room of Montrose Citibank [2350
Honolulu Ave-Montrose]. There’s plenty of parking, enter in the back.
Leader: Delphine Trowbridge,, 818-558-7722
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes & Potluck
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Weldon Cyn Overlook
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mile, 1200’ gain hike through oaks, black walnut
and fir trees, passing BFI planted oaks as a condition of landfill expansion,
to overlooking views of Santa Clarita and San Fernando Valleys. Meet 8 am
East Canyon trailhead of Santa Susana Mtns. From northbound Interstate
5 take Calgrove Blvd, exit 166, turn left (west) under the freeway and take
the Old Road south about 1 mile to parking entrance after church on right,
and continue past trailhead sign to parking area. Bring $5 for parking, 2 qts
water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Mimi Knights, 661-253-3414; Margaret Vernallis,, 818-360-4414
Friday, April 24, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
5:00 pm - 34th Annual Santa Monica Mtns Trail Days/Pt
Mugu State Park Apr 24-26
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Thirty four years ago, members of the Santa Monica Mtns Task Force
and the Santa Monica Mtns Trails Council initiated a Trail Days tradition
that has contributed thousands of hours of fun, building and repairing trails
in the Santa Monica Mtns. This year spend Sat and/or Sun working on
trails or removing invasive non-native plants from Point Mugu State Park.
New trails built, old trails repaired, noxious weeds destroyed. No experience or age limit; just spirit of fun and adventure. Camp free at tree-shaded
Danielson Ranch Fri and Sat nights; Sat night barbecue & campfire; meet
car caravans Sat/Sun 8:30 am for day work only. Information and camp
reservations at, or call Organizers: Ron and Mary Ann
Webster, Bill Vanderberg
Leaders: Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126; Mary Ann Webster,, 310-559-3126; William H Vanderberg,, 310-245-2763
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Repeating Events
0:00 am Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
6:00 am - Eagle Crag (5077’), Aqua Tibia (4779’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Eagle Crag (5077’), Aqua Tibia (4779’) - Join us for the day in the
Cleveland National Forest, 13 miles southeast of Temecula. We will be doing
Rt. 3. This is a very strenuous hike of 26 miles round trip, 5500’ gain. We
will start at the Dripping Spring Campground. The first 8 miles are on trail.
The last 5 on use trail. Estimate 13-14 hours of hiking. We will be coming
out at night. Slow to moderate pace. Bring food, water, 10 essentials. This is
an HPS Outing co-sponsored by LPC.
Leaders: David Comerzan,, 909-482-0173; Pat
Vaughn,, 310-671-9575; Bruce Craig, bruce1084@att.
net, 213-746-3563
6:00 am - Agua Tibia (4779’)-Get a Lower Peak on a Very
Challenging Hike
Angeles Chp Lower Peaks Outing
I: Lower Peak along with with HPS Peak Eagle Crag (5077”). This is a
diffcult 26 miles, 5500’ gain outing. If you want a great workup, see full
writeup in HPS listing.
Leader: David Comerzan,, 909-482-0173
Saturday, April 25, 2015 to Tuesday, April 28, 2015
AT CAPACITY Zion and Bryce Canyon Bus Trip
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Join us for a double-header hiking adventure in Zion and Bryce Canyon
national parks April 25-28, 2015. In Zion, we will have numerous hiking
options on trails surrounded by massive sandstone cliffs of cream, pink, and
red, which soar into a bright blue sky. On a day trip to Bryce Canyon, we
will have shorter and longer hiking options through red forests of hoodoos
(unique pillars of rock sculptured by the forces of erosion). We stay three
22 APRIL-JUNE 2015
nights in the Bumbleberry Inn in Springdale near Zion. Price includes bus,
shared motel room, all admissions, snacks, and driver gratuity. Depart early
Sat. from Redondo Beach and return Tues. night. Cancellation penalty is
$40. If you cancel less than 30 days before departure, you will only receive
a refund if the trip is full. Send 2 business-size self addressed stamped envelops, your gender, H&W phones, email, and a $357 check payable to PVSB
Sierra Club to Terri Straub, 28017 Indian Rock Dr., Rancho Palos Verdes,
CA 90275.
Leaders: Judy Shane,, 310-379-1111; Terri Straub,, 310-544-5017; Emile Fiesler,,
720-834-2878; Zoltan Stroll,, 310-378-8975
7:30 am - Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11):
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Belaying: Second
of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club members with prior roped
climbing experience. Today, at Stoney Point in Chatsworth, focus is on
belaying and principles of anchor building. As space is limited, priority will
be given to participants who commit to all four workshops. Send email or
sase, phones, resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter,, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky,, 626-794-7321
8:00 am - Friendship Park Hike
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi, 1000’ gain. Meet at 8:00 am in the parking lot of the
Bagdanovich Recreation Center (from S. Western Ave. and W. 9th St. in
San Pedro, go west one block to Friendship Park Dr. and go up the hill,
turn left at intersection and proceed to parking lot). The route covers trails
in Friendship Park and the Marymount, Switchback, and San Ramon Trails.
Wear lug sole boots, bring a snack and water. If you anticipate rain, wear
rain gear.
Leaders: Steven Morris, 310-530-8708; Barry Bonnickson, bonnicks@cox.
net, 310-519-0778
8:30 am - 34th Annual Santa Monica Mtns Trail Days/Pt
Mugu State Park
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Fun trail-work, Weed War, and optional barbecue and camping. (See Apr
25-27 for details). Meet 8:30 am at NPS Service Rd gate (from 405 Fwy,
take Ventura Fwy W 25 mi to Wendy Dr exit in Newbury Park, S on Wendy,
R on Potrero Rd, L on Reino, L at NPS Service Rd. Organizers: Ron and
Mary Ann Webster, Bill Vanderberg
Leaders: Mary Ann Webster,, 310-5593126; Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126; William H Vanderberg,, 310-245-2763
8:45 am - Spring in the Arroyo
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Spring in the Arroyo: Eleven mile roundtrip walk from Casting Pond
in Pasadena’s Lower Arroyo to Hahamongna Watershed Park near JPL and
return. While this walk could be considered ‘easy’ because it is mostly along
flat walkways and trails it could also be considered ‘moderate’ since it is 11
miles. Meet 8:45 am at parking lot near Casting Pond (take California Blvd
W of Orange Grove Blvd to Arroyo Dr, turn N 1 block, turn W down into
Arroyo). Bring water, lunch, hat. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Bonnie C Strand,, 818-247-6398; Pat
Zeider,, 626-794-1750
10:00 am - Fracking: Oil and Gas Committee
Angeles Chapter Club Support Event
O: The next meeting of the Angeles Chapter’s Fracking: Oil & Gas committee will take place 10am-1pm, Saturday, April 25th.
Leader: David Haake,, 310-237-3447
Saturday, April 25, 2015 to Sunday, April 26, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Open Weekend: Relax, hike and enjoy the local mountains at your beautiful stone lodge nestled among a pine forest. Open to all members ($15/
per night) and their guests ($20/per night-limit 2). No reservations required.
Bring SC CARD.
Leader: Elizabeth Ward,, 909-932-1980
Saturday, April 25, 2015 to Sunday, April 26, 2015
Landscape and Astrophotography at Trona Pinnacles National
Natural Landmark
Angeles Chp Camera Comm. Outing
O: We will be using the pinnacles as foreground for our images of the Milky
Way and stars. There will be a quarter moon to light the pinnacles in the
early evening after sundown. Arrive Sat. afternoon to set up for the evening
photography, and make some images of the pinnacles in the afternoon light.
For the campers there will also be an opportunity to photograph the pinnacles in the early morning light. Get a motel room or camp (very primitive)
at the pinnacles. Group size limited. To reserve a space on the trip send: a$25
check (payable to SCCC) it will be returned at the start of the trip, a sase
or email address, carpool info, phone number, and if you plan to camp or
stay in a motel. You will receive a detailed trip sheet when I get your check.
Leaders: Grant Rigby Ocean View Ave. Los Angeles, CA, gmr90066@, 310-390-9374,; Joan Schipper,,
6:00 pm - Movie Night at amC in Orange
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Social Event
O: Meet & Greet and and join us for a movie at amC Block 30 at Outlets
at Orange, 20 City Boulevard West, Orange, CA 92868. Leaders will be
in front of movie theatre by 6:00pm (look for the green ballon). Whether
you are a newcomer, getting re-aquainted with Sierra Club or a long time
member you will enjoy mingling with people with common interests. Pick
a movie and join others who are interested in the same movie. We break
up into smaller groups and re-group after the movies at the same meeting
place. Optional dinner before the movie and/or coffee. Leaders: Ana Juarez,
Houria Hall, Annie Simjee, and Donna Specht.
Leaders: Ana Juarez,, 714-323-3627; Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Houria Hall, houriazhall@yahoo.
com, 714-525-7400
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Repeating Events
7:00 am Navigation: Warren Point Navigation Noodle
8:30 am - 34th Annual Santa Monica Mtns Trail Days/Pt
Mugu State Park
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Fun trail-work. (See Apr 25-27 for details). Meet 8:30 am at NPS Service
Rd gate (from 405 Fwy, take Ventura Fwy W 25 mi to Wendy Dr exit in
Newbury Park, S on Wendy, R on Potrero Rd, L on Reino, L at NPS Service
Rd). Organizers: Ron and Mary Ann Webster, Bill Vanderberg
Leaders: Mary Ann Webster,, 310-5593126; Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126; William H Vanderberg,, 310-245-2763
9:00 am - Bear Divide to Walker Ranch
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: Moderate 9 mi, 1000 ft gain, 1500 ft loss along ridge between San
Fernando/ Santa Clarita Valleys. Meet 9 am at Walker Ranch entrance to
Placerita Park. Take I-5 N to 14 Freeway, exit Placerita Cyn Rd, go south
to gated Walker Ranch Entrance ( app 1.7 mi past main entrance to Park)
Park here, do not block gate, 20 min car shuttle to trailhead. Wildflowers
and ferns along shaded northern slopes, full exposure along ridge with great
views. Bring water, lunch, hat, and lug soles. Rain Cancels
Leaders: David Morrow,, 661-254-5245;
Mary Ellen Dittemore,, 661-254-8543
5:00 pm - 24th Annual Beginning Backpacking Class in the
Angeles Chp Backpacking Comm Outing
O: Have you ever wanted to learn to backpack & get away from the crowds
of people? Learn how to backpack in 3 Sunday evening course (April 26,
May 3 & 17) culminating in a trip to a Redwood Forest grove in Sierra
Nevadas on May 30-31. Learn what to take, latest in equipment, what to
do before you leave LA. Backpacking equipment give-aways & refreshments
at classes. Attendance Mandatory at April 26th Class to participate on the
trip. Apply by April 10, unless class fills earlier. Conservation. Fundraiser.
Send 2 4X9 SASE, H&W Phones, e-mail, Check (Sierra Club) for $45 with
SC#/$50 non-member, to leader. Leader: David Meltzer, 611 E Pine Ave, El
Segundo, CA 90245 Phone 310-913-1230 Assts.: Fred Dong phone 818545-3878, Bill Crane, Steve Schuster, Erik Siering, George Denny, Pamela
Rowe, Bernie Yoo,
Leaders: David Meltzer,, 310-913-1230; Fred Dong,, 818-545-3878; Steve Schuster, steve.n.wfac2@, 714-526-6108
Monday, April 27, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike in Rancho Palos Verdes
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm San Pedro/RPV Conditioning Hike
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Tues Moderate easy pace Hikers / Bear Divide to
Walker Ranch
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: 6 mile, 500’ gain, 1300’ loss hike. We will start at the top of the San
Gabriel Mtns at Bear Divide; hike the ridge to the Wilson Saddle with great
views of the Valleys, then down the Los Pinetos Trail into the oaks at Walker
Ranch in Placerita Cyn SP. Meet at Walker Ranch trail head parking area
for car shuttle to Bear Divide at 8:30 am. From Hwy 14 in Newhall take
Placerita Cyn Rd exit and go east about 3 1/2 miles, passing Placerita Cyn
Park entrance, to dirt shoulder parking for Walker Ranch on right. Do not
block gate. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Reaven Gately,, 805-255-2350; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Sara Wan Trailhead to top
of Bulldog Mtwy
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 13 mi, 3200’ gain out and back hike on the Sara Wan Trail,
passing Mesa Pk on the Backbone Trail, to the top of the Bulldog Mtwy.
Meet at Sara Wan Trailhead (PCH 1.8 mi W of Malibu Cyn Rd or 4.1 mi E
of Kanan-Dume to Malibu Seafood, 25653 PCH). Park free on PCH (but
not by the fire hydrant just west of Malibu Seafood) or in lot (fee - State Park
permit not valid here) adjacent to and just west of Malibu Seafood. Bring
water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Maya Levinson,, 310-398-6344; Mike Louis,
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Santa Monica Palisades Park
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Join us for a walk from Rustic Canyon Recreation Center to Palisades
Park in Santa Monica where we will walk over bridges, through tunnels,
and climb stairs from one end of the park to the other. Meet at 9:00 at the
Rustic Canyon Recreation Center Parking lot at 601 Latimer Road. Parking
is free. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Carol Leacock,, 310-454-4188;
Margaret C Fields, 310-839-8235
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
7:00 pm Mission Peak Moonlight Conditioning Hike
7:00 am - Josephine Peak (5558’), Barley Flats (5600’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Josephine Peak (5558’), Barley Flats (5600’) - Hike to recently reopened
Josephine Peak in the lower Angeles-now-National-Monument, aptly a former fire lookout with it’s great views of the city and mountains. Hike via the
Colby Canyon and Josephine Peak Trails 8 miles round trip with 2100’ gain.
Drive on to saunter up to Barley Flats to add it to your list. Bring lugsoles
layers and lunch, water hat and sunblock. Tasty treats provided. Contact
leaders for meeting time and place.
Leaders: James Hagar,, 468-6451; Bill Simpson,, 323-683-0959
8:30 am - Witch s Garden
Orange County Group Outing
O: 7 mi, 1300’ cum gain, 1500’ loss. We’ll hope for great flowers as we
climb up Willow to Bommer Ridge and on to Laguna Beach, where some
may wish to lunch at Zinc. Meet 8:30 am Laguna Coast Wilderness Willow
entrance (NOT Nix). From I-5 take El Toro Rd W to the “T” at Laguna
Cyn Rd, turn L, then shortly R into large parking lot. Bring water, lugsoles, $3 for parking, bus fare (75 cents seniors, others $2.00), and lunch
money (optional). Rain cancels. Ldrs: Helen and Ed Maurer 949-768-0417
Leaders: Ed Maurer,, 949-768-0417; Helen Maurer,, 949-768-0417
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:30 pm Conditioning Hike on Palos Verdes Peninsula
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Valley to the Sea
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 11 mile, 1600’ gain, 3000’ loss hike across Topanga
State Park from Tarzana to Sunset Blvd/PCH in Pacific Palisades. Ride 3
buses back to start. This is an all day adventure, lots of fun. Meet 8 am on
Mecca Ave just south of Ventura Blvd for car shuttle to trailhead (from 101
Ventura Fwy take Reseda Blvd, exit 23, south to Ventura Blvd, turn right
and then left at next corner, Mecca). Bring $ for bus fare, 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Ted Mattock,, 818-222-5581; Mimi
Knights, 661-253-3414; Gary Anderson,, 818592-0710
24 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Friday, May 1, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
7:00 pm Griffith Park Monthly Full Moon Hike with Potluck on top
Friday, May 01, 2015 to Monday, May 04, 2015
Pinnacles National Park Spring Car Camp
Angeles Chp Natural Science Outing
O: Join us for a car camping and day hiking extravaganza to one of our
newest National Parks, which features fascinating geology that about 23
million years ago was located near Lancaster. Talus caves, towering cliffs, and
volcanic formations attract bats, condors, and climbers. We’ll hike among
these wonders while also enjoying oak woodlands, chaparral, riparian areas,
spring wildflowers, plus a variety of birds and other animals. Did I mention
California Condors? If you need Environmental Awareness credits for your
advanced leadership rating, this trip will qualify. Space is limited; RSVP
Leaders: Sharon Moore,, 310-754-9640; Keith
Martin,, 626-396-9701
Friday, May 01, 2015 to Monday, May 04, 2015
Pinnacles National Park Spring Car Camp
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Join us for a car camping and day hiking extravaganza to one of our
newest National Parks, which features fascinating geology that about 23
million years ago was located near Lancaster. Talus caves, towering cliffs, and
volcanic formations attract bats, condors, and climbers. We’ll hike among
these wonders while also enjoying oak woodlands, chaparral, riparian areas,
spring wildflowers, plus a variety of birds and other animals. Did I mention
California Condors? If you need Environmental Awareness credits for your
advanced leadership rating, this trip will qualify. Space is limited; RSVP
Leaders: Sharon Moore,, 310-754-9640; Keith
Martin,, 626-396-9701
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, May 02, 2015 to Sunday, May 03, 2015
THE BIG THREE: McKinley Mountain (6200’), San Rafael
Mountain (6593’), Santa Cruz Peak (5570’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: THE BIG THREE: McKinley Mountain (6200’), San Rafael Mountain
(6593’), Santa Cruz Peak (5570’): Very strenuous, moderately paced backpack in central Santa Barbara County. Two-day totals: 34 miles, 8600’ gain.
This “exciting” and “fun” outing follows roads and potentially overgrown
trails and use trails. This event is sponsored by HPS and co-sponsored by
WTC; it satisfies WTC experience trip requirements. Email leader with
recent conditioning, experience, city, and phone.
Leaders: Bill Simpson,, 323-683-0959; Jimmy
Quan,, 323-257-9846; Bruce Craig, crsig3162@, 213-746-3563
7:30 am - Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11):
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Rappelling: Third
of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club members with prior roped
climbing experience. Today, at Stoney Point in Chatsworth, focus is on rappelling. As space is limited priority will be given to participants who comSOUTHERN SIERRAN ◊ SCHEDULE
mit to all four workshops. Send email or sase, phones, Sierra Club number,
resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter,, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky,, 626-794-7321
as well as lugsoles, layers, beverages, lunch, snacks, sunblock and hat. For
trip details contact
Leaders: Bill Simpson,, 323-683-0959; Jimmy
Quan,, 323-257-9846
8:00 am - Idlehour Campground
Pasadena Group Outing
5:00 pm - Annual Angeles Chapter Awards Banquet ‘The Year
of Muir’
Angeles Chapter Social Event
O: Saturday, May 2 O: Idlehour Campground: Idle away an hour at this
tranquil streamside location in Upper Eaton Canyon with an 8-mile hike,
1500 ft gain on the way in, 500 ft gain on the way out. Bring hiking boots,
2 qts water, lunch, sun block and hat. Meet at 8 am at the Pinecrest Gate
(exit 210 Fwy at Altadena Dr, N 2½ mi to Crescent Dr, R to Pinecrest; on
weekends you must park on Crescent Drive).
Leaders: William Joyce,, 909-596-6280; Ginny
Heringer,, 626-793-4727
8:00 am - SoCal Summits #3 - Ontario Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Join us for training hike #3 of the Seven SoCal Summits hikes, a 14-mile
round trip with 3700’ of gain to Ontario Peak (8693’) in the Mt. Baldy area.
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Mary Forgione,, 562-618-1129; Mandy Horak, amandahorak@, 909-596-8824; Ernest M Scheuer,, 310274-7987
Saturday, May 02, 2015 to Sunday, May 03, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: (Reserved for North County Group Wilderness Basics Reunion)
Leader: Christine Ames,, 714-832-0561
Saturday, May 02, 2015 to Tuesday, May 05, 2015
Island Hopping in Channel Islands National Park
Angeles Chapter Outing
C/O: JJoin us for a 3-day, 3-island, live-aboard tour of the enchanting
Channel Islands! Hike wild, windswept trails bordered with blazing wildflowers. Kayak rugged coastlines. Marvel at pristine waters teeming with
frokicking seals and sea lions. Train your binoculars on unusual sea and land
birds--and an occasional whale. Watch for the highly endangered island
fox. Look for reminders of the Chumash people who lived on these islands
for thousands of years. Or, just relax at sea. All cruises depart from Santa
Barbara, California. The cost, $615, includes an assigned bunk, all meals,
snacks, and beverages plus the services of a ranger/naturalist who will travel
with us to help lead hikes, point out items of interest and give evening
programs. Kayaking will be overseen by concessionaire; all hikes will be on
trails/Class 1 terrain. This is a fundraiser for the Angeles Chapter Political
Action Committee. To reserve space, send a $100 check, written to Sierra
Club, to leader Joan Jones Holtz, 11826 The Wye St., El Monte, CA 91732.
For more information contact leader: 626-443-0706;
Leaders: Joan Jones Holtz,, 626-443-0706, 626-4438021; Don Holtz,, 626-443-8021
Sunday, May 3, 2015
4:00 am - CANCELLED I: ‘Cactus to Clouds’ San Jacinto Peak
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
O: : “Cactus to Clouds” San Jacinto Peak (10,804’): Join us for the classic “Cactus to Clouds,” an “extreme” hike that can convey bragging rights
(assuming you are able to survive)! According to Wikipedia, the Cactus to
Clouds Trail from Palm Springs, California, to San Jacinto Peak is a hiking
trail with the greatest elevation gain of any trail in the United States. We will
begin early Sunday morning from downtown Palm Springs, and we’ll climb
past cacti, cholla, ferns and pines. The views are phenomenal. We’ll return
to the desert floor via a ride on the rotating Palm Springs Aerial Tramway.
At about 11,000’ gain and around 22 miles of total distance, this strenuous
day hike is only for the fit and experienced hiker. Please bring $$ for tram
O: Who’s being honored? Find out at the Annual Chapter Awards Banquet.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 3, 2015 to celebrate Angeles Chapter
awardees, leaders and volunteers. This is our most exciting event of the year
where we celebrate all of our entities and leader achievements, meet old
friends, make new friends and cheer on the awardees. Special guest will be
Bruce Hamilton, Deputy Executive Director of the Sierra Club. We will
begin the evening with a fabulous reception hosted by our generous entities and put our bids in for Silent Auction treasures. Congratulations to all
awardees for their important achievements! Reservations are $40 per person
or $400 for a table of ten. Contact Event Coordinator: Donna Specht for
details. For the SILENT AUCTION, please remember to bring cash and/or
checkbook! Contact Mary Ann Webster 310-559-3126 or mawebster1984@ with your donations. All profits benefit the Angeles Chapter.
Location: Brookside Country Club, 1133 N. Rosemont Avenue, Pasadena
91103. Near the Rose Bowl. See you there!
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Silvia
Darie,, 818-718-0674; Mary Ann Webster,, 310-559-3126
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Stunt High Trail
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 6 mile, 1000’ gain hike through a beautiful riparian canyon and chaparral, with great sandstone outcroppings in the Santa
Monica Mtns. Meet 8:30 am Stunt High trailhead. From 101 Ventura
Fwy take Valley Circle/Mulholland Dr exit south, turn right on Valmar Rd
(becomes Old Topanga Cyn Rd), right on Mulholland Hwy for 3 1/2 miles,
left on Stunt Rd for 1 mile, park on dirt shoulder on right. Bring water,
snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Rita Okowitz,, 818-889-9924; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Sandstone Sextet
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 10 mi, 3000’ gain loop hike of the Sandstone Sextet which
includes Sandstone, Tri Peaks, Exchange, Pop Top, Boney, and Big Dome
with a stop for an Inspiration and a close-up view of a Balanced Rock.
Return on the Mishe Mokwa portion of the Backbone Trail passing Split and
Echo Rocks. Meet at Mishe Mokwa traihead (PCH 16 mi W of Malibu Cyn
Rd, Yerba Buena Rd N 7 winding mi to parking area on R side, 1.7 mi past
Circle X ranger station). Park free in dirt lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles.
Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Ernest M
Scheuer,, 310-274-7987
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Backbone Trail - Hondo CynFossil Ridge
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 8 mi rt, 2000’ gain hike on Backbone Trail to lunch on Fossil
Ridge. Meet 8:45 am Pacific Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am at trailhead
(take Old Topanga Cyn Rd ½ mi from Topanga Cyn Blvd; very limited
parking on street). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Catherine Froloff,, 310-821-4123; David
Finch,, 310-450-4102
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes and 1st Wednesday of
the month Cookout
7:15 am - Stoddard Pk (4624’)
Orange County Group Outing
O: 7 mi, 1100’ gain hike mostly on service road with a use trail to the peak.
Stoddard is on the SC Lower Peaks list so come along and find out what it
means to be a “peakbagger”. Meet 7:15 am at the Tustin rideshare (one block
south of I-5 on Redhill in the portion of the parking lot at the Stater Bros
strip mall that extends behind the Union 76 gas station). Bring 2 liters water,
lunch, lugsoles, poles, rain jacket, non-cotton layers. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Sharon Kirk,, 714-376-3197; Ron Schrantz,,, 714-995-8240
7:15 am - Stoddard Peak (4624’)
Angeles Chp Lower Peaks Outing
O: This Lower Peak outing is sponsored by Orange County Group and
OCSS. 7 miles and 1100’ gain. See SC listing for details and meeting location/
Leaders: Sharon Kirk,, 714-376-3197; Ron Schrantz,, 714-995-8240
7:00 pm - Pasadena Group Monthly Meeting & Program
Pasadena Group Club Support Event
O: Illustrated conservation/outing program. Information on Group’s hikes,
outings, and conservation activities. Newcomers always welcome! 7 pm
doors open, 7:15 pm program at Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 N
Altadena Dr in NE Pasadena. See our website (http://angeles.sierraclub.
org/pasadena/) for updated information on program speaker and topic or
contact Group Membership Chair, Elizabeth Pomeroy.
Leader: Liz Pomeroy,, 626-791-7660
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Chumash Trail to Fossils
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 (optional 10) mile, 1500’ gain hike in rolling hills
of Santa Susana Mtns. Meet 8 am at trailhead. From 118 Fwy take Yosemite
Ave, exit 29, north 0.4 mile, turn right on Flanagan Dr, continue 0.8 mile
to end and park. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain
Leaders: Mimi Knights, 661-253-3414; Reaven Gately, reavengately@, 661-255-8873
Friday, May 8, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Friday, May 08, 2015 to Sunday, May 10, 2015
Big Sur California Coastal Car Camp / Photography
Angeles Chp Camera Comm. Outing
O: BIG SUR CALIFORNIA COASTAL - Limekiln State Park + Pacific
Valley Photography: Explore and photograph southern Big Sur locations
with easy hikes up to 6 miles along fern-lined redwood canyons and breathtaking coastal bluff trails. Must RESERVE own ocean view or redwood
26 APRIL-JUNE 2015
campsite EARLY. To be placed on our participant list and for more information, please send $20 check (payable to SCCC/refundable at trailhead) with
your email, phone + ride-share preference to
Leaders: Judy Molle,, 916-214-6177; Stephen
D Beck,, 805-400-5366
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, May 09, 2015 to Sunday, May 10, 2015
Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Rock climbing
techniques and anchors
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
M/E-R: Advanced Mountaineering Program (AMP11): Rock climbing techniques and anchors: Fourth of four climbing workshops open to Sierra Club
members with prior roped climbing experience. This weekend completes the
series of AMP workshops at Joshua Tree National Park and focuses on climbing and anchors. As space is limited priority will be given to participants
who commit to all four workshops. Send email or sase, phones, Sierra Club
number, resume to leader. Leader: Dan Richter.
Leaders: Daniel Richter,, 818-970-6737; Patrick
Mckusky,, 626-794-7321
8:00 am - Navigation: Beginning Navigation Clinic
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Beginning Navigation Clinic: Spend the day one-on-one with
an instructor, learning/practicing map and compass in our local mountains.
Beginners to rusty old-timers welcome and practice is available at all skill
levels. Not a checkout, but it will help you prepare. Many expert leaders
will attend; many I-rated leaders started here in the past. 4 mi, 500’ gain.
Send sase, phones, rideshare info, $25 deposit, refunded at trailhead (Sierra
Club) to leader.
Leaders: Diane Dunbar,, 818-248-0455; Richard
Boardman, 310-374-4371
9:00 am - Placerita Streamside
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: Easy 4 mile (200’) elevation gain hike through beautiful Placerita
Canyon Park along an oak shaded creek bed. Hike 2 miles to Walker Ranch
and return. Great place to have a picnic and visit the newly upgraded Nature
Center. There is an animal show at 1 pm. Bring water and lunch. Hike will
be the provisional hike for Sandra Cattell who has just completed her docent
training at the Park. Take I-5 Freeway to 14 Freeway, exit Placerita Canyon
Road, take right app 2 miles to Park Entrance.
Leaders: Sandra Cattell,, 661-259-0433; David
Morrow,, 661-254-5245
Saturday, May 09, 2015 to Sunday, May 10, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Open Weekend: Relax, hike and enjoy the local mountains at your beautiful stone lodge nestled among a pine forest. Open to all members ($15/
per night) and their guests ($20/per night-limit 2). No reservations required.
Bring SC CARD.
Leader: Cia Kirchner,, 949-675-0313
Sunday, May 10, 2015
8:00 am - Geology and Biology of Little Corona Del Mar
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Join us on a 1.5 mi, approximately 2.5 hour tour of the remarkable
geology and tide pool biology of Little Corona Del Mar Beach. California
Professional Geologist Jay Schneider will lead us on an easy-pace tour along
the beach during low tide. See dramatic exposures of the folded and twisted
Monterey Formation and clamber through and around rock arches. In the
tide pools we should see sea anenomes, sea urchins, molluscs, and a host
of other forms of invertebrate life. There is no elevation gain, but there
will scrambling over rocks and boulders of the Monterey Formation on the
beach. Expect to get a little wet. Bring water and sturdy shoes; you want
to wear lugsoles for ankle support. Meet 8:00 am at the corner of Poppy
Avenue and Ocean Boulevard in Corona Del Mar, Newport Beach. Street
parking is available on Ocean Boulevard and adjacent streets. Carpooling
is recommended. Meet at 7:30 am at Tustin Rideshare at north side of
Stater Brothers Market, 14171 Red Hill Avenue in Tustin for carpooling.
Newcomers welcome. Rain or an offshore storm system cancels. Half-day
Environmental Awareness credit for prospective leaders. Ldrs : Jay Schneider
626-841-2667, and Donna Specht 714-963-6345
Leaders: Jay Schneider,, 626-841-2667; Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345
8:00 am - Geology and Biology of Little Corona Del Mar
Angeles Chp Natural Science Outing
O: Join us on a 1.5 mi, approximately 2.5 hour tour of the remarkable
geology and tide pool biology of Little Corona Del Mar Beach. California
Professional Geologist Jay Schneider will lead us on an easy-pace tour along
the beach during low tide. See dramatic exposures of the folded and twisted
Monterey Formation and clamber through and around rock arches. In the
tide pools we should see sea anenomes, sea urchins, molluscs, and a host
of other forms of invertebrate life. There is no elevation gain, but there
will scrambling over rocks and boulders of the Monterey Formation on the
beach. Expect to get a little wet. Bring water and sturdy shoes; you want
to wear lugsoles for ankle support. Meet 8:00 am at the corner of Poppy
Avenue and Ocean Boulevard in Corona Del Mar, Newport Beach. Street
parking is available on Ocean Boulevard and adjacent streets. Carpooling
is recommended. Meet at 7:30 am at Tustin Rideshare at north side of
Stater Brothers Market, 14171 Red Hill Avenue in Tustin for carpooling.
Newcomers welcome. Rain or an offshore storm system cancels. Half-day
Environmental Awareness credit for prospective leaders. Ldrs : Jay Schneider
626-841-2667, and Donna Specht 714-963-6345
Leaders: Jay Schneider,, 626-841-2667; Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345
Monday, May 11, 2015
6:30 pm - Angeles Chapter Newcomer/Member Special Event
Orange County Group Club Support Event
O: Come and discover the Sierra Club with the Orange County Group,
Sierra Sage, OC and LA Sierra Singles, Hundred Peak Section, Wilderness
Travel Course, Mule Packs and many other Sierra Club representatives.
Learn all about the Sierra Club and the many activities and adventure outings available. Table displays, exhibits, refreshments. Join Sierra Club $15
Special Offer, free gift. Meet 6:30-8:30 pm Costa Mesa Community Center,
1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa (55 Fwy S, R on 19th, cross Harbor Blvd., L on
Park Ave, R into parking lot next to library.) Contact Chapter Membership
Chair: Donna Specht, Charles Geller
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Charles
G Geller,, 714-292-2352
6:30 pm - Angeles Chapter Newcomer/Member Special Event
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Come and discover the Sierra Club with the Orange County Group,
Sierra Sage, OC and LA Sierra Singles, Hundred Peak Section, Wilderness
Travel Course, Mule Packs and many other Sierra Club representatives.
Learn all about the Sierra Club and the many activities and adventure outings available. Table displays, exhibits, refreshments. Join Sierra Club $15
Special Offer, free gift. Meet 6:30-8:30 pm Costa Mesa Community Center,
1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa (55 Fwy S, R on 19th, cross Harbor Blvd., L on
Park Ave, R into parking lot next to library.) Contact Chapter Membership
Chair: Donna Specht, Charles Geller
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Charles
G Geller,, 714-292-2352
7:30 pm - Bi-Monthly Meeting
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Activist Event
O: Learn status & issues, help formulate & implement actions involving
land use in the Santa Monica Mtns. Keep current on issues and meeting
agenda via SMMTF monthly newsletter. Refreshments. 7:30 pm. For further information and meeting site please call M. A. Webster
Leaders: Mary Ann Webster,, 310-5593126; Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 am HPS Management Committee Meeting
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Solstice Canyon
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 4 mile, 600’ gain hike on Rising Sun Trail to Tropical
Terrace and Solstice Canyon Falls, then back along the canyon through oak
and walnut groves by the stream. Meet 8:30 AM at parking lot kiosk. From
101 Ventura Fwy take Las Virgenes Rd/Malibu Canyon exit, go south to
Pacific Coast Hwy. From Malibu Canyon Rd intersection, go west on Pacific
Coast Hwy 2 1/4 miles, turn inland on Corral Canyon Rd (at 76 Station),
drive 1/4 mile to park entrance, and continue on paved park road to parking
lot at end. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Marcia Harris,, 310-828-6670; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Red Rock Cyn - Hondo Cyn
Loop - 1
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 2800’ gain loop hike up Red Rock Cyn, down Calabasas
Motorway, up Stunt High Trail to Saddle Peak for lunch, then down into
Hondo Cyn. Short car shuttle. Meet at Topanga School Rd (Topanga Cyn
Bl ¼ mi N of Old Topanga Cyn Rd.). Park on Topanga School Rd. Bring
water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Mike Louis, 310-395-8432; Ernest M Scheuer, ems728@gmail.
com, 310-274-7987
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Will Rogers/Backbone Trail,
Rustic Canyon Ramble
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 8 mi, 1700’ gain, lollipop loop hike starting at Will Rogers
State Park to Murphy Ranch via Chicken Ridge Bridge and Rustic Canyon.
Connector trail with outstanding ocean, mountain, and city views. Hike up
500+ stairs to Capri Dr. looking back to start using the newly restored Bee
Hive Trail. Meet 9:00 am Will Rogers State Park (Sunset Blvd. to end of Will
Rogers State Park Rd; pay fee or park outside on Villa Woods Dr. Watch for
parking restrictions. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Margaret C Fields, 310-839-8235; Catherine Froloff, cfroloff@, 310-821-4123
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
7:00 am - Twin Peaks (7761’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Join us for an invigorating trip up this challenging double peak in the
Mount Waterman area. Starting from the Waterman trailhead we will travel
11 miles round trip on trail with 3200’ total gain, 1200’ of it on return.
May optionally climb the western peak xc if time permits. Early start with a
moderate pace. Please bring lugsoles layers and lunch, water, sunscreen and
hat. Contact leaders for meeting time and place.
Leaders: Jim Hagar,, 818-468-6451; Bill Simpson,, 323-683-0959
8:30 am - Caspers Park:Corral to Hot Springs
Orange County Group Outing
O: Join us on an 8 mi, 1400’ gain, grand tour of Caspers Wilderness Park.
This moderately strenuous hike begins at the Corral Trailhead, meanders
through the oak groves, and then makes a long, steep climb to the shade
ramada for an early lunch/snack stop. We will then continue up the ridge
along the boundary with Starr Ranch Audubon before descending on the
cold Springs Canyon trail. The final section of the hike will take us to the
Hot Springs area. This is a rare chance to visit the Hot Springs, which are
closed to the public. We have a car shuttle back to the Corral area. The
shuttle requires extra time at the beginning and end of the hike; participants’ patience is essential. Rain or critical fire levels will cancel. Meet 8:30
am at the Orange County rideshare point with 2 liters water, snacks/lunch,
lugsoles. Ldr: John Kaiser 714-968-4677 Asst: Sylvia
Stevenson 949-616-2765
Leaders: John Kaiser,, 714-968-4677; Sylvia Stevenson,, 949-616-2765; Rich Maxey, richmaxey@, 949-310-5134
7:00 pm - Wilderness Skills Monthly Course: Backpacking Trip
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Club Support Event
O: Join us for this fun and informative evening series of monthly classes at
REI, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, California as we will be discussing subjects such as day hiking, backpacking, navigation, first aid, stoves, cooking
and meal planning, sleeping and sheltering, emergencies and survival, gear
selection, and more. All courses will be taught by experienced Sierra Club
Outing Leaders. This topic will cover all the gear that should be carried for
a typical summer backpack trip. These should include the 10 essentials, first
aid kit, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, shelter, stove and food, bear canister if
required, water and filter, clothing for day and night, bathroom items, and
leave no trace rules that should be followed. Information will be available
about upcoming hikes and events. There is no charge for the course. [Feel
free to arrive at 6:30 pm for social, registration, and to find out what is happening with Sierra Club in the area and to visit with the leaders before class.]
Leader: Frances Penn,, 714-747-1019
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Doubletree to China Flat
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mile, 1200’ gain hike in scenic Simi Hills, through
chaparral, grasslands and oaks. Meet 8 am at Doubletree trailhead in Oak
Park (from 101 Ventura Fwy take Kanan Rd north 2.1 miles to Sunnycrest
Dr, turn right and go 0.8 mile to signed trailhead on right and park along
28 APRIL-JUNE 2015
street). Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Doug Demers,, 805-419-4094;
Stephen Beck,, 805-400-5366
7:00 pm - Rio Hondo Group monthly meeting - Executive
committee mtg
Rio Hondo Group Club Support Event
O: Rio Hondo Executive Committee (Excom) meeting - all are invited.
Join us for dinner or a snack at 7:00 pm followed by the meeting at 7:30.
WHERE: Coco’s Restaurant, 1250 East Imperial Highway, Brea, CA (West
of the 57 Freeway, near SE corner of State College Blvd.)
Leaders: Gary Sjogren,, 562-941-8485; Margee K
7:00 pm - Wanderings of Hawks:
West Los Angeles Group Club Support Event
O: The West LA Group of the Sierra Club is proud to present “Wanderings
of Hawks: Unusual Movements of Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks
Banded in Southern California” with Peter Bloom, environmental scientist
and President of Bloom Biological Inc.
Leader: David Haake & Melody Anderson,, 310237-3447
Friday, May 15, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:00 am - Scodie Mountain (7294’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Join us for a cross-country adventure in the Southern Sierra. We’ll begin
the at Walker Pass Campground on the PCT. Spending most of the day off
trail, we’ll wind through the beautiful pinyon pine forest to our summit (7
mi, 2300 ft gain). We’ll take a moderate pace to enjoy views of everything
from the Sierra to the desert. Be sure to bring your 10 essentials and be
prepared with food and water for a full day’s hike. This is an HPS Outing
co-sponsored by WTC. Email Kristen Lindbergh for trip status and details.
Leaders: Kristen Lindbergh,; William Payne,, 951-674-1246
9:00 am - Powder Canyon hike
Orange County Group Outing
O: : Enjoy a 5 mi, 1100’ gain hike and info about the Powder Cyn
Significant Ecological Area. Meet 9 am Powder Canyon entrance (equestrian
ring) along Old Fullerton Rd, 400 yds W of Harbor Blvd (near Pathfinder)
in Rowland Hgts. Bring water, a snack, and sturdy shoes. Rain within 48
hours cancels
Leaders: Fred Reed,, 714-528-4841; Eric Johnson,, 714-524-7763
9:00 am - Temescal to Will Rogers
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mi, 2000’ gain out-&-back hike via the Temescal
connector trail to Will Rogers State Historic Park. Continue to Inspiration
Point and part of the Backbone Trail. Meet 9 am at the Temescal Gateway
parking lot (to avoid the fee, park just outside the park). Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Baldwin,, 818-510-1274; Ron
Rosien,, 310-474-0349
9:00 am - Arroyo Seco to Paul Little
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Arroyo Seco to Paul Little Picnic Area and Brown Mountain Dam.
Moderate 8 mi rt 500’ gain hike. Join us as we discover trail repairs along
this route since the Station Fire and subsequent flooding. Several stream
crossings. Meet 9 am at west end of Altadena Drive in Altadena with hiking boots, water, lunch, suitable clothing layers. Adventurous newcomers
welcome. Rain/fire cancels.
Leaders: Pam Allen,, 626-296-6911; Pat Zeider,, 626-794-1750
Saturday, May 16, 2015 to Sunday, May 17, 2015
Mt Waterman area Son of a Nav Pack
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Looking for an opportunity to improve your navigation skills? Join us
on this cross- country romp to the area around Mt. Waterman. We’ll pack
in about 3 miles and about 1300’ to a dry camp on Saturday. We’ll spend
Saturday and Sunday exploring the area, practicing navigation, looking for
wildflowers and taking in a peak. We’ll pack out on Sunday. Bring enough
water for two days. Send email with contact information and recent experience to Ann Shields.
Leaders: Ann Pedreschi Shields,; Adrienne
Saturday, May 16, 2015 to Sunday, May 17, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: (Reserved for Wilderness First Aid Course)
Leader: Elizabeth Ward,, 909-932-1980
Sunday, May 17, 2015
mother feeds her young chicks. Deer often wander through the picnic area
during the day. Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers, salads, beans, potato chips,
desserts, fresh fruit and all the trimmings will be provided. A beverage bar
(donations welcome) for your beverage of choice is available. Tickets are
$30 per person, Family Plan includes adults at the regular price of $30 and
all children 15 and under (1 or more) for a flat rate of $15. To request tickets, send check, made out to SIERRA SAGE, and a SASE (Self Addressed
Stamped Envelope) to Starr Ranch BBQ, c/o Patty Sappingfield, 26352 Via
Juanita, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. For more info or to volunteer to help,
call Mike or Patty Sappingfield at 949-768-3610 or email
Map and directions are provided with each ticket.
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Patty
Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Todd Clark,, 714-803-0195; Sylvie Cote,, 949-5472998; John Kaiser,, 714-968-4677
3:00 pm - La Mirada Theatre Performing Arts, Symphony’s
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Social Event
O: Join us for The Symphony’s POPS. Meet in the La Mirada Theatre
for the Performing Arts at 14900 La Mirada Blvd. La Mirada Ca. 90638,
cornier of Rosecrans and La Mirada Blvd. Free Concert but donations are
welcome. Meet in the West Lobby. Bring $$ for dinner later. Host: Fred
Lazzelle 1-657-217-7321
Leader: Fred Lazzelle Jr,, 657-217-7321
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes & Potluck
8:00 am - Liebre Mtn (5791’)
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Devil Canyon
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
8:30 am - Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Summer Holly in Lower
Zuma Canyon
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 6 mi, 1700’ elevation gain on the PCT in the northwest corner
of the Angeles National Forest. Hike through pine forests with great views
of Antelope Valley and other Mtn ranges. Quiet and secluded area of the
forest. Meet 8 am at N Valencia Rideshare (take I-5 N exit 126/ Newhall
Ranch Rd, take right to 1st light (Vanderbuilt Way), R to Westinghouse Pl,
park on street by Embassy Suites) Caravan 1 hour to trailhead. Bring water,
lunch, lugsoles. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Matthew Lax,, 661-252-2393; Kate
Okamoto,, 661-288-7931
O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably
flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural
beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in
Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington
Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead
(Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat,
light hiking boots, rain does not cancel.
Leaders: Houria Hall,; Dorothy Gutierrez,, 562-483-7362; Donna Specht, donnaspecht@juno.
com, 714-963-6345
1:00 pm - Annual Starr Ranch BBQ
Sierra Sage of SOC Group Club Support Event
O: This is a fundraising event to assist both the Sierra Sage group of the
Sierra Club and the Audubon’s Starr Ranch Sanctuary. The ranch, on over
4,000 acres set in the foothills east of Rancho Santa Margarita, is used
primarily as an educational and research facility for the Audubon Society.
Activities include hiking, bird watching, listening to a live Band, great conversation, special activities, and enjoying tasty food. Often, the Starr Ranch
staff are able to have a live video feed from a hawk’s or owl’s nest as the
O: Moderately paced 4 1/2 mile, 400’ gain nature hike, through a steep
sided canyon in the Santa Susana Mtns. among a mosaic of plant communities. Some bolder hopping over the stream. Meet 8:30 AM outside Indian
Wells gate. From north end of Topanga Canyon Blvd in Chatsworth, just
north of 118 Fwy exit, make left onto Peoma Place. Continue 0.2 mile to
end and park along curb outside gate. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leader: Pixie Klemic,, 818-787-5420
O: Strenuous 11 mi, 2500’ gain hike in lower Zuma Canyon to view the
fruiting of the Summer Holly in its only location in the Santa Monica
Mountains. Meet at Zuma Ridge trailhead (PCH 1 mi W of Kanan-Dume
Rd or 7.3 mi E of Mulholland Hwy, N 1.3 mi at Busch Dr). Park free in dirt
lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Roger Woods,, 310-459-3389; Jeri Segal,, 310-391-3439
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Yellow Hill Trail & Coastal
Slope Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 8 mi. rt, 2300’ gain. Moderate paced hike up seldom visited Yellow
Hill Trail on the western edge of Leo Carrillo State Park traversing SMMC
and NPS parkland. Meet 8:20 am Pacific Palisades ride-share pt. or 9:00
am at Yellow Hill Fire Rd. gate behind rangers residence on west side of
Mulholland Hwy. just north of PCH. Fee parking in Leo Carrillo State Park,
or park free on PCH. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Peter Ireland,, 310-457-9783
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Mesa Loop/Juaneno Trail
Orange County Group Outing
O: 5 mi, 200’ gain. A leisurely-paced “Mike’s Hike” into the east part of
Caspers Park. Bring a friend and join us in exploring an area of the park
which has long been closed to hikers. Meet 8:30 am at the South Orange
County rideshare point. Bring water, munchies, lugsoles. Ldr: Mike
Sappingfield 949-768-3610
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Peter R
Height,,, 949-412-8954, 949-7134569
6:45 pm - Evenings in the Arroyo
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Evenings in the Arroyo: Easy 3 mi hike on level trails along Pasadena’s
Arroyo Seco. Learn natural and human history of the Arroyo and programs
to restore streamside habitats. Meet 6:45 pm at trailhead next to San Pasqual
Stables on S Pasadena border, 221 San Pasqual Ave, S Pasadena, CA 91030
(exit 110 Fwy at Orange Grove Blvd, S to Mission Blvd, W on Mission to
end, descend Stoney Dr into Arroyo and follow it under freeway past playing
fields to end at San Pasqual Ave, R to stables parking lot).
Leaders: Liz Pomeroy,, 626-791-7660; Bonnie
C Strand,, 818-247-6398; Pat Zeider, pszeider@, 626-794-1750
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / DeAnza Park to Rock Pools
via Talapop Trail
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
side of Santa Cruz Island and view the large “Painted” Cave (sea conditions
permitting). Backpack to campsites is 1.5 mi, from boat landing, along a
level dirt road with one short hill. Choice of easy to moderate hikes. No
serious conditioning required. Strong winds and rough seas are possible.
35 MPH winds are not uncommon in the campground. Tent (low profile)
sharing encouraged so more people can enjoy the unique island experience. Campground amenities include drinking water, bathrooms, solar
showers and windbreaks. Participants bring their own food and camping
equipment. Cost includes boat fare, camping fees, happy hour treats. Full
refund after April 22, if replacement found. Send $145 (SC member), $150
non-member. Twelve years and younger pay $110. Make check payable to
Wilderness Adventures Section (WAS). NO NEED TO WRITE ASKING
email address, best phone and Sierra Club #. Mail to Ldr/reserv: Marlen
Mertz 11285 Charnock Rd #2 Los Angeles, CA 90066.Sponsor: Wilderness
Leaders: Marlen Mertz,, 310-990-7643; Wayne Vollaire,, 909-327-6825
Friday, May 22, 2015 to Thursday, May 28, 2015
Denali - The Last Frontier
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Denali-The Last Frontier: A land pre tour extension to the Celebrity
Millennium Discovery Voyage Alaska May 29 to June 5, 2015. Experience
the Call of the Wild on a seven night/eight day fully escorted charter
coach trip from Anchorage to Talkeetna, Denali National Park and back to
Anchorage for a fun slice of urban life, Alaska style. Relaxed pace to enjoy
beautiful wilderness lodging, hiking adventures, spectacular scenery and
wildlife. Price $1,295 includes: lodging, private charter bus, transfers, happy
hours, some meals. For complete information, itinerary, application, refund
policy, Contact Trip Leader: Donna Specht. Co leader: Ana Cadez.
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Ana
Friday, May 22, 2015 to Thursday, May 28, 2015
Denali - The Last Frontier
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
Friday, May 22, 2015
O: Denali-The Last Frontier: A land pre tour extension to the Celebrity
Millennium Discovery Voyage Alaska May 29 to June 5, 2015. Experience
the Call of the Wild on a seven night/eight day fully escorted charter
coach trip from Anchorage to Talkeetna, Denali National Park and back to
Anchorage for a fun slice of urban life, Alaska style. Relaxed pace to enjoy
beautiful wilderness lodging, hiking adventures, spectacular scenery and
wildlife. Price $1,295 includes: lodging, private charter bus, transfers, happy
hours, some meals. For complete information, itinerary, application, refund
policy, Contact Trip Leader: Donna Specht. Co leader: Ana Cadez.
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Ana
Cadez,, 626-836-2235
Repeating Events
Friday, May 22, 2015 to Monday, May 25, 2015
O: Moderately paced 9 mile, 1000’ gain hike primarily in northern Malibu
Creek State Park. Meet 8 am at trailhead in Juan Bautista DeAnza Park
(from 101 Ventura Fwy in Calabasas take Lost Hills Rd (exit 33) south
approx 1 mile and turn right into parking lot). Bring 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Diane De Marco,, 310-645-9442; Nancy
Krupa,, 818-981-4799
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Friday, May 22, 2015 to Monday, May 25, 2015
Santa Rosa Island: Memorial Day Weekend Hiking and
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Spend 4 days over Memorial Day weekend on Santa Rosa Island, the
second largest island in Channel Islands Nat’l Park. Because of its isolation
over thousands of years, you will experience coastal Southern California as
it once was. Hike pristine rolling hills, deep canyons and lagoons and white
sand beaches. Enjoy ranger led hikes to learn about indigenous plants,
Chumash Indians and Island history. Three hour boat ride from Ventura
Harbor 8am Fri morning. Arrive in Ventura Mon evening around 6 pm. On
boat crossing, chance of viewing marine mammals including humpback and
blue whales and dolphins. On the way back, we will travel along the north
30 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Wawona Memorial Weekend Cabin Trip
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: May 22–25, Fri–Mon. O: Memorial Day in Wawona: Rideshare Fri to
stay in a cabin in the Wawona area near Yosemite’s south entrance for moderately paced 8-12 mi, 1200’-3000’ gain hikes each day. Highlights include
cascading Chilnualna Falls, panoramic vistas of Yosemite Valley from the
Panorama Trail and Glacier Pt, and pioneer Galen Clark’s majestic Mariposa
Grove of giant sequoia trees. Not suitable for beginners or sightseers. Cost
includes 3 nights lodging in modern cabin with all amenities (2-3 per bedroom with shared bathrooms and kitchen), 3 continental breakfasts, Sat
Happy Hour, Sun group dinner. Send $295 (Wilderness Adventures - $40
cancel penalty, no refund of balance after 4/18 unless trip is full and suitable
replacement found), 2 sase (or 1 sase and email), H&W phones, recent hiking experience to leader.
Leaders: Keith Martin,, 626-396-9701; Beth
Powis Martin,, 626-396-9701
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:00 am - Mt. Baden-Powell (9,399) from Dawson Saddle
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Mt. Baden-Powell (9,399) from Dawson Saddle: Moderately paced 9 mi
2200’ gain, 2800’ loss strenuous hike from Dawson Saddle to Vincent Gap.
Spectacular views of the LA basin and desert from the highest point on the
Angeles Crest. Meet 8:00 am at La Canada rideshare with adequate water,
lunch, hiking boots, suitable clothing layers. Rain or fire cancels. Dawson
Saddle is 44.8 miles from La Canada, with an additional 5 mile car shuttle
(each way) before the hike begins. Not suitable for beginners.
Leaders: Laura Joseph, ljoseph2@earthlink.nete, 626-356-4158; Norm
Stabeck,, 818-518-5454
Saturday, May 23, 2015 to Monday, May 25, 2015
Angeles Chp International Com Outing
O: Spend the long weekend in Idyllwild. We will camp at the San Jacinto
State Park, which is just walking distance from the village. You are welcome
to camp under the trees or stay at one of the nearby motels and walk over
to the campground to join the group. You are welcome to join the group
to hike in morning, and after lunch we can visit a nearby lake for boating
and fishing. Or just walk around town and have a cold drink or a snack. At
night we will have international Potluck and campfire or go town for a cold
beer!! The cost is $25 to cover camping fees and Happy Hour!!For more info
please contact the leader, Gabe @ 818-999-5384 or send a check to make
payable to the SC 6501 Penfield Ave., Woodland Hills 91367
Leaders: Gabriel and Julie Sende,, 818-999-1257;
Joe Phillips,, 818-348-8884
Saturday, May 23, 2015 to Monday, May 25, 2015
Keller Hut Memorial Day Weekend Fundraiser
Verdugo Hills Group Outing
O: Enjoy a fabulous Memorial Day weekend at the charming Keller Hut
located between Running Springs and Big Bear Lake in San Bernardino
Mtns. We have this rustic hut reserved for our fun filled weekend of activities with our very knowledgeable overseer Marty. Keller Hut offers two living-dining rooms, fully equipped kitchen, shared bathroom, and two dorm
lofts with sleeping pads. Go up a ladder to sleep in the loft or pitch your tent
outside in the picturesque grounds. Our weekend activities include visits to
local points of interest and a hike to natural hot springs. The weekend fee is
$50 per person ($10 extra for non-member or solo driver) which includes
hut facility, light breakfasts, happy hour goodies and one special dinner.
Optional trip extension is available (details upon RSVP). All proceeds to
benefit Keller Peak Ski Hut to aid in maintenance and improvements. Due
to limited parking we encourage carpooling and can assist in connecting
with others interested. Space is limited to only 20 participants and it will
fill up quickly. Reservation *must* include participant name, email, phone
#, city, SC # (or extra fee for non-member), designate if you plan to tent or
sleep in loft, any carpool arrangements and a check payable to Verdugo Hills
Sierra Club mailed to Ed Khatch, 338 Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821. All
communication will be via email (no SASE). No day-use visitors, attendance
is limited to participants signed-up in advance only.Marty Kluck 562-6774740
Leaders: Ed Khatch,, 714-671-1977; Jean Noud,, 714-928-6282, 714-841-8798; Martin Kluck,, 562-677-4740
Saturday, May 23, 2015 to Monday, May 25, 2015
Keller Hut Memorial Day Weekend Fundraiser
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Enjoy a fabulous Memorial Day weekend at the charming Keller Hut
located between Running Springs and Big Bear Lake in San Bernardino
Mtns. We have this rustic hut reserved for our fun filled weekend of activities with our very knowledgeable overseer Marty. Keller Hut offers two living-dining rooms, fully equipped kitchen, shared bathroom, and two dorm
lofts with sleeping pads. Go up a ladder to sleep in the loft or pitch your tent
outside in the picturesque grounds. Our weekend activities include visits to
local points of interest and a hike to natural hot springs. The weekend fee is
$50 per person ($10 extra for non-member or solo driver) which includes
hut facility, light breakfasts, happy hour goodies and one special dinner.
Optional trip extension is available (details upon RSVP). All proceeds to
benefit Keller Peak Ski Hut to aid in maintenance and improvements. Due
to limited parking we encourage carpooling and can assist in connecting
with others interested. Space is limited to only 20 participants and it will
fill up quickly. Reservation *must* include participant name, email, phone
#, city, SC # (or extra fee for non-member), designate if you plan to tent or
sleep in loft, any carpool arrangements and a check payable to Verdugo Hills
Sierra Club mailed to Ed Khatch, 338 Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821. All
communication will be via email (no SASE). No day-use visitors, attendance
is limited to participants signed-up in advance only.
Leaders: Ed Khatch,, 714-671-1977; Jean Noud,, 714-841-8798; Martin Kluck, martinkluck@hotmail.
com, 562-677-4740
10:00 am - Fracking: Oil and Gas Committee
Angeles Chapter Club Support Event
O: The next meeting of the Angeles Chapter’s Fracking: Oil & Gas committee will take place 10am-1pm, Saturday, May 23rd.
Leader: David Haake,, 310-237-3447
Saturday, May 23, 2015 to Monday, May 25, 2015
Harwood-OPEN WEEKEND (Memorial Day Weekend)
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Open Memorial Day 3 Day-Weekend: No reservations required. Spend
your long weekend where the sky is blue and the air is clean. Sleep outside
under the stars or inside. Entertainment, Potlucks, hikes. Open to all members ($15/per night) and their guests ($20/per night-limit 2). No reservation
required (except for family rooms). For potluck dinners (6 p.m.), bring serving for 8. For happy hours (5 p.m.) bring beverage and appetizer to share. If
you play the guitar, bring it. Bring SC card
Leader: Bob Dean,, 310-539-9561
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:30 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Paramount
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 5 mile, 400’ gain around the old (and still active)
movie set and environs of oak savannahs, Medea Creek, chaparral canyons,
including a side trip to the old Reagan Ranch. Meet 8:30 am at Paramount
Ranch parking lot. From 101 Ventura Fwy take Kanan Rd exit, go south
on Kanan Rd 1/2 mile, turn left on Cornell Way and veer to right continuing south 2 1/2 miles to Paramount Ranch entrance on right. Bring water,
snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Rita Okowitz,, 818-889-9924; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Backbone Trail Part One
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 2000’ gain shuttle hike from Will Rogers State Park
going past Temescal Peak, Hub Junction, Musch Camp, and Trippet Ranch.
We will shuttle from the meeting point on Greenleaf Cyn Rd back to Will
Rogers State Park to start the hike. Meet at Greenleaf Cyn Rd just west of
N Topanga Cyn Blvd (PCH to Topanga Cyn Bl, N 4.8 mi to Greenleaf Cyn
Rd, or 101 to Topanga Cyn Bl, S 7.6 mi to Greenleaf Cyn Rd). Park on
either side of Greenleaf Cyn Rd. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red
Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: David Finch,, 310-450-4102; Mike Louis,
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/ Cathedral Rock (2000’) from
Deadhorse Trail Rendezvous Hike
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 10 mi rt, 1900’ gain hike in Topanga State Park to lunch rendezvous at
Cathedral Rock. Meet 8:45 am at Pacific Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am
at dirt parking lot on left with cinder pump house ¼ mi up from Deadhorse
Parking lot on Entrada Rd (PCH to Topanga Cyn Blvd., N 4½ mi to
Entrada Rd, lot is on left side of Entrada Rd; or 7½ mi S of Ventura Fwy to
Entrada Rd), or 9:15 at Trippet Ranch for shorter hike. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Ernest M Scheuer,, 310-274-7987; Carol
Leacock,, 310-454-4188
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
7:00 pm Mission Peak Moonlight Conditioning Hike
7:30 am - Monthly Meeting
Verdugo Hills Group Social Event
O: Experience a river boat journey from Moscow to St Petersburg through
photos and stories. See world famous sites such as the Kremlin and the
Moscow subways. Enjoy beautiful palaces,amazing churches and charming
towns. Everyone is welcome at 7:00 for social time and refreshments. The
meeting begins at 7:30 in the community room of Montrose Citibank [2350
Honolulu Ave-Montrose]. There’s plenty of parking, enter in the back.
Leader: Delphine Trowbridge,, 818-558-7722
8:30 am - Laurel Canyon Hike
Orange County Group Outing
O: 6 mi, 500’ gain. We start from the Willow Parking lot on Laguna Cyn
Rd, hike up the hill on Laurel Cyn trail, under the toll road, then down
Camarillo Cyn Road and across the Stagecoach trail back to our cars. A loop
trail with some up and sown, some shade and some sunshine. Meet 8:30 am
at Laguna Coast Wilderness Park (from I-5, W on El Toro Rd 4.2 mi, L at
Laguna Cyn Rd, quick R into the parking lot). Bring $3 for parking, plus
water, snacks, lugsoles, hiking poles.
Leaders: Sherri Sisson,, 949-786-7681; Audrey
Tomovich,, 949-830-8936
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Towsley Cyn, Santa Clarita
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 7 mile, 1350’ gain (optional 5 mile, 1050’ gain) hike
with great vistas, a chilly narrows, diverse plant life and tar seeps. Meet 8 am
Ed Davis Park in Santa Susana Mtns. Take Calgrove Blvd, exit 166, from
32 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Interstate 5, turn west under the freeway and take the Old Road south 1/2
mile to Ed Davis Park on right, drive past Santa Clarita rideshare parking
area outside entrance, go through gate and park in large dirt parking area
100 yds beyond the gate. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen.
Rain cancels.
Leaders: Rosemary Campbell,, 818-344-6869;
Norm Stabeck,, 818-518-5454
Friday, May 29, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
7:00 pm Griffith Park Monthly Full Moon Hike with Potluck on top
Friday, May 29, 2015 to Friday, June 05, 2015
Voyage Alaska
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
C/O: Alaska, the Last Frontier. The world climate is changing and nowhere
is it happening faster than in Alaska. If you want to go to Alaska, now is
the time and this is the trip. Answer the call of the wild as you travel with
your adventurous Sierra Club friends on this Celebrity Cruise Southbound
boarding our ship at Seward, AK to Vancouver, B.C. After many years
cruising Northbound, we are doing something different, exploring the
Mighty Hubbard Glacier and the Icy Straight where John Muir paddled
his canoe along the coast and where we can still see the richness of the
Tlingit culture in nearby Hoonah. Still Southward to the Pioneer Ports of
Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan and the Inside Passage to Vancouver. Join
the leaders on rainforest hikes and frontier saloon explorations. Leaders host
on board get-togethers at sea and brisk hikes around the deck. Cruise fare
includes ship stateroom, gourmet meals, entertainment, exercise opportunities. Staterooms from $437, inside cabin, double occupancy. Port charges,
Gov taxes, transfers, tips, airfare extra. For information contact Gabriela
Melgarejo at IB Travelin, Phone 888-477-8669 or email: Sign up before January 15, 2015 for the best price and best cabin
choice, limited cabins in some categories. Pre-cruise Land extension to
Denali Nat’l Park, May 22-28, 2015. Post-cruise extension, Vancouver,
Victoria & Butchart Gardens, June 5 – 7. For information on Pre and Post
Land Tours or the cruise, Call or email Cruise Coordinator: Donna Specht.
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Ana
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Repeating Events
8:00 am Peters Canyon Regional Park Conditioning Hike
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, May 30, 2015 to Sunday, May 31, 2015
New York Butte (10,668’), Pleasant Point (9,690’), Cerro
Gordo Peak (9,188’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: New York Butte (10,668’), Pleasant Point (9,690’), Cerro Gordo Peak
(9,188’) - Join us for a pleasant late spring weekend in the southern Inyo
Mountains as we scale a couple of classic DPS peaks as well as a bonus trip
up to the summit of one of the Great Basin Peaks Section peaks. This is a
DPS Outing co-sponsored by HPS and WTC. Email Mat Kelliher with
contact info, recent conditioning, and experience for trip status and details.
Leaders: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490; Bill
Simpson,, 323-683-0959
8:30 am - Liebre Mt. (5760’)
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Liebre Mt. (5760’): 7 miles rt, 1850’ gain. We follow the Pacific Crest
Trail up Liebre Mt. to a broad summit where we will have lunch. We expect
to see wildflowers, black oaks and the rare California Buckeye. Meet 8:30 am
La Cañada rideshare pt. Bring water, lunch, and hiking boots.
Leaders: Carole Scurlock,, 626-794-5207; Laura
Joseph, ljoseph2@earthlink.nete, 626-356-4158
Saturday, May 30, 2015 to Sunday, May 31, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Open Weekend: Relax, hike and enjoy the local mountains at your beautiful stone lodge nestled among a pine forest. Open to all members ($15/
per night) and their guests ($20/per night-limit 2). No reservations required.
Bring SC CARD.
Leader: Debbie Wapner,, 562-423-7265
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Cheeseboro
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 6+ mile, 500’ elevation gain in the lovely Simi
Hills, first through ridge grasslands, then along an old ranch road following a streambed/multiple stream crossings with lovely oak woodlands to
Sulfur Springs. Meet 8:00 AM at trailhead. From 101 Ventura Fwy take
Cheeseboro Rd exit, turn north on Palo Comado Canyon Rd then right
on Cheeseboro Rd, and continue 1 mile to park entrance, turn right and
follow road to second parking lot at end. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat,
sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Charlotte Wells Feitshans,, 818-5011225; Dottie Sandford,, 805-532-2485
Tuesday, June 02, 2015 to Tuesday, June 09, 2015
Tue Moderate Hikers/Parker Mesa Overlook (1530’)
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi rt, 1500’ gain hike on steep trails from Los Liones Cyn to
panoramic overlook above the Pacific. Meet 8:30 am end of Los Liones Dr
(PCH N on Sunset Blvd ¼ mi, L on Los Liones to end). If Red Flag Alert,
meet below Santa Monica Pier @8:30 am.
Leaders: Catherine Froloff,, 310-821-4123; Ernest M
Scheuer,, 310-274-7987
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Backbone Trail Part Two
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 2000’ gain shuttle hike from Greenleaf Canyon, going
up Hondo Canyon to Fossil Ridge Trail and Saddle Peak, and ending near
Tapia Park. We will shuttle from the meeting point on Piuma and Malibu
Cyn/Las Virgenes Rd back to Greenleaf Canyon, just off Topanga Cyn Blvd,
to start the hike. Meet at Corner of Malibu Cyn/Las Virgenes and Piuma
Rd. (101 to Las Virgenes Rd, S 4.7 from exit traveling west or 5.0 mi from
exit traveling east, or PCH to Malibu Cyn Rd, N 4.7 mi). Park free in dirt
lot at the SE corner of Malibu Cyn/Las Virgenes and Piuma Rd. Bring water,
lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Ernest M Scheuer,, 310-274-7987; Jeri Segal,, 310-391-3439
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes and 1st Wednesday of
the month Cookout
7:15 am - Icehouse Canyon
Orange County Group Outing
O: Join us for an 8 mi, 2600’ gain hike in the San Gabriel Mtns along an
inviting creek, past private cabins and through beautiful forests. We’ll have a
snack at Columbine Spring, lunch at the saddle and return the way we came.
Meet 7:15 am at the Tustin Rideshare (one block south of I-5 on Redhill
in the portion of the parking lot at the Stater Bros strip mall that extends
behind the Union 76 gas station). Bring 2+ liters water, lunch/snacks, lugsoles, poles, rain jacket, non-cotton layers. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Sharon Kirk,, 714-376-3197; Sherri Sisson,, 949-786-7681; Rich Maxey,,
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Caballero Canyon, Topanga
State Park
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8-10 mile hike in northern Topanga State Park. Meet
8 am at Caballero trailhead in Tarzana (from 101 Ventura Fwy take Reseda
Blvd, exit 23, go south 2 miles to east side across from Braemar Country
Club entrance). Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain
Leaders: Gary Anderson,, 818-592-0710; Diane
De Marco,, 310-645-9442
Friday, June 5, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
Friday, June 05, 2015 to Sunday, June 07, 2015
The Best of Vancouver, Victoria and Butchart Gardens
Angeles Chapter Outing
GARDENS O: Spend three action-packed days out and about Vancouver,
BC. It’s a perfect ending of your Alaska cruise. Or, just treat yourself to an
unforgettable weekend getaway and meet us in Vancouver. We will take a
gondola ride up to Grouse Mountain and hike the Alpine meadows enjoying
spectacular views. On return walk across Capilano Suspension Bridge high
above the canyon floor surrounded by coastal rainforest. Next day take a
short bus and ferry ride across to Vancouver Island. Visit the world famous
Butchart Gardens and on to Victoria, a lovely seaside city with Old-English
Victorian charm. Hop-on Hop-Off Trolley for Vancouver sightseeing and
stroll the beautiful Stanley Park, voted #1 top park in the world by Trip
Advisor. Price $595 (non member cost $645) includes lodging, 2 breakfasts,
all tours, guides. Airfare, airport transfers, gratuities and meals are extra. For
complete information, itinerary, application, refund policy, Contact Trip
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Ana
Friday, June 05, 2015 to Sunday, June 07, 2015
The Best of Vancouver, Victoria and Butchart Gardens
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
GARDENS O: Spend three action-packed days out and about Vancouver,
BC. It’s a perfect ending of your Alaska cruise. Or, just treat yourself to an
unforgettable weekend getaway and meet us in Vancouver. We will take a
gondola ride up to Grouse Mountain and hike the Alpine meadows enjoying
spectacular views. On return walk across Capilano Suspension Bridge high
above the canyon floor surrounded by coastal rainforest. Next day take a
short bus and ferry ride across to Vancouver Island. Visit the world famous
Butchart Gardens and on to Victoria, a lovely seaside city with Old-English
Victorian charm. Hop-on Hop-Off Trolley for Vancouver sightseeing and
stroll the beautiful Stanley Park, voted #1 top park in the world by Trip
Advisor. Price $595 (non member cost $645) includes lodging, 2 breakfasts,
all tours, guides. Airfare, airport transfers, gratuities and meals are extra. For
complete information, itinerary, application, refund policy, Contact Trip
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Ana
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
8:00 am - SoCal Summits #4 - Will Thrall Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Join us for training hike #4 of the Seven SoCal Summits, a 16-mile round
trip with 3700”’ of gain to Will Thrall Peak (7845 feet).
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Mary Forgione,, 562-618-1129; Mandy Horak, amandahorak@, 909-596-8824; Ernest M Scheuer,, 310274-7987
8:30 am - Whitney Canyon
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: Easy 3 mile, 200’ gain in shady park along the north slope of the San
Gabriel Mts. Beautiful oak trees, small water falls, and an oil seep spring.
Great hike for beginners and little hikers. Meet at 8:30 at south end of
Newhall Ave. Take I-5 N to 14 Fwy( Antelope Valley Fwy), exit Newhall
Ave, R to carpool area. Bring water and snack.
Leaders: Sandra Cattell,, 661-259-0433; Gaylon S
Rodin,, 661-263-0568
9:00 am - Malibu Creek State Park Exploratory Ramble
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mi, 2000’ gain loop hike in Malibu Creek State Park.
Hike less-visited trails including the Lost Cabin, Cistern, and Overlook
trails. Meet 9 am at the Woodland Hills rideshare point. Red Flag Alert
Leaders: Robert Baldwin,, 818-510-1274; Ron
Rosien,, 310-474-0349
Saturday, June 06, 2015 to Sunday, June 07, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: (Reserved for Mara’s Wedding)
Leader: Cia Kirchner,, 949-675-0313
Sunday, June 7, 2015
7:00 am - Ross Mountain (7,402’), Throop Peak (9,138’),
Mount Burnham (8,997’), Mount Baden-Powell (9,399’)
Angeles Chp Hundred Peaks Outing
I: Ross Mountain (7,402’), Throop Peak (9,138’), Mount Burnham
(8,997’), Mount Baden-Powell (9,399’): Join us on this very strenuous,
moderate-paced hike through the heart of the San Gabriel Mountains for a
total of 15 roundtrip miles and 4,900’ of gain, 2,700’ of which we’ll get on
our way out. We’ll start from Dawson Saddle and get our first three peaks
as we travel northeast along the Pacific Crest Trail to the summit of Mt.
Baden-Powell. From there we’ll travel cross-country along Baden-Powell’s
southern ridgeline and descend 2,300’ over steep, loose, and brushy terrain
to the summit of Ross Mountain far below us. From Ross we’ll have to regain the 2,300’ we lost coming in by climbing back up to the summit of
34 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Baden-Powell. From there we’ll return along the PCT back to our cars at
Dawson Saddle. Expect a long, full day of hiking. Not suitable for beginners
or the faint of heart. Please bring lugsoles, layers, beverages, lunch, snacks,
sunblock and hat. For trip details contact
Leaders: Bill Simpson,, 323-683-0959; Bruce
Craig,, 213-746-3563; Jimmy Quan,, 323-257-9846
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Tues Moderate easy pace Hikers / Top of Reseda
to Nike Site
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 6 mile, 600’ gain hike along old dirt Mulholland to
cold war Nike site. Great views of SF Valley and Encino Reservoir. Meet
8:00 am at top of Reseda Blvd in Tarzana. From 101 Ventura Fwy take
Reseda Blvd exit, turn south and go 3 miles to Mulholland Gateway Park.
Choice to park along street below the white line at beginning of fee area or
pay fee and park above. Meet at trailhead at the top. Bring water, snacks,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Pixie Klemic,, 818-787-5420; Virve
Leps,, 310-477-9664
8:30 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Sullivan Cyn Ridge Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 9 mi rt, 1900’ gain hike through beautiful shaded cyn. Possible
stream crossings. Meet 8:30 am at end of Queensferry Rd (Sunset Blvd to
Mandeville Cyn Rd, N ¼ mi to Westridge Rd, L 1¼ mi to Bayliss Rd, L ¼
mi to Queensferry Rd; watch parking restrictions). If Red Flag Alert, meet
below Santa Monica Pier @ 8:30 am
Leaders: David Finch,, 310-450-4102; Wlodek
Proskurowski,, 310-202-0331
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Backbone Trail Part Three
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 2000’ gain shuttle hike from the Piuma Trailhead going
up the Mesa Peak Motorway, through Corral, Upper Solstice, Latigo, and
Newton Canyons to Newton Canyon Trailhead. We will shuttle from the
meeting point at the Newton Cyn Trailhead on Kanan-Dume Rd back to
the Piuma Trailhead on Malibu Cyn/Las Virgenes Rd to start the hike. Meet
at Newton Cyn trailhead (PCH 5.9 mi W of Malibu Cyn Rd, N 4½ mi on
Kanan Dume Rd after 1st tunnel, or 8 mi S of 101/Ventura Fwy just before
3rd tunnel). Park free in lot on west side of the road. Bring water, lunch,
lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Lynn Lively,, 805-256-4106; Mike Louis, 310395-8432
Tuesday, June 09, 2015 to Saturday, July 04, 2015
Pilgrim’s Route, France - Via Podiensis
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: This unique long-distance hiking experience is so popular, we are repeating the pilgrimage along the Via Podiensis. Anybody thinking of walking to
Santiago de Compostela ought to consider beginning the journey in Le Puy.
The first written account of the walk from Le Puy en Velay to Santiago dates
from the 10th century, more than one thousand years ago! It takes us 25
days to walk from Le Puy to Moissac with a daily average of about 11 miles;
however, it may be possible to join the small group for only part of the way.
The cost: $4300 includes 25 nights accommodation, mostly sharing twin/
bath (single supplement not available), breakfast and dinner daily, all land
transportation and 2 experienced and knowledgeable leaders. For complete
itinerary, deposit information, cancelation policy and registration, contact
the Leaders: Ed and Helen Maurer
Leaders: Ed Maurer,, 949-768-0417; Helen Maurer,, 949-768-0417
7:30 pm - The Coast of Maine and Campobello Island
Orange County Group Club Support Event
Program: Discover the coast of Main and beautiful historic Campobello
Island. Pamela and Chuck Erdahl will share their wonderful trip and exploring adventures. We will learn about FDR’s summer home and many of the
surrounding islands in the Bay of Fundy. Great adventure awaits you, please
join us! Meet REI Tustin Marketplace, 2962 El Camino Real, Tustin, CA
92782. Community Room. Newcomers Welcome!! Bring a friend!
Leaders: Patricia Barnes,, 714-462-6070; Donna
Specht,, 714-963-6345
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
9:00 am - O’Neill/Ramakrishna
Orange County Group Outing
O: : 7 mi, 600’ gain. We will loop thru O’Neill Park, along the ridge and
down oak-shaded canyons, with a visit to Ramakrishna Monastery. Meet
9:00 am at Altisima Park with water, snack, lugsoles. Go E on El Toro Rd
to Marguerite Pkwy, turn R, then one block to Los Alisos, turn L. Follow
Los Alisos E past the 241 Toll Rd to the first light at the top of the hill. Go
thru the light and immediately look for the left turn lane into the entrance
to Altisima Park.
Leaders: Gail Roy,,, 949-981-8523,
949-854-3820; Peter R Height,,, 949412-8954, 949-713-4569
Thursday, June 11, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
7:00 pm Rio Hondo Group monthly mtg:
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Trippet Ranch, Musch Trail,
Eagle Rock Loop
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 8 mile, 1200’ gain hike in Topanga State Park. Meet
8 am at Trippet Ranch parking lot (from 101 Ventura Fwy take Topanga
Canyon Blvd, exit 27, south to Entrada Rd, turn left (east), go about one
mile making two left turns to stay on Entrada Rd, and park along Entrada
Rd outside lot or pay to park in lot). Bring $ for parking, 2 qts water, lunch,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Stephen Beck,, 805-400-5366;
Nancy Krupa,, 818-981-4799
Friday, June 12, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
12:00 pm - Car Camp at Lake Hemet
Verdugo Hills Group Outing
O: Join Verdugo Hills for a weekend at Lake Hemet located 8 mi southwest
of Idyllwild. We will camp under the trees, hike in area, and have use of
the beautiful lake. There is boating and fishing (at your expense). We will
have Friday night Potluck, Saturday night BBQ. We will also furnish a light
breakfast on Saturday morning. Sunday we will brunch at Idyllwild and visit
shops. Send $30.00, check made out to Verdugo Hills plus email address/
sase to D. Trowbridge, 25937 Stafford Canyon Rd, Unit B, Stevenson
Ranch, 91381.
Leaders: Delphine Trowbridge,, 818-558-7722;
David Eisenberg,, 818-247-4635; Carol
Henning,, 323-465-3797
Friday, June 12, 2015 to Sunday, June 14, 2015
Nature Knowledge Workshop
Angeles Chp Natural Science Outing
O: Join the Natural Science Section for a weekend of discovery, now in
its 44th year. From our streamside camp accommodations in the San
Bernardino Mtns. we’ll explore our natural surroundings on easy guided
walks or moderate hikes led by our professional naturalists. They will also
share their expertise in a variety of natural history topics such as reptiles,
birds, plants, mammals, insects, Native Americans, and earth science studies
through hands-on and special interest workshops. We will begin with dinner
and a program Friday evening and end with lunch Sunday. Fee includes 2
nights lodging in dormitory cabins (bring your own sleeping bag), six fullcourse meals, and instruction. Tent or car camping is also available. All this
and hot showers too!
Leaders: Clifford McLean,, 626-966-0580;
Gabriele McLean,, 626-966-0580
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
0:00 am Island Hopping in Channel Islands National Park
7:00 am - Navigation: Heart Bar Peak (8332’)
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Heart Bar Peak (8332’): Practice navigation for Sunday’s
checkoff on this 7 mile round trip, 1400’ gain hike. We will take a crosscountry route to Heart Bar Pk and practice micro-navigation skills along the
way. Send email (preferred) or sase, with contact info & recent conditioning
to leader.Ann Pedreschi Shields
Leaders: Robert M Myers,, 310-829-3177;
Adrienne Benedict,; Ann Shields, apedreschi@; Jane Simpson,, 310-994-1989
Saturday, June 13, 2015 to Sunday, June 14, 2015
Cirque Peak (12,900 ft.) WTC Experience Trip
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Cirque Peak (12,900 ft.) WTC Experience Trip. On Saturday, backpack
to Cirque Lake by a mostly cross country route to camp at Cirque Lake (4
miles/ 1000 ft.). On Sunday, we’ll practice navigation and route finding up a
class 2 route to Cirque Peak (2 miles/1800 ft.), then return to camp and hike
out. Happy hour on Saturday. Email climbing resume toJoe Speigl
Leaders: Anne Marie Richardson,, 909-6212812; Joseph Speigl,, 909-609-5609
Saturday, June 13, 2015 to Sunday, June 14, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Open Weekend: Relax, hike and enjoy the local mountains at your beautiful stone lodge nestled among a pine forest. Open to all members ($15/
per night) and their guests ($20/per night-limit 2). No reservations required.
Bring SC CARD.
Leader: Elizabeth Ward,, 909-932-1980
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Repeating Events
7:00 am Navigation: Grinnell Ridge Navigation Noodle
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Tues Moderate easy pace Hikers / Hummingbird
Creek Trail
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 4.6 mile, 1000’ gain hike up Hummingbird Creek
through a narrow canyon and open chaparral, past sculpted caves and the
magnificent sandstone rock formations of the Santa Susana Mountains.
Meet 8:00 am at Hummingbird Trailhead. From westbound 118 Fwy take
Kuehner Dr. exit, north.3 miles to posted street parking. Bring water, snack,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Reaven Gately,, 805-255-2350; Pixie
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Backbone Trail Part Four
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Strenuous 14 mi, 2000’ gain shuttle hike from the Newton Canyon
Trailhead going up Zuma Canyon, Trancas Canyon, Etz Meloy, to the Mishe
Mokwa Trailhead. We will shuttle from the meeting point at the Mishe
Mokwa Trailhead on Yerba Buena Rd back to the Newton Canyon Trailhead
on Kanan Dume Road to start the hike. Meet at Mishe Mokwa traihead
(PCH 16 mi W of Malibu Cyn Rd, Yerba Buena Rd N 7 winding mi to
parking area on R side, 1.7 mi past Circle X ranger station). Park free in dirt
lot. Bring water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: David Finch,, 310-450-4102; Ernest M
Scheuer,, 310-274-7987
9:15 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/ Nicholas Flat Pk (1530’)
from Malibu Nature Preserve
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
6:45 pm - Evenings in the Arroyo
Pasadena Group Outing
O: Evenings in the Arroyo: Easy 3 mi hike on level trails along Pasadena’s
Arroyo Seco. Learn natural and human history of the Arroyo and programs
to restore streamside habitats. Meet 6:45 pm at trailhead next to San Pasqual
Stables on S Pasadena border, 221 San Pasqual Ave, S Pasadena, CA 91030
(exit 110 Fwy at Orange Grove Blvd, S to Mission Blvd, W on Mission to
end, descend Stoney Dr into Arroyo and follow it under freeway past playing
fields to end at San Pasqual Ave, R to stables parking lot).
Leaders: Keith Martin,, 626-396-9701; Beth
Powis Martin,, 626-396-9701; William Joyce, bill@, 909-596-6280
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / East Canyon to Mission
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 9 mile, 1400’ gain hike, first going up East Canyon
Mtwy of Santa Clarita Woodlands Park to ridge, then across Corral
Sunshine Mtwy to Mission Point, with great views of San Fernando Valley.
Return same way. Meet 8 AM at East Canyon trailhead of Santa Susana
Mtns. (take Calgrove Blvd, exit 166, from Interstate 5, turn west under the
freeway and take the Old Road south about 1 mile to parking entrance after
church on right, and continue past trailhead sign to parking area). Bring $5
for parking, 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Mimi Knights, 661-253-3414; Reaven Gately, reavengately@, 661-255-8873
Friday, June 19, 2015
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
O: Join us on this 7 mi rt, 1500’ gain hike from the private Nature Trust
Preserve to Nicholas Flat and wildflowers. Meet 8:30 am Pacific Palisades
rideshare pt or 9:15 am at Nature Trust parking lot (PCH 13 mi W of
Malibu Cyn Rd. Watch for sign “Malibu Nature Preserve” on R @ 33905
PCH. Pay $2 voluntary fee or park on PCH). If Red Flag Alert, meet below
Santa Monica Pier @8:30 am.
Leaders: Peter Ireland,, 310-457-9783;
Hannelore Suddeth,, 310-370-3008
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
O: No backpacking. In 8 days experience the unique and outstanding natural beauty of Kauai. Enjoy moderate hikes (4 -7 mi/500-1,500 gain/loss) in
Kokee State Park. Hike Alakai Swamp, Pahia Lookout, Awaiawipu Trail to
views of the canyon and NaPali coast 4000’ below. Plus moderate 4 mi RT
Na Pali Coast day hike to Hanakapiai Beach explore lava caves. Snorkel/
swim at picturesque Ke’e Beach & Poipu Beach with colorful tropical fish
and sea turtles. Exclusive: Manuel’s Ginger Chicken at Salt Pond Beach Park.
Stop at views of Waimea Canyon and Kalalau Valley. Rainforest cabins (pro
kitchen) 3 nights, 3 nights Hale Luana 6-bedroom resort house & 1 night
beachfront condos (full kitchens, swimming pool, whirlpool spas). Meals
cooked group commissary style - all help with duties. Cost: $1425 w/SC#
/ $1567non-mem before April 1; April 1-June 1 $1567/$1724; after June 1
$1724/$1896. Covered activities/costs: All ground transportation; all sumptuous breakfasts and dinners (ahi and two other BBQs); 7 nights cabins,
lodge, and condo; two restaurant dinners inc. grand finale Aloha Dinner;
cooking gear, logistics. Airfare is extra - best prices early. Cancellations
received in writing after April 1 incur a $405 penalty; after May 3 a $739
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
9:00 am - Tijeras Creek/ArroyoTrabuco Loop
Orange County Group Outing
O: : 6 mi, min gain. A gentle walk down Tijeras Creek and along the banks
of Trabuco Creek. We will trek through one of the largest sycamore groves
in California and wind through the densely overgrown subtropical paradise
that is Arroyo Trabuco. Several stream crossings. Meet 9:00 am with 2 liters
water, snack, lugsoles. From I-5, E on Oso Pkwy, L on Antonio Pkwy, pass
over the Toll Rd 241, L at Bienvenidos to park on street.
Leaders: Pita Landesman,, 949-425-8966; Garry
McCoppin,, 714-269-5078
36 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, June 20, 2015 to Saturday, June 27, 2015
Fortieth Annual Hawaiian Islands Eco-Adventure: Kauai, The
Garden Isle
Angeles Chp Backpacking Comm Outing
penalty; after May 25 or no-shows forfeit all monies. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Limit: 14; fills fast. For info only, send 1 self-addressed-stamped envelope.
To signup, send email address, or, if no email send 3-4x9 sase’s, with Home/
Cell/Work phone #’s, $395 deposit ($92 non-ref ) made out to Sierra Club,
include hiking experience/conditioning info, to 818-77734601
Leaders: Bill Crane,, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,, 818-717-1946
7:30 am - Ice House Canyon to Ice House Saddle (7580’):
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Moderately strenuous, 7.2 mile, 2660’ gain hike into Cucamonga
Wilderness through a glen of mixed oak, sycamore, cedar and pine forest.
Meet 7:30 am Ice House Canyon trailhead. (210 E, exit 52 toward Baseline
Rd, turn left onto Baseline Rd and drive 0.2 mile. Turn right onto Padua
Ave. Drive for 1.8 miles. Turn right onto Mt. Baldy Road and drive for 8.9
miles. Turn right onto Ice House Canyon Road. Drive for 0.1 mile and
park in lot. GPS: N 34 15’/W 117 38. 3166’). Need Adventure Pass. Bring
at least 2 quarts water, lunch, appropriate footwear, and layered clothing.
Leaders: Karen Belville,, 562-421-3037; Thanh
Saturday, June 20, 2015 to Sunday, June 21, 2015
Mt Silliman (11,188 ft)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Enjoy two moderately paced days backpacking in Sequoia National Park.
We’ll leave Saturday morning from Lodgepole campground, hiking 3.5
mi. and 2000 ft. gain (about equal parts on-trail and cross-country) before
enjoying a relaxing happy hour at our campsite with splendid views up to
Mt. Silliman. Starting fairly early Sunday, we’ll travel some class 2 granite
friction slabs and grab lunch on the summit after 3.5 mi. and 2,400 ft. gain.
Descend and pack up camp, and be back to the trailhead in timely fashion
to avoid a late night drive. Comfort with class 2 rock required. Wilderness
Travel Course or similar training is encouraged. Our permit limits group
size, so please register by sending an email to the Leader with your contact
info, conditioning, and experience to reserve your spot.
Leaders: Gillian Bailey,, 310-415-4950;
Ann Pedreschi Shields,
Saturday, June 20, 2015 to Sunday, June 21, 2015
Angeles Chp Harwood Lodge Social Event
O: Open Weekend: Relax, hike and enjoy the local mountains at your beautiful stone lodge nestled among a pine forest. Open to all members ($15/
per night) and their guests ($20/per night-limit 2). No reservations required.
Bring SC CARD.
Leader: Linda Robinson,, 714-554-7554
1:00 pm - Chapter Newcomer/Member Special Event - Eaton
Canyon Nature Center
Pasadena Group Club Support Event
O: Pasadena Group/ San Gabriel Valley, Angeles Chapter Newcomer/
Member Special Event at Eaton Canyon Nature Center: Come and discover
the Sierra Club with the Pasadena Group, Wilderness Adventure Section,
Hundred Peak Section, Wilderness Travel Course, Mule Packs, Natural
Science, 20s30s and many other Sierra Club representatives. Learn all about
the Sierra Club and the many activities and adventure outings available.
Table displays, exhibits, refreshments. Join Sierra Club $15 Special Offer,
free gift. Meet 1 pm Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 North Altadena
Dr, Pasadena. Extra parking in the overflow parking lot.
Leaders: Pam Allen,, 626-296-6911; William
Joyce,, 909-596-6280
3:00 pm - Mt Pinos Potluck Dinner Hike
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
O: Easy 4 mi RT, 500’ gain hike to Mt Pinos (8847), the highest peak in
Ventura County. Potluck dinner at summit and back to trailhead by dark.
Come enjoy the summer solstice. Meet 3 pm in North Valencia by Embassy
Suites. TakeI-5 N, exit 126/ Newhall Ranch Rd, take right at exit to 1st light
( Vanderbuilt Way ), R to Westinghouse, turn R and park on street or 4PM
at Mt Pinos parking lot. Bring water, plate, eating and serving utensils, a
main dish for yourself and a side dish or desert to share. Bring jacket, flashlight and Adventure pass.
Leaders: David Morrow,, 661-254-5245; Kate
Okamoto,, 661-288-7931
Sunday, June 21, 2015
8:30 am - Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike
Angeles Chp Orange Cty Singles Outing
O: Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve Newcomer Hike: Easy paced, reasonably
flat, 5 mile hike, approx 3 hrs. Newcomers Welcome. Enjoy the natural
beauty of Bolsa Chica, one of the last remaining wetland ecosystems in
Southern California. Meet 8:30 am. From Warner Avenue in Huntington
Beach turn south on Bolsa Chica Street to the end of the street and trailhead
(Brightwater). Park on the street. Bring camera, water, sun protection, hat,
light hiking boots, rain does not cancel.
Leaders: Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345; Houria
Hall,, 714-525-7400
4:00 pm - Long Day’s Night Hike
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately strenuous 7 mi rt hike from Santa Ynez Cyn to Trippet
Ranch. Nice ocean and canyon views. Meet 4:00 pm Santa Ynez trailhead
(PCH E ½ mi on Sunset Bl., L on Palisades Dr. 2 ½ mi, L on Vereda de
la Montura to gate). Red Flag Alert cancels. Co-sponsored by Wilderness
Leaders: Mary Ann Webster,, 310-5593126; Ronald Webster, 310-559-3126
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:45 pm Tue Tiger Hikers
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
8:00 am - Tues Moderate easy pace Hikers / Malibu Creek SP
- Tapia to Century Lake / Backbone Trail
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 6.5 mile, 500’ gain, route from Tapia SP to Malibu
Creek SP; visit the Rock Pool and Century Lake and return. Meet 8:00 am
at Tapia (south) Entrance to MCSP Park parking lot. From 101 Ventura
Fwy take Las Virgenes Rd exit and go approximately 4 1/4 miles south, passing Malibu Creek State Park main entrance. Enter Tapia Park just before of
Piuma Rd, and park in first parking area in fee lot. Bring 2 qts water, snack,
lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Rita Okowitz,, 818-889-9924; Pixiea
Klemic,, 818-787-5420
8:30 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/Santa Ynez Trail to Hub
Junction Loop
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: Moderately paced 10 mi rt, 2000’gain hike taking the Santa Ynez Trail to
Trippet Ranch onto the Musch Trail to Eagle Junction, then Eagle Rock, to
Hub Junction, down to the Eagle Springs Fire Road, passing Eagle Junction
again, to the top of the Santa Ynez Trail and down to the starting point.
Shorter option meets at Trippet Ranch parking lot at 9:45 am. Starting and
ending there cuts off almost 4 miles and 800’ of gain. Meet 8:30 am Santa
Ynez trailhead (PCH N ½ mi on Sunset Blvd, L 2 ½ mi on Palisades Dr, L
on Vereda de la Montura to the gate). For Trippet Ranch parking lot, from
PCH go north on Topanga Cyn Blvd 4 ½ miles to Entrada Rd, turn right
and drive 1 mile, make 2 left turns to arrive at lot. From the 101, exit at
Topanga Cyn Blvd, drive south 7 ½ miles to Entrada Rd, turn left and drive
1 mile, make 2 left turns to arrive at lot. Pay a fee or use an appropriate State
Parks parking pass: there is free parking on Entrada Rd. outside. If Red Flag
Alert, meet below Santa Monica Pier @8:30 am.
Leaders: Ernest M Scheuer,, 310-274-7987; Robert
Cody,, 310-410-9172
9:00 am - Ventura Beach Walk
Santa Clarita Valley Group Outing
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Backbone Trail Part Five
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
Friday, June 26, 2015
O: Strenuous 16 mi, 2000’ gain shuttle hike from the Mishe Mokwa
Trailhead going past Sandstone Peak, on the Chamberlain, Blue Canyon,
Wood Canyon Vista, Overlook, and Ray Miller trails to La Jolla Canyon.
We will shuttle back from the meeting point in the La Jolla Cyn parking lot
back to the Mishe Mokwa Trailhead to start the hike. Meet at Ray Miller
Trailhead/La Jolla Cyn parking lot (PCH 20.7 mi W of Malibu Cyn Rd).
Park free on the land side of PCH on either side of the entrance to La Jolla
Cyn or in the lot (fee, or free with appropriate parking permit). Bring water,
lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels.
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Jeri Segal,, 310-391-3439
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
9:30 am - End-of-Season Hike/Potluck at Laguna Niguel
Regional Park
Orange County Group Outing
O: 5 mi or 2+ mi, min gain hikes. Join us for a longer hike around the lake,
up to Crown Valley, or shorter loop in the park. Meet 9:30 am at the Park,
off La Paz just beyond Aliso Creek Pkwy. $3 parking. From the entrance,
keep R beyond the tennis courts, park near the restroom on the R. Bring
water for the hike, and picnic dish for 4-6 to share plus your own drink,
plate, utensils. Longer hike: Ldr: Gail Roy (949) 9818523 gr6716@yahoo.
com Asst: Rich Maxey Short hike: Pita Landesman 949-425-8966 Asst: Judy Mulry 949-558-1347
Leaders: Pita Landesman,, 949-558-1347, 949-4258966; Rich Maxey,, 949-310-5134; Judith E Mulry,, 949-588-1347; Gail Roy,, gfroy@, 949-854-3820
O: Join us on a mid week break. Easy 4 mile walk on level ground. We will
walk from San Buenaventura State Beach to the Santa Clara river estuary.
We will loop through downtown Ventura with a stop for lunch TBD. This is
a easy walk on a nice cool day away from the desert heat. Meet at the Santa
Clarita Rideshare on Westinghouse. Take I-5 N, exit 126/ Newhall Ranch,
take right to Vanderbuilt, R to Westinghouse by Embassy Suites.
Leaders: Mary Ellen Dittemore,, 661-2548543; Ken Kerner, 661-259-8800
Repeating Events
6:45 pm Pacific Palisades Hike in Topanga State Park to Parker Mesa
7:00 pm Griffith Park Monthly Full Moon Hike with Potluck on top
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Repeating Events
8:30 am Santa Monica Mountains Trail Work
Saturday, June 27, 2015 to Sunday, July 12, 2015
Kilimanjaro and Safari, Tanzania
Angeles Chapter Club Support Event
O: Kilimanjaro is the highest point on the African continent at 19,340 feet
and it takes no technical skills to climb. Nowhere else on earth can you see as
far as from the top of Kilimanjaro. To insure the greatest success in summiting Kilimanjaro we will be trekking on the longest and most remote route,
the Lemosho Route. If it’s been a dream of yours to climb this beautiful
mountain, don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Kilimanjaro is surrounded
by national parks that contain some of the densest concentrations of wild
animals in Africa. It’s here that one of the largest migrations in the world
has been preserved -- it includes over a million wildebeests, hundreds of
thousands of zebras and gazelles, and their accompanying predators. A safari
to see all this wildlife is the perfect way to decompress from the hard climb
up Kilimanjaro. Small group limited to 14 participants. Level: Climb strenuous; safari easy. This trip is run in cooperation with Sierra Club National
Outings. Price $5,495. Includes: Guides, porters, cooks, transportation, all
equipment for trek and safari, all lodging (including hotel in Moshi and
trekking and safari camps), all meals, airport transfers, all gratuities, permits
and park fees.(airfare not included). Leaders: Lesley Kao lesleymkao@yahoo.
com, Shlomo Waser For complete information, itinerary, application forms and on-line registration Kilimanjaro and
Safari, Tanzania - 15525B - Sierra Club Outings http://content.sierraclub.
Leader: Shlomo Waser,, 408-483-7716
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Saturday, June 27, 2015 to Sunday, June 28, 2015
Repeating Events
Jean Peak (10,670), Marion Mountain (10,362)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
6:55 pm Henninger Flats Conditioning Hike:
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes & Potluck
8:00 am - Thu Moderate Hikers / Hondo Canyon Backbone
Trail & Fossil Ridge
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 9 mile, 1800’ gain hike in scenic canyon and along
ridge with great ocean, mountain and valley views. Meet 8 am at trailhead,
located on Old Topanga Canyon Rd 0.4 mile west of intersection with
Topanga Canyon Blvd. Limited roadside parking, so ridesharing is suggested. Bring 2 qts water, lunch, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Ted Mattock,, 818-222-5581; Diane De
Marco,, 310-645-9442
38 APRIL-JUNE 2015
I: Moderately paced backpack in the San Jacinto Wilderness, ~12 mi
rt, 3,000’ gain. We will take the Palm Springs Tram (fee required) early
Saturday morning, and hike in on trail approx 2 miles to the Round Valley
Campground. After setting up camp, we’ll head up to the 2 peaks on
Saturday afternoon via cross country travel returning to camp in time for
dinner. Sunday morning we will hike out the ~2 miles to the tram station,
returning to cars via the tramway. WTC or similar experience strongly preferred. Send email and hiking/backpacking resume to leader.
Leaders: Tiffani Bruno,, 323-547-0985; Homer Tom,
Saturday, June 27, 2015 to Sunday, June 28, 2015
Three Sisters (10,612)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us for a leisurely weekend in the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness Area of the
Sierra National Forest near Fresno, CA. Saturday we’ll pack in 4.7 miles and
gain 1,200’ at a comfortable pace on trail to our camp at Cliff Lake (9,438’).
Sunday we’ll cover about 1.5 miles over cross-country terrain while gaining
1,150’ to reach the summit of Three Sisters, then return to camp, pack up
and head out for a day’s total (including the peak) of 7.7 miles with 1,150’
gain. Priority given to current WTC students. Permit limits group size and
permit fee ($75) will be split among the group. This is a WTC outing cosponsored by SPS. Email recent conditioning and experience, contact and
vehicle/rideshare information, for trip status and details to mkelliher746@
Leaders: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490; Sridhar
Gullapalli,, 310-821-3900
8:00 am - Tue Moderate easy pace Hikers / Franklin Canyon
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Moderately paced 5 mile, 800’ gain hike up and down a chaparral canyon, with a wonderful viewpoint of the WLA and the Pacific Ocean, then by
a lake in the midst of Beverly Hills. Meet 8:00 am at Franklin Park/Ranch
parking lot. From 101 Fwy take Coldwater Canyon south 2 1/2 miles where
it crosses Mulholland Drive West. Make a 90º turn onto Franklin Canyon
Drive (sign reads Road Closed 800 yrds) and enter park. Pass upper parking
lot at nature center, continue veering right around lake. Turn right at stop
sign at bottom of lake, drive 1 mile and veer left on Lake Drive. Warning:
Stop at camera monitored stop signs in park or you will be ticketed. Follow
to end and park. Bring water, snack, lugsoles, hat, sunscreen. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Pixie Klemic,, 818-787-5420; Marcia
Harris,, 310-828-6670
8:30 am - Tue Conditioned Hikers: Satwiwa to Angel Vista
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
7:00 am - SoCal Summit #5 - Anderson Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
O: Join us for training hike #5 of the Seven SoCal Summits, a 16-mile round
trip with 4500’ of gain to Anderson Peak (10,864 feet) in the San Gorgonio
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Mary Forgione,, 562-618-1129; Mandy Horak, amandahorak@, 909-596-8824; Ernest M Scheuer,, 310274-7987
O: Strenuous 12 mi, 1800’ gain lollipop hike on Sycamore Canyon Road,
Upper Sycamore Canyon Trail, Satwiwa Loop Trail, Wendy Trail, Los Robles
Trail to Angel Vista and return. Meet at Via Goleta parking for Rancho
Sierra Vista (101 to Lynn Rd in Thousand Oaks, exit S, 5½ mi to Via
Goleta, L and continue ½ mi to Satwiwa parking lot). Park free in lot. Bring
water, lunch, lugsoles. Rain or Red Flag alert cancels. This is a provisional
Leaders: Cynthia Zahorik,, 805-492-1453;
Lynn Lively,, 805-256-4106
10:00 am - Fracking: Oil and Gas Committee
Angeles Chapter Club Support Event
9:00 am - Tue Moderate Hikers/La Jolla/Ray Miller Trail
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: The next meeting of the Angeles Chapter’s Fracking: Oil & Gas committee will take place 10am-1pm, Saturday, June 27th.
Leader: David Haake,, 310-237-3447
Sunday, June 28, 2015
8:30 am - West Waterman Wildflower Hike
Pasadena Group Outing
O: West Waterman Wildflower Hike from 3 Pts to Incense Cedar Meadow:
7 mi, 1500’ gain. We’ll take a slow-paced walk along the West Waterman
Trail looking for wildflowers, with plenty of time for identification and
photography. We hope to see stream orchids and early lilies in the Incense
Cedar Meadow. Meet 8:30 am at La Canada rideshare with 2 quarts water,
lunch, and hiking boots. Co-sponsored by the Natural Science Section and
the Pasadena Group.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer,, 626-793-4727; Laura
Joseph, ljoseph2@earthlink.nete, 626-356-4158
8:30 am - West Waterman Wildflower Hike
Angeles Chp Natural Science Outing
O: Moderate 7 mi, 1,200’ gain hike. Hike through a beautiful canyon, then
get dramatic views of Boney Ridge and the ocean. Meet 8:00 am Pacific
Palisades rideshare pt or 9:00 am La Jolla Cyn trailhead (PCH 21 mi W of
Malibu Cyn Rd – pay fee or park outside). If Red Flag Alert, meet below
Santa Monica Pier @8:30 am.
Leaders: David Finch,, 310-450-4102; Margaret C
Fields, 310-839-8235
6:45 pm - Tue Tiger Hikers:
Angeles Chp SMMTF Subcom Outing
O: 2 hr, 5-8 mi fast-paced strenuous hikes in Santa Monica Mountains with
some bushwhacking. Rideshare to local trailheads. Meet 6:30 pm; leave
6:45 pm sharp each Tues 1 block W of Topanga Cyn Bl on Clarendon St
(1 stoplight S of Ventura Fwy, next to Post Office). No dogs. Rain cancels.
Leaders: Bill Crane,, 818-773-4601; Joan Weaver,, 818-717-1946
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes and 1st Wednesday of
the month Cookout
7:00 pm Mission Peak Moonlight Conditioning Hike
O: : West Waterman Wildflower Hike from Three Points to the Incense
Cedar Meadow: 7 mi, 1500’ gain. We’ll take a slow-paced walk along
the West Waterman Trail looking for wildflowers, with plenty of time for
identification and photography. There are a couple of rare plants along this
trail – the San Gabriel Linanthus and Johnston’s Monkeyflower, and often
some stream orchids and early lilies in the Incense Cedar Meadow. Meet
8:30 am at LC rideshare with 2 quarts water, lunch, and lugsoles. One day
Environmental Awareness credit for prospective leaders. Co-sponsored by
the Natural Science Section and the Pasadena Group.
Leaders: Ginny Heringer,, 626-793-4727; Laura
Joseph, ljoseph2@earthlink.nete, 626-356-4158
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Yosemite Backpacking Bus Trip Young Lakes, Mt. Conness
Angeles Chp Backpacking Comm Outing
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Irvine Conditioning Hikes
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
Repeating Events
7:00 pm Griffith Park Night Conditioning Hikes
Thursday, July 02, 2015 to Sunday, July 05, 2015
I: Yosemite Backpacking Bus Trip Young Lakes, Mt. Conness (12,590’) Join
us for a 4-day adventure in Yosemite’s high country on this bus backpacking
trip for the 4th of July holiday. We will depart the LA area on the 2nd of
July on our luxury bus and return on the 5th. We’ll leave from Tuolumne
Meadows and hike 5 miles with 1200 ft of elevation gain to Young Lakes,
set up camp, and enjoy the scenery. The following day, hike cross country,
7 miles round trip, 3000’ gain to the southern flank of Mt. Conness for an
exciting class 2 scramble up to the summit. Head back to camp at Young
Lakes for Happy Hour and a good night’s rest, then pack out Sunday. This
trip is suitable for conditioned WTC students, and will count as an experience trip. No beginners. Group size is limited due to permit. Make check
payable to Sierra Club for $250 if you are a current Sierra Club member
(include your SC Number) or $275 for non-members; please include recent
conditioning and hiking info, e-mail and contact info. Leader: Sharon
Moore Co-Ldrs: Tohru Ohnuki; David Meltzer-Reservationist David
Meltzer, 611 E Pine Ave, El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone 310-913-1230
Leaders: Sharon Moore,, 310-754-9640; Tohru
Ohnuki,; David Meltzer,,
Friday, July 3, 2015
Friday, July 03, 2015 to Sunday, July 05, 2015
Moose Lake (10,550 ft) and Alta Peak (11,207 ft)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Spend July 4th backpacking with us in Sequoia National Park! We’ll
leave Friday from the Wolverton Trailhead (7283 ft.) to camp among the
wildflowers at beautiful Alta Meadow (6.5 miles, 2200 ft. gain). Saturday
we’ll hike cross-country to Moose Lake (7 mi r.t., 2000 ft. gain) to enjoy
some spectacular views of the Great Western Divide, and return to our camp
at Alta Meadow for a relaxing happy hour. Sunday morning we’ll pack up
camp and venture up to to Alta Peak (5 mi. r.t., 1,900 ft. gain) for a memorable 360 degree view before returning to cars. Moderately paced backpack.
Wilderness Travel Course or similar experience is encouraged. Our permit
limits group size, so please send an email to the Leader with your contact
info, conditioning, and experience to request a spot on this trip.
Leaders: Gillian Bailey,, 310-415-4950;
Will McWhinney,
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
Wednesday, July 08, 2015 to Sunday, July 12, 2015
Wishon Resevoir Backcountry
Angeles Chp Backpacking Comm Outing
O: Moderate 23 mile, 3000’ gain backpack through the forested and lake
filled area of the High Sierras in the Glacial Divide section adjacent to Kings
Canyon National Park. We’ll enter at the Rancheria trailhead and stay at
another lake every day on this relaxing loop trip. We’ll visit the Chain Lakes,
Geraldine Lake and the Spanish Lakes. With only a moderate amount of
mileage each day, there should be plenty of time for rest and relaxation at
these sparkling lakes in the western Sierra high country. A beautiful and little
traveled area of the Sierra’s, off the main beaten path; this trip should be both
exciting and restful, yet providing enough physical exertion to provide the
satisfaction of accomplishment. Send check for $50 (refundable at trailhead)
payable to the Sierra Club Backpacking Section, 2 SASE, H & W phones
and recent backpacking experience/conditioning and carpool info to leader.
Phone 310-271-9989 Co-leader: TIM LUZZI
Leaders: Mark Jacobs,, 310-271-9989; Timothy Luzzi,, 626-447-5300
40 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Saturday, July 11, 2015 to Sunday, July 12, 2015
Mt Gould (13,005’), Mt Rixford (12,890’)
Angeles Chp Sierra Peaks Outing
M: Mt Gould (13,005’), Mt Rixford (12,890’):SPS intro climb; preference
given to recent WTC students. Join us to get two of first six peaks you need
for SPS membership. Sat backpack 3.5 mi, 2200 ft gain to Big Pothole Lake;
fabled evening Potluck. Sun climb 5 mi, 3100 ft over Kearsarge Pas and then
up south slope to Rixford, contour to Gould via cl3 summit block and drop
back to camp and pack out. Send recent conditioning, carpool info, $5 for
permit payable to leader.
Leaders: Ron Campbell,, 714-962-8521; Tom
McDonnell,, 949-422-2661
Saturday, July 11, 2015 to Sunday, July 12, 2015
Kennedy Mtn (11,433’), Mt Harrington (11,009’)
Angeles Chp Sierra Peaks Outing
M: Kennedy Mtn (11,433’), Mt Harrington (11,009’): Join us for two peaks
in Kings Cyn NP. Sat backpack up the Lewis Creek Trail to Frypan Mdw (6
mi, 3300’ gain), set up camp, and head to cl 1-2 Kennedy (4.5 mi, 3600’+
gain), then back to camp. Sun we’ll try to follow the old trail to Grizzly Lks
and go cross-country from there to cl 3 Harrington (4.5 mi, 3200’ gain),
retrace our steps, and backpack out. Send email, class 3 experience, and current conditioning to leader.
Leaders: Tina Bowman,, 562-438-3809; Gary
Schenk,, 714-596-6196
Saturday, July 11, 2015 to Sunday, July 12, 2015
University Peak (13,589)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
MR: Two day mountaineering outing on the Eastern Sierras. Saturday
backpack from Onion Valley to our campsite (3 mi, 1400’). We will have a
leisurely afternoon camped next to a lake followed by a happy hour in the
evening. Sunday we will have an early start as we travel cross-country passing alpine lakes to the start of our climb. We will be climbing class 3 terrain
on the north face of University Peak (4 mi r/t, 3000’). After our successful
climb, we will pack out that same day. Participants must be comfortable on
third class terrain and have excellent conditioning. Helmet, harness, and
medical form required. Please bring cash for permit fees @ the trail head.
Send e-mail with resume containing recent mountaineering experience,
contact, and rideshare info
Leaders: Jeffrey Atijera,, 714-724-0515; Matthew
Hengst,, 714-478-3933
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm HPS Management Committee Meeting
Tuesday, July 14, 2015 to Sunday, July 19, 2015
Humphreys Basin Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Humphreys Basin Mule Pack: Join us as hired packers carry gear of 50 lbs
per person while we hike separately with only our daypacks. Tues am hike
from North Lake Trailhead 9 miles, 2,078’ gain over Paiute Pass (11,423’) to
camp along the outlet stream from Lower Golden Trout Lake. Wed-Sat hike,
photo, fish, or relax. Enjoy happy hour followed by a hearty soup every night
with wine provided. Sun we hike out. Trip cost: $395. Note reserve/cancel
policy under the additional information link where you can find other info
about mule packs. To apply, email with recent high altitude and distance
conditioning and health to Co-leader: Cathie Miller.
Leaders: Catherine Miller,, 310-326-8495;
Douglas Farr,, 818-957-0845
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Saturday, July 18, 2015 to Sunday, July 19, 2015
Repeating Events
Mt Starr (12,835’), Peak 11,902’
Angeles Chp Sierra Peaks Outing
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
Friday, July 17, 2015
Friday, July 17, 2015 to Sunday, July 19, 2015
Mount Stanford N (12,838), Mount Morgan N (13,005)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Starting from Rock Creek on Friday, we’ll pack in 4.2 miles (825’ gain,
700’ loss) on trail at a comfortable pace to our camp at Lake 9852, and then
spend a leisurely afternoon acclimatizing and enjoying a low key evening
Happy Hour. Saturday we’ll head out from camp to the south and ascend a
series of terraced lakes before turning northwest to travel cross country up
the steep, sandy, loose talus, eastern slope of Mt Stanford to its summit, and
then return to camp for a day’s total of about 7.8 miles and 3,000’ of gain.
Saturday evening we’ll enjoy a festive Happy Hour under a moonless, starry
night sky. Sunday we’ll head north from camp and ascend the steep, sandy,
and loose SE Ridge of Mt Morgan to its summit and then return to camp
for a total of about 4.4 miles and 3,200’ of gain. At camp we’ll pack up
and head out the 4.2 miles (700’ gain, 825’ loss) back to our cars. Priority
given to current WTC students. Permit limits group size and permit fee
($51) will be split among the group. This is a WTC Outing co-sponsored
by SPS. Email recent conditioning and experience, including high altitude
experience, along with contact and vehicle/rideshare information, to for trip status and details
Leaders: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490; James
Hagar,, 818-243-6574
Friday, July 17, 2015 to Sunday, July 19, 2015
Mt. Tom (13,652)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Climb the most prominent mountain visible from Bishop and the upper
Owens Valley. Friday backpack from Pine Creek 4 miles and 3100’ gain to
Gable Lake. Saturday ascend 7 miles RT and 3250’ gain to summit Mt Tom.
Late season snow may divert peak to Four Gables (12,720’). Sunday pack
out. Send e-mail or SASE, $5 permit fee, recent experience and conditioning, and contact info to leader. Leader: Stephanie Smith, Co-Ldrs: Linda
Campbell, Mike Dillenback
Leaders: Stephanie Smith,; Linda Campbell,; Michael D Dillenback, dillyhouse@
I: Mt Starr (12,835’), Peak 11,902: Gourmet Backpack! Step up your game
for Decadent Wilderness Weekend XII. We’ll trek 2 mi, 1,000 ft through
the howling wilderness to Box Lake. A hardy few will brave the northeast
ridge of Peak 11,902 (Lookout Peak). Then the decadent many will break
out appetizers, salads, entrees, desserts and wines along with the traditional
brass candlesticks, tablecloths and pink flamingos for dinner. After breakfast
Sunday, climb Mt. Starr, pack out and look for something delicious to tide
us over the long drive home. Send your most outrageous culinary idea and
$5 permit fee to leader.
Leaders: Ron Campbell,, 714-962-8521; Ed
Cottone,, 949-679-1636; Georgette Rieck,, 310-396-6397; Lisa Buckley,,
Saturday, July 18, 2015 to Sunday, July 19, 2015
Mt. Stanford North (12383)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Two day backpacking trip out of Rock Creek. Our trek begins Saturday
at the Davis Lakes trailhead where we’ll hike up to Hilton Lakes (5 mi,
1500’). We’ll set-up camp near the lake, chill for the rest of the day, and
have an awesome happy hour. Sunday, we will be traveling cross-country to
summit Stanford (5 mi r/t, 2500’). Once we return to camp, we’ll pack up
and pack out that same day. Please bring cash @ trailhead for permit fees.
Email leaders with most recent conditioning, backpacking experience, and
phone number.
Leaders: Katherine Yi,; Jeffrey Atijera, jeff.atj@
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Tuesday, July 21, 2015 to Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sunrise Lakes Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
I: WTC experience trip, Eastern Sierra out of North Lake Trailhead.
Moderately strenuous trip, good conditioning and high altitude experience
a must. Fri Backpack from North Lake Trailhead over Piute Pass @ 7 mi,
2,300’ gain to camp near Lower Desolation Lake, Fri. evening happy hour.
Sat early start hike to Pilot Knob, @7 mi rt cross country. Must be comfortable with class 2 rock. Return to camp for some r&r. Sun backpack out
to cars. $5 permit fee required. Send resume, experience and WTC leader
Leaders: Kristen Lindbergh,; Cheryl McMurray,, 714-606-5456
O: Sunrise Lakes Mule Pack: Hired packers carry gear of 45 lbs per person
while we hike separately with only our daypacks. Tuesday morning hike
from Sunrise Lake Trailhead (8,150), 6 mi, 1,000’ gain. We will take a small
detour at the Clouds Rest junction to see Half Dome and the Yosemite
Valley. We will camp just south of the first Sunrise Lake (9,166’) with
beautiful views of the local peaks, including Cloud’s Rest, Colombia, Finger,
Tresidder Peak, Tenaya Peak, Echo Peaks, Matthes Crest, and Cathedral
Peak. Day hikes include Cloud’s Rest, Matthes Lake, and Echo Lake, and
over Cathedral Pass to explore the Cathedral Lakes. Wednesday-Friday
hike, photo, fish, or relax in camp. Evenings will be filled with happy hour
followed by a delicious dinner provided by the leaders. Sat hike out. $425
includes the dinner food. Note reserve/ cancel policy on the website. To
apply, email or phone with recent high altitude and distance conditioning
and general health to Co-leader Fran Penn.
Leaders: Frances Penn,, 714-747-1019; John C LaRue,, 951-659-2258
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Repeating Events
Repeating Events
Friday, July 17, 2015 to Sunday, July 19, 2015
Pilot Knob (12,245)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
0:00 am Island Hopping in Channel Islands National Park
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Mary L Morales, 10ter@, 949-636-2981
7:00 am - SoCal Summits #6 - Newton Drury Peak
Angeles Chp Wilderness Advntr Outing
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
O: Join us on training hike #6 of the Seven SoCal Summits to Newton
Drury Peak (10,160’), 17 miles round trip with 5500’ of gain on the Deer
Springs and Pacific Crest trails in the San Jacinto Wilderness.
Leaders: Robert Cody,, 310-410-9172; Mary Forgione,, 562-618-1129; Mandy Horak, amandahorak@, 909-596-8824; Ernest M Scheuer,, 310274-7987
Saturday, July 25, 2015 to Sunday, July 26, 2015
Mount Stanford (N) (12,832)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us for slow/moderate pace backpack (15 mi. rt., 4,500’ gain) from
Rock Creek on Hilton Lakes trail to set up camp at Hilton Lake(10,356) 4
mi 1,475’ gain. Sunday morning XC to Mt. Stanford (12,832) 6.5 mi rt.’
2700’gain), and return to camp, pack up to hike 4 mi 525’ gain back to the
cars. Wilderness Permit $5.00 deposit required for this WTC outing. Send
email with contact information, experience, recent conditioning and WTC
group leader info to Ldr.
Leaders: Garry McCoppin,, 714-269-5078; Wayne
Vollaire, 909-327-6825
6:00 pm - Open House Palos Verdes South Bay
Palos Verdes Group Club Support Event
O: Ever wondered what the Sierra Club is all about? Join us at an open
house! Grab some refreshments, and talk to our local leaders who work to
preserve and restore the few remaining natural places in our communities.
Or chat with our outing leaders to get info on local hikes, backpack trips in
the Sierras, and treks in distant lands. Find out how you can become part of
the Sierra Club’s mission to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. Join us
from 6 pm to 9 PM Saturday Night July 25, 423 via Mesa Grande, Redondo
Beach, 90277. Bill Lavoie at 310-378-8723
Leaders: William Lavoie,, 310-378-8723; Joyce White,
310-383-5247; Herchel E Kelley,, 310-8320013; Donna Specht,, 714-963-6345
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Sunday, July 26, 2015 to Saturday, August 01, 2015
The Wonders of Oregon
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Wonders of Oregon: Wikipedia describes Oregon as: “…diverse, with a
windswept Pacific beaches, volcano studded Cascade Mountains, abundant
waterfalls, dense evergreen forests,… and high desert sprawling across much
of its east all the way to the Great Basin”. Come join us on our 7 day, 6
night fly-drive trip from as we explore this fascinating and interesting State.
You will start by enjoying the beaches, lighthouses, and historical sites of
the Oregon Coast before moving inland along the magnificent Columbia
River Gorge to explore the incredible waterfalls, fun hiking and even touring Bonneville Dam and Fish Ladder. The last part of the trip will include
Mt. Hood, Newberry Crater and its amazing obsidian flows, Lava River
Cave, and last, but not least, Crater Lake. Trip includes all transportation
in Oregon, 6 nights lodging, all admissions to scheduled places, and tours
and most breakfasts and some picnic lunches. Trip does not include air fare
to and from Portland, Oregon and most lunches and all dinners, nor does it
include optional items. Trip cost is $1295 for Sierra Club Members ($1395
for non-members) A $500 deposit will hold your place on the trip with the
remainder due by April 1, 2015. For information and to apply, contact Mike
Sappingfield at 949-768-3610) or write to him at 26352
Via Juanita, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. Leaders: Mike Sappingfield, Patty
Sappingfield, Mary Morales
Leaders: Michael Sappingfield,, 949-768-3610; Patty
42 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Repeating Events
6:30 pm Steve Feld Punete Hills conditioning hike
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015 to Sunday, August 02, 2015
Mule packing In the Shadow of the Minarets
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Join us as hired packers carry gear of 45 lbs. per person while we hike
with only our daypacks. Thursday am, hike 5 miles from Agnew Meadows
(8,300 ft.) with 1000’ gain to a base camp along Shadow Creek (9,000 ft.).
The Shadow Creek trail is a moderate trail that affords the hiker the opportunity to stand among peaks of the spectacular and rugged Ritter Range.
From this Ansel Adams Wilderness trail, there are incredible views of Mt.
Ritter, Banner Peak, and the Minarets. The Ritter Range is among the finest
mountain landscapes in the Sierra Nevada and our hikes offer views of these
peaks at a variety of angles. In a region of exceptionally stunning, sparkling
lakes, Shadow and Ediza are two of the loveliest. We will pass Shadow Lake
on the way to our base camp at Shadow Creek. We will also have two full
lay-over days to hike, fish or relax. There is easy access to Ediza, Iceberg,
and Garnet Lakes from the base camp; for stronger hikers, both Cecile and
Minaret Lakes can be reached from Iceberg and the magnificent Thousand
Island Lake lies beyond Garnet. These lakes also offer the opportunity for
fishing (with a license), where you can catch a variety of trout including
Rainbow, Brook, Brown and perhaps, even a Golden! Organized hikes daily
and group activities nightly. The cost for the trip, including a pre-trip group
campsite, is $300. Note reservation/cancellation policy under the additional
information link where you can find other info about mule packs. To apply,
email or phone with recent high altitude and distance conditioning and
general health to
Leaders: Christine Gutierrez,, 310-549-1405;
David Cross,, 310-531-6019
Friday, July 31, 2015
Friday, July 31, 2015 to Tuesday, August 11, 2015
AT CAPACITY C: Panama Exploration and Panama Canal
Angeles Chapter Outing
O: Join us on land and cruise tour of Panama. This is small ship/small
group tour. You will spend a few days on a 24 passenger catamaran cruising
through the Panama Canal and stopping at various ports in and around the
canal area. From the ship, you will visit Taboga Island, known as the “Island
of Flowers,” a title it lives up to with birds of paradise, orchids, and other
tropical species. You’ll pass through the Miraflores Locks and the Pedro
Miguel Locks, experiencing for yourself the thrill of these engineering marvels, then through the Gaillard Cut and later staying in Gatun Lake. We will
leave the ship to enjoy a nature walk at San Lorenzo National Park to view its
diverse flora and fauna, some of its twelve miles of picturesque coastline, and
have opportunities to spot some of the park’s several hundred bird species.
The Land tour will include a city tour of old Panama City and other sites.
We will also explore the Anton Valley, where we will visit a conservation center, hot springs, and other attractions. We will go to the Gamboa area where
you will visit Soberania National Park known for its variety of bird life and
you will learn about the indigenous culture and meet some of members in
a small village. Price includes hotel, bus transportation, most meals, airport
transfers, most hikes or walks, and more. International Airfare is extra, group
air available. Sierra Club members $2,226 before August 12th (full payment
must be received on or before that date). After August 12th, $2,695. Nonmembers $100 more. Send 2 SASE, H&W Phones, SC#, e-mail, Check for
full amount (Sierra Club) to Stephanie Gross, PO Box 423, Montrose, CA
91021phone 818-545-3878,
Leaders: Fred Dong,, 818-545-3878;
Stephanie Gross,, 818-545-3878
Friday, July 31, 2015 to Sunday, August 02, 2015
Mount Bago (11,870), Mount Rixford (12,887)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Mount Bago (11,870’), Mount Rixford (12,887’) - Starting from Onion
Valley on Friday, we’ll pack in on trail about 4.5 miles (2,775’ gain, 1,000’
loss) at a moderate pace alongside and up past a series of scenic alpine lakes
to cross over Kearsarge Pass and make camp near one of the Kearsarge Lakes.
Saturday we’ll continue on trail to the west across spectacularly scenic forested terrain and then head off cross country to ascend the Class 2 eastern
slopes of Mt Bago to its summit and then return to camp for a day’s total
of about 7.0 RT miles with 1,800’ of gain; back at camp we’ll enjoy a festive Happy Hour under a night sky made bright by the full moon. Sunday
we’ll put in about 3.5 RT cross country miles with 2,200’ of gain to ascend
Mt Rixford via its Class 2 southern slopes and then return to camp. Back
at camp we’ll pack up and head out the way we came in. Priority given to
current WTC students. Permit severely limits group size and permit fee
($41) will be split among the group. This is a WTC Outing co-sponsored
by SPS. Email recent conditioning and experience, including high altitude
experience, along with contact and vehicle/rideshare information, to for trip status and details
Leaders: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490; Alexander
Smirnoff,, 626-818-5724
Friday, July 31, 2015 to Sunday, August 02, 2015
Humphrey Basin-Pilot Knob (12245)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
Advance Notice
Saturday, August 1, 2015
Saturday, August 01, 2015 to Sunday, August 02, 2015
Cloudripper (13,525)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us on this challenging and beautiful experience trip. Backpack from
Glacier Lodge to Big Pine Lakes for happy hour and camping (6 mi, 3200
ft). Early rise Sunday to climb xc to Cloudripper, the highest peak in the
Inconsolable Range, for amazing views (3 mi, 3000 ft). Return to camp and
pack out to cars. Send experience and conditioning info to Ldr Niels Quist.
Co-ldr Sarah Quist
Leaders: Niels Quist,, 202-436-5014; Sarah Schuh
Quist,, 608-334-1033
Sunday, August 2, 2015
7:00 am - Navigation: Mt. Pinos Navigation Noodle
Angeles Ch Leadership Training Outing
I: Navigation: Mt. Pinos Navigation Noodle: Navigation noodle in Los
Padres National Forest for either checkout or practice to satisfy Basic (I/M)
or Advanced (E) level navigation requirements. Send email or sase, navigation experience/training, rideshare info, contact info, any WTC, leader
rating to leader.Phil Weeler.
Leaders: Robert M Myers,, 310-829-3177; Phil
Wheeler,, 310-214-1873
Sunday, August 02, 2015 to Friday, August 07, 2015
Saddlerock Lake Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
Friday, July 31, 2015 to Sunday, August 02, 2015
O: Saddlerock Lake Mule Pack: Sunday morning wranglers will lead mules
carrying 55 pounds of gear/food per person to our base camp while we hike
separately with only our daypacks, from the South Lake trailhead (9,800’)
4 miles with 1,325’ gain to Saddlerock Lake (11,125’), enjoying beautiful
alpine views of lakes and mountains in the Bishop Creek drainage. Monday
through Thursday, you’ll be able to hike, take photos, fish, or relax in camp.
Agassiz, Chocolate, and Mt. Goode peaks, as well as Dusy Basin, Bishop
Pass (11,972’), and various lakes and interesting ridges are nearby. Enjoy
planned Potluck dinners every night with wine provided. On Friday, the
mules pick up our gear and we hike out. Trip cost: $325. Note reservation/
cancellation policy under the additional information link where you can find
other info about mule packs. To apply, email or phone with recent highaltitude and distance conditioning and general health to
Leaders: Laura Joseph,, 626-356-4158; Leslie
Wilson,, 805-522-2642
Mt Julius Caesar (13,220)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
Saturday, August 8, 2015
I: Fri relaxed pace backpack 5 mi 2050’ gain over Piute Pass to Muriel Lake.
Saturday we will hike 10 miles 1700’ gain/loss off-trail exploring Humphrey
Basin’s several lakes and Pilot Knob Peak (12245’). Return to camp for
happy hour and good conversation. Sunday morning will break camp and
hike out. Trip size is limited. WTC or equivalent required; priority given
to 2015 WTC students. $5 for wilderness permit. Please send an email or
sase including name, address, phone number, and recent experience and
conditioning to leader.
Leaders: Karen Buehler,; Homer Tom,
I: Join us for this backpacking trip in the John Muir Wilderness to climb
a remote peak. Friday we’ll hike in from Pine Creek trailhead passing an
abandoned Tungsten mine and Pine Creek Lake along the way. We will
establish camp once we reach Honeymoon Lake (6 mi, 3200’). Leisurely
lake side camping and happy hour shall ensue. Saturday, we’ll travel crosscountry to climb Mt Julius Caesar to be rewarded by views of alpine lakes
and granite basins. After successfully reaching the summit, we will return
to camp (7 mi r/t, 3100’) for another round of happy hour. We will pack
up and head out Sunday morning. Please bring cash @ trailhead for permit
fees. Email leaders with most recent conditioning, backpacking experience,
phone number, and SC #.
Leaders: Jeffrey Atijera,, 714-724-0515; Katherine Yi,, 310-600-7110
Saturday, August 08, 2015 to Sunday, August 16, 2015
The Best of the Yosemite High Country
Angeles Chp Backpacking Comm Outing
O: Join us on this “Yosemite’s Greatest Hits” backpack through prime
Yosemite high country grandeur. Challenging 52 mile shuttle trip, 4000’
gain backpack through the heart of the Yosemite high country that is
unparalleled in it’s natural beauty. We’ll head east from the Mono Meadow
Trailhead, traversing under the Clark Range, cross through Red Peak Pass
and head back north to Washburn Lake, Merced Lake, Half Dome and
Clouds Rest to Tenaya Lake. We’ll camp at Lower Ottoway Lake, Washburn
Lake, Merced Lake, do a layover day hike up Half Dome, see the best view
in the entire Sierras at the top of Clouds Rest. Camping is promised along
flowing streams, verdant meadows and deep alpine lakes. This is a trip that
will provide you with years of memories of both the beautiful grandeur
of the Sierras and the challenge of the adventure. A long shuttle between
trailheads is part of this trip and a shuttle service is being arranged. The
estimated approximate cost of this shuttle will be $100 per person. More
specific information will be provided subsequent to signing up. Send check
for $50 (this does not include the shuttle…refundable at trailhead) payable
to the Sierra Club Backpacking Section, 2 SASE, H & W phones and recent
backpacking experience/conditioning and carpool info to leader.Phone 310271-9989 Co-leader: TIM LUZZI
Leaders: Mark Jacobs,, 310-271-9989; Timothy Luzzi,, 626-447-5300
Saturday, August 08, 2015 to Sunday, August 09, 2015
Mt. Gould (13005) and Mt. Rixford (12887)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us for a challenging cross-country backpack trip in the Sierra Nevada
Mountains. Saturday morning we will begin at Onion Valley and hike 3.2
miles to below Kearsarge Pass (2000 ft. gain). There we will rest and bask
in the beauty of the land. Early Sunday morning we will depart camp and
climb over Kearsarge Pass to summit Mt. Rixford, then on to Mt. Gould
(but not 3rd class summit block). We plan on returning to the trailhead by
sundown the same day. 13 miles total roundtrip with 5700 ft. total elevation gain. Participants must be comfortable with strenuous Class 2 hiking at
elevation. Bring 10 essentials and a pleasant demeanor. Nat’l Forest Service
Wilderness Permit limits participant number to six participants plus two
leaders, so do not delay in expressing your interest to participate. Please send
current Hiking Resume with Conditioning and Contact Information to trip
Leaders: Benjamin Bowes,; Bob Dryden,
Saturday, August 08, 2015 to Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Evolution Valley, Humphreys Basin, Pilot Knob (12245), Mount
Lamarck (13417)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Join us on an unforgettable five day trek through the spectacular
backcountry that mountaineering legend R.J. Secor called the Sierra’s
“Destination Resort”. Day 1, depart North Lake and climb over Piute Pass
for our first view of the magnificent Humphreys Basin, then descend along
Piute Creek to camp at Upper Golden Trout Lake (6.6 mi, 2200’ gain). Day
2, hike cross country to climb Pilot Knob for spectacular views of the basin
and the peaks of the Glacier Divide, returning to camp for a swim and happy
hour (6.6mi, 2400’ gain/loss). Day 3, continue descending gradually down
Piute Canyon through meadows and pine forest to join the John Muir Trail
and then head up the San Joaquin River past John Muir Rock to camp near
Aspen Meadow (11 mi, 3300’ loss). Day 4, ascend to subalpine Evolution
Valley, ringed by rugged peaks named for the pioneers in evolutionary biology. We’ll pass through McClure Meadow, then depart from the Muir Trail
to camp at Darwin Bench (9.3 miles, 3300’ gain). Day 5, climb rocky cross
country up Lamarck Col, taking a side trip to bag Mount Lamarck, then a
long descent past the Lamarck Lakes to cars (8.5 miles, 2500’ gain, 4300’
loss). Swim and/or fish every day and enjoy the best the Sierras have to offer,
climb some rocks to bag 2 SPS peaks, learn some natural history and get
tips on gearing up for lighter and ultralight backpacking from your leaders.
Qualifies as WTC experience trip. Totals for the trip, 42 miles, 10400’ gain/
Leaders: James Hagar,, 818-468-6451; Sharon Moore,, 562-896-3081
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Sunday, August 09, 2015 to Friday, August 14, 2015
Clark Lakes Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: Clark Lakes Mule Pack: Hired packers carry gear of 50 lbs per person
while we hike separately with only our daypacks. Sunday morning hike at
a leisurely pace from the Frontier Pack Station in the June Lakes Loop, 6
44 APRIL-JUNE 2015
miles, about 3000’ gain, to lovely campsites along Clark Lake # 2 in the
Ansel Adams Wilderness. Once we set up base camp, we will have four
layover days to explore this scenic area. Day hikes will be available to destinations such as Thousand Island, Badger, Summit, and Garnet Lakes, Island
Pass, Spooky Meadow, Carson Peak, and possibly San Joaquin Mountain.
The nearby section of the PCT High Trail usually has an excellent display
of wildflowers. Or hang out in camp to photo, fish, or relax. Enjoy happy
hours every evening, wine provided, and a couple of planned group dinners.
Friday hike out. $285. Note the reservation/ cancel policy under the additional information link where you can find other info about mule packs. To
apply, email or phone with recent high altitude and distance conditioning
and general health to
Leaders: John Kaiser,, 714-968-4677; Yvonne Tsai,, 626-297-7906
Thursday, August 13, 2015
Thursday, August 13, 2015 to Sunday, August 16, 2015
Mammoth, Yosemite, Bristlecone Pine Forest Bus Trip
Palos Verdes Group Outing
O: Would you like to hike through grassy meadows under towering pines,
soak your feet in pristine alpine lakes, and feast your eyes on vistas of snowcapped granite peaks? Join us August 13-16, 2015, for an adventurous four
days of glorious hiking on some of the most spectacular trails in the high
Sierras. The grand finale will be a visit to the ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest
to hike among the oldest living things on the planet. Participants must be
fit enough to hike 5-7 miles in hilly terrain at high altitudes (over 10,000’).
We stay all three nights in Mammoth Lakes’ Quality Inn. Price includes
bus, shared motel room, driver’s gratuity, and snacks. Depart early Thurs.
from Redondo Beach and return Sun. night. There is a $40 cancellation fee.
If you cancel less than 30 days before departure, you will receive a refund
only if the trip is full and we find a suitable replacement for you. Send 2
business-size self-addressed stamped envelopes, H&W phones, gender (M or
F), email address, and check to PVSB Sierra Club for $360 to reservationist
Bob Baldwin, 7500 Wystone Ave., Reseda, CA 91335.
Leaders: Judy Shane,, 310-379-1111; Robert Baldwin,, 818-510-1274; Emile Fiesler, emilenid@yahoo.
com, 720-834-2878; Zoltan Stroll,, 310-378-8975
Friday, August 14, 2015
Friday, August 14, 2015 to Sunday, August 16, 2015
Matterhorn Peak (12,279’), Whorl (12,033’), Twin Peaks
Angeles Chp Sierra Peaks Outing
M: Matterhorn Peak (12,279’), Whorl (12,033’), Twin Peaks (12,323’):
Join us on this strenuous grand circle tour of Sawtooth Ridge. Fri backpack
12 mi, 3500’ gain via Robinson Creek Trail to camp in Piute Canyon. Sat
climb Matterhorn (Emblem Peak) 2 mi, 2600’ gain by southwest slope, then
descend 1 mi by southeast slope to camp in Spiller Creek basin. Optional
climb of Twin Peaks 1 mi, 1700’ gain. Sun climb Whorl 2 mi, 1400’ gain
via southeast chute and out 5 mi, 3600’ loss via Horse Creek Trail. Recent
3rd class rock experience required. Send email or sase (email preferred) with
H&W phones, recent conditioning, climbing resume, rideshare info and $3
check for permit to leader.
Leaders: Ron Campbell,, 714-962-8521; Phil Bates,, 949-786-8475
Rideshare Meeting Places
Airport-Marina: US Bank parking lot, SE corner Lincoln and
Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey.
Antelope Valley-Lancaster: Park-and-Ride lot on N side of Avenue
K, just W of Antelope Valley Fwy (CA 14). Turn into Park-andRide at Avenue S traffic light, meet at back fence east of bus stop.
Antelope Valley-Palmdale: Avenue S exit, Park-and-Ride lot E of
Antelope Valley Fwy (CA 14) as near as possible to Avenue S
traffic light entrance.
Azusa: On Santa Fe St. just E of Azusa Ave, one block N of
Foothill, just before the railroad tracks.
Canyon Country: Vons parking lot next to Soledad Cyn Rd. Sand
Cyn Rd exit from Hwy 14.
Corona: Park-and-Ride on Main St N exit from 91 Fwy.
Diamond Bar: Park-and-Ride lot, Diamond Bar Blvd, N of
Pomona Fwy (Hwy 60).
East San Gabriel Valley: Albertsons W parking lot, Westfield West
Covina Shopping Center, W Covina; N on Citrus St 0.2 mi
from San Bernardino Fwy (I-10) to Workman Ave.
Fairplex: Park-and-Ride N of San Bernardino Fwy N (I-10) in
Pomona, exit Fairplex Dr., go N, turn right on Gillette Rd.
La Cañada: Angeles Crest Hwy (Hwy 2), Just N of Foothill Fwy
(I-210). Park on Angeles Crest Hwy only.
Long Beach: North side of E Atherton St (across from the CSULB
Recycling Center) between N Britton Dr and Fanwood Ave in
Long Beach.
Malibu: Malibu Civic Center. If lot not available, park on street.
From Pacific Coast Hwy, N on Webb Way, R on Civic Center
Mount Baldy: Park-and-Ride, NE corner of Mills Ave and Mt
Baldy Rd. Baseline exit from I-210 Fwy, 0.6 mi W on Baseline,
1.1 mi N on Mills Ave, Claremont.
Orange County, North: Park-and-Ride, E side of Tustin Ave just S
of Lincoln Ave, Orange.
Orange County, South: Ortega Plaza parking lot SE corner, Ortega
Hwy/Rancho Viejo, San Juan Capistrano.
Pacific Palisades: Los Liones Dr at Sunset Blvd, 1/4 mi from
San Fernando Valley: West side of Balboa Blvd, north of Burbank
Blvd, Encino.
Santa Clarita: Entrance to Ed Davis/Towsley Cyn Park. I-5 exit
Calgrove, W to the Old Road, S to park entrance.
South Bay: East side of Vermont Ave, north of Artesia Blvd; use
Artesia West exit from Harbor Fwy, Gardena.
Sylmar: Encinitas Ave, S of Roxford St; Roxford exit from Golden
St Fwy (I-5).
Tustin: Redhill Ave on N side (fwy side) of Stater Bros Market, just
SW of Redhill Ave exit from Santa Ana Fwy.
Verdugo Hills: Joslyn Adult Center, 1301 W Olive, Burbank. Park
in rear lot next to Clark St.
West LA: Federal Building parking lot 11000 Wilshire Blvd, visitors section, Veteran S of Wilshire.
Woodland Hills: Taft High School parking lot, SW corner of
Ventura Blvd and Winnetka Ave.
Leaders Directory
Chapter Ombudsman: Bill Jackson e-mail at angeles-outings-ombudsman@
Albertson, Chris
Alexander, Evelyn
Allen, Mark S
Allen, Pam
Alvarado, Louis D
Ames, Christine
Barnes, Patricia
714-462-6070; 714-827-9744
Bartlett, Shilo
Bates, Phil
Beck, Stephen
Beck, Stephen D
Bell, Joseph
Belville, Karen
Benedict, Adrienne
Anderson, David Haake & Melody
Benson, Alix
Anderson, Gary
Bhatt, Shobhan
Anderson, Melody
Anderson, Stephen P
Arredondo, Patricia
Askren, Misha
Atijera, Jeffrey
Atkin, Frank L
Bailey, Gillian
Baldwin, Robert
7500 Wystone Ave., Reseda, CA
Boardman, Richard
Bonnickson, Barry
Boothe, Richard
Bosch, Dennis
Botan, Steven
714-963-0151; 714-321-1296;
Bowes, Benjamin
Bowman, Tina
Bradford, Stephen
Bremner, Donald G
Clark, Todd
Dickey, Chris
Gardenias, Michael
Brossier, Sharon
Dillenback, Michael D
Garner, Julie
Brown, Russ
Bruno, Justin
Bruno, Tiffani
Buckley, Lisa
720-238-2581; 949-644-9886
Buckly, Jeanne
Closson, Scott
Cody, Robert
Comerzan, David
Cote, Sylvie
Buehler, Karen
Cottone, Ed
Bulman, Regge
Craig, Bruce
CA, Grant Rigby Ocean View Ave. Los
Cadez, Ana
Crane, Bill
22351 Mission Cir Chatsworth CA
Campbell, Linda
Cross, David
Campbell, Ron
Czamanske, David
Campbell, Rosemary
Daniels, Alan
Cattell, Sandra
Darie, Silvia
Chadwick, Dorothy Boynton
Dittemore, Mary Ellen
Doggett, Ignacia
Doggett, Peter H
Dong, Fred
Draney, Robert
Garry, Paul
Gaskill, William
Gately, Reaven
805-255-2350; 661-255-8873
Geller, Mr Charles G
Gibbons, Jane
Dryden, Bob
Giel, Kath
Dunbar, Diane
Godinez, Agustin
Eisenberg, David
Goldknopf, Emmy
Farber, Rick
Gross, Stephanie
PO Box 423, Montrose, CA 91021
Farr, Douglas
626-796-8758; 818-957-0845;
Gullapalli, Sridhar
Faulds, Kathy
Gutierrez, Christine
Feitshans, Charlotte Wells
Gutierrez, Dorothy
Fields, Margaret C
HOST, Sanford Opperman,
Davis, Crystal
Fiesler, Emile
Chadwick, James Brooks
Dean, Bob
Finch, David
Haake, David
310-237-3447; dhaake@ucla.
Chapman, David
Demers, Doug
Fleming, Mark
Chin, Erin
Denny, Fran
Forgione, Mary
Clarence, Don
Denny, George
Froloff, Catherine
46 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Hagar, James
818-243-6574; 468-6451; 818468-6451
Hagar, Jim
Hale, Bruce
3025 Alabama St, La Crescenta, CA
Hall, Houria
714-525-7400; 714-767-5327
Johnstone, Mike
Kluck, Martin
Lively, Lynn
Hansen, Bob
Joseph, Laura
Knights, Mimi
Lorme, Raymond
Harris, Marcia
Joyce, William
Height, Peter R
949-412-8954; 949-713-4569;;
Hengst, Matthew
Henning, Carol
Heringer, Ginny
Heringer, Jim
245 San Miguel Road, Pasadena, CA
Hills, Margee K
Holtz, Don
Holtz, Joan Jones
626-443-0706; 626-443-8021
11826 The Wye St., El Monte, CA
Horak, Mandy
Ireland, Peter
818-996-8846; 310-457-9783;
Jacobs, Mark
9757 Apricot Ln Beverly Hills CA
Jr, Fred Lazzelle
Jr, Philip H Weinreich,
Juarez, Ana
Kaiser, John
714-968-4677; 714-318-5754
Kelley, Herchel E
Kelliher, Mat
Kenyon, Jeffrey
Kerner, Ken
661-645-8312; 661-259-8800
Khatch, Ed
338 Grove Hill Ct. Brea CA 92821
Kieffer, John L.
King, Coby
Kirchner, Cia
Kirk, Sharon
Jensen, Bradley H
Klemic, Pixie
Johnson, Eric
Klemic, Pixiea
Krupa, Nancy
LaRue, John C
949-661-4437; 951-659-2258
Louis, Michael
Louis, Mike
Lacktman, Gabriel
Lubeshkoff, Ted
Lajeuness, John B
Lubin, Edward H
Landesman, Pita
949-425-8966; 949-558-1347
Lara, Peter
Lara, Sandy
Lavoie, William
Lax, Matthew
Leacock, Carol
Leader, John H
Ledger, Linda
Lee, Lisa
Lee-Stewart, Laura
Leps, Virve
Levinson, Maya
Lim, Andrea
Lindbergh, Kristen
Luzzi, Timothy
Mantle, Mr Douglas
Marco, Diane De
Marshall, John Russell
Martin, Beth Powis
530 South Lake Ave. #708, Pasadena
CA 91101
Martin, Keith
530 South Lake Ave #708, Pasadena,
CA 91101
Mason, Peter
Mattock, Ted
Maurer, Ed
Maurer, Helen
949-768-0417; 949-357-9931
Maxey, Rich
McCarty, Michael
McCoppin, Garry
714-269-5078; 949-858-7292
McDonnell, Tom
McLean, Clifford
McLean, Gabriele
McMurray, Cheryl
McWhinney, Will
Mccullough, Jim
Mckusky, Patrick
Meade, Donna
Meese, Jacqueline
Meltzer, David
611 E Pine Ave, El Segundo, CA
Mertz, Marlen
11285 Charnock Rd #2 Los Angeles,
CA 90066
Metcalf, Michael
949-492-6277; 949-444-9270
Miller, Catherine
Mitchell, Mark Alan
Montgomery, Mr Norman O
Montooth, Gerrie
Moore, Sharon
310-754-9640; 562-896-3081
Morales, Mary L
Morris, Steven
Morrow, David
Mulry, Judith E
Myers, Robert M
Noud, Jean
714-928-6282; 714-841-8798
Ohnuki, Dr Tohru
Ohyama, Takahiro
Phillips, Joe
Robbins, Neal
Pipkin, Patricia
Pomeroy, Liz
Prokopenko, Irene
Proskurowski, Wlodek
Puraty, Sharry
Quan, Jimmy
Quan, Thanh
Quist, Niels
Quist, Sarah Schuh
Radalj, John
Okamoto, Kate
Ratinoff, Marshall
Okowitz, Rita
Rau, Gabriele
Ortmann, Joel Lester
Reed, Fred
Oschin, Francine
Palmer, Jim
Reid, K C
Richardson, Anne Marie
Robinson, Linda
Rodin, Gaylon S
Roque, Dwain
Rosenberg, Judy
Rosien, Ron
Ross, Sherry
Roy, Gail
949-981-8523; 949-854-3820;
Rush, Julie
Sandford, Dottie
Sappingfield, Michael
or write to him at 26352 Via Juanita,
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Sappingfield, Patty
26352 Via Juanita, Mission Viejo, CA
Schaerer, Rodney
Schenk, Gary
Scheuer, Ernest M
Pedreschi, Ann
Richter, Daniel
Schipper, Joan
Monier, Jacques
Penn, Frances
714-434-2754; 714-747-1019
Rieck, Georgette
Schneider, Jay
Monsen, John F
Perica, Jon
Robb, Linda
Schohan, Sue
Molle, Judy
48 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Payne, William
Schrantz, Joann
Smith, Brett
Schrantz, Ron
Smith, Stephanie
Schuster, Steve
Sorenson, Nile
714-996-5683; 714-203-1405
Schwitkis, Kent
Specht, Donna
Scobie, Dave
Speigl, Joseph
Scurlock, Carole
Segal, Jeri
Seieroe, Jason
Sende, Gabriel and Julie
Shane, Judy
Sheldon, Jon
Shields, Ann Pedreschi
Shields, Virgil
Siebert, Bob
Simpson, Bill
Simpson, Jane
Sisson, Sherri
949-786-7861; 949-786-7681
Stabeck, Norm
Stern, Lawrence
Stevenson, Sylvia
Strand, Bonnie C
Straub, Terri
28017 Indian Rock Dr., Rancho Palos
Verdes, CA 90275
Strauss, Howard
Strien, Maura Van
Stroll, Zoltan
Suddeth, Hannelore
Tapia, Sandra
Webster, Mary Ann
Valadez, Joaquin
Webster, Ronald
Vanderberg, William H
Vaughn, Pat
Vernallis, Margaret
Vernallis, Margaret S
Viernes, Sandy
Vollaire, Wayne
Wallraff, Dean
818-353-4268; 818-679-3141
Wapner, Debbie
Wapner, Mike & Debbie
Ward, Elizabeth
Warren, Paul
562-810-5283; 562-493-8377
Waser, Shlomo
Wheeler, Phil
Whitaker, Graeme
White, Joyce
Whittington, Catherine
Williams, Todd
Wilmes, Michael
Wilson, Mr Leslie
Winfield, Michael
Woods, Roger
Yi, Katherine
Yinger, Bob
Young, Joseph
Waxman, Asher
Zahorik, Cynthia
Weaver, Joan
Zeider, Pat
Tom, Homer
Sjogren, Gary
Tomovich, Audrey
Skye, Coby
Treidler, Brookes
Smirnoff, Alexander
Trowbridge, Delphine
Tsai, Yvonne
APRIL-JUNE 2015 49
Chapter Briefs
Earth Day events
April 12
Visit the Chatsworth Nature Preserve from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with
Sierra Club! The largest remaining natural area in northwest Los
Angeles opens once a year for visitors to explore and see the vernal
pools, grasslands, oak woodlands and riparian areas. For details, contact leader Joe Phillips,, (818) 348-8884
April 14 and 22
Join us at two Earth Day Celebrations at USC campuses. Angeles
Chapter volunteers will participate in the educational event from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. on April 14 (at the Health Sciences Campus (1974
Zonal Ave., Los Angeles) and April 22 at the University Park Campus
in Exposition Park. all are welcome to attend.
April 16
California State University, Fullerton, sponsors its third Sustainability
Symposium from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Titan Student Union Pavilions
BC. Exhibits, educational booths and presentations will stress the many
facets of sustainability. Angeles Chapter will be attending too.
April 22
Come to Griffith Park where the Angeles Chapter will celebrate Earth
Day with a hike and a recognition of protecting the planet, the Year of
Muir and more. Check out our Facebook page at
SierraClubAngeles for forthcoming details.
April 26
West Hollywood Healthy Kids’ Fair runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
West Hollywood Park, 647 N. San Vicente Blvd., West Hollywood.
Great family event that will feature entertainment, environmental education, health information and even face painting! Angeles Chapter will
be there to remind people that the planet needs their help.
Friday, August 14, 2015 to Sunday, August 16, 2015
Coastal Commission reaches settlement on Banning
Ranch violations
The California Coastal Commission and the developer of Banning
Ranch, a large open space in Newport Beach, reached a settlement
over violations of the Coastal Act. Angeles Chapter activist and the
Banning Ranch Conservancy worked to ensure that the unpermitted
major mowing and clearing of habitat is permanently halted and that
affected areas are restored and permanently protected. Activists concurred with the settlement agreement, but with some
concerns and conditions. Among the concerns is the amount of acreage allotted for restoration and mitigation, which is less than half the
40-plus acres of habitat disturbed by the excessive vegetation removal,
and oil field activity. Still, Conservancy President, Terry Welsh,
expressed his pleasure with one aspect of the agreement: “Three years
ago, we would have only dreamed of having the mowing stopped, so
you have to be happy with that.” Under the settlement, the developer also agreed to remove or seek
permits for more than a40 oil wells that were operated without permits.
Memorial hike for Chapter outings leader Andy Beall
Join the Chapter’s Orange County hikers in commemorating leader
Andy Beall who died in December. The 5-mile hike in Buck Gully in
Corona del Mar will pass along a stream with elegant bridges. Hikers
will pause along the way for refreshments and to share memories of
Beall. Meet 9:30 a.m. at the corner of Poppy and 5th Avenue east of
Pacific Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. Leaders: Mike Sappingfield,, (949) 768-3610; Pete Height,,
(949) 412-8954
tion, to for trip status and details
Leaders: Mat Kelliher,, 818-667-2490; Patricia
Arredondo,, 562-618-4391
Koip Peak (12,962), Kuna Peak (13,002)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
Friday, August 14, 2015 to Sunday, August 16, 2015
I: Friday pack in 5.5 miles with 1,600’ gain on trail and make camp. Saturday
will be a strenuous day involving Class 2 cross country travel to climb Koip
and Kuna Peaks, and if time and group energy permit, we’ll traverse the
ridgeline to the east to pick up a couple of non-listed peaks. Return to camp
Saturday for a day’s total of about 8.0 RT miles and 2,250’ of gain (11.2 RT
miles and 3,400’ if we get the peaks to the east). Pack out Sunday the way we
came in. Priority given to current WTC students. Permit limits group size
and permit fee ($50) will be split among the group. This is a WTC Outing
co-sponsored by SPS. Email recent conditioning and experience, including
high altitude experience, along with contact and vehicle/rideshare informa-
I: Glory in a weekend at high altitude surrounded by high peaks and alpine
lakes. Hiking on-trail 7.4 miles from North Lake (9,255’) and climbing over
Piute Pass (11,423’), we will set up camp in Humphreys Basin. Second day
will feature a short 4 mile scramble to the summit of Four Gables (class 2)
and some exploring with navigation practice on the way back to camp. A
nice late start before the 7 mile hike out on the Sunday. Send email with
contact info and recent experience
Leaders: Paul Warren,, 562-493-8377; Melody
50 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Four Gables (12,720)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
Living in the city getting you down?
12 websites for the green urbanist
By Philip Rojc
It’s no secret: Washington D.C. is too
gridlocked by party politics to pass sweeping environmental reforms.
It’s nothing new; this has been the case
for forty-odd years. Meanwhile, the business of keeping everything running falls to
local government, cities in particular.
Since the New Urbanism movement hit
in the late 1980s, environmental sustainability has become a crucial component of
how urban planners view the city’s future.
But car-oriented suburban models have a
lot of momentum in this country, perpetuated by developers interested in short-term
gains. Even though expert consensus has
been largely achieved in favor of sustainable
development, the economics of our daily
lives are still tethered to the old model.
The good news is that there is a
ground-swelling of action and dialogue
on the local level about how to make cities greener, more satisfying places to live
in. Below are some good places to turn
for the latest news and thoughtful analysis on how cities are evolving.
Atlantic CityLab
Consistently compelling, often in-depth stories on cities from
Atlantic Media. While not ostensibly green, CityLab operates from
the perspective that cities are worth living in and should be improved
by upgrading transportation, walkable infrastructure, and green space.
CityLab reports on environmental issues side-by-side with questions of
social justice and fair access to urban resources.
NPR Cities
Head over to the NPR Cities Project to read transcripts of the program or listen to the audio itself. These stories are usually quite friendly
to green concerns, covering resilience, transportation, social justice,
and land use questions, among others. There’s also a good bit of reporting on how digital technology impacts cities.
Southern California
Headquartered here in Los Angeles, Planetizen (a portmanteau of
“plan”, “net”, and “citizen”) collects the best urban news and publishes
editorial posts of its own. Many of the stories are summarized versions
of news published elsewhere, letting the Planetizen user stay on top of a
variety of sources. Most stories deal with transit, climate, and land use.
StreetsBlog LA
This website is a good resource for those of us who want to get
around in this city without driving. With a strong focus on creating
sustainable transit options and livable streets, Streetsblog LA maintains
a consistently pro-environment focus. The website also delves into
social justice and inclusion issues pertinent to Los Angeles.
Independent websites
The Guardian Cities
It may be supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, but this subsection of The Guardian provides thoughtful reports on urban issues
worldwide. There isn’t an obvious focus on environmental issues, but
transportation, land use, and data are consistent themes. Articles usually provide good in-depth coverage.
This Big City
This Big City is an information exchange headquartered in London.
The site provides a variety of news and feature articles dedicated to
advancing sustainability in cities. With coverage of green urban strateGREEN URBANIST/PAGE 53
APRIL-JUNE 2015 51
We were invited to the kickoff last year when President Obama created the National Monument. This sets the stage for National Park
status. But current boundaries exclude about half of the superb places in the San Gabriels. We must fight to change this before current
borders are locked in. Join the fight to speak up about your favorite
places in the San Gabriel and Santa Monica Mountains, the Pacific
Coast and wetlands, regional parks, and remaining open space at
risk of unwise development. Your donation and your voice will
help protect dozens of critical open spaces that remain in Southern
•Environmental Education -- John Muir realized that to know nature
is to love nature. That’s a big part of why he founded the Sierra Club.
Today, the average amount of time young people spend experiencing
nature has fallen to record lows. Your help is urgently needed as the
Angeles Chapter launches a greatly expanded program to get city
kids into urban parks and regional open space. They’ll have a great
experience that can make them become the environmental advocates
of the future. Be part of the work. Volunteer your time and talent in
this effort.
• Fair Regulation -- We worked hard to shut down the defective and
dangerous San Onofre nuclear power plant in 2013. With your support we can stay on the front lines and urge the California Public
Utilities Commission to hold corporate shareholders accountable
for the cost of shutting down the plant a decade early. The reason is
defective technology, and that’s the responsibility of utility manag-
Surprisingly it is not spicy. Pepper is not used.
One has to ask for pepper or hot sauce. Beef
is not raised because it consumes too many
resources. Sweet potatoes and yucca root
served with onions and garlic in oil or lard are
common staples for Cubans.
The following morning we visit the town
of Trinidad, founded by explorer Velasquez,
and not to be confused with the island called
Trinidad. The old nunnery near the plaza is
now a museum of the revolution. Near town
we visit one of the eco-preserves on our itinerary tailored to the interest of Sierra Club
members. This is Parque Natural El Cubano.
After lunch under the ramada of El Cubano
Ristorante, the group does a little walk on
a nature trail to a view of the river led by a
local naturalist guide Nancy who pointed
out plants like the guarana tree (which grows
caffeine-containing berries) and the red bark
tree (known for its soft wood).
We visit another preserve the following day
14 miles from the city of Cienfuegos. The
group does another nature walk led by another local guide. The hibiscus trees are blooming
with their red flowers. The park has 28 species
of palms and probably nearly as many varieties
of bamboos which may at times grow as much
as 3 feet per day.
Once in Cienfuegos, a town originally colonized by the French in 1819, we proceed to
the Parque Jose Marti, the central plaza which
has its own Arco de Triunfo commemorating
Cuban independence. Cienfuegos is distinguished by a sense of wellbeing and prosperity dating back to the days of the sugar
52 APRIL-JUNE 2015
ers and owners. More than $3 billion in charges are at stake. Unless
there’s change, ratepayers will bear the full hit. Keeping abreast of
the case and speaking out takes time and effort that depend on your
• Raising Consciousness -- The biggest change of all needs to be in
personal values, and this can’t happen without your voice. In her
book “This Changes Everything,” Naomi Klein argues climate
change can’t be stopped unless corporations are reined in. For that to
happen, we must change from a consumer society that buys things to
a sustainable society that rediscovers “the best things in life are free.”
The gifts of nature and healthy living are high on that list of “best
things.” Every message from the Chapter to the region encourages
this shift in values. Add your voice and amplify the message.
The Angeles Chapter has an impact on important public decisions
because you and your fellow members show up at rallies, testify at public hearings, and write letters -- into the thousands -- to elected officials
facing crucial decisions.
The Sierra Club is a volunteer organization. Without volunteers we
would be invisible. We invite you to volunteer your time, talent and
treasure. Be part of the work!
As the saying goes, “Be the change you seek.” Thanks to your gifts of
time, talent and financial support for the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter,
you can Make Change Happen! Please give as generously as you can
P. S. Without your support, every issue covered here would be at risk.
barons who became established here and
brought their accouterments of wealth with
them in creating noteworthy neoclassical
French buildings. Today UNESCO is helping
to restore some of them. Such architecture is
prevalent in the downtown pedestrian mall and in plush neighborhoods. Today the once
exclusive Yacht Clubhouse is a restaurant. This
is also true of the Moorish-style elaborately
decorated Palacio del Valle, where several of
the group had dinner one evbening.
which overlooks the valley so it has gorgeous
views from every balcony.
The following day we head back to Havana
for the fourth and last time with a stop en
route at Las Terraces, a popular tourist attraction. Las Terraces is a virtually self-contained
cooperative community in which the local
residents have pooled their resources in a
green way. The cooperative began as a reforestation project in 1968; the hills had been
denuded to be made into coffee plantations
in the 19th century. Inhabitants today do
Back to Havana
From Cienfuegos we returned to Havana not pay rent because their labor is their payby bus. We pass through farmlands in which, ment. The prime industry for the community
among other things, rice is grown. Raising rice is tourism. Last year they drew 45,000 tourin Cuba is a relatively new thing. Rice grains ists. Some artists live here and invite tourists
are spread on the highway to dry. These farms, to buy their art works in their little hillside we are told, are private, but some portion of home galleries.
During our final day in Havana, we pay a
the harvests must be given to the government. visit
to the Hemmingway House, about a 20
We check into the Hotel Nacional again and
enjoy more sightseeing in and around Havana minute drive from downtown Havana. The
and further enjoy a sunset evening dinner at author bought the 9 acres in 1940 and lived
La Divina Pastora, a restaurant by the water- there for 20 years. Although his wife had a
little tower with a view built to be his writing
front at the bay near Castle Morro.
In the morning we depart by bus for the studio next to the house, he preferred to write
Vinales Valley, a scenic rural region about 2 in his bedroom standing before his typewriter
hours west from Havana. It is known for its on top of a bookshelf. The property is very
tobacco plantations as well as the limestone much as he left it in 1960. Hemingway also
peaks called magotes (which are similar to the hung out is bars like the Bogedita and Ambos
karstic islands in Halong Bay in Vietnam in downtown Havana.
Jon and I hope to lead another trip to Cuba
and along the Li River in China. En route
we visit El Soroa Orchid Botanical Garden in 2016 and we expect to see accelerated
and El Castillo de las Nubes. The 400 acres changes on the island.
Bruce Hale is an Angeles Chapter leader and
of the gardens are home to numerous varieties
of orchids whose many distinctive blooms we co-leader of the 14-day trip to Cuba sponsored
enjoy. In Vinales we stay at the Jasmine Hotel by the Chapter.
summit returning over New Army Pass (5 miles 1800 ft gain) and heading out to the cars 5 miles and 100 ft gain. Big group! Slow pace! Plenty
of room!
Leaders: Kristen Lindbergh,; Matthew Hengst,, 714-478-3933
Anderson,, 310-738-0841
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Saturday, August 15, 2015 to Monday, August 17, 2015
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Hilton Lakes (10,353)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: Become one with the Sierra Nevada as we trek through the John Muir
Wilderness around Hilton Lakes. In this car shuttle trip we start at the
Hilton Lakes trailhead (9400’) for five miles to a Hilton Lake (10,353’).
Day two will be spent wandering cross country to dip our toes in higher
lakes. Day three we say farewell and hike eight miles to Hilton Creek
trailhead (7175’). Send email with contact info and recent experience to
Ldr Homer Tom.
Leaders: Homer Tom,; Dave Scobie, davescobie@
Saturday, August 15, 2015 to Sunday, August 16, 2015
Cirque Peak (12,900)
Angeles Chp Wilderness Trainin Outing
I: In a lush basin in the High Sierra surrounded by countless alpine lakes
and some of the Sierra’s tallest peaks sits our worthy objective: Cirque
Peak. Experience the quintessential Sierra without the pain and suffering
of a long-haul. We will leave Saturday morning from Horseshoe Meadows
backpacking a modest 5 miles and 1200 ft gain to Cirque Lake. With our
peak towering over us we’ll relax lakeside and judge our sure-to-be-epic
happy hour competition. Sunday we will embark cross-country to our
gies worldwide, this is an excellent place
to find ideas about how people elsewhere
are tackling challenges. Unlike some of the
other sites on this list, This Big City has a
self-avowed sustainability stance.
Urban Institute
A nonprofit policy research center located
in Washington D.C., the Urban Institute
produces original research on a wide variety
of urban policy topics. In-depth reports on
their findings are reproduced in full on the
website, often in pdf form. Helpful when
you want to make a point or back up a
Sustainable Cities Collective
Another news/information exchange
dedicated to sustainable urbanism. Like
Planetizen, the Sustainable Cities Collective
brings together content from a variety of
news sources and blogs. This site allows
qualified bloggers to add their own content
Thursday, August 20, 2015 to Sunday, August 23, 2015
Hilton Lakes/ Rock Creek Mule Pack
Angeles Chp Mule Section Outing
O: August 20-23, 2015 Hired packers carry 45 lbs. of gear while we hike
with only our daypacks. Thursday am hike from Rock Creek Pack Station
(9,690 ft. ) to Lake 2 or 3 in the Hilton Lakes area at approx 10,200 ft.
The hike is 5 miles one way, with 500’ of net gain, and 1200 feet of accumulated gain. The camp is in a lovely sub-alpine area and boasts excellent
fishing for brown, rainbow, and brook trout. Two full lay-over days to hike,
fish, or relax. Access to many of the other nine Hilton Lakes. Enjoy group
salad night, happy hours with wine provided and fun evening activities.
Hike out on Sunday. Individual camp sites available Wed, Aug 19 at Rock
Creek Lake, or stay in nearby cabins at Tom’s Place (9 miles), in Mammoth
(28 miles), or in Bishop (33 miles). Pre-trip camp site also possible at
Rock Creek Packer’s lower corral area. $310. Note reservation/cancellation
policy under the additional information link where you can find other info
about mule packs. To apply, email or phone with recent high altitude and
distance conditioning and general health to
Leaders: Francine Oschin,, 818-907-1130; David
Cross,, 310-531-6019
to the site directly pending staff approval,
resulting in a grassroots, crowd-sourced feel.
featured here as well.
Next City
Not immediately environmental or
green, The Architects’ Newspaper is a good
resource for people interested in the latest
methods to improve the built environment.
Architecture, sustainability, and urban planning often go hand-in-hand these days. It’s
also good to keep tabs on major architectural projects that may have significant negative
effects on the environment.
Next City is a nonprofit media and news
organization dedicated to quality coverage of
urban progress toward greater sustainability.
In addition to a wide range of short features,
Next City publishes a subscription series of
long-form stories, Forefront. The site also
features several columns that aggregate stories of environmental and social importance.
Coverage is primarily of American cities and
Many Sierra Club members probably already frequent Grist, one of the top
Internet news sites dedicated to environmental issues. It is included on this list
because it covers green news and issues with
wit and an urban sensibility. Actual urban
sustainability and land use news is regularly
The Architects’ Newspaper
Greentech Media
There are a whole slew of tech news websites out there, even quite a few reporting
on green and clean technologies specifically.
Headquartered in California, Greentech
Media provides the latest scientific, corporate, and policy news, most of it from the
renewable energy sector. Major categories
of coverage include solar power, grid issues,
and efficiency. The staff also provides an
informative podcast, The Energy Gang, discussing these issues in greater depth.
Philip Rojc is a writer and Angeles Chapter Sierra Club member. You can find him at or follow him on Twitter at @PhilipRojc.
APRIL-JUNE 2015 53
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Contributions, gifts and dues to the Sierra Club are not tax-deductible, they support our
effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Your dues include $7.50 for a
subscription to SIERRA magazine and $1 for your Chapter newsletter.
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54 APRIL-JUNE 2015
Sierra Club Angeles Chapter invites you to our
2015 Orange County Sustainability Forum
Water / Energy - Sustainable Communities
Debbie Cook, Post Carbon Institute
Peter Kalmus Ph.D, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Panel Discussion
Scott Hewitt Ph.D, Cal State Fullerton
Ray Hiemstra, Sierra Club
April 26th, 2015
10:30 am - 1:30 pm
California State University Fullerton
University Conference Center, Student Union
Titan Theater
800 N. State College Fullerton, CA
Transportation - Bus route OCTA 24, 26, 57
Parking - State College Parking Structure (Next to Student Union)
To register please contact:
Angélica González at (213) 387-4287 ext. 204
Angeles Chapter
APRIL-JUNE 2015 55
Show your support
Yes! I want to support the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter! The Sierra Club Angeles Chapter
provides local opportunities to enjoy, explore and protect the environment. We are looking
forward to an exciting 2014. Please consider making a ONE-TIME contribution to
support our ongoing efforts in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
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Please return this form to: Sierra Club Angeles Chapter, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 660, Los Angeles, CA 90010.
Make checks payable to: “Sierra Club Angeles Chapter.”
Contributions to the Sierra Club Angeles Chapter are not tax-deductible; they support our effective, citizen-based advocacy and lobbying efforts. Shop with us online
56 APRIL-JUNE 2015