PROJECT PHOENIX EduTrax Instructional Management Solution Phoenix/EIM© ONLINE TEST ADMINISTRATION QUICK GUIDE & ILLUSTRATED HELP Version The online testing module allows a teacher to administer available assessments by having students use the Phoenix/EIM web site. Once a teacher activates and starts an online test session, students will be able to take the test using their own login credentials. QUICK GUIDE 1. Login to the Phoenix web site and select Online Testing from the Assessment menu (Green). Use the link if a pre-defined link has not been provided for you. 2. Select the desired test type (SLO, District, School, etc.), Subject, and Course from the dropdowns and click the Search button. 3. A list of eligible tests will be listed. NOTE—if you do not see an expected test, it may not be published yet. Publishing is required before an online test can be taken. Contact support staff if questions. 4. Click on the desired test. A panel will be displayed on the right showing the test information. Click the “Administration” tab. 5. Click the “Task” dropdown and select the “Open online testing” option. 6. Confirm your name and the correct term is listed in the dropdowns. Change if necessary. 7. Current roster classes matching selected test will be listed. Click checkbox beside desired class(es) and then click the “Open or Activate Selected Class(es) link in the bottom option bar. An “In progress” graphic will be shown while test data is built for the selected students. 8. Click on the new link at the bottom, “Go to Test Session”. Two new tabs are now available. The tab showing is the listing of students belonging to the selected classes. Adjust any checkboxes at top if desired. 9. Have students login to the Phoenix web site to their personal dashboards. Use the link if necessary. The desired test should be listed, but is not yet available for selection. Make sure all students can reach this point before proceeding. 10. When all students are ready, click the “Start Test Session” link in the bottom option bar. This will allow students to access the test (they will need to refresh their dashboard page). It will also generate a 4digit PIN number required by the students to start the test. Once students key in this number they can begin answering the questions. 11. While students are answering the test questions, the teacher page will refresh automatically, showing the progress of the students. Green and red blocks will show right and wrong answers. 12. When all students have completed the assessment (or when time is up), click the “End Test Session” link in the bottom option bar. This will deactivate the online test and keep any further answers from being recorded. Answer yes to the confirmation dialog box. 13. If you have rubric-based or constructed response questions to score, you can exit the online test page by clicking the home link in the top option bar. See the Constructed Response/CR guide for details on this process. 14. If you do not have any further scoring, you will need to “Close” the test by clicking on the “Administration” tab and then selecting the “Close online testing” option from the task dropdown. Click on the checkbox beside the desired class(es) and then the “Close selected Class(es)” link in the bottom option bar. You can now return to the home page dashboard to conduct analysis of the scores using the Student Performance options. Assessment – Online Test Administration Page 2 ILLUSTRATED HELP GUIDE Select the Online Testing option from the Assessment dropdown menu. As before, a series of dropdown lists will be provided to select the desired assessment. Simply select the test type, subject, and course. The current school year will be listed by default. NOTES: Because the processing of an online test is closely tied with the specific course being taught, teachers can only administer assessments that are tied to their own schedules. For instance an elementary math teacher cannot administer a high school science assessment. Any type of test can be selected, but the test administration window must be active to allow selection of a test. 1. After making the appropriate dropdown selections, click the search button to see if any tests qualify for online test administration. A list of tests matching the search criteria is displayed. These are listed in chronological order, but the list can be sorted by name by clicking on the up-arrow icon in the test column heading. In addition to the date and name, the test ID number, type and status is displayed. Click on the test name to proceed. 2. As with our other assessment options, a tabbed panel will be displayed on the right side of the page. And as before, the first tab shows the detailed information about the test. This can be Assessment – Online Test Administration Page 3 used to confirm the correct test was selected. 3. Click on the administration tab. This contains the online administration processing options. The initial display will default to showing existing administrations of this test. If this test has not been administered by this teacher, the listing will be empty. 4. Click the “Task” dropdown list and select the option to “Open online testing”. The bottom part of the tabbed panel will now redisplay showing a staff/term selection option. This allows school administrative staff to administer an assessment for one of their teachers without the teacher themselves being present. NOTE—teachers will only see their own name listed and cannot select other staff members. Administrators are the only ones with this selection option. Any roster classes that match the course numbering for the selected test will be listed. Click the checkbox to the left of the class(es) desired and then the “Open and/or Activate” link at the bottom. This will generate the scoring files for each student within the class and initialize them for online testing. NOTE—this may take several seconds. An “in progress” graphic will be displayed during this process. Assessment – Online Test Administration Page 4 5. After processing, you will see two additional tabs available—Conduct a Session, and Supplemental Students. 6. When ready, click on the “Conduct a Session” tab. This will open a window listing the students currently within the selected roster(s). Note the status message in the middle indicating that the session is not active. Also note the options at the top of the panel to set a time limit, allow students to view their scores at the end of the test, and allow the testing panel to refresh itself during the test. Also note the two students in the above example that already have scores posted. Their status is showing “COMPLETE”. The small square blocks indicate each item on the test. Green blocks are correct answers, red are incorrect, and black are constructed Assessment – Online Test Administration Page 5 response items scored by the teacher. 7. Once the student(s) have accessed the Phoenix/EIM web site with their personal credentials, they should see this assessment listed. However, it is not yet completely activated, so they will not yet be able to “take” the test. 8. When all of the students are ready, click on the “Start Test Session” link at the bottom. This will do two things—allow the students access, as well as generating a 4-digit PIN code that the students will need to start the test. This code can be conveyed to those students at their computers and ready to start the test. They will need to key in this code to start answering the questions. 9. As students take the selected test online, their scores will be recorded in real time. With the automatic refresh option selected, you can watch the progress of all of the students who are logged in and taking the test. Active students will have a green background with “Active” status shown in the right column. The blocks will fill in as the students answer each item. Blocks without a fill color have not been answered. Students who have not logged in and started the test will continue to show a white background and a blank status. This will allow the teacher to spot login troubles immediately. 10. Once all of the students have completed the assessment (or time runs out), click on the “End Test Session” link in the bottom option bar. This will close out the session and not allow any further answers to be posted by the students. You will receive a confirmation dialog asking if you are sure you want to end the session. Click Assessment – Online Test Administration Page 6 OK to continue. 11. At this point, you have two choices. If there are constructed response or other rubric-based questions to score, do nothing further within the online testing page. You can exit and return to the home page dashboard by clicking the “HOME” link in the top option bar. If, however, there is no further scoring to perform, you will want to “Close” the assessment session. This will finalize the test for this class and allow the analysis of the scores. NOTE—tests that are still in “Open” status will not appear in most of the analysis options. They must be closed first. 12. To close out the test, select the “Close online testing” option from the Administration tab dropdown. This will display any currently open class(es) including those just tested. Click the desired class(es) and then the “Close selected Class(es) link in the bottom option bar. The list will redisplay, no longer showing the classes you selected. 13. You have successfully completed the online testing option and can return to the home page using the “HOME” link in the option bar. Assessment – Online Test Administration Page 7
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