Newsletter 01.05.15 - Ashmore State School


Newsletter 01.05.15 - Ashmore State School
Ashmore State School Newsletter
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CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
1st May 2015
Principal-Stephen O'Brien
Sports News
Deputy Principal- Leigh Josey
Music News
Deputy Principal-Sharie Callum
Guidance Officer
Resource Centre
Qld Police
Shotokan Karate Dojo
Chaplain's Chat
Welcome back to the second school term of 2015. I hope everyone had a safe and
enjoyable holiday break and are looking forward to an extremely successful Term 2. It
was extremely pleasing to see so many smiles on faces upon returning. I know that the
school staff have worked tirelessly to prepare learning programs and a diverse range of
opportunities to ensure these smiles are maintained on a daily basis and to ensure the students of Ashmore
receive a rich and rewarding learning experience at our school.
It is a great honour to be able to introduce myself as the Acting Principal of Ashmore State School, replacing Mrs
James whilst she is on leave. Ashmore is a highly respected and high achieving school that the entire school
community should be extremely proud of. I look forward to maintaining the wonderful traditions of the school,
whilst leading future school improvements that will support the learning achievements of all students.
As Principal of the school, I value strong partnerships between the school and the wider school community. This
starts with effective partnerships with all parents of the school. I look forward to talking with parents throughout
the term and working in close partnership to celebrate achievements, receive feedback and ideas, as well as
collaboratively dealing with any issues if and when they may arise.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the school community for the amazing school spirit that I
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witnessed in my first week at the school. This was highlighted for me at the recent Cross Country Carnival,
student assembly and ANZAC Day Assembly. It was wonderful to witness and feel the pride in the school from
students, staff, parents and friends and the traditions on display such as the school song. Through continued
support of the school by all members of the community, we can all contribute to the school’s ongoing success.
This term, we welcome a number of new and returning staff members to Ashmore State School. This includes
Mrs Sharie Callum who will be taking on the Deputy Principal role of Stage B. Sharie replaces Mrs Karen
Gravendyk who has been promoted to the role of Head of Preparatory School at Varsity College. Welcome
Sharie and all the very best to Karen in your new role at Varsity.
Over the next two weeks, police from the Gold Coast District will be running a major school traffic operation
emphasising safe driving behaviour and your student’s traffic awareness around school zones. Key safety
messages being communicated across the Coast are:
Safety on a bike is what we like
Drive as if every child on the street were your own
Police will be out in force around schools rewarding good behaviour as well as enforcing all road rules and
Stephen O’Brien
It’s Time to Enroll for Prep for our Present Families and Families
in our Catchment Area
I would like to ask that all present Ashmore School families, who have a Prep child
eligible to join us in 2016 (D.O.B. - 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011), complete an enrolment
form over the holidays or in the first week back. (Note that present families can enroll their
child for Prep, regardless of where you/they live.) You can collect an enrolment pack from
the office, or print the forms off from our school website:
Please bring the forms to the office at the start of Term 2, together with a birth certificate which we will
*If you have friends and family in our catchment area, please share this information with them. I would like to
request that they enroll too as soon as possible. I have included a link, for a map of our catchment area:
Only if we have available spaces in Prep for 2016, will we be able to enroll students outside of our catchment
area. As families outside of our catchment will be wondering if they will be offered a position, I am hoping to have
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all other enrolments organized as soon as possible.
Note that we will ensure Prep positions are kept available for those in our catchment area, who enroll later in the
year or at the start of 2016.
Please note the change to Prep Starting Age in 2016 for eligible students
The age of a child, for enrolment in Prep in 2016, has been extended by a month. It was 1 July 2010 to 30 June
2011. It is now 1 July 2010 to 31 July 2011. There are conditions, however, if a child’s birthday falls in this extra
month (1 July to 31 July). They must complete a written application (obtainable from the office) and show that
their child is ‘ready for education considering the child’s attributes’. These attributes include the following:
Aptitude and ability
Social and emotional competence
Physical development
Level of knowledge and understanding
The application is then returned to the school for discussion and consideration.
I have included a link to further information that elaborates on the information above.
Prep in 2016 and Pre-Prep (for those who will attend Prep in 2016) Parent/Carer
Information Sessions
There will be an information session on Tuesday 12 May at 1:30 and 6:15 pm in the Conference Room, for
parents and carers who have a child eligible to attend Prep in 2016 (date of birth between 1 July 2010 and 30
June 2011). This session will be to share information
about Prep for next year; and Pre-Prep sessions that will begin for up to 20 students commencing on Tuesday
21 July (second week of Term 3). Pre-Prep sessions will be 2 hours in length. Parents and carers will attend
information sessions on relevant topics while the children are attending Pre-Prep.
Both topics (Prep and Pre-Prep) will be discussed.
Please see the flyer below.
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Australia-wide Testing for Years 3and 5 (NAPLAN)
On Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May, all students in state and non-state schools in
Years 3 and 5 will be participating in Australia-wide testing to assess their skills in the areas of reading, writing,
language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. NAPLAN assesses the skills that
students develop over time through the school curriculum, and provides additional feedback for parents, carers
and teachers on how students are progressing in the key curriculum areas.
An individual NAPLAN report will be sent home for every child in these year levels later this year. Further
information is available on the ACARA website:
Further Essential Information re NAPLAN
It is important that students are present by 8.50 a.m. on these days, ready for a punctual start. Please ensure
children get a good night’s sleep and good nutrition for breakfast to maintain brain function and energy across
the three days of testing.
Please also ensure students have the following materials at school on these days:2B or HB pencils –do not bring “Pacers” or mechanical pencils as they write too lightly
Note: Students may be withdrawn from the NAPLAN testing program by their parents/carers. This is a matter for
consideration by individual parents in consultation with the Principal. Withdrawals are intended to address
individual concerns including religious beliefs and philosophical objections to testing. Parents/carers wishing to
withdraw students from the NAPLAN testing program must complete and submit a Notice of Parent Withdrawal
form (obtained from the office) as soon as possible. It must be completed and returned to Leigh Josey in the
Office by Friday 8th May. The text that appears on the individual report will read “Your child was withdrawn from
this test”.
Please see me (Leigh Josey) if you have any questions (or phone – 56561333).
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Prep Parent Information Letter
Dear Prep Parent/Carer,
Between May and July this year, our school will be taking part in the Australian Early Development Census
(AEDC), which is nationwide census of early childhood development and helps our school and community
understand how children are developing before they start school, what is being done well, and what can be
improved. The AEDC is an Australian Government initiative run by the Department of Education and Training.
Children do not need to do anything to be included in the census and will attend class as usual. During the
census, teachers record information (including children’s names and dates of birth) based on their knowledge
and observations of each child in their class. For your information, the questions to be used by the AEDC in the
upcoming collection are available at
Once all schools participating in the AEDC have provided their information, and the AEDC is completed, some of
the data collected is compiled and made available publicly as de-identified data, i.e., data that does not include
any children’s names, ages, addresses or schools.
This data can be very useful for a wide variety of policy, analysis, and statistical and research purposes, so it is
provided to a number of bodies, including government and non-government education departments and
organisations, independent school systems and researchers. Some of these organisations may also link AEDC
data with information from other organisations (such as health departments) to improve programmes and policies
for young children. When the data is linked with other data, extreme care is taken to ensure individual children
cannot be identified.
As so much can be learned about children’s development through the AEDC, the privacy of children participating
in it is of paramount importance. To ensure that all of the information collected is handled properly, the AEDC is
managed in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). The APPs regulate the collection, use,
disclosure and storage of personal information by Australian government agencies, and some private sector
organisations, and is part of the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth). APPs also form part of applicable state and territory
privacy legislation and policies.
The system used by the AEDC to collect and collate the information is a secure site and children’s information is
kept secure at all times. Your child’s data will not be used for any other purpose than described in this letter and
the Privacy Statement contained on the AEDC website at You can see how data was
collected and presented in 2009 and 2012 by visiting Data from the 2015 collection will
be presented in a similar way.
This year’s AEDC is a great opportunity for everyone including parents, local communities, schools and other
agencies to work together to bring long-lasting benefits to children and their families. If you would like more
information about the AEDC, please refer to the frequently asked questions section on the AEDC website
( or phone 1800 092 548.
The AEDC is voluntary and is not a school test, so should you wish for your child/children’s information to be
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excluded from the census, please contact me (Leigh Josey) – 56561333 or see me at the office.
Thank you for supporting the AEDC.
Leigh Josey
Meetings with Teachers
Please be aware that you are always able to make a time to speak with your child's teacher, to discuss any
issues or to share or to find out further information. To make a time, send an email, ring the office, see the
teacher, send in a note or write in the Communication Book. The teachers are happy to meet with you at a
mutually agreed time.
STARS ( School Thanks and Recognition of Staff)
Mrs Maree Haycock
Maree began teaching at Ashmore State School in January 2010 as a General Classroom
Teacher. 2015 is Maree’s sixth year with us. At our school, Mrs Haycock has taught Year 6
for two years; Year 7 for 2 years, Year 4 last year; and presently - Year 5. She has looped
with her class; and team teaches with Mr Nolan Cooper (5A and 5B) – both full-time
Prior to this, Mrs Haycock has taught at three other Gold Coast schools – Gilston, Currumbin and Varsity
Maree is has undertaken several extra professional roles while at Ashmore, including Year Level Coordinator,
Stage Manager, Curriculum Support Team Member. Other special duties performed include South Coast/Qld/
Australian School Girls Netball Selector; and netball coach, umpire and coordinator.
When asked what she enjoys doing at school, Mrs Haycock explains that she loves learning alongside the
students; working in dynamic teaching teams; and supporting colleagues in all areas of the curriculum.
A little about Maree: She is married to Tony and has two daughters and three amazing grandchildren. Over the
years she has travelled to many places in the world. In her spare time, Maree enjoys camping with family and
friends. Mrs Haycock also enjoys all water sports.
We wish to thank Maree for her great contribution to Ashmore School, as a dedicated and professional
classroom teacher. Thank you also for your other significant contributions to the teaching and learning at our
school. Your wonderful efforts are greatly appreciated.
Mrs Debbie Usmar
Debbie began teaching at Ashmore State School in January 1988 as a General Classroom
Teacher. This means that Debbie is one of our longest serving teachers at Ashmore (maybe
our longest?); having taught here for 28 years! This is a wonderful and significant
contribution to Ashmore State School. Thank you, Debbie.
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Debbie has also taught at Biggera Waters, Longreach and Bellevue State Schools – 2 local
schools; and one in the far north-west.
During her teaching career, Debbie has taught Years 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. This year Mrs Usmar is teaching Year 6D
part-time, together with Mrs Amanda Wichlinski. Amanda (also a long-serving teacher) and Debbie have taught
together for many years. Last year they also taught Year 6C as a teaching team.
Other special duties undertaken by Debbie include: assisting with and organizing our beneficial Peacemakers
Programme; coaching netball and A.F.L. teams; and working with our Student Forum.
Mrs Usmar has a great love of animals and volunteers at the Animal Welfare League and the R.S.P.C.A. in her
spare time. She also loves travelling and has been to England, France, Thailand and Indonesia. She has 2
nieces and 1 nephew; and a brother and sister-in-law who are also teachers.
We wish to sincerely thank Debbie for her wonderful and long-term commitment and contribution to Ashmore
School, as a dedicated and professional member of our teaching team. Thank you also for your added
contributions outside of the classroom and your great efforts with our students.
Hello and thank you to all the staff, students and teachers for the warm welcome I have
My name is Sharie Callum and I will be Deputy Principal for Stage B- Year 2to 4, until the
end of the year. We have had quite a few changes since last term. Mrs Karen
Gravendyk Head of School for Prep to year 3 at Varsity College. I would also like to
welcome Miss Singh to class 4A, replacing Miss Tegan Nixon who was successful in her application for Master
Teacher at Highland Reserve State School.
We had a busy return to work after the Easter break! I was really impressed by the display of school spirit at
Cross Country Day on Thursday and a special thank you to our Parent Liaison Officer, Alana George, for
standing in as official photographer. The week culminated with a very moving school ANZAC service on Friday
and I had the pleasure of laying the wreath on behalf of the school at Dawn Service at Southport on Saturday. It
was great to see our students waking up early to pay their respects to our fallen soldiers.
Parent Education Thursday
We are inviting parents and caregivers to attend information sessions on various areas of the curriculum and
exploring ways of how you can support your child at home. The sessions and the dates are outline below:
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Date Claimer for Year 3
The Year 3 students will be attending an excursion to "Beenleigh Town" (historical village) in Term 3. 3A/B and
half of 3C will attend on Monday, 3rd August; and 3D/E and the other half of 3C will be attending on Tuesday, 4th
August. Please see the permission note for more information.
Parenting Education
“I wish there was someone to talk to about this!”
Do you ever wish that there was someone to talk to about the joys and difficulties of raising
your child? The challenges and demands of parenting change as children develop.
Education is one way parents and carers can adapt their skills and strategies to suit their
family situation.
As part of the KidsMatter initiative, Ashmore State School provides Parent Education sessions on a range of
topics to inform and update parents and carers. Last term, sessions focused on literacy, mathematics,
technology, Link It and bullying. Parents and carers were guided through these topics by staff members.
Information about upcoming sessions will be included in the newsletter.
A Prep parent/carer “coffee and chat” morning will be offered later this term. This will be an
opportunity to get together and talk about the Prep experience from the perspective of a
parent or carer. Information about the developmental needs of Prep-aged students will be
provided, along with the opportunity to meet some other parents/carers. You are
encouraged to register your interest in attending, along with your preferred day (Monday,
Tuesday or Friday).
Expressions of interests are also invited for parents and carers who would like to develop their parenting abilities
and skills. Group parenting sessions will be available during school hours during Term 2 and 3, with a minimum
of 8 committed parents or carers required. Two programs will be offered:
The Incredible Years program focusses on strengthening parent-child
interactions, nurturing relationships, reducing harsh discipline, and fostering
parents’ ability to promote children’s social, emotional, and language
development and is delivered in 12 weekly group sessions of 2 hours length.
123-Magic and Emotion Coaching offers effective solutions to manage
difficult behaviour in children. It is delivered in 3 weekly group sessions of 2
hours length.
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For more information, or to register your interest in either the parenting courses or the Prep parent/carer “coffee
and chat”, please email me (or leave your details at the school office) by 26th May 2015.
Reading makes life more interesting! You become an interesting person.
May is “National Family Reading Month”. This might be a good time to discuss the different genres your child
likes to read.
As a school, we participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge, which is run between 19th May – 28th August.
More information about reading logs will be in following newsletters or in your child’s edStudio.
Not sure what to read or watch?
Children’s Book Council of Australia CBCA is an informative and easy to follow website which promotes reading
and recommends books for specific ages. You will also note the Book of the Year shortlist is now up and you can
look at winners from previous years.
Common Sense Media is a great website to check the rating of books, movies, TV, apps, websites, music and
games. You can check reviews and age suitability.
Good Reads is also a great site for everyone.
Scholastic Book Club orders close 5th May.
All orders and payments are made online. Classes have posters with this information
To assist your child with reading at home, please follow the link below. This is a brochure
'Pause, Prompt, Praise' which includes many strategies to support your child with their
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MUM’S EVENT: To celebrate Mother’s Day, there will be a special event for mums and
children to be held on Thursday 7th May from 3 to 5p.m. in the Conference Room, downstairs
in the new library. Afternoon tea will be served and children will be able to pamper their
mums. Cost is $1 each child or adult. It is essential that you RSVP, for catering purposes, by
email to or SMS to 0423 268 456.
Once again, we have shared in two significant events in our Ashmore calendar. The cross country may not be
every student’s favourite activity, but the enthusiastic cheering for our team mates demonstrated a huge pride in
our house teams. Well done Mr. Newman! Well done students! We are very proud of you.
The celebration of Anzac Day at our school is a very special and respected tradition. It is so important that we
take the time to honour this day and to be thankful for the freedom we enjoy in our beautiful country.
Congratulations staff and students for the respect you gave on this occasion.
Breakfast Club is in need of cereals during the month of May, cereals such as Weetbix, Vita Brits, Rice Bubbles,
Cornflakes and Sultana Bran. These can be dropped off at my desk in the Student Services building or to
Breakfast Club on Wednesday mornings in the Hall. Thank you so much for your generosity. A sympathy card
has been sent to BC’s Bakery as a family member of one of their staff has passed away. The bakery provides
our bread for Breakfast Club.
Marg Potter - Chaplain
Ashmore Cross Country Carnival– The P.E. Department would sincerely like
to thank all the students, parents, and staff members for making this an amazing day
for all. Congratulations to all our competitors for your efforts and commitment on the
day. We would also like to acknowledge our appreciation to the P & C for providing the
students with refreshments after their events.
In addition the efforts and assistance provided by our house and school captains throughout the day were
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nothing short of outstanding. Thankyou all very much!
The house results and Age Champions are listed below:
750 (3rd)
808 (2nd)
839 (1st)
650 (4th)
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Martin K
Juliam H
Makenna B
Blake P
Kalea S
Lucca G
Wren M
Jett H
Lacie P
Luke N
Lilly-Anne M
Josh H
Tina R
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Chevez G
Shaun S
The Broadwater District Cross Country Carnival for students born 2005, 2004 and 2003 is scheduled for
Wednesday 20th May at Runaway Bay. Students who have qualified to compete will be notified shortly.
Interschool Sport – Ashmore State School will be participating in interschool sport commencing on
Monday 18 May. Invoices for $45 per student have been sent out via email. Consent forms can be downloaded
from the school website via the calendar and news tab, the select news, then select interschool sport or click
below for a direct link to the download.
Please be advised that the Broadwater District has now stipulated that Interschool Sport is to students in years 5
and 6. The P.E. Department apologises for any inconvenience.
Fitter, Faster, Stronger – Our Fitter, Faster, Stronger program is
on 5 mornings a week from 8:00am to 8:45am. Please feel free to join
us and our passionate and qualified coaches Ant Drinkwater and Alana
George. Students from all grades and parents are welcome to attend.
New participants are encouraged. Bring a change of clothes for the wetter days. Thank you to all parent and
teacher volunteers. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Mon – Fitter (run Club), Tues – Strength (Circuits), Wed – Faster (Sprint Club), Thurs – Fitter (Run Club), Friday
– Faster (Sprint Club).
For further information, ‘Fanfare’ letters are now available on the school website for the
children in the Senior Choir and Mezzo Choir. Both choirs perform on Tuesday, 19th May.
Please ensure the payments and permission forms are returned before the due date. I
encourage all families and friends to attend the competition in support of our school’s young
This year, we introduce a Music Committee to enhance our parent involvement and support of the Music
Department. As each class has a Parent Representative, we thought we would extend this to also include the
ensembles (choirs, bands and strings). The music staff will be liaising with these ladies next week. More
information will be distributed to parents after the meeting.
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I would like to announce our Parent Reps:
Band – Tania Luck
Strings – Lauren Wendt
Choir – Tracey Wentworth
We would like to thank these parents in advance for accepting the role of Parent Rep for each ensemble and are
excited to have the Music Committee finalised prior to our upcoming events in 2015.
These meetings are held at needs basis. If you are interested in attending the Music Committee meetings,
please email Miss Anna Dart (
Music education develops the creative capacities for lifelong success!
Sharpens student attentiveness
Strengthens perseverance
Equips students to be creative
Supports better study habits and improves self-esteem
MOTHER’S DAY STALL: Will be held on Wednesday 6 and Friday 8 May in the Hall. Classes will come
through on those days and gifts range from .50c to $10.00. Thanks so much to Alana George, Tracey Wentworth
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and Racquel Lyons for sourcing the beautiful gifts. We’ll definitely need parent helpers – please call 56561367
and let us know what time/s will suit you.
Wednesday: 9.00 – 11.00, 11.00 – 1.00, 1.00 – 3.00
Friday: 9.00 – 11.00, 11.00 – 1.00
END OF TERM SAUSAGE SIZZLE: Thank you very much to our wonderful parent
helpers who made the day such a success. Special thanks to Troy Ware who did a fantastic job on the BBQ.
NABO COMMUNITY GRANT: Congratulations to Ashmore Community Garden Inc who have made it
as a finalist in the Nabo Grant of up to $10,000 for our Kitchen Garden Program. To further the application’s
progress, we all need to vote!
Please register at:
Then in the LH column you’ll see a heading of Community Grant, then go to ‘Vote for Qld’. Thank you so much,
we really need your support.
announce after much planning and training, we are going to begin the Kitchen Garden Program in Term 3. In
order to achieve our aim we need people who are able to make a genuine commitment to assisting the
Kitchen and Garden classes.
You can volunteer in the kitchen or the garden or both. It is highly desirable that volunteers commit to the same
class each week and consider volunteering with us for at least one term or semester. It allows your relationship
with the children to develop and also makes it easier for you to be comfortable in your environment. It also helps
with planning! Volunteers are welcome to stay for the whole day or just for one class. The application form is on
the website, please fill in and send through ASAP to
P&C MEETING: The next P&C meeting of this year will be held on Monday May 18 at 1.30pm upstairs in
the Boardroom at the Carmichael Centre. We welcome any parents who may want to be involved in the school
community. If you have any ideas or thoughts that you would like to put forward then please come along, your
input will be much appreciated.
ASHMORE SS INTERNATIONAL FUN FAIR : We’re looking forward to a great celebration of our
school being held on Sat June 20. All funds raised are going towards the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden
Program. How can you help?
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1. If you can donate a prize for the Cent Auction, contact Tracey Wentworth at
2. If you would like to run your own stall, contact Janet MacIntosh at or Sarah
Pitman at
3. If you know of any really good International food stalls, contact Erin McCormack at
4. If you would like to assist in any other way, please contact Simone Hellsten at
Ashmore P&C
Keeping Our Children Safe
Across the Gold Coast District Police are regularly contacted by school’s and concerned parents in relation to
inappropriate driving and behaviour’s around school zones. Speed limits, drop-off and pick-up areas and parking
rules exist to keep your children, parents and carers safe. They also help to minimise speed and traffic jams
around schools. Whilst we appreciate that the drop off and pick up is a particularly busy time of day it does not
excuse dangerous behaviour that could come with fatal consequences.
Gold Coast Police are constantly patrolling our school zones. Some of the offences that have been witnessed
are, parents stopping in the middle of the road (double parking) and allowing children to get out of the vehicle,
u-turns over double white lines into on-coming traffic, running red lights, speeding, unrestrained children, and
road rage (use of offensive language whilst children were in the vehicle).
Over the next few weeks you will see an increase in High Visibility Traffic Patrols. We are keeping our roads safe
by performing proactive and targeted traffic enforcement in relation to all school zones on the Gold Coast. So
remember the road rules and don’t break them just to save a few extra minutes. The consequences will be with
you for the rest of your life.
Below outlines some of the penalties which apply to traffic offences that are currently occurring within your school
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School zone times have been standardised in Queensland to help motorists remember when to slow down. The
standard operating times for your school zones is 7–9am and 2–4pm.
13-20km over the speed limit $227 and 3 points
21-30km over the speed limit $379 and 4 points
31-40km over the speed limit $531 and 6 points
41km and over the speed limit $1062 and 8 points
Make sure to take extra care when parking on school grounds and on the roads and streets around the school
and follow the signed parking rules at all times. Remember most schools are around residential areas please be
courteous and respectful to these people by not parking over their driveways.
Stop across Footpath $45
Stop contrary to flow of traffic $45
Double Parking $45
Stop Contrary to continuous yellow line $45
Seatbelts – As the parent you are responsible that your child has their seatbelts on and if required the correct
car seat. Penalties for not wearing a seatbelt is $341 and 3 points. If your child is under 16 and is not wearing a
seatbelt you get the ticket.
U-turns – Illegal u-turns when not signed to do so - $91 and 2 points
Red Traffic Light - $341 and 3 points
Cross Double Lines - $204 and 3 points
Disorderly conduct - $341
Drive as if every child on the street were your own!!
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Advertising Disclaimer
The above items are paid advertising placements and Ashmore State School does not endorse the
advertised products.
Currumburra Road
07 5656 1330
07 5656 1300
Our Sponsors
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Please click on any advertisement to email the
affiliated business or view further details such as
company brochures, flyers or promotions
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