UPCOMING EVENTS MARCH DATE EVENT WEDNESDAY 4TH North District Sport Aust Football Boys 12&U THURSDAY 5TH North District Sport Aust Football Boys 12&U - Netball Girls 11/12 &U FRIDAY 6TH - WEDNESDAY 11TH Japanese Students- Shimonoseki Study Tour TUESDAY 10TH - FRIDAY 13TH Brainways MONDAY 9TH Problem Solving Challenge Wavel State High School North District Sport - Hockey boys/girls 12&U TUESDAY 10TH "BugEd' - Yr1/2 & Yr2 WEDNESDAY 11TH "Wicked" 12.00 noon -5pm THURSDAY 12TH North District Sport - Netball girls 12&U "Mad Hair Day FRIDAY 13TH Ride to School Day Graffiti Ed Program Yr 5 MONDAY 16TH Holt Obstacle Course 125 Committee Meeting TUESDAY 17TH P&C AGM PAYMENTS DUE ACTIVITY ACTION REQUIRED 2015 Instrumental Music Student Resource Scheme Full payment by 13th March 2015 "Build a Bug" Year 2 Payment Due 3rd March 2015 Music Performance Uniforms Order due 4th March Book Club Due back 5th March Canberra Trip 2nd Payment due 12th March Choral Program Payment due 13th March Year 6 Graduation Shirts Payment Due 20th March ICAS Competitions Payment Due 20th March "125" Sponsorship Forms Due back 20th March AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM ANDREW As you may have noticed my car park has been vacant a bit recently and the P&C AGM was abruptly postponed on 17 February. This was due to a car accident I had on the way back from a cluster principal’s meeting. It appears that I lost consciousness on the route back to Aspley State School. I am so grateful that there were no injuries to any other persons due to the incident, however, one poor man’s fence and the Rav were destroyed. The weeks that have now followed have seen me shuffle between medical specialists in the search to discover why this occurred. I have had many tests and the common ones have come back very good – which is a payoff for all the sacrifices I’ve made in my attempt at a New Year’s health kick. I have more and more tests and appointments over the next two weeks so in the interest of some continuity for my staff and the school I have taken the next two weeks as leave. Mr Smith will be the acting principal until my return with the full authority that accompanies that position. Since my accident I have been in regular contact with my team and the fact that the school continues to focus on our core business and the students in our care is testament to the wonderful and dedicated team I am so privileged to work with. As you will see both from the term calendar and other notices in this newsletter things just keep on keeping on at Aspley as we celebrate 125 years of quality education. I encourage you to find out all you can about QParents (in the following article) and be seeking out your invitation to register in an email next week. This is an exciting opportunity for parents and I am so pleased that we were able to be part of the very first schools in Queensland to roll this out for parents. Get on board with this one, you won’t want to miss it. I really am looking forward to getting back to work and life returning to normal. See you really soon. Andrew PS – Yes I did attend what I could of the State Principal’s Conference at the convention centre and yes I was number 132…… looking for that leprechaun (reward if found… and squashed) Q PARENTS Aspley State School is proud to be one the first schools in Queensland to offer QParents, as part of a pilot program in the first half of 2015. The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians of Queensland state school students to interact with their child’s school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer. QParents allows parents to connect instantly with their child’s school to access and manage their child’s student information, including: * Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence * Academic report cards * Class timetables * Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online * Viewing and updating personal student details, including medical conditions and address * Enrolment details QParents will assist both staff and parents in sharing and responding to information in an efficient and effective way. It won’t replace the traditional ways you communicate with our school, but it will provide another way to communicate with us. The benefits of QParents Convenience and time savings for parents * Parents can view or update their child’s details without having to contact the school * Secure 24/7 online access. * Available anytime, anywhere — access QParents on your smart phone, tablet or computer. * Greater transparency of information * Improves accountability between parents and schools by providing parents with timely access to their child’s information online. * Allows parents to engage more deeply in their child’s schooling Improved administration efficiencies for schools * Allows schools to streamline their administrative processes and cut down on printing Win an iPhone 6! By registering for QParents you could win an iPhone 6! All you have to do is register for QParents by Sunday 19 April. With your new iPhone, you’ll be able to download the QParents app and have your child’s student information at your fingertips 24/7. What is a QParents Account Owner (QPAO)? The school will nominate one parent or legal guardian for each student to be the QParents Account Owner (QPAO). The QPAO will be able to register for QParents to access and manage the student’s information online. A student’sQPAO will be able to view the student’s information and submit requests to update some of the student’s details. The QPAO will also be able to invite other people (such as another parent or family member), to view the student’s information. Once invited, these people can register for QParents as “delegated viewers”. A delegated viewer can see the student’s details, but cannot make updates. Registering for QParents You will receive an invitation email or letter from us containing your unique invitation code in Week 7 of term one. Simply follow the instructions in that email or letter to complete the QParents account registration process. If you do not want to register, you can just ignore the invitation and your child’s student information will not be available to anyone through QParents. Or, if you want another parent to be the QPAO, you can advise us and we will send them an invitation email or letter with their own unique invitation code. Identity verification When registering as a QPAO, you will need to verify 100 points of identity documents online. The 100 points can be made up of documents in the following list: Australian Passport 50 pts, Australian Birth Certificate 50 pts, Australian Drivers Licence 50 pts, Australian Marriage Certificate 40 pts, Medicare Card 20 pts, Australian Citizenship Certificate 40 pts If you only have 60-90 points of the above ID documents you can still register for QParents, but you will need to attend the school for an additional check after you have registered online. If you don’t have sufficient documents, you might like to nominate another parent as the QPAO. For more information on the online identity verification process, see Where does the information about my child come from? All of the information that is presented in QParents comes from the IT system that is used by all Queensland state schools. Schools will continue to manage student information in this system, and the information will be extracted and presented in QParents. Will my child’s information be secure? Yes. QParents is a secure portal that meets strict industry standards. Only people with the right to access information about their child will be given an account; no one else. If you don’t want to register for QParents, your account will not be created and your child’s information will not be made available through QParents. Help and contact information For more information see For help, visit or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68) DEPUTY PRINCIPAL'S NEWS Friendship the Aspley Way On assembly this week, the message to students was around being a good friend. What does this look and feel like? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Happy children during playtime Everyone being part of a group No one being left out Hands, feet and objects to yourself Feeling safe at school What does this look and feel like? 6. 7. 8. 9. Using kind words Please, thank you and sorry Including others in your game Encouraging others School Operations Reminder A reminder of our school start times and what the songs mean. Please refer to list below and have conversations with your children and caretakers who assist you in drop off and pick up duties. All students and parents who accompany them have to wait up at the Hall prior to the 8:30am song. The students return to their respective classes after the song to get organised for the day. If a student is late (after 8:45am), they must report to the office for a late slip before going to the classroom. Parents who are here before the 3pm song are requested to wait up at the Hall or under A block only, as waiting around classrooms can be very distracting to students. Please encourage your children to meet you at either the Hall or under A block after school. Thank you for following these procedures which are important to ensure everyone’s safety and the smooth operation of our school. BELL TIME BELL SONG ACTION 8:30am Everything is Awesome Students leave hall area moving to classrooms. 8:40am What a beautiful morning Students are at their desks ready to learn. 8:45am Working for the man Formal learning begins. 10:45am Eat it Students move to their eating area. 11:00am Come out and play Students go to play. 11:25am Stop right now Students stop playing and return to class. 11:30am Working for the man Formal learning resumes. 1:00pm Eat it Students move to their eating area. 1:15pm Come out and play Students go to play. 1:40pm Stop right now Students stop playing and return to class. 1:45pm Working for the man Formal learning resumes. 3:00pm Time to go home End of the school day. 3:20pm Got to go home Students still at school report to the office. Sunshine Classics Online We trialled the Sunshine Classics Online digital literacy program in 2014 and found that children who actively used this resource at home and at school improved significantly in their reading levels. Over the next week, we will invite students from Years 1-3 to participate via a letter and participation will incur a $10.00 co-payment for the year. Once the invitation is accepted and the co-payment is finalised, your child will be provided with a unique username and password to access Sunshine Classics Online. They will then be able to access the books set by the teacher for their targeted reading program. This program will also involve some other initiatives in Term 2 as detailed in the invitation. Our maximum intake is 125 students and places will be allocated on a first in basis. P & C AGM update We have been advised that the new scheduling of the P & C AGM has been set for Tuesday 17 March, 7pm in the school library. All parents and staff are welcome. Aspley 125 Obstacle Course fundraiser The Aspley State School P&C Association will be conducting a major Fundraiser for this Semester, the Aspley 125 Obstacle Course on Wednesday 1 April 2015. This event will include a Fundraising Obstacle Course for Years Prep – Year 6 during school time on the day, following the 96.5FM Breakfast Team’s outside broadcast from 6am to 9am. Further information will be released through school newsletters closer to the event. All funds raised by the Aspley 125 Obstacle Course will provide the P&C (and in turn, the school) with additional financial resources to expand the air conditioning of classrooms, so we are seeking your support of this initiative. Students have received a Sponsorship Form with a selection of over 70 prizes to choose from such as Sony, iPod Shuffles, Wahu, Razor, Nerf and more. The list of prizes can be viewed in the attached Sponsorship Form. We ask you to seek donations to support your student/s participation in the Obstacle Course which in turn supports the school’s aims of air conditioning additional classrooms. Students who raise as little as $10 in donations will be entitled to a prize of their choice (refer to the Sponsorship Form for more information). The more donations you receive, the more prizes you can choose from. You can even mix and match your prizes inside each prize category! Date claimer: Please return your completed Sponsorship Form and funds collected to the School Office no later than Friday 20 March 2015. Please be sure to fill out your prize request. The individual prizes will be delivered to the School during Term 2. We also welcome parents and family members to attend the Aspley 125 Obstacle Course to help cheer on their students, noting that at the completion of their participation all students will return to their classrooms to continue their learning. Thank you in advance of your participation. Happy fundraising! Brainways Please be advised that the Brainways programme will be operating from our school from 8:30am - 3pm from Tuesday 10 March – Friday 13 March. During this time both the A block and Admin computer labs, the Camp Australia room and the Instrumental Rehearsal room will be unavailable. As Brainways brings extra students and staff into our school community, your patience with the additional traffic that this may cause is greatly appreciated. MUSIC DEPARTMENT MUSIC NEWS INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Information has previously been provided to parents of children continuing, or offered a place in the Aspley Instrumental Music Program regarding payment of the Instrumental Music Student Resource Scheme. The Instrumental Music Student Resource Scheme includes a payment of $40 per student per year (regardless of how many instruments learnt) and $80 per school loan instrument. A reminder that Instrumental Music Resource Scheme payments are to be paid to the school office on or before 13th March 2015. WICKED The Aspley Music Department will be taking 76 Instrumental Music students and choralists to attend the amazing musical 'Wicked' this coming Wednesday 11th March, 2015. Parents, please take note of the following important details regarding this exciting excursion below to ensure this day is a success for all: th EXCURSION DATE Wednesday 11 March 2015 VENUE Lyric Theatre QPAC, South Brisbane WHERE TO MEET 10.45am in the Music Classroom Students are to bring their school bags up to the music classroom. School bags will be locked in the music classroom and picked upon return to school at approximately 4.30pm. Students will have their morning tea/playtime as usual. When the bell sounds to return to class, students are to go to the music classroom. Large school bags are not allowed into the theatre. DEPARTURE 11.45pm (from Maundrell Terrace Courtyard) SHOW COMMENCES 1pm (duration 2 hours 30 mins – incl. 20 minute interval) RETURN TIME Approximately 4.30pm DRESS CODE Formal School Uniform WHAT TO BRING BRING YOUR BIG LUNCH AND A DRINK IN A DISPOSABLE BAG. PLEASE DO NOT BRING MONEY TO SPEND IN THE GIFT SHOP. A reminder to students that they should eat a substantial meal at morning tea as we will be absent during the normal lunch break and will not return until late afternoon. All school rules and standards of conduct including correct theatre etiquette, apply at all times. We are looking forward to a fantastic excursion, which we are sure will leave the students spellbound and inspired. ASPLEY CHORAL PROGRAM Congratulations to our Junior/ Senior and Boys Choralists for a fabulous start to the 2015 singing year! Mrs McIntyre is so excited to be working with such a large number of enthusiastic singers! A reminder of the choral ensemble rehearsal schedule below: YEAR LEVELS REHEARSAL DAY AND TIME VENUE CHORAL ENSEMBLE Junior Choir 2&3 Monday 1.00pm 2.00pm Music Classroom/ Hall Senior Choir 4, 5 & 6 Tuesday 1.00pm – 2.00pm Music Classroom/ Hall Boys Choir 4, 5 & 6 Friday 8.00am – 8.40am Music Classroom/Hall A reminder that choral contracts/choral contribution are be paid to the school office on or before 13th March 2015. If your child missed the opportunity to attend the first choral ensemble rehearsals for the 2015 school year, they are more than welcome to attend upcoming rehearsals for the choir they wish to participate in. Mrs McIntyre is highly motivated and keen to see the choral program work at its highest level and is looking forward to your child participating in the 2015 Aspley Choral Program. MUSIC PERFORMANCE UNIFORM Aspley State School’s performance uniform is for all members of instrumental and choral ensembles (except piccolo choir & beginner string students). This performance uniform will enhance the appearance of our ensembles to look professional and polished for public performances and reflect the pride and high esteem held by our school for our talented musicians. All students involved in performance ensembles are required to wear long black dress pants, long sleeved white dress shirt, black socks and black shoes. Continuing String/ Woodwind/ Brass/ Percussion and Choristers should already have the necessary uniform requirements for 2015. The performance uniform is available to purchase through the Aspley Shop. An easy payment option that the Aspley Shop offers is via Flexischools online uniform ordering system, found either through our school’s website or You will be able to place your order from Monday 9 th February 2015 until the cut off time of 9:00am Wednesday 4th March 2015. You may also place your order using cash or cheque by filling in the performance uniform letter that was given to children with their parent information letter regarding participating in the Aspley School Choral Program. If you require a copy of this performance uniform letter, please see Mrs McIntyre, the ladies in the school office, or alternatively you can access this letter on the Aspley State School website. These forms accompanied by payment in an envelope are due by Wednesday 4 th March 2015. Please place your form and payment in the P&C Box which is located in the school office. All orders placed are expected to be available for collection from the Aspley Shop (Uniforms) by the end of March 2015. A notice will be sent home advising the arrival of your order for your collection. Please note: The Aspley Shop does not stock the performance uniform; therefore it cannot be ordered after the cut off date Wednesday 4th March 2015. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC NEWS INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC – Woodwind/Brass/Percussion In general, our students are making great progress so far this year. The Senior Band is sounding terrific and the beginners are keeping a good pace. The Junior Band begins rehearsals on Monday 27th April at 8am. Students will soon be issued with band folders and music for this ensemble. All beginner students are involved in this activity. Senior Band rehearsal is at 8am sharp on a Wednesday. The hall is open from 7.50am to allow students to set up and warm up their instruments before rehearsal begins. Late arrivals tend to disrupt the rehearsals, but we do understand that things don’t always go to plan in the mornings. To help us achieve the best results possible, we ask that students complete a minimum of 100 minutes a week and write it in their method book for me to monitor. We feel this is quite reasonable. In group lessons of up to 9 per group, it is vital that every student complete the expected (ticked) songs so we can move on next week. I also have a lot of students coming to lessons without books or their instrument. Unfortunately, these little hiccups undermine the group’s progress. We hope you’re enjoying the process as much as I am enjoying the results we’re getting every single week! Christine Jabs Instrumental Music Teacher Happy Music Making The Aspley Music Team SHIMONOSEKI STUDY TOUR 2015 Shimonoseki Study Tour 2015 Students from Shimonoseki Secondary School (Japan) are arriving in Aspley State School on Friday the 6 th of March. The group of 20 students aged 14-15 years old will be spending the weekend getting to know their host families as well as experiencing our Australian lifestyle. On Monday the 9th of March, we will be welcoming them to our school during our full school assembly where they will get the opportunity to meet their Aspley buddies. The Japanese students will be attending our school from Monday (9 th March) and departing for Japan on Thursday the 12th of March. We wish the Shimonoseki students and their teacher a very successful and rewarding experience here in Australia and Aspley State School. Kind Regards Rowena Mina (6MV/LOTE) and Elaine Dooley (6DA) YEAR 5 TYALGUM CAMP On the 25/02/15, all the grade 5 students went to a camp at Tyalgum Ridge for two nights. We did many activities but one of my favourites was the Waterfall Hike. First, we walked up a number of steep hills into a forest. While we were doing that, we spotted a YELLOW BELLY BLACK SNAKE. From the forest, we yet again, walked up some more steep hills, until there was a very steep decline. There was a rope there that we held onto because it was steep, slippery and muddy. When we got to the waterfall, it was stunning to see two mini waterfalls joining to form one. We were asked to stand under the waterfall and the falling water felt like HAIL on my back. On the way back to camp, in almost the same place as the yellow belly black snake, we saw a CARPET PYTHON. I liked this activity because although there was a lot of steep climbs and descents, it was worth it, to see the waterfall and actually feel it. Written by Rachel Fitzgerald Hello my name is Sahana ,I will tell you about the year 5 camping trip to NSWTyalgum ridge . It was such exciting trip with lots of planned activities. These included rock hopping, canoeing, high ropes, flying fox, waterfall hike, camping skills, low ropes, archery, group initiative and visiting farm animals. I enjoyed rock hopping the most, it was totally unbelievable and lots of fun hopping and nearly slipping off the rocks into the cold gashing water! It looked like a huge water fountain. We found different rocks and gems. The whole experience was totally amazing and taught us great lessons like " getting out of our comfort zones" and doing things by ourselves. Thank you to Tyalgum ridge and our wonderful teachers for organising an awesome camping trip! By Sahana My favourite activity at camp was the flying fox and the waterfall hike. I liked the waterfall hike because we got to in the waterfall and I also saw a blue lobster. Another one of my favourite activities was the flying fox. It was high and scary at first but you get used to it.I was scared as well but my mum always said To always get over your fears and I did that. It was so fun. All the kids in the other grades will love the flying fox and the waterfall hike. By Ishani. STUDENT COUNCIL NEWS Mad Hair Day On Friday, the 13th March, Aspley will have Mad Hair Day. While still in school uniform, children can do weird and wonderful things to their hair all for a good cause. All monies raised will be given to the Leukaemia Foundation. All members of the Aspley Community are asked to contribute at least a gold coin. Senior Leaders will visit all classrooms during the first session on the Friday morning to collect your donations. Lolly Bags As a fundraiser for the Canberra trip, the Year 6 children will be selling bags of lollies for $1 on the day of our Cross Country Event which is Friday, the 27th March. A note will be issued to all children closer to the event for ordering purposes. Nelma Wright ASPLEY 125 REPORT BBQ Volunteers and Donations Needed Team 125 needs your help for our upcoming fundraising events. Can you spare a couple of hours to volunteer at our upcoming BBQs. Our main priority is to get a few more confirmed people to help at the 96.5fm radio broadcast BBQ between 6am-9am on Wednesday 1st April so that nobody has to do the whole shift. I could also do with a couple of more helpers for the BunningsBBQ on Saturday 21 st March. If so please see the attached flier for information. We are also looking for soft drink, water and fruit juice donations for both events. See details in flier below. Reconnecting With Past Students and Teachers The reunion team is trying to reconnect with former students and teachers. The attached poster will be sent out to the local community in coming weeks. If you know someone who was a former student or a former teacher at Aspley State School, please ask them to reconnect. See the flier below for details on how to reconnect. 125 Commemorative Book Our 125th Anniversary Commemorative Book is taking shape. It will be printed in full colour and celebrates both the school’s history and present day activities that capture the fun and spirit of Aspley State School. We are still seeking photos of the school and surrounding district as well as informal photographs of school events, excursions, sports days, dress up days and other special occasions. So if you know someone who is a former student or teacher – ask them to check their photo albums and hard drives, and email high quality scans and you best photos to or contact the 125 Team if you would like some help with this. Original materials will be returned. Also, if your parents or grandparents have great stories about their school days at Aspley State School, please ask if they would like to share them with us. 125 Sponsors We are delighted to announce that the school has secured some great local businesses as sponsors. Thank you to our PLATINUM sponsors: - Holt Fitness - Ray White Aspley - Bank of Queensland Aspley - Sushi Train - Kedron-Wavell Services Club. Thanks also to our SILVER sponsor: Today’s Dentistry Thanks also to our BRONZE sponsor: Tracy Davis, MP, Member for Aspley Thanks to our GREEN sponsor: MTA (More Than Accountants). Please support the businesses that support us! Remember, if you or someone you know has a local business who might like to help support our Aspley 125 program of events, please refer them to our sponsorship proposal on the web site. NEWS@125 The second issue of News@125 was sent home with students last week. You can download the newsletter below or extra printed copies are available from the school office. ACTIVE SCHOOL TRAVEL ASPLEY GROUP BIKE RIDE To celebrate National Ride 2 School Day 2015, Aspley State School is organising a Group Ride on Friday March 13. Families are encouraged to ride to school on a bike or scooter, and walkers are more than welcome to join the group. Families are asked to meet on Stringybark Drive, Aspley at 7:30am with the ride commencing at 7:45am. For more information, please download the flyer below. ACTIVE SCHOOL TRAVEL AT ASPLEY Brisbane City Councils Active School Travel Program aims to change travel behaviour to and from school. Families are encouraged to walk, cycle, scooter, car pool or use public transport and even use our Outside School Hours Care (before and after school care) to reduce traffic congestion around schools. A DAY TO REMEMBER Tuesday is our selected Active School Travel day for Aspley State School. This is the day we collect travel statistics for council. Every Tuesday will now be known as Tackle Traffic Tuesday. SPORT TEAM TOKEN This year we are going to do it a little differently. The challenge this year is to participate for your sports team,Kennedy,Oxley and Mitchell. Everyone who Actively Travels to School can participate by grabbing a token and placing it in the boxes provided. The Sports Captains will be encouraging you the whole year. We still have lots of rewards to hand out and we will let you know further in the terms how to obtain these for your team, class and individually. HOW TO ACTIVELY TRAVEL TO SCHOOL We know that everyone is different, so there are lots of ways you can actively travel to school. How will you actively travel to school? WALK: Leave the car at home and walk your kids to school. If you live too far away, drive part of the way and walk the rest. We call that “Park and Stride”. Join a P&S group of parents and children and walk together. Don’t forget a Water bottle, Hat, Sunscreen, walking shoes are best and umbrella in case of rain. See Park and Stride Flyer for more details on the website. PLEASE NOTE : YOU ONLY HAVE TO WALK TWO STREET BLOCKS TO MAKE IT COUNT RIDE: Bike or Scooter to school, Ride with your children to school. It’s legal to ride on the footpath and there is a footpath in all directs to the school. Remember to always have your helmet secured on your head. Bikes can be secured near E block and there is a Scooter park near the entrance of the Library. CARPOOL: Find a friend and carpool to school. It’s an easy way to save money and time. Talk to other parents in your child’s class or at music or sport to see who is going your way, who lives near you, or put a note through your Spirit Committee leader or Facebook Groups if you want to assist other parents or need assistance getting to school. PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Public transport is easy once you know how. For bus timetables, visit, phone 13 12 30 or visit the Transport Information Centre located on the corner of Ann and Roma Streets. Try catching the bus, it can be fun. Carpool, Buspool, Walkpool, or even Bikepool with your friends to and from Connect with the Facebook Groups or your Spirit Committee leader for your class and organise some groups. school. DROP OFF ZONE While dropping your children through the drop off zone it is not considered Active Travel (unless you carpool), we do encourage those families without prep children to use the 2 Minute Drop Zone rather than trying to park at the school where parking is a premium. We have 2 Minute Drop Off and Pick Up Zones at the Hall (Horn Rd) and on MaundrellTce. A “How to Use the Zone” flyer can be found on the Schools Website, and will also be distributed in the next few weeks. Things to remember and to discuss with your children: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Children must sit and wait for pick up; No running to Cars; NO Parking in the Drop & Go Zone and designated areas between 8-9am or 2-4pm; Make pickup time after 3:05pm to give time for children to arrive; Display Surname on the left hand visor ; Only drop off and pick up on the green line; Pull forward as far as you can; and above all, Follow ALL Road Rules around the school. DATES TO BE ACTIVE th Friday 13 March – National Ride 2 School Day - 100% Day - Bling Your Bike/Scooter nd Tuesday 22 of May – Walk Safely to School Day 100% Day th Friday 26 June Fancy Sock Day (Last Day of Term) WALK /RIDE/ CARPOOL) th Tuesday 4 August – Winter Scarf, Snood and Beanie Day th nd Friday 18 Sept CAR FREE DAY (official day is 22 September). 100%Day th Tuesday 4 November - Melbourne Cup Day – great day to race your friends to school NOTIFICATIONS OF EVENTS TO BE SENT OUT TO STUDENTS CLOSER TO THE EVENT DATE SUN SAFETY AT ASPLEY Sunscreen Bottles and Holders There have been 5 sunscreen holders placed around the school. 1.Pool area 2.Prep 3.Year 2 eating area 4.Eastern side of the hall 5.Western side of the hall This sunscreen is for students to access during break times. More information will be provided in the coming weeks. OTHER AVAILABLE STUDENT ACTIVITIES / SERVICES ASPLEY SPARROWS GIRLS SOCCER CLINIC NEWS CONGRATULATIONS! SPARROWS SELECTED FOR EAGLES CHALLENGE CUP Selections have been announced for Aspley State School’s two inaugural representative teams contesting the Aspley Eagles Challenge Cup soccer carnival at Aspley State High School on Thursday, 2 April 2015. Congratulations go to our 22-member squad comprising the following grades 5 and 6 girls: Alexandra Hassall, 5F Madison Tinney, 5M Alyssa Corbett, 6MV Maia Morris-Arkell (Arkell), 5P Amber Everett-Jones, 5P MakaritaKururangi, 5P Caitlin Lawrence, 6H Makayla Brown, 5F Charlotte Vine, 6WS MillieaCoonz, 5P Emma Ross, 6H Olivia Mulcahy, 5R Fiona Chu, 6H Poppy Hayes, 5P Grace Deller, 5P Rachel Fitzgerald, 5R Imogen Russell, 6H Rebecca Lawry, 5F JanikaLapworth, 5F Sarah Leonard, 5P Lily Revie, 5F Sophie Osborne, 6WS In extending the community reach of their Soccer Enrichment Program, Aspley State High School will host the 6thAspley Eagles Challenge Cup on their oval as a day-long, round-robin soccer tournament between senior primary school students (grades 5 and 6) in the local area. The carnival format consists of modified games of soccer, with finals at the end of the day. The event provides an opportunity for schools to win top honours, with Taigum State School currently in possession of the Hart Sport Aspley Eagles Challenge Cup Trophy. However, our focus for the day is participation, gaining experience, and most of all, having fun! Mr Farrow wishes to impress upon the girls that they should feel very proud! This is an exciting opportunity to represent Aspley State School for the first time ever in this coveted local tournament. PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL COACHES ADD “KICK” TO SPARROWS The Aspley Sparrows Girls Soccer Clinic is poised to go ahead in leaps and bounds with the announcement that North Star Football Club professional coaches will be leading Monday morning training drills for the next three weeks. Generously boosting the Sparrows’ skill development at no cost to families, certified and blue-carded coaches will work with the girls every Monday from 8am sharp beginning March 16th. Grade 3’s Miss Oliver will also continue as Monday’s teacherlead. As part of their commitment to the North Brisbane community, North Star Football Association Inc., based at O'Callaghan Park Zillmere, has added Aspley State School to their school development program roster. With a 40-year history, North Star FC is one of Brisbane’s most successful premier league soccer clubs, encouraging playing opportunities for male and female participants of all ages from under 6 to open age groups. Kicking off the Sparrows’ weekly training schedule on March 16th, 23rd and 30th, Aspley State School’s rookies and experienced players will benefit from Monday’s fun, inclusive and enjoyable football guidance based on North Star’s strategic soccer development expertise. As recommended by Football Federation of Australia, their coaches will work with our Sparrows on the “4 core skills”: first touch; running with the ball; 1-v-1; and striking the ball (passing/shooting). Professional coaching is a massive boon for the growing Sparrows Girls Soccer program, Aspley State School itself, and of course our grade 4, 5 and 6 girls who wish to try this increasingly popular female sport in Australia. Nonetheless, Sparrows Girls Soccer Clinic is only made possible with teacher and parental support. Thank you to the staff and families who volunteer their time to see girls’ football take off at Aspley! THURSDAY TRAINING REPLACES WEDNESDAYS Wednesday morning girls’ soccer training will move to Thursdays from March 19 th due to unforeseen circumstances. We apologise for any inconvenience to your routine and look forward to seeing as many Sparrows as possible at our Monday, Thursday and Friday 8am training sessions. Futsal remains at first break on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Soccer skills training with Aspley Sparrows is entirely flexible. Players can train as much or as little as they want. However, selection for competitive teams (eg Gala Day or “Aspley Eagles Challenge Cup”) will depend on a number of factors including (but not limited to) on-field performance, demonstrated team spirit, and commitment to attend training. Further information Mr Kym Farrow, year 4 teacher & Sparrows Coordinator | 07 3863 9111 Mrs CarolynneHassall, parent & Sparrows communication/administration support | 0404 883 462 TRIPLE \'P\' DIABETIC RESEARCH PROGRAM Are you a parent of a child with type 1 diabetes? Every day, thousands of Australian children suffer the effects of type 1 diabetes and families struggle with illness management and children’s behavioural and emotional adjustment. Positive Parenting for Healthy Livingis an adaptation of the successful Triple P- Positive Parenting Program offering practical ideas and support for parents of children with type 1 diabetes. This innovative group program is designed to help parents manage their child’s illness, assist children in coping with their illness and emotions, and prevent and manage difficult child behaviour. Over the next few months and for a limited time only, parents of 2-10 year old children with type 1 diabetes are able to access Positive Parenting for Healthy Living Triple P as part of a University of Queensland research project. Parents will be able to attend the program free of charge, and will be asked to complete 2 sets of assessment measures (questionnaire and family observation) over a 6 month period, as part of the study. ContactAditiLohan on (07) 3346 7689 or email, or visit more information. ASPLEY SWIMMING CLUB NEWS Aspley State School Amateur Swimming Club is now in its 48th year and meets every Friday night during terms 1 and 4. Racing commences at 6.30pm and is finished by 8.30pm. At these meets children compete against other children in a family friendly atmosphere where the emphasis is on improving their swimming times. The continuing aims of the Swimming Club are to: 16. encourage water confidence and fitness 17. promote good sporstmanship 18. promote swimming as a competitive sport Swimming for term 1 recommences Friday, 30 January 2015. For further information about joining our wonderful Club please e-mail SCHOOL DENTAL SERVICES TUCKSHOP NEWS The ladies in the Tuckshop are looking for volunteers to help them. If you can assist, please contact KarynMcMullin at CAMP AUSTRALIA NEWS 4th March 2015 Program Last week we talked about insects and bugs. A variety of different bugs were made at the craft tables and zoobs insects were created. As it is now Autumn we are keeping a record of the daily temperature for the season. We are also doing craft activities around Autumn this week. Preps Our preps are keeping busy with lots of drawing and construction in the mornings. Their ability to walk in line to prep in the mornings is impressive. Hats Hats need to have children’s names marked clearly on them. We encourage students to keep their hats in their bags and to be responsible for their own possessions. We do not have spare hats so anyone without a hat plays inside or under cover. Journal Please have a look at our journal of daily activities when you come in. We endeavour to take photos every day of the children. Often we do not get a chance to put the photos in until late in the day or sometimes the next day so feel free to flip back to previous entries and photos. Food Scraps Thank you to those families who take our fruit and vegetable scraps for their garden or pets. If you would like to take scraps at any time please see Frances, Grace or Deb. Medicare Number A reminder that we still require Medicare numbers for some students. Please bring in your Medicare cards or text the number to our work phone (0412 203004). Unfortunately we cannot receive photos on our phone. Frances and Team Program Details To find out more about our program, view fees and to register visit COMMUNITY NEWS SOUTHERN STARS GIRLS T20 HOLIDAY CLINIC ZILLMERE COMMUNITY CENTRE HOLT FITNESS HOLT FITNESS "ABT" CLASS!!! Holt Fitness has an ABT (abs,butts,thighs) class every Monday night in the Aspley School Hall, 6.00 - 7.00pm, for just $15 per person! All are welcome - you don't have to be a member of the Gym to attend. We look forward to seeing you there!!! Richard and Ashley ALL ABOUT KIDS - Speech Language Pathology All About Kidsis a private practice with speech pathologists, occupational therapists and psychologists specialised in supporting children. In 2015 All About Kidsare offering a special screening assessment for Prep and Year 1 students at Aspley State School. This assessment will screen the student's speech production and literacy skills and will cost $25 per student. If you or your child's teacher have concerns about their speech production or their readiness for literacy learning, then this screening assessment is a great opportunity to get some speech pathology support. To make an appointment or to find out more information: 19. 20. 21. Phone: 07 3262 6009 Email: Web: Learn more about how a speech pathologist can help your child by downloading the All About Kids Newsletter - Issue One below. SENSORY MOVIE DAY Sensory Movie Day is an inclusive event for families with special needs. Lighting is on Dim, Sound lowered, Volunteers monitoring Fire exit doors. Please find attached the upcoming dates. KARATE AND SELF DEFENCE NORTHSIDE FAMILY DAY CARE TWILIGHT MARKETS
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