Newsletter_4_2015 - Augusta State School


Newsletter_4_2015 - Augusta State School
The Augusta Star
Newsletter 4, 2015 – 17/3/15
P&C Annual General Meeting 17 March 2015
Please do not use the staff car park for any reason at any time.
A reminder that students should not arrive at school prior to 8am
(with the exception of ensemble / band members).
If a child needs to be dropped off at school prior to 8am please contact
Camp Australia (
Empowered to be my
best today.
Inspired to be even
better tomorrow!
NAPLAN – Helping your child prepare
The 2015 NAPLAN (National Assessment Program: Literacy and Numeracy) will be
held on 12, 13 and 14 May 2015 for all students in years 3 and 5. NAPLAN is a point in
time test that identifies student skills in reading, writing, spelling, grammar &
punctuation and numeracy.
A useful website for parents is: The site contains information about the purpose of NAPLAN and
examples of what is expected of students.
Practice opportunities:
Practice materials are available for families at:
If you have concerns for your child in relation to 2015 NAPLAN, please make an
appointment to see your child’s classroom teacher as soon as possible.
Reading to your child, reading with your child, and listening to your child read
every day is one of the greatest investments of time you can make. Every child
has a ‘Reading Stars’ record sheet in their Communication Book. Please complete
the information each evening. Students will be recognised for their consistent
reading efforts with certificates.
Hints to help with reading:
Make reading an enjoyable experience for you and your child.
For children who are beginning their ‘learning to read journey’, read books
together. Encourage your child to join in to read favourite parts / repeated text
/ rhyming parts and easily predicted ideas.
Stop reading from time to time and ask your child to look at / talk about / ask
questions about the ideas presented in the pictures.
Encourage your child to tell you about their favourite part of the story or to tell
you what they think about a particular character in the story.
ANZAC Day Services
The Members of the Redbank Plains RSL Sub Branch would like to invite students
to join them for the 100 years of ANZAC – ANZAC Day Services on 25 April 2015.
The dawn service will be held at 4:25am at the Redbank Plains Cenotaph,
Moreton Avenue, Redbank Plains. The commemorative service will be held at
9:30 at the same venue, preceded by a march leaving from the corner of Cedar
Rd and Moreton Ave at 9:20am.
Our Augusta State School ANZAC Day Service will be held at school on Friday 24
April 2015 at 9am.
Reading EVERY DAY! Please
complete your child’s ‘Reading
Stars’ record sheet.
Please avoid bringing nuts and
eggs to Augusta.
Augusta has a ‘no school hat – no
play’ policy. Please ensure your
child has a school hat that is clearly
Animals should not be brought to
school, including at pick-up times.
Monday & Friday 8:15-8:45am
Wednesday 1:30 – 2:00pm
P&C Annual General Meeting
17 March 2015
Cross Country – all year levels
24 March 2015
Please see note sent home this
School ANZAC Ceremony
Friday 24 April 2015 9am
2016 Enrolment Waiting List
1 May 2016 6:30am
Please see information in
12, 13, 14 May 2015
Years 3 and 5
RSPCA Visit – Prep
The RSPCA visited our Prep classes last week. This is what two of the Prep students
The RSPCA showed us pictures of dogs. They talked to us about how to look after
our pets. We learned that our pets need food, water, air and shelter and of course
Farm Friends Animal Visit – Prep
Farmer Jules visited Prep last week. This what two of the Prep students wrote:
Farm Fun came to visit Prep last week. There were calves, ducklings and mummy
and baby chicks. We fed the calves some milk. We held the chicks VERY carefully.
The chicks were so soft. The ducklings were so warm. We spent the whole day
learning about animals.
Writer’s Workshop – Year 3
This term, Year 3 students have been fortunate to spend time with an amazing
author, Cameron Stelzer. Cameron has written a series of children books and
novels that captures their imagination. During these interactive workshops,
students were actively engaged in a series of activities to enhance their writing
skills in narratives and persuasive texts. Children used adjectives to describe
what a character may look like, smell like, feel like, and sound like. Children also
used pictures to create problems and complications for a story. Students worked
in groups to write an advertisement designed to convince an audience to buy
items such as a balloon army tank and a chocolate-covered strawberry hat. Yum!
It was wonderful to see students leaving the workshop eager to start their next
writing adventure. Year 3 would like to thank Cameron for inspiring and
challenging students to have a love of writing!
At Augusta we teach students how to be safe and how to practice sunsafe
At Augusta:
- Act as positive role models to students by practising ‘Sunsmart’ behaviour.
- Remind students, if required, to apply sunscreen and wear the school hat.
- Use shaded areas for outdoor activities where possible.
- Assist students to apply sunscreen if necessary.
- Provide an Augusta school hat for their child.
- Assist their child to apply sunscreen before leaving for school.
- Support the school’s Sun Safety Strategy in principle and in practice.
- Teach students how to apply sunscreen
- All students are encouraged to apply sunscreen before leaving home for
school each day.
- All students are offered the opportunity to apply sunscreen before going out
to play. Students must respect the resource (sunscreen) and use it safely
and appropriately.
- All students must wear our school hat when engaged in curricular, extracurricular or play activities that are outside.
Sunscreen is available to students in each classroom double teaching space.
Students are welcome to apply sunscreen on uncovered areas of their body –
legs, arms, back of hands and face/neck. The sunscreen is SPF 30+ broad
spectrum and water-based sunscreen.
The sunscreen provided at school is the ‘Cancer Council ‘Everyday Sunscreen’
SPF30+’ brand.
Should parents wish to provide their own brand of sunscreen for their child, they
are welcome to send a roll-on sunscreen in their child’s bag, with their name
School phone number:
07 3814 9666
Term 1
27 January – 2 April
Term 2
20 April – 26 June
Term 3
13 July – 18 September
Term 4
6 October – 11 December
Ipswich Show Holiday
15 May 2015
(No show holiday in term 3)
Pupil Free Day
19 October 2015
clearly marked on it. If you DO NOT want your child to use the ‘Cancer Council
Everyday Sunscreen SPF30+’ that is provided by the school, please complete the
slip note that was sent home this week and return it to your child’s class teacher
by Friday 20 March 2015.
Uniform Shop – Opening Times & Winter Uniform
Winter Jumpers are now available from the Uniform Shop. They are available in
full zip and half zip from sizes 4 to 14 and S, M, L. The Uniform Shop is open Mon
and Fri 8.15 to 8.45 and Wed 1.30 to 2.00 pm. During these times payments will
be made at the finance office then parents proceed to the uniform shop to
collect uniforms, try on sizes etc.
The other option that is available for uniform purchases is that parents can make
payment for new uniforms at the finance window at any time either by phone or
person and the order will be available for collection during the next uniform
opening. Alternatively, the order can be delivered to the child's classroom or the
office for collection.
Regular Attendance
Parents and caregivers must send children to school every school day under
Queensland law unless there is an acceptable reason such as:
doing work experience;
competing in school sporting events.
If your child is going to be absent from school, you must let the school know why
the absence has occurred within two school days of their return. If possible, it is
best to advise the school beforehand.
Please avoid keeping your child away from school for reasons such as:
visiting family and friends;
if they sleep in;
looking after other children;
minor check-ups or care, such as haircuts.
Where possible, routine medical or other health appointments should be made
either before or after school or during the school holidays. Establishing good
routines around school can assist with regular school attendance. These include:
have a set time to go to bed;
have a set time to get out of bed;
have uniform and school bag ready the night before;
have a set time for starting and finishing breakfast;
set a time for daily homework activities;
speak about school positively;
send your child to school every school day including their birthday and
the last day of term.
Regular attendance at school is very important for each child however, from
time to time students become ill. Written advice from parents is required
regarding student absences. To enable us to account for each student in our
school, please phone administration or advise us in writing should your child
need to be away from school. Students should arrive at school between 8:15am
and 8:25am. Before school care is available through Camp Australia for students
who need to be at school earlier.
Early Collection: If parents need to collect students early from school, students
must be signed out through Administration. We require an explanation on each
occasion that a child is collected from school early.
Please avoid early collection of your child as much as possible.
On Tuesday 24 March the Augusta State School annual Cross Country will be held
for all students on the oval. Students in Prep to Year 2 will be running in class
groups from 8:45 onwards. Students in Years 3-6 will run according to their age
group from 10:50.
Consent and medical forms were sent home yesterday. These forms must be
completed and returned to class teachers by Friday 20 March for students to
participate. Students will need to wear suitable running shoe, school uniform
and school hat. Students also need to bring a water bottle. Parents and family
members are welcome to come along and watch the races.
Every Day Counts!
Did you know?...
If your child misses:
That equals:
Which is:
And over 13 years of
schooling that is:
10 minutes per day
50 minutes per
1.5 weeks per year
Nearly 1/2 a year
1 hr 40 mins per
Half a day per
Over 2.5 weeks per
Nearly 1 year
4 weeks per year
Nearly 1.5 years
1 day per week
8 weeks per year
Over 2.5 years
20 minutes per day
30 minutes per day
1 hour per day
Session 1:8:30 – 10:30 Teaching and Learning
20 minute Brain Break
Session 2: 10:50 – 12:20 Teaching and Learning
20 minute Brain Break & 30 minute play
Session 3: 1:10 – 2:10 Teaching and Learning
2:10 – 2:30 Reflection and Goal Setting (2pm parade on Wednesday)
Did you know that you can register your child with for
Outside Hours School Care, without planning on using the service on a regular basis?
From time to time families may have emergency situations where they cannot get
to school as planned. In these instances, before- and after-school care may be able
to assist. We recommend that all families register with the service.
Applications for enrolment into Prep to Year 6 at Augusta State School for 2016
open at 6:30am on Friday 1 May 2015. Our Enrolment Management Plan
provides that all students who reside within the local catchment area or children
who have a sibling currently enrolled and attending Augusta State School and
who are eligible for enrolment in the educational program offered by the school
have a right to enrolment at the school.
Our catchment area is reviewed from time to time to reflect changes in the
local community infrastructure (eg roads, residential development, buildings
etc). We ask that all families who intend to express an interest in enrolling a
child at Augusta in 2016, complete an Expression of Interest on or after 6:30am
1 May 2015.
Families eligible for enrolment will be contacted in semester two. At enrolment,
Parents will need to provide:
 Student’s original Birth Certificate (not commemorative certificate);
 Evidence of residential address (e.g. rates notice, rental tenancy
agreement {minimum six months}).
Families who do not have a child currently enrolled at Augusta, and who reside
outside the school’s local catchment boundary who apply for enrolment at the
school will be put on a waiting list in order of receipt of application.
Enrolment of students from outside the local catchment area will be managed to
ensure that the total current and forecast enrolments do not exceed the school’s
current built capacity. Where there is spare capacity, students will be enrolled
from the waiting list. Offers of enrolment positions for families on the waiting
list may continue to be made up to and after the first day of school in 2014, until
class numbers are finalised. Enrolment enquiries should be directed to:
School and class newsletters will be emailed to parents in 2015. Our next newsletter
will be emailed in a fortnight. Please ensure your email address is kept up to date.
Please also upload the QSchool App which will provide updates of the school
calendar and uploads of important documents.
We have received notification regarding works being undertaken at the corner of
Brittains Rd and Keidges Road. The Construction team have advised that there may
be possible restrictions to through traffic during the works. Weather permitting,
the works are expected to be completed by May 2015.
Our school website ( has been upgraded. Families are
invited to download the QSchools app (apple and android). The app will provide
reminders of school events, access to the school newsletter and other school
information. The app also enables ‘push’ notifications to be sent to users.
A reminder to all families to update any changes in medical conditions for their
Infectious Diseases - Compulsory Exclusion from School Though Illness
Pupils who contract illnesses such as Measles, Mumps etc., must remain at home
for a specified minimum length of time. Please notify the school immediately if
your child is diagnosed by your doctor with any communicable condition. Periods
of time for exclusion for different illnesses can be obtained by contacting the
school. Please see ‘Time Out’ flyer which is included in this handbook.
Head Lice
It is advisable to check children’s hair regularly. Where lice are discovered please
contact the school.
At Augusta: I am safe, I am respectful, I am responsible, I am the best me I can be.
Our students do an amazing job of understanding and following the
expectations at Augusta. From time to time a child may make a mistake. If a
child does make a mistake, we work with them to understand how they have
contributed to the problem and how they are going to fix the problem. When
talking about a problem, students are taught to take responsibility and to keep a
problem ‘small’.
Being safe at Augusta:
We have a number of children in our school who suffer from severe anaphylaxis.
This is a life threatening condition for these children. Nuts and eggs are the
triggers for the affected children. Parents are asked not to pack anything with
nuts or eggs in them. We understand that this may at times be an inconvenience
however we need to do our very best to keep every child safe at Augusta. Your
support is appreciated.
Dogs & Animals at School:
At Augusta our first concern is always for the welfare and safety of our students.
Whilst a dog on a lead may not seem a threat, situations can change rapidly.
Please do NOT bring dogs or other animals to school at any time.
Travelling to and from School:
Please remind your child to be safe when travelling to and from school. Students
riding bikes and scooters must wear helmets and follow the road rules. It is the
responsibility of students to secure their bikes or scooters in the school bike
racks using their own locking device. If your child walks to school please remind
them to be safe, responsible and respectful at all times.
The bus zone at the Brittains Road frontage to the school is for bus parking only.
Many of our students in years one to seven use the school bus service. The ‘bus
zone’ is not available for car parking at any time. Please do not park in the bus zone.
Please do not park on any of the grassed areas (e.g. the roundabout, the end of the
school carpark and the footpaths) as these are not parking areas.
The staff carpark is for staff only. Please do not use the staff
carpark at any time, including when accessing Outside Hours School
Carpark & Drop-off zone:
Please do not leave your car when it is parked in the drop-off zone. Collecting
students between 2:35 and 2:45 will help ease congestion. Please consider this,
particularly if you have students in the senior school. Thankyou.
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 March 2015 in the
Administration block, commencing at 6pm. Please feel very welcome to attend.
If you are intending on using the Café (tuckshop) for your children please set up
your account.
Please follow this process to open your account:
1. Go to:
2. Enter the initial username: augusta Enter the password: munch4300
3. Click ‘sign up’
4. Enter your own email address and a password. Click ‘create your
5. An important email will be sent to you almost immediately.
6. Find the email and click the link to activate your account. (Check your
‘junk mail’ folder in case the email is treated as spam.)
7. Enter your own email address and password then click ‘Activate My
8. Follow the steps to complete the set up.
9. Once you have put money into your account, you can order on-line
whenever it suits you. Money can be credited to your Munch Monitor
account using either your debit card or your credit card.
10. You can include a photo of your child in your family profile if you wish.
11. Please ensure you detail any allergies that your child has.
There is assistance available through the email:
If you are available to volunteer on any Monday, please complete the
information form in the office. When you complete the form, we will need your
name, email, phone and available times on and dates of a Monday. Please note
unfortunately children cannot be in the Café due to Workplace Health and Safety
A number of lunchtime clubs are being offered to students this term. Clubs
include dance, art, junior playground, lunchtime games, choir, leadership and
library. These activities have been very well attended by students throughout
the school. Thank you to the teachers and aides who are planning for these
sessions. We are very lucky to have so many creative people in our school!
If your child requires medication to be administered at school, paperwork must
be completed at the office before we can give your child any medication. All
medication must be labelled by a pharmacist.
Students should not be at school prior to 8am. If families need for their children
to be at school before that time, please use our Outside Hours School Care
facilities. Contact for details.
Students should arrive at school between 8:15 and 8:25. The front gate at school
will be opened by staff at 2:25pm each day, with the exception of Wednesdays
when it will be opened for parade at 2:05pm (side gate at the far end of
Administration). These arrangements ensure maximum teaching and learning time
for all of our students.
From time to time we understand that children need to be collected from school
early, or arrive late. Please avoid this as much as possible. Late arrivals and early
departures of students must be recorded in administration. Students who are
leaving school before 2:30 must be collected from administration. Learning
commences at 8:30am. Thankyou for your support.
Every child at Augusta should read every night. If your child is not yet an
independent reader, please read to or with your child. Please record this in your
child’s ‘Reading Stars’ record sheet (communication book). Students will be
recognised for their consistent efforts with certificates after each 25 nights.
Students have received their username and password information for Literacy
Planet (Prep to year 6) and Mathletics (not yet in Prep). Students should engage in
curriculum areas of these programs for between 15 and 30 minutes each week.
Volunteers at Augusta State School are asked to attend an information session
about Code of Conduct in Education Queensland Schools. Please register your
interest / RSVP with Administration or via email. All volunteers at Augusta State
School are also asked to have a Volunteer’s ‘Suitability Card’, otherwise known as a
Blue Card. Anyone wishing to volunteer in our school can collect an application
from Administration.
Please ensure your residential address, email address, contact phone numbers and
emergency contact details are up to date.
Our newsletter is emailed each fortnight. If you haven’t received an email for a few
weeks, please email: to check the address is correct.
Thank you.
Augusta State School is a uniform School. Please ensure students are in uniform,
which consists of black or white lace-up/Velcro shoes (that stay on securely),
white socks, navy School shorts and School shirt with a School hat. School hats
are available in the Uniform Shop. Please ensure hats are clearly named.
Parade is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the great things happening at
Augusta. We appreciate that the afternoon is a challenging time to have parade
however the ‘am’ sessions are prime learning time. If, during parade, younger
siblings become upset, or conversations must be had, it would be greatly
appreciated if you could move away from the direct stage area, as students are
easily distracted. Thankyou.
Mr Grant Davies has recommenced guitar lessons for interested students.
Lessons cost $15 for a half hour group lesson or $30 for individual half hour
lessons. Please see Ms Brown.
A reminder that valuables, including toys, should not be brought to school. If
students bring mobile phones/ipods or other electronic devices to school, these
devices must be turned off and brought to the office on arrival at school, and
collected from the office at 2:30pm.
If your child is missing some property, please visit the Resource Centre to check the
lost property.
Thankyou for providing healthy lunches and snacks for your children. Please
avoid nut and egg products in school lunchboxes.
We encourage students to drink water throughout the day. If students bring
‘popper’ drinks to school, please remind them to dispose of the rubbish
(particularly the straw covers) appropriately.
Please make sure your child has a water bottle every day.
Thankyou for your support in helping students to develop the habit of having
their Boomerang & Brag books every day. These books help your child to
communicate the celebrations and achievements of their day, as well as enabling
us to update families with important messages.
Class newsletters will also be included in your child’s Boomerang Book. These
newsletters will provide families with updates about curriculum, routines and
upcoming events. Please take the time to read these newsletters.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please write a note explaining the
absence or telephone the office on 3814 9666.
An up to date timetable can now be found on-line at Bus:
Thankyou to the families who have already settled their Student Resource
Scheme payments. Payments can be made on any morning at the school’s cash
window. Cash, credit card and cheque are all welcome. Invoices for 2015 will be
issued during the month of February.
Families wishing to make payment arrangements, including Centrelink
deductions should see Deb in Administration to complete applicable forms.
For the safety of our students, please continue to drive safely in our school car
park. Even when there are not many cars around, please drive slowly and
carefully, being mindful and looking after the safety of pedestrians through the
school carpark and on surrounding roads.
As Queensland Government policy indicates, there is no smoking or consumption
of alcohol on Education Queensland premises, which includes the school grounds
and the school carpark. Thankyou.