newsletter-2015-04-02 - Belmont State School


newsletter-2015-04-02 - Belmont State School
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Independent Public School
From the Principal
Term 1 Week 10
2 April 2015
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Term 1 comes to an end … already!
I would like to take this opportunity in the final newsletter of first term to
thank everyone in our school – staff, students, parents, carers and friends –
for their efforts this past term. Who would believe nearly ten weeks could go
so fast? I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term at Belmont State School and
I continue to be impressed by the quality of our teachers and their teaching,
our students and their learning, and our parent and community engagement
and involvement.
It has been an exciting time as we have continued exploring the possibilities offered as an
Independent Public School and the additional resourcing provided by the Great Results
Guarantee. It has been wonderful to end the term with a range of events and celebrations that
focus on the specific “pillars” of education – such as Academic, Sporting and Arts/Cultural.
On behalf of the staff at Belmont State School, I would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing
Easter break. A reminder that the Easter vacation is again two weeks this year, with school
holidays commencing on Friday 3 April (Good Friday) and school returning for next term on
Monday 20 April.
Contact Our School:
Old Cleveland Road
Carindale QLD 4152
Phone: (07) 3843 9333
Fax: (07) 3843 9300
Student Absence Line:
(07) 3843 9388
Prep Year in 2016?
As first term draws to a close, I would again respectfully request that you inform the school if you
have a child or children who is/are to be enrolled in the Prep Year in 2016. Children are eligible
for Prep in 2016 if they are born between 1 July 2010 and 30 June 2011. While the new school
year is more than three terms away, it is important that as an Independent Public School we have
as much information as possible to manage our enrolments.
Office Hours:
8.00am – 3.45pm
School Hours:
8.45am – 3.00pm
Please be advised that we will be undertaking our Prep 2016 Information Sessions on Tuesday
28 April 2015 at 9:30am and 7:00pm in our Multi Purpose Centre. If you have a child due to
start Prep in 2016, or know someone else who does, please contact our office to have your
details included on our database.
School Cross Country Carnival
Last Friday 28 April saw our school host our first sports event for 2015 – our School Cross
Country carnival. It was great to see students from Years 3 to 6 participate in the day and
represent their Sport House, having undertaken training for the previous five weeks. Whilst
students aged 9 years and over ran the course on the day, Miss Barnett ensured the younger
year levels experienced the course during their HPE lessons last week. Well done and
congratulations to Miss Barnett for coordinating the event, and thank you to all the staff,
parents, carers and friends who helped set up, pack up and cheered and supported our students.
Lastly, and by no means least, I would like to congratulate our students for their efforts and
competitive spirit – particularly given the unseasonably warm weather. The results from the
School Cross Country Carnival can be found later in this newsletter – well done again to our age
champions and winning Sports House.
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
Odd Months – 3rd Friday 9am – Hub
Even Months – 3 Tuesday 7pm - MPC
All community members are
very welcome ☺
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 1 Week 10 | 2 April 2015
George Zanatta
Painter and Decorator
Term 1 Prom Concert
Last night, Wednesday 1 April, we were treated to our Term 1 Prom Concert in our school hall. It
was wonderful to share in the talents of some of our school’s musicians. I would like to thank our
conductors and organisers – Ms Burgess, Mrs MacDonald-Raymond, Miss Heratage and Ms
Thacker. Thank you also to Mr Stockdale, who assisted in preparing our Concert Band but was
unable to attend on the night. Special thanks to Mrs Haks and Mrs Kircher for accompanying our
performers. A very big thank you and well done to our students for their performances, and also
to our parents and carers – for your attendance on the night and your ongoing support of our
students and their music studies.
email -
web -
Mobile 0419 777203
Events such as our Prom Nights provide an opportunity for students involved in our Instrumental
Music (Strings and Band) and Choral Programs to step from the learning environment to the
performing arena and share their knowledge, growth and progression with our community.
Easter Bonnet Parade
Thank you to our students, parents, carers, families, friends and staff for all helping to make this
morning’s Easter Bonnet Parade the spectacle that it was! Well done to everyone on the fantastic,
creative and in many cases innovative, head wear that was on show.
ANZAC Day Ceremony
Our annual ANZAC Day Commemoration will be held on Friday 24 April at 9:30am in our school
hall. All community members are welcome to attend. We ask that students bring in flowers for our
“Lest We Forget” tribute from their gardens. Teachers will call for parent assistance with the
arrangement of flowers in the morning. Students are also invited to bring flowers to place at the
bottom of the flagpole during the proceedings.
QSchools app
Have you downloaded the QSchools app yet? The QSchools app is FREE and allows parents, carers
and the community to receive information through their mobile devices and includes push
notifications, emergency announcements, newsletters, documents, calendar events, news,
tuckshop and uniform shop information, school hours, contact details and social media feeds. The
QSchools app links directly to information on our school’s website and can be download via the
Apple iTunes store, Google Play, Windows Stores and Windows Phone Store. For more
information visit:
Keep a watch on our school these holidays
Parents and students can help take care of our school by reporting any suspicious after-hours
activity to School Watch on 13 17 88. By keeping an eye out we can work together to create a
safer school community and help to reduce vandalism, theft and arson in our school. If you see
something suspicious, please don’t intervene. Call the School Watch number and let the local
police or State Government Protective Security Service deal with the matter.
Carindale Family Dentist
Dr Gloria Kim & Dr Grace Kim
“Family looking after Families”
Bulk billing service for $1000
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Whitening. Cosmetics. Surgery.
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Yours in education,
Open Mon-Sat
Phone : 3324 9172
Mr Anthony Palmer
Shop 2, 14 Millennium Blvd
Carindale (Next to Dominos’)
School Watch
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 1 Week 10 | 2 April 2015
HPE News
Last Friday the 27 of March was the Belmont State School Interhouse Cross Country. The
weather was extremely hot, but all students should be very proud of their efforts.
Congratulations to the following age champions and to Canara house who are the overall
9 Yrs Girls
1st Jasmine GH 4A
2nd Millie W 4B
3rd Kayla S 4A
9 yrs Boys
1st Harvey Y 4B
2nd Jai C 4C
3rd Taine M 4B
10 Yrs Girls
1st Velta K 4D
2nd Sophie D 5C
3rd Eden D 4B
10 yrs Boys
1st Jake R 5C
2nd Gary H 5C
3rd Lachlan C 4B
11 Yrs Girls
1st Haidee H 6A
2nd Bronty L 6D
3rd Heimata C 5B
11 yrs Boys
1st Finn B 6B
2nd Ryan MW 6B
3rd Juhaim Z 6C
Open Girls
1st Tayla F 6B
2nd Anglea C 6C
3rd Tayla O 6A
Open Boys
1st Abdul D 6C
2nd Jesse B 6B
3rd Obren K 6C
225 Points
210 Points
198 Points
185 Points
Any girls who were born in 2003 or 2004 and
wish to trial for the Lytton District Softball or
Tennis Teams, need to come and see Miss
Barnett for some paperwork. Students need
to collect this paperwork on Monday 20 April.
Miss Tracey Barnett
HPE Teacher
School Watch
For Primary students after school
(Grades 1 – 6)
Starting in Term 2
Venue: Mt Bruce Scout Hall
(69 Ferguson Rd, Camp Hill)
Cost: $12 per week (payable by the term)
Contact: Karen Neale (B.A.Dip Ed, ADPA)
Ph: 0400170373
for Enrolment Form
Or phone 3843 9333 for more
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School | Strive to Excel
Newsletter | Term 1 Week 10 | 2 April 2015
From the Student Council
Anzac Day is the solemn day of remembrance for the soldiers who fought and died at Gallipoli in 1915. In
honour of this day the Belmont State School Student Council will be selling slouch hat badges for $5.00 and
centenary ribbons for $1.00. These items will be sold outside the tuck shop before school and during lunch
time everyday leading up to the Anzac Day ceremony. We hope students will support this fundraising
endeavour for the RSL.
Please be aware that a limited
Blake B
supply of each item will be
Student Councillor
Thank you to the Student Council
for running this project.
Dates to Note
Mon Apr 20
Tue Apr 21
Wed Apr 22
Thu Apr 23
Fri Apr 24
Tue Apr 28
Wed May 6
Tue May 12 – Thu May 14
Tue May 19
Wed May 27 – Fri May 29
Thu May 28
Tue Jun 2
Wed Jun 3
Mon Jun 8
Tue Jun 9 – Tue Jun 16
Wed Jun 10
Thu Jun 11
Mon Jun 15 - Mon Jun 22
School Watch
First Day of Term 2
P & C Meeting in the Multi Purpose Centre (MPC) – 7:00pm
Year 2 (Classes 2A,2C,2D) Excursion Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre
Year 2 (Classes 2B,2E) Excursion Bunyaville Environmental Education Centre
Anzac Day Ceremony
Prep 2016 Enrolment Information Sessions – Multi Purpose Centre (MPC) – 9:30am & 7:00pm
Prep -Yr2 Parent Information Session, “Supporting Reading Practice” 9:00am – 10:00am & 7:00pm 8:00 pm - Multi Purpose Centre (MPC)
NAPLAN Testing (Years 3 and 5)
ICAS Digital Technologies Competition
Year 4 Camp - Mapleton
Under 8’s Day
Cyber Smart Presentation
ICAS Science Competition
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
Book Fair
ICAS Writing Competition
ICAS Spelling Competition
Fun with Maths
13 17 88 Crime Stoppers
1800 333 000
If you see any suspicious behaviour in the school, please phone the School Watch number and keep our school safe.
Belmont State School
Cordially invites you to attend our
Anzac Day Commemoration
Friday 24th April 2015
Belmont State School Hall
Students are requested to bring along flowers to be used in
the class floral tributes making up each letter of
Classes will be paired to make up each letter.
Parent volunteers to help with these floral tributes would be
greatly appreciated.