Minutes - Bentonville School District


Minutes - Bentonville School District
Bentonville Board of Education
April 6, 2015
Rebecca Powers
Wendi Cheatham
Travis Riggs
Matthew Burgess
Willie Cowgur
Grant Lightle
Brent Leas
Mike Poore
Paul Stolt
Judy Marquess
Andy Mayes
Chad Scott
Paul Wallace
Chad Mims
Bradley Webber
Paul Wallace
Scott Passmore
Jonathon Guthrie
Dave Perozek
Admin Con’t:
Kim Fernandez
Sterling Ming
Ron Shelby, Patrick Horath, Troy Musson, Bevon Brawner
President Riggs called the meeting to order and led the pledge of allegiance. Secretary Powers called
roll. All were present, there was a quorum.
BHS Staffing Prismatic follow-up:
Dr. Scott presented information concerning BHS scheduling, Professional Learning Communities (PLC),
facilities, mentoring or extra classroom help, and general programs and atmosphere. He also presented
the following information:
 BHS could not currently run a traditional schedule due to capacity issues.
 A recent survey from teachers, parents and students is overwhelmingly in support of continuing
the block scheduling.
 Block scheduling helps not only this year with capacity, but will help when BWHS opens and we
have to share teachers. This will allow more travel time.
 BHS has a culture and has developed curriculum based on block scheduling. Block scheduling is
conducive to project based teaching.
 The student to teacher ratio, for teachers that have face-to-face time with student, BHS is at 117.2. The goal for large high schools is a ratio of 1-17.
 The IB program is growing and has a larger enrollment for next year.
 Some hindrances to the growth of the IB program are:
o The vigorous nature of the program
o The strong AP programs at BHS.
o The difficulty of successfully completing the program while actively involved in
extracurricular activities.
o Course requirements for graduation
o Turnover in directors.
The Board asked Dr. Scott to look at similar programs for ways to increase our IB program numbers.
Governor’s New Computer Course
Ms. Marquess explained that as a rule, new courses are presented to the Board in the fall to allow time to
implement these courses in the curriculum and schedules. This new computer course was a recent
development from the current legislative session, mandating that all schools offer a computer programing
courses. The proposed course does not have a pre-requisite and will be a great lead-in to more advanced
computer programing classes.
April 6, 2015
BWHS update
Mr. Horath presented an update on the construction progress, which is going well.
Mr. Wallace said we are going through surveys and reports to make sure everything is OK before the
closing date in May on the Featherstone property.
Superintendent Poore explained items that will be presented at the meeting. Ms. Sharp is working on the
updates of the parent-student handbook. Dr. Ming will also present contracts for approval.
Mr. Lightle expressed concern for the District’s personnel policy, allowing protection for equal opportunity
employment. He would like to see our policy enhanced to a higher level for the protected class standard,
such as what the University of Arkansas and Walmart allow. This would be a higher level than the federal
standard. The Board would like to see a draft of this policy at the May pre-agenda meeting. Mr. Riggs will
be out of town for the April 20 meeting. Mr. Poore and Mr. Riggs spoke to a representative for Larry King
Live, about a possible program on BPS. This would be good exposure for the District, but is has a cost of
$28,000. Mr. Poore spoke to area business partners who shared they would not recommend proceeding
with this. The District is also looking at a support program for the district. The ADE has asked Mr. Poore
to travel to Washington DC to speak concerning Common Core and PARCC.
The Board adjourned to Executive Session at 7:21 pm.
The Board reconvened at 8:00 pm.
Motion by Matt Burgess, seconded by Grant Lightle, to approve Jonathon Guthrie as the principal for
Bentonville West High School. The motion passed 6-0. Brent Leas was absent.
Motion by Wendi Cheatham, seconded by Willie Cowgur, to approve the personnel packet as presented.
The motion passed 6-0. Brent Leas was absent.
Motion by Matt Burgess, seconded by Willie Cowgur, to adjourn. The motion passed 6-0. Brent Leas
was absent.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Rebecca Powers
Board Secretary
Transcribed by:
Vicki Lunsford
Administrative Assistant