
[Chennai Circle]
State Bank Buildings,
# 84, Rajaji Salai,
Post Box No.1992,
Chennai - 600 001
Circular to All Unit Secretaries / Members:
Dear Comrades,
No. 56 /20 / 2015
19 th March, 2015
Wage Revision Talks – Continue
We forward herewith the Circular issued by AIBOC as well as the Workmen Unions on
the last round of wage negotiations on other issues for your information. On Leave
Rules whatever is agreed with the workmen union is likely to be made applicable to
the officers also. We are also sending herewith the note submitted to AIBOC on
13.03.2015 for your information.
Our Unity Long Live.
Comradely yours,
Text of AISBOF Circular No. 45 dated 18.03.2015
The second meeting of the Sub-Group to discuss Charter of Demands of the Officers’
Association was held on 16th March, 2015, at IBA office at Mumbai. IBA was represented by Sh.
Ashwani Kumar, the CMD of Dena Bank and Chairman of the Sub-Committee, Sh. Shailesh
Verma, Chief General Manager, SBI, Sh. M.V. Tanksale, CEO, IBA, Sh. K. Unnikrishnan, Dy.
CEO, IBA, Sh. K.S. Chauhan, Senior Vice President, IBA and other officials. AIBOC was
represented by Com. Y. Sudarshan and the undersigned. General Secretaries of other three
officers’ organizations also participated in the meeting.
While welcoming the members of both sides of the Sub-Committee, Sh. M.V. Tanksale, CEO
complemented them on arriving at a settlement to the satisfaction of all and expressed his
desire that the signing of the final settlement should take place at the earliest. The Subcommittee Chairman, Sh. Ashwani Kumar also expressed his compliments for clinching a
settlement of 15% wage hike along with two Saturdays off.
It was informed that IBA has taken up the exercise of drafting scales as per the MOU signed on
23rd February, 2015 and discussion on the same can be taken up in the next rounds. We were
also requested to give our comments on the draft insurance policy document supplied by the
IBA to the Officers’ Organisations. The discussions started on the three issues discussed in the
Sub-committee held on 14th January, 2015. It was noted with satisfaction that one of the
demand of Five Days Banking has been partially agreed by making second and fourth Saturdays
off. IBA advised that they have already taken up the matter with Reserve Bank of India and
Government of India and are waiting for completion of the formalities at their level and this part
of the agreement will be implemented immediately after the notification to that effect is issued.
On the issue of Regulated Working Hours, IBA once again assured that a communication to the
member banks will be sent advising them not to call officers on Sundays and holidays unless
there is any specific emergency. They also assured that the matter will be taken up in the HR
Committee of the IBA on the issue of compensatory off or monetary compensation for the days
on which officers will be called to work on holidays in emergent circumstances. On the third
issue of Discipline and Appeal Regulations, the IBA wanted us to submit the comparative chart
of the present rules in the regulations and the changes required with their justification to enable
them to take an early decision on the issue. We are pleased to inform you that the comparative
chart has already been submitted by AIBOC on the very next day of the Sub-committee
meeting. IBA has also agreed to refer to Government of our demand of CAT for consideration of
appeal / representation in case of our Disciplinary cases.
In the matter of demands pertaining to leaves rules covered in part II of the Charter of
Demand, discussion took place on increase in casual leave, treatment of unavailed casual
leave, notice period of privilege leaves, availment of unavailed casual leave without production
of medical certificate, child adoption leave, special sick leave for lady officers above the age of
45 years in case of certain diseases, paternity leave, leave for sports activities, sabbatical leave,
creation of leave bank. The demand of accumulation of privilege leave up to 300 days was
discussed with logical presentations. IBA also insisted that the guidelines of compulsory
availment of minimum 10 days privilege leave in a year should be adhered to. IBA was positive
on all our demands and assured that the issues will be taken up in the HR committee of the IBA
and will be considered keeping the constraints and service conditions of Government Employees
in this regard.
On our demand of increase in lodging and boarding expenses / halting allowances, mid
academic year transfer allowance, transfer of household article expenses, packing and incidental
expenses at the time of transfers and other welfare activities were also discussed.
On the issue of LTC facility, we made a demand of monetization of the facility to enable the
officers to avail it in their own way, subject to income tax rules, as prevailing in Reserve Bank of
India. IBA asked to submit a paper on the scheme. IBA has also agreed to revise the monetary
limits of Rs. 3500/= substantially for defining the dependent. We are once again pleased to
inform you that AIBOC has prepared the paper based on the LTC scheme in RBI and has
submitted the paper to IBA on 17th March itself. The demands of DA neutralization / parity in
DA for those who retired prior to 01.12.2002, family pension, full encashment of leaves to those
who have been compulsorily retired or resigned in the absence of voluntary retirement scheme
were also taken up and IBA is positive on these demands. However, they expressed the
constraints of financial implications on these issues as well as pension updation. We will
continue to pursue these issues.
Comrades, these were the initial discussions and a couple of more rounds of talks are expected
before the IBA would place our demands before its HR committee. We have also submitted our
expectations and suggestions on structuring of the scales and IBA has ensured to take care of
these while framing new scales structure. We urge upon all our members to ignore various
communications, messages and circulars shared through various sources which appear to have
no stake or knowledge on the subject and seem to be taking undue advantage of the situation.
Please rely upon the authentic information of our organization only.
With comradely greetings,
Comradely yours,
Text of Joint Circular dated 18.03.2015 (Workmen)
“Units and members are aware that our charter of demands includes demands on
improvement in various service conditions apart from increase in wages. Prior to the signing of
the Minutes of Discussion on 23-2-2015, there were two rounds of discussions with the IBA on
these issues. Yesterday i.e., on 17.03.2015, one more round of discussions took place, during
which understandings have been reached on the following issues:
1. ENCASHMENT OF LEAVE: The benefit of encashment of Privilege Leave will be
available even in the cases of resignations from the Bank after 20 years of service as
well on loss of job due to punishments (other than cases of punishment of Dismissal
and cases where there is loss to the Bank).
a) The present stipulation that Casual Leave (CL) upto 4 days can be availed continuously
provided the total absence including Sundays and holidays does not exceed more than 6
days would be deleted.
b) Presently Unavailed Casual Leave (UCL) can be availed for a day without production of
medical certificate. In addition UCL may be availed without production of medical
certificate for 4 days at a time once in a year or 2 days at a time twice in a year.
c) Privilege Leave (PL) can be availed on 4 occasions in a year (as against 3 occasions at
d) 15 days’ Notice would be sufficient to avail Privilege Leave (as against 30 days’ notice
at present).
e) Privilege Leave can be accumulated upto 270 days (as against the existing ceiling of
240 days). However, encashment upto 240 days would continue as at present.
f) Special Sick Leave with Salary for a maximum period of 30 days would be sanctioned
to an employee while on hospitalisation for donation of kidney or any organ.
g) Maternity Leave, within the overall entitlement, would be granted for 60 days (now 45
days) in the case of hysterectomy.
h) Maternity Leave for legal adoption of a child would be 6 months (now 2 months)
i) The above facility of Maternity Leave would also be available to a biological mother in
cases where the child is born through surrogacy.
j) Part time employees would also be entitled to Maternity Leave under (h) and (i) above.
k) Paternity Leave would be extended on the lines of Government employees i.e. 15 days
at a time on 2 occasions.
l) Study Leave upto 2 years would be sanctioned to workmen employees as available to
m) Sabbatical Leave for women employees would be extended on the lines of government
n) Sabbatical Leave for male employees would be referred to the Government for
o) Extraordinary Leave (without Pay) would be sanctioned upto a max. of 720 days during
the entire service (as against the existing ceiling of 12 months).
p) Special Casual Leave for absence due to curfew would include exigencies like riots,
prohibitory orders, natural calamities.
q) Special Leave for Sports activities, trekking, mountaineering, etc, would be dealt with
at each Bank level.
r) INTRODUCTION OF LEAVE BANK: System of Leave Bank would be introduced by
which employees can voluntarily donate a part of their entitled leave to a common pool
from out of which leave with salary would be sanctioned to employees who are compelled
to be on prolonged leave due to treatment of major diseases/accidents and other
contingencies beyond their control and where such employees have exhausted all their
3. Diem Allowance:
Diem Allowance payable while on travel on duty would be revised upwardly and quantum
would be finalised in the next meeting.
When employees travel on duty to another station and stay in a hotel, the room rent
would be reimbursed; the eligible rates would be finalised in the next meeting.
4. Transportation of goods while on transfer: An employee while on transfer from one
station to another can transport his personal effects by train or road (even if the
places are not connected by train) upto the stipulated weights by an IBA approved
Transport Operator.
5. Compensation for Breakages: Compensation for losses due to breakages or damage
to goods while transporting would be reimbursed as under:
On production of receipt
Without receipt
Existing amount
To be revised as
6. Travel on Duty/on transfer:
Non-Subordinate employees
Sub-ordinate employees
1st class
2nd class
To be revised as
AC 2 Tier
AC 3 tier
7. Dependents’ Income Criteria:
Income limit to define a dependent would be Rs. 10,000/- per month (as against the
existing Rs.3,500/- p.m.)
8. Pension for part time employees: The entire service period would be taken for arriving
at eligible pension instead of pro-rata service.
Important issues like construction of revised Pay Scales, revised DA formula, HRA rates,
Transport Pay, introduction of Grade Pay, revision of Special Pay, LFC, revision in other
allowances, retirees’ issues, etc. and other issues/ demands would be taken up for discussions
in the subsequent rounds of meetings.
Further development on these issues will be informed to members in due course”.
With greetings,
Text of Note Submitted to AIBOC
Ref: ORG/34/2015
The General Secretary,
All India Bank Officers’ Confederation,
New Delhi.
Dear Comrade,
As you had initially informed through SMS that there will be a meeting of the negotiating
committee during the 1st week of March, I was expecting a meeting where we could review what
has happened and also plan for the other issues apart from fitment chart. I know that you are
waiting for figures from IBA. But it would have been better if we could have sat together and
discussed various other issues where we have to get improvements. We have to have
discussions with other Officers Organisations also.
2. I am glad that we could get two days’ leave and 15% increase in the prevailing situation. But I
feel that we have done a blunder in accepting 2% wage load on basic pay. In the AIBOC
meetings, repeatedly it was told that we will not agree for 2% load. Now, it will be very difficult
for us to have a good Basic Pay. Out Basic Pay will be inferior to the present pay scale of Coal
India, Steel Authority of India, Andhra Pradesh and Telengana Government Officers and once
the 7th Pay Commission is announced there will be a huge gap. We have to think of ways to
overcome this. We may have to reopen the topic with IBA or find alternative ways to increase
the Basic Pay. One possibility is to demand for merger of DA with Basic Pay as on 30 th April
2015 as we had demanded in the Charter of Demand.
It is expected that before the
announcement of the actual 7th Pay Commission package merger will take place for the Central
Government Employees. So, there is no harm in making this demand.
3. Another alternative is to make a provision in the joint note to make adjustments in the Basic
Pay by merger of DA and Grade Pay as and when the 7 th Pay Commission is released.
4. Please ensure that as agreed orally, the difference between the increase and wage load is
given as Grade Pay or Grade allowance which will be eligible for Dearness Allowance.
5. Professional Qualification Pay: At present, only one increment is provided for Officers for
passing CAIIB which should be changed as two increments as in the case of Award Staff.
There should be additional increments for Management related qualifications as suggested in
the Charter of Demands.
6. Use of own house in lieu of leased accommodation: This is a long standing demand.
The Bank will not have any additional expenditure. There are instances where Officers rent out
their houses to neighbours so that they can get leased accommodation. By allowing them to
stay in their own house and paying them the leased rental, brokerage can be avoided and the
Officers can have the happiness of staying in their own house.
7. Officiating Pay: As practiced in RBI, an Officer who is officiating in the higher cadre can be
provided with one increment along with DA and other benefits for the period of officiating.
8. Differential on promotion: At present, there is lot of unhappiness among the promote
officers as they do not get better pay than the senior special assistants. So, the differential on
promotion at every grade should be made attractive by arriving at a new fitment formula. The
maximum basic pay in one grade should be the minimum basic pay in the next grade when
promoted. This will be encouraging for the Officers to opt for promotion.
9. Incentives for working in Rural centres and other sensitive areas: Officers working in the
rural centres should be given certain weightage for the purpose of promotion. After 2 years,
they must be given their choice of posting. For those who are working in sensitive areas, an
additional LTC/HTC can be provided.
10. Closing Allowance: Closing allowance of 15 days’ salary can be considered for every
quarter. There are many such allowances available in other public sector undertakings.
11. Halting & Travelling Allowance: All Officers should be eligible for travel by Air irrespective
of the distance with Executive class entitlement for senior management cadre. The Halting
allowance and boarding charges should be increased as per three star hotel rates for Officers
upto Middle Management and five star for Senior Management.
12. Stagnation Increment: There should not be any stagnation and there should be automatic
movement to the next grade or the increment should be provided after one year automatically.
The present embargo on stagnation increment for not taking up promotion should be removed.
13. Welfare measures: Post allowance and risk allowance should be introduced as per the
posts. This is available in many public sector undertakings in different names.
14. Disturbed area allowance:
The disturbed area allowance should be increased
considerably and made available to Officers who are natives of those areas also as applicable
to Central Government and PSU employees.
15. Leave Fare Concession: The leave fare concession should be modified which can be
similar to the one which is available in RBI. There is provision for Air fare upto the farthest point
and incidental expenditures are also provided with a maximum limit as per the category.
Foreign Travel is allowed along with Visa Charges and incidental expenditures. We should also
request IBA to ask Finance Ministry to make amendments to the Income Tax Rules so that
Foreign Travel which is actually not an earning for an Officer should be exempted from tax.
16. Special Allowances: Special Allowances should not only be increased but also expanded
to many areas where insurgency has started and also to the areas which are interior where the
communication facilities are poor. Every State has difficult areas which should be covered for
special allowances.
17. Ex-gratia: Ex-gratia should be paid to all employees based on the improvement in business
which is available in many private and public sector.
18. Placement and posting of Lady Officers: Upto Scale V, Lady Officers may be permitted
to stay within the linguistic state or Circle unless they opt for a transfer. The spouse policy
which has been announced by the Government should be implemented in true spirit.
19. Creche facility: For lady Officers who have young children Creche facility may be provided
in big branches or an allowance may be paid to avail crèche facility.
20. Child Care Leave: The Central Government and some of the State Governments as well
as PSUs provide 730 days Child care leave along with salary. The same should be extended to
Banking Sector.
21. Paternity leave: Already Central Government and Reserve Bank of India provide 15 days
Paternity leave. The same should be extended to us also.
22. Definition of Family: The minimum wages have gone up and inflation is also going up
steadily. So dependents should be defined not based on income basis or the income ceiling
should be increased to atleast Rs.10000/p.m.
23. Pension updation : Pension should be 50% of last drawn pay for all and family pension
should be also 50% of last drawn pay.
Pension updation for retired Officers should be
automatic including those who retired prior to the earlier settlement.
24. New Pension Scheme: The scheme is not yielding good result. Some Banks had a
scheme called Perennial Pension Plan which was very attractive. With 12% contribution from
the Bank as well as officers on the Basic Pay plus DA, the Banks can provide 50% of the last
drawn pay as assured pension. This has to be worked out.
25. Gratuity: Andhra and Telengana Governments have increased maximum gratuity to Rs.12
lacs. Gratuity should be paid without any maximum ceiling for all Bank Officers.
26. Leave Encashment and Leave accumulation: For Central Government employees leave
accumulation is available upto 300 days and there is a provision for availing leave upto a
maximum of 5 years. The same should be extended to us. Leave encashment is available
every year for Government employees. The same should be extended to us.
27. Other Welfare measures: The Banks should open more holiday homes and also have
adequate number of quarters in all big towns and cities.
28. Immunity from transfer and special leave for Office bearers of the Association: In RBI,
Office bearers of recognised associations are given 21 days special leave and also certain
immunity from transfer. The same should be extended to us.
Though most of the demands are available in the Charter of Demands, I am sending this for
your ready reference along with back up papers. I am attaching RBI service rules, RBI LFC
rules, CCA rules, Certain facilities and allowances available in Coal India, Railways etc., which
will be of help to convince IBA.
All the Best for the successful negotiation and I request you to convene the negotiating
committee at the earliest for better interactions.
Comradely yours,
1.RBI service rules,
2. RBI LFC rules,
3. CCA rules,
4. Certain facilities and allowances available in Coal India,
5. Railways Service Rules
6. Central Civil Services Leave Rules
7. Child Care Leave