scholarship opportunities


scholarship opportunities
Name Description Eligibility Value
Selection Criteria Application Procedure
Closing Date
Website AAUW International Fellowships International Fellowships are awarded for full‐time study or research in the United States for women who are not United States women or permanent residents. Both graduate and undergraduate study at accredited institutions is supported. Several Fellowships are available for study outside of the United States. Maters/Professional Fellowship $18,000 Fellowship and grant recipients undergo a highly competitive selection process. Academic excellence, commitment to improving the human condition, and the promise of continued impact are cornerstones of the rigorous criteria. Application procedure for each of AAUW's five fellowship and grant programs vary. More
Deadlines for each of AAUW's five fellowship and grant programs vary. More
ry/ All applications will be considered on their merits by a panel of representatives from the Hebrew and Jewish Studies Unit in the Faculty of Oriental Studies and Brasenose College. Applications should be received by Charlotte Vinnicombe of the Unit for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, The Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, e‐mail Applications must include:  the course and faculty to which the candidate has applied for postgraduate study;  a brief statement of the academic career, including attainments and qualifications;  a brief statement of research interests;  the names of two referees (please see below); and  a statement of any other emoluments held or being applied for by the candidate. Applications are evaluated on the following:  Quality of proposed research/study. Applicants should demonstrate intellect, vision and innovation.  Reasons why a stay in the U.S. is important to completion of the research/study.  Explanation of how the research/study will benefit Australia.  Applications must be clear and concise for the judges, who may not have formal training in the subject matter. Applicants will be selected on Applications must be submitted online.
15 April (in 2011). http://www.american
an_to_usa_apps/ Application and referee forms are available at:
30 September
Doctorate Fellowship $20,000. Postdoctoral Fellowship $30,000. Albert and Rachel Lehmann Graduate Studentship in Jewish History and Culture The award is intended for any postgraduate student pursuing doctoral research in early modern or modern western/central European Jewish history and /or culture. American Australian Association Australia to USA Fellowships The American Australian Association awards individual Fellowships for advanced study in the United States. The Fellowships build on existing strong social and economic partnerships and foster intellectual exchange between the United States and Australia. Anne Wexler The aim of the Anne Candidates must have obtained at least an upper second class degree or its equivalent in a relevant field of study. Enquiries regarding eligibility to apply may be addressed to Dr Joanna Weinberg, e‐mail Applicants must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Australia. Research/study must be full time at the graduate or post graduate level at a US educational institution. Fields of Study supported include:  Biology (biopharmaceuticals)  Conservation  Engineering  Geology/Geophysics  Medicine  Neuroscience  Pediatrics  Science  Sustainability  Technology Applicants must be Australian The studentship comprises the equivalent of the university and college fee for up to three years (at either the UK/EU or overseas rate) and a maintenance grant of approximately £13,000 per annum. The award is tenable for one year in the first instance, renewable for up to a maximum of two further years subject to receipt of a satisfactory report from the supervisor. The Fellowships are intended to support part of the costs of 1 year of research/study in the US up to the value of US$30,000. The scholarships will be information about individual procedures is
available at
/index.cfm information
deadlines is
available at
m 1 April (in 2011). http://www.orinst.ox.
html Australian‐
American Public Policy Scholarships Wexler Scholarships is to grow Australian‐American educational linkages by building the network of public policy experts and to encourage ongoing policy exchange between both countries. The scholarship will enable Australian and U.S. postgraduate students with strong academic credentials and leadership potential to undertake a Master’s degree in Australia or the United States in an area that supports Mrs Wexler’s binational interests in the field of public policy. These may include key areas such as health, sustainability, energy, climate change, regional security, political science, history or governmental relations. AustCham China Scholarship Programme The AustCham China Scholarship is an initiative of AustCham Beijing, developed in response to Australia's growing economic, cultural and political relationship with China. The scholarship is designed for students who have a long term passion for strengthening this relationship through their business or cultural pursuits. Australian Biological Resources Study (“ABRS”) Capacity‐Building The ABRS offers Capacity‐
Building Grants for taxonomic and systematics research on Australian flora and fauna in the form of citizens by birth or naturalization and whose permanent residence is in Australia. Strong undergraduate academic record leading to either a four year or honours degree (or equivalent). As a guideline, applicants should be under 40 years of age when applications close Successful applicants will be required to pass a medical examination at their own expense before a Scholarship offer can be finalised. Previous travel (either personal or professional) to the U.S. will not exclude applicants, however where two applications are considered of equal merit, preference will be given to the applicant who has not previously travelled to the U.S. Wexler Scholars cannot be in receipt of other scholarships which fully fund a Master’s degree program. Minimum eligibility requirements are:  Must be an Australian Citizen  Must have completed their Bachelors Degree by commencement of work placement  Must be able to demonstrate academic and working interest in the Chinese economy and culture  Must be willing to work in China for a minimum of 9 months with the possibility of staying on longer  Candidates must have a minimum of a High credit (70+) average or can demonstrate exceptional commitment to China Australia Bilateral relations through work experience, language study or Chinese university studies. Scholarship and Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) Top‐Up applicants only must hold Australian citizenship, or have permanent residency status. Non‐salaried awarded for a maximum two year period and be valued at up to A$140,000 each. Benefits include:  Annual stipend of up to A$30,000 for a maximum of two years  Tuition fees of up to A$25,000 per year for a maximum of two years  Travel allowance of A$5,000 for return travel  Establishment allowance of A$6,000  Insurance A$4,000 Candidates who are successful in their application for the scholarship will receive the following:  A return flight to China  Job placement with an Australian company (an AustCham member company)  120 hours of language training  A stipend  Invitations to attend AustCham’s graduate development events  Sponsorship to attend AustCham industry events and seminars  Airport pickup, accommodation support, visa guidance and orientation. Honours/Masters Scholarship $10 000. Non‐salaried researcher $5 000 the following criteria:  High academic and professional merit‐ Applicants must have a record of achievement in their chosen field, such as academic record, publications, professional recognition or presentations.  Scholarship proposal‐ Proposals need to be feasible and relevant to the interests of the applicant, and Australia and the U.S.  Leadership potential‐ Applicants must outline their ability to promote mutual understanding between Australia and the United States.  Adaptability‐ Applicants must demonstrate their willingness to adjust successfully to life in the U.S.
lerScholarships.html. (in 2010).
xlerScholarships.html Based on the communication skills, experience and qualifications of the applicant, the AustCham Graduate Manager will recommend suitable applicants to the programme's corporate traineeship partners who will interview select recommendations. Applicants should read the 2011 AustCham China Scholarship Information Handbook before submitting all documents outlined in the 2011 AustCham China Scholarship Application Form available at:
ation%20Form.pdf. 15 July (in 2011). http://www.austcham
programme All Capacity‐Building Grant applications are assessed by the independent ABRS Advisory Committee according to the evidence provided in the Application forms are available from:
grants/index.html. 29 October (in 2010). http://www.environm
grants/index.html Grants Australian Biological Resources Study (“ABRS”) National Taxonomy Research Student Travel Bursary Program Honours, Masters and Ph.D. awards. The ABRS is also offering applicants beginning a Ph.D. on an Australian Postgraduate Award (“APA”) in 2011 the opportunity to top up the existing APA rate. ABRS offers small grants to Honours, Masters and Ph.D students in Australian institutions who wish to travel to national or international conferences relevant to both the student’s research program in taxonomy or systematics and the ABRS Research Priorities. researcher grant applicants may be non‐Australian citizens. Scholarship and non‐salaried researcher grant applicants must not be receiving another equivalent major award, scholarship or salary to undertake the same project. APA Top‐Up applicants must have applied for an APA that commences in 2011. (Evidence of an APA and enrolment must be provided to ABRS prior to ABRS awarding the Top‐Up to successful applicants.) APA Top‐Up applicants must be enrolled as full‐time students. Honours/Masters Scholarship applicants may be enrolled part‐
time. Non‐salaried researcher grants are available only to experienced researchers who are not employed professionally as taxonomists or biologists. The proposed research for all APA and Honours/Masters applicants must be undertaken at an Australian institution. If you are a non‐salaried researcher and not affiliated with an institution please indicate this on your application and speak to the ABRS Grants Policy Officer prior to submission. To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:  Applicants must be students currently enrolled in an Honours/Masters (including a research component) or Ph.D. degree in the field of taxonomy or systematics at an Australian institution.  Applicants do not need to be a permanent Australian resident.  The conference must be relevant to taxonomy or systematics.  The conferences must be relevant to the ABRS Research Priorities outlined in Attachment A.  Applicants must be able to provide APA Top Up $10, 000. At least $5000 of the Top‐Up must be used to supplement research costs, with up to $5000 of the Top‐Up used to supplement living costs. A maximum of $1000 is available for an international conference and $500 for travel within Australia. application. The criteria used by the Advisory Committee to select successful Capacity‐Building Grant applications are:  Academic merit of applicant;  Feasibility of proposed research;  Suitability of supervisor (applicable to scholarships only) and research environment, including physical and intellectual resources available in the institution; and  Relevance of proposed research. Applications can be submitted by either email or posted hardcopy to: Grants Officer ABRS Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: All Bursary applications are assessed by ABRS according to the evidence provided in the application. Applications are assessed against each of the following key criteria:  Relevance of postgraduate research to ABRS Research Priorities  Relevance of proposed conference to the applicant’s research and ABRS Research Priorities  Amount of matching funding from home institution or other source(s) obtained by applicant. Bursary application forms and guidelines are available at:
research/bursaries/index.html. Applications may be completed on paper or online and then sent to: Grants Officer ABRS Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 Email: 29 April (in 2011). http://www.environm
dex.html Australian Collaborative Education Network (“ACEN”) Work Integrated Learning (“WIL”) Scholarship The WIL Scholarship aims to support students who will face economic hardship in undertaking an internship placement in Australia. AW Howard Memorial Trust Grants‐in‐Aid The AW Howard Memorial Trust Inc awards grants‐in‐
aid to Australian organisations, associations, communities or persons that seek financial aid for projects relating to pasture research. AW Howard Memorial Trust The Trust annually awards research fellowships to evidence of registration at the conference and evidence that a poster or oral paper presentation has been submitted to the organisers of the conference. This information may be provided with the application and must be provided to ABRS with the final report, if it has not been provided at an earlier date.  Applicants may not apply retrospectively for travel to conferences they have already attended. To be eligible, students must meet the following criteria:  Have Australian or New Zealand citizenship, or hold an Australian permanent resident visa or permanent humanitarian visa.  Expect to be studying at least second year level at an Australian University or TAFE College in 2011, and plan to undertake an industry or community placement as part of the program in 2011.  Experience economic hardship in order to complete the WIL experience in 2011. Projects must be designed to either:
 Commemorate significant contributions made to pastoral sciences or pastoral industries at National, State or Regional scales;  Facilitate effective dissemination and publication of innovative science and extension relevant to the development, management and use of pastures within Australia or within Australian regions;  Invite an eminent overseas pasture scientist to visit Australia to deliver a keynote address at an Australian, International or Regional conference and/ or to visit major regional centres to interact with scientists and community groups involved in pastoral industries; or  Contribute towards the purchase of essential equipment required for research and development projects in the field of pastoral sciences. The Fellowship is open to Australian post‐graduate students enrolled or Three scholarships of $1,000 each will be awarded to students undertaking either compulsory or elective units of WIL. Selection will be based on the financial consequences of the WIL placement. Applications can be completed and submitted online at:
Tkp3bGc6MQ#gid=0. 15 April (in 2011).
ndex.php Grants‐in‐Aid are limited to $5000. Only one Grant‐
In‐Aid award will be made annually. The trust awards grants on merit and need. Application forms are available from:
oward/grants‐in‐aid. Applications can be submitted to: The AW Howard Memorial Trust Inc C/‐ South Australian Research and Development Institute GPO Box 397, ADELAIDE SA 5001 25 March (in 2011).
aid N/A
Application forms are available from:
25 March (in 2011).
The Fellowship will provide an annual $5000 “top up” Research Fellowships encourage and promote research and investigation in the fields of natural science and social science, including economics which relate to the development, management and use of pastures. AW Howard Memorial Trust Study Awards The Trust will biennially, or at a frequency determined by the Trust award a study award for Australian Pastoral Industry Extension Specialists, Consultants and Agribusiness staff. AW Howard Memorial Trust Travel Grants The trust awards travel grants to assist scientists undertake overseas study tours and participate in international conferences. Australian Federation of Graduate Women (“AFGW”) – ACT Inc. Beryl Henderson Memorial Grant The Beryl Henderson Foundation and AFGW offer a grant to assist in completion of a research project being undertaken by a female student or researcher in an Australian University Australian Federation of Graduate Women (“AFGW”) – NSW Inc. Jamieson The AFGW offers annual awards to outstanding women students who completed the final year of their first degree in 2010. intending to enrol at any tertiary institution located in Australia, or students who have been continuously resident in Australia for 3 years immediately preceding the closing date of applications. The field of research of the study must be relevant to the objectives of the A W Howard Memorial Trust ‐ agricultural and social science (including economics) relating to the development, management and use of pastures. Applicants must have been continuously residence in Australia for the past 3 years or have permanent residency status in Australia. Agribusiness applicants can come from the fertiliser, machinery, pasture seed, animal health industries, or stock firms. oward/research_fellowships.
Applications can be submitted to: The AW Howard Memorial Trust Inc C/‐ South Australian Research and Development Institute GPO Box 397, ADELAIDE SA 5001 postgraduate stipend to the successful applicant tenable for a period of up to 3 years. Each Award will provide up to $20,000 to the successful applicant. Applications for the Study Award will be competitively assessed by the Trust on the merit from a written application. Candidates must be a member of staff of a recognised research organisation, and have been resident in Australia over the past three years. The value of the Grant is up to $3500 annually. The Awards represent a career development opportunity. Preference will be given to scientists who have had little opportunity to travel overseas. Applications are invited from women who are enrolled either in Honours IV, or programs at an Australian tertiary institution leading to the award of a degree, or embarked on research work with publication in Australia in view. The award of the grant is not limited to particular disciplines, but research focusing on issues related to the rights and welfare of women and children will be viewed favourably. To be eligible applicants must:
 be women students who completed the final year of their first degree in 2010;  be enrolled in double degrees may only apply when the final year of The grant is up to the value of $1,500. Selection will be based on merit. The value of scholarships may vary from year to year at the discretion of the Trustees. Preference will be given to applicants with significant community involvement and preferably proceeding to approved further study The Award for 2011 will be whoward/research_fel
lowships Application forms are available from:
oward/research_fellowships Successful awardees must in their Trust application demonstrate empathy for and a strong track record in pastoral extension, confirmed by two referee reports. Applications can be submitted to: The AW Howard Memorial Trust Inc C/‐ South Australian Research and Development Institute GPO Box 397, ADELAIDE SA 5001 Application forms are available from:
oward/travel_grants. Applications can be submitted to: The AW Howard Memorial Trust Inc C/‐ South Australian Research and Development Institute GPO Box 397, ADELAIDE SA 5001 There is no specific application form for this award, but applicants are asked to provide the following information:  Name, address and other contact details  Current academic and professional qualifications  Current position (if applicable) and degree program for which enrolled  Details as how the grant would be used to advance the applicant’s research  Name and contact details of two referees familiar with the applicant’s research 25 March (in 2011).
lowships 25 March (in 2011).
s 31 July (in 2010). http://phillips.pcug.or
_award.html Completed online application form should be submitted to the AFGW‐NSW Inc. No other form of application will be accepted. 29 April (in 2011). http://www.afgwnsw.
p Award Australian Federation of Graduate Women (“AFGW”) – NSW Inc. Dr Barbara Wright Postgraduate Scholarship The Dr Barbara Wright Postgraduate Scholarship is offered by AFGW’s Central West Branch in alternate years. This scholarship is available to mature aged women living in the Central West of NSW who will be undertaking a postgraduate degree/research. Australian Federation of Graduate Women (“AFGW”) Inc. Fellowship Australian Federation of Graduate Women (“AFGW”) Inc. Georgina Sweet Fellowship The trustees of the AFUW Inc Education Trust invite applications for the biennial Georgina Sweet Fellowship to support a woman postgraduate to undertake advanced post‐
first degree study or research in any field, at an Australian university. British Chevening In collaboration with the the first part of this degree was completed in 2010; and  be an Australian citizen or have permanent residency in Australia. NB Candidates may be studying in any field but a special Molly Price award may be offered to a suitable science student. An applicant must:  hold an undergraduate degree or equivalent but NOT a postgraduate award;  be an Australian citizen or have permanent residency status  live in the Central West, within 150kms of Cowra, NSW; and  be available to commence the program in 2012 The Fellowship is available to women who are Australian citizens or permanent residents and enrolled for a PhD degree by research in any Australian university. The funds are to be used for a specific project or purpose for PhD research in any field. The Fellowship is available to women postgraduates enrolled in, or accepted by, an Australian university for advanced post‐first degree study or research in any field. Applicants must be:  a financial member of the National Federation e.g. AFGW; or  a financial member of another association of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW); or  an independent member of IFUW (only if there is no IFUW association in country of residence). Proof of membership must be provided (copy of receipt or record of membership). This scholarship is for any field of $A1000.00.
The scholarship will be to the value of $4000. The award will be applied to the cost of the successful applicant’s expenses such as fees, books, equipment, computer, or travel expenses incurred in the designated program. The Fellowship will be to the value of $4000. The Fellowship will be to the value of $6000. The award may be applied toward the cost of the successful applicant's studies, but does not include travel expenses. The scholarships will N/A
Completed online application form should be submitted to the AFGW‐NSW Inc. 1 August (in 2011). http://www.afgwnsw.
ightScholarship.pdf N/A
Applications must be on the official electronic form. The completed form with all required documents as attachments should be emailed to:‐ Marion Jones AFGW Fellowships Officer 31 May (in 2010).
l Applicants must provide adequate information to address all of the following criteria:  Originality and feasibility of proposed plan of research or study;  Extent to which the specialized knowledge and skills to be acquired will further the applicant’s career;  Extent to which the specialised knowledge and skills to be acquired will be of benefit to the community;  Anticipated employment or activity after completion of the research, study or training; and  Demonstrate that the applicant has achieved a satisfactory level of research or study progress by having successfully completed the first year of the post‐first degree study or research. N/A
Applications must be on the official electronic form. The completed form with all required documents as attachments should be emailed to:‐ Marion Jones AFGW Fellowships Officer 31 May (in 2011).
eet_Guidelines.pdf To apply for this scholarship you must apply 7 January (in
Oxford Australia Scholarships Cambridge Australia Ph.D Scholarships Cambridge Australia Masters Scholarships Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and Cambridge Overseas Trust Scholarships Oxford‐Australia Scholarships Committee, the British High Commission offers 2 scholarships in the next British academic year beginning in October. These scholarships offer the opportunity to pursue a 1 year postgraduate course from among a wide range of disciplines (including economics, environmental studies, human rights & law) at the University of Oxford. Cambridge Australia Scholarships offers up to ten scholarships annually for Australian graduates of outstanding academic merit to study for a Ph.D degree at University of Cambridge. Cambridge Australia Scholarships offers half scholarships to study for Masters degrees (except MBAs) at Cambridge. The aim of the scholarships is to foster candidates’ intellectual, ethical and spiritual life to enable them to become effective leaders in the community. The Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and the Cambridge Overseas Trust were established to provide financial assistance for outstanding students who, without help, would be unable to take up their places at Cambridge University. research in the United Kingdom for those who have achieved Honours 1 or equivalent, or Honours 2a or equivalent. Only citizens of Australia below the age of 30 may apply. NB Awards are not available to anyone who has benefited in the last 3 years by any awards funded by the British government. contribute towards the cost of College & University fees (up to GBP10,000) & living expenses ($12,000). The value of the award is subject to variation each year. To be eligible applicants must:
 Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident;  Have been awarded a Bachelor degree with Honours, or a Masters degree from a recognized Australian university (or be near completion); and  Have gained admission to the University of Cambridge to undertake a Ph.D degree. To be eligible applicants must:
 be a graduate of a Victorian university (or be near graduation e.g. one to two semesters remaining); or  be a Victorian resident. There are no Masters scholarships being offered in ACT, NSW, QLD, NT, SA, or Tasmania, at this time. Each scholarship is tenable for three years and covers:  University fees;  College fees;  A maintenance allowance of £10,550 per annum for living expenses; and  A contribution towards a return airfare to the UK. Each scholarship is tenable for one year and covers:  One half of the costs (University fees, College fees and maintenance) associated with a coursework Master’s degree. Applicants may be of any nationality except that of the United Kingdom (including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) and except that of any member state of the European Union. If you are an applicant from the UK or EU, see separate information for undergraduates and postgraduates. The Trusts do not accept applications The value of each Scholarship varies. directly to the Graduate Admissions Office.
2011) for Medical Sciences and Philosophy; 14 January (in 2011) for Said Business School applicants; 21 January (in 2011) for all other subjects. ~oxford/ Outstanding academic merit.
To be considered for a Cambridge Australia Scholarship, applicants must first apply for entry to the University of Cambridge by completing an online or paper application available at
d/applying/#. Next, applicants must complete a GRADSAF funding application form. 1 December (in 2011). http://www.cambridg
spx Selection of successful applicants will be based on:  Academic success of the applicant, supported by appropriate references;  Demonstrate achievements in other field(s) and the energy of the applicant to use their talents to the full as exemplified by contribution to the community and organisations to which they belong; and  Excellence of character and a commitment to ethical leadership. The Trusts are committed to equality of opportunity, and no applicant will be treated less favourably than another on the grounds of gender (including gender reassignment), marital or parental status, race, ethnic or national origin, colour, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age. The primary consideration in the selection To be considered for a Cambridge Australia Scholarship, applicants must first apply for entry to the University of Cambridge by completing an online or paper application available at
d/applying/#. Next, applicants must complete a GRADSAF funding application form. 1 December (in 2011). http://www.cambridg
125/Default.aspx Applicants must first be admitted to the University of Cambridge through the normal academic procedures. Online and paper applications are available at:
lying/#. Applicants should then complete a GRADSAF funding application. 15 December (in 2009). NB Some courses may have an earlier application deadline. http://www.cambridg
ps/ Centre for International Mobility (“CIMO”) Fellowships CIMO awards scholarships to foreign post‐graduate students and young researches to carry out post‐graduate studies and research and teaching in Finnish universities. The objective of the scholarship programme is to increase mobility to Finland and to support internationalisation of research and teaching and to foster links between Finnish and foreign universities. Centre for International Mobility (“CIMO”) India Fellowships CIMO awards scholarships to foreign post‐graduate students and young researches to carry out post‐graduate studies and research and teaching in Finnish universities. The objective of the scholarship programme is to increase mobility to Finland and to support internationalisation of research and teaching and from students who are part‐way through a course at Cambridge, unless they are applying for funding towards a higher degree course following graduation. Applicants must be intending to start a course at the level of BA, BAaff, taught postgraduate (such as MPhil, MASt, LLM), and research postgraduate (such as PhD). The Trusts do not have scholarships available for post‐doctoral positions. The Trusts welcome applications for part‐time postgraduate degrees. Part‐time undergraduate study is not available at Cambridge. Applicants may study any subject currently available at the University. The CIMO Fellowships programme is open to young Doctoral level students and researchers from all countries and from all academic fields. Neither studies at Master's level nor post‐doctoral studies are supported in the programme. The CIMO India Fellowships are offered for Doctoral level studies, research and teaching at universities and university research institutes in Finland. The scholarships are intended for Indian applicants who have completed a Master's degree. Neither studies at Master's level nor post‐doctoral studies are supported in the programme. of Scholars will be applicants' ability to meet the selection criteria for each scholarship. The monthly allowance is €900‐1200 (in 2011). The scholarship is intended to cover living expenses in Finland for a single person. No additional allowance for housing is paid. Expenses due to international travel to and from Finland are not covered by CIMO. Applications will be assessed on:  A motivation letter from the applicant (the hosting Finnish university), max 1 page  Complete CV of the scholarship candidate  Research plan (2‐5 pages). Prospective students cannot apply for a CIMO Fellowship independently. The prerequisite for applying is that the visiting researcher must have established contacts with a Finnish host university. The Finnish university department wishing to host the student applies to CIMO for the grant on behalf of the student/researcher. The application form for the CIMO Fellowship can be downloaded at:
. The amount provided by the scholarship varies from €900 to 1200 per month. Also, an additional travel grant of €500 is awarded to applicants who will be invited from India to Finland. The scholarship period may vary from 3 to 12 months. Applications will be assessed on:  A motivation letter from the applicant (the hosting Finnish university), max 1 page  Complete CV of the scholarship candidate  Research plan (2‐5 pages). Prospective students cannot apply for a CIMO India Fellowship independently. The CIMO India Fellowships are applied for by the Finnish university departments wishing to host the visiting student or researcher. The applying department is expected to commit to common objectives with the prospective scholarship holder. The scholarship is personal. The application form for the CIMO India Fellowship can be downloaded at:
There are no annual application deadlines in the CIMO Fellowship programme. Applications may be considered at all times. However, please note that applications should be submitted at least 5 months before the intended scholarship period. There are no annual application deadlines in the CIMO Fellowship programme. Applications may be considered at all times. However, please note http://www.studyinfin
ips http://www.studyinfin
lowships to foster links between Finnish and foreign universities. Centre for International Mobility (“CIMO”) Kindred Nations’ Scholarship Chevening Scholarship Programme Chinese Government Scholarship Scheme CIMO grants scholarships for young post‐Master’s level researchers representing the Uralic Peoples of Russia. The main objective of this programme is to promote international mobility in research and teaching in fields related to Finno‐
Ugric linguistics, ethnology and folklore. At the same time it strengthens the cultural and linguistic ties between the Uralic nations and Finland. The Chevening Scholarship Programme offers outstanding graduates and young professionals the opportunity to study at UK universities. Awards are made for one year's formal study for a postgraduate qualification or for a shorter period of not less than three months to pursue private study or research at a university or similar institution in the UK. In order to strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese people and people from all over the world, olarships/cimo_scholarships/cimo_india_fello
wships. Applicants must be a Finno‐Ugrian minority in Russia undertaking post‐
Master’s level research at a Finnish Institution. The monthly allowance of €800 ‐ 1200 is intended to cover living expenses in Finland for a single person. No additional allowance for housing is paid. Expenses due to international travel to and from Finland are not covered by CIMO. The scholarship period is normally 1 to 9 months. N/A
The pre‐requisite for applying is that the visiting student or researcher must have established contact with the Finnish host university. The visiting student or researcher cannot independently apply for the grant from CIMO, instead the hosting Finnish university department should apply to CIMO for the grant on behalf of him/her. Successful candidates should be:
 Professional graduates who display both intellectual ability and clear leadership potential  Have a proven track record of success or excellence in his/her professional life  Motivated to make a career leading to a position of leadership within 10 years of their scholarships  Committed to networking to find global solutions  Intending to study a one‐year taught Masters or undertake between three and twelve months research towards an Australian PhD in the UK.  Citizens or permanent residents of Australia A full scholarship will cover the cost for a UK visa, a return air ticket to the UK, all tuition fees (not exceeding £10,000 per year), and a monthly stipend and allowances. Candidates wishing to study a course with academic fees exceeding £10,000 per year should expect to part‐fund their study. The Programme is looking for individuals who can demonstrate that they have the potential and ambition to make a substantial, positive difference in their chosen fields. Evidence of leadership experience and potential is critical. Each Scholarship provides:
All applications must be made on‐line via E‐
Chevening. Candidates should complete the online application forms in full. Incomplete forms will be rejected. Part A of the form asks about family details. Please note that scholarships fund the costs of the award holder only. If candidates wish to take any members of their family to the UK, they must bear the cost themselves. Part F of the form asks about the candidate's choice of course and university. Candidates are strongly advised to secure a confirmed place at a UK University before interview. Those invited to interview will be asked to give strong reasons for their final choice of university and subject of study. Part I of the form asks for reasons for the candidate's choice of course, how the candidate intends to ‘make a difference’ on their return to Vietnam, and their leadership potential. These sections are particularly important and will be discussed during the interviews for those who are shortlisted. All applicants shall first fill in the application form on the website and complete as required (otherwise, the application will be invalid). Applicants must be non‐Chinese citizens and in good health. Education background and age limit:  Applicants for undergraduate  Exemption from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for that applications should be submitted at least 5 months before the intended scholarship period. CIMO should receive applications for 9‐month scholarships starting in September by February at the latest. http://www.studyinfin
ns 13 March (in 2011). http://www.britishcou‐
scholarships.htm 31 March (in 2011).‐in‐
042103469.htm and to develop cooperation and exchanges in fields of politics, economy, culture, education and trade between China and other countries, Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship schemes to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to undertake studies and researches in Chinese institutions of higher education. Clarendon Fund Scholarship Clarendon Scholarships are awarded to academically excellent students with the best proven and future potential for study at Oxford University. program must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.  Applicants for master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.  Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40.  Applicants for Chinese training program must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35, Chinese language is the only subject available.  Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate study and be under the age of 45, all subjects besides Chinese language are available.  Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50. Applicants liable to pay the overseas fee rate at the University of Oxford are eligible. All degree‐bearing courses at graduate level are eligible. This encompasses all full‐time and part‐time Master's courses and all DPhil programmes. Postgraduate Certificate or Diploma courses are not eligible for this scholarship. All subjects can be funded by a Clarendon Scholarship. There is no quota by subject or preference for any particular course type. Candidates applying to start a new graduate course at Oxford are eligible. This includes students who are currently studying for a Master's degree at Oxford but who will be re‐
applying for a DPhil. Candidates who already have a place but who deferred entry from a previous year are not eligible to apply. Students who will continue to study Applicants shall then contact their college for a formal recommendation letter. The paper application material shall be sent to the following address: Jide ZHANG Education Section Embassy of the P.R.China in Australia 6 Dalman Cresent, O'Malley Canberra ACT 2606, Australia internship, fee for basic learning materials and accommodation on campus;  Living allowance;  One‐off settlement subsidy after registration;  Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China;  One‐off inter‐city travel subsidy; and  A hard‐seat train ticket (hard‐berth train ticket for overnight trip). All Clarendon Scholarships cover tuition and college fees in full and a generous grant for living expenses. The grant for living expenses for scholars on a full‐time in 2010‐11 is GBP£13,590, which is normally sufficient to cover the living expenses of a single student living in Oxford. Scholars on a part‐time course receive a pro‐rata amount of the full‐time grant for living expenses. Part‐time Master's scholars are offered 1/3 of the full‐time grant per year for two years. Part‐time DPhil scholars are offered 1/6 of the full‐time grant per year for six years. Selection criteria vary slightly depending on the subject area and whether applicants apply for a taught or research degree, but include:  An excellent academic record is essential: A high first class honours degree or its equivalent (a GPA score of at least 3.7 if the mark is out of 4, noting that most successful candidates achieve a score higher than 3.7) or an outstanding academic record at Master's level is necessary (noting that an outstanding Master’s degree can compensate for a moderate first degree performance). Other indicators of high academic achievement may include individual marks on student transcripts; evidence of previous university prizes or awards; information on your overall position within your cohort; and publications (if applicable).  Aptitude for the proposed If you would like to apply for a Clarendon Scholarship you must apply simultaneously with your application to the University of Oxford, by ticking the 'Clarendon Fund' box in the University of Oxford Scholarships section of the Application Form for Graduate Study. You do not need to submit any additional documents specifically for the Clarendon Scholarships and there is no separate scholarship application form. Candidates must submit Application Form for Graduate Study according to deadlines established by Oxford University. http://www.clarendon for the same degree at Oxford in the next year are not eligible for this scholarship. Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships CSIRO Flagship Collaboration Fund Postgraduate Scholarships Since their inception in 1959, some 26,000 individuals have benefited from the award of Commonwealth Scholarships and Fellowships to pursue advanced academic study in other Commonwealth countries. To apply for the awards covered in this prospectus, candidates should:  Be Commonwealth citizens, refugees, or British protected persons  Be permanently resident in a Commonwealth country other than the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man  Be available to commence their academic studies in the United Kingdom by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2011  Hold, by October 2011, a first degree of upper second class Honours standard (or above); or a second class degree and a relevant postgraduate qualification, which will normally be a Master’s degree; and  In the fields of medicine and dentistry, have qualified as a doctor or dentist between 1 October 2001 and 30 September 2006 National Research Flagships offer full and top‐
up Postgraduate Scholarships to high quality students to work on a project relevant to Flagship research. Applications for Flagship postgraduate scholarships will only be accepted from full‐time students enrolled in an eligible Australian Higher Education Institution during the term of the award. Each Scholarship provides:
 Return airfare to the United Kingdom  Approved tuition and examination fees  A personal maintenance allowance at the rate of £844 per month  A grant towards the expenses of preparing a thesis or dissertation, where applicable  An initial arrival allowance, incorporating an initial clothing grant for Scholars from tropical countries  A grant for expenses for approved travel within the United Kingdom or overseas  A grant towards fieldwork costs for those Scholars undertaking doctoral studies for whom a case has been made for fieldwork outside the United Kingdom.  A paid mid‐term fare to their home country for Scholars on three year doctoral awards. Top‐up scholarships are valued at A$7000 per annum. Full scholarships offer a stipend of the equivalent of an APA plus CSIRO's course of study: This may be assessed by reviewing academic references, the research proposal, demonstrated evidence of aptitude for research, and the likelihood the scholar will contribute significantly to their field of study.  Student motivation: This is assessed through evidence of the applicant's commitment to their proposed course, evaluated by the personal statement and referees' reports. Applications are considered according to the following selection criteria:  Academic merit of the candidate  The quality of the proposal  The potential of the candidate to lead in the pursuit of global excellence in research and knowledge Postgraduate scholarship applications are assessed on the criteria set out in the guidelines, specifically:  the quality and relevance of the proposed project  alignment with the work of All applications should be made through a candidate's local agency in their home country and candidates must check with them before submitting an application to them, for specific advice on how to make an application and for their own closing dates for applications to reach them. 8 December (in 2010).
ips.asp Guidelines for applying for Flagship Scholarships are available at 30 November (in 2010).
Scholarships.html Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (“DAAD”) Scholarships and Funding Programs for Australia The DAAD runs several programs with which academic exchange between Germany and all parts of the world is supported. These programs range from short‐term exchanges for research or teaching purposes through to doctoral scholarships lasting several years. Dan David Prize Scholarships Each year the Dan David Prize awards 20 Scholarships to outstanding doctoral and postdoctoral students. The Erasmus Mundus programme promotes Europe as a centre of excellence in learning around the world. Scholarships are available for either Erasmus Mundus Programme For the year the scholarship is to begin, students must have, or expect to gain, first class honours or equivalent in relevant research areas. If applying for the top‐up scholarship, they must also expect to receive an Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or equivalent scholarship commencing in that year. If applying for the full scholarship, a student cannot receive both an APA/equivalent and a CSIRO scholarship. International students are eligible to apply for Flagship scholarships but they must be able to show evidence of admission to an Australian university, as well as evidence that either their living costs or international student tuition fees are being covered by another scholarship or from private funds. The scholarships offered by the DAAD are awarded to younger university graduates from all academic disciplines as well as from the fields of music and art. Support is also available for young academics and scientists, university teachers and groups completing study visits under the guidance of a university teacher. Applicants are generally expected to be Australian nationals; foreign nationals may be eligible if they are permanent residents of Australia. Temporary residents need to prove that they have been long‐term residents of Australia for at least six years and that they intend to remain in Australia for the foreseeable future. There are no restrictions on citizenship. top‐up amount of A$7000 per annum for three years. Eligible participants and activities vary in accordance with the action concerned. Further information is available at
Students who receive a scholarship can receive assistance with travel and insurance costs and a monthly allowance. the Flagship  the quality and prospects of student and track record: course marks, conference papers, presentations, publications (student must have or expect to gain first class Honours or equivalent). The values of each of the DAAD’s Scholarships vary. The Scholarships are valued at US$15,000 each, to be used for living expenses. Selection criteria vary across scholarships. Scholarships are awarded to applicants of exceptional promise in the chosen fields for the current year. Applications are considered according to the following selection criteria:  Technical Capacity: Applicants must have the professional competence and qualifications required to Detailed information on what application papers need to be submitted can be found on the application form which can be obtained from or the DAAD Sydney website. Applications (if not directed differently) should be submitted to the DAAD Information Centre in Sydney: Dr Andreas Jaeger, Director of the DAAD Information Centre c/o Goethe‐Institut Sydney, 90 Ocean Street, Woollahra, NSW 2025, Australia E‐Mail: Deadlines for each of the DAAD’s Scholarships vary. More
Application forms are available online. In order to ensure that your research is relevant to one of this year's chosen fields, please read the field definitions on the Dan David Prize website carefully before filling out the form Applicants are invited to submit their proposal in accordance with the procedure indicated in the application form to the Erasmus Mundus Action they intend to apply to. 31 March (in 2011).
ey/scholarship.htm information
deadlines is
available at
AD.pdf. The application deadline may vary in accordance with the Action http://www.dandavid
ip‐applications.html http://www.studyinfin
mundus_scholarships  full degree studies in df. Erasmus Mundus Master’s Courses or Doctoral Programmes; or  mobility scholarships of varying periods for students, scholars and other individuals from selected countries and regions outside of the EU who wish to study in European universities. Farrer Memorial Travelling Scholarships The Farrer Memorial Trust was established in 1911 to perpetuate the memory of William James Farrer and to encourage and inspire agricultural scientists. The Trust awards scholarships for ‘study or research in agricultural problems’. Finnish Government Scholarship Pool The Finnish Government offers scholarships of 3‐9 months for Doctoral level studies, research and teaching at a higher education institution in Finland. Applicants must be:
 Postgraduate students enrolled for a PhD on any aspect of agricultural research; and  Citizens or permanent residents of Australia. As a guide, travelling scholarships will normally be awarded up to the value $5,000. To be eligible, the applicant must:
The scholarship includes a monthly allowance of €1200. The allowance is sufficient for one person only. Expenses due to travel, international or in Finland, are not covered by CIMO. Scholarship recipients are recommended to make arrangements for sufficient insurance coverage for their stay in Finland.  intend to pursue post‐Master's level studies as a visiting student, participate in a research project or teach at a higher education institution or public research institute in Finland; priority will be given to doctoral studies  have established contact with the Finnish receiving institution before applying  have a letter of invitation from the academic supervisor in Finland; the invitation should also include a timetable  have earned a Master’s‐level degree before applying  not have spent already more than one year at a Finnish higher education institution immediately before the intended scholarship complete the proposed project. In order to demonstrate this competence, the grant application will have to include the CVs of the persons responsible for the implementation and management of the project within each of the partner institutions.  Financial Capacity: Applicants must have stable and sufficient sources of funding necessary to maintain their activity throughout the period during which the action is being carried out. N/A
concerned. It is mentioned on the relevant application form and Call for Proposals. Applications must be lodged through and with a covering letter from the Dean of your Faculty of Agriculture to reach the Secretary, Farrer Memorial Trust, PO Box K220, Haymarket NSW 1240. It is essential that applicants justify why support for overseas travel is being sought, the likely benefits and a budget explanation for the level of funds requested. Applicants should visit several relevant research centres as part of their itinerary. Applicants should include a curriculum vitae, a detailed itinerary, details of a paper/poster to be presented on their research at the conference and a supporting statement from their supervisor. Applications for the Finnish Government Scholarship Pool should be made to the appropriate authority in the applicant's country. For information on the appropriate authority in your country, please see the listing of countries and authorities to contact at:
es . The announcements for the opening of the annual application round are usually sent out from CIMO at the end of September annually. The applicants may then contact the scholarship authorities in their home country for more information on the application procedure. 13 May (in 2011). http://www.dpi.nsw.g
memorial‐trust The deadline set by CIMO for the nomination of scholarship candidates by the national authorities is 28 February each year. An applicant should check the application deadline set by the authorities in his or her country since it may be earlier http://www.studyinfin
ool period in Finland
 be able to give proof of sufficient Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship The Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship program provides funding for students from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom to conduct graduate study at Harvard University. Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships are available to Australian citizens to engage in 8 ‐ 12 months of research relevant to an Australian PhD; or undertake an approved course of study in an American higher degree or its equivalent. These scholarships are aimed at current PhD students, honours students, or honours graduates who are considering postgraduate study in the U.S. Gates Cambridge The Gates benefaction skills in speaking and writing the language needed in study/research  be a national of one of the eligible countries listed above. Knox Fellowships are open to applicants who:  are citizens of Australia at the time of application and who are normally residing in Australia.  have completed or are studying for a degree at an Australian university  gain admission to the Harvard school of choice. No application will be considered from any student already in the United States. Knox Fellowships are not awarded for postdoctoral research at Harvard University. Fulbright Postgraduate Scholarships are available to Australian citizens undertaking a minimum of one academic year in the U.S. Fulbright funding is for the first 12 months only and applicants must demonstrate they have sufficient additional funds to support themselves and any dependants during their stay in the U.S. Candidates for a Gates Cambridge Knox Fellowships include tuition and health insurance fees plus a stipend of at least $24,000, which is sufficient to cover living expenses of a single fellow for a ten‐month academic year. Recipients who are admitted to a Harvard degree program that requires multiple years of study are guaranteed two years of Knox funding, provided they remain in good academic standing. Fellows are selected on the basis of academic excellence, strength of character, and potential for leadership in their field. All those interested in applying must use the official Frank Knox Memorial Fellowships application form, which can be downloaded in PDF format at
df. Each Knox Fellowship applicant must also submit an Application for Admission directly to the Harvard graduate or professional school of his/her choice according to the deadlines established at that school. Candidates must submit fellowship applications through their Australian University liaison according to the deadline and process established by their university. http://www.frankknox The Fulbright Scholarship is to the value of $A45, 000. Scholarships also include:  Generous travel entitlement  Monthly stipend for a maximum of 12 months  Establishment and baggage allowance  National Orientation Program and a Fulbright Presentation Dinner  Enrichment Seminars in the United States with international Fulbright Scholars  Distinguished professional network with U.S. and Australian Fulbright Alumni Associations  A support agency in the U.S. that assists with visas, events, and networks  A J1 visa that allows Fulbright Scholars to work in their field in the U.S. for a further year following their study. A Gates Cambridge Applicants are selected based on the following criteria:  High academic and professional merit  Potential outcomes  Ambassadorial skills  Adaptability. Applicants should complete the Fulbright application form, including a statement of proposed activity, personal statement, and disclosure statement. The application form should be accompanied by three referee reports and supporting certified copies. 31 August (in 2010). http://www.fulbright.
e.html When selecting Gates Scholars, All applicants apply simultaneously for 15 October http://gatesscholar.or
Scholarship enables outstanding graduate and affiliated students from outside the United Kingdom to study at the University of Cambridge General Sir John Monash Awards The General Sir John Monash Foundation offers up to eight Scholarships per year for postgraduate study at a non‐Australian university. Scholarship:  may be citizens of any country outside the United Kingdom.  may apply to study any subject available at the University of Cambridge.  may apply to pursue one of the following full‐time residential courses of study:  PhD (three year research‐only degree)  One year postgraduate course (e.g. MPhil, LLM, MASt, Diploma, MBA etc.)  MSc or MLitt (two year research‐only degree)  must be admitted to one of the degrees above at Cambridge through the University's normal admission procedures. The Trust does not admit students.  must be well prepared for the Cambridge course for which they are applying and must meet all of the conditions for admission specified by the university.  must be able to show evidence of high academic achievement, leadership potential, social commitment and a good fit with Cambridge. Only Australian citizens graduating from Australian universities are eligible to apply. The Foundation supports postgraduate study programmes in any field. The Foundation will support Doctorates or Masters Degrees, but will not support a further undergraduate degree. Scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge, namely:  the University Composition Fee and College fees at the appropriate rate  a maintenance allowance for a single student (£12, 750 for 12 months at the 2010‐11 rate; pro rata for courses shorter than 12 months)  one economy single airfare at both the beginning and end of the course  A discretionary contribution towards the costs of supporting dependants at Cambridge (upon application). Once in residence, Gates Scholars may apply for financial help with the costs of attending conferences, undertaking fieldwork and other activities. the Trust looks for students with enthusiasm, robustness of intellect, a willingness to engage and an appropriate humility that comes from an awareness that nothing is ever really simple. In particular, Gates Scholars will be driven by the values of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which include a commitment to reducing inequities and improving lives around the world. The Trust expects a good match to be made between the applicant's qualifications and aspirations and what Cambridge has to offer. Successful applicants will have the ability to make a significant contribution to their discipline while in Cambridge, with a strong aptitude for research, analysis and a creative approach to defining and solving problems. admission as a graduate student to the University of Cambridge and a Gates Cambridge Scholarship using the one application pack. To be considered for graduate admission and a Gates Cambridge Scholarship most applicants will need to submit all of the following documents to the Board of Graduate Studies:  GRADSAF application form ‐ on‐line or hard copy  Academic transcripts ‐ hard copy  References (2 academic and 1 personal) ‐ hard copy  English language test scores (if required) ‐ hard copy  Any other documents required for admission to the course ‐ e.g. research proposal, example of written work etc. (see the individual department/course website for details) – hard copy (in 2010) for US citizens currently undertaking a degree programme in the USA or currently residing in the USA 1 December (in 2010) for citizens of all countries other than the USA (except the United Kingdom) and US citizens currently residing outside of the USA. g/apply/ The Scholarships provide funding of AUD $50,000 per year for a maximum of three years. The General Sir John Monash Scholarships may be held concurrently with other scholarships or awards, at the discretion of the Foundation. The annual Award sum of $50,000 is normally paid in two equal payments. In awarding Monash Scholarships, factors considered include:  Outstanding intellect – demonstrated by academic excellence (having completed or are about to complete a university degree or degrees with outstanding results, such as an honours degree (with a classification of 1 or 2A) or equivalent, scholarship, language skills, musical skills and/or publications;  Leadership – demonstrated and potential – within or outside of an Applicant's field of study or professional field;  Citizenship – community service;  Well‐defined research project or study programme to be conducted at a non‐
The General Sir John Monash Scholarships are available for postgraduates to attend universities that are considered to be amongst the global leaders in the field of study. Applicants should identify in their applications up to three universities to which they have sought or would seek acceptance. 31 August each year or the next working day if this date occurs on a week‐end. http://www.monasha
ml Australian University;  The case presented by the Hawker Scholarships The Hawker Memorial Scholarship Trust Fund was established by the late Kathleen Lilias Needham to perpetuate the memory of her late brother Charles Allan Seymour Hawker ‐ scholar, soldier, pastoralist and statesman, by means of a scholarship. The main object today, as it was then, is to encourage others to follow her brother's example of help and service to his country and his fellow men and women. The Hawker Scholarship is available to any Australian student undertaking a three or four year course of study approved by the Trustees. Undergraduate students who have commenced their studies are also eligible to apply for the scholarship. Successful applicants can chose to study at one of the nominated Australian universities or colleges. In some instances the C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship is also offered to postgraduate students who can undertake a one year course of study at the University of Cambridge in the UK. The value and number of scholarships each year are determined by the Trustees after having regard to all relevant factors including the applicants' personal circumstances. A full C.A.S.Hawker Scholarship normally covers all college fees and university HECS fees. Indigenous Youth Leadership Program (“IYLP”) The IYLP gives Indigenous young people the opportunity to study at universities and benefit from practical leadership ex‐periences, personal development and mentoring. IYLP scholarships are open to all Indigenous students aged 16‐24 years undertaking full time studies at a Diploma or Degree level at TAFE or University, anywhere in Australia. Tertiary scholarship funding ($6,000) can be used towards enrolment and tuition fees, text books and other essential educational costs. With additional funding (up to $1,250) to support leadership development. International Fulbright Science and Technology Award The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (“ECA”) of the U.S. Department of State sponsors the International Fulbright Science & Technology Award for Outstanding Foreign Students (“Fulbright S&T”) to provide exceptional foreign students with an opportunity to pursue Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree (comparable to a U.S. bachelor’s degree) on or before August (in 2012) and cannot reside in the U.S. at the time of application to the program. It is highly recommended that the applicant have received his/her bachelor’s degree in the same or a related field for which he/she plans to pursue Ph.D. study. Applicants must demonstrate English proficiency with The Award is valued up to US $30,000. Benefits include:  Return airfare between Australia and the U.S.  Tuition and fee coverage  Stipend for 3 years  Allowances for books and equipment, research and professional conferences Applicant of the significance of the applicant's potential contribution to their field and to the community;  Referee reports outlining the applicant’s abilities. In selecting a scholar, the Trustees may give preference to students intending to enter the Australian political field or other such activity considered beneficial to the Australian community. They also take into consideration such qualities and stipulations as they may deem appropriate to the wishes of Kathleen Lilias Needham as expressed in the Trust Deed. According to these wishes, applicants must:  be of good character and conduct, well mannered and be fair and honourable in his or her dealings.  have given some indications of citizenship, of loyalty and patriotism to Australia.  have reasonable academic ability but need not be in the highest academic grade. Selection will be based on an applicant’s:  career goals;  demonstrated leadership;  ability to make a positive contribution to an issue that needs addressing;  significant achievements; and  community involvement. Scholarships are to graduate students who demonstrate unique aptitude and innovation in scientific fields, leadership potential and the ability to be a cultural ambassador for their country. Candidates are nominated by their home country's Fulbright commission and selected by rigorous international Applicants may go to the C.A.S. Hawker Scholarship Application Form on the website, print out a copy, complete the details and send it as directed. They may also write to or telephone the secretary to the Trustees and request that an Application Form be sent to them. 7 January (in 2011). http://www.hawkersc Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible either by faxing it to 08 9259 5733, emailing it to or posting it to MADALAH Limited, PO Box 285 Willetton, WA 6155. 26 November (in 2010). http://www.madalah. Applicants should access the online application system at
ly. 1 May (in 2011). http://scienceandtech
dex.php  Basic health and Ph.D. study at top U.S. universities. a recent TOEFL score (or equivalent) of 580 or an IBT of 90 or higher. Applicants to the S&T Program must plan to study in one of the approved fields. Lionel Murphy Overseas Postgraduate Scholarships A number of Australian and overseas postgraduate scholarships are awarded annually by the Trustees of the Lionel Murphy Foundation. Applicants must be Australian citizens, or permanent residents who have been granted permanent residency by 31 October of the year prior to this application and, in the case of permanent residents, have lived in Australia continuously for the previous 12 months. Applicants should have completed, or be about to complete, an undergraduate degree in science, law or legal studies, or other appropriate discipline from an Australian tertiary institution, and intend to pursue a postgraduate degree in science, law or legal studies, or other appropriate discipline. Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarships The Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarships provide support for young Australians in a variety of categories to help them further their cultural education and achieve their dreams. They are awarded each year in acting, painting, sculpture and singing for study, maintenance and travel either in Australia or overseas. Masdar Institute accepts applications from qualified local and international students for admission into a cross‐disciplinary course of study and research focused on sustainable To be eligible for this award, you must be a native‐born Australian aged 21‐35 (17‐35 for ballet) at the closing date of entries. A total of six scholarships each to the value of $20,000 are offered annually. To be eligible to apply for the Masdar Institute Scholarship, candidates must have:  A relevant undergraduate degree ‐ undergraduate degrees must be in the fields of science, engineering or information technology All successful applicants to Masdar Institute are offered a scholarship which provides full financial support. The scholarships include all tuition fees, laptop, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology accident insurance  GRE test vouchers  Support and enrichment seminars run by the Institute of International Education (IIE) throughout your stay in the U.S. The scholarships are tenable at any Australian or overseas tertiary institution for one year only and are currently valued up to $40,000 each per annum. competition. Preference is given to applicants who propose to study any, or all, of the following:  The law and the legal system in a social context and their practical application;  Science and/or the law as a means of attaining social justice and human rights and as vehicles for change;  International law as a developing force for peace and as a means of achieving the rule of law in all nations.  Science as a tool for social benefit, particularly in meeting the needs of those most disadvantaged within society.  Other disciplines, where the proposed nature and area of study are likely to promote the goals of social justice and benefit for the disadvantaged. Scholarships are awarded over two years to artists with outstanding ability and promise in their chosen category. Only completed applications on the current official application form will be considered. Application forms are downloadable from:
_scholarships.htm. All applications must be accompanied by three referees' reports. 1 September each year. http://lionelmurphy.a
te_scholarships.htm Applicants must lodge a completed application
form together with all required enclosures specified under ‘Required Documentation for Entry’ outlined in the application form. 11 February (in 2011). http://www.thetrustc
en_bequest/ Applicants meeting the high admission standards may be offered admission immediately. However, most applications are likely be put on hold subject to further evaluation of their academic Applicants may apply online at
n.php?tab=29#tab29 Before proceeding to apply online, applicants will be required to fill in essential information and wish to prepare a: Applications tend to close in May. However, the admissions process may close earlier if http://www.masdar.a
ion.php?tab=14#tab14 technologies and policies
Migraine Trust Studentships and Research Awards National Health and Medical Research Council (“NHMRC”) Early Career Fellowships The Migraine Trust funds basic and clinical research into the causes of migraine, and into ways of treating, managing, and curing the condition. The Trust also recognises that training researchers, and encouraging researchers into this field, is vital to the future of migraine research. The objective of NHMRC Early Career Fellowships is to enable developing health and medical researchers of outstanding ability to undertake advanced training, either in Australia or overseas, in health and medical research that is both of major importance in its field and of benefit to Australian health. In fulfilling this objective, opportunities are provided for full‐time and part‐time research training. Research fields include biomedical, clinical, public health and health services research fields, and the  High CGPA ‐ The minimum required for consideration for admissions is 3.0 on a scale of 4.0  High GRE scores ‐ The minimum score required on the GRE Quantitative is 700. There is no cut‐off score for the Verbal and Analytical but these scores are also important and evaluated. The GRE exam cannot be waived.  High TOEFL (or academic IELTS) ‐ The minimum TOEFL score required is 91 (IBT) on the international TOEFL. The TOEFL can only be waived for native English speakers. The minimum academic IELTS score required is 6.5.  High grades and scores are a prerequisite but are no guarantee of admission. Admission standards are in accordance with those of MIT. This scholarship is for study in United Kingdom. There are no restrictions on citizenship. Applicants must:  Be Australian citizens;  Be holders of Australian Permanent Resident Status; or  Be New Zealand citizens holding a Special Category Visa.  Hold a doctorate in either a health related field of research, or will submit their thesis by 31 December in the year of application; or a non‐health related field, or will submit their thesis by 31 December in the year of application, and are proposing to undertake health related research.  At 30 June in the year of application, have held their PhD for no more than two years, unless exceptional circumstances apply.  Have not previously held an medical insurance, housing, travel expenses, and a cost of living allowance. credentials in comparison with the larger pool of applicants.  Copy of your undergraduate/graduate This scholarship is offered dependent on funds to 3 people N/A
Further application details will be posted on the website as soon as the Trust has them. Dates when to submit scholarship applications are not specified. http://www.migrainet‐
research Value of NHMRC Fellowships vary based on the category of award. Applicants will be assessed and ranked, relative to their field and opportunity, against the Selection Criteria listed below and on how well their application meets the aims of the Scheme. Person:  Quality of academic record including undergraduate, honours and other degrees.  Research experience and professional skills.  Potential to succeed in a health and medical research career, taking into account  Referee Reports and the proposed research environment.  Other recognition of All applications must be submitted electronically using NHMRC’s Research Grant Management System (RGMS). RGMS also provides an online Profile and CV function. When completing the online application, applicants should refer to the Early Career Fellowships Advice and Instructions to Applicants document. This document, the on‐
line application form and other important information can be accessed by logging in to RGMS at: Applications must be certified and submitted by an NHMRC Administering Institution. Applicants and institutions intending to submit an application should refer to the NHMRC Administering Institutions Policy, which includes a list of NHMRC Administering Institutions. 3 May (in 2011). http://www.nhmrc.go
ning/index.htm transcripts (scanned)  Copy of your statement of objectives (in MS‐
Word or PDF format)  Copy of your GRE and TOEFL (or IELTS) score (scanned)  JPEG passport sized photo of not more than 100K in size  Name and email address of 3 referees to whom we will write to for letters of reference. all slots are filled before then. priority area of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research. NHMRC Training (Postdoctoral) Fellowship.  Have fulfilled all obligations from previous NHMRC Grants or Funding Agreements (including final and progress reporting requirements). NB NHMRC Early Career Fellows are not able to personally receive benefits from a comparable Government funded Fellowship or full‐time academic position in conjunction with their NHMRC Early Career Fellowship. Neville Bonner Memorial Scholarship The Neville Bonner Memorial Scholarship is Australia’s most prestigious scholarship for Indigenous Australians to study Honours in Political Science or related subjects at any recognised Australian university. One Neville Bonner Scholarship is awarded each year. To be eligible to apply for the Neville Bonner Scholarship, candidates must:  be Indigenous Australians of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and are accepted as such by the Indigenous Australian community in which they live or have lived;  be Australian citizens; and  be currently enrolled or have been enrolled in a course of study leading to the award of a Degree of Bachelor with majors relevant to the enrolment in an Honours year in politics or political science or related subjects at a recognised Australian university. Candidates must also have been offered a place in Honours in 2011 or have good reason to believe they will be offered a place. The Scholarship is equivalent in value to the Australian Postgraduate Award (in the year of award) paid over the period of the Scholarship, which is two consecutive academic semesters of full‐time study or pro rata over two years for approved part‐time study. In 2010 the APA was valued at $22,500. The Scholarship also includes upfront payments of the student contribution amounts relevant to the Honours year of study. Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund The Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund was established in the 1990s with donations from Australians who have studied at Oxford and, in Applicants must be Australian citizens who are normally resident in Australia and are applying for a full‐
time graduate degree in any subject. Students wishing to take a Second BA may also apply. The value of the scholarship is AUD$12,000 p/a, which will contribute towards living expenses. Scholarships are often offered to candidates who achievements such as prizes, invited lectures, conference organisation and courses attended and conducted. Project:  Quality of proposed project and its potential importance in its field and benefit to Australian health.  Quality and relevance of the proposed supervisor and institution to support the proposed research and foster the advanced health and medical research training of the applicant. Research Output:  Quality, quantity and impact of research output.  Originality of research output. The Selection Committee will take into account the academic achievement of the student, the suitability of the applicant for an Honours year of study as assessed by the referees, the relevance of the proposed Honours research project to the Scholarship objectives, the student’s aspirations including expressed interest in service to the Indigenous community, and other criteria as included from time to time by the Selection Committee. N/A
Candidates must complete the Application Form and submit it with the requested documents (as specified in the Application Form). Written evidence must be provided to confirm the candidate's status as an Indigenous Australian of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. This may include a letter from an Indigenous community leader or Indigenous organisation or other documentation. Candidates must also submit a personal statement of up to two pages in support of their application. Candidates may include a brief resume (up to two pages). Candidates need two academic referees who can comment on your suitability to undertake study at Honours level and one personal referee. An applicant who is not currently a student of the University at which he or she wishes to undertake the Honours program must apply separately and concurrently for admission to that university. Apply at the same time as you apply to Oxford by selecting Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund in the Funding Section of the University's Graduate Application Form. You must include a statement with the 28 January (in 2011).
e_Bonner 7 January (in 2011) for Medical Sciences and Philosophy; 14 January (in
ralia/ particular, from Mr James Fairfax AO. Thanks to the generosity of the Fund's many supporters it has continued to grow. This has included special fund‐
raising initiatives from Old Members of Magdalen College, University College and Brasenose College to create awards linked to specific colleges. P.E.O. International Peace Scholarships (IPS) P.E.O. IPS Fund was established in 1949 to provide scholarships for international women students to pursue graduate study in the United States and Canada. Prime Minister's Australia Asia Awards The Endeavour Awards is the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit‐based scholarship program providing opportunities for citizens of the Asia‐Pacific, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas to undertake An applicant must be qualified for admission to full‐time graduate study, working toward a graduate degree in a college or university in the United States or Canada. A student holding citizenship or permanent residency of the United States or Canada is ineligible. Scholarships are not given for research, internships, practical training or travel. In order to qualify for her first scholarship, an applicant must have a full year of coursework remaining and be enrolled on campus for the entire school year. Doctoral students who have completed coursework and are working on dissertations only are not eligible as first‐time applicants. Open to Australian or permanent residents of Australia aged 18 years or over at the commencement of their Award. There are no limitations on fields of study for the Endeavour Awards. Applicants must have a Distinction average across all subjects taken. are awarded a Clarendon Scholarship and these combined awards are worth 100% of university and college fees, and a grant for living costs (the rate in 2010‐11 was £13,590). Awards are made for the full duration of a student's fee liability for the agreed course. If your scholarship is offered for a course lasting more than one year, the continuation of your scholarship each year is subject to an annual renewal process based on satisfactory academic progress. The maximum amount for a full 12 months of study is $10,000. Lesser amounts may be awarded according to individual needs. Up to AU$40,000‐$60,000 towards travel and establishment allowances, tuition and internship contributions and travel insurance. University's Graduate Application Form describing your reasons for applying for your course of study and the Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund, also include an outline of your future career plans and intentions. 2011) for Said Business School applicants; 21 January (in 2011) for all other subjects. The scholarship is based upon demonstrated financial need. Eligibility must be established before application material is sent to applicants. The eligibility information is available at any time from 15 December (in 2011) Deadline to establish eligibility. 31 January (in 2012) Application Deadline http://www.peointern
ion_final.pdf Selection criteria vary across awards. Applications should be submitted through Endeavour Online. Applicants may request a hard‐copy application form by emailing indicating in their email the reasons why they are unable to apply online. Hardcopy applications must be received by DEEWR by the closing date. 30 June (in 2011). www.endeavour.deew Rhodes Australia‐At‐
Large Scholarships to Oxford Roberta Sykes Harvard Club of Australia Scholarship Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarships Scholarships of the Russian Government to Study in the Russian Federation (Australia) study, research and professional development in Australia or abroad. Each year, nine Rhodes Scholarships are available for outstanding Australians to study at the University of Oxford. One Rhodes Scholarship is offered in each of the States (NSW, VIC, QLD, WA, SA and TAS) and three for Australia At Large. The Roberta Sykes Scholarship Foundation and the Harvard Club of Australia are offering a scholarship to provide talented Indigenous Australians with the opportunity to undertake up to two years of postgraduate study at Harvard University. The Ambassadorial Scholarships program sponsors academic year scholarships to further international understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries and geographical areas. Russia also extends 2 scholarships for Australian students and post‐graduate students in 2011. A candidate can choose between different levels of education to obtain in Russia. To be eligible to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship, candidates must:  be Australian citizens and have been resident in Australia for at least five of the past ten years;  have not turned 25 by 1 October in the year of application; and  have completed (or expect to complete in the year of application) their degree with first class honours (or upper second). Fees are paid by the Rhodes Trust directly to the College and Rhodes Scholars receive a monthly stipend and assistance with travel expenses to the United Kingdom. Candidates must demonstrate academic excellence, strong leadership qualities, community mindedness and a willingness to help those less fortunate. The Committee also seeks candidates who are determined to succeed in life and have the strength of character, stamina and energy to fulfil their ambitions. The scholarships are directed at Indigenous Australians who have the potential to become leaders in their field of study and in their communities. Candidates must apply in the State in which they received (or will receive) their first degree. The online application form for the Rhodes Scholarships is available at
sTrust/. 1 December (in 2011). http://www.rhodesho The scholarship will only be awarded to candidates who have been accepted into a postgraduate degree program offered at Harvard University. In most circumstances, candidates will need to hold a First Class or upper Second Class Honours degree in order to be accepted. The value of the scholarship will be at least $60,000 per annum to be paid over the course of the scholar’s study. The scholarship covers tuition, travel costs and living expenses. Applicants are required to submit their Harvard application by the deadline required for the degree program they wish to pursue. This can be as early as December 1, 2010. Applications for the 2011 Roberta Sykes Harvard Club Scholarship are available from 15 November (in 2010) at 31 January (in 2011). http://www.robertasy
/ Applicants must have completed at least two years of university or college course work, or must have a secondary school education and have been employed in a recognized vocation for at least two years when the scholarship begins. All applicants must be citizens of a country in which there is a Rotary club. Persons with disabilities and members of Rotaract clubs are eligible and encouraged to apply. Applicants must be Australian students. The Academic‐Year Scholarship provides a flat grant of US$27,000. Funding is intended to defray costs associated with round‐trip transportation, one month of intensive language training (if assigned by the Foundation), required fees for a normal course load, room and board, and educational supplies. Rotary seeks out students who are prepared for the challenge of serving as outstanding ambassadors of goodwill. Applicants must contact the nearest Rotary club to:  Determine whether scholarship funding is available  Obtain application materials Each applicant is responsible for applying directly to the assigned institution, gaining admission, obtaining required visas, and making travel arrangements. Only your local club can provide specific information about application deadlines.
t.aspx Russia provides to those succeeded student’s visas, education in one of the higher educational institutes / universities – participants of the Programme. Australians are also provided with accommodation N/A
A candidate needs to apply to the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Australia. Applications should consist of the following documents:  Application form and photo 4‐6 sm.  A copy of the passport (it must expire later then 1,5 year from the commencement of the students visa).  A copy of the graduation certificate with a list of completed subjects and examination marks translated into Russia and notarized 1 April (in 2011). http://www.australia. (university hostel) and monthly allowance which varies from approximately 40 US dollars for students to 50 US dollars for post‐
graduates. Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship in Allied Health Sciences The purpose of the scholarship is to try to improve the health of Australians by supporting an outstanding applicant from one of the non‐
medical allied health disciplines, or from an applicant who is working directly in applied clinical research. Projects in laboratory sciences will not be supported. Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship in Engineering In co‐operation with the Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Trust, a registered charity in England, the Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation is offering to Australians a post‐graduate scholarship in engineering for tenure at universities in the United Kingdom. The scholarships are awarded in memory of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Menzies, KT AK CH QC, Prime Minister of Australia from 1939 to 1941 and from 1949 to 1966. To be eligible for , applicants must:
 provide a specific research proposal, developed in consultation with the postgraduate supervisor at the institution where the award is tenable.  be enrolled as full‐time students. The "full‐time" criterion means that the applicant should spend not more than 10% of time in clinical practice ‐ unless the clinical practice is providing the subjects for the research project.  be Australian citizens of at least five years standing at the time of application. NB Ethics committee approval is a prior condition of award. The scholarship may not norm ally be held concurrently with any other award. Candidates must be Australian citizens, have been resident in Australia for at least five of the last ten years, and be available for interview in Australia at the time of selection in mid‐September 2010. At the time of application, candidates should have at least an Upper Second Class Honours Degree in Engineering normally from an Australian university. The scholarship provides emoluments to contribute substantially toward the cost of living, books and charges. The level of remuneration will be $27,500 per annum, free of income tax. Payments will normally be made to the host institution each quarter. The award will be for up to two years and is subject to the scholar's satisfactory progress. Each six months, the scholar's institutional supervisor will be expected to submit a written report on the scholar's progress to the Foundation. The primary criterion is that of academic excellence, assessed on the basis of the candidate's tertiary performance and publication record. Applicants should list the papers which they have authored and which have been published (or accepted for publication) in refereed journals. This should not include abstracts or papers in preparation. The selection committee will also give preference to persons who are likely to make a contribution to the further development of the allied health sciences in Australia. The scale of emoluments at the present time is as follows:  Tuition fees or a research grant equivalent, examination and other compulsory fees ‐ subject to approval by the Trustees.  A grant of £120 towards the typing and binding of a thesis.  £11,500 (if enrolled at a university outside London) and £13,500 (if enrolled at a London university) per annum, payable in three instalments.  A student concession fare or other approved air fare from Australia to So that Australia may benefit from the experience and knowledge gained, candidates will be asked to indicate the career they hope to follow on return to Australia. The Selection Committee will seek individuals who are likely to attain prominence in Australia and, in their subsequent careers, make a contribution to British/Australian relations and understanding. The Selection Committee will take into account in the first place academic achievement, but also those qualities in candidates which Sir Robert Menzies held in high esteem. The qualities sought include:  Academic excellence.  Leadership, both proven and by the Embassy or Consulate‐General in Sydney. Post‐graduates are expected to present a summary on the topic of their future research; candidates for short‐term courses are to supply a translated plan of their internship in Russia.  A copy of a medical certificate advising that a candidate does not have any of the medical contraindications for admission of foreigners to Russian higher educational institutes (including HIV). Application forms may be obtained from Scholarship Officers of universities or may be downloaded from the Foundation's Web site at They are also available on written request (facsimile number 03‐9417 7049, email from the Menzies Foundation at the address below. Telephone requests are not accepted. The original and two photocopies of the completed application form, a recent photograph, and an original or certified copy of the candidate's Academic Transcript(s) must be submitted to: The General Manager The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation "Clarendon Terrace" 210 Clarendon Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 Application forms may be obtained from Scholarship Officers of universities or may be downloaded from the Foundation's Web site at They are also available on written request (facsimile number 03‐9417 7049, email from the Menzies Foundation at the address below. Telephone requests are not accepted. The original and two photocopies of the completed application form, a recent photograph, and an original or certified copy of the candidate's Academic Transcript(s) must be submitted to: The General Manager The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation "Clarendon Terrace" 210 Clarendon Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 30 June (in 2011). http://www.menziesf
l 31 July (in 2010 for the academic year 2011). www.menziesfoundati the United Kingdom.  A similar air fare to return to Australia, provided the scholar returns within twelve months of completing his/her course of study. Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship in Law The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Trust, which is a registered charity in England, with the financial support of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and of the Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation in Australia, is offering to Australians a postgraduate scholarship in law for tenure at universities in the United Kingdom. The scholarship is awarded in memory of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Menzies, KT AK CH QC, Prime Minister of Australia from 1939 to 1941 and from 1949 to 1966. Candidates must be Australian citizens, have been resident in Australia for at least five of the last ten years, and be available for interview in Australia at the time of selection in mid‐October. At the time of application, candidates should have at least an Upper Second Class Honours Degree in Law, normally from an Australian university. Sir Robert Menzies Scholarship to Harvard The Robert Gordon Menzies Scholarships to Harvard are Australia’s most prestigious national awards for postgraduate study in the United States. Inaugurated in 1967 by prominent Australian alumni of Harvard to honour the Australian statesman and former Prime Minister, the Menzies Scholarship grants at least one annual award to talented Australians who have gained admission to a Harvard graduate school. The ideal candidates for To be considered for a Menzies Scholarship, you must be an Honours graduate (or equivalent) of an Australian university or other recognised Australian tertiary institution and:  be an Australian citizen, or have permanent resident status, and normally reside in Australia;  intend to return to Australia after completing your studies or to directly represent Australia overseas;  have not previously undertaken a postgraduate degree course at a United States university; and  you must not have accepted another major scholarship (such as a Knox, Fulbright or Monash The scale of emoluments at the present time is as follows:  Tuition fees or a research grant equivalent, examination and other compulsory fees ‐ subject to approval by the Trustees.  A grant of £120 towards the typing and binding of a thesis.  £11,500 (if enrolled at a university outside London) and £13,500 (if enrolled at a London university) per annum, payable in three instalments.  A student concession fare or other approved air fare from Australia to the United Kingdom. A similar air fare to return to Australia, provided the scholar returns within twelve months of completing his/her course of study. In 2011, the Selection Committee may offer three Menzies Scholarships valued at US$60,000 each. The third scholarship is able to be offered this year as a result of pledges from Harvard Business School (HBS) alumni to the Harvard Club of Australia and is available to HBS students only. Depending on funding from Harvard, a Menzies Scholarship may be taken over one or more years at the discretion of the Selection Committee and potential.  Extra‐curricular activities and interests.  Ability to contribute to the life of a British university.  Interest in the service of others. So that Australia may benefit from the experience and knowledge gained, candidates will be asked to indicate the career they hope to follow on return to Australia. The Selection Committee will seek individuals who are likely to attain prominence in Australia and, in their subsequent careers, make a contribution to British/Australian relations and understanding. The Selection Committee will take into account in the first place academic achievement, but also those qualities in candidates which Sir Robert Menzies held in high esteem. The qualities sought include:  Academic excellence.  Leadership, both proven and potential.  Extra‐curricular activities and interests.  Ability to contribute to the life of a British university. Interest in the service of others. Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:  qualities of intellect ‐ as demonstrated through academic achievement and likely benefit from study at a Harvard graduate school;  qualities of leadership ‐ as demonstrated by prominence in your chosen field or by involvement in, for example, community affairs;  breadth of vision ‐ as evidenced by the way you look at your present or intended profession in relation to its contribution to Australia and the Australian Application forms may be obtained from Scholarship Officers of universities or may be downloaded from the Foundation's Web site at They are also available on written request (facsimile number 03‐9417 7049, email from the Menzies Foundation at the address below. Telephone requests are not accepted. The original and two photocopies of the completed application form, a recent photograph, and an original or certified copy of the candidate's Academic Transcript(s) must be submitted to: The General Manager The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation "Clarendon Terrace" 210 Clarendon Street East Melbourne VIC 3002 31 August (in 2011). http://menziesfounda
ps/law/lawprosp.pdf To be considered for a Menzies Scholarship, you must submit a completed Application Form with your original academic transcript/s and a Statement of Purpose of no more than two A4 pages. The Statement should include relevant details of your background (including community and recreational interests and, if relevant, career‐to‐date), personal philosophy, aspirations and future career plans, and how you believe you can contribute to the future interests of Australia. The Selection Committee will not be able to consider statements over two pages or any additional documents, other than those requested. 11 February (in 2011). www.menziesfoundati the Scholarship are Australians whose primary objective, after completing their studies at Harvard, is to make a significant contribution to this country’s development. Award). You must also have applied to the Harvard graduate school of your choice, and either been accepted or be confident about meeting its admission requirements and deadlines. the Committee on General Scholarships at Harvard University. Tohoku University International Graduate Program for Advanced Science (“IGPAS”) Fellowship IGPAS offers courses in English for international students who are eager to obtain master’s and doctoral degrees from the Graduate School of Science. Applicants must satisfy ALL of the following conditions in addition to the eligibility requirements for IGPAS:  currently live outside Japan.  born on or after April 2, 1975.  intention to complete the master’s and doctoral programs within five years from admission. Universiti Brunei Darussalam Graduate Research Scholarships The Universiti Brunei Darussalam is offering its Graduate Research Scholarship Scheme to eligible international Applicants interested to enroll into postgraduate programmes by research and coursework lead. To be eligible a candidate must enroll in a graduate degree by research PhD or Master by Research Degrees. Master by Coursework may be considered. Applicants must be below the age of 40. Term of the 5 years
Scholarship (2 years + 3 years):  Monthly stipend of 156,000 yen as a master’s student and 157,000 yen as a doctoral student.  Flight tickets between the country of the student’s nationality and Japan.  Exemption from application, admission, and tuition fees. The scholarship is renewable annually amounting BND 1,500 per month for a maximum duration of 2 years for Masters by Research and 3 years for Ph.D degree. community. There is no specific weighting for these criteria and the Selection Committee considers all fields of study. Mid‐career applicants will also be assessed against an appropriate level of achievement. The Committee may also consider these factors:  financial need and the financial resources available; and  field of study ‐ the Committee may consider the academic endeavours of past Scholars to broaden the Scholarship’s focus into all academic areas. The Committee will also give preference to candidates who are not duplicating graduate studies previously undertaken elsewhere, and those whose undergraduate degrees are not from a United States university. The Committee for IGPAS will carry out preliminary selection based on scholastic aptitude according to documents submitted. Applicants will be assessed on their proposal for research, which is normally expected to include the following topics:  proposed title;  rationale;  aims and methodology;  literature review;  preliminary bibliography;  provisional timetable; provisional table of contents; and To apply for a Fellowship, applicants must:
 Find faculty members in the field of your interest as candidates for your supervisor.  Contact the faculty members directly via email and obtain consent of acceptance.  Prepare the required documents for application. See: IGPAS Application Booklet.  Send application documents to the IGPAS Academic Affairs Section via airmail. 10 December (in 2010). http://www.sci.tohok To complete the application, the applicant must submit a proposal for research together with the application form which is available online. 31 March (in 2011) for the first academic intake. Applications received after this deadline will be considered for the next relevant
holarship.html  an indication of any special Vision Australia Further Education Bursaries Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowships WorldNomads Travel Writing Scholarship Vision Australia's Further Education Bursaries are awarded to students who are blind or have low vision, who for financial reasons may not be able to fully participate in further education, providing adaptive technology to assist their studies. The Churchill Trust was established in 1965 to honour the memory of Sir Winston Churchill by awarding overseas research Fellowships known as 'Churchill Fellowships'. The WorldNomads Travel Writing Scholarship enables students and non‐
professional writers the opportunity to kick start their travel writing career by going on assignment to Istanbul, Turkey. To be eligible, applicants need to:
 Be an Australian citizen or permanent resident of Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, the Northern Territory or Tasmania.  Be (or become) a client of Vision Australia.  Demonstrate the need for financial assistance to purchase adaptive technology.  Be applying for, or enrolled in, a tertiary course graded Certificate IV or above. To be eligible to apply for a Churchill Fellowship you must:  be an Australian Citizen over the age of 18  not be completing tertiary studies directly related to the topic of your proposed project  have experience in and commitment to the field of your project  have a worthy project that requires overseas investigation  be willing to disseminate the results of your research to the broader Australian community; and  not have been awarded a Churchill Fellowship in the past. Minimum age 18 with a current passport and you must be available as per the dates set out. You must have a high degree of proficiency in written English. The opportunity is designed to give you a taste of what it's like to be a travel writer on the road, so you must be comfortable doing some travel on your own. Bursaries are for the purchase of adaptive technology such as CCTVs, laptops, screen reading and magnification software. requirements for the study. Demonstrated need for adaptive technology. The Trust awards about 100 Fellowships at an average value of $25,000 each. The Trust is also fortunate to be supported by sponsors who donate to the Trust for specific research projects. The WorldNomads Travel Writing Scholarship includes:  flights to Istanbul from your country of residence.  Rough Guides mentorship.  12 day Turkish Delight tour.  the opportunity to have your work feature in the new edition of 'The Rough Guide to Istanbul'. To apply for a bursary, applicants need to:
 Complete an application form ‐ download available from  Have an adaptive technology assessment with a Vision Australia consultant  Provide some documentary evidence (outlined on the application form). intake. 29 October (in 2010). http://www.visionaust Fellowships are awarded to Australians who, like Churchill, are innovative, filled with a spirit of determination and possess a strong desire to benefit their community. Information on how to apply for a 2012 Churchill Fellowship will be available soon at
s/info/ The official 2012 Application Package and forms will be available for download on 1 October and applications for 2012 Churchill Fellowships will open on 1 November. http://www.churchillt
e‐trust/ It's up to the applicant to convince the judging panel through their writing that they have the spirit of adventure and passion for travel writing to be chosen for this scholarship. WorldNomads will be looking for:  great descriptive ability;  strong eye for detail;  ability to uncover and tell a compelling story;  excellent spelling; and grammar and a knack for avoiding clichés To apply you need to:
 Craft a 500 word (or less) travel focused essay based on a personal experience.  Complete an entry form which includes contact details and a maximum 200 word essay on why you should be chosen and what the opportunity will mean for you. 28 March (in 2011). http://journals.worldn