15-May-2015 - Brisbane Bayside State College


15-May-2015 - Brisbane Bayside State College
Cnr Network Dr & Wynnum Rd
Wynnum Qld 4178
Website: https://brisbanebaysidesc.eq.edu.au/
Email: admin@brisbanebaysidesc.eq.edu.au
Phone: 07 3893 5333
Fax: 07 3393 6050
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15 May 2015
Principal’s Report
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Last Saturday we had our Annual Open
Day. I estimate we had several hundred
people attend throughout the afternoon. I
was very impressed with the way our
College community came together to
showcase excellence in everything we do at
Brisbane Bayside State College. I would particularly like to
thank Mrs Sue Littman, Ms Julie Strong and Ms Kim Keyte for
their coordination and organisation of the day; Heads of
Department and teachers for conducting tours, exhibits and
stalls and our students for their volunteer work and cultural
participation in the band and music throughout the afternoon.
We had a range of positive interactions with parents, including
some who believed it was the best Open day they had attended
after visiting a range of 'Open' days in both the private and
public school sectors in the area. Another parent believed the
activities showcased were presented just for ‘show’ on the day
and were surprised to learn that the activities were part of our
everyday ‘business’ in classrooms. I was extremely proud of our
students and staff who demonstrated the teamwork that is
evident and tangible and distinctly who we are at BBSC.
Embedded within the Open Day was the Opening of the Junior
Secondary facility, ‘O’ Block by the local Member for Lytton,
Joan Pease. Mrs Pease gave an insightful and reaffirming
speech into the history of the College and the importance of the
Junior Secondary facility to our students entering High School
for the first time.
I have included an excerpt from my speech as it encapsulates
my thoughts on the progress of the College in its sixth year:
"Brisbane Bayside State College is an excellent school with
an enhancing and a growing reputation for our educational,
cultural diversity and inclusion. Behind this reputation is many
wonderful staff who provide the teaching and learning
environment for students to excel in; I know I have committed
and skilful staff and often hear positive and reaffirming
anecdotes from parents who enrol students into our College
and contract staff and other school visitors and colleagues
who pass on many positive comments about the tone and
culture of our school. We focus on Reading, Numeracy and
Senior Schooling Pathways underpinned by a strong supportive
and wellbeing structure. We pride ourselves on the fact we
are committed to providing the best quality public education
possible for all students regardless of socio economic
background or cultural diversity. I believe you will see a
snapshot of this excellence in education as you walk about our
Part of this journey has been the creation of our beautiful
learning environment with facilities and resources conducive to
the best possible learning outcomes. Today we celebrate the
Opening of the latest addition to these State of The Art facilities,
our Junior Secondary facility, more commonly referred to as
‘O’ block. It is the pride of place for our year 7 and 8 cohorts
presently and at capacity can house around 270 students at
any one time. Funding of more than $3.9 million has been spent
on the new building at the school for the move of Year 7 to high
The facility stands 3 levels, has 9 General Teaching Areas and
2 wet area rooms, open courtyards on each level, a conference
room, break out rooms, open learning areas, staffroom and
amenities. Of course, it is now up to us to utilise its potential
and take advantage of this facility through great teaching and
learning….something I am confident of doing, as people, not
necessarily our buildings which make the real difference.
In saying this, I think it is suitable and appropriate that all
students in our Bayside District have access to the best
possible educational facilities and I am both proud and
fortunate to be Principal of a facility and College where this
NAPLAN took centre stage this past week and our year 7
and 9 students have been well prepared to perform their best.
Results should be released in late July this year for us to gather
feedback on individual results to assist our students in literacy
and numeracy.
Until next Gazette
Darren Wallwork
Open Day
Year 10 and 12 Visual Art workshop
Monday 27th April saw the year 10 and 12 visual art class
undertake a full day acrylic painting workshop with professional
guest artist Symone Male. Students learnt how to paint a
realistic self-portrait using tone and enhancing a background
using various gel mediums. Students will be using their new
found skills in the creation of the backdrops for this year’s
school musical. Many of the students surprised themselves
with a completed accurate representation of themselves, which
were displayed in the school art gallery on Open Day.
Ms C Miles and Ms N Tizzard
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Excursion
Thursday 23rd April saw 23 year 7 and 8 students go to Lone
Pine Koala Sanctuary for an Arts excursion. On arrival we had
a talk from one of the zoo keepers on various species and
groupings of animals and got to touch a lizard and a koala.
Students then had free time to visit the various animals and
obtain the perfect selfie with a kangaroo or emu whilst feeling
them specialist food provided. Some students visited the tails
and scales presentation where they got to pat a snake, before
we all went to the birds of prey show. We got to see an owl,
a wedgetail eagle and other birds in flight and capturing their
food. After lunch students went to see the sheep dog and
shearing show before departing at 2pm after a full day hanging
out with the animals. The students were complimented by the
Zoo staff on their excellent behaviour. Everyone had a great day
out with lots of excellent photos to remember a great excursion.
Students will be able to use their new found information of birds
and many photos to sketch designs for their upcoming winged
creature sculpture.
Improve Maths Learning with Manga
Over the first term, Brisbane Bayside Year 7, 8, 9 and 10
students have been using www.Mangahigh.com to enhance
their mathematics learning. Manga High is a fun way to learn
maths. All students should be doing some Manga High each
week in class and at home. Teachers regularly set challenges
for students to complete and Manga High will enhance
mathematical thinking and enjoyment of maths.
Update: BBSC topped the Manga High Queensland
Mathematics challenge for the month of April. Well done to all
students who achieved a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal on their
activities. BBSC’s highest achievers during April were Jacob
Miller, Joy Ehue and Tiale Taamia.
To check your students login details, please contact your
child’s maths teacher or myself.
Ben Robson
Ms C Miles
Junior Secondary
Leadership Opportunities:
As part of Brisbane Bayside State College’s junior secondary
focus we have created class captains for our year 7 & 8 roll
classes. This is an excellent opportunity for students to
demonstrate their leadership skills both within and outside the
classroom environment. Students will be the voices for their roll
classes and will work with Wellbeing Leaders and key Heads
of Department in designing interclass activities and challenges.
Congratulations to the following students, who are term 2’s
class leaders;
Grade 7 Class Leaders:
7A – Marlon Tanielu and Abbey Jones
7B – Alyssa Proellochs and Simon Tamehana
7C – Madison Logan and Brock Rickertt
7D – Ryan Murphy and Liam Cameron
7E – Ben Scharfenberg and Shannyn Hovey
7F – Maddi Johns and Nicolas Thomas
3. Caitlyn Spires
4. Joshua Byrnes
5. Jacob Shaw
Congratulations to our first three prize winners: Mitchell King,
Chris Russell and Gabriel Nicolas
Grade 8 Class Leaders:
8A – Marrianne Derain
8B – Jazmin Lennon and Patrick McLaren
8C – Joffe Thompson and Chloe Mein
8D – Kellie Taylor and Declan O’Byrne
Congratulations to the following students who received a 100%
Attendance Rate for Term One. This is a fantastic achievement
and you are setting excellent standards to the rest of your
peers. Remember every day counts!
Student Name
Year Level
Lachlan Armstrong
Ngatahi Arthur
Bradley Bodell
Electra Brooks-Gray
Kyah-Anne Hackett
Tanieka Hay
Noah Loy
Isabella Marchesini-Distratis
Caleb Marshall
Daniel Mingi
Arcadia Moa
Janet Morofa
Rebecca Naawi
Trent Orton
Dylan Porter
Cooper Seagg
Keshow Singh
4. Amanda Wong
Harry Smith
5. Lee Smith
Sam Walcroft
Celebration of Success:
To support positive behaviour and the improvement of student
outcomes within Brisbane Bayside State College, we have a
Vivo rewards program. Vivo points are allocated to students for
demonstrating our school rules and expectations both within
and outside the classroom. At the end of Term 1 all points were
counted and the top 5 Vivo recipients from the junior secondary
are listed below. All 15 of these students will go into a draw to
win free entry into our end of year celebration at Wet and Wild.
Congratulations to Term 1’s top five Vivo recipients for years 7
Year 7:
1. Michael Kennedy
2. Tiffany Tsakrios
3. Mikayla Abela
Year 8:
1. Paul Green
2. Bailey Petrie
3. Connor Caplice
4. Samuel Mingi
5. Cleavon Johnson-Davis
Year 9:
1. Emily Truong
2. Gabriel Nicolas
Student Name
Year Level
Isabel Anderson
Noah Axam
Toarangatira Betham
Jame Bristowe
Joshua Bunn
Nirada Chaokamut
David Chau
Year Level
Jock Chrichton
Jessica Ellem
Thomas Hall
Taylah Halton
Dallas Healey
Chloe Kan
Chelsie Lao
Bradley Lock
Molly Lund
Broughton Makirere
Jacob Miller
Jonah Mortensen
Jake Mortimer
Christopher Palad
Michaela Raper
Beau Reynierse
Mariah Ruttley
Lillian Smith
Year 12 Health Education Students: Alyssa, Serani, Shaun,
Patrick, Zachary, Keana, Bree, Claire, Jess, Emily, Xian,
Savanah, Alex, Leah, Chelsea, Danica, Cresiel, Caitlin, Martina,
Stacey, Madelaine, Jada-Rose.
Caitlyn Spires
Student Leaders: Tain, Deanna-Lee, Lyndsey
Seth Tamehana
Mark Torres
Merryn Trevor
Tawhiri Wairama
Emma Wells
Liam Whiting
Leara Williamson
Student Name
Year Level
Kyle Arnold
Jaydyn Dimos
Samuel Mingi
Kylie Oti
Deegan Overton
Liam Penman
William Purchase
P.A.R.T.Y Excursion
On Wednesday 29th April, 25 year 12 students and 4 staff
attended the P.A.R.T.Y (Preventing Alcohol Related Trauma in
Youth) Excursion at the Royal Women’s Brisbane Hospital.
P.A.R.T.Y is an in-hospital injury awareness and prevention
program aimed at providing teenagers with information about
trauma that will enable them to recognise potentional
injury-producing situations, make prevention-orientated
choices, and adopt behaviours that minimise unnecessary risk.
Student Name
Throughout the day, the students were engaged by watching
DVD’s PowerPoint presentations and interactive simulated
clinical scenarios based on the journey of a trauma patient.
The presenters were health professionals, emergency services
personnel, including ambulance officers, and people who have
experienced trauma and survived, often with significant
One ex-patient, Charmaine De Wit and her father Peter shared
their story about the significant brain injury trauma caused by
her car accident several years ago. The students were quite
emotionally affected by this powerful story and have stayed
in contact with her in the hope that our class can do some
fundraising to assist her with some living costs in the future.
As the day concluded the students were empowered to make
better and safer choices in the future to prevent trauma-related
injuries to themselves and their friends. The whole day was
an amazing apportunity that our school was very privileged to
Staff: Miss Steph Norris, Randall Gill (Chappo), Mrs Michelle
Chell & Mrs Stone
Quanadamooka Children’s Dance Fesitval
During Reconciliation Week, on Tuesday 2nd June, our school
is participating in the “Quandamooka Children’s Dance
Festival”. The Redlands Moving Together Cluster, who works in
partnership with the Minjerribah Moorgumpin Elders-in-Council
and Yulu-Buri-Ba Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health,
will host the festival. We are pleased to be gathering at
Redlands Show Grounds. The Dance performance begins at
1:30pm and concludes at 2:30pm after a day of Language,
Culture and Dance Workshops.
Learning includes Language with the Elders-in-Council;
Secondary QIECC Forum; Quandamooka Dance Workshop;
Torres Strait Islander Dance Workshop; Quandamooka Artist
Craig Tapp to create a dance space using sand and ochre;
Dance Performance.
P& C Operations
Chaplaincy Dinner
Knitted vest are on sale for $20.00. Stocks are limited.
Year 12 Jerseys
We placed two rounds of orders with the jersey supplier. The
second round of orders included all students who placed an
order from Mon 23rd Feb to 27th Mar. These jerseys will arrive
in a few weeks. Please watch daily notices for an
announcement of when collection can be made.
Uniform Shop Open Hours
Tues, Thurs & Fri- 8.00am to 11.00am
Uniform Orders
If you are unable to make it into the shop during open hours, we
will happily provide uniforms to your student with a completed
order form. Forms can be delivered to the uniform shop, faxed
or emailed to uniformshop@brisbanebaysidesc.eq.edu.au .
Payment can be made via cash, cheque (made payable to
BBSC P&C uniform shop) or credit card by filling in your card
details on the order form. Alternatively, we can take credit card
payments over the phone. We also provide assistance with
sizing your student.
Junior Badminton Club
15.05.15 Year 11 & 12 Hospitality Excursion
26.05.15 Year 11 & 12 Geography Excursion
Year 10 Business & Year 11 Accounting
Dreamworld Excursion
Open Day/ Enrol Now
29.05.15 Year 10 Careers Expo
03.06.15 HPV2 & Chicken Pox Vaccinations Year 8
09.06.15 P & C Meeting 6.30pm – Admin Block
11.06.15 College Open Morning
Queensland Academies