The Parish Newsletter - Catholic Parish of Sandy Bay and Taroona


The Parish Newsletter - Catholic Parish of Sandy Bay and Taroona
Today’s Readings
Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48
Psalm 97:1-4
1 John 4:7-10
John 15:9-17
The Parish Newsletter
Catholic Parish of Sandy Bay and Taroona
The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.
Gospel Acclamation:
Alleluia, alleluia!
Al who love me will keep my words,
and my Father will love them and we will come to them.
Next Sunday’s Readings
(Ascension of the Lord)
Acts 1:1-11
Psalm 46:2-3, 6-9
Ephesians 1:17-23
Mark 16:15-20
Talks by Fr Chris Hope
Fr Chris will present four sessions at
Maryknoll Retreat Centre, Blackmans
Bay, on Jesus in Mark and Before Mark
on Mondays 4, 11, 25 May and 1 June,
10 am to 12 noon. Cost: by donation.
For further information please call Sr
Margaret Henderson on 0418 366 923
or email
This week’s feasts
Tue 12 May – Ss Nereus & Achilleus
Tue 12 May – St Pancras
Wed 13 May – Our Lady of Fatima
Thu 14 May – St Matthias
$50, numbers are limited, please RSVP
by 10 May by emailing Anne Sherston at or
phone 6229 8739. Your support is
greatly appreciated.
Date for your diary
The John Wallis Foundation, in
association with Guilford Young College,
will host the 2015 John Wallis Memorial
World Youth Day 2016 – Krakow
Lecture. Sr Carol Zinn SSJ, a leading
Are you interested in joining with great
social justice advocate and renowned
young Tasmanians on a life-changing
speaker from Philadelphia, USA, will
journey of faith? With millions of young
speak on Environmental Sustainability
people from around the world? Catholic and Justice: How should we sustain our
Youth Ministry will be coordinating the
planet and ourself? How do we work
Tasmanian Pilgrimage to WYD in July
together across the planet tackling
poverty and caring for resources?
2016 which will be held in Krakow,
Poland! WYD is open to those aged 16- The lecture will be held at Guilford
35. If you are interested please come to Young College, Barrack Street, at
the Information Session on Sunday 24
7:30pm, on Thursday 18 June. Cost:
May, 3 pm, Holy Spirit Church, Sandy
Adults $20, concession/student $10.
Bay. More info contact Rachelle: 0400
Bookings can be made online at http://
045368 or or tickets
can be purchased at the door.
Rachel’s Vineyard Tasmania
Further information: Penny Edman 0400
Fundraising luncheon for 10th
896 101, or go to:
anniversary in Tasmania. Guest, or
speakers and two course lunch at the
Harold Gregg Centre on 6 June. Tickets
Sunday 10 May 2015
6th Sunday of Easter, Year B
From Fr Brian Nichols
This Sixth Sunday of Easter also happens to be Mother’s Day, a significant
day in the secular calendar when we give thanks for the gift of our mothers
and for the indispensable part that a mother plays in the life of a family.
John’s gospel for this Sunday refers to laying down one’s life. Mothers do
this, at least metaphorically speaking, every day as they selflessly give
themselves in love to their children. The bond between a mother and a
child is a precious one. It’s very often “Mum” we turn to when things go
Today we ask God’s blessing on our mothers and
join together in thanking God for the nurturing and
love that they give us. Let us hold up to God in prayer
all mothers, especially those who are sick, single
mothers, expectant mothers, mothers suffering
post-natal depression, and mothers mourning the
death of a child.
May Mary, the Mother of the Church, intercede for all
our mothers both living and deceased.
Holy Spirit Church
275 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay
Parish Priest: Fr Brian Nichols
Presbytery: 275 Sandy Bay Road, phone 6224 3797
St Pius X Church
100 Channel Highway, Taroona
St Canice Church
St Canice Avenue, Sandy Bay
Parish Office: Parish Centre, 271 Sandy Bay Rd
Secretary: Claire Manthorpe
Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am to 1 pm
Phone 6224 1423. Email
Postal address: PO Box 37, Sandy Bay, 7006
Parish Council contact: Leigh Delaney 0409 871 037
Please pray for the repose of the souls of Margaret Corrigan, John Hunter,
Florence Foster, Cecilia Cook, Joseph Roy Fortunate, Brian Cousins, Ethel
Mathers, Mary Thomson, Harold Green, Joseph Purcell, Mary Hurburgh,
Patricia White, Brian Dineen, Raymond Shelton, Acie Ryan, Desmond Patrick
Cather, William Gaskell, Angelo De Gasperi, Gwen Cox, Colin Atkinson,
Thomas Burton Littlejohn, Audrey Mangan, Pierre Tapping, Audrey Hosking
and Colleen Nettlefold
Readers and Communion Ministers
New rosters will be drawn up soon and
we would love to have some more
people willing to assist with these two
ministries. We are especially in need of
more Communion Ministers. Please
contact the parish office if you can help.
working with Caritas Nepal to coordinate
the emergency response, which will
include providing emergency shelter,
food, water and hygiene kits.
While rescue and emergency relief are
immediate priorities, Caritas Australia is
committed to supporting the people of
Nepal in the long term.
The Catholic Student Society will be
taking up a collection after the 5.15 pm You can also donate by calling 1800
Mass this week, 10 May, to raise funds 024 413 or online at
for two banners to be printed to promote or by sending donations to GPO Box
9830, Sydney NSW 2001.
the society at various events, including
the University Societies Day. Any
Catholic Women’s League
contribution you can make would be
The Annual General Meeting of the
greatly appreciated.
Hobart branch of the Catholic Women’s
League will be held on Tuesday 19 May
Today’s Movie Hero Figures
at the Nell Pascoe Room, CWL Centre.
Well-known movie reviewer, Fr Peter
Mass will be celebrated at 10.30 am,
Malone MSC, will be speaking at St
to be followed by the meeting, and
Francis Xavier Hall, cnr Adelaide and
then a shared lunch. All members are
Anglesea Sts, South Hobart, on Sat
welcome. Reminder that memberships
30 May, 2-4 pm. He will be speaking
are due, $25 per year. Please forward to
about the young adult trend from
Mary Excell, 129 Forest Road, South
Twilight to Hunger Games onwards,
Hobart, 7000.
and appreciating film in light of the
Christian faith.
Truth Justice & Healing
The film “The Giver” will be screened
Francis Sullivan, CEO of the Truth
at 7.30 pm, cost $10 including supper.
Justice & Healing Council, will speak at
7.30 pm 11 June, top floor of St Mary’s
Nepal Earthquake – Appeal
Cathedral Centre. The Council
On 25 April, a massive earthquake
coordinates the Church’s response to
struck Nepal between Kathmandu and
the Royal Commission into Institutional
Pokhara. The devastation is immense.
Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
More than 7,000 deaths have been
More details to follow.
reported and thousands were injured.
Many are sleeping outside and require
Weekday Masses
shelter from the cold and rain. Millions
This week: Tuesday and Friday, 9 am,
have been affected to varying degrees. Holy Spirit Church.
Caritas Australia staff are on the ground
Prayer for the Month of May
The “Memorare” is a sixteenth-century version of a
fifteenth-century prayer that began “Ad sanctitatis
tuae pedes, dulcissima Virgo Maria.” Claude Bernard
(1588-1641) popularised the idea that the “Memorare”
was written by St Bernard.
Remember, most loving Virgin Mary,
never was it heard
that anyone who turned to you for help
was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,
though burdened by my sins,
I run to your protection
for you are my mother.
Mother of the Word of God,
do not despise my words of pleading
but be merciful and hear my prayer.
Real care, love and compassion – the alternative
to euthanasia. The Australian Bishops have recently
published a pamphlet addressing some of the myths
around euthanasia. Copies can be fund in the foyer.
Hymn books
Quite a few of our shiny new hymn books have gone
missing. If you’ve taken one home (accidentally or for
a particular purpose), please bring it back. We’ve
been running short at some Masses recently. Thanks!
Huon Valley apples
The children of Sacred Heart Primary
School, Geeveston, are raising money for
Caritas by selling 2kg bags of apples for
$3 a bag. They are available in the church
foyer. Please leave the money in the tin.
The children (Kinder to Year 6) bagged the apples
which were donated by Huon Valley orchardists.
We sold out quickly last weekend so they have sent
us some freshly-picked Pink Lady apples. (And they
can provide us with plenty more if needed!)
The children have now decided that the
money will go to the Caritas Nepal
Earthquake Appeal, rather than Project
Mass Times
Holy Spirit, Sandy Bay
Saturday: Vigil 6.00 pm
Sunday: 10.00 am & 5.15 pm
St Pius X, Taroona
Sunday: 8.45 am
St Canice
Monday to Saturday: 8.00 am
Mary’s Grange
Friday 11.00 am
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Friday: 6.00 — 7.00 pm
Rosary and Prayers
Monday: 10.30 – 11.00 am
Sacrament of Forgiveness
Saturday: 5.30 pm
or by arrangement
(Presbytery: 6224 3797)
or is available at:
St Joseph’s (city)
Weekdays: 12.30-1.00 pm
and 1.30 pm
Friday: 5.00-5.45 pm
Saturday: 4.00-4.45 and
6.00-6.30 pm
By arrangement and with
Six months' notice with
Low gluten hosts
We have some hosts with a
gluten content of less than
five parts per million. If you
are gluten-intolerant please
speak to the priest before
Mass so he can consecrate
these together with the usual