Auto-enrolment services: Fee schedule for ABTA members


Auto-enrolment services: Fee schedule for ABTA members
Auto-enrolment services:
Fee schedule for ABTA members
Ashcourt Rowan Corporate Solutions
Core services and Fee Schedule (all fees are subject to VAT).
This DIY service will provide you with the vital information you need to know in order to
prepare for auto-enrolment. The service includes:
Report explaining employer duties and obligations
Project plan template
Contact details of where to find information on how to comply (to avoid penalties for noncompliance).
Please note, this is a telephone and email based service only.
An enhanced service will offer you all of the above services, plus:
Total £750
Workforce assessment
Minimum employer contribution calculation.
Please note, this is a telephone and email based service only.
This service will provide you with the important information you need in order to design your
qualifying auto-enrolment scheme. Upon completion of the scheme design, we will then
assist you to implement the scheme with a reputable auto-enrolment provider and give you
the vital communication material you need for your employees. The service includes:
Detailed report explaining employer duties and obligations
Workforce assessment
Contribution cost calculations
Project plan template
Additional report with provider options
Use of the chosen provider’s default investment fund
Implementation of selected scheme
Compliant employee communications
Scheme information guide for employees
Scheme certification document (if required)
Assistance with The Pensions Regulator declaration of compliance.
Please note this is a face-to-face, telephone and email based service.
We will build a bespoke package to design and implement with you an auto-enrolment
compliant scheme tailored to both your business and workforce needs. We will agree with
you the appropriate level of service for your needs in each of six modules:
by package
Due diligence
Project planning
Design and provider/product selection
Investment advice
Employee engagement.
Ongoing Service
Annual compliance and
governance service
Annual reporting on your pension scheme to help keep you auto-enrolment
compliant, including self-certification and administration reports.
(To include face-to-face meeting – total cost will be £2000).
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Additional services
These services are an example of the bespoke advisory services we can offer you, and can also be selected to enhance
the core Assisted service.
Workforce cost analysis
Detailed analysis with contribution cost variables (basic analysis
and cost calculation included as standard in the full Assisted
From £750
Project management
Implementation of and assistance in managing your autoenrolment project.
Review of existing pension
Assessing the suitability of your existing employee pension
provisions as the vehicle for auto-enrolment.
From £1,250
per scheme
Plan design and provider
Designing earnings definitions, contribution levels, phasing
timescale, postponement options for both initial and future
entrants, regulatory process, and negotiation of terms and
recommendation of a suitable provider/product.
From £1,950
Payroll Interaction
Assistance with discussions with your payroll provider and review
of suitability/compliance.
From £500
Employee communications –
standard communications
letter templates
Suite of compliant letter templates for distribution to employees
(included as standard in Assisted service).
From £200
Employee communications –
bespoke design
Redesign of standard letters to meet your organisation
requirements. Additional employee communications. Employee
consultation letters.
From £350
Employee member guide
Detailed member guide explaining basis of scheme (a basic
version of this document is included in the Assisted service).
From £500
Compliance registration and
certification assistance
Assisting you with The Pensions Regulator compliance
requirements (included as standard in Assisted service).
From £250
Salary sacrifice
implementation service
Employer duties report, Employee communication material,
Implementation assistance.
From £1,950
Default investment fund
Investment analysis and recommendation initially and/or on a
regular basis.
From £1,000
per review
Governed Fund Range
Advice on a range of restricted investment funds appropriate to
your workforce.
From £1,500
per review
Presentation to employees
At outset and/or annually.
From £750
per half day
Annual support to employer, employees or both.
From £1,000
per annum
Pension clinics
One to one meetings for your employees.
From £750
per half day
Constitution of appropriate group and attendance at meetings.
From £500
per meeting
All fees are subject to VAT and are correct at February 2015. We reserve the right to amend the fees quoted in the future.
Please contact us if you require a specific quotation of costs.
Contact us
0800 258 5526
Ashcourt Rowan Corporate Solutions Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered
in England: company no. 02661571. Registered office: 60 Queen Victoria Street, London, EC4N 4TR.
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