- Canungra State School


- Canungra State School
10th June, 2015 Phone: 5541 6111 Fax: 5541 6100 Email: canungra@canungrass.eq.edu.au
2015 School Improvement Agenda
• Improve percentage of students in Upper 2 bands in reading.
• Improve student performance in Numeracy
Congratulations to our 2015 Readers’ Cup Team
Last Tuesday evening Canungra SS’s Readers’ Cup Team participated in the 2015
Readers’ Cup competition at Hillcrest Christian College. It is with great pleasure that I can
announce that our team, made up of Will (6B), Mia (6A), Alyssa (6B), Connor (5A), Lilly (5B)
and Tahlia (6B) came 6th overall. Over 24 schools participated so we are extremely proud
and excited by this result. It is truly a fabulous effort. Well done! We are very proud of you.
The competition required the students to read 5 novels from April through to June. These
students invested hours of their own time in reading and preparation. Mrs Hodges reported
to me that leading up to competition night the students were scheduling times to meet as a
team without any direction/suggestion from teachers.
This dedication and level of
organisation clearly demonstrates the committed attitude these students possess. Thanks
also to Mrs Hodges, Mrs O’Connell, Mrs Foster and Mrs Baker for their time and effort
preparing, organising and supporting the team. Thank you also to our parents who
transported the students and attended the competition last Tuesday evening.
Commonwealth Games - Gold Coast - 2018
On Tuesday 09.06.15 our School Captains Will (6B) and Charlie (6B) joined students from
112 Gold Coast state, Catholic and independent schools along with Commonwealth Games
Minister Kate Jones at Carrara Stadium to launch Gold Coast Schools Connect, an initiative
that will link local schools with others in the Commonwealth. This initiative will see students
build connections with other students in their adopted Commonwealth country to learn more
about how they live and discover similarities and differences. Canungra SS was allocated
Tonga as our adopted Commonwealth country. This is an opportunity for Gold Coast
students to reach out to others in the Commonwealth and build friendships ahead of the
Games. We are very excited as a school to be part of this initiative as the 2018 Gold Coast
Commonwealth Games approach. We will keep everyone updated on our involvement.
Sheree Maksoud
Angus (1A) for being a courteous and
responsible student who works hard and always
displays a positive attitude towards school.
Thank you Shelby from inStyle Hairdressing
for donating a “free haircut” to our “Student of the Week”.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE: If your child is going to be absent please leave a
detailed message on our direct Absentee line to the Administration Office
on: 5541 6166. Thankyou.
Rune (4A) for a more
focused approach to tasks
and detail.
Chase (3A) for a wonderful
effort during persuasive
Scarlett (3B) for following instructions
well during Japanese.
Charlotte (5A) for a well presented
Japanese assessment.
Sebastion (6A) for a consistent and
positive approach to learning. Well
Mia (1B) for great work in maths.
Will (Prep B) for fantastic effort
learning his sight words.
Guss (1A) for working hard on his
sight words and reading.
Charlie (4B) for being a super speller!
Andrew (6B) for an outstanding
attitude towards learning.
Sidney (2A) for great problem solving.
Mia (1B) for great
work in
Dylan (1A) for working hard on his
Murphy (6B) for an excellent effort in
all subject areas.
Elle (5B) for successfully settling back
into Canungra State School.
Mikayla (2A) for a consistently
fabulous homework effort.
Tamika (2B) for applying spelling
strategies to her work.
Sharnae (3B) for very good results on
her weekly spelling and maths tests.
Alexander (Prep A) for great progress
with letters, sounds and sight words.
This week’s NUDE FOOD Awards
were given to the following students.
Lily (1B)
Mia-Rose (1A)
Alex (2A)
Alex N (PA)
Darcy (Prep B) – Playground Leaders
Award for being very helpful and
listening well.
Aaron (2B) – being helpful and caring
– offering to tie up a younger student’s
Tahlia (6B) – being helpful and caring
– helping in the tuckshop when asked
to by a teacher.
Alana (2A) – Choir Award – being a
great singer and listening well.
Library News!
Mistake/s: __________________________
Reading Super Heroes!
Congratulations to :
Ashleigh day 5B
________________________ Page: ____
Yr Level
The winners were:
The greatest number of hours: The
St Clair Family
The Draw for all who entered: The
Roscarel Family
Congratultions to all families who
participated in this great event! You
are all winners!
Parent’s Signature:
Find the mistake/s in the newsletter and
drop entry into the box in office foyer
before next Tuesday 16th June to be in
the draw for a $5 tuckshop voucher
family/frog pencil.
Congratulations: Laylah (5A) &
Neveah (3A) for winning our tuckshop
voucher & Charlotte (5A) & Sean (2B)
for winning the pencil for finding the
Remember: “Kids who read
Kathy Hodges, Trish O’Connell &
Donna Morgan.
Gardening Club
next week
Tuckshop will NOT be available
for Preps – Yr 3 for morning tea
on Wednesday 24th June. As this
is sports day at Moriarty Park,
Tuckshop will only be operating
from the park canteen. Please
ensure that your Prep to Yr 3
students bring their own morning
tea to school.
Salaka Spirit of Africa
Drumming Tour
Payment due by Tuesday 23rd June
Tuckshop will also be closed on
Friday 26th June last day to all
students due to cleaning.
Leigh Karolak
This Thursday 11th June we will be
having a Free Chicken Taco Salad
Day for Prep, Year 5 & Year 6 kids,
in the hall at second break.
Please note that our Working Bee
for this term has been postponed
from this weekend (13th June) to
early next term. This is due to trees
being removed in the Prep area
where we are wanting to do a
planting. We will advertise in the
newsletter when in Term 3 this will
be held.
Thanks, Fiona Williams
Canungra State School
Green Team - 0418785590
We have 1 extra Senior Shirt size
14 available to purchase - $42.
Expected Student Behaviour at
Eating Time
During our Eating Time it is expected
that students sit quietly and do not
move around. This ensures that they
are settled and eat an adequate
amount of food with as little disruption
as possible.
• First Break eating – students sit
in their designated area and
only get up when the play bell
goes. All rubbish is put in the
bin at this time and teachers
ensure their area is clean
before students leave. At the
end of play students then
quickly go to the toilet and get a
drink on their way back to their
designated area. Students sit
quietly and wait for their class
teacher to take them back to
class. All lunchboxes must be
taken back to class at this time
and not left out during middle
• Second Break eating – when the
end of play bell goes (1.15)
students are to quickly go to the
toilet and get a drink on their
way to their designated eating
areas. There is then another
bell at 1.20 which informs
students that they are now
expected to be sitting down
quietly eating their food. Once
again, students are to remain
seated during this time. When
the end of eating bell goes at
1.30, students are expected to
sit quietly and wait for their
class teacher. This ensures that
your children are settled and
ready to learn before they enter
the classroom for the afternoon
Regional Cross Country
Yesterday, Tuesday 9th June, two of
our students represented Broadwater
District at the Regional Cross Country
Carnival. Congratulations to Obie (5A)
and Saxon (5B) who both competed in
the 11yrs race. Both boys ran an
outstanding race with Saxon coming
24th and Obie 32nd out of 56 runners.
Well done boys.
Sensei’s Corner
Winner this week Sage (1A)
Thursday 11/6
Cooking Club 2nd Break for Prep, Yr 5 & 6 ‘Chicken Taco Cups’
Friday 12/6
1.30pm Yrs 4-7 Field Event Trials
Tuesday 16/6
Yr 6 attending HPE enrichment day – Nerang SHS
Wednesday 17/6
Mr Moriarty taking Yr 5 & 6 students to NRL Challenge
Rugby League Carnival (JRLC – Robert Dalley Park, Dalley
Park Drive, Helensvale)
State of Origin GAME 2 (GO THE MAROONS)
Friday 19/6
9-2.50pm Yrs 4-6 Field Events Final
Tuesday 23/6
3pm P & C Meeting (Library)
Last day for payment for Salaka Spirit of Africa
Wednesday 24/6
Interhouse Sports Day
Semester 1 Reports distributed
Friday 26/6
12.20-12.50 100% Attendance Celebration
Monday 13/7
TERM 3 commences
Wednesday 15/7
African drum shows 9am – P-3, 10am – Yrs 4-6
Sensei’s questions
Activity of the week
What is
traditionally used
when eating in
Teach yourself to use ohashi:
Try this online game:
from clip
Important Messages from the Coordinator:
We are still looking for expressions of interest for our Before School
Program, so if this is something you may be interested in please feel
free to contact us for more information.
Our Vacation care programs and booking forms have gone out to all
families. If you will be requiring care during the Winter holidays,
please complete the booking form and return it to YMCA as soon as
What we’ve been doing:
YMCA Canungra OSHC
P: 07 5543 5619
M: 0427 489 862
Email: acg@ymca.org.au
We have been working very hard on making some new displays for
our room. The children’s suggestions have been quite interesting;
Harry potter display, rainforests, bugs, sun safety and nutrition. This
week we are focusing on sustainability of the QLD State forests. The
children are full of wonderful stories to tell about their experiences.
Other activities included cooking, touch football, painting homework,
craft and construction.
Join us next week for:
Be Quick, Book in your Children
to experience the excitement and
Fun filled afternoon YMCA has
every day.
Next week we will be working on our nutrition wall
Vacation care flyers will be available electronically, if this method is
preferred please don’t hesitate to email us for a copy. We have
worked very hard to plan a jammed packed winter holidays for your
children. All bookings are welcome and if you have any questions
please feel free to pop in or give us a call.