Call for Papers: Global Evangelical Theology


Call for Papers: Global Evangelical Theology
Call for Papers:
Global Evangelical Theology
An Interdisciplinary Theology Conference
of the Canadian Evangelical Theological Association
Co-sponsored with
Tyndale University College & Seminary
Tyndale University College & Seminary, Toronto
October 3, 2015
The Canadian Evangelical Theological Association joins with the Faculty and Administration of
Tyndale University College & Seminary in welcoming proposals for papers to be presented at an
Interdisciplinary Theology Conference, to be held Saturday October 3, 2015 at Tyndale University
College & Seminary in Toronto. This call is open to established scholars and practitioners in the
theological disciplines, as well as to graduate students, post-docs, and pre-tenured faculty.
We encourage high quality papers on any topic of theological relevance to the broad theme of
“Global Evangelical Theology.” Papers should be scholarly but not highly specialized presentations
of about 25 minutes, aimed at an audience of students, pastors, and faculty from across the
spectrum of theological disciplines. We are interpreting theology to include biblical studies;
theological readings of Scripture; historical, systematic, philosophical, moral, and pastoral theology;
theology that engages culture, the church, other academic disciplines, etc.
Proposals should be approximately 250 words in length. Please prepare them for blind review and
submit as an email attachment, accompanied by a short CV in a separate file. To facilitate
anonymous review of proposals, please include your name, institutional affiliation, contact
information, and the title of your proposal in the body of your email. All proposals should be
submitted electronically to the address below in *DOC, *ODT, or *RTF format. Please entitle your
email “Global Evangelical Theology.”
Email all conference paper proposals to Dr. Gus Konkel ( by July 15, 2015.
Papers chosen for participation will be notified by mid-August, 2015.
Graduate students, post-docs, and pre-tenured faculty are invited to submit finished papers by
September 15 for the Jack and Phyllis Middleton Award for Excellence in Bible and Theology. Full
rules for the theology award may be found at: