How REAL Can We Be … ? - Institut für Schematherapie Köln


How REAL Can We Be … ? - Institut für Schematherapie Köln
Cologne, March 21, 2015:
“How REAL Can We Be?
Exploring Schema Therapist’s
Boundaries and Self-Disclosure”
One-Day-Workshop presented by
Wendy T. Behary, LCSW,
Springfield, New Jersey, USA
Director, The Cognitive Therapy Center Of NJ
Director, The NJ Institute For Schema Therapy
Saturday, March 21, 2015, 9.30 am to 5.30 pm at the
Mercure Hotel Köln-City Friesenstraße.
Cost: € 270, includes lunch and beverages.
Target Group: Clinicians trained in Schema Therapy.
Workshop held in English.
When is self-disclosure appropriate? How do we answer the tough questions put forth
by our most challenging clinical populations, such as: “Do you find me attractive …
How would you feel if your partner yelled at you … Has your partner ever cheated on
you … Wouldn’t you be angry if … Are you trying to act like you care about me?”
How do we gauge when we are sharing too much or not enough? How do we
effectively respond to those moments in the therapy relationship when our patients
REALLY want to know what we are feeling vis-à-vis them, and they ask us: “Do I bore
you … You seem tired … Are you angry with me … How can you possibly understand
what it’s like for me … Do you ever have dreams about me … Did you miss me while I
was away?
Schema Therapy proposes that the therapist take the role of the (albeit limited)
“adaptive parent” for the vulnerable/child side of the patient – a patient whose
security has been compromised by profound ruptures in early attachment. The stance
and demeanor required for such a role includes an abundant amount of realness, i.e.,
openness, humanness, sturdiness, and flexibility - that is relevant to the patient’s
needs and overall treatment goals. This is not the typical stance when simply “being a
therapist”, bound by the sometimes too rigid, formulaic, and ideological response
patterns, and often hierarchical lines of demarcation.
But, doesn’t this proposal smack against the rules many of us learned in graduate
programs about maintaining a professional posture: no self-disclosure, no physical
touch with clients, no accepting any gifts? Is this valid? How do we find the right
This full-day seminar will explore the origins, myths, realities, and the necessity of
such rules and boundaries, while discerning when it’s appropriate and necessary to
bypass the guidelines and trust your gut in order to help your patients achieve a
healthy treatment outcome. We will explore how being an expert who is “real” – with
vivid emotional presence and receptivity – can lend itself to robust healing and repair
for our patients, especially when those prickly (and plentiful) moments arise in the
therapy relationship.
The format of the workshop will include lecture, practice exercise, brief video
segments that demonstrate specific strategies, and question-and-answer periods.
About Wendy Behary:
Wendy Behary is the founder and director of the Cognitive Therapy Center of New
Jersey, and the New Jersey Institute for Schema Therapy. In the field for more than 20
years, she has worked together with Jeff Young since 1989. Wendy is the author of
Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed (2013), and has
authored and co-authored several chapters and articles on schema therapy and
cognitive therapy. She lectures in the United States and internationally, spreading the
message of Schema Therapy to clinicians throughout the world. She has been the ISST
President from 2010 to 2014. Wendy currently chairs the “Brainstorming”
subcommittee of the ISST.
Relevant Literature:
Wendy Behary, foreword and preface by Jeff Young and Dan Siegel (2013):
Disarming the Narcissist- Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed.
2nd Edition. New Harbinger Publications: Oakland CA. Deutsch (Okt. 2014): Mit
Narzissten leben. Wie Sie selbstbezogene Menschen entlarven und dabei
wachsen können. Junfermann: Paderborn.
Wendy Behary, Denise Davis (2014): Chapter 14 - Narcissistic Personality
Disorders. Aaron T. Beck, Denise Davis, and Arthur Freedman (Ed.): Cognitive
Therapy for Personality Disorders, 3rd Edition. Guilford Publications: New
Poul Perris, Heather Fretwell, Ida Shaw (2012): Part V, Chapter 4 - Therapist
Self-Care in the Context of Limited Reparenting. Michiel van Vreeswijk,
Jenny Broersen, Marjon Nadort (Ed.): The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of
Schema Therapy: Theory, Research and Practice. Wiley-Blackwell: Hoboken.
Jeffrey Young, Janet Klosko, Majorie Weishaar (2003). Schema Therapy: A
Practitioner's Guide. Guilford Publications: New York.
Arnold A. Lazarus, Ofer Zur (2002, Ed.): Dual Relationships and
Psychotherapy, Springer Publications: New York.
Oct. 26, 2014
Please write to
Petra Baumann-Frankenberger
at for inquiries.
Find the registration form here.
Institut für Schematherapie Köln
Am Malzbüchel 6-8, DE-50667 Köln
Phone 0049-221-29209405
Fax 0049-221-29209405