Newsletter.SMCS.May 2015 - Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic


Newsletter.SMCS.May 2015 - Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic
Volume 9
May 2015
273 Church St., Belleville, ON. K8N 3C7 Phone: 613-968-5765 Fax: 613-391-0171
Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
“Leading and Learning With Faith”
St. Michael Catholic School
École catholique St-Michel
Principal: Mrs. Janet Demaiter
Vice Principal: Mrs. Christina Ackerman
Secretary: Mrs. T. Mulvihill; Mrs. K. Berthelot
Superintendent: Ms. Terri Slack
St. Michael
pray for
Parish Priests: Father Richard Whalen and Father Christian Ifezue
Catholic Education Week:
Prière pour le mois de mai
Apprends-moi, Marie,
le courage de dire oui.
Apprends-moi à croire, comme toi,
que les projets de Dieu
sont infiniment plus beaux que mes
que la Parole de Dieu
est infiniment plus solide que ma
Aide-moi à comprendre qu'en disant oui à
je dis oui à moi-même,
à mon moi le plus vrai et le plus radical;
car lui seul me permet
de devenir ce que je suis,
lui seul peut achever, en me sauvant,
ce qu'il a commencé en me créant. Amen.
From Monday April 27th until May 25th, St.
participating in Le grand défi, which is a
month-long challenge to increase our
physical activity. Students in every grade
are being asked to track how active they
are over the next month by tracking how
many energy cubes they can gain. Every 15
minutes of continuous physical activity is
equal to 1 cube of energy. The challenge is
to see how many cubes of energy that our
school community can accumulate.
Serving in the Love of Christ
Catholic schools are Catholic communities. Catholic schools are faith
communities. We – parents, students, teachers, administrative and support
staff – walk and grow together in the faith which we received at our
Baptism. And it is ‘together’ that we grow. Our growth is primarily a
relationship with God, who at our Baptism, called us by name. But the
response of each of us to that growth is both personal and communal. We
grow in our faith in the nurturing atmosphere of our Catholic community,
be that of our local parish, our home, or our Catholic school community.
Our school community will celebrate Catholic Education Week 2015 in
ways that are appropriate to our students’ ages. We invite you to
participate in activities as your time and work schedule may permit.
There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week:
Monday – Walking Together and Sharing our Story
Tuesday – Opening the Scriptures
Wednesday – Welcoming Others to the Table
Thursday – Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of
the Bread
Friday – Proclaiming the Good News
Orientation Event for Parents and Junior Kindergarten Students
beginning school in September 2015
Wednesday, May 27th
5:30 to 6:30
Students must be registered to participate in the orientation.
Call Mrs. Tina Mulvihill at the office for registration: 613.968.5765
Appropriate Dress for St. Michael Catholic School
Students are expected to be dressed in a modest and
respectful manner that reflects our Catholic
values. We ask parents/guardians to help us maintain our
academic atmosphere by ensuring that your children follow
our dress code when preparing for school:
 Chest, midriffs, and backs are to be covered.
 Spaghetti strap or racer back tanks and dresses may
not be worn unless with a sweater or cover-up.
 Leggings and spandex tights may be worn only with
long shirts and sweaters.
 Shorts, skirts, and dresses are to be of an
appropriate fit and length (mid-thigh) for an
academic setting. Length should not be less than
extended finger-tip length.
 Undergarments, including bra straps, should not be
 All clothing is free of violent, racist, and immoral
pictures, symbols, brands, and messages.
 Unless it is a dedicated “Spirit Day”, pajama bottoms
and beachwear are not permitted.
 Caps and hats are to be removed upon entering the
 Indoor shoes and proper footwear are required for
gym. Running shoes are required if playing on the
Please note that the dress code applies to all
students, from JK to grade 8.
Thank-you for your co-operation!
Visitors: To ensure a safe environment for our students and to
maintain an awareness of people entering and exiting the
school building, we ask that all visitors enter through the
Church Street entrance where you will be admitted by
pressing the intercom for access. Please come directly to
the main office to sign in and pick up a visitor’s badge. A
Visitor’s Pass must be worn by parents, volunteers, and
community agency members who are in the school supporting
school initiatives. If you are dropping off lunches or forgotten
items, please bring them to the office in order to avoid
interrupting classroom instruction.
Student Absence: The school has a “Safe Arrivals” program.
Please call the school before 8:15 a.m. if your child will be
absent from school. A message can be left on the school
answering machine after school hours. Attendance is taken
first thing in the morning and calls are made to verify all
student absences. When you call the school first, that
ensures we all know where your son/daughter is, and that
courtesy is very much appreciated.
Yard Supervision: Please be aware that students may not
be on the school yard before 8:00 a.m. as it is
unsupervised until this time. Your cooperation in this matter
is greatly appreciated. Busses are not unloaded until after 8:00
and students walking or being dropped off should plan to arrive
between 8:00 and 8:15. LATE ARRIVALS: The outside gates
will be locked at 8:15 a.m. If the student is arriving after 8:15
please enter through the Church Street entrance and
check in at the office.
Lunch Policy: In the interest of safety, and in compliance with
other ALCDSB elementary schools, students may not leave
school property during the day, even at lunch. Students leaving
school property to go home for lunch may do so only if they go
home regularly. Please send a note to indicate if your
child(ren) will be walking home for lunch on a regular basis.
Parents or another adult may come to the school to take
children out for lunch but the school must be notified through a
note to the teacher, and you must come to the office area to
sign your child(ren) out at the beginning of lunch. This applies
to students in ALL grades.
Please keep in mind that it will take vigilance on the part
of all partners to keep our school community safe and
secure for our students. Safe school measures are not in
place to inconvenience adults but to protect children.
Compliance with these school routines and policies helps
maintain a safe and secure environment for all our
students and we thank you for your daily support and
cooperation in these matters.
Electronics and Valuables …
Please discourage your child(ren) from bringing valuable items
and electronics (DSs, Ipods, cell phones, etc.) to school. Such
devices are not permitted to be used during the school
day. This includes recess, as students are encouraged to be
active during these outdoor breaks. If you allow your child to
use these items while walking to and from school or while
riding the bus, note that the school assumes no responsibility
for damage or loss. Due to privacy-related issues, cameras are
also prohibited on the school yard.
As we begin planning for next year, it is
important to fully know the number of
students that will be attending St.
Michael’s for the 2015 – 2016 academic year. The
number of staff we are allotted is based on the number of
students enrolled in the school. If you are moving and/or
your child(ren) will not be attending St. Michael’s in the
fall of 2015, please contact the office as soon as possible.
Thank you for your communication in this matter.
A reminder that Friday, May 22nd is a Professional Activity
Day for St. Michael students. Students are not expected
to attend classes on this day.
Grade 8 Graduation is
Tuesday, June 23, 2015. As in past
Registering for Kindergarten – St. Michael Catholic School
offers full day, every day programs in English and French
Immersion for Junior and Senior Kindergarten students.
Children born in 2011 are eligible for Jr. Kindergarten
years we will celebrate the culmination of 10 years
of education with a mass at St. Michael Catholic
Church, beginning at 6:00 p.m. sharp. We will be
collecting photos for the graduation slide show. We are
asking that parents of Grade 8 students please send in a
baby photo, marked with the students name on it as soon
as possible. Merci.
Children born in 2010 are eligible for Sr. Kindergarten
Please contact the school if you have a child ready to start
Kindergarten in September. We are currently taking new
registrations. Please call to arrange an appointment time and
bring the following documents: baptismal certificate, birth
certificate, and immunization card.
Cross country season has
started! The Cross Country meet is May 12th
at 4:00 p.m. at Zwick’s Park. See you there!
Track and Field
First Holy Communion
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
May 31st @ 11:00am Mass
Track and Field is scheduled for Wednesday,
June 3rd for Grades 4-8. (Mary Ann Sills Park). If
you would like to volunteer, please contact the
office. As with all school volunteer work, a current
police check with vulnerable sector completed is required.
April 27th was our EVENT DAY!
With signs and whistles, all staff and students
welcomed and cheered for the Pedal for Hope
team as they biked to our school gym! The students of St.
Michael raised more than $9000 for this very worthy cause!
Primary (gr. 3) and Junior
(gr. 6)
is scheduled for
May 25, 26, 27, and 28 at St. Michael.
For parent and student resources go to:
Please refrain from booking appointments
during this time.
“You’re A Good Man, Charlie
May 7, 8, 9th 2015
St Michael Catholic School
Come celebrate with our talented students during
Catholic Education Week as they present everyone’s
favourite – Charlie Brown – in a stunning musical
arrangement. Tickets are available in advance and at
the door. $5.00 each or a family of 4 for $15.00. Our
director, Ms. Jenna DiNardo, has been rehearsing
with the cast for months. It’s an event you don’t want
to miss!