Newsletter - Cecil County Public Schools


Newsletter - Cecil County Public Schools
2014-2015 4th Marking Period
Elk Neck Elementary
Mr. George Whisner
Mrs. Alison Benner
Assistant Principal
And we’re sliding into Spring….eventually! It’s hard to believe that March is
ending and we are entering into the fourth marking period. Although the time
seems to have passed quickly, when I sit to reflect, there has been so much that
has taken place. Your students and teachers have persevered through an up and
down winter. This was no small feat! The level of focus in our classrooms has
been amazing. We are fortunate to have such a wonderfully supportive school
community that our students come to Elk Neck Elementary respectful, responsible, and ready to learn. Only with your support and our talented students are our
teachers able to take our students on the path to their next grade level. The outpouring of support for Elk Neck Elementary and CCPS in this budget season has
been overwhelming! Thank you to everyone who attended council meetings and
participated in our letter writing campaign to the county executive and council
members. It was clear from their comments at the most recent meeting that they
“have heard our message loud and clear”. Each day that I travel to Elk Neck and
admire the view along the way, I feel fortunate to be a part of a fantastic school
Please see page 2
for important dates
for the 4th marking
Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration for 2015-2016 School Year
The first day of Kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 school year was March 9th and Pre-K registration began on March 23rd. Your child will need to be 5 years of age by September 1, 2015 for Kindergarten
and 4 years of age for Pre-K. All Pre-K children must be toilet-trained. When you come to register, please
bring your child’s birth certificate, social security card, parent/guardian photo ID, immunization records
and a bonafide proof of residency.
The following items will be accepted for Proof of Residency:
Current property tax bill, current rental lease agreement, current utility bill with applicant’s name and
service address (cable, telephone or cell phone bills are not accepted), settlement papers, deed or a
documentation of residency form (available from the main office).
If your child is already enrolled in our Pre-K program, then they will automatically be enrolled into
Attention Fourth and Fifth Graders
This is a reminder for those of you who have signed up for Running Club with Mr. Gilbert.
Running club will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 3:50 to 4:40 pm beginning on March 31st
and ending on June 2nd. If it is raining at 3:00 pm on a Tuesday when Running Club is scheduled, it will
be cancelled. Parents/Guardians will be notified by e-mail if Running Club is cancelled. If you have not
provided an email, you will receive a phone call.
Remember to wear comfortable clothes and shoes for running and to bring a water bottle!
Page 2
April 2
May 4
June 3
Inclement Weather Make-up
Day-School is in session
MP 3 Awards
Gr. 5/staff kickball game
Grade 5 to Mt. Harmon
May 4-8
Gr. 1 to Maryland Zoo
Teacher Appreciation Week
June 4
May 5
Gr. 5 picnic
MP 4 interim period ends
June 10
May 7
Green Zone Celebration
Gr. 2 (Litzenberg) to Fair Hill
June 12
Inclement Weather Make-up
Day-School is in session
April 3
Spring Holiday - No School
April 6
Spring Holiday - No School
April 9
PTA Read in Night 6-8 pm
April 10
End of MP 3
April 13
Green Zone Celebration
MP 4 begins
May 8
Professional Day/Wellness Day
No School for Students
May 12
MP 4 interims issued
PTA Mtg. 6:30 pm
June 15
Inclement Weather Make-up
Day-School is in session
June 16
Last Student Day
With 2:00 pm dismissal
Gr. 3 to Herrs/Kilby Cream
May 13
Gr. 2 (Hilliker/Cantera) to Fair Hill
May 19
PTA Mtg. 6:30 pm
Gr. 3 (Nunley) to Fair Hill
with students
April 17
Dad’s Morning 8:15-8:45 am
April 20
May 20
April 14
MP 3 report cards issued
Gr. 5 Science MSA
April 21
Lifetouch Spring Picture Day
Gr. 5 Science MSA
April 23
Gr. 2 to Hagley Museum
April 27
Gr. 4 (Gilbert) to Chestertown
April 28
Gr.4 (Edwards/Payne) to Chestertown
April 30
Earth Day Assembly
Report cards go home
Field Day
May 21
Gr. 3 (Webb/Lee) to Fair Hill
Chorus Concert at ENES at 6:30
Kindergarten to Maryland Zoo
May 22
Inclement Weather Make-up
Day-School will be in Session
May 25
Memorial Day Holiday
No School
May 27
Rain date for Field Day
Band Concert at EHS 6:30 pm
May 29
Pre-K to Kilby Cream
Mom’s Morning 8:15-8:45 am
Have a Safe and
Page 3
Notes from the Nurse
Spring Health Tips
Spring time is FINALLY here! For most of us, this means more outdoor activities
(swimming, camping, bike riding, etc.). For parents, this means being extra vigilant to keep
your child safe and healthy.
Here are some tips to keep your child safe and healthy this spring:
 Reduce and treat seasonal allergies. Monitor the pollen count and treat with antihistamines.
 Avoid Lyme disease. Check family members and pets daily for ticks.
 Always supervise your children around the water, even experienced swimmers can
drown. This includes ponds and creeks as well as swimming pools and the ocean.
 Get some sun, but not too much! Fifteen minutes in the sun helps your body convert
Vitamin D to use in your system, but be sure to apply sunscreen to lower the risk of
skin cancer. Reapply often, particularly after swimming.
 Use insect repellents to prevent bites from mosquitoes and other insects.
 Always wear a helmet when riding a bike or skating.
 I recently learned from the orthopedic doctors in the cast room at AI Dupont Hospital
that children should be taking between 800 and 1000 IU of vitamin D daily. This is above
and beyond dietary intake.
As the weather warms up and children are outside more, please review with your children
about “stranger danger.”
End of School Medication Pick Up
A parent or guardian must pick up any unused medication by 3:30pm
on the last day of school. No medication will be sent home with
students. Additionally, new medication forms for the 2015-2016 school year will be
sent home with students currently taking medication during the day at school. Be
sure to take these forms to your doctor to complete over the summer if your child
will require medication during the school day next year.
Rebecca DeVore, RN
Page 4
Honors Chorus
Five Elk Neck Elementary School fifth graders were selected to sing in
the 2015 Cecil County Honors Elementary School Chorus.
We extend our congratulations to:
Nick Beck
Nathan England
Adam Irwin
Allyson McGowan
Tess Williams
Spring Chorus Concert
The spring chorus concert is scheduled for Thursday, May 21st at
Elk Neck Elementary School at 6:30 pm. Parents of participating students
should receive additional information approximately 2 weeks prior to the
Spring Band Concert
The spring band concert will be held on May 27th at
Elkton High School at 6:30 pm.
Mark your calendars for two wonderful evenings of music!
Page 5
Spring 2015 School Counselor’s Newsletter
Welcome Spring to Elk Neck Elementary School. We all are
looking forward to a relaxing and refreshing time for you
and your family.
As we enter the final season of the school year, we will focus on personal
safety for our students here at Elk Neck Elementary School. This is a vital unit
for our students and an important aspect of the School Guidance curriculum
that is supported by the Cecil County Public Schools. Safety and survival skills
are an important standard for the American School Counselors Association.
Setting boundaries, personal privacy, and appropriate and inappropriate
physical contact will be the areas covered during this unit.
Your child’s safety is a major focal point for all of us here. If you have any
questions or concerns about the Personal Safety Unit, please feel free to
contact me at school. I will be more than happy to address any issues you
have about these personal safety lessons. If you would like to review the
materials or preview the videos, please contact me.
The end of the school year is an exciting time for all of us here at school, staff
and students alike. It is important that we all remain focused on our duties and
responsibilities to help the school year end on a positive note. If I can be of
any assistance as you plan and prepare your students for an active summer,
please just let me know. Thank you for all you will do to keep your child
learning this summer.
Carlton H. Parker, School Counselor
Page 6
Dear Elk Neck Parents, Students, and Friends,
I would like to introduce myself as the new Media Specialist/Librarian at Elk Neck ES. This
is not my first time here at Elk Neck. My two sons went to school here and that’s where I
began as a parent volunteer, substitute teacher, and teacher. I left Elk Neck for a Media
Specialist position at another Cecil County Public School and I am so excited to be back!
My primary focus right now is meeting the needs of my students through their media
class. Next are organizational changes in the library. In order to gain understanding of the
book checkout and return situation, you may get an overdue notice for a book from quite a
while ago. If you do receive an overdue notice from your child and you are positive that the
book was either never checked out or was surely returned, please let me know via note or
If you have any interest in volunteering in the library, we would certainly welcome your
help! Also, if you have any questions or suggestions please let me know!
The best ways to contact me are via email at or feel free to call me at
Thank you for your patience!
Joan Kluge
Hello students, family and friends! I am gearing up for our annual media center
book order and would love to hear your requests. You can send me an email at
Also, I am excited to announce that our ‘ebooks’ are up and running! To read an
‘ebook’ you just log into Do not enter our school name.
Please enter our User ID: elkneck and Password: ccps.
If you would like to download an ‘ebook’, please contact me via email for more
detailed login information.
Page 7
Elk Neck Students in grades 3-5 will participate in fitness testing. Here are some questions parents ask about FITNESSGRAM
fitness testing:
Why is fitness testing important?
The FITNESSGRAM physical fitness assessment is not based on athletic ability but on good health. No matter what your career
path, you will live a happier, more productive life if you are healthy--and physical fitness is vital to overall health. FITNESSGRAM provides accurate and reliable information about your physical condition and how it can be improved.
What can I do to prepare for the fitness test?
 Actively play or move at least five days during the week for at least 60 minutes. Walk, jog, play tennis, play racquetball or
participate in any activity you enjoy.
 Do strength-training activities such as sit-ups, push-ups, modified push-ups or climbing activities 2-3 days each
week. Begin doing as many repetitions as possible and try to increase repetitions gradually.
 Eat a healthy diet by including more fruits and vegetables and reducing fats and sugars.
How will I know if my child is fit?
Each student in grades 4 and 5 will receive a computerized printout of his or her test results. These results will be used as a
learning tool for physical fitness.
What fitness areas do the activities test?
Cardio respiratory (Cardiovascular) Endurance: PACER Test: The Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run
Muscular Strength and Endurance: Sit-ups and Push-ups
Flexibility: Sit and reach test
BMI - Body Mass Index: Height & Weight to determine body composition ratio (privately done)
How often is the test administered?
This test will be administered twice a year: spring & fall
Is your child missing a coat, mittens, or sweatshirt? We may have it in our
lost and found! Our shelves are overflowing and we need your help to match up
these forgotten items with their owners! If you think something may have been
left at school, please have your child check the lost and found shelf in the hall
way next to the guidance counselor’s office.
Field Day is May 20, 2015
Rain Date is May 27, 2015
If you would like to volunteer, please contact
Mrs. Johnson at
Page 8
Spring is here and our Kindergarten children are excited about the animals “Down on the Farm.” We are
comparing city life and country life. We are also identifying animals and their babies and learning how all people’s
basic needs are truly met “Down on the Farm.”
We are so proud of the progress that the children are making with their reading! We are excited to see the
children bringing their Little Reader Books in to share with us! We are happy to see the children doing so well with
their sight words. Please continue to work on these skills at home!
In math, we are studying 3-D shapes. We are solving addition and subtraction story problems and learning to add
and subtract simple problems quickly. By the end of the year, we hope everyone is able to count to 100.
We will have our annual Egg Hunt in April!
As we finish the school year, we will study “A World of Animals.” We will learn how animals from insects to land
and sea animals are classified.
We are planning a field trip to The Maryland Zoo in May! Please watch your child’s folder for upcoming details
about the trip!
This year has been a wonderful one and we look forward to many great days ahead with your children as we
draw closer to the end of Kindergarten. Thank you for sharing them with us.
The first graders are learning so much. In reading, they have
learned to use vowel patterns to decode new words. They now
know all of the long vowel sounds and are beginning to use
other vowel combinations that will help them read smoothly.
During the last marking period of the year, we will be reading
more fiction and non-fiction text to find the details that are
important to what we are reading. We will be writing more
developed pieces using all that we have learned, including using a
subject and verb, using the correct punctuation and the correct
capitalization. We will continue to use topic sentences, details
and a closing sentence in our writings. We will use adjectives to
make our writings even more interesting for others to read.
In math, we will be solving word problems that have missing
parts as well as learning about fractions. We will be using many
of our skills to solve more involved equations.
Functions of Life will be our next science unit. We will learn
how organisms survive and the attributes that assist them in the
process. Taking care of our earth will be a main focus during
this marking period. In fact, our macro-concept is
“Environment!” We will be exploring ways to help keep our
earth clean. They will learn that a little bit of help can go a very
long way!
In social studies, we will be learning about the function of a
map and how it can be used to help find locations. These are
two very exciting units!
The first grade teachers wish you a wonderful summer.
Please remember to read with your child and to go over the
skills that have been taught during first grade. Thank you for
your support through the year as we helped your child become
a stronger, more independent worker. We look forward to
seeing everyone back safe and sound in the next school year
ready for a super second grade year.
Second Graders will focus on the concept of
“Change” for the last marking period. Your student
will be discovering how and why things change
across all subject areas.
As we learn about “Our Changing World” in social
studies, students will be reading a variety of fiction
and non-fiction texts in which they learn about the
ways transportation, technology and people change
over time.
In science, students will learn about many different insects and their life cycles. Students will witness first hand the changes that occur throughout
the life cycles of insects as we bring several insects
into our classroom. We will also be utilizing a brand
new engineering unit in which students become
agricultural engineers. Students will apply their
knowledge of insects, insect life cycles, pollination,
and natural systems as they test a variety of materials. They will then engineer their own technologies
for pollinating plants by hand.
Our last math unit will focus on time, geometric
shapes and word problems that involve measurement and money. Students will also focus on representing data found in word problems using a variety
of graphs.
Students have several field trips to look forward to
this last marking period. On April 23, we will be visiting Hagley Museum. In May, students will spend ½
day at the Fair Hill Nature Center. More information
will be coming home closer to the dates of each trip.
We are looking forward to a fantastic rest of the
school year. As always, thank you for all you do at
home to support your child. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Page 9
It is hard to believe that the school year will be
coming to an end very soon. As we enter our fourth
and final marking period, third graders will be very
busy learning many new skills, exploring new field trip
experiences, and participating in projects.
Wow! We can’t believe it’s already the
fourth marking period! This marking period
is jam packed with wonderful and exciting
opportunities for the students. We have
recently been working with North Bay in
order to offer a hands-on environmental
field experience. We will be taking a field
trip to the water treatment facility on May
1st in order to support what we have
learned with our North Bay facilitators.
We will also have a field trip on the
Sultana, in Chestertown, MD on 4/27 (Mr.
Gilbert) and 4/28 (Mrs. Edwards and Ms.
The macro concept for the 4th marking
period is “Perspectives.” We will work on
discovering the many ways that we can look
at different topics. In english language arts,
we will work with point of view; how different characters view the same situation. In
math, we will study the many different types
of shapes and their attributes. We will also
work on multi-step problems. In science,
we are studying the many ways that the
Earth’s surface is changed by different forces
of nature. In social studies, we will study
We understand that when nice weather
comes along, students are excited to get
outside again. We encourage the children to
stay healthy by getting outside everyday, but
we also want to remind parents that homework still needs to be completed on a daily
basis. It has been a pleasure working with
your children this year. We wish them all
success in fifth grade!
In language arts and social studies, students will
be gaining a better understanding of personal financial literacy through many fiction and nonfiction texts.
These texts will enable students to make a connection
to real-life concepts, which include buying and selling
goods, earning income, understanding credit, following a budget, and making smart decisions. Students
will even have the opportunity to create a business
plan for their own business that will be shared with the
whole third grade. This will allow students to be producers and consumers. Third graders will also be examining the production process of a product. They will
see this in action with our upcoming field trip to Herr’s
Chip Factory and Kilby Cream. Look for more information to come regarding this trip at the end of March.
Students will be reviewing multiplication strategies
throughout the rest of the school year in math. Thank
you for encouraging your child to practice these facts
at home in order to prepare for fourth grade. Students
will explore fractions at a deeper level. In addition, we
will be introducing geometry along with area and perimeter.
Spring will bring along with it a great opportunity for
our students to investigate structures of life with our
science kit. Students will be taking a field trip to Fair
Hill Nature Center during the month of May. The purpose of this field trip will be to explore living structures, including plants and animals. Look for more
information to come home about the field trip in May.
Thank you again for all of your support at home
this school year. Please encourage your child to practice their math facts over the summer and to visit the
local library for many reading resources.
Page 10
It’s hard to believe that it is almost the end of the third marking period. With all of
the snow gone, our thoughts (as well as those of the students) turn to warmer weather, and
yes: Summer Vacation! However, we still have many things to accomplish in the fourth term!
Here is our itinerary for the next marking period.
Our macro-concept for the fourth marking period is perspective. We have been
learning about causes of the Revolutionary War and discussing the Patriot and the British
points of view. This idea sets the stage for our study of the war over the last nine weeks.
Students will be asked to look at a variety of resources to determine perspective and
historical significance.
In science, our focus will be the solar system and space. Again this term, we will be
using the FOSS kits to help with this study. Changes have been made within this kit and we
are excited about the new possibilities. We will also continue to work with North Bay this
term, as we prepare for the creation of a rain garden here at Elk Neck.
Measurement and geometry will be the focus in mathematics, as we enter the last
quarter of the year. The students will be using customary and standard units, and will learn
to convert these units. Geometric shapes will be studied and compared according to their
characteristics. We know the students will enjoy the ‘hands on’ activities that this unit
In language arts, we are finishing up our book Blood on the River and are continuing to
work on reading skills and strategies. We continue to integrate our reading and writing with
other content areas.
We have many things planned for the fourth marking period. The students will enjoy
Field Day, as well as our class picnic and annual kickball game. More information on these
events will be forthcoming. Please continue to check with your child to see what exciting
events are going on here at school.