School newsletter, May/June 2015 edition
School newsletter, May/June 2015 edition
Sherwood Forest Archers… Alisa DeSart, Principal Tina Williamson, C.O.O. Cathy Hale, Data Secretary Sheri Borden, Office Assistant Arrows to the Future May 2015 Volume 26, Number 8 May 15 May 15 May 16 May 19 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 21 May 22 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 29 May 29 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 5 June 10 June 11 June 12 Upcoming Events: Dear Sherwood Forest Families, ********************** We are entering the final quarter of the school year and this time of year brings warmer weather and the excitement of the upcoming summer break. I would like to acknowledge the individuals who work behind the scenes to support our school – our staff, our volunteers, and the members of our PTA! The following events could not have taken place without their support: 5th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 PTA Walk a Thon Championship Track Meet 5th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 School Board Recognition at Ilahee 5th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 4/5th grade SBA Testing 9-11:45 Kindergarten Information Night 4/5th grade SBA Testing 9-11:45 Memorial Day No School No School 4th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 4th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 4th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 Kindergarten field trip Spring Carnival 5:30-8:00 p.m 4th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 4th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 4th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 5th Grade SBA testing 9-11:45 1st Grade field Trip Popcorn and Treat Safety Patrol Field Trip 5th Grade Celebration Field Day Who We Are: Sherwood Forest is a place where high standards for academics and responsible behavior for all students are supported in a safe, nurturing environment through active learning, clear communication, and independent problem solving. CONTACT US: Sherwood Forest Elementary School 34600 12th Avenue S.W Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 945-3800 Federal Way Public Schools • • Science Fair: Thank you to Mrs. Linda Hultman for our very successful science fair! We had over 125 students who participated and many parent volunteers who judged this big event. Thank you also to the teachers who supported and assisted in making this event so successful – way to go! Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser: This was an amazing event and there are no words to express the camaraderie that was felt during the evening of May 7th. Thank you to the staff members, parent volunteers, and students who worked side-by-side decorating, setting-up, serving, cooking, organizing funds, selling tickets, parking cars, and cleaning-up! Thank you to all of the community members for your generous donations. Thank you to the entire Jarvis family for leading the walking path project! Thank you to John and Barbara Vukas for the time, energy, organization, and donation of all of the food and supplies to make the dinner a reality. Sherwood’s PTA is an integral part of our school’s success. Our PTA assists with the additional costs of field trips, organizing and leading events such as the carnival and book fairs and helping the school to provide students with additional materials and supplies for their learning. I encourage you to consider assisting the Sherwood PTA! Your time is what our PTA is looking for from parents. They are always welcoming new members who can offer any amount of time. Finally, thank you for completing the on-line parent survey! The input we receive from this survey as well as other school data sources will be included in our school improvement plan. Thank you for entrusting us with your children! Warm Regards, Alisa DeSart, Principal Remaining Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) Dates for Sherwood Forest this year: 4th grade = May 21 – June 3 5th grade = May 14 – June 4 Volunteer Tea Lightning Pandas Place 3rd in the District Competition! We had ten teams compete in the Sherwood Forest Battle of the Books competition this year! The Lightning Pandas (Eric S., Nattalie R., Jaden P., and Catelynn J.) represented us well in the District Battle of the Books competition on April 23rd and placed 3rd out of 23 teams! Thank you to all of the staff and students who made this event an amazing success once again! Thank you volunteers! We would like to celebrate you and all the good work you do. Please join us on June 4th from 45pm in the gym. Look for an invitation coming your way soon! Kindergarten Information Night When: Time: Where: Who: Why: Thursday, May 21, 2015 6:30PM to 7:30 PM Sherwood Forest Elementary School All of our new kindergarten students and their Parents! To meet our kindergarten teachers, have your child academically screened, learn about next year’s program, and take home a few items to help prepare your child for kindergarten. Farewell M rs. Gillespie After an ineffably fulfilling career in education, school librarian, Mrs. Gillespie, is retiring to spend more time with her family. In her 39 years of teaching, she has been honored to work with incredible colleagues, fantastic students, and wonderful families. “I am very grateful to all of you who have made these last six years in the Sherwood Forest Community such a rich part of my life. Happy reading!” – Julie Gillespie Book Fair Update Wow!!! Our book fair sales reached a record high of $6,179! This amount translates into many new books for our Sherwood Forest library. Tanya Hatten did an amazing job of marketing! Thank you to Tanya, our dedicated book fair volunteers, and supporters for making this possible. Our students will certainly benefit from everyone's efforts! “Like” us on Facebook!” SPRING CARNIVAL: Friday, May 29th, 5:30 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Calling All Sherwood Forest Families! Our annual spring carnival is just around the corner! Join us on Friday, May 29th from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. to celebrate another successful year and enjoy time with friends and family. Bouncy houses, sandy candy bracelets, yummy food, and games galore – you won’t want to miss it! Look for information in the Thursday folders to pre-order your pizza and game bracelets as well as sign-up to help with one of our carnival committees. Questions? Contact Tara Sharmon We can’t wait to see you there! Hawk Walk Fundraiser On May 15, 2015, our PTA will be putting on its Hawk Walk walk-a-thon fundraiser. This is the second year for Sherwood Forest’s walk-a-thon. The event itself is so much fun for everyone involved, and the money raised allows the PTA to help give Archer students the best elementary school experience possible.. Our goal is for every student to raise $10, and collectively raise $5,000 for education-enhancing things like: • After-School Enrichment programs • Field Trips and Community Events • Teacher Support and Classroom Supplies • Special learning experiences like Seattle Children’s Theater • Community walking path at Sherwood Forest Remember, these activities cannot happen without your help. Thank you in advance for your generosity to the Sherwood Forest PTA. Note: We will gladly accept donation envelopes after May 15 -- they will just not be entered for the prizes. We can also use volunteers from 9:00-10:30 for set-up and following the walk for tear down. Thank you! If you would like to volunteer during the walk-a-thon 12:30-3:00 or have any questions, please contact the Hawk Walk co-chairs: Angela Dutenhoffer 253-569-0359 or Deah Gabe 206-419-1959 WALKING PATH Progress Thank you to everyone that attended and participated in our Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser and for donating to our Walking Path! So far, over 75% of the funds necessary to complete the Walking Path has been raised – THANK YOU!!!