printer friendly flyer - SCI Southeast Michigan Bowhunters Chapter


printer friendly flyer - SCI Southeast Michigan Bowhunters Chapter
Southeast Michigan Bowhunters Chapter - SCI
24th Annual
Fund Raiser
& Outfitters Party
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Laurel Manor
39000 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia
3:30 p.m. - Cocktails, Exhibits, Silent Auction & Raffle Drawings Begin
6:30 p.m. - Dinner  Live Auction after Dinner
1000 Plus Attendees  Sit-Down Dinner  Open Bar
48 Outfitter & Exhibitors Booths
$300,000 Live Auction  Silent Auction  Huge Raffles
100+ Hunting Trips & Fishing Charters  Wildlife Art
Guns & Bows  Hunting Equipment  & Much More!!!
Dinner: Filet Mignon
Boneless Breast of Chicken
& More
All proceeds go to further SCI's wildlife conservation, education, humanitarian and governmental
affairs programs to ensure the future of North America's great wildlife management system and
proud hunting heritage. The Southeast Michigan Bowhunters Chapter of SCI is always ready to assist
with funding and manpower when and wherever animal-rights extremists threaten our sport. We also
undertake many worthwhile programs throughout the year to help build a solid future for sportsmen
and wildlife. If you enjoy our sport as much as we do and are willing to lend your support, we
welcome you to attend this gala event and to join Michigan’s most active and effective organization
in protecting your “Right To Hunt”.
Mail Order Form to: Rich DeLisle / SCI-Tickets, 4810 N. Fleming Rd., Fowlerville, MI 48836
Email:, Phone: Rich at (517) 545-4642 Cell (248) 345-1986
---------------------- SCI Ticket Order Form ---------------------Ticket orders must be received by March 6th for advance ticket pricing!
Please send ______ Fund Raiser Banquet Individual Ticket(s) still only $70.00 per person .................... $__________
Please send ______ Fund Raiser Banquet Reserved Table(s) of Ten still $650.00 per table..................... $__________
Please send ______ Crown Jewel Raffle Ticket(s) Limited to 100 Tickets $100.00 each .......................... $ _________
Table Reservation Name: ________________________________________
Mail to:
TOTAL: $__________
 Check Enclosed (payable to: SCI- SE Michigan Bowhunters)
 Charge to: __VISA __MC __Discover Exp. Date:_______
City__________________________ St____ Zip___________
Card No.
Phone (________)___________________________________
E-mail Address_____________________________________
Tickets are $70 in advance (on or before March 10th), $75 at the door and include admission to both the Friday evening
Outfitters Cocktail Party and the Saturday evening Fund Raiser Banquet. After March 10th tickets are only available at
the door -- You may call to reserve them at $70 each if still available. Tickets are non-refundable after March 6th! All
tickets are for assigned seating only. If you wish to be seated in a group, please purchase your tickets as a group. To
purchase, please complete the Ticket Order Form, cut & return as instructed. Banquet & Outfitters Party tickets will be
mailed at least one week in advance along with directions to the hall. A sell out crowd of more than 1000 sportsmen
expected again this year, so act fast!!! VISA, MC and Discover will be accepted at the Banquet.
 For Ticket Info, mail to Rich DeLisle/SCI-Tickets, 4810 N. Fleming Rd., Fowlerville, MI 48836
Phone: (517) 545-4642, or Cell (248) 345-1986, Email:
For Donation or Booth Info only, contact Don Van De Steene at (810) 625.1390
Tickets for the Fund Raiser Banquet also include FREE admission to the….
Laurel Manor
39000 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia (West of Newburgh Rd.)
Friday, March 20, 2015  6:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Pizza & Cash Bar
The Southeast Michigan Bowhunters Chapter of S.C.I. cordially invites you to personally meet the
Outfitters, Guides, Charter Captains and Merchants who are this year’s Fund Raiser Banquet donors. This is
exclusive to Chapter Members and Banquet Ticket-Holders. Get a sneak preview of the donations and the
people behind them. If you are at all interested in purchasing a hunt or trip at the Banquet, this is an
excellent opportunity to talk one-on-one with the donors.
Again this year here will be about a dozen Hunting and Fishing Trips Auctioned at the Outfitters Cocktail
Party. So come join the fun and double your chances on a quality trip by attending both evenings!