bachelor of science (resource & environmental management)


bachelor of science (resource & environmental management)
E N V I R O N M E N TA L M A N A G E M E N T )
Program duration 3 years full-time
Prerequisites There are no formal
degree prerequisites
Admission requirement The ATAR
score for entry to this program in 2014
was 80
The three year Bachelor of Science
(Resource & Environmental
Management) is designed to educate
you as an environmental scientist and
natural resource manager, enabling you
to meet the sustainability challenges
and opportunities of this century.
ANU College of
Medicine, Biology
& Environment
Physical &
Mathematical Sciences
This program links the natural and
social sciences with their applications
in environmental conservation and
sustainable resource management. It
emphasises experimental and fieldbased learning, and combines broadbased environmental education with
opportunities for specialisation and
professional development.
Honours involves a research project
where you will work with an ANU
academic and produce a thesis worth
at least fifty per cent of your final grade.
Students move from studying specified
courses to being part of the teams
generating breakthroughs in their
chosen field.
Career opportunities
The flexibility of this degree means that
graduates find employment in a wide
range of areas in the public sector and
private enterprise, and in community
groups such as Landcare and Greening
Australia. The roles our graduates
work in, both in Australia and abroad,
reflect our major teaching themes
including: evolution of the Earth and
its landscapes; ecosystem processes
and products; human society and
environment; resource conservation,
land management and land use;
environmental and resource policy; and
supporting sciences and technologies.
Many graduates proceed to further
studies in order to retain a competitive
edge in their chosen field.
For more detailed information on any
of our programs, or to speak to one of
our friendly team, please contact us.
T +61 2 6125 2809