CASE Exam CertIfication Handbook


CASE Exam CertIfication Handbook
Secondary and
Exam and
Updated March 2015
A guide for students in the Colleges of Science,
Liberal Arts and Health Sciences who have a
Secondary or All-Level Education minor or
In collaboration with the
UTEP College of Education
updated 3/26/15
The purpose of this handbook is to inform UTEP students with a secondary or all-level education minor
or concentration about the process to become a certified teacher through the University of Texas at El
Paso (UTEP). The certification process is complex, involving state and federal regulations, multiple
colleges within the university, certification examinations and state agencies. The Center for Arts and
Science Education (CASE), in collaboration with the College of Education, supports students in the
Colleges of Science, Liberal Arts and Health Sciences through the testing and certification process.
Here are some guidelines to keep in mind.
Stay aware of important deadlines and dates.
Effective September 1, 2014 the minimum GPA required for certification is 2.75 in your major
and minor or education concentration courses.
You must pass your state teacher certification (TExES) exams PRIOR to student teaching!
Testing deadlines are set by the College of Education and are subject to change.
Testing deadlines announced as of March 2015 are:
 To student teach in Fall 2015, you must pass your TExES certification exams by April 30, 2015
 To student teach in Spring 2016, you must pass your
TExES certification exams by September 15, 2015
 To student teach in Fall 2016, you must pass your
Attend the CASE Testing &
TExES certification exams by January 30, 2016
Certification Info Session to
Additional information regarding the teacher certification
testing process at UTEP can be found at the following
learn how to create your
personal timeline and
achieve your goal!
Exam Preparation
The process of preparing for your exams, and taking your qualifying (practice) and state exams takes 6-8
months. Plan ahead and create a timeline to complete this goal prior to your student teaching
It is your responsibility to learn about and prepare for both your qualifying and certification exams. You
should take the initiative to learn what is expected of you and develop a study plan that will ensure your
success on both the qualifying and the certification exams. Your study plan may include review sessions,
study guides and on-line review programs. Below are resources for you to consider using:
of Texas has created preparation manuals for all content and PPR (Pedagogy and Professional
Responsibility) exams. These preparation manuals contain information on all domains and competencies
that you are expected to have mastered. In addition, these manuals contain sample questions which
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will help you understand how the questions and answers on the TExES exam are structured and assess
your knowledge of the domains and competencies. These preparation manuals are available at . A new PPR EC-12 interactive practice exam can also be
found at this website. As of Fall 2014, most TExES exams that previously certified you to teach 8-12
have changed to a 7-12 certification. If your test is one of those, prepare for the 7-12 certification
Review Sessions: The Colleges of Science, Liberal Arts and Health Sciences offer reviews for content
exams. The College of Education provides PPR review sessions. These review sessions are an excellent
way to become familiar with key concepts and terms covered on the exams. Led by content experts, the
reviews are free to all current UTEP students. Content review sessions are posted at . PPR reviews are posted Under Testing Information at .
TAKS & STAAR Practice Tests: The TExES exams are based on the TEKS. Because of this, many students
find it helpful to take online practice TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills) tests or STAAR
end of course exams on the TEA website:
Books and on-line preparation materials: UTEP makes no guarantees, stated or implied, about the
quality of the materials listed. You are not required to use any of these materials or programs. The list is
provided as a resource for students preparing for certification exams.
 Certify Teacher - On-line practice exams with optional study
mode to check answers & get explanations as you go.
1. Go to the website: .
2. On the home page, scroll down to see a list of TExES prep test titles available. Find your
test. Select any Online Exam version.
3. Click Buy Now Enter the promo code UTEP4728 in the Enter your Promotional Code
4. In the section I Don't Have an Account Yet click the link that creates your account. You
must enter your UTEP e-mail address for the promo code to be accepted.
5. You must Accept when prompted on the Six-Clock Hours Requirement window for the
promo code to be activated.
 T-CERT - Study site built by TAMU & TEA. Requires admission to
UTEP Teacher Education Program. Email for TEA number so that you can log in.
 - Interactive practice test for PPR EC-12 & ebooks for other content areas
 Becoming a Middle School or High School Teacher in Texas - A Course of Study for the Pedagogy
and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) TExES. (2005) edited by Janice L. Nath and Myrna D.
Cohen. Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 10 Davis Drive, Belmont, CA 94002-3098.
 Cracking the TExES. Includes full-length practice PPR tests and
detailed explanations for answers.
 How to Prepare for the TExES - Texas Examinations of Educator Standards. (2004)
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Pass the TExES - For Texas Teachers. Ed Publishing & Consulting P.O. Box 2283, Wylie, TX
75098.Call (972-578-1922 or 817-996-0167, or visit their website at
Study Manuals and Practice Question Manuals for Educators, by ExCET Study Sessions, LLC, P. O.
Box 10962, Midland, TX 79702.
XAM Study Guides (available on & at UTEP library)
"The TExES Master"
TExES - Texas Examination of Educator Standards. (2004)Kaplan Publishing. 1230 Avenue of the
Americas, New York, NY 10020.
TExES Exam Practice Tests - Study guides, flash cards and practice questions
Content resources: UTEP makes no guarantees, stated or implied, about the quality of the materials
listed. You are not required to use any of these materials or programs. The list is provided as a resource
for students preparing for certification exams.
 Khan Academy – Videos on content areas, especially math,
science, economics, social studies
 Released SAT and ACT test questions
 Cliff Notes to Content Areas (eg Astronomy, Geometry)
An online scientific calculator is part of the testing software for the Mathematics 7-12 (235),
Chemistry 7-12 (240), Physical Science 6-12 (237) and Science 7-12 (236) tests. Do not bring your own
calculator to the test administration. If you are taking a test that includes an online calculator, see
the online calculator tutorial to practice using the online calculator before the day of the test. Once
you request access to the tutorial, you will be sent an activation key that is good for 30 days of
Qualifying Exam Overview
The College of Education at UTEP requires students seeking certification to demonstrate content and
pedagogy competency prior to taking the state certification exams. To do so, a student must pass one to
two qualifying (practice) exams (depending on your area of certification). We recommend you take
these exams one to three semesters before student teaching, depending upon your content area (see
your CASE advisor for recommendations) and timeline.
All students take:
# 160 Pedagogy (PPR)EC-12 exam.
The following secondary and all-level certification areas require a content qualifying exam.
English Language Arts 7-12
History 7-12
Life Science 7-12 (The qualifying exam is #138)
Mathematics 7-12
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Physical Education EC-12 – Qualifying exam given by Kinesiology Dept.
Physical Science 7-12 (The qualifying exam is #137)
Science 7-12
Social Studies 7-12
Students in other content areas may be released to take their state content examination upon
admission to the Teacher Education Program. If you are following a degree plan leading to certification
in one of these areas, and have been admitted to the Teacher Education Program, contact Manuel Cano
at or 747-8086 in order to be released to take your TExES exam. The following
secondary and all-level certification areas do not require a content qualifying exam:
#178 Art EC-12
#176 Business Education 6-12
#179 Dance 8-12
#610 French – LOTE EC-12
#157 Health EC-12
#256 Journalism 7-12
#177 Music EC-12
#243 Physics/Mathematics 7-12 (Take the Mathematics
7-12 qualifying exam and contact Ellen Esposito for
clearance approval)
#613 Spanish – LOTE EC-12
#129 Speech 7-12
#180 Theatre EC-12
Cost to become a
certified Texas teacher:
THEA test
Qualifying exams:
State exams:
Background check
Certification fee
$ 50
Estimated total cost $447
Qualifying Exam Preparation
Prior to taking a qualifying exam, you must complete a minimum of six (6) hours of documented review
and/or participation in review programs. Please be aware that you will need many, many hours of
review before you will be prepared to take either of these very comprehensive exams. PPR review
sessions are provided by the College of Education. Content reviews are provided by your department or
college. Information on content and PPR review sessions is available at and .
You can receive coupons documenting your review hours through:
 Consultant led review sessions
 Book review - Hours can be completed at:
o Library – check out books from the circulation desk
o College of Education – Room 412
o Ellen Esposito’s office (Math and Science) in Bell Hall 100
o Center for History Teaching and Learning (History and Social Studies) in Liberal Arts 334
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o – Certify Teacher offers a discount code for UTEP students studying
for a career in education! (see page 3). You can generate a “Content Review Coupon”
for your hours from the website.
Qualifying Exam Registration
 Step 1: Determine which exam you need to take
If you have any questions regarding which exam(s) you need to complete, contact the College of
Education at (915) 747-5572, your CASE advisor for secondary or all-levels education, or visit the
following website: .
Step 2: Payment Procedures
Pay the $15 test fee online with a credit card at . You can also pay with
cash or check in person at the Student Business Services Office located in the Academic Services
Building. This fee is required each time the exam is taken. **If you call to cancel your test session,
arrive late, or are absent, you will have to pay the fee again to reschedule for a different date.
Step 3: Register for a test session
If you paid online, refer to your confirmation email and locate the reference number which you will
need to reserve a seat online at You can also reserve a seat in person at the
Student Assessment & Testing Office located in the Academic Advising Center Bldg., Suite 127, or call
the TEST RESERVATION line at (915) 747-5009. Refer to the test schedule for dates and times.
Step 4: On the day of the test
Report to the Student Assessment & Testing Office, Suite 127, in the Academic Advising Center Building.
You MUST arrive 15 minutes prior to the published test time for check-in. If you arrive late, you will NOT
be admitted. You will be required to present an official identification card with a current photo.
Math majors must bring their own graphing calculator.
**All testing candidates are required to complete 6 hours of review prior to each exam. You will not be
allowed to test without proof of review hours.
When registering
online for the
qualifying exam, you
see something like this
screen. Your exam
will be in a drop-down
menu which includes
all teacher qualifying
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During and after the test
On the day of the test there are several things you need to consider to ensure you are successful and
have comfortable experience.
Arrive at the test location 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam. UTEP is a busy campus and
has numerous activities occurring on a daily basis. Because of this, locating parking can often be
a challenge. Plan adequate time to ensure you arrive on time. If you arrive to the test site after
the exam has started, you will not be allowed to take the exam.
Room conditions can vary so you may wish to dress comfortably in layers. This will allow you to
adjust for the temperature in the testing room.
During testing you may take restroom breaks. Any time you take for restroom breaks is considered part
of your available test time. You may not leave the testing room for any reason (other than to use the
restroom) until your test materials have been collected.
During the test you may not communicate with other examinees or any unauthorized persons in any
way, either in person or by using any communication device.
Should you become ill and are unable to finish the test, you will be dismissed before the end of the test
session. Should you become disruptive to the test environment, your exam will be collected and you will
be escorted out of the testing room.
Special Accommodations: UTEP is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to students who
require such accommodations. If you will need special accommodations for any content qualifying exam
there are several things you will need to do.
1. Contact the Disabled Student Services Office (DSSO), you will need to register with DSSO and
provide any required documentation to this office.
Disabled Student Services
The Union Building Easy and West Room 106
Phone Number: 915-747-5148
Fax: 915-747-8712
Department Email:
2. Request exam accommodations at least five (5) working days prior to the desired examination
3. If DSSO will be proctoring your content qualifying exam, you will need to take the exam no more
than 2 days before or after an already scheduled qualifying exam. You will need to provide the
testing coordinator your proof of review session attendance prior to the date of your content
qualifying exam.
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Qualifying Exam
We recommend you take your exams in the following order:
1. Content qualifying exam – This exam tests you on the curriculum you will be teaching and
ensures you are prepared for the state content certification exam. Not all content areas have
qualifying exams. See page 5 for a list of those specializations without a qualifying exam.
2. TExES (state) content certification exam
3. PPR (Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities) EC-12 qualifying exam. The PPR qualifying
exam will test you on pedagogy and ensure you are prepared for the state PPR certification
4. TExES State PPR exam
You are allowed 5 hours to complete each exams.
Here are some steps to take to help ensure you pass your exams:
1. Create a study plan. Allow 4-6 weeks of dedicated study for each exam. You are studying for
your state certification test. Use the review materials and resources listed on pages 2-5.
2. Become familiar with the domains and competencies covered on each exam.
3. Prior to taking a qualifying exam, complete six (6) documented review session hours. (see pages
5-6 for information)
What to bring to the qualifying exam: There are several things you should bring with you on the day of
the exam.
Proof of review sessions. You will need to provide the testing coordinator with proof that
you have completed your review sessions. You will not be admitted into testing without
Proper identification – either a UTEP ID or a state issued ID.
Math 8-12 test requires a calculator TI-84 or TI-89. You must be able to clear the memory.
What not to bring to a qualifying exam: You will not be allowed to bring into the testing room the
following items:
 Cell phones
 Electronic devices and media( PDAs, pagers, audiotapes, CDs, photographic or recording
devices, removable storage devices, calculator watches, clocks or watches with alarms,
spellcheckers, etc.)
 Calculators (except for approved graphing calculator for Math 8-12 test #135)
 Handwritten or printed materials, such as dictionaries, notebooks, scratch paper, textbooks,
 Packages and totes of any kind, such as backpacks, briefcases, purses, etc.
 Food and drink, except water in approved closed containers.
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Qualifying exam scoring
You will be able to see your content qualifying exam analysis and score immediately. The test score is
based on a 100 point scale. The analysis contains valuable information on how you performed on the
exam, your strengths and areas which you need to study. After each exam, you should review this
analysis and develop a study plan that will address your weaknesses and ensure success on your
certification exam. It is recommended you take the analysis to your consultant led review sessions to get
feedback and suggestions specific to your needs.
Clearance to take the State Certification Exam
Take your state certification exam as soon as you pass the
appropriate qualifying exam. You will receive email
notification from the College of Education regarding
clearance to take the TExES exam. Information on how to
obtain your TEA number and register for the exam is in the
clearance email.
In order to pass a qualifying exam and be cleared to take the
TExES (state exam) students MUST receive a minimum score
of 78. This clearance allows you to take the state certification
test multiple times if needed.
Even though you see your qualifying
score report immediately, the College of
Education does not receive it for several
days. You will be notified of clearance
within a week via your UTEP email.
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State Certification Exam Information
Most TExES exams that previously certified you to teach 8-12 have changed to 7-12 certification.
An online scientific calculator is part of the testing software for the Mathematics 7-12 (235), Chemistry
7-12 (240), Physical Science 6-12 (237) and Science 7-12 (236) tests. Do not bring your own
calculator to the test administration. If you are taking a test that includes an online calculator,
see the online calculator tutorial to practice using the online calculator before the day of the test.
Once you request access to the tutorial, you will be sent an activation key that is good for 90 days
You must pass your TExES (state) Teacher Certification Exams before you will be
allowed to student teach.
The State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) requires you pass exams in order to become certified.
You are eligible to take a state certification exam after you successfully complete the corresponding
qualifying exam (if applicable). You must take:
Content certification exam
Pedagogy (PPR) EC-12 certification exam
Each exam costs $120.
Once you have received clearance from CASE, you will take two steps to register for your first state
certification exam.
TEAL Account and TEA ID Number proceed to Step 2)
Once cleared by CASE, you will receive an email from This email contains
your username and password. If you do not find it in your UTEP email inbox, please proceed to look for
it in the UTEP email junk mail as the system might have sent it there. Once you locate the email please
proceed to complete step 1 as indicated below. (If you do not find your email or if you encounter
problems with this step, contact TEA at 512-936-8400.) DO NOT PROCEED TO STEP 2 WITHOUT
1. Follow the link on the email to change your TEAL user account password.
2. After changing your password and establishing your security questions, you will be redirected
to the TEAL landing page, where you can access the ECOS for Educators application by clicking
on the link.
3. Please click on “Educator”.
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4. Complete all of the information on the page, once you see your TEA ID number STOP, write it
down, log out of the system and proceed to step 2.
Once you have obtained clearance and have your TEA ID
number you can register for your state certification exam. You
have three registration options:
Follow on-screen instructions and register for the
exam you are eligible to take.
TELEPHONE REGISTRATION: Call 1-866-902-5922 to
register for eligible exams.
PAPER REGISTRATION FORM: Go to and download the Registration
Form. Complete the registration form according to
form instructions and submit it prior to all deadlines.
If you do not pass
a state certification
exam, you cannot
retake it for 45
Information regarding exam location will be provided to you during the registration process.
Test codes
The following tests are offered as 7-12 certification. Please note the new test number!
# 237
# 243
English Language Arts & Reading
Journalism (effective Fall 2014)
Life Science
Physical Science
Physics/Mathematics (effective Fall 2014)
Social Studies
When and where tests are offered
The state certification exams are offered at UTEP and several other locations in the El Paso area. All
locations have limited seating. When you are registering for the test, you will be able to see the location
and dates of the next available seats for testing.
Most state certification tests are offered almost weekly as Computed Administered Tests (CAT). Some
tests have a limited administration and are offered only 4 to 7 times per year. Those tests are:
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Art EC-12 (178)
Business Education 6–12 (176)
Dance 8-12 (179)
English Language Arts & Reading 8–12 (231)
Journalism 7–12 (256)
LOTE French EC-12 (610)
LOTE Spanish EC-12 (613)
Physical Science 8–12 (237)
Physics/Mathematics 7-12 (243)
Speech 7–12 (129)
Theatre EC-12 (180)
Admission ticket
Print your admission ticket after you register to take
to the exam site. Check 24 hours before the exam
to be sure there is not a change in reporting address
or time.
Score reports
Go to ……..
for more information on:
PBT vs CAT exams
Who to call with questions
Retake policy
Creating a profile
Calculator use
ID requirements
Score reporting
Test dates
Testing with disabilities or health
Score reports are available on-line only. They are usually posted within a week and are viewable online
for 90 days after they are posted. Print your score report as a resource to inform your study of the
material if you must repeat the exam.
For testing questions: Manuel Cano at or 747-8086 or .
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Apply for Texas Teacher Certification
After you have finished your coursework, successfully completed student teaching, and passed the
required certification examinations, you are ready to apply for teaching certification. Your degree must
be posted to your transcript on GoldMine before you can apply.
The following GPA requirements apply to the recommendation for certification:
IF you were admitted to the Teacher Education Program prior to September 1, 2014,
2.5 GPA (minimum) in the specialization/teaching field (This is expected to increase to 2.75 for
students entering the program in Fall 2014 or later.)
2.5 GPA(minimum) in the education/minor courses (This is expected to increase to 2.75 for
students entering the program in Fall 2014 or later.)
IF you were admitted to the Teacher Education Program on or after September 1, 2014,
2.75 GPA (minimum) in the specialization/teaching field
2.75 GPA(minimum) in the education/minor courses
Certification Requirements:
Successful completion of all required qualifying exams
Successful completion of state certification exams
Successful completion of student teaching, including submission of all required documentation
and attendance at all required workshops and seminars
All other degree requirements must be fulfilled, including completion of appropriate coursework
and attaining the total number of hours stipulated for the
Degree posted
If you do not meet all these requirements and you apply for your
teaching certificate, your name will be removed from the list of
pending applications and you will have to reapply once you fulfill
all requirements.
Once you meet these requirements, apply for certification at
Criminal Record Check
The State of Texas conducts national criminal background checks
on all applicants for initial teaching certificates. The Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) fingerprint card is requested from
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It generally takes 1
month from the date
your grades are entered
until the degree is posted
to your transcript. Check
GoldMine to be sure it
says “Degree Awarded”
before you apply for your
teaching certificate.
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TEA/SBEC at the time an applicant applies for a certification and returned to TEA/SBEC. The cost of the
background check is about $50.
If you are unsure whether you can pass the in-depth national FBI background check, consider requesting
a Preliminary Background History from TEA. It will provide you with TEA’s opinion as to your eligibility
for educator certification based on the information you have provided. For more information go to: .
Certification questions: or Hector Hernandez at .
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This form must be submitted with your CASE Application to Teacher Education. By signing and dating
this form you acknowledge that you have read the Secondary and All-Level Education Exam and
Certification Handbook and understand the policies and procedures related to the qualifying exam,
certification exams, and teacher certification as it occurs at the University of Texas at El Paso.
I understand that I must adhere to the policies that exist for teacher certification testing and that
any changes in state certification requirements may necessitate changes in the policies delineated in
this manual.
What is your major?
What is your area of certification?
O Art
O Music
O Business
O Physical Education
O Dance
O Physical Science
O English/ Language Arts/Reading
O Physics/Mathematics
O French
O Science
O Health
O Social Studies
O History
O Spanish
O Journalism
O Speech
O Life Science
O Theatre
O Mathematics
UTEP Email Address
Last Name
First Name
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