Science International λ : ( ) V G A λ λ Z 1. k â¥
Science International λ : ( ) V G A λ λ Z 1. k â¥
Science International CONTET 27(1),2015 SECTION A (Physical Sciences) 1-6 On Magic Labeling of Certain Families of Graphs M. K. Siddiqui , N. Akhtar , H. R. Alrajab ABSTRACT: Let G = (V , E ) be a finite, simple and undirected graph and addition. If there exist a map ( x) = : E(G) A \{0} A be a non-trivial abelian group with respect to such that the induced map ( xy) , where N ( x) is neighborhood of vertex : V (G) A , x , is constant, then the graph G is said to be defined by A magic yN ( x ) graph. In this paper we prove that generalized prism, generalized Antiprism, Fan and Friendship graphs are Z 3k magic for k 1. 7-9 OPTIMAL APPROXIMATION IN HENSELIAN FIELDS Asim Naseem, Khurram Shabbir, *Shahid Ahmad, Aansa Islam ABSTRACT: A non-empty subset S of a valued field K is said to have the optimal approximation property if every element in the field K has a closest approximation in S. This property relates to the model theory of valued fields, which was introduced by F.V. Kuhlmann in [1]. The notion becomes more involved when the set S is the image of a polynomial map on K. In this paper, we present some classes of polynomials over a henselian discretely valued field, whose image set has optimal approximation property. 11-14 HE TRICYCLIC GRAPHS WITH THE EXTREMUM ZEROTH-ORDERGENERAL RANDIC INDEX Mahdi Sohrabi-Hghighat1, Sirwan Vaisipour ABSTRACT- A (n, n+2)-graph G is a connected simple graph with n vertices and n + 2 edges. If dv denotes the degree of the vertex v, then the zeroth-order general Randic index of the graph G is defined as 0( ) v V v R G d , where is a real number. We characterize, for any , the (n, n+2)-graphs with the extremum (minimum for 0 < < 1 and maximum for < 0 or > 1) zeroth-order general Randic index of (n, n + 2)-graphs. 15-21 COMPUTING TOPOLOGICAL INDICES OF DIRECT INTERCONNECTION NETWORKS Fatima Zulfiqar1,i and *Sakander Hayat ABSTRACT. A direct interconnection network (IN) of a multiprocessor system is represented by a connected graph whose vertices represent processing nodes and edges represent communication links. A processing node (PN) usually consists of one or more processors, local memory, and communication router. The butterfly and Benes networks are important class of multistage direct interconnection networks which are defined based on n the schemes that connect the units of a multiprocessing system and needs n stages to connect 2 processors; at each stage a switch is thrown, depending on a particular bit in the addresses of the processors being connected. In this paper, degree based topological indices of these direct interconnection networks are strong-minded. 23-27 INTERVAL LEFT AND RIGHT RETURNS TO SCALES Somayeh Sargolzaei, Ali Payan Department of Mathematics, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran Email: Corresponding Author: Ali Payan ABSTRACT: One of the discussions of data envelopment analysis (DEA) is the returns to scale. Regarding the fact that in the real life issue we usually face undetermined data, the study of phenomena with determined data does not seem rational. In this regard, considering the data as interval has special importance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to extend the methods of determining the types of left and right returns to scales in DEA into inexact interval concepts. In this study, we extend the represented models by Eslami and Khoveyni [1] in determining the types of left and right returns to scales at the presence of the Interval Data. First the efficient units are evaluated in pessimistic and optimistic situations. Then we determine the types of left and right returns to scales at the two situations on the efficient units. Finally an example is provided to further explain the method 29-37 A NEW INTERPRETATION OF INTERVAL-VALUED FUZZY INTERIOR IDEALS OF ORDERED SEMIGROUPS Hidayat Ullah Khan a, b a , Nor Haniza Sarmin , Asghar Khan c and Faiz Muhammad Khan d a Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia. b Department of Mathematics, University of Malakand, Chakdara, Dir (L), Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan. c Department of Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan. d Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Swat, Swat, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan ABSTRACT The concept of interval-valued fuzzy set is one of the most important and useful generalisation of Zadeh's fuzzy sets which is successfully applied by engineers and scientists in the field of Robotics, Control Theory and Computer Engineering. In this paper, we introduce new and useful generalisations of interval-valued interior ideals and interval-valued fuzzy left (right) ideals called interval-valued (~ ,~ q ~ ) -fuzzy interior ideals, interval-valued (~ ,~ q ~ ) -fuzzy left (right) ideals, intervalvalued (~ , ~ q~ ) -fuzzy interior ideals and interval-valued (~ , ~ q~ ) -fuzzy left (right) ideals of ordered semigroups. These newly defined concepts are supported by suitable examples, and several fundamental results are investigated. It is shown that in regular and semisimple ordered semigroups, both the concepts of interval-valued (~ ,~ q ~ ) -fuzzy interior ideals and interval-valued (~ ,~ q ~ ) -fuzzy ideals coincide. Further, the relation between interval-valued fuzzy interior ideals and interval-valued fuzzy ideal of type (~ ,~ q ~ ) is provided 39-47 SOME PROPERTIES OF GLUED GRAPHS AT COMPLETE CLONE IN THE VIEW OF ALGEBRAIC COMBINATORICS Seyyede Masoome Seyyedi , Farhad Rahmati Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran. Corresponding Author: Email: ABSTRACT: A glued graph at complete clone is obtained from combining two graphs by identifying edges of of each original graph. We investigate how to change some properties such as height, big height, Krull dimension, Betti numbers by gluing of two graphs at complete clone. We give a sufficient and necessary condition so that the glued graph of two Cohen-Macaulay chordal graphs at complete clone is a Cohen-Macaulay graph. Moreover, we present the conditions that the edge ideal of gluing of two graphs at complete clone has linear resolution whenever the edge ideals of original graphs have linear resolution. We show when gluing of two independence complexes, line graphs, complement graphs can be expressed as independence complex, line graph and complement of gluing of two graphs. 49-51 SOME FIXED POINT RESULTS IN INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY METRIC SPACES Fakhar Haider1, M. I. Bhatti1 1Department of Mathematics, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. Corresponding Author: ABSTRACT: Intuitionistic fuzzy metric space is a generalization of fuzzy metric space. In this paper we prove some fixed point results in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces. 53-57 QUASI-s-TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS Moiz ud Din Khan1, Saima Habib and Muhammad Siddique Bosan Department of Mathematics, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan 1 ABSTRACT: In this paper, we will introduce and study the concept of quasi s-topological groups. quasi s-topological groups are the generalization of quasi topological groups. quasi s-topological group results when the continuity property of left (right) translation and inversion mapping is weakened by semi continuity in lieu of continuity. It is ), if ( ), then ( ). It is proved that if ( ), is quasi sshown that in quasi s-topological group ( ) is also quasi s-topological group. Further, quasi s-homeomorphism is defined and showed topological group then ( that left and right translations in quasi s-topological groups are quasi s-homeomorphism. 59-62 INCLUSION OF NUCLEAR ENVELOPE IN NON-SPHERICAL CELLULAR GEOMETRY Samiha Zainab, Qasim Ali Chaudhry*, Mehvish Qaiser Department of Mathematics, U.E.T. Lahore, Pakistan *Corresponding Author’s Email: ABSTRACT; Mathematical modeling of drug diffusion system is a strenuous task due to the heterogeneous structure of mammalian cell. The difficulty level increases when the lipophilic compounds are taken into account. Earlier, 1D spherical shaped cell model was developed by considering spherical symmetry and further this model has been extended by adding nuclear envelope. In this paper 2D axi symmetric mathematical model is developed with non-spherical cellular geometry by inclusion of nuclear envelope that is very close to the real cellular geometry of cultured adherent cell used for in vitro experimental results. Homogenization techniques are used to reduce the complexity of cytoplasm. The numerical results obtained from non-spherical model are ratified against the in vitro experimental results. 53-68 ON THE METRIC DIMENSION OF FAMILIES OF GRAPHS HAVING DIAMETER THREE Mubeen Munir, Abdul Rauf Nizami, Waqas Nazeer, Numan Amin Division of Science and Technology, University of Education, Township Lahore-Pakistan E-mail:,,, ABSTRACT: The concept of minimum resolving set has been proved to be useful and is related to a variety of fields such as chemistry [1,3], robotic navigation [2,5], combinatorial search, and optimization [4]. This work is devoted to evaluate the metric dimension of some families of graphs having diameter three 69-72 REVIEW OF FORWARD BACKWARD SWEEP METHOD FOR BOUNDED AND UNBOUNDED CONTROL PROBLEM WITH PAYOFF TERM R. Saleem, M. Habib, A. Manaf Department of Mathematics, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. ABSTRACT— This paper is review of forward backward sweep method for bounded and unbounded control problem with payoff term, as someone want maximize function at specific time or mostly at final time. We used RK, Euler, trapezoidal techniques to solve such problems with different step sizes 73 -76 STABILITY OF LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS S. Mustafa1, K. Riaz2, Q. Perveen3 1,2Department of Mathematics and Statistics, PMAS, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi 1., 2. 3Department of Education, PMAS, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi 3. ABSTRACT: Linear model is an integral part in every field and stability of these models relates to the various parameters involved in the model. The objective of this research is to investigate the stability of linear models. The estimated values of the parameters of linear models have been obtained through ordinary least squares (OLS) method and their stability is analyzed by Recursive test. We have investigated the stability of linear models based on the structural changes when the number of observations is small. The point where structural change occurs is a key point. So when prior knowledge, where the change occur is not available then recursive least square and recursive residual test have been used. 77-85 A NON-ISOLATED INTERLEAVED HIGH STEP-UP SWITCHED-CAPACITOR CONVERTER FOR DISTRIBUTED GENERATION SYSTEM Hadi Moradi1, Behrooz Vahidi1*, Jafar Mili Monfared1, Sina Salehi1 1-Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran 1591634311, Iran * Corresponding author email: ABSTRACT: A non-isolated interleaved boost converter with coupled inductors and switched-capacitor circuits is presented in this paper, which can be employed for renewable energy conversion systems including the photovoltaic (PV) and the fuel cell (FC). Whereas the voltage generated by these sources is low, a converter with high voltage conversion ratio is the main requirement for connection to a relatively high dc-bus voltage. To obviate this necessity, a switched-capacitor circuit is magnetically connected to interleaved boost converter, which effectively increases the voltage growth and decreases the voltage stress in the semiconductor components, and thereby, the conduction losses are diminished. In fact, the proposed converter operates as a flyback converter in some times and forward converter in other times. To restrain the leakage energy of the coupled inductors and confine the voltage spikes on the main switches, the active clamp technique is employed. Furthermore, the zero voltage switching (ZVS) operation is guaranteed even in the light load, which leads to degradation of the switching losses. Also, the leakage inductance of the coupled inductors is handled to realize zero-current-switching (ZCS) performance of the diodes. At last, a 1-kW prototype is implemented to confirm the theoretical analysis and performance of the proposed topology. 87-95 HIGH IMPEDANCE FAULTS DIAGNOSIS IN POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM BASED ON ADALINE HARMONIC ANALYSIS M. Jannati1, R. Keivanian1 and L. Eslami1 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, Saveh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Saveh, Iran. Corresponding Author Email: ABSTRACT: In a power distribution system, physical contact between the phase conductors and their surrounding objects such as trees and buildings is a probable incident. Known as High Impedance Fault (HIF), this situation may lead to fatal ignition or electric shock caused by the arcing. Although short circuit situations can be recognized by the usual relays in power distribution systems, HIF incidents cannot be detected easily by the common protection equipment. Since HIF increases the load current very slightly, it may be misdiagnosed as a usual overload. Therefore, HIF detection is a challenging issue in power distribution systems. The first step to overcome this problem is finding an appropriate model for the HIF arcing. In this paper, different types of HIF models are studied and then a complete model along with its simulation method is provided. Afterwards, an ADALINEbased algorithm for HIF detection in power distribution networks is proposed which uses a new harmonic criterion. Unlike the various solutions already presented for HIF detecting, the proposed approach is very simple and its online implementation is not problematic. Furthermore, a typical distribution network in the presence of Distributed Generation (DG) resources is simulated through the EMTPWorks environment. Simulation results verify the accuracy and the quickness of the proposed approach 97-103 IMPROVED ALGORITHM FOR HARMONIC LOAD FLOW SOLUTION IN RADIAL DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS Farhad Safargholi1, Behrooz Vahidi1*, Javad Shokrolahi Moghani1 1-Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology Tehran 1591634311, Iran * Corresponding author email: Abstract: The aim of this paper is to present an improved algorithm to solve harmonic load flow problem in balanced radial distribution systems with laterals, which have nonlinear load. The method is efficient and easy to implement. This method is iterative and allows the evaluation of both, voltage (rms) values and phase angles of the fundamental voltage and harmonic voltage for each bus. The proposed method in this paper can be solved harmonic load flow problem iteratively from two sets of recursive equations. The first set concern the determination of the branches current by going up the line (backward sweep). The second one allows us to determine the nodes voltage by going down the line (forward sweep). The total harmonic distortion can also be calculated easily. 105-108 A WIRELESS CONTROLLED SEMI-AUTONOMOUS SENSOR BASED UNMANNED GROUND VEHICLE Adil Farooq1, Salman Khaliq2, Adnan Zahid1 1Department of Electronic Engineering, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan 2Department of Telecom Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan *Corresponding author email: Tel: +92-322-5360038 Abstract: Engineering is rapidly moving towards unmanned robotic vehicles (UGVs). In this paper we have implemented a real time wireless sensor based semi autonomous unmanned ground surveillance vehicle that is adaptable to changes within its environment. The design and development of the physical prototype is 3.0 x 2.5 x 1.0 (l x w x h) feet in dimensions. Its combat proven reliability is non-matched and first time introduced in Pakistan. Obstacles avoidance is efficiently implemented using integrated two optimized precision SHARP 2Y0A710 IR (5.5m) range finders. Live video transmission is received using wireless CCTV (2.4GHz, FM) camera mounted on the UGV. It can easily enter dangerous areas with its four wheel chain drive chassis coupled with wiper motor operated at 24V (150rpms) producing torque of 5.44 Nm and can lift additional load. To reduce risk of collision, damage and enhance situational awareness we have implemented wrong command rejection algorithm 109-114 USING WEB ONTOLOGY LANGUAGE TO UNDERSTAND SOFTWARE COMPONENTS BEHAVIOR M. Rizwan Jameel Qureshi, Alla Defallah Alrehily Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ABSTRACT: In software engineering field, reuse process is very effective because it improves productivity, reduces cost and saves time. Developer software cannot reuse a lot of components because he cannot understand component function. To solve this problem, the authors’ use Web Ontology Language (OWL) is a Semantic Web language designed to define knowledge in formal way. Using this language, the developer can understand the description of component and also function of it in easy and clear way. The purpose of using OWL in order the effectiveness and fast the search and selection the component of the web repository, ease of modification on component, also reuse it after modification of the web repository and also OWL is flexibility to add new functions. In this paper, we observed of verification results of effectiveness using this language that aim of description component. 115-119 STABILIZATION OF CHAOS RIKITAKE SYSTEM BY USE OF FUZZY CONTROLLER 1Yousof Gholipour, 2,3Mahmood Mola 1Department of Electrical Eng., Mehriz Branch. Islamic Azad University. Mehriz.Iran 2Department of Electrical Eng., Science and Research Branch. Islamic Azad University. Tehran, Iran. 3Department of Electrical Eng., University of A. A. Boroujerdi, Boroujerd, Iran. Contact: TEL: +983525229100; FAX: +983525229102; ABSTRACT; In this paper, controlling of the chaos Rikitake system has been investigated. To this end, we used the fuzzy controller Takagi–Sugeno (T-S) method, that applies to chaotic systems. At the first instance, we monitored behavior of Rikitake system, after that we designed a controller base on fuzzy T-S method, then applied it to the chaos Rikitake system and monitor the behavior of the system. Duration the paper, Numerical simulations are given to illustrate the effectiveness and validity of the proposed approach. 121-125 DETERMINATION OF OPTIMAL PLACEMENT AND SIZING OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION IN DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THE RELIABILITY USING GLOBAL CONFIRMING PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION (GCPSO) Mehdi Rezaei1,2, Mahmood Ghanbari*2 1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Golestan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran. 2. Department of Electrical Engineering, Gorgan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran. *Corresponding author: Mahmood Ghanbari, Email:, Fax: +98 1732158891 ABSTRACT: This paper presents reliability improvement in distribution power systems. There are good features coming by the emergence of Distributed generation (DG) in power systems such as increase in reliability, loss reduction, voltage profile improvement and etc. In this paper, a method is presented based on Global Confirming Particle Swarm Optimization (GCPSO) in which objective function is defined in a way to minimize the combinatorial indices of reliability. In this method, Genetic algorithm is combined with the PSO for not trapping it in local optimum points. Besides, it helps the algorithm to run from these points and reach to global optimum points while convergence speed remains the same. Efficiency of the proposed method is verified on standard 33-bus IEEE system. 127-132 CONTROLLING THE EFFECTS OF LINK ADAPTATION ERRORS AND USERS SPEEDS ON SCHEDULING SCHEMES IN HSDPA SYSTEMS Hamza Mahmood1, Saleem Akhtar2, Ejaz A. Ansari2, Ali N. Khan2 Department of Electrical Engineering, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology 1.5 km Defense Road, off Raiwind Road, 53700, Lahore, Pakistan, 2{sakhtar, dransari, ankhan} ABSTRACT: This paper focuses on evaluating effects of the link adaptation errors and user speeds on the performance of scheduling schemes in HSDPA system. The investigation focuses on three scheduling schemes such as Maximum Carrier to Interference (C/I), Proportional Fair, and Round Robin. The investigation is performed in terms of retransmissions and service throughput at various user speeds. A pre-emptive approach of applying scheduling scheme is also proposed to counter the link adaptation error effects on the performance of scheduling schemes. 133-139 IMPLEMENTATION OF NANOGRIDS FOR FUTURE POWER SYSTEM Manzar Ahmed, *Uzma Amin, **Suhail Aftab Qureshi, ***Zaki Ahmed Electrical Engineering Department, University of South Asia 0333-2372620, *Electrical Engineering Department, University of South Asia 0333-4398244, **Electrical Engineering Department, Imperial University 0300-8477057, ***Electrical Engineering Department, COMSATS, Lahore 0300-8843041, ABSTRACT: Microgrid is a new technology in power generation and this system is used to provide power and heat to its local area, such as cogeneration systems and renewable energy (wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, etc.). They are preferred for medium or high power applications. Nanogrid most likely to be used in small local loads for rural area as they will be more economic then the normal grid power system. Nano grids can operate independently or be connected to the mains and most likely the internal voltage can be utilized as ac or dc. In this research paper a small scale microgrid system is proposed for smart homes called "Nanogrid". Each houses have small electrical power system from them can be shared among houses. If it uses a DC system instead of a general AC system, it can reduce energy loss of inverter because each generator doesn’t need an inverter. Furthermore, it can continue to provide a power supply when blackout occurs in the bulk power system. A model of a nanogrid is developed to simulate the operation of the centralized power control. Finally a Simulink model is presented for small houses power range 90-285 KW. 141-145 PARAMETER ESTIMATION OF INDUCTION MOTORS BY PSO ALGORITHM Abbas Mohammadi1, Reza Tamaskani2, Seyyed Reza Mosayyebi3, Mojtaba Ajoudani4. 1 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 3,4Department of Electronics, Bandargaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bandargaz, Iran ABSTRACT— After the emergence of alternative current networks and their popularity, asynchronous motors became more widespread than other kinds of industrial motors. In order to control and run these motors efficiently, an accurate estimation of motor parameters is needed. There are different methods to obtain these parameters such as rotor locked test, no load test, DC test, analytical methods, and so on. The most common drawback of these methods is their inaccuracy in the estimation of some motor parameters. In order to remove this concern, a novel method for parameter estimation of induction motors using particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed. In the proposed method, transient state of motor is used for parameter estimation. Comparison of the simulation results pertained to the PSO algorithm with other available methods justifies the effectiveness of the proposed method. 147-153 MODULATION CLASSIFICATION USING SPECTRAL FEATURES ON FADING CHANNELS Sajjad Ahmed Ghauri1,*, I M Qureshi2, Shahid Basir3,Hassam ud Din3 1Department of Electronics Engineering, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Air Univeristy, Islamabad, Pakistan 3National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad, Pakistan email: ABSTRACT: Modulation classification plays a key role in demodulation of the received signal for extracting the required information. Modulation classification is a difficult task when there is no information about the received signal (Blind Classification) and especially in presence of multipath fading and white guassian noise. Emerging applications of automatic modulation classification (AMC) in military, civil and cognitive radio (CR) applications leads to the development of various AMC algorithms. The Automatic modulation classification can be achieved by two major approaches, Likelihood based and features based pattern classification approach. In this paper first we have analyze and discourse the merits and demerits of both categories, then we have proposed an algorithm based on spectral features of the modulated signal. The proposed classifier is Multilayer perceptron which is also referred as feed forward back propagation neural network. The channels considered throughout the simulations are additive white guassian noise (AWGN) channel, Rayleigh flat fading and Rician flat fading channel. The considered modulation formats are PAM 2 to 64, PSK 2 to 64, FSK 2 to 64 and QAM 2 to 64. The proposed algorithm will recognize the considered modulation formats with 100% success at 0dB SNR. Tables in the form of confusion matrix and graphs shows correct classification rate for considered modulation formats. 155-158 FIELD-ORIENTED CONTROL OF PERMANENT MAGNET SYNCHRONOUS MOTOR WITH OPTIMUM PROPORTIONAL-INTEGRATOR-DERIVATIVE CONTROLLER USING DYNAMIC PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM Amir Ahmadian1, Mahmood Ghanbari*2, Hasan Rastegar3 1. Department of Electrical Engineering, AliAbad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, AliAbad Katoul, Iran. 2. Young Researchers and Elite Club, AliAbad Katoul Branch, Islamic Azad University, AliAbad Katoul, Iran. 3. Department of Electrical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, P.O. Box: 15875-4413, Tehran, Iran. *Corresponding author: Mahmood Ghanbari, Email:, Fax: +98 1732158891 Abstract: In this paper, optimum design of PID controller for speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor is presented using dynamic particle swarm optimization algorithm. Controller design is achieved through a model of motor with the aid of field-oriented control with linear system. Dynamic particle swarm optimization algorithm can optimally tune the PID factors and provide an optimum controller. As a result, performance characteristics of system step response such as overshoot, rise time and settling time will reduce in PMSM and this performance improvement is investigated in MATLAB. The obtained results show optimum behavior of the proposed method comparing with Genetic Algorithm optimization of PID factors tuning for field-oriented control of PMSM. 159-165 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF SEDIMENTATION IN THE SAND TRAP CHAMBER USING NETNUS APPROACH Jawad Ahmed1, Abdul Sattar Shakir2, Muhammad Masood3 1 Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. E-mail: 2 Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering and Dean for faculty Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. E-mail: 5 Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan. E-mail: ABSTRACT: Sedimentation remains a major problem in reservoirs which not only lessens the useful life of the reservoir but also causes abrasion of turbine units; when the sediment loaded water finds its way into the power house. Sand trap is the major hydraulic structure constructed at the inlet of flow diversion structure in order to trap the sediment to alleviate the abrasion of turbine units. Role of sand trap chambers for small hydropower projects like Golen Gol Hydropower Project to exclude sediment is very significant. To analyze the efficiency of the Sand Trap Chamber in the Golen Gol Hydropower Project; NETNUS Numerical Simulation alongwith MATLAB and AutoCad Softwares was used to assess the effectiveness of the Sand Trap chamber by computing sedimentation load (tons), longitudinal sedimentation thickness (meters) and finally to propose an operational mode of operation for sediment flushing by considering two different scenarios i.e. 1) in which all three chambers in running state and 2) in which only two chambers were operated with varying sediment concentrations i.e. 0.1 kg/m3, 0.2 kg/m3,0.3 kg/m3, 0.4 kg/m3, 0.5 kg/m3 and 0.75 kg/m3 and 1 kg/m3. Results of Scenario-1 indicates that power units can safely operate for 21 days without any stoppage to flush sedimentation in the sand trap when the diversion flow carries sediment concentration of 0.1 kg/m3, but the power units have to shutdown in order to flush out the sedimentation from the sand trap chamber just after 3 days in case when the diversion flow carries sediment concentration of 1.0 kg/m3. Results of Scenario-2 indicates that power units can safely operate for one and a half day when the diversion flow carries sediment concentration of 0.1 kg/m3, but the power units have to shutdown in order to flush out the sedimentation from the sand trap chamber in less than a day, when the diversion flow carries sediment concentration of 1.0 kg/m3. 167-172 TASK SCHEDULING WITH FIREFLY ALGORITHM IN CLOUD COMPUTING Omid Jafarzadeh-Shirazi *, Gholamhosein Dastghaibyfard, Mohammad Mahdi Raja Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. *Corresponding author: e-mail:, ABSTRACT: Task scheduling problem in cloud computing has become an active research topic due to the tremendous growth in the use of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a heterogeneous system and it holds and processes large amount of complex data. Scheduling tasks efficiently can lead to better performance and more throughputs in the system. In this paper in order to minimize the cost of processing time, a firefly scheduling algorithm is proposed to schedule tasks in cloud computing environments. Firefly algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm, inspired by the flashing behavior of fireflies. We considered two costs for each task: communication and computation. A comparison is made between proposed algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm in task scheduling. Experimental results show that firefly task scheduling algorithm is more suitable to cloud computing. 173-180 STRENGTH PREDICTION OF NORMAL STRENGTH CONCRETE MADE USING LOCALLY AVAILABLE MATERIALS IN PAKISTAN BY ACCELERATED CURING Z. A. Siddiqi1, Rashid Hameed1,*, Qasim Shaukat Khan1, M. Rizwan Riaz1, Usman Akmal1 1Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan * Corresponding Author, E-mail:, cell # +92-322-3064000 ABSTRACT: Prediction of 28 days compressive strength of concrete using early age strength value is the primary objective of the experimental study reported in this paper. In most of the cases, accelerated curing method is a requisite to determine early age mechanical properties of concrete. A simplified accelerated curing method similar to boiling method as described in ASTM C 684-74 is developed and described in this paper. Concrete used in this work was made using locally available materials in Pakistan. Concrete cylinders cured by using proposed accelerated method and normal curing method were tested for compressive strength at early age (28.5h) and at 7 & 28 days of age. Based on the results obtained, 7-D and 28-D strength prediction relationships have been proposed. Testing of proposed relationships showed satisfactory results. 181-184 A TECHNOLOGICAL SURVEY OF TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES IN PAKISTAN Naveed Alam, Adil Naseem Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Technology, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan., *Corresponding Author: ABSTRACT- Communication has been a major resource to the human race by being able to transform information from one to another. Pakistan has remained as the fastest growing telecom market in Asia and now a days, there are several mobile operator provides the facilities including Zong , Telenor ,Ufone ,Mobilink , and Warid. Additionally, WLL (Wireless Local) operators are Worldcall and Telecard. Besides these operators, there are small operators which provide LL (Local Loop) on wired mediumPTCL is the largest among such operators. PTCL also provides dark fiber, multimedia services, and internet bandwidth. For internet bandwidth, Transworld is another growing operator 185-190 ROAD MAP FOR KILLER APPLICATIONS IN RESOURCE DESCRIPTION FRAMEWORK (RDF) AND TOPIC MAPS Fakhre Alam1, Sami Ur Rahman2, Shah Khusro3, Shaukat Ali4 1, 2 Department of Computer Science and IT, University of Malakand Dir (Lower), Pakistan 3, 4 Department of Computer Science University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan,,, ABSTRACT- The size of current web is increasing day-by-day at exponential rate and has created difficulties for the users to access precise and specific information. Although Information on the current web is accessible through computers but only understandable to human beings. Semantic Web is a response to this problem the idea of which was coined by the original creator of the web, Tim-Berners-Lee. This future web aims to attach metadata to web resources in a format that makes web contents machine-processable. Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Topic Maps are the two prominent standards of Semantic Web developed for machine processing of web contents. These two standards can effectively create metadata relationship among web contents. Applications are necessary to embed semantic structure in the current web in a manner to implement the vision of Semantic Web into reality. Applications based on RDF and Topic Maps can store and organize knowledge in a better way and manage large repositories in an efficient manner. Moreover, applications which never existed before, and had extraordinary functions that superseded their competitors, are called killer applications. In this paper, we are aimed to present a comprehensive survey of the available applications, determine the similarities and differences among them. We also investigated the main reason due to which RDF and Topic Maps have not come to the main stream market yet. It is concluded that a Lack of killer application is the prominent factor effecting the wide spread use of RDF and Topic Maps. 191-194 195-199 AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON LOAD MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES TO ELIMINATE USAGE OF STANDBY ENERGY SOURCES Arslan Arif, Syed Tahir Hussain Rizvi and Monica Victor Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Central Punjab Lahore, Pakistan, ABSTRACT –Electricity crisis in Pakistan is mounting day by day. From 2007 onwards, Businesses and consumers alike wonder each year if there will be enough electricity to go around. It continues throughout the year but the period of concern, referred to as times of ―peak electric load‖, is a real threat as the demand for electricity exceeds the supply. Results are blackouts, crippling businesses and household activities within a sector, city, state, and unquestionably in entire region. Load management is the process of balancing the supply of electricity on the network with the electrical load by adjusting or controlling the load rather than the power station output. This can be achieved by direct intervention of the utility in real time. This paper discusses a management plan for distribution of electricity. The idea of the research is to create such a balance in the load distribution to avoid total shutdown in any region. Power is distributed in such a way that all users can at least enjoy basic household devices in all times of the day without the use of personal energy producing (generators) and energy storing (Uninterrupted Power Supply) devices. In this paper,systematic empirical investigation of data was performed. Moreover the disadvantages of alternative energy devices are explored and alternates are identified 201-107 COST AND FEASIBILITY ESTIMATION IN AGILE PRACTICES Zia Ur Rehman1, Mahmood Ur Rehman1, Abdul Waseem1, Syed Saqlain Qaiser1, Muhammad Saleem2, 3 Adnan Asif4 1Department of Computer Science, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan 2Department of Computer Science, University of South Asia Lahore, Pakistan 3Govt. Canal High School, Haroonabad, Pakistan 4Department of Computer Science, Virtual University of Pakistan,,,,, ABSTRACT-One of the key measures of the adaptability of a wander is its ability to attain satisfaction on time and on arrangement, paying little personality to the turbulent and sketchy environment it may work inside. Cost estimation and emulating are in this way key when making a system. Cost estimation has long been a testing errand in structures change and despite the way that much examine has watched standard schedules, little is contemplated estimation in the quick framework stadium. This is surprising given that the lessening of liability and change time is the primary impulse behind the ascent of the spry technique standard. This study analyzes the substantiality of momentum estimation strategies to extra handy change approaches by focusing on four examination tries of composed procedure utilize across over different affiliations. The study uncovered that estimation slip was a less consistent occasion for these associations. The repeat, with which checks are required on spry endeavors, consistently at beginning of every one cycle, intimated that the associations found estimation easier than when widespread approaches were used. The key estimation systems used were expert data and comparability to past exercises. Different recommendations could be drawn from the investigation: estimation models are not a crucial a piece of the procedure; adjusted quality arrangements can show supportive for both designers and customers; and experience and past undertaking data should be accounted for and used to backing the estimation of following exercises. 209-213 UNICAST VIDEO STREAMING AND QUALITY ANALYSIS OVER GEOSTATIONARY SATELLITES Nisar Ahmed1, Yasir Saleem2, Muhammad Usman Younus3, Muhammad Munwar Iqbal4 1,2,3 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore 4 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Txila,,, ABSTRACT—Unicast video streaming is an important real-time application with strict requirements of throughput and temporal parameters. Geostationary satellite links play key role in IP-based services to remote region where terrestrial networks are impractical. Satellite networks effects quality of service (QoS) of video streaming significantly due to long propagation delay and lossy links. Analysis of QoS for video streaming is performed by designing link budgets using Satmaster Pro Mk9.0b and realtime measurement over C and Ku-band of Paksat-1R satellite. The QoS is analyzed by the measurable parameters of video streaming i.e. service availability, latency, jitter, packet loss ratio and throughput. Moreover, the paper will present a comparative analysis performed with various modulations, data rates forward error correction and code rates. 215-222 ELECTRICAL IMPEDANCE TOMOGRAPHY (EIT) FOR BRAIN FUNCTIONAL IMAGING S. Talha Ahsan Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Usman Institute of Technology (UIT), Hamdard University Karachi, Pakistan Tel: 9221-34978274-5 * Corresponding author email: ABSTRACT: Imaging of brain function -- to monitor either haemodynamic responses occurring over seconds or neuronal activity taking place at sub-second time-scale -- is a major application in medical tomography. In this paper, after an introduction of electrical impedance tomography (EIT), a review of the existing brain functional imaging techniques has been presented. Based upon their comparison viz-a-viz the properties of temporal & spatial resolutions, depth sensitivity and portability, it has been argued that EIT has emerged as a strong candidate technique for the application of low-cost and portable imaging of brain function. 225-230 CLOUD COMPUTING INFLUENCE ON OPERATING SYSTEM Zain Tahir, Muhammad Aslam, Mishall Fatima* Department of Computer Science, UET, Pakistan * Department of Computer Engineering, NUST Pakistan Corresponding author: ABSTRACT: In last decade internet usage has increased tremendously. Internet subsequently the Web has changed the way how people think about using computers in their daily life. This enormous shift towards the Web is made possible by many internet enable electronic gadgets which provide access virtually from anywhere to the Web. In this paper, we have studied different Web operating systems in terms of designs, architecture, and functionalities. A positive association has been found how cloud computing affects the traditional desktop operating system and shifting it to the cloud, Web, and mobile. To consolidate our arguments, we have presented case studies of different cloud operating systems like Windows Azure, Chrome OS, Eye OS, and you OS. However, cloud based operating system would be main focus in future with involvement of intelligent agents. 231-233 STUDY OF THE CARRIER TRANSPORT IN PRESENCE OF BACKSCATTERING IN InAs NANOWIRE BASED MOSFET Kaushik Mazumdar 1, Vishwanath Pratap Singh 1, Saddam Hussain 1, Aniruddha Ghosal 2 1 Department of Electronics Engineering, Indian School of Mines (I.S.M), Dhanbad-826004, India 2 Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, 92, A.P.C. Road, Kolkata-700009, India Email: ABSTRACT: The fetching of a single-flux scattering theory of the InAs nanowire based MOSFET has been presented here. The backscattering coefficient has been simulated for 1nm, 5nm and 10nm nanowire radius. The calculations are made for <100>, <110> and <111> nanowire orientations. It has been found out the value of the backscattering coefficient increased as the radius of the nanowire is increased from 1nm to 10nm but the spacing between <100>, <110> and <111> nanowire orientations decreased. The drain current IDsat-(VGS-VT) characteristics of InAs ballistic nanowire (5nm radius) has summarized in detail. The drain current IDsat versus electric field (V/m) characteristics of nonballistic InAs nanowire (5nm radius) MOSFET transistor for different orientations are also cited. 235-241 AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF FORCED CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER CHARACTERISTIC OF GOLD WATER NANOFLUID IN LAMINAR FLOW. Rabia Sabir1, Naveed Ramzan1 *Asim Umer2 and Hina Muryam2 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, University of Engineering and Technology, Multan, Pakistan,, *, ABSTRACT:: Nanofluids (suspensions of nanosize metallic particles in fluid) are center of interest in heat transfer enhancement research but inconsistency reports in mechanism and extent of heat transfer enhancements limits their practical applications. This work is concerned with experimental analysis of convective heat transfer enhancement of gold/water nanofluid in laminar flow under constant heat flux condition. Nanofluid of different concentrations was prepared by one step laser ablation method. Results showed enhancement in heat transfer coefficient up to 8%, 15% and 23% with 0.00015, 0.00045 and 0.000667 volume fraction of nanoparticles simultaneously. Heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number also increases by increasing concentration and Reynolds’s number and well known shah correlations failed to predict that much enhancement. Possible heat enhancement mechanisms are also discussed such as particle migration, Brownian motion, high effective thermal conductivity and enhanced thermal entry length region 243-246 LUNG CARCINOMA TYPES, GENDER AND ITS CHANGING TREND IN THE PUNJAB, 2008-2012. Rubab .Z. Kahlon1*, Ibtisam Butt 2, Samina .T. Azeemi3, Naveed Akbar 4 1*, 2 Department of Geography, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan. 3 Department of Physics, Govt. College Wapda Town, Lahore, Pakistan. GlaxoSmithKline, Dubai UAE. 1* Corresponding Author. Email: ABSTRACT: Lung carcinoma is the foremost cause of both morbidity and mortality in the world with an expected growth rate of 1.67 million each year. Purpose of the present study was to observe the prevalence of different lung cancer types in both genders and to observe their varying trends with time. It is a retrospective analytical study from 2008 to 2012. Total 1498 patients were analyzed for this research. Cases only from the Punjab province were included in the present study. Data was analyzed in SPSS version 15.0 and the tests applied for analysis were Paired Samples T- Test and One Samples T- Test. Squamous Cell was found in 26.08% of cases. The overall male to female ratio was 34.33:7. Squamous Cell Carcinoma prevalence increased from17.5727% while the Adenocarcinoma increased from 10-15.3%. Non- Small Cell type showed decrease from 28-11.3%. Increased in the prevalence of Squamous Cell Carcinoma was found in both male and females. While as, the changes in the prevalence of Large Cell Carcinoma were found only in male. In our region, Squamous cell carcinoma was the most widespread variant of lung cancer followed by the small cell carcinoma. Male to female ratio across the various histological patterns did not show important variation. Increase prevalence in squamous cell carcinoma was statistically significant in both genders, but in the case of adenocarcinoma change in its prevalence was only significant in females. 247-250 TREATMENT OF SINGULIRITY USING A POST PROCESSING TECHNIQUE APPLIED TO THE SOLUTION OF AN ELLIPTIC BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM A.Riffat1, N.A.Shahid1, *M.F.Tabassum2, A. Sana1, S.Nazir3 1 Department of Mathematics, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan. 2 CE Department, University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan. 3 Department of Mathematics, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. * Corresponding Author: , +92-321-4280420 Abstract: In this paper, a post processing technique is developed to improve the accuracy of the approximation around the corner of an elliptic boundary by determining the coefficients in the known locally convergent expansion. It is used to remove the singularity present at the reentrant corners of the T-shaped region. The reentrant corners singularities which are treated by a post processing technique also makes use of the asymptotic behavior of the solution at the singular points. 251-257 IMPLEMENTATION OF NANOGRIDS FOR FUTURE POWER SYSTEM Manzar Ahmed1, Uzma Amin2 , Suhail Aftab Qureshi3 and Zaki Ahmed4 1 Electrical Engineering Department, University of South Asia 0333-2372620, 2 Electrical Engineering Department, University of South Asia 0333-4398244, 3 Electrical Engineering Department, Imperial University 0300-8477057, 4 Electrical Engineering Department, COMSATS, Lahore 0300-8843041, ABSTRACT: Microgrid is a new technology in power generation and this system is used to provide power and heat to its local area, such as cogeneration systems and renewable energy (wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, etc.). They are preferred for medium or high power applications. Nanogrid most likely to be used in small local loads for rural area as they will be more economic then the normal grid power system. Nano grids can operate independently or be connected to the mains and most likely the internal voltage can be utilized as ac or dc. In this research paper a small scale microgrid system is proposed for smart homes called "Nanogrid". Each houses have small electrical power system from them can be shared among houses. If it uses a DC system instead of a general AC system, it can reduce energy loss of inverter because each generator doesn’t need an inverter. Furthermore, it can continue to provide a power supply when blackout occurs in the bulk power system. A model of a nanogrid is developed to simulate the operation of the centralized power control. Finally a Simulink model is presented for small houses power range 90-285 KW. 259-264 BAYESIAN ESTIMATION FOR PARAMETERS OF THE WEIBULL DISTRIBUTION Muhammad Aslam1, Syed Mohsin Ali Kazmi2, Ishfaq Ahmad3 Email: 1Department of Basic Sciences, Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad, Pakistan. 3 Department of mathematics and statistics, International Islamic University, Islamabad. ABSTRACT: In this paper, the two unknown parametric Weibull distribution is considered for Bayesian analysis. The properties of Bayes estimators of the parameters are studied under different loss functions. A comprehensive simulation scheme is conducted using non-informative and informative priors. The loss functions and priors are compared for both shape and scale parameters through the posterior risks. 265-289 SYNTHESIS OF PRECIPITATED SILICA FROM CORN COB BY USING ORGANIC ACIDS Mahwish Saleem1,*, Masooma Rustam1, Hassan Javed Naqvi1, Sidra Jabeen1, Amna Akhtar2 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan * E-mail of the corresponding author: ABSTRACT: In the present study, precipitated silica was synthesized from the corn cob by using organic acids. Corn cob ash (CCA) was produced by soaking corn cobs in three different organic acids i.e., citric acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid and combined solution of (50 % of each) citric acid and acetic acid. Organic acids were used to adjust the quality of the raw material and helped to dealuminate the corn cob ash before the extraction of precipitated silica. CCA was mixed with alkali solution to produce sodium silicate solution and precipitated silica was produced by the neutralization of sodium silicate solution. Corn cobs soaked in citric acid produced the maximum amount of the sodium silicate solution and precipitated silica i.e., 39.43 % and 35.3 % by weight respectively. Sodium oxide (Na2O) content and silica (SiO2) content in the sodium silicate solution were also determined. Extracted precipitated silica particles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), X-Ray diffraction and Optical microscopy techniques. 271-274 A NEW CHOKE CORRELATION TO PREDICT LIQUID FLOW RATE Sina Bairamzadeh a, Ehsan Ghanaatpisheh b* a Pars Petro Zagros Engineering & Services Co., Tehran, Iran b Iranian Central Oil Fields (South Zagros Oil and Gas Production Co.), Shiraz, Fars, Iran * Corresponding author email: ABSTRACT: Flow rate prediction is of prime importance for effectively managing and maintaining well productivity. Optimum flow rate prediction can prevent water/gas coning, sand entry, surface equipment problems and avoid formation damage due to imposing of excessive drawdown to reservoir. One of the most common wasy to achieve these goals is by controlling flow rate using wellhead chokes. The aim of this paper is to develop a new empirical Gilbert type correlation which is a function of flowing wellhead pressure, gas-liquid ratio and wellhead choke size. To achieve this, data from 1300 experimental production tests under multi-phase critical flow conditions from 120 Iranian offshore oil wells were used in a non-linear regression analysis. According to our results, predicted oil flow rates from new correlation are in excellent agreement with the observed data. Our results are also more accurate compared to those obtained from conventional methods. Furthermore, the accuracy of the proposed correlation was validated by cross plotting of synthetic and field data. The new correlation has an average relative deviation (ARD) of -0.18% and average absolute deviation (AAD) of 20.73%. The dataset covers a wide range of choke sizes (12/64 to 92/64 inches) and PVT parameters. Therefore, it is applicable in many Middle Eastern offshore oil wells mounted on satellite platforms where difficulties arise while performing productivity tests. 275-286 CASI METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE USABILITY OF IDS Saad Masood Butt Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang Mazlina Abdul Majid Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang Suziyanti Marjudi Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology Universiti Selangor (UNISEL), Malaysia Shahid Masood Butt Department of Management Sciences Hamdard University, Islamabad Campus Islamabad, Pakistan Azura Onn Department of Management and Human Resource Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia Moaz Masood Butt Computer and Software Engineering Department Bahria University Islamabad, Pakistan ABSTRACT: Usability evaluation methods have gained a sbstantial attention in networks particularly in Intrusion Detection System (IDS) as these evaluation methods are envisioned to achieve usability and define usability defects for a large number of practical software’s. Despite a good number of available survey and methods on usability evaluation, we feel that there is a gap in existing literature in terms of usability evaluation methods, IDS interfaces and following usability guidelines in IDS development. This paper reviews the state of the art for improving usability of networks that illustrates the issues and challenges in the context of design matters. Further, we propose the taxonomy of key issues in evaluation methods and usability problems. We also define design heuristics for IDS users and interfaces that improves detection of usability defects and interface usability compared to conventional evaluation heuristics. The similarities and differences of usability evaluation methods and usability problems are summarized on the basis of usability factors, current evaluation methods and interfaces loopholes. 287-292 POISSON NOISE REMOVAL USING WAVELET TRANSFORMS 1 2 3 4 5 Shahzad Khursheed , Amir A Khaliq , Suheel A Malik ,Jawad A Shah , Sheroz Khan 1,2,3,4 Department of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering &Technology, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan 5 Visting Faculty, from Dept. of ECE, International Islamic University Malaysia 1 2 3 4,,,, 5 ABSTRACT: Medical images play a vital role in diagnosing different diseases. During acquisition process image acquired by diverse imaging modalities may get worse by different types of noises. Poisson noise is one of the complicated noises, which is very difficult from de-noising point of view. For de-noising medical images different techniques are used, wavelet transform is one of them. In this work discrete wavelet transforms are used for Poisson noise removal using modified thresholding function on general images as well as X-Rays, PET and SPECT images. Results of wavelet-modified filters are compared to other conventional filters in terms of correlation, Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), mean structural similarity index measure (MSSIM). 293-299 EVALUATION OF SEISMIC SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS OF NON-ENGINEERED HOUSES IN PAKISTAN *Tahir Saleem1, Tauqir Ahmed2, Nauman Khurram2, M. Irfan3, Usman Akmal2 1 Provinicial Buildings, Communication and Works Department, Govt. of Punjab, Pakistan 2 Civil Engineering Department, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan 3 Civil Engineering Department, University of Tokyo, Japan *Corresponding Author: email: Cell: +92 333 6165759 ABSTRACT: Evaluation of seismic safety of houses in Pakistan considering the modified seismicity of the region after 2005 Kashmir earthquake is an important question in deciding the future seismic mitigation strategies. But there is no right answer because a large number of uncertainties and complexities are involved in accessing the affect of ground motions on structures. Here, we worked to answer the questions which are of core importance in deciding the future seismic mitigation strategies. The work is discretized in five parts as follows. First; Assessment of percentage of seismically vulnerable houses in Pakistan, second; Evaluation of modification in construction after 2005 Kashmir earthquake, third; Evaluation of expected damage if same earthquake occurs again and importance of work out a plan to enhance seismic safety of houses against such events, fourth; Evaluation of important factors to be considered while proposing procedures to enhance seismic safety of houses, Fifth; Comparison of different sources to convey useful information about seismic safety of houses in general public. Owing to complexities and uncertainties, it is difficult to answer aforementioned queries. Therefore, we used an indirect approach and contacted 100 (qualified) professionals and researchers and asked their opinions and observations. After analyzing their responses the findings are summarized. The results of this study show that more than 75% of houses in Pakistan are seismically vulnerable. The study also reveals that construction practices in Pakistan are either unimproved or slightly enhanced as compared to the construction practices before 2005 Kashmir earthquake and a massive devastation is expected if a similar earthquake strikes again in Pakistan. The results of this study are useful to decide the future seismic mitigation strategies. 301-305 FACE RECOGNITION TECHNIQUES AND APPROACHES: A SURVEY Muhammad Naeem, Imran Qureshi and Faisal Azam Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cant, Pakistan,, ABSTRACT: Face recognition is a necessity of the modern age as the need for identification of individual has increased with the globalization of the world. Personal authentication through face has been under research since last two decades. The performance of the face recognition system has been enhanced using various algorithms. A generic facial authentication method contains three major steps i.e. face detection, facial features segmentation and face recognition. There are many commonly used algorithms used for this purpose. This paper provides an overview of different face recognition approaches. These approaches are categorized into four classes in this paper. These are holistic based approach, model based approach, hybrid based approach and feature based approach. Various techniques introduced in each of these categories are discussed. 307-310 FACIAL FEATURE DETECTION AND RECOGNITION FOR VARYING POSES Muhammad Sharif, Jamal Husain Shah, Mudassar Raza Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cantt-Pakistan,,, ABSTRACT: In this paper a new technique of facial feature detection for face recognition is proposed which can also be helpful for pose variation. It is hybrid facial feature detection technique. Key feature of this proposed technique is vertical and horizontal segmentations and then applying the template matching technique. After template matching, the face features are calculated in numerical or in hashed form. At the end the face is searched on the basis of calculated hash values. 311-315 POSSIBLE PRODUCTION OF SODIUM ALGINATE FROM NATURALLY GROWN BROWN ALGAE IN PAKISTAN K. Javed1, *Asim Umer2, N. Ramzan3, S. H. Javed4 and M. Imran5 1 Sharif College of Engineering & Technology, Raiwind Road, Lahore. 2,3,4 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore {*,, } 5 College of Science and Technology, Model Town, Lahore. ABSTRACT: Sodium alginate is one of the important chemical uses in the reactive printing of fabric. Pakistan is also a big consumer of sodium alginate and more than 2500 MT import in a year. Brown algae are the basic raw material for the production of sodium alginate. China is the largest seaweed producing country and exporting its derivative. From last decay the consumption of seaweed in food sector is rapidly increasing year by year and the shortage have to face to the alginate industry which lift up the price of sodium alginate. From the start of February to the end of the July the pieces of naturally grown seaweed comes on seashore. To estimate the quantity of naturally grown brown algae, a region is selected from the Manora beach to the Hawks bay (AbdurRehman Goath) on the coastal area of Karachi. A method developed to estimate the quantity and then scale up the data for whole season. Sargassum, Laminaria, Oyster thief and Lessonia are the types of brown algae abundantly available on seashore of Karachi. Area under observation starts from Manora Beach to Abdulrehman Goath (Hawks Bay). The amount of the naturally grown algae is seriously depends on the weather condition, tides and lowers, sea level and daytime. From survey the total amount of brown algae can be collected in a season is more than 3500 MT. More than 25 percent demand of sodium alginate can be fulfilled by utilizing natural source and also decrease the import volume. The price of the sodium alginate can be managed by minimizing the import. 317-318 PULSED VOLTAMMETRY OF 2-[3,5-BIS(1,1-DIMETHYLETHYL)-4-OXO-2,5-CYCLOHEXADIEN-1YLIDENE]ACETONITRILE *Inam-ul-Haquea Department of Chemistry, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore 54890 Pakistan a Present address: J-263 Phase-I Defence Housing Authority Walton Cantonment Lahore 54792 Pakistan *e-mail: ABSTRACT: Simulation of differential pulse voltammogram of 2-[3,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-oxo-2,5-cyclohexadien-1ylidene]acetonitrile was attempted using diagnostic criteria for dimerization following its electrochemical reduction at platinum cathode in acetonitrile. 319-323 APPLICATION OF PANI/Al2O3 COMPOSITE TOWARDS THE REMOVAL OF TARTRAZINE DYE FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION Zahoor Ahmed1, 3, Syeda Rubina Gilani3, Ammara Nazir1, 2,*Malik Naveed1, 2, Mehran Khan Wajid2, Madiha Ahmed1 and Yasra Naseer1 1 Department of Chemistry, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan 2 Institute of Chemistry, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan 3 University of Engineering and Technology Lahore, Pakistan Corresponding Author address: Cell # +92313-6445436 ABSTRACT: Polyaniline/Al2O3 composite was prepared via chemical polymerization aniline in aqueous media containing suspended Al2O3 particles. Prepared composite used as adsorbent for the removal of tartrazine dye from aqueous solution. Different factors like agitation time, initial concentration of dye, dose of adsorbent, pH of solution and temperature, affecting the removal efficiency of adsorbent, were investigated. From experimental data it was appeared that up to 99% removal of the dye was occurred within contact time of 15 minutes. The ideal pH and temperature for the maximum removal of dye from aqueous solution was 2-4 and 70-80 oC respectively. Kinetic study of adsorption process was well described by pseudo-second order model. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm were well fitted with experimental data. Nature of adsorption process was investigated through thermodynamics study. Positive value for ΔH0indicates the endothermic process of adsorption. 325-328 DETERMINATION OF CORRELATION BETWEEN SERUM GLUCOSE LEVEL AND SERUM GLUTAMIC OXALOACETIC TRANSAMINASE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS OF DIFFERENT DISEASES Zia ullah khokhar1, *Asra yaqoob1, Khalid Mehmood1, Muhammad Imran2 Javed Tanveer Butt4, Sheikh Asrar Ahmad3 1 Department of Chemistry, Govt. Post Graduate Islamia College, Gujranwala, Pakistan 2 Department of Zoology, Post Graduate Islamia College, Gujranwala, Pakistan 3 Division of Science and Technology, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan 4 DHQ Hospital, Gujranwala, Pakistan *Corresponding author:; Cell No. +923007432748 ABSTRATCT:- This study was conducted to investigate relationship of abnormalities of serum glucose level (SGL) and serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) activity in patients of Gujranwala District Pakistan. SGL and SGOT activity were determined using Selactra E method. 120 patients of different diseases, age groups, areas, and gender were screened for control and abnormal values of SGL and SGOT activity respectively. It was found that, percentage of male patients (60%) was significantly higher than that of female patients (40%) who visited the public hospital. Study also showed that 62% and 38 % patients were belonging to urban and rural area, respectively. 29%, 46% and 25% of the total patients were 10-30, 31-50 and above 50 year old respectively while average ages were 23±5.34, 36.5±6.08, 57.8±4.67 years respectively. 19 male and 18 female patients had abnormal value of SGL and 20 male and 32 female patients had abnormal value of SGOT activity, separately. Data also showed 13 patients who were 11% of the total, were abnormal with respect to both SGL and SGOT activity. Increased SGL and SGOT activity revealed a biochemical relation between them 329-332 SURFACE ACTIVATION OF FULLER’S EARTH (BENTONITE CLAY) USING ORGANIC ACIDS Atif Khan, Syed Hassan Javed Naqvi, Mohsin Ali Kazmi, Zohaib Ashraf Department of Chemical Engineering University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Corresponding Author’s email: ABSTRACT: Specific properties of bentonite clay have made them a valuable material in different process industries. Easy availability, low price and their effectiveness are the major factors which made fuller’s earth, an adsorbent in cooking oil manufacturing industry. Textural characteristics of fuller’s earth play an important role in its performance. These characteristics can be modified by treatment with organic acids, which is the safest method for enhancing the properties of fuller’s earth. Major motivation of this research is to increase the adsorption capacity of fuller’s earth by modification in its properties by organic acid treatment. Organic acid treatment assures the safety of equipment and safety of the labor as well. Four organic acids are used which are recommended best for activation. These acids are acetic acid, phosphoric acid, citric acid and oxalic acid. Clay is treated with all of these four acids and the acid which generates more active sites in clay is the best recommended acid for activation. 333-341 DNA AND BIOINFORMATICS: A REVIEW OF DIFFERENT ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS Shafique Ahmed1, Bilal Ahmad2, Idrees Ahmed Nasir1, Muhammad Arshad2, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan3 1 Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), Lahore 2 Department of Bioinformatics and Biotechnology, International Islamic University, Islamabad 3 Department of Pathology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore ABSTRACT: Bioinformatics is becoming more and more popular in biology and biotechnology community. Applications of bioinformatics in amplification of DNA by PCR, predicting the correct boundaries of a gene by gene homology or prediction method, and for post sequencing steps in DNA studies like DNA mapping and assembly to construct a complete genome with repetition or missing the sequences, promoter analysis to check the expression level of a gene by analyzing TFBS, evolutionary analysis by phylogeny reconstruction, different genetic markers selection and their use in forensic science are the most popular and useful in DNA studies and research. In this review paper, applications of above mentioned bioinformatics application in DNA studies, online availability and efficiency of computational algorithms in the bioinformatics and reliability of bioinformatics’ tool is considered. 343-346 EFFECT OF BOTANICAL EXTRACT AGAINST MANGO MEALY BUG DROSICHA MANGIFERAE (GREEN) Abdul Ghani Lanjar*, Maqsood Anwar Rustamani*, Abdul Waheed Solangi*, and Sajjad Ali khuhro* *Department of Entomology, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam Corresponding Author: Abdul Waheed Solangi ABSTRACT: To examine the effect of botanical extracts against mango mealy bug, Drosicha mangiferae (Green) the experiment was carried out in mango orchard at Kamaro Sharif near Tando Allahyar, Sindh during 2013. Two methods of spraying were carried out; five treatments with three replications were laid out. For this purpose, the plants in the orchard were bifurcated in to two groups. Method (1) the plants were sprayed before complete settlement of all 1 st instars of mango mealy bug on the plant panicles during their upward movement from soil to mango plants; method (2) the plants were sprayed after complete settlement of all 1st instars on the plant panicles. Result revealed that the spraying mango plant after complete settlement of all 1st instars of mango mealy bug was more effective than spraying the plants during settlement of 1st instars of mango mealy bug. In both methods of spraying neem leaf extracts had significantly reduced (P<0.01) mealy bug population (~ 78.10%) followed by eucalyptus (~ 71.05%), Dhatura (~ 63.30%) and Akk (~ 58.43%). It is concluded that application of neem extract after settlement of mealy bug population onto plant panicle was the most effective method to control mealy bug population on mango trees. 347-348 FLORAL ACTIVITY TIME PERIOD OF POLIINATORS ON SAFFLOWER Carthamus tinctorius L. Aslam Bukero*, Abdul Ghani Lanjar*, Mehar ul Nisa Rais***, Gulzar Ali Thebo*, Shahzad Ali Nahyoon*, and Nabeel Ahmed Waraich ** *Department of Entomology, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam **Department of Plant Protection, SAU, Tandojam ***Department of Agri. Economics, SAU, Tandojam Corresponding Author: Abdul Waheed Solangi Phone #: 033313828554 ABSTRACT: Investigations were carried out on the floral activity period of pollinators at experimental plot in the Faculty of Crop Protection, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, Pakistan. There were six different activities time periods of pollinators at two hours interval were observed from 7a.m. to 5.p.m. Approximately three different species of pollinators were identified comprising two Bees and one Syrphid fly. The result showed that the peak activity time period was observed at In bees, A. dorsata (0.47 ± 0.04/plant) followed by M. perihirta (0.11 ± 0.01/plant). Similarly, the population of Syrhid fly, E. baltaetus (0.01 ± 0.003/plant; 0.01 ± 0.004/ plant) was observed during 9 a.m. and 7 a.m. respectively. The results further revealed that the lowest activity was observed at 11.a.m. in bees, A. dorsata (0.15 ± 0.02/plant) followed by M. perihirta (0.04 ± 0.005/plant) and Syrphid fly, E. baltaetus (0.005 ± 0.002/plant). The results further indicate that the floral visit of A. dorsata and Syrphid fly, E. baltaetus were zero after noon. However, the bee, M. perihirta remained on flower throughout the day. The temperature have negative and humidity have positive correlation with floral activity of pollinators at different visiting times. 349-352 ANALYSIS OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS OF RURAL WOMEN INVOLVED IN AGRICULTURE IN THE PERIPHERAL AREAS OF TALUKA HYDERABAD Mehar ul NissaRais*, Abdul Waheed Solangi**, Abdul Ghani Lanjar** Shah Naz Pathan***Satram Das**, and Sabit Ali Baloch** *Department of Agricultural Economics, SAU, Tandojam **Department of Entomology, SAU, Tandojam ***Department of Plant Protection, SAU, Tandojam Corresponding author: Mehar ul Nissa Rais, Email: ABSTRACT: The Present research study was conducted to determine the socio-economic factors and participation of rural women in agricultural activities in 2013-2014. Six union council of taluka Hydarabad (rural) were randomly selected for study purpose. Twenty samples from each union council (a total sample size of 120 respondents) were interrogated. The result indicated that average family size was 13.61±5.51 members from which (60%) of the respondents had joint family system. Majority (61%) of the respondents had small land holdings (below 15 acres), and (45.3%) of the respondents were tenants. Further it was found that (55%) of the respondents had income below 120,000 per annum. The study also revealed that (80%) had agriculture as a primary source of income and (65%) of the women contributing in household’s expenditure. Most of the women strongly participated in almost all agricultural activities, from seed sowing to harvesting, thinning, weeding, and hoeing of various crops i.e. vegetables (92%), wheat (85%), cotton (93%), and rice (83%) respectively, and also found engaged in post- harvest activities such as Gurr making (40%), Picking & packaging of fruits (70%),and collection of farm yard manure (88.3%). 353-358 DETERMINATION OF VANADIUM (V) REMOVAL EFFICIENCY FROM AQEOUSE SOLUTION BY USING OF EGGSHELL Ramezan Ali Bolboli, *Nader Nabhani, Mohsen Motavassel, Naghi Jadidi Abadan Faculty of Petroleum Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Abadan, Iran *Corresponding author: ( ABSTRACT: Vanadium, which is a highly toxic metal, has widespread industrial applications; hence, larger quantities of vanadium are discharged into the aquatic environments. In this study the ability of low-cost adsorbent of eggshell was examined and affecting factors such as: initial solution pH, adsorbent dosage, initial concentration vanadium (V) and particle size of adsorbent (Eggshell) was investigated. The experiments were designed based on response surface methodology in central composite design space by using Design of Expert software. Adsorption was studied in a batch system where adsorption was found to be pH dependent with maximum removal efficiency at 2.29. The removal efficiency of vanadium (V) decreased by increasing of initial solution pH, initial vanadium (V) concentration and particle size of adsorbent, but this efficiency increased with increasing of eggshell dosage. The experimental data was more satisfactorily fitted with Langmuir isotherm model with correlation coefficient of R2=0.9912. The kinetics and the factor controlling adsorption process fully accepted by pseudo-secondorder model were also discussed. The maximum adsorption capacity of vanadium (V) on to the powdered Eggshell was found to be 3.056 mg/g. 359-364 EVALUATION OF RECHARGE BEHAVIOUR THROUH DIFFERENT WATER BALANCE APPROACHES IN CANAL COMMAND Munir Ahmed Mangrio*, Riaz Ali Buriro** Irfan Ahmed Shaikh***, Niamatullah Leghari**** Mushtaq Ahmed Issani*, M.A. Talpur * and Rajesk Kumar Soothar* *Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam **Department of Statistics, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam ***University of Putra Malaysia ****Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam Corresponding Author: Munir Ahmed Mangrio, Email: ABSTRACT: The knowledge of groundwater resources is essential for proper planning and management of an irrigated area. This requires recharge estimation through reliable and easy method. Thus, an attempt was made to evaluate different approaches used for recharge estimation viz. Inflow and out flow approach, change in watertable depth approach and a computer model (Surfer) approach. The results from three approaches indicate that ground water was recharged in November, December and February and discharged in months of January and March of Rabi season. The difference in values of recharge based different approaches, depending upon the nature of method was observed with similar trend throughout season. Volume of water through canal water supplies to the fields was 22.44 against 17.71 million m 3 of the crop demand plus ETa of non cultivated area was the considerable margin to increase the recharge in the area. To keep the water balance at required level, adverse impacts of inflow factors ( excess irrigation, seepage losses from irrigation and drainage system) have to be minimized to reduce 26% extra water to be recharged. Evaluation of three approaches indicated that the watertable fluctuation method is easy and reliable method for monitoring the water balance as well as the recharge behavior in the canal command. 365-369 A 2D NUMERICAL SIMULATION FOR NUCLEATION IN FLOW BOILING IN MICROCHANNEL HEAT SINK Ahmed Jassim Shkarah 1, 2 , Mohd Yusoff Bin Sulaiman 1, Md Razali bin Hj Ayob 1 1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Melaka, 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Thi-Qar University, 64001 Nassiriya, Iraq Email : 1.ABSTRACT: A numerical analytical system is suggested to entice bubble nucleation for the concept of flow boiling heat transfer in microchannels heat sink. In the microchannel using empirical theoretical correlations, flow boiling properties, bubble departure frequency, bubble growing time, waiting time and bubble departure diameter are devised and volume of fluid procedure is utilized to incite two phase flow and to track bubbles motion as well. 371-376 EVALUATING FARMERS PERCEPTIONS AND TECHNICAL APPROACH REGARDING GROUND WATER EXTRACTION IN LOWER SINDH Munir Ahmed Mangrio*, Muhammad Saffar Mirjat*,Niamatullah Leghari** Riaz Ali Buriro***, M.A. Talpur* Irfan Ahmed Shaikh**** and Muhammad Uris Mirjat* *Department of Irrigation and and Drainage, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam **Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam ***Department of Statistics, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam ****University of Putra Malaysia Corresponding Author: Munir Ahmed Mangrio, Email: ABSTRACT: The study aims to evaluate the farmers’ perception and technical approach in groundwater extraction. The information obtained and analyzed was based on questionnaire survey and some physical field measurements of discharge and water quality of tubewells. Tubewells were used to supplement the irrigation. In the study area most of tubewells were installed during 2000 to 2010. The intensity of tubewells in tail reaches were observed higher than middle and head reaches of secondary canals. More than 87.5% farmers have exclusive ownership and rests 12.5% have joint ownership of the wells. The main source of power for the well operation is electric (70%) with capacity ranged from 10 to 50 HP, whereas 27.5% well are operated by diesel engine with an average of 20 HP. Only 2.5% tubewells operates through tractor engine. The average life of a tubewell was reported as 10 to 35 years. The depth of tube well ranged from 25 to 105 meters with mostly 15cm suction size and 12.5 cm delivery size. The data further depicts that 45% farmers decide the type, depth and diameter of pipe, number of strainers and horizontal distance between strainers with their own, while 33% farmers decide these parameters with advice of mechanics. The overall average fuel consumption of diesel operated wells ranged from 2 to 5 liter per hour. The average time spent to irrigate one acre by a ―well only‖ was 1 to 3 hours, whereas by conjunctive use with canal water it takes 20 minutes to 1.5 hours. Farmers manage problem of poor quality water by conjunctive use of canal and tubewell water or by using gypsum. Further through interviews it was observed that majority of farmers didn’t know about the fresh water lenses underlain by marginal to brackish groundwater layers. 377-382 EVALUATION OF RECHARGE BEHAVIOUR THROUH DIFFERENT WATER BALANCE APPROACHES IN CANAL COMMAND Munir Ahmed Mangrio*, Riaz Ali Buriro** Irfan Ahmed Shaikh***, Niamatullah Leghari**** Mushtaq Ahmed Issani*, M.A. Talpur * and Rajesk Kumar Soothar* *Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam **Department of Statistics, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam ***University of Putra Malaysia ****Department of Farm Power and Machinery, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam Corresponding Author: Munir Ahmed Mangrio, Email: ABSTRACT: The knowledge of groundwater resources is essential for proper planning and management of an irrigated area. This requires recharge estimation through reliable and easy method. Thus, an attempt was made to evaluate different approaches used for recharge estimation viz. Inflow and out flow approach, change in watertable depth approach and a computer model (Surfer) approach. The results from three approaches indicate that ground water was recharged in November, December and February and discharged in months of January and March of Rabi season. The difference in values of recharge based different approaches, depending upon the nature of method was observed with similar trend throughout season. Volume of water through canal water supplies to the fields was 22.44 against 17.71 million m 3 of the crop demand plus ETa of non cultivated area was the considerable margin to increase the recharge in the area. To keep the water balance at required level, adverse impacts of inflow factors ( excess irrigation, seepage losses from irrigation and drainage system) have to be minimized to reduce 26% extra water to be recharged. Evaluation of three approaches indicated that the watertable fluctuation method is easy and reliable method for monitoring the water balance as well as the recharge behavior in the canal command. 383-388 GENERALIZED EXPONENTIAL TYPE REGRESSION ESTIMATOR BY USING TWO AUXILIARY INFORMATION Naureen Riaz1, M.F. Tabassum2*, Muhammad Hanif3,Noor ul Amin4, A.Sana1 1 Department of Statistics, Lahore Garrison University (LGU), Lahore, Pakistan. 2 CE Department, University of South Asia (USA), Lahore, Pakistan. 3 Department of Statistics, NCBA & E, Lahore, Pakistan. 4 Department of Statistics, COMSAT, Lahore. * Corresponding Author:, +92 321 4280420 ABSTRACT: In this paper, generalized exponential type regression estimators under simple random sampling without replacement has been proposed for estimating the finite population mean of study variable by using two auxiliary information in single phase sampling. The mean square error of proposed estimator is obtained up to first order approximation and bias expressions have been derived up to second order approximation. Under the theoretical condition proposed estimators are better than some existing estimators. An empirical study has been derived to demonstrate the efficiency of proposed estimators. 389-394 SOLUTION OF AN ELLIPTIC PROBLEM IN T-SHAPED GEOMETRY USING SPECTRAL DOMAIN DECOMPOSITION METHOD A.Riffat1, N.A.Shahid1, M.F.Tabassum2*, S.Nazir3 A. Sana1 1 Department of Mathematics, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan. 2 Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. 3 Department of Mathematics, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. * Corresponding Author:, +92-321-4280420 Abstract: In this paper, solution of an elliptic problem defined in a T-shaped region, using a numerical scheme is discussed. The numerical scheme like Spectral Element Method (SEM) with domain decomposition technique is used to determine the expansion coefficient by matching the solution and its derivatives across the boundaries of the region. The domain is divided into semiinfinite and finite rectangular elements and the solution in each element is expressed in terms of the eigen functions of the differential operator with appropriate matching condition imposed across element boundaries. The effectiveness of the Eigen function expansion in achieving exponential convergence has been confirmed by using Galerkin formulation of the matching condition to determine the unknown coefficients. 395-398 SOLUTION OF WAR PLANNING PROBLEM USING DERIVATIVE FREE METHODS M.F.Tabassum1*, M.Saeed1 , Nazir Ahmad2, A.Sana3, Naureen Riaz3 1 Department of Mathematics, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. 2 Department of Mathematics, Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Pakistan. 3 Department of Mathematics, Lahore Garrison University, Lahore, Pakistan. * Corresponding Author:, +92-321-4280420 Abstract: The focus of this research is to formulate optimization model of war planning problem along with fuel supply and availability of aircrafts constraints. The derivative free methods are used for the optimization of Deterministic problems. These methods are basically designed for unconstrained optimization problems. In formulated optimization war planning problems the constraints are handled by using exterior penalty functions. The results of the war planning optimization model are obtained by using MATLAB which demonstrate the effectiveness, applicability and comparison of these derivative free methods. 399-402 DETECTION OF EXTENDED SPECTRUM BETA LACTAMASES PRODUCING MRSA FROM HOSPITAL WASTE WATER IN LAHORE Sumbal Sarwar1, Komal Saleem1, Warda Fatima1*, Anjum Nasim Sabri1 1 Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan Corresponding Author: Warda Fatima E. mail: ABSTRACT: Staphylococcus aureus is one of the major sources of nosocomial infections in humans. Its increasing resistance to different antibiotics and ubiquitous presence is important cause of spreading infections. Methicillin is modified β lactam antibiotic used to cure infections by this organism but due to presence of mecA gene in plasmid, S. aureus has developed resistance to methicillin. Treatment of methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is difficult and can be done by vancomycins. Extended spectrum β lactamases also pose difficulty in treatment by different drugs as they are also resistant to a number of antibiotics. In this study, the waste water from a public sector hospital was taken and was checked for the presence of S. aureus. A number of antibiotics including third generation cephalosporins and methicillin were used to find out bacterial sensitivity to these drugs and one of the strains was found to be resistant to methicillin as well as cephalosporins showing that ESBLs producing MRSA can be found in waste waters. These can cause spread of resistant bacteria and complex diseases. So it is necessary that hospital wastes should be checked for the presence of pathogenic bacteria and proper eradication of infectious material should be done before disposal. 403-406 PROTECTION OF DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER USING ARDUINO PLATFORM Adil Naseem, Naveed Alam Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Technology, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan. *, *Corresponding Author: ABSTRACT-The aim of the research paper is to protect the distribution transformer from dysfunctional due to the overloading currents, high voltage spikes and over-heating of transformers oil. . Distribution transformer is a key component for electrical energy transfer in power systems. So, appropriate protection of transformer is essential for continuity of electric power supply. In this research paper, protection scheme is implemented using Ardunio Microcontroller that is very high speed and cost effective device with enhanced accuracy. Microcontroller sense the current of load and temperature of transformer continuously. As the value of current and voltages increases from pre-set values, protection scheme operates and trips the load. Likewise, as the temperature increases to a set value, a fan would be turned on for cooling the transformer. Complete design of protection scheme with hardware has been presented. At the end, successful results have been shared justifying the proposed technique.