Message Reading-in Ceremony


Message Reading-in Ceremony
Vol. 61, No. 06
Reading-in Ceremony
Outgoing Provincial
The New Provincial
Dear Friends,
Six years of leading Jamshedpur Province
taught me things that I wouldn't have learnt otherwise –
that time heals almost anything and everything;
that through my brokenness I understand that of others;
that I don't have to win every argument,
I can comfortably agree to disagree;
that responsibility has nothing to do with “Whose fault?”
that I can forgive anything, anyone, if I want to,
realizing forgiveness is therapeutic, curative and healing;
that I am driven to pray, and am left with miracles;
that while I may overdo planning and preparation,
there is a unique joy to go with the flow;
that authority in the Society is always to build up,
to reconcile, to bring together, and to unite people.
I strove to live the paradox of leading and of being led,
to stretch myself to understand and to be understood,
to venture into surprises, uncertainties, unexpected turns,
yet open to deeper commitments, and newer relevance.
I am grateful to all my Curia Team
whose care, guidance and support carried me along.
I thank each and every member of the Province
for your expression of understanding and support,
for your inspiration and appreciation.
It was indeed my privilege to govern
a small contingent of the Great Company,
a company led by consolations.
Michael T. Raj
MAY 2014
Fr. George Fernandes will be “read- in” as the next Provincial of
Jamshedpur Province in a Eucharistic Celebration organized at
XLRI Jamshedpur at 6 p.m. on 21 June 2014. All the Province
Members are cordially invited to participate in this important
aspect of our Jesuit tradition - to welcome and wish Fr. George
Fernandes and to thank and bid farewell to Fr. Michael T. Raj.
The Diocesan Priests, the Religious Priests, Brothers and Sisters
residing in Jamshedpur City are also kindly invited to join us in this
Eucharistic Celebration and the fellowship dinner that will follow.
Jerome Cutinha - Assigned to XLRI Jamshedpur (Teaching
and Administration)
Anthony Kadookunnel - Province Infirmary at XLRI,
Asuthosh Pawan Toppo - Guided Diaconate Ministry, St.
John's Parish, Tepasai.
05 – 06
08 - 12
- Meeting with the Province Development Team.
- Visit to Sitagarha, Hazaribagh.
- Visit to Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
- “Reading-in” of the in-coming-Provincial cum First
Vows, XLRI, Jamshedpur .
- Province Consult
- Retreat to Sisters of St Joseph of Chambery,
- Mission Consult
- Contact Visit – Sankhabhanga
- Contact Visit - Kendrapara
- “Reading-in” of the in-coming- Provincial , XLRI,
Jamshedpur cum First Vows.
- Province Consult
Contact Visit - Phulbani
In This Issue
2014: Apostolic
at the Service of Mission
A Company Led by
PROGRAM – 2014: The
Heart Set on Fire
School of Love
 AMDA: The Good News:
Leprosy is Curable
Get a Booster Shot
 GOMOH: His Life was
Silent, but His Death has
Shaken Us!
 GURUKUL: The Lord's Ways
are Mysterious
 LCE: Litmus Test
that Brings Out the Best
Numero Uno at the National
Dispersion for Mission
 XITE GAMHARIA : Ignites –
Time for Tears
 XLRI: Meetings … and
More Meetings
36 IN 2016: Superior
General's Letter to the
Whole Society
 OBITUARY: Gerald
Kerketta, SJ
The eve of Province Assembly 2014
commenced with the Holy Eucharist celebrated
by Fr S Tony, Odisha Mission Superior, and
concelebrated by two of our newly ordained
priests—Frs. Sunil Xess and Bhincent
Bhengra. Fr S Tony, in his homily, stressed on
the bond of love that we have as brothers and
friends in Jesus Christ. He also termed such a
coming together as a blessing and strength of
the province—as we experience the loving
support and caring accompaniment of one
another. However, he drew our attention to the
call of GC 35 and Father General for the
structural change in our “Apostolic Institutions
at the Service of Mission”.
With that same binding love and oneness the
first session started with the invocation of the
Holy Spirit for his wisdom, knowledge, guidance
and presence among us throughout day by
Sch. Ranjit Roshan Minj and his companions.
Abhiyan, Yuwa Jumur and other programmes in
collaboration with GOs, NGOs and INGOs.
Fr Joshy Xavier said that HLC is making its
presence felt by offering Spoken English,
typing, computer course, designing, slum
outreach and other programmes in the very
heart of Bhubaneswar, the Capital City.
The third session the report of SWOT Matrix
Analysis was presented by Fr Tony P and Fr
George Joseph on B Ed College, Telco and
XLRI respectively. Fr Tony P explained the
apostolic effectiveness of B Ed College in the
form of input, process and vision, Fr George
Joseph in his presentation portrayed the
institutional strengths of XLRI - top ranked
institute in the country being one, and some of
the corresponding institutional weaknesses not having sufficient representation of tribals
and Catholics, opportunities – integrated
approach in ethics and character building and
threats - resistance of stake holders.
Fr Jerry Cutinha—a member of the Organizing
Committee—welcomed the gathering –
At the end of the four presentations, Ozzie
numbering a little less than 150 - and the
pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of
m o d e r a t o r a n d s p e a k e r, F r O z z i e
the presentations. To help us get a hands-onMascarenhas. Keeping in mind the theme of
experience of the inputs given, we were divided
the Province Assembly the “Apostolic
into four groups Dhanbad - Jamshedpur –
Institutions at the Service of Mission, Fr Ozzie
Kolhan - Odisha where we were encouraged
came forward with Introductory Themes and
to fill in the four columns of Strengths,
Paradigms of
Province Renewal
in the first session.
and Challenges
He emphasized
with regard to the
asking some of
zones we were
the fundamental
coming from.
and critical
It was only the tip
questions to
of the iceberg. The SWOT/SWOC/Systems
visualize our apostolic effectiveness at the
Analysis will be now thoroughly worked out for
personal, institutional and at the province level.
each of the ministries with the help of the
Taking the present overall apostolic, juridical
members of the Organizing Committee acting
and administrative performance and economic
as facilitators and a follow-up Assembly is
viability as the base, he also invited us to make
called for from 1 to 3 October to respond to the
2020 Vision, Mission, and Strategies for greater
kind of analysis and evaluation of our
effectiveness in our mission.
institutions that would give Father General an
He also said that organizational weaknesses,
idea of our 'Apostolic Institutions at the Service
opportunities and threats are related to one's
of Mission” as our response to the mandate
strengths and could be derived from or related
given by GC35.
to them. Hence, it is more meaningful to analyze
The icing on the cake came when the out-going
our strengths in relation to corresponding
Provincial, Mike T Raj, took the podium and
weaknesses, opportunities and challenges. In
reminisced about the highs and lows of his six
his concluding remarks, he said that
years spent as Provincial but never at any time
transparency and objectivity in doing this
did he feel like throwing in the towel. That was
analysis would be helpful to all of us. We need to
his secret – he never gave up on any
understand and assess our strengths and
misunderstanding, difficult individuals or
corresponding weaknesses, opportunities and
delicate issues. He faced them head on and
challenges/threats. But we need to be sure we
always worked for a reconciliation – even to
do not mistake strengths for weakness and
agree to disagree. At the end, the whole
reject them (Type I Error), or mistake
assembly rose to their feet to give him a
weaknesses for strengths and accept them
thunderous ovation - not as long as
(Type 2 Error). Finally, we do this analysis for
Kolvenbach's 17 minutes at GC 35 in Rome!
ourselves, for our institutions, for our province,
But there was enough warmth to make him feel
and for our Society. This, of course, needs our
that the Lord had helped him in good times and
commitment and dedication.
bad and here were the Jamshedpur Jesuits
After the tea break, Fr Clement Kujur said that
Province Assembly whom he had led for the
TRTC is empowering people of the region
past six years expressing their sincere
through the programmes conducted by the
appreciation for a job more than well done
Kolhan Community College, Matric Pass
JUNE 2014
where a delicate balance was struck between
both “cura personalis“ and “'cura apostolic”. Fr.
Mike was reminded that he still has “promises to
keep and miles to go before he sleeps.”
Frs. Bipin Kujur and Jerry Cutinha did a
splendid job of anchoring the entire Province
Assembly with Fr. Pius Fernandes chairing
one session in his inimitable witty style, The
secretaries – Frs. Mukti Clarence, Niranjan
Minj, Sch. Niral Deogam, Alwyn Rodrigues,
pooled in their resources to 'minute' this historic
first attempt to evaluate our apostolic
institutions. One cannot leave out those who
made our Liturgy meaningful: Fr. Niranjan Minj
and Sch. Ranjit Minj and Neelam Kerketta
and Amit Lakra for our opening and closing
prayer for each day. And, last but not the least, to
Fr. Gyanprakash Kujur for pointing out the
dynamics of the Province Assembly made by
his team of observers, Fr. John Mundu and
Fr. Peter Francis.
Dear Brothers,
[Province Assembly photos on page 12]
structures in this fast changing world to take it
forward. The choir that was trained by R. Tony
and his Socius Sylvester Ekka, from the
Novitiate in Jesu Bhawan sang with gusto and
led the congregation in a way where everyone
felt part of the action. With Tony John as MC
nothing possibly could go wrong as he gave
thumb nail sketches of the ones being felicitated
by having shawls draped over their shoulders –
Jubilarians and Newly Ordained Priests.
At the conclusion of the Mass, a giant chocolate
cake was brought in front of the altar where the
senior most Jubilarians, Frs. Richie Kenna –
Manu Parappuram – Charlie Pereira – Emile
Coelho - joined hands to cut the cake. It was
truly a Tribute to the Jubilarians and the Newly
Ordained Priests - as they took up positions for
a group photo to capture another historic
The Liturgy for our
At the felicitation on the
tribute to the
lawns of XLRI campus,
Jubilarians and New
A Company Led by Consolations
amid fun and songs
Priests 2014 – was
and feelings of
held in Prabhu Hall with
camaraderie, the
Provincial Fr. Mike T Raj as the main celebrant
Golden Jubilarians - Charlie and Emile, took
and assisted by the Provincial-designate Fr.
turns reading out Father General's Letter of
George Fernandes and Fr. Tony S. Raj,
congratulations and appreciation for their years
Odisha Mission Superior.
of service in the Society…in pin drop silence. It
was yet another night to remember – the
This also was the feast of Our Lady of the Way,
ambience – the lay out of the serving tables –
a feast dear to every Jesuit since the time of
and food to tickle everyone's taste buds. It
Ignatius - a day when he experienced deep
marked the culmination of the Province
consolation. “ Freedom from self was the
Assembly 2014 – like the red cherry on the icing
measure of true spirituality. We will be met by
cake – and a promise of spiritual transformation
God everywhere and in everything, working like
under the direction of the bare foot Fr, Jerry
our servant, giving us courage, strength,
Rosario from Chennai – who was true to his
consolation, tears, inspirations, making all
nature of being innovative, revolutionary and
things easy, removing all obstacles, even
creative that would prepare us to throw off the
favouring us with consolation without previous
old ways and embrace the new ones where
cause. Thus in consolation continually, we will
Pope Francis calls us to be a poor Church with
be energized continually. We will be men and
the people who are poor. There were 109
women in action and men and women of God”
making the retreat - almost half the Province : 2
(Constitutions 250). This was Fr. Mike T Raj's
Brothers, 20 Scholastics - 87 Priests - praying
final public appearance as Provincial and he
together in a way that was different - to be
took the opportunity to delve a bit into the history
present for the Spiritual Exercises propounded
of the Society and the Province and how it too
in a novel and contemporaneous way - even to
was and could be a 'company led by
44 of them donating blood for the poor in
imitation of Jesus at the Eucharist “Take, this is
The Spirituality Group worked wonders setting
My Blood!”
the ambience for this moment when we were
— Eric Cassel
paying tribute to our Jubilarians (the Fathers
who laid the foundations for the Province) and
[Jubilarians and New Priests photos on page 11]
newly ordained priests who will need to find new
JUNE 2014
Superior General's
Letter to the Whole
— Alwyn Rodrigues & Eric Cassel
There could not have been a better way to bring
down the curtain on the Province Assembly
2014 than a Eucharist that paid tribute to the
Jubilarians, Frs. Richard Kenna, Emmanuel
Parappuram, Charlie Pereira, Emile Coelho,
Paul Fernandes, Vijay Kachhap, Wooslsie
Rodrigues, and Diocesan Fr. Roque Cardoza
and Pilar Father Lino Fernandes and the
seven Newly Ordained Priests., Frs. Anil Ajay
Kerketta, Benjamin Lakra, Bhincent
Bhengra, Clarence Mukti, Deepak Sanjay
Ekka, Manohar Kindo, Sunil Xess and
Diocesans, Frs. Pascal Toppo and Michael
Deogam. The Spirituality Group of Frs. R.
Tony, K.M. Jose and Sylvester Ekka worked
round the clock to make sure everything was
just right – from the flexi banner as a
background for the theme of the Mass – A
Company Led by Consolations
IN 2016
Several years have passed
since my election as Superior
General of the Society and I
have recently reached the age
of 78. Reflecting on the
coming years, I have reached
the personal conviction that I
should take the needed steps
towards submitting my
resignation to a General
Congregation. After obtaining
the initial approval of the
Assistants ad providentiam
and having informed his
Holiness Pope Francis, I
formally consulted the
Assistants ad providentiam
and the Provincials, as our law
requires (NC 362). The result
of the consultation is
favorable towards the
convening of a General
After having discussed the
matter with my Council,
through this letter I wish to
inform the whole Society that,
towards the end of this year, I
will convoke the 36th General
Congregation, to be held
during the final months of the
year 2016.
Therefore, the meeting of
Provincials originally
scheduled for January 2015 in
Yogyakarta and convoked on
12 March of this year
(Circular Letter 2014/03) is
Let us ask Our Lady of the
Way to place the Society with
Her Son on this journey of
discernment that we now
begin. Fraternally yours in the
Adolfo Nicolás, S.I.
Superior General
Rome, 20 May 2014
(No. 11)
[Continued from Previous Issue]
As early as 1776, that is only three
years after the Suppression, the
Jesuits of White Russia already
numbered 145 members, and had
twelve establishments: colleges,
residences, missions, etc. In 1777
the question was discussed about
opening a novitiate and the Fathers
had sufficient evidence that Pius VI
would be glad of it and that even
Clement XIV had not been averse.
Finally, the superior, Father
Czerniewicz, set aside his doubts
and wrote both to the bishop and to
the firm friend of the Society,
Governor General Tchernichef, that
he had determined to open that
Tchernichef's support must have
been very strong, for when Father
Czerniewicz arrived at Mohilew to
arrange matters with the bishop, he
received from the prelate a decree
dated June 29, 1779, authorizing
him to carry out his purpose.
In virtue of this permission, a
novitiate was established at Polotsk
on February 2, 1780, and ten
novices entered and began
community life under the direction
of Father Lubowicki.
As Bishop Siestrzencewicz had
meantime become Archbishop of
Mohilew, the fear was again
revived that he would claim to be
the religious superior of the Jesuits.
Indeed, by sundry appointments to
parishes, he began to reveal that
such was his intention, and
Archetti, the nuncio at Warsaw,
urged him to persist in his attacks.
To head off the danger, the Fathers
had determined to proceed to the
election of a Vicar General, and
they obtained permission from the
empress to that effect. She issued a
ukase, on June 23, 1782, in which
she said that the Jesuits were to be
subject to the archbishop, in things
that pertained to his rights and
duties, but that he should be very
careful not to interfere with any of
the rules of the Order which were to
remain intact “in as far as they agree
with our civil constitutions.”
The Fathers met at Polotsk, on
October 10, 1782, which happened
Continued on next page...
can be expected. Due to the sudden death of Fr.
Under the combined management of Schs.
Gerry Kerketta we felt it right and proper to go
Niral Deogam (Chief Coordinator), Alok Minj,
to Tata for the funeral. However, as the children
and Ranjit Roshan Minj, the Scholastics
of the Resurrection, it did not dampen the spirit
Summer Programme 2014 with its theme of
of the gathering.
“The Heart Set on Fire” was held in Inigo Niwas,
On 21 May, out-going Provincial Fr. Mike T Raj
Lupungutu from 17-20 May. The get-together
and in-coming Provincial, Fr. George
began with a bang as the youth of Lupungutu
Fernandes, PCF, Fr. Joseph Surin and
welcomed all the scholastics with a song and
Odisha Mission Superior, Fr. S. Tony Raj,
dance. This warm welcome gave us a feeling of
addressed the scholastics at XLRI. Fr. Mike
belongingness. Fr. Oscar Horo, the Superior of
urged us to be contemplatives in action. Fr. S.
St. Xavier's High School community, also
Tony Raj made us aware of the changes that
welcomed all the scholastics. Fr. Somy
are taking place and asked us to read the signs
Mathew, the Villa Superior, was always there to
o f t h e t i m e s . F r. G e o r g e F e r n a n d e s
help us out in marketing and in fulfilling all our
emphasized learning
needs. He was
the local languages so
generous towards us,
The Heart Set on Fire
that we may be locally
giving his time and
rooted and grounded in
energy. The baseball
our apostolic
match and Lungee
endeavours. The meeting culminated in an
basketball match were the high lights of the
Agape hosted by XLRI community.
SSP 2014. Baseball matches were exceptional
We thank all the people who contributed for the
where there were as many rules as players.
success of SSP 2014: Inigo Niwas for a
Each player had his play-right to create his own
comfortable place to stay, LPG community for
rule. All the matches were a win–win situation.
their hospitality, PCF Joe Surin for his support
Lungee basketball match was the height of
before, during and after, the Villa Coordinators,
creativity where a player was penalized for
Niral, Alok and Ranjit whose meticulous
revealing his innerwear in the process of
arrangements made all things possible with the
jumping, shooting the basket, dribbling. Beside
full cooperation of one and all. Jai Ho Jam
the games and fun, we also had trips to the
Kolhan mission stations.
— Ranjit Minj & Joaquim Pires
Out of 38, 23 scholastics were present for the
[Scholastics’ Summer Programme photos on page 10]
Villa, which was a good sign. In future still more
The fourth batch of
leprosy patients
completed their Post
Operative physiotherapy
program under the able
The Good News: d i r e c t i o n o f o u r
physiotherapists: Murari
Leprosy is
Pramanik, John Peter
and Sagar Bauri.
Since the RCS Operation
Theatre came into
existence, four batches of Leprosy patients
have gone under the knife in St. Peter Claver
Leprosy & RCS (Re-Constructive Surgery
Operation) referral Hospital, Amda. So far, the
results of the operation show 99% success!
Clap! Clap! Clap!
A Jesuit scholastic from East Timor, Joaquin
Pires, a second-year Satya Nilayam, Chennai
philosophy student spent a few days with us at
Claver Bhavan, Amda. With his scanty
knowledge of Hindi, he managed to talk with the
patients and staff. He played in the evening with
our neighborhood children too. He is a Visual
Communication Graduate from Loyola
Autonomous College, Chennai. As his summer
project at Amda, he produced a six-minute-long
documentary video on CSWC initiatives with
just an ordinary digital camera. This effort of his
is very commendable - a must-watch-video
(www. CSWC Amda)! On their way to XLRI
Jamshedpur, the scholastics after their summer
program in Lupungutu, dropped in at Claver
Bhavan and in St. Peter Claver Leprosy & RCS
Referral Hospital, Amda, to have a look and be
exposed to realities that left them dazed.
On the same day, Pascal Burh and Augustine
Surin came and stayed overnight at Claver
Bhavan, Amda, before they proceeded to
Jamshedpur next morning to participate in the
Province Assembly – 2014 – the Province
Tribute to Jubilarians and New Priests - and in
the Province Retreat afterwards.
— Vijay Kachhap
The Outgoing Provincial,
Mike T. Raj,
with his Consultors at Loyola Niwas
JUNE 2014
Fr Niranjan Minj is the
latest addition to Divya
Bharati. He joined our
ranks in the first week of
April making our
community a threeKrusvirs Get a
some. Fr. John Mundu's
presence always adds
Booster Shot
flavor to our community.
He is ever so busy with
his work of research and
writing yet has time for lighter moments.
Fr. Cyril Tigga and Niranjan took the initiative
to organize and form the CLC (Christian Living
Community) in Chaibasa Deanery. 26 – 27 April
witnessed for the first time a gathering of Catholic
boys and girls of the Deanery in Divya Bharati.
The number totaled 48 including 8 guides.
Fr. Niranjan explained the history, principles and
life style of a CLC. Fr. Cyril, the main organizer,
was more than happy with the response.
Again it was more than a mere blessing for the
Continued from previous page...
55 Krus Virs representatives and 13 animators
from middle schools run by religious and
diocese in Kolhan Podahat, Chaibasa, when
Bishop Felix Toppo celebrated the Holy
Eucharist with them on 11 May in Divya Bharti.
He spent a couple of hours talking and
encouraging the SOLDIERS OF CHRIST. The
Bishop declared that the Kingdom of God on
earth is possible and his hopes were fixed on
this energetic and vibrant band of soldiers.
Fr. Cyril Tigga and Fr. Niranjan Minj
conducted a day and a half successful
leadership program for the Krus Vir. Fr.
John Mundu in his keynote address used
five and very inspiring and meaningfully
catchy words - Cross, Soldiers, Christ,
Children, Light - to explain to the
participants the meaning and importance
of Krus Vir in the present day context.
— Niranjan Minj
It is well said that a seed
while growing makes no
sound but when it falls as a
tree the earth shakes. Fr.
His Life was
Gerrald Kerketta, S J
lived and died in a similar
way. I was stunned and
but His Death
shaken on 17 May
has Shaken Us! evening at 7:05 p.m. when
I received the phone call
from Mr. Rohit Kujur, one of
our employees, who was accompanying Fr.
Gerry to Bhuli, said that Father and he met with
an accident and he was unable to speak further.
As it was getting dark, the vehicle light from
opposite side blinded him for a few seconds and
eventually he went and hit the punctured and
stationary tractor trolley. By taking the full
impact of the accident on himself, Fr. Gerry
died on the spot and Mr. Rohit Kujur escaped
with a few bruises.
That same night the shocking news reached
all over Dhanbad region. Frs. Bene Soreng
and Shantinandan were the first ones to
reach the spot of the accident Within an hour
Fr. James Kalapura and some of his
community members from Digwadih, Dhanbad
parishioners and Govinpur Fathers and Sisters
all reached the PMCH Government Hospital in
Dhanbad and were shocked to see Fr. Gerry
lying in a pool of blood. When I think of the
immediate presence and support of the
Fathers, Sisters and Dhanbad parishioners at
JUNE 2014
the untimely and unfortunate death of Fr. Gerry
Kerketta, my heart is filled with a deep sense of
gratitude and appreciation to each one of them.
From the time the accident took place till the
post mortem was done, they were all with me
like a family and did everything possible. On 25
May at Gomoh Parish we had a Mass in
memory of Fr. Gerry.
The Academic session 2014-15 began with a
heavy rush for admission. This year more than
213 children got admission into various classes.
In the hostel too we got some fresh admissions
this year. In the last two years, the number of
students in the school has increased steadily by
100 every year. Now we are running short of
class rooms. Next year we will need a few more
class rooms.
This year's Matric results were very good.
Among the six Hindi medium High Schools in
Gomoh, we remain at the top with 75% of our
children securing distinction and first class. With
the campus coaching by Fr. Alex in Math, Mrs.
Malina in Science, our hostel children from the
leprosy colonies began to get very good
results especially in Science and Math. In the
last two years some of our children began to
get 100 marks in Math and 99 in science. This
year, two of our children scored 100 in Math
and one of them was our hostel girl from a
leprosy colony.
On 25 April we had an inspirational teachers
seminar conducted by Fr. Dilip Marandi from
to be the feast of St. Francis Borgia,
to hold the twentieth congregation of
the Society. Everything was done
according to the rule which governs
such assemblies, and Father
Stanislaus Czerniewicz, the viceprovincial, was chosen Vicar
General of the Society.
A successor to Father Ricci had been
elected; a general congregation had
convened and its proceeding had
been conducted in strict conformity
with the Constitution. Besides, a
novitiate had been established,
members of the dispersed provinces
had been officially recognized as
belonging to the Society; and all
this had been done with the tacit
consent of the Sovereign Pontiff.
However, the papal nuncio,
Archetti, regarded the election as
illegal, and even a few of the Jesuits
themselves were doubtful as to the
correctness of the claim. There was
fear, also, about the personal
disposition of the Pope on that point.
To dispose of all these difficulties
Catherine sent Benislawski as her
ambassador to Rome, with very
positive instructions not to modify
them in any way whatever.
On February 21, 1783, Benislawski
arrived in Rome. He was received
most graciously; his own
nomination as bishop was
confirmed; but, said the Pope:
“Siestrzencewicz had no right to
open the novitiate.” “That was
done,” replied Benislawski, “by
order of the empress.” “Since that
is the case,” said the Pope, “I shall
forget the injury done to me by the
bishop.” He then asked about the
Jesuits and their General, and
whether the election had been
formally ordered by the empress.
When assured upon the latter point,
he answered, “I do not object.”
[In his third meeting, when
Benislawski gave the requests in
writing, and clarified all matters
about Jesuits in Russia,] the Pope
said, raising his voice: “Approbo
Societatem Jesu in Alba Russia
degentem; approbo, approbo” (that
is I approve of the Society of Jesus,
now in Russia; I approve, I approve).
Excerpts from:
Thomas Cammpbell, SJ, THE
JESUITS (1534-1921): A History of the
Society of Jesus from Its Foundation to
the Present Time, New York: The
Encyclopedia Press, 1921. Pp 649657.
Five of us would be Tertians –
Anselem Dungdung, Gerry
Ravi D'Souza, P. M Anthony,
Bro. Paul Marla and Romanus
Tete - came together for a day of
recollection on 19-20 May at
Loyola Niwas. Fr. S Tony Raj,
while facilitating this
recollection, drew our attention
to the importance of Tertianship,
a school of love and affectivity.
We were invited to focus our
prayer, reflection and sharing
session on the three main points
namely, gratitude to the person
of Christ for calling us to his
companionship, disposition for
a deep immersion into the final
stage of formation and a
concrete action plan to work on
during the period of Tertianship.
A School of Love
This coming together for a day's
prayer and reflection was to
orient us all to immerse
ourselves into the very purpose
of this final probation. He also
touched upon the desire to
change as well as stressed on
the need to chart out a work plan
concretely in areas we need to
grow. Fr. Mike, our Provincial
through his presence during the
input, sharing session and at the
concluding Eucharist,
encouraged us to examine the
light and shadows of our life
through the feedback given by
our companions and invited us
to grow in humility which is a
grace that can help us stand up
to any challenging situation.
— Gerry Ravi D'Souza
I represented Christianity at an
Inter-Religious ‘protest meeting’
organized in collaboration with
the diocesan harmony
commission by the Bahai
The Lord's Ways are
Community of Chandigarh in
Bahai House of Chandigarh on
18th of May, 2014 to express
the disapproval of all religions
against the persecution and
imprisonment of seven Bahai
[Continued on Page 7]
Golmuri. He also spoke in the morning
assembly asking the students to be high level
achievers. It was mind boggling experience for
our students and teachers to see Fr Dilip, a
priest and once-upon-a-time a student from De
Britto School. On 2 and 3 May Fr. Niranjan
Minj interacted with our 9th and 10th Class
students and challenged them to be men and
women qualified both intellectually and
spiritually for tomorrow. Well done, Frs. Dilip
and Niranjan!
LCE is going through a
litmus test. First, we were
dragged into a test called
Litmus Test
ENTRANCE TEST that Brings Out from which we could
come out successfully
the Best
with the timely
intervention of Hon'able
Governor of Jharkhand
cum Chancellor of KU
(Kolhan University) Secondly, a magisterial
inquiry was conducted into our way of
proceeding, as minority institutions, on meritbased subject-wise recruitment of students
and methodology adapted in staff selction.
Kuru and Tony appeared before the Asst.
Commissioner cum Magistrate, Dr. Neha
Arora, IAS, with documents and records to
establish our case of being fair and transparent
in our admission and staff selection for 2013-14
session as KU has nominated a three-member
study team when Dr. Neha Arora was the Chair
Person. She summoned us once again on 5
May to present some original documents of our
Minority Certificates and sundry. We did so.
short-listed candidates appearing before the
Interview Board, there were 62 Christians, 4
Priests, 2 Religious Brothers and 9 Religious
Sisters. Fr. Ignatius Dungdung of Tundi was
one among them, The final selected
candidates will be drawn out after taking into
consideration a number of considerations and
the list will be displayed on 12 June despite
KU's silence on renewal of affiliation for 20142015 session.
Thirdly, KU has summoned us to submit
documentary evidences with regard to the
admission of students and staff selection. The
duo, Kuru and Tony, made a hasty trip to
Chaibasa to submit the documents requested
to KU. Fourthly, the bottleneck called the
renewal/extension of affiliation by KU to LCE
has become a nightmare as KU has failed to
keep the deadline set by Hon ' ble Supreme
Court to complete the process by 10 May. Kuru
and Tony paid a visit to the new VC on 26 May
with a view to get a clarification on the stand
taken by KU on our renewal of affiliation. Will
there be a light at the end of the tunnel? Hope
so !. We firmly rely on your prayerful support...
This year 460 appeared for the Entrance Test
(written) conducted at St. Joseph's School,
Golmuri on 27 April 2014. Of 460 aspirants,
216 were short-listed for face-to-face
Interview scheduled for from 7 to 9 May. Of the
Since January, our life in
LN went through many
twists and turns. Our
Superior, Walter
Kongari, as PDD was
away in the US in
Maryland Province,
operating from
Woodstock, the guest of
the host with the most, Fr.
Joe Lacey, raising friends
and raising funds to keep our Province projects
going. Minister James Bara spent a couple of
months in Rampur Haat for physio-therapy
— A. Alex
While Tony and Benji participated in the PA
2014 as full-timers, Kuru did it as part-timer on
account of his commitment towards IGNOU
Workshop. Tony presented a PPT on LCE's
Apostolic Vision at the service of Mission for
the gathering, using the Systems Approach
Analysis model.
Kuru, for the last time, managed the IGNOU
workshop for the Second Year B.Ed students
from 12 May which ended on 23 May. In all, 95
participated in the intensive workshop.
Workshop for the First Years followed suit,
starting on 24 May and concluding on 4 June.
The number of participants touched
exactly101. The team of teachers from LCE
and KCC did the counselling. As it is
mandatory for all these para and working
teachers, they participated in the workshop
with great zeal and enthusiasm.
There was relief on the face of Kuru as he
doesn't have to do this sort of workshop next
May. Well done, Kuru. It is time for Kuru to
hang up his boots and skate board hat. Come
June, our Jesuit from XITE, Sunil Lakra, will
step into Kuru’s shoes as Programme
Coordinator of IGNOU. ‘Bye, Kuru’ and ‘Hi ,
Benji acts as a foot-soldier to carry out all the
sundry work in the campus. He is busy getting
the college office done up with aluminium
material to thwart the marauding attempts of
— Tony P
under the supervision of Fr. M. J. Peter.
Somehow LN continued to be the hub for
visitors and guests. Fr. Timothy Kiro was bold
enough to make his annual retreat in LN at a
time when the mercury was way up at 40
degrees plus. Our domestic staff - be it cook or
the one doing the rooms - came and went and
we found that each one of us was pitching in to
give a helping hand to Minister James. Outgoing Provincial Mike in conjunction with his
successor, George, has already set in motion
the complete over hauling of our office
computer system, switching from XP to
Windows 7. After four months of uncertainty we
JUNE 2014
have reached some degree of stability in our
support staff. We have a senior looking person,
by the name of Fabian Marandi, for doing the
rooms and helping out in the kitchen. In Mukund
Haiburu, we have a cook-of- sorts. With so many
making the Province Retreat, Wally grabbed the
opportunity with both hands and made
arrangements with, George Joseph, the
Minister of Tome Jesuit Residence, for Mukund
to attend a “diploma course in Culinary
Management and Chef-ing Efficiency at TJR
under Habil from 27 May to 2 June” I may add
that it helps for stability in our work force when
they can stay and live on the campus and be on
call. We have 'great expectations'!
Loyola had sent up 240
students for ICSE and
220 students for I S C
Board Examinations. All
of them did extremely well
Numero Uno at and came out with flying
colours. We are delighted
the National
to share the good news
that Ayush Banerjee stood
first in the country in the
ISC Board Examination.
He scored an incredible 99.25%.
Congratulations to Principal Sebastian
Puthenpura and Vice Principal Jaison
Joshua and their team of dedicated teachers
for this fantastic achievement. We also
remember with gratitude Victor Misquith, the
previous Principal, for his contribution.
Community: While the
entire length and breadth
of the Indian subcontinent is fully
immersed in a do-nothingsummer vacation, our
Dispersion for
community observed
'dispersion for mission'.
Braving all the odds of the
simmering heat, Fr. Gyan
P. Kujur, the chief vocation
promoter of the Odisha Mission, sailed serenely
across the boiling oceanic landscape of Odisha
and Chhattisgarh for vocation promotion.
Reportedly, 'the haul of fish' was very 'netrupturing' and beyond expectation in the wake
of vocation crisis across the globe.
Under the provision of the staff development
programme, Fr. Biranchi Soreng, made his
way to ISI, Bangalore, for a socio-cultural
analysis course. The systematic, organized
and well-attended socio-cultural analysis
course was, in a way, a direct challenge and
shock for the Jesuit participants as the stark
reality of our Indian Society was ripped wide
open by the resource persons. Undeniably, 'the
course was an eye-opener for quality social
service in future' feels Fr. Biranchi Soreng.
In the economy of dispersion for mission, our
community bid farewell to two members,
namely, Fr. Joe Anthony and Sch. Mahesh
Nayak. In return, we received Fr. Jyoti R.
Sanga as a post-Easter blessing. With a
b e a m i n g f a c e , F r. P r a f u l B a r l a , t h e
Headmaster of Loyola, Pajikeri, was happy to
announce 100% pass in the Matric results this
year. Hearty congratulations, dear Praful!
Parish: Back in Tumudibandha, Fr. Romanus
Kerketta, single-handedly covered the entire
territory of Tumudibandha Parish in post-Easter
house blessing. As a matter of fact, he too had
'no time to stand and stare…'.
— Eric Cassel
Edward D'Souza and Timothy Kiro made a
short visit to their families to be with their dear
and near ones. Timothy, dared the heat wave
and chose to make his retreat at Loyola Niwas!
Eddie, Sebastian, Jaison and Sushil joined
the Province Retreat at XLRI after the Province
Assembly. Stan Kujur made two trips to Ranchi
to attend ordinations. Amal stayed at home to
take care of the necessary renovations and
beautification of the school buildings and class
— CL George
with the unique celebration of Mata Barba
(Mother's Feast) at Bandiguda. Subsequently,
there was house to house Marian procession
and rosary recitation throughout the domain of
Tumudibandha Parish.
Seemingly, the scorching summer has left all
the inhabitants of Kandhamal high and dry, and
therefore, a nearly abandoned Jacob's well of
Bandiguda Mandali was renovated under the
able leadership of Fr. Romanus Kerketta and
through the financial support of the
Odisha Citizen's Initiatives: Although our
scorching summer is the cause of misery, it is
the friend of the earth as it brings about green
vegetation in the after-effects of the rainy
season. Verily realizing this universal truth, the
OCI, Tumudibandha, conducted a slew of
training programmes for the farming
On 2 May, the Mundigada GP observed
Krushoko Diboso (Farmers' Day) under the
aegis of the OCI, Tumudibandha. On this
occasion, various agricultural officers intimated
the farming community of wide-ranging
government schemes and subsidies. It is worthmentioning that the Second Green Revolution
has already swept Kandhamal, the plateau
district of Odisha.
— Biranchi Soreng
44 Jamshedpur Jesuits donated blood
during the Annual Retreat on 30 May 2014
for the poor who have no money to buy
“A very meaningful gesture during the
retreat. Jerry Rosario (the retreat director)
is simply great in inspiring people....!”
says the Outgoing Provincial, Mike T. Raj.
On 1 May, the Marian month was inaugurated
JUNE 2014
religious leaders in Iran. Seven
Religious traditions participated
in the protest meeting: they
were Chaitanya Math of
Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam,
Christian, Budhism, Bahai and
Brahmakumaries not to mention
over a hundred people from
different religions.
Peace movement was initiated
in Jalandhar. Sr. Prima CMC,
the Principal of St. Joseph's
School, showed very keen
interest in it and started a 'peace
club' in the school and decided
to start peace clubs in other
schools as well. To take this
movement beyond schools in
Jalandhar, two active catholics,
Miss Rita Brar and Miss Agnes
Jatiram, were appointed coordinators of this movement in
Jalandhar. Rita Brar is an officer
in an insurance company and
Agnes Jatiram is a teacher in
the Seventh Day Adventist
School, and she will start a
'peace club' in her school also.
Providentially Agnes Jatiram
was baptized by me in 1971
when I was the priest-in-charge
of Jalandhar.
— Joe Kalathil
An Assistancy level Seminar is
being organized for Brothers of
South Asian Assistancy on
“Human Relation in
Jesuit Administration”.
XLRI staff team
DATE: 11-15 Sept. 2014,
VENUE: XLRI, Jamshedpur.
Board & Lodge and course fee:
Rs. 2,500 plus 1,000.
All the Brothers are welcome
to participate in the seminar.
Those who would like to attend
the seminar, kindly inform your
Brothers' Coordinator as well
as the Contact person:
Br A. Thomas, SJ,
Assistancy Co-rdinator,
Satya Nilayam,
201, Kalki Krishnamurthy Road,
PB No. 8665, Thiruvanmiyur,
Mobile: 09444939444.
On 25 April, Father General left
Rome for South America. The
first stop of the visit was British
Guyana, Venezuela and Cuba.
During the second half of this
visit, Father General took part in
the 28th Meeting of Latin
America Provincials (CPAL).
On Friday, 25 April, Father
General began his journey in
British Guyana. After a night in
Barbados, he arrived in
Georgetown at noon on 26 April.
Visits to apostolic works of the
Society, and a meeting with
Jesuits and their collaborators
Father General left for
Venezuela on Monday, 28 April,
where his stay centered on
Caracas and Maracaibo. In
Caracas, he visited the Catholic
Andrés Bello University, the La
Vega barrio, the Educational
and Pedagogical Reflection
C e n t e r, t h e S a n I g n a c i o
College, and the Jesús Obrero
center of collaboration, where
he met Jesuits and their
collaborators. The visit in
Maracaibo on 30 April, allowed
him to familiarize himself with
the Ignatian Apostolic Network
of Zulia.
On the evening of 2 May, he left
for Cuba, where he remained
until the afternoon of 4 May. In
Havana, he met the country's
religious congregations, as well
as Jesuits and their
collaborators. He participated
in the Festival de Jóvenes
Ignacianos. On the Sunday
evening he travelled to
Guadalajara, Mexico, to take
part in the Latin American
Provincials meeting.
[Courtesy: Jesuits in Europe News Bulletin #192]
Ignites –
Time for Tears
On 13 May Fr. Augustine
left for Kerala for his home
visit cum family reunion.
During his absence, Fr.
Staney, our Minister and
Administrator, was asked
to hold the fort and take
care of XITE Campus and
the Jesuit community as
our acting Superior.
Before his departure, Fr. Augustine made sure
of sending out the ads for admission to the
Coaching Center at XITE for XAT 2015. In the
ads specific instruction is given for down
loading the application forms from xite
website. The selection test is set for 17 June
2014.This time the selected candidates will
have to pay certain amount of fees towards
board and lodge for their six months stay in the
hostel as well as for the use of the library and
computers cum internet.
Fr. Gautam was invited by the Calcutta
Archdiocesan Commission for Education and
Culture to direct the School Administrator's Skill
Training Course 2014 in Kolkata. This time he
included Sister Cyril, IBVM and Mr. Sanjay
Kumar, a well-known Advocate, in his team.
During the month of April and May Scholastics
Sanjay, Oliver and Joachim came to spend a
few days with us, at different intervals, while
interacting with the PCF, Fr. Joseph Surin,
with regard to their programme.
To prepare the students of Xavier College for
the ensuing University Exams, the First and the
Second Year students of BBA, BCA & B.Com
who were made to appear for University Mock
Tests from 30 April to 9, were given their marks
along with feedback. Third Year BBA students
finished their University Exams and had their
Viva on 22 May, which was conducted in the
college itself with the help of external examiners
from other colleges.
May Day was celebrated in the college and five
maintenance staff were felicitated during the
assembly. All the workers from the school and
Meetings …
More Meetings
Abe travelled across the
country and attended
Alumni Meetings in
Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad,
Pune, Mumbai,
Ahmedabad, Chennai and
Bangalore. S. George
joined the meets In
Chennai and Bangalore.
The participation was
overwhelming this year.
Abe has been invited to be a member of the
Association of Asia Pacific Business Schools as
well as on the CII National HRD Committee
headed by Mr. T.V. Narendran, MD, Tata Steel.
He chaired the meeting of the Management
Accreditation Evaluation Committee of the
National Board of Accreditation in Delhi.
Fr. General with some of the
Indian Jesuits in British Guyana
George Fernandes, after attending the JCSA
meeting in Bhubaneswar. made a short home
visit. After he got back he has been busy in
supervising the building work which has
the college had tea and snacks with the college
management and faculty. Each worker was
given a gift as a token of appreciation for their
dedication and hard work.
Personal Interviews and demonstration classes
were held on 10 May 2014 for the appointment
of a new faculty member to teach in BBA &
B.Com. On 17 May, the college organized a
farewell programme to thank Fr Sunil Lakra for
his invaluable help to the college as a faculty
member. From 19 May to 10 June 10, the
college will remain closed for summer vacation.
Meanwhile the sale of new admission forms is
on. The last date of submitting the forms is 14
June and from 19 June will begin the personal
interviews of the applicants.
On 26 April Xavier School had their First
Prize Nite for the students and parents of those
students for the academic year 2014. The Chief
Guest for this programme was the Secretary of
LAA who was delighted with the entire show
and was pleased to release XAVIER ZEST, the
first magazine of the school. Two of the
students won medals in the 6th International
Karate Championship, which was held in
On May Day the students felicitated the
maintenance staff to express their gratitude.
Following a democratic process, a 'Student
Council' was formed with a few students from
the school. On the closing day before the
summer vacation, a touching farewell was
given to the outgoing Principal, Fr. Sunil Lakra,
by the students and later by the staff.
This year about one hundred students
participated in the weeklong Summer Camp
enjoying various activities like music and
dance, art and craft, archery and yoga, and, of
course, indoor and outdoor games. Training in
communicating in English was a part of this
programme. Scholastic Joaquim from East
Timor spent some of his time in helping the
children in the Summer Camp. He too made a
short video film on Xavier School.
— C Gautam
reached the final stage of completion.
XLRI community was very much involved in the
organization of the Province Assembly which
was attended by close to 150 Jesuits. S.
George was the Convener and Ozzie
Mascarenhas the Resource Person. Alwyn
Rodrigues, the latest addition to the XL
community, was a member of the Organizing
Committee.. This was followed by the Province
Annual Retreat
in which a little over 100
Jamshedpur Jesuits prayed together over 8
days under the direction of veteran Fr. Jerry
Rosario from Chennai. XLRI hosted both
these mega events under the able
management of S. George and his team. XLRI
Jesuit Community hosted a dinner for all the
scholastics which was very much appreciated.
Peter Francis was in heavy demand for
training and evaluation. He went to Silchar and
Jallundur for workshops and to Patna B Ed
College with Prof. Jomon for evaluation.
JUNE 2014
Much of the past few days, in the run-up to the
Province Assembly and the Province Retreat,
were spent on the road with Manu Parapuram.
On 16 May, I took Manu for a final check-up with
the eye doctor in Sakchi, Jamshedpur Eye
Hospital. This was with regard to his cataract
operation on 2 May. Then, on to Mercy Hospital,
to have an X-ray of Manu's knee, as he was
complaining of severe pain. The X-ray showed
osteo arthritis. Doctor Tamal Deb prescribed
pain relievers. Ed McGrath, Hilary Lobo, John
Nag, Carl Dincher, Manu Parappuram, KC
Anthony and Emile are deep into the Province
— Emile Coelho
GERALD KERKETTA, SJ (1951 - 2014)
Fr. Gerald Kerketta,
popularly called
Gerry, joined the
Society when he was
22 years old. He did his
novitiate in Newman's
Hall, Ahmadabad,
Gujarat and was
ordained a priest at the
age of 34. 7 years later
he did his Tertianship
in St. Stanislaus,
Sitagarha and within
another 5 years took
his Final Vows in De
Nobili School,
Digwadih. He seemed to have worn many hats
in different fields at different times.
His pastoral ministry began in the Catholic
Church, Chaibasa, from where he moved to the
more interior areas as associate pastor. From
the pastoral field he moved to the field of
education. In De Nobili, Chandrapura, an ashfly area from the
thermal power
station, he spent 11
years as Chaplain
discipline from those
he ministered to.
His end came
suddenly at the age of
63. On the evening of
Saturday 17 May he
was riding a bike. He
ran straight into a
stationary trolley and
died on the spot. His
funeral Mass was
presided over by Most
Rev, Bishop Felix and
Emeritus Bishop
Charles Soreng of
Hazaribag, a relative
of Gerry, Provincial Mike T Raj, and
P r o v i n c i a l - D e s i g n a t e , F r. G e o r g e
Fernandes. His companion in Gomoh, Fr. A
Alexander touched upon the high points of his
41 years in the Society while Fr. Bene Soreng
attempted to make Fr. Gerry come alive
through his short and sweet eulogy. There were
close to 400 in the
cathedral, priests,
Sisters, and those
whose lives had
Fr. Francis Pereira, S.J. (BOM,
82/60) expired 10 May
in Mumbai
Mr. Mathew, father of Fr.
Augustine Vatta ,
expired on 10 May at
the age of 90
Br. S. Paul Chinnappan (MDU)
(86/62) expired on 14
May 14 at St. Joseph
Hospital, Dindigul.
Fr. Gerald Kerketta (JAM)
(63/41) died in a motor
cycle accident on 17
May, Dhanbad
Fr. Koshy K. Mathew S.J.
(HAZ, 69/49) passed
away on 27 May, in
Fortis Escorts Alam
Hospital, Ranchi.
Fr Dhavamony Mariasusai,
(MDU), 87/66, passed
away on 31 May at
Loyola College,
“His Innocent and Sincere Face
Will Remain in Our Memory”
and teacher. Once
again it was always
in the deep interiors
of the tribal area that
he willingly allowed
himself to be missioned. As he had begun as a
pastor so did he end his life as a pastor in
Not everyone can walk into these remote areas
that lacked electricity, a steady source of water,
fewer home comforts to lead more or less a
'hidden life'. But Fr. Gerry was the right man, in
the right place at a time when there were few
who would accept such a Spartan way of life.
One can be sure that Fr.Gerry was a Jesuit who
was not called to do great things but he did
small things with great love that called for stern
been touched by Fr.
G e r r y. F r . J o e
Xavier from the
Gregorian in Rome
Emailed and said it
well when he wrote “It was a shock to hear the
news of Gerry's unfortunate and untimely
death. Yes, death will visit us all. But, here, it
came as a rude visitor. It arrived unannounced.
That makes us all really shocked and sad. I am
sure that Gerry's innocent and sincere face will
remain in our memory. And we take comfort in
knowing that Gerry is now resting in the arms of
our Lord.”
— Eric Cassel
Fr. Savari Raj D
Sch. Anil Kumar
Fr. Stephen F
Br. William Braganza
Alex Mascarenhas
Mobile No. 07033482099
Second Year Novice
Biswajit Bahala
left the Novitiate
on 30 April 2014
JUNE 2014
The Heart Set on Fire
Dear Friends,
This is a follow up on Mike's inspiring push of our Brand Sahabhagita.
Use the following format to send by email the details of your contacts. We will keep in
touch with them.
Your Name:
Possible donor address
Email Id:
Phone No:
Preferred Language of communication: Hindi/English
You are quite welcome to contact us should you find any difficulty in reaching out for
a helping hand from your well wishers through this network system.
Quite a few have mentioned that their contacts want to know "how to”? Use any of
the following methods:
1. For Indian currency M.O. or Cheques in favour of Jamshedpur Jesuit Society.
2. For on-line donations: JJS A/c No.340010100039899 AXIS BANK, SAKCHI,
N.B. Kindly make sure that the donors give their full address and mention that the
donation is made to help JJS in its education works.
Thank you for your help in this fund-raising and friend contacting drive,
Walter Kongari
PDD, [Cell: +91 9431107518, Email:]
Jamshedpur Jesuit Society, Loyola Niwas, 15, Straight Mile Road, Sakchi, Jamshedpur. 831 001
New Email for Vocation Promotion:
Vocation Promotion Coordinator
Jamshedpur Jesuit Province
Divya Bharati, Chaibasa
Cell: 9798736320
Please send the News Reports before the 25th
of every month. Send also a photo or two of good
quality along with your News Reports.
Published and Printed by Fr Provincial
of Jamshedpur Province.
For Private Circulation only.
JUNE 2014
Fr Emile M Coelho, SJ
[50 Years in SJ]
Fr Richard A Kenna, SJ
[70 Years in SJ]
Fr Paul Fernandes, SJ
[25 Years in Priesthood]
24 May 2014
Fr Anil Ajay Kerketta, SJ
Fr Emmanuel J Parappuram, SJ
[50 Years in Priesthood]
Fr Roque Cardoza
[25 Years in Priesthood]
Fr Vijay Kachhap, SJ
[25 Years in Priesthood]
A Company Led by Consolations
XLRI, Jamshedpur
Fr Bhincent Bhengra, SJ
Fr Clarence Mukti, SJ
Fr Deepak Sanjay Ekka, SJ
Fr Manohar Kindo, SJ
Fr Benjamin Lakra, SJ
Fr Sunil Xess, SJ
JUNE 2014
Fr Charlie Pereira, SJ
[50 Years in SJ]
May 23 - 24, 2014
"Apostolic Institutions at the Service of Mission"
XLRI, Jamshedpur
JUNE 2014