The Impact of Stress on Cognition and Behavior in Students with LD


The Impact of Stress on Cognition and Behavior in Students with LD
April 3, 2015
Annual Conference on Language and Learning
The Impact of Stress on Cognition and
Behavior in Students with LD & ADHD:
What to Know and What to Do
April 24, 2015
Children’s Hospital Colorado
2nd Floor Conference Center, Aurora, CO
Durango, Grand Junction,
Montrose, and Pueblo
In this interactive, informative and cartoon-laced presentation,
parents, teachers and other professionals will gain a better
understanding of the special role of stress in the lives of children
and adolescents with learning, attentional or emotional challenges.
Based on material from his book, Nowhere to Hide: Why Kids
with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do About It,
this noted neuropsychologist sheds light the brain/stress/learning
connection, and explains why executive functions take a back seat
to survival behavior in kids who are threatened by the challenges
of school. Learn why students, including those with Asperger
syndrome, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of stress. This
presentation, based on the latest brain research and supplemented
by Dr. Schultz’s many years of work as a teacher and clinician, will
give us the tools to understand and manage behaviors that get kids
in trouble and that get in the way of learning.
For additional information, please email the Committee
at or call
Lori Padilla at 720-777-5409.
Children’s Colorado 2nd Floor Conference Center
7:30 Registration (refreshments provided)
8:00 Welcome/Introduction
8:15Dr. Schultz : Keynote Presentation Part I: The Impact of Stress on Cognition and Behavior in Students with LD & ADHD: What to Know and What to DO
Following this workshop, participants will be able to:
10:15 Dr. Schultz: Keynote Presentation, Part II
• Explain why stress is particularly toxic to students with ADHD
and LD.
1:00 Dr. Schultz Presents: Group Learning Activities
• Describe the concept of “Saving FASE” in the presence of
academically-induced stress.
• Name the components and benefits of the De-Stress Model of
• List specific strategies that allow students with ADHD and LD
to gain a better sense of control over their learning.
This program is offered for 0.75 CEUs (Intermediate level;
Professional area).
Attendees are expected to be present for the entire program.
Individuals who are not present for the full program will not receive
ASHA CEUs. No partial credit will be provided.
Adam’s State graduate credit (0.5 credits) will be available at the
conference for an additional fee.
Early Registration Deadline: April 3, 2015
On-site at Children’s
Before 4/3/15
A refund, minus a $25 processing fee, will be granted if
cancellation is requested by April 1, 2015. No refunds will be
granted after this date or for non-attendance, although you may
send a substitute.
The Planning Committee reserves the right to modify the
agenda content while keeping consistent the time and content
requirements for ASHA CEUs, or cancel this conference, if
minimum acceptable registration is not attained by April 16, 2015,
with a full refund to participants.
2:30 Break
Dr. Schultz: Changing Kids’ Trajectories: Using what
you’ve learned to plan for the future
4:30 Questions
5:00 Evaluation/Adjourn/Write-Up
Jerome Schultz, Ph.D., Clinical
Neuropsychologist, Lecturer on Psychology,
Dept. of Child Psychiatry, Harvard Medical
School, Cambridge (MA) Health Alliance.
Dr. Jerome (Jerry) Schultz began his career as a school special
education teacher. Currently, he is a clinical neuropsychologist.
He is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School in the Department
of Psychiatry, where he supervises aspiring young psychologists
and psychiatry interns. For over three decades, he has specialized
in the neuropsychological assessment and treatment of children
with learning disabilities, ADHD, and other special needs.
Dr. Schultz is currently engaged full time in public speaking,
teacher training, supervision and consultation to schools in
the US and abroad.
Dr. Schultz received his undergraduate and Master’s degree from
The Ohio State University and earned his Ph.D. at Boston College,
and he has completed postdoctoral fellowships in both clinical
psychology and pediatric neuropsychology
A sought after speaker at national and international conferences,
Dr. Schultz has written extensively about children with learning
challenges and writes a special education and psychology blog
on the Huffington Post. His book, called Nowhere to Hide: Why
Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We Can Do
About It, examines the role of stress in learning, and has received
international acclaim.
Additional info:
You can follow him on Twitter @docschultz, and read his blog
on The Huffington Post at
View Dr. Schultz’s videos at
A recent National Resource Center on ADHD “Ask the Expert”
webinar is archived at
Dr. Schultz will receive an honorarium for his presentation.
Financial: Jossey-Bass Wiley Publishers (Royalties for Nowhere
to Hide: Why Kids with ADHD and LD Hate School and What We
Can Do About It)
Nonfinancial: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists
Annual Conference on Language and Learning
April 24, 2015
(Please list your name and organization as you would like them to appear on your name badge.)
Name_____________________________________________________________ Credentials_______________________
City_ __________________________________________________ State________________ Zip_ __________________
Day Phone (______) _______________________________________________________________________________
Fax # (______) _ ___________________________________________________________________________________
Email*_ __________________________________________________________________________________________
Lunch: _____Regular
_____ Vegetarian
_____Gluten free
(Lunch and Refreshments are available at Children’s site only)
Registration Fees:
Off-site/Videoconference $100
On-site at Children’s
Grand Junction
Amount enclosed __________________ Check # ___________
Visa/MC #____________________________________________________________ Expires______________________
(3-digit number on back of card)
Print Cardholder Name________________________________________________CVV Code______________________
Cardholder Signature_______________________________________________________________________________
If using an agency credit card, prior authorization from the issuing bank is required as some cards have usage restrictions.
There will be an additional $25 fee to reprocess any declined credit card or check.
Submit all completed registrations with credit card information via email to: (All email communications are secure.)
Or Submit Form
Or by fax: 720-777-7263
Children’s Hospital Colorado
Attn: Lori Padilla/L&L
13123 E. 16th Avenue, B360
Aurora, CO 80045
*Electronic confirmation of your registration will be sent to your email address provided on the registration form. You are not registered
for this conference until payment has been made and you have received your email confirmation from the committee.
If you prefer to mail your registration with payment by check or money order, you may do so by mailing your
completed form with payment to: