Great news from GEHA and ITA Partners! We are pleased to
Great news from GEHA and ITA Partners! We are pleased to
Great news from GEHA and ITA Partners! We are pleased to provide you with a new, streamlined process for the authorization of oncology treatment. You also now have access to the country’s most comprehensive database of nationally recognized treatment standards, based on the latest evidence-based care. GEHA now requires non-surgical cancer treatment precertification; and beginning January 3, 2011, all cancer treatments must be pre-certified using the eviti™ platform. eviti dramatically increases access to the latest treatment guidelines, reduces your administrative time and helps ensure that you will be properly reimbursed for the care you provide. What does this mean for you? • Assurance of prompt authorization of services • Improved turn-around time on claims payment (assuming precertification and submitted claim match) • Access to the latest evidenced-based guidelines in real time • Reduced administrative costs and time • No cost to you! Radiation Coming Soon: eviti will soon include a process for entering radiation treatment plans. Please check-back in mid-January when radiation functionality and registration will be available. Please continue to follow the existing process of sending the Radiation Information Request Form ( for radiation processing. Getting Started is as simple as 1, 2, 3: 1 2 3 Review the Provider Videos ( for an easy overview on how to get the most from the eviti platform. (Please note that the Provider Registering videos do not apply to GEHA and PCIP Providers entering from the GEHA Portal.) Review the Provider User Guide ( for step-by-step instructions and to get answers to commonly asked questions. Complete the Provider Registration “Quick Start”. Provider Registration Quick Start: 1. From the GEHA/PCIP Provider portal, click the eviti link on the Provider Web Services page. 2. Click the Continue button on the Eviti Disclaimer page. 3. You will be asked if you have an existing eviti Account: If you selected Yes: a. Enter your eviti email address and password on the Provider Account Login page. eviti links your account to your GEHA account, so the next time you log into the GEHA portal, you will be able to go directly into eviti. b. After you click Continue on the eviti Account Complete page, you are ready to start using eviti! If you selected No: a. Enter an email address (will become eviti username) and email verification on the Provider Account Create page. (An email will be sent containing the Verification Code need for next step.) b. Enter the Verification Code, from the email sent in the previous step, on the Provider Email Verification page. c. Choose the type of account desired (provider or staff). d. Enter your NPI # and your contact information and then click Complete. e. After you’ve read and accepted the Terms of Use, you are ready to start using eviti! Questions? • For Government Employee’s Health Association (GEHA) questions related to patient eligibility, plan language or patient status, please contact GEHA Customer Service at or call toll free number at 1-800-821-6136. • For Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) questions related to patient eligibility, plan language or patient status, please contact PCIP Customer Service at or call toll free number at 1-800-220-7898. • For any eviti application questions, problems, or feature requests, please contact the eviti Support Team at or call toll free number at 1-888-678-0990.
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