June 2015 - Trinity Presbyterian Church
June 2015 - Trinity Presbyterian Church
Trinity Presbyterian Church 185 Swaggertown Road Scotia, NY 12302 (518) 399-8782 ScotiaTrinity@aol.com www.scotiatrinity.org Rev. Kathleen Gorman-Coombs Rev. Dr. Timothy Coombs June 2015 Friends, On Sunday, May 17 I preached a sermon about people who claim to be Spiritual, But Not Religious, commonly known as the SBNR’s. In the message, I lifted up Linda Mercandte’s study that SBNR’s share an ethic driven by the need for “self-fulfillment.” This ethic or morality derives from the fact that most SBNR’s do not recognize the existence of a personal, self-conscious, intentional and involved God, but an impersonal, divine energy that they believe they can tap into through spiritual practices. Since in their understanding there is no intentional God guiding and teaching us about what is true and just, they are free to determine what is right and good for themselves. Therefore, the chief end of SBNR’s is not to glorify God, but to work toward their own glorification through “self-fulfillment.” The problem with the SBNR approach to all things spiritual is that it is not sustainable. To begin, the dirty little secret that SBNR’s do not want to face is what happens if they live their life and they don’t feel fulfilled? What if a person is prevented from doing what he or she feels called to do because of economic realities and simply opportunity? What about the millions of people throughout the world who do not have the leisure or means to pursue such quests? Does that mean their life was a failure? Seems like a rather elitist belief system to me. Martin Luther rejected the SBNR ethic as works righteousness. Whereas SBNR’s do not worry so much about salvation as they do self-fulfillment, this still means their chief end in life depends on them. The Good News of Jesus Christ is that we do not earn our salvation or even our ultimate fulfillment, but we receive it from God as an act of grace. Our response of faith and trust is not dependent on opportunity to be fulfilling. Life was and is still fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The other aspect of the SBNR ethic that many don’t want to face is that it is spiritually lonely. SBNR’s not only shy away from joining communities as they don’t want to be burdened by the community’s norms and values, preferring instead to be free to pursue their own personal fulfillment, but also one can not be in a relationship with an impersonal, divine energy, even if one believes this force is love. We feel love. We act in love. We are aware of love. We don’t and can’t engage with love as we would another person or God. Let’s face it, there are times when we get down on our luck. When it seems that we are on our own, and in fact, maybe I am, but because of my baptism, I trust that I am not. In my baptism I was signed and sealed with the mark of the Holy Spirit who is forever with me. I am never alone. God is with me. I trust this presence and God has never let me down. If I were an SBNR I could not say this. Like I said in my sermon, many SBNR’s eventually will find that despite their best efforts they still have a spiritual void in their life. We need to be prepared and educated to answer their questions about our experience about being BOTH Spiritual AND Religious. Community is not to be feared, but celebrated. The paradox is that as we commit to others, we only then begin to know what it means to be free and fulfilled. True, religious communities are far from perfect. We’re not supposed to be perfect, just grace-filled. Come let us share the good news. Tim Tim SICM Food Sunday--We will continue to collect donations for SICM’s Food Pantry. Each Communion Sunday the children roll up a shopping cart with the donations to be dedicated. We are adding a new feature beginning this month with a container in which you can deposit money. These funds will be sent to the Regional Food Bank. The monetary donations are used to purchase food in bulk, which greatly stretches the buying power of our dollars. Thank you to all who give so generously. ANNEX ROOF As we all know it was a hard winter and our Annex roof did not fare well. We had leaks in the Pryde Room and in the Annex. A team is getting estimates for not just the replacement of the roof, but also for getting heat tape to prevent ice dams over the soffit in the front of the Annex, (which we believe to be the reason for most of the leaks). The rubber roof is nearing the end of its life and the back section is riddled with patches from when the pine trees fell on it during the ice storm in 2009. We received an insurance settlement for replacing one-third of the roof where the damage was. We kept the money safe hoping the patches would hold until we needed to replace the entire roof. The good news the patches have held until this year, so now it is time. (See related article below). JUNE WORSHIP SCHEDULE June 7 Communion Sunday - Kathy preaching June 14 Youth Sunday - Selah playing Kathy preaching (A Woodberry Crossing meeting will be held right after the service). June 21 Last choir Sunday - Tim preaching June 28 Outdoor worship - Tim preaching YOUTH GROUP The group will have its final meeting of the year on Sunday, June 7 from 4:00 to 5:30. Among the fun games we will begin to discuss what we want to do next year. Will a retreat be a possibility? Maybe a weekend work camp experience? And yes, we will play one final game of Sardines. Finance News It’s likely that we will need to raise money for roof repair given the leaking that we had over the winter. The problems must be addressed this fall. Although we have been and still are hoping for a grant from Presbytery, the money would not usually be allowed for repairs of this type. We have some funds in our Building Fund but not enough to cover the expected expense. However, a grant and the needed roof work may provide the opportunity to combine building projects in an efficient and cost effective way (see related article above). As always, please remember to continue to fulfill your pledge over the summer months. It’s a busy time, but bills and payroll must be met! Thank you. Laraine Longhurst Finance Chair The Route Fifty 5, Trinity's favorite brass quintet, are returning to Freedom Park on Sunday July 26th. This free concert starts at 7pm, next to Jumpin' Jack's...we'll see you there! Sharing Gratitude… with special thanks to: To Nicky, the Mission committee, and the Deacons for the Cuba Dinner (and of course to Tim for sharing his experience). It was delicious as ever, and enjoyable and informative! To Carole Palmer, Karen Massey, Amy Jessup, Tim Coombs, and Kathy Gorman-Coombs who did the mulching and some other outdoor clean up on May 17. To Steve Parsons for organizing our participation in the CROP Walk (we are thankful he survived carrying that water bucket on his head!)--and to all who walked and all who sponsored walkers. Mission Thank YOU! School Supply Drive Thanks to all who donated this year! Collections will resume in August. If you see sales on the following and would like to "shop early" schools could use the following: -pencils -glue sticks -marble & spiral notebooks -tissues -dry erase markers -lined paper -24pack crayons -pencil pouches -pocket folders (laminated preferred~more durable) If you have any questions, please ask Linda Rockinger. To Nancy Virkler for managing our Staples/ink cartridge credit system and keeping us supplied with paper goods, office supplies, etc. To Linda Rockinger and Cara Molyneaux who have worked to make sure we have supply preachers when the pastors are away, and also provide support for those supply preachers. To Rev Viki Brooks, Campus Minister and Director of Religious and Spiritual Life at Union College, and Darren Gundrum, Commissioned Lay Preacher and Elder at Trinity and Youth Leader at Burnt Hills Methodist, who provided supply preaching on the last 2 Sundays in May. To everyone who has added quarters to our tube in the annex. We have raised enough money to send two students to the Haiti school for a WHOLE YEAR, and are well on our way to being able to send a third student! Since January, sixteen shawls or lap robes, each accompanied by hand-painted cards and dedicated during a worship service, have been distributed to folks for whom we have concern. Thank you to all the crafters. Trinity’s Jail Ministry We a re i n n eed of books, bot h for t h e su m m e r l u nc h prog r a m a nd t h e jai l m i n is t r y. Ch i ld re n/ yo u n g a d u l t books a re needed for t h e su m m e r l u nc h p rogr a m, wi t h a speci a l e mp h asis on m idd le re ade rs and ch ap te r books. Yo u ng ad u l t books a re needed for t h e jai l m i n is t r y, for t hose wi t h lower re ad i ng le ve ls. Ple ase see Pa t W hee le r or Wendi Br a n dow. A box wil l be pl aced i n t he a n n ex for col lec t ion. Ge n t l y used is fi ne. Summer Book Group and Movie The Women’s Spirituality Group invites the women and men of the church and friends to discuss the book: To Kill a Mockingbird Wednesday July 8, 2015, 5:30 p.m. and/or to view the movie of the same name starring Gregory Peck on Wednesday July 15, 2015, 5:30 p.m. Please bring a snack for yourself or to share. RSVP by July 2 to Laraine Longhurst at laraine.longhurst@gmail.com or 384-1140 June 1 Brad Murray, Nancy Virkler 3 Ian Germain 4 Kenneth Palmer, Lois Dodge 6 Josh Storch 7 Jennifer (Boomhower) Leipham 8 Abby Caldwell 10 Rick Longhurst, Emily Massey 11 Nathan Joseph 13 Greg Stevens, Olivia Wheeler 16 Barbara Bishop 17 Carole Palmer 18 Pat Wheeler 21 Bill Statler 22 Barbara Hammerli 24 Jeannette Storch 28 Jim Bishop, Sr., Chris Rockinger 29 Karen Massey VBS Goes On a WORLD MISSION CRUISE Pack your sunscreen and Bibles as VBS goes on a World Mission Cruise this summer. Our curriculum is based on the experience “God’s Love Around the World by Presbyterian World Mission. Our VBS will expand our children’s ideas about mission, from the local to the global. Spread the word and plan on taking part August 17-20. The Scrapbooking Group Please note the following dates for scrapbooking this spring: 6/19, 7/31, 8/28 See Amy Jessup with any questions. June Ushers 6/7 6/14 6/21 6/28 T F S J & M Peterson & R Quinn Parsons & C Molyneaux & S Savoie June Counters 6/7 6/14 6/21 6/28 ME Giroux & S Parsons L Korkosz & J Pietrow J Gorman & L Korkosz J Hutchinson & J Brandow June News from the Haiti Mission School Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14 We had hardly come back from Haiti with the Bay Road group when it was time to head back. This was our annual trip to negotiate contracts, set the budget for the coming school year and take the student pictures. The small plane we usually take from Port Au Prince to Jeremie was still in Venezuela getting a complete overhaul. I suppose that is the good news and the bad… Bussing across Haiti, even with the new airconditioned busses, is still not my favorite thing to do. But progress is progress and we have been seeing quite a lot of it lately. Speaking of progress— they are working hard on the road to Jeremie. Building roads through mountains such as these is quite a feat. We are pleased to see many Haitians working on the various infrastructure projects. The truly bad section of the trip is down to about 1 ½ hours now. In Jeremie itself, a number of previously rocky (not gravel) roads have been paved… the airport runway is supposed to be paved this year… and wonder of wonders— there was a municipal truck picking up roadside trash… A blessing for us this trip— After a couple of tries, we finally met with the man from the education department in Port Au Prince. We assured him that we would welcome the Government’s involvement. He assured us that he would try, but he cautioned us that Haiti is about to have elections this fall and just as here, not much happens during the time leading up to the elections, and a new administration may have different goals. On Sunday we went to Labastille to worship. We always love the worship in these small churches… there is so much energy flowing— No generator is needed-- they provide their own electricity. One Sunday each month, the students from the school participate in worship leadership. At one point in the service they were singing a song for us They each had a song sheet… JoEllen wondered why they had not learned the song. Suddenly she realized they were all reading the words! READING THE WORDS! Learning a new thing! Praise the Lord! Our last night in Haiti was our 48 wedding anniversary. The young men (translators) had been especially excited all week. That night we found out why… they had planned a big celebration for us… a decorated car to bring us to the beautiful hotel where they put on a big meal with champagne and cake. The ride to the hotel was fun – us in the decorated car-- the guys riding in the back of a pickup truck ahead of us with horns blaring, etc. A special night… th SUNDAY SCHOOL Sunday, June 14 will be Youth Sunday, which marks the end of Sunday school until fall. The children will write the prayers, choose the music for Selah to play and lead worship. Thanks to Megan Phelps who taught the spring term. Sunday 7 Monday Tuesday 1 2 Presbytery at Silver Bay Presbytery at Silver Bay 8 9 Worship 10am SICM Sunday Wednesday Thursday 3 4 Friday Saturday 5 6 12 13 Choir 7:30 pm 10 VBS Planning Meeting 5 pm 11 Choir 7:30 pm Bridge Group Deacons 7 pm 14 15 16 Worship 10am 21 22 23 Worship 10am 17 18 19 Session 7 pm Choir 7:30 pm Scrapbooking 5 pm 24 25 26 Choir 7:30 pm 28 29 30 Worship 10 am Summer Lunch Program Tim and YAP leave for Guatemala Summer Lunch Program 20 27 Sunday 5 Monday 6 Worship 10am SICM Sunday 12 13 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 4 1 2 3 Summer Lunch Program Summer Lunch Program Summer Lunch Program 7 8 9 10 11 Deacons 7:00 pm Book Group Discussion 5:30 pm Choir 7:30 pm 14 15 16 17 18 Book Group Movie Night 5:30 pm Choir 7:30 pm 25 Worship 10am Mission Committee 19 20 21 22 23 24 Worship 10am Summer Lunch Program Summer Lunch Program Summer Lunch Program Summer Lunch Program Summer Lunch Program Session Meeting 7:00 pm Choir 7:30 pm 29 30 31 Choir 7:30 pm Scrapbooking 5:00 pm 26 Worship 10 am 27 28