Cumberland News Rifle Club - Scottish Pistol Association


Cumberland News Rifle Club - Scottish Pistol Association
Cumberland News Rifle Club
Air Guns Open Shoot – 15/16/17 May 2015
This Open Shoot is part of the NSRA “National Airgun Series”,
Prizes will be awarded to the first 3 in each class in Comp 3 (the aggregate)
and the first 2 in each class in Comps 1 and 2
We are grateful to Qiang Yuan for their sponsorship of additional aggregate prizes
The organisers reserve the right to alter the prize list according to the entry.
I. S. S. F. Rules will apply, except where modified by C. N. R. C.
Current true averages based on your last 6 Team scores must be submitted with entry and confirmed
by a Club Official. If a confirmed average is not submitted the shooter will be entered in Class A.
Juniors must be under 21 on 15 May 2015.
1 hour and 30 minutes will be allowed for completion of 60 shots by air rifle and pistol. Ladies
may complete the 40 shot match with cards collected and then complete the 60 shot
programme, if they wish too.
Warnings will be given at 10 minutes and 5 minutes prior to the end of competitions.
Air Rifle = 1 shot per card
Air Pistol = 2 shots per card
You MUST arrive at the Range at least 30 min. before the start of your
detail for equipment checks.
Please Do NOT pack or remove your equipment until the detail has finished.
After shooting you may quietly leave the Range, and hand your cards to the scorers.
The decisions of the Range Committee are final.
Hot and cold refreshments will be available.
Please return your entry (with payment) to:Mr. D. Erskine, 5 Longlands Road, Stanwix, Carlisle CA3 9AD
Telephone: 01228 524392
Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, or email address for confirmation of squadding.
Cumberland News Rifle Club
Air Guns Open Shoot – 15/16/17 May 2015
Competitions and Entry Form
Air Rifle:
Competition One: 60 shots, Competition Two: 60 shots, Competition Three: The Aggregate
Air Pistol:
Competition One: 60 shots, Competition Two: 60 shots, Competition Three: The Aggregate
Address: ………………………………………………………….
Post Code:
…………………………………………………………. (required)
…………………………………………………………. (required)
Left Handed:
Wheelchair access required: Y / N
Date of Birth (junior): …………….
Registered with NSRA for National Airgun Series Y / N
Average (ex 600) : PISTOL: …………
RIFLE: …………
Anyone who shoots in the CNTSA Postal Leagues MUST use their current average in this league
Classification (ex 600):
“A” 550 and over, “B” 500 to 549.9,
Pistol: “A” 545 and over, “B” 520 to 544.9,
“C” under 499.9
“C” under 519.9
I declare that I do not suffer from epilepsy or sudden attacks of disabling giddiness or fainting, any mental
illness or any other disability or medical condition that could affect my fitness as a shooter.
(If you have a medical history of any of these conditions, please supply a medical certificate or evidence that
would permit us to accept your entry, as required by the Firearms Acts.)
Signature: ………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………. (club official)
…………………………………………………………. (competitor)
Please note: the following details will be stored on computer for the purposes of producing results and will be published on the club website: name, scores
achieved & position. Your signature above confirms your agreement to this.
Air Rifle:
Air Pistol:
combined entry fee (comps 1, 2 & 3):
combined entry fee (comps 1, 2 & 3):
Adults £16 …..… Juniors £12 ………
Adults £16 …..… Juniors £12 ………
Total Enclosed: £ ………… please make cheques payable to “CNRC”
SQUADDING REQUEST: you will need to book one detail for each 60 shot competition.
Please indicate first and
second choice for each
detail i.e. 1/1, 1/2 and 2/1,