Scottsdale High School


Scottsdale High School
Scottsdale High School
No 5 - April 24 2015
Dear Parents and Families,
Ms Natalie Odgers
Assistant Principal
Ms Jeanna BoltonDean
Acting Assistant
Ms Marianne Olsen
School Business
Mr Thomas Mulligan
Welcome Back
I hope that students and families enjoyed the term one break and had a happy Easter. Students
have returned refreshed and settled very quickly into good learning routines with a focus on
getting the most out of each learning opportunity. This term we have been joined by two new
staff members. Danielle Krushka has joined the Grade 7 team and is teaching Health and
Physical Education and Science. Brittany Walker has returned to our staff and is on the Grade 9
team, teaching English, History and Dance. We welcome them both to our school and hope that
they enjoy their time teaching at Scottsdale. I would also like to share with you that Narelle
Krushka has been appointed permanently to the position of Trade Training Centre Coordinator. Narelle has been acting in this role for some time and brings lots of experience in
working in post year 10 education. Congratulations Narelle.
Junior School
Coordinator (7-9)
Ms Marianne Olsen
As we launch into another term it is timely to remind students and parents about the
importance of uniform. As the weather gets colder it is important that all students have suitable
Senior School
uniform to provide warmth during the winter months. This week students in year 11 and 12
Coordinator( 10-12)
have started wearing our new rugby top and these look fantastic. We are currently making
Ms Jeanna Bolton-Dean
arrangements for a new rugby top for Grade 7 – 10 students. These will be available very soon.
Student Support
Please be aware that hoodies are not acceptable for school and that students need a jumper or
Mrs Belinda Fletcher
jacket that is part of our uniform. Lightweight jackets and black puffer jackets are available for
sale at the school office. Also, a reminder that we have school scarves available in two colours,
Guidance Officer
black or biscuit, and that if students wish to wear a scarf to school then it needs to be part of
Miss Lisa Dunham
our uniform. Students are asked to remove scarves in class so that they can benefit from the
Social Worker
extra warmth provided when they are outside at breaks and on their way to and from school.
Miss Natasha Williams
Thank-you for your support in helping to maintain high
Grade Supervisors: standards with uniform.
Grade 7
Mr Benjamin Gofton
As a school community we really value the importance
Grade 8
of our young people understanding the importance of
Mrs Katrina
ANZAC day. This year is significant as we mark the
centenary and as a result our assembly this morning
Grade 9
took the form of a traditional ANZAC service. I would
Mrs Belinda Fletcher
like to commend students on the respect shown during
Grade 10
this assembly. I would also like to acknowledge and
Mrs Michelle Kelly
thank a number of our students who will be
representing the school at ANZAC services in Dorset
Grade 11/12
Mrs Michelle Kelly
Duty of care: Parents
are reminded that duty
of care on school
grounds begins at
Scottsdale service – Bailey, Taige , Louis, Ebony
Bridport service- Jesse, Mathew
Ringarooma service – Hannah, Heidi
Dylan who is the speaker at the Scottsdale Dawn Service.
In Closing
A reminder that our School Association AGM is Wednesday 29th April at 5.00. This group is an
important voice for parents; if you are interested in being part of the Association then I would
encourage you to attend.
Natalie Odgers
D e p a r tm e n t o f E d u c a t i o n
WotOpera Performance
After four weeks of writing, auditioning, painting sets and
lots of rehearsing, the day finally came for the WotOpera
students to perform on stage at the Princess Theatre in
On the last Wednesday of term, the students travelled
into town to spend four hours in rehearsals to ready them
for the performance that night. Students from Lilydale and
Exeter High Schools were there too and by the end of the
day the three groups of students were all chatting
excitedly together about the amazing experience they
were all sharing in.
Scottsdale students were performing second on the night,
so they were forced to wait in the dressing rooms
underneath the stage, doing their best to keep their
nerves at bay. The performance that evening was a huge
They approached the evening like true
professionals and did their best to make it their best ever
performance. Staff, parents and students who attended
were very impressed with the talent displayed by
Scottsdale High School students.
Hollie – “The best bit was coming up with your own play”.
Phoebe – “The best bit for me was performing it on the night
with everyone”.
Hannah – “The best bit was performing in front of everyone”.
Ronan – “I liked making the script, it was really fun.
Saffron – “We met self-minded people”.
Shannae – “I liked connecting with other people’s ideas”.
Brittany – “I liked the whole thing. I liked doing something
different, outside of my comfort zone”.
Brittany – “it was awesome meeting new people and working
with them”.
Dylan – “It was a great achievement. Knowing we created an
opera in around 24 hours was astounding”.
Anna - “I loved putting myself out there and seeing what I
had inside”.
Rachelle – “It was a life-changing choice to be part of it all”.
Dakoda – “I really enjoyed sharing my talents with other
William – “10/10 I would recommend for anyone who gets
the chance to do it in the future”.
Jai – “I enjoyed going into town to perform at a big theatre”.
Britney – “It was a good experience and great to show what
you’ve got and not be scared.”
Kiarna – “The experience of working with new and different
people was really amazing.”
Michael – “performing at the Princess theatre was the
highlight for me”.
Stephanie – “Who would have thought we could create
something so amazing in just 24 hours”.
Travis – “It was the best”.
Without a doubt, the WotOpera experience was enjoyed
by every student. Mr Lawson and Ms McMahon were
very impressed with the mature approach the students
took throughout the programme and especially when they
were in the theatre and performing in front of a live
audience. For further information about WotOpera
please visit
Health and Physical Education
2015 has seen a change in the Health and Physical Education learning area. The subject has recently come online as an
Australian Curriculum subject meaning that all students in the country are taught using the same curriculum. In Health
and Physical Education students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to be successful in classroom, leisure,
social, movement and online situations. Students learn how to take positive action to enhance their own and others’
health, safety and wellbeing.
In practical classes students have been learning about aquatics, summer sports and
fitness with the whole school cross country approaching. The Health and Physical
Education area also has a number of options that run at Scottsdale High School including Sports Science, Recreational Pursuits and Sport Education. These options are
designed to further enrich students understanding of sport, recreation activities and
The Health and Physical Education learning area is viewed as an extremely important
learning area at Scottsdale High School as it is where students form positive habits,
values and behaviours that will have a lifelong impact on their health.
Please find below some information from students about what they have been learning in their classes.
Benjamin Gofton/Health and Physical Education Learning Area Leader
In HPE theory 8A has been learning how to make an activity to release anger and to make peope happier that will help us in the
future. by Brodie
In Health and wellbeing theory 8C are learning about teenage mental health and how we can make our mental health positive.
by Danika
Recreational Pursuits
Throughout term one and the beginning of term two, recreational pursuits students have participated in many theory and
practical activities. The first practical unit for the term was a Gridiron unit, alteration of rugby. Students completed
many drills and small games, enhancing and improving their skills to a level where they could compete in a competitive
game. Generating teams, creating a roster and forming a ladder were the next steps before games could start. After
numerous lessons to finish games and finals, ‘Droopy Beanies’ were the eventual winners. Towards the end of first term
and continuing now, students are in the same process with a new game, European Handball. Half way through the finals
series ‘Blipples captained by Zak Kerrison and his star offensive player Adam , are in the grand final with an opponent still
to be decided.
by Adam
Sport Science
During the first term students in Sport Science have been studying numerous theory and practical based topics. The first
theory unit for the term was around the human body systems, and reviewing where each of the systems were located,
what the systems were made up of and the types of diseases that were possible to occur within systems. Following this
unit students then moved on to and investigated the relationship between muscle mass and strength and a practical test
to see which is more effective. There were numerous tests that each student took part in that targeted specific muscle
groups, these included: push up hold, wall sit, push up reps and DMC test. All the data was then collected and students
then wrote an individual lab report and this brought us to the end of term one.
by Zak
Monday 27th
Wednesday 29th
Monday 4th
Tuesday 12th
Wednesday 13th
Thursday 14th
Friday 15th
Wednesday 20th
Thursday 21st
Monday 25th
Survival Camp Week 2
Year 11/12 Reports Home
Cross Country Carnival
Cross Country Rain Day
Grade 8 Camp Week 1
Wednesday 3rd
Monday 8th
Tuesday 9th
Tuesday 16th
Grade 8 Camp Week 2
Queen’s Birthday holiday
Newstead College visit
Inter high Cross Country
Thankyou to all who have supported this
fundraiser by selling boxes of lollies and
Survival Camp Week 1
Farm Board AGM
School Association AGM
All chocolate drive money is to be paid by
8th May
Thankyou from the SRC
Wanted - Winter Jackets
If you have a winter polar fleece lined jacket
you would like to sell please drop in to the
general office
(03) 63 526 333