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bs_bs_banner Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015. With 5 figures Geometric morphometric and phylogenetic analyses of Arizona Sky Island populations of Scaphinotus petersi Roeschke (Coleoptera: Carabidae) KAREN A. OBER* and CRAIG T. CONNOLLY Department of Biology, College of the Holy Cross, 1 College St., Worcester, MA 01610, USA Received 20 August 2014; revised 23 December 2014; accepted for publication 25 February 2015 Scaphinotus petersi Roeschke, 1907 (Carabidae) is a ground beetle endemic to Sky Islands in south-eastern Arizona. Previous taxonomic studies described several subspecies with morphological differences inhabiting geographically isolated mountain ranges. We combined molecular sequence data and morphometric data, especially head and pronotum shape analyses, to examine the variation and divergence in subspecies and isolated montane populations. In this study, we employ a combination of distance morphometrics as well as geometric morphometrics to quantify the level of morphological variation, and to test the hypothesis that geographically distinct populations of S. petersi are phenotypically distinct. Results suggest that these isolated populations have diverged morphologically and genetically. Phylogenetic analyses identified two monophyletic lineages within the species that correspond generally to pronotum shape. We observed significant morphological variation among most montane populations in of S. petersi, with the pronotum shape as the clearest delimiting trait. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 doi: 10.1111/zoj.12269 ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Arizona – beetles – geometric morphometrics – Madrean Sky Islands – molecular systematics. INTRODUCTION Studying how variation in geography and ecological interactions affects patterns of morphological divergence can lead to a better understanding of evolutionary processes that generate new species. Morphological divergence may be caused by chance events such as genetic drift or founder effects, or may be the result of natural selection arising from geographically patterned variation in ecological factors. Studying geographic variation within species when evolutionary divergence may be in progress provides an opportunity to observe the speciation process in action, and may reveal both recent and historic changes in geology, climate, ecology, or dispersal patterns contributing to population subdivision. Geographic isolation is a major cause of the evolution of new taxa (Coyne & Orr, 2004). Geographically *Corresponding author. E-mail: isolated mesic refuges, such as those found in the southwest mountains of the USA, have been important areas of diversification for carabid beetles during periods of dry climate (Noonan, 1992). The Sky Islands (Heald, 1951), also called the Madrean Archipelago, form a unique complex of mountain ranges and ecosystems, encompassing nearly 270 000 km2 in south-eastern Arizona, south-western New Mexico, and northern Mexico. The mountains form discontinuous chains separated by two major rivers: the Gila River and the San Pedro River (Fig. 1). At present, hot and dry desert grasslands and scrub in the valleys between mountain ranges (‘the sea’ between the Sky Islands) act as a barrier to the movement of upland forest species. Similar to the way in which saltwater seas isolate biota on oceanic islands, these valleys separate montane habitats, and therefore limit genetic interchange between populations, and create environments with high evolutionary potential. The Sky Island ecosystems, renowned for their biodiversity (Lomolino, Brown & Davis, © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 1 2 K. A. OBER AND C. T. CONNOLLY Figure 1. A, study location; distribution area of Scaphinotus petersi is circled. Habitats above 1830 m a.s.l. are shown in black, and habitats between 1500 and 1830 m a.s.l. are shown in grey. B, shaded relief map of study area. Black dots denote the sampling localities of S. petersi used in this study (see Table 1), abbreviated as follows: C, Chiricahua Mountains; H, Huachuca Mountains; P, Pinal Mountains; PN, Pinaleño Mountains; R, Rincon Mountains; SA, Sierra Ancha Mountains; SC, Santa Catalina Mountains; SR, Santa Rita Mountains; WM, White Mountains. Figure modified from Ober et al. (2011). 1989), are considered a biodiversity ‘hot spot’ (Spector, 2002) for their endemic species richness, including many threatened and endangered species. In combination, the geographical and ecological uniqueness of the Sky Islands create a natural laboratory to examine morphological divergence resulting from the evolutionary dynamics of vicariance. Ecosystems atop these mountain ranges are sufficiently separated by the dry, hot lowland habitats, such that their remoteness promotes the differentiation of organisms that live there. Geographically isolated mesic refuges, such as those in the south-west mountains of the USA, have been important areas of diversification for carabid beetles during periods of dry climate (Noonan, 1992). Carabidae (ground beetle family) is a large family of insects, containing approximately 40 000 described species (Lorenz, 2005). The snail-eating beetles of the genus Scaphinotus belong to the carabid tribe Cychrini. Cychrines consist of about 150 species in four genera, and are restricted to the Northern Hemisphere; the Cychrini genus Scaphinotus, found only in North America, radiated about 35 Mya (Scudder, 1900; Osawa, Su & Imura, 2004) into 55 species (Lorenz, 2005). Scaphinotus petersi Roeschke, 1907, a large ground beetle, is endemic, confined exclusively to moist coniferous forests in southeastern Arizona at elevations > 1800 m a.s.l. Scaphinotus petersi is a specialist predator of land snails; it uses elongated and narrow mouthparts to penetrate and extract the soft parts of terrestrial snails (LaRochelle, 1972; Digweed, 1993). Scaphinotus petersi, like other Scaphinotus species, is flightless, with reduced or absent flight wings under fused elytra. At present, six subspecies of S. petersi have been characterized by Ball (1966) based on isolated geographic locations and some morphological differences, including colour variation of the dorsal surface and type of punctuation of the pronotum. Ball (1966) also found that S. petersi beetle populations on several Sky Island mountain ranges have some distinct differences in size, and some differences in pronotum and leg characteristics, albeit that these are not clear-cut. It appears there are visual morphological differences between S. petersi from different mountain range populations. In addition, recent molecular phylogeographic studies indicate structured genetic variation in mitochondrial DNA with some deep genetic divergences among montane beetle populations (Ober et al., 2011; Mitchell & Ober, 2013). All six S. petersi subspecies live exclusively on mountains in the sub-Mogollon Sky Island area of Arizona (Fig. 1; Table 1). Here we examine patterns of variation among isolated populations of S. petersi by inferring evolutionary relationships among populations using molecular sequence data, and by quantifying morphological variation with geometric morphometrics to evaluate geographical patterns of differentiation. In this paper we examine variation in size, but we also included additional morphological characters that seem to have discriminatory value, and use new methods to examine morphological divergence. Principally, for the first time © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 MORPHOMETRICS OF SCAPHINOTUS PETERSI Table 1. Scaphinotus petersi subspecies, mountain range collection locality, and number of specimens included in the morphological study Subspecies Mountain range No. females No. males catalinae corvus biedermani biedermani petersi petersi grahami grahami kathleenae Catalina Chiricahua Huachuca Rincon Pinal Sierra Ancha Pinaleño White Santa Rita 30 24 7 3 7 0 33 5 3 55 21 7 3 6 2 27 4 5 Total 85 45 14 6 13 2 60 9 8 242 in this species, we investigate how morphological shapes vary in different populations through geometric morphometrics. Geometric morphometrics have clear advantages over linear measurements and their ratios, which cannot capture intricate changes in the shape of a particular feature, can be correlated with size, and can underestimate geometric complexity. We address the following questions: (1) is there morphological shape variation, and also size variation, in the species S. petersi; (2) have isolated populations of S. petersi evolved different morphological shape and size characteristics; and (3) do morphological differences follow a phylogeographic pattern? MATERIAL AND METHODS DNA EXTRACTION, AMPLIFICATION, AND SEQUENCING A total of 70 S. petersi samples from eight mountain ranges (Fig. 1; Table S1) were included in the phylogenetic analysis along with Sphaeroderus lecontei Dejean, 1826, which served as an out-group. Specimens from all subspecies and populations in Table 1 were included in the molecular analyses, except for the Sierra Ancha and White Mountain populations. We collected 49 new DNA sequences from S. petersi. Genomic DNA was extracted following the protocol outlined in Maddison, Baker & Ober (1999). Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were performed using a modification of the procedure described in Maddison et al. (1999). Reactions used an annealing temperature of 53–56 °C. This procedure was used to amplify a 300-base pair portion of ND1, a 500-base pair portion of COI, and a 1000-base pair region of 28S rDNA. Eurofins MWG Operon carried out DNA sequencing using an Applied Biosystems ABI 3730 48-capillary DNA analyser with Big Dye Terminator Technology, according to the manufacturer’s protocols (Applied Biosystems). DNA se- 3 quence data were visualized using SEQUENCHER 3.0 (Gene Codes Corp.). Sequences were easily aligned by eye using MESQUITE 2.75 (Maddison & Maddison, 2011). Data matrices are available from the corresponding author, K. A. Ober. Coding sequence data plus an adjacent portion of mitochondrial tRNA (mtRNA) were available for a total of 68 of the 71 samples for ND1, and coding sequence data were available for 51 of the 71 samples for COI and for 35 of the 71 samples for 28S. The sequences generated for this study have been deposited in GenBank, and their accession numbers are listed in Table S1. PHYLOGENETIC RECONSTRUCTION Phylogenetic patterns were examined by inferring phylogenetic relationships from combined ND1 + mtRNA, COI, and 28S sequence data. The combined data set (3804 characters) was partitioned in four unlinked subsets (COI positions 1 + 2, ND1 positions 1 + 2, COI + ND1 position 3, and mtRNA + 28S). Maximumlikelihood searches were completed using GARLI 2.0 (Zwickl, 2011) using an HKY + I + G model of evolution for each subset. The other search settings were set to default settings. The searches employed a heuristic search strategy and were repeated 1000 times, starting from random trees and keeping only the tree with the best likelihood score. Support for the relationships found in these searches was evaluated by 200 replicate bootstrap analyses with 100 addition sequences per replicate. Bayesian analyses were completed in MRBAYES 3.2 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003) using four runs of 100 million generations each. The same partition strategy and model of evolution as above was used. Each run used four separate chains, sampling every 1000 generations. Independent runs were combined using LOGCOMBINER 1.5.4 (Rambaut & Drummond, 2010). For each analysis, the trees in a burn-in period were excluded (the first 25% of the runs) and the majority-rule consensus tree of the remaining trees was calculated by PAUP* (Swofford, 2002), to determine the Bayesian posterior probabilities of the clades. The average standard deviation of split frequencies was well below 0.01 and all parameters appeared to have reached stationarity. MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSES A total of 112 female and 130 male S. petersi specimens were examined from all six subspecies in nine mountain ranges in south-eastern Arizona (Fig. 1). The specimens examined belong to the following collections: Carnegie Museum of Natural History (ICCM), California Academy of Sciences (CAS), UC Berkeley Essig Museum of Entomology (UCBC), and the corresponding author’s personal collection (KAO). The © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 4 K. A. OBER AND C. T. CONNOLLY Figure 2. A, head shape landmarks on female Scaphinotus petersi biedermani from Rincon Mountains. Pronotum shape landmarks: (B) Scaphinotus petersi kathleenae male from Santa Rita Mountains; (C) Scaphinotus petersi biedermani female from Rincon Mountains. number of specimens studied for each subspecies and population is indicated in Table 1. For each specimen, we collected digital images using a SPOT Idea 3MP colour digital camera mounted on an Olympus SZX7 stereoscopic dissecting microscope using SPOT imaging software (Diagnostic Instruments, Inc.). We recorded the following measurements: length of the hind leg (femur + tibia + tarsus); head length – distance from anterior margin of clypeus to posterior margin of compound eye, usually measured on left side of head; head width – maximum transverse distance across vertex and compound eyes; pronotum length – distance from the anterior margin to the posterior margin, measured along the midline; elytra length – distance from posterior tip of scutellum to apex of longer elytron; and total length – sum of head, pronotum, and elytral length, as in Ball (1966). Males and females were analysed separately because of sexual dimorphism in this species. All measurements were log-transformed to normalise the data (Shapiro–Wilk’s W-test). To evaluate the degree of measurement error, we performed double-blind repeat digital imaging and measurements for each trait for ten specimens. There were no significant differences between any of the original and repeated measurements (Student’s t-test, P = 0.26–0.78). We used a oneway analysis of variance test (ANOVA) and the Tukey– Kramer highly significant difference (HSD) test in JMPv9.3 (SAS Institute, Inc., 2012) to test the null hypothesis of no differences in leg length, total body length, head length, and head width among subspecies and populations. The x- and y-coordinates of ten homologous pronotum landmarks and six homologous head landmarks (Fig. 2) were digitized for each specimen using TPSDIG 2.16 (Rohlf, 2006). We used MORPHOJ (Klingenberg, 2011) to investigate the number and type of differences in prontum shape and head shape between subspecies and populations. The raw coordinates of all specimens were aligned (i.e. translated, rotated, and scaled to match one another) using the Procrustes generalized orthogonal least-squares (GLS) superimposition method, leaving only shape variation for further analyses (Rohlf & Slice, 1990). A multivariate analysis of variance test (MANOVA; SAS Institute & Inc, 2012) was used to test for significant differences among populations and subspecies in the distance measurements between landmarks along the pronotum and head outline. Partial warps were calculated using the Procrustes shape residuals. To survey the patterns of variation in pronota and heads, within and between subspecies and mountain ranges, we used principal components analyses (PCA) of partial warps. Canonical variate analyses (CVA) with MANOVA of the partial warp scores matrix were performed to compare head shape and pronotum shape among populations. CV axes allow us to maximize the difference in shape among populations relative to within-population variance. A full crossvalidation discriminate functions analysis (DFA) was used to determine how well populations are distinguished from each other based on head and pronotum shape. Males and females were analysed separately. RESULTS PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSES Results from the phylogenetic analyses showed several distinct evolutionary lineages within S. petersi. Within S. petersi, two well-supported major clades were identified (clades A and B, Fig. 3); however, shallower clades had low Bayesian posterior probabilities and/or maximum-likelihood bootstrap support. The two major clades of S. petersi corresponded to geographic relationships between collection localities and spatially © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 MORPHOMETRICS OF SCAPHINOTUS PETERSI 5 Figure 3. Maximum-likelihood tree of Scaphinotus petersi populations from combined 28S rDNA, COI, and ND1 + mtRNA data. The out-group, Sphaeroderus lecontei, is removed to show greater detail. Specimen numbers are removed, but the subspecies and mountain range from which they were collected is indicated. Specimens from all subspecies in Table 1 are represented in the molecular phylogeny. Support for major branches is indicated by Bayesian posterior probability/ maximum likelihood bootstrap values. *Bayesian posterior probability greater than 95%. Scale bar units are substitutions per site. structured genetic variation at deep and shallow scales. Clade A (Fig. 3) of Scaphinotus petersi grahami Van Dyke, 1938 from the Pinaleño Mountains, Scaphinotus petersi corvus Fall, 1910 from the Chiricahua Mountains, and Scaphinotus petersi kathleenae Ball, 1966 from the Santa Rita Mountains, was clearly phylogenetically distinct from clade B of Scaphinotus petersi catalinae Van Dyke, 1924 from the Santa Catalina Mountains, Scaphinotus petersi biedermani Roeschke, 1907 from the Huachuca Mountains, S. p. biedermani from the Rincon Mountains, and Scaphinotus petersi petersi Roeschke, 1907 from the Pinal Mountains (Fig. 3). Scaphinotus petersi kathleenae from the Santa Rita Mountains was paraphyletic with respect to other populations in clade A. In clade B, the S. p. biedermani Rincon population appeared to be a distinct lineage from the S. p. biedermani Huachuca population, and within the Huachuca population there were some lineages more closely related to the Santa Catalina population. The Santa Catalina population (S. p. catalinae) was paraphyletic with respect to some S. p. biedermani from the Huachuca Mountains. Both maximum-likelihood and Bayesian analyses of combined nuclear and mitochondrial DNA found similar topologies. The best maximum-likelihood tree (Fig. 3) had a log-likelihood score of −7347.2245, and the Bayesian analyses converged on a set of trees with a mean log-likelihood score of −6118.129. MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSES The results of the quantitativie morphometrics analyses showed there was a large amount of morphological variation and divergence in traits among S. petersi populations. Results of ANOVA tests indicated that head length and width, leg length, and total body length varied significantly among montane populations for females (P ≤ 0.040; Fig. 4; Table 2) and males (P ≤ 0.010; Fig. 4; Table 2), but that there was substantial overlap among some populations (Table 2). When montane populations were combined into subspecies categories, head length and width and total body length varied significantly among subspecies of S. petersi for both sexes (P ≤ 0.009), but there was not significant variation among subspecies in leg length for males (P = 0.074), and nor for females (P = 0.112). Using multivariate analyses of distance measurements we found significant differences among S. petersi © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 6 K. A. OBER AND C. T. CONNOLLY Figure 4. ANOVA of male length and width trait measurements by mountain range and subspecies: A, male head width; B, male body length; C, male leg length; D, male head length; E, female head width; F, female body length; G, female leg length; H, female head length. Black string, median; open box, first interquartile; bar, second interquartile. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 Catalina Chiricahua Huachuca Rincon Pinal Pinaleño White Santa Rita Mountain range Catalina Chiricahua Huachuca Rincon Pinal Sierra Ancha Pinaleño White Santa Rita catalinae corvus biedermani biedermani petersi grahami grahami kathleenae Subspecies catalinae corvus biedermani biedermani petersi petersi grahami grahami kathleenae 52–55 20–21 6–7 2–3 4–6 2 27 4 3–5 No. males 27–30 24 5–7 0–3 6–7 31–33 5 1–3 No. females Head width (SD) 2.073A,B (0.092) 2.086A,B (0.064) 2.163A (0.070) 2.066A,B (0.143) 2.132A,B (0.130) 1.999A,B (0.016) 2.041B (0.071) 2.055A,B (0.127) 2.144A,B (0.109) 1.906B (0.097) 1.918B (0.083) 2.056A (0.101) 1.944A,B (0.071) 1.925A,B (0.114) 1.855A,B (0.017) 1.912B (0.073) 1.828B (0.069) 2.007A,B (0.077) 2.120A,B (0.092) 2.098A,B (0.083) 2.220A (0.103) 2.084A,B,C (0.109) 2.114A,B,C (0.216) 2.088B (0.085) 2.039A,B,C (0.052) 2.123A,B,C (0.084) 1.994B (0.119) 1.967B (0.085) 2.146A (0.099) 1.921B,C (0.151) 2.051A,B (0.109) 1.981B (0.090) 1.938B (0.094) 1.928A,B,C (0.049) Head length (SD) Head width (SD) Head length (SD) 15.305B (1.061) 15.294A,B (0.612) 16.706A (0.425) 15.006A,B (0.064) 14.867A,B (0.542) 15.236A,B (NA) 15.715A,B (0.836) 14.868B (0.542) 15.879A,B (2.187) Leg length (SD) 15.966A,B (1.275) 15.319B,C,D (0.952) 16.589A,B,C (1.079) NA 15.991A,B,C,D (1.390) 16.190A (0.816) 14.147D (0.344) 17.535A,B,C,D (NA) Leg length (SD) 15.029A,B (0.711) 14.840A,B (0.541) 15.589A (0.468) 14.783A,B (0.373) 14.922A,B (0.364) 14.627B (0.227) 14.975A,B (0.648) 15.194A,B (0.706) 15.708A,B (0.359) Total body length (SD) 16.197A (1.039) 15.662A,B (0.718) 16.541A (1.060) NA 16.050A,B (0.908) 16.133A (0.751) 15.861A,B (0.535) 15.800A,B (NA) Total body length (SD) Males and females were analysed separately. Averages are reported in mm with the standard deviation (SD) in parentheses. The superscript numbers indicate the results of the Tukey–Kramer highly significant difference (HSD) test, with populations sharing the same letter not significantly different. Mountain range Subspecies Table 2. Results of linear morphometric measurements for Scaphinotus petersi beetles MORPHOMETRICS OF SCAPHINOTUS PETERSI 7 8 K. A. OBER AND C. T. CONNOLLY populations in head and pronotum shape. The MANOVA of distances between landmarks along the head outline detected significant differences in head shape among populations and subspecies (Wilk’s Lambda P ≤ 0.003) for females and males. The ‘within canonical structure’ values in the discriminant analyses above were greater than |0.4| for the anterior width of the head and the anterior–posterior position of the eyes on the head for both males and females, indicating that these features of head shape were significantly different among groups. There were significant differences from the MANOVA among the populations and subspecies of S. petersi in distances between landmarks along the pronotum outline (Wilk’s lambda P ≤ 0.009) for males and females. The anterolateral angles and the posterolateral angles of the pronota showed significant differences among populations and subspecies with ‘within canonical structure’ values above |0.4|. The first and second principal components in females explained 43.76 and 18.87%, respectively, of shape variation in heads and 41.57 and 18.97%, respectively, of shape variation in pronota. For males, first and second principal components explained 45.13 and 19.59%, respectively, of shape variation in heads, and 34.57 and 20.37%, respectively, of shape variation in pronota. PC1 for head shape was related to the width of the posterior region of the head and PC2 was related to the position of the eyes. PC1 and PC2 for pronotum shape were related to the size and sharpness of the anterolateral and posterolateral angles, and narrowness of the pronotum. A scatter plot of the first two principal components revealed no discrete morphological clusters for heads or pronota for either sex (data not shown); however, there was a great deal of variation in S. petersi across populations and subspecies in each sex for head shape and pronotum shape. Discrimination among groups can be interpreted by examining the ordination of specimens in the morphospace defined by the CV axes of the partial warp shape variables. The first two CV axes for heads accounted for 70.11% of the total shape variation in females, and 83.54% in males. The CVA indicated significant differences among mountain ranges, especially in the pronotum width and the sharpness of the posterolateral angles (Fig. 5). Based on the permutation tests of 100 000 rounds for Procrustes distances, the pronotum shape was significantly different (P ≤ 0.039) for all montane populations in females, except for the Catalina and Huachuca populations (P = 0.096) and the Rincon versus Catalina, Pinal, Santa Rita, and Huachuca (P = 0.053–0.11). Male pronotum shape was significantly different (P ≤ 0.04) among all montane populations except for the Rincon and Huachuca populations (both populations of S. p. biedermani, P = 0.24). The CVA showed significant differences in head shape in some, but not all, montane populations for both sexes (Fig. S1; Table 3). There was variation in head shape among populations and subspecies, but no clear pattern was discernable. The DFA of pronotum shape indicated that male and female beetle specimens can be linked to their mountain range fairly accurately: more than 90.4% of male beetles and 89.0% of female beetles were correctly assigned based on pronotum shape. If the population sample size was greater than ten specimens, more than 95% of specimens were correctly assigned. DFA found significant differences between means in Procrustes distances (P ≤ 0.039) for most populations. A drop in the accuracy of discrimination was observed in Pinal, Santa Rita, Rincon, and White Mountain populations as a result of the small sample sizes (3–7) in these groups. Head shape did not easily discriminate among specimens from different mountain ranges: 77.0% of male beetles and 76.8% of female beetles were correctly assigned to their montane population based on head shape (Table 3). DISCUSSION In this study, we recovered a general pattern of genetic and morphological divergence among several S. petersi montane populations; however, some populations showed closer molecular evolutionary relationships and overlaps in morphological traits. Morphological differences between montane populations are weak overall, but our results show that there are at least two clear morphologically and genetically distinct groups within S. petersi. Phylogenetic analyses of molecular sequence data for S. petersi show relationships congruent with the phylogenies of Ball (1966) and Mitchell & Ober (2013). Populations are grouped into two fairly well-supported clades: clade A, composed of populations from mostly east of the San Pedro River; and clade B, composed of populations from west of the San Pedro River. Relaxed molecular clock divergence dating by Mitchell & Ober (2013) indicates beetles in these clades have been separated for about 60 000 years. Scaphinotus petersi kathleenae from the Santa Ritas is paraphyletic with respect to other populations east of the San Pedro River in clade A. Mitchell & Ober (2013) uncovered weak evidence that the Santa Rita population may have been the ancestral population for the other populations in clade A and for a holocene dispersal from the Catalina population to the Huachucas. In this phylogenetic tree, S. p. biedermani appears to be polyphyletic, suggesting that samples from the Huachucas are more closely related to beetles from the Catalinas than from the Rincons; however, the relationships within clade B are not well supported. The two S. biedermani populations differed significantly in head length in females, and to some extent in the head shape in males. Pronotum shapes for each of these two © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 MORPHOMETRICS OF SCAPHINOTUS PETERSI 9 Figure 5. Scatter plots of canonical variate analyses (CVA) for pronotum shape: CV1 versus CV2 of (A) female and (B) male pronota. Legend indicates the mountain ranges from where the specimen was collected. For both plots, shape deformation of pronotum is shown for the extreme points of each axis. A dotted line separates populations in clade A of the phylogenetic tree from those in clade B. populations of S. p. biedermani appear to occupy different morphospaces based on CVA (Fig. 5), but the sample sizes are too small to say unequivocally. Although the evidence is not strong, the phylogenetic relationships, morphometrics, and geography suggest beetles from the Huachuca population and the Rincon population should not be combined into the same subspecies of S. p. biedermani. Patterns of genetic variation and morphological differences observed in this study suggest the current taxonomic classification of S. petersi subspecies may not accurately reflect evolutionary relationships. In addition to Ball (1966), several other studies of Arizona Sky Island organisms have found significant morphological divergence among montane populations, including land snails in the genus Sonorella (Miller, 1967; Bequaert & Miller, 1973), jumping spiders Habronattus pugillis Griswold, 1987 (Maddison & © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 10 K. A. OBER AND C. T. CONNOLLY Table 3. Results of canonical variate analyses (CVA) and discriminate functions analysis (DFA) comparing geometric morphometric differences in Scaphinotus petersi head shape Females Chiricahua Huachuca Pinal Pinaleño Rincon Santa Rita White Catalina Chiricahua Huachuca Pinal Pinaleño < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.2140 0.0140 0.4272 0.2076 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.6320 0.0211 0.2342 0.2893 0.0074 0.0993 0.0569 0.0093 0.2606 0.1203 0.0022 < 0.0001 0.0594 0.0012 0.1063 0.2686 0.0144 0.0127 0.8348 0.3340 0.0550 0.1198 0.4428 0.6603 0.1691 0.8357 0.0304 0.4094 0.4061 0.4508 0.8181 0.6500 0.2821 0.6860 0.0584 0.4387 Catalina Chiricahua Huachuca Pinal Pinaleño 0.3448 < 0.0001 0.2045 0.0026 0.8742 0.1597 0.0411 < 0.0001 0.3370 0.0126 0.100 0.0006 0.2487 0.3631 0.2495 0.0195 0.0092 0.0248 0.0988 0.1624 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.0601 0.0012 0.0340 0.0741 0.1476 0.0061 0.0270 0.3007 0.0826 0.2301 0.974 0.8875 0.0827 0.2913 0.0055 0.3922 0.2077 0.6653 0.1085 0.3958 0.0188 0.0316 0.4521 0.9074 0.0102 0.5599 0.6284 0.9311 0.1950 0.6838 0.0241 0.0406 < 0.0001 0.0001 0.0901 0.2975 0.0447 0.1566 0.2954 0.2311 0.0098 0.0009 0.0003 0.0011 Rincon Santa Rita < 0.0001 0.7939 < 0.0001 0.7275 0.2866 0.7751 Rincon Santa Rita Sierra Ancha 0.0192 0.7595 0.0153 0.2832 0.1099 0.6638 Males Chiricahua Huachuca Pinal Pinaleño Rincon Santa Rita Sierra Ancha White 0.0583 0.2263 0.6004 0.8305 0.1399 0.3970 Upper values are P values from CVA permutation tests (100 000 permutation rounds) for Procrustes distances between populations. Lower values are P values from DFA difference between means of Procrustes distances. Numbers in bold indicate that head shape significantly differs between populations. Females and males were analysed separately. McMahon, 2000), scorpions in the genus Vaejovis (Hughes, 2011), indian paintbrush plants Castilleja austromontana (Slentz, Boyd & McDade, 1999), and giant-trumpets Macromeria viridiflora (Boyd, 2002). Concordant biogeographic patterns can be seen in populations of organisms distributed on the Sky Islands. Ball (1966), Masta (2000), Boyd (2002), McCormack, Bowen & Smith (2008), and Hughes (2011) also reported a north–south mountain range relationship among populations with an east–west gap. This pattern is also reflected in the phylogeography of populations of S. petersi. Statistical analyses of morphological differences in S. petersi showed significant differences in body size and head and pronotum shape among several populations and subspecies, as noted by Ball (1966); however, the overall pattern seen with the data presented here is conflicting and difficult to discern. For instance, the linear measurements of leg, body, head length, head width, and head shape did not consistently © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015 MORPHOMETRICS OF SCAPHINOTUS PETERSI correspond to named subspecies, geographic distance between montane populations, or clades identified using molecular data. Additionally, small sample sizes in some populations (Pinal, Sierra Ancha, Santa Rita, Rincon, and White Mountains) made it difficult to detect significant differences. In S. p. petersi, males from the Sierra Anchas in the north were the smallest for most traits except leg length, followed by other northern populations such as the White Mountains etc. It should be noted that S. petersi is sympatric with Scaphinotus vandykei Roeschke, 1907 in the Sierra Anchas, but is easily distinguished by features of the prontotum. Male beetles from the southernmost population of S. p. biedermani in the Huachucas were the largest for most traits, followed by other southern populations, such as the Santa Rita population, etc. Although trait length measurements did not distinguish evolutionary clades or discrete populations, there seems to be a trend in the geographic pattern of larger beetles in the south and smaller beetles in the north for males. These results differ slightly from thos of Ball (1966), where he reported the largest total body length in the Pinals (N = 23–32) and smallest total body length in the Chiricahuas (N = 15–21); however, Ball also found a large overlap in trait lengths and widths among populations. Females did not show a clear north–south size trend in any of the morphological traits. Although there are significant differences among some populations and subspecies in head shape, they do not clearly follow the clade A and clade B pattern, or a north–south geographical pattern. The six landmarks chosen to describe head shape may not have captured the subtlety of head shape differences among populations; however, the size of the head (length and width) and the anterior– posterior position of the eyes seemed to vary significantly among some populations. For instance, the Huachuca population was significantly larger than most other populations. This study showed the pronotum shape generally reflects phylogenetic relationships, and may be the most important morphological trait for recognizing distinct populations of S. petersi in the Arizona Sky Islands. There was a clear pronotum shape distinction between beetles in clade A and clade B (Fig. 5). In a CVA using pronotum shape, specimens from clades A and B largely occupied different regions of morphospace, with little overlap between them. Beetles in clade A had a narrower pronotum with sharper hind angles than beetles in clade B. There was also a geographical pattern in pronotum shape, with northern populations having slightly narrower pronota within clades A and B. The distinct lineages of clade A and clade B have evolved genetic and morphological differences through drift or selection (natural or sexual). The most rapidly evolving region of the pronotum appeared to be the anteroand posterolateral angles. Female pronotum shape is 11 presumably important for mating, as male S. petersi hold onto the female near the posterolateral region of her pronotum with expanded fore tarsi with specialized setae (Stork & Evans, 1976). In doing so, he contacts the lateral and anterolateral edges of her prontoum with his antennae (K. A. Ober, pers. observ.), suggesting that pronotum shape may be under sexual selection, although there is no direct evidence to support this hypothesis. We propose that if genetic and geographical isolation continue over time, these populations may eventually evolve into separate species; however, most Arizona Sky Island S. petersi populations are facing possible extirpation in light of the predicted global warming arising from climate change (Mitchell & Ober, 2013). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Kipling Will and Robert Davidson for allowing us to study specimens in their care. We thank David Kavanaugh for images of some of the specimens in this study. 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NA indicates DNA sequence not available and * indicates sequences from Mitchell & Ober (2013). © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015