CURRICULUM VITAE Chunlai CHEN - Crawford School of Public


CURRICULUM VITAE Chunlai CHEN - Crawford School of Public
Chunlai CHEN
May 2015
Associate Professor
Crawford School of Public Policy
College of Asia & the Pacific
The Australian National University
Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6125 6565
Year: 1994 - 1998
Degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
University: The University of Adelaide, Australia.
Year: 1992 - 1993
Degree: Master in Public Administration
University: Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA
Year: 1978 - 1982
Degree: Bachelor of Science,
University: Beijing Forestry University, China
(1). Foreign Direct Investment Theory and Policy
(2). International Trade Theory and Policy and the WTO
(3). Agricultural Economics
(4). Chinese Economy
Current Appointment
October 2001 – Now
Crawford School of Public Policy,
The Australian National University, Australia
Associate Professor
Previous Appointments
August 1999 – October 2001:
School of Economics, The University of Adelaide, Australia
Postdoctoral Fellow
December 1998 - June 1999:
Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Visiting Fellow and Associate Professor
January 1998 – December 1998:
Chinese Economies Research Centre, School of Economics,
The University of Adelaide, Australia
Visiting Fellow
July 1982 – June 1994:
Rural Development Institute, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Assistant Research Fellow
Nominee for ANU Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence
ANU Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Teaching Award for Teaching Excellence
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific Teaching Award for Outstanding Contributions to
Student Learning
Editor at the Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies
Member on the Editorial Advisory Board of China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER)
Board member of the ANU China Institute (up to 2012)
Member of the Education Committee of Crawford School (up to 2012)
Member of the Student Recruitment and Training Committee at the Crawford School (up to
Board member of Chinese Economic Studies Association (Australia) (CESA) (President in
Member of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economic Society
Visiting Professor at the Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy of the Chinese Academy of
Visiting Senior Research Fellow of International Food and Agricultural Economic Research
Centre of Nanjing Agricultural University of China
October 2001 – Now:
Lecturing the following graduate courses at the Crawford School
 Economic Way of Thinking I (POGO 8016)
 Economic Way of Thinking II (POGO 8019)
 The Global Trading System (CRWF 8011)
 Services and Investment Policy (POGO 8015)
Lectured the following courses at the Crawford School
 Agriculture in International Trade
 Trade Dispute Settlement
 Managing Utilities I
Providing lectures in the following areas for the Executive Education of the Crawford School
 International trade, globalisation and the WTO
 Foreign direct investment policy and trade in services
 Public finance and infrastructure management
 Regional and rural economic development
1. Books
Chunlai Chen (2011), Foreign Direct Investment in China: Location Determinants, Investor
Differences and Economic Impacts, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA,
pages 307.
Chunlai Chen (ed.) (2009), China’s Integration with the Global Economy: WTO Accession, Foreign
Direct Investment and International Trade, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA,
USA, pages 227.
Chunlai Chen and Ron Duncan (eds.) (2008), Agriculture and Food Security in China: what effect
WTO accession and regional trade arrangements?, Asia Pacific Press and ANU E Press, Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia, pages 420.
Chunlai Chen and Christopher Findlay (eds.) (2004), China’s Domestic Grain Marketing Reform
and Integration, Asia Pacific Press, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pages 279.
2. Journal Articles
Chunlai Chen (2015), ‘Do Inland Provinces Benefit from Coastal Foreign Direct Investment in
China?’, China & World Economy, 23(3), pp.22-41.
Dandan Zhang, Chunlai Chen and Yu Sheng (2015), ‘Public investment in agricultural R&D and
extension: an analysis of the effects on Australian broadacre farming productivity’, China
Agricultural Economic Review, 7(1), pp.86-101.
Biliang Hu and Chunlai Chen (2015), ‘New urbanisation under globalisation and the social
implications in China’, Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 2(1), pp. 34-43.
Chunlai Chen, Yu Sheng and Christopher Findlay (2013), ‘Export Spillovers of FDI on China’s
Domestic Firms’, Review of International Economics, 21(5), pp. 841-856.
Chunlai Chen (2012), ‘Has China Attracted Excessive FDI Inflows?’, International Journal of
Value Chain Management, 6 (1), pp.17-34.
Chunlai Chen, Jun Yang and Christopher Findlay (2008), ‘Measuring the effect of food safety
standards on China’s agricultural exports’, Review of World Economics, 144(1), pp.83-106.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2003), ‘A Review of Cross-border Mergers and
Acquisitions in APEC Economies’, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 17(2), pp 14-38.
Jikun Huang, Chen Chunlai and Ninghui Li (1999), ‘Trade Liberalisation and China’s Agriculture:
Challenges and Opportunities’, The Problem of Agricultural Economy, No. 8, pp.2-7.
Chen Chunlai (1998), ‘Capital Flows into China: Forms and Implications’, Economic Policy in
Transitional Economics, 8, pp.57-80.
3. Book Chapters
Chunlai Chen (2014), “The impact of FDI on China’s regional economic growth” in Ligang Song,
Ross Garnaut and Fang Cai (eds.), Deepening Reform for China’s Long-term Growth and
Development, ANU E Press, Canberra, Australia, pp.407-427.
Chunlai Chen (2013), “FDI and Economic Growth” in Yanrui Wu (ed.), Regional Development and
Economic Growth in China, Series on Economic Development and Growth, No. 7, World Scientific,
Singapore, pp.117-140.
Chunlai Chen (2011), “Determinants of Investment Intensity of Source Economies in China”, in
Lilai Xu (ed.), China’s Economy in the Post-WTO Environment: Stock Markets, FDI and
Challenges of Sustainability, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, pp.96113.
Chunlai Chen (2011), “Has China attracted excessive FDI inflows?”, in Kok-Boon Oh, Xinquan Ge
and Lilai Xu (eds.), China: Economic Prosperity and Business Opportunities in the New Decade
(Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies
Australia at the Graduate School of Management, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 1416 July 2010), Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing, China, pp.1-26.
Chunlai Chen (2011), “The Development of China’s FDI Laws and Policies after WTO Accession”,
in Jane Golley and Ligang Song (eds.), Rising China: Global Challenges and Opportunities, ANU
E Press, pp.85-98
Chunlai Chen (2011), “Foreign Direct Investment in China: performance, characteristics, and
prospects’, in Yin-Wong Cheung, Vikas Kakkar and Guonan Ma (eds.), The Evolving Role of Asia
in Global Finance, Frontiers of Economics and Globalisation Volume 9, Emerald Group Publishing
Limited, UK, pp.341-368.
Chunlai Chen (2010), “Asia foreign direct investment and the ‘China effect’’, in Ross Garnaut, Jane
Golley and Ligang Song (eds.), China: The Next 20 Years of Reform and Development, ANU E
Press and Social Sciences Academic Press (China), pp.221-240.
Chunlai Chen (2010), “Foreign direct investment in China: trends, characteristics and impacts”, in
Christopher Findlay, Mari Pangestu and David Parsons (eds.), Light The Lamp: Papers on World
Trade and Investment in Memory of Bijit Bora, World Scientific, Singapore, pp.179-218.
Chunlai Chen (2009), “Inflow of foreign direct investment”, in Ross Garnaut, Ligang Song and
Wing Thye Woo (eds.), China’s New Place in a World in Crisis --- Economic, Geopolitical and
Environmental Dimensions, ANU E Press, The Brookings Institution Press, and Social Sciences
Academic Press (China), pp.325-347.
Chunlai Chen (2009), “China’s economy after WTO accession: an overview”, in Chunlai Chen (ed.),
China’s Integration with the Global Economy: WTO Accession, Foreign Direct Investment and
International Trade, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, pp.1-16.
Chunlai Chen (2009), “Characteristics of FDI firms in China after WTO accession”, in Chunlai
Chen (ed.), China’s Integration with the Global Economy: WTO Accession, Foreign Direct
Investment and International Trade, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA,
Jun Yang, Huanguang Qiu and Chunlai Chen (2009), “The impact of the ASEAN-China free trade
area on China’s economy and regional agricultural development”, in Chunlai Chen (ed.), China’s
Integration with the Global Economy: WTO Accession, Foreign Direct Investment and
International Trade, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA, USA, pp.183-203.
Chunlai Chen and Ron Duncan (2008), “Achieving food security in China: implications of WTO
accession”, in Chunlai Chen and Ron Duncan (eds.), Agriculture and Food Security in China: what
effect WTO accession and regional trade arrangements?, Asia Pacific Press and ANU E Press,
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.1-26.
Chunlai Chen (2008), “China’s agricultural trade following its WTO accession”, in Chunlai Chen
and Ron Duncan (eds.), Agriculture and Food Security in China: what effect WTO accession and
regional trade arrangements?, Asia Pacific Press and ANU E Press, Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia, pp.305-345.
Jun Yang and Chunlai Chen (2008), “Agricultural trade between China and ASEAN: dynamics and
prospects”, in Chunlai Chen and Ron Duncan (eds.), Agriculture and Food Security in China: what
effect WTO accession and regional trade arrangements?, Asia Pacific Press and ANU E Press,
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.346-371.
Jun Yang and Chunlai Chen (2008), “The economic impact of the China-ASEAN free trade area --a computational analysis with special emphases on agriculture”, in Chunlai Chen and Ron Duncan
(eds.), Agriculture and Food Security in China: what effect WTO accession and regional trade
arrangements?, Asia Pacific Press and ANU E Press, Australian National University, Canberra,
Australia, pp.373-407.
Chunlai Chen (2007), “Foreign direct investment in China: Trends and characteristics after WTO
accession”, in Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song (eds.), China --- Linking Markets for Growth, Asia
Pacific Press, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.197-224.
Chunlai Chen (2006), “Changing patterns in China’s agricultural trade after WTO accession”, in
Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song (eds.), The Turning Point in China’s Economic Development”, Asia
Pacific Press, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.227-255.
Chunlai Chen (2006), “China’s agricultural trade after WTO accession”, in Barbara Nelson with
Robin Jeffrey (eds.), Capturing the Year 2006 --- Writings From The ANU College of Asia and The
Pacific, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University, Canberra, pp.5054.
Chunlai Chen and Christopher Findlay (2004), “China’s domestic grain marketing reform: a long
march toward marketisation”, in Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song (eds.), China: is rapid growth
sustainable?”, Asia Pacific Press, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.58-76.
Christopher Findlay, Roger Farrell, Chunlai Chen and Dewen Wang (2004), “East Asia”, in Kym
Anderson (ed.), The World’s Wine Markets --- Globalisation at Work, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham,
UK and Northampton, MA, USA, pp.307-326.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2004), “China’s domestic grain marketing reform since the
1980s”, in Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (eds.), China’s Domestic Grain Marketing
Reform and Integration, Asia Pacific Press, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia,
Wang Zhonghai, Chen Chunlai, Huang Shouxiong, Ding Shenjun, Qu Baoxiang and Li Chenggui
(2004), “An overview of regional grain trade in China”, in Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay
(eds.), China’s Domestic Grain Marketing Reform and Integration, Asia Pacific Press, Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.126-148.
Wang Zhonghai and Chen Chunlai (2004), “Evaluation of China’s regional grain trade policy”, in
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (eds.), China’s Domestic Grain Marketing Reform and
Integration, Asia Pacific Press, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.164-179.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2004), “Patterns of domestic grain flows and regional
comparative advantage in grain production in China”, in Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay
(eds.), China’s Domestic Grain Marketing Reform and Integration, Asia Pacific Press, Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.180-193.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2004), “The impact of foreign direct investment on China’s
economy”, in Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song (eds.), China’s Third Economic Transformation --The rise of the private economy, RoutledgeCurzon, Taylor and Francis Group, London and New
York, pp.102-117.
Jikun Huang, Chen Chunlai, Scott D. Rozelle and Francis Tuan (2003), “Trade liberalisation and
China’s food economy in the 21st century: implications for China’s national food security”, in Scott
D. Rozzele and Daniel A. Summer (eds.), Agricultural Trade and Policy in China, ASHGATE
Publishing Ltd, UK, pp.55-80.
Chen Chunlai (2003), “Location determinants and provincial distribution of FDI”, in Ross Garnaut
and Ligang Song (eds.), China New Engine of World Growth, Asia Pacific Press, Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia, pp.189-216.
Chen Chunlai (2002), “Foreign Direct Investment: Prospects and Policies”, in A. P. Charles (ed.),
China in the World Economy: The Domestic Policy Challenges, OECD, Paris, pp.321-358.
Chen Chunlai (2002), “The Impact of WTO Accession on FDI”, in Ross Garnaut and Ligang Song
(eds.), China 2002, WTO entry and world recession, Asia Pacific Press, Australian National
University, Canberra, Australia, 123-148.
Chen Chunlai (2002), “FDI in China --- a case study” in Special Topic: “Cross-border Investments -- Growth Engine for the World Economy” in Austrian Foreign Trade Yearbook 2001/2002, The
Austrian Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour, Vienna, pp.212-232.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2000), “Australia’s APEC Agenda --- Implications for
Australia and China” in P. Drysdale, Zhang Yunling and Ligang Song (eds.), APEC and
Liberalisation of the Chinese Economy, Asia Pacific Press, Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia, pp.45-58.
Chen Chunlai (1999), “The Impact of FDI and Trade” in Yanrui Wu (ed.), Foreign Direct
Investment and Economic Growth in China, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, Cheltenham, UK,
Chen Chunlai and Bijit Bora (1997), “Foreign Investment and Internationalisation” in China
Embraces the Market: Achievements, Constraints and Opportunities, East Asia Analytical Unit,
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra, Australia, pp.179-224.
Chen Chunlai, A. Watson and C. Findlay (1996), “The Growth of Rural Industry: the Impact of
Fiscal Contracting”, in Ross Garnaut, Guo Shutian and Ma Guonan (eds), The Third Revolution in
the Chinese Countryside, Cambridge University Press, pp.277-292.
Chen Chunlai, A. Watson, C. Findlay and X. Zhang (1994), “Rural Enterprise Growth in a partially
Reformed Chinese Economy”, in C. Findlay, A. Watson and H. Wu (eds.), Rural Enterprises In
China, The Macmillan Press: London, pp.4-23.
4. Book Review
Chunlai Chen (2015), “Book Review on ‘Institutional Change and the Development of Industrial
Clusters in China: Case Studies from Textile and Clothing Industry’ by Jinmin Wang”, AsianPacific Economic Literature, 29 (1), pp. 195-196.
Chunlai Chen (2014), “Book Review on ‘Developing Successful Agriculture: An Australian Case
Study’ by Zhang-Yue Zhou”, China Agricultural Economic Review, 6 (1), pp.175-177.
Chunlai Chen (2008), “Book Review on ‘Challenges to the Global Trading System: adjustment to
globalisation in the Asia-Pacific’ by Peter A. Petri and Sumner J. La Croix (eds)”, Asian-Pacific
Economic Literature, 22 (2), pp. 59-60.
Chunlai Chen (2008), “Book Review on ‘How China Grows: Investment, Finance, and Reform’ by
James Riedel, Jing Jin and Jian Gao”, The China Journal, Issue No. 60 (July 2008), pp.178-179.
Chunlai Chen (2007), “Book Review on ‘ASEAN-China Economic Relations’ by Saw Swee-Hock
(ed.)”, Journal of Asian Business, Book Reviews Special Issue, 23 (3), pp. 5-7.
Chunlai Chen (2007), “Book Review on ‘The Chinese Economy after WTO Accession’ by
Shuming Bao, Shuanglin Lin and Changwen Zhao (eds.)”, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 21
(2), pp. 49-50.
Chunlai Chen (1999), “Book Review on ‘Foreign Investment in China’ by Feng Li and Jing Li”,
Transnational Corporations, 8 (3), pp. 128-133.
5. Working Papers, Conference Papers, News Paper Articles and Major Research Reports
Chunlai Chen and Biliang Hu (2015), ‘China’s New Urbanisation’, Advance, Asia & The Pacific
Policy Society, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, Winter 2015,
Chunlai Chen (2014), “Globalisation and income inequality in China”, paper prepared for the
CESA-RDI of CASS joint conference on “Deepening Reform for China’s Long-Term Growth and
Development: The Role of Rural Development” held in CASS, Beijing, China, on 11-12 December
Chunlai Chen (2014), “Impact of coastal FDI on economic growth in inland provinces in China”,
paper prepared for the CESA 26th Annual Conference held at Monash University, Melbourne,
Australia, on 7-8 July 2014.
Chunlai Chen (2013), “Determinants and Motives of China’s Provincial Outward Foreign Direct
Investment”, paper prepared for the CESA 25th Annual Conference held at The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, on July 15-16th, 2013.
Chunlai Chen (2012), “Impact of FDI on China’s regional economic growth”, paper presented at the
CESA 2012 Annual Conference on ‘Balance and Harmony in China’s Economic Development’,
held at the Australian National University, 8-9 July 2012, Australia.
Chunlai Chen (2011), “Regional Differences and the Role of FDI on Economic Growth: Evidence
from China”, paper presented at the CCES and CESA Joint International Conference on Transition
and Economic Development (TED), “Economic Recovery and Structural Changes: Government,
Market and Public Policies’, held at School of Economics, Fudan University, 19-20 September
2011, Shanghai, China.
Chunlai Chen (2011), “The Role of FDI on Economic Growth: Evidence from China”, paper
presented at the CESA 2011 Annual Conference on ‘China’s Growth and the World Economy’,
held at the Business School, University of Western Australia, 7-8 July 2011, Australia.
Yu Sheng, Chunlai Chen and Christopher Findlay (2011), Impact of FDI on Domestic Firms’
Exports in China, Research Paper No. 2011015, March 2011, School of Economics, The University
of Adelaide.
Yu Sheng, Chunlai Chen and Christopher Findlay (2010), Impact of FDI on Domestic Firms’
Exports in China, paper presented in the RBA Research Workshop, China and East Asia in the
Global Economy, 13-14 December 2010, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, Australia.
Chunlai Chen (2010), “Has China Attracted Excessive FDI Inflows?”, Paper presented in the 22nd
ACESA Annual Conference, ‘China: Economic Prosperity and Business Opportunities in the New
Decade’, 15-17 July 2010, the Graduate School of Management, La Trobe University, Melbourne,
Yu Sheng and Chunlai Chen (2009), “Impact of FDI on Domestic Firms’ Export in China”, Paper
presented in the ACESA 2009 Conference, 15-17 July 2009, RMIT University, Melbourne,
Chunlai Chen and Ron Duncan (2008), Achieving Food Security in China: implications of World
Trade Organisation accession, ACIAR Technical Reports No. 69, Australian Centre for
International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra, Australia, pages 67.
Chunlai Chen (2008), “China’s new corporate income tax law and its implications for foreign direct
investment”, in Policy Briefs 8, Foreign direct investment, October 13 2008, Crawford School of
Economics and Government, ANU College of Asia and Pacific, The Australian National University.
Chunlai Chen and Yu Sheng (2008), “Foreign Direct Investment and Its Horizontal Spillover to
Domestic Firms”, paper presented in the ACESA 2008 Conference, 10-11 July 2008, James Cook
University, Townsville, Australia.
Chunlai Chen and Jun Yang (2007), “The Impact of ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement on
China’s Economy with a Special Emphasis on Agriculture”, paper submitted and presented in
ACESA 2007 Conference, 13-14 July, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
Chunlai Chen (2007), “Changes of Foreign Direct Investment in China’s Manufacturing after WTO
Accession”, paper submitted and presented in ACESA 2007 Conference, 13-14 July, The Australian
National University, Canberra, Australia.
Chunlai Chen, Jun Yang and Christopher Findlay (2006), “Measuring the effect of food safety
standards on China’s agricultural exports”, paper submitted and presented in the 26th Conference of
the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 12-18 August, Gold Coast,
Queensland, Australia.
Chunlai Chen (2006), “China’s agricultural trade after WTO accession”, on-line refereed papers of
Chunlai Chen and Ron Duncan (2006), “Achieving food security in China: implications of WTO
accession”, research paper for ACIAR project 98-128, Crawford School of Economics and
Government, Australian National University.
Chunlai Chen (2006), “China’s agricultural trade following its WTO accession”, research paper for
ACIAR project 98-128 extension, Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian
National University.
Chunlai Chen, Jun Yang and Christopher Findlay (2006), “Measuring the effect of food safety
standards on China’s agricultural exports”, research paper for ACIAR project 98-128 extension,
Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University.
Jun Yang and Chunlai Chen (2006), “Agricultural trade between China and ASEAN: dynamics and
prospects”, research paper for ACIAR project 98-128, Crawford School of Economics and
Government, Australian National University.
Jun Yang and Chunlai Chen (2006), “The economic impact of the China-ASEAN free trade area --a computational analysis with special emphases on agricultural sectors”, research paper for ACIAR
project 98-128, Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University.
Christopher Findlay and Chen Chunlai (2005), China Wheat Market Study, research report
submitted to the Australian Wheat Board (AWB), 140 pages.
Chen Chunlai (2005), “China’s Milling Industry”, research paper for AWB ‘China Wheat Market
Study’ project, Crawford School of Economics and Government, Australian National University.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2003), “Australia’s FDI Policy Experience: Implications for
China”, research report submitted to the Ausaid project of “A Policy Study under the Economics
and Foreign Trade Training (EFTT) Project”, Canberra.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2003), “China’s Domestic Grain Marketing Reform since
1980s”, working paper of the Australia and China joint research project of “Chinese Grain Market
Policy with Special Emphasis on the Domestic Grain Trade”, ANU, Australia.
Chen Chunlai (2002), “Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions in APEC Economies”, paper
presented at the APEC IEG meeting in Lima, Peru, January 2002.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2002), “A Review of Cross-border Mergers and
Acquisitions in APEC Economies” a research report submitted to APEC.
Chen Chunlai (2001), “The Implications of China’s WTO Accession for Foreign Direct Investment
in China” for the OECD project of The Implications of TIL for China’s Domestic Economic
Development and Policies, OECD.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2001), “Patterns of Domestic Grain Flows and Regional
Comparative Advantage in Grain Production in China”, Centre for International Economic Studies
(CIES) Discussion Paper No. 0123, April 2001, also presented in the 45th Annual Conference of the
Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society held in Adelaide, South Australia, January
22-25, 2001.
Chen Chunlai (2001), “Patterns of China’s Agricultural Trade and Effects of Trade Liberalisation
on Agriculture in China”, paper prepared for the World Bank project of “China’s WTO Accession
and Its Impact on China’s Economy” and presented in the World Bank Seminar in Beijing, January
Chen Chunlai (2001), “Cross-border M&A and Its Characteristics in China”, paper prepared for the
World Bank project of “China’s WTO Accession and Its Impact on China’s Economy” and
presented in the World Bank Seminar in Beijing, January 2001.
Wang Zhonghai, Chen Chunlai, Huang Shouxiong, Ding Shengjun, Qu Baoxiang and Li Chenggui
(2001), “An Overview of Regional Grain Trade in China”, paper prepared for the Australia and
China joint research project of “Chinese Grain Market Policy with Special Emphasis on the
Domestic Grain Trade” and presented at the joint seminar in Kunshan of Jiangsu Province, China,
June 2001.
Wang Zhonghai and Chen Chunlai (2001), “Evaluation of China’s Regional Grain Trade Policy”,
Working paper of the Australia and China joint research project of “Chinese Grain Market Policy
with Special Emphasis on the Domestic Grain Trade”.
Chen Chunlai (2000), “Foreign Direct Investment and Its Major Impacts on China’s Domestic
Economy”, paper prepared for the OECD/MOFTEC joint research project and presented in the
OECD/MOFTEC joint seminar in Xiamen, September 2000.
Chen Chunlai (2000), “Provincial Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in China”, paper
prepared for the OECD/MOFTEC joint research project and presented in the OECD/MOFTEC joint
seminar in Beijing, May 2000.
Chen Chunlai (2000), “Composition and Characteristics of the Major Source Countries in China”,
paper prepared for the OECD/MOFTEC joint research project and presented in the
OECD/MOFTEC joint seminar in Beijing, May 2000.
Chen Chunlai (2000), “The Location Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing
Countries --- With Special Reference to Comparing China’s Performance in Attracting FDI with
Other Developing Countries” paper prepared for the OECD/MOFTEC joint research project and
presented in the OECD/MOFTEC joint seminar in Beijing, May 2000.
Chen Chunlai (2000), “Foreign Direct Investment and Its Impacts on China’s Domestic Economy”,
paper prepared for the OECD/MOFTEC joint research project and presented in the
OECD/MOFTEC joint seminar in Beijing, May 2000.
Chen Chunlai and Christopher Findlay (2000), “A Review of China’s Grain Marketing System
Reform”, paper prepared for the Australia and China joint research project of “Chinese Grain
Market Policy with Special Emphasis on the Domestic Grain Trade” and presented at the joint
seminar in Beijing, May 2000.
Jikun Huang and Chen Chunlai (2000), “Agricultural Trade Liberalisation in China” in Michio
Kanai, Boonjit Titapiwatanakun and D. R. Stoltz (eds.), Effects of Trade Liberalisation in Asia --Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Bogor, Indonesia, October 5-8, 1999, United Nations, ESCAP
CGPRT Centre, pp.35-43.
Chen Chunlai (1999), ‘Patterns of China’s Agricultural Trade & Effects of Trade Liberalisation on
Agriculture in China’, Economic Briefing Report, July 1999, South Australian Centre for Economic
Studies, Adelaide and Flinders Universities, pp.101-122.
Chen Chunlai (1999), “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment --- with special emphasis on the
investment environment in China”, paper prepared for the OECD/MOFTEC joint research project
and presented in the OECD/MOFTEC joint seminar in Beijing, December 1999.
Chen Chunlai (1999), “A Technical Note on the Impacts of Foreign Direct Investment on China’s
Domestic Economy”, paper prepared for the OECD/MOFTEC joint research project and presented
in the OECD/MOFTEC joint seminar in Beijing, December 1999.
Chen Chunlai (1999), “The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in the Development of Private
Economy in China”, paper prepared for the research project of “Private Economy in China”
organised by the Australian National University and presented in Canberra, October 1999.
Jikun Huang, Chen Chunlai and Scott Rozelle (1999), “Reform, Trade Liberalisation, and Their
Impacts on China’s Agriculture”, paper presented at the symposium on “China’s Agricultural Trade
and Policy: Issues, Analysis, and Global Consequences”, June 25-26, 1999 in San Francisco,
Jikun Huang and Chen Chunlai (1999), Effects of Trade Liberalisation on Agriculture in China:
Institutional and Structural Aspects, United Nations, ESCAP CGPRT Centre, No. 42, pages 103.
Jikun Huang and Chen Chunlai (1999), Effects of Trade Liberalisation on Agriculture in China:
Commodity Aspects, United Nations, ESCAP CGPRT Centre, No. 43, pages 80.
Chen Chunlai (1998), “Foreign Direct Investment in China’s Agriculture and Agriculturally Related
Manufacturing”, World Bank Working Paper, 1998.
Chen Chunlai, Ian Dickson and Christopher Findlay (1998), “Australia’s APEC Agenda and Its
Implications for Australia and China”, paper presented at the international conference on “APEC
and Its Impact on the Chinese Economy”, the Australian National University, Canberra, 16
February, 1998.
Chen Chunlai (1997), “The Determinants of Investment Intensity of Sources Countries in China”,
Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, the University of Adelaide, 1997.
Chen Chunlai (1997), “Provincial Characteristics and Foreign Direct Investment Location Decision
within China”, Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No. 16, the University of
Adelaide, 1997.
Chen Chunlai (1997), “The Evolution and Main Features of China’s Foreign Direct Investment
Policies”, Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No. 15, the University of Adelaide,
Chen Chunlai (1997), “Comparison of Investment Behaviour of Source Countries in China”,
Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No. 14, the University of Adelaide, 1997.
Chen Chunlai (1997), “The Composition and Location Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
in China’s Manufacturing”, Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No. 13, the
University of Adelaide, 1997.
Chen Chunlai (1997), “The Location Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Developing
Countries”, Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No. 12, the University of
Adelaide, 1997.
Chen Chunlai (1997), “Foreign Direct Investment and Trade: An Empirical Investigation of the
Evidence from China”, Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No. 11, the University
of Adelaide, 1997.
Chen Chunlai and Bijit Bora (1997), “The Internationalisation of China and Its Implications for
Australia”, Chinese Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No.5, the University of Adelaide,
Chen Chunlai (1996), “Recent Development in Foreign Direct Investment in China”, Chinese
Economies Research Centre Working Paper, No. 3, the University of Adelaide, 1996.
Chen Chunlai (1995), “The Determinants of Provincial Distribution of Foreign Direct Investment in
China”, paper presented at the Chinese Studies Association of Australia Conference, Macquarie
University, Sydney, 5-7 July 1995.