Tri-City Record


Tri-City Record
Hagar Twp. residents could
save 28% on insuranace
Page 3
123rd Year
Coloma School Board urged
to hurry fiber optic project
Page 6
Balnbrldge Twp. breaks
ground for hall addition
Page 5
Issue No, 28
— i
Seventy-five Cents
July 12, 2007
Fair opens Monday: schedule on back nape
Volunteers are the backbone
of the Van Buren Youth Fair
; ''1
I -r
B> Angela Stair
52nd year for the Youth Fair and it is
vacation from their regular job dur-
The Van Buren Youth Fair is due to
all done through the generous peo-
ing fair week so they can be there
start Monday. July 16, and will mn
ple that volunteer their time to make
every day. He and his wife set their
through July 21. This will be the
sure it runs as it should.
travel trailer up on the grounds, even
David Rainey, Direetor, and his
261 ti Anmul Goldrn ( i l i v n H h I \
IIMfMtll II mint I l I
"My days during fair week start at
with the fair for over 24 years. "We
6:30 a.m. and, because I'm head of
started working at the fair as volun-
security, I don't get finished until
teers when our daughter became
3:00 a.m. So you can see why we
Golden Gloves C h a m p ?
See Page 13
The Berrien County Sheriff's Office
were Felony warrants for Home
has arrested seven people so far. as
Invasion, First Degree; Receiving
involved and have continued it ever
part of an alleged robbery ring that
and Concealing Stolen Property
since." David Rainey said.
has been operating in southwestern
over SI.000; and Possession/Use of
a Stolen Credit Card.
are central to the whole fair," Rainey
D/Lt. David Chandler of the Berrien
Collene Michelle Kirby, 38, from
said. "The kids are what it's all
County Sheriff's Office said in a
Coloma; and Barbara Jo Bale, 43,
about. I believe that the kids that are
press release that a four-month-long
showing have good morals and are
investigation by Sheriff's detectives
charged with Illegal Use of Stolen
headed in the right direction in life
and deputies resulted in the arrest of
Credit Cards that had been stolen
and that 4-H people are good family
the following seven people.
from a Home Invasion from a resi-
Christopher Shawn Hazen, 39, from
dence in Royalton Township in April
He said planning and working for
Coloma, on nine warrants with
of this year. Both will be sentenced
the Youth Fair gives the children
bonds on the warrant charges of
on August 6.
something to work for and then see a
$28,000 cash. Among the warrants
from Coloma.
Rainey said all volunteers run the
Ronald James Nelson, 48. from
54% water rate hike
gets city in hot water
with some businesses
fair and many of them take their
Coloma youth finds raising animals
to show at the fair is no easy task
By Lynn Attila
trailer in preparation for the Van
Buren Youth Fair. Dave and his
wife, Judy, have volunteered for
the last 24 years to work at the
Youth Fair, taking vacation time
and staying on the fairgrounds.
(Angela Stair photo)
need to be on site; you don't want to
be wasting time driving home to
sleep." stated Rainey.
Rainey has served as Director for
the last 19 years and also served five
Monday, July 16. He is hoping for a trophy on at least one of them.
(Angela Stair photo)
years before that as Dairy Superintendent. He said the Van Buren
Youth Fair has grown through the
Entering an animal
in the Youth Fair
is not that easy
B> Angela Stair
years and now
Entering an animal for show in the
Van Buren Youth Fair in Hartford
lakes some planning and lots of
work in the year preceding the fair.
draws between
50,000 to 60,000 people during fair
Entertainment tastes have changed
over the years also, Rainey said.
Now he sees the public wanting
more speed and action as opposed to
female. Lucas said this year has
been hard on his goats. The triplets'
mother died from complications
from their birth, the grown female
lost her kid. and the female he is not
Coloma will tell you that if you want
taking to show has had problems
a trophy you have to work hard at
with diarrhea.
the music they
used to have.
Because of that, this year's fair is
ftill of action with three nights of
demolition derbies, a rodeo on
another night, a night for super farm
tractors and one night for pickups
and semi pulls.
Preparations for the Van Buren
raising the animal. Lucas, son of
Preparing the goals for the fair as a
Marc and Denise Hettig, has been
market goat, like the triplets, starts
showing animals at the fair for the
with getting their shots, having them
last six years.
dehorned and measuring their food
on events for the 2008 fair. Youth
so it can be increased or decreased.
entries for the fair had to be in by
Blazers 4-11 group and shows his
animals at the Van Buren Youth Fair,
which runs from July 14 to July 21
Lucas said a goat needs to be
between 35 to 60 pounds for that
category, so you watch their weight.
You don't want them too fat or too
this year.
Lucas said the early date of the fair
Youth Fair take more than just a
week or two to set in place. Rainey
said they have already been working
June 15 this year and all had to be
entered into the computer.
Rainey said he wears many hats • as
Youth Fair Director and Treasurer,
head of security, and computer oper-
is one of the reasons he belongs and
Lucas said you also have to get
shows in Van Buren County. He
them to let you lead them around on
plays football and this way he is
a leash and learn to let you stand
done showing before he has to start
them with their four feet squared for
judging. At first they throw a fit
ving and Concealing Stolen Prop-
ator. Working on his farm until 6:00
or 7:00 p.m., eating supper and then
heading for the fairgrounds, he has
worked many nights until 2:00 or
3:00 a.m. on fair business.
Jeffery Dean Davis. 43, of Benton
Harbor, was arrested on Home
Steven Wayne Landrum. 26. was
house and pump apparatus at a cost
arrested last month in Morgantown.
Audience members pounced on the
Commission, peppering them with
complaints about the 54% increase
in their water bills.
of $219,000.
Home Invasion, First Degree; and
Mr. and Miss Watervliet
Use of a Stolen Financial Device
keys to I he City
(credit card) charges. He was extra-
Watervliet residents and owners of
the Waffle House of America, Bill
and Delia Hodge, told commissioners that their bill had gone from
about S340 to over S800. Delia said
she thought the increase was "too
much." She also told the commissioners that her business was closed
down for two hours last week when
a water line broke. She said she felt
Nancy Baiers, Chairman for the
were considering closing down their
business because of the increase in
Mayor pro tem Danny Gray said, " I
understand your frustrations. 1 live
in the City and my rates have gone
up 54% also. I don't like it, but I
have to pay it."
Commissioner Terry Litaker said, " I
got my water bill and I wasn't happy
about it either; but. to have good
water, you have to make sacrifices."
Deputy Clerk Cara Goodrich said
City residents pay a base rate of $ 15,
with an additional $4.25 per every
thousand gallons used. The commercial base rate is $22, with $6.37 per
every additional thousand gallons of
water used.
Gray said that the water lines
and was
booked in Berrien County Jail on
mittee. said the City of Watervliet
July 5.
had refused to pay for the "Keys to
D/Lt. Chandler said the suspects
the City" or send a representative to
would break into residences and
the Mayor's Banquet held in honor
steal credit cards, vehicles and other
of Waterv liet's royalty during Blos-
property, then sell the items to use
somtime Week.
the money to buy illegal drugs. The
the ball and ran with it. supplying
suspects are responsible for the
stolen property from various loca-
the keys and sending a representa-
tions in Berrien County, Royalton
tive. She said that it was "embarrass-
Township. Hagar Township, Bam-
ing" to the City of Waterv liet not to
bridge Township, Coloma Town-
have a City representative at the
utility costs.
2007 Mr. and Miss Watervliet Com-
She said the Township picked up
this was inexcusable.
Kentucky, by authorities there on
City did not contribute to
banquet since the Mr./Miss Watervliet candidates are ambassadors for
the community.
ship. and Van Buren County.
Undercover detectives had set up a
deal with Hazen to purchase a stolen
motorcycle and when Hazen arrived
Baiers recommended that the City
he was arrested. At that time, he had
and the Township alternate years,
in his possession a 2001 Kawasaki
where one municipality would pick
250 dirt bike that had been reported
up the cost of the "keys" and send a
stolen to the Cass County SherifTs
representative and the next year the
Office hack in 2006.
other municipality would do the
Property recovered included TVs,
same. Mayor pro tem Danny Gray
tools, stolen driver's licenses and
said the City could not take money
credit cards, merchandise purchased
out of its general fund for this situa-
with the stolen cards, a Toyota pick-
tion. but perhaps there was another
up. a 2002 Custom Harley-David-
way to go about doing this.
son, and most recently a Chevy
He said the City would look into the
Impala To date, the total value o(
matter and get back to Mrs. Baiers.
stolen vehicles and property recov-
Repair work at City Hall
throughout the City were old and out
The City Hall has a new face, as the
of date. "They haven't been updated
wall facing south has been removed
since the 1940s and are in desperate
and replaced due to the invasion of
need of repair. The water break at
termites and ants. The outside wall
the Waffle House is just one exap-
has been designed to resemble the
ple of how desperately we need to
original firehouse that the building
fix the system."
use to be. The cost of this project
trials and tribulations." He said the
the project to come in for installa-
City was replacing old corroded 4-
ing with the boarded horses.
Preliminary Exam on July 11.
ing up with the production of a well
Youth Fair is all about the youth in
retrievers. His summer job is work-
July 10.
Why does he do it? "The Van Buren
said. The best part, Lucas said with a
scheduled for
Degree. He will be sentenced in late
they don't mind.
boards horses and breeds Labrador
Jail and was
City, and Langshaw Farms is finish-
Fair is that it is closer to his home.
enough that I like volunteering to do
Property over SI.000. Hudzinski is
currently lodged in Berrien County
Commission meeting Tuesday night,
is waiting on the window portion of
keeping the weight under control, he
Receiving and Concealing Stolen
guilty to Home Invasion, Second
the audience, "With progress comes
Park Road, is a working farm that
Home Invasion, First Degree; and
line in a distribution loop around the
but he said once they get used to it
our County and they are important
Stevensville, was charged with
discussion at the Watervliet City
man shows in the Van Buren Youth
The hardest part of goat raising is
Craig Matthew lludzinski. 41, from
Invasion. First Degree; and pleaded
was around $12,000. The City staff
Lucas' home. Whisper Farms on
tenced August 6.
with the placement of the new water
Commissioner Roger Prince told
inch pipes with new 12-inch pipes,
After the work is completed. City
something for them."
which will greatly improve the qual-
Manager Kevin Gillette will seek
mischievous grin, is the money you
If you are interested and would like
ity of the water and the water pres-
bids on air conditioner work.
get when you auction them off. Two
to volunteer to help out, call the fair-
Lucas and his older brother, Caleb,
of his triplets will be auctiorted and
grounds at (269) 621-2038 and let
were showing poultry at the fair.
one will be kept for breeding stock
them know. If you want more infor-
Caleb still does, but Lucas switched
for next year's entries.
mation on the upcoming fair and
because he said his brother kept get-
Lucas will be a freshman at Coloma
ting better prizes than he did.
High School this fall and plans to
was interested in goats because his
work toward being an agriculture
mother and an uncle raised them.
mechanic for the big tractors.
said he thinks he^would enjoy that.
Invasion. First Degree; and Recei-
go? This was the opening topic of
when you start working with them,
This year he will be showing four
Sodus. was charged with Home
Dunigan Biothers is winding down
Another reason this busy young
Bv Angela Stair
Water rates... how high can they
Wolshlager, said that he and his wife
Fourteen-year-old Lucas Hettig of
He belongs to the Hartford Trail
ghts at a cost of $140,000,
The owner of Frosty Boy, Bob
goats, a set of triplets and a grown
WHOA bill noes front S340 to SHOO
mal that will be shown.
of the goats he has raised at the Van Buren Youth Fair this coming
erty over Sl.(MM). He will be sen-
spend the entire year raising an ani-
14-VKAR-OLD LUCAS H E T T I G O F C O L O M A . . . w i U be showing four
Cops nab gang of thieves
positive result. Many of the youth
Remember Watervliet's
though they live nearby.
wife. Judy, have volunteered to help
"The Youth of Van Buren County
CW CMtap Intaw ClmiM. Im
ered as a result of this investigation
is approximately $80,000.
Assisting the
Berrien County
Sheriff's Department were Michigan State Police SCAR detectives,
Benton Township detectives, and the
Coloma Township Police Department.
The investigation is continuing,
with more arrests expected.
Two minors in
possession of
intoxicants - Watervliet
Officer Maher Nasif of the Water-
sure in the City lines. "This action
He has also received a bid for paint-
vliet Police Department was on
should make consumers happier
ing the stairway, the Assessor's
patrol when he observed a vehicle
with the condition of their water."
Office, and some miscellaneous
tailgating another and went after the
City Engineer Alan Smaka, of
trim. Material and labor costs came
vehicle. He observed it turn onto a
Wightman & Associates, said the
in at less than $3,000, Gillette said.
side street and go through a stop sign
scheduled events, go to the official
$2.5 million water project was on
Gillette has also received a quote to
without stopping.
Web site:
target with the water lower painting
reseal and stripe the City Hall park-
Officer Nasif initiated a traffic stop
Brochures for the Youth Fair can be
being finished by
ing lot from Amt Asphalt in the
and, during the course of the traffic
found at most businesses in Van
Buren County.
Painting Company of Sterling Hei-
stop, he located an open container of
C O N T I N t E D ON PAGE 12
Tri-Oly KecorJ
They want to make their own mis-
July 12,2007
Letters Si Conimentary
has been cancelled due to
The animals program
budget cuts and rising costs. However, Hartford Public Library will
need your
continue to provide interlibrary loan
to any patron through an interim
We are in the process of implementsupport
ing the new statewide interlibrary
Dear Editor.
It doesn't matter what home life
these rebels come from - they are
possessed by an evil spirit. Maybe
the parents are no good examples -
Hut also think of the impressions
terrible shape and we know why.
from your home computer provided
Referring to the young pregnant girl
Everyone can spare at least two dol-
you have the Internet. If you wish to
in disgusting attire - I'm wonder-
view the site, log on to
Don't buy that bag of candy or bot-
and click on "Mel Cat."
nine public access computers here at
Coloma, the police would (or could)
send the pnee of a gallon of gas.
the library Interlibrary loan requests
have stepped in. I say this because I
will still be one of our services with
read the police report in the Tri-City
the added feature of statewide
Record and the Coloma Police u s
The animals don't want to live in a
access to all types of libraries.
on the job! (iood for them Not
cage and then put to sleep because
We are looking forward to the new
no one wants them They don't have
enhanced system and will still con-
a choice People decide for them.
tinue to fill your material requests.
That 's why Berrien County needs a
Delivery of interlibrary loan materi-
new animal shelter and the Humane
als will continue twice weekly.
much monkey business goes on or
past these fine officers!
because it has lots of local news in
it. It's the only paper we subscribe
Stephanie Daniels
ing. and upsetting. Who cares about
Hartford Public Library
1 enjoy reading the Tri-City Record
to. The world news is too depress-
good deed for them!
1 dare say • maybe had that been in
any money. They need you! Do a
Hollywood, etc.?
So thanks for your newsy hometown paper.
Carolyn Norton
Interim svslem available
library loan
cancelled at
Public Librarv
Dear Editor and patrons of Hartford
Public Library,
Our present interlibrary library loan
I w *
- YES! • for Indecent Exposure!
Cut back on your trips to towns and
Donate your time, if you don't have
they have arrested that bad example
the program to you on any of our
ing... where were the police? Could
Society and Animal Aid all need
^ i T O M D — .
stopping them.
Monkey see - monkey do.
The Humane Society needs the
What's going to
happen to the
youth of today?
Hack to the disturbing things
around us that it seems we can't
7-J 207
solve. 1 get depressed • as we have
san measure to lower the nation's
ing center. In this age of technology
premature birth rate and improve the
and state-of-the-art medicine, it is
health of the nation's expectant
Homeowners in Hagar Township
difficult to fully comprehend that
mothers. President Bush signed it
could save money on their house
one in eight babies bom in the
into law on December 22, 2006.
insurance, thanks to the hard work
United States is premature Prema-
The objective of the PREEMIE Act
of their joint Coloma-Hagar Fire
ture birth is a serious and growing
is to reduce the rates of pre-term
problem • in Michigan alone, of the
labor and delivery, promote the use
2,496 babies bom each week, 307
At Monday night's meeting, a resi-
Coloma Road location was present-
Deputy Roy Davis asked to get a
dent inquired as to what to do if their
ed and approved. A public hearing
copy of that ordinance so that he and
insurance company says this new
will be held at the next Board meet-
other deputies are aware of what it
Insurance Service Organization
and improved rating doesn't affect
ing to consider a tax abatement for
says and then can also enforce the
of evidence-based care for pregnant
(ISO) recently alerted the Township
the insurance rate, to which Sew-
this location as well. Plans for this
are bom premature.
women at risk of pre-term labor and
that its protection class rating went
cyck replied, "Shop around."
location include the installation of
In February 2004. the National Cen-
for infants bom pre-term, and reduce
from 9/10 to 5/8 after an analysis of
There are some insurance compa-
new machinery and an additional
ter for Health Statistics reported the
infant mortality and disabilities
the Township's structure fire sup-
nies that do not use the ISO rating to
first increase in the U.S. infant mor-
caused by premature birth.
pression delivery system
determine rates but Sewcyck added,
five jobs.
In other business, an additional
tality rate since 1958 and the rate of
Although we've made vast im-
According to a handout provided by
"There are plenty out there that do,
$118 was approved to purchase the
pre-term birth has increased by over
provements in treating premature
Insurance Management Service at
and those are the ones to call."
playground equipment for Hagar
30 percent since 1981.
infants, we've had little success in
the July 9 meeting, the rating or
Further, premature babies who sur-
understanding and preventing pre-
schedule of public fire protection of
vive may suffer lifelong conse-
mature birth; and the knowledge that
cities and towns was established in
quences, including cerebral palsy,
we have gained has not been trans-
1916. The grading is currently main-
mental retardation, chronic lung dis-
lated into improved perinatal out-
tained by ISO for use in making fire
ease and vision and hearing loss.
comes. I am hopeful that this legisla-
insurance rates and to encourage
Pre-term delivery can happen to any
tion will open a new chapter in the
local governments to maintain better
pregnant woman and. in nearly one-
care for our infants • the health of
firefighting equipment and person-
half of the cases, the cause is unde-
our children literally hangs in the
terminable. The medical costs are
also staggering.
One of the final acts of the 109th
society hold to offer them (yes. even
have begun work on providing addi-
one-parent homes). My heart sinks
tional assistance to the state's recre-
thriving industries and promote
Having read your article in this
when 1 wonder about the tempta-
ational boating industry, as a co-
Michigan as a tourist destination.
Classmates who still need to be
week's Tri-City Record paper (The
tions out there, waiting to destroy
chairman of the Michigan Legisla-
We are blessed with these wonderful
located are: Laura Balfour. Roxanne
Back Fence, 7/5'2(M)7) 1 must tell
their future happiness, with exam-
tive Boating Caucus under the lead-
Bush. Iris Eberhart, Cindy Ethridge.
you - 1 agree with you fully. 100%!
ples and maybe friends (like the
ership of
young, pregnant, mixed-up-mess
The Michigan boating industry con-
I am looking forward to taking ad-
Kathy Jennings. Joe Kolenko. Ran-
Vonda Van Til,
tributes approximately $3 billion to
vantage of this opportunity as a co-
dy Marler. Jackie McKean. Randy
Social Security
Public Affairs
- no Nl VI R - can I recall such
actions, such rebellion, among the
1 cry, "Oh, dear (iod!
Please God.
responsibly, are invaluable to our
state and its residents and visitors.
Karen Horton, Melanie Isbrccht,
chainnan of the boating caucus to
Morey, Kathy Olsen, Brenda Rob-
They are "gonna do" whatever they
them. Who will guide them? Who
supports more than 51.000 jobs
determine how to further enhance
ertson. and Rhonda Turner,
please and they don't care who likes
will direct them?
statewide. Approximately 40 per-
Michigan's recreational boating m-
cent of Michigan residents are recre-
Any information on these still
should have coming.
the year - change their name along
which clearly identifies the appli-
Jennifer Sipla of Insurance Man-
with their marital status. Whether
cant. All documents must be origi-
agement Service provided a presen-
brides take the name of a husband or
nals or certified copies. The applica-
tation at last month's meeting on the
opt for hyphenation, there's some-
tion fonti lists documents that Social
potential savings. In her example,
thing important they should do soon
Security accepts and can be down-
the insurance on a 1997 home locat-
after the honeymoon - make sure
loaded at'
School last year (2006). Some of the
they notify Social Security of the
more avid readers may remember
will meet periodically to discuss
Docs it make sense to continue to cut back services that produce revenue
1 am proud to live in Michigan's
issues facing the recreational boat-
instead of cutting back the revenue consumers, including high-paid go\ em-
(ireat Southwest, where our lakes
ing industry in Michigan, such as
inent officials and administrators; including legislators?
and rivers offer numerous activities
dredging, invasive species, clean
Bake-Fest is
Once all the revenue production is gone, when every last dime gets wrung
will be holding the next Executive
out of the treasury and all the taxpayers are out of work, who will pay the
Committee meeting on Saturday.
Lansing fat cats' salaries, benefits and pensions then?
July 14. at 10:00 a.m.
The meeting will be held at the
Who will pay yours?
STRANGE DUCK TALK(S)... I was fishing the Paw Paw River this past
St. Joseph Lincoln Senior Center
week one evening when I caught the flash of something large and w hite
and the Berrien County Republican
along the shoreline. With a little trepidation (after all. there must have been
Party). 327! Lincoln Avenue. St.
nature .. a large, faded, white plastic child's toy.
29 and also the fall reception.
B> Anne Bayer, Co-publisher
Retuming downstream to my fishing pole and tackle bag, 1 saw something
day I will gel used to all of the changes but, for now , 1 just seem to roll along.
are encouraged to attend.
The public is also invited to attend.
The Watervliet High School Class
Wondering w hat to bake? Here are
some suggestions: cookie bars,
cookies, muffins, cakes, coffee
cakes, cobblers, pies, or anything
else you can think of.
Trophies and ribbons will be awarded.
For more information, please call
thrives in Texas. Apparently the "domesticated" variety does escape to the
Yes. 1 know... if 1 keep her more, she will adjust; but Karl said to have her
wild; perhaps that is what I saw.
cry for three days does not seem right either. 1 hold her and love her but I am
Sunday moming. fishing the river just below the dam in Hays Park. 1 saw Still not her mom. She is so cute and fun when Mom Gillian is there but
when she sees me her little face screws up and the tears fall.
the "duck" again. In the bright light of day, it looked smaller and had less
So this weekend it w ill be just Lainie and Zo. and those two really like comwhite feathers than appeared earlier in the week, definitely a Muscovy
ing to Grandma and Grandpa's for the day.
The duck swam up to the dam, perched on one of the old abutments,
In fact, one day when the girls all came and baby Polly was crying, Lainie
watched me fish a bit; the. with a "w hop-w hop-whop" beat o f its wings, flew
said, "1 don't know w hy she cries w hen she comes here. I love coming here."
right over me and lighted onto the water just out of my reach. By now. w e
Hopefully, there will be a time in the not-too-distant future when she will
were old friends.
be happy at our home; but we will go slowly until that happens.
Anne voiced her usual lament. "You never take any pictures."
Anyway, 1 am going to miss their being in Stevensville and just 20 minutes
She vocalized the same when 1 told her about the seagulls fighting over a from our house. Now we have to go into Chicago, and I am not a good drivwater snake that was longer than both of them. As one got a good grip on it. er in that town. It scares me to death. I am sure I will be a train rider from
the other would tug it away. The winner of the tug of war got the snake.
now on. But 1 will NOT COMPLAIN. It is not the Ukraine. The miles are
There is a Polaroid, somew here, of a drow ned northern pike. The glutton-
not that long anymore. 1 am sure that one day they may go back there, but
ous fish, all of 26 inches, had attempted to swallow a 24-inch northern pike.
for now we can all be together.
I hope Justin and Kris move to this side of the country. 1 don't think so, from
I know Anne has some dream of me getting that great photo in the wild; then
what 1 have heard. They are just now finishing up all of the work on their
she will re-create the scene in oils.
home, which has been a big job. They will be there for a few years to enjoy
nearly naked beast climbing out of a lock on the River Nene in England. We
their efforts. 1 can't wait to get out and see the finished product. It sounds
were taking a walk along the river with our newborn son, when out climbed
Hopefully, you are all having a good summer w ithout too many problems.
a swimmer in a bright red swimsuit. He doffed the suit right in front of us.
1 hope your days are all happy ones, even though a few sad days have to
pulled on his trousers, and introduced himself.
creep in once in a while. Stay cool and enjoy these days; they are so short.
I guess some strange things seen in the wild are best left there.
Center in Coloma. Coloma Public
Ryno Road.
one. until this little girl, have 1 had any trouble caring for.
I wonder why she never painted the strangest thing we ever saw; a hairy,
July 20 at the North Berrien Senior
North Berrien Senior Center. 6648
The closest description was a Muscovy duck, a tamed tropical species that
Swallower and swallowee both failed to survive the fight.
Grand Rapids. Ml 49503: or via e-
The Bake-Fest will take place at the
America or my Birds of Michigan books could pinpoint what 1 had seen.
duck... maybe somebody's lost farm pet.
name for any reason.
All applications must be received ai
(Polina). She does not like her Grandma Annie. Imagine... this is the first
I'hey are setting up a whole home from the bottom up because all that they
had they left in the Ukraine. They are close to completing the project and are
Hints of Sorth
sponsoring the 2007 Peach Bake-
ma's Rite Aid.
grandchild to give me grief. 1 know it is the age and 1 also know that her of 1977 will be holding its reunion
mom is key to her life, but what is up with that? Eight grandchildren and not o n Saturday, August . from 4:00 to
Alas, either my National Geographic Field Guide for
(269) 468-4212 or 468-3366.
Send your letters to the editor to
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ana natervhet Record - ( olonta Courier - Hartford .Vt'Mv
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Fax 463-8329
E-mail to: news tf
Karl Bayer. Publisher/Editor Amy Loshhough. Business Manager
Anne Bayer. Advertising Sales
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the Tri-Citv
Tri-Citv Record, a ueeklx
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trr(>r.y,,, Please notify the Tri-City Record immediately
of any errors or omissions in the news or advertising content in
this issue.
hile the Tri-City Record endeavors to correct any
errors or omissions that may occur, it cannot be held responsible
for the same following the publication of the next issue.
Letters to the editor...
The bottom line is that people
West Michigan.
50 College
The Tri-City Record welcomes all icttcrs
to the editor. Letters arc subject to editing and w ill he published at the discretion of the editor. All Icttcrs must be signed and must include a phone
number and address so that authorship may be verified.
Letters should be typed or at least written in easy-to-read handwriting
Letter authorship identity may be withheld by request, at the discretion of
the editor. The publication deadline for letters to the editor is 12 noon, on
Tuesday for tnat week's issue.
Welcome to
Computers 101
training is of some value, godliness
Church. 4401 Fikes Road in Benton
ment in regional, state and national
support business. Inspired Media
as they bum their mortgage.
you. such as setting up an eBay
They will have both the old and
account or an e-mail address. My
new, past and present, on hand to
columns will be a mix of articles
share in the happy day.
pertaining to readers with and without a computer. There will also be
several articles on topics that we
MSU Extension Connections
Michigan State University Extension helps people improve
their lives through an education process that applies
knowledge to critical issues, needs, and opportunities.
Corn Rootworm
weekly beginning August 1 and con-
beetle per plant or the population
tinue until the counts average one
representative areas from mid- to
late July, carefully wash the roots
with a power washer and check
them for rootworm damage. Look
for feeding scars, root pruning, and
holes. Damaged areas will be a msty
brown color.
Field scouting is the only way to
make sound rootworm control decisions for 2008. When com will be
planted after com, count the number
of adult rootworm beetles you find
on 60 consecutive plants at three
locations in each field. Do this
Past articles will also be published
Jim Tyler
article, a chapter in the book of Prov c r b s or ,n ,he
of John cou,d
Challenge yourself to the next spir,,ua
' 'cve' and ^
the benefits.
i n
t0 ex
If you find an average of one beetle
per plant, you should use some type
Martha's Vineyard. Unfortunately, the disease has spread crosscountry. and one of the newest infestations is along the Lake
Michigan shoreline in southwest Michigan.
Lyme Disease is transmitted through the bile of blacklegged
licks, which live in long grasses and highly wooded areas. With
Lyme Disease on the rise in southwest Michigan, Community
Hospital suggests that those venturing outdoors this summer take
extra precautions to prevent lick bites.
If you'll be walking through wooded areas, or exposed to long
grasses while hiking or even mowing the lawn, consider taking
the following precautions:
Use an insect repellent with DEET that clearly stales it is
designed to prevent tick biles.
Wear clothing that covers exposed skin surfaces: long
pants, a long-sleeved shirt, socks and shoes. Tuck your
shirt into your pants and luck your pant legs into your
socks to prevent licks crawling under clothes.
Perform daily checks for ticks after being outdoors.
Remove licks from clothes before going indoors. To kill
ticks you may have missed, wash clothes in hot water and
dry them on high for at leasi one hour.
If you find a lick attached to the skin, remove it with a
fine-tipped tweezers and consult your physician for
sticky traps and set them up during
each field. The traps should be
placed on stakes or posts and adjustfew inches above the top of the soybean canopy. Locate the traps at
Lyme Disease used to be limited to vacationers out East, who
w ere wading through the long eel grasses off Cape Cod or
bean fields is to obtain yellow,
ed so that the bottom of the traps is a
Take Care in Preventing Lyme Disease
worm populations in this year's soy-
traps at the four compass points in
protl-ssioiwls ;it
The best way to monitor com root-
the last week of July. Place four
of rootworm control strategy in
'mni ,'k'
current Western Student Association
how to do things that will benefit
To do this, dig up some plants from
rslOI (a
I am now a student of English,
food, good friends, and good times
trol strategy performed this year.
You can e-mail your questions to
the time it took to read this short
technical topics; 1 intend to discuss
mine how well your rootworm con-
in every area.
around the same time 1 created my
Join the church family for good
carefully. The first step is to deter-
And that will improve performance
the Bible on a regular schedule. In
the column.
Technology. This was
growers should manage this pest
That's spiritual stability and peace.
on the Web site for your reference.
Until next time.
school, 1 ranked first in the state and
This column will not discuss highly
risk of significant yield losses, com
ment." (1 Timothy 4:7,8 and 6:6).
program? Focus enough to get ink)
rootworm control strategies and the
1 have also created a Web site for
ing to them on the Web site and in
1 graduated from Watervliet High
be the buming of the church's mort-
Because of the high cost of com
great gam in godliness with content-
security, etc.
Why not get into a spiritual exercise
the position of IT Coordinator in the
Agricultural Educator
for the life to come" and " . . . there is
taking your questions and respond-
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
By Mike Staton, MSI) Extension
MySpace, identity theft. Internet
promise for the present life and also
nature of my column.
Western Michigan University; I hold
news: 101). 1 will be
Sunday on Sunday, July 15, from
will be giving an introduction to the
Computer Science and Journalism at
For more information, call (269)
column header (http: www.inspired
Harbor, will hold a Celebration
The purpose of the celebration will
umn! In addition to a short vitae. 1
14th in the nation in Computer
on July 15
my column, which is listed in the
to celebrate
mortgage burning
Welcome to my new computer col-
competitions. As a senior in high
you may have to pay taxes on your
By Charles Stein
It might not be that hard to find an
investment that pays more than your
after-tax mortgage rate. Hut that's not
Kdwanl Jones
the only reason why it may make
SMU it U« Altai'
sense to choose investing over mortColoma
gage reduction. Here arc two other
factors to consider:
Should You Speed up Mortgage
Paying off your mortgage early won't
Payments or Increase Investments?
boost your ultimate return. Obviously,
Most people who have mortgages you want your house to appreciate in
dream of a day when they won't. In value. But paying off your mortgage
fact, many mortgage-holders speed up early won't make your home worth
their payments to make that day arrive more, though it will enable you to
sooner. Is that smart, from a financial pocket more of the proceeds when you
sell. On the other hand, the more
standpoint? Not necessarily.
This point is highlighted by a 2006 shares you purchase of an investment,
study prepared by economists for the such as stock, the greater your potenNational Bureau of Economic tial for boosting your net worth. Of
Research. About 38 percent of U.S. course, investing also has its risks;
households arc making the wrong when you sell your stocks, you could
choice when they speed up their mort- receive more or less than the original
gage payments rather than use the investment amount.
Investing provides you with greater
extra money to save in tax-deferred
accounts such as 401(k) plans or liquidity than paying down a mortIRAs, according to the study. These gage. Once you make extra payments
households are giving up a yield of 11 to your mortgage, you can't get at that
to 17 cents for every dollar they spend money, except indirectly, through a
on extra mortgage payments, depend- second mortgage or home equ'ty loan.
ing on their choice of investments in a Hut if you were to invest the money
instead, you'd have access to it
tax-deferred account.
While these survey results arc cer- (though, again, you might have tax
tainly interesting, they don't tell the implications). This liquidity could be
whole story on the issue of making important if you lose your job or if
extra mortgage payments versus you face an unexpected financial
investing. If you have a quantitative need, such as a major medical bill.
Still, there's another side to the mortnature, however, you can do a little
analysis on your own. For example, if gage/investment issue. If it just makes
you were to pay down a mortgage you feel better to whittle away your
with a 5.5 percent rate, it would be mortgage - or possibly pay it oft' altoessentially the same thing as eaming gether - that's something to consider.
5.5 percent on some type of invest- And if you're close to retirement, it
ment. Hut if you are in the 25 percent may make particularly good sense,
tax bracket, and you deducted your from both the psychological and cash
mortgage interest payments from your flow perspectives, to get rid of that
taxes, your 5.5 percent mortgage mortgage.
So, weigh all the factors carefally
would really "cost" you just 4.125 perwhen
deciding whether to pay down
Icent. So. if you could find an investment that paid more than 4.125 per- the mortgage or invest. Your choice
j cent, you'd come out ahead by invest- can have big consequences for your
ling, rather than paying down your future.
Lmito..,- rk.vnmmnul ihou^h. thai
self for godliness; for while bodily
is of value in every way, as it holds
Methodist Church
mail at
Investing in Your Future
Paul told Timothy: " . . . train your-
www. inspiredmediasystems. com/101
Riverside United
Iricity. computers 101@gmail. com
several articles regarding my place-
1-800-772-1213 or visit the local
woman, who changes his or her
cal Bank in Coloma. and at Colo-
finishing up the work this weekend. The girls w ill stay with us, all but Polly
again and are happy to be doing it.
If the Internet is not accessible, call
The Coloma Glad-Peach Festival is
Library. Coloma City Hall. Chemi-
High School
Class of 1977
sets August 11
for 30-year
class reunion
1 know the critter saw me. but it never made any move to come closer or to she has arrived, it has changed all of their lives and all of ours. Their whole
swim off. 1 had seen it paddle about in the water earlier and then come back family has been living in our house provided for them by the congregation
of The Chapel and they have been w ell taken care of, but they need to begin
to its spot on the shore.
can write her c/o Social Security
Thursday. July 20. 2007.
It was just 15 months ago that little Polina was bom in the Ukraine. Since
ter. it applies to anyone, man or
have a church for which Sergei is now the Pastor and they w ill be living in
new job and a life. They have spent this last year in limbo.
making them aware of Hagar Town-
August 2
cations are available now through
which is peace with God and with
Homeowners are encouraged to
contact their insurance carriers,
specialist for
the Senior Center by 12:00 noon on
1 am happy for them, as they will be settled in their own home... with the
To change a name in Social Sec-
their Social Secunty records
lowing a divorce, too. For that mat-
Gillian and Sergei are moving - lock, stock and barrel - to Chicago. They
the church house just behind the church.
ing will take place on August 1.
Yonda lan 711 is the public affairs
order to enter the contest. Appli-
All Executive Committee members
This is the weekend for another change here at our home. I am sure that one
to the Internal Revenue Service
who officially changes her name fol-
An application must be submitted in
On the agenda w ill be discussion of
the upcoming annual picnic on July
would be around 28%. The new rat-
Application deadline is July 20.
The closer I got, the stranger it seemed; once 1 got to it. it took on n true
This doesn't just apply to new
employer is using to report earnings
Social Security office.
Fest on Thursday, August 2.
North Lincoln Center (home of the
new name.
average savings for homeowners
brides; it could apply to a woman
The Berrien County Republicans
many benefits - not the least of
married - in June or any time during
should make sure that the name their
(IRS) exactly matches the name in
ourselves physically for a sport is u
performance; less chance for injury;
will be worth it. Sewcyck said the
Meanwhile. Michigan taxpayers pay more for less.
ple. They all take time, a workable
p| a n a n i j f ()CUSC( j effort. To improve
W hile signage i* up indicaiing that
bottles are not allowed, he said addi-
By Jim Tyler
reduction in their policies that they
By Ki-p. John P h n i s
belt level in tae kwon do, for exam-
paperwork, the savings for residents
new Social Security number must be
ing for increased strength or the next
drinking is not allowed at the beach-
Computers 101
weddings. Many women who get
The bipartisan, bicameral caucus
proving a golf sw ing, weight train-
ship beaches, informing visitors that
While it was a massive amount of
or call (ireg at (269) 876-8260 or
developing racquetball skill, im-
amount of time at the Hagar Town-
life is also a worthwhile goal. Better
.m i. gov.
Appliaition deadline is
July 20
to achieve. Whether losing weight,
holiday, he spent a considerable
To improve ourselves spiritually for
helped to make this possible."
Any worthwhile goal requires effort
notices. He said during the July 4th
merger of the two fire departments
ship's new rating to seek out the
goods stores, dealerships, and num-
June 5 and has written 13 violation
urity's records, an application for a
state; millions on transportation, lodging, food, and entertainment; millions
turkey/duck 1 had seen.
1-2, 1-2, 1-2
received 17 complaints since around
said; and then adding, "Certainly the
June is the traditional month for
providers rely on boating for their
1 headed for home too. I was anxious to find out what kind of goose
directly at thekrell59((/
tion. Tourists, local and out of state, spend millions traveling throughout the
upriver into the darkening woods.
or by e-mail at johnproosu/ house
Enforcement Officer George Sche-
ance; less chance for injury; many
erous other businesses and job
jumped in the air and, with a "w hop-w hop-whop" of its large wings, fly
By Pastor David C. Helms
Plvnioutb CouKivgational Chnrrh
of $45,464.79.
able in the Township," Sewcyck
You may also e-mail Greg Krell
as possible on August 11.
Bills were approved in the amount
worthwhile goal... better perform-
tact me toll free at 1-888-656-0079
Party to meet
July 14
be in late August or early September.
public safety building that is avail-
nation for the number of registered
We hope to see as many classmates
and installation of the equipment to
the current 31.
updated as they become available,
Michigan spends millions of dollars promoting the state as a tourist destina-
1 fished and watched the "bird" for at least a half hour when it finally
at this facility and add two jobs to
these important issues. You can con-
state. Marinas, fishing, sporting
sulting, was to expand office space
Michigan currently ranks third in the
grounds to make up for a "budget shortfall.'
shaped head with a big red hump on the forehead, and a red mask over its
Cynthia LaGrow of LaGrow Con-
Helen Long
huge industry for our region and
wild turkey, had webbed feet, an all-white body, black wings, a white goose-
pose of the abatement, according to
at www.classmates.cona. Details are
BITING YOUR HAM),.. The DNR has closed several state forest camp-
beach occupied by the oddest bird I have ever seen... it was the si/e of a
Riverside Road location. The pur-
mg your comments and feedback on
streams, recreational boating is a
Eventually, just before sunset. 1 ended up fishing the same spit of sandy
emption Certificate at its 3752
each year on fuel and groceries,
By hart Haver, Publisher A I ditor
something white, now black and red as well, would stir and catch my eye.
pany was granted a Facilities Ex-
unfound classmates, or for addition-
shorelines, inland lakes, rivers and
Less spooked now. 1 went hack to my fishing; every now and again the
night, July 9, Monte Package Com-
al details, go to Class of 77 Reunion
With the thousands of miles of
large and w hite moving about on the shoreline.
equipment and quality, and the new
Hagar Township Board Monday
As always, 1 look forward to hear-
to investigate.
their level of training, the pieces of
$35,118. Plans are for the delivery
menauer announced that he has
ational boaters who spend millions
I'd only cry my eyes out!
a half dozen bodies found in the St. Joe River just this year). 1 went upstream
provided, number of firefighters and
Social Security
Monte Package
Company gets
tax abatement
New last name?
Get a new Social
Security card
1 won't be here forever. If 1 were,
that generate more millions in tax dollars.
looked at the size of the equipment
Michigan's economy annually and
This is another case of the govemment biting the hand that feeds it...
ISO in the spring of 2006. asking for
2007 to get the results. "The ISO
Road. Coloma. Ml 49038.
build a hedge of protection around
that the Township approached the
is located at 2375 Bainbridge C enter
youth - as now.
What's your opinion?
E-mail the editor...
an evaluation, and it took until May
of Sherry (Cutlip) Burtchett, which
Representative Tim Sewcyck said
Township Park, making the total
During the regular meeting of the
Township trustee and Fire Board
Congress w as passage of my biparti-
pact of recreational boating.
state Senator
tional signage is needed that speciBerrien County Sheriff's Dept.
why I am pleased to announce that I
At the same meeting, a request to
District for Monte Package's 2900
great-grandchildren). What does this
ed in Hagar Township and valued at
approximately S244 per year.
9:00 p.m. It will be held at the home
By Annette Christie
create an Industrial Development fies "no alcohol."
water issues and the economic imIt is vital that we capitalize on our
Page j
S270,000 could get a savings of
wth on and off the shore. That is
1 am past 80 years of age and never
Southwest Michigan's largest birth-
young (nearly teen and preteen
Dear Anne ("The Back Fence").
Fred Upton
and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
do his (her) own thing, there's no
TH-Oty Record
Hagar Township residents could save
up to 28% on homeowner insurance,
thanks to F.D. upgrades and merger
Methodist Hospital's new Birthplace
a 15-year-old (or any age) decides to
when complete, can be accessed
We will be happy to demonstrate
Mjf uiem
On Monday, 1 toured Bronson
people - makes no difference, when
they are passing on to their friends!
tle of pop or bag of chips, etc., this
July 12, 2007
but maybe the parents are wonderful
loan program (MelCat), which,
I know Michigan's economy is in
New law will
help improve
health of the
nation's babies
least 100 feet inside the field edges
and check the traps weekly.
If you catch an average of five beetles per trap per day, you will need to
use some type of rootworm control
strategy in your 2008 com crop.
Please contact the Berrien County
MSU Extension office at (269) 9444126 for additional information on
com rootworm management.
Lyme Disease symptoms include fever, headache, muscle
pain, a stiff neck, swelling of the knees or other large joints
and sometimes (though not always) a bulls-eye rash near the
site of the lick bile. If you suspect you've contracted Lyme
Disease, talk with your doctor immediately or visit
Community HospitaPs emergency room or After Hours Care
Clinic for assistance. Antibiotic therapy is helptiil in many
cases, and quick diagnosis is critical.
ham * TW-Ciri' Remrd July 12, 200*
over again!
Tri-Citv Area History Pave
Do You Know... ?
Noooooo... it could never happen
... or could it?
Awards presented to outstanding members of Coloma bands
Local historian
writes book on
Sister Lakes;
signings slated
he Paw Paw River Journal
July 12,2007
Tri-City Record
By Lynn Attila
Local historian and long-time Paw
Paw I ake resident Rick Rasmussen
has collaborated with Floyd Jerdon
oy M. Davis.
of Dowagiac, a collector of vintage
Earlv Autos
• already selling Chevrolets. And lie
postcards, and written his fourth
had sold such early and extinct mod-
book titled Sister Lakes. This vol-
()ne of Hartford's firs! and foremost
els as Brush. Crovv-Mkhart. Max-
ume is the newest addition to the
car dealerships belonged lo Clare
well. Willys-Knight. Overland, and
Postcard History Senes of books
Leach. He built a garage on North
Reo. Most autos in those days were
Center Street in Hartford, right
roadsters and touring cars, with fold-
C O L O M A B A N D AWARD WINNERS...Coloma High School senior
Amanda Hell (ri^ht) was presented with the John Philip Sousa Award at
( O L O M A H I G H SCHOOL BAND SENIORS.,,were presented personali/ed blankets by Director of Hands Chery l Thomas in honor of their years
the spring concert held May 17 at CHS. She was chosen by fellow band
DO V O U RECOGNIZE...iny of these people on Ihe Klbler Karms float during one of the
of participation in the Coloma Community Schools Rand program. These seniors were recognized at the May 17 sprinu concert. Pictured are:
members based on her leadership, dedication and musicianship.
about where we now drive in lo
down tops and side curtains Sedans
parades held during a summer festisai? If so. call Ale* Gates. C urator at North Berrien
(front row, from the left) Melissa Demhinski, Amanda Bell, Elizabeth Grootendorst; (second row, from the left) Adam Bailey, Nick Bither, Matt
Amanda, daughter of Marty and Ronnie Hell, played bassoon in the
Harding's Market The year. 1^12.
had not yet become popular
Historical Society Museum, at 46K-.VVM).
(•aipa, Anna G r i f f i n , Megan Muenger, and Amanda Fannin, Not available for the photo was senior Jennifer Starling,
concert hand and tenor sax in the marching and j a / / hands. She plans
Clare I each had a brother named
and he was a busy man
Those early machines required .i lot
Floyd. He also entered the auto busi-
of tinkering. About half o f their
ness. but not as a dealer. He had a
problems consisted of being strand-
machine shop m which he could
ed on the road u ith dead batteries.
make |ust about anv pan for the new
Local News and Newsmakers of Days Gone By
Much of the other half concerned
gas buggies. Thai is. i f he wanted to
As reported in the local newspapers: ( oloma ( ourier,
flat tires. An essential part ot motor-
Alw ays a rugged individualist, if he
ing was carrying along tire tools,
wanted to take on a job. he would
patching material, and a tire pump.
Otherwise, he was just not interest-
Among young men-about-town. .i
girl who resisted a gu\ s amorous
Rolling Back The Years
Hartford Day Spring, and Watervliet Record.
One old-timer talked about doing
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morlock and Mr.
Coloma, will be honored at an open
Coloma local rural carriers make
and Mrs. Dan Muth attended a din-
house Sunday, July 17, at the Water-
dav I needed a machined pan. and I
enviable record by handling more
ner party at MykIonia, followed by a
vliet Knights of Columbus Hall on
young Lothario who parked to
needed it in the worst wav Flovd
mail than any other carriers in the
theatre party last Tuesday evening.
Paw Paw Ave., in celebration ot
watch the moon come up with his
look one look at the broken piece •
The affair was in honor of Mrs.
their 50ih Wedding Anniversary.
girl near a farmer's house. The rural
my hand, and said. *1 haven't ce:
Mrs. A.L. Detlelds has a pie pump-
M or lock's and Mr. Muth's birth-
house owner, fearing foul play,
time to fool around making sore-
kin harvested last year that as yet
days, which occur on the same day.
opened his window and \clled
thing like that! "
shows no signs of decay. Talk about
30 YEARS A G O -1977
business with Floyd
"flat tire!" One story making the
went to Flovd Leach's garage ore
rounds in those days concerned a
down. "What's the matter
you got
100 YEARS A G O - I W
He said. " I
w - n e n bv Rasmussen.
0 \ e : the vears. the two postcard
"So I said to him. 'Well, thai'* a
this climate not being conducive to
at Coloma Public Li bran,
Rudy Appel.
from the Coloma Courier newspa-
chairman for Muscular Dystrophy
pers donated by the Tri-Cit} Record.
right - vour brother. Clare. >a:j yeu
ec ectore have obtained hundreds of
probably couldn't make it a-.vwav
vimage pictonals depicting South-
60 YEARS A G O -1947
March in Coloma, announced that
Hours: Monday & Friday.
"Flovd grabbed the pan. siv.r.g.
west Michigan lakes. Assembling
Mrs. Maude Hawks relumed Satur-
Crystal Roller Rink would hold a
As time went on. Clare I each real-
'He did. did he'' And he went
these postcards into a book seemed
day from a visit o f two weeks in
24-hour Jerry Lewis Skate-A-Thon
$ Thursday, 10:00 a.m.-S:0() p m ;
ized that many people wanted new
his shop and made me a piece r a t
to be the natural thing to do.
New York with her son and da ugh-
for Muscular Dystrophy,
and Saturday, 10:00 a.m -2:00 p m
automobiles. The ones he sold need-
was equal to or better than the origi-
ed a lot of service, and people found
a tlat tire?"
The young man yelled back. "II I
did have. I wouldn't be here!"
he was good at repair work. In fact,
he was so good he had little time to
devote to selling more ot the gasguz/lers.
One day he paid a friendK n isit to
Paw Paw's one and onl\ garage.
There, a Mr. Glen Slow ell was
working as the only mechanic.
Rasmussen believes that "for many
readers of this book, it w ill be like a
One quiet September afternoon in
family vacation album revisited. For
1908. Floyd was working in his
others, much of this history will be
shop. Morgan Av erel had brought in
new information. It may also bring
his touring car to be overhauled.
back fond memories for many who
Flovd was the only man in town who
have vacationed here in the past."
could do it You see. this was about
"For over 125 years, generations of
a year before brother Clare opened
vacationers have made the annual
his own garage business.
journey to the Sister Lakes region of
Morgan was doing the flunky work
Southwest Michigan. Their experi-
cussed the overworked gauge situa-
bv washing the engine pans in a pan
ences and photographs represent a
tion. and that discussion ended in
of gasoline. Meanwhile. Floyd was
cultural snapshot of a summer spent
Mr. Stowell's coming to Hartford to
peering into the dark recesses of the
at a group of Midwest lakes. The
take charge of the I each sen ice
car. He lit a match in order to see
postcards in Sister Lakes, selected
department, while Clare gave his at-
better. Then, somehow, the match
from a collection of over 1,000, cap-
tention to finding buvers for new
flame encountered the gas fumes
ture the life and times o f 80 years at
and ignited with a huge " W H L M P ' "
this favorite Michigan destination."
The new arrangement prov ed prof-
The resulting fire bumed both men
Sister Lakes is published by Arcadia
itable for both men Clare now had
somewhat, but when firemen ar-
Publishing and retails for S19.Q9.
an expert mechanic, and he could
nv ed. thev had the fire out vv ith only
The book is available at area book-
sell more cars It was such a new
slight damage to the building. Mor-
game that there were no prov isions
gan Averel n car. and the two mech-
for financing%the follies of men who
warned one of the new expensive
anics It was undoubtedlv a dramatic
toys. They either alreadv had the
Mr. Leach and Mr. Stowell dis-
cash or else had lo mortgage a piece
o f property to buv a car
stores. independent retailers and
online retailers at wwwswmichigan, or through the publishing
learning experience for both of
There are several events featuring
book signings bv the author himself.
How far we are from those old days
These ev ents are scheduled for;
when automobiles were a novelty.
Incidentally. Glen Stowell married a
One old-timer said recently... as he
Hartford girl. Mamie Tavlor. whose
was watching a steady stream of
Thursday, July 12, from 5:00-8:30
long life.
Mr. and Mrs.
Tuesday, Wednesday
car> go bv
"Somedav the high-
long resided on a fruit farm msl
ways will be so filled traffic will
south of Maple Hill ( emeiery
come to a standstill. Everyone w i l l
in Benton Harbor; and on Sunday,
By W14. Clare had become Han-
gel out of their cars and just walk
Julv 15, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at
ford's dealer for the Oldsmobile line
away Then thev will pave over the
officers. The Board voted to re-elect
ize the
Darrell Day as President. Ronald
Milk prices have not increased in at
membership. This is necessary for
least eight years but, due to increas-
President, Penny Hanks as Secre-
the district's athletic teams to be eli-
ing dairy costs, milk will also be
gible lo compete in MHSAA compe-
increased by five cents.
Breakfast prices will not change.
The Board voted to continue the tra-
Regulations will
dition of holding regular meetings
The increase in revenue of approximately $6,500 will help balance the
limit students to
food service budget and support the
scheduled purchase of new food
four vears
service equipment.
Board members also moved to con-
During the regular Board meeting.
tinue utilizing Fifth Third Bank.
Nigh School Principal (ireg Chisek
of town, suffered a fracture of his
and Mrs. Foster a window placard
40 YEARS A G O -1967
The Tri-City Record will continue
sified as "dropouts," even if they
elementary summer school.
left arm last Sunday in a fall from a
bearing the inscription, "This home
Gene Wilier Jr., a 1963 graduate ot
to serve as the official newspaper for
continue their education the follow-
School Principal Darla Campbell
has a son in France."
Hartford high school, has accepted
the district to publish all reports and
ing semester.
commented on the wonderful turn-
an appointment with a U.S. Depart-
legal notices, as required by law.
Under new requirements, beginning
out for the voluntary reading and
The Board also voted to continue
with the Class of 2007, students
writing programs being promoted at
designating the Thrun Law Finn,
must complete their course of study
the school.
Zell Olds and Miss Kathryn Brink,
ment of the Interior geological sur-
60 YEARS A G O -1947
both of Hartford, were married Julv
vey team.
Leach Aero Service has been certi-
tist parsonage in Benton Harbor.
fied by the Michigan Aeronautics
A new fruit processing plant built
P C., as attomeys of record, dealing
within four years (allowing only for
Curriculum Director Pat Geisler up-
Their friends will extend hearty con-
department to renew its contract
just east of Hartford by a growers
with school elections and general
summers to make up any shortfalls).
dated the Board on summer projects
with the Veterans administration for
cooperative. Cherry Growers Inc.,
matters. Watervliet School District
If a student must repeat a year, it
related to curriculum instruction, as-
The pony contest being conducted
1947-8 to give flight training to vet-
went into operation this week.
will also continue with the fmn o f
counts against the district's gradua-
sessments, and state and federal re-
by a number of Hartford merchants
erans under the Cil. Bill of Rights.
Gerbel & Company as auditors for
tion rates for Adequate Yearly Pro-
will close about August 1. and dur-
More than 15.000 veterans are en-
Submitted by Librarian
the 2007-08 school year.
gress (AYP) ratings. A student who
Superintendent Boh (label com-
ing the closing weeks the contest i>
Daniels at Hartford Public Li bran
School Board President Darrell Day
graduates a year later than the class
mented on the progress o f the high
commanding lively interest. The
from microfilm copies of the Hart-
appointed members of the various
he started with would be considered
school gymnasium renovations. The
Two teams of volunteers will can-
ford Day Spring. Hours: Monda\ c\
Board committees. ( hairman of the
a "dropout," even while still en-
bleacher replacements are almost
good pony and saddle lo be given to
vass Hartford tomorrow and Satur-
Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.-* 00 pm
Superintendent Review Committee
rolled in school, according to Chi-
complete. An "Open House" is be-
the boy or girl who has the largest
day to raise S400 for the local Boy
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday. 10 00-
ing planned for September 6, when
vote when the contest closes.
Scout troop's membership in ihe
5:00 p.m.;
Ferris Foster, a member of the 51st
Southwest Michigan Scout Council.
a.m.-2:00 p.m.
U.S. Marines, has arrived safely on
The dnv e is the first held here since
French soil. He is, so far as know n.
and Saturday.
Otto Helvveg. commander o f
at Tampa. FL. to Miss Hermine
Irsch. He has now purchased a fine
Women Teachers' Orgam-zation.
30 VEARS A G O - 1977
Negotiation Personnel Committee
90 YEARS A G O - 1 9 1 7
Spaulding will be Chairman of the
Phone: 621-340H
School lunch prices
the school is hosting a volleyball
to increase
According to (iabel. any Waterv liet
w i l l be headed by Darrell Day.
During the regular meeting, the
Penny Hanks will be in charge of the
Board moved to increase all hot
lunch prices by 10 cents per serv ing.
Premiere Club
Award earned
Lunch costs had also increased by
10 cents last vear. Prior lo that.
resident with
admitted free to the game. This will
allow the public to see the volleyball
team and view the new bleachers.
Premiere Club Special!
from the Waten liet Record new spapers donated by the Tri-City Record
Ann DeHaven, owner of Contours
For a 1-year agreement
Express. The Better Idea in Wo-
New members only
men's Gyms! in Coloma, will be
files at Watervliet District Libran
identification and
Schools-of-Choice families will be
by Contours
Submitted by Linda Cubbagt tnini
plans to attend Southwestern Michigan College in Ihe fall of 2007.
(Contributed photos)
eighth-grade winner of the 200607
Award. She is Ihe daughter of Phil
and Dianna Nadeau. A flute player, Alyvia vsas selected by Coloma
Director of Hands Cheryl Thomas
for her dedication, musicianship
and leadership (|iialities.
To subscribe to the
ed as winner of the 2006-07 Hand Director's Award. She is the daughter
of Dennis and Debbie Haehman and plays trumpet, Miranda was select-
Tri-City Record,
ed by Coloma Director of Hands Cheryl Thomas (right) for her dedica-
see Page 4
tion, musicianship and leadership qualities.
Bainbridge Board breaks ground
for Township Hall addition
Hy Angela Stair
offices and records and maintain the
The mission statement has also
Bainbridge Township Board held a
historical value o f the present Town-
changed after much discussion be-
ship Hall.
tween the members, Jollay said, lo
groundbreaking ceremony on Monday. July 9, for the addition and ren-
merchants are now arranging for a
( i r i f f m , played alto sax in Ihe concert, marching and j a / / bands. She
4th by Rev. F.L. Currey at the Bap-
acter, and individual creativity. Anna, daughter of (;ary and Sue
Summer plans noted
ing the scheduled July 16 start of
outstanding achievement as demonstrated through musicianship, char-
C O L O M A S K V t N T H - G R A D K K M I R A M D A B A C U M A N . . . w m sclcd-
to graduate in four years or be clas-
Director of Hands C h e n 1 Thomas and Ihe members of Ihe j a / / band for
increased from $2.75 to $2.85.
depositories for all school funds.
July 1 6 - J u l y 21 only:
$20 enrollment fee
$20 for the T month
Supervisor Jerry Jollay said Bain-
emphasize a family-oriented com-
ovation of the Township Hall.
bridge Township would like to rec-
munity. He said they decided not lo
The ceremony began with the "ring-
ognize and express sincere thanks to
compete with other areas to bring
ing of the bell" in the tower on the
the former Board members. Without
new jobs and business to the com-
Township Hall. The groundbreaking
their forethought and planning, the
munity and w i l l instead help busi-
was done nicely with a mix of for-
planned project would not be finan-
nesses that are already here to in-
cially possible.
crease or possibly form a spin-ofi
I eonard
Supervisor; James
Ihe list of former members they
Ireasurer; Beverly Koroch-11 irsch.
thanked is as follows: Vaughn But/-
Clerk; and trustees Kurt Weber and
bauch, Patricia Hiler-Molter, Bever-
Ihe Board voted unanimously to
Robert Spies. Present Board mem-
ly Koroch-Hirsch, hdward Lull Jr..
ac-cept the name change and mis-
bers also in attendance were Super-
James Lull, Chet Schaus, Henry
sion statement.
visor Jerry Jollay, Treasurer Mark
Schaus, Ben Scherer, Tracy Shane.
lipple. Clerk Debra Cirieser, and
Leonard Smith. Robert Spies. Chet
trustees Donald Baiers and John
Weber, and Kurt Weber.
The architect for the project is Mid-
New Hope Cemetery
plots and two ordinance
discrepancies discussed
Leonard ("Larry") Smith gave a
west Civil Engineering out of South
Supervisor Jollay reported that he
short speech and told the crowd that
Haven, and the contractor is Pearson
met with Jim and Butch Jarvis at
he had been appointed to the posi-
C onstruction C ompany Inc. from New Hope Cemetery to look at the
space that is available after the surBenton Harbor.
tion of Superv isor in 1%K. At that
business that would provide new
Supervisor Jollay said they expect
vey w as done. He said they will look
worked out of their homes and
to be in the new office space by Jan-
at it to see about making plots to sell
would meet once a month. The pres-
uary 2008.
and they should know that by the
The Fourth of July crowd at the lake
Diane K. Sinsabaugh graduated
is said to have been the lightest in
from Ferris State College, May 21,
years. Although the cottages are well
19*"'. with an Associate in Science
Tuesday, 1:00-5:00 p.m.:
occupied, the fact that the holidav
Degree. Pre-Pharmacy, w ith highest
day, 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p m : Thurs-
traveling to Scoltsdale. Arizona,
this year came in the middle o f the
day, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.: Frida\
with Joyce Kiekenapp, the gym's
Th« Batter Idea in Women's G y t m l
He said it was a convenient arrange-
1:00-5:00p.m.: and Saturday. 10 01
Manager, to accept their Premiere
ment for the residents because
a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Club Award at the company's 2007
7139 Red Arrow Hwy,
Coloma, M I 49038
someone was always available 24-7.
Hie Bainbridge fownship Board
Jolly had responses from both and
But the disadvantage to it was that
held a short meeting July 9 after the
told the Board there is a discrepancy.
you always had someone phoning
groundbreaking ceremony for the
County officials said they see noth-
you or at your door.
addition to the Fownship Hall was
ing wrong with the ordinances,
completed, and punch and cookies
except that there is a vagueness of
were served.
the ordinance on earth changes and
week held back the big crowds that
Miss Debbie Jean Eggers. daughter
come when ihe Fourth comes near
o f Mr., and Mrs. Eugene Eggers of
the end of the week.
The cool
Waterv liet. was married to Thomas
weather is also blamed for holding
Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Phone: 463-63S2
back the summer v isitors.
Excessiv e rainfall the past week has
interfered with farm work. It has
It's Not About the C a r . . .
been impossible lo cultivate main
Annual Franchisee Convention.
The award is given to the top 20
ating throughout the world, in the
Central America, Europe and South
60 YEARS A G O - 1 9 4 7
work and dedication to the women's
church. W aterv liet. w as the scene of
fitness industry and to Contours
a pretty wedding June 29, when
Miss Dona Jean Canell, daughter of
Mrs. Mary Canell, became the bride
Express has been noticed and that it
appreciate the recognition, as well as
Mrs. Alex Bohle. Reverend Fr. Rav-
the support and encouragement of
our members and our community.
ring ceremony.
When 1 asked where we placed
Rev. and Mrs. Henry M. Swan of
It's about the precious cargo it carries.
Watervliet attended a reunion of
their immediate family during the
week of the Fourth at the home of
their eldest son. Rev. Charles L,
As a local independctil agent, we can design an insurance program
that s just right lor you and your family. Give the people you love
S,ile.Souiid Secure® protection from Auto-Owners Insurance Company.
Swan at New Buffalo. It was the
Send with payment to Tri-City Record, Box 7, Watervliet, MI 49098
first time in eighteen years that all
To Pay with Credit Card... VISA, MasterCard or Discover Card
the members of the family were able
to get together, and in that time the
family of five sons and two daughty-one.
Miss Thyra Jennings is spending the
vfuto-Oumers Insurance
Don Young Insurance Agency
323 N. Main St., Watervliet
specifically, I was told we were in
the lop five of all Contours clubs!
That is quite an accomplishment
considering the fad that we have
only been open for 15 months."
Contours Express is a specialized
circuit training gym with machines
designed for women. Its weightbearing resistance equipment offers
chased at that time and that was
were they held their meetings.
tion. papers, and records that had to
Bainbridge Twp,
Board meeting
The two ordinances that the Board
has been working with had gone to
both the County and Township Attorney Dave Peterson. Supervisor
Supervisor Jerry Jollay reported
they are concerned that the Town-
homes; and offices were set up in the
that the CWAEDC (Coloma Water-
ship would have trouble enforcing it.
promotes businesses nithin Ihe ana hounded h> First. Church
back part of the Township Hall.
vliet Area Economic Development
Attorney Peterson did not see that as
and Division streets and Hays Park. Vmony prottrams a\ailahle
Smith said over the years they have
Corporation) has changed its name
a problem and felt it gave sufficient
to businesses in the DDA District are loans, grants, and property
just outgrown the space.
Ihe VV m m Hit Domitown Development Authority supports and
Improvements. Contact Chairman Karl Baver at 463-6397 for DDA
information or members Kim Atherton, Tim Freeburn, Tom (Jear, Tim
iasun, Debra Shanron, Rebecca Na/el, Dan Faulkner and T e r n l itaker.
has allowed us to earn such an honorable award," DeHaven said. "We
o f William Bohle, son of Mr. and
"I am so proud to see that our hard
The rectory of St. Joseph's Catholic
next Board meeting.
ent Township Hall had been pur-
It wasn't long before the informa-
currently have over 600 clubs operUnited States, Australia, Canada,
fields that need it badly.
Contour Express
Contours Express clubs, and they
ters had increased to a total o f tw en-
$2.10. Adult lunch costs will be
the local scouts were assigned
representative from the Kalamazoo
GRLAT GIFT IDEA! Gift certificates & gift cards available, call 463-6397
The Board also voted to re-author-
emment has also forwarded to Mr.
Expiration date
School lunches will go from S2 to
Mrs. Ned Shafer, residing southwest
nold Thelan officiated the double
Card #
Ronald McLaughlin.
school plans for the summer, includ-
Berrien & Van Buren Co. ...S35
Mich. ,..$49
U.S. ...SS9
Combination local & out of state (snowbirds)... $52
measures that will require students
Association) convention, being a
Annual rate: please circle & pay the amount that applies to your address:
to $1.85, Middle School and High
Chemical Bank, and MBIA Class as
and Hartford, was recently married
City, State & Zip
made up of Kate Atlila-Hyska and
was the leader o f the group to w hich
the old Noonev farm between here
Mailing Address
meeting, dealing with routine mai-
reach the European fropt. The gov-
(ireat Lakes Antique Mall in Co-
mentary lunches will go from $1.75
Donald, the little son of Mr. and
United Methodist church in Water-
The Curriculum Committee will be
School administrators reported on
home at Tampa where he will reside.
Use this form to subscribe
gathering with an organizational
commented on new WHS reform
the NBA (National Edu-cational
Tri-City Record reporters personally attend local government
and school board meetings to write accurate accounts of
discussions and issues that affect you and your community.
The Tri-City Record welcomes engagement, wedding and
anniversary photos: invites to readers to share "Kute Kids"
photos; plus accepts news items to help promote community
events... your news is always welcome at the Tri-City Record!
For the 2007-08 school year, ele-
M l LAP,
C D Hotchkiss, who once owned
diate School District Representative,
Brown of Watervliet, July 2, at the
and get all the local news sent
7 didn 'l know thai!"
to your mailbox, every week!
Don't miss another issue of the Tri-City Record.
began its Monday evening (July 9)
the Hartford American Legion post,
week in Cincinnati, Ohio, attending
Subscribe to the
Tri-City Record
seven years.
the first o f the Hartford soldiers to
90 YEARS A G O - 1 9 1 7
p.m. at Majerek's at Orchards Mall
whole mesN. and we can start all
Committee and serve as the Interme-
School Library.
14. from 2:00-5:00
parents. Mr. and \lr>. Paul Taylor,
prices had not been increased for
The Watervliet Board of Education
at 7:00 p.m., in the Middle High
p.m. at Dowagiac Public Librarv-;
Saturday. Julv
l abor Relations Network and Goals
on the second Monday of the month,
Phone: 468-5431
Mr. and Mrs. S.D. (Shirley Dave)
Tacv of 5417 V Paw Paw Lake Rd..
By Mary Brost Keck
Actions included the election of
Senior Anna ( i r i f l l n was selected for the l.ouis Armstrong Award by
New regulations require students to
complete WHS education in four yrs. - or
counted as "dropout" for school ratings
advances vsas sometimes called a
on attending l ake Michigan College this fall.
Lunch rates will he increased
Tat Parish of Tat Parish Attorney at Lavs has been practicing on Main St.
Smith also said he was very proud
Development, Its mission statement
Since there is the discrepancy, the
of the present Board, to see the plans
has also changed lo reflect Bain-
Board decided lo table the decision
the members have come up w ith to
bridge Township as one of the six
until the Planning Committee can
give them the space they need for
municipalities that comprise it.
take a look al it.
since 1990. A graduate of Harvard Lan School, Tat's only comment on his
profession Is. "There are a few minutes of
high drama and a lot more lows.M
He chuckles, M l believe I am the only Red
Arrow Division veteran on Main Street,"
Tat served in the 32nd Infantry Division,
with its famous Red Arrow shoulder
patch in the early 1960s. The emblem is in
his front window. He says U.S. Hwy. 12
was named Red Arrow Hwy. to honor
of the Division^ heroic exploits in
World War I.
the benefits of both positive and
negative resistance. Stop in for a free
one-week trial and see how Conlours Express can help you meet
your personal health and fitness
Of Watervliet, he comment^
"This is a nice town,
with nice people. It
is a good place to
do business*
G R O U N D B R E A K I N G FOR T H E NEW A D D I T I O N . . . t o Bainbridge Township Hall took place on July 9.
Pictured are: (from the left) contractor Hurton H. Pearson I I ; former Twp, Supervisor Leonard Smith; present Supervisor Jerry Jollay; Treasurer M a r k Epple; former Treasurer James L u l l ; Clerk Debra Grleser; former Clerk Beverly Koroch-Hlrsch; trustee Donald Balers; former trustees K u r t Weber and Robert Spies;
present trustee John Vet/ke; and Jason Rosenthal,
(Angela Stair photo)
Page 6
Tri-City Record July 12. 2007
was 6 weeks old, his family moved
to Hartford. Michigan, and he later
Tri-C ity Area Ohituarics
moved to Texas following his graduation from high school.
him his father-in-law and best
Husband, father, father-in-law.
grandfather, uncle, brother-in-law,
Preceded in death by his father; he
is survived by: his wife, Diana
Fnends may visit with Les' family
Stockton of
Seabrook; mother,
son-in-law, and.
on Thursday, July 12, at St. Joseph
Mary Roberts of Qulin, MO, broth-
friend was Les|
Catholic Church in Watervliet from
ers • Richard Stockton and Darryl
2:00 to 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 to 8:00
Les was bom ml
Stockton, both of Hartford, MI; and
Coloma School Board encouraged
to speed things up with fiber optic
installation to all buildings
By Lois Jordan
tion from the High School to the
Middle School, we increase our
School Technology Coordinator Ed
Hy Lois Jordan
I he Coloma Board of Education
The following financial institutions
elected new officers at an organiza-
were approved as school depositories: Michigan Liquid Asset Fund,
for cash flow putposes money need-
tional meeting on Monday night,
July 9.
ed for expenses at the beginning of
Elected to serve for the 2007-2008
Shoreline, National City
LaSalle Federal Savings
Fifth Third Bank. Chemical Bank-
one sister, Patncia Adkms of Fort
Irvin updated Coloma School Board
flexibility and need to buy fewer
the school year. The School District
7:30 p.m., with Father Donald
Charlotte, FL.
members on current fiber optic
licenses because we can share
does not receive state aid until
dent), Libby DeRosa (Vice Presi-
( base Bank, 1st Source Bank, and
them," Irvin said.
September, but school officials
dent), Jon Slibal (Treasurer), and
The Michigan Class Pool adminis-
Scott Garrod (Secretary).
tered by MBIA Asset Management.
Arrangements have been entrusted
changes in the distnet and encour-
Chnstian Bunal will be celebrated
to Crespo & Jirrels Funeral and
aged them to consider approving the
He said the whole process will be
don't anticipate they will have to
1954, and died
Friday, July
13, at St. Joseph
Cremation Services. To view an
simplified and all network changes
borrow the $1,200,000 they bor-
Board representatives include IX)ug
The administration was also author-
Catholic Church in Watervliet at
obituary or post a tribute to the fam-
second phase.
"We're talking about speed, relia-
easier to implement because they
LeClear (Berrien/Cass School Board
ized to invest district monies in any
while vacation-
11:00 a.m., with Father Massimili-
ily, please visit: www.crespoandjir
bility, security, and economy of
would be made from the High
rowed last year.
The administration was also author-
legally permissible investment un-
ing in Gilbert.I
Arizona on July 5, 2007. He had
ano Camporese officiating. Memor-
scale to simplify the whole opera-
ized to accept bids and select a bid-
(Michigan Association of School
der the Michigan School Code.
ials may be made to St. Joseph
tion. That's why we want to do it,"
He said fiber would not be mn to
Boards legislative liaison).
The Superintendent, Business Man-
lived in the South Haven, Benton
Catholic Church, Watervliet Athle-
Irvin said.
the administration building because
Guidelines for the school year on
Board members and the committees
serve on are:
ager, Board officers and eight princi-
free and reduced meals or for free
they will
pals and assistant principals were
I eClear. Jon Stibal, and Scott Gar-
authorized to sign checks on School
rod (Building and Grounds); Jon Sti-
District accounts.
Harbor and Waterv liet area all of his
tic Boosters, or American Heart
life. Les graduated from Lake
Bob Barchett was bom June 29,
the High School by Pro Tech. It is
Irvin said Washington School
Michigan Catholic School, attended
Home. Watervliet, is assisting the
1919, in Hills, Iowa, to Herman and
part of the fiber project from the
would benefit indirectly right away
milk were adopted.
An unpaid one-year leave of ab-
Lake Michigan Community College
family with the arrangements.
Gladys (Long) Barchett. After grad-
ISD in Berrien Springs into the
because, with fewer bottlenecks at
sence was granted to Kelly Jo
bal, Libby DeRosa, and Doug
Thirteen principals, assistant princi-
Coloma location.
the High School, data would be
A contract for Karra Hafer to leach
I eClear
pals, directors and supervisors,
1 ihby DeRosa, Lynn Reinhardt, and
along with the Superintendent and
special education at the Middle
Hill Stowers (Finance): Jon Stibal,
Business Manager, were authorized
to approve bills for payment.
the need is not there at this time.
Currently, conduit is being run to
7 1
guidelines was also approv ed.
p.m., with a prayer service recited at
Tri-Oiy Record
officers; Bill Stowers voted President
school year are Bill Stowers (Presi-
July 12, 2007
Coloma School Board elects 2007-2008
and was President of LeRoy's Body
Shop in Benton Harbor, where he
The second phase will mn fiber
from the High School to the Middle
Donald W. Evans, 90, of Benton
S S S S S S ^ h o o l , Bob was
inducted into the military on
more free to get to them.
Several options being considered
School and loop it over to Coloma
for Washington School include hav-
School was approved. Her salary for
I ynn Reinhardt, and Dave Vollrath
life, on February 5, 1977.
Harbor died Monday, July 2, 2007.
February 26, 1942, and stationed in
Elementary. Fiber has already been
ing a higher speed connection with
the 2007-2008 school
(Personnel); and Dave Vollrath, Bill
Scholten Fant and the Thrun Law
were honored June 14 for their many years of service to the communi-
Les is survived by: his wife, Coleen
at Royalton Manor in St Joseph.
Front Royal, Vir-(
run from the High School to the
$33,348. Hafer has a degree in ele-
Stowers, and I ibby DeRosa (Ath-
Firm, PC., were hired as general
ty. They were: (from the left) Lawrence ("1 a r n " ) Blvly, who has served
preparing a proposal that would link
mentary education and is working
counsel by the Board; and William
since 1972; and Shirley ("S.\") MacGowun, who has served since 1968.
Washington to fiber out near the
Coleen (Kneger), the love of his
(Kneger); three sons - Forrest
As per Donald's
(Christie), Jody (girlfriend Jenm
_ _ _ j r e q u e s t . cremation
Olmsted) and Phillip; grandchildren
Tale, Tea and Tara Halamka; his
mother-in-law, Irma (Allan) Krie-
J ^ S S Z Z Z I I h a s taken place. A
memorial service with military rites
was held Friday, July 6, at DufTield
gima, as part oi
Junior High.
"The time is now. We've got the
the Calvary umtl
now, I think it would be a huge mis-
or what the cost will be." Irvin said.
Sunday service on July 1, celebrating that the church flnalh was entire-
meetings received Board approval.
He said they w ill continue to look at
a disruptive person or persons from
He listed several immediate advan-
options for Washington; but if they
attendance at all Lakeland Confer-
ly paid for. Pictured are: (from the left) longtime church member Ola
May Byrd, Church Secretary Mary
ence events.
Slsk, and Assistant Pat Kmery.
f riends at Front I
(Laura); sister Paula (Dick) Orvis;
Coloma. Burial of
tages in running fiber to the Middle
had w aited to take care of everyone
sister-in-law Alyson Kneger (Bur-
ashes will
Depot, Remount.
School. Currently, transmission is
all at once, they wouldn't have
well) Rush, brother-in-law Paul
place at a later
by radio signal and, in bad weather,
many of the services in use now.
they have had to break ice off the
Special board meeting
nephews - Dan and Alan Burwell,
turned to Watervliet to his lifetime
Gardens in Hagar
passion of farming in partnership
Multiple videoconferences can be
Michael Halamka. Vicki (Dustin)
Shores. Memorial
with his father and brother at the
held at the same time instead of try-
Wilson, Nick (TifTmie) Wiatrowski,
farm of Herman Barchett & Sons in
ing to balance them, and Irvin said
Justin Halamka. Tonya (Raymond)
memory of Donald may be made to
Bain-bridge Township until his
speed is a huge issue.
death. The farm eventually became
"The speed will be about 100 times
Lewis, Amanda (Mike) Grculich,
the charity of the donor's choice.
A proposal from Tower, Pinkster &
Donald was bom on June 7, 1907,
Barchett Bros. Farm. In addition to
faster in delivering content to the
Kricger; and great-nieces and great-
in Millburg to Leedy and Lucin-da
fruit, grain and a variety of veg-
High School from Middle School
nephews Shelley, Brooke, Jake and
(Wymer) Evans. He was a WWII
etable products. Bob and his broth-
than it is now."
Josh Lewis, Alyssa Wilson, and
veteran of the U.S. Army. He was
er, Louie, also raised dairy and beef
Alex, Gage and Collin Halamka.
formerly employed by Remington
Les enjoyed many activities - fish-
Some servers located at Coloma
Middle School can be moved to the
On February 26, 1949, Bob mar-
High School server room where
ried Arlene Wetzel. While farming
they will be in a controlled temper-
camping. He loved his family and
Donald enjoyed spending time with
and raising his family. Bob was very
ature and more secure.
friends, shopping, taking the kids
actively involved in community
Irvin said students in one school
and grandkids to Disney World, and
model trains, and woodworking.
service: serving on the Bainbridge
would be able to access software
decorating the outside of the house
Survivors include: one son, Charles
Planning Commission from 1967 to
programs from another school.
"Chuck" Evans of Coloma; two
al Christmas.
Sports, especially his boys' and
daughters - Diane (Jerry) Murray of
1999; the Board of Agriculture
Stabilization for 32 years; on the
at a special 6.00 p.m. meeting on
July 23 in the Junior High Media
specifications and costs for installing air conditioning in the CHS
gymnasium and cafeteria.
Superintendent Terry Ann Boguth
ing, hunting, boating, grilling, and
camping club,
Titus will be presented to the Board
Center. The proposal will include
and Alyssa, Sarah and Andrew
Rand, then retired in 1982 from
said, "They will be bringing in estimates of what they believe that project will cost us to do and also what
needs lo be done in construction,
electrically, and mechanically."
Summer projects
chase of 62 computers for the High
School Media Center at a cost of
$49,699.20 and 25 computers for
the CTE program (Career Technical
Education) at a cost of $20,040. All
of the funding will come from
The Board awarded a contract to
Low bid
wins paving
( oloma City Commission
meetini> of July 9
Bids for the repaving of West Street
Monthly Accounting & B o o k k e e p i n g
amount not to exceed $18,300, for
in the City of Coloma were opened
cleaning of carpets.
Barella said the owners have not
at the Commission's regular meeting
July 9.
increased their pnee in the last two
Three bids Were received, including
years and the service they provided
ones from Quality Paving in the
has been exceptional.
amount of $38,216; Consumers
President Bill Stowers said. "They
Asphalt in the amount of $35,523;
Current radio signals aren't fast
lot of people in the area use them,
amount of $39,266. A representative
enough to carry programs between
said the annual resurfacing of the
and I have never heard anyone com-
of Midwest Civil Engineers out of
High School gymnasium floor has
plain about their services."
been done. Woodshop equipment is
A two-year contract was awarded to
examined the bids and told the Com-
missed; and his tailgate parties were
Claire; one stepdaughter. Manlyn
tration Soil Conservation District
the hit of ihe games. You could
(Donald) Sieber of Kalamazoo; and
for 25 years; member of Farm
being moved from the High School
Speed Shine to clean the High
mission that all three were in order
Bureau; and he was also a member
to the Junior High because of a cur-
School, Junior High, South Middle
and met the requirements set down
riculum change.
School, Alwood Gymnasium and
by the City for the project.
"There were some wiring issues
locker rooms, fine arts building,
that have been taken care of and we
activity center and locker room,
In a vole of 6-1, the Board voted to
accept the lowest bidder, which was
should be in good shape getting all
Coloma and Washington Elemen-
Consumers Asphalt. Commissioner
the equipment up there." Barella
tary buildings, and the administra-
Julia Smith cast the lone dissenting
eight grandchildren - Ken Murray,
ties, including being a member of
thing to do when he wasn't working
the Lions Club in
Goodline. Frankie (Gma) McCain,
on the farm. He loved raising honey
bees, deer hunting in the Upper
7517 Red Arrow Hwy
(269) 463-3196
Watervliet Knights of Columbus,
past President of the Watervliet
Perkins, Leann (Ron) Baskin. Ernie
Peninsula at his cabin, or ice fishing
Athletic Boosters, as well as a Notre
(Renee) Watson; 15 great-grand-
on one of the local lakes.
Dame and Chicago Bears fan
children: and one great-great-grand-
Les was outgoing, he was larger
greatly missed by his family and
than life, he was completely present
He was preceded in death by: his
for his family and friends. If he did-
parents; one brother. Ray Evans;
n't know you, he would soon; he
Bob's humor and jokes will be
two sisters. Sarah Mullins and Ruby
many friends.
never met a stranger. He worked
White; one grandchild, Jimmy
sister. Katie Springer; one brother,
hard, played hard, and lived his life
Watson; and two wives, Bemice in
Louie Barchett; his daughter, Janet
with zest and humor right until the
196K and Arlene in 1999.
Barchett of Melbourne, Australia
Smith said, "Just because some-
ers were inspected, w ith only half as
$131,389.62 and for 2008-2009 is
thing is cheaper doesn't mean it's
Sunday School and Adult
Bible Fellowship 9:30 A.M.
many as last year needing replace-
the best." She implied that Quality
Children's Church and Adult
Bible Fellowship 11:00 A.M.
was done, with the school receiving
closed their doors."
cent, Barella said Speed Shine was
an irrigation system at Kandall Park,
along with the attorney, to borrow
asking for the same increase over
south of the City, at a price not to
I the next two years. The company
exceed $4,500. I he project was
Virginia M. Willming, 89, of Bain-
Barchett, whom he dearly loved; as
bers for the Middle School and
Halamka. and Alan Kneger. calling
bridge Township, passed away to he
Lake Michigan Lawn Spiinkling out
well as many cousins, nieces, and
Alwood Gymnasium to increase
with the Lord on Tuesday. July 3,
of St. Joseph.
cleaning efficiency.
Bob passed away Monday, July 9,
2007, at Community Hospital Watervliet, after a short illness.
held on Saturday, July 7, at David-
Friends may visit with Bob's family
son Chapel of
Friday, July 13, from 7:00 to 9:00
Service in Coloma. Burial followed
p.m. at Hutchins Funeral Home in
in Keeler Cemetery
Watervliet. Funeral services will be
Tow nship. Memorials may be made
held Saturday, July 14, at 10:00
to Hospice at Home.
Virginia was bom January 24,
Coloma, where Bob was a member.
1918, in Berrien County to Albert
Burial will follow in Watervliet
Pregnancy Tests
She married Frank
Cemetery. Memorials may be made
Liir A t lies
Willming Sr. and they enjoyed 60
in Bob's memory to Salem Lutheran
Sinus Infections
years of marriage. Frank preceded
Church or North Berrien Senior
Sore Throats
Sports Physicals
her in death on August I I , 1999.
Center in Coloma, Ml.
Insect Stings or Biles
Tooth Pain
Urinary Tract Infections
Minor Allerqic Reactions
or V o m i t i n g
l o m e n t i o n a lew
Scott Joseph
and Judy Nash of Kalamazoo; one
TN; 10 grandchildren • Gary Jr.,
died July 5, 2007, at Lakeland
Continuing Care Center in St.
Joseph. DufTield & Pastrick Family
Fred Arvil ("Magic") Stockton Jr.,
51, of Seabrook, passed away
Sunday, July I, 2007, in a Texas
pressed concem about baseball concession stands that have recently
been vandalized. Barella said some
of the school buses have radios and
mirrors damaged or missing, and the
police are working on it.
'Hopefully, they will identify the
culprits and get it taken care of,"
Barella said.
The Board approved unanimously a
4% pay raise for Public Works
Supervisor Rod Burkholder. This
In other matters. Mayor Chtuk
painted on the City water lower
would be removed on Monday, July
Commissioner Hammond also reon Elvem Drive.
The City paid SI 14.001.93 in bills
for the month of June, as reported by
Local Streets, $3,485; Operation and
Maintenance, $34,328; and DDA,
She said 13 students had committed
The American Rcil Cross Instructor
to play and it only takes 11 players
to field a team.
Class will take place on two Satur-
Supenntendent Terry Ann Boguth
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Van Buren
| said they need to have no less than
County Chapter of the American
Red Cross in Hartford.
Scott Joseph Rice Sr., 54, of
Hartford, passed away July 7,2007,
Located al 420 Medical Park Drive
Boguth added that Athletic Director
The cost is $65 per person.
Please contact the office at (269)
(on the Community Hospital Campus)
Dick Becht had been told about the
621-6456 for more details on the
number of students but was not
463 3600
Poplar Bluff,
Missouri, on Oc'ohcr 23, 1955, he
Joseph, died June 25, 2007, at his
was one of four children bom to
home. Starks & Menchinger Family
Fred Arvil Stockton Sr. and Mary
Elizabeth Orr Stockton. When he
Funeral Home, St. Joseph.
hj U.ov moh
Hinjuui, u»u
w w w . c o m m u n i t y hospital
o n M - 1 4 0 , 4 milMK s o u t h of l~94
acroM from Grace Christian M.S.
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given names to determine if they
All participants must have a valid
met eligibility requirements. Tavo-
American Red Cross certification in
lacci said they will keep trying to
Adult, Infant and Child ( PR, l irst
form a team and will be in contact
with Becht this week.
Aid, and AED in order to become an
Music Lessons for All Ages
1804 Colfax, Benton H a r b o r
(269) 428-2221
Honors mosl private insurance plans Accepts reduced benefits if nol listed
2500 Niles Rd., St. Joseph
501 Wabash St, Michigan City
Your ad
could be here
call 463-6397
Today to
Tools•bows - a i r cotpressors•heaters•CDs -DVDs
musical instrumiLs-rais & reels, jewulry, games
systems camcorders-car audio systems-etc.
Call 429 PLAY
More than a pawn shop...
we give you tine to buy
back your merchandise!
days, August 18 and 25, from 9:00
After Hours Clinic
at home. Calvin Funeral Home,
|im & Donna Vollmer
Smith. The
I offering varsity soccer this year.
| trying to recruit enough students.
Commercial, Residential, Boat & Auto
ported that work has been completed
Red Cross Instructor
Class Aug. IS & 25
16 players for a team and are still
Service, Coloma.
Owen announced that the graffiti
Professional Carpet
& Upholstery Cleaning
10:n0am fvOdpm
Other matters
$58,302; Major Streets, $7,137;
stands before costly equipment was
Mini K(Hil|tnunl lor Snull Sp.icfv
(Fishbum) Hammond
Monday - Friday 5:00 pm lo 10:00 pm
Saturday b Sunday 12:00 (Noon) lo 8:00 pm
Board if a decision was made on
2 6 ^ 9 2 3 4 8 0 6 or 269-2084)721
tion by City Commissioner Marsha
consider upgrading the concession
Parent Tracy Tavolacci asked the
Wnhirvliet. M I
came on the heels of a recommenda-
and Cremation
Norman L. Whltemyer, 57, of St.
City hospital. Bom
A CMdea l U J e B M M
Lorayne Dahms, 78, of Watervliet,
Board member Scott Garrod ex-
Pay raise a p p r o v e d
Garrod encouraged the Board to
Coloma, died July 5, 2007, at the
John; and 16 great-grandchildren.
brothers; and six sisters.
been," Barella said.
Varsity soccer
Family Funeral Home, St. Joseph.
one son, Frank Jr. in 1979; two
how exceptional the cleaning has
llcsiiiurial CwtMiicrciil ami ludustrui
wumIois. Ba*.-.hoc Oo/ei, Hobcai Scnit-(kurpt ind Flatbed Tnicking
Hours of Operation
Betty Jewel Brewer, 59, of
She was also preceded in death by:
Richard, Michael, Barbara, and
Linda. Greg, Kerry, Mindi, Rick,
bf I I
University of Chicago Hospital in
Rice Sr., 54,
Hartford, died July 7, 2007, at
Marilyn (Gary) Lewis of Watervliet
sister, Florence Hiler of Spencer,
was a wonderful mother and grandShe is survived by: her children,
gotten several letters from teachers
a.m., at Salem Lutheran Church in
canning but, most importantly, she
'Over the course of the year, we've
wonderful homemaker and enjoyed
have been pleased with the serv ice.
Methodist Church. Virginia was a
• E. M n t t , H a r t M
After Hours Clinic
Both Stowers and Barella said they
and other school staff talking about
She was a member of Keeler
t o m m u n l t y
When everyone else has turned their lights off, our
doors are open to care for you! Providing quality care
for non-emergency medical needs including:
A DIQNIflEO MANNERand Floy Hiler.
The Board authorized Barella,
parents, LeRoy and Jeanne (Spohn)
N. M t i i n Street
|Uf| »«•«
handed over lo Turf Services &
M S. Mali 8 t , WatcrrlN
for the City and was highly recom-
will be investing money into scrub-
us in January when Clean America
grandchildren -Allyson and Austin
H o t d d m P n M t l Home
269 463-4963 (go-fix-me)
Fax 269-463-4964
email TCR@gofixme com
bestos inspection every three years
Action items
104 N. Main St.
P rompt
Computer Problems? .
Call US !
\ ^nowledKeaWe
Got Flood? We can dry that!
Tri-County Computer Services
Paving had done numerous projects
Barella said, "Speed Shine helped
He was preceded in death by: his
Service celebrating her life was
Fax 463-7154
The Commission agreed to install
pital in Berrien Center.
ment. Barella said a required as-
a clean report.
P.O. Box 296, Watervliet Ml 49098
going up about 6 and one-half per-
greatly by all of us who knew him.
2007, at Lakeland Specialty Hos-
Kenneth L. Sutton
I r r i g a t i o n system on t a p
(her partner Bruce Bezant); his son,
With the Michigan minimum wage
end. Les is loved and will be missed
The contract for 2007-2008 is
He is survived by: his wife of 58
years, Arlene Wetzel Barchett; one
tion building.
Haven, Todd
The boards on the stadium bleach-
Worship 9:30 & 11:00 A M
and Upholstery Cleaning, in an
and Northern Construction in the
Bob was never at a loss for some-
By Lynn Attila
Board of Farmers Home Adminis-
Auburn. IN. Also surviving are
(( ontributed photo)
Please call on us for quality products and professional services
Heaven Scent Professional Carpet
do a nice job. My wife uses them, a
good time at the Halamka home.
Les was involved in many activi-
Hired as auditor was Ullrey and
A second resolution for agenda
Coloma and Donalee Watson of Eau
one sister. Kathryn Hildebrandt of
from Dell Computers for the pur-
Business Manager Terry Barella
"By having a high speed connec-
(Amy Loshbough photo)
The Board accepted the low bid
grandson's ballgames, were rarely
always plan on a good meal and a
ihe Planning Commission for decades.
A resolution was adopted giving the
Funeral Home in
Not available for Ihe photo was James Jonatzke, who has also served on
Superintendent authority to exclude
Oregon. Ken (Robin), and Bill
A resolution detailing the time and
and guidelines for calling special
Dennis was hired as counsel for
place of the regular Board meetings
( hurch in NNatervliet held a church mort^aue burning after its regular
A Pastrick Family
ger; three brothers - Pat (Liz) of
Paw Paw Lake area.
"But we don't know how far that is
do it," Irvin said. " I f we don't do it
mules Bob made
is also
( H I R( H MORIGAGF, IU R M N ( i . . . ( ommimih Cieneral Baptist
opportunity, material, and funds to
both horses and
cable. AT&T
You've tried
the rest, now
try the BEST!
10 W Main St., I f e t f o r d
r - S " WELLS
32(>O.Hcnn(^NtfV Road WitiTViid Ml
269-463-3232 1-800-246-5992
463-3241 or 463-6659
Ptge 8 Tri-City Record July 12, 2007
Sarah Faulkner has been selected for
( ulcndar
membership. NSHSS recognizes top
"Kute Kids"...
scholars in the nation and invites
achieved supenor academic excellence into its membership.
Sarah's extracurricular activities
include marching band, jazz band,
basketball, volleyball, track, variety
shows, and was in this past spring's
H A R R Y POTTER - Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) returns for his fifth year ol
Voldermort. perfemng to turn a blind eye to the news that Voldermort has
KUTIE Dutch Thomas Sweet, born May 24
returned. Feanng the Hogwart's vunerable Headmaster, Dumbledore, is
2007, to Jaion and Sally Sweet of Greenfield, Indiana. H i t prou d
randparents are t orn and Sue Sweet of Watervliet and Jim and Lindi*
B arber of I he Villages, Florida. Dutch is the great-grandson of Jud(
and Greta DeYoung.
lying about Voldermort's return the Minister for Magic appoints a new
Press Box
Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher to keep watch over Dumbeldorc
and the Hogwart's students.
play at WHS.
She is the daughter of David and
TRANSFORMERS - Based on the '80s TV show, our world will b€
Membership in NSHSS entitles stu-
changed on July 4 when aliens make earth their final battleground. As the
dents to enjoy a wide variety of ben-
North School
"Student of
the Week"
publications, participation in pro-
adventure, "Ratatouille," a rat named Remy dreams of becoming a great
ners, online forums, personalized
chef despite his family's wishes and the obvious problem of being a rat in
recognition items and publicity hon-
a decidedly rodent-phobic profession.
"Student of the Week" for June 4-S.
Karlee is the daughter of Rick and
Karla Liles o f Watervliet. She has
the first grade at South School.
J u n i o r High
Romeo has commented that Karlee
is a fantastic student and an absolute
joy to have in the classroom. She has
a wonderful work ethic and treats
people around her w ith kindness and
Her favorite subject in school is
math. Math comes easy and she
Perfect Attendance
atives who read the Tri-City Record. Make sure you write your kids
names on the hack of the picture and include any other information about
Haten liet, Ml 49098. Pick up the photo after it appears in the paper or
Moore, Kaitlyn Sink, Julie D. Timm,
addition to the work, She likes to
Patrick A. Fowler. Monica L. Hams,
spend time with her friends at recess
Chad Herman, Corey M. McCarty,
and in class. She is also a very active
James T. Morlock, Kathleen O'Bri-
student outside of the classroom par-
en, SteVee N. Parrigin, Michelanne
ticipating in the North School Stu-
J. Robinson, Tyler S. Zech
dent Council. Science Olympiad
team, and as a member of the Drama
Names marked with an asterisk (*> h a v e r e c e i v e d
When she is not in school, Karlee
likes to slay active. Dance and softball take some of her time after
school and, when she gets extra time
to relax, it is fun to settle down w ith
a Junie B. Jones book. She is looking forward to the summer and
camping with her family.
We are all very proud of Karlee and
the way she is handling herself in
Congratulations to Karlee and her
waste collection
July 21 at WHS
Attention, all Berrien County residents! Bring your household hazardous waste to the next Berrien
County-sponsored collection at Watervliet High School on Saturday.
July 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Accepted items include used motor
oil. oil filters, old gasoline, antifreeze. oil-based paint, stains, varnishes, car batteries, household batteries. cleaners, lawn care chemi-
Tomlin graduates
from high school
in Oklahoma
cent light bulbs, and photographic
Stephen A Tomlin recently graduat-
ed from Muldrow High School in
cals. outdated medicines, used needles/sharps.
items such as thennostats and fever
thermometers, household fluores-
Latex paint is NOT accepted. Latex
He is the son of Jeff and Marcia
Tomlin of Muldrow and the grand-
next lo a resident's trash can for
trash pickup.
son of Richard and Emma Adams,
This collection is open to Berrien
former Coloma residents and now of
County residents only; no business-
es or institutions are allowed.
His great-uncle. Bill Adams; along
There is a fee for large quantities of
with his son and daughter-in-law.
some materials.
Larry and Joyce; their two children.
The first 10 gallons of any one liq-
Sarah and Daniel; and cousins
uid type is free, with each gallon
Brittany and Nick Morsaw. all of
above costing 50 cents. The first two
Hartford, attended the graduation.
car batteries are free, with each car
Stephen has accepted a scholarship
battery after costing $1 each. Cash
to Pepperdine University in Cali-
or check will be accepted at the col-
The fee helps offset some of the
Sarah Faulkner
national honor
cost of the collection, with the re-
The National Society of High
Resource Recovery; call (269) 983-
maining cost paid for through the
7th Grade
Kristen Rumer*
Natal ija Galens*
Luke Bartels*
Jennifer Johnson
Jessica Braamse
Josiah Saxe
Sarah Levi
Nathan Wilkinson
Kth Grade
Marcus Smith*
Becca Dallas*
Stacy Lewis*
Brittany Smith*
Holly Kucharski
Rachel Rimple
Julia Mattice
Eunice Hansen*
Han Vit Kan
Phillip Lewis*
12th Grade
Quinn Miller*
Daniel Kamer*
Ellen Miota*
Lisa Peppel*
Kelsey Smith*
Lincoln Fox*
Evan Tarrant*
Aaron Haack
Justin Mauchmar
Brandi Abrams
Carrie Moore
Ester Caldwell-
Janet CaldwellLiberty Nevins*
Carter Brow n
Micah Saxe*
Elizabeth Eddy
Becky Johnson
Emma Papenfus
2nd Grade
Taylor Wilkinson
Isis Carpenter*
Brett Tutton*
Knstyn Hedman
Mitchel Grier
Melissa Mauchmar
Chrystal Kendrix
Richard Lowe
3rd Grade
Zachary Eddy
Paul Lehmann*
Allison Springett
Jeremy Johnson*
Stephanie 11 agger
Alaina Riedel*
l l t h Grade
AnnabelIc Kohns*
Seung Tae Rhee*
6th Grade
in the High
School Auditorium. The clinic will
begin at 9:00 a.m. each day and is
tions, jumps, learning a "hello"
cheer, and much more.
Ben Miotta*
end at 2:00 p.m.
Plymouth Congregational Church
Elementary-age children are also
encouraged to attend. Their days
will begin at 10:00 a.m. and end at
12:30 p.m.
Cost for elementary students is $25,
including a T-shirt and lunch.
Day Club July 16 through July 20 at
bough at 876-1326.
6:30 in the evening.
For boys and girls ages 4 to 12, the
Bible School
July 16-20
Redeemer Lutheran Church in Dowagiac (Sister Lakes area) will host
a free Vacation Bible School the
Erin O'Hara, a former Watervliet
week of July 16-20, from 9:30-11:45
High School cheerleader; and Mela-
a.m., for children 3 years old
nie Galles, a former Coloma High
through eighth grade.
Each day will consist of stretching,
conditioning, proper hand/arm mo-
Red Arrow Highway and M-140,
istration. please call Amy Losh-
Special guests for the clinic will be
School cheerleader
ed just west of the intersection of
will be hosting a "community" 5-
Cost for the three-day clinic is $35
and includes a T-shirt and lunch.
Call (269) 424-3035 or visit www for more registration information.
Ashley Rumer*
Dakota Trinka*
5-Day Club meets for one hour each
evening to sing, hear Bible and missions stories, join in the flag salute,
learn Bible verses, and have an all-
Beth Adams
This year will also include an adult
Bible discussion time focusing on
Saturday, July 21, "10th Annual Boat Parade by the Paw Paw Lake
Association begins at The Waterfront restaurant in Coloma.
Monday, July 23 @ 11:30 a.m., "Medicare & Medicaid Assistance
program" al Covert Senior Lifeline in Covert; and at 1:30 p.m. at
Warren Senior Center in South Haven.
p • — • a n • wmm •
• M|
!1 C . A . R , !
Certified \
i Auto i
j Repain
468-5555 \
• Front End :
: Alignment •
Includes front whe«l drive» and 4x4 PU
"Answers in Genesis - Where Did
& Up
We Come From and Where Are We
mitment to the Bible as the final
Most American Made Car*
Open Mon • Fri 8:30-5:30
authority for faith and practice.
Plymouth Congregational Church is
a community of learners with a com-
Haven by a 4-3 score; and beat
Sparta. Michigan, at the 17th annual
first at Hartford
Hartford, 15-2, in their next-to-last
Michigan Flavorbest 5K Apple Run
T H E C O L O M A BOYS 10-V KAR-OLDS ALL-STAR I E A M . . . w o n its
game. In their final game of the tour-
and Walk. The race is part of the
age group and the overall championship at thejuit-completed H a r t f o r d
nament, they fell to the Coloma 10s
town's weeklong Town and Country
Boys All-Star lournamnit. 1 hey Hon Ihe Pan Paw tournament just
by a 15-5 score to end the tourna-
Fair Days.
before the Hartford tournament to go through both tournaments unde-
I he Watervliet minor league boys
(9-year-olds) took first place in their
division at the Hartford Boys AllStar Toumament last week.
10s, 13-4; and then the Watervliet
10s, 15-5.
eight doubles; Gunner Harrison with
home run; Brad Page with 12 singles, four doubles, and one triple;
Austin Thomas with 14 singles and
Danneffel with 11 singles, three
doubles, and one triple; Kyle Kra-
In the round-robin format for their
age group, the Watervliet team beat
Hartford to earn the first-place trophy.
fhey then competed in bracket play
with the top three 9-year-old teams
and the top three 10-year-old teams
competed. The Coloma 10s won the
bracket portion over the Watervliet
The Watervliet team of 9-year-olds
consisted of Kyler and Blake Kiekenapp. Conner Everly, Jordan Thibeault, Harold Bohn. Dylan Moser,
Alex LaFor, Nick Brant. Mason
The other two events in the Series
feated. Pictured are: (front row, from Ihe left) Austin Thomas, Caleb
Hitting performances for Watervliet
are the Coloma Glad-Peach Run/
Smith, Kyle Genovese, Brad Page, Kyle Krajecki; (second row, from the
included Chris Oliphant who hit
Walk on August 4 and the South
left) Connor Myers. Elliot Danneffel, Chase Potter, R>an Parrigin.
.762 with nine RBls, Nic Keeler
Gunner Harrison: (hack row. from the left) manager Al Page and
with a .680 batting average and 10
Augusl 11. Participants who finish
RBls, Sam Kiser who hit .655 and
all three events will earn the 2007
six RBls, Ben Loshbough who hit
Commemorative Fruit Belt Series
.571 and six RBls, Weston DeHaven
(iold Coin Award.
with a .538 average and seven RBls,
The Fruit Belt Series was developed
Ashton Holdridge with a .500 aver-
by Coloma Glad-Peach Director
age and five RBls, Braedon Kibby
Martin Quigley to promote the
with a .440 average and six RBls,
importance of exercise with a daily
Michael Gagliardo with a .428 aver-
diet that includes Michigan fruit.
age and seven RBls, Zach Kiefer
The 5-kilometer race (3.1 miles) on
with a .417 average and six RBls,
residential streets in Sparta is a flat,
Devin On with a .333 average and
fast. TAC-certified course. It was
four RBls. Austin Burgess with a
named the Amateur Athletic Event
.316 average and five RBls, along
of the Year by the Michigan Gov-
Mizwicki, Ivan Winkler, Garrett
coaches Dave Harrison, Don I homas and Tim Parrigin.
(Mike Leith photo)
ernor's Council on Physical Fitness.
EAR-OLDS T E A M . . . t o o k First place in
Kyler Kiekenapp. Nick Brant; (middle row, from the left) Jarrett Bohn.
Conner Everly, Mason M i / w i c k i , Jordan Thibeault, Alex LeFor, Dylan
Moser, Garrett Foote; (back row, from the left) Kevin Everly, Geo!
Kiekenapp. Harold Bohn, and Mike Thibeault. Not available for the
photo was Josiah Smith.
(Mike Leith photo)
07 Chrysler Aspen
Limited 4x4 5.7L Hemi
MSRP * 4 2 , 1 0 5
MB • mmi • mmm • mm • mmm • mmm • ai
Saturday, July 28 @ 7:00 p.m., "Explore and Learn at Grand Mere
State Park with Sarett Nature Center," Fee is $2 for Sarett members
and $5 for nonmembers. Call 927-4832 to register.
Saturday, July 28 @ 9:00 a.m., "SMC 33rd Annual Steve's Run" in
downtown Dowagiac. For more information, call (269) 782-1209.
Sunday, July 29 @ 1:00 p.m., "Kayak /Canoe the Paw Paw River
with Sarett Nature Center." Fee is $12 per person; you MUST preregister. Call 927-48332 for more information.
Thursday, August 2, "Coloma Glad-Peach 2007 Peach Bake-Fest"
at North Berrien Senior Center on Ryno Rd. in Coloma. For more information or to register, call 468-3366.
Saturday, August 4, "Coloma Class of 1962 45th Reunion" at The
Waterfront restaurant on Paw Paw Lake in Coloma. For more information. call Pat Randall Spaulding @ 468-7116.
Friday. August 11 @ 4:00 p.m.. " WHS SG-Year Class Reunion" at
Sherry (Cutlip) Burtchett's home on Bainbridge Center Rd.. in Coloma.
For more information, call Greg Krell at 876-8260.
Taking care of your disposal needs
Orchard Hilt
Sanitary Landfill
3290 Hennessey Rd., Watervliet
07 Jeep 4x4
Commander Limited
MSRP *42.165
20,8S0 >31,495
LEAfE- HjiiwiI v^.wIIovji t t >
f u afet lirilvbft
08 Dodge
Avenger 8XT 2.7L V6
Saturday, July 21 @ 7:00 p.m., "Evening paddle on Lake Michigan
with Sarett Nature Center." Cost is $12 per person and you MUST
preregister: call 927-4832 for more information.
A.J. Lehmann
Nick Smith
Clubs are led by trained personnel
Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc.
Jacob Adams
Karianne Lane
around good time!
who serve under the supervision of
Thursday. July 19 - Saturday, July 21, "Watervliet High School
Cheerleading Clinic" in Watervliet High School Auditorium. Cost for
elementary age cheerleaders is $25. including lunch & T- Shirt; cost for
Middle/High school age cheerleaders is $35, including lunch & T-shirt.
For more information call 269-876-1326
Tony Kucharski
Julv 16-20 at 6:30 p.m.
will be held Saturday, July 14, in
its division at the l l a r t l o r d Boys All-Star Tournament. Pictured are:
Thursday-Saturday, July 19-21, 9:00 a.m., "St. Paul's U.C.C.
Annual Gigantic Rummage and Bake Sale" 51/2 miles south of
Watervliet on West side of M-140 between Napier and Territorial in the
Big Red Barn.
Justin McCoy*
Francine Barchett*
For more information and/or to reg-
open to all middle school high
school cheerleaders. Each day will
Charlie Barchett*
by a 11-1 score; then lost to South
Monday-Friday, July 16-20, 6:30 p.m., "Plymouth Congregational
Community" 5-Day Clubl" at Plymouth Congregational Church on
Red Arrow in Watervliet. Boys & girls ages 4 to 12 are invited to attend
the 1-hour sessions.
Alan Stockdale
Knsten Larson*
of Watervliet, the stone church locatHigh School will be offering a
Kirby Phillips
Alissa Tarrant*
School Scholars has announced that 7111, extension 8234; or e-mail to
Congregational berriflKQimty.OrgWatervliet High School student
Watervliet Hit'll School Julv 19-21 "community"
5-Day Clubl
On July 19. 20 and 21, Watervliet
Brandon Johnson
10th Grade
9-vear-olds take
for next week's newspaper is 12:00 noon on Monday.
Monday through Friday, July 16-20, 9:30-11:45 a.m., "Redeemer
Lutheran Church In Dowagiac Vacation Bible School" for children 3
years old through 8th grade For more information, call (269) 4233035.
Christian Haack
Dave Lowe
Jennelle Miller
The first race in the Fruit Belt Series
Sunday, July 15 @ 9:00 a.m., "Riverside United Methodist Church
Celebrates Mortgage Burning." Special day with food, fun, and
Taylor Beukelman
Jessica Beukelman
#2,16-9; then fell to the Coloma 10s
Saturday, July 14 @ 5:30 p.m., "Float down St. Joe River with
Sarett Nature Center," $12 per person. You MUST preregister. Call
927-4832 for more information.
Jenna Riedel*
Marga Galens
Alexander Brown*
Andrew Kucharski
Brittany Powers*
Ben Wainwright
Leslie Eggebrecht*
Matthew Kerber
Sarah Eggebrecht*
Sarah Johnson
By l.ois Jordan
Saturday, July 14 @ 8:00 a.m., "Fruit Belt Series Race" in Sparta ,
Michigan. Registration for the 5K Apple Run and Walk is available by
calling (616) 887-8052.
Beth Dallas*
Hartford, 10-7; then beat Paw Paw
or E-mail to
Listings must be renewed weekly; the listings deadline
Thursday, July 12 @ 7:00 p.m., "The Misfits, Comedy Chorus"
performing in Ely Park in Hartford for the Concerts in the Park series.
Thursday, July 12, "Avalanche Ranch" Vacation Bible School @
New Life Christian Center on Paw Paw Avenue in Coloma. For more
information, call 944-167 or the church at 468-3337.
5th Grade and click
Cheerleading Clinic
beat Paw Paw #1, 11-4; then fell to
First 5K run of
Fruit Belt Series
is Sat. in Sparta
(front row, from the left) Blake Kiekenapp, Ivan Winkler, Tyler F u r i v ,
Michael Hazen
Kelsey Lewis*
to be played.
South Haven 9s, 15-5; the Hartford
mn.orgy fruit belt.html
for the weekend, with many games
at Hartford
Sponsored a t a community service by
Aaron Haselhuhn
1st Grade
The teams will then be brackoted
tween the top four 9- and 10-year-
12 singles, three doubles, and a
Andrew Eggebrecht'
take second place
Box 7, Watervliet. Ml 49098; Fax to (269) 463-8329;
Megan McCanse
9th Grade
6360 or online at http:
Send Community Calendar listings to: Tri-City Record,
Julie Wilkinson*
Ian Tarrant
race hollmc. ( M m ^ ' m , s -\ oi In
Share your game
reports and team
photos with the
readers of your
newspaper, the
Tri-City Record.
Send by e-mail to
Orchard Hill Sanitary Landfill
Joshua Ulrich
Ciera Johnson
by contacting Quigley at (269) 861-
games during the toumament as it
9:35 12:45 3:55 6:40 8:40 PC
Joanne Yusko
again on Friday, July 13, at 8:00
Watervliet IDs
before moving to bracket play this
singles and seven doubles; Elliot
Christopher Morton
More information is also available
the overall bracketed contest be-
Connor Myers with nine singles and
Community Calendar
the time you read this and then play
Watervliet played a total of nine
8:509:10 12:00 12:203:103:30
6:30 7:00 9:409:50
Andrea Grier*
They will have played one game by
again tonight (Thursday, July 12),
Amy Bruce*
Park Toumament, which gets under
way this week.
10-year-olds title as well as winning
nine doubles, and a home run;
ILIVE FREE OR DIE HARD 9:00 12:10 3:20 7:109:55 PG13
The Watervliet 10s will now com-
Then in bracket play they defeated
Registration is available online at
pete in the Eaton Park Toumament.
Lincoln fairly easily. They will play
tournament, Coloma beat Hartford,
air-conditioned store on Saturday.
They will now compete in the Eaton
All-Star Tournament as it took the
9:20 12:30 3:40 6:208:35 C
9:3012:40 3:506:458:40 PC
Avenue North or M-37.
the just-completed Hartford All-Star
players rest between games in his
game already and downed North
Kyle Genovese with five singles,
side of Grand Rapids, just oft" Alpine
on winning last week at the Hartford
Top hitters for Coloma included
4th Grade
Larissa Galens
For more information, visit the
12:30*3:35 6:55 9:50 PGI3
ford for feeding them and letting the
Darlene Getz,
(10-yr.-olds) look second place in
three doubles; Caleb Smith with 10
Kristen Napp*
Landfill Use Permit.
12:I0*3:20 6:459:40 PG13
all A's this quarter.
Mike Holverson*
paint can be dried out and placed
12;45*3:45 6:30 8:50 G
Grace Christian School
Honor Roil
would like to study to become a
Where are your "Kute Kids "?
Sparta is located on the northern
week In fact, they played their first
In the round-robin portion of the
thanks to Jeff at J&D Pizza in Hart-
dy's Lockers; Emergency Dental;
star team (10-ycar-olds) kept right
11-1; and Paw Paw #1, 12-0.
Norman M. Barringer, Erin Cross,
When Karlee finishes school, she
12 and under beginning at 8:40 a.m.
The Watervliet minor league boys
11-9; Paw Paw #2,21-1; Watervliet,
Olivia A. Zvonar
Karlee has a lot o f fun at school in
include a stamped, self-addressed envelope and we'll mail it hack to you.
Bnana L. Cobum, Bradly C.
finds it fun to solve problems.
Associates. The team also owes its
including Peek's Tree Experts; Lm-
Eaton Park Toumament starting this
tournament and had no losses.
12:50 4:05 6:40 9:00 G
grandpa, and so on. Send the photo to the Tri-City Record, P.O. Box 7,
free Children's Fun Run for children
The Coloma minor league boys all-
seven games over the course of the
12:20 3:30 6:50 9:50 PGI3
ropractic, and Krieger-McKee &
would like thank their sponsors -
They will now be playing at the
As a result, they won a total of
12:35 3:45 7:00 9:50 PGI3
The Watervliet 9s boys all-star team
tion of the toumament was finished.
it you'd like to see in the paper, including mom and dad, grandma and
2 0 0 6 - 0 7 School Y e a r
Parrigin with nine singles and one
olds learns after the round-robin por-
Share a photo of your "Kute Kids" with your friends, neighbors, and rel-
Kalee is a third-grade student in
doubles, and two triples; and Ryan
keep winning
R A T A T O U I L L E - ( H E L D OVER) In the hilarious new animated-
grams oflfered by educational part-
Chase Potter with six singles, two
Karlce Liles was the North School
one younger sister. Kara, who is in
league boys
rests in the hands of young Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf).
nities, academic competitions, free
jecki with eight singles, two dou-
The race begins at 8:00 a m., with a
Page 9
it one of the 'Top 50 Road Races in
bough Construction, Lifestyle Chi-
Tat Pansh.
bles, one triple, and one home run;
forces o f evil seek the key to ultimate power, our last chance for survival
efits, including scholarship opportuevents,
Coloma minor
Watervliet is sponsored by Losh-
12, 2007 Tri-City Record
Michigan Runner magazine named
er/coach Harold Bohn.
Coloma McDonald's; and attorney
By Mike Leith, Sportswriter
Stephanie Faulkner of Watervliet.
with Derek Boone who hit .250 with
one RBI.
and Mike Thibeault, and scorekeep-
My view
from the
study at Hogwarts and discovers that much of the wizarding community
Coaches included manager Geof
Kiekenapp, coaches Kevin Everly
is in denial about the tennager's recent encounter with the evil Lore
Foote, and Josiah Smith.
Tri-City Area Sports News
AiivntfvvaDOlanto • MRlijiisVr
cdn toriliMi
T A K I N G SECOND the Hartford All-Star Tournament \>as
the 10-year-olds Watervliet Panther team. After three games in the
intense heat on Saturday, July 7, and two games back to back on
Sunday, July 8. the Panthers took home the second-place trophy.
Pictured are: (back row, from the left) coach Troy Boone, coach John
Oliphant, coach Tom Kiefer, manager Bill Loshbough; (middle row,
from the left), catcher Sam Kiser, right fielder Austin Burgess, right
fielder Derek Boone, third baseman Weston DeHaven. center fielder
Justin Krieger, first baseman Nic Keefer, left fielder Chris Oliphant;
(front row. from the left) shortstop Ashton Holdridge, pitcher Devon
Ott, center fielder Braedon Kibby, bat boy Trent Boone, second baseman Zac Kiefer. left fielder Ben Loshbough, and center fielder Michael
i n
(Amy Loshbough photo)
^••4 T*
* * s u v s * *
• * 'CARS * * •
" T R U C K S * * UDODflHWOU
9 " B i i X y ?
m m z m ?x\m
$ 20,905
MDOMECHflAflBRT ^ 7 995
KMritf HINM!CM»!!
m e
WfHiOKE vwa*
t i n o n r
f 1y , r o 9
• W;
91 Z,9B3
^ * m i f12,995
t e o o c
uiEEPffliui) c m w B £ i q 9 9 5
nED t a r o a r
biMr. l i r r o c i C h r m ) C H I 7
t i C C f l C
mrtFEVJTNDftdMOVJI DV(I!..91 3 , W *
t i S O A B
9* * ' * ^ 5
$1Q 900
2007 All-Star Team. Coloma-Hagar won first place. Pictured are: (front
row, from the left) Ashley Rose, Mandy Sonner, Kyle Morlock, Lauren
Noack, Elizabeth Allen, Cassie Frank, l.ois Robinson; (back row, f r o m
the left) coach Rick Howell, Chelsea Howell, Julie T i m m , Kellie Brownfield, Jaimie
I homas, and assistant coach Brandon Howell. The
( oloma-llagar girls softhall team was undefeated in both the Watervliet
and Hartford tournaments. Not available for the photo were team member Katlyn Sink and assistant coach Tom Frank.
Open Monday - Friday 7a.m. - 4:30p.m.,
(C ontributed photo)
Saturday 7a.m. -12 Noon
Morj team photos on
Fufnf 10 Tri-Cily Record July 12, 2007
Waul Ads A Public Notices
For Mto, for root, Ho4p wantvd,
loot 4 found, work wantod.
-you notoo, otc.
requiring auxiliary aids or services
should contact Ihe Coloma Charier
Township Zoning Administrator at
ihe address or telephone listed
husband and wife, lo EIXiFWATER
Cheryl Van Drasek
Zoning Administrator
Add lOd m word ovor 29 words.
Ropoat tamo od for $2 Iota.
Add $1 to bordor want ad.
4919 Paw Paw Lake Road
Coloma, M l 49038
(7.|2-07-T( R)
M HMft bo paid In advanca
K . formerly known as LaSalle
Federal Savings Bank, dated May
Liber 2419, Page 68.
^ ounty Records.
No pro-
cced n
' g s have been instituted to
recover any part of the debt, which
is now $158,510.09.
The mortgage will be foreclosed by
FISH FARM, (2(>M) 628-2056 days
and (269) 624-6215 evenings.
(VK. M-HI-07-ICR)
the highest
Thursday, July 26. 2007. at 11:00
a.m. local time, al the West entrance
of the Courthouse, in the City of St.
JULY 9,2007
the place of the Circuit Court. The
amounts then due on the mortgage,
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m.
together with interest due, legal
costs, attorneys fees, and also any
property will be sold to pay the
Jollay. Cirieser, Baiers.
Vet/ke, Epple.
taxes and insurance thai the mort-
Approved minutes for June I I , 15,
gagee pays before the sale.
22, 2007.
Ihe property is located in the
hill payroll
Township o f Berrien, County of
Berrien, Slate of Michigan, and is
Approved payment of mid-month
described as:
bills which included quarterly pay-
Lo1 2 o f ,)ccr
ments to fire and ambulance, survey
h i:-o7.u r i
of New Hope' Cemetery, addition of
( I A R A C E SAl E
bidder, on
Joseph, Berrien County. Michigan,
STCK KIN(l...mosl
variety ponds and lakes, I A ( i ( i l S '
tion to
recorded on August
sale of the property, at public auc-
Trt-CKy Rocord
130 N. Main St., Box 7
Watorvllot, Ml 49098
(269) 463-6397
Crodlt Cards Accoptod
M l t t i Z f t f f 94 9* 29 words.
, M M I W f E S A I i ,
Default has occurred m a mortgage
Meadow Subdivision.
' ,^cr
The property is located in the
and $120 fines and costs for posses-
described as follows: Beginning at
Township o f Benton, County of
sion with intent to deliver cocaine of
the East Quarter corner of said
Berrien, Stale of Michigan, and is
less than 50 grams on May 2. 2007,
Section 35, thence South 89° 57' 13"
described as: Lot 5 o f Mark Sub-
in Benton Township.
West (Deed North 89° 58' West)
division according to the plat there-
Steven Ray Connor. Benton Harbor.
people. In the tropics, fruit bats pol-
168.50 feel, thence South 150.0 feet,
of recorded in Liber 16 of Plats,
51-240 months in prison and $120
linate flowers and disperse seeds for
thence South 89° 57' 13" West
Page 39 of Berrien County Records.
lines and costs for operating or
more than 80% of the tropical rain-
(Deed North 89° 58' West) 95.0 feet,
Property address: 937 Sierra Drive,
forest trees. They keep the wild
thence South 510.37 feet, thence
Benton Harbor. Michigan 49022.
melhamphetamine on January 20.
slock of cultivated fruit trees, such
2007, at 2860 S. M-139. Benton
as mango, banana and avocado
Default has occurred in a mortgage
bulance and SheriIT Department.
Unanimously supported the name
Dated: June 18. 2007
bath, garage in Watevlict.
included. S590.0I) per month.
(7.12. 7-19-07-FC Ri
FOR s \ l I
4 CI Ml I F R V I M O r S
I or sale in
Sermon on the Mouni .u North
Shore Memor\
Shores. Price Negoiiahli' call 561629-6043
sion (3 yr. tenns) Don Baiers. Dale
Kreitner. Neal Kreitner. Zoning
Si Joseph, Michigan 490X5
Board of Appeals (3 yr. terms) Mark
Telephone: (269)983-0103
F.pple and Pete Zaluckyj. Construc-
(6-21. h-2K. 7-5. 7-12. 7-1^07-TC R)
tion Board of Appeals (2 yr. tenns)
Larry McClanahan. Pat IlifTandTim
Fabled passing o f Ordinances. Will
lo address concerns expressed by the
County Planning Board.
Meeting adjourned al 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted.
July 16, 2007
Zoning Board o f Appeals
July 18, 2007
never leave them in a vehicle.
animals may benefit from sunscreen
reports that
are being
and the first two hours of daylight.
Telephone: (269)983-0103
(614.6-21.6-28. 7-5. 7.I2-07.TCR)
November 27. 2006. in Benton
property will be sold lo pay the
amounts then due on the mortgage,
sad wife, to I D Q I WATER BANK,
gagee pays before Ihe sale.
served, 2 years probation, $1,685.26
ating while intoxicated. 3rd offense
Compiled from the files at the
Richard Edward Haney. St. Joseph.
Berrien ( ounty Courthouse.
45 days in jail with credit for 12
(Compiled by: Annette Christie)
days served, 2 years probation,
Chasity Lynn Adams. 180 days con-
$1,320 tines and costs for resisting
finement with credit for 3 days
and obstructing a police officer on
served. 24 monihs probation. 180
April 5. 2007. in the city of St.
day license suspension, 30 day
license restriction. $960 lines and
Eric Dewayne Brown. Indianapolis,
costs for manufacturing metham-
phetamine at 5632 Jill Anne Dr..
$14,326.35 restitution, fines and
Coloma, on April 25, 2007.
costs for attempted failure to pay
Harbor. 330 days in jail w ith credit
David Edward Johnson Jr.. Indi-
for 7 days served and SI80.00 fines
anapolis. Indiana, 90 days in jail
and costs for possession of a firearm
with credit for 51 days served and
by a convicted felon and possession
$120 fines and costs for attempted
with intent to deliver marijuana at
failure to register as a sex offender.
Jadarius Shamir Griflls. Benton
away in a motor vehicle belonging
Harbor. 36-96 monihs confinement
to James Bouslog on May 2. 2007.
and $120 fines and costs for posses-
m the city o f New Buffalo.
the best with shrimp 4-6 feel under a
trolling 35 to 50 feet down in 70 lo
bobber. The most productive times
100 feet of w ater. Lots of Perch have
pensive and won't last for quite as
been caught in 20 to 30 feet of waler
compare to the quantity eaten by
mon summer pel problems;
long, but is much less toxic to pets
south of the piers. Minnows have
Jelavanl I ::ia comcast net
ture forth on such days, preferring
Next Week: More Bally Info.
the shade of trees or the coolness of
Hmm-m-m? When the stars are out,
their burrows.
they are visible; but when the lights
are out. they are invisible.
ommended. Make sure that animals
than 2.000 Michigan veterinarians.
have a way out of pools, either by
It provides continuing education for
teaching a pet to use ihe steps or by
veterinary professionals, monitors
purchasing an animal exit ramp.
state legislation and regulations, and
Animals should nol be allowed to
drink pool water as il contains
through a mullifaceted public educa-
chemicals that may irritate their
tion program.
Photo: Pal Crean
few who do not. Best o f all. the cost
This is Sophia, a pretty
Benton Tow nship.
abandoned her. A l least, they left her al a vet where she would be
Corey Devon Roddy. Niles. 45-240
taken care of and didn't just lake her out and "let her go."
Sophia has long, tiger-striped fur in shades of gray and while
Daniel Dominguev Flores. Benton
180 days license suspension. 30 day
2-year-old cat girl whose owner*
with accents of tan, big hazel eyes, and a pleasant " m e o w " She is
very playful, and likes people, but *he would prefer not to have to
share her home w i t h another cat.
I f you would like to mec<
Sophia, please call Sherry at (269) 429-7583. A S75 adoption fee
will be asked. You may see Sophia, along with over 150 other
foster pets, on Animal Aid's website at: ttwwaniinalaidsw.ori!.
Tri-City Record
( all (269) 463-6397
(269) 9 2 1 - 0 0 4 6
Waterfront restaurant in Ellenee Bay
at 1:30 p.m.
Each entry will be given a number
to prominently display on his or her
with name, address, boat theme, and
members of their crew. This infor-
Adoption Days: Pet Supplies Plus on Mall Drive in Benton
Harbor on Saturday, 14 July, from noon - 2 pm and/or PawMart
identify ihe winning entries.
Development Group. LLC for a
I se
Keith Anderson
Planned Unit De\clopnienl al prop-
Venetian Festival!
erty code 11-08-0028-0002-21-8,
consisting o f approximately 15.5
acres. The owners wish lo build a
July 2 2
residential condominium development.
All interested parties are invited lo
Written comments will be received
ing the foregoing matter by Ihe
Shodowlond Pavilion
St. Joseph. Michigan
from any interested person concernhappiut
•\nimul Aid ofSH' Ml:
Rescuing. Rehoming,
Reducing Pet Oveqm/iulation,
Get your printing done by the
Tri-City Record;
call Karl
for details...
trator at the below listed address al
any lime during normal business
ihe dale of the hearing and may be
further received by ihe Planning
direction around the
aids and services, such as signers for
the hearing impaired and audio tapes
o f primed material being considered
at four (4) days notice lo Ihe Coloma
Charter Township Zoning Administrator.
Individuals with disabilities
® 5• iOm-7M'4
b l t i Uiii i u m i i v t i
Hedding invitations, thank yous, party favors, gifts,
decorations, napkins, tablecloths, guesthooks,
engraved glasses, and serving ware at the
Tri-City Record
I3H /V. Main St,, Hatenliet 463-6397
Get your tickets today at Y Country Studios
580 E. Napier Ave. Benton Harbor or call (269) 925-1111
Tickets also available at Startickets plus locations inside Meijer
locations and at
Little Paw Paw Lake is giving up
some Crappie and Bass.
with Vice President Joe Stepich as
Fishermen arc reporting success on
Chairman, along with Len Metheny
Rush Lake also.
Jamie McMurray hadn't won a lot
was last done in 1939 and again in
of races lately, but his w in on Sat-
in July.
1946 and il will give us a baseline
urday in the Pepsi 400 was as dramatic as it gels.
For more information please con-
for evaluating current depths and
tact Kip Wright al (269) 463-5311;
sediments on the bottom of Big Paw
McMurray battled side by side with
Don Deam; or Nancy Ericksen at
Paw, Little Paw Paw. and Lake
Kyle Busch on Ihe final laps of the
(269) 463-8406.
(Mud) Stella.
race until McMurray edged out in
News f r o m
Board meeting. This $8,000 cost
Gordon below the yellow
study is a lynch pin of a larger study
Passing below the yellow line in
being funded by the PPLF.
restriclor plate racing is a no-no. ac-
5:30 P.M.
hat. plenty of drinking waler. and
back at The Waterfront around 3:00
snacks. Fee of $12 per person in-
p.m. for food, drinks, and live enter-
cludes transportation, equipment,
tainment provided by Al Giganii and
and Sarett Nature Center guide serv-
his ragtag crew of pirates.
ices. You MUST REGISTER; call
(269) 927-4832. Participants should
meet al Jasper Dairy Road Landing.
Last year's parade consisted of 33
unique craft and crew, and this year
7:00 P.M.
we are hoping lo entice even more lo
Enjoy an evening paddle on Lake
participate. With almost 11 miles of
Michigan. We will gather al Lincoln
shoreline, there is no end lo the
Township Park and travel toward
number of crews who may join in
Grand Mere State Park shoreline.
includes equipment and guide services.
3:00 P.M.
na for a look al some of our caterpillars. See several live caterpillars and
learn their habitat needs, life cycle
and. of course, learn about butterflies.
Adults are invited lo spend the
evening exploring and learning
about western Michigan's unique
sand dune ecology. Please call (269)
927-4832 lo register. Program fee is
$2 for Sarett Nalure Center members. $5 for nonmembers. Participants should meet al main parking
area for Grand Mere State Park;
p e r month!
per month
for 12 mos.
state park entrance fees apply.
1:00 P.M.
Bring a lunch with plenty lo drink to
kayak or canoe the Paw Paw River
Don't get "Geeked" • bring your computer troubles to
vliet. Fee of $12 per person includes
Tri-County Computer Services
104 N. Main St,
transportation, equipment, and guide
(269) 463-4963
lh'V/> minn'rti'd
to keep von couitccicil
H7>// i2k, N E X T E L . D i i v i l l \
Dish V l u o r k
passing early on in the race Jeff
7:00-9:00 P.M
Township through action at Us July
These interesting craft should arrive
one-thousands of a second.
Jasper Dairy Road Landing. Bring a
along with
through a penalty he received or
docks, shore, or decks.
(Digital Subscriber Line)
McMurray beat Busch by just five
fice and. hopeftilly. Coloma Charter
Joe River from Berrien Springs lo
pledged one quarter of the cost
McMurray recovered from a pass
You MUST REGISTER; call (269)
for as
front of Busch by mere inches.
County Dram Commissioner's Of-
and into each bay for viewing from
W e l l hook you up with i2k for fast, Internet
connections throughout the entire area of
Coloma, Covert, Hartford, and Watervliet!
Watervliet Charter Township has
Sarett N a t u r e
Enjoy a summer float down the St.
awarded lo those participating.
Dramatic win
for McMurray
Committee. A rudimentary study-
parade will travel along Ihe shore
During the festivities, prizes will be
In the
B> Sue Openneer
Foundation's (PPLF) Water Quality
from County Line Road to WaterCT[fjMteWana
T i 1
Coloma ( barter Township will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary
calching Crappie. Bass. Pike, and
a number of important issues were
friends, loo, on a beautiful afternoon
lake. The
j o
Commission al ihe hearing.
What a great way lo enjoy yoar
procession in a counterclockwise
little as
Coloma Township Zoning Adminis-
hours of normal business days up lo
Van Auken Lake fishermen are
ing lo continue in the leadership tra-
Join seasonal naturalist Libby Meg-
Dewey Lake is doing well for Crap-
At the last PPLA meeting on July 7,
and or find qualified members w ill-
front docks al 2:00 p.m. and begin a
4 \ugust from n o o n - 2 pm.
Tri-County Computer Services has moved
to the corner of Main St. & Red Arrow!
ihe application o f Fri-City
P P L A dates
nominate current Board members
927-4832. Fee of $12 per person
ered include, in briel the follow ing:
some nice Bass, (rappie and Blue-
Patton. Their charge is lo either re-
the fun!
The parade will leave The Water-
in the Martin's Plaza in St. Joseph on Saturday,
Planning Commission's recommen-
Big Paw Paw Lake is producing
for Board Members was named,
boat and an entry form to fill out
our incorruptible judges lo properly
'cad 0f4:f«
Participants should gather at The
You may also meet her in person al one of Animal Aid's
Neighborhood Michigan
M - 1 4 0 & 1-94
to enter is FREE!
mation will then be turned over lo
Subscribe to the
Screened TOPSOIL
n: m
Paw Avenue in Coloma:
covered. A Nominating Committee
Boat Parade
felony on December 24, 2006. in
before rendering a decision on the
1ICF lhai the ilem(s) ii> be consid-
chalkboard al Eishin Hole 2 on Paw
and retiring Board member Linda
possession of a firearm in the act of
Fownship 3 South,
J u l y and
eyes, throat, and digestive tract.
will conduct anolher public hearing
Area lakes... According to the
direction o f the Paw Paw Lake
been working best for the Perch.
pie and Bass.
nesday. August S. 2007. .ii 7:()|) p.m
By Bob Becker
our eclectic theme; perhaps to the
Range IK West, Hagar Township.
mmm • mmm . mm* • tmm • M|
Paw Paw Lake
ship Hall. 4919 Paw Paw Lake
dation of the proposed development.
Harbor. 12-240 months in prison
The properly is located in the
Association is comprised of more
listen lo the music of " A l
Contact Classman Auctioneers
gagee pays before the sale.
boat, a canine flotation device is rec-
Sat., July 21 - 10th annual
taxes and insurance that the mort-
The Michigan Veterinary Medical
decorate, of course, in keeping with
in Benton Township.
costs, attorneys fees, and also any
* Water safety: If a pet rides on a
bodily harm of less than murder and
identify and avoid some other com-
assault with intent to commit great
Mon., Julv 23 (2) 10:00 A.M.
about 50 large pizzas nightly to
Devon Marquis Spencer. Benton
"propylene glycol." It is more ex-
Birds and mammals lend not to ven-
for land lovers - the heat was oppres-
The following list helps owners
recreation, but it had to be miserable
pests. Humans would have to eat
Source I 'nderstanding Bats. Kim Williams A
Roh Mies pp.4-5. .-I special publication from
Hint Watcher 's Digest Precipitation & lake
level reported hy Ray Dlouhy
those who were involved in water
even when they are in the sun.
cuted by the Spicer Group under
Pocket Watch; Rings; Miscellaneous Collectibles.
the ( oloma ( harlei Iownship Board
coolant instead of a traditional
lars each year by consuming crop
the bathymetric survey being exe-
together with interesi due. legal
Road. Coloma. Michigan. On Wed-
parade lo meet, mingle, dance and
ing a drug house on March 24.2007.
p.m. al ihe Coloma Charier Town-
piers. Fishermen have been doing
will be prizes awarded for those who
Table; T O Y V E H I C L E S : 1/16 Scale Toy Vehicles; C O L L E C T I B L E S :
held Monday, July 30. 200". at 7:01)
include using an "ethylene glycol"
Harbor. 24-120 months in prison for
Benton Township.
with intent to deliver and maintain-
Planning (\»mmission. and will be
when around water or chemicals or
The Board also voted lo help fund
IT RE: 4 Poster Bed. Gate Leg Drop Leaf Table; Sew ing Machine; Sofa
Section 35.
ly. Bats save farmers millions of dol-
slopped by The Waterfront after the
costs for possession o f marijuana
l hai part of the Southeast Quarter of
Haven... Boat anglers are catching
but. for the creative among us. there
Wood Lathe; Fable Saw; Drill Press; ( h o p Saw; Clamps; El'RNT-
(MTice for further instructions
(7.12-07.11 R)
Skamania are being caught off the
Joshua Jacob Williams, Benton
2nd offense on April 12. 2007. in
the place of the Circuit Court. The
p r 0 p C r t y w j | | ^ s 0 | j to pay the
amounts then due on ihe mortgage
dominium developmcni. Ihe firsi
and sweet-tasting to pets. Options
who care about our lake.
w Hobby Room. Wonderful Landscaping. Great Started Home.
aware of other dangers, staying alert
over 300 of your best friends
require a permil. Call the Fownship
almost their full body weight night-
the fun. Decorations arc optional
cerning a proposed residenlial con-
Lake Michigan near St. Joe...
someone between ages of 13-15.
Updates. 20' X 24" Work Shop w. Attached Potting Shed. Attached (iarage
Slate of Michigan, and is described
such chemicals are both dangerous
costs for maintaining a drug house.
sale o f the property, at public auc-
replacing existing windows also
ciation, "but owners must also be
been blessed with strong leaders
two separate public hearings con-
pounds of insects each night, eating
In addition lo the 33 entries last year,
REAL ESTATE2 Bedroom Converted Mobile Home I many additions &
Fow nship of Hagar. Berrien County,
to bottom
open to anyone who wants join in
The mortgage w ill bo foreclosed by
Re-roofing, siding and
being taken up and down the river
nal sexual conduct. 3rd degree w ith
great bodily harm less than murder
lo 9:30 a.m.
more coolant during the summer and
consecutively) and S6() fines and
Open Mouse: Thurs., July 19 (5-6:00 P.M.)
Fownship o f ( oloma will conduct
Michigan Vetennary Medical Asso-
bers. Our Association, indeed, has
for assault with intent to commit
8040 on Tue. Fhurs. fonn 7:30 a.m.
Insectivorous bats eat millions of
food, and a great lime lo participate.
Dr. (Behind Tom smith Tractor Sales).
Township Board ol the Charier
waler temperatures have the fish top
uled for Saturday, July 21, and is
part of the debt, which is now
Zoning Administrator al 269-468-
of Catfish and Smallmouth Bass
fines and costs for attempted crimi-
days served and $420 fines and costs
* Engine coolant: Cars tend to leak
months confinement (to be served
license restriction and fines and
Belyea. Executive Director of the
dition of the retiring Board mem-
White Outdoor LT1855H w Rear Catcher (Like New ); SHOP T O O L S :
encourages anyone looking for fun,
Joseph. Berrien County. Michigan,
Rogien the
feel of w ater on orange spoons. Cool
Association Boat Parade is sched-
COINS: Proof Sets; Coins in Frames; Loose Coins; R I D I N G M O W E R :
You may contact Ross
Dam. There are also reports of lots
14-60 months in prison and $120
of the Courthouse, in Ihe City o i St.
A permit must
nanan about a pet-friendly brand.
2nd offense and a sentence of 12-48
days served. 18 months probation.
The past weekend was great for
the summer is crucial/' says Karlenc
The Paw Paw Lake Association
"736 Lionell Locomotive & Tender; " H O " Train Town Accessories;
dried up do not recover.
lower are the quantities of pesticides
The 10th annual Paw Paw Lake
a.m. local time, al the West entrance
bad news is lhai crops that have
Chinook have been caught in 60-70
Travis Lee limes, Berrien Springs.
R E M I N D E R : New construction as
be reviewed by the
ply go dormant and will revive with
caught near the Berrien Springs
sion with intent lo deliver marijuana.
Harbor. 2 days jail w ith credit for 2
well as additions to existing build-
The good news is that grasses sim-
on their nose and ears. Ask a veten-
Submitted by Kip Wright
Waten liet follow Red Arrow Hwy. to County Line Rd then N. to Jerrdean
bidder, on
above sea level on July 7.
have been the last hour before dark
"Keeping pets cool and hydrated in
60 days in jail for unlawfully driving
have been insliluted lo recover any
the highest
of ihe weir, registering 621.55 feel
St. Joseph R i v e r . „ The DNR
more bats there arc in an area, the
Michael Eugene Crockett. Bangor.
months prison with credit for 282
level is down V/i inches from the lop
child support.
Located al 59503 Jerrdean Dr.. Hartford. Ml hetwren Hartford A
No proceedings
grasses. More wilted crops. Lake
a reasonable amount of rain. The
10. 2005. and
No rain. More heat. More brown
L A R G E TOY T R A I N C O L L E C T I O N : 1970 s " H O " Trains & Tenders
meeting will he conducied h\ the
cator of a healihy environment. The
Thursday. July 19. 2007, al 11:00
he ohiamed trom ihe lownship.
This would also include all Ag
sion of marijuana. 2nd offense on
All meetings begin at 7 p.m.
ihe place of the Circuit Court. The
Building Inspector
o f the Courthouse, in the City of St.
County Records.
a.m. local lime, al the West entrance
taxes and insurance that Ihe mort-
Liber 2667, Page 1346. Berrien
Planning Commission
Thursday. July 19. 2007. al 11:00
Bainbridge Township Clerk
August 13, 2007
bidder, on
costs, attorneys fees, and also any
recorded on November 23. 2005. in
Fownship Board Meetings
the highest
together with interest due. legal
Debra A. (irieser
tion to
Default has occurred in a mortgage
dated November
St. Joseph. Michigan 49085
Benton Harbor on May 1,2007.
Joseph, Berrien County. Michigan,
NO I K E 0 1
tect them from the sun. Also, some
1338 Bishop St. in the City of
206 ( ourt Street. P.O. Box 24
is now SI28.587.::.
sale of ihe property, al public auc-
recover any part of the debt, w hich
The mortgage w ill be foreclosed by
ings must
proceedings have been instituted to
Attorney for Mortgagee
265. Berrien County Records. No
Planning Commis-
shade and water, limit exercise, and
Leville Antwan Catholic, Benton
By: Mark S Bowman P34207)
send back lo Planning Commission
(7-5. 7-12. ' 1 ^ 0 7 - | ( R|
In North America, bats are an indi-
Berrien County
March 30.2006, in Fiber 2699, Page
drug house, 2nd oflense. and posses-
days in jail with credit for 37 days
Telephone: (269)983-0103
(6-14.6-21. ft-2K. 7.5, 7.|2-07-T( R)
" l c ademption period will be six
(6) months from the date o f sale.
DUPLFX... 2 Story. 2 bedroom, I
206 Court Street. P.O. Box 24
on May 6. 2007, in the city of
leaving an inch o f hair helps to pro-
St. Joseph
Department. Treasurer. Coloma Am-
bodies. Owners must give their pets
St. Joseph. Michigan 49085
clothes, (iolf balls, Toys and lots of
change and mission statement of
out by disease.
2(W> Court Street, P.O. Box 24
March 24. 2006. and recorded on
cocaine. 2nd offense, maintaining a
restitution, tines and costs for oper-
tivated stock that had been wiped
Atlomey for Mortgagee
Attorney for Mortgagee
Michigan 4 l )l()3
pet's coat helps to keep them cooler,
Received reports from Building
to skin cancer. While trimming a
hair and ftir usually covers their
By: Mark S. Bowman (P34207)
cause they are unable to sweat, and
lines and costs for possession of
tists with a source for recreating cul-
By: Mark S Bowman (P34207)
Dean Alan Lewis, Coloma. 120
UNION, now known as UNITED
By Bill Scott
are prone to sunburn and susceptible
D.nal: June 11.2007
the oak tree milled into lumber
(V: 14. Friday 8-5 and
Dogs and cats arc susceptible be-
credit for 134 days served and $240
(1) year from the date of sale.
July 13
stock which would provide scien-
The redemption period will be one
address: 11212 Deer
..ane. Berrien Springs.
those with white hair or short hair,
^ c m c ' n ^ ounty Records.
l ) R I \ I ..Coloma,
hydrated are at risk for heat stroke.
Harbor, 24-96 monihs in prison with
Builders Risk insurance, and having
plants provide unaltered genetic
place of beginning.
Heatstroke is a
danger for pets
* Sun exposure: Pets, especially
Dated: June 6. 2007
Tri-Citv Area
Pets that become overheated or de-
of said Section 35. thence North on
plants, viable. These wild trees and
(6) months from the dale of sale.
Property address: 2882 Kerlikow-
Tri-City Area Outdtfor Noes
Historical Trivia
Bats provide numerous benefits to
Tri-City Record
Richard Dairreese Smith Jr.. Benton
43' East) 263.50 feet to the East line
said East line 660.74 feet to the
July 12, 2007
& Hunting
The redemption period will be six
South 89° 58' East (Deed South 89°
P 1 ^ thereof record20 of
Paw Paw Lake Almanac
services. You MUST REGISTER;
call (269) 927-4832.
Sarett Nature Center is located al
2300 Benton Center Road, Benton
Harbor, M I ; phone (269) 927-4832;
or go lo
The Board also voted to gift the
Community Hospital Foundation a
NASCAR sent McMurray to the
small stipend to honor the late Gor-
rear of the field.
don Knulson, a long-time lake resi-
McMurray's last victory came in
denl, local businessman. Board
2002 when he scored his only Cup
member of the hospital and a found-
victory while substituting for the
ing member of its Foundation.
injured Sterling Marlin. He ended
In the coming weeks, look online
the 166-race winless streak on Sat-
for our new Web sile, www.ppla
urday night drag racing with Busch
.info, and follow PPLA news and
on the final two laps of the race.
events online. Our Communication
McMurray's victory denied Kyle
Chairman, Scott Hoadley. is certain
Busch a rare shot at a double victory
you will find this Web sile interest-
at Daytona. The Busch Race was
ing. entertaining and informative.
rained out on Friday evening and
The site address is a gift lo ihe
was rescheduled for Saturday mom-
Association from member Thys Van
ing. Kyle Busch won that race.
Houl and we thank him for his gen-
When the Cup race ended, Busch
erous help in this matter.
placed most of the blame for nol
Speaking of upcoming weeks, mark
winning the race on his Hendrick
your calendar for these important
dales. First item is our lOth annual
Kyle's brother, Kurt, finished third
Boat Parade, which will start and
on a track that has been dominated
finish al The Waterfront restaurant
in the past by Chevrolet.
on July 21. If you participate, please
Carl Edwards, who was instrumen-
begin lo line up before 2:00 p.m. and
tal m giving McMurray the shove he
receive your boat number and a
needed in the final laps, finished
form advising us of your theme and
fourth. He was followed by Jefl
Last year we had a record 33 boats,
Tony Stewart was denied the chance
with over 300 people gathering
to claim his third consecutive victo-
afterwards al the restaurant. This
ry when he and his teammate,
year promises lo be even belter -
Denny Hamlin, crashed just 14 laps
with good food and great music with
into the race. Stewart finished 38th
Al Giganii and a merry band of
and was 35 laps down. He fell to
seventh place in the standings.
Parade, watch from your piers, or
Hamlin finished 42ml and was 61
come to The Waterfront around 3:00
laps down. Hamlin remains in sec-
and you won't regret a great time!
ond place in the standings. 277
Call Kip Wright al 463-5311 for
points behind Jeff Gordon.
information. Won't you join us?
NASCAR will make its way to
The second item is our Annual
Chicagoland Speedway this Sunday
Meeting being held August 4. Com-
for the US(j Sheelrock 400. Cover-
mittee chairmen will make their
age will begin al 2:30 p.m. and will
yearly reports, and election of Board
air on TNT. Lasl year's winner was
members will be our business of the
Jeff Gordon.
day. Then, special guest Martin
Hilovsky will present a PowerPoint
presentation on the Midfoil Weevil,
which may be a possible biological
alternative to chemically weed treating the lake each year. This alone
will make this a "not-to-miss" meeting for members and nonmembers
Send your local
news to the
Tri-Citv Record
Pu^e 12 Tri-City Record
July 12, 200''
tournament results
Reunion held
on July 4
The U-8 Division o f the Paw Paw l ake AYSO held a soccer loumamenl the
Some 40 members of the Daniels-
AYSO U-8 Division
July 12, 2007
He was really good at something
4th o f July reunion at the Weider
Twelve teams participated in tournament games, with the championship
By L a r r y Holland
was privileged lo have seen Rocky
Chicago White Sox baseball game.
Most all of us at one lime or anolh-
Marciano in Houston, Texas, about
Tommy's seventh victory in nine
They had a great time at the game
er dreamed of being "really good" at
three years before the plane crash
and were all tired after celebrating
that look our only undefeated heavy-
On February 10 and 11, Tommy and
the day's events. Tommy was the
weight boxing champ's life.
another Watervliet fighter, Johnny
most alert so they decided that he
Farm o f George and Stephanie
game being played on June 16
Daniels in Hartford.
Hirst place was awarded to the Sidekicks and second place was awarded to
George Wooley of Coloma was the
the Keepers.
eldest member present and
STATE C H A M P I O N S . . . T h e Torco lOu traveling softhall team captured the 20-team USSSA 2007 state cham-
month-old Owen Richard Wooley,
through life being fairly good at
son of David and Casey Wooley of
some things, mediocre at others, and
Williams, entered the state Golden
would do the driving home.
Three Oaks, was the youngest mem-
nol so good at most. Tommy Dun-
Gloves Finals in Grand Rapids.
ber present.
ham was "really good" at some-
Jim Wooley and his daughters, Erin
thing. That something was the sport
champions from the loumamenl
and Amy, came from Texas; Scott
of "Boxing."
held there. Williams fought as a
Now, back in the mid-1950s,
Interstate 94 had not been
built so they would have had
to make their way hack Ihe
100 or so miles on U.S. highway 12. Taking IJ.S,-12 in
those days may have taken
them close to three hours to
make the trip.
That night, il turned out lo
be slightly longer ns Tommy
somehow made a wrong turn,
headed straight south and
ended up on whatever back
road was there before 1-65
was built Anyway, they ended
up in beautiful downtown
Lafayette, Indiana. It appears
that Tommy had gotten lost
but didn't have the heart to
and Nadia Wooley and John Daniels
Tommy is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
lightweight but was eliminated in
came from California. Others at-
James Dunham, both of whom are
the Friday evening match, while 17-
tending were from Georgia and
now deceased. He and his sister,
year-old Tommy won a decisive vic-
Indiana; as well as Holland, Hart-
Judy, grew up in Watervliet where
tory over this opponent. On that
ford and Coloma, Michigan
they both attended Watervliet Public
Saturday, Tommy lost a split deci-
After a delicious potluck dinner, the
Schools. Judy (Schultz) lives nearby
sion where he was declared runner-
afternoon was spent visiting, taking
in St. Joe and Tommy has been a res-
up for ihe slate Flyweight title.
photos and watching the young chil-
ident of Sun Valley, Idaho, for most
During this time, an event called the
dren at play. A special attraction was
of his adult life.
Mid-Winter Sports Carnival was
during the Christmas holidays. It
of 1961 when 1 w as a college "sum-
was held in connection with the
World of Sports in Orlando, Florida. Team members are: (front row, from the left) Keegan Thomasma,
mer hire " I graduated from Water-
Sugar Bowl festivities preceding the
vliet High School that year and had
New Year's football game. There
Grear, Trent Green: (hack row, from the left) assistant coach Gina
a litter of one-month-old puppies.
Baked Fruit
(Contributed photo)
Grear and head coach Joe \enchiis. Not available for the photo were
Clark Salaried
Retirees Club
meeting July 15
Sidekick team members Mason Thompson and Madel>n Hutchins.
( ( ontributed photo)
Pie Contest
will meet at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15, al the Buchanan Moose
Lodge, 101 S. Redbud Trail. Sharon
Tyler, Director of the Southwestern
Michigan Economic Growth Alliance, will give a report on some recent favorable economic develop-
August 18
UTsity this next week.
(Contributed photo)
Krad Kelle>, .lake Kelley, Katlyn Smith, Karli McClendon, Matthew
Gillette also told the Commission
Kcllc); (back row, from the left) assistant coach Deanna Kelley and
that the roof on the Police Depart-
(Contributed photo)
More soccer team pix next week!
amount of $2,600. lie said it might
be necessary lo reconfigure some o f
the parking spaces lo better accommodate the handicapped.
I he City Commission had recently
approved replacing the window air
conditioning units with more etTicient split-air units. He is waiting on
cost estimates to replace the older
windows in City Hall.
"Art Hop" night included
Red Arrow Hi^h^ay
Corridor Study stalled
C ity Manager Gillette said he had
recently received a letter confirming
the total amount o f money that has
been allocated for the Red Arrow
Highway Corridor Study. The original amount sought was $100,000.
I he original plan was to apply for
grants in the amount of $50,000 and
the four municipalities of Watervliet
actual study cost until RFPs are
solicited and received, Gillette said
he has advised the other parties
involved that the City will not commit to contributing any City funds to
this study.
Saturday, July 14
Water/sewer affidavit
policy adopted
St. Joseph, Mtcfngart
rt' * i i r B
"'t'.uffe (Jroove" Saxophonist
ncW'is owsme mW!
L a w n
Cosy, 'Mid'Weft
<Benton ffarbot,
Mso Startu^etspfm
fa 5 fe at:
com and'Metjef
Fhanki to:
C h e m i r a l Bank
DouhleDay Office Products
ings was keen. He would understand
things that others were oblivious lo
and always seemed to have insight
Pie Contest, looking for the "best of
He was a caring, non-aggressive
man with a thirst for perfection. He
was" when doing the job he per-
says, "The contest was created to
formed in the Finishing Department
at the mill.
Southwest Michigan. The fair holds
He was a student of the sport o f
strong traditions, and this is one ol
boxing and later learned to be a pre-
those old-fashioned country fair
cise, artistic downhill skier. 1 don't
think I have ever heard anyone
The event is held on the last day of
speak anything but kindly about
beginning at 9:30 a.m. and the judg-
From the informaiion' 1 tiave',1 rttfrtk
Sip a little. Sit a little. Then take
ing at 10:00 a.m. in the USA Ag
Tommy left the Watervliet Paper
lime to listen to the words of accom-
Expo building and is sponsored by
plished authors from both Illinois
Company and obtained a job in
CoSY 98.3 Radio.
maintenance for Kalamazoo Public
event July 27
and Michigan.
Lieberg says, "This year's contest is
It's lime for the second annual Wine
Words event in the Benton
even more exciting because all ot
the contestant recipes will be made
Schools, working there for about
four years.
he decided to live his dream and
mix, it's Art Hop night, a once a
sale during fair week."
move out West. He took a job at a
month get-together for those who
She said they have had an over-
love hanging out with the creative
whelming amount of requests for the
recipes from the fairgoers who taste
then moved north to Sun Valley,
Novelist Laura Caldwell joins the
all o f the pies when the contest is
event this year. A former trial
where he began to work at the ski
over; plus, the contestants them-
selves had asked for it. The fair
"Burning the Map," was selected by
Best of 2002."
books will be available for $4.
contest, the Youth Division for ages
After a stint doing chick-lit, Caldwell engaged her lime writing sus-
restaurant in Winnemucca, Nevada,
spending the next six years there. I le
lodge's Inn. At the Inn, he worked
with a guy from California who happened to have a neighbor who had
There are two age divisions for the
12-21 and the Adult Division for
ages 22 and older.
worked in Kalamazoo w ith a couple
of Watervliet alumni by the name ol
Bob Copeland and Bill Western.
"Small world." Tommy would say.
pense and thrillers. It paid off in
Lasl year's adult winner, Sandra
page-turners. Following her debut
Vorrath of Buchanan, won with her
mystery, "Look Closely," came what
Hawaiian Tropic Pie; and youth
the Chicago Sun-Times called "her
winner Jessica Zeiger of Three Oaks
most exciting hook yet" - " A Rome
had the number-one pie with her
Cherry Lattice Pie recipe.
Tommy's second fight was held outside at Studebaker Park in South
Bend a month and a half later on
Thursday. September 9, 1954. He
boxer by the name of Willie Nailon.
His third fight was also held in
Indiana. This time it was on a Friday
night, October 15, 1954, at Pine
Village, south of Lafayette. The
Twin Cities boxing club Tommy
Then, sometime in or about 1974,
into a recipe book and will be for
During the mid- '50s, Tommy
took up the sport of boxing
and began to train. He began
training on a Monday, Ihe
IVth of July, in 1954, al the
age of 15. Tommy made his
boxing debut the following
Saturday, July 24, at the Millburg Speedway, under sanetion of the Michigan Athletic
Commission. He battled three
rounds of two minutes each
with Tom Denk at the
American Legion Headquarters in Benton Harbor.
Tommy emerged victorious in
Ely weight
won a decision over an Indiana
Harbor Arts District. To add to the
At Sun Valley, Tommy has spent the
summers bicycling, skating, and
jogging; while loving the sport o f
downhill skiing, which he has
become "really good" at doing.
He has met some celebrities such as
fought for sent eight boxers to
Indiana, winning five of the eight
fights. Young Tommy defeated John
weighed in 15 pounds heavier than
His next five bouts had Tommy
winning three. His fifth bout was on
a Saturday in December of 1954 and
ended in a unanimous decision for
Tommy over Charles Harris of
Benton Harbor. It was held at the
Armory in South Haven.
boxers lo New Orleans. Tommy was
the only local boxer selected lo
attend the event. The team was made
up of one boy from each o f the eight
weight classes. He was chosen by
Coullon to box in the Bantamweight
Division (118 lbs.), so Tom had to
gain some weight as he had been
fighting in the Flyweight Division
(114) previously.
They spent
four days in the
Southern city, enjoying the festivities. Tommy was one of two boys to
receive a nice trophy for presenting
a "good fight."
In January of 1957, Tommy, along
with Wilberl Brown, also of Watervliet, fought and was victorious in
Golden Gloves elimination bouts for
the right lo compete in the Kalamazoo Regional matches that were
slated lo lake place February 1 and
Tommy defeated Jim Wells of
Kalamazoo by calching him on the
ropes in the third round of their
three-round match. Tommy had now
moved up into the Bantamweight
As it was written in an article
that appeared in the "Watervliet Record," the Regional
title fights look place on
Friday, February S, at the
Kalamazoo Armory where
young Mr. Dunham took on
Jimmy Heller in the open
Bantamweight Division.
ipant in his first state of Michigan
January 1955, he emerged as the
state runner-up in the Flyweight
Division of the toumament.
superb combinations, won by a large
margin. (It should be noted that in
these three-round Golden Gloves
fights, it is very rare for any of the
Joining Caldwell is author Barbara
All participants receive a Taste of
their lease tenants. Public Act 178 of
D'Amato. She lives in Chicago but
Home recipe book and participant
1939 provides for a method to ac-
commodate this circumstance. To
Rapids. Well-known for using local
this end, the Commission adopted
color in her works, she has used
the coveted "Most Eye Appealing"
Tommy defeated his opponent in the
Resolution 2007-1.
Southwest Michigan as the setting
pie honor, which was given to Katie
Bantamweight Division, giving him
A deposit of $150 will be collected
for two of her mysteries. Her most
Pozivilko last year with her Blue-
the right to challenge for the cham-
from the tenant, along with a $25
recent book is "Death of a Thousand
berry Almond Streusel Pie.
pionship. The next night, he fought
nonrefundable application fee. To
Cuts." Her Web site is
qualify for an affidavit, properties
On Friday, Feb. 15, the semifinal
bouts for the state Golden Gloves
Count On
Winners receive trophies, ribbons,
ria: each residential unit must be
author, will present his fourth non-
separately metered; each residential
unit must have separate shut-off
Lakes" area. It includes over 230
Deadline for entry is August
capability; there is no outstanding
images o f that area's lakes and
which includes an entry sheet and
debt owed to the City; all metering
resorts, accompanied by detailed
the recipe.
equipment shall be as approved and
from local businesses
The competition is open lo Berrien
County residents
12 and older.
Pies can be single, double or lattice
provided by the City; and all plumb-
Through the years, Rasmussen has
crust and must be made from
ing must meet state of Michigan
had three other books on the history
scratch; and no mixes or canned fill-
Plumbing Code requirements.
of Paw Paw Lake, Little Paw Paw
ings can be used. Plus, n whipped
In another matter, the Commission
Lake, and Deer Forest published.
lopping or cream filling of any type
\oted to pay $171,909 for the June
His Web sile is www.swmichigan
is allowed. Each contestant may
enter no more than two pies, and
Commissioners also directed City
Organizers of the event, journalist
Manager Gillette lo obtain bids for
and playwright Sherry Miller of
sidewalk repair throughout the City.
Coloma and businessman Richard
Registration forms are available at
Vance of Benton Harbor, look for-
the Berrien County Youth Fair
ward to seeing you for Wine and
Office at 9122 Old U.S.-31 in
For Your Farm Fresh Produce
the contest.
Srhulte Roofing Supply
ing Room/Galleria del Corazon, 80
Signature Autoniotivf Group
West Main Street in Benton Harbor,
directed lo the fair office at (269)
Michigan, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. on
Farm Stand
commercial bakers may nol enter
Words at Tabor Hill Wine and Tast-
E-mail... adsfa i l k . c o m
wins on Friday.
and gift baskets filled with prizes
round professional circuit.) With this
lowing Friday and Saturday if he
must meet all of the following crite-
nents. This was also true in the 10-
name a few.
Rick Rasmussen. local historian and
score knockouts over their oppo-
win, he is scheduled to fight the fol-
All contestants are also judged for
Open 9-7 Daily
for the title and made Watervliet
As stale runner-up in 1956,
he went on to win in the
finals to become the first
boxer to win a slate Golden
Gloves title. He was presented
with a Bulova watch in honor
of his victory. Tommy's uncle,
also named Tom Dunham
and a Hartford resident at the
time, also competed as a
boxer and rose to become a
slate runner-up in the 1937
Golden Gloves Tournament
1 had a chance to speak with a few
of Tommy's friends and classmates
from the past. There were a few
interesting stories that 1 hope he
Questions can be
8000 N. M-140 Watervliet
(269) 463-5S00
Friday, July 27.
S T I L L FIT A M ) TRIM... Tommy Dunham in biking gear.
came from boxing prize money (he
family are very special lo Tommy,
was an amateur) or, more likely, it
have been a 1953 Chevy.
She has a fond recollection of her
uncle when it comes to his ability lo
Dick Hartman says, "Everybody
interact with people in general and
liked Tommy. 1 remember him sit-
novice skiers in particular. She
^ e soda tountain in l ew is s
/ have a vivid and special memon
Drugstore, having malts and sundaes
n an e
ort t0
i^ext fight."
of my Uncle Tom When I was in
weight lor the
late grade school. I had some expe-
He has made many friends since
rience on skis prior to a visit with my
Bruce's brother. Dale, remembers
joining the staff at Sun Valley. One
Uncle Tommy in the beautiful ski
going for a ride with Tommy and
such friend is Lisa Henak. She is a
country of Idaho. My uncle wanted
some pals to pick up a couple of
licensed realtor for Sun Land Invest-
to teach me and my sister all the
watermelons. In this case, it was not
from the local grocery store but
ments and is the one to see i f you are
planning a trip to Sun Valley to buy,
how to get up after a fall.
recall their names.
directly from the orchard where they
were growing It doesn't appear that
onc 0
ust b e
they had permission but 1 hear that
has offered the following infomia-
being the upstanding honorable
t on abou
teen-agers that they were, they saved
At this
respect for Uncle Tom. the skier.'
so we listened to his teachings. We
had plenty of opportunities to mas-
ter picking
Tommy Dunham, horn August 7.
they ripened.
thing and so was listening to adult
Lisa offers the following about
some seeds, planted them and
returned the borrowed melons after
our m a n lhat
f Tommy's good friends, 1 isa
ski techniques,
ourselves up off the
mountain that week. He was a most
Bruce and Dale's older brother,
IV3H. will soon he celebrating his
Dave Emerson, remembers watch-
fiVth birthday. Along with his sister,
teacher, and his love for skiing was
ing one of Tommy's actual boxing
an obvious passion.
matches. He said Tommy impressed
everyone with his speed so much
nieces, Julie and Lori.
that they described his movements
loves and talks about often
he has two
No ski school
can teach you passion Jor the sport
whom he
and love of nature while skiing like
he did that week.
Since then, falling and getting hack
moved to Sun Valley in IW0 and
as that o f a "windmill."
Carlton Epple was Tommy's friend
starU li
through grade school and remem-
Company as a dishwasher at the
brings a smile to my face when I
hers Tom's Dad driving the boys to
Sun I alley
up has new meaning to me and
out-of-town football games that Mr.
think of his encouragement. As a
result, we 've respected him more
Dunham loved to watch. Carlton
remains. He is know as an "Icon
as an uncle and as a person rather
said Tommy was a good baseball
Sun Valley and has an outstanding
than the awesome athlete thai he is
player back then and also loved
reputation and attendance record as
still. I think we could all learn from
many different sports.
Tommy'ssimple way of living.
"Gretchen s")
That is
Jim Liles, who was a high school
unusual for Sun Valley. He never
has a peace that respects Cod.
friend and classmate, recalls hang-
misses a day of work and is always
nature, and puts people above all
ing out occasionally with Tommy.
on time.
Tommy first learned of Sun Valley
Thai s what I admire most,
about my Uncle Tom
Tom in the last 46 years since we
plums, raisins, and blackberries lo
ribbon for entering.
«: .> 4
wom/*/ tell him and brochures
sewer hills placed in the named of
Holland and Grand
agreed but only on the condition
but our Watervliet boy, with his
who wish to have the water and
occasions. The fain talc stories his
< •
to get Jim to box with him. Jim
process and fees for those landlords
lives of her children.
I have received several letters from
his mother visited on one or two
barb, cherries, pears, strawberries,
Llkhart, Indiana, who had previous-
# »• •
prove they were tough. Tommy tried
to cut Weller up in the second round.
Loyola University in Chicago. Her
nament he sponsored years ago. I le
•'' •,'*'* v
tive influence in Lori's life and the
establish an affidavit application
P there frequentlv and
a ripping left hook and a jolting jab
include raspberries, peaches, rhu-
Bruce has drawn a blank and can't
' W *
ma 1
Professor of Law at her alma maler,
decision over John
were that day, let me know because
* <*
in their early high school years, most
guys liked to mix it up a little to
previously discussed the need to
and Danny Thomas at the golf tour-
to remember who the other two guys
• 'Y
Mr. " D " was just too strong. He used
boxers in the lower weight classes to
On May 20, 1955, Tommy won a
By the way. Tommy, i f you happen
Jim was also a sports enthusiast and,
Other fruits used in pies in the past
Gold Medal winner Scott Hamilton
wake them (I guess it was a
"guy thing" not to ask direclions back in those days also),
They were two classy fighters but
The brave Weller went the distance
1 lis next four fights were as a particGolden Gloves Tournament.
the team. Coullon accompanied the
Caldwell continues as an Adjunct
Surgical SpecuMife o f S t Joieph
when it came lo people.
was very kind and "the best there
Event Chairman Sandie Lieberg
Johnny Coulon, former World's
Gillette said the Commission had
Pier 33
W i n e r y & Restaurant
that his awareness of his surround-
Tommy Dunham. as one of "The
Since the City will not know the
Opemnfj Ait
was anything but dumb. 1 noticed
the fair, August 18, with registration
lor this work.
put in $12,500 each to finance the
fee' km Voneiy
Wine and Words
ment and he is waiting on estimates
Hartford Township and City would
Second annual
ment garage is in need of replace-
City and Charter Township and
in that summer of 19f)| is that he
Berrien" fruit pie recipes.
Ryman at (269) 695-6552.
from the left) I ahian Gon/alez; (middle row, from liu 1 left) Josue Soto,
One thing 1 did learn about Tommy
hosting its 12th annual Baked Fruit
raisers will go toward a team wrestling camp at Central Michigan Uni-
Equipment Company and Clark
Coloma McDonald's for the wrestling team. Proceeds from the fund-
Tommy and a trainer in 1955.
Bantamweight Champion, guided
his sophomore year to pursue other
sionally cleaned, and to the Coloma High School varsity wrestlers who
For more information, contact Don
Gloves or National A.A.U. boys.
to work for him. He left school after
The Berrien County Youth Fair is
and 3-year-old Caeleh Ishmael. This was the second car wash held at
great student, 1 was able to make it
allow the normal educational system
Retired salaried employees of Clark
membership in the club.
Chicago team, all former Golden
a learning disability that did not
of its facilities, to those who stopped by and had their vehicles profes-
two prospective young wrestlers, 6-year-old Ian Ishmael (in the photo)
University. Although 1 was never a
Tommy, however, was plagued with
ments in southern Berrien County.
Credit Corporation are eligible for
were eight boxers representing the
out any serious issues.
T H A N K S A G A I N T O C O L O M A M c l ) O N A L D , S . . . f o r allowing the use
were at the recent car wash fund-raiser and helped out, especially the
been accepted at Michigan State
through my educational years with-
The Clark Salaried Retirees Club
They represented Kalamazoo as
will take a 50-3 overall record into the World Series tournament starting July 23 at Disney World's Wide
Herter, Jenna Faultersack, Makenzie Moody, Carly Welch, less Gaiihouse, Rrianna Surdell, and coach Todd
( j a t e s open
vliet Paper Mill during the summer
Hey, coach!
Share your game reports and team photos
with the readers of your hometown
newspaper, the Tri-City Record.
Send by e-mail to
pionship this past weekend, going 5-0. This was the team's eighth tournament victory this season. The team
from the left) Olivia Klinu, Patrick ( i u n t / , /achary Venchus, Stella
head coach Joe Kelley.
held in New Orleans, Louisiana,
Madison Boyer, McKen/ie Herter, Hunter Thibeault, K a r l Cornwell; (hack row, from the left) coach Keith
S K ( ) M ) - P L A ( T I LAM...was the Keepers. Pictured are: (front row,
Most of us just go
I got lo know Tommy at the Water-
FIRST-PLACE I K AM...was the Sidekicks. Pictured are: (front row,
Page 13
Tommy Dunham: a local celebrity from the 1950s: where is he now?
Wooley families held their annual
weekend of June 9-10 at the Coloma F O P
Tri-City Record
won't mind i f I share with the readers.
Bruce Emerson (classmate) remembers a trip he, Tommy, and a couple
of buddies took to Chicago to see a
Tommy has obviously been a posi
when he was ven ydung. His dad
worked together at the Paper Mill
that, i f he did. Tommy would have to
agree lo wrestle Jim. That worked
pelled to go there one day. As a mal-
He said that 1 would love Sun Valley
out well for both because Tommy
^r of fact, in the third grade he told
if 1 was a skier and that my wife ant
would beat Jim in a boxing match
his friends and teacher he was
and Jim would beat Tommy in a
wrestling match.
U n
o n
P a c i
J '
h a ( l
h i m
o m
Tommy has a passion for skiing and
Naialie (Smith) H . n m i n i t « I U
I only recall talking to Tommy once
been open. Tommy is a simple man
m all those years since we workec
together. It was last fall by tele
phone. During that conversation, we
discussed boxing and Tommy aske(
^ ' wou^
en o
J y seeing
kind and has a smile on his face. He
e o
the old classical boxing matches,
is a generous man to those he loves.
told him 1 would and so he sen
video tapes and DVDs of many o
"//.V a great day to he alive" and
the old classic matches that some o
"Never argue with a woman.
us old-timers remember and wouli
Thank you, Lisa. If Tommy were
ever to need a letter of recommenda-
love going back to visit. 1 would be
happy to share any o f those fight?
tion, Lisa would be the one to write
w ith anvone who is interested.
O . S J „ / IISJ i , tomg
white Lhevy Impala was. I hose
is S u s a n
were the "wheels to have" back in
ain|er) and vjo|injs|
s h c has
the late •50s. If she is correet on the
1|ved |hcrc f o r 4() v c a r s a n d
, under.
year, that means he was able to
stand lhat she w a s a g o o d
afford a new or near new car when
the H e m i
he was still a young man. Maybe it
would like to make the trip lo Idaho
skll d
Jim outweighed Tommy by 15 wfU) e n j 0 y S a quality life style in the
or 21) pounds. Tommy gave outdoors. In the summer you will
him all he could handle, but find him running or riding his hike
Jim said he had the advan- a^()Ut ^ m / ' e v (J ^av ^l' a^yays is
tage when he could get Tommy on Ihe ropes. They were
good friends and Jim said
Tom would give anybody Ihe
shirt off his hack if thev need-
wife. Sherry, and 1 like to ski am
going to he moving to Sun Valley
Tommy talked his friend, Jim for 'he I""11 21 >'ears
..I f •
almost every dav ihe mountain
Keller, into boxingn with him. ,
I should come out and visit.
T o m m
a ta|entcd
and her
urday, July 14, 2007, It would
be a treat for his classmates i)
he were able to come but
unfortunately. Tommy wil
not be able lo attend.
If anyone would like to send Tom
my a note, his address is: Tommy
Let the Tri-City Record handle
Valley, ID 83353. He would love to
your printing needs....
copies, envelopes, letterheads,
business cards, business forms, flyers,
stationery, wedding and anniversary
invitations, thank yous, and more.
Call 463-6397
hear from you.
If you have a true
story to write about
a resident or event
in the Tri-City Area,
send it to
Tri-City Record
COXTlM hnmnuPAnF,
to the machines.
Chief Ramon Beltran asks lhat anyone with information on this incident contact the Hartford Police Department, (269) 621-3225.
Operating while
Hartford Fire Dept.
Intoxicated - Coloma
Fire Chief Ed Riley
alcohol and ascertained thai both the
Officer Jason Roe of the Coloma
dnvcr and passenger had been con-
Township Police Department w as on
suming alcohol. Neither was old
patrol July 5 at 12:45 a.m. when he
enough to be doing so; they were
observed a vehicle, approaching
cited for Minor In Possession of In-
eastbound, cioss the centerline. As
the vehicle passed, he observed in
Counterfeit money -
the mirror that the vehicle crossed
the centerline again by nearly half
On July 6, Officer Matthew Walls
of the Hartford Police Department
received a call from the Hartford
Motor Speedway regarding counterfell money.
Officer Walls was advised by the
victim from the Speedway that an
unknown person or persons passed
three counterfeit S50 bills to them
Chief Ramon Beltnn said lhat al
this lime ihere are no suspects.
Two minors In
possession of
intoxicants and
trespassing - Coloma
Officer Brett Langston of the Coloma Township Police Department
WFD pancake breakfast nets S.I.I00forRed Crms
July 12, 2007
On July 2 at 1:23 a.m., Hartford
Fire Department was dispatched to
the 53000 block of County Road
687 for a personal injury accident.
the car's width.
Officer Roe initiated a traffic stop
on North Street and made contact
with the driver, Amy Christine
Deprow, of Benton Harbor.
While speaking with Deprow, Officer Roe stated he observed glassy
eyes and a strong smell of intoxicants coming from her person. She
advised Roe that she had one beer.
After administering sobriety tests,
she was asked to take a preliminary
breath test and agreed. The PBT
showed a BAC of .19%.
At this point, Deprow was lodged at
the Berrien County Jail for Operating While Intoxicated, with a $100
ment was dispatched to the 100
block of Franklin Street for a medical assist.
July 5 at 9:20 p.m., Hartford Fire
Franklin Street for a medical assist.
On July 5 at 10:11 p.m., the department was dispatched to the 200
block of Wendell Street for a med-
T H E WATERVLIET FIREFIGHTERS ASSOCIATION...held Its annual "Pancake Breakfasr Saturday
June 30, as part of the Watervliet Independence Celebration. All of this year's proceeds were donated to Ihe
American Red Cross, Berrien County Chapter. The Red Cross had several volunteers who assisted Ihe firefighters and helped make the breakfast a huge success. The Watenliet Firefighters Association was able to
present a check for $1,100 to the Berrien County Chapter. Pictured are: (from the left) Watervliet Firefighters
ical assist.
July 6 at 9:03 a.m., Hartford Fire
Association Treasurer Jon VanLente, Secretary Dave Beukelman, President Scott Hutchins, American Red
Department was dispatched to the
Cross - Berrien C ounty Chapter Eiecutive Director Angle LaVanway, Vice President Gordle ( artwright, and
63000 block of 66th Avenue for a
American Red Cross - Berrien County Chapter Board Chairman Mike Bradley.
medical assist.
a field fire.
Fire Department
On July 7 at 4:40 p.m., the depart-
On July 7 at 2:27 p.m., the depart-
ment was dispatched to eastbound I-
ment was dispatched to eastbound I-
ment was dispatched to 9060 Dan-
94 for a good intent personal injury
Fire Chief Randy Morris
94 at the 39-mile marker for a per-
neffel Road for a grass fire. Ap-
sonal injury accident, a rollover.
proximately five acres bumed. and
On July 4 at 1:53 a.m., Coloma-
On July 7 at 8:54 a.m., Hartford
Hagar Fire Department was dis-
Fire Department was dispatched to
patched to 5304 Plum Street for a
the 61000 block of Red Arrow
structure fire call.
lo Salem Lutheran Church at 275
Hartford Police Department recei-
ment was dispatched to North
July 5, at 5:39 a.m., Coloma-Hagar
Marvin Court in reference to sub-
ved a report on July 6 of a larceny.
Center Street for a dumpster fire.
Fire Department was dispatched to
jects on the roof, shooting off fire-
She reports that a person or persons
July 8, at 3:01 p.m., Hartford Fire
unknown removed the mailbox from
Department was dispatched to the
On July 7 at 1:55 p.m., Ihe depart-
the ground at 430 Olds Avenue.
52000 block of County Road 687 for
ment was dispatched to a personal
At this time, there are no suspects.
If you have any information on this
On July 9 at 3:14 a.m., the depart-
advising Langston that Ihere were
incident, please contact the Hartford
ment was dispatched to the 53000
On July 7 at 3:02 p.m., Coloma-
subjects on the roof and at that time
Police Department at (269) 621-
block o f 60th Street for a medical
Hagar Fire Department was dis-
two bottle rockets were fired.
a grass fire.
On July 7 at 2:56 p.m., Watervliet
South Pleasant Street for a brush
Fire Department was dispatched to
8411 Elm Drive for tree branches in
On July 4 at 10:46 p.m., the depart-
the power lines. AFP was notified.
ment was dispatched to 5355 North
7289 Lake Drive for a trash fire.
who is the Pastor. Strefling was
Fire departments.
Department was dispatched to 330
Paw Lake Road for a dumpster fire.
Langston contacted Allen Strefling
Coloma, Keeler and Sister Lakes
July 4, 7:04 p.m., Watervliet Fire
ment was dispatched to 5082 Paw
On July 7 at 5:36 p.m., the depart-
The department was assisted by
Fire Chief Scott Rlchcreek
On July 5 at 2:52 a.m., the depart-
Lieutenant Tressa Beltran of the
several fruit trees were damaged.
Watervliet Fire Dept.
personal injury accident.
was dispatched July 3 al 10:30 p.m.
Upon arrival at the scene. Officer
(C ontributed photo)
On July 6 at 5:26 p.m., the depart-
Highway for an investigate-only
Larceny in Hartford
On July 5 at 8:13 p.m., the depart-
Please share
M-140 for a gas leak/carbon monox-
your news
ide alarm.
July 6 at 7:54 p.m., Watenliet Fire
injury accident at Little Paw Paw
with the
Department was dispatched to 9060
and Interlochen Road.
Tri-City Record!
Danneffel Road for a grass fire. Approximately
E-mail to
bumed. Keeler Fire Department as-
patched to 8680 Danneffel Road for
Officer Langston yelled at the subjects on ihe root" and advised them
that it was the police and they needed to come down. The two minor
suspects came down and were
placed in handcuffs and put into the
patrol vehicle.
While speaking with the subjects.
Officer Langston could smell intoxicants on their person. Officer Jason
Roe climbed onto the roof and located several bottle rockets and three
empty beer cans and one approximately % full.
Both minors were cited Tor Minor In
Possession of Intoxicants (M1P1)
and Trespassing.
Attempted break-in
at Hartford
i u i r
Officer Mall Walls of the Hartford
Police Department reported that on
July 4 he received a report of an
attempted break-in.
7 P.M
rear window.
Upon investigation, it was found
window open. No entry was gained
lo ihe home and nothing was reported stolen at this time.
Music and Praise Service by Anita Rumery
(Gale admission plus pay one price of $10 lo ride from 6 p.m. lo closing)
WED., July 18
8 A.M
10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Poultry Judging-Small Animal Area
10:30 A.M
Dairy goat Judging-Small Animal Area
11 A.M
Swine Judging-Livestock Arena
4 P.M
Cat Show-Community Tent
7 P.M
Youth Talent Show - Community Tent
followed by Karaoke with Wolfpack
Chief Bellran asked that anyone
Night M a o l c
with information on the incident lo
please contact the Hartford Police
Department at (261)) 621-3225.
Assault with a deadly
Sergeant Tom LaVanway of the
JULY 1 9 a 2 1 .
Coloma Township Police Department was dispatched to the BP station al 121 Church Street on July 7
4 *
Wars ALL IN ONE SHOW! (For Rules & Information go to
(Gate admission plus pay one pnee of $14 to ride all day)
Beef Judging-Livestock Arena
7:00 PM
9 A.M
Horse Fitting and Showing-Horse Arena
10 AJK
Cavy Judging-Small Market Animal Area
Upon arrival, Sgt. LaVanway spoke
or call 616-636-8180)
9 A.M
at 8:40 for an assault victim.
with the victim, Beverly Wesaw, and
Michigan Lightweight Horse Pull-Grandstand
Hartford NTPA Nationals - Super Farm Tractors,
2 Wheel Drive, and Modifieds
Live Music "The Backroads Band" featuring country Community Tent
1 2 NOON
7 P.M
8:30 P.M
her friend, Orville Goss. Wesaw said
er, Thomas Wesaw, came lo resi-
dence. She stated that he accused her
Kio's DAY (18 years and under free until 6pm)
of taking money from his residence
(Gate Admission plus pay one pnee of $10 to ride from noon to 6 p.m.)
(Gate admission plus pay one price of $14 to ride from 6 p.m. lo closing)
earlier in the evening
living room and heard something
KIDS DAY GIVEAWAY - 2 bicycles and three dozen stuffed toys,
F R E E RAFFLK TICKETS from noon to ft p.m.,
about money and saw Thomas strike
Raffle 6 p.m. at the Carnival Office
Goss said he had walked into Ihe
his sister on the head with the baseball bat. splitting the bat in half. The
suspect then tied the scene with the
Super Kicker
broken bat.
Rodeo Production
Sgt LaVanway checked the area for
the suspect but was unable lo locate
Sponsored by:
him al that time.
released from Lakeland Hospital,
with a head laceration and a concussion.
Attempted larceny
A The Van Buren Youth Fair
Featuring: Bulls, Broncs, Girl's
Barrel Racing, Team Roping,
Calf Scramble A Mutton Busting
10 A.M
"KIDS-A FAIR START"sponsored by Van Buren ISD and ICC
10 A.M
Adult Draft Horse Halter Show-Draft Horse Arena
10:30 A.M. AND 1:30 P.M
Ronald McDonald Magic Show
7 P.M
Square Dancing - Community Tent ^
7 P.M. . NEW Unique Motor Sports presents Demolition Derby Scramble
Off Road Racing
(For Rules & Information
go to
or call 616-636-8180)
10 P.M
(Gate admission plus pay one price of $12 lo ride from I p.m. to 6 p.m.)
(Gate admission plus pay one price of $14 to ride from ft p.m. lo closing)
9 A.M
Trail Shov
9 A.M
Small Animal Sweepstake
Gymkhana Show - Horse Arena^
Pedal Tractor Pull - Community Tent
2 P.M
Draft Animal Fun Show - Draft Horse Arena
7 P.M
Boots-N Motion - Community Tent
7 P.M
Grandstand Entertainment - Super Kicker Rodeo Production
Featuring Bulls, Broncs, Girl's Barrel Racing. Team Roping,
Calf Scramble & Mutton Busting
8:30 P.M
Live Music,"Wild Woodys" featuring rockabilly
Community Tent
(Gate admission plus pay one price of $15 to ride from NOON to closing
9 A.M
Junior and Senior Showmanship Sweepstakes!
10 A.M
Open Draft Horse/Mule/Pony Hitch - Draft Horse Arena
10 A.M
Fun Horse Show • Horse Arena
2 P.M
Draft Horse Barnyard Pull - Draft Horse Arena^
4 P.M
Mule Pull - Draft Horse Arer
4:30 P.M
Youth Awards Program - Small Animal Exhibitor Aware
5:30 P.M
Livestock Exhibition Awards Program
6 P.M
Youth Parade
7 P.M.
Horse Exhibitors Awards Program - Horse Arena
7 P.M
Demolition Derby - Grandstand
(For Rules & Information or call 61 &63fr6180)
8:30 P.M.
Live Music "B-4" featuring rock 'n blues - Community Tent
(Courtesy of Hartford McDonalds)
11 A.M
1 P.M
2 P.M
2 P.M
3:30 P.M
Farm Stock Tractor Pulls
Dairy Judging
Small Market Animal Auction
Youth Draft Horse Show - Draft Horse Arena
Dog Team & Obedience Exhibitions
Van Buren Youth Fair
P.O. Box 271, Hartford, MI 4 9 0 5 7
(269) 621-2038
7 P.M. .. .Grandstand Entertainment - Street 4x4, Pickups and Semi Pulls
(Gas and Diesel
The fairgrounds are
located on Red Arrow
Hwy. and CR 681
V\SS: Ululls • I V
(In hirvn innliT ti I n c
si \S0\|»\SS: hliiiis-slS:
received a report on July 7 of an
attempted larceny from the Hartford
and substantial damage '.vas caused
Sheep Judging-Livestock Arena
i ItiIdn n \[;i s U-12 N.':
Police Department said that he had
at the Little League field was made
9 A.M
O M \)\\
Officer Troy Wright of Ihe Hartford
to open the vending machines (pop)
English Horse & Pony Show-Horse Arena
League fields
Officer Wright said that an attempt
9 A.M
by Jeff& Bill
at Hartford Little
Little League fields.
was at Goss' house when her broth-
Beverly Wesaw was treated and
(Gate admission plus pay one price of $14 lo ride from I p.m. to closing)
9 A.M
Western Horse and Pony Show- Horse Arena
10 A.M
Livestock Auction
10 A.M. -NOON
Ladies' Day Program
1 P.M
Pony Pull - Draft Horse Arena
1 P.M
Senior Citizens' Program & Games
7 P.M. Unique Motor Sports presents
"Night of Destruction"
• Truck Derby • Burn-out Contest • Car Derby • Figure 8 Racing • Quad
weapon - Coloma
M I D W A Y O P E N S AT 1 P . M .
Rabbit Judging - Small Animal Area
Kids' Day
"Kid's - A Fair Start**
Inrurmation Fair
Ronald McDonald Magic Shon,
that they had attempted lo pry the
(FREK Gate admission for Ladies, Veterans & Senior Citi/ens until 3 p.m.)
lhat they had relumed from watch-
Sdii iu
THURSDAY, J i l l l»
Dog Show
1 2 NOON
one had positioned a chair under a
H A R T F O R P f
9 A.M
4 P.M
the 4(M) block of Oak Street reported
ing the fireworks and found some-
2 0 0 7
I til I nil/lie \lntor S/unfs
The homeowner at the residence in
1 6 - 2 1 f
Monday • Saturday
From T94. Hartford
(Exit 46) turn right at
stoplight or Lawrence
(Elxlt 52) turn left at stoplight.
i hililini \vo /»•/.' V»;
Seiiioi (in:uis (MIX inert SI2
(•raiidsiiiiKl \ IIIIKMII Sialiiiu Mon. • Sal.,* Vt
l( liililini
III A. inula Im l
Red Arrow Hwy.
Van Buren
Youth Fair
Interstate 94
Exit 46
Exit 52
To Kalamazoo
(Approx. 26 miles)
• / . For more fair info check out vanbureiw^
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