NCAP`s Summer 2015 Visual Arts DAL Brochure
NCAP`s Summer 2015 Visual Arts DAL Brochure
Program Description Who We are The Common Core calls for students to develop literacy in all content areas. This program develops teachers’ visual arts literacy and drawing skills aligned with the California K-8 Visual Arts Content Standards and Common Core Literacy in Technical Subjects. Through engaging directly in the visual arts, teachers uncover thecontent,literacy,artisticprocesses,and develop skills to begin to support student literacyinthevisualarts.Teachersdiscover the connections and support visual arts educationprovidestotheEnglishLanguage Arts Common Core and English Language DevelopmentStandards. NorthernCaliforniaArtsProjectisaregional professional development center of The California Arts Project (TCAP) and is a part of the California Subject Matter Project Network. Participatingteacherscreateandimplement a standards based visual arts unit for their classroom while reigniting the creativity of their students and themselves! If you have any questions about the program,applicationprocess,dates,etc., pleasecontacttheNCAPoffice. NCAPservesthecountiesofButte,Colusa, Del Norte, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Lassen, Mendocino,Modoc,Plumas,Shasta,Sierra, Siskiyou,Sutter,Tehama,TrinityandYuba. Northern California Arts Project Teresa Cotner , Site Director California State University, Chico 400 West 1ST St. Chico, CA 95929 Cell Phone: 530.966.6352 Email: Northern California Arts Project a Regional Professional Development Center of The California Arts Project presents DEVELOPING ARTISTIC LITERACY Drawing,ColorTheory& BeginningArtCriticism A Visual Arts Program for Educators Become informed about Common Core & ELD Standards Alignment Visual and Performing Arts Professional Learning Community Opportunities In support of Arts Education the Northern California Arts Project partners include • California State University, Chico • Butte County Office of Education SUMMER 2015 2015 NCAP AL Level I Visual Arts Registration Please Print Clearly Program Goals Each participant will: • Engage directly in the discipline of visual arts through drawing • Develop knowledge, literacy, and skills in visual arts • Learn instruction and assessment strategies for visual arts to support all learners • Develop classroom management skills specific to visual arts • Understand the content and literacy strands within the standards as related to designing instruction in visual arts for all learners • Become familiar with the Common Core Literacy Standards in Technical Subjects • Understand the organization and intent of the California Visual and Performing Arts Framework and Content Standards in Visual Arts • Become informed about the arts education resources and organizations Program Dates Participants Must Attend All Dates Session Dates July 27th July 28th July 29th July 30th July 31st October 3rd Session Times 8:30 am - 4:00 pm Location California State University, Chico Ayres 215 400 W. First St. Chico, CA 95929 The program is limited to 24 teachers! Home Address ___________________________________ City ________________________________ Zip__________ Telephone _______________________________________ Email _ __________________________________________ Alt. Email ________________________________________ School __________________________________________ Grade(s) Taught _ _________________________________ District __________________________________________ School Phone ____________________________________ ________________________________________________ Teacher’s Signature District Support: I endorse this application for the Developing Artistic Literacy Program with the understanding that the District hereby agrees to provide necessary release time during the 2015 school year for the participant to attend all blocks of the program. Registration Cost $375 Late Registration will be considered if space is available. A TCAP CA Common Core Implementation Professional Learning Program Name ___________________________________________ Two semester Professional Development units available through RCE California State University, Chico for $120 ________________________________________________ Principal’s Signature Please complete the application and mail or fax to: Northern California Arts Project (NCAP) Attn: Teresa Cotner California State University, Chico 400 West 1st St. Chico, CA 95929 Fax: 530.898.4171 Please make check or P.O. payable to: CSUC Research Foundation (NCAP) NON-REFUNDABLE after July 6, 2015