
Advancing MOOCs for Development Initiative: South
Revised Request for Proposals (RFP)
The Advancing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) for Development Initiative (hereafter “AMDI”),
implemented by IREX and funded by USAID and CourseTalk, is accepting proposals from qualified
parties to conduct in-country research activities on MOOC use and non-use in South Africa. The ceiling
for this activity is $60,000 over 6 months. Proposals must be received by e-mail by June 10 2015, 5:00
p.m. Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5) addressed to alaesecke@irex.org.
Online courses have the potential to expand quality education and career training worldwide. Yet few
people in developing countries access Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), despite the fact that
MOOCs are open to the public and often free. Recognizing this unmet potential, the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) and CourseTalk, the largest source of MOOC reviews, have
partnered to determine how online education can best help young adults across the developing world
grow successful careers. The initiative will be driven by research on MOOC usage in Colombia, the
Philippines and South Africa conducted by the Technology & Social Change Group (TASCHA) at the
University of Washington’s Information School with support from IREX, a nonprofit development
The results of the research will help educators, employers and others interested in online education to
better understand MOOCs in the Philippines, Colombia and South Africa in (3) three broad categories:
1. Infrastructure – to what extent is it possible for young adults to take e-learning and on-line
courses and specifically, MOOCs? The outcome of the research should afford a better
understanding of who has access to internet, internet penetration rates, broadband and wi-fi
speed, reach and connectivity capacity, costs associated with data, and government programs
and institutions (universities, libraries, telecenters) aimed at affording internet access to citizens.
2. The MOOC User and non-User Community - Research would focus upon who uses e-learning
currently and why? What are completion rates for MOOCs courses, and which MOOCs are most
likely to be completed and why? What percentage of the population has heard of MOOCs?
(Baseline question) If students are not using MOOCS to supplement their studies what are the
reasons? To what extent is the business community driving MOOC usage for employees to gain
supplemental skills? To what extent are the university communities and the government making
this a possibility? Are there specific cultural factors such as gender or language that influence
MOOC usage? How voluntary is the MOOC community; is it driven by personal ambition to
master a subject or are they used to satisfy business and educational requirements?
3. Theory of Change – What would it take to increase MOOC attendance and completion rates?
What types of marketing and advocacy might influence policy makers, the business community
and educators to promote and employ MOOCs? What specific changes to user interfaces would
make users more likely to use MOOCs? Would employers recognize MOOCs diplomas as valid
or significant? Can it be demonstrated that taking MOOCs impacts one’s employment
Results of the AMDI research will provide information necessary for understanding the potential of
MOOCs to drive education outcomes and workforce development. This RFP seeks offers to conduct the
in-country portion of the research in South Africa with support from IREX and TASCHA.
Terms of Reference
Collaborate in the development of research design
Provide feedback on survey instruments and interview protocols
Collaborate with TASCHA on the sampling strategy for the country
Must have access to 10 tablets running Android 4.x operating systems with Wi-Fi and/or sim card
for in-person research
Analyze and prepare report with findings from the Key Informant Interviews
Analyze and prepare report with findings from the User Interface Design Focus Groups
Review and test survey in online platform
Identify channels to disseminate online survey [social media, education-related websites,
Universities, libraries, etc.]
Identify channels for conducting in-person survey [Libraries, Universities, NGOs, other
educational institutions]
Assist TASCHA in mapping geographic survey distribution in country [cities, districts, regions, etc.
TASCHA will provide breakdown for age and gender]
Conduct in-person surveys [TASCHA/IREX will participate in some of these activities]
MOOC non-user survey [TOTAL NUMBER OF SURVEYS: 400-500]
Review and test survey in online platform
Identify channels to disseminate online survey [social media, education-related websites,
Universities, libraries, etc.]
Identify channels for conducting in-person survey
Assist TASCHA in mapping geographic survey distribution in country [cities, districts, regions, etc.
TASCHA will provide breakdown for age and gender]
Conduct in-person surveys [TASCHA/IREX will participate in some of these activities]
User Interface Design (UD) Focus Groups [NUMBER FOCUS GROUPS PARTICIPANTS: 40]
Identify 20 MOOC users to participate in UD activity [criteria TBD]
Identify 20 MOOC non-user to participate in UD activity [criteria TBD]
Coordinate focus groups for two groups and conduct interviews [TASCHA/IREX will participate in
some of these activities]
Identify 20 Key Informants [Public sector, employers, educational institutions, others]
Conduct interviews with Key Informants with TASCHA and IREX support [TASCHA/IREX will
participate in some of the interviews depending on timeline]
Additional Considerations:
IREX and TASCHA will provide questionnaires/protocols to the successful candidate who will
administer the surveys and conduct interviews according to the established conditions, criteria
and schedule.
The candidate will work closely and collaboratively with IREX and TASCHA throughout the entire
process to ensure successful administration of the research.
IREX reserves the right to conduct quality control and assurance during survey and interview
As stipulated by USAID requirements, all non-personally identifiable data collected under this research
activity will be made publicly available through the USAID Data Development Library. IREX and
TASCHA welcome requests to publish and/or co-author based on the findings.
400-500 completed surveys MOOC users
400-500 completed surveys MOOC non-users
Research Report presenting the findings gathered through the Key Informant Interviews
(template for report will be provided)
Research report presenting the findings gathered through the User Interface Design Focus
Groups (template for report will be provided)
Proposal Content
The Candidate will submit a proposal electronically containing the following components:
Organizational capacity (maximum 1 page)
Technical Approach (maximum 8 pages), including:
 Methodology (methodologies) description and details as presented above
 Sampling technique and sampling implementation plan
 Estimated timeline (note: not to exceed 6 months)
 Risk analysis: identifying potential risk factors and how candidate proposes to address
 Detailed monthly workplan demonstrating realistic plan for timely completion of all
research activities within the stipulated timeframe
Short biography of Team Lead and description of available staff in the field (maximum 1 page)
Two samples of similar work
References of 3 national or international organizations that can speak to the quality of work
Detailed budget up to but not exceeding $60,000 US.
Proposal Submission
If you are interested in furnishing this service, please e-mail your proposal (in pdf format) in English to
IREX’s point of contact at the following address: alaesecke@irex.org with the subject line AMDI South
Africa Research.
The proposal must be received no later than June 10 2015, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5).
All proposals must be valid for a period of not less than sixty (60) calendar days from the closing date
indicated above.
IREX reserves the right to issue no contract as a result of this solicitation, or to amend or cancel the
solicitation at any time.
Proposal Evaluation
Key Staff
Clarity and appropriateness of scope. Demonstrated understanding
of project goals and component tasks without overly complicated or
extensive scopes of work. Explanation of approach to project
management. Strong and clear methodological approach.
Demonstrated knowledge of pertinent in-country issues, resources,
and institutions that will influence the research and allow efficient
implementation. Realistic workplan to conduct all activities within the
stipulated timeframe.
Institutional experience (relevant methodologies and past projects) in
similar projects. Similar activities of technical relevance. References.
Reasonableness and appropriateness of cost. Clear alignment
between level of effort, technical approach, and deliverables.
Applicants should clearly demonstrate relevant experience and
technical knowledge of the staff proposed. Experience of the Team
Leader is critically important. Relevant methodological experience
should be highlighted along with experience with comparable
surveys and research.
IREX reserves the right, based on availability of funding and vendor performance, to enter into
subsequent contractual agreements with the winning vendor for a period of up to two years without
issuing a new RFP.
All questions should be addressed to IREX’s point of contact via email sent to the following address:
alaesecke@irex.org with subject line AMDI South Africa Research.