IATimes_April2015 - Dallas Irrigation Association


IATimes_April2015 - Dallas Irrigation Association
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The electronic newsletter of the Irrigation Association
April 2015
Feature Story
In Each Issue
IA Hosts Agricultural Irrigation Fly-In on Capitol Hill
Member & Product News
Attendees discussed the importance of drought mitigation and federal
investment in efficient irrigation.
New Members
Newly Certified Professionals
Save on Certification Exams
Quick Links
Class Sponsorships
Pre-Approved CEU Courses
Webinar Recordings
IA News
IA Survey Ranks LinkedIn Top Social Media Channel
A recent survey reveals professionals are turning to social media for
technical tools, irrigation trends and best management practices.
Smart Irrigation Month Spotlight: Texas A&M
The Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center at Dallas shares
its strategy for a successful Smart Irrigation Month campaign.
Irrigation Foundation to Hold Two Faculty Academies
Separate events for agriculture and landscape will offer instructors
education resources, irrigation best practices and networking.
Board of Director Nominations Due May 14
Association members are invited to nominate any regular IA member in
good standing for a director position.
Certification Board Seeks Irrigation Experts
Help establish policies and processes for IA’s Select Certified program;
applications due July 1.
In Memoriam: The Industry Remembers Bob Wade
Robert “Bob” Wade, former chair of the IA Government Affairs
Committee, passed away Feb. 17.
Upcoming Events
April 16
Electrical Troubleshooting
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
April 23
Landscape Irrigation Design
Process Class (Jacksonville, FL)
April 24
Efficient Irrigation Scheduling
Class (Walnut, CA)
May 19
Landscape Irrigation Auditor Class
(Fairfax, VA)
More IA Classes & Webinars
Industry News
Calif. Residents
Challenge Legality
of Tiered Water
Are Farmers the
Hope for the
Global Water
Bozeman, Mt.
Steps Up Water
Mayor’s Challenge
for Water
Begins April 1
Netafim to Support
Research Study on
Subsurface Drip
Calif. Restricts
Yard Watering as
Drought Persists
Survey Reveals
Latest Landscape
Farm Bureau Says
Would Ignore
Featured Jobs
Irrigation Crew Leader
(Springfield, Mo.)
Irrigation Technician (Wash.)
Sprinkler/Irrigation Tech
(Port Chester, N.Y.)
Post positions, search openings
or upload a resume.
IA Premium Member Spotlight
IA’s premium members provide critical support to the association’s initiatives. Select premium members are
highlighted each month; click here for the complete list.
Irrigation Association | Promoting efficient irrigation.
8280 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 400 | Fairfax, VA 22031 | Tel: 703.536.7080 | www.irrigation.org
To unsubscribe, please click here.
IA Hosts Agricultural Irrigation Fly-In on Capitol Hill
The Irrigation Association hosted its third
Agricultural Irrigation Fly-In in Washington,
D.C., March 16 – 18. This event connected
manufacturers, dealers/distributors and
consultants with public officials responsible
for influencing agricultural policy.
Fly-in participants met with senior staff from
the Senate and House Committees on
Agriculture; Krysta Harden, the Deputy
Secretary of Agriculture for the U.S.
Department of Agriculture; key staff from the
Natural Resources Conservation Service;
and congressional staff from attendees’
respective states.
“The fly-in provides a unique platform for the irrigation industry to influence policy,” said
attendee Julie Bushell, director of sales and marketing at Paige Electric Company, LP –
Ag Cable Division. “With the world population estimated to reach 9 billion in 2035 and no
additional water resources available, it is crucial that policy makers are aware of efficient
irrigation technologies and IA’s dedication to conservation and productivity.”
During these meetings, fly-in attendees discussed IA positions and industry issues
affecting U.S. agricultural water use and irrigation. In particular, participants highlighted the
importance of drought mitigation, preparedness and response, as well as the need for
federal investment in efficient irrigation.
“In order for the association and our industry to be successful, we have to constantly reach
out to our legislators and other influential departments, like USDA and NRCS,” said
attendee Paul McFadden, chair of the IA Government Affairs Committee and senior sales
manager at The Toro Company. “They need to know about our group and our positions.
They need to know who to call if they have questions.”
To get involved in IA’s advocacy efforts, contact IA Government and Public Affairs Director
John Farner (johnfarner@irrigation.org; 703.536.7080).
IA Survey Respondents Rank LinkedIn
Top Social Media Channel
This February, the Irrigation Association released a
digital/social media survey to its member and
nonmember contacts. Spearheaded by the IA
Marketing Committee, the survey was launched to
help IA leadership learn about the social media
channels irrigation professionals use. Of the
532 respondents, 54 percent identified their primary
company focus as landscape, while 14 percent had
a primary focus in agriculture.
Survey Respondents at a Glance
Company Types
Contractors: 34%
Manufacturers: 11%
Dealer/Distributors: 10%
Consultants: 9%
Government: 8%
Golf course managers: 8%
The results of the survey indicate that 71 percent of
irrigation professionals use social media as a
source for business-related information. LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube are cited as the
most common social/digital media platforms. The survey also revealed that professionals
are most often looking for information about technical resources and tools, irrigation trends
and statistics, and best management practices.
Other key findings from this survey include:
Respondents with an agriculture focus prefer information about technical resources
than any other group at 79 percent.
All respondents placed LinkedIn as their top social resource; however, agriculturefocused respondents ranked YouTube as second most important, while landscapefocused respondents ranked Facebook as second most important.
When asked to rank the traditional channels from which they’d most want to receive
business-related information, the top two were email and e-newsletters.
Sixty-six percent of respondents felt that IA should establish a presence on LinkedIn,
YouTube and Facebook.
IA currently has a presence on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. IA’s Marketing Committee
and staff will use these results to create and implement a more robust social media
Smart Irrigation Month Spotlight
Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center
2014 Smart Marketing Contest Non-Commercial Winner
As the industry counts down to Smart Irrigation Month in July, the Irrigation Association will
spotlight the 2014 winners of the Smart Marketing Contest.
The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center (Dallas, Texas) was recognized
in the non-commercial category of the 2014 Smart Marketing Contest. The research center
has a long history of providing research-based education programs on water-use efficiency
to the surrounding region, which made promoting Smart Irrigation Month an easy transition.
For their promotion of Smart Irrigation Month in 2014, the AgriLife team launched the “Find
It, Flag It, Fix It” campaign. This campaign urged homeowners and business owners to find
their leaks, flag their leaks and fix their leaks. To help end users flag their leaks, the
AgriLife Center gave away irrigation marking flags at local fairs, education classes and
corporate events throughout the region.
To help homeowners, businesses and professionals
find leaks and fix them, the AgriLife Center offered
short education programs related to smart irrigation
practices every Tuesday in July:
Drip Irrigation DIY
Irrigation Quick Fixes
Controlling Your Controller
Getting to Know Your Irrigation System
Since the program started in April 2014, the AgriLife
team has taught more than 700 homeowners,
businesses and professionals the importance of
water-use efficiency.
The AgriLife Center’s education programs primarily
focus on outdoor water use, plant selection, irrigation
efficiency and rainwater harvesting. The organization
offers at least 20 different classes throughout the year and partners with 47 municipalities
to conduct education programs for local residents.
IA first launched Smart Irrigation Month in July 2005 to increase public awareness of the
value of water-use efficiency and water-saving products, practices and services. The
initiative is designed to:
Educate homeowners, businesses, growers and other users about simple ways to
save money and water.
Encourage industry firms and professionals to promote smart irrigation practices and
technologies to customers.
Help water providers minimize peak water use and reduce demands on infrastructure
in their communities.
Reinforce the role efficient irrigation plays in providing real solutions to today’s water
For more information, visit www.smartirrigationmonth.org, or contact IA Communications
Manager Lenise Phillips (lenisephillips@irrigation.org; 703.536.7080).
Irrigation Foundation to Hold Two Faculty Academies
For the first time, the Irrigation Foundation will hold both agriculture and landscape
versions of its well-regarded Irrigation Faculty Academy. The two events will allow
instructors to network with fellow academics and learn about irrigation-related curriculum
that can be used in the classroom.
Landscape Faculty Academy
The Landscape Faculty Academy is being held at Brigham
Young University in Provo, Utah, June 18 – 19. Join fellow
instructors for the following sessions:
Anatomy of an irrigation system
Installation of irrigation components
Irrigation scheduling
Drip auditing
Slide rules
Soil sensor technology
The event will also include a tour of Hydro-Rain, Inc.’s facilities and of BYU’s circulation
stream and water feature. View the complete schedule and register online by April 24.
Agriculture Faculty Academy
The Agriculture Faculty Academy is being held
June 25 – 26 at the Irrigation Training and Research
Center in San Luis Obispo, Calif. Take part in sessions on:
Basic hydraulics
Center pivot technologies
Pressurized irrigation
Pump and filtration Automation tools (solenoids, sensors, electrical controls)
Pipes and fittings
Attendees will also enjoy and irrigation tour Wild Horses Winery & Vineyards as well as a
local irrigation system. View the complete schedule and register online by May 1.
Both events are open to instructors teaching at high schools and two- and four-year
institutions. To help as many instructors attend as possible, the Foundation offers grants to
a limited number of instructors. Preference will be given to instructors whose department
budgets contribute partially to expenses.
Faculty Academy helps ensure that the next generation of irrigation professionals receives
quality instruction with vetted materials. Attendees also provide the Foundation with
valuable insight on student recruitment opportunities and challenges. Donor dollars have
made the event possible, providing nearly $10,000 in travel assistance to instructors who
would not otherwise have been able to attend.
For more information, contact Senior Foundation Manager Janine Sparrowgrove
(janinesparrowgrove@irrigation.org; 703.536.7080).
IA Board of Director Nominations Due May 14
The Irrigation Association is accepting nominations for the 2015 – 2018 positions on its
board of directors. Directors are elected to three-year terms by the association’s regular
members and represent the diversity of IA’s member types and market segments. Regular
members include manufacturers, dealer/distributors, manufacturers’ representatives,
contractors, consultants and affiliate organizations.
Board members establish the association’s strategic direction, policies and programs. The
board monitors current and evolving industry trends, determines strategic priorities, defines
public policy positions and acts as a steward of IA’s financial resources. Any regular IA
member in good standing is eligible to serve on the board.
Completed nominations are due on or before Thursday, May 14. The IA Directors’
Nominating Committee will review all candidates and propose a formal slate for approval
by the current board. Once approved, IA members will vote on this year’s nominees.
Click here to download a nomination form; submit completed forms to IA Communications
Manager Lenise Phillips (lenisephillips@irrigation.org; 703.536.7080) or fax to
Certification Board Seeks Agriculture &
Landscape Irrigation Experts
The Irrigation Association Certification Board is soliciting volunteers to fill up to four board
openings for agriculture and landscape irrigation experts. The 13-member board
establishes policies and processes for IA’s Select Certified program, develops new
certifications, updates exams, monitors grading procedures and maintains standards for
the certification process.
Board members participate in conference calls, committee work, and two three-day
meetings: one at the Irrigation Show & Education Conference and one during the summer.
Newly selected members will serve a three-year term beginning immediately after the 2015
Irrigation Show, Nov. 9 – 13, in Long Beach, Calif.
Applicants must be IA members and certified irrigation designers in good standing, with
one or more specialties. All members of the certification board must sign a confidentiality
statement and must not be involved in developing or teaching classes that prepare
candidates for IA certification exams.
For more information on the certification board, click here. To apply, submit a completed
nomination packet by July 1 to IA Professional Development Director Sherrie Schulte,
CAE, CLIA (sherrieschulte@irrigation.org; 703.536.7080). In Memoriam: The Industry Remembers Bob Wade
Green industry advocate Robert “Bob” Wade passed away
on Feb.17 after a short battle with pancreatic cancer. Bob
generously gave many years of service to the Irrigation
Association as chair of the Government Affairs Committee.
Bob was actively involved in several other affiliate
organizations, including the California Landscape
Contractors Association and the American Society of
Irrigation Consultants.
Over the course of his career, Bob earned a number of
designations and certifications. Bob was an EPA
WaterSense irrigation partner, a PLANET certified
landscape professional, an IA certified landscape irrigation
auditor and a CLCA certified water manager.
Bob made a profound impact on the irrigation industry and
everyone he worked with. He will truly be missed. IA offers its condolences to his family
during this difficult time.
Member & Product News
April 2015
What’s happening at your company? Share updates on executives, company awards,
upcoming events and product releases with your business partners and peers through
IA Times’ monthly member news roundup.
Send press releases and announcements to news@irrigation.org for consideration for
future issues.
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (St. Joseph, Mich.) has
revised the standard ASAE S435.1, Polyethylene Pipe Used for Microirrigation Laterals.
The rewrite reflects current best practices, requirements and methods for testing
polyethylene materials.
The American Society of Irrigation Consultants (East Lansing, Mich.) will host the 2015
ASIC National Conference, April 25 – 27, in Minneapolis, Minn. Registration closes April
Armada Technologies (Caledonia, Mich.) now offers free live, online training for
troubleshooting electrical problems in sprinkler systems.
Linda Davis, event planner at Rain Bird Corporation (Asuza, Calif.), will receive the
American Society of Irrigation Consultants’ 2015 Sam Tobey Lifetime Achievement Award
at the 2015 ASIC National Conference.
John Deere Landscapes LLC (Alpharetta, Ga.) acquired Shemin Landscape Supply on
Feb. 27. Shemin has 29 locations serving 18 major metropolitan markets in 14 states.
Landscape Ontario (Milton, Ontario, Canada) will hold its first annual Thrive 2015 event,
Sept. 15 – 17, at the Ancaster Fairgrounds in Jerseyville, Ontario.
Mazzei Injector Company, LLC’s (Bakersfield, Calif.) distribution partner, Harvel Agua India
Private Limited, received India’s National Award for Technology in the category, “Polymers
in Agriculture and Water Conservation” for their gravity drip kit irrigation system.
Netafim USA (Fresno, Calif.) will celebrate its 50th anniversary this year with the theme
“50 Years of Shaping the Future.”
Stephen Smith, FASIC, CLIA, CAIS, a consultant at Wade Water LLC (Fort Collins, Colo.),
will receive the American Society of Irrigation Consultants’ Roy Williams Memorial Award at
this year’s annual conference, April 25 – 27, in Minneapolis, Minn.
T. Christy Enterprises (Anaheim, Calif.) introduced red hot clear vinyl adhesive, a
transparent, UV-resistant adhesive used in the assembly of vinyl fencing, railings and
The Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center (Dallas, Texas) will give
presentations and hands-on training on rainwater harvesting, April 7 – 9.
The Toro Company (Riverside, Calif.) added five new 3/4-inch rotor models to its T5
RapidSet Series rotor product line.
Underhill International Corp. (Mission Viejo, Calif.) now offers seven models in its MSSB
Valve Box line-up. The MSSB stainless steel boxes accommodate Mirage sprinklers,
isolation valves, quick couplers, electrical junction boxes and other sub-surface
Valley Irrigation (Valley, Neb.) received a gold medal in the 2014 Innovative Agricultural
Machinery Contest at the AgroSalon exhibition in Moscow for its BaseStation3 product.
BaseStation3 allows growers to manage irrigation equipment remotely from a computer,
laptop, tablet or smartphone.
IA New Members
The Irrigation Association welcomed new members in the following categories in
February 2015.
New Premium Members
City of Lake Oswego (Lake Oswego, OR)
New Company Members
Bockholt Landscape Architecture (Park City, UT)
Terraplan Landscape Architects (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Engledow Group (Carmel, IN)
Warweg & Company, Inc. (Greenwood, IN)
Aarrow Landscape (Murray, UT)
Command Irrigation Inc. (Hilliard, OH)
Greenthumb Irrigation Inc. (Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada)
Ground Water Inc. (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Northern Lights and Rainmakers Inc. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Prairie Rain Irrigation Inc. (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Urban Irrigation Solutions (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Valley Irrigation (Corvallis, MT)
New Associate Members
Commercial End User
Our Little Farm (Barstow, CA)
Complementary Product Manufacturer
Axter Coletanche Inc. (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
City of Alamogordo, Parks & Recreation (Alamogordo, NM)
Indiana State University (Terre Haute, IN)
Montana State University, Bozeman (Bozeman, MT)
Water & Energy Agency
City of Fort Worth, Water Department (Fort Worth, TX)
New Individual Members
Hugh Humphreys III (Scottsdale, AZ)
Gabriel Lee Mitchell, Southwestern Community College (La Mesa, CA)
Newly Certified Professionals
The Irrigation Association and IA Certification Board recognized newly certified irrigation
professionals who earned the following credentials between December 2014 and
February 2015.
IA’s Select Certified program has set the bar for industry professionals for over 30 years,
recognizing exceptional commitment to efficient water management and irrigation best
practices. IA-certified irrigation professionals have state-of-the-art training and technical
skills to design, install, manage and maintain a variety of irrigation systems.
To learn more about the benefits of hiring certified or becoming certified, visit
www.irrigation.org/certification or email certification@irrigation.org.
Certified Agricultural Irrigation Specialists
Irfan Ainuddin, CAIS
Jillian Balli, CAIS
Gregory Borba, CAIS
Jacob Borchard, CAIS
Maximilian Bricker, CAIS
J. Michael Johnson, CAIS
Larry D. King, CAIS
Bradley C. Kurtz, CAIS
Johan Oostenbrink, CAIS, CID
Emily Paddock, CAIS
Benjamin H. Smith, CAIS
Edward Urman, CAIS
Certified Irrigation Contractors
Avery Allen, CIC
Cody M. Barth, CIC
David Clarke, CIC, CLIA
Stephen Geckeler, CIC, CLIA
Iqbal Hassan, CIC, CID, CLIA
Brian P. McCartan, CIC
Molly McDowell Dunston, CIC
Joseph Miletello, CIC
Evan Pawlak, CIC
Timothy Preston, CIC
Bill Provost, CIC, CIT
Craig Undeck, CIC, CID, CLIA
Certified Irrigation Designers
Anthony J. Borba, CID
Thomas P. Conlin, CAIS, CID
Cynthia Crookston, CID
Robert E. Garrett, CIC, CID, CIT, CLIA, CLWM
Joshua M. Hansen, CID
Doug W. Nelson, CID
Doug Parrish, CID
Arlin B. Simonson, CID
Evan Thompson, PE, CID
Josh D. Wolter, CID
Michael Yarussi III, CGIA, CID
Certified Irrigation Technicians
Walter A. Bradford, CIT
Tim Brown, CIT
Brett Brubaker, CIT
Joseph E. Burgunder, CIC, CIT
Harold Castro, CIT
Eric Cedeno, CIT
Ronald Collins, CIT
Mark Corbett, CIC, CIT, CLIA
Nicholas A. Crenshaw, CIT
Brent M. Devers, CIT
Kevin G. Devolle, CIT
Teodoro Diaz, CIT
Claire Ehrlinger, CIT
Jorge E. Flores, CIT
Phillip Gillman, CIT
Stephen Gitzel, CIC, CIT, CLIA
Oscar Godinez, CIT
David Graves, CIT
Nathaniel Hartford, CIT
Stephen D. Hood, CIT
Thomas L. Horn, CIC, CIT, CLIA
Christopher R. Kohl, CIT, CLIA
Shaun Leary, CIT
Peter Lincoln, CIT
Chris Lloyd, CIT
Robert T. MacKenzie, CIC, CIT
Thomas S. MacKenzie, CIC, CIT, CLIA
Demetrio Martinez, CIT
Christopher Matthews, CIT
Jason Meder, CIT
Nick Millward, CIC, CIT, CLIA
Winn T. Morgan, CIT
Justin Scott Morris, CIT
Jamie L. Mueller, CIT
Jason B. Nelson, CIT
Amy M. Peck, CIT
Mark Perkins, CIT
Bill Provost, CIC, CIT
Josh Randall, CIT
Eric Richards, CIT
Tony Roberts, CIT
Jorge A. Rodriguez, CIT
Dylan Rounds, CIT
Shawn Sadler, CIT
Keith R. Schweiger, CIC, CID, CIT, CLIA
Mark Segars, CIT
Thomas C. Shea, CIT
Zane Stoneman, CIC, CIT
Jeffrey P. Timer, CIT
Jon Walraven, CIT
John Watson, CIT
Peter Westlake, CIC, CID, CIT, CLIA
Ray Whisler, CIT
Thomas Wolff, CIC, CIT
Simeon J. Wolfgramm, CIT
Kurt O. Young, CGIA, CIC, CID, CIT, CLIA
Matthew Young, CIT
Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditors
Ghulam Akbar, CLIA
David Antunes, CLIA
Edward T. Armstrong, CLIA
Pete J. Baxter III, CLIA
Robert Byrnes, CLIA
Robert D. Dobson, CIC, CID, CLIA
James Hardy, CLIA
Ahmet A. Mehmedov, CLIA
Christina Mountanos, CLIA
Muhammad Kashif Nisar, CID, CLIA
Lisa Pace, CLIA
Damian L. Richardson, CLIA
Richard Robinson, CLIA
Jenna Smith, CLIA
Jessy Wright, CLIA
Certified Landscape Water Managers
Kyle McNerney, CIC, CID, CLIA, CLWM
Gabriel Michael, CLIA, CLWM
Members Save on Certification
Exam Registrations
Receive up to $245 Off
You probably already know about the important work that the Irrigation Association does to
represent you and protect the industry at the local, state and national levels. But did you
know that as an IA member you also earn discounts on classes and certification exams?
If you want to get ahead in the irrigation business, get certified. It’s the best way to tell
customers, employers and peers that you know how to get the job done right. Whether you
work in the agriculture, golf, or turf/landscape sector, IA certification gives you a
competitive edge.
Certification gives you:
Instant credibility. IA’s certification has set the bar for irrigation professionals since
Increased job opportunities. More and more projects require certified irrigation
professionals and certification helps open doors to new opportunities.
Today, IA offers seven certifications that can help you take your career to the next level.
IA membership offers many other benefits. Contact IA Membership Coordinator Janie
Hakim (janiehakim@irrigation.org; 703.536.7080) for details on how to take advantage of
these benefits or to become an IA member.
Not a member? Join IA and begin saving today.