LightStay 4.0 rollout guide


LightStay 4.0 rollout guide
 HOTEL GUIDE TO LIGHTSTAY 4.0 ROLL OUT The new LightStay is here! We are thrilled to announce the arrival of LightStay 4.0 to all hotels in the month of April. Please go through the important information below to help you understand what you will need to complete during the roll out as well as some new requirements that will come with the launch of this new version. OVERVIEW In 2010, we launched LightStay, our global sustainability measurement tool that calculates and analyzes our aggregate environmental and operational performance across all of our more than 4,300 hotels. Since 2009, we have reduced energy use by 13.6 percent, carbon output by 20.2 percent, waste output by 26.8 percent and water use by 13.1 percent cumulatively saving nearly $400 million. We have also earned enterprise-­‐wide certifications (ISO 9001, 14001 and 15001) for quality, environmental and energy management – the only global hospitality company to have achieved all three certifications for its full portfolio! LightStay 4.0 takes our sustainability measurement and reporting to a new level, increasing hotel awareness, employee engagement and overall performance. Some of the new features include: • Simplified metrics and reporting • Department scores • Integration of Travel with Purpose metrics • Energy and water scores normalized for weather and occupancy • Three-­‐month forecast of energy and water consumption • Data alerts • And plenty of performance improvement tips specific to your hotel! Roll out requirements to be completed by July 31, 2015 as well as new LightStay brand standards are detailed below. Don’t let this scare you! All beta test users provided fantastic feedback on the new application, praising its ease of use, functionality and engagement capabilities. So while the next three months might require some additional work and adjustment, you will have a better tool to help you engage your team members, raise awareness and report on all of your hotel’s environmental and social efforts! TIMELINE: The current LightStay (version 3.0) will be shut down on Friday April 10, 2015. There will be a 10-­‐
day black out period during which hotel data will be transferred from the old LightStay to the new LightStay. During that period, hotels will not have access to either version of the application The new LightStay will open and be available on Monday April 20th. Access to the new LightStay will continue to be through the Lobby, by clicking on Applications / LightStay PHASED ROLL OUT: The initial launch of the new LightStay on April 20th will include all the core performance measurement functionality: dashboards, goals, data entry and alerts, projects, surveys, meeting calculator… Throughout the months of May through July, new functionality will continue to be rolled out: ⇒ LightStay mobile access ⇒ Graphs and reports sections ⇒ Connection to TripAdvisor Green Leaders program ⇒ The new Donate | Volunteer section which replaces the Purpose Portal ⇒ The resource library You will be notified through NOW when a new functionality has been released. CHANGES TO BRAND STANDARDS The new LightStay comes with some revisions to the current standards (section 105 of your Brand Standards). The below changes will be reflected in the next version of the standards which will be released later this year: • Utility data entry: Occupancy is now automatically fed into the system (you will not need to enter it in LightStay) and food covers become optional for all hotels (if you are a full service or luxury hotel, food covers information was previously required). • Surveys data entry: The old Operations/SPORTS survey is being replaced by 2 new surveys: the Property Survey which will rate the physical/capex aspects of your hotel, and the Operations Survey which will rate the operating aspects, including new Travel with Purpose metrics. Hotels will be required to verify both surveys annually before April 30th to ensure the information is accurate and up to date • Goals: All hotels will be required to set an annual energy reduction, water reduction and waste diversion goal before April 30th every year. The system will automatically suggest a goal for you, so all you need to do is save that suggested goal or edit it and save it if you wish to do so. • Projects: More projects will be required going forward. All hotels must have an active energy, water and waste project at all times. This increases the number of projects required however, these projects no longer need to be started and completed within the year. For instance, your energy project can be to replace all LED lighting in corridors with floors 1-­‐3 in year 1 and floors 4-­‐6 in year 2. • Data alerts: The new LightStay will provide you with data alerts when data is either missing or found to be abnormal (outside an expected range automatically calculated by the system and based on your historical information). This new alert system will provide you more flexibility around data entry and will ensure better accuracy of your data. This new alert system is also how Quality Assurance will verify your compliance with LightStay requirements. You are required to correct any alert within 30 days of the alert. If you have alerts older than 30 days, QA will remove points accordingly. ROLL OUT REQUIREMENTS Upon roll out, you will need to focus on completing the new LightStay training modules and ensuring all of their data is complete and accurate. By July 31st, 2015 all hotels will have to: 1. Verify/complete their new Property Profile 2. Complete their new Property and Operations surveys NOTE: because the data on the current LightStay Operations/SPORT survey is so outdated (2009 through 2011 for most of the hotels), previous data is not being saved. If your hotel opened in 2014 or 2015, or if you updated your survey information in 2014 or 2015, you can get a copy of your old Operations/SPORT survey by emailing 3. Correct or explain any energy, water and/or waste data alerts 4. Save your energy, water and waste goals for 2015 NOTE: the following directional goals for 2015 have been pre-­‐loaded for all hotels. You must still go to the Goals section in the new LightStay and save this goal or edit the goal if you want to set a different reduction or diversion target: REGION Americas Asia Pacific Europe, Middle East & Africa ENERGY GOAL 2.5% reduction 2.5% reduction 2% reduction WATER GOAL 1% reduction 1.5% reduction 1% reduction WASTE GOAL 25% diversion 25% diversion 50% diversion 5. Ensure you have active energy, water and waste projects (one for each category) ROLL OUT RESOURCES Seven training modules will be posted on Hilton Worldwide University. Module numbers will be provided in the next couple of weeks through your Brand’s newsletter. In addition to the training modules, two webinars per week will be hosted throughout the month of May for live demos and to answer any questions you might have. Webinar calendar will be communicated through NOW later this month and we highly recommend you take advantage of these. An FAQ document and this guide will also be available in the new LightStay’s Help section. Hotels can continue to contact the LightStay support team at any time at QUALITY ASSURANCE Your QA checklists and future planner have been updated to include the verbiage below. QA will monitor compliance with all LightStay requirements through July 31, 2015 and will follow normal process after that date. LightStay (Standard 105) – compliance required by July 31, 2015 All hotels must participate in LightStay. As part of the LightStay 4.0 roll out, the hotel must: • Complete all LightStay roll out training modules on Hilton University (minimum of 1 employee per hotel) • Complete its Property Profile, Property Survey and Operations Survey • Save its energy, water and waste goals • Correct or explain any data alerts • Have active energy, water and waste projects (minimum of 1 for each category)