HSC 1100 Assignment 3 â famu sp 2015
HSC 1100 Assignment 3 â famu sp 2015
HSC 1100 Assignment 3 This assignment is due by 3:30 PM on Friday March 27, 2015 Chapter 9 – Contraception and Reproduction 1. Sponges, diaphragms, and condoms are all ______________ methods of contraception. 2. A _________________ is a surgical procedure in which each vas deferens is cut and tied shut to stop the passage of sperm to the urethra for ejaculation. 3. When a sperm fuses with an ovum, it is called ____________________. 4. In evaluating contraceptives, one would choose ____________________ methods to prevent pregnancy by blocking the sperm from meeting an ovum. 5. Contraception used to prevent unintended pregnancy after unprotected intercourse is called __________ __________. 6. A nine-week-old embryo is called a(n) ____________________. 7. When a baby is delivered through an incision in the abdomen and uterus, it is called a(n) ____________________ delivery. 8. The definition of _____________ is the failure to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse. 9. _____________ is the legal process for becoming the parent to a child of other biological parents. Chapter 10 – Major Diseases 1. A microorganism that produces disease is called a _____________. 2. ___________ are one-celled microscopic organisms that are the most plentiful pathogens. 3. _________________occurs when the body responds to a tissue injury. It is characterized by swelling and the dilation of blood vessels. 4. __________ __________ __________ is a cluster of symptoms the most primary being debilitating fatigue and whose cause is unknown. 5. ____________ is an inflammation or infection of the liver caused by a virus. 6. The highest pressure when the heart contracts is ___________ _____________ pressure. 7. Hypertension is another name for _________ _____________ _____________. 8. __________________ _________________ is a cluster of disorders of the body’s metabolism that increase the risk for diabetes, heart disease and stroke. 9. A ________________ is either of two lower chambers of the heart which pump blood out of the heart and into the arteries. 10._________________ mellitus is a disease in which the inadequate production of insulin leads to failure of the body tissues to break down carbohydrates at a normal rate. 11.The main artery of the body rising from the left ventricle of the heart is called the ________. 12._______________ is a form of arteriosclerosis in which plaque is deposited on the inner walls of arteries. 13.A ___________ occurs when the blood supply to the brain is blocked. 14.The uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells causes ___________. 15._______________ means to spread to other parts of the body via the bloodstream or lymphatic system. Chapter 11 – Addictions 1. A(n) ____________________ is a chemical substance that affects the way you feel and function. 2. _______________ is a behavioral pattern characterized by a compulsion, loss of control, and continued repetition of a behavior or activity in spite of adverse consequences. 3. ____________________ is the development of symptoms that causes significant psychological and physical distress when drug use stops. 4. The major psychoactive ingredient in marijuana is ____________________. 5. America's leading drug problem is considered to be ____________________. 6. Drugs that produce vivid and unusual changes in thoughts, feelings, and perceptions are called ____________________. 7. Normal driving skills remain impaired for up to _____ hours after smoking a single joint of marijuana 8. Ecstasy, LSD, GHB, Rohypnol, and ketamine are examples of __________ __________. 9. The emotional or mental attachment to the use of a drug is __________ ___________. 10.__________ __________ occurs when an individual develops tolerance to a drug’s effects and needs larger and larger doses to achieve the desired effect. Chapter 12 – Alcohol and Tobacco 1. ____________________drinking is consuming five or more alcoholic drinks at a time if you are man and four or more if you are a women. 2. Alcohol reaches the bloodstream in about __________ minutes. 3. When a person needs to have a drink in the morning to start off their day, this is a probable sign of ____________________. 4. __________ __________ involves continued use of alcohol despite awareness of social, occupational, psychological, or physical problems related to drinking. 5. ____________________ represents a situation where an individual has a need to consume larger and larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the same level of intoxication. 6. When an individual abruptly stops drinking causing acute physical and psychological discomfort, it is known as ____________________. 7. ____________________ is a chronic, progressive disease in which genetic, psychosocial, and environmental factors influence its development and manifestations. 8. ___________ _________ ___________ is a cluster of physical and mental defects in the newborn caused by the mother’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy. 9. _____________ __________ is the colorless, odorless gas produced by the burning of gasoline or tobacco. 10.__________ __________ average less than one cigarette per day and smoke mainly in the company of others. 11.____________________ is a colorless, oily addictive substance found in tobacco that is poisonous in concentrated amounts. 12.Smoking is linked to at least __________ different cancers.
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