
Your First Wilderness Expedition Awaits!
Come explore remote wilderness areas of Alaska this summer. Spend time with field
scientists above the Arctic Circle. Go on a backpacking patrol in Denali National Park. Make
new friends and develop your team leadership skills. Successful applicants will join Alaska
Geographic and the National Park Service on one of these amazing no-cost expeditions!
North For Science – Brooks Range Expedition
June 10 – 17, 2015, For students entering grades 8 or 9.
Travel into the arctic region with educators from the National Park
Service and Alaska Geographic. The small expedition team will study the
northern environment and visit with researchers monitoring change in
the arctic. The group will travel by van and make stops at Marion Creek
Campground, Coldfoot, Toolik Field Station, and Galbraith Campground.
Students will also learn the skills for camping and self-care in challenging
weather conditions. Pre-trip evening meeting TBA.
Studying Change in Denali – Backpacking Expedition
July 25 - 31, 2015, For students entering grades 9, 10, 11, or 12.
Join a backcountry patrol with the National Park Service and Alaska
Geographic to witness and monitor changes and impacts to Denali’s
landscape. Learn about the challenges of managing Denali for present
and future generations. Students will backpack through rugged
wilderness, develop team leadership skills and become proficient with
wilderness backpacking and self-care in challenging weather conditions.
Pre-trip evening meeting TBA.
No Cost: Each expedition is offered free of charge for the successful applicants thanks to
the generous support of Alaska Geographic and the National Park Service, through the
Murie Science and Learning Center. Apply by Monday, April 20.
Physical Fitness Expectations:
North For Science – Brooks Range Expedition – This middle school expedition is primarily road-based travel
with day hikes and science activities. Participants should be capable of being active and hiking for up to 5
hours. They must maintain a positive attitude while living and traveling in inclement weather conditions.
They will gain skills and knowledge for safe and responsible use of Alaska’s wild lands and will be responsible
for self-care in a remote setting far from many services and amenities. No previous experience is necessary.
Studying Change in Denali: Backpacking Expedition - Participants on this
high school expedition will backpack and camp in remote areas of Denali.
They must be able to hike up to 8 miles per day with a full-sized backpack
weighing up to 45 pounds. Hiking will be cross-country over uneven and
steep terrain. Students should be prepared to learn techniques for safe
wilderness travel: crossing glacial rivers, camping in bear country, and
route finding. No previous experience is necessary.
Additional Details:
How to Apply: Students must be nominated by a teacher or community leader. The student must also
complete an application form and have it submitted by the nominator by Monday, April 20.
Start/End Location: Both expeditions will begin and end in Fairbanks at the Morris Thompson Cultural &
Visitor Center and include a pre-trip evening meeting (TBA). There will also be an end-of-expedition event in
honor of the students (date TBA).
Gear & Clothing: Most camping gear will be provided. A detailed clothing list will be provided.
Requirements: Students accepted into an expedition must attend the entire expedition, as well as pre and
post trip meetings in Fairbanks (dates TBA). A parent or guardian will be required to fill out the preexpedition paperwork with the student (health form, behavioral contract, risk form, etc.)
Safety: Alaska Geographic is an education institution with an excellent record of operating safe outdoor
programs. Though no outdoor program can remove all risk, when possible we strive to reduce the risks our
students face in the field. Visit our Safety & Risk page for more information.
Insurance and Liability: It is recommended that students have health insurance. All students and
parent/guardians will be asked to read and sign a Release and Acknowledgment of Risk Form.
Cancelation Policy: If you are accepted into an expedition, we expect that you will not withdraw. If
unexpected circumstances arise, please contact us immediately so another student can attend.
These expeditions are coordinated by Alaska Geographic and the National Park Service with financial support
through the Murie Science and Learning Center. Support is also provided by the Arctic Audubon Society, Pierce
Park Living Laboratory, Bureau of Land Management, UAF Institute of Arctic Biology - Toolik Field Station, and
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Nominator Guidelines
2015 Youth Stewardship Expeditions
Studying Change in Denali - Backpacking Expedition (grades 9-12)
North For Science - Brook Range Expedition (grades 8-9)
Alaska Geographic, the National Park Service and our partners are seeking motivated teenagers from the
Fairbanks area to join active learning expeditions in Denali and the Brooks Range. These opportunities are
offered free of cost to the participant.
As future leaders of our communities and stewards of our public lands, the time is NOW to engage young,
innovative minds in addressing the challenges of the future. We build exciting, diverse teams of Alaskan
teens that represent a variety of backgrounds, including under-served youth demographics. We find our
unique and amazing youth through adults who know and work with them already – that’s where you come
in. Please carefully read through the nomination guidelines below and call with any questions. A nominator
can be anyone outside of the student’s immediate family, yet we prefer that they know the applicant in an
education, community or activity leadership capacity.
Nominating a Student - Who We Are Seeking?
We will select student nominees that meet at least three of the following criteria:
Show high potential in leadership, science, or outdoor skills;
Will be respectful of the other participants and adults (land managers & trip leaders); and
Meet physical and grade-level requirements for each expedition.
Appear to have external challenges that limit their opportunities for experiences such as these;
Identify with a minority or Alaska Native people group;
How to Nominate a Student: Please do the following:
Provide the student with a printed copy of the program description and Student Application form.
Collect the application from each student. Assisting the student as necessary.
Complete a Nomination Form for each student.
Return the student application and your nomination forms to Alaska Geographic. We must receive
both items before we can process the application. Please submit materials by Monday, April 20.
The selection committee will review the application packets and select candidates based on their initiative,
motivation and the recommendation from a nominator. Accepted students will be contacted by phone and
email. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that everyone who applies will be able to participate. We will
keep an active waiting list.
Submit the Nomination and Student Application Forms to:
Scanning or smartphone photos are the fastest methods to submit the material via email or text messaging
at 607-699-6044. For Questions, contact David Tomeo, Program Director, Alaska Geographic at the Murie
Science & Learning Center. Front Desk 907-683-6432, Direct 907-683-6438. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL MATERIALS
BY MONDAY, APRIL 20! NOTE: Applications will be accepted after April 20, as space allows.
Nomination Form - 2015 Youth Stewardship Expeditions
Use a separate sheet if necessary.
Student Being Nominated:
Nominator Name:
Nominator Email Address:
Nominator Phone Number:
1. In what capacity do you know the student?
2. Why should this student be considered for a 2015 Expedition?
3. How does the student meet our criteria listed below? Please note, applicants do NOT have to meet all
of these criteria.
o Show high potential in leadership, science, or outdoor skills;
o Appear to have external challenges that limit their opportunities for experiences such as these;
o Identify with a minority or Alaska Native people group;
o Will be respectful of the other participants and adults (land managers & trip leaders); and
o Meet physical and grade-level requirements for each expedition.
4. To enhance the experience of this immersion program we look to family members and community
mentors to provide encouragement and support to the student and help them share their expedition
with others. Would you be willing to act as a mentor to this student? In what ways could you help them
capitalize on a week-long science and stewardship experience?
Submit the Nomination and Student Application Forms to:
Scanning or smartphone photos are the fastest methods to submit the material via email or text messaging at 607699-6044. For Questions, contact David Tomeo, Program Director, Alaska Geographic at the Murie Science & Learning
Center. Front Desk 907-683-6432, Direct 907-683-6438.
NOTE: Applications will be accepted after April 20 as space allows.
Student Application Form
Student’s Legal Name: _________________________________ Preferred nickname: _______________
Date of Birth: ________________ Age: ______ Grade Entering: ______ School: __________________
Home Phone #______________ Cell #: ______________ Email: ____________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________
I would like to participate in the:
North For Science: Brooks Range Science Expedition, June 10 -17, (Entering grades 8 & 9)
Studying Change in Denali: Backpacking Expedition, July 25-31, (Entering grades 9-12)
On page two of this application there are five questions for the participant to answer. Your answers
should be 1-4 sentences each.
Yes, I have completed the four questions on the other side of this application.
Student Signature: __________________________________________Date: __________________
Parent or Legal Guardian Section
Name: __________________________________ Relationship to applicant: _______________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Home Phone #: _______________ Cell #: ______________ Email: ______________________________
Best time/method to contact: ____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Agreement: I have read the program description and will assist and support my child’s
attendance and full participation in this expedition.
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________
Note: If a parent or guardian has any questions about the expedition, please feel free to contact the
Alaska Geographic Education Program Director, David Tomeo at 907-683-6438, cell 907-699-6044, or at
When both sides are completed, return this form to the person that will be nominating
you. Your application and the nominator’s form need to be submitted by Monday, April 20.
Student Application Questions - Youth Stewardship Expeditions
1. What most excites you about this expedition?
2. Describe a situation where you demonstrated that you are responsible and dependable.
3. You must be physically fit and ready to spend a week outdoors on this expedition. Please describe any
physical activity that you participate in and any experience you have spending time outdoors. (Note: No
experience is necessary for either expedition)
4. What type of careers interest you the most?
5. Please describe something that interests you about science.