- Dulacca State School


- Dulacca State School
13 17 88
Future Dates
22 M&D XCountryWandoan
06 Queens Birthday
26 Athletics Coaching Day
26 End of Term 2
27 Dulacca P&C Winter
Sports Carnival
13 Start Term 3
14 M&D Athletics—
School Bus Contacts
South Bus—Yvonne Bell
Jackson Bus—Ken Brown
P&C Multi Raffle
Winter Sports
Please contact Kim
Ellem if you need more.
Dulacca State School Newsletter
North Road, Dulacca Q 4425
Phone (07) 46276155
Fax (07) 46276468 Mobile 0467735093
E-mail the.principal@dulaccass.eq.edu.au
Term 2 - Issue 09
Wednesday 20 May 2015
Red Carpet Event – Josh Arnold On Friday the 8th
May we held our Red Carpet event at the Dulacca
Welcome to week 5 of the term. We have had a very
Sports club to celebrate the release of our music clip. It
busy couple of weeks hosting the touch carnival, red
was a fantastic evening with families and wider
carpet event, participating in NAPLAN and preparing our
community members. I would like to say a huge thank
show display. All the while, continuing with high quality
you to the P & C for their support and hard work in
teaching and learning every day.
making this event happen and also to the staff for their
Miles Show Yesterday was the annual Miles Show. As efforts in preparing and organising the event. Dulacca is
part of the show Dulacca participated in the school
a wonderful small town and the night really showcased
display. I would like to thank the staff for their hard work this. If you want to access the music clip you can follow
in organising, setting up and packing up the display.
the link on Josh Arnold’s ‘Small Town Culture’ Facebook
Thanks to their wonderful efforts Dulacca received third page or contact the school for a copy of the DVD.
place! It was wonderful to see the fantastic work and
learning that the students do at Dulacca being exhibited Moderation Next Monday the 25th May the teaching
staff will be attending a Moderation afternoon in
to the wider community.
Wandoan. Twice a year staff participate in a cluster
NAPLAN Last week our year 3 and 5 students
moderation session. The purpose of these sessions is to
participated in the annual NAPLAN testing. This was
ensure that teachers’ judgments of standards achieved
conducted over three days with the students completing
by students are comparable within and between
4 tests. I would like to congratulate the students on their
schools. This is a great opportunity for our staff to learn
hard work and effort during the process. All of them put
and share our knowledge within in cluster.
in 100% effort and applied themselves to the best of
their ability. Results will be available to relevant families PBL As part of our PBL journey the team has updated
our school Responsible Behaviour Plan. In this
and the school later in the year.
document we outline the behaviour expectations and
Report Cards Semester One report cards will be sent
process that we have. I have attached to the newsletter
home on Friday the 19th June. The following week we
our Schools Expectations and Rules for you to view. If
will be holding parent meetings on Wednesday
you would like more information about this or to read our
afternoon the 24th June. This will allow parents to meet
Responsible Behaviour Plan please contact the school.
with the teaching staff to discuss their child’s results.
Further information regarding this and times will be sent P&C Day Friday 29 May P&C Day provides an
opportunity for Queensland's state schools to
out in the coming weeks.
acknowledge and celebrate the contributions made by
Drillham / Dulacca Crosscountry —Tuesday 5 May—
our P&Cs to supporting the education of state school
Well done to all the students for your efforts.
students. Thank you to our great Dulacca P&C for the
Miles & District Crosscountry Wandoan Friday 22
wonderful support of the school, the students and
Congratulations to Seb Hindman, Ned Hindman, Zac
families. Support this year has included a welcoming
Ellem, Patrick Walsh who qualified for nomination to
BBQ, our Josh Arnold Small Town Culture song project
M&D Croscountry. Good luck on Friday.
and opening gala night, working bees, line marking and
an on-going outstanding weekly tuckshop. Future
support is aimed at sporting carnivals, equipment
purchases and our annual school excursion. Thank
you Dulacca P&C members. You time and efforts
are appreciated and valued.
Dear Parents and Community,
Under 8’s This Thursday is Under 8’s day at
Drillham State School from 9am-12pm. Students in
Kindy to Year 3 have been invited. Students not
going will be attending school as usual on this day.
Miles & District Touch Carnival was held Wednesday 6 May.
Team Results
Boys Aggregate—Taroom & Miles tied
Boys Highest Average—Taroom
Girls Aggregate—Miles
Girls Highest Average-Miles SHS
Raffle 1st Payton Leahy 2nd Harriet Young 3rd Goff Morgan
Touch Training- Thank you to Mrs Davina Young for her
commitment with touch training this year and for her assistance
as team manager. Thank you also to Mr Ellem for assisting and
helping with umpiring at the touch carnival.
Angela Wood, A/Principal
P&C General Meeting
Tuesday 26 May commencing at 4:00pm
Agenda : Winter Athletics; Tristars; Tuckshop
Principal’s Report; Asbestos Awareness
Please forward Agenda items /apologies to the Secretary
Davina Young
Phone 0488276536 or Email davina-young@hotmail.com
Queensland Rail - R150 Event
Schedule in reference to Dulacca:
Saturday 30th May
Depart Toowoomba
Stopping only at: Oakey,
Dalby, Chinchilla & Miles
Passing through
Dulacca at 1540pm
Arriving Roma 1810pm
P o s i t i v e
Week 4&5
B e h a v i o u r
Wednesday 3rd June
Depart Roma 0745am
Stopping only at: Miles,
Chinchilla, Dalby & Oakey
Passing through Dulacca at 0955am
Arriving Toowoomba 1630pm
Dulacca State School P&C Winter Athletics Carnival 2015
Dressed Lamb – valued at $300 kindly donated by SR & MJ
BBQ – valued at $300 kindly donated by Howard Hobbs Retired
Member for Warrego
WEEK 1 Patrick Walsh
WEEK 2 Trinity Walsh
WEEK 3 Cooper Fitzpatrick
WEEK 4 Jasmine Young
 Sports bag – donated by Abrahams Drapery Miles
Tom Ellem
Dulacca State School P&C Association wishes to thank the
 $25 cafe voucher – donated by The Creek Café
Dulacca Sports Club for their generous
support of our successful Red Carpet Event.
 2.5kg garden & vegetable plant food – donated by Rangeview
Nursery, Miles
 Oil and lubricant hamper – donated by BP Miles
 Basketball set – donated by Newtons Miles
 Gift hamper – donated by Miles Newsagency
 7-piece car clean kit – donated by Miles Auto Parts
 Mary Kay Cosmetics gift pack – donated by Mary Leahy
 $25 meat voucher – donated by Miles Wholesale Meats and
 Oztrail hammock – donated by Murilla Hardware
 2 pairs Stockpile Outback wool socks – donated by Elders Miles
 Matrix 3 piece hair product pack – donated by La Rose Hairstyles
 Bucket of agri goods – donated by National Farmers Warehouse
 Millie & Maude beaded necklace – donated by Jacqui Coleborn
 Football travel quilt and pillow – donated by Margaret Sattler
 Oil pack & accessories – donated by AnkaOne
 Cowboy hat rack – donated by Richards Transport
 $50 restaurant/takeaway voucher – donated by Windsor Hotel, Miles
Jack Bach
L e a r n i n g