Jake Garns POM 04-2015 Drill - Sea Cadets â Jake Garn Squadron
Jake Garns POM 04-2015 Drill - Sea Cadets â Jake Garn Squadron
U.S. NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS JAKE GARN SQUADRON P.O. Box 8, Hooper, Utah 84315 www.seacadetsutah.org PLAN OF THE MONTH The Plan of the Month is an official document of JAKE GARN SQUADRON. Its contents reflect current orders of the Commanding Officer and official Unit announcements. All Division personnel are responsible for reading and understanding the information contained herein. Parents and guardians of cadets are encouraged to read the Plan of the Month and to make note of meeting days and special announcements that may affect personal schedules. APRIL 2015 LTJG Courtney Putnam, NSCC COMMANDING OFFICER 801-648-4224 OOD ENS Roger Hughes Drill Dates: Drill DrillHours: Hours: Uniform of the Day 18Apr15 19Apr15 INSTR William Johnson, NSCC EXECUTIVE OFFICER 801-425-3999 18/19 Apr 15 Saturday & Sunday 0745 – 1700 Saturday & Sunday 0730 – 1700 Officers / INSTRs Cadets Officers / INSTRs Cadets NWU/Alternate Uniform/ PM – SDB CO/XO NWU/PT Gear/ PM - SDB NO DRILL NO DRILL CADETS DRILL SCHEDULE SATURDAY SUNDAY 0730 – Cadets Report Aboard/Set the Watch N 0745 – Quarters/Muster in South Parking O 0830 – Secure the Watch 0845 – 0930 – PT D 0945 – 1045 – Color Guard/Side Boy Training R 1045 – 1115 – Sea Bag Inspection 1115 – 1145 – Noon Chow 1145 – 1215 – Change to SDBs for Commissioning 1215 – 1400 – JGS Commissioning Ceremony at the Hill Aerospace Museum 1400 – Approximate – Secure from Drill I L L NOTES ALL CADETS BRING A LUNCH AND YOUR TRAINING BOOKLET TO EVERY DRILL WEEKEND From the CO’s Cabin: Transporting Cadets to Drill: Effectively immediately, Jake Garn Squadron adult leaders will no longer be allowed to transport cadets, other than their own children, to and from drill. This does not apply to transportation to and from activities or transport from the Visitor's Center (at the South Gate) to the drill building. As the Unit has grown over the past year, I have seen the generosity of my officers abused over and over again. I will no longer tolerate it. These adults work too hard operating the Unit to also be chauffeurs for cadets. If a parent cannot arrange transport for their child to and from drill, the child will miss drill. It's that simple. If a cadet misses too many drills and does not meet the minimum attendance requirements, the cadet will be disenrolled. I am saddened that I have had to take these measures, but the problem has steadily gotten worse over the last six months. It's time to commit to the program or leave it. Additionally, it is very important that you deliver and pick-up your child on-time. When your child is late for drill, it puts a mark in their record. If you child is picked up late, after drill, an officer is SPONSORED BY THE AMERICAN LEGION POST 27, FARMINGTON, UT 84025 http://www.seacadetsutah.org required to stay within site of the cadet until the parent or legal guardian arrives to pick-up the child. This happened twice at last drill and cannot continue without a phone call or explanation. Opportunities Within the Unit: Recently, new opportunities have become available to cadets and officers within the Unit. These opportunities are available because the Unit is growing. Running a large unit (I could not have said that six months ago) is a tough task and requires tough decisions. There may be some who think they were overlooked for a particular opportunity. As the Commanding Officer, I have a challenging assignment. I must determine who is best suited for certain jobs within our Unit. Thankfully, I have great leaders who advise me, which helps me to make more informed decisions. That being said, if you feel that you would be suited to a particular job (LPO, ALPO, Color Guard, Honor Guard, etc.), you MUST let your Chain of Command know. We simply don’t know what you are thinking. I will do my absolute best to make sure everyone has the opportunity to participate in what interests them. I want everyone, both cadet and officer alike, to have fun in the Jake Garn Squadron. We can best do this by communicating up and down the Chain of Ccommand. I look forward to hearing your interests and ideas. LTjg Courtney Putnam, Commanding From Operations: OUTSTANDING!!! Cadets that went to the March drill, I am very proud of the way you conducted yourselves in such a great military manner. That said we have a great few months ahead to tweak us to be even greater. This month we will be focusing on Commissioning Ceremony requirements such as Side Boy and Color Guard training and we will be having a Sea Bag Inspection. Next month we will have a presentation by none other than our CO on submarines and how they work. We will also go over the first steps of getting ready to build our own remote controlled submarines. The SeaPerch Program has many steps and the first is basic tool safety and usage. We will also be learning more on the last half of Sunday drill how to conduct ourselves as a squadron during inspection, ceremonies and parades along with much more team building exercises. ALWAYS BE PREPARED!!! RUN SILENT RUN DEEP. INSTR Bryan Hinds Operations Officer From Admin: PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF THE NSCC REGULATIONS: Section 0633.1 Cadets are expected to attend a minimum of 75% of scheduled drills. Cadets failing to do so may, at the option of the Commanding Officer, be disenrolled from the NSCC. Section 1020.2 Section 1020.3 Section 1020.4 Cadets may be separated from the NSCC at any time upon request. Cadets may be separated from the NSCC for misconduct. Cadets may be separated from NSCC for unsatisfactory drill attendance, or for lack of motivation for the NSCC Program. Section 1023.1 Cadets must return uniforms, if issued from unit stores and all other property of NSCC/U.S. prior to departure. The following cadets are ALREADY out of compliance with the 75% minimum drill attendance requirement for 2015: Carson Compagno Crudele Fritz Lynn Montoya Sholly Streuber VanZyverden Section 8 of the Cadet Application you and your parent/guardian completed and signed to enroll in the program clearly states that uniforms must be returned to the unit (see highlighted text below). Cadets out of compliance with NSCC regulations are NOT eligible to wear an NSCC uniform. Cadets requesting to be disenrolled will NOT be processed out until all uniform items have been returned to the unit; including NWU pants, blouses and 8-point covers, Service Dress Blues, white service hats, PT gear, sea bags, etc. Contact me IMMEDIATELY at Admin@seacadetsutah.org or 801-645-2251 to make arrangements for your uniform items to be returned. INSTR Julia LaSeure Admin Officer From Awards: As the Awards Officer, it is my responsibility to recognize you as you hit specific achievements. Whether they are achieved at school, within the community, or at drill, I need to know about it. Whose responsibility is this? It's yours! There are forms on the website to document achievements outside of drill. There are links to your coursework so that you can get complete that in a timely manner. And we provide additional training during drill. A significant portion of our annual inspection is based on our cadets being at the rank that they should based on how long they have been in the program. How many of you should be advanced in rank and are not? 53% of our squadron is behind in their rank advancements because of coursework; which means that you control your next steps! Let's make it happen. I challenge you to get the next level of coursework you need (BMR, Airman, PO2, or PO1) completed before drill on April 18th. If you read this challenge, email me at awards@seacadetsutah.org and tell me what you will complete by next drill. When you bring it to drill on the 18th, I will bring you a reward to drill on the 19th. Here's to an incredible 2015 in our squadron! INST Bonnie White Awards Officer From The XO: More Firsts: This drill will be two more first-time events for the Jake Garn Squadron. The first event will be a modified Sea Bag Inspection. For this event each cadet will bring to drill Saturday, 18Apr15 ALL uniform items issued to you by the Squadron for inspection by the staff. Please remember to bring your, INSPECTION READY, Service Dress Blue uniform complete with White T-Shirt, Shined Shoes, Black Socks, Neckerchief, White Hat, Ribbons and Name Tag as you will be using these items for the second event. The second event will be our FIRST and ONLY Squadron Commissioning Ceremony. Cadets you DO NOT want to miss this event. It will be at 1300 at the Hill Aerospace Museum, 7961 Wardleigh Road, Hill AFB, UT 84056. It would be helpful for the parents to assist in transporting their cadet to the museum by being at our regular drill site (noted at the bottom of this POM) not later than 1215. INSTR William Johnson Executive Officer Sailors Creed I AM A UNITED STATES SAILOR. I WILL SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND I WILL OBEY THE ORDERS OF THOSE APPOINTED OVER ME. I REPRESENT THE FIGHTING SPIRIT OF THE NAVY AND THOSE WHO HAVE GONE BEFORE ME TO DEFEND FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY AROUND THE WORLD. I PROUDLY SERVE MY COUNTRY’S NAVY COMBAT TEAM WITH HONOR, COURAGE, AND COMMITMENT. I AM COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE AND THE FAIR TREATMENT OF ALL. Eleven General Orders of a Sentry 1. To take charge of this post and all government property in view. 2. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing. 3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce. 4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house (quarterdeck) than my own. 5. To quit my post only when properly relieved. 6. To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the Deck, and Officers and Petty Officers of the Watch only. 7. To talk to no one except in the line of duty. 8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder. 9. To call the Officer of the Deck in any case not covered by instructions. 10. To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased. 11. To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority. Our physical location is at 5713 Lahm Ln, Bldg. 593 N, Hill AFB, UT 84056-5410. All cadets & parents going to the Drill site should enter through the South Gate which is at the intersection of Hill Field Rd & SR-193 in Layton UT. As soon as you pass thru the South Gate take the first right and proceed to the next stop sign. Your next turn will be at the stop sign, turn left and then right into the parking lot. Our next drill will be 16/17 May 2015.