Spring Programming - Cornwall Public Library


Spring Programming - Cornwall Public Library
Cornwall Public Library’s
Youth and Children’s Services
Spring Programming
Library Hours
Monday to Thursday
Friday and Saturday
9:00 am - 8:30 pm
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Programmation de printemps
des Services aux enfants et
à la jeunesse
de la Bibliothèque publique de Cornwall
*Beginning after Labour Day weekend until the Sunday
before Mother’s Day.
Heures d’ouverture
lundi au jeudi
vendredi et samedi
à 20 h 30
9 h 30 à 17 h
12 h
à 16 h
*À partir de la fin de semaine de la fête du Travail jusqu’au
dimanche qui précède la fête des Mères.
Telephone / téléphone :
Fax / télécopieur :
Email / couriel :
Website / site web : www.library.cornwall.on.ca
Programs are subject to change without notice. Il
est possible que des changements soient apportés
aux programmes sans pré-avis.
April 7 to June 13, 2015
Le 7 avril au 13 juin 2015
Unless otherwise noted, registration begins on
March 20, 2015 and can be done in person at the
Youth and Children’s Services (YAC) desk or by
telephone at 613.932.4796. Each child must have their
own library card. We ask that parents/caregivers remain
in the building during programs.
À moins d’avis contraire, l’enregistrement débute le
20 mars 2015 et peut se faire en personne au comptoir
des Services aux enfants et à la jeunesse ou au numéro
de telephone suivant : 613.932.4796. Chacun des enfants
doit avoir une carte de membre. Nous demandons aux
parents et aux personnes à charge de demeurer sur les
lieux pendant les programmes.
Special Programs - Programmes spéciaux
It’s Always Time for “Frozen” (Ages: 5 to 8)
Saturday, May 30 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Do you love Disney’s Frozen? Dressing up
like a princess? Play like an elk? Singalongs? This is the program for you!
(Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration begins April 25.
Programme bilingue.
Father’s Day! (Ages: 5 to 8)
Saturday, June 13 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
We’ll help you get ready for
Father’s Day!
(Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration begins May 9.
Programme bilingue.
Happy Father’s Day! /
Bonne Fête des pères !
Babies - Toddlers / Poupons - Bambins
Baby Tales (Ages: 0 to 2)
Thursdays, April 9 to May 28 - 10:00 am to 10:30 am
In partnership with Early Years Centre.
Introduce your baby to books, words and
songs. You’ll both have fun.
(Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration required.
Time for Twos (2-year-olds accompanied by parent or
Mondays, April 13 to May 25 - 10:00 am to 10:30 am
Great stories, songs, rhymes, and crafts for
2-year-olds. (Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration required.
Journée pédago @ la biblio !
Le vendredi 5 juin 2015
Heure du conte ( pour les 4 à 7 ans ) - 10 h à 10 h45
Un conte, des chansons, des jeux et un bricolage, quelle belle
façon de profiter de la journée. ( maximum de 10 participants )
L’enregistrement débute le 1er mai.
Bricolage du jour ( pour les 8 à 12 ans ) - 14 h à 15 h
Tu cherches un projet pour ta journée de congé ? Halte là !
Nous sommes là, avec un brico totalement cool !
( maximum de 10 participants )
L’enregistrement débute le 1er mai.
Chess - Échecs
Check-Mates with au Diapason (Ages 4 and up)
Saturdays, ongoing
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Want to learn how to play chess, pick up some new strategies or
just practice your game? Drop in every Saturday afternoon, take
on an opponent and get some tips from chess tutor Cliff Labre.
Drop in.
Preschoolers - Pré-scolaires
Storytime (Ages: 3 to 5)
Thursdays, April 9 to May 28
10:00 am to 10:45 am
Stories, fingerplays, songs, and crafts.
(Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration required.
For the Whole Family - Pour toute la famille
Special Programs - Programmes spéciaux
We Love our Moms! (Ages: 5 to 8)
Saturday, April 25 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Show her how much you care! Beautiful craft
and a story. (Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration begins March 25.
Programme bilingue.
May Day! (Ages: 7 to 13)
Saturday, May 9 - 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Warmer days are ahead: we’ll be celebrating
Spring with a crown of flowers, ribbons, and
bells. (Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration begins April 4.
Programme bilingue.
Drop in Family Storytime (for children and their parents)
Saturdays, April 11 to May 30
10:00 am to 10:45 am
Spend time with your family at the public library.
This is a bilingual program, where an English
and a French story will be read.
No registration required.
Heure du conte familial porte-ouverte
( pour les enfants et leurs parents )
Les samedis, du 11 avril au 30 mai
10 h à 10 h 45
Venez passer du temps en famille. Ce programme est bilingue.
Une histoire est racontée en anglais et la suivante en
français. L’inscription n’est pas obligatoire.
Sunday Cinema - Le dimanche au cinéma
1:00 pm to 2:45 pm / 13 h à 14 h 45
Regular Programs With a Twist!
Les programmes qui ont << la touche >>
April 19 / Le 19 avril
Big Hero 6
Audience: G
Role Playing Card Club (Ages: 7 to 14)
Thursdays, April 9 to June 11
6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
May 3 / Le 3 mai
The Boxtrolls
Audience: G
Bring your own cards and meet other card
WARNING! No card trades will be
permitted. Drop in.
Free / Gratuit
PA Day @ the library!
Friday, May 29, 2015
Storytime (Ages: 4 to 7)
10:00 am to 10:45 am
Paws’n Books
Saturdays, ongoing
11:00 am to 12 noon
Reading to a dog is “Pawsome”. Offered by
Compassion Canines volunteers and the
St. John Ambulance Therapy Dogs.
Drop in.
A story, songs, games, and a very special craft - what a great
way to spend your day! (Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration begins April 24.
The dogs will be on holidays on April 4
& 18, and May 16.
Craft of the day (Ages: 8 to 12)
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Yoga Youth (Ages: 6 to 16)
Saturdays, April 11 to June 13
10:00 am to 11:00 am
Wondering what to do on your day off? A cool craft, that’s what!
(Maximum of 10 participants)
Registration begins April 24.
A great way for kids to stay in shape.
Registration required.