resume - Sean Gibat
resume - Sean Gibat
SEAN GIBAT - Software Engineer San Francisco, CA • 304.504.3270 • • • @seangibat Technical Summary Strong : Experienced: JavaScript, Node/Express, Angular, Git, MongoDB, jQuery, HTML, CSS, SQL, Underscore.js Ruby, Rails, Sinatra, AWS, Jade, Bootstrap, Foundation, RSpec, Jasmine, Python, Java, Flask Software Engineering Projects ( github )- Text to API bridge. Users add or write plugins and interface with them from a terminal client. ● Created API with Node, Express and Mongo for creating, updating and adding plugins. ● In Node, designed a sandbox for running user submitted code (plugins). Exposed small API to the sandbox. ● Tech Stack: Node.js , Express.js , Python , JavaScript , AWS , OAuth, jailed ( github )- Search Google Maps within a specific radius according to explicit options. ● Used JS and Google Maps API to search for all establishments matching user defined criteria within a radius ● Tech Stack: JavaScript , Google Maps API , AWS groupgchat ( github )- Group chat for gmail users. ● Wrote Python back-end for storing and retrieving messages belonging to a particular room. ● Designed and wrote polling interface between JS and Python to keep chat and memberlist updated ● Tech Stack: Python , webapp2 , JavaScript , jQuery , Google App Engine Foreman’s Assistant - Microsoft Project Server custom tablet front-end for ITACorp ● Redesigned and rewrote mobile-first front-end in Backbone.JS to display upcoming, tasks and resource requirements ● Rewrote back-end PHP API in a RESTful manner ● Tech Stack: JavaScript , jQuery , Backbone , PHP , Underscore.js , MS Project Server API Professional Experience MakerSquare March 2015 - June 2015 Fellow ● Mentored students who were learning CS fundamentals, and writing full-stack JavaScript applications. ● Prepared and performed lectures on D3 and Server / Front-End architectures ● Interviewed potential students and assessed their technical abilities and soft-skills Industrial Turnaround Corporation March 2014 - November 2014 JavaScript Developer ● Refactored PHP and JavaScript Project Management tool front-end with Backbone.js and jQuery ● Migrated to Microsoft Project Server; created custom tablet front-end to interact with the MS Project Server API Networking Technology Solutions June 2013 - March 2014 Desktop Support Incidents Analyst II ● Along with a team of four others, provided hardware and software break-fix support for 8000 computers. NASA IV&V Facility Summers of 2002, 2003 Network Operations IT Division Intern ● Designed and programmed a database for tracking inventory in MySQL and a website to access the database using PHP and JavaScript. Education MakerSquare Software Engineering Student ● MakerSquare is an Advanced Software Engineering Immersive. November 2014 - February 2015