Opportunities - Search Marketing Expo
Opportunities - Search Marketing Expo
Bell Harbor Conference Center Seattle, WA June 2-3, 2015 Expo Hall: June 2-3 Search Marketing Expo - SMX Advanced 2015 Exhibitor & Sponsor Opportunities Reach the most influential audience in search marketing by exhibiting and sponsoring Search Marketing Expo – SMX Advanced, June 2-3, 2015 in Seattle, WA. Since its introduction in 2007, SMX Advanced has been greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm by the search marketing community. The conference annually sells out, typically well over a month before the event takes place. Here is what the 2013 attendees have told us about themselves: 47% work as in-house marketers, 32% work at SEM or full service-agencies 82% are purchase decision makers 87% buy PPC/internet advertising; 1 in 2 spends more than $1 million annually 50% are in-market prospects, planning to buy a wide variety of marketing software/services Third Door Media * 279 Newtown Turnpike * Redding, CT 06896 * Phone: (203) 664-1350 * Fax: (203) 702-5389 SMX Advanced Seattle 2015 Sponsorships Page 2 For more information call (203) 664-1350 The SMX Marketplace Difference Facilitating engagement with our audience and ensuring your success is our top priority at SMX. We offer these beyond-the-booth programs and opportunities: Plus Sessions are integrated programs that combine extensive audience development activities (online, e-mail, PR) with a vendor-produced session embedded in the conference program. These features enable your company to build awareness that prepares the SMX audience to receive your message, delivers that message to attendees at the conference, and measures the results by capturing the names of attendees for follow up. Matchmaking@SMX puts the demand-generation power of the conference to work for you from the day you commit to SMX until the conference ends. Based upon purchase intent information we collect during the registration process, we connect you with registrants who have confirmed that they are interested in an introduction to your company. From there it’s up to you how to follow up with the lead – set up a pre-conference call, schedule an on-site meeting at SMX – maybe even an in-person sales call before the conference. The program is double-opt in, measurable, and free to all SMX exhibitors/sponsors. Solution Spotlights allow you to reach your target audience by introducing a conference session on a topic matching your product or service. Deliver a 2-minute pre-session elevator pitch and invite attendees back to your booth for follow up. Universal Lead Capture. Lead generation is a critical component of the value of exhibiting at SMX events. All exhibiting companies with get a lead retrieval device – free – as part of their sponsorship/expo package. SMX Cash Back, an exclusive loyalty program that rewards your company for selling conference tickets. You earn 15% of the value of all tickets sold toward exhibiting at a future SMX conference. The more tickets you sell, the more Cash Back you earn! Cash Back credits are good for exhibit/sponsor items only and must be redeemed within 18 months from when they are earned. Company employee registrations do not earn Cash Back credit. SMX Social Media Outreach. Get your brand and your message in front of 92,870 followers and fans of Search Marketing Expo before, during and after the conference. The SMX Social Media Outreach program distributes multiple messages on your behalf to SMX’s Twitter, Facebook and Google+ communities, maximizing your reach to the SMX audience on-site and virtually. Third Door Media * 279 Newtown Turnpike * Redding, CT 06896 * Phone: (203) 664-1350 * Fax: (203) 702-5389 SMX Advanced Seattle 2015 Sponsorships Page 3 For more information call (203) 664-1350 Exhibitor/Sponsor Packages At-a-Glance Booth space Plus session All Access passes Meter boards Backpack insert Conference Guide ad Solution Spotlight Attendee postal mailing Lead capture/reporting Matchmaking Slide in deck Branding on website Description in guide Social media outreach Cash Back eligible Total value Discount Your investment Exhibitor Notes Rate 10x10 $6,000 no -1 $1,695 no -no -no -no -1 $1,000 yes $500 yes value add shared value add Exhibitor pg value add yes value add yes value add yes value add $9,195 $3,195 $6,000 Gold Sponsor Notes Rate 10x20 $12,000 no -3 $5,085 1 $1,500 1 $1,500 1 $3,000 1 $2,000 2 $2,000 yes $500 yes value add shared value add All sidebars value add yes value add yes value add yes value add $27,585 $7,585 $20,000 Premier Sponsor Notes Rate 10x20 $12,000 yes $18,000 10 $16,950 4 $5,000 2 $3,000 Cover $4,000 2 $4,000 2 $2,000 yes $500 yes value add exclusive value add Top sidebar (all) value add yes value add yes value add yes value add $65,450 $25,450 $40,000 a la Carte Opportunities Activation Dinner Rate $15,000 Lunch Sponsor Activation Lunch $15,000 Meet & Greet Reception call $7,500 $6,500 $2,500 $5,000 $3,000 $3,500 Meter Board Notepad Sponsor Pen Sponsor Plus Session Pocket Guide Publication Distribution Registration Sponsor Rate $7,500 $5,000 exhibitors, $10,000 others $1500 each, 2 for $2500 $3,500 $3,500 $15,000 $5,000 $6,500 $5,000 $7,500 $3,000 $5,000 Solution Spotlight Track Sponsor Workshop Sponsor $2000 (exhibitors) $7,000 call After Dark Networking Party Backpack Sponsor Badge Insert Billboard Banner Bus Sponsor Conference Backpack Insert Conference Communications Expo Hall & Expo Reception Sponsorship Full Page Conference Guide Ad Lanyards Third Door Media * 279 Newtown Turnpike * Redding, CT 06896 * Phone: (203) 664-1350 * Fax: (203) 702-5389 SMX Advanced Seattle 2015 Sponsorships Page 4 For more information call (203) 664-1350 Have another idea? Contact us! We’ll enthusiastically work with you to accomplish your objectives! Give us a call and let’s get to work on it! Contacts: Sean Moriarty Founder & VP of Sales (203) 536-4004 sean@thirddoormedia.com Marc D’Agostini Sales Director (919) 521-5565 marc@thirddoormedia.com For clients with company names beginning with A-L Sarah Power Director of Business Development (212) 202-0935 sarah@thirddoormedia.com Mary Warley Sales Director (508) 660-1404 mary@thirddoormedia.com For clients with company names beginning with M-Z Darlene Townsend Director of Business Development (650) 465-2723 dtownsend@thirddoormedia.com Third Door Media * 279 Newtown Turnpike * Redding, CT 06896 * Phone: (203) 664-1350 * Fax: (203) 702-5389