- Eatons Hill State School


- Eatons Hill State School
22 May 2015
26 May
Snr Band Lunchtime Performance, 11.15-11.40am, Hall
28 May
Dance Eisteddfod Yrs 4, 5 & 6 Dance Extension Groups
3 June
ICAS Science Test, 8am
1-4 June
Yr 6 Canberra Tour
5 June
3rd Gala Day – Yrs 4-6 Interschool Sport
8 June
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
18-19 June
Yrs 4-6 Athletics Carnival
23-25 June
Junior Music Camp
26 June
P-3 Junior Athletics Day
26 June
Report Cards Issued
A message from our Principal…..
School review – opportunity to have your say
Our school is scheduled for a school review from 18 June– 22
June. The Department of Education, Training and Employment
has introduced new performance reviews for Queensland State
schools in 2015.
The reviews replace the teaching and learning audits, and are
designed to help schools continue to improve outcomes for
students. The reviews do not rate or compare schools but,
rather, give schools independent and quality feedback to help
them improve teaching and learning. As with the audits, all
schools will have a review at least every four years. A final
report will be made available to parents and the community via
our school website.
The review team would like to hear from our school community,
and I encourage anyone who is interested to have their say.
Your feedback is important and will help us continue to deliver a
quality education for students. If you are interested in speaking
to the reviewers please contact the office to arrange a time.
If you would like more information about the review process
please speak to our administration team. Further information
about the reviews is available from the department’s website
NAPLAN Congratulations and Thank you
Special thanks to students in Years 3 & 5 who settled very
quickly into the range of NAPLAN tasks for Reading, Spelling,
Writing, Grammar & Punctuation and Numeracy on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday last week. Thank you also to the
teachers for all of the pre-test preparation and to Mrs Cracknell
and Miss Mitchell who coordinated the activity.
Phone: 3264 9222
Email: the.principal@eatonshillss.eq.edu.au
Date claimers
We expect student and school results to be available in October
so I look forward to reporting outcomes to you. Parents will of
course receive an individualised report for their child. Finally,
thank you to parents for your support in ensuring children
arrived at school prepared for the three days.
Student Attendance & Absenteeism
I again take this opportunity to stress to parents how critically
important it is to have children at school as often as possible.
Our catch cry Every Day Counts stresses the need for
attendance every day unless the child is ill or there is a family
emergency. Whilst our attendance rate at Eatons Hill is
generally very good, there are a number of students who are
missing out on vital teaching and learning opportunities because
of irregular and often unexplained absenteeism. Please speak
with us if you need support in this area.
Semester 1 Student Report Cards
Students of all Prep-Year 6 classes who have been in attendance
through substantial teaching, learning and assessment periods
at school will be issued with an Academic Progress Report Card.
For those students who have been in full attendance for the
year, the Report Card will be issued twice per year in June and
December. At Eatons Hill, your child’s Report Card will be
documented by their class teacher and other specialist teachers
to provide an insight into their current progress and
achievement in a number of key learning areas. Please be
advised that the Semester 1 Report Cards will be distributed
before the children head into the winter school vacation period
and will be available to parents on Friday 26 June. Students who
have only been enrolled at Eatons Hill since Term 2 or who have
not been in attendance when significant assessment tasks and
periods have been undertaken, are likely to receive a shortened
report as opposed to a formal school report card.
Phil Savill, Principal
Absence Line: 3264 9260
OSH: 3264 8500
School Website – www.eatonshillss.eq.edu.au
Newsletter 22 May 2015
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Recent events involving our students:
From the Deputies
Band & choir performances
at Albany Creek Uniting
Church Fete
Mrs Sarah Ramsden (Prep & 1)  srams31@eq.edu.au
Mrs Wendy McKay (Yrs 2&3)  wmcka2@eq.edu.au
Mr Brad Geisel (Yrs 4-6)  bgeis2@eq.edu.au
Spotlight on Reading
During classroom visits, we have been impressed with
our students’ efforts in trying to improve their
reading. We have been stressing that the most
important thing that students can do at Eatons Hill SS is
improve their reading.
Students have been
enthusiastically sharing their personal reading goals that
their teachers have set for them. We encourage all
students to keep working hard to achieve their reading
goals and thank our teachers for their efforts in helping
our students to improve their reading.
CBA Banking Program presenting a
cheque for $1,574.86 to our school
A Reminder About Morning Procedures
At 8:10am, students in years 1-6 are expected to walk
down to the oval for morning supervision. All years 1-6
students who arrive at school before 8:45am need to go
to the oval, even if they are waiting with their parents.
Parents are welcome to join their children on the oval.
Students will remain on the oval until they are directed
to their lining up areas by the staff members on duty.
Prep students arriving before 8:45am, are expected to
sit with their parents in the waiting areas near the Prep
classrooms. All playgrounds are out of bounds during
this time, as well as after school.
Albany Creek State
High School
Concert Band
visiting EHSS
Dance Extension
Groups – Parent
School Council Update
We have begun the first phase in the establishment of
our School Council – Community Communication and
Consultation Phase. During this phase we will be
hosting two information sessions for parents and
members of our community on Tuesday 26 May at 9am
and on Wednesday 27 May at 6:30pm, in the Hall.
These sessions will outline timelines associated with the
council’s establishment, the roles and responsibilities of
members on the council and how this council will be
formed and operate. As part of this first phase, a draft
constitution for our School Council has been made
available on our school’s website in the Quick Links
section. Any questions or feedback regarding the draft
constitution can be forwarded to Mrs Sarah Ramsden –
srams31@eq.edu.au. A vote to adopt this constitution
will occur during the Staff and P & C Meetings on
Wednesday 24th June.
Semester 1 Report Cards
Please be aware that Semester 1 Report Cards will be
issued on Friday 26th June (last day of Term 2). Report
cards provide information to parents/carers about
student learning in all curriculum areas. Information is
also provided on student attitude, effort and behaviour
throughout the semester.
Newsletter 22 May 2015
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Inter-School Sport Gala Days
Our second Inter-School Sport Gala Day was held today
(Friday 22nd May) for our Years 4 – 6 students. The
Inter-School Sport Gala Day is an opportunity for our
students to play a variety of sports against students
from nearby schools. It was fantastic to see students
enjoying the outdoors and engaging in physical activity.
Students are to be congratulated for their participation
levels and good sportsmanship. Well done Eatons Hill
Drama Club: Students doing some “Freeze Frames”
Each year as a school we commit to one
major fundraising event. This year our
school will be hosting a "Fun Run" on
Friday 28th August to be held on our
school oval.
Students learning Golf Skills at Wantima Golf Club during the InterSchool Sport Gala Day
“The Arts” Update
We have an outstanding “Arts” Program at Eatons Hill
State School. Students are provided with an extensive
array of opportunities to demonstrate skill and ability
within the domains of music, dance and drama.
This term our students have shone in all of these areas
as evidenced by the following events:
- QYMA (Queensland Youth Music Awards) Junior
Choral Competition
- Brisbane Dance Eisteddfod (competition is being
held next Thursday – good luck dancers!)
- Instrumental Music Lunchtime Performances
- Junior Music Camp
- Drama Club
Thank you to our “Arts” teachers and parents who
support our students at these various events.
The Fun Run will improve the personal fitness levels of
all students and raise awareness of the need to keep
healthy and physically active. The Fun Run will also
raise funds for the procurement of a variety of ICT
(Information Computer Technology) equipment for
classroom teaching and learning.
Parents and family members are most welcome to
participate in the Fun Run and contribute to the
fundraising efforts. Sponsorship booklets and flyers
detailing the prize incentives will be distributed to all
students early in Term 3.
A few more details about this event are:
Students will be encouraged to dress in theme. The
theme for this year is “Sporting Heroes”
There will be a variety of prizes for student
fundraising efforts
A coffee van will be on site
A sausage sizzle will be available
Late Arrivals at School
With the recent chilly mornings we are starting to see a
large number of students arriving late for school.
Attendance at school every day gives your child the best
opportunity to do well.
Just a little bit doesn’t seem much but……
QYMA Choral Competition – Our budding Eatons Hill Choralists!
He/ She is only That
missing just…. equals….
Which is…..
& over 13 yrs
of schooling
10 mins per day 50 mins per wk
Nearly 1.5
wks per yr
Nearly ½ year
20 mins per day
1hr 40 mins
per wk
Over 2.5 wks
per yr
Nearly 1 yr
Half hr per day
Half a day per
4 wks per yr
Nearly 1½ yrs
1hr per day
1 day per wk
8 wks per yr
Over 2½ yrs
Newsletter 22 May 2015
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Australian Curriculum – English
The Australian English Curriculum (Prep – 10) is
organised into three strands. These strands focus on
developing students’ knowledge, understanding and
skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing.
They are:
 Language: Knowing about the English language.
 Literature:
responding to, analysing and creating literature.
 Literacy: Interpret and create texts with
accuracy, confidence, fluency and efficacy.
In each year level, achievement standards indicate the
quality of learning students should typically demonstrate
by a particular point in their schooling. These standards
comprise a written description and student work
samples, which assist teachers in assessing student
Classroom News
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is the
ability to read text, process it
and make meaning. Once
children have mastered basic decoding and
word recognition skills the focus of reading
shifts to comprehension of the text.
Comprehension requires children to actively
engage with, and analyse, the text as they are
In the classroom teachers support reading
comprehension through repeated reading of
the text, guided reading and writing and
explicit lessons on comprehension strategies.
Three simple ways parents can support
children with reading comprehension are as
2WH and the Ipswich Poetry Feast
Provide prior information about the
subject of the text before reading.
 Explain the meaning of subject specific
words, or unknown vocabulary, within
the text by relating it to known words.
 Ask questions and discuss the text with
children after reading.
Comprehension can also be developed through
the use of range of literacy apps. The link
below will take you to a range of literacy apps
and reviews.
On Wednesday, May 20, 2WH participated in a
poetry workshop with Meridith Costain, author of
Doodledum Dancing. Together with a host of other
schools across QLD 2 WH learnt the secrets of
successful poetry writing during this wonderful
workshop. Whilst it took a little while to get our sound
working, it was a fabulous experience and many or
our students will soon be entering their poems in the
Ipswich Poetry Feast Competition.
Payments to the office can be
made via Credit Card, EFTPOS,
cheque or correct cash – no
change available.
Sarah Cracknell, Master Teacher
Interschool Sport Term 2
The final Gala Sports day will be held in week 7, Friday 5th June.
All scheduled training will remain in place until this day.
North District Details and Dates TERM 2
A reminder that students must obtain the North District form pack
from either Mara Graham (Music Room) or Dan Bull (PE Room),
pay the fee well before the trial date, sign the forms and bring
with them to the trial. As we receive trial notices intermittently,
students can keep a track of which week they need to collect
forms by checking the whiteboard just inside the Indoor Sporting
Newsletter 22 May 2015
Complex. Each week we will write up the forms available for
North District Trials are for students turning 10,11 & 12. Students
turning 13 can trial for Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics
only. Parents are required to fill out forms titled “Permission to
Attend a Regional Trial”. Students need to take these forms to
the North District Trials. No form no trial.
Please note the following North District trial dates:
(12&U) Girls-Tues 9th June
Rugby Union:
Boys- Wed 10th June
Track & Field:
Mon 27th/ Tues 28th July
(12&U) Boys and Girls
Wed 19th Aug
EHSS Athletics Carnival
Inter-School Trials have commenced in preparation for our
school’s years 4-6 Athletics Carnival in week 9, term 2. The
Junior Athletics Carnival will be held in week 10.
 Years 4-6: Thursday 18th- Friday 19th June
 Prep – 3: Friday -26th June
Parent Workshop - Flipping the Classroom
25th May @ 2:00-2:45pm or 26th May 8:00-8:30am
Presenter: Jan Johnson
Location: Base Club (beside the library)
What on earth is a flipped classroom? School
certainly isn't like it was in my day!
Find out how a flipped classroom can benefit your
child. What are the benefits?
Bring your questions and coffee to one of our
Website: www.ehssjadej.edublogs.org
Please email Jan if you are interested in attending
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Albany Creek Uniting Church Fete
The Senior String Ensemble, Senior Concert Band and
Junior Choir performed at the Albany Creek Uniting
Church Fete on Saturday 9th May. This was a wonderful
opportunity for our ensembles to perform not only for
their parents and friends but also for members of the
local community. An excellent effort by our choir and
instrumental music students. Thank you to our
Instrumental and Music Teachers Ms Kim Podlich, Mr
Tim Lefever and Mr George Stylianou for their talents,
support and ongoing commitment to our school. Thank
you to our parent support group MADDNESS for
supervising and dressing our students.
A thank you to everyone involved in Wednesday night's
Queensland Youth Music Awards Performance at
Albany Creek State High School. The Junior Choir
displayed an outstanding effort and represented our
school with courage and commitment.
Congratulations to Ms Kim Podlich and Mrs Gill Morris
that give up their lunchtimes every Tuesday in order to
prepare for such an event, conducting and supervising.
Thank you to the MADDNESS Support Group for
providing our colourful sing shirts and for the P&C for
funding this purchase. The children looked wonderful on
Thank you to parent Mrs Robyn Harvey for her piano
accompaniment and ongoing support. Thank you again
to our parent support group MADDNESS for supervising
and dressing our students.
2015 Instrumental Music Timetable — Semester 1
Ms Mara Graham—Instrumental Music Coordinator
Mr John Nagy—Woodwind jnagy1@eq.edu.au
Mr Tim Lefever—Woodwind/Brass and Percussion
Mr Georges Stylianou—Strings gstyl2@eq.edu.au
Senior Concert
Band 7.30am in
the hall
Junior Concert
Senior Strings
Band 7.45 am
Ensemble 7.30am
(Commencing in
in the Hall
Term 3) in the hall
Mr Lefever
Mr Nagy
Mr Stylianou
Instrumental Music Term 2
A reminder the timetables for all classes are rotating
and need weekly checks for a change of time. This is to
foster educational equity and reduce subject-specific
loss of learning. Each classroom should have rosters
displayed and accessible for the students. Rosters are
also found on the school website and in the windows of
the music room. – Mr Lefever has made recent
amendments to his schedule. Please see our school
webpage for more information.
Mr Lefever
Mr Stylianou
Mr Lefever
Mr Nagy
Mr Stylianou
Mr Lefever
Mr Lefever
Mr Nagy
Mr Stylianou
Newsletter 22 May 2015
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This year we have decided to enter our Year 4, Year
5 and Year 6 Dance Extension teams into the Brisbane
Eisteddfod, Arts In Focus, within the Primary School
Groups section. The Brisbane Eisteddfod is a very
well-known and well organised competitive event that
allows our students the opportunity to perform
onstage and also to view what is happening in primary
schools around them.
Where: Edmund Rice Performing Arts Centre, St
Laurence’s College, 82 Stephens Road, South
Brisbane, 4101.
Can you help out?
Do you have any games, lego, construction
equipment that your children may have
outgrown for use at Defence Club? Please
email me at gkrat5@eq.edu.au . Also I am in
need of small boxes - if you have any small
jewellery size boxes, we would love to have
Gayle Kratzmann
Defence School Transition Aide
Thursday 28 May. Our session has been
confirmed to start at 8.30am on Thursday 28
Details have been sent home to parents and can be
found on the school internet.
Please note that Year 3 dance extension will be
cancelled on Thursday 28 May due to the Eisteddfod.
Term 2 Dance Performance dates:
Thursday 28 May, All Day, Brisbane Eisteddfod Year
4, 5, 6 DX
Monday 15 June, First Break Lunchtime Performance
Year 3-4 Dance Club & Year 5-6 Dance Club
Mrs Nicole Galea
Mr Robert King
Ms Mara Graham
Defence News
Defence Parent afternoon tea will
be held on Wednesday afternoon
from 1.30pm in the old OSH room
until the end of the term.
Community News
Newsletter 22 May 2015
Albany Creek
State High School
Music Committee
“Let’s Rock!” Fundraising TRIVIA NIGHT
Saturday 25 July 2015
7.00pm – 11.00pm
MPC Building at ACSHS
$10.00 per person, Tables of 8 (18yo and over)
Tickets must be ordered together
Tickets on sale until Monday 20 July 2015
Come dressed up & decorate your table as your favourite
Doors open at 6.30pm to decorate your team’s table
BYO snacks and drinks
Prizes for Best Dressed/Table, Lucky Door, as well as Raffle, Silent
Auction and Game Prizes
All funds raised support the 2016 Music Tour
How to pay for Pre-paid Trivia Night Tickets
Place in a sealed envelope, a completed Trivia Night Ticket Form
below and the correct amount of money or cheque (payable to
Albany Creek State High School P&C Assn General Account) and
addressed to:
Albany Creek State High School P&C Assn
Cnr Old Northern Rd & Albany Forest Dr
Albany Creek Qld 4035
Attention: The Treasurer – Music Supporters
Or go to the Administration Office for the Office Staff to place
envelope into the locked P&C Assn red box
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Let’s Rock!” Fundraising Trivia Night – Ticket Order Form
Name: __________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Student Name: ________________________________
Roll Class: ______________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______________________
Date: ___________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian (printed):
My cash/cheque payment of $____________ is enclosed for
____________ tickets
I do not have a student at ACSHS so I have enclosed a
stamped sealed return addressed envelope for my
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Newsletter 22 May 2015
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Newsletter 22 May 2015
Page 9 of 9
As an initiative to support our families Eatons Hills SS is partnering
with local career coach, Donna Thistlethwaite, to offer a workshop
which has proven successful in supporting mums considering
returning to work.
Are you a mum thinking about going back to work but who
feels that she has little to offer anymore?
Do you need support identifying your skills, knowing how to
get a job or working out what direction to take?
Does it feel like you’re the only one in this situation?
CareerSmart Mums invites you to join a community of Mums,
some of whom have commenced work or study, set up their own
businesses or simply achieved some clarity on their future
direction. Enjoy the benefits of a supportive group environment
where you can build confidence, explore careers, discuss ways to
overcome some of the barriers working mums face, develop job
search skills, be inspired and have fun.
What to expect …
The workshop runs for two hours weekly over five weeks. During
the program you will undertake a range of activities to enhance
self-awareness and confidence and build your knowledge of the
employment market. You will be introduced to a bunch of
resources to assist your career planning and you will develop some
practical job search skills to maximise your ability to successfully
engage with work. You will identify your transferable skills and
achievements which will look great on your new resume.
By the end of the program your confidence and ability to plan a
career will have increased significantly and you will have ongoing
access to career support through the CareerSmart Mums
community including the private Facebook group hangout.
Eatons Hill State School
9-11am Thursdays 28 May to
25 June 2015
Hall Conference Room, EHSS
If you want to gain the confidence and skills to re-enter the
workforce or to plan a career, CareerSmart Mums is for you.
Come on a journey with a small group of likeminded Mums
over five weeks. Sessions are two hours long from 9.00am
on Thursdays from 28 May 2015 and will be held in the Hall
Conference Room. There is small amount of ‘homework’ to
do between sessions so that you can maximise what you
achieve. Seven participants are needed to go ahead (this
ensures an ideal mix of experiences, ideas and personalities)
so rally up some other mums who you know would also
Cost: $150 for all 5 sessions
Deadline: 25 May 2015
Enquiries: Donna Thistlethwaite on 0419 120 601
Name: __________________________________
You can learn more by visiting the CareerSmart Mums Facebook
page https://www.facebook.com/CareerSmartMums and by
viewing a past participant video testimonial
https://vimeo.com/93248375 or https://vimeo.com/92721709
Telephone: _______________________________
Dates: Thursday 28th May, 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th June from 9-11am
Venue: Conference Room Eatons Hill State School Community Hall
Enquiries: Donna Thistlethwaite 0419 120 601
Please provide a snapshot of your career history?
Registration Form follows.
Check out what past-participants have said:
Donna delivered the program in a professional, friendly,
approachable manner. With 100% support throughout the course
and beyond.
Payment Options:
Fantastic program. Would highly recommend attendance.
I thought the program was wonderful and very informative. I am
looking more positively at searching for a job for when I actually
decide what it is I want to do and feeling more confident in my
ability to do so. Thanks Donna :)
It's a great program and I will be recommending it to other mums.
Email: ___________________________________
 Direct Debit:
Account Name:
Career Vitality
Account No.:1031 6777
Please use your name as reference
 Credit card (please phone Donna on 0419 120 601)
Please scan and email form to: donna@careervitality.com.au by
25 May 2015. Places are limited.
(If minimum numbers are not reached registration fee will be fully
A proportion of the workshop registration fee will be disbursed to
Eatons Hill State School.