SKG Rider - Secret Keeper Girl


SKG Rider - Secret Keeper Girl
A Note from Dannah Gresh
Years ago, God birthed in me a desire to encourage the body of Christ to live lives of purity, to equip
it to heal from moments of past impurity and to help it enjoy marriage as a covenant that is a picture
of Christ and the Church. Secret Keeper Girl was birthed when my research revealed that among the
factors that help a teen girl live a life of purity, mother/daughter connection is one of the greatest assets to reducing the risk of an early sexual debut. That connection is best formed when a girl is a
tween. The ministry launched in 2004 with the release of Secret Keeper Girl: 8 Great Dates Kit, and
has grown into a strong movement of moms who want to be equipped to disciple their daughter's to
grow into godly young women. I can barely believe we are celebrating our 10th year in ministry. As
we approach this milestone, we're making between 35-45 tour stops per season and welcome about
50,000 moms and daughters each year. We encourage moms to follow up their event attendance with
our 8 Great Dates. To date, moms and daughters across the nation have had 1,120,000 dates. And
here's the best news: while Secret Keeper Girl is primarily a discipling ministry, we're seeing just
over 1,000 tween girls and moms make first time decisions to follow Christ at live events.
It hasn't been without a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears and I know that you'll be adding your own
to the mixture in the next few weeks and months. Hosting one of these events takes heart, talent, and
a lot of prayer. I want to thank you for choosing to partner with us. My team will come with a heart to
serve you and they will serve you well. (if they don't, I would like to hear about it!)
Thank you!
Dannah Gresh
Thank you for your cooperation and enthusiasm in fulfilling the following requirements and your concern for
the successful completion of this event. Even now, we’re praying for you, your team and the moms and daughters that attend.
Downloadable promotional tools are online at The Secret Keeper Girl
(SKG) Tour Manager will contact you about two months before your event to discuss day-of-show (DOS) details like catering, hotel needs, day of show schedule/times, etc.
The following information is provided in order to equip both you and our ministry team to best execute a Secret Keeper Girl event in your city. This rider is part of your contract with Secret Keeper Girl (Artist) and a
signed copy must be provided to us. We ask that you carefully review each page of the rider, and initial your
agreement in the space provided.
Secret Keeper Girl / Pure Freedom
3006 Research Drive. Ste. D-1
State College, PA 16801
Office: 814-234-6072
Aaron Burrell
Office: 810-627-0210
Aaron Burrell
Office: 810-627-0210
Should you have a concern or change request to any item noted on this rider, please contact our Tour Manager,
as we are happy to discuss any questions right away. Any changes or alterations to this rider must be agreed
upon in advance of the performance. A detailed (DOS) schedule will be provided in advance by the Tour
Manager that will list exact times of team arrival, load-in, various volunteer arrivals, etc.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Load In/Out Crew – (4) Considering that most of our team is female, it is important you provide
male volunteers that are willing and capable of unloading, lifting and positioning our equipment at
load-in (2-3 Hours) AND load-out (1-2 Hours).
II. Stage/Balloon Set up Crew – (4) In addition to the load-in crew who will also help set up our stage
and resource center backdrops please provide 4 volunteers (ideally adult females) to help inflate
and build our balloon structures for the stage. This crew should arrive no later than 15 minutes after
load-in begins and remain available until these items are assembled (typically 2-3 hours).
III. Resource Center Setup – (2) We will need 2 volunteers to help with the set-up of our resource center. This will include unpacking and counting in of resources, setting up of resource center backdrops and displaying materials tables. This crew should arrive no later than 15 minutes after loadin begins and remain available until released by the resource manager (typically 2-3 hours)
IV. Ticket Personnel - (5) We will need 5 volunteers to help with validating tickets when doors are
opened. One of these volunteers will be selling tickets at the door if tickets are still available.
V. Runner – (1) The runner should be an adult (at least 21 years old) who has a good driving record,
knowledge of the city and the surrounding area (craft stores, Wal-Mart, music stores, pharmacy,
local urgent care etc.), and own or have access to a minivan for the entire event day. This person’s
first responsibility is to be a runner. Other duties may be assigned. Runner will need a working cell
phone. Please make sure the runner is available for the entire day from our arrival to departure.
Please provide the runner’s name and cell phone number to the Tour Manager during the advance
phone calls.
VI. Security – (4) Due to the age and attention span of our tween audience, we have found they often
roam the building, climb on stage, etc. while moms are busy visiting with one another. In order to
ensure everyone’s safety, please provide people to be stationed near the stage and backstage access
areas, restricting access to these areas. Exact quantity dependent on size of venue and anticipated
attendance. Please have them report to our Tour Manager for assignments as noted in the provided
DOS schedule.
VII.Resource Center – (12+) Please have a minimum of 12 adult volunteers available to sell tour resources, plus 1 additional seller for every 50 attending above 600. It will be important to appoint
one adult to act as Head Merchandiser in order to help set up and train the others. All sellers will be
trained, and need to arrive according to the DOS schedule. During the event, one seller should always be present at the table, although sellers may rotate while the cast is on stage. All sellers will
be needed from the time doors open until show time and during intermission. Half of the sellers
will be needed for one hour after the event for final sales and to help count out and pack resources.
VIII.House/Stage Light Operator – (1) One person must be available to operate house and stage lights
throughout the event and be on site, as noted on the DOS schedule.
IX. MC/Introduction – The event does not require introduction, however if you’d like to make a brief
introduction, we are happy to accommodate you. Please have this person speak with our Tour
Manager at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the event in order to clarify content and length of
introduction. Any announcements should be completed prior to the advertised starting time of the
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
X. Models – (5 girls) A key component of our event will be the fashion show, which requires 5 girls
with outgoing personalities to perform in the event. Our team will provide training and clothing on
the afternoon of the event. Each model must provide her own shoes. Our Tour Manager will contact
you 4-6 weeks in advance to review our clothes options and fashion show volunteer needs. GIRLS
~ Please provide one girl (ages 8-12) for each girl size 6/7, 8, 10, 12 and 14. Models should be true
to these sizes. If models provided are not representative of actual sizes, replacements may need to
be found on site day of show, which is not pleasant for anybody. Please ask 5 girls of at least two
different races/ethnicities. We want to be racially diverse to make everyone feel welcome. All models must arrive at the venue as noted in the DOS schedule and remain until their segment of the
event is over. It is critical that all models arrive on time due to the amount of training required and
the importance of the show starting on time. Please provide a secure dressing room for the models.
We also require that they have normal hair (no crazy hair) for this position, unless you hire a professional stylist to do the crazy hair with high quality. Please reserve the first row of seats for the
models and moms.
XI. Actresses – (5 girls) – We will need 5 girls to help us act out a story during part of the show. Four
of them should be 8-10 years old and come dressed in white bottoms with a white t-shirt. The fifth
girl should be 10-12 years old and come dressed in all black or all navy blue. They must have normal hair (no crazy hair) for this position. Please reserve the first row of seats for the actresses and
XII.Photographer – (1) We require someone take multiple photos of the event and ask that they arrive as
noted in the DOS schedule in order to meet with our Tour Manager. Photos will be used on our blog
or Facebook page and possibly other promotional materials. Our Tour Manager will coordinate
details with you in advance on how to upload those to our SKG computer.
XIII.Ushers – (1 per 50 attendees) We will utilize ushers at various times just prior to, during and
immediately after the event. (i.e.: pass out materials to audience, help w/beach ball game, shoot
hand confetti cannons, etc.). Please appoint one Head Usher to help manage the rest of the ushers
and keep them on task. All ushers will meet with the Tour Manager as noted on the DOS schedule.
XIV. Counselors - (1 per 50 attendees) A Secret Keeper Girl team member creatively shares the gospel
near the end of the event and will discuss this with you day of show to ensure you’re comfortable
with the process. We ask that you provide females (quantity sufficient to attendance size) to counsel and pray with moms and their daughters. A head counselor should be named. She will be the
only one trained pre-show. After initial pre-show training, counselors are not utilized until the last
20 minutes of the show, and therefore could be utilized as ushers, resource center sellers and ticket
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We will need to have access to a wireless network with Internet access. Please provide the Tour Manager
with network name and a password during advancing.
Our credit card system needs access to an Ethernet port. We will plug our SKG Router into that port for
use only at the Resource Center. The port must be within 100 feet of the Resource Center and must be
completely “open.” No filters or restraints on the line.
a. Although Dannah Gresh created this event, she does not personally appear live at the events.
Any live appearance by Dannah must be arranged in advance and noted on your agreement.
b. Due to the nature and content of our event, we must respectfully insist that no performances
beyond our SKG provided content be allowed before, during or after our performance.
c. The event will last about 2.5 hours. We respectfully request an on-time start.
PRODUCER's obligations hereunder shall be excused and PRODUCER/ARTIST shall have no liability to SPONSOR if ARTIST determines in good faith that their performance is (or is likely to be) rendered impossible, hazardous or is otherwise prevented or impaired due to inclement weather. In such
event (and notwithstanding anything to the contrary), SPONSOR shall remain liable to Producer for
the full contract price plus any percentage monies called for in the Contract.
SPONSOR agrees and as condition of this contract shall hold EVENT harmless from and against any
and all liability for SPONSOR'S negligent acts and/or omissions if any. SPONSOR further agrees and
as condition of this contract shall indemnify EVENT from and against any and all liability, claims,
loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorney's fees, of any kind or nature, for property damage, or
damage or injury to any persons incurred at or during the period of the performance contemplated
herein. SPONSOR must maintain an insurance policy that covers all employees or volunteers for the
event on behalf of SPONSOR as well as public liability insurance for no less than $1,000,000.00.
SPONSOR agrees to place "Pure Freedom” as additionally insured on each policy.
SPONSOR shall pay and hold EVENT harmless of and from any and all taxes, fees, dues and the like
relating to the engagement hereunder and the sums payable to EVENT shall be free of such taxes, fees,
dues and the like. Permits/Licenses/Certificates SPONSOR, at his/her sole costs, shall obtain all licenses, permits, certificates, authorizations or other approval required to be obtained from any union,
guild, public authority, performing rights society or other entity properly having jurisdiction over or
with respect of the engagement and shall comply with and fulfill all terms, conditions, and covenants
set forth therein.
EVENT may be cancelled if any member of the cast/crew’s family shall die or become incapacitated
for any reason; or
In EVENT/PRODUCER’s judgment, performance of the engagement may directly expose EVENT,
any representative of the cast/crew or any portion of the audience to danger or death or injury or civil
strife of any kind; or Performance of the engagement or
EVENT’s obligations becomes impossible or impractical by any reason of strike, civil unrest, fuel rationing, unforeseeable act of dangerous weather conditions, national or local state of emergency, fire
or other event or condition of any kind or character.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a. Although our team will typically drive to your event, we may elect to fly into your city (depending on routing). Should this be the case, we will notify you in advance and ask that you
make arrangements to transport our team while we are with you (airport, hotel and venue).
Vehicles should be capable of accommodating multiple cast members, resources and stage
props. Our Tour Manager will coordinate this with you in advance.
b. We travel in a tour bus with a trailer. We would like to park in one location to load in and leave
bus in same location until load out. We require a minimum of 70 feet dedicated to parking
space for the bus. If shore power is available, we would like to make use of it.
During the event Secret Keeper Girl will take up an offering supporting our Girl2Girl Grant Fund.
This is communicated just before the intermission and will be facilitated by the ushers. SKG will provide buckets for the collection and will be responsible for the accounting of this offering.
For more information regarding the Girl2Girl Fund please contact our Tour Manager Aaron Burrell.
All radio, television and print media interviews are coordinated through Aaron Burrell from Secret
Keeper Girl. Please contact Aaron at 810 627 0210 or aaron@secretkeepergirl,com. Please allow at
least two weeks of advance time before your needed interview.
We want to impact your city, which is why we request purchaser to utilize appropriate and sufficient
marketing and promotional efforts. A promotional timeline is provided at the end of this document.
Please indicate on all promotional materials “a convenience or ticket fee may apply.”
II. In order to maintain consistency in how we present and communicate our event, we respectfully insist
you only utilize our pre-produced print, video and audio materials in your promotion. Items can be
found here ~
III. Please understand that no signage, banners or any advertising material should be on or near the stage,
nor should the name of Dannah Gresh, Pure Freedom, or Secret Keeper Girl be used or associated
directly or indirectly with any products or service without our prior written approval.
A private room, preferably back stage, able to comfortably seat 10 people will be needed. Access to a
private bathroom (secure and not available to the public or the Models/Actors) is preferred. We love
cold drinks (Water, Coke, Diet Coke, and smoothies), hot coffee and snacks too.
Room #1) CAST – please provide a private dressing room near the backstage area with access to a
private bathroom (secure and not available to the public or the Models/Actors). Please black out any
windows in the dressing room area.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Room #2) MODELS/ACTORS – An additional dressing room for the models/actors should be available (separate from the Cast room) with a full-length mirror. This room should offer reasonable access to both the backstage area and the lobby areas. A room located off the lobby/foyer area would
be ideal. We do prefer that this room be located away from the casts dressing room and green room
where possible.
Room #3) RESOURCE STORAGE ROOM - Please provide a room (or area) close to the lobby area
for us to store additional resources and road cases. We’ll also use this room to store approximately 30
beach balls that will be used in the show.
In order to help keep expenses at a minimum, it is completely acceptable to have any willing volunteers who would like to serve by providing meals. Although we are not picky eaters, we have attached
a rough suggested outline for meals. Feel free to substitute; this is only a suggestion so that we don’t
end up having the same thing five nights in a row. Additionally, you’ll find that our schedule is a little
different than a normal day. We are having our “dinner” meal at lunch as we are typically able to all sit
down together at this time. Dinner is a lighter meal and we often all eat at different times.
Lunch – served from 11:30am – 1:00pm each day
A hot meal of your choosing.
1 Main Course, tossed salad (with a variety of dressings), 2 fresh hot vegetables, bread and dessert.
Suggested Dinner Plan:
(This is just to avoid having the same thing multiple days in a row. Feel free to be creative.)
Italian (No Lasagna please!)
Mexican or Tex-Mex
Turkey Dinner
Pre-Show Dinner – served from 4:30pm – 6:00pm each day
Some suggestions are:
Grilled Hamburgers with selection of fillings and chips
Soup and Salad
Build your own sandwiches
Chicken Salad
BBQ Sandwiches (chicken/beef) with mac n cheese and salad
POST SHOW MEAL -The tour manager will organize the post show meal but may need the runner to
collect this. Any suggestions of ‘local’ specialties are welcomed.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Please provide three (3) double non-smoking hotel rooms within close proximity of the venue. We
highly recommend and prefer the following hotels: Hampton Inn, Fairfield Inn, Courtyard, Holiday
Inn Express, and Hyatt Place. The hotel rooms must have inside entrances. Please provide the room
keys to the Tour Manager on the day of show during load in. Please have (1) room ready for check in
by 8:30am for our bus driver. Please coordinate with Tour Manager actual check in day(s) and times.
If showers are available at the venue, please let us know during the advance phone call. Many times
we can reduce our hotel needs down to just 1 room when adequate showers are available. Please have
10 large bath towels available and 10 face towels available in the shower area.
Upon load-in, please provide a minimum of 8 rectangular tables (ideally eight feet in length) for use in
our resources set up. Our Tour Manager will coordinate this in advance with you, as (depending on
anticipated attendance of the event and layout of the venue) additional tables may be required. SKG
will provide table covers for these tables. Volunteers for the resource area are addressed in the Event
Personnel section.
No concession fees or percentages will be paid to the venue unless previously negotiated with Secret
Keeper Girl Tour and stated on the face of the written agreement.
III. No food and beverages may be sold inside the venue without prior approval.
IV. No sale or distribution of non-food items will be allowed on, in, or near the event area without prior
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Secret Keeper Girl uses Brushfire Ticketing for all its SKG events. Once we have confirmed your SKG date
we will set up the ticket sales page. A link to the ticket sales page will be provided for you to use on your
website and social media sites.
Tickets prices will be as listed below.
General Admission = $18.00
General Admission Group (10+) = $15.00
Early Access or Reserved Seating Ticket = $ 30.00
Secret Keeper Girl Glitter Party Ticket = $65.00 (optional - see further information below)
There is an additional $2 per ticket fee to cover the cost of credit card processing and ticketing service.
Final Settlement - Settlement of all tickets sales will take place during the final settlement on the day of the
event with the Tour Manager.
Local Ticket Outlets – While the majority of tickets sales will happen online or through our dedicated toll
free call center, we can provide you with a small amount of tickets to sell at the venue. Please contact the Tour
Manager if you would like to receive these.
Complimentary Tickets – We can provide 20 comp tickets for each event. These will be sent to you shortly
after your event is set up on Brushfire.
Ticket Sales by Phone – Secret Keeper Girl has a dedicated toll free call center phone number for people that
would like to purchase tickets over the phone. The toll free number is listed below and is also included on all
our promotional materials.
Toll Free Ticket Sales Number: (800) 691-8312
Ticket Sales Report – Every Monday you will receive an updated ticket sales report. We can send this to
multiple people in your team. Please contact our tour manager if you would like to add additional people to
this weekly email.
Secret Keeper Girl Glitter Party Ticket - We would like to include a Secret Keeper Girl Glitter Party at your
event. Please review the information on the following page.
Reserved Seating Ticket - In the event you do not wish to have a Secret Keeper Girl Glitter Party at your
event we will sell a $30 early access or reserved seating ticket. This will give the ticket holder access to seating at the front of the auditorium.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Secret Keeper Girl would like to include a SKG Glitter Party at your event. What is a SKG Glitter Party?
Well it is a great opportunity for mom’s an daughter to connect through eating dinner together, crazy hair
styles, a chance for the SKG cast to meet mom’s and daughter, and so much more! But in order for us to do
this we need your help. Below are a few details surrounding the party.
The cost of the party ticket is $65 and is limited to 100 tickets. It will start at 5pm and finish no later than
6:00pm. The ticket includes:
Reserved Seating
An exclusive VIP tour laminate
Crazy Hair Styles
Meet n Greet with the SKG Cast
The SKG Glitter Party is one of the quickest ways for you to not only benefit financially from Secret Keeper
Girl (you receive 50% of the party ticket sales), but it's also a great way for your ministry to interact with
moms and daughters who are excited about being at your event.
Sponsors Responsibilities
- Provide a room that can accommodate 100 people seated at tables and also two ‘stations’ A Hair Salon
and Photo Booth.
- A sit down dinner including dessert and beverages
- Volunteers to facilitate the Crazy Hair Salon.
- Decorations to make the room look fun and presentable
- A Photographer to take pictures of the girls
- A MC for the party…someone to communicate what is happening through the party.
SKG will provide:
Balloon columns for the party room
An exclusive Glitter Party tour laminate and lanyard
Crazy Hair Style Supplies
Glitter Party Backdrop for Photo’s
In the event you choose not to include the VIP party we will offer a $30 Early Access or Reserved Seating
Ticket in the place of this ticket type.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
(This is a sample Schedule. Please confirm with Tour Manager.)
9:00AM -
9:30AM -
11:00AM -
11:30AM -
3:45PM -
4:00PM -
4:15PM -
4:30PM -
4:30PM -
4:45PM -
5:OOPM -
5:30PM -
6:30PM -
9:00PM -
We will arrive at the venue at or before 9am unless otherwise specified and arranged.
Please have the stage crew as listed above in “Event Personnel” capable of lifting heavy equipment
and other load-in responsibilities.
III. The stage and loading dock shall be completely cleared prior to load-in.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sponsor agrees to provide the sound system outlined below.
Please provide a full range sound system capable of producing minimum SPL peaks of 110 decibels A weight
from 100hz thru 15khz across the entire venue, and enough 2x18in subwoofers to produce minimum SPL
peaks of 118 decibels from 30hz thru 90hz to the back row of the venue. These specs are given to ensure that
the provided sound system is capable of handling show levels without distorting, or destroying the components
in the provided sound system. The subwoofers shall be on an aux feed separate from the mains for independent
control. Preferable system brands are as listed: D&B audio, L’acoustics, Electrovoice, Nexo, Meyer, JBL. All
systems shall be of professional grade.If your sounds system does not meet the above requirements please contact the tour manager before any equipment is rented or purchased.
Secret Keeper Girl travels with our own digital console and wireless microphones and in-ear monitor systems.
A qualified sound technician, that knows the venue’s sound system, will need to be available at 10am (for approx 1 hour) to facilitate the connection of our console to the venues system. This person will then need to
return at 4:30pm through the end of the event to troubleshoot any issues that might arise.
Lighting provided should be sufficient to properly light all areas of the stage. House lighting will need to be
manually controlled during the show. Please provide someone familiar with the venue to assist with light control.
Our set requires an auditorium or sanctuary (venue) with a cleared area on stage that will accommodate a 36’
wide backdrop, with (ideally) a workable depth of 25’ deep, and a cleared height of at least 16’ from the stage
floor. Any deviation from this must be discussed and approved in advance to ensure our set up will properly fit
the available stage. Any existing equipment such as pianos or other items must be moved off the stage prior to
our set up day of show. Please have access from loading area to the backstage area cleared and ready for
equipment to be brought through.
Where possible SKG would like to record the Secret Keeper Girl event using in-house video recording. Please
discuss this with the Tour Manager during the advancing of the event.
In order to create an ideal environment for moms and their daughters to connect, the use of large video projection screens is a critical part of our event and we therefore ask that you ensure this equipment is available at
the venue. Side screens are preferred. We will provide our own working computer (MacBook laptop) that will
run our entire visual and audio tracks (using ProPresenter software) and will require connection to your video
projection equipment.
This will require a connection via VGA, HDMI or DVI hook-ups with VGA resolution (or higher) for video.
Video screen placement and height need to be discussed as part of the technical advance with our Tour Manager. Please have this video set up next to the SKG soundboard, when possible.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
We travel with our own confetti cannons that shoot streamers 30’ into the audience. Although the girls
pick up most streamers, this will require some clean up after the event so please make adequate
arrangements with the venue.
A stepladder (6’ high minimum) will be needed to build our balloon columns. Please have this ladder
available on the stage upon load in. Additionally, a handcart or two-wheeler is also helpful for load-in/
Restrooms –Please consider changing over any lobby area Men’s restrooms to Women’s by placing a
sign over the nameplate at least 30 minutes prior to doors opening. Most sponsors have found this
very helpful.
Thank you for taking the time to read and understand the rider. We are always grateful for anything that is provided for us. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact anyone associated with the Secret
Keeper Girl Team. We value your partnership in this ministry.
Secret Keeper Girl
Date of Event:_____________________________________________________________________
Venue Name:______________________________________________________________________
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Promotion Timeline
As you can imagine, one of the most important things you can do for your event is to cover it in prayer. We
certainly are! We have seen the greatest success in terms of discipleship occur at events where one person is
specifically appointed to pray. This prayer coordinator can see God’s heart for the event and involve others in
covering the event in prayer.
Here are a few brief ideas:
Attend women’s Bible studies or prayer groups and ask for prayer. (Also a great way to create word
of-mouth promotion.)
Invite some of the older women or dads in your church to be on prayer cover during the event.
Post prayer updates on your church or sponsoring Facebook page and get lots of people praying.
Know that we are praying too!
Please know how important it is to start promoting early to give your audience plenty of advance notice. Like
you, busy moms often plan their free time weeks (and sometimes months) ahead, so it’s important to get your
event on their radar (and calendar) as soon as possible. Waiting until the last week or two in order to promote
won’t allow busy moms time to adjust their schedules in order to attend.
The following are a few reminders and a suggested countdown of when to promote your upcoming event. We
are available to consult with you along the way (at no charge) on the best ways to spread the word about your
Please review the performance part of the rider and ensure you’ll be able to provide the various requirements
Promotional Tools
We’ve created a number of promotional tools for your event and they are available for download: This section of our site includes videos, radio spots, posters, postcards, sample press
release templates, and more. Be sure to peruse this section and allow enough time to download/add your local
event information in the area provided, print your materials and distribute the items.
When you insert information about your event onto the printed materials, be sure to include the following:
Event day and date, venue name with city and state, time doors open and event starting time, ticket prices
(specify breakdown like $x advance, $x groups of x or more and $x at the door) and where they’re available.
Be sure to include a local phone number or contact info for questions, and any logos or other applicable information for related sponsors you may acquire.
Contacting Area Gatekeepers
This is the lifeblood of your promotion. We’ve found the best way to ensure strong attendance is to contact
ALL area Children’s Pastors within a 30-mile radius of your venue, whether by direct mail, telemarketing or
It’s important to contact a large quantity (and wide range of denominations) of churches. Large churches often
have a hard time finding room in their busy announcement schedule, so be sure to include smaller churches
since they’re often your best advocates for promoting the event.
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Direct mail is a cost effective way to reach key gatekeepers that are eager to share your event with their congregation. We recommend mailing all churches within a 30-45 mile radius of your host venue, sending at least
two to three times the venue capacity. For example, if your venue holds 500, send between 1,000-1,500 mailers.
It’s important that your mailings arrive at least 7-8 weeks prior to the event. When mailing to a substantial list,
the post office offers both bulk and non-profit rate options. Using this type of rate obviously saves money, but
requires giving the post office adequate time to process your mailing so they can ensure it arrives within the 23 week period it takes to deliver bulk mail. (See 7 Weeks Out below.)
As an example, if you have 20 churches to help promote your event and they each send 15 moms and their
daughters (30 total), that is 600 attendees already!
The Countdown
9 Weeks Out
Find a core group of volunteers that will be excited about this event and what it will mean to
the moms and daughters in your community. Meet with them to share the video and other
promotional tools and answer any questions they may have. Encourage them to share their
excitement with other moms they know through word of mouth and Facebook. This is
HUGE! Help them to help you by providing links to the videos, copies of posters and flyers,
8 Weeks Out
Begin talking about your event with the congregation in your host church. It’s vital to garner
strong excitement and enthusiasm from the host church in order to spread the word about this
special event to the rest of the local Christian community. If possible, show the video to the
congregation and hand out or email them flyers and a link to watch the SKG promotional
Encourage them to email, blog and Facebook their friends and share their excitement. Post
information on your church’s website in a way that’s easy to find.
Contact your local Christian radio station to see if they’d be willing to partner with you.
Moms are key listeners for many radio formats and stations like to engage with them. Often
they will provide substantial discounts for on-air advertising or even provide free airtime for
radio spots or ticket giveaways if you place their logo on your promotional items and allow
them to display at the event in the host church lobby.
Local crisis pregnancy centers are well networked with area churches and are usually willing
to help promote your event. In return, they may be interested in having a display in your event
lobby or receiving a donation as part of their help. And don’t forget local schools, Girl Scouts
and American Heritage Girls.
7 Weeks Out
If you haven’t already, be sure to contact area churches within 30-45 miles of your host church
ASAP, contacting the children’s pastor and/or women’s ministry leader. You should mail either a postcard, tri-fold or full size poster, which are available on the promotional section of
our website.
If you do not have a substantial list of churches in your area (500-1,000 depending on your
city), we can advise you on the best sources for obtaining a mailing list for your area. And
don’t forget email! Children’s Pastors often have access to email lists of other children’s pasP L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tors in their denomination and are willing to help spread the word.
Begin contacting all area “para-church” ministries (MOPS, Children’s Pastor networks,
Women’s networks, etc.) and provide information about your event.
NOTE: Personally telemarketing/contacting local Children’s Pastors or women’s groups and
ministries is one of the most important elements in promoting a Secret Keeper Girl event. A
significant portion of your event sales will come because of these groups. Your help with this
is vital to the success of the event and is greatly appreciated!
Be sure to place event posters in prominent locations throughout your community. We suggest
key locations where moms often visit including local grocery stores, salons, malls, and Christian-owned businesses.
Girl Scouts, American Heritage Girl troops, and local schools provide great opportunities to
pass out flyers and garner interest. Contact local troop/school leaders to inquire about sending
information home with their 8-12 year old girls.
6 Weeks Out
Follow up with all local churches by phone to provide information about the event and remind
them of any group ticket options. Offer to email them more information such as a link to
watch the videos, etc. Ask if they could run an announcement or promote the event in church
bulletins and/or church newsletter mailings. Ask if they’ll insert a flyer or print an announcement about your event in their Sunday bulletin.
Begin making arrangements for the needed volunteers as outlined in your event rider.
5 Weeks Out
Begin passing out event fliers at any event where Christian women are present – such as craft
sales, Bible studies, local Christian elementary and middle schools, American Heritage Girls
or Girl Scout groups, etc. Events are also great opportunities. These are great promotional
4 Weeks Out
Review what you’ve done over the previous weeks. It never hurts to remind your audience
about the event at this stage. Make sure as many churches as possible are helping spread the
Now’s the time to lean in on social media efforts. Utilize as many people as are willing to
share about the event with their friends on Facebook, Twitter, etc. See if they’ll post something about the event at least once or twice a week (video, flyer, etc.). Watch for local and national news stories that relate to the cause of this event, and ask them to remind their friends
how (and why) this event makes a difference in the lives of those attending.
3 Weeks Out
Make local media aware of your event. Send the provided press release template to all area
media (newspaper, radio, etc.) to the attention of the Local News or Religion department editors but don’t forget to fill in the blanks with your local information. Call them and follow up
a few days later. Don’t assume they’ll mention anything or run a story just because you sent a
release. Personal contact/follow up is vital in this area. Share your excitement and provide
more information if they need it.
Follow up by phone with local churches again (even if you’ve called them once already),
reminding them of event details and group rates. If you don’t get to speak to a live person,
leave a voice mail with key details indicating it’s for the Children’s Pastor or Women’s
Ministry Director.
2 Weeks Out
If you haven’t already heard from the Tour Manager, make sure you contact us to properly
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review day of show details.
Continue “word of mouth” promotion!
1 Week Out
Confirm volunteer’s availability and other ‘day of show’ arrangements noted in the rider (hotel, meals, etc.) to ensure all needs will be met.
Continue pushing “word of mouth” promotion!
P L E A S E I N I T I A L S H O W I N G A C C E P TA N C E H E R E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _