2010 BOMA Income & Expense survey form


2010 BOMA Income & Expense survey form
Data for Calendar or Fiscal Year 2014
*Required Question
Contact Information
Create an Account or Login:
Company Name________________________________________________________
Address_____________________________________ Suite_____________________
Phone Number: (___)____________________________________________________
BOMA Member? Yes 
Add a New Property
*1. Property Name _____________________________________________________
*2. Street Address _____________________________________________________
*3. City ____________________________________________________
*4. State/Province _____________________________
*5. Zip Code/Postal Code _______________________ (U.S., 5 digits only – no extensions)
*6. Nation:  U.S.
 Canada
Step 1: EPC Contact Information
*Select who will receive access to the Expense Performance Comparison (EPC) You or Someone
1. First Name ____________________________________________________________
2. Last Name____________________________________________________________
Deadline March 31, 2015
3. Phone (
Step 2: Building Information I
*1.Building Area Measurement
(Canadian buildings – please check box to indicate if reporting data in sq. meters or sq. feet.)
Measuring unit:  Sq. Feet  Sq. Meters
*2. Floor Measurement Method:
 BOMA Industrial Standard /ANSI Z65.2-2012- Method A (exterior wall)
 BOMA Industrial Standard/ANSI Z65.2-2012- Method B (drip line)
 Not Sure
*3. Number of free standing buildings _______________________________________
*4. Total Finished Area___________________________________________________ SF/SM
*5. Total Unfinished/Warehouse Area ________________________________________ SF/SM
6. Total Other Area ______________________________________________________ SF/SM
*7. Total Gross Building Area________________________________________SF/SM
8. Total Number of Parking Stalls_______________________________________ Stalls
9. Total Number of Additional Trailer Parking (not docks)___________________ Stalls
10. Outside storage: Y  or N 
11. Truck storage: Y  or N 
12. Truck Court Depth______________ _________________________________ Lineal Feet
*13. Year Built __________________________________________________________
14. Year of Last Renovation_______________________________________________
15. Mezzanine: Y  or N  If yes, income received: Y  or N 
16. Does this building share expenses with another building (such as participation in a property
owners association)? Y  or N 
 Class A
*17. Property Class:
 Class B
 Class C
*18. Property Type: Please see attached definitions
 Special Use
 Flex
 Industrial/Warehouse
*19. Property Use (check all that apply):
 Distribution
 Manufacturing
Deadline March 31, 2015
 R&D/Lab Space
 Cold Storage  Data Center
 Call Center
 Low Cost Office
 E-Commerce
 Bulk Warehouse
 Common Maintenance/Utility Building  Other (Describe: ____________________________)
*20. Number of Tenants ___________
*21. Lease Type: Please see attached definitions
 Gross
 Mod Gross
 Other __________________________
22. # Dock High Doors_______________
23. # Grade level doors _______________
*24. Loading Dock Type: Front load _____
Rear load_______ Cross dock _______
25. Clear Height ________________
*26. Number of above ground floors (not including mezzanine) _____________
Step 3: Building Information II
*1. Ownership Type:
 Private Owner/Partnership/LLC
 Corporate Owner-Occupier
 Institutional Investor
 Government
 Nonprofit
2. Is this property operated by third party management?
 Developer
 Yes  No
3. Total Weekly Hours of Operation_____________________ (Ex: 12 hrs x 5 days = 60, 24 x 7 = 168)
*4. Average Occupancy rate ______________________________________________
*5. End of year Occupancy rate ___________________________________________
6. Annual Average # of On-site Tenant Employees___________________________
7. Pass Thru Capital  Yes  No If Yes, Threshold _____________________$$/SF
8. Is this property ENERGY STAR certified?
 Yes  No
9. Does your building benchmark its energy performance using a tool such as EPA's
Portfolio Manager?  Yes  No
10. If your building uses Portfolio Manager, what is your ENERGY STAR® score?
[Answer must be a whole number 1 to 100.] _________________
11. LEED Program Participation: _______________________________ [New Construction, Existing
Building, Core and Shell or None]
12. LEED Achievement:  Certified  Silver  Gold  Platinum  None
Deadline March 31, 2015
Step 4: Income Information (in Whole Dollars)
1. Industrial Rent – Base Rent:
1. Base Rent $_______________________________________________________
2: Industrial Rent – Additional Rent:
1. Pass-throughs $______________________
2. Operating Expense Escalations $__________________
3. Lease Cancellations $_____________________
4. Rent Abatements or Free Operating Expenses $__________ (an off-set, report as a positive
Total Additional Rent $____________________
3. Additional Income
1. Tenant Improvements Recovery $___________________
2. Capital Expenditures or Major Repair Reimbursements $________________
Total Additional Income $_________________
4. Miscellaneous Income $_____________________________________________
Total Rental Income $__________ [Sum of 1.(Base Rent) and (Total Additional Rent)]
Total Industrial Income $__________ [Sum of 5. (Total Rent Income), 3. (Total Additional Income),
and 4.(Miscellaneous Income)]
Step 5: Expense Information (Expenses in Whole Dollars)
Please enter this property's expenses for the entire calendar year in whole dollars.
If any of line items 2 – 17 incurred a major, non-recurring expense, and the amount is identifiable, please
report it separately and exclusively in line item #1.
1. Non-recurring Major Expenses $_______________________________________
Deadline March 31, 2015
2. Exterior Building Maintenance $________________________________________
3. Grounds/Landscape/exterior $__________________________________________________
4. Paving/Concrete Repairs $___________________________________________
5. Snow Removal $________________________________________________________
6. Mechanical/HVAC $__________________________________________________
7. Water and Sewer $___________________________________________________
8. Energy $___________________________________________________________
9. Trash $____________________________________________________________
10. Fire/Life Safety $____________________________________________________
11. Property Manager Wages $____________________________________________
12. Maintenance Personnel Wages $________________________________________
13. Management Fee $___________________________________________________
14. General & Administrative $____________________________________________
15. Real Estate Taxes $___________________________________________________
16. Insurance $__________________________________________________________
17. Other $_____________________________________________________________
18. Amortized Capital Expenditures $________________________________________
19. Total Reimbursable / Directly Recoverable Expenses $________________________
Total Operating Expenses $________________________
Total Industrial Expenses $_________________________
Step 6: Confirmation
Please review the data for accuracy prior to submission. Note that we may have flagged certain data
for specific review. Once you have reviewed all your data, please print a copy of this confirmation
page, for your records. Then, click “Submit” to assure that your submission is complete. Once you
click “submit,” your survey will be locked and you will not be permitted to make changes to your
submission. If you determine that you need to make a change to your survey once it’s been
submitted, please contact BOMA at eer@boma.org.
Deadline March 31, 2015