Akdamut Millin - The Singlish Publication Society


Akdamut Millin - The Singlish Publication Society
ֹ ‫ִסדּ ּור ִליְ ֵמי‬
Siddur for Weekdays
ֹ ‫ִסדּ ּור ִליְ ֵמי‬
Siddur for Weekdays
A prayerbook for weekday services
based on traditional and contemporary liturgical sources
with full transliteration, modern English translation,
explanations, instructions and notes,
with services for weekday morning, afternoon and evening
(but not for Shabbat, nor for festival holy and intermediate days)
Prepared by
The Singlish™ Publication Society
14140 Sherwood, Oak Park, MI 48237
Copyright and Acknowledgements
Copyright (c) 2014 The Singlish™ Publication Society.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronic or otherwise, without our express written permission. But you may read and sing it to your heart’s content!
ISBN 978-1-888822-45-8
For Hebrew quotations from Tanach (Hebrew Scripture), we gratefully acknowledge the dedicated work of the
J.Alan Groves Center for Advanced Biblical Research.
In Memory
As I finalize this book, I have in mind a teacher of formidable intellect, vast knowledge and rigorous
honesty who was snatched from his students by sudden sickness. I dare not think this book would
have merited his approval, but I would like to say that my efforts were often inspired by his wisdom.
Table of Contents
On Jewish Prayer .........................................................10
DAWN BLESSINGS ............................................................16
How Fair ▪ ‫ ▪ מַ ה־טֹּבוּ‬Mah Tovu .................................16
Blessing for Tallit ........................................................16
Donning Tefillin...........................................................17
Dawn Blessings ▪ ‫ ▪ בִּ רכוֹת הַ ַשּׁחַ ר‬Bir’chot
HaShachar .............................................................18
May Your Wish Be ▪ ‫ ▪ ְי ִהי ָרצוֹן‬Yehi Ratzon ............21
Ruler of Every World ▪ ‫▪ ִרבּוֹן כָּל הָ ע ֹול ִָמים‬
Ribon Kol Ha’olamim...........................................22
But We Are Your People ▪ �‫▪ אֲ בָ ל אֲ נ ְַחנוּ עַ ְמּ‬
Aval Anachnu Amcha ...........................................23
It’s You ▪ ‫ ▪ אַ ָתּה הוּא‬Atah Hu ..................................25
Rabbinic Texts .............................................................27
Interpreting Torah ........................................................32
May This Be ▪ ‫ ▪ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬Yehi Ratzon.......................34
May This Be ▪ ‫ ▪ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬Yehi Ratzon.......................34
Psalm 30 .......................................................................35
Shema (First Paragraph) .............................................. 69
Shema (Second Paragraph) ......................................... 70
Shema (Third Pragraph) .............................................. 72
Blessing after Shema ................................................... 73
MORNING AMIDAH ......................................................... 78
Opening Blessings ....................................................... 78
Central Blessings ......................................................... 83
Closing Blessings ........................................................ 88
Personal Prayer ............................................................ 93
TACHANUN ....................................................................... 95
Monday and Thursday ................................................. 95
Being Downcast ▪ ‫ ▪ ְנפִ ילַת אַ פַּ ִים‬Nefilat
Apayim ............................................................... 106
Israel’s Protector ▪ ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ְ ‫ ▪ שׁוֹמֵ ר י‬Shomer
Yisra’el ............................................................... 110
TORAH SERVICE ........................................................... 112
God, Slow to Anger ▪ ‫ ▪ אֵ ל אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ ִים‬El Erech
Apayim ............................................................... 112
Taking out the Scroll ▪ ‫▪ הוֹצָ אַת סֵ פֶ ר הַ תּו ָֹרה‬
Hotza’at Sefer HaTorah ..................................... 113
Torah Blessings ▪ ‫ ▪ בִּ ְרכוֹת הַ תּו ָֹרה‬Bir’chot
HaTorah ............................................................. 115
Raising the Scroll ▪ ‫ ▪ הַ גבָּ הָ ה‬Hagbah....................... 117
AFTERNOON SERVICE................................................... 154
Psalm 145 ▪ ‫ ▪ אַ ְשׁ ֵרי‬Ashrei....................................... 154
SHEMA AND ITS BLESSINGS ............................................63
Call to Prayer ▪ ‫ ▪ בָּ ְרכוּ‬Bar’chu ...................................63
First Blessing Before Shema ........................................63
Second Blessing Before Shema ...................................67
CONCLUDING PRAYERS ................................................ 132
Our Duty ▪ ‫ ▪ עָ לֵינוּ‬Aleinu ........................................ 132
Daily Psalms.............................................................. 135
POEMS AND SONGS ..........................................................37
Blessed Is the One Who Spoke ▪ ‫▪ בָּ רוּ� שֶׁ אָמַ ר‬
Baruch She’amar...................................................37
I Chronicles 16:8-36 ....................................................38
Additional Psalm Verses ..............................................41
Psalm 100 .....................................................................44
Let God’s Glory ▪ ‫ ▪ י ְִהי כְ בוֹד‬Yehi Chevod ...............45
Psalm 145 ▪ ‫ ▪ אַ ְשׁ ֵרי‬Ashrei .........................................47
Psalm 146 .....................................................................49
Psalm 147 .....................................................................50
Psalm 148 .....................................................................52
Psalm 149 .....................................................................53
Psalm 150 .....................................................................54
I Chron. 29:10-13 .........................................................56
Nehemiah 9:6-11..........................................................57
The Song of the Sea ▪ ‫ירת הַ יָּם‬
ַ ‫ ▪ ִשׁ‬Shirat
Hayam ...................................................................58
May Your Name Be Praised▪ �‫ִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח ִשׁ ְמ‬
ְ ‫▪י‬
Yishtabach Shimcha..............................................62
AMIDAH ......................................................................... 156
Opening Blessings ..................................................... 156
Central Blessings ....................................................... 161
Closing Blessings ...................................................... 166
Personal Prayer .......................................................... 170
Being Downcast ▪ ‫ ▪ ְנפִ ילַת אַ פַּ ִים‬Nefilat
Apayim ............................................................... 172
Israel’s Protector ▪ ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ְ ‫ ▪ שׁוֹמֵ ר י‬Shomer
Yisra’el ............................................................... 173
Our Duty ▪ ‫ ▪ עָ לֵינוּ‬Aleinu ........................................ 175
Answer Us ▪ ‫ ▪ עֲ נֵנוּ‬Aneinu ....................................... 237
Comfort ▪‫ ▪ נַחֵ ם‬Nachem .......................................... 238
Blessing for Peace ▪ ‫ ▪ ִשׂים ָשׁלוֹם‬Sim Shalom ....... 240
EVENING SILENT AMIDAH ........................................... 193
Amidah: Opening Blessings.......................................193
Amidah: Central Blessings.........................................195
Amidah: Closing Blessings ........................................201
Counting the Omer ▪ ‫ירת הָ עוֹמֶ ר‬
ַ ִ‫ ▪ ְספ‬Sefirat
Ha’Omer .............................................................205
Opening Meditation ...................................................205
The Days of the Omer ................................................205
Closing Meditation.....................................................210
Psalm 27 .....................................................................214
CHANUKAH ▪ ‫ ▪ חֲ נוּכָּה‬CHANUKAH ............................. 262
Fortress, Rock ▪ ‫ ▪ מָ עוׂז צוּר‬Ma’oz Tzur ................. 263
SHEMA AND ITS BLESSINGS ......................................... 180
Call to Prayer ▪ ‫ ▪ בָּ ְרכוּ‬Bar’chu .................................180
First Blessing Before Shema ......................................181
Second Blessing Before Shema .................................182
Shema (First Paragraph).............................................183
Shema (Second Paragraph) ........................................184
Shema (Third Paragraph) ...........................................186
First Blessing After Shema ........................................187
Second Blessing After Shema ....................................189
Third Blessing After Shema .......................................190
ROSH CHODESH .................................................... 242
Amidah ...................................................................... 243
SOURCE OF LIFE! SOVEREIGN! ▪ ‫▪ אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
AVINU MALKENU .................................................. 257
KADDISH ........................................................................ 264
Leader’s Half Kaddish ▪ ‫ ▪ חֲ צִ י ַק ִדּישׁ‬Chatzi
Kadish ................................................................ 264
Full Kaddish ▪ ‫ ▪ ַק ִדּישׁ ָשׁלֵם‬Kadish Shalem ........... 265
Mourners’ Kaddish ▪ ‫ ▪ ַק ִדּישׁ יָתוֹם‬Kadish
Yatom ................................................................. 267
Teachers’ Kaddish ▪ ‫ ▪ ַק ִדּישׁ ְד ַרבָּ נָן‬Kadish
DeRabanan ......................................................... 269
HALLEL .......................................................................... 218
Psalm 113 ...................................................................218
Psalm 114 ...................................................................219
Psalm 115: 1-11 .........................................................220
Psalm 115: 12-18 .......................................................221
Psalm 116: 1-11 .........................................................222
Psalm 116: 12-19 .......................................................223
Psalm 117 ...................................................................224
Psalm 118: 1-4 ...........................................................224
Psalm 118: 5-20 .........................................................224
Psalm 118: 21-24 .......................................................226
Psalm 118: 25.............................................................226
Psalm 118: 26-29 .......................................................227
Final Blessing.............................................................228
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR
AFTERWORD ................................................................. 276
More Thanks ............................................................. 276
A Practical Book ....................................................... 276
Egalitarian, Non-Sexist ............................................. 276
Why Is the Translation Like That? ............................ 277
Translation and Typography...................................... 277
Pronunciation ............................................................ 277
Jewish Prayer............................................................. 277
The Tissue of Quotations........................................... 278
My Hope, My Fear .................................................... 278
AMIDAH ADDITIONS ..................................................... 232
Think of Us ▪ ‫ ▪ יַעֲ לֶה וְ ָיבֹא‬Ya’aleh VeYavo ...........232
For the Wonders ▪ ‫ ▪ עַ ל הַ נִּ ִסּים‬Al Hanisim .............233
AFTERNOONS ......................................................... 229
Blessing Before the Haftarah .....................................229
Blessings after the Haftarah .......................................229
NOTES ............................................................................ 271
Dawn Blessings ......................................................... 271
December 5 ............................................................... 273
Aleinu ........................................................................ 273
Prayer Responses....................................................... 274
First Blessing of the Amidah ..................................... 275
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................. 279
On Jewish Prayer
The good things about Jewish prayer were expressed by George Eliot in her wonderful book, Daniel Deronda.
Of all nineteenth-century novels, Russian or English (the French aren’t in the running, not that I’m prejudiced),
this is the best. Some scholars would disagree, but that just goes to show how learned people can be wrong.
Before he finds out about his ancestry, Daniel—may our daughters marry someone so compassionate, so
learned, so correct, so independently wealthy—finds himself in Shul on a Friday night.
Deronda…gave himself up to that strongest effect of chanted liturgies which is independent
of detailed verbal meaning—like the effect of an Allegri’s Miserere or a Palestrina’s Magnificat. The most powerful movement of feeling with a liturgy is the prayer which seeks for
nothing special, but is a yearning to escape from the limitations of our own weakness and
an invocation of all Good to enter and abide with us; or else a self-oblivious lifting up of
Gladness, a Gloria in excelsis that such Good exists; both the yearning and the exaltation
gathering in their utmost force from the sense of communion in a form which has expressed
them both, for long generations of struggling fellow-men. The Hebrew liturgy, like others,
has its transitions of litany, lyric, proclamation, dry statement and blessing; but this evening
all were one for Deronda: the chant of the Chazan’s or Reader’s grand wide-ranging voice
with its passage from monotony to sudden cries, the outburst of sweet boys’ voices from the
little choir, the devotional swaying of men’s bodies backward and forward, the very commonness of the building and shabbiness of the scene where a national faith, which had penetrated the thinking of half the world, and moulded the splendid forms of that world’s religion, was finding a remote, obscure echo—all were blent for him as one expression of a
binding history, tragic and yet glorious. He wondered at the strength of his own feeling, it
seemed beyond the occasion—what one might imagine to be a divine influx in the darkness, before there was any vision to interpret. The whole scene was a coherent strain, its
burden a passionate regret, which, if he had known the liturgy for the Day of Reconciliation, he might have clad in its authentic burden; “Happy the eye which saw all these things;
but verily to hear only of them afflicts our soul. Happy the eye that saw our temple and the
joys of our congregation; but verily to hear only of them afflicts our soul. Happy the eye
that saw the fingers when tuning every kind of song; but verily to hear only of them afflicts
our soul.”1
Daniel Deronda (London: Panther, 1970), pp. 337-8. First published in 1876 (before Herzl!), the book is an
articulate expression of Zionist fervor.
Pattern and Purpose in Jewish Prayer
Our Obligation
In our Torah, prayers are usually composed for a particular occasion. Abraham’s servant Eliezer asked God to
help him find a good match for Isaac, and Rivkah came out to the well. Isaac asked God to help Rivkah, and
she became pregnant. Moses asked God to heal Miriam. The Torah doesn’t describe daily prayers. Instead, for
daily devotion, the Torah describes a system of sacrifices. But with the Temple gone and the sacrificial service
irrecoverable1 we follow the lead of Hosea in using prayer instead:
Hosea 14:3
what we owe you in sacrificial bulls we ‫ וּנְ שַׁ ְלּמָ ה פָ ִרים ְשׂפָ תֵ ינוּ‬uneshalmah farim sefateinu.
shall pay with the prayers of our lips.
That’s one reason we have daily services.
In the Temple, we offered a morning and afternoon sacrifice, and an extra sacrifice on special days such as
Shabbat. Our tradition understood that we should say the Shema both morning and evening (“when you go to
bed and when you get up”), so we added an evening service too. That’s why we have services in the morning,
afternoon and evening, with an extra “Musaf” service on Shabbat, festivals and Rosh Chodesh.
Elements of Our Prayers
The two main parts of our prayer services are the Shema and what the Talmud calls “the prayer,” the amidah.
We say the Shema and amidah in the morning; amidah in the afternoon; and Shema and amidah in the evening.
A musaf service follows the morning service on festive days such as Rosh Chodesh.
We read from the Torah after the morning amidah on Monday and Thursday, festivals and Rosh Chodesh.
We read from the Torah in the afternoon on Shabbat and fast days.
When we perform an obligation, we say a blessing. Since saying the Shema is an obligation, we introduce it
and follow it with blessings. The amidah consists of seven blessings on Shabbat, nineteen on weekdays; the
afternoon service before Shabbat and the evening service after Shabbat are weekday services.
A short blessing begins with the words: We bless you, God / ‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬/ Baruch atah Adonai. For longer blessings, these words come close to the end. And for even longer blessings, these words come at the beginning and close to the end.
Prayer is speaking to God, and our tradition holds that we should take time to get in the right frame of mind
for an audience with our creator. This is especially true for the morning service, which begins with two sections
of preparation, “Dawn Blessings” and readings from poems (mostly psalms) in scripture. Many of our prayers
quote scripture—our religion’s history, theology, philosophy and poetry.
To end a service, we may add hymns, psalms and other readings, and we always add Aleinu.
So here’s what to expect in our weekday services:
You need a ritually pure Cohen, and for this you need the ashes of a red heifer. Who knows, though, if some
yet-to-be-discovered tunnel or cave hewed into the Jerusalem bedrock contains a vial of these ashes?
Fast Day
Monday/Thursday/Fast Day
Rosh Chodesh
The Amidah
Every amidah has the same underlying structure. Three blessings come at the beginning and three at the end,
and one or more in the middle. The beginning blessings celebrate God’s relationship with our ancestors, God’s
power and God’s holiness. The concluding blessings offer thanks, hope that our service is acceptable, and ask
for peace. In the middle, we say thirteen blessings on weekdays, with various petitions for individuals and the
community, and this holds for morning, afternoon and evening services. (At one time we said only twelve of
these blessings for a total of eighteen—the amidah is still called the “shemoneh esreh” or “eighteen”—and
experts differ on which blessing was added last.) On Shabbat and festivals, there is one blessing in the middle,
dealing with the particular holiness of this special day. These days and Rosh Chodesh have an additional (“musaf”) amidah, in which the middle blessing mentions the Temple sacrifices of the day. On Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur we add poetry to the early blessings, and the Rosh Hashanah additional amidah has extra middle
blessings. We extend standard blessings to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah and Purim, Yom Ha’atzma’ut
and Yom Yerushalayim. But despite these variations, a standard pattern underlies every amidah.
When the leader repeats the amidah, in morning, additional and afternoon services, we extend the third
blessing so that we can aspire to join the heavenly chorus of angels praising God; and we add personal thanks
to the thanksgiving blessing—the penultimate blessing of the amidah.
Purpose of Prayer
Sometimes we pray for something, as Moses prayed for Miriam to recover her health, but our daily prayer routine repeats the same petitions day after day. Does this have a purpose?
Many people would say that a genuine lover says “I love you” merely to state a truth, not to earn some reward. When we speak to God, if we wish to express our love and gratitude, our liturgy—words worn smooth by
time and tradition—helps us to speak these thoughts. When we ask God for help, our prayers are in the plural:
we ask for a better society in which to pursue our individual destiny. Sometimes our prayers remind us what we
can do to improve our world, for prayer affirms that our past does not determine our future.
It’s hard to think that prayers will change God’s plan, and it’s easier to think that our prayers will change us
instead, giving us the perspective to view life with equanimity and joy, even in adversity, to find a blessing even
when our superficial wish is thwarted. Yes sometimes we pray for something specific, even trivial, and such
prayers sometimes symbolize a wish beyond language or conscious thought, for serenity and trust in the future.
Not everyone has a constant sense of God’s presence, and some (I suppose I’m not the only one) feel that
daily exercise of our capacity for prayer prepares us for those times when God seems close—as if daily prayer
is building a dwelling which God’s presence will one day come to inhabit.
For those whose lives are driven by purpose, perhaps prayer is their only disinterested activity, the only one
which satisfies no urge, meets no goal, brings no reward—the only time when we can realize that we’re evanescent bubbles on the cosmic ocean’s swell, and all that we cherish and struggle to achieve will one day be gone.
ִ ‫ַׁש‬
Weekday Morning Service
The morning service consists of the Shema and an amidah. The Shema has appropriate blessings before and
after; the amidah is like the afternoon and evening amidah except for the final blessing, the blessing for peace.
In the morning (and on fast day afternoons), the blessing for peace includes a reference to the priests’ blessing
of Temple times.
Our call to prayer begins the Shema section. This is the heart of the morning service, but we prepare for it
with two sections of prayer and song: Dawn Blessings, and Poems and Songs.
As we rise in the morning, ancient words of blessing help us consider our identity as human beings with a
body to stretch and clothe, and as Jews with our own obligations and opportunities, history and literature.
We praise the Creator with selected psalms, devotional poetry that often speaks through the millennia to
modern concerns, and with other quotations from our scriptures.
For the morning service, we wear not only our tallit but our tefillin too.
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Dawn Blessings
___________________________ How Fair ▪ ‫ ▪ מַ ה־טֹּבוּ‬Mah Tovu __________________________
Num 24:5
Jacob, how fair your dwellings are—
‫לי� ַי ֲע ֑ ֹקב‬
֖ ֶ ָ‫מַ ה־ ֥ ֹטּבוּ אֹה‬
O Israel—your communities.
Ps 5:8
With your great kindness,
I come to your house;
I bow to your holy sanctuary
God, I love your residence,
Sovereign, in kindness plentiful,
answer me with salvation sure.
�‫ַואֲנִ י ְבּרֹב חַ ְס ְדּ‬
“Va’ani berov chasdecha
� ֶ‫ְבּיִ ְראָ ת‬
� ֶ‫יהוה אָ הַ ְב ִתּי ְמעוֹן בֵּ ית‬
ֶ ‫וּמקוֹם ִמ ְשׁכַּ ן ְכּ‬
Sovereign, let my prayer
be welcome when it comes;
Mishkenotecha, Yisra’el.”
�‫חוֶה אֶ ל־הֵ יכַ ל־קָ ְד ְשׁ‬
ֲ ַ‫אֶ ְשׁתּ‬
the place where your glory dwells.
Ps. 69:14
‫ֹתי� יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל‬
֖ ֶ ‫ִמ ְשׁ ְכּנ‬
� ֶ‫אָ בוֹא בֵ ית‬
in reverence to you.
Ps 26:8
“Mah tovu ohalecha Ya’akov,
‫י־ל� יְ ה ָוה‬
ְ ‫ַואֲנִ י ְת ִפלָּ ִת‬
‫עֵ ת ָרצוֹן‬
avo veitecha;
eshtachaveh el heichal kodshecha
“Adonai, ahavti me’on beitecha,
umekom mishkan kevodecha.”
Va’ani tefilati
lecha Adonai et ratzon;
�‫ֱ�הים ְבּ ָרב־חַ ְס ֶדּ‬
ִ ‫א‬
Elohim berov chasdecha,
� ֶ‫ֲענֵנִ י בֶּ אֱמֶ ת יִ ְשׁע‬
aneni be’emet yish’echa.
_________________________________ Blessing for Tallit ________________________________
We bless you, O Ruler,
our God, who rules the world.
You made us holy with your laws
Baruch ata Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam
Asher kidshanu bemitzvotav
vetzivanu lehit’atef batzitzit.
And told us to wrap ourselves in fringes.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ָֹתיו‬
ִ ‫וְ צִ וָּ נוּ לְ ִה ְתעַ טֵּ ף בַּ ִצּ‬
The Hebrew is rather elliptical; lit., “And as for me, my prayer to you, Sovereign, may it be at an acceptable
time; Sovereign, in the abundance of your kindness, answer me in the truth of your salvation.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
_________________________________ Donning Tefillin1 _________________________________
Stand, and place the hand tefillin on the biceps of your left arm (right arm if you’re left-handed), and say:
We bless you, O Ruler,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬u u Baruch ata Adonai
our God, who rules the world.
You made us holy with your laws
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ָֹתיו‬
‫וְ צִ וָּ נוּ לְ הַ נִ יחַ ְתּפִ ילִּ ין‬
Eloheinu melech ha’olam
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ָֹתיו‬
‫וְ צִ וָּ נוּ עַ ל ִמ ְצוַ ת ְתּפִ ילִּ ין‬
Eloheinu melech ha’olam
Asher kidshanu bemitzvotav
vetzivanu lehani’ach tefillin.
And told us to wrap ourselves in fringes.
Wrap the hand tefillin strap around your arm seven times.
Place the head tefillin above your hairline, centered between your eyes, and say:
We bless you, O Ruler,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬u u Baruch ata Adonai
our God, who rules the world.
You made us holy with your laws
And told us to wrap ourselves in fringes.
Adjust the head tefillin and say:
Blessed is God’s name,
‫בָּ רוּ� ֵשׁם‬
Asher kidshanu bemitzvotav
vetzivanu al mitzvat tefillin.
Baruch shem—
you’ll be my bride in righteousness,
justice, kindness and mercy;
you’ll be my bride in truth
‫וְ אֵ ַר ְשׂ ִתּי� ִלי ְבּצֶ ֶדק‬
‫וּב ַרח ֲִמים‬
ְ ‫וּבחֶ סֶ ד‬
ְ ‫וּב ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
‫וְ אֵ ַר ְשׂ ִתּי� ִלי בֶּ אֱמוּנָה‬
‫וְ י ַָדעַ ְתּ אֶ ת־יְהוָה‬
ve’erastich li betzedek
uvemishpat uvechesed uverachamim.
Ve’erastich li be’emunah
veyada’at et Adonai.
and you shall know God.3
the glory of whose reign lasts forever.
‫ כְּ בוֹד מַ לְ כוּת ֹו לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬kevod malchuto le’olam va’ed.
Wrap the strap of the hand tefillin around your middle finger, and say:
Hosea 2:21-22
You’ll be my bride forever;
‫ וְ אֵ ַר ְשׂ ִתּי� ִלי ְלעוֹלָ ם‬Ve’erastich li le’olam,
After donning our tefillin, we may sit down.
The word “tefillin” is Aramaic, related to the Hebrew word for prayer; the Torah mentions ‫ט ֹוטָ פֹ ת‬/totafot in
four passages, which are inside the tefillin: Ex. 13:1-10, Ex. 13:11-16, Deut. 6:4-9 and Deut. 11:13-21.
This phrase is a response to hearing God’s name. In the Temple, the people would respond with this phrase
when they heard the High Priest pronounce God’s name on Yom Kippur (Mishna Yoma, 3:9).
Hosea speaks movingly of God’s future reconciliation with Israel. “You’ll be my bride” refers to the first of
two stages of Jewish marriage, when the woman is “engaged” exclusively to the man, but the marriage ceremony has not taken place. Biblical culture was of course polygamous, so the man in those days could take other
wives. It’s easy to forget how things have changed!
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
_________________Dawn Blessings ▪ ‫הַ ַשּׁחַ ר‬
‫ ▪ בִּ רכוֹת‬Bir’chot HaShachar ________________
We stand to thank God for a new day with these fifteen blessings; 1 for discussion of these blessings, see page 271.
When the leader leads each blessing, we respond “Amen.”
We bless you, Sovereign God,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai
you rule both space and time:
you taught the rooster
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫חו ִֹרין אָמֵ ן‬-‫בַּ ת‬/‫ֶשׁעָ ַשׂנִ י בֶּ ן‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫פּו ֵֹקחַ ִעוְ ִרים אָמֵ ן‬
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
to tell day from night.
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫אֲ ֶשׁר נ ַָתן ל ֶַשּׂכְ וִ י בִ ינָה‬
‫לְ הַ בְ ִחין בֵּ ין יוֹם וּבֵ ין ָל ְילָה אָמֵ ן‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫ֶשׁעָ ַשׂנִ י בְּ צַ לְ מ ֹו אָמֵ ן‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫ֶשׁעָ ַשׂנִ י ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you made me in your image.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you made me a Jew.
asher natan lasechvi vina
lehavchin bein yom uvein layla.Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
she’asani betzalmo. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
she’asani Yisra’el. Amen
Girls and ladies say “bat chorin,” men and boys say “ben chorin”:
We bless you, Sovereign God,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai
you made me a free person.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you restore our sight.
she’asani ben/bat chorin. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
poke’ach ivrim. Amen
you rule both space and time:
that you did not make me a servant.
4 for men
that you did not make me a woman.
4 for women
Originally, a person would say these blessings on waking up, opening the eyes, etc. Most are based on T. B.
Berachot 60b, but 2, 3 and 4 are based on T. B. Menachot 43b. Traditional siddurim use the wording below so
that men can thank God that they are bound by more mitzvot than gentiles (no mitzvot), servants (some mitzvot) or women (nearly all mitzvot).
ֶ shelo asani goy. Amen
that you did not make me a non-Jewish person. ‫שׁ�א עָ ַשׂנִ י גּוֹי אָמֵ ן‬
‫ֶשׁ�א עָ ַשׂנִ י עָ בֶ ד אָמֵ ן‬
‫ֶשׁ�א עָ ַשׂנִ י ִא ָשּׁה אָמֵ ן‬
‫ֶשׁעָ ַשׂנִ י כִּ ְרצוֹנ ֹו אָמֵ ן‬
shelo asani ahved. Amen
shelo asani ishah. Amen
she’asani kirtzono. Amen
that you made me as you wished.
The fourth blessing for women may be said either with a sigh of resignation or with confidence that God’s final
creation and most successful design for a human was the woman.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you clothe the naked.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you remove our limitations.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you set us up when we’re bent over.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫רוּמּים אָמֵ ן‬
ִ ֲ‫מַ לְ בִּ ישׁ ע‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫סוּרים אָמֵ ן‬
ִ ֲ‫מַ ִתּיר א‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫זו ֵֹקף כְּ פוּפִ ים אָמֵ ן‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫אָרץ עַ ל הַ מָּ ִים אָמֵ ן‬
ֶ ָ‫רו ַֹקע ה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫צָ ְרכִּ י אָמֵ ן‬-‫ֶשׁעָ ָשׂה לִ י ָכּל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫גָבֶ ר אָמֵ ן‬-‫הַ מֵּ כִ ין ִמ ְצעֲ דֵ י‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫בוּרה אָמֵ ן‬
ָ ְ‫א ֹוזֵר י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל בִּ ג‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫אָרה אָמֵ ן‬
ָ ‫עוֹטֵ ר ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בְּ ִת ְפ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹולָם‬
‫הַ נּו ֵֹתן ַליָּעֵ ף כֹּחַ אָמֵ ן‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫הַ מַּ עֲ בִ יר ֵשׁנָה מֵ עֵ ינַי‬
‫וּתנוּמָ ה מֵ עַ פְ עַ פָּ י אָמֵ ן‬
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you stretch the earth over the water.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you guide each person’s steps.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you brace Israel with courage.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you crown Israel with splendor.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule both space and time:
you give strength to the weary.
We bless you, Sovereign God,
you rule the world;
you drive sleep from our eyes
and slumber from our eyelids.
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
matir asurim. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
zokeif kefufim. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
roka ha’aretz al hamayim. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
she’asah li kol tzorki. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
hamechin mitz’adei gahver. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
ozer Yisra’el bigvurah. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
you rule both space and time:
malbish arumim. Amen
you rule both space and time:
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
you make everything I need.
Baruch atah Adonai
oter Yisra’el betif’arah. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam:
hanotein laya’ef ko’ach. Amen
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
hama’avir sheinah me’einai
utenumah me’af’apai. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
We are seated, and we pray for God’s help to keep us from trouble and temptation.
�‫יהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
ִ ִ‫ ו‬Vihi ratzon milfanecha
May your wish be—
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
God of our ancestors—
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
to make Torah our routine
�‫ֶשׁ ַתּ ְרגִּ ילֵנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
and bind us to your rules,
�‫וְ ַדבְּ ֵקנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי‬
not to bring us into the clutches of error ‫וְ אַל ְתּבִ יאֵ נוּ �א לִ ידֵ י חֵ ְטא‬
or wrongdoing or sin
‫וְ �א לִ ידֵ י עֲ בֵ ָרה וְ עָ וֹן‬
or temptation or disdain.
‫וְ �א לִ ידֵ י נִ סָּ יוֹן וְ �א לִ ידֵ י בִ זָּיוֹן‬
Don’t give us over to the evil urge,
‫בָּ נוּ יֵצֶ ר הָ ָרע‬-‫וְ אַל ַתּ ְשׁלֶט‬
‫אָדם ָרע‬
ָ ֵ‫וְ הַ ְר ִחיקֵ נוּ מ‬
but keep us far from a bad person
‫וּמֵ חָ בֵ ר ָרע‬
and a bad companion.
‫וְ ַדבְּ ֵקנוּ בְּ יֵצֶ ר הַ טּוֹב‬
Bind us to our good impulse
‫וּבְ מַ עֲ ִשׂים טוֹבִ ים‬
and good deeds,
and make our nature bow to serve you. �ָ‫ל‬-‫ ִי ְצ ֵרנוּ לְ ִה ְשׁ ַתּ ְעבֶּ ד‬-‫וְ כוֹף אֶ ת‬
Grant this today and every day
‫יוֹם‬-‫וּתנֵנוּ הַ יּוֹם וּבְ ָכל‬
ְ ◊
for grace, kindness and mercy
‫לְ חֵ ן לְ חֶ סֶ ד וּלְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
in your eyes and the eyes of all who see us, ‫רוֹאֵ ינוּ‬-‫בְּ עֵ ינֶי� וּבְ עֵ ינֵי ָכל‬
and reward us with your good kindness.
‫וְ ִתגְ ְמלֵנוּ חֲ סָ ִדים טוֹבִ ים‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who rewards with good kindness
‫גּוֹמֵ ל חֲ סָ ִדים טוֹבִ ים‬
your people Israel.
‫לְ עַ מּ ֹו ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
ruling God,
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
shetargileinu beToratecha
vedabkeinu bemitzvotecha.
Ve’al tevi’einu lo lidei chet
velo lidei averah ve’avon
velo lidei nisayon velo lidei vizayon.
Ve’al tashlet banu yetzer harah
vehar’chikeinu me’adam ra
umechaver ra.
Vedabkeinu beyetzer hatov
uvema’asim tovim
◊ Uteneinu hayom uvechol yom
lechen lechesed ulerachamim
be’einech uve’einei chol ro’einu
vetigmeleinu chasadim tovim.
Baruch atah Adonai,
vechof et yitzreinu lehishtabed lach.
gomeil chasadim tovim
le’amo Yisra’el. Amen
What makes us do something bad? We ask God to keep us out of trouble and away from those evil influences—bad places, bad people and bad impulses.
We speak of our “yetzer tov” and “yetzer ra,” our good and evil impulse or inclination. The word “yetzer” is
related to the Hebrew root for make, form or fashion (as you make a pot from clay). You might say the impulse
is what makes us an instrument of good or evil.
The idea of “gomel” is familiar today. People and companies that sense their own good fortune talk of “giving
back” to the community. In the same way, this Hebrew word for “reward” and “repay” is part of the Hebrew
idiom for charity—“Gemilut chasadim” or “doing acts of lovingkindness.” If you have the money, however
hard you worked for it, you have an obligation to help others.
So does God have an obligation to reward us? Yes, our liturgy says repeatedly—not for our own merit, but because of the good deeds of our ancestors.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
_____________________ May Your Wish Be ▪ ‫ָרצוֹן‬
May your wish be—
ruling God
and God of my ancestors—
to protect me today and every day
from rude people and rude manners,
�‫י ְִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
‫ יי אֱ �הַ י‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ַֹתי‬
‫ֶשׁ ַתּ ִצּילֵנוּ הַ יּוֹם וּבְ ָכל יוֹם‬
‫מֵ עַ זֵּי פָ ִנים וּמֵ עַ זּוּת פָּ ִנים‬
‫אָדם ָרע וּמֵ חָ בֵ ר ָרע‬
ָ ֵ‫מ‬
‫וּמפֶּ גַע ָרע‬
ִ ‫וּמ ָשּׁכֵן ָרע‬
‫וּמ ָשּׂטָ ן הַ מַּ ְשׁ ִחית‬
‫וּמבַּ עַ ל ִדּין ָק ֶשׁה‬
ִ ‫ִמ ִדּין ָק ֶשׁה‬
‫בֵּ ין ֶשׁהוּא בֶ ן בְּ ִרית‬
‫וּבֵ ין ֶשׁאֵ ינ ֹו בֶ ן בְּ ִרית‬
ָ ‫לְ ע ֹולָם ְיהֵ א‬
‫ְי ֵרא ָשׁמַ ִים בְּ סֵ ֶתר וּבַ גָּלוּי‬
‫וּמוֹדֶ ה עַ ל הָ אֱ מֶ ת‬
‫וְ דוֹבֵ ר אֱ מֶ ת בִּ לְ בָ ב ֹו‬
‫וַ י ְַשׁכֵּם וְ יֹאמַ ר‬
from a bad person, a bad friend,
a bad neighbor, a troublemaker,
a ruinous enemy,
a harsh judgement and a harsh judge—
Jewish or not Jewish.
A person should always
fear Heaven in secret and in public,
and speak truth deep inside
and get up early to say this:
Yehi ratzon milfanecha
Adonai Elohai
vElohei avotai
shetatzilenu hayom uvechol yom
me’azei fanim ume’azut panim,
me’adam ra umechaver ra
umishachen ra umipega ra
umisatan hamashchit
midin kasheh umiba’al din kasheh,
bein shehu ven b’rit
uvein she’eino ven b’rit.
Le’olam yehei adam
yerei shamayim beseter uvagalu’i
umodeh al ha’emet
be grateful for the truth4
‫ ▪ יְהִ י‬Yehi Ratzon _____________________
vedover emet bilvavo
vayashkem veyomar:
These are the humble supplications of a person with little earthly power. We ask God to keep us from troublesome people—thieves, false accusers, drunk drivers, credit cheats, and so on.
“Jewish” is literally “a child of the Covenant (or contract)” referring to the Jews’ contract with God outlined
in the Shema.
“In secret” may refer to a time when saying Shema was illegal.
Why be thankful for the truth? Troublemakers distort the truth to get us in trouble though our conscience is
clear. Let’s be grateful when truth clears us.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
____________ Ruler of Every World ▪ ‫הָ ע ֹול ִָמים‬
Ruler of every world!
Dan 9:18
‫ ▪ ִרבּוֹן כָּל‬Ribon Kol Ha’olamim ___________
‫ִרבּוֹן ָכּל הָ ע ֹול ִָמים‬
Not because of our merits do we
‫ל־צ ְדקֹתֵ ינוּ ֲאנ ְַחנוּ‬
ִ ַ‫ל ֹא ע‬
submit our pleas to you,
�‫ילים תַּ חֲנוּנֵינוּ ְלפָ נֶי‬
ִ ‫מַ ִפּ‬
but because of your great mercies.
What are we, what is our life,
our devotion, our righteousness,
our salvation, our strength
or our power?
What are we to say to you,
ruling God
‫ל־רחֲמֶ י� הָ ַר ִבּים‬
ַ ַ‫ִכּי ע‬
‫מָ ה אֲ נ ְַחנוּ מֶ ה חַ יֵּינוּ‬
‫ ִצּ ְד ֵקנוּ‬-‫מֶ ה חַ ְסדֵּ נוּ מַ ה‬
‫כֹּחֵ נוּ‬-‫יּ ְִשׁעֵ נוּ מַ ה‬-‫מַ ה‬
‫בוּר ֵתנוּ‬
ָ ְ‫גּ‬-‫מַ ה‬
�‫מַ ה נֹּ אמַ ר לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫הַ גִּ בּו ִֹרים‬-‫הַ �א ָכּל‬
�‫כְּ אַיִן לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫וְ אַנְ ֵשׁי הַ ֵשּׁם כְּ �א הָ יוּ‬
‫וַ חֲ ָכ ִמים כִּ בְ לִ י מַ ָדּע‬
‫וּנְ ב ֹו ִנים כִּ בְ לִ י הַ ְשׂכֵּל‬
‫כִּ י רוֹב מַ עֲ ֵשׁיהֶ ם תֹּהוּ‬
�‫וִ ימֵ י חַ יֵּיהֶ ם הֶ בֶ ל לְ פָ נֶי‬
and God of our ancestors—
Aren’t all our heroes
like nothing to you,
learned people like the ignorant
and wise people like fools?
For all they achieved is chaos,
famous people as if they never existed,
their lives are worth nothing to you.
Eccles 3:19
lo al tzidkoteinu anachnu
mapilim tachanuneinu lefanecha,
ki al rachamecha harabim.
Mah anachnu, meh chayeinu,
meh chasdenu, mah tzidkenu,
mah yish’enu, mah kochenu,
mah gevuratenu?
Mah nomar lefanecha
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
Halo kol hagiborim
ke’ayin lefanecha,
ve’anshei hashem kelo hayu,
vachachamim kivli mada
unevonim kivli haskel!
Ki rov ma’aseihem tohu,
vimei chayeihem hevel lefanecha,
umotar ha’adam min hab’hemah ayin,
People are no better than beasts— ‫וּמוֹתַ ר הָ אָ ָדם ִמן הַ ְבּהֵ מָ ה אָ יִ ן‬
it’s all useless.”
‫ִכּי הַ כֹּל הָ בֶ ל‬
Ribon kol ha’olamim!
ki hakol havel.
This prayer was composed for Yom Kippur, when we all feel depressed. When the humble person sees the
wonder of a new day, s/he feels unworthy and insignificant: as King Lear said to Edgar, “Unadulterated man is
no more but such a poor, bare forked animal as thou art” (King Lear III.iv.109-111). Prayer—we often say the
Hebrew root implies “self-judgement”—brings us both low and high, both to abject self-abhorrence (especially
before breakfast) and triumphant joy.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
___________ But We Are Your People ▪ �‫עַ ְמּ‬
But we are your people,
‫ ▪ אֲ בָ ל אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬Aval Anachnu Amcha___________
�‫אֲ בָ ל אֲ נ ְַחנוּ עַ ְמּ‬
ֶ ‫בְּ נֵי בְ ִר‬
children of your contract,
�‫בְּ נֵי אַבְ ָרהָ ם אֹהֲ ְב‬
children of Abraham who loved you—
‫ֶשׁנִ ְשׁבַּ ְע ָתּ ל ֹו‬
you made a promise to him
on Mount Moriah—
‫בְּ הַ ר הַ ֹמּ ִריָּה‬
we are the seed of his dear Isaac
‫ז ֶַרע ִי ְצחָ ק י ְִחיד ֹו‬
who was tied on top of the altar,
‫ֶשׁ ֶנ ֱע ַקד עַ ל גַּב הַ ִמּזְ בֵּ ַח‬
the people of your son Jacob, your first-born— �‫עֲ ַדת יַעֲ קֹב בִּ נְ � בְּ כו ֶֹר‬
because of your love for him
‫ֶשׁמֵּ אַהֲ בָ ְת� ֶשׁאָהַ ְב ָתּ אוֹת ֹו‬
‫וּמ ִשּׂ ְמחָ ְת� ֶשׁ ָשּׂמַ ְח ָתּ בּ ֹו‬
and the joy you took in him
‫ ְשׁמ ֹו‬-‫את אֶ ת‬
ָ ‫ָק ָר‬
you called him
“Israel” and “Jeshurun.”
‫י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל וִ ישֻׁ רוּן‬
And so we are bound
‫לְ פִ י ָכ� אֲ נ ְַחנוּ חַ יָּבִ ים‬
� ַ‫לְ הוֹדוֹת לְ � וּלְ ַשׁבֵּ ח‬
to thank you and praise you,
to glorify, bless and sanctify you,
‫וּלְ פָ אֶ ְר� וּלְ בָ ֵר� וּלְ ַקדֵּ שׁ‬
and to give praise and thanks to your name. � ֶ‫שׁבַ ח וְ הו ָֹדיָה לִ ְשׁמ‬
ֶ ‫וְ ל ֵָתת‬
Aval anachnu amcha,
benei veritecha,
benei Avraham ohavcha
shenishba’ta lo
behar haMoriyah,
zera Yitzchak yechido
shene’ekad al gav hamizbe’ach,
adat Ya’akov bin’cha bechorecha
sheme’ahavat’cha she’ahavta oto
umisimchat’cha shesamachta bo
kara’ta et shemo
Yisra’el viYeshurun.
Lefichach anachnu chayavim
lehodot lecha uleshabechacha,
ulefa’er’cha ulevarech ulekadesh,
velatet shevach vehodayah lishmecha.
We have wallowed in the depths of misery, and now it’s time to pull ourselves up from the mire by our spiritual bootstraps. We have inherited God’s promise and love.
Jacob became “Israel” in Genesis 35:10 after wrestling with the angel. “Jeshurun” is mentioned in Deuteronomy 32:15: “Jeshurun grew fat and kicked.” The name comes from the Hebrew root for “straight” or “direct,”
and we like to interpret this as a name for Israel when it is morally upright. However, the only time the name is
used in the Torah is here, when Jeshurun is a fat ass—oops, a well-fed donkey—and since it has enough to eat,
it has become rebellious.
When Oliver Twist becomes refractory, Mr. Bumble explains why: “It’s not Madness … it’s Meat. … If you
had kept the boy on gruel, ma’am, this would never have happened” (Oliver Twist, Chapter VII).
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
We are so lucky! How good is our lot,
how fair our fortune,
how delightful our heritage.
We are so lucky that
early and late,
morning and evening
Ashreinu mah tov chelkenu
umah na’im goralenu
umah yafah yerushatenu.
◊ Ashreinu she’anachnu
mashkimim uma’arivim
erev vavoker
ve’omrim pa’amayim bechol yom:
We join the prayer leader, saying the next three lines aloud.
Deut. 6:4
‫ ְשׁ ַ ֖מע יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא֑ל‬Shema, Yisra’el:
Listen, descendants of Israel:
‫ֱ�הינוּ יהו֥ה ׀ אֶ ָ ֽחד‬
֖ ֵ ‫ יהו֥ה א‬Adonai Eloheinu; Adonai echad.
The Ruler is our God; the Ruler is one.
We say the next two lines in an undertone:
‫ בָּ רוּ� ֵשׁם‬Baruch shem—
Blessed is God’s name,
we say twice a day:
‫טּוֹב חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ‬-‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרינוּ מַ ה‬
‫נּ ִָעים גּו ָֹרלֵנוּ‬-‫וּמַ ה‬
‫ְרוּשּׁ ֵתנוּ‬
ָ ‫וּמַ ה יָפָ ה י‬
‫◊ אַ ְשׁ ֵרינוּ ֶשׁאֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬
‫ימים וּמַ עֲ ִריבִ ים‬
ִ ִ‫מַ ְשׁכּ‬
‫עֶ ֶרב וָ ב ֶֹקר‬
‫יוֹם‬-‫וְ או ְֹמ ִרים פַּ עֲ מַ ִים בְּ ָכל‬
the glory of whose reign lasts forever.3
It was you4
it was you
since the world was created,
it’s you in this world
‫אַ ָתּה הוּא‬
‫עַ ד ֶשּׁ�א נִ בְ ָרא הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אַ ָתּה הוּא‬
‫ִמ ֶשׁנִּ בְ ָרא הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אַ ָתּה הוּא בָּ ע ֹולָם הַ זֶּה‬
‫וְ אַ ָתּה הוּא לָע ֹולָם הַ בָּ א‬
back before the world was created,
‫כְּ בוֹד מַ לְ כוּת ֹו לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
and it’s you in the World to Come.
kevod malchuto le’olam va’ed.
Atah hu
ad shelo nivrah ha’olam;
atah hu
mishenivra ha’olam
atah hu ba’olam hazeh,
ve’atah hu la’olam haba.
From the depths of despair, we return to the heights of joy; this is the spirit in which we say Shema. Birnbaum
(Daily Prayer Book, p. 23) says that Babylonian authorities forbade our reciting Shema because they saw our
declaration of God’s unity as a challenge to their beliefs.
The ‫ ע‬of ‫ שמע‬and ‫ ד‬of ‫ אחד‬are large letters. Together, they form the Hebrew word ‫עד‬, “witness”; with this
declaration of God’s unity, we Jews bear witness to our faith. Another reason for the large letters is to avoid
misreading ‫( שמא‬perhaps) for ‫ שמע‬and ‫( אחר‬another) for ‫אחד‬, which would replace our confident faith with
agnostic uncertainty! Some say the large letters express hope for God’s universal acceptance in the four (‫)ד‬
“corners” of the earth and among the seventy (‫ )ע‬nations of the world (Genesis chapter X lists Noah’s seventy
grandsons, so we’re all descendants of Gen X-ers).
This phrase is a response to hearing God’s name. In the Temple, the people would respond with this phrase
when they heard the High Priest pronounce God’s name on Yom Kippur (Mishna Yoma, 3:9).
In this passage, we express the eternity of the God we described in Shema.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
Make your name holy
�‫ ִשׁ ְמ‬-‫◊ ַקדֵּ שׁ אֶ ת‬
� ֶ‫ישׁי ְשׁמ‬
ֵ ‫עַ ל מַ ְק ִדּ‬
through the martyrs,
and make it holy throughout your world;
� ֶ‫ ִשׁ ְמ� בְּ ע ֹו ָלמ‬-‫וְ ַקדֵּ שׁ אֶ ת‬
�‫וּבִ ישׁוּעָ ְת‬
and as you save us,
raise and heighten our glory.2
‫ָתּ ִרים וְ ַתגְ בִּ יהַּ ַק ְרנֵנוּ‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
who makes your name holy far and wide. ‫ ִשׁ ְמ� בָּ ַרבִּ ים אָמֵ ן‬-‫ְמ ַקדֵּ שׁ אֶ ת‬
___________________________ It’s You ▪ ‫הוּא‬
It’s you, Ruler, our God,
in the high reaches of the sky.
Really, you are first
and you are last,
Gather those who hope in you
from the four corners of the earth.
They’ll see and know,
you are God, you alone,
for all the nations of the world;
heaven and earth,
tarim vetagbi’a karnenu.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mekadesh et shimcha barabim. Amen
‫אַ ָתּה הוּא יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
ֶ ָ‫בַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים וּב‬
‫וּבִ ְשׁמֵ י הַ ָשּׁמַ ִים הָ עֶ לְ י ֹו ִנים‬
‫אֶ מֶ ת אַ ָתּה הוּא ִראשׁוֹן‬
‫וְ אַ ָתּה הוּא אַחֲ רוֹן‬
ִ ֱ‫וּמבַּ לְ עָ דֶ י� אֵ ין א‬
�‫ַקבֵּ ץ ֹק ֶוי‬
ֶ ָ‫אַרבַּ ע ַכּנְ פוֹת ה‬
ְ ֵ‫מ‬
‫יַכִּ ירוּ וְ י ְֵדעוּ‬
‫בָּ אֵ י ע ֹולָם כִּ י‬-‫ָכּל‬
Atah hu Adonai Eloheinu
bashamayim uva’aretz,
uvishmei hashamayim ha’elyonim.
Emet, atah hu rishon
ve’atah hu acharon,
umibal’adecha ein Elohim.
Kabetz kovecha
me’arba kanfot ha’aretz.
Yakiru veyed’u
kol ba’ei olam ki
�‫ֱ�הים ְלבַ ְדּ‬
ִ ‫אַ תָּ ה־הוּא הָ א‬
‫ְלכֹל מַ ְמ ְלכוֹת הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
ָ‫אַ תָּ ה עָ ִשׂית‬
atah hu haElohim levad’cha
lechol mamlechot ha’aretz.
Atah asita
You made
all creatures that stir on the earth, that
II Kings 19:15
vekadesh et shimcha be’olamecha,
and aside from you there is no God.
al makdishei shemecha,
‫ ▪ אַ ָתּה‬Atah Hu___________________________
in heaven and earth,
◊ Kadesh et shimcha
‫אֶ ת־הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם וְ אֶ ת־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
et hashamayim ve’et ha’aretz,
Martyrs are people who died “al kidush hashem,” to make God’s name holy.
Our “glory” is literally our “horn”—the weapon of the aggressive bull, and the “horn of plenty.”
“Among the many.”
“The heavens of the high heavens.”
Refers to Isaiah 44:6: “I am the first, and I am the last, and there is no God except for me.”
“The four corners of the earth” is figurative.
God is for all nations, not just the Jews—a sentiment echoed in Aleinu.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
the sea, and everything in them.
And who of those you formed
above or below
can ask you, “What will you do?”
Heavenly source of life,
be kind to us
for the sake of your great name
which was pronounced upon us,
and fulfill for us, ruling God,
what is written:
Zeph 3:20
‫אֲ ֶשׁר בָּ ם‬-‫ ָכּל‬-‫הַ יָּם וְ אֶ ת‬-‫אֶ ת‬
�‫מַ עֲ ֵשׂה יָדֶ י‬-‫וּמי בְּ ָכל‬
‫בָּ עֶ לְ יוֹנִ ים א ֹו בַ ַתּ ְחתּ ֹו ִנים‬
‫ֶשׁיֹּאמַ ר לְ � מַ ה ַתּעֲ ֶשׂה‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ ֶשׁבַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫בַּ עֲ בוּר ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוֹל‬
‫ֶשׁנִּ ְק ָרא עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫לָנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬-‫וְ ַק ֶיּם‬
‫מַ ה ֶשּׁ ָכּתוּב‬
“Then I will bring you
and then I will gather you,
‫בָּ עֵ ת הַ ִהיא אָ ִביא אֶ ְתכֶ ם‬
to present you for fame and honor
among all the peoples of the world,
‫ִכּי־אֶ תֵּ ן אֶ ְתכֶ ם ְלשֵׁ ם וְ ִל ְת ִהלָּ ה‬
‫ְבּכֹל עַ מֵּ י הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
‫ת־שׁבוּתֵ יכֶ ם‬
ֶ‫שׁוּבי א‬
ִ ‫ְבּ‬
when I bring about your return
‫וּבָ עֵ ת קַ ְבּ ִצי אֶ ְתכֶ ם‬
before your own eyes,” says God.
‫ְלעֵ ינֵיכֶ ם אָ מַ ר יהוה‬
et hayam ve’et kol asher bam,
umi bechol ma’asei yadecha
ba’elyonim o vatachtonim
sheyomar lecha: “Mah ta’aseh?”
Avinu shebashamayim,
asei imanu chesed
ba’avur shimcha hagadol
shenikra aleinu,
vekayem lanu, Adonai Eloheinu,
mah shekatuv:
“Ba’eit hahi avi et’chem
uva’eit kabtzi et’chem,
ki eten et’chem leshem velit’hilah
bechol amei ha’aretz,
beshuvi et shevuteichem
le’eineichem,” amar Adonai.
This promise of salvation is the last verse of the Book of Zephaniah. And has it not come true (despite daily
problems of reality) with the founding of the State of Israel?
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
__________________________________ Rabbinic Texts1 _________________________________
Avot deRabbi Natan, 4:5
Raban Yochanan ben Zakkai
was leaving Jerusalem;
Rabbi Yehoshuah walked
behind him as his student
‫פַּ עַ ם אַחַ ת הָ יָה‬
‫ ַז ַכּאי‬-‫ַרבָּ ן יוֹחָ נָן בֶּ ן‬
‫ירוּשׁ ַל ִים‬
ָ ‫יוֹצֵ א ִמ‬
ַ‫וְ הָ יָה ַרבִּ י ְיהוֹשֻׁ ע‬
‫ה ֹולֵ� אַחֲ ָריו‬
‫בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ חָ ֵרב‬-‫וְ ָראָה אֶ ת‬
ַ‫אָמַ ר ַרבִּ י ְיהוֹשֻׁ ע‬
‫אוֹי לָנוּ עַ ל זֶה ֶשׁהוּא חָ ֵרב‬
‫מָ קוֹם ֶשׁ ְמּ ַכ ְפּ ִרים בּ ֹו‬
‫עֲ וֹנו ֵֹתיהֶ ם ֶשׁל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫אָמַ ר ל ֹו ַרבָּ ן יוֹחָ נָן‬
� ְ‫בְּ ִני אַל ְי ַרע ל‬
‫יֵשׁ לָנוּ ַכּפָּ ָרה אֲ חֶ ֶרת‬
‫ֶשׁ ִהיא כְּ מו ָֹתהּ‬
‫וְ אֵ יזוֹ? גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫ֶשׁנֶּאֱ מַ ר‬
and saw the Temple ruined.
Rabbi Yehoshuah said:
“Alas for us! It’s ruined,
the place where people atoned
for Israel’s sins.”
Raban Yochanan said to him,
“Child, don’t get upset.
as good as this.
What is it? Acts of kindness,
As it’s said:
Hosea 6:6
Raban Yochanan ben Zakkai
yotzeh miY’rushalayim,
vehaya Rabi Yehoshuah
holech acharav,
vera’ah et Beit Hamikdash charev.
Amar Rabi Yehoshuah:
“Oy lanu al zeh, shehu charev,
makom shemechaprim bo
avonoteihem shel Yisra’el!”
Amar lo Raban Yochanan:
“Beni, al yera lecha.
Yesh lanu kaparah acheret,
We have another atonement,
Pa’am achat hayah
‘I want kindness, not sacrifice!’”
‫ִכּי חֶ סֶ ד חָ פַ ְצ ִתּי וְ ל ֹא־זָבַ ח‬
shehi kemotah.
Ve’ezo? Gemilut chasadim,
‘Ki chesed chafatzti velo zavach!’”
As part of our morning prayer, we study texts. Many siddurim include source material on the sacrificial system, from the Torah, Talmud and Mishnah. We follow the lead of Sim Shalom with texts on lovingkindness and
other suitable topics. Study ends the section of dawn blessings.
We credit Yochanan ben Zakkai with saving Judaism after the destruction of the Temple. He escaped from the
siege of Jerusalem, faced the Roman general Vespasian, and secured permission to found an academy in
Yavneh. He founded Rabbinic Judaism.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
__________________________________ Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah, 49b __________________________________
‫ אָמַ ר ַרבִּ י אֶ לְ עָ זָר‬Amar Rabi Elazar,
Rabbi Elazar said,
“What does this quotation mean:
Micah 6:8
‫מַ אי ִדּכְ ִתיב‬
‘Humanity, you know what’s right
and what God wants of you:
only to act justly,
to act with lovingkindness,
and to be modest about doing right.’
‘To act justly,’
this refers to the legal system.
this refers to performing acts of kindness.
“Mai dichtiv,
‫ִהגִּ יד ְל� אָ ָדם מַ ה־טּוֹב‬
‘Higid lecha, Adam, mah tov,
�‫דּוֹרשׁ ִמ ְמּ‬
ֵ ‫וּמָ ה־יְהוָה‬
umah Adonai doresh mim’cha:
‫ִכּי ִאם־עֲשׂוֹת ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
ki im asot mishpat
‫וְ אַ הֲבַ ת חֶ סֶ ד‬
ve’ahavat chesed,
�‫וְ הַ ְצנֵעַ לֶ כֶ ת עִ ם־אֱ�הֶ י‬
‫עֲשׂוֹת ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
‫זֶה הַ ִדּין‬
‫וְ אַ הֲבַ ת חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫ז ֹו גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
vehatzne’ah lechet im Elohecha.’”?
‘Asot mishpat,’
zeh hadin.
‘Ve’ahavat chesed,’
zo gemilut chasadim.
‘To be modest about doing right,’
�‫וְ הַ ְצנֵעַ לֶ כֶ ת עִ ם־אֱ�הֶ י‬
‘Vehatzne’ah lechet im Elohecha,’
this means taking out the dead for burial
‫ז ֹו הוֹצָ אַת הַ מֵּ ת‬
‫וְ הַ כְ נָסַ ת ַכּלָּה לְ חוּפָּ ה‬
zo hotza’at hamet
‫אָמַ ר ַרבִּ י אֶ לְ עָ זָר‬
‫גָּדוֹל הָ עו ֶֹשׂה ְצ ָד ָקה‬
‫הַ ָקּ ְרבָּ נוֹת‬-‫יו ֵֹתר ִמ ָכּל‬
‫ֶשׁנֶאֱ מַ ר‬
Amar Rabi Elazar,
with all that she needs.”
Rabbi Elazar said,
“A person who gives charity is a great person,
more than one who brings all the sacrifices,
as we are told:
Prov 21:3
‘Acting with charity and justice
is what God chooses above sacrifices.’”
“Charity doesn’t pay—
except according to the kindness of the act,
as we are told:
Hosea 10:12
‘Sow for yourselves in charity,
and reap according to kindness.’”
“Gadol ha’oseh tzedakah
yoter mikol hakorbanot,
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
ִ ‫עֲשֹׂ ה ְצ ָדקָ ה‬
‘Asoh tzedakah umishpat
‫נִ ְבחָ ר לַ יהוָה ִמזָּבַ ח‬
nivchar lAdonai mizavach.’”
‫וְ אָמַ ר ַרבִּ י אֶ לְ עָ זָר‬
‫אֵ ין ְצ ָד ָקה ִמ ְשׁ ַתּלֶּמֶ ת‬
‫אֶ לָּא לְ פִ י חֶ סֶ ד ֶשׁבָּ הּ‬
‫ֶשׁנֶּאֱ מַ ר‬
Ve’amar Rabi Elazar,
And Rabbi Elazar said,
vehachnasat kalah lechupah.”
and bringing the bride to the wedding canopy
‫ז ְִרעוּ לָ כֶ ם ִל ְצ ָדקָ ה‬
‫קִ ְצרוּ ְל ִפי־חֶ סֶ ד‬
“Ein tzedakah mishtalemet
elah lefi chesed shebah,
‘Zir’u lachem litzdakah;
kitzru lefi chesed.’”
“It has been told you, O earthling, what is good.”
“And to walk humbly with your God”; when you are “walking with God,” you are doing the right thing. But
don’t be self-righteous; be modest!
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
Our Rabbis taught:
“In three ways
is the performance of kindness
greater than charity.
Charity is giving your money,
but kindness
is giving yourself or your money.
Charity is giving to the poor,
but kindness
can be given to either poor or rich.
Charity is for the living,
but kindness
‫ָתּנוּ ַרבָּ נָן‬
‫�שׁה ְדּבָ ִרים‬
ָ ‫בִּ ְשׁ‬
‫גְּ ד ֹולָה גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫יו ֵֹתר ִמן הַ ְצּ ָד ָקה‬
‫ְצ ָד ָקה בְּ מָ מוֹנ ֹו‬
‫גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫בֵּ ין בְּ גוּפ ֹו בֵּ ין בְּ מָ מוֹנ ֹו‬
‫ְצ ָד ָקה לָעֲ נִ יִּים‬
‫גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫בֵּ ין לָעֲ נִ יִּים בֵּ ין לָעֲ ִשׁ ִירים‬
‫ְצ ָד ָקה לַחַ ִיּים‬
‫גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫בֵּ ין לַחַ ִיּים בֵּ ין לַמֵּ ִתים‬
is for both the living and the dead.”
Tanu Rabanan:
“Bishloshah devarim
gedolah gemilut chasadim
yoter min hatzedakah.
Tzedakah bemamono,
gemilut chasadim
bein begufo, bein bemamono.
Tzedakah la’oniyim;
gemilut chasadim
bein la’oniyim, bein la’ashirim.
Tzedakah lachayim;
gemilut chasadim
bein lachayim, bein lametim.”
__________________________________ Babylonian Talmud, Sukkah, 49b __________________________________
Rabbi Elazar said,
‫ אָמַ ר ַרבִּ י אֶ לְ עָ זָר‬Amar Rabi Elazar:
“Anyone who acts with charity and justice
is like one who has filled
the entire world with kindness,
as we are told:
‘When one loves charity and justice,
God’s kindness has filled the earth.’
“What does this quotation mean:
Prov 31:26
‘She opens her lips with wisdom,
the Torah of kindness is on her tongue.’
So, is there a Torah of kindness
ke’ilu mileh
kol ha’olam kulo chesed,
‘Ohev tzedakah umishpat
‫חֶ סֶ ד יְהוָה מָ ְלאָ ה הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
chesed Adonai malah ha’aretz.’”
‫אָמַ ר ַרבִּ י אֶ לְ עָ זָר‬
‫מַ אי ִדּכְ ִתיב‬
Amar Rabi Elazar,
‫ִפּיהָ פָּ ְתחָ ה ְבחָ ְכמָ ה‬
‘Piha pat’chah vechochmah,
ַ‫תוֹרת־חֶ סֶ ד ע‬
ַ ְ‫ו‬
vetorat chesed al leshonah’?
Rabbi Elazar said,
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
ִ ‫אֹהֵ ב ְצ ָדקָ ה‬
“Kol ha’oseh tzedakah umishpat
Ps 33:5
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
ִ ‫הָ עו ֶֹשׂה ְצ ָד ָקה‬-‫ָכּל‬
‫כְּ ִאילּוּ ִמילֵּא‬
‫הָ ע ֹולָם כּוּלּ ֹו חֶ סֶ ד‬-‫ָכּל‬
‫ֶשׁנֶּאֱ מַ ר‬
‫וְ כִ י יֵשׁ תּו ָֹרה ֶשׁל חֶ סֶ ד‬
and another Torah
‫וְ יֵשׁ תּו ָֹרה‬
without kindness? No! There’s only one Torah!
‫ֶשׁאֵ ינָהּ ֶשׁל חֶ סֶ ד‬
Following Torah for its own sake,
‫אֶ לָּה תּו ָֹרה לִ ְשׁמָ הּ‬
‫ז ֹו ִהיא תּו ָֹרה ֶשׁל חֶ סֶ ד‬
this is the Torah of kindness;
following Torah for some other motive,
‫ֶשׁ�א לִ ְשׁ ָמהּ‬
“Mai dichtiv:
Vechi yesh Torah shel chesed
veyesh Torah she’einah
shel chesed?
Elah Torah lishmah,
zo hi Torat chesed,
shelo lishmah,
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‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
‫ז ֹו ִהיא תּו ָֹרה ֶשׁאֵ ינָהּ ֶשׁל חֶ סֶ ד‬
And some say,
‫אָמ ֵרי‬
ְ ‫ִאי ָכּא ְד‬
‫תּו ָֹרה לְ ל ְַמּ ָדהּ‬
“Torah for the sake of learning,
‫ז ֹו ִהיא תּו ָֹרה ֶשׁל חֶ סֶ ד‬
this is the Torah of kindness;
Torah for some other motive than learning,
‫ֶשׁ�א לְ ל ְַמּ ָדהּ‬
this is Torah without kindness!”
‫ז ֹו ִהיא תּו ָֹרה ֶשׁאֵ ינָהּ ֶשׁל חֶ סֶ ד‬
zo hi Torah she’einah shel chesed!”
this is the Torah without kindness!”
Ikah de’amrei,
“Torah lelamdah,
zo hi Torah shel chesed;
shelo lelamdah,
zo hi Torah she’einah shel chesed.”
_____________________________________ Sifre Deuteronomy, Ekev _____________________________________
“To follow all God’s ways.”
‫ל־דּ ָר ָכ֖יו‬
ְ ָ‫“ לָ ֶל֥כֶ ת ְבּכ‬Lalechet bechol derachav,”
Deut 11:22
These are the ways
‫אֵ ילוּ ַדּ ְרכֵי‬
‫הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
‫ֶשׁנֶּאֱ מַ ר‬
of the Holy One, whom we bless,
as we are told:
Ex 34:6-7
“God, God,
is a God both merciful and gracious,
patient, and great in kindness and truth,
‫ב־ח֥סֶ ד ֶוא ֶ ֱֽמת‬
ֶ ‫ֶא ֶ֥ר� אַ ַ ֖פּיִ ם וְ ַר‬
tolerating sin, transgression and wrong,
‫ָפשַׁ ע וְ חַ טָּ ָא֑ה‬
֖ ֶ ‫נ ֵֹשׂ֥א עָ וֺ֛ן ו‬
and cleansing people of their guilt …”
so should you be merciful and gracious.
Just as the Holy One, whom we bless,
as we are told:
“Righteous is God in all God’s ways”
so should you be righteous.
is called “kind,”
as we are told:
“And kind in all God’s works”
so should you be kind.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ל־דּ ָרכָ יו‬
ְ ָ‫צַ ִדּיק יְהוָה ְבּכ‬
‫אַף אַ ָתּה הֱ וֵי צַ ִדּיק‬
‫הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
‫נִ ְק ָרא חָ ִסיד‬
‫ֶשׁנֶּאֱ מַ ר‬
The Holy One, whom we bless,
Ps. 145:17
‫מָ ה הַ מָּ קוֹם‬
‫נִ ְק ָרא ַרחוּם וְ חַ נּוּן‬
‫אַף אַ ָתּה הֱ וֵי ַרחוּם וְ חַ נּוּן‬
‫מָ ה הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
‫נִ ְק ָרא צַ ִדּיק‬
‫ֶשׁנֶּאֱ מַ ר‬
Adonai, Adonai,
El rachum vechanun
erech apayim, verav chesed ve’emet
notzer chesed la’alafim
noseh avon vafesha vechata’ah
Mah haMakom
nikrah rachum vechanun,
af atah hevei rachum vechanun.
Mah haKadosh Baruch Hu
nikrah tzadik,
is called “righteous,”
֙ ‫וְ נַקֵּ ה‬
haKadosh Baruch Hu,
is called “merciful and gracious.”
Ps: 145:17
‫ֹצר חֶ ֙סֶ ד ֙ לָ אֲלָ ִ֔פים‬
ֵ֥ ‫נ‬
ensuring mercy for thousands of generations,
Just as God, who is everywhere,
‫יְהוָ ֣ה ׀ יְ ה ָו֔ה‬
‫ֵ ֥אל ַרח֖ וּם וְ חַ נּ֑וּן‬
eilu dar’chei
‫וְ חָ ִסיד ְבּכָ ל־מַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
‫אַף אַ ָתּה הֱ וֵי חָ ִסיד‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‘Tzadik Adonai bechol derachav,’
af atah hevei tzadik.
HaKadosh Baruch Hu
nikrah chasid,
‘Vechasid bechol ma’asav,’
af atah hevei chasid.
Dawn Blessings
___________________________________ Babylonian Talmud, Sotah, 14a ___________________________________
‫ אָמַ ר ַרבִּ י חֲ מָ א‬Amar Rabi Chamah
Rabbi Chamah said,
quoting Rabbi Chaninah:
‫בְּ ַרבִּ י חֲ ִנינָא‬
‫מַ אי ִדּכְ ִתיב‬
“What does this quotation mean:
Deut 13:5
‘After your ruling God shall you walk.’ ‫יכ֛ם תֵּ ֵל֖כוּ‬
ֶ ֵ‫אַ ח ֵ ֲ֨רי יְ הוָ ֧ה אֱ�ה‬
Really, is it possible for a human being
to ‘walk after’ the divine presence?
Surely, it means to conduct oneself
in accordance with the character traits
of the Holy One, whom we bless.
Just as God clothes the naked,
so should you clothe the naked.
The Holy One, whom we bless,
visited the sick;
The Holy One, whom we bless,
comforted the mourners;
so should you comfort mourners.
The Holy One, whom we bless,
so should you bury the dead.
Rav Simlai explained:
its beginning is a kind deed,
and its end is a kind deed.
Its beginning is a kind deed,
as is written:
‘Ruling God made
the man and his wife
garments of skin, and clothed them.’
Vechi efshar lo le’adam
lahaloch achar Shechinah?
Elah lahaloch
achar midotav
shel haKadosh Baruch Hu.
Mah hu malbish arumim,
af atah halbesh arumim.
HaKadosh Baruch Hu
biker cholim;
af atah baker cholim.
HaKadosh Baruch Hu
nichem avelim;
af atah nachem avelim.
HaKadosh Baruch Hu
kavar metim;
af atah kevor metim.”
Darash Rav Simla’i:
“As for Torah—
‘Acharei Adonai Eloheichem telechu.’
buried the dead;
“Mai dichtiv,
so should you visit the sick.
Genesis 3:21
ָ ְ‫וְ כִ י אֶ פְ ָשׁר ל ֹו ל‬
‫לַהֲ �� אַחַ ר ְשׁכִ ינָה‬
�� ֲ‫אֶ לָּא לַה‬
‫אַחַ ר ִמדּו ָֹתיו‬
‫ֶשׁל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
‫מָ ה הוּא מַ לְ בִּ ישׁ עֲ רֻ ִמּים‬
‫אַף אַ ָתּה הַ לְ בֵּ שׁ עֲ רֻ ִמּים‬
‫הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
‫בִּ ֵקּר חוֹלִ ים‬
‫אַף אַ ָתּה בַּ ֵקּר חוֹלִ ים‬
‫הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
‫נִ חֵ ם אֲ בֵ לִ ים‬
‫אַף אַ ָתּה נַחֵ ם אֲ בֵ לִ ים‬
‫הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
‫ָקבַ ר מֵ ִתים‬
‫אַף אַ ָתּה ְקבוֹר מֵ ִתים‬
‫ָדּ ַרשׁ ַרב ִשׂ ְמל ִָאי‬
‫תּו ָֹרה‬
‫ְתּ ִחיל ָָתהּ גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫וְ סוֹפָ הּ גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫ְתּ ִחיל ָָתהּ גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫ִדּכְ ִתיב‬
beRabi Chaninah,
ִ֜ ‫ַויַּעַ שׂ ֩ יְ ה ָו֨ה א‬
‫וּל ִא ְשׁתּ֛ וֹ‬
ְ ‫ְלאָ ָד֧ם‬
‫כָּ ְתנ֥וֹת ע֖ וֹר ַויּ ְַל ִבּ ֵ ֽשׁם‬
techilatah gemilut chasadim,
vesofah gemilut chasadim.
Techilatah gemilut chasadim,
‘Vaya’as Adonai Elohim
le’Adam ule’ishto
kotnot or, vayalbishem.”
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‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
And its end is a kind deed,
‫וְ סוֹפָ הּ גְּ ִמילוּת חֲ סָ ִדים‬
‫ִדּכְ ִתיב‬
as is written:
Deut 34:6
‘God buried Moses in the valley,
in the land of Moab.’”
֙ ְ‫וַיִּ קְ ֹ֨בּר אֹת֤ וֹ בַ גַּי‬
‫ְבּ ֶא ֶ֣רץ‬
Vesofah gemilut chasadim,
‘Vayikbor oto vagai,
be’eretz Mo’av.
________________________________ Interpreting Torah2 ________________________________
Rabbi Ishmael says:
Rabi Yishma’el omer:
By thirteen types of inferences
bishlosh esreh midot
‫ַרבִּ י י ְִשׁ ָמעֵ אל אוֹמֵ ר‬
‫בִּ ְשׁלשׁ עֶ ְשׁ ֵרה ִמדּוֹת‬
the Torah may be explained:
‫הַ תּו ָֹרה נִ ְד ֶר ֶשׁת‬
From an easy case to a strict case, and vice versa.
‫ִמ ַקּל וָ חֹמֶ ר‬
From a similar phrase in two places.
‫וּמגְּ ז ֵָרה ָשׁוָ ה‬
From a general principle derived
‫ִמבִּ נְ יָן אָב‬
‫ִמ ָכּתוּב אֶ חָ ד‬
from a single text
‫וּמבִּ ְניָן אָב‬
and from a general principle
derived from two related texts.
‫ִמ ְשּׁנֵי כְּ תוּבִ ים‬
From an ostensibly general rule
‫ִמכְּ לָל וּפְ ָרט‬
And from an ostensibly specific
case expanded to a general rule.
restricted to specific cases.
‫וּמפְּ ָרט וּכְ לָל‬
and then another general principle:
you can only rule
that it applies to the specific cases.
From a general rule
that needs a specific case to explain it
and from a specific case
that needs a general rule to explain it.
Umigzerah shavah.
Mibinyan av
mikatuv echad,
umibinyan av
mishnei ketuvim.
Miklal ufrat.
Umiprat uchelal.
Klal ufrat
ee ata dan
elah ke’ein haprat.
‫כְּ לָל וּפְ ָרט‬
‫וּכְ לָל‬
‫ִאי אַ ָתּה ָדן‬
‫אֶ לָּה כְּ עֵ ין הַ פְּ ָרט‬
‫ִמכְּ ָלל‬
‫ֶשׁהוּא צָ ִרי� לִ פְ ָרט‬
‫וּמפְּ ָרט‬
‫ֶשׁהוּא צָ ִרי� לִ כְ ָלל‬
Mikal vachomer.
A general principle followed by specifics
haTorah nidreshet.
shehu tzarich lifrat
shehu tzarich lichlal.
Jewish texts I have seen omit the sheva under the yod in ‫בַ ַגּ ְי‬, but it’s in the Westminster Leningrad Codex.
The thirteen principles of scriptural interpretation are from Sifra, a work that explains Leviticus, and they give
insight into the exegetical methods of our sages.
Leviticus 14:9 gives an example of this principle.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
Anything that was
‫ָכּל ָדּבָ ר ֶשׁהָ ָיה‬
‫בִּ כְ ָלל‬
included in a general rule
‫וְ יָצָ א ִמן הַ כְּ ָלל‬
but was taken out of that rule
‫לְ לַמֵּ ד‬
to demonstrate something,
‫�א לְ לַמֵּ ד עַ ל עַ ְצמ ֹו יָצָ א‬
it does not refer only to itself,
‫אֶ לָּא לְ לַמֵּ ד‬
but to make a point
‫עַ ל הַ כְּ לָל כֻּלּ ֹו יָצָ א‬
about the general rule.
Anything that was included in a general rule ‫שׁהָ יָה בִּ כְ ָלל‬
ֶ ‫ָכּל ָדּבָ ר‬
but was used for a specific case
‫וְ יָצָ א לִ ְטעוֹן טוֹעַ ן אֶ חָ ד‬
similar to the general rule,
‫ֶשׁהוּא כְ ִענְ יָנ ֹו‬
‫יָצָ א לְ הָ ֵקל‬
it was used to make the rule more lenient,
not more stringent.
‫וְ �א לְ הַ חֲ ִמיר‬
Anything that was
‫ָכּל ָדּבָ ר ֶשׁהָ יָה‬
‫בִּ כְ ָלל‬
included in a general rule
‫וְ יָצָ א‬
but was used
‫לִ ְטעוֹן טֹעַ ן אַחֵ ר‬
for a specific case that is different,
‫ֶשׁ�א כְ ִענְ יָנ ֹו‬
not like the general rule,
‫יָצָ א לְ הָ ֵקל‬
it was used to make the rule more lenient
‫וּלְ הַ חֲ ִמיר‬
and more stringent.
Anything that was included in a general rule ‫שׁהָ יָה בִּ כְ ָלל‬
ֶ ‫ָכּל ָדּבָ ר‬
but was taken out
‫וְ יָצָ א‬
‫לִ דּוֹן בַּ ָדּבָ ר הֶ חָ ָדשׁ‬
to be considered as a new topic,
‫ִאי אַ ָתּה יָכוֹל‬
you can’t
‫לְ הַ חֲ זִ יר ֹו לִ כְ לָל ֹו‬
put it back into the general rule
‫עַ ד ֶשׁיַחֲ זִ ֶירנּוּ הַ ָכּתוּב‬
until holy scripture puts it back
into its general rule, explicitly.
‫לִ כְ לָל ֹו בְּ פֵ רוּשׁ‬
Kol davar shehaya
veyatza min haklal
lo lelamed al atzmo yatza,
elah lelamed
al haklal kulo yatza.
Kol davar shehu bichlal
veyatza lit’on to’an echad
shehu che’inyano,
yatza lehakel,
velo lehachamir.
Kol davar shehu
lit’on to’an acher
shehu che’inyano,
yatza lehakel,
Kol davar shehayah bichlal
lidon badavar hechadash,
ee atah yachol
lehachaziro lich’lalo,
ad sheyachazirenu hakatuv
lich’lalo beferush.
“Any thing that was in a general rule and came out of the general rule (i.e., was used by itself) to teach (i.e., to
make a point), not to teach about itself did it come out (i.e., it was not taken by itself only to make a point about
itself), but to teach about the whole general rule did it come out (i.e., it was taken in order to make a point that
applies to the general rule).”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
A topic explained by its context,
‫ָדבָ ר הַ לָּמֵ ד מֵ ִענְ יָנ ֹו‬
and a topic explained by what follows.
‫וְ ָדבָ ר הַ לָּמֵ ד ִמסּוֹפ ֹו‬
And in the same way, two scriptural passages
‫וְ כֵן ְשׁנֵי כְ תוּבִ ים‬
that contradict each other—
‫ישׁים זֶה אֶ ת זֶה‬
ִ ‫הַ מַּ כְ ִח‬
their meaning is unclear until there is
‫עַ ד ֶשׁיָבוֹא‬
ִ ִ‫הַ ָכּתוּב הַ ְשּׁל‬
a third passage
‫וְ יַכְ ִריעַ בֵּ ינֵיהֶ ם‬
that reconciles them.
Davar halamed me’inyano,
vedavar halamed misofo.
Vechen, shnei chetuvim
hamach’chishim zeh et zeh—
ad sheyavo
hakatuv hashlishi
veyachri’a beineihem.
Choose one of the following two passages.
________________________ May This Be ▪ ‫ָרצוֹן‬
May this be what you want,
ruling God
�‫◊ ְי ִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
�‫ֶשׁ ִת ֵתּן חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וְ נִ ְהיֶה ִמ ַתּלְ ִמ ָידיו‬
‫ֶשׁל אַהֲ רֹן הַ כֹּהֵ ן‬
‫אוֹהֵ ב ָשׁלוֹם וְ רוֹדֵ ף ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫אוֹהֵ ב אֶ ת הַ בְּ ִריוֹת‬
‫וּ ְמ ָק ְרבָ ן לַתּו ָֹרה‬
and God of our ancestors:
‫ ▪ יְהִ י‬Yehi Ratzon________________________
to grant our rights in your Torah,
that we may join the students
of Aaron the High Priest,
who loved peace and sought peace,
loved all creatures
and brought them to the Torah.
May this be what you want,
ruling God
vElohei avoteinu
that the Temple be rebuilt
soon, in our days,
and restore our rights in your Torah,
and there we shall serve you reverently
shetiten chelkenu beToratecha,
venih’yeh mitalmidav
shel Aharon hakohen,
ohev shalom verodef shalom,
ohev et habriyot
umekorvan laTorah.
‫ ▪ יְהִ י‬Yehi Ratzon________________________
�‫◊ ְי ִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁ ִיּבָּ נֶה בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
�‫וְ תֵ ן חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וְ ָשׁם נַעֲ בָ ְד� בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
as in days of old and years long past. ‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמוֹנִ יּוֹת‬
◊ Yehi ratzon milfanecha
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
bimherah veyameinu
veten chelkenu beToratecha
vesham na’avod’cha beyir’ah
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit rise to lead Teachers’ Kaddish, page 270.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
and God of our ancestors:
Mal 3:4
Adonai Eloheinu
________________________ May This Be ▪ ‫ָרצוֹן‬
◊ Yehi ratzon milfanecha
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Dawn Blessings
____________________________________ Psalm 30 ____________________________________
Many communities say this psalm to introduce the next section of morning prayer.
A psalm, a song to dedicate the Temple,
‫חנֻכַּ ת הַ בַּ יִ ת‬
ֲ ‫ ִמזְמוֹר ִשׁיר־‬Mizmor shir chanukat haBayit
by David:
‫ְל ָדוִ ד‬
I exalt you, God; you raised me tall;
My enemies could not cheer my fall.
‫ֲרוֹמ ְמ� יהוה ִכּי ִד ִלּיתָ נִ י‬
ִ ‫א‬
‫ֹא־שׂמַּ ְחתָּ אֹיְ בַ י ִלי‬
ִ ‫וְ ל‬
�‫יהוה אֱ�הָ י ִשׁוַּעְ ִתּי אֵ לֶ י‬
My God, you made me well again.
‫ו ִַתּ ְרפָּ אֵ נִ י‬
O God, to you I screamed in pain,
O God, you raised my soul from She’ol,
so I survived the Pit alive.
‫ִחיִּ יתַ נִ י ִמיּ ְָר ִדי־בוֹר‬
To God sing out, all you devout,
Give thanks for holy thoughts divine.3
‫ן־שׁאוֹל נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
ְ ‫יהוה הֶ ע ֱִליתָ ִמ‬
Aromimcha Adonai ki dilitani,
velo simachta oyvai li.
Adonai Elohai shivati elecha,
Adonai he’lita min She’ol nafshi,
chiyitani miyordi vor.
ָ ‫ז ְַמּרוּ לַ יהוה ח ֲִס‬
Zamru lAdonai chasidav,
‫וְ הוֹדוּ ְלזֵכֶ ר קָ ְדשׁוֹ‬
vehodu lezecher kodsho.
God’s wrath soon takes flight,
‫ִכּי ֶרגַע ְבּאַ פּוֹ‬
Ki rega be’apo,
but God’s love lasts for life;
‫חַ יִּ ים ִבּ ְרצוֹנוֹ‬
chayim birtzono,
If you weep through the night,
‫בָּ עֶ ֶרב י ִָלין בֶּ ִכי‬
I said, when I felt confident,
‫וְ לַ בֹּקֶ ר ִרנָּה‬
‫ַואֲנִ י אָ מַ ְר ִתּי ְבשַׁ ְלוִ י‬
“Nothing can shake me now—ever.”5
O God, should you grant favor,
I’d be abashed, in terror cower.
� ְ‫יהוה ִבּ ְרצוֹנ‬
‫הֶ עֱמַ ְדתָּ ה ְלהַ ְר ִרי עֹ ז‬
Va’ani amarti veshalvi
bal emot le’olam.
Adonai birtzoncha
he’emad’ta lehar’ri oz,
�‫ִה ְסתַּ ְרתָּ פָ נֶי‬
‫יתי נִ ְבהָ ל‬
ִ ִ‫הָ י‬
histarta fanecha,
hayiti nivhal.
‫בַּ ל־אֶ מּוֹט ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
velaboker rinah.
You’d stand me high, a tower of power;
But should you hide your face,
ba’erev yalin bechi,
you’ll rejoice at first light.
“I will make you high, God, because you picked me up and did not let my enemies rejoice over me.”
“You made me live despite my going down into the Pit.”
You might translate this line, “give thanks for his holiness,” but that omits the word ‫זכר‬, “memory of.” It
seems to mean, “Give thanks for (or to) the memory of his holiness.” If you remember God’s holiness, you’re
thinking of something that’s holy and divine; that’s why I translate, “give thanks for holy thoughts divine.”
“Because a moment in his anger, brings a lifetime in his favor; at evening weeping may come and stay overnight, and in the morning rejoicing.” The rhythm of the Hebrew changes; so does the translation.
A Hebrew idiom: “And I said in my confidence, ‘Lest I be moved forever.’”
“You would cause me to stand, to raise me like a mountain of my strength”; the Hebrew is rather elliptical.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
To you, God, I shall call,
‫אֵ לֶ י� יהוה אֶ ְק ָרא‬
To my ruler bring my plea:
‫דנָי אֶ ְתחַ נָּן‬
ֹ ‫וְ אֶ ל־ ֲא‬
Could my silence serve a purpose,
‫מַ ה־בֶּ צַ ע ְבּ ָד ִמי‬
Deep in my sepulcher;
‫ְבּ ִר ְד ִתּי אֶ ל־שָׁ חַ ת‬
As dry dust could I thank you,
‫ֲיוֹד� עָ פָ ר‬
ְ ‫ה‬
Your constant faith aver?1
God, hear me graciously,
� ֶ‫היַגִּ יד א ֲִמתּ‬
‫ְשׁמַ ע־יהוה וְ חָ נֵּנִ י‬
God, be a help to me!
To joyful dance you changed
my grief and care,
‫הָ פַ ְכתָּ ִמ ְס ְפּ ִדי ְלמָ חוֹל ִלי‬
Took my sack-cloth and gave me joy to wear.
‫היֵה־עֹ זֵר ִלי‬
ֱ ‫יהוה‬
‫ִפּתַּ ְחתָּ שַׂ קִּ י‬
‫ו ְַתּאַ זְּ ֵרנִ י ִשׂ ְמחָ ה‬
‫◊ ְלמַ עַ ן יְ זַמֶּ ְר� כָ בוֹד‬
and not fall dumb;
‫וְ ל ֹא יִ דֹּם‬
That my best part may sing your praise,
O God, my God, I’ll bring you thanks
Elecha Adonai ekra,
ve’el Adonai et’chanan.
Mah betzah bedomi
berid’ti el shachat,
hayodcha afar,
hayagid amitecha.
Shema Adonai vechoneini,
Adonai heyeh ozer li.
Hafachta mispedi lemachol li,
pitachta saki,
vat’azreini simchah.
◊ Lema’an yezamer’cha chavod
velo yidom,
‫יהוה אֱ�הַ י‬
Adonai Elohai
ֶ ‫ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
le’olam odeka.
for endless time to come.
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit rise to lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
“What profit could there be in spilling my blood (or in my silence), in my going down into my grave (or destruction); would dust thank (or acknowledge) you, would it tell your faithfulness?” Those who think ‫בְּ ָד ִמי‬
means “in spilling my blood” will transliterate the word “bedami”; those who think it means “in my silence”
will transliterate it “bedomi.” Perhaps the poet intends both meanings.
‫מ ְספֵּ ד‬,
ִ mourning, lament, funeral oration.
‫ ַשׂ ִקּי‬is “my sackcloth” or mourning clothes—today we use an armband of black crepe or a black ribbon.
“Opened my sackcloth (took off my mourning clothes) and girded me with joy.”
‫כָבוֹד‬, honor, glory; hence, the best of human nature.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
Poems and Songs
____________ Blessed Is the One Who Spoke ▪ ‫שֶׁ אָמַ ר‬
�‫ ▪ בָּ רוּ‬Baruch She’amar ____________
We rise. Those wearing a tallit hold the front tzitziyot.
The congregation responds “Amen” but not “Baruch hu uvaruch shemo” from here to the amidah, page 78.
Blessed is the one who spoke—
ַ ‫ בָּ רוּ� ֶשׁ‬u u Baruch she’amar
and the world came into being!
vehaya ha’olam!
‫וְ הָ יָה הָ ע ֹולָם‬
Blessed is the one.
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬
Blessed is the maker of creation.
ִ ‫בָּ רוּ� ע ֶֹשׂה ְב ֵר‬
…who says and does,
‫בָּ רוּ� אוֹמֵ ר וְ עו ֶֹשׂה‬
…who breaks and makes,
‫וּמ ַקיֵּם‬
ְ ‫בָּ רוּ� גּ ֹוזֵר‬
…who pities the earth,
ֶ ָ‫בָּ רוּ� ְמ ַרחֵ ם עַ ל ה‬
…who pities all creatures,
‫בָּ רוּ� ְמ ַרחֵ ם עַ ל הַ בְּ ִריּוֹת‬
…who rewards the God-fearing,
‫בָּ רוּ� ְמ ַשׁלֵּם ָשׂכָ ר טוֹב לִ ֵיראָיו‬
…who lives forever and lasts in glory,
‫בָּ רוּ� חַ י לָעַ ד וְ ַקיָּם ָלנֶצַ ח‬
‫בָּ רוּ� פּוֹדֶ ה וּמַ צִּ יל‬
…who ransoms and rescues,
Blessed is God’s name.
‫בָּ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
our God, ruler of the universe,
‫הָ אֵ ל הָ אָב הָ ַרחֲ מָ ן‬
God, the merciful source of life,
hailed by your people,
‫הַ ְמהֻ לָּל בְּ פִ י עַ מּ ֹו‬
‫וּמפֹ אָר‬
ְ ‫ְמשֻׁ בָּ ח‬
praised and lauded by the tongues
of your saints and servants.
‫בִּ לְ שׁוֹן חֲ ִס ָידיו וַ עֲ בָ ָדיו‬
And with songs of your servant David
� ֶ‫וּבְ ִשׁ ֵירי ָדוִ ד עַ בְ דּ‬
‫נְ הַ לֶּלְ � יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
we shall hail you, God, our God,
in praise and melody.
‫בִּ ְשׁבָ חוֹת וּבִ זְ ִמירוֹת‬
We shall magnify and praise you,
� ֲ‫ְנגַדֶּ לְ � וּנְ ַשׁבֵּ ח‬
�‫וּנְ פָ אֶ ְר� וְ ַנזְ כִּ יר ִשׁ ְמ‬
glorify you and honor your name
and crown you as our ruler, O God,
‫וְ נ ְַמלִ יכְ � מַ לְ כֵּנוּ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
Baruch hu.
Baruch oseh vereishit,
baruch omer ve’oseh,
baruch gozeir um’kayem,
baruch merachem al ha’aretz,
baruch merachem al habriyot,
baruch meshalem sachar tov lire’av,
baruch chai la’ad vekayam lanetzach,
baruch podeh umatzil,
baruch shemo.
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu, melech ha’olam,
ha’El, ha’av harachaman,
ham’hulal befi amo
meshubach umefo’ar
bilshon chasidav va’avadav.
Uveshirei David avdecha
nehalelcha Adonai Eloheinu
bishvachot uvizmirot.
Negadelcha, uneshabechacha,
unefa’er’cha, venazkir shimcha
venamlichecha malkeinu Eloheinu,
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
only life of the worlds.
Sovereign praised and glorified—
forever is your name great.
Blessed are you, God,
ruler hailed with praises.
‫◊ י ִָחיד חֵ י הָ ע ֹול ִָמים‬
‫וּמפֹ אָר‬
ְ ‫מֶ לֶ� ְמשֻׁ בָּ ח‬
‫עֲ דֵ י עַ ד ְשׁמ ֹו הַ גָּדוֹל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫מֶ לֶ� ְמהֻ לָּל בַּ ִתּ ְשׁבָּ חוֹת אָמֵ ן‬
◊ yachid chei ha’olamim.
Melech meshubach umefo’ar
adei ad shemo hagadol.
Baruch atah Adonai,
melech mehulal batishbachot. Amen
Kiss the tzitziyot and release them; then sit down.
_______________________________ I Chronicles 16:8-361 _______________________________
I Chron 16:8-36
Give thanks to God,
‫ הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה‬x { Hodu lAdonai
call on God’s name.
Make all the peoples know God’s deeds.
‫קִ ְראוּ ִב ְשׁמוֹ‬
‫הוֹדיעוּ בָ עַ ִמּים ע ֲִלי�תָ יו‬
Sing to God, make songs to God,
Share praises in God’s holy name,
Let them rejoice, who ask for God.
Seek out God and power divine,
Seek God’s presence all the time.
Think of the wonders God has done,
The signs and judgements God decreed.
God’s chosen people, Jacob’s seed.
This is God, our sovereign,
Think always of our pact with God,
A rule to last a thousand ages,
sichu bechol nifle’otav.
Hit’halelu beshem kodsho,
yismach lev mevakshei Adonai.
‫ִדּ ְרשׁוּ יהוה וְ עֻ זּוֹ‬
Dirshu Adonai ve’uzo,
‫בַּ קְּ שׁוּ פָ נָיו תָּ ִמיד‬
bakshu fanav tamid.
‫ז ְִכרוּ נִ ְפ ְלאֹתָ יו אֲשֶׁ ר עָ שָׂ ה‬
ִ ֵ‫וּמ ְשׁ ְפּט‬
ִ ‫מ ְֹפתָ יו‬
Zichru nifle’otav asher asah,
moftav umishpetei fihu.
‫ז ֶַרע יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ ְבדּוֹ‬
Zera Yisra’el avdo,
ָ ‫ְבּנֵי ַי ֲעקֹב ְבּ ִח‬
benei Ya’akov bechirav.
‫הוּא יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
Hu Adonai Eloheinu,
‫ְבּכָ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ ִמ ְשׁפָּ טָ יו‬
‫ז ְִכרוּ ְלעוֹלָ ם ְבּ ִריתוֹ‬
‫ָדּבָ ר ִצוָּה ְלאֶ לֶ ף דּוֹר‬
That God promised to Abraham,
And God’s oath to Isaac,
‫יִ ְשׂמַ ח לֵ ב ְמבַ ְקשֵׁ י יהוה‬
Shiru lo, zamru lo,
bechol ha’aretz mishpatav.
Whose judgements are in all the earth.
‫ִה ְתהַ ְללוּ ְבּשֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁוֹ‬
hodi’u va’amim alilotav.
Israel’s children work for God,
‫ִשׂיחוּ ְבּכָ ל־נִ ְפ ְלאֹתָ יו‬
‫ִשׁירוּ לוֹ ז ְַמּרוּ־לוֹ‬
Speak of all God’s miracles.
kir’u vishmo,
‫אֲשֶׁ ר כָּ ַרת אֶ ת־אַ ְב ָרהָ ם‬
‫וּשׁבוּעָ תוֹ ְליִ ְצחָ ק‬
Zichru le’olam berito,
davar tzivah le’elef dor.
Asher karat et-Avraham,
ushevu’ato leYitzchak.
We recall a happy day in Jewish history, when the Ark was brought to Jerusalem. This was David’s song of
praise at that time, and it’s very close to some of the psalms. Verses 8-22 are almost identical to Psalm 105:116. Verses 23-33 are almost identical to Psalm 96. The last verses are in Psalm 106, verses 1, 47 and 48.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
That God set as Jacob’s law,
For Israel an eternal pledge,
“Canaan’s land I give to you;
‫ידהָ ְל ַי ֲעקֹב ְלחֹק‬
ֶ ‫ַו ַיּע ֲִמ‬
Vaya’amideha leYa’akov lechok,
‫ְליִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ְבּ ִרית עוֹלָ ם‬
leYisra’el berit olam.
‫ץ־כּנָעַ ן‬
ְ ‫לֵ אמֹר ְל� אֶ תֵּ ן אֶ ֶר‬
This part is your inheritance.”
‫חֶ בֶ ל ַנחֲלַ ְתכֶ ם‬
When you numbered but a few,
‫יוֹתכֶ ם ְמתֵ י ִמ ְספָּ ר‬
ְ ‫ִבּ ְה‬
A small group who were staying there,
And they trudged from land to land,
‫ִכּ ְמעַ ט וְ ג ִָרים בָּ הּ‬
Lemor lecha eten eretz Kena’an,
chevel nachalat’chem.
Biheyot’chem metei mispar,
kim’at vegarim bah.
Vayit’halchu migoy el goy
‫וּממַּ ְמלָ כָ ה אֶ ל־עַ ם אַ חֵ ר‬
umimamlacha el am acher.
God let no one do them harm—
‫ֹא־הנִּ יחַ ְל ִאישׁ ְלעָ ְשׁקָ ם‬
ִ ‫ל‬
Lo hini’ach le’ish le’oshkam
God reprimanded kings for them!
‫וַיּוֹכַ ח עֲלֵ יהֶ ם ְמלָ ִכים‬
vayochah aleihem melachim.
‫וַיִּ ְתהַ ְלּכוּ ִמגּוֹי אֶ ל־גּוֹי‬
From state to state they made their way,
“Don’t touch my anointed ones,
And don’t harm my prophets.”
Sing to God, sing every place,
Declare each day the savior’s grace.
Tell God’s renown to every race,
No other can such awe evoke.
Sap’ru vagoyim et kevodo
‫ְבּכָ ל־הָ עַ ִמּים נִ ְפ ְלאֹתָ יו‬
bechol ha’amim nifle’otav.
‫וּמהֻ לָּ ל ְמאֹד‬
ְ ‫◊ ִכּי גָדוֹל יהוה‬
ִ ‫ִכּי כָּ ל־אֱ�הֵ י הָ עַ ִמּים א ֱִל‬
‫וַיהוה שָׁ מַ יִ ם עָ שָׂ ה‬
People, wherever you were born,
◊ Ki gadol Adonai umehulol me’od,
venorah hu al kol elohim.
Ki kol elohei ha’amim elilim,
vAdonai shamayim asah.
‫הוֹד וְ הָ ָדר ְלפָ נָיו‬
Hod vehadar lefanav,
‫עֹ ז וְ חֶ ְדוָה ִבּ ְמקֹמוֹ‬
oz vechedvah bimkomo.
Glory and majesty herald God,
Declare God’s honor and God’s fame!
basru miyom el yom yeshu’ato.
Those other “gods” are but a joke —
Strength and joy God’s place adorn.
Shiru lAdonai kol ha’aretz,
ֶ‫סַ ְפּרוּ בַ גּוֹיִ ם א‬
ִ ‫נוֹרא הוּא עַ ל־כָּ ל־א‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬
While our God did the heavens form.
uvin’vi’ai al tarei’u.”
‫בַּ ְשּׂרוּ ִמיּוֹם־אֶ ל־יוֹם יְ שׁוּעָ תוֹ‬
For great is God and greatly praised,
‫וּבנְ ִביאַ י אַ ל־תָּ ֵרעוּ‬
‫ִשׁירוּ לַ יהוה כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
God’s wonders among every folk;
“Al tig’u bimshichai
‫ל־תּגְּ עוּ ִבּ ְמ ִשׁיחָ י‬
‫הָ בוּ לַ יהוה ִמ ְשׁ ְפּחוֹת עַ ִמּים‬
‫הָ בוּ לַ יהוה כָּ בוֹד וָעֹ ז‬
Havu lAdonai mishpechot amim,
havu lAdonai kavod va’oz.
“Sing to God, all the earth.”
“Publicize from day to day his saving.”
“And awesome is he above all the gods.”
“But a joke” The word “elilim” seems to imply worthless or ineffective deities, so the literal translation is:
“For all the gods of other peoples are worthless deities.”
“Glory and majesty are before him; strength and joy are in his place.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Declare the glory of God’s name,
Bring offerings, come before God;
To God bow down in sacred space.
‫הָ בוּ לַ יהוה ְכּבוֹד ְשׁמוֹ‬
Havu lAdonai kevod shemo;
‫ְשׂאוּ ִמנְ חָ ה וּבֹאוּ ְלפָ נָיו‬
se’u min’cha uvo’u lefanav.
‫ִה ְשׁתַּ חֲווּ לַ יהוה ְבּהַ ְד ַרת־ק ֶֹדשׁ‬
Tremble, earth, before God’s face;
Earth cannot slip in God’s embrace.
‫ִחילוּ ִמ ְלּפָ נָיו כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
Hishtachavu lAdonai b’hadrat kodesh.
Chilu milfanav kol ha’aretz;
ַ‫ף־תּכּוֹן תֵּ בֵ ל בּ‬
ִ ַ‫א‬
af tikon tevel bal timot,
Sky will delight
‫יִ ְשׂ ְמחוּ הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם‬
Yismechu hashamayim
and earth rejoice,
‫וְ תָ גֵל הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
God’s sovereignty all folk will voice.
The teeming sea will roar, the lea
And all its creatures will exult,
‫ַיעֲ�ץ הַ שָּׂ ֶדה וְ כָ ל־אֲשֶׁ ר־בּוֹ‬
to judge earth’s sphere.6
Give thanks to God for God is good,
And say, “Save us, O saving God,
Unite us, save us from our foes,
veyomru vagoyim, “Adonai malach!”
Yir’am hayam um’lo’o;
ya’alotz hasadeh vechol asher bo.
‫אָ ז יְ ַרנְּ נוּ עֲצֵ י הַ יָּעַ ר‬
Az yeranenu atzei haya’ar
‫ִמ ִלּ ְפנֵי יהוה ִכּי־בָ א‬
milifnei Adonai ki va
‫ִל ְשׁפּוֹט אֶ ת־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
lishpot et ha’aretz.
‫הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי טוֹב‬
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
Because forever lasts God’s love.
ְ ‫ְיִרעַ ם הַ יָּם‬
And forests answer joyfully
As God comes near
� ָ‫ֹאמרוּ בַ גּוֹיִ ם יהוה מָ ל‬
ְ ‫וְ י‬
vetagel ha’aretz,
Hodu lAdonai ki tov,
ki le’olam chasdo.
‫הוֹשׁיעֵ נוּ אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ‬
Ve’imru, “Hoshi’enu Elohei yish’enu,
‫וְ קַ ְבּצֵ נוּ וְ הַ ִצּילֵ נוּ ִמן־הַ גּוֹיִ ם‬
vekabtzenu vehatzilenu min hagoyim,
� ֶ‫ְלהֹדוֹת ְלשֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁ‬
lehodot leshem kodshecha,
That we may praise your glory.
� ֶ‫ְל ִה ְשׁתַּ בֵּ חַ ִבּ ְת ִהלָּ ת‬
lehishtabe’ach bit’hilatecha.
Blessed is God, Israel’s God,
From now until eternity.”
And all the people said:
‫בָּ רוּ� יהוה אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ִמן־הָ עוֹלָ ם וְ עַ ד הָ עֹ לָ ם‬
‫ֹאמרוּ כָ ל־הָ עָ ם‬
ְ ‫וַיּ‬
‫אָ מֵ ן וְ הַ לֵּ ל לַ יהוה‬
“Ascribe to God, clans of peoples, ascribe to God glory and power.”
“Ascribe to God his name’s glory; take an offering and come before him.”
“He fixed the earth so that it cannot slip.”
“And they will say among the peoples, ‘God is (or has become) king.’”
A lea is a field or meadow.
“Before God, because he is coming to judge the world.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Baruch Adonai Elohei Yisra’el
min ha’olam ve’ad ha’olam.”
Vayomru chol ha’am:
“Amen!” and “Praise to God!”
That we may thank your holy name
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
“Amen vehalel lAdonai.”
Poems and Songs
Ps. 99:5
Exalt God, our ruler,
‫רוֹממוּ יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
and bow at God’s footstool;
‫הדֹם ַרגְ לָ יו‬
ֲ ַ‫וְ ִה ְשׁתַּ חֲווּ ל‬
God is holy.
Ps. 99:9
‫קָ דוֹשׁ הוּא‬
Exalt God, our ruler,
and bow at God’s holy mountain,
because God, our ruler, is holy.
Rom’mu Adonai Eloheinu,
vehishtachavu lahadom raglav,
kadosh hu.
‫רוֹממוּ יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
◊ Rom’mu Adonai Eloheinu
‫וְ ִה ְשׁתַּ חֲווּ ְלהַ ר קָ ְדשׁוֹ‬
vehishtachavu lehar kodsho,
‫ִכּי־קָ דוֹשׁ יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
ki kadosh Adonai Eloheinu.
______________________________ Additional Psalm Verses _____________________________
Ps. 73:38
We continue with more verses from Psalms.
God is merciful, excuses sin
‫ וְ הוּא ַרחוּם יְ כַ פֵּ ר עָ ֹון‬Vehu rachum yechaper avon
and will not destroy us,
‫וְ ל ֹא־י ְַשׁ ִחית‬
often withholds divine anger
Ps. 40:12
and does not arouse God’s rage.1
don’t keep your compassion from me—
always protect me.
Ps 25:6
Remember your mercies, God,
and your kindnesses,
for they have existed forever.
‫וְ ִה ְרבָּ ה ְלהָ ִשׁיב אַ פּוֹ‬
vehirbah lehashiv apo,
‫וְ ל ֹא־יָעִ יר כָּ ל־חֲמָ תוֹ‬
velo ya’ir kol chamato.
‫אַ תָּ ה יהוה‬
‫ֹא־ת ְכלָ א ַרחֲמֶ י� ִממֶּ נִּ י‬
ִ ‫ל‬
�‫חַ ְס ְדּ� ַוא ֲִמ ְתּ‬
Atah Adonai
lo tichla rachamecha mimeni;
chasdecha va’amit’cha
your kindness and faithfulness
velo yashchit,
‫תָּ ִמיד יִ ְצּרוּנִ י‬
‫ֹר־רחֲמֶ י� יְ הוָה‬
ַ ‫ְזכ‬
�‫ַוחֲסָ ֶדי‬
Zechor rachamecha, Adonai,
ki me’olam hemah.
‫ִכּי מֵ עוֹלָ ם הֵ מָּ ה‬
tamid yitzruni.
“And-he who is merciful will-pay-off wrongdoing/offense/sin and-not will-destroy and-has-acted-repeatedly
to-turn-back his-anger and-not will-awaken all his-anger.” Even if we suffer, we say that we deserve worse, and
so our suffering shows God’s mercy. The word ‫ ְי ַכפֵּ ר‬is in “Yom Kippur”; the concept we translate as “atonement” also carries the idea of paying off required compensation for a misdeed—paying a fine, or ransom money. If life were Monopoly, God would be our Get Out of Jail Free card.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Ps. 68:35-36
Grant that God is mighty,1
ֵ‫ְתּנוּ עֹ ז ל‬
whose majesty is over Israel
and whose power is in the clouds;
God, no building can match your splendor.
God is a God of revenge:
Rise, judge of the earth,
Your blessing’s on your nation. Selah.
The God of hosts is on our side;
Jacob’s God is our defense. Selah.
God of hosts,
Ps. 20:10
‫עַ ל־עַ ְמּ� ִב ְרכָ תֶ � סֶּ לָ ה‬
‫יהוה ְצבָ אוֹת עִ מָּ נוּ‬
God, save us: for at our demand,
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה‬
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ � ַי ֲענֵנוּ ְביוֹם־קָ ְראֵ נוּ‬
Save your people
and bless your heritage,
care for them and carry them forever.
� ָ‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי אָ ָדם בֹּטֵ חַ בּ‬
Hinaseh shofet ha’aretz,
hashev gemul al ge’im.
lAdonai hayeshuah,
al amcha virchatecha. Selah.
Adonai tzeva’ot imanu;
misgav lanu Elohei Ya’akov. Selah.
◊ Adonai tzeva’ot,
ashrei adam bote’ach bach.
Adonai hoshi’a—
hamelech ya’aneinu veyom kor’einu.
Ps. 28:9
‫לַ יהוָה הַ יְ שׁוּעָ ה‬
‫◊ יהוה ְצבָ אוֹת‬
Oh Ruler, you’ll give answer true.4
Baruch Elohim!
El nekamot, hofi’a!
‫ִמ ְשׂגָּב־לָ נוּ אֱ�הֵ י ַי ֲעקֹב סֶ לָ ה‬
Happy is the person who relies on you.
noten oz veta’atzumot la’am.
‫אֵ ל נְ קָ מוֹת‬
Ps. 84:13
El Yisra’el hu,
El nekamot Adonai:
‫הָ שֵׁ ב גְּ מוּל עַ ל־גּ ִֵאים‬
To God belongs salvation, while
Nora Elohim mimikdashecha;
‫אֵ ל־נְ קָ מוֹת יהוה‬
‫ִהנָּשֵׂ א שֹׁפֵ ט הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
Give the proud what they deserve!
Ps. 46:8
ve’uzo bash’chakim.
ִ ‫בָּ רוּ� א‬
God of revenge, show yourself!
Ps. 3:9
‫וְ עֻ זּוֹ בַּ ְשּׁחָ קִ ים‬
‫נֹתֵ ן עֹ ז וְ תַ עֲצֻ מוֹת לָ עָ ם‬
Blessed is God!
Ps. 94:1-2
al Yisra’el ga’avato,
‫אֵ ל יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל הוּא‬
who grants power and strength to the people.
Tenu oz lElohim;
‫עַ ל־יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ַגּ ֲאוָתוֹ‬
�‫ֱ�הים ִמ ִמּ ְק ָדּשֶׁ י‬
ִ ‫נוֹרא א‬
It’s Israel’s God,
� ֶ‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה אֶ ת־עַ מּ‬
Hoshi’a et amecha
� ֶ‫וּבָ ֵר� אֶ ת־ ַנחֲלָ ת‬
uvarech et nachalatecha,
ur’em venas’em ad ha’olam.
‫ְוּרעֵ ם וְ נ ְַשּׂאֵ ם עַ ד־הָ עוֹלָ ם‬
“Grant might to God.”
“God is (or God: you are) more awesome than your holy places” or “God is awesome from your holy places.”
I prefer the first interpretation, where the psalmist says that the sense of awe we feel where we hold religious
services is a poor shadow of the awe that God deserves. The second interpretation implies that holy places are
the source of God’s awesomeness.
“Salvation belongs to God; your blessing is on your people, Selah.”
“Lord, bring salvation! The king will answer us on the day when we call.”
“Care for”—the Hebrew is used for a shepherd’s work; “carry”—the Hebrew can mean “lift up” or “bear
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
Ps. 33:20-22
Our soul longed for God,
‫נ ְַפשֵׁ נוּ ִח ְכּתָ ה לַ יהוה‬
who is our help and our protection,
‫עֶ ז ְֵרנוּ וּמָ גִ נֵּנוּ הוּא‬
ezrenu umaginenu hu,
in whom our heart will find delight,
‫ִכּי־בוֹ יִ ְשׂמַ ח ִלבֵּ נוּ‬
ki vo yismach libenu,
in whose holy name we trust.
‫ִכּי ְבשֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁוֹ בָ טָ ְחנוּ‬
May your kindness, God, touch us1
‫יְהי־חַ ְס ְדּ� יהוה עָ לֵ ינוּ‬
because we put our trust in you.
� ָ‫כַּ אֲשֶׁ ר יִחַ ְלנוּ ל‬
God, show us your kindness
�‫הַ ְראֵ נוּ יהוה חַ ְס ֶדּ‬
Ps. 85:8
and grant us your salvation.
Ps. 44:27
Get up and help us,
and save us to show your kindness.
Ps. 81:11
‫וְ י ְֶשׁעֲ� ִתּתֶּ ן־לָ נוּ‬
‫זְרתָ ה לָּ נוּ‬
ָ ֶ‫קוּמָ ה ע‬
I am the ruler, your God,
ki veshem kodsho vatachnu.
Yehi chasdecha Adonai aleinu,
ka’asher yichalnu lach.
Har’einu, Adonai, chasdecha,
veyesh’acha titen lanu.
Kumah, ezratah lanu,
�‫וּפ ֵדנוּ ְלמַ עַ ן חַ ְס ֶדּ‬
ufedeinu lema’an chasdecha.
�‫אָ נ ִֹכי יהוה אֱ�הֶ י‬
Anochi Adonai Elohecha,
who lifts you from the Land of Egypt:
Nafshenu chikta lAdonai,
‫הַ מַּ עַ ְל� מֵ אֶ ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ָריִ ם‬
hama’alcha me’eretz Mitzrayim:
‫ב־פּי� ַואֲמַ ְלאֵ הוּ‬
ֶ‫הַ ְרח‬
har’chev picha va’amal’ehu.
Happy is the nation like this,
‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ כָּ כָ ה לּוֹ‬
Ashrei ha’am shekacha lo,
Happy is the nation that worships God.
‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ יהוה אֱ�הָ יו‬
ashrei ha’am sheAdonai Elohav.
‫◊ ַואֲנִ י ְבּחַ ְס ְדּ� בָ טַ ְח ִתּי‬
◊ Va’ani bechasdecha vatachti—
Ps. 13:6
open your mouth and I will fill it!
Ps. 144:15
And me, I trusted in your kindness,
that my heart will enjoy your salvation:
I will sing to God, who gave me my reward.
� ֶ‫ָיגֵל ִל ִבּי ִבּישׁוּעָ ת‬
‫ירה לַ יהוה ִכּי גָמַ ל עָ לָ י‬
ָ ‫אָ ִשׁ‬
yagel libi bishu’atecha:
ashira lAdonai ki gamal alai.
Or “be upon us.”
“Save” is “redeem”—to get someone out of trouble, pay off an obligation or take notice of someone. “To
show your kindness” can also mean “for the sake of your kindness.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
____________________________________ Psalm 100 ___________________________________
A psalm of thanks.
Some communities stand for this psalm.
ָ ‫ ִמזְמוֹר ְל‬Mizmor letodah.
‫ הָ ִריעוּ לַ יהוה כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬Hari’u lAdonai, kol ha’aretz.
Shout out to God, O every land,2
Worship God with happiness,
Gladly before God to stand.
‫בֹּאוּ ְלפָ נָיו ִבּ ְר ָננָה‬
Know this is the God we bless.
‫עִ ְבדוּ אֶ ת־יהוה ְבּ ִשׂ ְמחָ ה‬
ִ ‫ְדּעוּ ִכּי־יהוה הוּא א‬
God made us; now God owns us, and —
God’s people—we graze God’s lush land.
‫הוּא־עָ שָׂ נוּ וְ לוֹ ֲאנ ְַחנוּ‬
‫עַ מּוֹ וְ צ ֹאן מַ ְר ִעיתוֹ‬
ָ ‫בֹּאוּ ְשׁעָ ָריו ְבּ‬
To Temple courtyards bring your praise;
‫חֲצֵ רֹתָ יו ִבּ ְת ִהלָּ ה‬
With thanks approach the entry ways;
With thanks God’s reputation raise!
For God is good and always kind;
Age after age God’s truth will find!
‫הוֹדוּ־לוֹ בָּ רֲ כוּ ְשׁמוֹ‬
‫ִכּי־טוֹב יהוה ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
‫וְ עַד־דֹּר ָודֹר אֱמוּנָתוֹ‬
Ivdu et Adonai besimchah,
bo’u lefanav betodah.
De’u ki Adonai, hu Elohim.
Hu asanu, velo anachnu;
amo, vetzon mar’ito.
Bo’u she’arav betodah,
chatzerotav bit’hilah.
Hodu lo, bar’chu shemo!
Ki tov Adonai, le’olam chasdo,
ve’ad dor vador emunato.
Or, “A psalm as a Thanksgiving Offering,” as if saying this psalm is like bringing the offerin; that’s why many
people stand for this psalm, and that’s why we skip this psalm on days when there was no thanksgiving offering: Shabbat, festivals, the eve of Passover and its middle days, and the day before Yom Kippur.
“Cry out joyfully to God, all the earth.”
“Serve God with happiness, come before God with delight.”
“Know that God is God.”
The written text reads ‫ ולא‬but we read ‫ וְ ל ֹו‬instead (a difference between text as written and as read is not unusual in Hebrew scriptures). In this case, the pronunciation is the same. The written text means, “God made us,
we did not make ourselves”; the text as read means “God made us, and to God we belong.”
“We are God’s people, and the flock of God’s pasturing” (i.e., God is our shepherd.)
“Approach God’s gates with thanks, God’s courtyards with praise; acknowledge (or thank) God, bless God’s
“For God is good; God’s kindness lasts forever; from generation to generation God’s truthfulness endures.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
______________________ Let God’s Glory ▪ ‫כְ בוֹד‬
‫ ▪ יְהִ י‬Yehi Chevod
This is a collection of verses from different psalms (and one verse from Exodus).
The theme is that God has the power and the glory, and that we rely on God to rescue us in mercy.
Ps. 104:31
May God’s glory last forever;
Yehi chevod Adonai le’olam;
‫יְהי ְכבוֹד יְהוָה ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
may God enjoy what God has made.
‫יִ ְשׂמַ ח יְ הוָה ְבּמַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
yismach Adonai bema’asav.
Ps. 113:2-4
�‫יְהי שֵׁ ם יהוה ְמב ָֹר‬
Yehi shem Adonai mevorach
Let God’s name be blessed
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־ע�לָ ם‬
from sunrise to sunset
ְ ַ‫ִמ ִמּז ְַרח־שֶׁ מֶ שׁ ע‬
from now to eternity;
may God’s name be praised;
God is high above all nations;
‫ְמהֻ לָּ ל שֵׁ ם יהוה‬
‫ָרם עַ ל־כָּ ל־גּ�יִ ם יהוה‬
God’s glory is higher than the sky!
God, your fame is forever,
Ps. 135:13
your memory passes from parent to child.
Ps. 103:19
God’s throne is set in the sky
and the earth rejoice,
and let the nations admit2
God is the ruler!
God reigns;
Ps 93:1
God’s reign eternal will not cease.
Ps. 10:16
God is the eternal ruler;
‫יהוה ִשׁ ְמ� ְלע�לָ ם‬
‫יהוה ִז ְכ ְר� ְלדֹר־ ָודֹר‬
‫וּמַ ְלכוּת� בַּ כֹּל מָ שָׁ לָ ה‬
‫יִ ְשׂ ְמחוּ הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם‬
‫וְ תָ גֵל הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
God upset the nations’ evil plots,
thwarted the peoples’ wicked plans,
The human heart is full of schemes,
but God’s plan is the one that stands.
Adonai, zichrecha ledor vador.
Adonai bashamayim hechin kis’o,
umalchuto bakol mashalah.
Yismechu hashamayim
vetagel ha’aretz,
‫ֹאמרוּ בַ גּ�יִ ם‬
ְ ‫וְ י‬
veyomru vagoyim,
� ָ‫יהוה מָ ל‬
“Adonai malach.”
Adonai melech, Adonai malach,
‫יה ֥וה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלעֹ ָל֥ם וָעֶ ֽד‬
‫יהוה מֶ לֶ � ע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
�‫אָ ְבדוּ ג�יִ ם מֵ אַ ְרצ‬
Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
Adonai melech olam va’ed;
avdu goyim me’artzo.
other peoples disappeared from God’s land.
Prov. 19:21
al hashamayim kevodo.
Adonai, shimcha le’olam;
our God has ever reigned; � ָ‫יהוה מֶ לֶ � יהוה מָ ל‬
Ex. 15:18
Ps. 33:10
Ram al kol goyim Adonai,
Ps 10:16
mehulal shem Adonai.
Let the sky be happy
Mimizrach shemesh ad mevo’o
�‫עַ ל הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם ְכּב�ד‬
�‫יהוה בַּ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם הֵ ִכין ִכּ ְסא‬
and God’s government rules all.
I Chron. 16:31
me’atah ve’ad olam.
‫יהוה הֵ ִפיר עֲצַ ת־גּ�יִ ם‬
‫הֵ נִ יא מַ ְח ְשׁב�ת עַ ִמּים‬
ִ ֶ‫ַרבּ�ת מַ חֲשָׁ ב�ת ְבּל‬
‫ַועֲצַ ת יהוה ִהיא תָ קוּם‬
Adonai hefir atzat goyim,
heni machshevot amim.
Rabot machashavot belev ish,
va’atzat Adonai hi takum.
“God set his throne in the sky/heavens.”
Or “Let them say among the other nations”; i.e., let everyone accept God’s power.
“God reigns; God has reigned; God will reign forever and ever.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Ps. 33:11
God’s plan stands for ever,
‫עֲצַ ת יהוה ְלע�לָ ם תַּ ֲעמֹד‬
God’s strategy lasts from age to age.
Ps. 33:9
‫מַ ְח ְשׁב�ת ִלבּ� ְלדֹר ָודֹר‬
For God spoke, and so it was;
gave the order, and it was done.
Ps. 132:13
God chose Zion,
For Jacob, God chose him;
Ps. 94:14
�‫ִכּי ל ֹא־יִ טֹּשׁ יהוה עַ מּ‬
‫וְ ַנחֲלָ ת� ל ֹא ַי ֲעזֹב‬
God is merciful, excuses sin
and will not destroy us,
often withholds divine anger
and does not arouse God’s rage.3
God, save us: for at our demand,
‫◊ וְ הוּא ַרחוּם יְ כַ פֵּ ר עָ וֹן‬
‫וְ ל ֹא־י ְַשׁ ִחית‬
Oh Ruler, you’ll give answer true.
Ki vachar Adonai beTziyon,
iva lemoshav lo.
Ki Ya’akov bachar lo Yah,
Yisra’el lisgulato.
Ki lo yitosh Adonai amo,
venachalato lo ya’azov.
◊ Vehu rachum yechaper avon
velo yashchit,
�‫וְ ִה ְרבָּ ה ְלהָ ִשׁיב אַ פּ‬
vehirbah lehashiv apo,
�‫וְ ל ֹא־יָעִ יר כָּ ל־חֲמָ ת‬
velo ya’ir kol chamato.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה‬
Ps. 20:10
hu tziva, vaya’amod.
�‫יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ִל ְסגֻלָּ ת‬
God won’t desert the chosen people
or abandon God’s own inheritance.
Ps. 73:38
‫הוּא־צוָּה ַו ַיּ ֲעמֹד‬
‫ִכּי־ ַי ֲעקֹב בָּ חַ ר ל� יָהּ‬
God took Israel as a treasure.
machshevot libo ledor vador.
Ki hu amar, vayehi:
�‫ִאוָּהּ ְלמ�שָׁ ב ל‬
Ps. 135:4
Atzat Adonai le’olam ta’amod,
‫ִכּי הוּא אָ מַ ר ַויּ ִֶהי‬
‫ִכּי־בָ חַ ר יהוה ְבּ ִציּ�ן‬
God wanted it as a place to stay.
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ � ַי ֲענֵנוּ ְביוֹם־קָ ְראֵ נוּ‬
Adonai hoshi’a—
hamelech ya’aneinu veyom kor’einu.
The service continues with several psalms: “Ashrei,” psalm 145, preceded and followed by verses from other
psalms, and the rest of the psalms in the Book of Psalms, psalms 146 to 150.
‫ ַויַּעֲ מֹ ד‬is from the root for “stand”; God gave the command, and—one might say—it became a “standing order.”
“For will-not-desert God his-people and his-inheritance not he/it will-leave”—i.e., “God won’t abandon the
people,” and/or “The people won’t abandon God.”
Psalm 78:38. “And-he who is merciful will-pay-off wrongdoing/offense/sin and-not will-destroy and-hasacted-repeatedly to-turn-back his-anger and-not will-awaken all his-anger.” Even if we suffer, we say that we
deserve worse, and so our suffering shows God’s mercy. The word ‫ ְיכַפֵּ ר‬is in “Yom Kippur”; the concept we
translate as “atonement” also carries the idea of paying off required compensation for a misdeed—paying a
fine, or ransom money. If life were Monopoly, God would be our Get Out of Jail Free card.
“Lord, bring salvation! The king will answer us on the day when we call.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
_____________________________ Psalm 145 ▪ ‫ ▪ אַ ְשׁ ֵרי‬Ashrei ____________________________
Ps 84:5
“Happy are they who live with you;
Forever they will praise you.”
Ps 144:15
“Happy is such a people;
And I’ll bless your name forever.
Deeds of yours praise every age;
Hailing the glory of your power,
In words your wonders stating,
Voicing your awesome power,
Your greatness, too, relating;
Zealously recalling your great good,
Charitable and caring is God,
‫וּמהֻ לָּ ל ְמאֹד‬
ְ ‫ָגּד�ל יהוה‬
To all creatures God is good,
And mercy informs all God’s work.
Your creatures all will know you, God,
And your followers will bless you.
‫גְדלָּ ת� אֵ ין חֵ קֶ ר‬
ֻ ‫וְ ִל‬
Tehilah leDavid:
Aromimcha Elohai hamelech,
Va’avar’cha shimcha le’olam va’ed.
Bechol yom avar’cheka,
Va’ahalela shimcha le’olam va’ed.
Gadol Adonai um’hulal me’od,
Veligdulato ein cheker.
Dor ledor yeshabach ma’asecha,
‫וּגְ בוּרֹתֶ י� יַגִּ ידוּ‬
Ugevurotecha yagidu.
ֶ ‫ה ַדר ְכּב�ד‬
Hadar kevod hodecha
‫וְ ִד ְב ֵרי נִ ְפ ְלא�תֶ י� אָ ִשׂיחָ ה‬
Vedivrei nifle’otecha asicha.
‫נ�ראֹתֶ י� י ֹאמֵ רוּ‬
ְ ‫ֶועֱזוּז‬
Ve’ezuz nor’otecha yomeru,
‫וּגְדוּלָּ ְת� אֲסַ ְפּ ֶרנָּה‬
Ug’dulat’cha asaprena.
‫ב־טוּב� י ִַבּיעוּ‬
‫ֵזכֶ ר ַר‬
‫וְ ִצ ְדקָ ְת� יְ ַרנֵּנוּ‬
‫חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם יהוה‬
Zecher rav tuvcha yabi’u
Vetzidkat’cha yeranenu.
Chanun verachum Adonai,
Patient and most gracious.
‫ַואֲהַ ְללָ ה ִשׁ ְמ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
�‫דּ�ר ְלד�ר יְ שַׁ בַּ ח מַ עֲשֶׂ י‬
In your righteousness delighting.
ָ‫ְבּכָ ל־י�ם אֲבָ ְרכֶ ךּ‬
Ashrei ha’am she’Adonai Elohav.”
‫ַואֲבָ ְרכָ ה ִשׁ ְמ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
“Ashrei ha’am shekachah lo;
Your mighty acts they ever speak —
‫ְתּ ִהלָּ ה ְל ָדוִ ד‬
� ֶ‫ר�מ ְמ� אֱל�הַ י הַ מֶּ ל‬
ִ ‫א‬
Great is God and greatly praised,
Great beyond all probing.
Od yehalelucha selah.”
‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ יהוה אֱ�הָ יו‬
Blessing to you each day I’ll bring,
I’ll praise your name forever.
‫ע�ד יְ הַ ְללוּ� סֶּ לָ ה‬
David’s praise:
Acclaim I’ll give my sovereign, God,
“Ashrei yoshvei veitecha;
�‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ כָּ כָ ה לּ‬
Happy are they whose God is the Ruler.”
� ֶ‫�שׁבֵ י בֵ ית‬
ְ ‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי י‬
‫אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ יִ ם וּגְ ָדל־חָ סֶ ד‬
‫ט�ב־יהוה לַ כֹּל‬
‫וְ ַרחֲמָ יו עַ ל־כָּ ל־מַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
�‫י�דוּ� יהוה כָּ ל־מַ עֲשֶׂ י‬
Erech apayim ug’dol chased.
Tov Adonai lakol,
Verachamav al kol ma’asav.
Yoducha Adonai kol ma’asecha,
‫ידי� יְ בָ רֲ כוּכָ ה‬
ֶ ‫ַוח ֲִס‬
Vachasidecha yevar’chucha.
Kingdom’s glory they will tell,
‫כוּת� י ֹאמֵ רוּ‬
ְ ‫ְכּב�ד מַ ְל‬
Kevod malchut’cha yomeru,
And your power they will speak.
‫יְדבֵּ רוּ‬
ַ �‫בוּר ְת‬
ָ ְ‫וּג‬
Ug’vurat’cha yedaberu.
“And for his greatness there is no probing/examination.”
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‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Let children sense your power well
‫ה�דיעַ ִל ְבנֵי הָ אָ ָדם גְּ בוּרֹתָ יו‬
ִ ‫ְל‬
Lehodi’a livnei ha’adam gevurotav
And glory, your kingdom’s splendor;
�‫וּכב�ד ה ֲַדר מַ ְלכוּת‬
Monarchy is yours in every world,
And government in every age and time;
Supporting all who fall
Uchevod hadar malchuto.
‫כוּת� מַ ְלכוּת כָּ ל־עֹ לָ ִמים‬
ְ ‫מַ ְל‬
Malchut’cha malchut kol olamim,
‫וּמֶ ְמשַׁ ְל ְתּ� ְבּכָ ל־דּ�ר וָד�ר‬
Umemshaltecha bechol dor vador.
‫ס�מֵ � יהוה ְלכָ ל־הַ נּ ְֹפ ִלים‬
Somech Adonai lechol hanoflim,
And bracing those who are bent over.
ִ ‫וְ ז�קֵ ף ְלכָ ל־הַ ְכּ‬
Vezokef lechol hakfufim.
Einei chol elecha yesaberu,
Pote’ach et yadecha,
In hope all eyes are on you,
‫עֵ ינֵי־כֹל אֵ לֶ י� יְ שַׂ בֵּ רוּ‬
And you give them their food in its time, �‫וְ אַ תָּ ה נ�תֵ ן־לָ הֶ ם אֶ ת־אָ ְכלָ ם ְבּעִ תּ‬
Presenting your open hand
And filling every creature’s wish.
And loving in all deeds.
‫וּמַ ְשׂ ִבּיעַ ְלכָ ל־חַ י ָרצ�ן‬
True is God in every way
�‫פּ�תֵ חַ אֶ ת־י ֶָד‬
‫ל־דּ ָרכָ יו‬
ְ ָ‫צַ ִדּיק יהוה ְבּכ‬
‫וְ חָ ִסיד ְבּכָ ל־מַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
Close is God to those who call,
‫קָ ר�ב יהוה ְלכָ ל־ק ְֹראָ יו‬
To all who call on God sincerely.
‫ְלכֹל אֲשֶׁ ר יִ ְק ָראֻ הוּ בֶ אֱמֶ ת‬
Respect God, and your wish comes true;
‫צ�ן־יְראָ יו ַיעֲשֶׂ ה‬
Ve’ata noten lahem et ochlam be’ito.
Umasbi’ah lechol chai ratzon.
Tzadik Adonai bechol derachav,
Vechasid bechol ma’asav.
Karov Adonai lechol kor’av,
Lechol asher yikra’uhu ve’emet.
Retzon yere’av ya’aseh,
‫י�שׁיעֵ ם‬
ִ ְ‫וְ אֶ ת־שַׁ וְ עָ תָ ם יִ ְשׁמַ ע ו‬
Ve’et shav’atam yishma veyoshi’em.
‫שׁ�מֵ ר יהוה אֶ ת־כָּ ל־ ֹאהֲבָ יו‬
Shomer Adonai et kol ohavav,
‫וְ אֵ ת כָּ ל־הָ ְרשָׁ עִ ים י ְַשׁ ִמיד‬
Ve’et kol har’sha’im yashmid.
ֶ‫◊ ְתּ ִהלַּ ת יהוה יְ ַדבּ‬
◊ Tehillat Adonai yedaber pi,
Sheltering those who love God
And destroying all the wicked.
Tribute to God my mouth shall deliver;
And let all creatures bless
‫וִ יבָ ֵר� כָּ ל־בָּ שָׂ ר‬
God’s holy name forever.
‫שֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
And as for us, we’ll bless God
From now and forever: Halleluyah!
Vivarech kol basar
shem kodsho le’olam va’ed.
Ps 115:18
God hears your cry and saves you,4
‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ נְ בָ ֵר� יָהּ‬
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־ע�לָ ם הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
Va’anachnu nevarech Yah
Me’ata ve’ad olam Halleluyah!
This verse is one of the reasons the Talmud finds Ashrei so very important (B.T. Ber. 4b).
I used the plain translation “true” for “tzadik” (righteous); few English words begin with the tz/ts sound.
“In all his ways.”
“The wish of those who respect him, he performs; and their cry he will hear, and he will save them.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
____________________________________ Psalm 146 ___________________________________
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
My soul, hail God!
‫הַ ְל ִלי נ ְַפ ִשׁי אֶ ת־יְ הוָה‬
I will hail God while I live,
‫אֲהַ ְללָ ה יְ הוָה ְבּחַ יָּי‬
I’ll sing to God as long as I last.
Don’t put your trust in prophets,
in someone with no power to save,
who turns to dirt when breath is gone,
whose thoughts vanish on that day!
Lucky is one helped by Jacob’s God,
whose hope is in the Ruler, God,
Who makes sky and earth,
the sea and all its contents,
Makes justice for the wronged,
gives food to the starving—
God frees the constrained;
God gives sight to the blind;
Al tivtechu vin’divim—
‫ְבּבֶ ן־אָ ָדם שֶׁ אֵ ין ל� ְתשׁוּעָ ה‬
beven adam she’ein lo teshu’ah.
�‫תֵּ צֵ א רוּח� יָשֻׁ ב ְלאַ ְדמָ ת‬
Tetzei rucho, yashuv le’admato:
‫תּנֹתָ יו‬
ֹ ‫בַּ יּ�ם הַ הוּא אָ ְבדוּ עֶ ְשׁ‬
�‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי שֶׁ אֵ ל ַי ֲעקֹב ְבּעֶ זְר‬
‫ִשׂ ְבר� עַ ל־יְ הוָה אֱ�הָ יו‬
God loves the righteous;
God protects the alien,
supports the mourner and the widow,
God will rule forever—
Zion, your God will rule from age to age:
hail God!
‫הַ שֹּׁמֵ ר אֱמֶ ת ְלע�לָ ם‬
ִ ‫עֹ שֶׂ ה ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט לָ ע‬
Ashrei she’El Ya’akov be’ezro;
shivro al Adonai Elohav,
Oseh shamayim va’aretz,
et hayam ve’et kol asher bam,
hashomer emet le’olam,
Oseh mishpat la’ashukim,
‫נֹתֵ ן לֶ חֶ ם לָ ְרעֵ ִבים‬
ִ ‫יְהוָה מַ ִתּיר א‬
notein lechem lar’eivim.
Adonai, matir asurim;
‫יְהוָה פֹּקֵ חַ עִ וְ ִרים‬
Adonai, pokei’ach ivrim;
ִ ‫יְהוָה זֹקֵ ף ְכּ‬
Adonai, zokeif kefufim;
‫יְהוָה אֹהֵ ב צַ ִדּיקִ ים‬
Adonai, ohev tzadikim;
‫◊ יְ הוָה שֹׁמֵ ר אֶ ת־גּ ִֵרים‬
◊ Adonai, shomer et gerim,
ֵ ְ‫יָת�ם וְ אַ ְלמָ נָה י‬
yatom ve’almanah ye’oded,
‫וְ ֶד ֶר� ְרשָׁ עִ ים יְ עַ וֵּת‬
vederech resha’im ye’avet.
‫יִ ְמ�� יְ הוָה ְלע�לָ ם‬
Yimloch Adonai le’olam,
and twists the path of the wicked.
‫עֹ שֶׂ ה שָׁ מַ יִ ם וָאָ ֶרץ‬
bayom hahu avdu eshtonotav.
God straightens those who are bent over;
ִ ‫ל־תּ ְב ְטחוּ ִבנְ ִד‬
Ahalelah Adonai bechayay,
azamrah lElohay be’odi.
‫אֶ ת־הַ יָּם וְ אֶ ת־כָּ ל־אֲשֶׁ ר־בָּ ם‬
who keeps faith forever,
Haleli nafshi et-Adonai.
ִ ‫ֲאז ְַמּ ָרה לֵ א�הַ י ְבּ‬
‫אֱ�הַ יִ � ִציּ�ן ְלדֹר ָודֹר‬
‫הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
Elohayich, Tziyon, ledor vador:
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‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
____________________________________ Psalm 147 ___________________________________
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
It’s good to make music to our God—
‫ִכּי־ט�ב ז ְַמּ ָרה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
pleasant and pretty is praise!
‫ִכּי־נָעִ ים נָאוָה ְת ִהלָּ ה‬
God rebuilds Jerusalem,
‫בּ�נֵה יְ רוּשָׁ לַ ִם יְ הוָה‬
gathers Israel’s scattered people.
‫נִ ְדחֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל יְ כַ נֵּס‬
Healing shattered hearts,
‫בוּרי לֵ ב‬
ֵ ‫הָ ר�פֵ א ִל ְשׁ‬
God bandages their pain.
‫וּמחַ בֵּ שׁ ְלעַ ְצּב�תָ ם‬
God alone can number the stars,
‫מ�נֶה ִמ ְספָּ ר לַ כּ�כָ ִבים‬
giving all of them their names.
Our God is great and very powerful,
God sustains the oppressed
and knocks the wicked to the ground.
Respond to God with thanks,
Ki tov zamrah Eloheinu,
ki na’im nava tehilah.
Boneh Yerushalayim Adonai,
nidchei Yisra’el yechanes.
Harofeh lishvurei lev
umechabesh le’atzvotam.
Moneh mispar lekochavim,
lechulam shemot yikra.
Gadol Adoneinu verav ko’ach,
‫ִל ְתבוּנָת� אֵ ין ִמ ְספָּ ר‬
litvunato ein mispar.
‫ע�דד ֲענָוִ ים יְהוָה‬
ֵ ‫ְמ‬
Me’oded anavim Adonai,
‫מַ ְשׁ ִפּיל ְרשָׁ עִ ים ע ֲֵדי־אָ ֶרץ‬
ָ ‫עֱנוּ לַ יהוָה ְבּ‬
ַ‫גָּד�ל אֲד�נֵינוּ וְ ַרב־כֹּח‬
with infinite understanding.
‫ְלכֻ לָּ ם שֵׁ מ�ת יִ קְ ָרא‬
mashpil resha’im adei aretz.
Enu lAdonai betodah,
with the harp make music to our God—
‫ז ְַמּרוּ לֵ א�הֵ ינוּ ְב ִכנּ�ר‬
zamru lEloheinu bechinor,
‫הַ ְמכַ סֶּ ה שָׁ מַ יִ ם ְבּעָ ִבים‬
Ham’chaseh shamayim be’avim,
Who covers the sky with clouds
prepares rain for the ground
‫הַ מֵּ ִכין לָ אָ ֶרץ מָ טָ ר‬
‫הַ מַּ ְצ ִמיחַ הָ ִרים חָ ִציר‬
Who gives the animal its food,
answers the call of the raven’s brood.
hamatzmi’ach harim chatzir.
‫נ�תֵ ן ִל ְבהֵ מָ ה לַ ְחמָ הּ‬
Noten livhemah lachmah,
‫ִל ְבנֵי עֹ ֵרב אֲשֶׁ ר יִ קְ ָראוּ‬
livnei orev asher yikra’u.
‫בוּרת הַ סּוּס י ְֶחפָּ ץ‬
ַ ְ‫ל ֹא ִבג‬
Lo vigvurat hasus yechpatz,
‫ֹא־בשׁ�קֵ י הָ ִאישׁ ְיִרצֶ ה‬
ְ ‫ל‬
lo beshokei ha’ish yirtzeh;
But cares for those who fear God,
‫ר�צֶ ה יְ הוָה אֶ ת־יְ ֵראָ יו‬
Rotzeh Adonai et yerei’av,
those who hope for God’s kindness.
�‫אֶ ת־הַ ְמ ַיח ֲִלים ְלחַ ְסדּ‬
et hamyachalim lechasdo.
admires no-one for strong legs,
Jerusalem, praise your ruler;
‫שַׁ ְבּ ִחי יְ רוּשָׁ לַ ִם אֶ ת־יְ הוָה‬
Zion, hail your God:
God cares not for the horse’s might,
hamechin la’aretz matar,
and makes the hills grow grass,
‫הַ ְל ִלי אֱ�הַ יִ � ִציּ�ן‬
God fortified the bars of your gates,
blessed your children in your midst,
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
� ִ‫י־חזַּק ְבּ ִריחֵ י ְשׁעָ ָרי‬
ִ ‫ִכּ‬
� ֵ‫בֵּ ַר� בָּ נַיִ � ְבּ ִק ְרבּ‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shabchi, Yerushalayim, et Adonai!
haleli Elohayich, Tziyon!
Ki chizak berichei she’arayich,
berach banayich bekirbech.
Poems and Songs
God grants your borders peace,
‫הַ שָּׂ ם־גְּ בוּלֵ � שָׁ ל�ם‬
Hasam gevulech shalom,
� ֵ‫חֵ לֶ ב ִח ִטּים י ְַשׂ ִבּיע‬
chelev chitim yasbi’ech,
Sends to earth divine command—
‫הַ שֹּׁלֵ חַ ִא ְמ ָרת� אָ ֶרץ‬
Hashole’ach imrato aretz,
�‫עַד־מהֵ ָרה יָרוּץ ְדּבָ ר‬
ad meherah yarutz devaro,
‫הַ נֹּתֵ ן שֶׁ לֶ ג כַּ צָּ מֶ ר‬
Hanoten sheleg katzamer,
to fill you with the cream of wheat,
God’s word runs fast to take effect!
God brings snow—it’s like wool—
and scatters frost, like ashes,
Sows hail—like crumbs:
‫ְכּפ�ר כָּ אֵ פֶ ר יְ פַ זֵּר‬
‫מַ ְשׁ ִלי� קַ ְרח� ְכ ִפ ִתּים‬
Mashlich karcho kefitim—
‫ִל ְפנֵי קָ ָרת� ִמי ַי ֲעמֹד‬
lifnei karato mi ya’amod?
who can stand up to its cold?
kefor ka’efer yefazer,
‫יִ ְשׁלַ ח ְדּבָ ר� וְ י ְַמסֵ ם‬
Yishlach devaro veyamsem,
brings divine breath, and water flows,
‫יַשֵּׁ ב רוּח� יִ זְּ לוּ־מָ יִ ם‬
yashev rucho—yizlu mayim.
Telling divine words to Jacob,
‫מַ גִּ יד ְדּבָ ָריו ְל ַי ֲעקֹב‬
Magid devarav leYa’akov,
statutes and judgments to Israel.
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ טָ יו ְליִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ִ ‫חֻ קָּ יו‬
God sends the word, and they melt;
God did not do this for every nation,
‫◊ ל ֹא עָ שָׂ ה כֵ ן ְלכָ ל־גּ�י‬
so they did not know such judgements:
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ִטים בַּ ל־יְ ָדעוּם‬
‫הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
◊ Lo asah chen lechol goy,
umishpatim bal yeda’um:
Hail God!
chukav umishpatav leYisra’el.
I.e., a peaceful land yields good harvests, since the residents don’t have to feed the army.
Dahood interprets this verse in terms of weather—the swiftly moving noise from the sky is thunder, and it
comes between a verse about harvest and another about winter—but he notes that many translators follow Isaiah 55:10-11 and connect the weather with God’s commandment. To me, the psalm suggests that weather, human power and divine justice all spring from one source.
The Old English poem The Seafarer calls hail “the coldest of grains” (line 33); the ancients felt the weather
more keenly than we with our warm clothes and insulated houses.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
____________________________________ Psalm 148 ___________________________________
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּ יָהּ‬
Hail God from the sky;
‫הַ ְללוּ אֶ ת־יְ הוָה ִמן־הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם‬
hail God in the heights.
ִ ‫הַ ְללוּהוּ בַּ ְמּ‬
Hail God, all God’s angels,
Hail God, all God’s armies,
Hail God, you sun and moon,
Hail God, the highest heavens,
and the water that lies even higher!
God made the order stand forever;
God gave a statute, never to lapse.
Praise God from the earth,
haleluhu kol kochvei or
Haleluhu shemei hashamayim,
vehamayim asher me’al hashamayim.
Yehalelu et shem Adonai,
‫ִכּי הוּא ִצוָּה וְ נִ ְב ָראוּ‬
ki hu tzivah venivra’u.
‫ידם לָ עַ ד ְלע�לָ ם‬
ֵ ‫ַו ַיּע ֲִמ‬
‫חָ ק־נָתַ ן וְ ל ֹא ַיעֲב�ר‬
‫הַ ְללוּ אֶ ת־יְ הוָה ִמן־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
sea monsters and all the deep seas.
Haleluhu shemesh veyare’ach,
‫יְהַ ְללוּ אֶ ת־שֵׁ ם יְ הוָה‬
haleluhu kol tzeva’av,
‫וְ הַ מַּ יִ ם אֲשֶׁ ר מֵ עַ ל הַ שָּׁ מָ יִ ם‬
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ כָּ ל־ ְצבָ אָ יו‬
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְשׁמֵ י הַ שָּׁ מָ יִ ם‬
Hail God’s name,
for God gave the order, and it was done.
haleluhu bamromim.
Haleluhu chol malachav,
‫ל־כּ�כבֵ י א�ר‬
ָ‫הַ ְללוּהוּ כּ‬
Halelu et Adonai min hashamayim
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ כָ ל־מַ ְלאָ כָ יו‬
ַ‫הַ ְללוּהוּ שֶׁ מֶ שׁ וְ י ֵָרח‬
Hail God, all you bright stars.
ָ‫תַּ נִּ ינִ ים וְ כ‬
Vaya’amidem la’ad le’olam,
chok natan velo ya’avor.
Halelu et Adonai min ha’aretz,
taninim vechol tehomot.
Fire and thunder, snow and mist,
‫אֵ שׁ וּבָ ָרד שֶׁ לֶ ג וְ קִ יט�ר‬
Esh uvarad, sheleg vekitor,
stormy winds follow God’s orders.
�‫רוּחַ ְסעָ ָרה עֹ שָׂ ה ְדבָ ר‬
ru’ach se’arah osah devaro.
The beast and all the cattle,
Young men and young women too,
the elderly with the young—
etz peri vechol arazim.
‫ֶרמֶ שׂ וְ ִצפּ�ר כָּ נָף‬
Hachayah vechol behemah,
remes vetzipor kanaf.
Rulers on earth and all their folk,
chiefs and every earthly judge,
Heharim vechol geva’ot,
‫ל־בּהֵ מָ ה‬
ָ‫הַ חַ יָּה וְ כ‬
the insect and the winged bird—
‫הֶ הָ ִרים וְ כָ ל־גְּ בָ ע�ת‬
‫עֵ ץ ְפּ ִרי וְ כָ ל־א ֲָרזִים‬
The mountains and all the hills,
the fruit tree and every cedar tree,
‫ל־לאֻ ִמּים‬
ָ‫מַ ְלכֵ י־אֶ ֶרץ וְ כ‬
Malchei eretz vechol le’umim,
‫שָׂ ִרים וְ כָ ל־שׁ ְֹפטֵ י אָ ֶרץ‬
sarim vechol shoftei aretz.
ְ ‫חוּרים וְ ג‬
ִ ַ‫בּ‬
Bachurim vegam betulot,
‫זְקֵ נִ ים עִ ם־נְ עָ ִרים‬
zekenim im ne’arim.
Today we think of ‫ צבא‬as an army, but it could mean something less military—a group of people engaged in
public service.
“The heavens of the heavens” or “the skies of the skies.”
“And the water that is higher than the skies.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
Let them all praise God’s name,
for God’s name alone is exalted:
God’s glory surpasses earth and sky.
‫יְהַ ְללוּ אֶ ת־שֵׁ ם יְ הוָה‬
Yehalelu et shem Adonai,
�‫ִכּי־נִ ְשׂגָּב ְשׁמ� ְלבַ דּ‬
ki nisgav shemo levado:
‫ה�ד� עַ ל־אֶ ֶרץ וְ שָׁ מָ יִ ם‬
And God will bring us greatness,
�‫◊ ַויּ ֶָרם קֶ ֶרן ְלעַ מּ‬
glory for all who feel God’s kindness —
Israel’s children, the people close to God.
ָ ‫ְתּ ִהלָּ ה ְלכָ ל־ח ֲִס‬
ְ ַ‫ִל ְבנֵי יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ע‬
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
hodo al eretz veshamayim.
◊ Vayarem keren le’amo,
tehila lechol chasidav—
livnei Yisra’el, am kerovo:
____________________________________ Psalm 149 ___________________________________
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּ יָהּ‬
‫ִשׁירוּ לַ יהוָה ִשׁיר חָ ָדשׁ‬
Shiru lAdonai shir chadash,
‫ְתּ ִהלָּ ת� ִבּקְ הַ ל ח ֲִס ִידים‬
tehilato bikhal chasidim.
Sing God a new song—
God’s praise—among the righteous.
Let Israel rejoice in God’s works,
benei Tziyon yagilu vemalkam.
‫יְהַ ְללוּ ְשׁמ� ְבמָ ח�ל‬
Yehalelu shemo vemachol,
cymbals and harp; make music for God.
�‫ְבּתֹף וְ ִכנּ�ר יְ ז ְַמּרוּ־ל‬
betof vechinor yezamru lo.
For God takes delight in God’s people
�‫ִכּי־ר�צֶ ה יְהוָה ְבּעַ מּ‬
Ki rotzeh Adonai be’amo,
and will honor the humble with salvation.
‫יְ פָ אֵ ר ֲענָוִ ים ִבּישׁוּעָ ה‬
yefa’er anavim bishu’ah.
Hail God’s name with dance,
‫ֵי־ציּ�ן יָגִ ילוּ ְבמַ ְלכָּ ם‬
ִ ‫ְבּנ‬
Yismach Yisra’el be’osav,
Zion’s children celebrate God’s rule
‫יִ ְשׂמַ ח יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ְבּעֹ שָׂ יו‬
The righteous will exult in glory;
Ya’lzu chasidim bechavod,
‫ל־מ ְשׁ ְכּב�תָ ם‬
ִ ַ‫יְרנְּ נוּ ע‬
yeranenu al mishkevotam.
With high praise of God in their throat
‫ר�ממ�ת אֵ ל ִבּגְ ר�נָם‬
Romemot El bigronam,
and the sharpened sword in their hands
‫יפיּ�ת ְבּי ָָדם‬
ִ ‫וְ חֶ ֶרב ִפּ‬
vecherev pifiyot beyadam.
‫יַעְ ְלזוּ ח ֲִס ִידים ְבּכָ ב�ד‬
they’ll chuckle in bed,
“And he will raise a horn for his people” (possibly raising their heads so they can be proud); this idiom seems
to imply greatness. “Glory for those who feel God’s kindness”—‫ חֲ ִסידָ יו‬can mean “those who love him” or
“those who are gracious toward him”; or it can mean “those who experience his love/kindness.” We usually
translate the word as “righteous,” referring to the most devout and religious people.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
To take revenge on the nations
‫לַ עֲשׂ�ת נְ קָ מָ ה בַּ גּ�יִ ם‬
and bring punishment to the peoples,
‫תּ�כֵ חֹת בַּ ל־אֻ ִמּים‬
La’asot nekamah bagoyim,
tochechot bal’umim,
To put their chiefs in chains
‫◊ לֶ ְאסֹר מַ ְלכֵ יהֶ ם ְבּזִקִּ ים‬
◊ Le’sor malcheihem bezikim,
and their leaders in iron fetters,
‫וְ נִ ְכ ְבּ ֵדיהֶ ם ְבּכַ ְבלֵ י בַ ְרזֶל‬
venichbedeihem bechavlei varzel,
To make them suffer the written sentence— ‫לַ עֲשׂ�ת בָּ הֶ ם ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט כָּ תוּב‬
God is magnificent for the righteous:
ָ ‫הָ ָדר הוּא ְלכָ ל־ח ֲִס‬
la’asot bahem mishpat katuv,
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
hadar hu lechol chasidav:
____________________________________ Psalm 150 ___________________________________
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּ יָהּ‬
Hail God for holiness,
Hail God for far-reaching power,
Hail God as a role model,
Hail God according to God’s greatness,
Hail God with the trumpet blast,
Hail God with harp and lyre,
Hail God with cymbals and dance,
Hail God with strings and song,
Hail God with loud voices!
Haleluhu birki’ah uzo.
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ִבגְ בוּרֹתָ יו‬
Haleluhu vigvurotav,
�‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְכּרֹב גּ ְֻדל‬
haleluhu kerov gudlo.
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְבּתֵ קַ ע שׁ�פָ ר‬
Haleluhu beteka shofar,
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְבּנֵבֶ ל וְ ִכנּ�ר‬
haleluhu benevel vechinor.
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְבתֹף וּמָ ח�ל‬
Haleluhu betof umachol,
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְבּ ִמנִּ ים וְ עוּגָב‬
Let every living thing hail God—
Hail God!
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְב ִצ ְל ְצלֵ י־שָׁ מַ ע‬
Haleluhu vetziltzelei shama,
‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ְבּ ִצ ְל ְצלֵ י ְתרוּעָ ה‬
haleluhu betziltzelei teru’ah.
‫◊ כֹּל הַ נְּ שָׁ מָ ה ְתּהַ לֵּ ל יָהּ‬
◊ Kol han’shamah tehalel Yah,
‫הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
Let every living thing hail God—Hail God!
haleluhu beminim ve’ugav.
Hail God with loud music,
Halelu El bekodsho,
�‫הַ ְללוּהוּ ִבּ ְרקִ יעַ עֻ זּ‬
�‫הַ ְללוּ־אֵ ל ְבּקָ ְדשׁ‬
‫כֹּל הַ נְּ שָׁ מָ ה ְתּהַ לֵּ ל יָהּ הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
Kol han’shamah tehalel Yah, Haleluyah!
Role model? Yes! ‫ גְ בוּר ֹות‬is the name we give to the second blessing of the amidah; it means “power” or “heroic acts,” but that blessing shows God as healer, liberator and supporter, not as some kind of military hero or
sports figure.
The last psalm of all reminds us of the music of the Temple; in sad memory of its loss, Jewish services were
for centuries (and still are in most cases) without instrumental accompaniment.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
Ps. 89:53
To complete the section of psalms, we add these verses:
May God be blessed forever—
‫ בָּ רוּ� יהוה ְלע�לָ ם‬Baruch Adonai le’olam:
this is really true!
Ps. 135:21
‫אָ מֵ ן וְ אָ מֵ ן‬
May God be blessed from Zion,
God who lives in Jerusalem: Halleluyah!
‫בָּ רוּ� יהוה ִמ ִצּיּ�ן‬
‫שֹׁכֵ ן יְ רוּשָׁ לָ ִם הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
May God, God, be blessed—
Israel’s God,
who alone makes miracles;
ִ ‫בָּ רוּ� יהוה א‬
‫אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
�‫עֹ שֵׂ ה נִ ְפלָ א�ת ְלבַ דּ‬
amen ve’amen.
Baruch Adonai miTziyon,
shochen Yerushalayim: Halleluyah!
Baruch Adonai Elohim,
Elohei Yisra’el,
oseh nifla’ot levado;
◊ uvaruch shem kevodo le’olam,
and God’s famous name be blessed forever, ‫◊ וּבָ רוּ� שֵׁ ם ְכּב�ד� ְלע�לָ ם‬
and may God’s glory fill the whole world: ‫וְ יִ מָּ לֵ א ְכב�ד� אֶ ת־כֹּל הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
veyimaleh chevodo et kol ha’aretz:
Let it really be so!
amen ve’amen.
‫אָ מֵ ן וְ אָ מֵ ן‬
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
This section of the service, with its poetic language, concludes with three famous examples of praise: David’s
final praise and prayer; the Levites’ song of praise as the Jewish people returned to Torah in Ezra’s time; and
the Song of the Sea, the ancient poem sung when the Israelites escaped from Egypt.
We stand until the end of the Song of the Sea, page 61.
_________________________________ I Chron. 29:10-13 _________________________________
And David blessed God
‫ וַיְבָ ֶר� ָדּוִ יד אֶ ת־יהוה‬u u Vayevarech David et Adonai
in sight of the whole congregation.
‫ְלעֵ ינֵי כָּ ל־הַ קָּ הָ ל‬
David said,
‫וַיּ ֹאמֶ ר ָדּוִ יד‬
“Blessed are you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ תָּ ה יהוה‬
God of Israel our ancestor,
‫אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל אָ ִבינוּ‬
from eternity to eternity.
power, splendor,
Yours, God, are greatness,
success and glory—
yes, everything in heaven and earth.
and the appointment of every leader.
Wealth and honor come from you,
and you govern everything;
Lecha Adonai hagdulah
vehagvurah vehatif’eret
vehanetzach vehahod—
‫ִכּי־כֹל בַּ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם וּבָ אָ ֶרץ‬
‫ְל� יהוה הַ מַּ ְמלָ כָ ה‬
‫וְ הַ ִמּ ְתנַשֵּׂ א ְלכֹל ְלר ֹאשׁ‬
�‫וְ הָ עֹ שֶׁ ר וְ הַ כָּ בוֹד ִמ ְלּפָ נֶי‬
ָ ְ‫וּבי ְָד� כֹּחַ וּג‬
‫וּלחַ זֵּק לַ כֹּל‬
ְ ‫ְלג ֵַדּל‬
� ָ‫מוֹדים ֲאנ ְַחנוּ ל‬
ִ ‫וְ עַ תָּ ה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
� ֶ‫וּמהַ ְל ִלים ְלשֵׁ ם ִתּ ְפאַ ְרתּ‬
The Hebrew says “the name (reputation) of your splendor.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
me’olam ve’ad olam.
ki chol bashamayim uva’aretz—
lecha Adonai hamamlacha
vehamitnaseh lechol lerosh.
Veha’osher vehakavod milfanecha,
ve’atah moshel bakol,
uveyadcha ko’ach ugevurah,
legadel ulechazek lakol.
Ve’ata Eloheinu, modim anachnu lach
So now, our God, we thank you
and acclaim your splendid reputation.”1
Elohei Yisra’el avinu,
‫וְ הַ נֵּצַ ח וְ הַ הוֹד‬
�‫וּבי ְָד‬
to make anything great or strong.
“Baruch ata Adonai
and you hold the power
vayomer David:
‫בוּרה וְ הַ ִתּ ְפאֶ ֶרת‬
ָ ְ‫וְ הַ גּ‬
‫וְ אַ תָּ ה מוֹשֵׁ ל בַּ כֹּל‬
strength and might are in your hand,
‫ְל� יהוה הַ גְּ ֻדלָּ ה‬
Yours, God, is all power of governing
‫מֵ עוֹלָ ם וְ עַ ד־עוֹלָ ם‬
le’einei kol hakahal,
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
umehalelim leshem tif’artecha.”
Poems and Songs
_________________________________ Nehemiah 9:6-11 _________________________________
You alone are God;
you made the heavens,
the skies above and all their hosts,
�‫אַ תָּ ה־הוּא יהוה ְלבַ ֶדּ‬
Atah hu Adonai levadecha;
‫אַ תָּ ה עָ ִשׂיתָ אֶ ת־הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם‬
atah asita et hashamayim,
‫ל־צבָ אָ ם‬
ָ‫ְשׁמֵ י הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם וְ כ‬
shemei hashamayim vechol tzeva’am,
earth and everything on it,
ָ‫הָ אָ ֶרץ וְ כָ ל־אֲשֶׁ ר עָ לֶ יה‬
ha’aretz vechol asher aleha,
the seas and everything in them,
‫הַ יּ ִַמּים וְ כָ ל־אֲשֶׁ ר בָּ הֶ ם‬
hayamim vechol asher bahem,
and you give life to them all;
‫וְ אַ תָּ ה ְמחַ יֶּה אֶ ת־כֻּ לָּ ם‬
ve’atah mechayeh et kulam
and the hosts of heaven
‫וּצבָ א הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם‬
utzeva hashamayim
bow to you.
‫ְל� ִמ ְשׁתַּ חֲוִ ים‬
lecha mishtachavim.
You are God, the divinity,
who chose Abram
and made his name Abraham;
and you found his heart
You gave him your promise
to give the land of the Canaanites,
Hittites, Amorites, Perizites
to give that land to his descendants.
vesamta shemo Avraham;
‫ת־לבָ בוֹ‬
ֶ‫וּמָ צָ אתָ א‬
umatzata et levavo
�‫ֶנאֱמָ ן ְלפָ נֶי‬
ne’eman lefanecha.
‫וְ כָ רוֹת עִ מּוֹ הַ ְבּ ִרית‬
Vecharot imo habrit
latet et eretz haKena’ani
‫הַ ִח ִתּי הָ ֱאמ ִֹרי וְ הַ ְפּ ִרזִּ י‬
haChiti, ha’Emori, vehaPerizi,
‫לָ תֵ ת ְלז ְַרעוֹ‬
vehaYevusi vehaGirgashi—
latet lezar’o.
Vatakem et devarecha
ki tzadik atah.
‫ִכּי צַ ִדּיק אָ תָּ ה‬
You saw our parents’ pain in Egypt,
heard their screaming at the Reed Sea,
‫לָ תֵ ת אֶ ת־אֶ ֶרץ הַ ְכּ ַנעֲנִ י‬
�‫ת־דּבָ ֶרי‬
ְ ֶ‫וַתָּ קֶ ם א‬
because you are just.
vehotzeto me’Ur Kasdim
‫וְ שַׂ ְמתָּ ְשּׁמוֹ אַ ְב ָרהָ ם‬
‫בוּסי וְ הַ גִּ ְרגּ ִָשׁי‬
ִ ְ‫וְ הַ י‬
And you kept your promise
‫וְ הוֹצֵ אתוֹ מֵ אוּר כַּ ְשׂ ִדּים‬
Jebusites and Girgashites—
asher bacharta be’Avram
faithful to you.
◊ Atah hu Adonai ha’Elohim
‫אֲשֶׁ ר בָּ חַ ְרתָּ ְבּאַ ְב ָרם‬
and brought him from Ur of the Chaldees
ִ ‫◊ אַ תָּ ה־הוּא יהוה הָ א‬
‫וַתֵּ ֶרא אֶ ת־עֳנִ י ֲאבֹתֵ ינוּ ְבּ ִמ ְצ ָריִ ם‬
Vatereh et oni avoteinu beMitzrayim
‫וְ אֶ ת־ ַזעֲקָ תָ ם שָׁ מַ עְ תָּ עַ ל־יַם־סוּף‬
ve’et za’akatam shamata al Yam Suf.
Many siddurim break the paragraph here, in the middle of verse 8.
Cries of terror when they saw the Egyptian army after them!
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
You placed signs and wonders
‫ו ִַתּתֵּ ן ֹאתֹת וּמ ְֹפ ִתים‬
in front of Pharaoh and his servants,
‫וּבכָ ל־עֲבָ ָדיו‬
ְ ‫ְבּפַ ְרעֹ ה‬
all the people of his land.
‫וּבכָ ל־עַ ם אַ ְרצוֹ‬
Vatiten otot umoftim
beFar’oh uvechol avadav
uvechol am artzo;
You knew they bossed the Israelites around. ‫ִכּי י ַָד ְעתָּ ִכּי הֵ ִזידוּ עֲלֵ יהֶ ם‬
So you made yourself famous that very day. ‫שׂ־ל� שֵׁ ם ְכּהַ יּוֹם הַ זֶּה‬
ַ‫וַתַּ ע‬
ki yadata ki hezidu aleihem,
◊ Vehayam bakata lifneihem,
You split the sea before them;
‫◊ וְ הַ יָּם בָּ קַ עְ תָּ ִל ְפנֵיהֶ ם‬
they crossed through the sea on dry land,
‫ַויַּעַ ְברוּ ְבתוֹ�־הַ יָּם בַּ יַּבָּ שָׁ ה‬
while the pursuing soldiers
‫וְ אֶ ת־ר ְֹדפֵ יהֶ ם‬
you plunged into the depths
‫ִה ְשׁלַ ְכתָּ ִב ְמצוֹ�ת‬
like a stone into stormy seas.
‫ְכּמוֹ־אֶ בֶ ן ְבּמַ יִ ם עַ זִּ ים‬
Exodus 14:30-31
___________________ The Song of the Sea1 ▪ ‫הַ יָּם‬
On that day, God rescued
vata’as lecha shem kehayom hazeh.
vaya’avru vetoch hayam bayabashah,
ve’et rodfeihem
hishlachta vimtzolot,
kemo even bemayim azim.
‫ ▪ ִשׁ ַירת‬Shirat Hayam __________________
‫וַיּ֨ וֹשַׁ ע יה ֜וה בַּ יּ֥וֹם הַ ה֛ וּא‬
Vayosha Adonai bayom hahu
the Israelites from the Egyptians.
‫אֶ ת־יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֖אל ִמיַּ ֣ד ִמ ְצ ָר֑יִ ם‬
et Yisra’el miyad Mitzrayim,
The Israelites saw the Egyptians
‫ת־מ ְצ ַ ֔ריִ ם‬
ֶ‫וַיַּ ֤ ְ רא יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ֙ א‬
vayar Yisra’el et Mitzrayim
dead on the seashore.
‫ל־שׂ ַ ֥פת הַ יָּ ֽם‬
ַ‫ֵ ֖מת ע‬
The Israelites saw the great power
God used on Egypt;
ָ ֗ ‫◊ ַו ֨ ַיּ ְרא יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֜אל אֶ ת־הַ יָּ ֣ד הַ גְּ ד‬
‫ֲשׁר עָ ָשׂ֤ה יהוה ֙ ְבּ ִמ ְצ ַ ֔ריִ ם‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
the people perceived God,
‫וַיִּ ְֽירא֥ וּ הָ עָ ֖ם אֶ ת־יהו֑ה‬
and they believed in God
and in God’s servant Moses.
‫וּבמ ֶֹשׁ֖ה עַ ְב ֽדּוֹ‬
Ex 15:1-18
asher asah Adonai beMitzrayim
vayir’u ha’am et Adonai
vaya’aminu bAdonai
these are the words:3
I will sing to God,
et hashirah hazot lAdonai
vayomru lemor:
֙ ‫֤ירה לַ יהוה‬
ָ ‫אָ ִשׁ‬
Ashira lAdonai
‫ס֥ וּס וְ ר ְֹכב֖ וֹ ָר ָ ֥מה בַ יָּ ֽם‬
Also known as the Song of Moses.
“The great hand.”
Literally, the Hebrew idiom says “and they spoke, saying.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Az yashir Moshe uvenei Yisra’el
ֹ ֑ ‫ֹאמ ֖רוּ לֵ א‬
ְ ‫וַיּ‬
‫ִ ֽכּי־ ָג ֣ ֹאה גּ ָָ֔אה‬
and tossed horse and rider into the sea.
uveMoshe avdo.
Then Moses sang with the Israelites ‫וּב ֵנ֨י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ֜אל‬
ְ ֩ ‫ָשׁיר־מֹשֶׁ ה‬
ֽ ִ ‫ָא֣ז י‬
this song to God—
‫יר֤ה הַ זּ ֹאת ֙ לַ יה ֔וה‬
ָ ‫אֶ ת־הַ ִשּׁ‬
who is higher than the proud
◊ Vayar Yisra’el et hayad hagdolah
‫וֽ ַַיּא ֲִמ ֙ינוּ ֙ ֽבּיה ֔וה‬
met al sefat hayam.
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ki ga’o ga’ah,
sus verochvo ramah vayam.
Poems and Songs
My strength and song are God,
who is my salvation:
this is my God whom I praise,
‫ישׁוּע ֑ה‬
‫י־לי ִ ֽל‬
֖ ִ ‫וַ ֽ יְ ִה‬
vayehi li lishu’ah.
‫ֱ�הי אָ ִב֖י ַו ֲאר ְֹמ ֶ ֽמנְ הוּ‬
ֵ֥ ‫א‬
God is a warrior
‫יה ֖וה ִא ֣ישׁ ִמ ְלחָ ָמ֑ה‬
whom you call “God.”
‫יה ֖וה ְשׁ ֽמוֹ‬
Pharaoh’s chariots and army,
Ozi vezimrat Yah,
‫ֶז ֤ה אֵ ִלי ֙ וְ אַ נְ ֵו֔הוּ‬
my ancestors’ God, whom I exalt.
‫זִמ ָרת ֙ ָי֔הּ‬
ְ ְ‫עָ זִּ ֤י ו‬
‫בת פַּ ְר ֹ֛עה וְ חֵ יל֖ וֹ‬
ֹ ֥ ‫מַ ְר ְכּ‬
God threw them into the sea,
‫ָרה בַ יָּ ֑ם‬
Zeh Eli ve’anvehu,
Elohei avi, va’arom’menhu.
Adonai ish mil’chamah,
“Adonai” shemo.
Markevot Par’oh vecheilo
yarah vayam,
and the pick of Pharaoh’s captains
֖ ָ ‫חר ָ ֽשׁ ִל‬
֥ ַ ‫וּמ ְב‬
umivchar shalishav
drowned in the Reed Sea.
ֽ ‫טֻ ְבּע֥ וּ ְבי‬
tub’u veYam Suf.
Deep water covered them;
God, your right hand is awesome in power.
God, your right hand shatters the foe.
In your great majesty
you crush those who resist you;
you send your anger
to devour them like straw.3
yardu vimtzolot kemo aven.
ַ‫יְמינְ �֣ יה ֔וה נ ְֶא ָדּ ִ ֖רי בַּ ֑ ֹכּח‬
Yemin’cha, Adonai, nedari bako’ach:
‫יְמינְ �֥ יה ֖וה ִתּ ְרעַ ֥ץ אוֹיֵ ֽב‬
Yemin’cha, Adonai, tir’atz oyev.
֖� ְ‫רב גְּ אוֹנ‬
ֹ ֥ ‫וּב‬
Uverov ge’on’cha
�‫רס קָ ֶמ֑י‬
ֲ ַ‫תּ‬
taharos kamecha.
and the waters piled up,
the streams stood like a wall,
deep water congealed in the sea’s heart.
�֔ ְ‫רנ‬
ֲ ֙ ‫ְתּשַׁ לַּ ח‬
Teshalach charon’cha,
‫למוֹ כַּ ַ ֽקּשׁ‬
֖ ֵ ‫ֹאכ‬
ְ ‫י‬
yochlemo kakash.
֙ �‫וּב ֤רוּחַ אַ פֶּ ֙י‬
Uveru’ach apecha
You snorted,
Tehomot yechasyumu;
‫ה ֖ ֹמת יְ כַ ְסיֻ ֑מוּ‬
ֹ ‫ְתּ‬
‫מוֹ־אבֶ ן‬
‫צוֹ�ת ְכּ‬
֖ ‫י ְָר ֥דוּ ִב ְמ‬
they fell in the depths like a stone.
‫נֶ ֣עֶ ְרמוּ ֔ ַמיִ ם‬
ne’ermu mayim,
nitzvu chemo ned nozlim,
‫מת ְבּלֶ ב־יָ ֽם‬
ֹ֖ ‫ה‬
ֹ ‫ָ ֽק ְפא֥ וּ ְת‬
kaf’u tehomot belev yam.
‫נִ ְצּב֥ וּ ְכמוֹ־נֵ ֖ד ֹנז ְִל ֑ים‬
The root of ‫ גָאֹ ה גָּאָה‬means “proud” or “high.” The phrase implies that God is intensely exalted, and that God
is higher than the arrogant enemies who have now been humbled.
The Hebrew root ‫ רם‬means “high,” so this is ironic: God raised the enemy, then tossed them down.
The image could be of a beast eating straw, or a fire burning up dried grass and stubble.
“And in the breath of your nostril/anger.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
The enemy said,
‫אָ ַ ֥מר אוֹיֵ ֛ב‬
Amar oyev,
“I will chase and catch them,
‫דּף אַ ִשּׂ֖יג‬
ֹ ֥ ‫אֶ ְר‬
“Erdof, asig,
I’ll split the spoil
‫אֲחַ ֵלּ ֣ק שָׁ ָל ֑ל‬
achalek shalal;
to gorge my greed.
‫ִתּ ְמלָ ֵא֣מוֹ נ ְַפ ִ֔שׁי‬
I will draw my sword;
my hand will beggar them.”
You breathed your wind,
‫אָ ִ ֣ריק חַ ְר ִ֔בּי‬
and the sea covered them.
timla’emo nafshi;
arik charbi,
‫ישׁמוֹ י ִ ָֽדי‬
֖ ֵ ‫תּוֹר‬
torisheimo yadi!”
֖�ֲ‫ָשׁ ְפתָּ ְברוּח‬
ַ֥ ‫נ‬
Nashafta veruchacha
‫ִכּ ָסּ֣מוֹ יָ ֑ם‬
kisamo yam;
They sank like lead
‫עוֹפ ֶרת‬
ֶ ֔ ‫ָ ֽצלֲלוּ ֙ ַ ֽכּ‬
tzalelu ka’oferet
in the towering waters.
ֽ ִ ‫ְבּ ַ ֖מיִ ם אַ ִדּ‬
bemayim adirim.
‫מכָ ה ָ ֽבּאֵ ִלם ֙ יה ֔וה‬
ֹ ֤ ָ‫ִ ֽמי־כ‬
Mi chamocha ba’elim, Adonai?
Who is like you, magnificent in holiness,
‫מי כָּ ֖ ֹמכָ ה נ ְֶא ָדּ֣ר בַּ ֑ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ‬
Mi kamocha ne’dar bakodesh,
‫נוֹרא ְת ִה�֖ ת ֹ֥עשֵׂ ה ֶ ֽפלֶ א‬
nora tehilot, oseh feleh?
God, who of all the gods is like you?
praised in awe, working wonders?
You stretched out your right hand:
With your love you led us,
you saved this people,
with your power you guided us
to your holy center.
֖�‫ָחיתָ ְבחַ ְס ְדּ‬
ִ֥ ‫נ‬
Nachita vechasdecha;
ָ‫עַ ם־ ֣זוּ גּ ָָא ְ֑לתּ‬
am zu ga’alta.
֖� ְ‫ֵה ְלתָּ ְבעָ זּ‬
ַ֥ ‫נ‬
Nehalta ve’ozcha
�‫אֶ ל־נְ וֵ ֥ה קָ ְד ֶ ֽשׁ‬
Other nations heard and were upset:
panic seized the Philistines.
tivla’emo aretz.
‫ָ ֽשׁ ְמע֥ וּ עַ ִמּ֖ים ְיִר ָגּז֑וּן‬
‫בי ְפּ ָ ֽלשֶׁ ת‬
֖ ֵ ‫ִח ֣יל אָ ֔ ַחז י ְֹשׁ‬
‫לּוּפי א ֱ֔דוֹם‬
֣ ֵ ַ‫אז נִ ְבהֲלוּ ֙ א‬
‫ח ֵז ֖מוֹ ָר֑עַ ד‬
ֲ ‫מוֹאב ֽי ֹא‬
‫יל ֣י‬
ֵ ֵ‫א‬
Sham’u amim, yirgazun:
chil achaz yoshvei Pelashet.
Az nivhalu alufei Edom,
Edom’s chiefs were downcast;
trembling gripped Moab’s leaders;
all the Canaanites melted in dismay.
el nevei kodshecha.
Natita yemin’cha
‫ִתּ ְבלָ עֵ ֖מוֹ ָ ֽא ֶרץ‬
the earth swallowed them.
�֔ ְ‫יְמ ֣ינ‬
ִ ֙ ָ‫נ ִָט ֙ית‬
‫ֹשׁ ֵ ֥בי ְכנָ ֽעַ ן‬
ְ ‫כּל י‬
ֹ ֖ ‫ָנ ֹ֕מגוּ‬
eilei Mo’av yochazemo ra’ad;
namogu kol yoshvei Chena’an.
‫—שלל‬treasure, plunder, spoil. ‫—רש‬poor, beggar. The enemy seems motivated by greed.
“Awesome of praises.”
‫ נוה‬has two meanings: resting place/dwelling/pasture, and beauty. You could translate this phrase as “the
dwelling place of your holiness,” referring to the Temple (perhaps as prophecy). However, as the Children of
Israel stood on the shore after their rescue, they might well feel they were at the very center of God’s power.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Poems and Songs
Fear and trembling fall on them,
‫יה֤ם אֵ ימָ ֙תָ ה ֙ ו ֔ ַָפחַ ד‬
ֶ ֵ‫ִתּ ֹ֨פּל עֲל‬
before your great power
֖�ֲ‫דל זְרוֹע‬
ֹ ֥ ְ‫ִבּג‬
they are silent as stone
‫יִ ְדּמ֣ וּ כָּ ָא֑בֶ ן‬
until your people pass, God,
‫בר עַ ְמּ� ֙ יהו֔ה עַ ֽד־‬
ֹ ֤ ‫עַד־ ַי ֲע‬
until we pass, the people you have taken.
ָ‫בר עַ ם־ז֥וּ קָ נִ ֽית‬
ֹ ֖ ‫ַי ֲע‬
Lead them, plant them
֙ ‫ְתּ ִב ֵ֗אמוֹ וְ ִתטָּ עֵ ֙מוֹ‬
in the mountain you inherit—
�֔ ‫ֲל ְת‬
ֽ ָ ‫ְבּ ַה֣ר ַנח‬
God, the place you made as your home,
‫מָ כ֧ וֹן ְל ִשׁ ְב ְתּ�֛ פָּ עַ ֖ ְלתָּ יה ֑וה‬
Adonai’s sanctuary that you fixed yourself.
�‫ִמ ְקּ ָ ֕דשׁ ֲאדֹנָ ֖י כּוֹנְ נ֥וּ י ֶ ָֽדי‬
God will rule forever and ever.
‫לם וָעֶ ֽד‬
֥ ָ ֹ‫יה ֥וה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלע‬
Tipol aleihem eimatah vafachad.
Bigdol zero’acha
yidmu ka’aven
ad ya’avor amcha, Adonai,
ad ya’avor am zu kanita.
Tevi’emo vetita’emo
behar nachalat’cha.
Machon leshivtecha pa’alta, Adonai.
Mikdash Adonai konenu yadecha.
Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
God will rule forever and ever.
‫לם וָעֶ ֽד‬
֥ ָ ֹ‫ יה ֥וה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלע‬Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
The prayer leader concludes this part of the service with more scriptural verses.
Psalm 22:29
God has the power to rule
‫ ◊ ◊ ִכּי לַ יהוָה הַ ְמּלוּכָ ה‬Ki lAdonai ham’lucha
and governs the other nations.
Obadiah 1:21
and God will be the governor.
Zech. 14:9
And God will be ruler
‫ִל ְשׁפֹּט אֶ ת־הַ ר עֵ שָׂ ו‬
Ve’alu moshi’im beHar Tziyon
‫וְ הָ יְ תָ ה לַ יהוָה הַ ְמּלוּכָ ה‬
� ֶ‫וְ הָ יָה יְהוָה ְלמֶ ל‬
‫עַ ל־כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
lishpot et Har Esav,
vehayta lAdonai hamluchah.
Vehayah Adonai lemelech
al kol ha’aretz;
over all the earth;
‫מוֹשׁ ִעים ְבּהַ ר ִציּוֹן‬
‫וְ עָ לוּ‬
umoshel bagoyim
The rescuers will climb Mount Zion
to judge Mount Esau—
‫וּמֹשֵׁ ל בַּ גּוֹיִ ם‬
on that day God will be one
‫יִהיֶה יְ הוָה אֶ חָ ד‬
ְ ‫בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא‬
and God’s name will be one.
‫וּשׁמוֹ אֶ חָ ד‬
bayom hahu yih’yeh Adonai echad
ushemo echad.
We repeat the last verse, verse 18, so as to mark the end of the poem.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
____________ May Your Name Be Praised▪ �‫ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫ ▪ י ְִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח‬Yishtabach Shimcha ____________
‫ י ְִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח ִשׁ ְמ� לָעַ ד‬u u Yishtabach shimcha la’ad
our ruler—
‫ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬malkenu,
God, the ruler who is great and holy
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ גָּדוֹל וְ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬ha’El hamelech hagadol vehakadosh
in sky and on earth.
ֶ ָ‫ בַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים וּב‬bashamayim uva’aretz;
‫לְ � נָאֶ ה יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬-‫ כִּ י‬ki lecha na’eh, Adonai Eloheinu
Because to you, ruling God
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
and God of our ancestors,
we should give song and praise,
‫וּשׁבָ ָחה‬
ְ ‫ ִשׁיר‬shir ush’vacha,
‫ הַ לֵּל וְ זִ ְמ ָרה‬hallel vezimrah,
acclamation and music,
‫ עֹז וּמֶ ְמ ָשׁ ָלה‬oz umemshalah,
power and government,
victory, greatness, and strength,
ָ ְ‫ נֶצַ ח גְּ דֻ לָּה וּג‬netzach gedulah ug’vurah,
praise and glory,
‫ ְתּ ִהלָּה וְ ִתפְ אֶ ֶרת‬tehilah vetif’eret,
holiness and royalty,
‫ ְקדֻ ָשּׁה וּמַ לְ כוּת‬kedushah umalchut,
blessing and thanks,
‫ ◊ ◊ בְּ ָרכוֹת וְ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬berachot vehoda’ot
from now to eternity.
‫ע ֹולָם‬-‫ מֵ עַ ָתּה וְ עַ ד‬me’atah ve’ad olam.
Blessed are you, God,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch ata Adonai,
God and ruler great in praises,
‫ אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� גָּדוֹל בַּ ִתּ ְשׁבָּ חוֹת‬El melech, gadol batishbachot,
God of thanks, ruler of wonders,
‫ אֵ ל הַ הו ָֹדאוֹת אֲ דוֹן הַ נִּ פְ לָאוֹת‬El hahoda’ot, Adon hanifla’ot,
who favors musical songs,
‫ הַ בּוֹחֵ ר בְּ ִשׁ ֵירי זִ ְמ ָרה‬habocher beshirei zimrah:
sovereign and God, life of all worlds.
‫ מֶ לֶ� אֵ ל חֵ י הָ ע ֹול ִָמים אָמֵ ן‬melech El, chei ha’olamim. Amen
May your name be praised for ever,
The leader leads Half Kaddish, page 264.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
Shema and Its Blessings
___________________________ Call to Prayer ▪ ‫ ▪ בָּ ְרכוּ‬Bar’chu __________________________
We remain standing as the leader begins the call to prayer.
Bless God, the blessed one.
�‫ אֶ ת־ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u ‫ בָּ ְרכוּ‬v y Bar’chu u et Adonai hamvorach.
The congregation responds, and the leader repeats:
Blessed is God, the blessed one,
�‫ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u �‫ בָּ רוּ‬v y Baruch u Adonai hamvorach
for ever and ever.
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
Blessed is God, the blessed one,
for ever and ever.
�‫ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u �‫ בָּ רוּ‬v y Baruch u Adonai hamvorach
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
____________________________ First Blessing Before Shema____________________________
We are seated x
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬x {Baruch atah Adonai
our God, ruler of the universe,
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
who forms light, creates darkness,
ֶ ‫ יוֹצֵ ר אוֹר וּבו ֵֹרא‬yotzer or uvoreh choshech,
makes peace and creates all things.
oseh shalom uvoreh et hakol.
‫הַ כֹּל‬-‫עשׁה ָשׁלוֹם וּבו ֵֹרא אֶ ת‬
______________________ Giving Light to the World ▪ ‫ָאָרץ‬
ֶ ‫ ▪ הַ מֵּ ִאיר ל‬Hame’ir La’aretz ______________________
God is the one who gives light to the world
ֶ ‫ הַ מֵּ ִאיר ל‬Hame’ir la’aretz
and those who live there, in mercy,
‫ וְ ל ַָדּ ִרים עָ לֶיהָ בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬veladarim aleha berachamim,
who in goodness renews every day,
‫יוֹם‬-‫ וּבְ טוּב ֹו ְמחַ דֵּ שׁ בְּ ָכל‬uvetuvo mechadesh bechol yom
forever, the work of Creation.
ִ ‫ ָתּ ִמיד מַ עֲ ֵשׂה בְ ֵר‬tamid ma’aseh vereshit.
How great are your works, God;
‫ מָ ה ַרבּוּ מַ עֲ ֶשׂי� יי‬Mah rabu ma’asecha, Adonai;
ָ ‫ ֻכּלָּם בְּ חָ כְ מָ ה עָ ִשׂ‬kulam bechochmah asita,
you made them all with wisdom;
the earth is full of belonging to you!
�ֶ‫אָרץ ִקנְ ָינ‬
ֶ ָ‫ מָ לְ אָה ה‬mal’ah ha’aretz kinyanecha!
the Ruler on high—
‫ הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ְמרוֹמָ ם‬Hamelech hamromam,
‫ לְ בַ דּ ֹו מֵ אָז‬levado me’az,
peerless1 since ancient times—
‫ הַ ְמשֻׁ בָּ ח וְ הַ ְמפוֹאָר‬hamshubach vehamfo’ar,
who is praised and glorified,
‫ וְ הַ ִמּ ְתנ ֵַשּׂא ִמימוֹת ע ֹו ָלם‬vehamitnaseh mimot olam.
exalted since the world began.
‫ אֱ �הֵ י ע ֹולָם בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬Elohei olam, berachamecha harabim
Eternal God, in your great mercy,
have mercy on us,
‫ ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ‬rachem aleinu,
We bless you, God,
‫ לְ בַ דּ ֹו‬means “alone”—i.e., God has no companion; no being can compare.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Ruler of our strength, Rock of our refuge,
Shield of our salvation,
where we take shelter.
Blessed God, with vast design,
Planned and made the sunshine bright.
Created good for great renown,
Placed lights around God’s regal might.
The chiefs3 of God’s host are holy ones,
who exalt the Almighty,
ever relating God’s glory
‫אֵ ל בָּ רוּ� ָגּדוֹל דֵּ עָ ה‬
‫הֵ כִ ין וּפָ עַ ל ָזהֳ ֵרי חַ מָּ ה‬
‫טוֹב ָיצַ ר כְּ בוֹד לִ ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְמאוֹרוֹת ָנ ַתן ְסבִ יבוֹת ֻעזּ ֹו‬
‫פִּ נּוֹת ְצבָ אָיו ְקדו ִֹשׁים‬
‫רו ְֹממֵ י ַשׁדַּ י‬
‫ָתּ ִמיד ְמסַ פְּ ִרים כְּ בוֹד אֵ ל‬
‫וּקדֻ ָשׁת ֹו‬
and God’s holiness.
‫אֲ דוֹן עֻ זֵּנוּ צוּר ִמ ְשׂגַּבֵּ נוּ‬
‫מָ גֵן ִי ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
‫ִמ ְשׂגָּב בַּ עֲ דֵ נוּ‬
adon uzeinu, tzur misgabeinu,
magen yish’einu,
misgav ba’adeinu.
El baruch, gadol de’ah,
hechin ufa’al zohorei chamah.
Tov yatzar, kevod lishmo;
me’orot natan sevivot uzo.
Pinot tzeva’av kedoshim
romemei Shaddai;
tamid mesaprim kevod El
‫ ִתּ ְתבָּ ַר� יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Titbarach, Adonai Eloheinu,
�‫ עַ ל ֶשׁבַ ח מַ עֲ ֵשׂה יָדֶ י‬al shevach ma’asei yadecha,
beyond the praise of your handiwork,
ָ ‫ וְ עַ ל ְמאו ֵֹרי אוֹר ֶשׁעָ ִשׂ‬ve’al me’orei or she’asita,
above the luminaries you created—
let them praise you.
‫ ְיפָ אֲ רוּ� סֶּ לָה‬yefa’arucha. Selah.
______________________ Be Blessed, Our Rock ▪ ‫צוּרנוּ‬
ֵ �‫ ▪ ִתּ ְתבָּ ַר‬Titbarach, Tzureinu______________________
Be blessed,
�‫ ִתּ ְתבָּ ַר‬Titbarach,
‫צוּרנוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ וְ גוֹאֲ לֵנוּ‬
our rock, ruler, redeemer,
tzureinu, malkeinu vego’aleinu,
maker of the holy ones.
‫ בּו ֵֹרא ְקדו ִֹשׁים‬borei kedoshim.
May your name be ever praised, our ruler ‫ִשׁ ַתּבַּ חַ ִשׁ ְמ� ָלעַ ד מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
ְ ‫ י‬Yishtabach shimcha la’ad, malkeinu,
who forms the ministering angels,
‫ יוֹצֵ ר ְמ ָשׁ ְר ִתים‬yotzer meshartim,
Be blessed, O Ruler, our God,
“Shelter for us.”
The acrostic poem seems terse, and the rhyme ends after sixteen words. The translation is similarly brief. “The
sunshine bright” is “the splendors of the sun”; “created good” implies that the whole world is good; “for great
renown” is “for the glory of his name,” i.e., God’s reputation.
‫ פִּ נָּה‬means “corner,” so it refers to the chief part.
“Ministering” angel is from the root for service or utility. These are the angels who don’t “only stand and
wait,” in John Milton’s words.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
whose ministering angels all
‫וַ אֲ ֶשׁר ְמ ָשׁ ְר ָתיו ֻכּ ָלּם‬
‫עו ְֹמ ִדים בְּ רוּם ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫יעים בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
ִ ‫וּמַ ְשׁ ִמ‬
‫יַחַ ד בְּ קוֹל ִדּבְ ֵרי‬
stand at the peak of the universe
and declare in awe,
together, aloud, the words of
Jer 10:10
the living God who rules the world.
ִ ְ‫ֻכּלָּם אֲ הוּבִ ים ֻכּלָּם בּ‬
‫ֻכּלָּם גִּ בּו ִֹרים‬
‫וְ ֻכלָּם ע ִֹשׂים בְּ אֵ ימָ ה וּבְ ִי ְראָה‬
‫ְרצוֹן ק ֹונָם‬
‫פִּ יהֶ ם‬-‫◊ וְ ֻכלָּם פּו ְֹת ִחים אֶ ת‬
‫בִּ ְקדֻ ָשּׁה וּבְ טָ הֳ ָרה‬
‫בְּ ִשׁ ָירה וּבְ זִ ְמ ָרה‬
‫וּמ ַשׁבְּ ִחים‬
ְ ‫וּמבָ ְרכִ ים‬
ִ ‫וּמפָ אֲ ִרים וּמַ עֲ ִר‬
‫ישׁים וּמַ ְמלִ יכִ ים‬
ִ ‫וּמַ ְק ִדּ‬
They are all loved, they are all pure,
‫ֱ�הים חַ יִּ ים וּמֶ לֶ � עוֹלָ ם‬
ִ ‫א‬
they are all powerful,
and they all perform in fear and awe
the will of their owner.
And they all open their mouths
in song and chant,
in holiness and purity,
and they bless and praise,
omdim berum olam
umashmi’im beyir’ah,
yachad bekol divrei
Elohim chayim umelech olam.
Kulam ahuvim, kulam berurim,
kulam giborim,
vechulam osim be’eimah uveyir’ah
retzon konam.
◊ Vechulam pot’chim et pihem
bikdushah uvetohorah,
beshirah uvezimrah,
umevar’chim umeshabchim
umefa’arim uma’aritzim
honor and adore,
va’asher meshartav kulam
grant holiness and government
umakdishim umamlichim
Congregation and leader recite the next three lines aloud.
�ֶ‫ ֵשׁם הָ אֵ ל הַ מֶּ ל‬-‫ אֶ ת‬et shem haEl hamelech
to the name of the ruling God—
great, mighty and awesome—
hagadol, hagibor vehanorah,
kadosh hu.
‫הַ גָּדוֹל הַ גִּ בּוֹר וְ הַ נּו ָֹרא‬
it is holy!
‫ָקדוֹשׁ הוּא‬
And they all accept
‫וְ ֻכלָּם ְמ ַקבְּ לִ ים עֲ לֵיהֶ ם‬
the yoke of heaven’s rule, one from the other; ‫עֹל מַ לְ כוּת ָשׁמַ ִים זֶה ִמזֶּה‬
they grant permission, each to the other,
‫וְ נו ְֹתנִ ים ְרשׁוּת זֶה ָלזֶה‬
to sanctify their maker
‫◊ לְ הַ ְק ִדּישׁ לְ יו ְֹצ ָרם‬
with serene spirit, with pure speech
ָ ְ‫בְּ נַחַ ת רוּחַ ְבּ ָשׂפָ ה ב‬
and holy melody, all as one;
‫וּבִ נְ ִעימָ ה ְקדו ָֹשׁה ֻכּלָּם כְּ אֶ ָחד‬
they respond and declare in awe:3
‫עוֹנִ ים וְ או ְֹמ ִרים בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
Vechulam mekablim aleihem
ol malchut shamayim, zeh mizeh,
venotnim reshut, zeh lazeh,
◊ lehakdish leyotzram
benachat ru’ach, besafah verurah,
uvin’imah kedoshah, kulam ke’echad
onim ve’omrim beyir’ah:
Or “God is holy.” Psalm 99:3 says “Let them give thanks to your name, great and awesome—it is holy!”
“With quietness of spirit,” with equanimity, unperturbed (because they know they have the right to engage in
praising their maker).
The chorus of angels is pictured as responding—one group begins and the others respond.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Isaiah 6:3
Congregation and prayer leader say the next three lines (the angels’ part) aloud:
Holy, holy, holy
‫ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ‬Kadosh kadosh kadosh
is God of hosts;
‫יהוה ְצבָ אוֹת‬
God’s glory fills the universe.
‫ְמל ֹא כָ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ ְכּבוֹדוֹ‬
And the ofanim and the holy beings,
with great noise
rise to the level of the seraphs
‫◊ וְ הָ אוֹפַ נִּ ים וְ חַ יּוֹת הַ קֹּדֶ שׁ‬
‫בְּ ַרעַ שׁ גָּדוֹל‬
‫ִמ ְתנ ְַשּׂ ִאים לְ עֻ מַּ ת ְשׂ ָרפִ ים‬
‫לְ עֻ מָּ ָתם ְמ ַשׁבְּ ִחים וְ או ְֹמ ִרים‬
Adonai tzeva’ot;
melo chol ha’aretz kevodo.
◊ Veha’ofanim vechayot hakodesh
bera’ash gadol
mitnas’im le’umat serafim;
across from them, give praise and say:
le’umatam meshabchim ve’omrim:
Congregation and prayer leader say the next two lines (the angels’ part) aloud:
Ezek 3:12
“Blessed is God’s glory
‫“ בָּ רוּ� ְכּבוֹד־יהוה‬Baruch kevod Adonai
flowing from its source.”
‫ִמ ְמּקוֹמוֹ‬
They bring melodies to blessed God,
Le’El baruch ne’imot yitenu,
Ps 136:7
“Le’oseh orim gedolim,
‫לְ אֵ ל בָּ רוּ� נְ ִעימוֹת יִתֵּ נוּ‬
‫לַמֶּ לֶ� אֵ ל חַ י וְ ַקיָּם‬
to the ruling, living, abiding God
‫זְ ִמירוֹת יֹאמֵ רוּ‬
they pronounce songs
and declare praises,
‫וְ ִת ְשׁבָּ חוֹת י ְַשׁ ִמיעוּ‬
for God alone works mighty deeds,
‫כִּ י הוּא לְ בַ דּ ֹו פּוֹעֵ ל גְ בוּרוֹת‬
creates innovations, prevails in wars, ‫ֹשׂה חֲ ָדשׁוֹת בַּ עַ ל ִמלְ חָ מוֹת‬
sows righteousness, grows salvation, ‫זו ֵֹרעַ ְצ ָדקוֹת מַ ְצ ִמיחַ יְשׁוּעוֹת‬
and creates cures;
‫בּו ֵֹרא ְרפוּאוֹת‬
awesome in praises,
‫נו ָֹרא ְת ִהלּוֹת‬
‫אֲ דוֹן הַ נִּ פְ לָאוֹת‬
God is the ruler of miracles
‫הַ ְמחַ דֵּ שׁ בְּ טוּב ֹו‬
who renews in goodness
‫יוֹם ָתּ ִמיד‬-‫בְּ ָכל‬
every day, forever,
the work of creation, as the Psalm says:
‫אשׁית ָכּאָמוּר‬
ִ ‫מַ עֲ ֵשׂה ְב ֵר‬
lamelech El chay vekayam
zemirot yomeru
vetishbachot yashmi’u,
oseh chadashot, ba’al mil’chamot,
zore’ah tzedakot, matzmi’ach yeshu’ot
borei refu’ot,
norah tehilot,
Ki hu levado po’el gevurot,
whose kindness lasts forever.”
‫אוֹרים גְּ ד ִֹלים‬
ִ ‫ְלעֹ שֵׂ ה‬
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
O, make a new light shine on Zion,
‫◊ אוֹר חָ ָדשׁ עַ ל ִציּוֹן ִ ָתּ ִאיר‬
and let us all be worthy of its light—soon! ‫כלָּנוּ ְמהֵ ָרה לְ אוֹר ֹו‬
ֻ ‫וְ נִ זְ כֶּה‬
We bless you, God
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who creates the lights.
‫יוֹצֵ ר הַ ְמּאוֹרוֹת אָמֵ ן‬
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
hamchadesh betuvo
bechol yom tamid
“To the one who makes great lights,
adon hanifla’ot,
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ma’asei vereshit, ka’amur:
ki le’olam chasdo.”
◊ Or chadash al Tziyon ta’ir,
venizkeh chulanu meherah le’oro.
Baruch atah Adonai,
yotzeir ham’orot. Amen
Shema and Its Blessings
___________________________ Second Blessing Before Shema __________________________
With great love have you loved us,
‫אַהֲ בָ ה ַרבָּ ה אֲ הַ בְ ָתּנוּ‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
O Ruler, our God;
‫ית ָרה‬
ֵ ִ‫חֶ ְמלָה גְ ד ֹולָה ו‬
with great compassion—and more—
‫חָ מַ לְ ָתּ עָ לֵינוּ‬
have you pitied us,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
source of life and power,
‫בַּ עֲ בוּר אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
for the sake of our ancestors
who trusted you—
� ְ‫ֶשׁבָּ ְטחוּ ב‬
and you taught them laws of life—
‫וַ ְתּל ְַמּדֵ ם חֻ ֵקּי חַ ִיּים‬
‫וּתל ְַמּדֵ נוּ‬
ְ ‫כֵּן ְתּחָ נֵּנוּ‬
so be kind to us and teach us!
‫אָבִ ינוּ הָ אָב הָ ַרחֲ מָ ן‬
Merciful source of life,
‫הַ ְמ ַרחֵ ם ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ‬
the Kind One, pity us
and let our hearts grasp and understand, ‫וְ תֵ ן בְּ לִ בֵּ נוּ לְ הָ בִ ין וּלְ הַ ְשׂכִּ יל‬
‫לִ ְשׁמֹ עַ לִ לְ ֹמד וּלְ לַמֵּ ד‬
listen, learn, and teach,
‫לִ ְשׁמֹ ר וְ לַעֲ שׂוֹת וּלְ ַקיֵּם‬
observe, perform, and fulfill
every word of the study of your Torah �‫ ִדּבְ ֵרי ַתלְ מוּד תּו ָֹר ֶת‬-‫ ָכּל‬-‫אֶ ת‬
with love.
‫בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה‬
Brighten our eyes in your Torah,
�‫וְ הָ אֵ ר עֵ ינֵינוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
�‫וְ ַדבֵּ ק לִ בֵּ נוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי‬
and fasten our hearts to your rules,
‫וְ יַחֵ ד לְ בָ בֵ נוּ‬
and unite our hearts
� ֶ‫ ְשׁמ‬-‫לְ אַהֲ בָ ה וּלְ ִי ְראָה אֶ ת‬
to love and revere your name,
and we shall never be ashamed.
‫וְ �א נֵבוֹשׁ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
Because in your holy name,
�‫כִּ י ְב ֵשׁם ָק ְד ְשׁ‬
great and awesome, we place our trust,
‫הַ גָּדוֹל וְ הַ נּו ָֹרא בָּ טָ ְחנוּ‬
we shall gladly enjoy your salvation.
�‫נָגִ ילָה וְ נִ ְשׂ ְמחָ ה בִּ ישׁוּעָ ֶת‬
Ahavah raba ahavtanu
Adonai Eloheinu,
chemlah gedolah viteirah
chamalta aleinu,
avinu malkeinu,
ba’avur avoteinu
shebat’chu vecha—
vatlamdeim chukei chayim—
ken techoneinu utelamdeinu.
Avinu, ha’av harachaman,
hamrachem, rachem aleinu,
veten belibenu lehavin ulehaskil,
lishmo’a, lilmod, ulelamed,
lishmor vela’asot ulekayem
et kol divrei talmud Toratecha
Veha’er eineinu beToratecha,
vedabek libeinu bemitzvotecha,
veyached levavenu
le’ahavah uleyir’ah et shemecha,
velo nevosh le’olam va’ed.
Ki veshem kodshecha
hagadol vehanorah, batachnu,
nagilah venismecha bishu’atecha.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Bring us in peace
Gather the four tzitziyot on the tallit and hold them1
‫ ◊ ◊ וַ הֲ בִ יאֵ נוּ לְ ָשׁלוֹם‬Vahavi’enu leshalom
from the four corners of the earth,
ֶ ָ‫אַרבַּ ע ַכּנְ פוֹת ה‬
ְ ֵ‫מ‬
‫אַרצֵ נוּ‬
ְ ְ‫וְ תוֹלִ יכֵנוּ קו ְֹמ ִמיּוּת ל‬
and walk us proudly to our land,
for the God who works salvation is you. ‫כִּ י אֵ ל פּוֹעֵ ל יְשׁוּעוֹת אָ ָתּה‬
You chose us
‫וּבָ נוּ בָ חַ ְר ָתּ‬
from all peoples and languages
‫עַ ם וְ לָשׁוֹן‬-‫ִמ ָכּל‬
and brought us close to your great name
‫וְ ֵק ַרבְ ָתּנוּ לְ ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוֹל‬
in truth (selah),
‫סֶ לָה בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬
to thank you
� ְ‫לְ הוֹדוֹת ל‬
and to declare your unity in love.
‫וּלְ יַחֶ ְד� בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who chooses your people Israel
‫הַ בּוֹחֵ ר בְּ עַ מּ ֹו ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
in love.
‫בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
me’arbah kanfot ha’aretz,
vetolichenu komemiyut le’artzenu,
ki eil po’el yeshu’ot atah
uvanu vacharta
mikol am velashon,
vekeravtanu leshimcha hagadol
selah be’emet,
lehodot lecha
uleyachedcha be’ahavah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
habocher be’amo Yisra’el
be’ahavah. Amen
We gather the tzitziyot in the left hand, opposite the heart, between the ring finger and little finger.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
______________________________ Shema (First Paragraph) _____________________________
Add this shaded line when praying alone.
God is the reliable ruler.
‫ אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� נֶאֱ מָ ן‬El melech ne’eman.
Deut. 6:4
‫ ְשׁ ַ ֖מע יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא֑ל‬Shema, Yisra’el:
Listen, descendants of Israel:
‫ֱ�הינוּ יהו֥ה ׀ אֶ ָ ֽחד‬
֖ ֵ ‫ יהו֥ה א‬Adonai Eloheinu; Adonai echad.
The Ruler is our God; the Ruler is one.
Say the next two lines silently.
Blessed is God’s name,
‫ בָּ רוּ� ֵשׁם‬Baruch shem—
the glory of whose reign lasts forever.2
Deut. 6:5-9
You are to love your ruling God
‫כְּ בוֹד מַ לְ כוּת ֹו לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
ֶ ‫וְ ָא֣הַ ְב ֔ ָתּ ֵ ֖את יהו֣ה א‬
kevod malchuto le’olam va’ed.
Ve’ahavta et Adonai Elohecha
with your whole heart,
֥�‫ל־לבָ ְב‬
bechol levav’cha,
your whole self
֖�‫וּבכָ ל־נ ְַפ ְשׁ‬
uvechol nafshecha,
�‫ל־מא ֶ ֹֽד‬
ְ ָ‫וּבכ‬
uvechol me’odecha.
These words
and all your resources.
‫וְ הָ י֞וּ הַ ְדּבָ ִ ֣רים הָ ֵ֗אלֶּ ה‬
I tell you today must be
on your heart.
Repeat them to your children,
and talk about them
when you sit at home,
when you walk down the street,
�‫ל־לבָ ֶ ֽב‬
ְ ַ‫ע‬
�‫וְ ִשׁנַּנְ ָתּ֣ם ְלבָ ֶנ֔י‬
Vehayu had’varim ha’eleh
asher anochi metzav’cha hayom
al levavecha.
Veshinantam levanecha,
‫ֲשׁר אָ נ ִֹכ֧י ְמצַ וְּ �֛ הַ יּ֖�ם‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
when you go to bed and when you get up.
‫וְ ִדבַּ ְר ָ ֖תּ ָבּ֑ם‬
vedibarta bam
֙ �֙ ֶ‫ְבּ ִשׁ ְב ְתּ�֤ ְבּבֵ ית‬
beshivtecha beveitecha,
�‫וּבלֶ ְכ ְתּ�֣ בַ ֶ ֔דּ ֶר‬
uvelechtecha vaderech,
uveshochbecha, uvekumecha.
�֑‫וּקְ שַׁ ְר ָ ֥תּם ְלא֖ �ת עַ ל־י ֶָד‬
Ukeshartam le’ot al yadecha,
let them be on your forehead between your eyes, �‫וְ הָ י֥וּ ְלטֹטָ ֖ ֹפת ֵ ֥בּין עֵ ינֶ ֽי‬
vehayu letotafot bein einecha.
Uchetavtam al mezuzot beitecha,
Tie them as a sign on your hand,
and on your gates.
֖ ֶ ֵ‫ל־מזוּ ֹז֥ת בּ‬
ְ ַ‫וּכתַ ְב ָתּ֛ם ע‬
and write them on your doorposts
ֽ ֶ ‫וּב‬
ְ ֖�‫וּֽ ְבשָׁ ְכ ְבּ‬
�‫וּב ְשׁעָ ֶ ֽרי‬
The ‫ ע‬of ‫ שמע‬and ‫ ד‬of ‫ אחד‬are large letters. Together, they form the Hebrew word ‫עד‬, “witness”; with this
declaration of God’s unity, we Jews bear witness to our faith. Another reason for the large letters is to avoid
misreading ‫( שמא‬perhaps) for ‫ שמע‬and ‫( אחר‬another) for ‫אחד‬, which would replace our confident faith with
agnostic uncertainty! Some say the large letters express hope for God’s universal acceptance in the four (‫)ד‬
“corners” of the earth and among the seventy (‫ )ע‬nations of the world (Genesis chapter X lists Noah’s seventy
grandsons, so we’re all descendants of Gen X-ers).
This phrase is a response to hearing God’s name. In the Temple, the people would respond with this phrase
when they heard the High Priest pronounce God’s name on Yom Kippur (Mishna Yoma, 3:9).
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
_________________________ Shema (Second Paragraph) ____________________________
Deut 11:13-21
This is what will happen
if you listen well to my commands,
‫וְ הָ ָי֗ה‬
ַ ֔ ‫ל־מ ְצו‬
ֶ‫מעַ ִתּ ְשׁ ְמעוּ ֙ א‬
ֹ ֤ ָ‫ִאם־שׁ‬
which I
‫א ֲֶשׁ֧ר אָ נ ִֹכ֛י‬
tell you today,
‫ְמצַ וֶּ ֥ה אֶ ְת ֶכ֖ם הַ יּ֑�ם‬
to love God, your God,
֙ ‫ֲבה אֶ ת־יהו֤ה א ֱֽ�הֵ יכֶ ם‬
ָ֞ ‫ְלאַ ה‬
and to serve God with your whole heart
‫ל־לבַ ְב ֶכ֖ם‬
ָ‫וּלעָ ְב ֔ד� ְבּכ‬
and all your resources:
‫וּבכָ ל־נ ְַפ ְשׁ ֶ ֽכם‬
I will give your land its rain
at the right time, early and late rains,
so you can harvest your grain
I will provide grass in your fields
for your cattle,
so you can eat your fill.
ule’ovdo, bechol levav’chem,
uvechol nafshechem.
be’ito, yoreh umalkosh,
�‫ֹשׁ�֖ וְ יִ ְצהָ ֶ ֽר‬
ְ ‫וְ ִ ֽתיר‬
֖�‫וְ נָתַ ִתּ֛י ֵע֥שֶׂ ב ְבּשָׂ ְד‬
�֑‫ִל ְבהֶ ְמ ֶתּ‬
‫ִה ָ ֽשּׁ ְמ ֣רוּ לָ ֔ ֶכם‬
le’ahavah et Adonai Eloheichem
‫י�ר֣ה וּמַ ְלק֑ �שׁ‬
ֶ � ֖‫ְבּעִ תּ‬
ָ‫וְ אָ כַ ְל ָ ֖תּ וְ שָׂ ָ ֽבעְ תּ‬
But take care!
metzaveh et’chem hayom,
Venatati metar artzechem
im shamo’ah tishme’u el mitzvotai
asher anochi
‫וְ נָתַ ִתּ֧י ְמ ַ ֽטר־אַ ְר ְצ ֶכ֛ם‬
�֔‫תּ ְד ָג ֶנ‬
֣ ָ ‫וְ אָ סַ ְפ‬
and wine and oil.
ve’asafta deganecha,
vetirosh’cha, veyitz’harecha.
Venatati esev besad’cha
ve’achalta vesava’ta.
Hishamru lachem
Don’t be misled, to turn from me
‫ֶ ֥פּן יִ ְפ ֶ ֖תּה ְלבַ ְב ֶכ ֑ם וְ סַ ְר ֗ ֶתּם‬
pen yifteh levavchem, vesartem
and serve other gods
‫ֱ�ה֣ים אֲחֵ ִ ֔רים‬
ִ ‫ַועֲבַ ְדתֶּ ם ֙ א‬
va’avadtem elohim acherim,
and worship them.
Then God will be angry at you
‫וְ חָ ָ ֨רה אַ ף־יהו֜ה בָּ ֗ ֶכם‬
and close up the sky:
֙ ‫וְ עָ ַצ֤ר אֶ ת־הַ שָּׁ מַ ֙יִ ם‬
there will be no rain,
‫וְ ֽל ֹא־יִ ְהיֶ ֣ה מָ ֔ ָטר‬
‫בוּל ֑הּ‬
ָ ְ‫הא ֲָד ֔ ָמה ֥ל ֹא ִת ֵ ֖תּן אֶ ת־י‬
֣ ָ ְ‫ו‬
and you will soon perish
‫ַואֲבַ ְד ֶתּ֣ם ְמהֵ ָ ֗רה‬
from the good land
ָ֔ ‫מֵ עַ ל ֙ הָ ָא ֶ֣רץ הַ טּ‬
which God gives you.
‫ֹתן לָ ֶ ֽכם‬
֥ ֵ ‫א ֲֶשׁ֥ר יהו֖ה נ‬
“Lest your heart (the thinking part) be misled.”
“God’s nose will blaze against you.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Vecharah af Adonai bachem,
ve’atzar et hashamayim,
velo yih’yeh matar,
veha’adamah lo titen et yevulah,
the earth will not yield its produce,
vehishtachavitem lahem.
‫יתם לָ ֶ ֽהם‬
֖ ֶ ִ‫וְ ִה ְשׁתַּ חֲו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
va’avadtem meherah
me’al ha’aretz hatovah
asher Adonai noten lachem.
Shema and Its Blessings
Set these words
‫ת־דּבָ ַר֣י ֵ֔אלֶּ ה‬
ְ ֶ‫וְ שַׂ ְמתֶּ ם ֙ א‬
on your heart and soul,
‫ל־לבַ ְב ֶכ֖ם וְ עַ ֽל־נ ְַפ ְשׁ ֶכ ֑ם‬
ְ ַ‫ע‬
tie them as a sign on your hand,
‫וּקְ שַׁ ְר ֨ ֶתּם א ָֹת֤ם ְלא�ת ֙ עַ ל־י ְֶד ֔ ֶכם‬
and place them on your forehead
between your eyes.
Teach them to your children,
when you walk down the street,
when you go to bed and when you get up.
Write them on your doorposts
So that you and your children may spend a
long time, on the land
to your parents, to give them,
bein eineichem.
Velimadtem otam et beneichem,
ledaber bam
֙ �֙ ֶ‫ְבּ ִשׁ ְב ְתּ�֤ ְבּבֵ ית‬
beshivtecha beveitecha
�‫וּבלֶ ְכ ְתּ�֣ בַ ֶ ֔דּ ֶר‬
uvelechtecha vaderech,
֖ ֶ ֵ‫ל־מזוּז֥�ת בּ‬
ְ ַ‫וּכתַ ְב ָתּ֛ם ע‬
�‫וּב ְשׁעָ ֶ ֽרי‬
֙ ‫ְל ֨ ַמעַ ן ְיִרבּ֤ וּ יְ מֵ יכֶ ם‬
‫ֵיכם עַ ֚ל ָ ֽהא ֲָד ֔ ָמה‬
ֶ ֔ ‫ימ֣י ְבנ‬
ֵ ִ‫ו‬
‫ֲשׁר נִ ְשׁ ַבּ֧ע יהו֛ה‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
uvshochbecha uvekumecha.
Uchetavtam al mezuzot beitecha,
Lema’an yirbu yemeichem
vimei veneichem al ha’adamah
asher nishbah Adonai
that God promised
vehayu letotafot
ֽ ֶ ‫וּב‬
ְ ֖�‫וּֽ ְבשָׁ ְכ ְבּ‬
and on your gates.
ukeshartem otam le’ot al yed’chem,
ֽ ֶ ‫ֵבּ֥ין עֵ ינ‬
‫ְל ַד ֵבּ֣ר ָבּ֑ם‬
when you sit at home,
al levav’chem ve’al nafshechem,
‫וְ הָ י֥וּ ְלט�טָ ֖ ֹפת‬
ֶ ‫ת־בּנ‬
ֶ‫וְ ִלמַּ ְד ֶ ֥תּם א ָֹת֛ם א‬
talking about them
Vesamtem et devarai eileh
—as long as the sky is above the land!
‫יכם לָ ֵת֣ת לָ ֶה֑ם‬
֖ ֶ ֵ‫לַ ֲאבֹת‬
‫ימי הַ שָּׁ ַמ֖יִ ם עַ ל־הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ‬
֥ ֵ ‫ִכּ‬
la’avoteichem, latet lahem,
kimei hashamayim al ha’aretz.
“So that your days may be many, and your children’s days…”
“Like the days of.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
______________________________ Shema (Third Pragraph)1 _____________________________
Hold the tzitziyot in both hands, kiss them when saying “tzitzit”
and when saying the last word in this section, “emet”; pass them over the eyes when saying “ur’item oto”
Numbers 15:37
God told Moses:
‫ וַיּ ֹ֥אמֶ ר יהו֖ה אֶ ל־מ ֶֹשׁ֥ה לֵּ א ֹֽמר‬Vayomer Adonai el Moshe lemor:
“Talk to the children of Israel,
֙ ‫ל־בּנֵ ֤י יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ֶ‫ַדּ ֵ֞בּר א‬
and tell them
‫תּ אֲלֵ ֔ ֶהם‬
֣ ָ ‫וְ אָ מַ ְר‬
they should make fringes
on the corners of their garments
as long as their people last.
You will look at it
and remember all of God’s rules,
and you will perform them;
nor your eyes—
֒ ‫יצת‬
ִ ‫וְ הָ יָ ֣ה לָ כֶ ם ֮ ְל ִצ‬
�‫ית֣ם א ֹ֗ת‬
ֶ ‫וּר ִא‬
‫ל־מ ְצ ֹו֣ת יהו֔ה‬
ִ ָ‫וּזְכַ ְרתֶּ ם ֙ אֶ ת־כּ‬
‫יתם א ָֹת֑ם‬
֖ ֶ ‫ַוע ֲִשׂ‬
֙ ‫וְ ֽל ֹא־תָ ֜ ֻתרוּ אַ ח ֲֵר֤י ְלבַ ְבכֶ ם‬
ֶ ֔ ‫וְ אַ ח ֲֵר֣י ֵעֽינ‬
for you stray after them!
al kanfei vigdeihem
you should not follow your heart
֖ ֶ ‫עַ ל־כַּ נְ ֵ ֥פי ִבגְ ֵד‬
‫ְפּ ִת֥יל ְתּ ֵ ֽכלֶ ת‬
That will be your fringe.
ve’asu lahem tzitzit
‫יצ֥ת הַ כָּ נָ ֖ ף‬
ִ ‫וְ נָ ְ֥תנ֛וּ עַ ל־ ִצ‬
a blue thread.
Rather, remember
ֽ ֶ ‫אֲשֶׁ ר־אַ ֶ ֥תּם זֹנִ ֖ים אַ ח ֲֵר‬
‫ְל ַמ֣עַ ן ִתּז ְְכּ ֔רוּ‬
and be holy to your God.
‫ל־מ ְצו ָֹת֑י‬
ִ ָ‫יתם אֶ ת־כּ‬
֖ ֶ ‫ַוע ֲִשׂ‬
Venatnu al tzitzit hakanaf
petil techelet.
Vehayah lachem letzitzit
ur’item oto,
uzechartem et kol mitzvot Adonai,
va’asitem otam,
velo taturu acharei levav’chem
ve’acharei eineichem
asher atem zonim achareihem;
lema’an tizkeru,
va’asitem et kol mitzvotai,
and perform all my commands
ve’amarta aleihem,
‫יצ ֛ת‬
ִ ‫הם ִצ‬
֥ ֶ ָ‫וְ עָ ֨שׂוּ ל‬
‫דר ָֹת֑ם‬
ֹ ‫ְל‬
On the corner fringe, they should put
“Daber el benei Yisra’el
ֽ ֶ ֵ‫יתם קְ ד ִֹשׁ֖ים ֵ ֽלא�ה‬
֥ ֶ ִ‫וִ ְהי‬
viheyitem kedoshim lEloheichem.
The word “tzitzit” occurs three times in this paragraph. By tradition, the tzitzit remind us of 613 mitzvot.
Tzitzit have eight strands and five knots, making 13. As for the 600, add the numerical value of the Hebrew
letters in tzitzit (you have to spell it a little strangely: ‫)ציצית‬.
Tradition holds that “techelet” was blue, dyed with the secretion of a little creature which we can no longer
identify, though some believe they can now make the blue thread by the original method.
Ellen Bernstein explains the logical order of the three paragraphs of Shema: the first paragraph affirms God
exists; the second paragraph affirms that God is just and cares; the third teaches us that appropriate action is to
perform the mitzvot.
“For their generations.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
I am the Ruler, your God,
ֶ ֗ ֵ‫א ֲִנ֞י יהו֣ה א ֱֽ�ה‬
who brought you
֙ ‫֤אתי אֶ ְתכֶ ם‬
ִ ‫ה�צ‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
from Egypt,
‫מֵ ֶא ֶ֣רץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֔ריִ ם‬
to be your God.
‫א�ה ֑ים‬
ֵ‫ִל ְהי֥�ת לָ ֶכ֖ם ל‬
I am
‫אֲנִ ֖י‬
the Ruler, your God.”
ֽ ֶ ֵ‫◊ יהוה אֱ�ה‬
It’s true…
…‫אֱמֶ ת‬
Ani Adonai Eloheichem,
asher hotzeti et’chem
me’eretz Mitzrayim
liheyot lachem lElohim.
◊ Adonai Eloheichem.”
The leader says the last three words aloud.1
The last word isn’t part of Shema; it’s the first word of the next section.2
_______________________________ Blessing after Shema _______________________________
‫…וְ י ִַצּיב וְ נָכוֹן וְ ַקיָּם‬
True, sure and lasting certainty,
‫וְ י ָָשׁר וְ נֶאֱ מָ ן וְ אָהוּב וְ חָ בִ יב‬
Beloved and liked, pleasant and sweet, ‫וְ נ ְֶחמָ ד וְ נ ִָעים וְ נו ָֹרא וְ אַ ִדּיר‬
Inspiring, noble, ready, meet
‫וּמקֻ בָּ ל וְ טוֹב וְ יָפֶ ה‬
ְ ‫וּמתֻ ָקּן‬
And good, in beauteous harmony.3
‫הַ ָדּבָ ר הַ זֶּה עָ לֵינוּ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
… veyatziv venachon vekayam
It’s true: the eternal God is our ruler,
Emet Elohei olam malkenu
For us, your word will ever be
veyashar vene’eman ve’ahuv vechaviv
venechmad vena’im venorah ve’adir
umetukan umekubal vetov veyafeh
tzur Ya’akov magen yish’enu.
◊ Ledor vador hu kayam
‫אֶ מֶ ת אֱ �הֵ י ע ֹולָם מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
Jacob’s rock is our protecting savior.
‫צוּר יַעֲ קֹב מָ גֵן י ְִשׁעֵ נוּ‬
From age to age, God endures,
‫◊ לְ דֹר וָ דֹר הוּא ַקיָּם‬
God’s name endures, God’s throne is secure, ‫וּשׁמ ֹו ַקיָּם וְ כִ ְסא ֹו נָכוֹן‬
‫וּמַ לְ כוּת ֹו ֶואֱ מוּנָת ֹו‬
God’s rule and truth
endure forever.
‫לָעַ ד ַק ָיּמֶ ת‬
hadavar hazeh aleinu le’olam va’ed.
umalchuto ve’emunato
la’ad kayamet.
ushemo kayam vechis’o nachon,
Adding three words raises the word-count of Shema to 248, traditionally the number of “limbs” in the human
body (Mishnah Ohalot 1:8 lists them), so a prayer with 248 words symbolically involves our entire body.
The last word, “emet/it’s true,” is really part of the next paragraph—the blessing after Shema—not part of this
paragraph. Adding this word allows us to say as Jeremiah said (10:10): “Adonai Eloheichem emet.” Yet running
this together with the next paragraph makes for confusion: are we repeating what God said? Are we reacting to
what God says? Are we quoting Jeremiah?
“True (from the last word of Shema), sure, correct, enduring, right, certain, belived, liked, pleasant, sweet,
inspiring, noble, good, and lovely is this, our duty (this thing, upon us), forever and ever.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
We continue to hold the tzitziyot, kissing and releasing them after “la’ad.”
‫ ְוּדבָ ָריו חָ יִים וְ ַקיּ ִָמים‬Udevarav chayim vekayamim,
And God’s words live and endure,
true and pleasant,
forever and ever and ever,
for our ancestors and for us,
for our children, our descendants—
for every generation
born to your servant Israel.
For the first and last generations,
it’s something good and enduring
true and reliable,
a rule that will never pass away.
It’s true: you are
‫עַ ל הָ ִראשׁ ֹו ִנים וְ עַ ל הָ אַחֲ רוֹנִ ים‬
‫ָדּבָ ר טוֹב וְ ַקיָּם‬
‫לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
‫אֶ מֶ ת ֶואֱ מוּנָה‬
‫חֹק וְ �א יַעֲ בֹר‬
‫אֶ מֶ ת ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫◊ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫מֶ לֶ� אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫גֹּ אֲ לֵנוּ‬
‫גֹּ אֵ ל אֲ בוֹתֵ ינוּ‬
‫יו ְֹצ ֵרנוּ‬
‫צוּר יְשׁוּעָ ֵתנוּ‬
‫פּוֹדֵ נוּ וּמַ ִצּילֵנוּ‬
� ֶ‫מֵ ע ֹולָם ְשׁמ‬
�‫�הים זוּל ֶָת‬
ִ ֱ‫אֵ ין א‬
forever and ever,
‫נֶאֱ מָ נִ ים וְ נֶחֱ מָ ִדים‬
‫לָעַ ד לְ עוֹלְ מֵ י ע ֹול ִָמים‬
‫וְ עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫עַ ל אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫עַ ל בָּ נֵינוּ וְ עַ ל דּוֹרו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫דּוֹרוֹת‬-‫וְ עַ ל ָכּל‬
�‫ז ֶַרע י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עֲ בָ דֶ י‬
God of our ancestors,
our ruler,
ruler of our ancestors,
redeemer of our ancestors,
our maker,
who cares for us and saves us;
your reputation is eternal;
there is no god but you.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
al avoteinu
al baneinu ve’al doroteinu—
ve’al kol dorot
zera Yisra’el avadecha.
Al harishonim ve’al ha’acharonim,
davar tov vekayam,
le’olam va’ed.
Emet ve’emunah,
chok, velo ya’avor.
Emet sha’atah hu
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
◊ malkenu
melech avoteinu
go’eil avoteinu
tzur yeshu’atenu,
rock of our salvation,
la’ad le’olmei olamim
our redeemer,
O Ruler, our God,
ne’emanim venechemadim
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
podenu umatzilenu,
me’olam shemecha;
ein elohim zulatecha.
Shema and Its Blessings
_____________________________ Our Help ▪ ‫אֲ בוֹתֵ ינוּ‬
‫ ▪ עֶ זְ ַרת‬Ezrat Avoteinu _____________________________
‫ עֶ זְ ַרת אֲ בוֹתֵ ינוּ‬Ezrat avoteinu
You have helped our ancestors
since the beginning,
‫ אַ ָתּה הוּא מֵ ע ֹו ָלם‬atah hu me’olam,
shield and savior
ַ‫ מָ גֵן וּמו ִֹשׁיע‬magen umoshi’a
‫ לִ בְ נֵיהֶ ם אַחֲ ֵריהֶ ם‬livneihem achareihem
for their children after them
in every generation.
‫דּוֹר וָ דוֹר‬-‫ בְּ ָכל‬bechol dor vador.
You dwell at the top of the world,
� ֶ‫ בְּ רוּם ע ֹולָם מו ָֹשׁב‬Berum olam moshavecha,
�‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ טֶ י� וְ ִצ ְד ָק ְת‬
ִ umishpatecha vetzidkat’cha
and your judgments and righteousness
reach to the end of the earth.
ֶ ‫ עַ ד אַפְ סֵ י‬ad afsei aretz.
Happy is someone
‫ אַ ְשׁ ֵרי ִאישׁ‬Ashrei ish
�‫ ֶשׁ ִיּ ְשׁמַ ע לְ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי‬sheyishma lemitzvotecha,
who listens to your rules
�‫ וְ תו ָֹר ְת� ְוּדבָ ְר‬veTorat’cha udvar’cha
and takes to heart your law and your
‫ י ִָשׂים עַ ל לִ בּ ֹו‬yasim al libo.
It’s true, you are your people’s ruler, � ֶ‫ אֱ מֶ ת אַ ָתּה הוּא אָדוֹן לְ עַ מּ‬Emet ata hu adon le’amecha
a powerful sovereign to fight for them.1
‫ וּמֶ לֶ� גִּ בּוֹר ל ִָריב ִריבָ ם‬umelech gibor lariv rivam.
It’s true, you are the first
‫ אֱ מֶ ת אַ ָתּה הוּא ִראשׁוֹן‬Emet ata hu rishon
‫ וְ אַ ָתּה הוּא אַחֲ רוֹן‬ve’ata hu acharon,
and you are the last
‫וּמבַּ לְ עָ דֶ י� אֵ ין לָנוּ‬
ִ umibaladecha ein lanu
and but for you we have no
ruler, redeemer or savior.
ַ‫ מֶ לֶ� גּוֹאֵ ל וּמו ִֹשׁיע‬melech go’el umoshi’a.
You rescued us from Egypt,
‫ ִמ ִמּ ְצ ַר ִים גְּ אַלְ ָתּנוּ‬MiMitzrayim ge’altanu,
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Adonai Eloheinu,
ruling God,
and freed us from slavery.
ָ ‫וּמבֵּ ית עֲ בָ ִדים פְּ ִד‬
ִ umibeit avadim peditanu.
“To dispute their dispute.”
Isaiah 44:6 says: “I am first and last, and except for me there is no God.”
“And from the house of slavery you freed us.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
You killed all their first-born,
but saved your own people’s first-born;
you split the Reed Sea
and drowned the wicked,
but you brought your favorites across
while the waters covered their foes—
not one of them was saved.
For this your beloved gave praise
and exalted God,
and your favorites offered
chants, songs and praises,
blessings and thanks
to ruling God who lives and lasts,
high and exalted,
‫בְּ כו ֵֹריהֶ ם הָ ַרגְ ָתּ‬-‫ָכּל‬
‫וּבְ כו ְֹר� גָּאָלְ ָתּ‬
‫וְ יַם סוּף בָּ ַק ְע ָתּ‬
‫וְ ז ִֵדים ִטבַּ ְע ָתּ‬
‫וִ ִיד ִידים הֶ ֱעבַ ְר ָתּ‬
‫וַ ְי ַכסּוּ מַ ִים צָ ֵריהֶ ם‬
‫אֶ חָ ד מֵ הֶ ם �א נו ָֹתר‬
‫עַ ל זֹאת ִשׁבְּ חוּ אֲ הוּבִ ים‬
‫וְ רו ְֹממוּ אֵ ל‬
‫וְ נ ְָתנוּ ְי ִד ִידים‬
‫זְ ִמירוֹת ִשׁירוֹת וְ ִת ְשׁבָּ חוֹת‬
‫בְּ ָרכוֹת וְ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬
‫לַמֶּ לֶ� אֵ ל חַ י וְ ַקיָּם‬
‫ָרם וְ נִ ָשּׂא‬
‫גָּדוֹל וְ נו ָֹרא‬
‫מַ ְשׁפִּ יל גּ ִֵאים‬
‫וּמַ גְ בִּ יהַּ ְשׁפָ לִ ים‬
‫מוֹצִ יא אֲ ִס ִירים‬
‫וּפוֹדֶ ה עֲ נָוִ ים‬
‫וְ ע ֹוזֵר ַדּלִּ ים‬
‫וְ ע ֹונֶה לְ עַ מּ ֹו‬
‫בְּ עֵ ת ַשׁוְּ עָ ם אֵ לָיו‬
who humbles the proud
and exalts the humble,
sets prisoners free
and rescues the oppressed,
and answers God’s people
when they cry out!
Kol bechoreihem haragta
uvechor’cha ga’alta,
veYam Suf bakata
vezedim tibata,
vididim he’evarta,
vayechasu mayim tzareihem—
echad mehem lo notar.
Al zot shibchu ahuvim
veromemu El
venatnu yedidim
zemirot, shirot vetishbachot,
berachot vehoda’ot
lamelech El chay vekayam
ram venisa,
gadol venora,
mashpil ge’im
umagbi’ah shefalim,
motzi asirim
ufodeh anavim,
ve’ozer dalim
helps the poor
great and awesome,
ve’oneh le’amo
be’et shav’am elav.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
We rise, to prepare for the amidah.
‫ ◊ ְתּ ִהלּוֹת לְ אֵ ל עֶ לְ יוֹן‬u u ◊ Tehilot le’El elyon,
�‫וּמב ָֹר‬
ְ ‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬baruch hu, umevorach.
‫משׁה וּבְ נֵי י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
Moshe uvenei Yisra’el
‫ לְ � עָ נוּ ִשׁ ָירה בְּ ִשׂ ְמחָ ה ַרבָּ ה‬lecha anu shira besimchah rabah,
‫אָמרוּ ֻכלָּם‬
ְ ְ‫ ו‬ve’amru chulam:
Bring praises to God on high,
the Blessed One, who is blessed.
Moses and the Children of Israel
sang you a song in great joy,
and they all said:
Congregation and prayer leader recite the next three lines aloud.
“Who is like you among gods, Ruler?
‫מכָ ה ָ ֽבּאֵ ִלם ֙ יה ֔וה‬
ֹ ֤ ָ‫“ ִ ֽמי־כ‬Mi chamochah ba’elim Adonai?
Ex 15:11
Who is like you, sublime in holiness,
awesome in praise, working wonders?”
norah tehilot, oseh feleh?”
�‫ִשׁבְּ חוּ גְ אוּלִ ים לְ ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫עַ ל ְשׂפַ ת הַ יָּם‬
‫יַחַ ד ֻכּלָּם הוֹדוּ‬
ְ ְ‫וְ ִה ְמלִ יכוּ ו‬
shibchu ge’ulim leshimcha
the rescued ones praised your name
on the sea shore;
together they all gave thanks,
◊ Shira chadasha
al sefat hayam;
yachad kulam hodu
vehimlichu ve’amru.
acclaimed your sovereignty and declared:
Ex. 15:18
Mi kamocha ne’dar bakodesh
‫נוֹרא ְת ִה�֖ ת ֹ֥עשֵׂ ה ֶ ֽפלֶ א‬
The prayer leader continues.
‫◊ ִשׁ ָירה חֲ ָד ָשׁה‬
With a new song,
‫מכָ ה נ ְֶא ָדּ֣ר בַּ ֑ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ‬
ֹ ֖ ָ‫ִמ֥י כּ‬
God will be the ruler forever!
‫ יהו֥ה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלעֹ ָל֥ם וָעֶ ֽד‬Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
Take three steps back, ready for the amidah1.
Congregation, then prayer leader:
‫ ◊ ◊ צוּר י ְִשׂ ֵָראל‬Tzur Yisra’el
Rock of Israel,
and deliver—as you promised—
Judah and Israel.
the Holy One of Israel!
We bless you, sovereign,
who saves Israel.2
kumah be’ezrat Yisra’el,
ufedeh chin’umecha
Yehudah veYisra’el.
Go’aleinu, Adonai Tzeva’ot shemo,
Our savior is called God of Armies,
‫קוּמָ ה בְּ עֶ זְ ַרת י ְִשׂ ֵָראֵ ל‬
� ֶ‫וּפְ דֵ ה כִ נְ אֻ מ‬
‫ְהוּדה וְ ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ָ ‫י‬
‫גֹּ אֲ לֵנוּ יי ְצבָ אוֹת ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְקדוֹשׁ י ְִשׂ ֵָראֵ ל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫גָּאַל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
rise to help Israel,
kedosh Yisra’el.
Baruch atah Adonai,
ga’al Yisra’el.
The Amidah is an audience with God. To prepare for this audience, a widespread practice is to take three steps
back to remove ourselves from the distractions of this world. When we begin the Amidah, we take three steps
forward, as if to enter God’s presence.
We do not make an interruption between the blessings after Shema and the Amidah, even to say “Amen, so (in
many congregations) we conclude the blessing with the leader.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Morning Amidah
We rise and take three steps back and three forward.
With feet together, we say the amidah (standing prayer) quietly. When the prayer leader chants aloud, we
easy to skip if you wish.
respond with the words in gray.1 Words added to honor the Matriarchs
Ps 51:17
The two lines below introduce our silent prayer.
Ruler, just open my lips
Adonai sefatai tiftach,
‫דנָי ְשׂפָ תַ י ִתּ ְפתָּ ח‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
and my mouth will declare your praise.
� ֶ‫וּפי יַגִּ יד ְתּ ִהלָּ ת‬
ufi yagid tehilatecha.
Opening Blessings
__________________________ 1. Ancestors ▪
We bless you, God,
our God
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ ▪ אָבוֹת‬Avot
‫ יי‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Eloheinu
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ אֱ �הֵ י אַבְ ָרהָ ם אֱ �הֵ י ִי ְצחָ ק‬Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,
‫ וֵא�הֵ י יַעֲ קֹב‬vElohei Ya’akov
and God of our ancestors,
God of Abraham, God of Isaac,
the God who is great,
and God of Jacob,
ha’El hagadol
hagibor vehanorah, El elyon,
powerful and awesome, God on high;
‫הָ אֵ ל הַ גָּדוֹל‬
‫הַ גִּ בּוֹר וְ הַ נּו ָֹרא אֵ ל עֶ לְ יוֹן‬
Sometimes a congregation does a “heiche (or hoiche) kedushah”—Yiddish meaning “kedushah out loud.” The
prayer leader leads the congregation through kedushah; for minchah, the congregation then returns to the first
and recites the entire Amidah.
blessing (Ancestors / ‫)אָבות‬
We bow four times in the Amidah: at the beginning and end of the first blessing (Ancestors /‫ )אָבות‬and penultimate blessing (Thanksgiving / ‫)הוֹדָ אָה‬. Three times we bend the knees at “baruch,” bow at “atah” and straighten up at “Adonai”; at the beginning of the Thanksgiving blessing, we bow without bending the knees. Icons in
the text are reminders to bend the knees, w, to bow from the waist, v, and to stand up, u.
A note on page 277 describes sources for the first blessing of the Amidah.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Morning Amidah
Good deeds of kindness you reward—
For everything is in your power—
Our parents’ kind deeds you record
And rescue their posterity
‫גּוֹמֵ ל חֲ סָ ִדים טוֹבִ ים‬
‫וְ ק ֹונֵה הַ כֹּל‬
‫וְ ז ֹוכֵר חַ ְסדֵ י אָבוֹת‬
‫וּמֵ בִ יא גוֹאֵ ל לִ בְ נֵי בְ נֵיהֶ ם‬
‫לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ ֹו בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה‬
gomel chasadim tovim
vekoneh hakol,
vezocher chasdei avot
umevi go’el livnei veneihem,
To show your love and honesty.1
lema’an shemo be’ahavah.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded section; when repeating the amidah,
the prayer leader pauses while the congregation says these lines.
Remember us for life,
‫ זָכְ ֵרנוּ לְ חַ יִּים‬Zochrenu lechayim,
ruler who delights in life,
‫ מֶ לֶ� חָ פֵ ץ בְּ חַ ִיּים‬melech chafetz bechayim,
‫ וְ ָכ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר הַ חַ ִיּים‬vechotvenu besefer hachayim
for your own sake,2 God of life!
‫�הים חַ יִּים‬
ִ ֱ‫ לְ מַ עַ נְ � א‬lema’ancha, Elohim chayim.
Sovereign, helper, savior, shield.
‫ מֶ לֶ� ע ֹוזֵר וּמו ִֹשׁיעַ וּמָ גֵן‬Melech ozer umoshi’a umagen.
We bless you, Ruler,
‫ יי‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Abraham’s protector
‫ מָ גֵן אַבְ ָרהָ ם‬magen Avraham
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Amen
____________________________________ 2. Might ▪ ‫ ▪ ְגבוּרוֹת‬Gevurot ____________________________________
You are mighty forever, God,
‫ אַ ָתּה גִּ בּוֹר לְ ע ֹולָם אֲ ֹדנָי‬Atah gibor le’olam Adonai,
‫ ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים אַ ָתּה‬mechayeh metim atah
you bring life to the dead
and are strong in salvation—
ַ‫ ַרב לְ הו ִֹשׁיע‬rav lehoshi’ah—
and write us in the Book of Life
From Pesach to Shemini Atzeret, some add:
you make the dew fall.
‫ מו ִֹריד הַ טָּ ל‬Morid hatal.
From Shemini Atzeret to Pesach, we pray for Israel’s winter rains:
you make wind blow and rain fall.3
‫ מַ ִשּׁיב הָ רוּחַ וּמו ִֹריד הַ גּ ֶֶשׁם‬Mashiv haru’ach umorid hageshem.
“Who rewards good, kind deeds and owns everything, who remembers the good deeds of our ancestors, and
who is bringing a redeemer to their children’s children, for the sake of his name (i.e., to maintain his reputation—hence, to prove his honesty), with love.”
Because God takes delight in life (and in us when we choose the path that sustains life), writing us in the
“Book” of life is to God’s benefit.
Especially in winter, when nature seems dormant, we note that the cycle of seasons will bring a new spring
and reassure ourselves that the promise of resurrection—however we understand it—can surely be fulfilled.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
You feed the living with your grace,
Revive the dead with kind embrace,
Support the fallen, heal the sick,
And set the prisoners free,
And faithfully fulfill your trust
For people who sleep in the dust.
Who is like you, who can appear
Like you, sovereign of power?
Ruler, both death and life you bring;
‫ְמ ַכלְ כֵּל חַ ִיּים בְּ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים ַרבִּ ים‬
‫סוֹמֵ � נוֹפְ לִ ים וְ רוֹפֵ א חוֹלִ ים‬
‫וּמַ ִתּיר אֲ סוּ ִרים‬
‫וּמ ַקיֵּם אֱ מוּנָת ֹו‬
‫ישׁנֵי עָ פָ ר‬
ֵ ִ‫ל‬
‫ִמי ָכמוֹ� בַּ עַ ל גְּ בוּרוֹת‬
�ָ‫וּמי דּוֹמֶ ה לּ‬
‫וּמחַ יֶּה‬
ְ ‫מֶ לֶ� מֵ ִמית‬
‫וּמַ ְצ ִמיחַ יְשׁוּעָ ה‬
Mechalkel chayim bechesed,
mechayeh metim berachamim rabim.
Somech noflim verofeh cholim
umatir asurim,
um’kayem emunato
lishenei afar.
Mi chamocha ba’al gevurot,
umi domeh lach,
melech memit um’chayeh
You make salvation flower.
umatzmi’ach yeshu’ah.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded lines; when repeating the amidah,
the prayer leader pauses while the congregation says these lines.
Who is like you, source of mercy,
‫ ִמי ָכמוֹ� אַב הָ ַרחֲ ִמים‬Mi chamocha, av harachamim,
thinking of your creatures
to grant them life, in mercy.
Are firm, reliable, and true.
We bless you, God,
To bring the dead to life, O you
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
ָ ‫ז ֹוכֵר ְי‬
‫לְ חַ ִיּים בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וְ נֶאֱ מָ ן אַ ָתּה‬
‫לְ הַ חֲ יוֹת מֵ ִתים‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה הַ מֵּ ִתים אָמֵ ן‬
zocher yetzurav
lechayim berachamim.
Vene’eman ata
lehachayot metim.
Baruch ata Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
who revives the dead.
mechayeh hametim. Amen
The third blessing has two versions. One is responsive, led by the prayer leader;
for individual silent prayer, continue with 3b on page 82.
“Kind embrace” is literally “abundant mercies.”
We may understand this different ways: that God wakens “dead” sinners to a life of faith; or that God grants
an afterlife; or that God will revive dead bodies at some future date; or that God breeds life out of death and
decomposition, like mushrooms growing on a rotting log.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Morning Amidah
____________________________ 3a. Holiness ▪ ‫דוּשׁה‬
ָ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Responsive Kedushah ____________________________
We include the responsive Kedushah when the prayer leader repeats the amidah
or leads a “heiche kedushah.” The congregation begins, and the prayer leader repeats.
Recite the Kedushah with feet together, rising on the toes for each of the following words:
“Kadosh, kadosh kadosh,” “Baruch (Kevod),” and “Yimloch.”
We shall make your name holy in the world, ‫ ִשׁ ְמ� בָּ ע ֹו ָלם‬-‫ נְ ַקדֵּ שׁ אֶ ת‬Nekadesh et shimcha ba’olam,
as the angels make it holy
in heavens above;
for your prophet Isaiah wrote,
‫ישׁים אוֹת ֹו‬
ִ ‫כְּ ֵשׁם ֶשׁמַּ ְק ִדּ‬
‫בִּ ְשׁמֵ י מָ רוֹם‬
� ֶ‫ַכּ ָכּתוּב עַ ל יַד נְ בִ יא‬
keshem shemakdishim oto
bishmei marom;
kakatuv al yad nevi’echa,
Bow left, then right for “zeh el zeh”:
Isaiah 6:3
And one called to the other, and said: ‫ זֶה וְ אָ מַ ר‬y‫ זֶה אֶ ל‬v ‫ וְ קָ ָרא‬Vekarah v zeh el yzeh ve’amar.
Congregation and prayer leader:
Isaiah 6:3
Holy, holy, holy
‫ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ‬Kadosh kadosh kadosh
is God of hosts;
‫ יהוה ְצבָ אוֹת‬Adonai tzeva’ot;
God’s glory fills the universe.
flowing from its source.”
‫ ְמל ֹא כָ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ ְכּבוֹדוֹ‬melo chol ha’aretz kevodo.
Congregation, then leader (based on Ezekiel 3:12)
The angels who face them say, “Blessed.”
‫ לְ עֻ מָּ ָתם בָּ רוּ� יֹאמֵ רוּ‬le’umatam “Baruch” yomeru.
Congregation and prayer leader:
Ezek 3:12
“Blessed is God’s glory
‫“ בָּ רוּ� ְכּבוֹד־יהוה‬Baruch kevod Adonai
‫ִמ ְמּקוֹמוֹ‬
Congregation, then leader:
Uvedivrei kodshecha katuv lemor:
And in your holy writings, this is written: ‫מר‬
ֹ ‫וּבְ ִדבְ ֵרי ָק ְד ְשׁ� ָכּתוּב לֵא‬
Congregation and prayer leader:
Ps 146:10
“God will reign forever,
‫יִ ְמ�� יהוה ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
Your God, Zion,
‫אֱ�הַ יִ � ִציּוֹן‬
Elohayich, Tziyon,
from age to age: Halleluyah.”
“Yimloch Adonai le’olam,
‫ְלדֹר ָודֹר הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
ledor vador: Halleluyah.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
The leader concludes:1
From age to age, your greatness we proclaim, �ֶ‫לְ דוֹר וָ דוֹר נַגִּ יד גּ ְָדל‬
Ledor vador nagid godlecha
Hallow your holiness
ul’netzach netzachim
‫וּלְ נֵצַ ח נְ צָ ִחים‬
for endless time.
‫ְקדֻ ָשּׁ ְת� נ ְַק ִדּישׁ‬
‫וְ ִשׁבְ חֲ � אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
Your praise shall
never, never leave our lips,
‫ִמפִּ ינוּ �א יָמוּשׁ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
God, great and holy sovereign.
‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� גָּדוֹל וְ ָקדוֹשׁ אָ ָתּה‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
kedushat’cha nakdish.
Veshiv’chacha Eloheinu
mipinu lo yamush le’olam va’ed.
Ki El melech gadol vakadosh atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ אָמֵ ן‬ha’El hakadosh. Amen
the holy God.
‫ הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ אָמֵ ן‬hamelech hakadosh. Amen
During the repetition, continue with blessing 4, Atah Chonen, on page 83.
the holy ruler.
____________________________ 3b. Holiness ▪ ‫דוּשׁה‬
ָ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Individual Kedushah ____________________________
You are holy, your name is holy
praise you, selah!
and every day the holy ones
‫אַ ָתּה ָקדוֹשׁ וְ ִשׁ ְמ� ָקדוֹשׁ‬
‫יוֹם‬-‫וּקדו ִֹשׁים בְּ ָכל‬
‫ְיהַ לְ לוּ� סֶּ לָה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Atah kadosh veshimcha kadosh,
ukedoshim bechol yom
yehalelucha selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Baruch atah Adonai,
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬ha’El hakadosh.
the holy God.
the holy ruler.2
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬
hamelech hakadosh.
Some say that during a heiche kedushah, while the leader concludes with “Ledor vador,” the congregation
should recite the short Holiness blessing (3b) and then continue the Amidah.
From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, we stress the theme of God’s sovereignty.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Morning Amidah
The leader continues here.
Central Blessings
4. We thank God for our intellectual abilities, knowledge and understanding.
‫אָדם ַדּעַ ת‬
ָ ְ‫ אַ ָתּה ח ֹונֵן ל‬Atah chonen le’adam da’at
You grace humankind with knowledge
and teach people wisdom.
Grant us from yourself
knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who grants knowledge.
‫וּמלַמֵּ ד לֶאֱ נוֹשׁ בִּ ינָה‬
�‫חָ נֵּנוּ מֵ ִא ְתּ‬
‫דֵּ עָ ה בִּ ינָה וְ הַ ְשׂכֵּל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ח ֹונֵן הַ ָדּעַ ת אָמֵ ן‬
5. Bring us back to you, God.
Source of life, bring us back to your Torah; �‫הֲ ִשׁיבֵ נוּ אָבִ ינוּ לְ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
O Ruler, bring us close to serve you,
and bring us back
in full repentance before you.
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who cherishes repentance.
Choneinu me’it’cha
de’ah, binah, vehaskel.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
chonein hada’at. Amen
Hashivenu avinu leToratecha
vekarvenu malkenu la’avodatecha,
bit’shuvah shelemah lefanecha;
Baruch atah Adonai
Blessed are you, Ruler,
�‫וְ ָק ְרבֵ נוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ לַעֲ בו ָֹד ֶת‬
‫וְ הַ חֲ זִ ֵירנוּ‬
�‫בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה ְשׁל ֵָמה לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הָ רוֹצֶ ה בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
umelamed le’enosh binah.
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
for we have sinned;
pardon us, ruler,
for you forgive and grant pardons.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
gracious and liberal in forgiveness.
‫כִּ י חָ טָ אנוּ‬
‫ְמחַ ל לָנוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫כִּ י פָ ָשׁ ְענוּ‬
‫כִּ י מוֹחֵ ל וְ ס ֹולֵחַ אָ ָתּה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫חַ נּוּן הַ מַּ ְרבֶּ ה לִ ְס�חַ אָמֵ ן‬
ki chata’nu;
mechal lanu, malkenu,
ki fasha’nu,
for we have transgressed,
harotzeh bitshuvah. Amen
6. Pardon our sins.
We strike our chest for “chatanu” (we have sinned) and “fashanu” (we have transgressed).
‫ ְסלַח לָנוּ אָבִ ינוּ‬Selach lanu, avinu,
Forgive us, source of life,
ki mochel vesole’ach atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
chanun hamarbeh lislo’ach. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
7. Save us from our troubles.
Look on our misery, plead our cause,
‫ְראֵ ה נָא בְ עָ נְ יֵנוּ וְ ִריבָ ה ִריבֵ נוּ‬
and save us soon for your reputation,
� ֶ‫וּגְ אָלֵנוּ ְמהֵ ָרה לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
‫כִּ י גוֹאֵ ל חָ זָק אָ ָתּה‬
for you are a powerful savior.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who saves Israel.
‫גּוֹאֵ ל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
Re’ei nah ve’onyenu verivah rivenu,
save us, and we will be saved —
hoshi’enu venivashei’ah —
uge’alenu meherah lema’an shemecha,
ki go’el chazak atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
go’el Yisra’el. Amen
On public fast days the leader adds Aneinu, page 237.
8. Heal and save us.
‫ ְרפָ אֵ נוּ יי וְ נ ֵָרפֵ א‬Refa’enu, Adonai, venerafeh;
Heal us, Ruler, and we will be healed;
for you are our praise.
‫הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ וְ נִ וָּ ֵשׁעָ ה‬
‫כִּ י ְת ִהלּ ֵָתנוּ אָ ָתּה‬
‫וְ הַ עֲ לֵה ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה‬
‫מַ כּו ֵֹתינוּ‬-‫לְ ָכל‬
And bring full healing
for all our maladies,
veha’aleh refu’ah shelemah
lechol makoteinu,
A private prayer for someone who is ill can be added here.
�‫יהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
ִ ִ‫ ו‬vihi ratzon milfanecha,
May your wish be—
ki tehilatenu atah,
O Ruler our God,
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
shetishlach meherah
refu’ah shelema min hashamayim,
refu’at hanefesh urefu’at haguf,
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
our ancestors’ God—
to quickly send
‫ֶשׁ ִתּ ְשׁ ַלח ְמהֵ ָרה‬
complete healing from above,
‫ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה ִמן הַ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
healing of spirit and of body,
‫ְרפוּאַת הַ נֶּפֶ שׁ ְוּרפוּאַת הַ גּוּף‬
for ____ son/daughter of _____,
_____‫בַּ ת‬/‫לְ _____ בֶּ ן‬
and all sick people in our community.2
‫בְּ תוֹ� ְשׁאָר ח ֹולֵי י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
for you are God, ruler, healer,
‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� רוֹפֵ א‬
‫נֶאֱ מָ ן וְ ַרחֲ מָ ן אָ ָתּה‬
faithful and merciful.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
healing the sick of your people Israel. ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
ְ ‫רוֹפֵ א ח ֹולֵי עַ מּ ֹו י‬
le_____ ben/bat_____,
betoch she’ar cholei Yisra’el.
ki El, melech, rofeh,
Insert the mother’s name, if known.
“Among the rest of the sick people in Israel (i.e., the Jewish community).
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ne’eman verachaman atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
rofeh cholei amo Yisra’el. Amen
Morning Amidah
9. Grant us a good year.
Ruling God, bless for us
‫בָּ ֵר� עָ לֵינוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫הַ ָשּׁנָה הַ זֹּאת‬-‫אֶ ת‬
this year
and all its kinds of produce, for good, ‫בוּאָתהּ לְ טוֹבָ ה‬
‫ ִמינֵי ְת‬-‫וְ אֶ ת ָכּל‬
Barech aleinu Adonai Eloheinu
et hashanah hazot
ve’et kol minei tevu’atah, letovah,
From December 51 (December 6 in Hebrew years divisible by 4, such as 5772) until Pesach,
replace the next line with the shaded line.
‫ וְ תֵ ן בְּ ָר ָכה‬veten berachah
and grant blessing
and grant dew and rain as a blessing
veten tal umatar livrachah
Sound the great shofar for our freedom,
Teka beshofar gadol lecherutenu
‫וְ תֵ ן טַ ל וּמָ טָ ר לִ ְב ָר ָכה‬
‫עַ ל פְּ נֵי הָ אֲ ָדמָ ה‬
on the face of the earth,
and satisfy us from its goodness
‫וְ ַשׂבְּ עֵ נוּ ִמטּוּבָ הּ‬
and bless our year like the best years. ‫ָתנוּ כַּ ָשּׁנִ ים הַ טּוֹבוֹת‬
ֵ ‫וּבָ ֵר� ְשׁנ‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who blesses the years.
‫ְמבָ ֵר� הַ ָשּׁנִ ים אָמֵ ן‬
10. Gather our exiles.
vesab’einu mituvah
uvarech shenatenu kashanim hatovot.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mevarech hashanim. Amen
ֵ ֵ‫ְתּ ַקע בְּ שׁוֹפָ ר גָּדוֹל לְ ח‬
‫וְ ָשׂא נֵס לְ ַקבֵּ ץ ָגלֻיּו ֵֹתינוּ‬
raise a banner to gather our exiles,
‫וְ ַקבְּ צֵ נוּ יַחַ ד‬
and gather us together
ֶ ָ‫אַרבַּ ע ַכּנְ פוֹת ה‬
ְ ֵ‫מ‬
from the four corners of the earth.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler;
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
gathering your dispersed people, Israel. ‫ִשׁ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
ְ ‫ְמ ַקבֵּ ץ נִ ְדחֵ י עַ מּ ֹו י‬
al penei ha’adamah,
vesa nes lekabetz galuyoteinu
vekabtzeinu yachad
me’arbah kanfot ha’aretz.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
and our advisors as in the beginning,2
take away our sorrow and sighing
mekabetz nidchei amo Yisra’el. Amen
11. Restore justice, that we may be ruled by God alone.
‫ הָ ִשׁיבָ ה שׁוֹפְ טֵ ינוּ כְּ בָ ִראשׁ ֹונָה‬Hashivah shofteinu kevarishonah,
Restore our judges as at first
‫וְ יוֹעֲ צֵ ינוּ כְּ בַ ְתּ ִח ָלּה‬
‫וְ הָ סֵ ר ִממֶּ נּוּ יָגוֹן וַ אֲ נָחָ ה‬
veyo’atzeinu kevat’chilah
vehaser mimenu yagon va’anacha,
For an explanation of this date, see page 275.
We pray to see Isaiah’s prophecy (1:26) fulfilled: “Ve’ashivah shoftayich kevarishonah veyo’atzayich kevֹ ‫ וְ אָ ִשׁיבָ ה שֹׁפְ טַ ִי� כְּ בָ ִרא‬/ I will restore your judges as at first and your advisors as in the
at’chilah / ‫שׁנָה וְ יֹעֲ צַ ִי� כְּ בַ ְתּ ִחלָּה‬
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
and rule us, God—you alone—
with kindness and mercy,
and make us right through judgment.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
�‫וּמ�� עָ לֵינוּ אַ ָתּה יי לְ בַ ְדּ‬
‫בְּ חֶ סֶ ד וּבְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וְ צַ ְדּ ֵקנוּ בַּ ִמּ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
umeloch aleinu atah Adonai levadcha
bechesed uverachamim,
vetzadkeinu bamishpat.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next two lines with the shaded line
‫ מֶ לֶ� אוֹהֵ ב‬melech ohev
ruler who loves
righteousness and justice.
ruler who dispenses justice.
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ט אָמֵ ן‬
ִ ‫ְצ ָד ָקה‬
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ִמּ ְשׁפָּ ט אָמֵ ן‬
12. Let evil people meet their fate.
For slanderers, let there be no hope,
‫וְ לְ מַּ לְ ִשׁינִ ים אַל ְתּ ִהי ִת ְקוָ ה‬
‫הָ ִר ְשׁעָ ה‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
and all wickedness—
‫כְּ ֶרגַע תֹּאבֵ ד‬
may it perish in an instant,
�‫א ֹו ְיבֵ י עַ ְמּ‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
and all your people’s enemies,
‫ְמהֵ ָרה ִי ָכּ ֵרתוּ‬
may they soon be cut down!
And the arrogant people—
‫וְ הַ זּ ִֵדים‬
‫וּת ַשׁבֵּ ר‬
ְ ‫ְמהֵ ָרה ְתעַ ֵקּר‬
may you soon uproot and crush them,
ַ‫וּתמַ גֵּר וְ ַתכְ ִניע‬
cast them down and humble them,
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
quickly and in our time!
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫שׁוֹבֵ ר א ֹו ְיבִ ים‬
who destroys foes
‫וּמַ כְ ִניעַ ז ִֵדים אָמֵ ן‬
and humbles the arrogant.
tzedakah umishpat. Amen
hamelech hamishpat. Amen
Velamalshinim al tehi tikvah,
vechol harish’ah
kerega toved,
vechol oy’vei am’cha
meherah yikaretu.
meherah te’aker uteshaber
utemager vetachni’a
bimherah veyameinu!
Baruch atah, Adonai,
shover oy’vim
and the elders of your people
the Jewish community,
for the remnant of their scholars,
for the righteous converts and for us
umachni’a zedim. Amen
13. But let the righteous enjoy their reward.
‫ עַ ל הַ צַּ ִדּ ִיקים וְ עַ ל הַ חֲ ִס ִידים‬Al hatzadikim ve’al hachasidim
For the righteous and devout
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
�‫וְ עַ ל זִ ְקנֵי עַ ְמּ‬
‫בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל פְּ לֵיטַ ת סוֹפְ ֵריהֶ ם‬
‫וְ עַ ל גּ ֵֵרי הַ צֶּ דֶ ק וְ עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ve’al ziknei amcha
beit Yisra’el
ve’al pleitat sofreihem
ve’al gerei hatzedek ve’aleinu
Morning Amidah
let your mercies be stirred,
yehemu nah rachamecha,
And to Jerusalem your city
�‫ירוּשׁ ַל ִים ִע ְיר‬
ָ ִ‫וְ ל‬
‫בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים ָתּשׁוּב‬
return in mercy,
‫וְ ִת ְשׁכּוֹן בְּ ת ֹו ָכהּ ַכּאֲ ֶשׁר ִדּבַּ ְר ָתּ‬
stay there as you promised,
‫וּבְ נֵה או ָֹתהּ בְּ ָקרוֹב בְּ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
and build it soon, in our days,
‫בִּ ְניַן ע ֹולָם‬
a structure to last forever;
‫וְ כִ סֵּ א ָדוִ ד‬
and David’s throne—
set it there soon.
‫ְמהֵ ָרה לְ ת ֹו ָכהּ ָתּכִ ין‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who builds Jerusalem.
‫רוּשׁ ָל ִים אָמֵ ן‬
ָ ‫בּ ֹונֵה ְי‬
Velirushalayim ir’cha
hurry to make it bloom,
ַ ‫ְמהֵ ָרה ַת ְצ ִמ‬
�‫וְ ַק ְרנ ֹו ָתּרוּם בִּ ישׁוּעָ ֶת‬
and in your salvation raise his horn:
we’ve waited all day for your salvation! ‫הַ יּוֹם‬-‫כִּ י לִ ישׁוּעָ ְת� ִקוִּ ינוּ ָכּל‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who makes the horn of salvation flourish. ‫מַ ְצ ִמיחַ ֶק ֶרן יְשׁוּעָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
meherah tatzmi’ach,
Hear our voice, Sovereign God,
Shema kolenu, Adonai Eloheinu,
�‫יֶהֱ מוּ נָא ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
O Ruler, our God,
‫וְ תֵ ן ָשׂ ָכר טוֹב לְ כֹל‬
and grant a good reward to all
who rely on your reputation sincerely,
‫הַ בּ ְֹט ִחים בְּ ִשׁ ְמ� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬
‫וְ ִשׂים חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ ִעמָּ הֶ ם לְ ע ֹו ָלם‬
and put our lot with them forever —
we won’t be ashamed, for we trust you.
‫וְ �א נֵבוֹשׁ כִּ י בְ � בָּ טָ ְחנוּ‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!.
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
the support and trust of the righteous ‫יקים אָמֵ ן‬
ִ ‫וּמבְ טָ ח לַצַּ ִדּ‬
ִ ‫ִמ ְשׁעָ ן‬
14. And let Jerusalem be restored.
Adonai Eloheinu,
veten sachar tov lechol
habot’chim beshimcha be’emet
vesim chelkenu imahem le’olam—
velo nevosh, ki vecha batachnu.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mish’an umivtach latzadikim. Amen
berachamim tashuv,
vetishkon betochah ka’asher dibarta,
uveneh otah bekarov beyameinu,
binyan olam;
vechiseh David —
mehera letochah tachin.
Baruch atah Adonai
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
boneh Yerushalayim. Amen
15. Let the Messiah come — David’s descendant.
�‫צֶ מַ ח ָדּוִ ד עַ בְ ְדּ‬-‫ אֶ ת‬Et tzemach David avdecha
The flower of your servant David—
16. Hear our prayers.
pity us and be merciful to us,
and with mercy and favor accept
our prayer,
‫ְשׁמַ ע ק ֹולֵנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫חוּס וְ ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫וְ ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים וּבְ ָרצוֹן‬
‫ ְתּפִ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬-‫אֶ ת‬
vekarno tarum bishu’atecha,
ki lishu’at’cha kivinu kol hayom!
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
matzmi’ach keren yeshu’ah. Amen
chus verachem aleinu,
vekabel berachamim uveratzon
et tefilatenu,
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
for you are a God who listens to
prayers and petitions.
Don’t turn us away from you emptyhanded,
O Ruler,
ַ‫כִּ י אֵ ל שׁוֹמֵ ע‬
‫ְתּפִ לּוֹת וְ ַתחֲ נוּ ִנים אָ ָתּה‬
ָ ‫וּמלְּ פָ נֶי� מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ֵר‬
‫אַל ְתּ ִשׁיבֵ נוּ‬
ki El shome’ah
tefilot vetachanunim atah;
umilfanecha malkenu reikam
al teshiveinu,
On a public fast day individuals replace the next five lines with Aneinu, page 237.
ַ‫ כִּ י אַ ָתּה שׁוֹמֵ ע‬ki atah shome’ah
because you listen to
your people Israel’s prayer in mercy.
‫ְתּפִ לַּת עַ ְמּ� ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who listens to prayer.
‫שׁוֹמֵ עַ ְתּפִ לָּה אָמֵ ן‬
tefilat amcha Yisra’el berachamim.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
shome’ah tefilah. Amen
Closing Blessings
________________________________ 1. Temple Service ▪ ‫ ▪ עֲ בוֹדָ ה‬Avodah ________________________________
Sovereign God, take delight
in your people Israel and in their prayer;
to the sanctuary of your house;
restore the Temple service
as for Israel’s fires and their prayer—
accept them with love and delight;
Retze Adonai Eloheinu
be’amcha Yisra’el uvitfilatam,
vehashev et ha’avodah
lidvir beitecha,
ve’ishei Yisra’el utefilatam
be’ahavah tekabel beratzon,
utehi leratzon tamid
and may you always enjoy2
‫ְרצֵ ה יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫בְּ עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל וּבִ ְתפִ לּ ָָתם‬
‫וְ הָ ֵשׁב אֶ ת הָ עֲ בו ָֹדה‬
ֶ ֵ‫לִ ְדבִ יר בּ‬
‫וּתפִ לּ ָָתם‬
ְ ‫וְ ִא ֵשּׁי ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה ְת ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ָרצוֹן‬
‫וּת ִהי לְ ָרצוֹן ָתּ ִמיד‬
� ֶ‫עֲ בו ַֹדת י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬
the worship of your people Israel.
avodat Yisra’el amecha.
On Rosh Chodesh and middle days of festivals, add Ya’aleh Veyavo, page 232.
And may our eyes witness
‫ וְ ֶתחֱ זֶינָה עֵ ינֵינוּ‬Vetechezena eineinu
Blessed are you, Ruler;
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
you return your presence to Zion.
‫שׁוּב� לְ ִציּוֹן בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
ְ ְ‫בּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הַ מַּ חֲ זִ יר ְשׁכִ ינָת ֹו לְ ִציּוֹן אָמֵ ן‬
beshuvcha leTziyon berachamim.
your return to Zion, in mercy.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
hamachazir shechinato leTziyon. Amen
Include the shaded words if you favor the restoration of the sacrificial system.
“And may it be to your liking forever …”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Morning Amidah
_________________________________ 2a. Thanksgiving ▪ ‫ ▪ מו ִֹדים‬Modim _________________________________
�ָ‫ מו ִֹדים אֲ נ ְַחנוּ ל‬v y Modim anachnu lach
because you are the Ruler, our God,
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬sha’atah huu Adonai Elohenu
God of our ancestors,
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
The one sure thing in our lives,
‫ צוּר חַ יֵּינוּ‬Tzur chayenu,
the shield of our salvation—
‫ מָ גֵן ִי ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬magen yish’enu,
that is you, from age to age!
‫ אַ ָתּה הוּא לְ דוֹר וָ דוֹר‬ata hu ledor vador.
�‫ נוֹדֶ ה לְּ � וּנְ סַ פֵּ ר ְתּ ִה ָלּ ֶת‬Nodeh lecha unesaper tehilatecha
We thank you and declare your praise
For our lives, which in your hand you hold, � ֶ‫סוּרים בְּ יָד‬
ִ ‫ עַ ל חַ יֵּינוּ הַ ְמּ‬al chayenu ham’surim beyadecha,
Our souls, which in your care are told; �‫ֹתינוּ הַ פְּ קוּדוֹת ָל‬
ֵ ‫ וְ עַ ל נִ ְשׁמו‬ve’al nishmoteinu hapekudot lach,
Your miracles, with us every day,
‫יוֹם ִעמָּ נוּ‬-‫ וְ עַ ל נִ סֶּ י� ֶשׁבְּ כָ ל‬ve’al nisecha sheb’chol yom imanu,
�‫ וְ עַ ל נִ פְ לְ או ֶֹתי� וְ טוֹבו ֶֹתי‬ve’al nifle’otecha vetovotecha,
Your wonders and abundant boons,
‫ ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל עֵ ת‬shebechol et,
With us
evening, morn, and noon.
‫עֶ ֶרב וָ ב ֶֹקר וְ צָ הֳ ָר ִים‬
erev vavoker vetzohorayim.
Your mercies never end; the one
�‫ הַ טּוֹב כִּ י �א ָכלוּ ַרחֲ מֶ י‬Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha,
‫ וְ הַ ְמ ַרחֵ ם‬vehamrachem
All good and merciful and blessed,
�‫ כִּ י �א ַתמּוּ חֲ סָ דֶ י‬ki lo tamu chasadecha,
Whose kindnesses are never done.
In you our hopes forever rest.
�‫ מֵ ע ֹולָם ִקוִּ ינוּ ָל‬me’olam kivinu lach.
____________________2b. Teachers’ Thanksgiving ▪ ‫ ▪ מו ִֹדים ְד ַרבָּ נָן‬Modim Derabbanan____________________
We thank you,
When the leader repeats the amidah and says the Thanksgiving blessing, the congregation says this:
We thank you
�ָ‫ מו ִֹדים אֲ נ ְַחנוּ ל‬v y Modim anachnu lach
and our ancestors’ God,
God of all flesh,
our maker, who formed Creation.
Blessings and thanks we give
to your great and holy name,
because you have given us life
and sustained us.
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫בָּ ָשׂר‬-‫אֱ �הֵ י ָכל‬
ִ ‫יו ְֹצ ֵרנוּ יוֹצֵ ר בְּ ֵר‬
‫בְּ ָרכוֹת וְ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬
‫לְ ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוֹל וְ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬
ָ ‫עַ ל ֶשׁהֶ חֱ ִי‬
‫וְ ִקיּ ְַמ ָתּנוּ‬
sha’ata hu u Adonai Eloheinu
for you are the Ruler, our God
vElohei avoteinu
Elohei chol basar,
yotzrenu, yotzer bereshit.
Berachot vehoda’ot
leshimcha hagadol vehakadosh,
al shehecheyitanu
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Keep giving us life and sustenance,
‫וּת ַק ְיּמֵ נוּ‬
ְ ‫כֵּן ְתּחַ יֵּנוּ‬
‫וְ ֶתאֱ סוֹף ָגּלֻיּו ֵֹתינוּ‬
�‫לְ חַ ְצרוֹת ָק ְד ֶשׁ‬
�‫לִ ְשׁמוֹר חֻ ֶקּי‬
�ֶ‫וְ לַעֲ שׂוֹת ְרצ ֹונ‬
‫וּלְ עָ בְ ְד� בְּ לֵבָ ב ָשׁלֵם‬
�ָ‫עַ ל ֶשׁאֲ נ ְַחנוּ מו ִֹדים ל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אֵ ל הַ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬
and gather our scattered exiles
to the courtyards of your sanctuary,
to keep your statutes,
do your will,
and serve you wholeheartedly
—for which we thank you.
Ken techayenu utekaymenu,
vete’esof galuyotenu
lechatzrot kodshecha,
lishmor chukecha
vela’asot retzonecha,
ule’ovdecha belevav shalem;
al she’anachnu modim lach.
Blessed is the God of thanks.
Baruch El hahoda’ot.
On Chanukah and Purim, Israel’s Independence Day and Jerusalem Day,
add Al Hanisim, page 233. Continue the Thanksgiving blessing below:
‫ וְ עַ ל ֻכּלָּם‬Ve’al kulam
And for all these things may your
�‫ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ָתּ ִמיד לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
name be blessed and exalted,
yitbarach veyitromam shimcha
malkenu, tamid le’olam va’ed.
O our ruler, constantly, and for ever.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded words; when repeating the amidah,
the prayer leader pauses while the congregation says these lines.
And write down for a good life all the children ‫ וּכְ תוֹב לְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים‬Uchetov lechayim tovim
of those with whom you made your agreement!
ֶ ‫בְּ נֵי בְ ִר‬-‫ ָכּל‬kol benei veritecha.
Every living being will thank you (selah),
‫ וְ כֹל הַ חַ יִּים יוֹדוּ� סֶּ לָה‬Vechol hachayim yoducha selah,
and they will hail your name in truth,
‫ וִ יהַ לְ לוּ אֶ ת ִשׁ ְמ� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬vihalelu et shimcha be’emet,
God, our salvation and help (selah). ‫ הָ אֵ ל יְשׁוּעָ ֵתנוּ וְ עֶ זְ ָר ֵתנוּ סֶ לָה‬ha’El yeshu’atenu ve’ezratenu selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫ יי‬u ‫אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y atah u Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
whose reputation is good,
�‫ הַ טּוֹב ִשׁ ְמ‬hatov shimcha
and to whom thanks are due.
‫ וּלְ � נָאֶ ה לְ הוֹדוֹת אָמֵ ן‬ulecha na’eh lehodot. Amen
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Morning Amidah
In the silent amidah, continue with the blessing for peace, below.
During the repetition, the leader adds the Priestly Blessing.
________________________ The Priestly Blessing1 ▪ ‫כֹּהֲ נִ ים‬
Our God
and God of our ancestors,
bless us with the triple blessing
in the Torah,
‫ ▪ בִּ רכַּת‬Bircat Kohanim ________________________
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Eloheinu
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ בָּ ְרכֵנוּ בַ בְּ ָר ָכה הַ ְמשֻׁ לּ ֶֶשׁת‬bar’cheinu vaberachah hamshuleshet
‫ בַּ תּו ָֹרה‬baTorah
� ֶ‫משׁה עַ בְ דּ‬
ֶ ‫ הַ כְּ תוּבָ ה עַ ל ְידֵ י‬hak’tuvah al yedei Moshe avdecha,
‫מוּרה ִמפִּ י אַהֲ רֹן וּבָ נָיו‬
ָ ֲ‫ הָ א‬ha’amurah mipi Aharon uvanav
�‫ כֹּהֲ נִ ים עַ ם ְקדו ֶֹשׁ‬kohanim—am kedoshecha—
‫ ָכּאָמוּר‬ka’amur:
written by your servant Moses,
spoken by Aaron and his children,
the priests—your holy people—
in these words:
After each of the three verses of the Priestly Blessing, the congregation responds
May God bless you
‫ יְ בָ ֶר ְכ�֥ יהו֖ה‬Yevarechecha Adonai
and protect you.
May this be your will!
Num 6:24-26
and show you favor.
May this be your will!
‫כֵּן ְי ִהי ָרצוֹן‬
May God let you perceive God’s presence
May this be your will!
ken yehi ratzon
Ya’er Adonai panav elecha
ָ‫וִ ֽיחֻ נֶּ ֽ ךּ‬
‫כֵּן י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
�‫שּׂא יהו֤ה ׀ פָּ נָיו ֙ אֵ ֔ ֶלי‬
ָ ֨ ִ‫י‬
‫ָשׂם ְל�֖ שָׁ ֽלוֹם‬
֥ ֵ ‫וְ י‬
ken yehi ratzon
Yisa Adonai panav elecha
veyasem lecha shalom.
and set you at peace.
�‫י ֵָ֨אר יהו֧ה ׀ פָּ נָ ֛יו אֵ ֶל֖י‬
May God smile at you2
�‫וְ יִ ְשׁ ְמ ֶ ֽר‬
‫כֵּן י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
Ken yehi ratzon
_____________________________________ 3. Peace ▪ ‫ ▪ ָשׁלוֹם‬Shalom _____________________________________
goodness and blessing,
grace, kindness and mercy
for us and all Israel, your people.
‫ִשׂים ָשׁלוֹם בָּ ע ֹולָם‬
‫טוֹבָ ה וּבְ ָר ָכה‬
‫חֵ ן וָ חֶ סֶ ד וְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
� ֶ‫י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬-‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל‬
Sim shalom ba’olam
Grant peace on earth,4
tovah uv’rachah
chen vachesed verachamim
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el amecha.
God dictated the Priestly Blessing for Aaron to use when blessing the Children of Israel (Num. 6:22-23).
“May God send the light of God’s face/presence toward you”
“May God raise God’s face toward you”
“On earth” is added in the Conservative liturgy.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Bless us all, O source of life,
as one, in the light of your presence.
For in the light of your presence
you gave us, Ruling God,
the Torah of life, the love of kindness,
righteousness and blessing,
mercy, life and peace.
And it’s good in your eyes
to bless your people Israel
at every time and in every hour
‫בָּ ְרכֵנוּ אָבִ ינוּ ֻכּלָּנוּ‬
�‫כְּ אֶ חָ ד בְּ אוֹר פָּ נֶי‬
�‫כִּ י בְ אוֹר פָּ נֶי‬
‫נ ַָת ָתּ לָּנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫תּו ַֹרת חַ ִיּים וְ אַהֲ בַ ת חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫וּצ ָד ָקה וּבְ ָרכָ ה‬
‫וְ ַרחֲ ִמים וְ חַ יִּים וְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
�‫וְ טוֹב בְּ עֵ ינֶי‬
‫עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬-‫לְ בָ ֵר� אֶ ת‬
‫ ָשׁעָ ה‬-‫עֵ ת וּבְ ָכל‬-‫בְּ ָכל‬
� ֶ‫בִּ ְשׁלוֹמ‬
Bar’chenu avinu kulanu
ke’echad be’or panecha,
ki ve’or panecha
natata lanu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Torat chayim ve’ahavat chesed
utzedaka uveracha
verachamim vechayim veshalom.
Vetov be’einecha
levarech et amcha Yisra’el,
bechol et uvechol sha’ah
with your peace.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, use the shaded section instead of the next four lines.
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הַ ְמּבָ ֵר� אֶ ת עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
‫וְ ָשׁלוֹם וּפַ ְרנָסָ ה טוֹבָ ה‬
reviewed and graded before you,
‫ִנ ָזּכֵר וְ נִ ָכּ ֵתב לְ פָ נֶי� אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬
with all your people, Israel’s descendants,
‫עַ ְמּ� בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
for a life of goodness and peace.
‫לְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
who makes peace.
‫עו ֶֹשׂה הַ ָשּׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
veshalom ufarnasah tovah,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who blesses God’s people Israel
hamvarech et amo Yisra’el
with peace.
bashalom. Amen
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, say the shaded lines; when repeating the amidah,
the leader pauses while the congregation says the next five lines, then repeats them.
In the Book of Life, blessing,
‫ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר חַ ִיּים בְּ ָר ָכה‬BeSefer Chayim, berachah
peace and good livelihood, may we be
nizacher venikatev lefanechah, anachnu
vechol amchah Beit Yisra’el
lechayim tovim uleshalom.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
oseh hashalom. Amen
The amidah ends here, but we remain standing to express our own thanks and the longings of our heart
guided by the next paragraphs. After the repetition, the leader says Full Kaddish, page 265.
On Rosh Chodesh and Chanukah, Israel’s Independence Day and Jerusalem Day,
continue instead with Hallel, page 218.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Morning Amidah
_________________________________ Personal Prayer _________________________________
My God, keep bad words from my tongue,
Elohai, netzor leshoni mera,
Ps 60:7
“Lema’an yechaltzun yedidecha,
‫אֱ �הַ י נְ צוֹר לְ שׁוֹנִ י מֵ ָרע‬
and lies from my lips.
‫וּשׂפָ ַתי ִמ ַדּבֵּ ר ִמ ְר ָמה‬
‫וְ לִ ְמ ַקלְ לַי נ ְַפ ִשׁי ִתדּוֹם‬
Let me not try to answer those who curse me;
let my spirit be as still as dust to everyone. ‫וְ נַפְ ִשׁי כֶּעָ פָ ר ַלכֹּל ִתּ ְהיֶה‬
Open my heart with your teaching
�‫פְּ ַתח לִ בִּ י בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וּבְ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי� ִתּ ְרדּוֹף נַפְ ִשׁי‬
that my spirit may follow your rules.
‫הַ חו ְֹשׁבִ ים עָ לַי ָרעָ ה‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
As for all who plan harm for me,
‫ְמהֵ ָרה הָ פֵ ר עֲ צָ ָתם‬
quickly upset their designs
and spoil their plans.
‫וְ ַקלְ ֵקל מַ חֲ ַשׁבְ ָתּם‬
Do it for the sake of your reputation;
� ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
�ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְי ִמינ‬
do it for the sake of your right hand;
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְקדֻ ָשּׁ ֶת‬
do it for the sake of your holiness;
do it for the sake of your law.
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן תּו ָֹר ֶת‬
Psalm 19:15
ֶ ‫ְלמַ עַ ן יֵחָ ְלצוּן יְ ִד‬
Velimkalelai nafshi tidom,
venafshi ke’afar lakol tihyeh.
Petach libi beToratecha,
uvemitzvotecha tirdof nafshi.
Vechol hachoshvim alai ra’ah,
meherah hafer atzatam
vekalkel machashavtam.
Aseh lema’an shemecha,
aseh lema’an yeminecha,
aseh lema’an kedushatecha,
aseh lema’an Toratecha.
“To save your devoted followers,
take action, rescue and answer me!”
usefatai midaber mirmah.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה יְ ִמינְ � ַו ֲענֵנִ י‬
“May what I say be to your liking,
ִ ‫יִהיוּ ְל ָרצוֹן ִא ְמ ֵר‬
and my deepest thoughts come before you,
�‫וְ הֶ גְ יוֹן ִל ִבּי ְלפָ נֶי‬
hoshi’ah yemin’cha, va’aneni.”
“Yi’heyu leratzon imrei fi,
vehegyon libi lefanecha,
may God bring peace
to us and to all Israel,
Now you say, “Amen.”
‫ע ֶֹשׂה הַ ָשּׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬
‫הוּא יַעֲ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן‬
Oseh hashalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
God, my rock, my savior.”
‫צוּרי וְ ֹגא ֲִלי‬
ִ ‫ יְהוָה‬Adonai, tzuri, vego’ali.”
Take three steps back, bow left on “oseh shalom,” right on “hu ya’aseh” and forward on “aleinu.”
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line.
‫ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬Oseh shalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
ve’imru, “Amen.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Add this if you mourn the loss of the sacrificial system, metaphorically or literally.
�‫ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬Yehi ratzon milfanecha
May this be what you want,
ruling God
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁ ִיּבָּ נֶה בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
�‫וְ תֵ ן חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וְ ָשׁם נַעֲ בָ ְד� בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
and God of our ancestors:
that the Temple be rebuilt
soon, in our days,
and restore our rights in your Torah,
and there we shall serve you reverently
Mal 3:4
Mal. 3:4
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
bimherah veyameinu
veten chelkenu beToratecha
vesham na’avod’cha beyir’ah
as in days of old and years long past. ‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמוֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
So that God will enjoy
Ve’arvah lAdonai
‫וְ עָ ְרבָ ה לַ יהוָה‬
‫הוּדה וִ ירוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
ָ ְ‫ִמנְ חַ ת י‬
as in days of old and years long past.
‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem
min’chat Yehudah Virushalayim
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
Take three steps forward.
On public fast days and between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add Avinu Malkenu, page 257.
On Rosh Chodesh, Chanukah, Yom Ha’Atzma’ut and Yom Yerushalayim, continue with Hallel, page 218.
Many congregations continue with Tachanun (Pleading), but (almost) all skip
Tachanun and continue with Half Kaddish (page 264) on these days:
Rosh Chodesh; the month of Nisan; Israel’s Independence Day, Lag Ba’Omer and Jerusalem Day; the first of
Sivan until the second day after Shavu’ot; the 9th and 15th of Av; the day before Rosh Hashanah; from the day
before Yom Kippur until the second day after Sukkot; Chanukah; the 15th of Shevat; the 14th and 15th of Adar
(and of Adar Rishon in a leap year); on the celebration of a marriage; in the house of a mourner during the week
of mourning; on celebrating a circumcision if the father, godfather (sandek) or mohel is present.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
_______________________________ Monday and Thursday ______________________________
On Monday and Thursday, Tachanun begins here; on other days, skip to Being Downcast on page 106.
God is merciful, excuses sin
‫ וְ הוּא ַרחוּם יְ כַ פֵּ ר עָ ֹון‬Vehu rachum yechaper avon
Ps. 73:38
and will not destroy us,
‫וְ ל ֹא־י ְַשׁ ִחית‬
often withholds divine anger
and does not arouse God’s rage.1
God, you
will not keep your compassion from us—
your kindness and faithfulness
always protect us.
Save us, O saving God,
Ps. 130:3-4
If you keep note of our sins, God,
O God, who will be able to stand up?
Forgiveness is yours,
velo ya’ir kol chamato.
‫וְ קַ ְבּצֵ נוּ ִמן־הַ גּוֹיִ ם‬
Don’t treat us as our sins deserve
nor repay us as our wrongs deserve.3
lo tichla rachamecha mimenu;
chasdecha va’amit’cha
tamid yitzrunu.
Hoshi’enu, Adonai Eloheinu,
vekabtzenu min hagoyim,
� ֶ‫ְלהֹדוֹת ְלשֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁ‬
lehodot leshem kodshecha,
� ֶ‫ְל ִה ְשׁתַּ בֵּ חַ ִבּ ְת ִהלָּ ת‬
lehishtabe’ach bit’hilatecha.
‫ִאם־ ֲעוֺנוֹת ִתּ ְשׁמָ ר־יָהּ‬
Im avonot tishmor-Yah,
‫דנָי ִמי ַי ֲעמֹד‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
Adonai, mi ya’amod.
‫ִכּי־עִ ְמּ� הַ ְסּ ִליחָ ה‬
Ki im’cha has’lichah
‫ְלמַ עַ ן ִתּוּ ֵָרא‬
‫�א ַכחֲ טָ אֵ ינוּ ַתּעֲ ֶשׂה ָלּנוּ‬
‫וְ �א ַכעֲ ֹו ׂנ ֵתינוּ ִתּגְ מ ֹול עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫ִאם־ ֲעוֺנֵינוּ עָ נוּ בָ נוּ‬
lema’an tivareh.
Lo chachata’einu ta’aseh lanu,
velo cha’avonoteinu tigmol aleinu.
Im avoneinu anu vanu—
If our sins were to speak for us—
But God, act to protect your reputation of mercy! � ֶ‫יְהוָה עֲשֵׂ ה ְלמַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
Atah Adonai
so that you can be feared.
Jer. 14:7
‫וְ ל ֹא־יָעִ יר כָּ ל־חֲמָ תוֹ‬
and honor your praise.
vehirbah lehashiv apo,
‫הוֹשׁיעֵ נוּ יְ הוָה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
gather us from dispersion among other nations,
to acknowledge your holy name
‫וְ ִה ְרבָּ ה ְלהָ ִשׁיב אַ פּוֹ‬
‫אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫�א־תכְ לָא ַרחֲ מֶ י� ִממֶּ נּוּ‬
�‫חַ ְס ְדּ� וַ אֲ ִמ ְתּ‬
‫ָתּ ִמיד ִי ְצּרוּנוּ‬
Ps. 106:47
velo yashchit,
Adonai, aseh lema’an shemecha!
“And-he who is merciful will-pay-off wrongdoing/offense/sin and-not will-destroy and-has-acted-repeatedly
to-turn-back his-anger and-not will-awaken all his-anger.” Even if we suffer, we say that we deserve worse, and
so our suffering shows God’s mercy. The word ‫ ְיכַפֵּ ר‬is in “Yom Kippur”; the concept we translate as “atonement” also carries the idea of paying off required compensation for a misdeed—paying a fine, or ransom money. If life were Monopoly, God would be our Get Out of Jail Free card.
Ps. 40:12 has the same idea in the singular, not the plural.
Ps. 103:10 has the same words in the past, not the imperative
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Ps 25:6
Remember your mercies, God,
‫ֹר־רחֲמֶ י� יְ הוָה‬
ַ ‫ְזכ‬
and your kindnesses,
�‫ַוחֲסָ ֶדי‬
for they have existed forever.
‫ִכּי מֵ עוֹלָ ם הֵ מָּ ה‬
May God answer us in time of trouble;
may the name of Jacob’s God protect us.
Ps. 20:10
‫יַעֲ ֵננוּ יי בְּ יוֹם צָ ָרה‬
‫י ְַשׂגְּ בֵ נוּ ֵשׁם אֱ �הֵ י יַעֲ ֹקב‬
God, save us: for at our demand,
Oh Ruler, you’ll give answer true.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה‬
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ � ַי ֲענֵנוּ ְביוֹם־קָ ְראֵ נוּ‬
Source of life! Sovereign,
Zechor rachamecha, Adonai,
ki me’olam hemah.
Ya’anenu, Adonai, beyom tzarah;
yesagvenu shem Elohei Ya’akov.
Adonai hoshi’a—
hamelech ya’aneinu veyom kor’einu.
Avinu malkenu,
Daniel 9:15-19
Ve’atah, Adonai Eloheinu,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫חָ נֵּנוּ וְ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
be gracious and answer us,
though we have done nothing to earn your favor; ‫כִּ י אֵ ין בָּ נוּ מַ עֲ ִשׂים‬
Do right by us
‫ְצ ָד ָקה עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ‬
� ֶ‫לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
for the sake of your reputation,
‫אֲ ד ֹונֵינוּ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
our ruler, our God;
‫ְשׁמַ ע קוֹל ַתּחֲ נוּנֵינוּ‬
listen to our pleas,
‫וּזְ ָכר לָנוּ אֶ ת בְּ ִרית‬
remember for us your contract with
‫אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
our ancestors,
and save us for the sake of your reputation.
� ֶ‫וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
‫דנָי אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
ֹ ‫וְ עַ תָּ ה ֲא‬
�‫אֲשֶׁ ר הוֹצֵ אתָ אֶ ת־עַ ְמּ‬
of the land of Egypt
‫מֵ אֶ ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ַריִ ם‬
with mighty power
‫חזָקָ ה‬
ֲ ‫ְבּיָד‬
we have sinned, we have done wrong.
Tzedakah aseh imanu
lema’an shemecha;
Adoneinu, Eloheinu,
shema kol tachanuneinu,
uzechor lanu et b’rit
vehoshi’einu lema’an shemecha.
asher hotzeta et am’cha
‫שׂ־ל� שֵׁ ם כַּ יּוֹם הַ זֶּה‬
ַ‫וַתַּ ע‬
me’eretz Mitzrayim
beyad chazakah,
vata’as lecha shem kayom hazeh—
and made your reputation as it is now—
ki ein banu ma’asim;
who brought your people out
Now, ruling God,
chonenu va’anenu
‫חָ טָ אנוּ ָרשָׁ ְענוּ‬
chatanu, rashanu.
“If our sins were to speak for us, we would only condemn ourselves. So, God, don’t take action based on our
sins, but instead act for the sake of your reputation as a merciful God!”
Ps 20:2 has the same idea in the second person singular instead of first person plural.
“Lord, bring salvation! The king will answer us on the day when we call.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
God, through all your vindication of us,
� ֶ‫ל־צ ְדקֹת‬
ָ‫דנָי ְכּכ‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
let your anger and wrath retreat
�‫יָשָׁ ב־נָא אַ ְפּ� ַוחֲמָ ְת‬
from your city, Jerusalem,
‫מֵ עִ ְיר� יְ רוּשָׁ לַ ִם‬
your holy mountain,
for because of our sins
and the wrongs of our ancestors
‫וְ עַ תָּ ה ְשׁמַ ע אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
“Get ready, God, and hear;
and look at our ruin
and that of the city
known by your name.
Not because of our merits
our pleas to you,
but because of your great mercies.
ֹ ‫ְלמַ עַ ן ֲא‬
‫הַ טֵּ ה אֱ�הַ י אָ זְ נְ � וּשֲׁמָ ע‬
�‫ְפּקַ ח עֵ ינֶי‬
‫ְוּראֵ ה שׁ ְֹממֹתֵ ינוּ‬
‫וְ הָ ִעיר‬
ָ‫אֲשֶׁ ר־נִ ְק ָרא ִשׁ ְמ� עָ לֶ יה‬
‫ל־צ ְדקֹתֵ ינוּ‬
ִ ַ‫ִכּי ל ֹא ע‬
ִ ‫ֲאנ ְַחנוּ מַ ִפּ‬
�‫תַּ חֲנוּנֵינוּ ְלפָ נֶי‬
‫ל־רחֲמֶ י� הָ ַר ִבּים‬
ַ ַ‫ִכּי ע‬
‫דנָי ְסלָ חָ ה‬
ֹ ‫דנָי ְשׁמָ עָ ה ֲא‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
God, listen and take action!
‫דנָי הַ קֲ ִשׁיבָ ה ַועֲשֵׂ ה‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
For by your name are known
your city and your people.”2
lecherpah lechol sevivoteinu.
Ve’atah, shema, Eloheinu,
el tefilat av’decha ve’el tachanunav,
veha’er panecha
al mikdash’cha hashamem
lema’an Adonai.
“Hateh, Elohai, oznecha, ushemah;
pekach einecha,
ure’eh shomemoteinu,
asher nikra shimcha aleha.
Ki lo al tzidkoteinu
anachnu mapilim
tachanuneinu lefanecha,
ki al rachamecha harabim.
Adonai, shema’a, Adonai, selacha,
God, listen; God, forgive;
Don’t delay, for your sake, God,
Yerushala’im ve’am’cha
do we pray
‫ל־מקְ ָדּ ְשׁ� הַ שָּׁ מֵ ם‬
ִ ַ‫ע‬
uva’avonot avoteinu
open your eyes
�‫וְ הָ אֵ ר פָּ נֶי‬
for God’s sake!
ki vachata’einu,
‫ל־תּ ִפלַּ ת עַ ְב ְדּ� וְ אֶ ל־תַּ חֲנוּנָיו‬
on your ruined sanctuary
har kodshecha,
‫ל־ס ִביבֹתֵ ינוּ‬
ְ ָ‫ְלחֶ ְרפָּ ה ְלכ‬
So now listen, God,
to your servant’s prayer and pleas;
me’ir’cha Yerushala’im,
� ֶ‫הַ ר־קָ ְדשׁ‬
�‫יְרוּשָׁ לַ ִם וְ עַ ְמּ‬
an object of scorn for all who live around us.
yashav nah ap’chah vachamat’chah
‫ִכּי בַ חֲטָ אֵ ינוּ‬
‫וּבַ ֲע ֹונוֹת ֲאבֹתֵ ינוּ‬
Jerusalem and your people have become
Adonai, kechol tzidkatecha
‫ל־תּאַ חַ ר ְלמַ עֲנְ � אֱ�הַ י‬
‫י־שׁ ְמ� נִ ְק ָרא‬
ִ ‫ִכּ‬
� ֶ‫עַ ל־עִ ְיר� וְ עַ ל־עַ מּ‬
Adonai, hakshivah, va’aseh!
Al te’achar lema’an’cha, Elohai,
ki shim’cha nikra
al ir’cha ve’al amecha.”
“Incline your ear.”
I.e., their fortunes indicate God’s nature: if they survive, God is merciful.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Source of life, merciful parent,
show us a promise of goodness
and gather our scattered ones
from the four corners of the earth.
Let all the other peoples realize and know
that you, God, are our God!
Now, God, you are our life-source;
Isaiah 64:7
‫אָבִ ינוּ הָ אָב הָ ַרחֲ מָ ן‬
‫הַ ְראֵ נוּ אוֹת לְ טוֹבָ ה‬
‫וְ ַקבֵּ ץ נְ פוּצ ֵֹתינוּ‬
ֶ ָ‫אַרבַּ ע ַכּנְ פוֹת ה‬
ְ ֵ‫מ‬
‫יַכִּ ירוּ וְ י ְֵדעוּ ָכּל הַ גּ ֹו ִים‬
‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
we are the clay, you our potter;
‫וְ עַ תָּ ה יְ הוָה אָ ִבינוּ אָ תָּ ה‬
‫ֲאנ ְַחנוּ הַ חֹמֶ ר וְ אַ תָּ ה י ְֹצ ֵרנוּ‬
we are all your work.
‫וּמַ עֲשֵׂ ה י ְָד� כֻּ לָּ נוּ‬
Save us, for the sake of your reputation,
� ֶ‫הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
‫צוּרנוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ וְ גוֹאֲ לֵנוּ‬
our rock, ruler and savior.
Take pity, God, on your people,
Joel 2:17
don’t put your heritage to shame
� ֶ‫חוּסָ ה יְ הוָה עַ ל־עַ מּ‬
‫ל־תּתֵּ ן ַנחֲלָ ְת� ְלחֶ ְרפָּ ה‬
ַ‫וְ א‬
as a sad example for people to study.
‫ֹאמרוּ בָ עַ ִמּים‬
ְ ‫לָ מָּ ה י‬
Why should it be said among other peoples,
‫ִל ְמשָׁ ל־בָּ ם גּוֹיִ ם‬
“Where is their God who didn’t protect them?”
Avinu ha’av harachaman,
Har’enu ot letovah,
vekabetz nefutzoteinu
me’arbah kanfot ha’aretz;
yakiru veyed’u kol hagoyim
ki atah, Adonai, Eloheinu!
Va’atah, Adonai, avinu atah;
anachnu hachomer ve’atah yotzrenu,
uma’aseh yad’cha kulanu.
Hoshi’enu lema’an shemecha,
tzurenu, malkenu vego’alenu!
Chusah, Adonai, al amecha
ve’al titen nachalat’cha lecherpah
limshol bam goyim.
Lamah yomru va’amim,
‫אַ יֵּה אֱ�הֵ יהֶ ם‬
“Ayeh Eloheihem?”
‫י ַָד ְענוּ כִּ י חָ טָ אנוּ‬
and there is nobody to stand up for us;
‫וְ אֵ ין ִמי יַעֲ מׂד בַּ עֲ דֵ נוּ‬
may your great reputation stand up for us
‫ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוׂל יַעֲ מָ ד לָנוּ‬
in our time of trouble.
‫בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָרה‬
We know we have no achievements
‫י ַָד ְענוּ כִּ י אֵ ין בָּ נוּ מַ עֲ ִשׂים‬
‫ְצ ָד ָקה עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ‬
to speak for us, so vindicate us just
for the sake of your merciful reputation.
� ֶ‫לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
As a parent takes pity on the children,
‫כְּ ַרחֵ ם אָב עַ ל בָּ נִ ים‬
‫כֵּן ְתּ ַרחֵ ם יי עָ ֵלינוּ‬
so, God, take pity on us1
and save us for the sake of your reputation.
� ֶ‫וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
Yadanu ki chatanu,
We know we have sinned,
ve’ein mi ya’amod ba’adenu;
shim’cha hagadol ya’amod lanu
be’et tzarah.
Yadanu ki ein banu ma’asim;
tzedakah aseh imanu
Based on Psalm 103:13.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
lema’an shemecha.
Kerachem av al banim,
ken terachem, Adonai, aleinu
Vehoshi’enu lema’an shemecha;
Take pity on your people,
have compassion for your heritage,
please be kind as your compassion is great,
be gracious to us, answer us,
for what you do, God, is always right,1
you who perform miracles all the time.
Look down and be kind to your people
quickly, for the sake of your reputation.
In your great mercy,
ruling God, take pity and be kind,
don’t let anger rule us
for we look to you for help.2
Save us for the sake of your reputation,
Look at us, answer us in time of trouble
for the power to save is yours, God.
Yours is the power to forgive us,
please forgive us
O good and forgiving God,
chusah nah kerov rachamecha.
chonenu va’aneinu,
ki lecha, Adonai, hatz’dakah,
oseh nifla’ot bechol et.
Habet nah, rachem nah,
meherah lema’an shemecha.
Berachamecha harabim
Adonai Eloheinu, chus verachem,
vehoshi’ah tzon mar’itecha.
Ve’al yimshol banu ketzef,
ki lecha eineinu teluyot.
Hoshi’enu lema’an shemecha;
rachem aleinu lema’an beritecha.
Habitah va’anenu be’et tzarah,
ki lecha, Adonai, hoshi’ah.
Becha tochaltenu,
Eloah selichot;
anah, selach nah,
El tov vesalach,
ki El melech
for you are a ruler both gracious
rachem al nachalatecha;
God of forgiveness;
Chamol al amecha,
pity us for the sake of your agreement.
and merciful.
�‫הַ בֶּ ט נָא ַרחֶ ם נָא עַ ל עַ ְמּ‬
� ֶ‫ְמהֵ ָרה לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
‫בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ חוּס וְ ַרחֵ ם‬
ֶ ‫וְ הו ִֹשׁיעָ ה צֹאן מַ ְר ִע‬
‫וְ אַל ִי ְמ ָשׁל בָּ נוּ ֶקצֶ ף‬
‫כִּ י לְ � עֵ ינֵינוּ ְתלוּיוֹת‬
� ֶ‫הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
ֶ ‫ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ לְ מַ עַ ן בְּ ִר‬
‫הַ בִּ יטָ ה וַ עַ נֵנוּ בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָרה‬
‫כִּ י לְ � יי הַ יְשׁוּעָ ה‬
‫בְּ � תוֹחַ לְ ֵתּנוּ‬
‫אֱ לוֹהַּ ְסלִ יחוֹת‬
‫אָ נָּא ְסלַח נָא‬
‫אֵ ל טוֹב וְ סָ ַלּח‬
�ֶ‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ ל‬
‫חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם אָ ָתּה‬
save the flock whom you tend;
� ֶ‫חֲ ֹמל עַ ל עַ מּ‬
�‫ַרחֵ ם עַ ל נַחֲ ל ֶָת‬
�‫חוּסָ ה נָּא כְּ רֹב ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
‫חָ נֵּנוּ וַ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
‫כִּ י לְ � יי הַ ְצּ ָד ָקה‬
‫ע ֵֹשׂה נִ פְ לָאוֹת בְּ ָכל עֵ ת‬
chanun verachum atah.
“For yours, God, is the quality of being right / righteousness / vindication in a court of law.”
“For upon you our eyes depend,”—we look God constantly, hoping for mercy.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Please, gracious and merciful ruler,
‫אָ נָּא מֶ לֶ� חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם‬
remember and review the Agreement
‫זְ כֹר וְ הַ בֵּ ט לִ ְב ִרית‬
with Abram between the Parted Animals.
‫בֵּ ין הַ בְּ ָת ִרים‬
Let appear in your presence
�‫וְ ֵת ָראֶ ה לְ פָ נֶי‬
that “only” child, tied down for Israel.2
‫עֲ ֵק ַדת י ִָחיד לְ מַ עַ ן י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
Ruling source of life,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫חָ נֵּנוּ וַ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
be gracious and answer us
‫כִּ י ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוֹל‬
for your great reputation
is bestowed on us.
‫נִ ְק ָרא עָ לֵינוּ‬
God, who performs miracles all the time,
‫ע ֵֹשׂה נִ פְ לָאוֹת בְּ ָכל עֵ ת‬
treat us according to your kindness.
� ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ כְּ חַ ְסדּ‬
Gracious and merciful God,
‫חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם‬
‫הַ בִּ יטָ ה וַ עֲ נֵנוּ בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָרה‬
See us, answer us in our time of trouble,
for yours is the power of salvation.
‫כִּ י לְ � יי הַ יְשׁוּעָ ה‬
Our ruler, source of life, shelter,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ מַ חֲ סֵ נוּ‬
don’t treat us badly, as we deserve; ‫אַל ַתּעַ שׂ ִעמָּ נוּ כְּ רֹעַ מַ עֲ ָללֵינוּ‬
think of your mercies, God,
‫זְ כֹר ַרחֲ מֶ י� יי‬
and your kind acts;
�‫וַ חֲ סָ דֶ י‬
save us according to your great goodness;
‫וּכְ רֹב טוּבְ � הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ‬
please take pity on us
‫וַ חֲ מָ ל נָא עָ לֵינוּ‬
for we have no other God
‫כִּ י אֵ ין לָנוּ אֱ לוֹהַּ אַחֵ ר‬
ֵ �‫ִמבַּ לְ עָ דֶ י‬
but you, our Rock.
Don’t discard us, ruling God;
‫ ַתּעַ זְ בֵ נוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬-‫אַל‬
nor be distant from us,
‫ ִתּ ְרחַ ק ִממֶּ נּוּ‬-‫אַל‬
Anah, melech chanun verachum,
zechor vehabet liVrit
bein haBetarim,
Vetera’eh lefanechah
akedat yachid lema’an Yisra’el.
Avinu, malkenu,
chonenu va’anenu,
ki shim’cha hagadol
nikrah aleinu.
Oseh nifla’ot bechol et,
aseh imanu kechasdecha.
Chanun verachum,
habitah va’anenu be’et tzarah,
ki lecha, Adonai, hayeshu’ah.
al ta’as imanu kero’ah ma’alaleinu.
Zechor rachamecha, Adonai,
ucherov tuv’cha hoshi’enu,
vachamol nah aleinu,
Avinu, malkenu, machasenu,
ki ein lanu Elo’ah acher
mibaladecha, tzurenu!
Al ta’azvenu, Adonai Eloheinu;
al tirchak mimenu.
In Genesis 15, Abram divides animals into parts, and God promises that he will have descendants, that they
will suffer servitude, and that they will inherit a land.
“The binding of the one, for the sake of Israel.” In Genesis 22, Abraham ties Isaac and lays him on an altar,
ready for sacrifice. Isaac is the “one” (God calls him “your one [or only] son”), and he is later renamed Israel.
“Don’t deal with us badly, according to our deeds.”
Based on Psalm 38:22.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
we can barely survive1
sword and exile,
plague and pestilence,
all our sorrow and grief.
Save us—we wait for you—
don’t destroy us, ruling God.
Look on us with love,
‫כִּ י נַפְ ֵשׁנוּ ְקצָ ָרה‬
‫וּמ ְשּׁבִ י‬
ִ ‫מֵ חֶ ֶרב‬
‫וּממַּ גֵּפָ ה‬
ִ ‫וּמדֶּ בֶ ר‬
‫וּמ ָכּל צָ ָרה וְ יָגוֹן‬
‫הַ ִצּילֵנוּ כִּ י לְ � ִקוִּ ינוּ‬
‫וְ אַל ַתּכְ לִ ימֵ נוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וְ הָ אֵ ר פָּ נֶי� בָּ נוּ‬
‫וּזְ ָכר לָנוּ אֶ ת בְּ ִרית‬
‫אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
� ֶ‫וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
‫ְראֵ ה בְ צָ רו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫וּשׁמַ ע קוֹל ְתּפִ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬
‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה שׁוֹמֵ עַ ְתּ ִפלַּת ָכּל פֶּ ה‬
remember the pact
with our ancestors,
and save us for your reputation.
Look on our troubles
and listen to the sound of our prayers
for you listen to every prayer.3
Merciful and compassionate God,
for nobody is like you.
Ruling God,
please tolerate our sins,
our rock and redeemer,
God who lives and lasts,
kind and good to all your works,
for you are the ruler, our God.
God, slow to anger and full of pity,
save us for your reputation.
umikol tzarah veyagon.
Hatzilenu ki lecha kivinu,
ve’al tachlimenu, Adonai, Eloheinu.
Veha’er panecha banu,
uzechor lanu et b’rit
vehoshi’enu lema’an shemecha.
Re’eh vetzaroteinu,
ushemah kol tefilatenu,
ki atah shome’ah tefilat kol peh!
El rachum vechanun,
rachem aleinu ve’al kol ma’asecha,
ki ein kamocha.
Adonai, Eloheinu,
anah, sah nah fesha’einu,
avinu, malkeinu,
tzureinu vego’alenu,
El chai vekayam,
hachasin bako’ach,
invincibly powerful,
treat us to show your great kindness,
umidever umimagefah,
ruling source of life,
mecherev umishvi
take pity on us and all your works
‫אֵ ל ַרחוּם וְ חַ נּוּן‬
�‫ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל מַ עֲ ֶשׂי‬
�ֹ‫כִּ י אֵ ין ָכּמו‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫אָ נָּא ָשׂא נָא ְפ ָשׁעֵ ינוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫צוּרנוּ וְ גוֹאֲ לֵנוּ‬
‫אֵ ל חַ י וְ ַקיָּם‬
‫הַ חֲ ִסין בַּ כּ ַֹח‬
�‫חָ ִסיד וָ טוֹב עַ ל ָכּל מַ עֲ ֶשׂי‬
‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה הוּא יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫אֵ ל אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ ִים וּמָ לֵא ַרחֲ ִמים‬
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ כְּ רֹב ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
� ֶ‫וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
Ki nafshenu ketzarah
chasid vatov al kol ma’asecha,
ki atah hu Adonai Eloheinu.
El erech apayim umaleh rachamim,
aseh imanu kerov rachamecha
vehoshi’enu lema’an shemecha.
“For our soul/life-force is exhausted by sword, etc.”
“Shine your face on us.”
“The prayer of every mouth.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Ruler, hear our prayer,
and save us from our enemies’ power.
Ruler, hear our prayer,
and save us from all trouble and sorrow.
You are our ruling source of life,
we represent you,
‫ְשׁמַ ע מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ְתּפִ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬
‫וּמיַּד א ֹו ְיבֵ ינוּ הַ ִצּילֵנוּ‬
‫ְשׁמַ ע מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ְתּפִ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬
‫וּמ ָכּל צָ ָרה וְ יָגוֹן הַ ִצּילֵנוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ אַ ָתּה‬
Shema, malkenu, tefilatenu,
‫וְ ִשׁ ְמ� עָ לֵ ינוּ נִ ְק ָרא‬
veshim’chah aleinu nikrah;
Jer 14:9
so don’t abandon us!
‫אַ ל־תַּ נִּ חֵ נוּ‬
Don’t leave us, source of life,
nor abandon us, creator,
nor forget us, O our maker,
because you are God, a monarch
both gracious and compassionate.
Nobody is like you, gracious and kind,
nobody is like you, patient God,
very kind and truthful;
save us in your great mercy;
Remember your servants
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
our wrongdoing and our sinning
Hold back your anger; reconsider
the punishment for your people’s evil!
Deflect the deadly blow that threatens us,
for you are merciful.
Shema, malkeinu, tefilatenu,
umikol tzarah veyagon hatzileinu.
Avinu, malkeinu atah,
al tanichenu
Al ta’azvenu, avinu,
ve’al tit’shenu, bor’enu,
ve’al tishkachenu, yotzrenu,
ki El melech
chanun verachum atah.
Ein kamocha chanun verachum,
Adonai, Eloheinu;
ein kamocha, El erech apayim
verav chesed ve’emet.
Hoshi’enu berachamecha harabim,
mera’ash umerogez hatzilenu.
Zechor la’avadecha,
le’Avraham, leYitzchak uleYa’akov;
al tefen el koshyenu
don’t take note of our stubbornness,
Ex 32:12
‫אֵ ין ָכּמוֹ� חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫אֵ ין ָכּמוֹ� אֵ ל אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ ִים‬
‫וְ ַרב חֶ סֶ ד ֶואֱ מֶ ת‬
‫הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
‫מֵ ַרעַ שׁ וּמֵ ֹרגֶז הַ ִצּילֵנוּ‬
�‫זְ כֹר לַעֲ בָ דֶ י‬
‫לְ אַבְ ָרהָ ם לְ ִי ְצחָ ק וּלְ יַעֲ ֹקב‬
‫אַל ֵתּפֶ ן אֶ ל ָק ְשׁיֵנוּ‬
ֵ ָ‫וְ אֶ ל ִר ְשׁעֵ נוּ וְ אֶ ל חַ טּ‬
umiyad oy’veinu hatzileinu.
from shock and terror save us!
‫אַל ַתּעַ זְ בֵ נוּ אָבִ ינוּ‬
‫וְ אַל ִתּ ְטּ ֵשׁנוּ בּו ְֹראֵ נוּ‬
‫וְ אַל ִתּ ְשׁ ָכּחֵ נוּ יו ְֹצ ֵרנוּ‬
�ֶ‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ ל‬
‫חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם אָ ָתּה‬
ruling God;
‫שׁוּב מֵ חֲרוֹן אַ פֶּ � וְ ִהנָּחֵ ם‬
� ֶ‫עַ ל־הָ ָרעָ ה ְלעַ מּ‬
‫וְ הָ סֵ ר ִממֶּ נּוּ מַ ַכּת הַ מָּ ֶות‬
‫כִּ י ַרחוּם אָ ָתּה‬
ve’el rish’enu ve’el chatatenu.
Shuv mecharon apecha, vehinachem
al hara’ah le’amecha.
Vehaser mimenu makat hamavet
ki rachum atah.
“Deal with us as (i.e., according to) the abundance of your kindness”—i.e., be kind to us because you are a
very kind God, and in being kind to us you show that your reputation for kindness is deserved.
“And your name is called upon us”—i.e., what people call us reflects on your reputation.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
This is your way of behaving:
doing kindness for no reward
in every generation.
God, have mercy on your people,
save us from your fury,
deflect the punishment—epidemic—
the harsh sentence,
for you are Israel’s guardian.
Daniel 9:7
�ֶ‫כִּ י כֵן ַדּ ְרכּ‬
‫עו ֶֹשׂה חֶ סֶ ד ִחנָּם‬
‫בְּ ָכל דּוֹר וָ דוֹר‬
� ֶ‫חוּסָ ה יי עַ ל עַ מּ‬
� ֶ‫וְ הַ צִּ ילֵנוּ ִמזּ ְַעמ‬
‫וְ הָ סֵ ר ִממֶּ נּוּ מַ ַכּת הַ מַּ גֵּפָ ה‬
‫וּגְ ז ֵָרה ָק ָשׁה‬
‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה שׁוֹמֵ ר ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
You are in the right, God,
while we live in shame.
how can we speak in our own defence?
We should probe our conduct, investigate,
for you reach out your right hand
to welcome those who return to you.
Ps 118:25
Please, God, save us;
Please, God, answer us
on the day we call out to you.
God, we have been hoping for you;
God, we will wait for you.
Don’t be silent, but answer us,
for other nations say,
“Their hope is gone.”
Let every knee, everyone who walks upright,
vehatzilenu miza’mecha,
vehaser mimenu makat hamagefah
ugezerah kashah,
ki atah shomer Yisra’el.
Lecha Adonai hatz’dakah,
‫וְ לָ נוּ בֹּשֶׁ ת הַ פָּ נִ ים‬
velanu boshet hapanim.
‫מַ ה נִּ ְתא ֹונֵן מַ ה נֹּ אמַ ר‬
‫מַ ה נְּ ַדבֵּ ר וּמַ ה נִּ ְצטַ ָדק‬
‫נ ְַחפְּ ָשׂה ְד ָרכֵינוּ וְ נ ְַחק ָֹרה‬
�‫וְ נָשׁוּבָ ה אֵ לֶי‬
‫כִּ י ְי ִמינְ � פְ שוּטָ ה‬
‫לְ ַקבֵּ ל ָשׁבִ ים‬
Mah nit’onen, mah nomar,
mah nedaber, umah nitztadak?
Nachpesah deracheinu venachkorah,
venashuvah elecha
ki yemin’cha feshutah
lekabel shavim.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה נָּא‬
‫אָ נָּא יְ הוָה‬
Anah, Adonai, hoshi’ah nah;
‫אָ נָּא יְ הוָה הַ ְצ ִליחָ ה נָּא‬
anah, Adonai, hatzlichah nah!
‫אָ נָּא יי עֲ נֵנוּ‬
‫בְ יוֹם ָק ְראֵ נוּ‬
‫לְ � יי ִחכִּ ינוּ‬
‫לְ � יי ִקוִּ ינוּ‬
‫לְ � יי נְ יַחֵ ל‬
‫וּתעַ נֵּנוּ‬
ְ ‫אַל ֶתּחֱ ֶשׁה‬
‫כִּ י נָאֲ מוּ גּ ֹו ִים‬
‫אָבְ ָדה ִת ְקוָ ָתם‬
‫ָכּל בֶּ ֶר� וְ ָכך קוֹמָ ה‬
‫לְ � לְ בַ ד ִתּ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ ֶוה‬
Anah, Adonai, anenu
veyom kor’enu!
Lecha, Adonai, chikinu,
God, we have been waiting for you;
bow only to you!
Chusah, Adonai, al amecha,
please, God, grant us success.
bechol dor vador.
then return to you,
oseh chesed chinom
‫דנָי הַ ְצּ ָדקָ ה‬
ֹ ‫ְל� ֲא‬
How can we complain—what can we say—
Ki ken darkecha:
lecha, Adonai, kivinu,
lecha, Adonai, neyachel.
Al techesheh, ute’anenu,
ki na’amu goyim,
ovdah tikvatam.
Kol berech vechol komah
lecha levad tishtachaveh.
“Yours, God, is righteousness, and ours is shamefacedness.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
You who open your hand to repentance,
‫הַ פּו ֵֹתחַ יָד בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה‬
‫לְ ַקבֵּ ל פּו ְֹשׁ ִעים וְ חַ טָּ ִאים‬
to welcome wrongdoers and sinners—
we are completely overwhelmed
‫נִ בְ הַ לָה נַפְ ֵשׁנוּ‬
by our great remorse.
‫מֵ רֹב ִע ְצּב ֹונֵנוּ‬
Don’t forget us forever.
‫אַל ִתּ ְשׁכָּ חֵ נוּ נֶצַ ח‬
Rise and save us,
‫קוּמָ ה וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ‬
for we seek shelter in your protection.
� ָ‫כִּ י חָ ִסינוּ ב‬
Source of life, if we have no
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ִאם אֵ ין בָּ נוּ‬
‫ְצ ָד ָקה וּמַ עֲ ִשׂים טוֹבִ ים‬
right or good deeds to earn forgiveness,
‫זְ ָכר לָנוּ אֶ ת בְּ ִרית‬
remember your agreement with
‫אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
our ancestors
and our daily declaration:
‫וְ עֵ דוֹתֵ ינוּ בְּ ָכל יוֹם‬
“God is one!”
‫יי אֶ חָ ד‬
Look at our suffering,
‫הַ בִּ יטָ ה בְ עָ ְניֵנוּ‬
‫כִּ י ַרבּוּ מַ כְ אוֹבֵ ינוּ‬
our great grief
and heartfelt sorrow.
‫וְ צָ רוֹת לְ בָ בֵ נוּ‬
God, take pity on us
‫חוּסָ ה יי עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫בְּ אֶ ֶרץ ִשׁבְ יֵנוּ‬
in our state of captivity;
‫וְ אַל ִתּ ְשׁפֹּ � חַ רוֹנְ � עָ לֵינוּ‬
don’t drown us in your anger,
for we are your people,
�‫כִּ י אֲ נ ְַחנוּ עַ ְמּ‬
children of those with whom you made your agreement.
ֶ ‫בְּ נֵי בְ ִר‬
God, see how low is our status
‫אֵ ל הַ בִּ יטָ ה ַדל כְּ בוֹדֵ נוּ‬
among the nations—
‫בַּ גּ ֹו ִים‬
they abhor us like filth.
‫וְ ִשׁ ְקצוּנוּ כְּ טֻ ְמאַת הַ נִּ ָדּה‬
Hapote’ach yad bit’shuvah
lekabel posh’im vechata’im,
niv’halah nafshenu
merov itzvonenu.
Al tishkachenu netzach.
Kumah vehoshi’enu,
ki chasinu vach.
Avinu, malkenu, im ein banu
tzedakah uma’asim tovim,
zechor lanu et b’rit
ve’edoteinu bechol yom,
“Adonai echad.”
Habitah ve’onyenu
vetzarot levavenu.
Chusah, Adonai, aleinu
be’eretz shivyenu,
ve’al tishpoch charon’cha aleinu,
ki rabu mach’oveinu
ki anachnu am’cha,
benei veritecha.
El, habitah dal kevodenu
veshik’tzunu ketum’at hanidah.
“Our soul/self/personality is confounded/overcome/astonished/overwhelmed by the immensity of our sorrow/remorse.”
“God, look, low is our glory/reputation among other nations, and they find us disgusting like the uncleanness
of a menstruating woman.” As readers of Frazer’s Golden Bough will remember, many cultures regard the natural cycle of menstruation with benighted abhorrence. The Torah’s instructions (e.g., Lev. 15:19 ff.) may be designed to rein in widespread superstitious practices.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
How long will your power remain captive
Ad matai uz’cha bash’vi,
Deut. 6:4
Shema, Yisra’el:
‫עַ ד מָ ַתי עֻ זְּ � בַּ ְשּׁבִ י‬
your glory remain under enemy control?
‫אַר ְתּ� בְּ יַד צָ ר‬
ְ ְ‫וְ ִתפ‬
Rouse your strength and zeal
ְ ְ‫בוּר ְת� וְ ִקנ‬
ָ ְ‫עו ְֹר ָרה ג‬
�‫עַ ל א ֹו ְיבֶ י‬
against your enemies.
Let them cower and collapse
‫הֵ ם יֵבוֹשׁוּ וְ יֵחַ תּוּ‬
before your might.
‫בוּר ָתם‬
ָ ְ‫ִמגּ‬
Please take out troubles seriously.
‫וְ אַל ִי ְמעֲ טוּ לְ פָ נֶי� ְתּלָאו ֵֹתינוּ‬
Quick, bring your mercy to the fore
�‫מַ הֵ ר ְי ַק ְדּמוּנוּ ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
in our time of trouble—
‫בְּ יוֹם צָ ָר ֶתנוּ‬
if not for our sake,
‫וְ ִאם �א לְ מַ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
‫לְ מַ עַ נְ � פְ עַ ל‬
do it for your sake;
‫וְ אַל ַתּ ְשׁ ִחית ֵזכֶר‬
don’t destroy the memory
of those of us who survive,
ֵ ‫ְשׁאֵ ִר‬
but be gracious to the people
‫וְ חֹן אֹם‬
who declare your unity
�‫הַ ְמיַחֲ ִדים ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫פַּ עֲ מַ ִים בְּ ָכל יוֹם ָתּ ִמיד‬
twice every single day,
lovingly, when we say:
‫בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה וְ או ְֹמ ִרים‬
Or’rah gevurat’cha vekin’at’cha
al oy’vecha.
Hem yevoshu veyechatu
Ve’al yim’atu lefanecha tela’oteinu.
Maher yekadmunu rachamecha
beyom tzaratenu,
ve’im lo lema’anenu,
lema’an’cha fe’al,
ve’al tash’chit zecher
Vechon om
ham’yachadim shim’cha
Listen, descendants of Israel:
vetif’art’cha beyad tzar.
The Ruler is our God; the Ruler is one.
‫ְשׁ ַ ֖מע יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא֑ל‬
‫ֱ�הינוּ יהו֥ה ׀ אֶ ָ ֽחד‬
֖ ֵ ‫יהו֥ה א‬
pa’amayim bechol yom tamid
be’ahavah, ve’om’rim:
Adonai Eloheinu; Adonai echad.
“And let them not be small/few before you, our troubles.”
The ‫ ע‬of ‫ שמע‬and ‫ ד‬of ‫ אחד‬are large letters. Together, they form the Hebrew word ‫עד‬, “witness”; with this
declaration of God’s unity, we Jews bear witness to our faith. Another reason for the large letters is to avoid
misreading ‫( שמא‬perhaps) for ‫ שמע‬and ‫( אחר‬another) for ‫אחד‬, which would replace our confident faith with
agnostic uncertainty! Some say the large letters express hope for God’s universal acceptance in the four (‫)ד‬
“corners” of the earth and among the seventy (‫ )ע‬nations of the world (Genesis chapter X lists Noah’s seventy
grandsons, so we’re all descendants of Gen X-ers).
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Being Downcast ▪ ‫אַ פַּ ִים‬
‫ ▪ נְפִ י ַלת‬Nefilat Apayim
We sit down and rest our head on our arm as if plunged in misery, with God our only hope.
When King David faced disastrous alternatives, he chose to rely on God’s mercy.
2 Samuel 24:14
David told Gad,
‫ וַיּ ֹאמֶ ר ָדּוִ ד אֶ ל־גָּד‬x {Vayomer David el Gad,
“I’m in real trouble.
‫ר־לי ְמאֹד‬
I hope we fall into God’s power
‫נִ ְפּלָ ה־נָּא ְביַד־יְ הוָה‬
since God is merciful;
‫י־ר ִבּים ַרחֲמָ יו‬
ַ ‫ִכּ‬
I hope we don’t fall into any person’s power!”
Merciful and gracious God,
‫ַרחוּם וְ חַ נּוּן‬
�‫אתי לְ פָ נֶי‬
ִ ָ‫חָ ט‬
‫יי מָ לֵא ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫ַרחֵ ם עָ לַי וְ ַקבֵּ ל ַתּחֲ נוּנָי‬
I have sinned in your presence.
God, full of mercy,
take pity on me and accept my pleas.
Psalms 6:2-11
‫וּביַד־אָ ָדם אַ ל־אֶ פֹּלָ ה‬
“Tzar li me’od.
Niplah nah veyad Adonai
ki rabim rachamav,
uveyad adam al epoleh!”
Rachum vechanun,
chatati lefanecha.
Adonai maleh rachamim,
rachem alai vekabel tachanunai.
God, don’t rebuke me in your anger ‫תוֹכיחֵ נִ י‬
�‫ל־בּאַ ְפּ‬
ַ‫יְהוָה א‬
nor punish me in your fury.
‫וְ אַ ל־בַּ חֲמָ ְת� ְתי ְַסּ ֵרנִ י‬
Adonai, al be’ap;cha tochicheni,
Choneni, Adonai, ki umlal ani;
Be kind to me, God, for I am miserable;
‫חָ נֵּנִ י יְהוָה ִכּי אֻ ְמלַ ל אָ נִ י‬
Return, God, give me strength,
save me, to show your kindness.
�‫הוֹשׁיעֵ נִ י ְלמַ עַ ן חַ ְס ֶדּ‬
heal me, God, for I feel shattered.1
refa’eni, Adonai, ki nivhalu atzamai.
‫וְ נ ְַפ ִשׁי נִ ְבהֲלָ ה ְמאֹד‬
Venafshi nivhalah me’od,
and you, God, how long must I wait for your help? ‫וְ אַ תָּ ה יְהוָה עַ ד־מָ תָ י‬
ve’atah, Adonai, at matai?
Shuvah, Adonai, chaltzah nafshi;
If you let us die, we can’t remember you;
I’m tired of moaning.
Ki ein bamavet zichrecha;
� ָ‫יוֹדה־לּ‬
ֶ ‫ִבּ ְשׁאוֹל ִמי‬
biShe’ol, mi yodeh lach?
‫אַ ְשׂחֶ ה ְבכָ ל־לַ יְ לָ ה ִמטָּ ִתי‬
with my tears, I dissolve my sleeping couch.
My sight is clouded by tears of vexation,
blinded by my troubles.
�‫ִכּי אֵ ין בַּ מָּ וֶת ז ְִכ ֶר‬
‫ָיגַעְ ִתּי ְבּאַ נְ חָ ִתי‬
every night I flood my bed
hoshi’eni lema’an chasdecha.
in the Underworld, who can acknowledge you?
‫שׁוּבָ ה יְ הוָה חַ ְלּצָ ה נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
I am completely dismayed,
‫ְרפָ אֵ נִ י יְ הוָה ִכּי נִ ְבהֲלוּ עֲצָ מָ י‬
ve’al bachamat’cha teyasreni.
‫ְבּ ִד ְמעָ ִתי עַ ְר ִשׂי אַ ְמסֶ ה‬
Yagati be’an’chati;
as’cheh vechol laylah mitati;
bedim’ati ar’si amseh.
‫עָ ְשׁשָׁ ה ִמכַּ עַ ס עֵ ינִ י‬
Asheshah mika’as eini;
‫ל־צוֹר ָרי‬
ָ‫עָ ְתקָ ה ְבּכ‬
ot’kah bechol tzorerai.
“My bones are terrified.”
“For there-is-no in-death memory-of-you; in She’ol, who will acknowledge you?”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Get away from me, all you evildoers,
for God has heard the noise of my weeping.
‫סוּרוּ ִממֶּ נִּ י כָּ ל־ ֹפּעֲלֵ י אָ וֶן‬
Suru mimeni kol po’alei aven,
‫ִכּי־שָׁ מַ ע יְהוָה קוֹל ִבּ ְכיִ י‬
ki shamah Adonai kol bich’yi.
God has heard my pleas;
‫שָׁ מַ ע יְ הוָה ְתּ ִחנּ ִָתי‬
Shamah Adonai techinati;
God will accept my prayer
‫יְהוָה ְתּ ִפלָּ ִתי יִ קָּ ח‬
Adonai tefilati yikach.
All my foes will wither and be baffled;
‫ֵיבֹשׁוּ וְ יִ בָּ הֲלוּ ְמאֹד כָּ ל־אֹיְ בָ י‬
they will turn back in sudden shame.
‫יָשֻׁ בוּ ֵיבֹשׁוּ ָרגַע‬
Yevoshu vibahalu me’od kol oy’vai;
yashuvu, yevoshu ragah!
Sit upright
On Monday and Thursday mornings include the following; otherwise, continue with Israel’s Protector, page 110.
O God, God of Israel,
‫ִשׂראֵ ל‬
ָ ‫ יי אֱ �הֵ י י‬Adonai, Elohei Yisra’el,
Turn back from your anger;
Ex. 32:12
and relent at the evil penalty for your people.
that other nations scorn and deride us,
see us as sheep, a ram for the slaughter,
to kill and destroy,
to beat and humiliate.
so please don’t forget us.
‫הַ בֵּ ט ִמ ָשּׁמַ ִים ְוּראֵ ה‬
‫כִּ י הָ יִינוּ לַעַ ג וָ ֶקלֶס בַּ גּ ֹו ִים‬
‫נ ְֶח ַשׁבְ נוּ כְּ צֹאן לַטֶּ בַ ח יוּבַ ל‬
‫לַהֲ רֹג וּלְ אַ בֵּ ד‬
‫וּלְ מַ ָכּה וּלְ חֶ ְרפָּ ה‬
‫◊ וּבְ ָכל זֹאת‬
‫ִשׁ ְמ� �א ָשׁ ָכ ְחנוּ‬
‫נָא אַל ִתּ ְשׁ ָכּחֵ נוּ‬
vehinachem al hara’ah le’amecha.
Habet mishamayim ure’eh
ki hayinu la’ag vekeles bagoyim,
nechshavnu ketzon latevach yuval
laharog ule’abed
ulemakah ulecherpah;
◊ uvechol zot,
But in spite of this,
we have not forgotten who you are,
� ֶ‫וְ ִהנָּחֵ ם עַ ל־הָ ָרעָ ה ְלעַ מּ‬
Shuv mecharon apechah
Look down from the sky and see
� ֶ‫שׁוּב מֵ חֲרוֹן אַ פּ‬
shim’cha lo shachachnu—
nah al tishkachenu!
“Your name we have not forgotten”; the name implies reputation and identity.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
O God, God of Israel,
Ex. 32:12
Turn back from your anger;
‫ִשׂראֵ ל‬
ָ ‫יי אֱ �הֵ י י‬
Adonai, Elohei Yisra’el,
� ֶ‫שׁוּב מֵ חֲרוֹן אַ פּ‬
Shuv mecharon apechah
and relent at the evil penalty for your people.
� ֶ‫וְ ִהנָּחֵ ם עַ ל־הָ ָרעָ ה ְלעַ מּ‬
vehinachem al hara’ah le’amecha.
Strangers claim
‫ז ִָרים או ְֹמ ִרים‬
‫אֵ ין תּוֹחֶ לֶת וְ ִת ְקוָ ה‬
‫חֹן אׂם לְ ִשׁ ְמ� ְמ ַק ֶוּה‬
‫טָ הוֹר יְשׁוּעָ ֵתנוּ ָק ְרבָ ה‬
Zarim omrim
we can expect nothing, we have no hope.
Pity the people who rely on your reputation;2
pure God, save us soon!
Lam 5:5
We’re tired and get no rest.
Let your mercy overcome
your anger at us.4
‫ַרחֲ מֶ י� ִיכְ בְּ שׁוּ‬
‫אֶ ת ַכּעַ ְס� מֵ עָ לֵינוּ‬
� ְ‫◊ אָ נָּא שׁוּב מֵ חֲ רוֹנ‬
‫וְ ַרחֵ ם ְס ֻגלָּה אֲ ֶשׁר בָּ חַ ְר ָתּ‬
‫ִשׂראֵ ל‬
ָ ‫יי אֱ �הֵ י י‬
Please return from your fury
‫ָיגַעְ נוּ וְ ל ֹא הוּנַח לָ נוּ‬
and pity the treasured people you chose.
O God, God of Israel,
Ex. 32:12
Turn back from your anger;
� ֶ‫שׁוּב מֵ חֲרוֹן אַ פּ‬
and relent at the evil penalty for your people.
Take pity on us, God, in your mercy;
don’t deliver us to ruthless enemies.
�‫חוּסָ ה יי עָ לֵינוּ בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
‫וְ אַל ִתּ ְתּנֵנוּ בִּ ידֵ י אַכְ ז ִָרים‬
Why should other peoples be able to say,
“Where is their God now, when they need help?”
For your own reputation, be kind to us
Please return from your fury
and pity the treasured people you chose.
Tahor yeshu’atenu korvah.
Yaganu, velo hunach lanu.
Rachamecha yichbeshu
et ka’as’cha me’aleinu!
◊ Anah, shuv mecharon’cha,
verachem segulah asher bacharta.
Adonai, Elohei Yisra’el,
Shuv mecharon apechah
vehinachem al hara’ah le’amecha.
Chusah, Adonai, aleinu berachamecha,
ve’al tit’nenu bidei achzarim.
‫ֹאמרוּ הַ גּוֹיִ ם‬
ְ ‫לָ מָּ ה י‬
Lamah yomru hagoyim,
‫אַ יֵּה־נָא אֱ�הֵ יהֶ ם‬
“Ayeh nah Eloheihem?”
‫לְ מַ עַ נְ � עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫וְ אַל ְתּאַחַ ר‬
� ְ‫◊ אָ נָּא שׁוּב מֵ חֲ רוֹנ‬
‫וְ ַרחֵ ם ְס ֻגלָּה אֲ ֶשׁר בָּ חַ ְר ָתּ‬
Lema’an’cha aseh imanu chesed,
ve’al te’achar.
and don’t delay!
Chon om leshim’cha mekaveh.
Ps 115:2
� ֶ‫וְ ִהנָּחֵ ם עַ ל־הָ ָרעָ ה ְלעַ מּ‬
ein tochelet vetikvah.
◊ Anah, shuv mecharon’cha,
verachem segulah asher bacharta.
“There is no expectation of anything good, no hope”
“Be gracious to the people who hope in your name”—our hopes rest on God’s reputation.
“Bring our salvation close.”
Based on T.B. Berachot 7a: God’s own prayer is “that my mercy should overcome my anger.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
O God, God of Israel,
Ex. 32:12
Turn back from your anger;
and relent at the evil penalty for your people.
Hear our voice and be gracious;
don’t leave us in our enemies’ power,
to erase all trace of us.
Remember your promise
to our ancestors:
Ex 32:13
will I increase your descendants.”2
O God, God of Israel,
Ex. 32:12
Turn back from your anger;
lim’chot et shemenu.
Zechor asher nishbatah
Kechoch’vei hashamayim
arbeh et zarachem,
ְ ‫וְ עַ ָתּה נִ ְשׁ‬
‫ְמעַ ט מֵ הַ ְרבֵּ ה‬
‫◊ וּבְ ָכל זֹאת‬
‫ִשׁ ְמ� �א ָשׁ ָכ ְחנוּ‬
‫נָא אַל ִתּ ְשׁ ָכּחֵ נוּ‬
‫ִשׂראֵ ל‬
ָ ‫יי אֱ �הֵ י י‬
ve’atah nisharnu
� ֶ‫וְ ִהנָּחֵ ם עַ ל־הָ ָרעָ ה ְלעַ מּ‬
‫עָ ז ְֵרנוּ אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
for the glory of your reputation,
� ֶ‫בוֹד־שׁמ‬
‫ל־דּבַ ר ְכּ‬
ְ ַ‫ע‬
me’at meharbeh.
◊ uvechol zot,
shim’cha lo shachachnu—
O God, God of Israel,
Turn back from your anger;
and relent at the evil penalty for your people.
nah al tishkachenu!
Adonai, Elohei Yisra’el,
Shuv mecharon apechah
vehinachem al hara’ah le’amecha.
Ozrenu, Elohei yish’enu,
al devar kevod shemecha,
vehatzilenu, vechaper al chatoteinu,
‫וְ הַ ִצּילֵ נוּ וְ כַ פֵּ ר עַ ל־חַ טּ ֹאתֵ ינוּ‬
for the sake of your reputation.
Ex. 32:12
ve’al tit’shenu beyad oy’veinu
Help us, saving God,
rescue us and forgive our sins
Koleinu tishmah vetachon,
‫אַ ְרבֶּ ה אֶ ת־ז ְַרעֲכֶ ם‬
� ֶ‫שׁוּב מֵ חֲרוֹן אַ פּ‬
and relent at the evil penalty for your people.
Ps 79:9
vehinachem al hara’ah le’amecha.
so please don’t forget us.
Shuv mecharon apechah
‫כוֹכבֵ י הַ שָּׁ מָ יִ ם‬
ְ ‫ְכּ‬
only a few of all those many!
we have not forgotten who you are,3
� ֶ‫שׁוּב מֵ חֲרוֹן אַ פּ‬
‫ק ֹולֵנוּ ִתשׁמַ ע וְ ָתחֹן‬
‫וְ אַל ִתּ ְטּ ֵשׁנוּ בְּ יַד א ֹויְבֵ ינוּ‬
‫לִ ְמחוֹת אֶ ת ְשׁמֵ נוּ‬
‫זְ כֹר אֲ ֶשׁר נִ שׁבַּ ְע ָתּ‬
‫לַאֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
“Like the stars of the sky, too many to count,
But in spite of this,
Adonai, Elohei Yisra’el,
� ֶ‫וְ ִהנָּחֵ ם עַ ל־הָ ָרעָ ה ְלעַ מּ‬
Ex 32:13
But now we are left,
‫ִשׂראֵ ל‬
ָ ‫יי אֱ �הֵ י י‬
� ֶ‫ְלמַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
lema’an shemecha.
‫ִשׂראֵ ל‬
ָ ‫יי אֱ �הֵ י י‬
Adonai, Elohei Yisra’el,
� ֶ‫שׁוּב מֵ חֲרוֹן אַ פּ‬
Shuv mecharon apechah
� ֶ‫וְ ִהנָּחֵ ם עַ ל־הָ ָרעָ ה ְלעַ מּ‬
vehinachem al hara’ah le’amecha.
“To blot out our name/reputation,” so that no trace of us will remain in human history.
Ex 32:13 has ‫;אַרבֶּ ה אֶ ת־ז ְַרעֲ כֶם כְּ כוֹכְ בֵ י הַ ָשּׁמָ יִ ם‬
ְ when pleading on behalf of the Jewish people after they sinned
with the Golden Calf, Moses recalls God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
“Your name we have not forgotten”; the name implies reputation and identity.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Israel’s Protector ▪ ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
O, protector of your people Israel,
‫ ▪ שׁוֹמֵ ר‬Shomer Yisra’el
for they declare the unity of your nature:
‫שׁוֹמֵ ר י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ְשׁמוֹר ְשׁאֵ ִרית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ אַל יֹאבַ ד י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫הָ או ְֹמ ִרים ְשׁ ַ ֖מע יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא֑ל‬
‫שׁוֹמֵ ר גּוֹי אֶ חָ ד‬
‫ְשׁמוֹר ְשׁאֵ ִרית עַ ם אֶ חָ ד‬
‫וְ אַל יֹאבַ ד גּוֹי אֶ חָ ד‬
�‫הַ ְמיַחֲ ִדים ִשׁ ְמ‬
“The Ruler is our God; the Ruler is one.”
‫ֱ�הינוּ יהו֥ה ׀ אֶ ָ ֽחד‬
֖ ֵ ‫יהו֥ה א‬
protect the remnant of Israel,
don’t let Israel be destroyed
for they say, “Listen, descendants of Israel.”
O, protector of the one people,
protect the remnant of that one people,
don’t let the one people be destroyed
O, protector of the holy people,
shemor she’erit Yisra’el,
ve’al yovad Yisra’el,
ha’omrim: “Shema, Yisra’el!”
Shomer goy echad,
Shemor she’erit am echad,
ve’al yovad goy echad,
ham’yachadim shim’chah,
“Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad!”
Shomer goy kadosh,
shemor she’erit am kadosh,
ve’al yovad goy kadosh,
ham’shal’shim beshalosh kedushot
Mitratzeh verachamim
umitpayes betachanunim;
hitratzeh vehitpayes
‫שׁוֹמֵ ר גּוֹי ָקדוֹשׁ‬
‫ְשׁמוֹר ְשׁאֵ ִרית עַ ם ָקדוֹשׁ‬
protect the remnant of the holy people,
‫וְ אַל יֹאבַ ד גּוֹי ָקדוֹשׁ‬
don’t let the holy people be destroyed,
‫הַ ְמ ַשׁלְּ ִשׁים בְּ ָשׁ�שׁ ְקדֻ שּׁוֹת‬
for they declare holiness three times1
to the Holy One.
‫לְ ָקדוֹשׁ‬
You grant favor because of your mercy
‫ִמ ְת ַרצֶּ ה בְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וּמ ְתפַּ יֵּס בְּ ַתחֲ נוּ ִנים‬
and are appeased by prayers;
‫ִה ְת ַרצֶּ ה וְ ִה ְתפַּ יֵּס‬
grant favor and be appeased
for the sake of this humiliated generation,
‫לְ דוֹר עָ ִני‬
for there is no other help.
‫כִּ י אֵ ין ע ֹוזֵר‬
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫חָ נֵּנוּ וְ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
be gracious and answer us,
‫כִּ י אֵ ין בָּ נוּ מַ עֲ ִשׂים‬
though we have done nothing to earn
‫עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ ְצ ָד ָקה וָ חֶ סֶ ד‬
your favor; be just and kind to us—
and save us!
‫הושׁיעֵ נוּ‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬
Shomer Yisra’el,
ledor oni
ki ein ozer.
Avinu malkenu,
chonenu va’anenu
ki ein banu ma’asim;
aseh imanu tzedakah vachesed,
“Who triple in the three holinesses.” You might think this implies that we say three Kedushah prayers each
day, but most days we say Kedushah twice, in the morning and afternoon Amidah prayers; instead, this refers to
three times as part of every Kedushah. Instead of ‫בְּ ָשׁ�שׁ ְקדֻ שּׁוֹת‬, Hertz uses
saying the word holy/‫קדוֹשׁ‬/kadosh
‫בְּ ִשׁ�וּשׁ ְקדֻ ָשּׁה‬, “in the tripling of Kedushah”; such trivial differences are common among siddurim.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
II Chron. 20:12
But we don’t know
We stand for the second line of this section
‫ וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ �א נֵדַ ע‬Vana’nachnu lo nedah
what to do—we look to you for guidance!
Ps 25:6
‫ מַ ה־נַּעֲ ֶשׂה כִּ י עָ לֶי� עֵ ינֵינוּ‬u
Remember your mercies, God,
‫ֹר־רחֲמֶ י� יְ הוָה‬
ַ ‫ְזכ‬
and your kindnesses,
�‫ַוחֲסָ ֶדי‬
for they have existed forever.
‫ִכּי מֵ עוֹלָ ם הֵ מָּ ה‬
Be kind to us, God,
‫יְהי־חַ ְס ְדּ� יְ הוָה עָ לֵ ינוּ‬
Ps. 33:22
for we have hoped for you.
Ps 79:8
� ָ‫כַּ אֲשֶׁ ר יִחַ ְלנוּ ל‬
“Don’t recall to our discredit
the sins of our first ancestors;
quick, let your mercies reach us first,
Be gracious to us, God, be gracious to us;
Zechor rachamecha, Adonai,
ki me’olam hemah.
Yehi chasdecha Adonai aleinu
ka’asher yichalnu lach.
‫ל־תּזְכָּ ר־לָ נוּ‬
“Al tizkor lanu
‫ֲע ֹונֹת ִראשֹׁנִ ים‬
avonot rishonim;
�‫מַ הֵ ר יְ קַ ְדּמוּנוּ ַרחֲמֶ י‬
for we are very low!”
Ps 123:3
umah na’aseh, ki alecha eineinu.
maher, yekadmunu rachamecha
‫ִכּי ַדלּוֹנוּ ְמאֹד‬
ki dalonu me’od.”
‫חָ נֵּנוּ יְהוָה חָ נֵּנוּ‬
Chanenu, Adonai, chanenu,
we’ve had our fill of humiliation.
‫י־רב שָׂ בַ עְ נוּ בוּז‬
ַ ‫ִכּ‬
ki rav savanu vuz.
Habakkuk 3:2
‫רגֶז ַרחֵ ם ִתּזְכּוֹר‬
ֹ ‫ְבּ‬
Berogez, rachem tizkor.
‫ִכּי־הוּא י ַָדע יִ ְצ ֵרנוּ‬
Ki hu yadah yitzreinu;
‫זָכוּר ִכּי־עָ פָ ר ֲאנ ְָחנוּ‬
zachur ki afar anachnu.
When angry, remember to be merciful.
God knows what we are made of;
it’s well known that we are dust.
Ps 79:9
Ps. 103:14
Help us, saving God,
for the glory of your reputation,
for the sake of your reputation.
� ֶ‫בוֹד־שׁמ‬
‫ל־דּבַ ר ְכּ‬
ְ ַ‫ע‬
Ozrenu, Elohei yish’enu,
al devar kevod shemecha,
rescue us and forgive our sins
‫עָ ז ְֵרנוּ אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
‫וְ הַ ִצּילֵ נוּ וְ כַ פֵּ ר עַ ל־חַ טּ ֹאתֵ ינוּ‬
� ֶ‫ְלמַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
vehatzilenu, vechaper al chatoteinu,
lema’an shemecha.
The leader leads Half Kaddish, page 264.
“May your kindness be upon us, God, as (or, according to the way that) we have hoped for you,” a plea that
God’s mercy and salvation, when it finally comes, should compensate for all the long years of hoping, suffering
and waiting.
I.e., before God’s anger reaches us.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Torah Service
Jewish scripture is public and available for all to read and study. On Mondays and Thursdays, we read the first
section of the Shabbat reading; on fast days and Chanukah, the reading is appropriate for the day. After reading
from the Torah, we hold up the scroll and declare that this is the scripture Moses brought us.
The scroll is written without vowels, punctuation or cantillation marks (that indicate melody), so chanting
from the scroll takes careful preparation. However, nothing is secret: we honor members of the congregation by
inviting them to observe the reading.
We stand from the time the ark is opened until the scroll is placed on its reading desk. When the ark is
opened, some raise their little finger or tallit, then kiss it. As the scroll comes thorugh the congregation, some
touch its cover with hand or tallit or siddur, then kiss it. These are ways to show devotion to the book that
guides our way of life.
As we remove the scroll from the ark, we bow to the empty cabinet—empty except for remaining scrolls—to
glorify God, and thus we make it clear that the Torah is not God, that God is incorporeal, that we have no visible object of worship..
________________ God, Slow to Anger ▪ ‫אַ פַּ יִם‬
�‫ ▪ אֵ ל אֶ ֶר‬El Erech Apayim ________________
For Mondays and Thursdays, Hertz (and others) add El Erech Apayim after Chatzi Kaddish, except on:
Rosh Chodesh, festival intermediate days, the day before Pesach, the Ninth of Av, the day before Yom Kippur,
during Chanukah, on Purim Katan (in a leap year), on Purim or Shushan Purim
The two paragraphs below are similar. Some say only the first, some say both, some say neither.
God, slow to anger,
‫ אֵ ל אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ יִ ם‬El erech apayim
great in kindness and truth,
do not punish us in your anger.
‫וְ ַרב חֶ סֶ ד ֶואֱמֶ ת‬
Be merciful, God, to your people,
and rescue us from every danger.
We have wronged you, Ruler;
� ֶ‫חוּסָ ה יי עַ ל עַ מּ‬
‫הוֹשׁיעֵ נוּ ִמכָּ ל ָרע‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬
God, slow to anger,
‫ְסלַ ח נָא כּרֹב ַרחֲמֶ י� אֵ ל‬
‫אֵ ל אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ יִ ם‬
great in kindness and truth,
‫וְ ַרב חֶ סֶ ד ֶואֱמֶ ת‬
don’t turn away from us.
‫אַ ל תַּ ְסתֵּ ר פָּ נֶי� ִממֶּ נּוּ‬
Be merciful, God, to your people,
Chusah, Adonai, al amecha,
vehoshi’enu mikol rah.
Chatanu lecha, Adon;
‫חָ טָ אנוּ ְל� אָ דוֹן‬
forgive us in your great mercy, God!
al be’ap’cha tochichenu.
‫תּוֹכיחֵ נוּ‬
�‫אַ ל ְבּאַ ְפּ‬
verav chesed, ve’emet,
� ֶ‫חוּסָ ה יי עַ ל יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬
selach nah kerov rachamecha, El.
El erech apayim
verav chesed, ve’emet,
al tas’ter panecha mimenu.
Chusah, Adonai, al Yisra’el amecha,
and save us from every danger.
‫וְ הַ ִצּילֵ נוּ ִמכָּ ל ָרע‬
vehatzilenu mikol rah.
We have wronged you, Ruler;
‫חָ טָ אנוּ ְל� אָ דוֹן‬
Chatanu lecha, Adon;
forgive us in your great mercy, God!
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ְסלַ ח נָא כּרֹב ַרחֲמֶ י� אֵ ל‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
selach nah kerov rachamecha, El.
Torah Service
__________ Taking out the Scroll ▪ ‫הַ תּו ָֹרה‬
Num 10:35
‫ ▪ הוֹצָ אַת סֵ פֶ ר‬Hotza’at Sefer HaTorah _________
We rise as the ark is opened, and we all say:
And when the Ark moved out,
ֹ ֖ ָ‫ַיְה֛י ִבּנְ ֥ ֹסעַ הָ א‬
ִ ‫ ו‬u u Vayehi binso’ah ha’aron,
Moses would say:
‫וַיּ ֹ֣אמֶ ר מ ֶֹשׁ֑ה‬
“God, rise and scatter your enemies,
and those who hate you will run from you.”
“For Torah will spread from Zion,
Isaiah 2:3
God’s word from Jerusalem.”
Blessed is the one who gave the Torah
to Israel’s people, in holiness.
�‫קוּמ֣ה ׀ יה ֗וה וְ יָפֻ ֙צוּ ֙ ֹֽאיְ ֶ֔בי‬
vayomer Moshe:
“Kuma Adonai, veyafutzu oy’vecha,
�‫וְ יָנֻ ֥סוּ ְמשַׂ נְ ֶ ֖אי� ִמפָּ נֶ ֽי‬
veyanusu mesan’echa mipanecha.”
ָ ‫ִכּי ִמ ִצּיּוֹן תֵּ צֵ א‬
“Ki miTziyon tetzeh Torah
‫ְוּדבַ ר־יהוה ִמירוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
‫בָּ רוּ� ֶשׁנּ ַָתן תּו ָֹרה‬
‫לְ עַ מּ ֹו ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בִּ ְקדֻ ָשּׁת ֹו‬
ud’var Adonai mirushala’im.”
Baruch shenatan Torah
le’amo Yisra’el bikdushato.
________________________________________ Removing the Scroll ________________________________________
The prayer leader takes the scroll, turns to face the ark, bows and raises the Torah.
Ps 34:4
Glorify God with me,
‫ גּ ְַדּלוּ לַ יהוה ִא ִתּי‬Gadlu lAdonai iti,
the strength, the splendor,
the victory and the majesty
—everything in heaven and earth.
and to be raised above all as the head.
Ps. 99:5
Exalt God, our ruler,
God is holy.
Ps. 99:9
vehagvurah vehatiferet
‫וְ הַ נֵּצַ ח וְ הַ הוֹד‬
vehanetzach vehahod,
‫ִכּי־כֹל בַּ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם וּבָ אָ ֶרץ‬
ki chol bashamayim uva’aretz.
‫ְל� יהוה הַ מַּ ְמלָ כָ ה‬
Lecha Adonai hamamlachah
‫וְ הַ ִמּ ְתנַשֵּׂ א ְלכֹל ְלר ֹאשׁ‬
vehamitnaseh lechol lerosh.
‫רוֹממוּ יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
‫הדֹם ַרגְ לָ יו‬
ֲ ַ‫וְ ִה ְשׁתַּ חֲווּ ל‬
Rom’mu Adonai Eloheinu,
vehishtachavu lahadom raglav,
and bow at God’s footstool;
‫בוּרה וְ הַ ִתּ ְפאֶ ֶרת‬
ָ ְ‫וְ הַ גּ‬
It’s for you, God, to govern
and let us exalt1 God’s name together.
‫רוֹממָ ה ְשׁמוֹ י ְַח ָדּו‬
ְ ְ‫ וּנ‬unerom’mah shemo yachdav.
The ark is closed, the leader takes the Torah to the reading desk, and the congregation say:
I Chron. 29:11
Yours, God, are the greatness,
Lecha Adonai hagdulah
‫ְל� יהוה הַ גְּ ֻדלָּ ה‬
‫קָ דוֹשׁ הוּא‬
kadosh hu.
Exalt God, our ruler,
‫רוֹממוּ יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
and bow at God’s holy mountain,
‫וְ ִה ְשׁתַּ חֲווּ ְלהַ ר קָ ְדשׁוֹ‬
vehishtachavu lehar kodsho,
‫ִכּי־קָ דוֹשׁ יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
ki kadosh Adonai Eloheinu.
because God, our ruler, is holy.
Rom’mu Adonai Eloheinu
The Hebrew word from the root ‫ ָרם‬means “make high” and so does “exalt.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
May the source of mercy
‫אַב הָ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
take pity on our people (God’s burden),
ִ ֲ‫הוּא ְי ַרחֵ ם עַ ם ע‬
recall the contract with our mighty ancestors, ‫יתנִ ים‬
ָ ֵ‫וְ ִיזְ כֹּר בְּ ִרית א‬
‫וְ י ִַצּיל נ ְַפשׁו ֵֹתינוּ‬
save our souls
‫ִמן הַ ָשּׁעוֹת הָ ָרעוֹת‬
from the bad times,
‫וְ ִיגְ עַ ר בְּ יֵצֶ ר הָ ַרע‬
drive out the bad impulse
ִ ְ‫ִמן הַ נּ‬
from those who are sustained by God,
graciously let us survive forever,
‫וְ יָחוֹן או ָֹתנוּ לִ פְ לֵיטַ ת ע ֹול ִָמים‬
and fulfill our longings
‫וִ ימַ לֵּא ִמ ְשׁאֲ לו ֵֹתינוּ‬
with goodness, salvation and mercy. ‫בְּ ִמ ָדּה טוֹבָ ה יְשׁוּעָ ה וְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
Av harachamim,
hu yerachem am amusim,
veyizkor berit eitanim,
veyatzil nafshoteinu
min hasha’ot hara’ot,
veyig’ar beyetzer hara
min han’su’im,
veyachon otanu lifleitat olamim,
viymaleh mish’aloteinu
among us soon,
bemidah tovah yeshu’a verachamim.
The Torah scroll is placed on the reading desk, and we are seated. A gabbai (one who supervises the reading)
or the Torah reader says the next passage and names the first person called to the Torah.1
‫ וְ ִת ָגּלֶה וְ ֵת ָראֶ ה מַ לְ כוּת ֹו‬Vetigaleh, vetera’eh malchuto
May God’s rule be revealed and seen
may God be kind to us who remain
with grace and kindness
mercy and favor.
Let us say, “It’s true!”
Everyone, give greatness to our God
and glory to the Torah.
So-and-so, child of So-and-so …
the kohen.
veyachon peleitatenu,
ufeleitat amo, Beit Yisra’el,
lechen ulechesed,
lerachamim uleratzon,
venomar, “Amen.” Amen
‫הַ כֹּל הָ בוּ גֹ דֶ ל לֵא�הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וּתנוּ ָכבוֹד לַתּו ָֹרה‬
‫כֹּהֵ ן ְק ָרב יַעֲ ֹמד‬
‫פְּ ל ֹו ִני בֶּ ן בַּ ת פְּ לוֹנִ י‬
‫הַ כֹּהֵ ן‬
Hakol havu godel lEloheinu
utenu chavod laTorah.
Kohen kerav: ya’amod …
Kohen, come close. Stand up …
aleinu bizman karov,
of God’s nation, the Jewish people,
‫עָ לֵינוּ בִּ זְ מַ ן ָקרוֹב‬
‫וְ יָחוֹן פְּ לֵיטָ ֵתנוּ‬
‫וּפְ לֵיטַ ת עַ מּ ֹו בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫לְ חֵ ן וּלְ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫לְ ַרחֲ ִמים וּלְ ָרצוֹן‬
‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
Ploni ben bat Ploni …
We call several adults for an “aliyah,” the honor of observing the reading : seven people on Shabbat morning,
six on Yom Kippur, five on Rosh Hashanah and festivals, four on Rosh Chodesh, and three for afternoon Torah
readings. Traditionally, we call a Kohen (one of the priestly family descended from Aaron), a Levi (Levites
were ministers in the Temple), and the rest from other tribes. We may add extras (“hosafot”) and conclude with
“acharon,” a “final” honoree; a Kohen or Levi may be given the acharon honor. The last aliyah is “maftir,” for
the person who reads the Haftarah. We call people by their Hebrew names—so-and-so son/daughter of so-andso.
‫פְּ לוֹנִ י בֶּ ן פְּ לוֹנִ י‬/Ploni ben Ploni means “so-and-so, child of so-and-so”; you insert the honoree’s Hebrew name.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Torah Service
Blessed is God, who gave the Torah
‫בָּ רוּ� ֶשׁנּ ַָתן תּו ָֹרה‬
‫לְ עַ מּ ֹו ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בִּ ְקדֻ ָשּׁת ֹו‬
to Israel’s people, in holiness.
Baruch shenatan Torah
le’amo Yisra’el bikdushato.
Congregation, then gabbai (or Torah reader):
Deut 4:4
“And you who hold fast
‫“ וְ אַ תֶּ ם הַ ְדּבֵ קִ ים‬Ve’atem had’vekim
to God, your Ruler,
‫בַּ יהוָה אֱ�הֵ יכֶ ם‬
all of you are alive today.”
‫חַ יִּ ים כֻּ ְלּכֶ ם הַ יּוֹם‬
_________________ Torah Blessings ▪ ‫הַ תּו ָֹרה‬
bAdonai Eloheichem,
chayim kulchem hayom.”
‫ ▪ בִּ ְרכוֹת‬Bir’chot HaTorah _________________
Each honoree recites the call to prayer;1 we respond, and the honoree repeats our response.
Bless God, the blessed one.
�‫ אֶ ת־ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u ‫ בָּ ְרכוּ‬v y Bar’chu u et Adonai hamvorach.
Blessed is God, the blessed one,
for ever and ever.
Blessed is God, the blessed one,
for ever and ever.
�‫ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u �‫ בָּ רוּ‬v y Baruch u Adonai hamvorach
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
�‫ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u �‫ בָּ רוּ‬v y Baruch u Adonai hamvorach
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
The honoree continues:
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
You rule for endless days.
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
You chose us from all other folk,
‫הָ עַ ִמּים‬-‫אֲ ֶשׁר בָּ ַחר בָּ נוּ ִמ ָכּל‬
And showed us Torah ways.2
‫תּו ָֹרת ֹו‬-‫וְ נ ַָתן לָנוּ אֶ ת‬
Blessed are you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God's name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
who gives the Torah.
‫נו ֵֹתן הַ תּו ָֹרה אָמֵ ן‬
We bless you, God;
Baruch ata Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
asher bachar banu mikol ha’amim
venatan lanu et Torato.
Baruch ata Adonai,
noten haTorah. Amen
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Some say the honoree should hold the Torah scroll handles (atzei chayim); some advise that the honoree
should keep the Torah unrolled so the reader won’t have to look for the place, but the honoree should look away
from the scroll so as not to imply that the words of the Call to Prayer are written in the scroll; some touch the
beginning of the passage to be read with a tallit, then kiss the tallit; some touch the outside of the scroll instead,
so as not to rub the writing, risking damage to the scroll.
“We bless you, God, our God, ruler of time/world/eternity, who chose us from all other peoples and gave us
the Torah.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
We bless you, God,
After the Torah portion is read, the honoree concludes with this blessing:
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch ata Adonai
Your rule does time transcend;
Your Torah true you gave us,
Planted life that has no end.
Blessed are you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God's name!
who gives the Torah.
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אֲ ֶשׁר נ ַָתן לָנוּ תּו ַֹרת אֶ מֶ ת‬
‫וְ חַ יֵּי ע ֹולָם נָטַ ע בְּ ת ֹוכֵנוּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫נו ֵֹתן הַ תּו ָֹרה אָמֵ ן‬
Eloheinu, melech ha’olam,
asher natan lanu Torat emet
vechayei olam nata betocheinu.
Baruch ata Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
noten haTorah. Amen
________________________________________ Prayer for Healing ________________________________________
Some congregations include a prayer for healing.
‫ ִמי ֶשׁבֵּ ַר� אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬Mi sheberach avoteinu
May God who blessed our fathers
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
those in need of healing …
May the holy, blessed one
‫הוּא ְיבָ ֵר� וִ ַירפֵּ א‬
… ‫אֶ ת הַ חוֹלִ ים‬
bless and heal
hu yevarech virapeh
and quickly bestow upon them
a complete recovery,
healing the spirit
and healing the body,
with all the sick in our community.2
now, to arrive soon
and quickly.
And let us say, “Amen.”
“Who gave us the Torah of truth and planted eternal life in our midst.”
“Among the rest of the sick people of the community of Israel.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
yemaleh rachamim aleihem,
lehachazikam ulerapotam,
veyishlach lahem meherah
refu’ah shelemah
min hashamayim,
a blessing from above,
‫ְימָּ לֵא ַרחֲ ִמים עֲ לֵיהֶ ם‬
‫יקם וּלְ ַרפְּ או ָֹתם‬
ָ ִ‫לְ הַ חֲ ז‬
‫וְ י ְִשׁ ַלח לָהֶ ם ְמהֵ ָרה‬
‫ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה‬
‫ִמן הַ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
‫ְרפוּאַת הַ נֶּפֶ שׁ‬
‫ְוּרפוּאַת הַ גּוּף‬
‫בְּ תוֹ� ְשׁאָר ח ֹולֵי י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫הַ ְשׁ ָתּא בַּ עֲ ָג ָלה‬
‫וּבִ זְ מַ ן ָק ִריב‬
‫ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬: ‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר‬
granting them strength and health,
Avraham, Yitzchak, veYa’akov
et hacholim …
We pause for the names of people in need of healing.
‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬Hakadosh baruch hu
be altogether merciful to them,
‫אַבְ ָרהָ ם ִי ְצחָ ק וְ יַעֲ ֹקב‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
refu’at hanefesh
urefu’at haguf
betoch she’ar cholei Yisra’el—
hashta ba’agalah
uvizman kariv,
venomar: “Amen.” Amen
Torah Service
__________________________ Thanks after Peril ▪ ‫הָ גּוֹמֵ ל‬
‫ ▪ בִּ ְרכַּת‬Birkat HaGomel __________________________
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch ata Adonai
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬Eloheinu Melech ha’olam,
‫ הַ גּוֹמֵ ל לְ חַ יָּבִ ים טוֹבוֹת‬hagomel lechayavim tovot,
‫טוֹב אָמֵ ן‬-‫ ֶשׁגְּ מָ לַנִ י ָכּל‬shegemalani kol tov. Amen
We bless you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
our God, ruler of the universe,
who grants goodness to the undeserving
and granted me every goodness.
The congregation responds to the blessing:
For men.
‫טוֹב‬-‫ ִמי ֶשׁגְּ מָ לְ � ָכּל‬Mi shegmalcha kol tov,
May God, who granted you every goodness,
continue to grant you every goodness. Selah.
‫טוֹב סֶ לָה‬-‫הוּא ִיגְ מָ לְ � ָכּל‬
hu yigmolcha kol tov. Selah.
May God, who granted you every goodness,
‫טוֹב‬-‫ִמי ֶשׁגְּ מָ לֵ� ָכּל‬
‫טוֹב סֶ לָה‬-‫הוּא ִיגְ מָ לֵ� ָכּל‬
Mi shegmalech kol tov,
For women.
continue to grant you every goodness. Selah.
hu yigmalech kol tov. Selah.
Haftarah blessings are on page 229 for fast days and other days when we read a haftarah.
________________________ Raising the Scroll ▪ ‫ ▪ הַ גבָּ הָ ה‬Hagbah ________________________
When the Torah reading is finished, two people are called to the bimah..
One will raise the scroll for all to see, the other will wrap the scroll in its coverings.
When the scroll is raised, the congregation sings:
Deut. 4:44
This is the Torah Moses set
ֶ ֔ ‫ר־שׂ֣ם מ‬
ֶ‫תּוֹר֑ה אֲשׁ‬
ָ ַ‫ וְ ֹ֖זאת ה‬Vezot haTorah asher sam Moshe
God spoke it: Moses wrote it down.
‫ִל ְפנֵ ֖י ְבּנֵ ֥י יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל‬
lifnei b’nei Yisra’el.
before the children of Israel.
Num 9:23
ֽ ֶ ‫ל־פּי יה ֖וה ְבּיַד־מ‬
֥ ִ ַ‫ע‬
Al pi Adonai: beyad Moshe.
Once the Torah scroll is dressed and at rest, the congregation is seated x. Some say a prayer for Israel, page 120.
Tradition holds that God dictated the Torah and Moses wrote the entire five books by hand; the end of it, the
part about his death, with his tears (BT Menachot 30a). However, in its original context, the phrase “Moses
wrote it down” really means, “Moses saw God’s orders carried out”; it refers not to the writing of the Torah, but
to the people’s travels in the wilderness: God gave the order to move on or rest; Moses saw that it was carried
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
___________________________May This Be God’s Plan ▪ ‫ ▪ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬Yehi Ratzon __________________________
On Mondays and Thursdays when Tachanun is said, the leader says these verses as the Torah is wrapped.
May this be the plan
‫ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬Yehi ratzon
of our divine source of life:1
‫ִמלִּ פְ נֵי אָבִ ינוּ ֶשׁבַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
To repair the Temple, our community center
‫לְ כ ֹונֵן אֶ ת בֵּ ית חַ יֵּינוּ‬
to return God’s presence among u, ‫וּלְ הָ ִשׁיב אֶ ת ְשׁכִ ינָת ֹו בְּ ת ֹוכֵינוּ‬
quickly, in our lifetimes.
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
And let us say, “Amen.”
‫ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬: ‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר‬
milifnei avinu shebashamayim:
May this be the plan
‫י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
‫ִמלִּ פְ נֵי אָבִ ינוּ ֶשׁבַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
‫לְ ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל פְּ לֵיטָ ֵתנוּ‬
‫וְ לִ ְמנֹ עַ מַ ְשׁ ִחית וּמַ גֵּפָ ה‬
‫מֵ עָ לֵינוּ וּמֵ עַ ל ָכּל עַ מּ ֹו‬
‫בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬: ‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר‬
Yehi ratzon
‫י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
‫ִמלִּ פְ נֵי אָבִ ינוּ ֶשׁבַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
‫לְ ַקיֵּם בָּ נוּ חַ כְ מֵ י י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫הֵ ם וּנְ ֵשׁיהֶ ם‬
‫וּבְ נֵיהֶ ם וּבְ נו ֵֹתיהֶ ם‬
‫וְ ַתלְ ִמידֵ יהֶ ם‬
‫וְ ַתלְ ִמידֵ י ַתּלְ ִמידֵ יהֶ ם‬
‫בְּ ָכל ְמקוֹמוֹת מו ְֹשׁבו ֵֹתיהֶ ם‬
‫ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬: ‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר‬
Yehi ratzon
of our divine source of life:
To pity us and our survivors,
to keep ruin and disease far from us
and from all God’s people
the Jewish community.
May this be the plan
of our divine source of life:
To protect our Jewish scholars,
sons and daughters
wherever they may live,
And let us say, “Amen.”
bimherah veyameinu,
venomar: “Amen.” Amen
milifnei avinu shebashamayim:
Lerachem aleinu ve’al peleitatenu,
velimno’ah mashchit umagefah
me’aleinu ume’al kol amo
beit Yisra’el,
venomar: “Amen.” Amen
milifnei avinu shebashamayim:
Lekayem banu chachmei Yisra’el,
hem unesheihem
uveneihem uvenoteihem,
vetalmidei talmideihem,
and students’ students,
Ulehashiv et shechinato betochenu
them, their spouses,5
And let us say, “Amen.”
Lechonen et beit chayeinu
bechol mekomot moshvoteihem,
venomar: “Amen.” Amen
“Let this be the will that comes from before the throne of our parent in heaven.”
“House of our life”
“Let this be the will that comes from before the throne of our parent in heaven.”
“Let this be the will that comes from before the throne of our parent in heaven.”
“Their wives”; the text was written when most Jewish scholars were males.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Torah Service
May this be the plan
of our divine source of life:
That we may hear and be informed
of good news,
of rescue and comfort,
and that our scattered people be gathered
from distant lands,
And let us say, “Amen.”
‫י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
‫ִמלִּ פְ נֵי אָבִ ינוּ ֶשׁבַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
‫ֶשׁנִּ ְשׁמָ ע וְ נִ ְתבַּ ֵשּׂר‬
‫בְּ שׂוֹרוֹת טוֹבוֹת‬
‫יְשׁוּעוֹת וְ נֶחָ מוֹת‬
‫יקבֵּ ץ נִ ָדּחֵ ינוּ‬
ַ ִ‫ו‬
ֶ ָ‫אַרבַּ ע ַכּנְ פוֹת ה‬
ְ ֵ‫מ‬
‫ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬: ‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר‬
Yehi ratzon
milifnei avinu shebashamayim:
Shenishma venitbaser
besorot tovot,
yeshu’ot venechamot;
vikabetz nidacheinu
me’arba kanfot ha’aretz,
venomar: “Amen.” Amen
We add a prayer for relief for all Jews in trouble or captivity.
‫ אַחֵ ינוּ ָכּל בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬Acheinu kol beit Yisra’el
As for all our brother and sister Jews
confined by restrictions or captivity,
‫וּב ִשׁבְ יָה‬
ְ ‫הַ נְּ תוּ ִנים בְּ צָ ָרה‬
whether they are
‫הָ עו ְֹמ ִדים‬
at sea or on land,
‫בֵּ ין בַּ יָּם וּבֵ ין בַּ יַּבָּ ָשׁה‬
may omnipresent God take pity on them,
‫הַ מָּ קוֹם ְי ַרחֵ ם עֲ לֵיהֶ ם‬
‫וְ יוֹצִ יאֵ ם ִמצָּ ָרה לִ ְרוָ חָ ה‬
bring them from confinement to freedom
‫וּמֵ אֲ פֵ לָה לְ או ָֹרה‬
from darkness to light,
from captivity to rescue,
‫וּמ ִשּׁ ְעבוּד לִ גְ וּלָּה‬
now, to arrive soon and quickly.
‫הַ ְשׁ ָתּא בַּ עֲ ָגלָה וּבִ זְ מַ ן ָק ִריב‬
And let us say, “Amen.”
‫ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬: ‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר‬
hanetunim betzara uveshiv’yah,
bein bayam uvein bayabashah,
Hamakom yerachem aleihem,
veyotzi’em mitzarah lirvachah,
ume’afelah le’orah,
umishibud lig’ulah,
hashta ba’agalah uvizman kariv,
venomar: “Amen.” Amen
“Let this be the will that comes from before the throne of our parent in heaven.”
“The four corners of the earth.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
_________________________________________ Prayer for Israel _________________________________________
Divine source of life,
‫ אָבִ ינוּ ֶשׁבַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬u u Avinu shebashamayim,
rock and redeemer of Israel,
bless the State of Israel,
the first flowering of our redemption.
Protect her with your loving wing,
spread over her your sheltering peace,
and grant your light and your truth
to her leaders, ministers and advisors;
guide them
with your good counsel.
‫צוּר י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל וְ גוֹאֲ ל ֹו‬
‫בָּ ֵר� אֶ ת ְמ ִדינַת י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫אשׁית ְצ ִמיחַ ת גְּ אֻ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬
ִ ‫ֵר‬
� ֶ‫הָ גֵן עָ לֶיהָ בְּ אֶ בְ ַרת חַ ְסדּ‬
� ֶ‫וּפְ רוֹשׂ עָ לֶיהָ סֻ ַכּת ְשׁלוֹמ‬
�‫וּשׁלַח או ְֹר� וַ אֲ ִמ ְתּ‬
ָ‫אשׁיהָ ָשׂ ֶריהָ וְ יוֹעֲ צֶ יה‬
ֶ ‫לְ ָר‬
‫וְ ַת ְקּנֵם‬
�‫בְּ עֵ צָ ה טוֹבָ ה ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
‫חַ זֵּק אֶ ת ְידֵ י‬
‫ְמ ִגנֵּי אֶ ֶרץ ָק ְד ֵשׁנוּ‬
‫וְ הַ נְ ִחילֵם אֱ �הֵ ינוּ ְישׁוּעָ ה‬
‫וַ עֲ טֶ ֶרת נִ צָּ חוֹן ְתּעַ ְטּ ֵרם‬
ֶ ָ‫וְ נ ַָת ָתּ ָשׁלוֹם בּ‬
ָ‫וְ ִשׂ ְמחַ ת ע ֹולָם לְ יו ְֹשׁבֶ יה‬
‫וְ נֹ אמַ ר אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
those who defend our holy land,
bring them redemption,
grant peace in the land
and eternal joy to its inhabitants.
And let’s say, “Amen.”
barech et Medinat Yisra’el,
reshit tzemichat ge’ulatenu.
Hagen aleha be’evrat chasdecha,
uferos aleha sukat shelomecha,
ushelach or’cha va’amit’cha
lerasheha, sareha veyo’atzeha,
be’etzah tovah milfanecha.
Chazek et yedei
meginei eretz kodshenu,
vehanchilem Eloheinu yeshu’ah,
va’ateret nitzachon te’atrem,
venatata shalom ba’aretz
vesimchat olam leyoshveha.
Venomar, “Amen.” Amen
crown them with victory,
tzur Yisra’el vego’alo,
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Torah Service
_________________ Returning the Torah ▪ ‫ ▪ הַ כְ נָסַ ת סֵ פֶ ר הַ תּו ָֹרה‬Hachnasat Sefer HaTorah _________________
The Torah scroll is handed to the prayer leader, and we stand.
Ps. 148: 13
Let them all praise God’s name,
‫ יְהַ ְללוּ אֶ ת־שֵׁ ם יְהוָה‬u u Yehalelu et shem Adonai,
for God’s name alone is exalted:
‫ ִכּי־נִ ְשׂגָּב ְשׁמוֹ ְלבַ דּוֹ‬ki nisgav shemo levado:
The prayer leader begins the procession to return the scroll.1
Ps. 148: 13-14
God’s glory surpasses earth and sky.
‫ ה�דוֹ עַ ל־אֶ ֶרץ וְ שָׁ מָ יִ ם‬hodo al eretz veshamayim.
And God will bring us greatness,2
‫ַויּ ֶָרם קֶ ֶרן ְלעַ מּוֹ‬
glory for all who feel God’s kindness —
Israel’s children, the people close to God.
ָ ‫ְתּ ִהלָּ ה ְלכָ ל־ח ֲִס‬
ְ ַ‫ִל ְבנֵי יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ע‬
‫הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
Vayarem keren le’amo,
tehila lechol chasidav—
livnei Yisra’el, am kerovo:
_____________________________________________ Psalm 24 _____________________________________________
A psalm by David.
‫ ְל ָדוִ ד ִמזְמ�ר‬LeDavid mizmor:
God’s is the world, with all it holds,
The land on which all people dwell,
‫וּמל�אָ הּ‬
ְ ‫לַ יהוָה הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
Spread land o’er mighty oceans’ swell.5
On God’s hill, who can make th’ascent
To reach God’s holy station?
The pure of heart, the innocent:
Their vow is their intent.
ki hu al yamim yesadah,
‫ִמי־ ַיעֲלֶ ה ְבהַ ר־יְ הוָה‬
�‫וּמי־יָקוּם ִבּ ְמק�ם קָ ְדשׁ‬
ve’al neharot yechon’neha.
Mi ya’aleh vehar Adonai,
umi yakum bimkom kodsho?
‫נְ קִ י כַ פַּ יִ ם וּבַ ר־לֵ בָ ב‬
“Neki chapayim uvar levav,
‫אֲשֶׁ ר ל ֹא־נָשָׂ א לַ שָּׁ וְ א נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
asher lo nasah lashav nafshi,
‫וְ ל ֹא נִ ְשׁבַּ ע ְל ִמ ְרמָ ה‬
velo nishbah lemirmah.”
ָ‫וְ עַ ל־נְ הָ ר�ת יְ כ�נְ נֶה‬
Without equivocation,
‫ִכּי־הוּא עַ ל־י ִַמּים יְ סָ ָדהּ‬
tevel veyoshvei vah,
For God fixed earth on running streams
‫תֵּ בֵ ל וְ ֹי ְשׁבֵ י בָ הּ‬
LAdonai ha’aretz um’lo’ah,
The scroll usually leads the procession. In some congregations, the leader doesn’t carry the scroll; someone
else gets that honor. In that case, the leader follows the person with the scroll.
“And he will raise a horn for his people.”
; “Glory for those who feel God’s kindness”—‫ חסידיו‬can mean “those who love him” or “those who are gracious toward him”; or it can mean “those who experience his love/kindness.” We usually translate the word as
“righteous,” referring to the most devout and religious people.
“To God belongs the world and its contents, the lived-on land and its inhabitants.”
“For God founded it above waters, and established it above rivers.
“The clean of hands and pure of heart, who has not held me in balance (i.e., has not given me an elusive answer, or equivocated) nor sworn deceitfully.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
God’s blessing will upon them smile,
Defending them in every trial.
For these are Jacob’s children, who
Seek only, God, to be with you. Selah.
Now raise your beams, O gates, stretch high;
Doors of the world, reach to the sky—
The glorious sovereign is nigh!3
Who is this sovereign glorious?
It’s mighty God, who fights for us,
Unfailingly victorious!
Now raise your beams, O gates, stretch high;
Doors of the world, reach to the sky—
The glorious sovereign is nigh!
Who is this sovereign glorious?
The God of hosts, who fights for us;
‫יִ שָּׂ א ְב ָרכָ ה מֵ אֵ ת יְ הוָה‬
Yisa verachah me’et Adonai,
�‫וּצ ָדקָ ה מֵ אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁע‬
utzedakah me’Elohei yish’o.
‫זֶה דּ�ר דּ ְֹרשָׁ יו‬
‫ְמבַ ְקשֵׁ י פָ נֶי� ַי ֲעקֹב סֶ לָ ה‬
‫ְשׂאוּ ְשׁעָ ִרים ָראשֵׁ יכֶ ם‬
mevakshei fanecha, Ya’akov. Selah.
Se’u she’arim rosheichem,
vehinas’u pitchei olam,
‫וְ יָב�א מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
veyavo melech hakavod.
‫ִמי זֶה מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
Mi zeh melech hakavod?
‫יְהוָה עִ זּוּז וְ גִ בּ�ר‬
‫יְהוָה גִּ בּ�ר ִמ ְלחָ מָ ה‬
‫ְשׂאוּ ְשׁעָ ִרים ָראשֵׁ יכֶ ם‬
‫וּשׂאוּ ִפּ ְתחֵ י ע�לָ ם‬
‫וְ יָב ֹא מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
‫ִמי הוּא זֶה מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
‫יְהוָה ְצבָ א�ת‬
God is the sovereign glorious. Selah!
Ze dor dorshav,
‫וְ ִהנּ ְָשׂאוּ ִפּ ְתחֵ י ע�לָ ם‬
‫הוּא מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד סֶ לָ ה‬
Adonai izuz vegibor,
Adonai gibor milchamah.
Se’u she’arim rosheichem,
use’u pitchei olam,
veyavo melech hakavod.
Mi hu zeh melech hakavod?
Adonai tzeva’ot,
hu melech hakavod. Selah!
The Torah scroll is placed in the ark.
“Such a person will bear a blessing from God, vindication from the God of his/her salvation.”
“This is the generation of his (Jacob’s) generations (i..e., these are Jacob’s distant descendants), who seek your
presence—Jacob!” As for the meaning of “Selah,” if I knew, I would have given it an English equivalent. It
may be a musical instruction for the singing of the psalm.
“Oh gates, raise your heads ; be lifted up, doors of the world, and the sovereign of glory will enter.” No earthly gate is high enough to admit God.
“Who is this ruler of glory? God, mighty and heroic; God is a hero of war.”
“Who is this ruler of glory? God of armies: God is the ruler of glory.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Torah Service
_______________________ When The Ark Rested1 ▪ ‫יֹאמַ ר‬
Num 10:36
When the ark rested, Moses would say,
“Return, God,
‫ ▪ וּבְ ֻנחֹה‬Uvenucho Yomar _______________________
ַ ‫חה י‬
ֹ ֖ ‫וּב ֻנ‬
Uvenucho yomar:
‫שׁוּב֣ה יהו֔ה‬
“Shuva, Adonai,
to the myriad thousands of Israel.”
‫ִ ֽר ְבב֖ וֹת אַ ְל ֵ ֥פי יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵ ֽאל‬
riv’vot alfei Yisra’el.”
Ps 132:8-10
� ֶ‫קוּמָ ה יהוה ִל ְמנוּחָ ת‬
Kuma, Adonai, limnuchatecha,
Go up, God, to your resting place,
you and the ark of your power.
�ֶ‫אַ תָּ ה ַואֲרוֹן עֻ זּ‬
Let your priests wear righteousness,
‫הנֶי� יִ ְל ְבּשׁוּ־צֶ ֶדק‬
ֲ ‫כּ‬
and your pious ones will sing with joy.
For the sake of your servant David,
do not turn away the face of your anointed.
Prov 4:2
For I gave you good guidance;
Cling to it, and it’s a tree of life;
those who grasp it are happy.
Torah ways are pleasant ways;
Peaceful are its paths always.
Lam 5:21
vachasidecha yeranenu.
�‫בַּ עֲבוּר ָדּוִ ד עַ ְב ֶדּ‬
Ba’avur David avdecha,
‫ִכּי לֶ קַ ח טוֹב נָתַ ִתּי לָ כֶ ם‬
‫תּוֹר ִתי אַ ל־תַּ ֲעזֹבוּ‬
‫ח ִזיקִ ים בָּ הּ‬
ֲ ַ‫עֵ ץ־חַ יִּ ים ִהיא לַ מּ‬
‫וְ ת ְֹמכֶ יהָ ְמאֻ שָּׁ ר‬
Ki lekach tov natati lachem
Torati al ta’azovu.
Etz chayim hi lamachazikim bah,
vetomcheha me’ushar.
‫ְדּ ָרכֶ יהָ ַד ְרכֵ י־נֹעַ ם‬
Deracheha dar’chei no’am
‫וְ כָ ל־נְ ִתיבוֹתֶ יהָ שָׁ לוֹם‬
vechol netivoteha shalom.
God, take us back; we’ll stray no more. ‫ה ֲִשׁיבֵ נוּ יי אֵ לֶ י� וְ נָשׁוּבָ ה‬
Take us back to days of yore!”3
al tashev penei meshichecha.
Prov 3:17
Kohanecha yilbeshu tzedek,
‫ידי� יְ ַרנֵּנוּ‬
ֶ ‫ַוח ֲִס‬
� ֶ‫אַ ל־תָּ שֵׁ ב ְפּנֵי ְמ ִשׁיח‬
don’t abandon my Torah!
Prov 3:18
ata va’aron uzecha.
‫חַ ֵדּשׁ יָמֵ ינוּ ְכּקֶ ֶדם‬
Hashivenu, Adonai, elecha, venashuva;
chadesh yameinu kekedem.
The ark is closed.
The Torah service begins with Numbers 10:35 and ends with Numbers 10:36, so the whole Torah service recalls the progress of the Ark when the Israelites wandered through the wilderness.
“It’s a tree of life to those who cling to it, and those who hold it up are happy.” A wonderful thought: Torah is
like a spiritual bank: it gives strength to the needy and happiness to those who give their strength to it.
“Bring us back to you, God, and we shall come back; renew our days as of old”—a plea to return to the merit
we enjoyed before we suffered the disaster grieved in the book of Lamentations.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
____________________________________ Psalm 145 ▪ ‫ ▪ אַ ְשׁ ֵרי‬Ashrei ___________________________________
Ps 84:5
“Happy are they who live with you;
Forever they will praise you.”
Ps 144:15
“Happy is such a people;
‫ְתּ ִהלָּ ה ְל ָדוִ ד‬
Deeds of yours praise every age;
Your mighty acts they ever speak —
Voicing your awesome power,
Your greatness, too, relating;
Zealously recalling your great good,
Charitable and caring is God,
And your followers will bless you.
Va’avar’cha shimcha le’olam va’ed.
Bechol yom avar’cheka,
Va’ahalela shimcha le’olam va’ed.
Gadol Adonai um’hulal me’od,
Veligdulato ein cheker.
Dor ledor yeshabach ma’asecha,
ֶ ‫ה ַדר ְכּב�ד‬
Hadar kevod hodecha
‫וְ ִד ְב ֵרי נִ ְפ ְלא�תֶ י� אָ ִשׂיחָ ה‬
Vedivrei nifle’otecha asicha.
‫נ�ראֹתֶ י� י ֹאמֵ רוּ‬
ְ ‫ֶועֱזוּז‬
Ve’ezuz nor’otecha yomeru,
‫ב־טוּב� י ִַבּיעוּ‬
‫ֵזכֶ ר ַר‬
‫וְ ִצ ְדקָ ְת� יְ ַרנֵּנוּ‬
‫וְ ַרחֲמָ יו עַ ל־כָּ ל־מַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
�‫י�דוּ� יהוה כָּ ל־מַ עֲשֶׂ י‬
‫ידי� יְ בָ רֲ כוּכָ ה‬
ֶ ‫ַוח ֲִס‬
Kingdom’s glory they will tell,
‫כוּת� י ֹאמֵ רוּ‬
ְ ‫ְכּב�ד מַ ְל‬
‫יְדבֵּ רוּ‬
ַ �‫בוּר ְת‬
ָ ְ‫וּג‬
“And for his greatness there is no probing/examination.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Aromimcha Elohai hamelech,
Ugevurotecha yagidu.
And your power they will speak.
Tehilah leDavid:
Ug’dulat’cha asaprena.
Zecher rav tuvcha yabi’u
Vetzidkat’cha yeranenu.
Chanun verachum Adonai,
Erech apayim ug’dol chased.
Your creatures all will know you, God,
Ashrei ha’am she’Adonai Elohav.”
‫וּגְ בוּרֹתֶ י� יַגִּ ידוּ‬
‫ט�ב־יהוה לַ כֹּל‬
And mercy informs all God’s work.
�‫דּ�ר ְלד�ר יְ שַׁ בַּ ח מַ עֲשֶׂ י‬
‫אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ יִ ם וּגְ ָדל־חָ סֶ ד‬
To all creatures God is good,
‫גְדלָּ ת� אֵ ין חֵ קֶ ר‬
ֻ ‫וְ ִל‬
‫חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם יהוה‬
Patient and most gracious.
‫וּמהֻ לָּ ל ְמאֹד‬
ְ ‫ָגּד�ל יהוה‬
‫וּגְדוּלָּ ְת� אֲסַ ְפּ ֶרנָּה‬
In your righteousness delighting.
‫ַואֲהַ ְללָ ה ִשׁ ְמ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
“Ashrei ha’am shekachah lo;
ָ‫ְבּכָ ל־י�ם אֲבָ ְרכֶ ךּ‬
Hailing the glory of your power,
In words your wonders stating,
‫ַואֲבָ ְרכָ ה ִשׁ ְמ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
Great is God and greatly praised,
Great beyond all probing.1
� ֶ‫ר�מ ְמ� אֱל�הַ י הַ מֶּ ל‬
ִ ‫א‬
Blessing to you each day I’ll bring,
I’ll praise your name forever.
Od yehalelucha selah.”
David’s praise:
And I’ll bless your name forever.
‫ע�ד יְ הַ ְללוּ� סֶּ לָ ה‬
‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ יהוה אֱ�הָ יו‬
Acclaim I’ll give my sovereign, God,
“Ashrei yoshvei veitecha;
�‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ כָּ כָ ה לּ‬
Happy are they whose God is the Ruler.”
� ֶ‫י�שׁבֵ י בֵ ית‬
ְ ‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Tov Adonai lakol,
Verachamav al kol ma’asav.
Yoducha Adonai kol ma’asecha,
Vachasidecha yevar’chucha.
Kevod malchut’cha yomeru,
Ug’vurat’cha yedaberu.
Torah Service
Let children sense your power well
‫ה�דיעַ ִל ְבנֵי הָ אָ ָדם גְּ בוּרֹתָ יו‬
ִ ‫ְל‬
And glory, your kingdom’s splendor;
�‫וּכב�ד ה ֲַדר מַ ְלכוּת‬
Monarchy is yours in every world,
And government in every age and time;
Supporting all who fall
Lehodi’a livnei ha’adam gevurotav
Uchevod hadar malchuto.
‫כוּת� מַ ְלכוּת כָּ ל־עֹ לָ ִמים‬
ְ ‫מַ ְל‬
Malchut’cha malchut kol olamim,
‫וּמֶ ְמשַׁ ְל ְתּ� ְבּכָ ל־דּ�ר וָד�ר‬
Umemshaltecha bechol dor vador.
‫ס�מֵ � יהוה ְלכָ ל־הַ נּ ְֹפ ִלים‬
Somech Adonai lechol hanoflim,
And bracing those who are bent over.
ִ ‫וְ ז�קֵ ף ְלכָ ל־הַ ְכּ‬
Vezokef lechol hakfufim.
‫עֵ ינֵי־כֹל אֵ לֶ י� יְ שַׂ בֵּ רוּ‬
Einei chol elecha yesaberu,
In hope all eyes are on you,
And you give them
‫וְ אַ תָּ ה נ�תֵ ן־לָ הֶ ם‬
their food in its time,
And filling every creature’s wish.
True is God in every way
‫וּמַ ְשׂ ִבּיעַ ְלכָ ל־חַ י ָרצ�ן‬
‫ל־דּ ָרכָ יו‬
ְ ָ‫צַ ִדּיק יהוה ְבּכ‬
And loving in all deeds.
�‫פּ�תֵ חַ אֶ ת־י ֶָד‬
‫וְ חָ ִסיד ְבּכָ ל־מַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
‫קָ ר�ב יהוה ְלכָ ל־ק ְֹראָ יו‬
‫ְלכֹל אֲשֶׁ ר יִ ְק ָראֻ הוּ בֶ אֱמֶ ת‬
Respect God, and your wish comes true;
God hears your cry and saves you,
Sheltering those who love God
Tribute to God my mouth shall deliver;
And let all creatures bless
And as for us, we’ll bless God
From now and forever: Halleluyah!
Tzadik Adonai bechol derachav,
Vechasid bechol ma’asav.
Karov Adonai lechol kor’av,
Lechol asher yikra’uhu ve’emet.
‫צ�ן־יְראָ יו ַיעֲשֶׂ ה‬
Retzon yere’av ya’aseh,
‫י�שׁיעֵ ם‬
ִ ְ‫וְ אֶ ת־שַׁ וְ עָ תָ ם יִ ְשׁמַ ע ו‬
Ve’et shav’atam yishma veyoshi’em.
‫שׁ�מֵ ר יהוה אֶ ת־כָּ ל־ ֹאהֲבָ יו‬
Shomer Adonai et kol ohavav,
‫וְ אֵ ת כָּ ל־הָ ְרשָׁ עִ ים י ְַשׁ ִמיד‬
Ve’et kol har’sha’im yashmid.
ֶ‫◊ ְתּ ִהלַּ ת יהוה יְ ַדבּ‬
◊ Tehillat Adonai yedaber pi,
‫וִ יבָ ֵר� כָּ ל־בָּ שָׂ ר‬
‫שֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
Vivarech kol basar
shem kodsho le’olam va’ed.
God’s holy name forever.
Ps 115:18
Umasbi’ah lechol chai ratzon.
And destroying all the wicked.
Pote’ach et yadecha,
Close is God to those who call,
To all who call on God sincerely.
et ochlam be’ito.
�‫אֶ ת־אָ ְכלָ ם ְבּ ִעתּ‬
Presenting your open hand
Ve’ata noten lahem
‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ נְ בָ ֵר� יָהּ‬
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־ע�לָ ם הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
Va’anachnu nevarech Yah
Me’ata ve’ad olam Halleluyah!
This verse is one of the reasons the Talmud finds Ashrei so very important (B.T. Ber. 4b).
I used the plain translation “true” for “tzadik” (righteous); few English words begin with the tz/ts sound.
“In all his ways.”
“The wish of those who respect him, he performs; and their cry he will hear, and he will save them.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
____________________________________________ Psalm 20 ____________________________________________
Skip this psalm on Rosh Chodesh, the day before Passover and the day before Yom Kippur, Chanukah, the 14th
and 15th of Adar I, Purim and Shushan Purim, Israel’s independence day, Yom Yerushalayim, the Fast of the
Ninth of Av, and in a house of mourning.
For the Conductor: a psalm of David.
‫ לַ ְמנַצֵּ חַ ִמזְמוֹר ְל ָדוִ ד‬Lam’natze’ach; mizmor leDavid.
When trouble calls, may God reply—
may Jacob’s God be your defense,
‫יְ שַׂ גּ ְֶב� שֵׁ ם אֱ�הֵ י ַי ֲעקֹב‬
Sending help from the Temple Mount,
‫יִ ְשׁלַ ח־עֶ ז ְְר� ִמקּ ֶֹדשׁ‬
‫יַעַ נְ � יְ הוָה ְבּיוֹם צָ ָרה‬
from Zion bringing sustenance,2
Recalling every sacrifice,
accepting your burnt offerings,
‫וְ עוֹלָ ְת� יְ ַד ְשּׁנֶה סֶ לָ ה‬
Granting the hopes held in your heart,
God, saved by you, in joy we’ll cry,
Our flag with God’s name flying high—
Now I know, with firm belief
Yesagev’cha shem Elohei Ya’akov
Yishlach ezrecha mikodesh,
umiTziyon yis’adekah.
Yizkor kol min’chotecha,
ve’olat’chah yedashneh. Selah.
� ֶ‫ן־ל� ִכ ְלבָ ב‬
ְ ֶ‫יִ תּ‬
Yiten lecha chil’vav’cha,
‫וְ כָ ל־עֲצָ ְת� יְ מַ לֵּ א‬
vechol atzat’cha yemaleh.
� ֶ‫נְ ַרנְּ נָה ִבּישׁוּעָ ת‬
Neranenah bishu’atecha,
‫וּבשֵׁ ם־אֱ�הֵ ינוּ נִ ְדגֹּל‬
�‫ל־מ ְשׁאֲלוֹתֶ י‬
ִ ָ‫יְמַ לֵּ א יְ הוָה כּ‬
May God your every need supply.5
� ֶ‫ל־מנְ חֹת‬
ִ ָ‫יִ ְזכֹּר כּ‬
Completing the designs you chart.
ָ‫וּמ ִצּיּוֹן יִ ְסעָ ֶדךּ‬
Ya’an’cha Adonai beyom tzarah,
‫עַ תָּ ה י ַָדעְ ִתּי‬
uveshem Eloheinu nidgol;
yemaleh Adonai kol mishalotecha.
Atah yadati
‫הוֹשׁיעַ יְ הוָה ְמ ִשׁיחוֹ‬
responds from holy heavens’ height,
‫ַי ֲענֵהוּ ִמ ְשּׁמֵ י קָ ְדשׁוֹ‬
ya’anehu mishmei kodsho;
‫ִבּגְ בֻ רוֹת יֵשַׁ ע יְ ִמינוֹ‬
bigvurot yeshah yemino.
rescuing with powerful might.
ki hoshi’ah Adonai meshicho,
that God saves God’s anointed chief,
“May God answer you on the day of trouble; may the name/reputation of the God of Jacob protect/exalt you.”
“May God send your help from the holy [place] (i.e., the Temple) and from Zion give you sustenance.”
“May God recall your every minchah offering (afternoon grain offering) and remove the ashes for your burntoffering” (removing the ashes was part of the process, so this is a wish that the process be completed properly).
“May God grant for you according to your heart (i.e., grant your heart’s wishes), and may God complete your
every plan.”
“Let us shout for joy at your salvation/rescue, and in/with the name/reputation of our God let us fly our flag;
may God fulfill all of your requests.”
“Now I have come to know that God has rescued God’s anointed, that God will answer him from the skies of
God’s holiness with the powers for rescuing that are associated with God’s right hand.” i.e., I’m confident that
God will act to save the anointed king of Israel.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Torah Service
Fine horse or chariot warriors praise,
ִ ַ‫אֵ לֶּ ה בָ ֶרכֶ ב וְ אֵ לֶּ ה ב‬
but we
call on our ruling God;
‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ‬
but we still stand with strength to spare!
‫הֵ מָּ ה כָּ ְרעוּ וְ נָפָ לוּ‬
ָ ‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ קַּ ְמנוּ וַנִּ ְת‬
O God, bring rescue for us all,
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה‬
O Ruler, answer when we call!
beshem Adonai Eloheinu nazkir.
‫ְבּשֵׁ ם־יְ הוָה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ ַנז ְִכּיר‬
They’ve slumped and fallen in despair
Eileh varechev, ve’eileh vasusim;
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ � ַי ֲענֵנוּ ְביוֹם־קָ ְראֵ נוּ‬
Hemah kar’u venafalu,
va’anachnu kamnu venit’odad.
Adonai hoshi’ah, hamelech
ya’anenu beyom kor’einu.
and for Jacob’s kin,
_______________________ Help Is Coming!3 ▪ ‫ ▪ וּבָ א לְ צִ יּוֹן גּוֹאֵ ל‬Uva LeTziyon Go’el _______________________
In a house of mourning and on the Fast of the Ninth of Av, skip the next two paragraphs
and continue on the next page with “Ve’ata Kadosh.”
Isaiah 59:20-21
God says, “For Zion
‫“ וּבָ א ְל ִציּוֹן גּוֹאֵ ל‬Uva leTziyon go’el
Comes one to save those
“This is my pact:
my spirit on you lain,
And words set in your mouth,
they shall remain
and their children too.
From now until time ends,
‫יתי אוֹתָ ם‬
ִ ‫ַואֲנִ י ז ֹאת ְבּ ִר‬
‫אָ מַ ר יְ הוָה‬
�‫רוּחי אֲשֶׁ ר עָ לֶ י‬
�‫ְוּדבָ ַרי אֲשֶׁ ר־שַׂ ְמ ִתּי ְבּ ִפי‬
�‫ל ֹא־יָמוּשׁוּ ִמ ִפּי‬
“Va’ani zot beriti otam,”
amar Adonai,
“ruchi asher alecha
udevarai asher samti beficha
lo yamushu mipicha
�ֲ‫וּמ ִפּי ז ֶַרע ז ְַרע‬
ִ �ֲ‫וּמ ִפּי ז ְַרע‬
‫אָ מַ ר יְ הוָה‬
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־עוֹלָ ם‬
umipi zaracha umipi zera zaracha,”
amar Adonai,
“me’ata ve’ad olam.”
they’ll be with you.”
uleshavei fesha beYa’akov,”
ne’um Adonai
With you, your children,
‫נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה‬
who return from sin.”
‫וּלשָׁ בֵ י פֶ שַׁ ע ְבּ ַי ֲעקֹב‬
“These people rely on a chariot; those people rely on horses. But we will recall the name/reputation of our
ruling God.” I.e., other peoples rely on their military equipment, but what we talk about is God’s power!
“They (the people who talk about their military equipment) have bent over and fallen down, but we have stood
up and gained strength.”
Uva LeTziyon Go’el (“A Redeemer is Coming for Zion”) offers comfort. We read it together, quietly.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
P.s 22:4
Holy are you,
our praise serves for your seat;
‫◊ וְ אַ תָּ ה קָ דוֹשׁ‬
‫יוֹשֵׁ ב ְתּ ִהלּוֹת יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
Is. 6:3
While angels call each other to repeat:
‫וְ קָ ָרא זֶה אֶ ל־זֶה וְ אָ מַ ר‬
The congregation responds.
“The God of hosts is Holy, Holy, Holy;
‫קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ‬
God’s glory fills the universe entirely.”
‫יְהוָה ְצבָ אוֹת‬
‫ְמל ֹא כָ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ ְכּבוֹדוֹ‬
We continue silently.
◊ Ve’ata kadosh
yoshev tehilot Yisra’el
Vekara zeh el zeh ve’amar:
“Kadosh kadosh kadosh
Adonai tzeva’ot;
melo chol ha’aretz kevodo.”
They receive permission from each other
Umekablin den min den
and say,
“Holy in highest heavens
Holy on earth,
dwells God’s presence,
which serves God’s power,
Holy forever and ever and ever,
The whole earth is filled
with God’s shining glory.”
A wind swept me up;
is the Ruler of Hosts;
Ezek. 3:12
‫וּמ ַקבְּ לִ ין דֵּ ין ִמן דֵּ ין‬
‫אָמ ִרין‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬
‫ַק ִדּישׁ ִבּ ְשׁמֵ י ְמרוֹמָ א ִעלָּאָה‬
‫בֵּ ית ְשׁכִ ינְ ֵתּהּ‬
‫אַרעָ א‬
ְ ‫ַק ִדּישׁ עַ ל‬
‫בוּר ֵתּהּ‬
ְ ְ‫ע ֹובַ ד גּ‬
‫ַק ִדּישׁ לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
‫יי ְצבָ אוֹת‬
‫אַרעָ א‬
ְ ‫מַ לְ יָא ָכל‬
‫זִ יו ְי ָק ֵרהּ‬
ַ‫◊ ו ִַתּשָּׂ אֵ נִ י רוּח‬
behind me I heard a voice, a loud noise:
bet shechintei,
kadish al ar’ah
oved gevurtei,
kadish le’alam ul’almei almayah,
Adonai tzeva’ot;
malya chol ar’ah
ziv yekareh.”
◊ Vatisa’eni ru’ach,
va’eshma acharai kol, ra’ash gadol:
‫וָאֶ ְשׁמַ ע אַ ח ֲַרי קוֹל ַרעַ שׁ גָּדוֹל‬
The congregation responds.
“Blessed is God’s glory, flowing from its source.” ‫בָּ רוּ� ְכּבוֹד־יְ הוָה ִמ ְמּקוֹמוֹ‬
“Kadish bishmei meroma ila’ah
“Baruch kevod Adonai mimkomo.”
This passage introduces the angels’ praise of God, which we recite in the Kedushah section of the Amidah.
The angels’ praise comes from various sources, which are given in Hebrew and in the Aramaic paraphrase, the
The Aramaic paraphrase (Targum Yonatan) for the preceding section, Isaiah 6:3.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Torah Service
We continue silently.
A wind picked me up,
and I heard behind me
a voice, resounding on high,
of those who praised, saying:
“Blessed is the honor of God
from the place where dwells God’s presence.”
Ex. 15:18
God will be the ruler forever!
God—whose kingdom is firm
forever and ever and ever.
I Chron. 29:18
‫כוּתהּ ָקאֵ ים‬
ֵ ְ‫יי מַ ל‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
‫יְהוָה אֱ�הֵ י אַ ְב ָרהָ ם‬
‫יִ ְצחָ ק וְ יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ֲאבֹתֵ ינוּ‬
guard this forever
as a concept in the thoughts of
and make their hearts ready for you.
God is merciful, excuses sin
and will not destroy us,
kal zia sagi
dimeshabchin ve’amrin:
“Berich yekara dAdonai
me’atar bet shechintei.”
Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
Adonai—malchuteh ka’em
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Adonai Elohei Avraham
Yitzchak veYisra’el avotenu,
shomrah zot le’olam,
‫ְליֵצֶ ר מַ ְח ְשׁבוֹת‬
leyetser machshevot
� ֶ‫ְלבַ ב עַ מּ‬
levav amecha,
�‫וְ הָ כֵ ן ְלבָ בָ ם אֵ לֶ י‬
‫וְ הוּא ַרחוּם יְ כַ פֵּ ר עָ ֹון‬
vehachen levavam elecha.
Vehu rachum yechaper avon
velo yashchit,
‫וְ ִה ְרבָּ ה ְלהָ ִשׁיב אַ פּוֹ‬
vehirbah lehashiv apo,
‫וְ ל ֹא־יָעִ יר כָּ ל־חֲמָ תוֹ‬
velo ya’ir kol chamato.
veshim’et batrai
‫שׁ ְֳמ ָרה־זּ ֹאת ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
‫וְ ל ֹא־י ְַשׁ ִחית‬
often withholds divine anger
and does not arouse God’s rage.
Unetalatni rucha,
your people’s heart,
‫יהו֥ה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלעֹ ָל֥ם וָעֶ ֽד‬
Sovereign God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Israel our ancestors,
Ps. 73:38
‫וּנְ טָ ל ְַתנִ י רוּחָ א‬
‫וְ ִשׁ ְמעֵ ית בַּ ְת ַרי‬
‫ָקל זִ יעַ סַ ִגּיא‬
‫אָמ ִרין‬
ְ ְ‫ִדּ ְמ ַשׁבְּ ִחין ו‬
‫בְּ ִרי� ְי ָק ָרא ַדיי‬
‫מֵ אֲ ַתר בֵּ ית ְשׁכִ ינְ ֵתּהּ‬
Aramaic paraphrase for Ezekiel 3:12.
Aramaic paraphrase (Targum Onkelos) for Exodus 15:18.
From David’s address to the people when he appointed Solomon’s his successor. David had gathered all the
materials for the Temple and prayed they would be used as he intended and people would continue to give what
was needed.
This passage and those that follow form a patchwork of quotations from different parts of scripture. In formal
prayer, we often rely on words crafted by others. Here, the prayers perhaps go deeper still, for even the composer relies on the words of others. It’s a sort of meditation using the vocabulary of faith and petition derived
from our scriptures.
“And-God who is merciful will-pay-off wrongdoing/offense/sin and-not will-destroy and-has-acted-repeatedly
to-turn-back God’s-anger and-not will-awaken all God’s-anger.” Even if we suffer, we say that we deserve
worse, and so our suffering shows God’s mercy. The word ‫ ְיכַפֵּ ר‬is in “Yom Kippur”; the concept we translate as
“atonement” also carries the idea of paying off required compensation for a misdeed—paying a fine, or ransom
money. If life were Monopoly, God would be our Get Out of Jail Free card.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Ps. 86:5
For you, Ruler, are good and forgiving, ‫דנָי טוֹב וְ סַ לָּ ח‬
ֹ ‫ִכּי־אַ תָּ ה ֲא‬
and very kind to all those who call on you.
�‫וְ ַרב־חֶ סֶ ד ְלכָ ל־ק ְֹראֶ י‬
Ki ata Adonai tov vesalach,
Ps. 119:142
Tzidkatcha tzedek le’olam,
Your righteousness is righteous forever,
and your Torah is truth.
Micah 7:20
‫תוֹר ְת� אֱמֶ ת‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬
You’ll give truth to Jacob
‫ִתּתֵּ ן אֱמֶ ת ְל ַי ֲעקֹב‬
kindness to Abraham—
‫חֶ סֶ ד ְלאַ ְב ָרהָ ם‬
as you promised our ancestors
‫אֲשֶׁ ר־נִ ְשׁבַּ עְ תָּ לַ ֲאבֹתֵ ינוּ‬
long ago.
Ps. 68:20
Blessed is the Sovereign,
who sustains us each day,
the God of our salvation, Selah.
Ps. 46:8
The God of hosts is on our side;
Jacob’s God is our defense. Selah.
Ps. 84:13
O God, bring rescue for us all,
O Ruler, answer when we call!
Blessed is our God
gave us the Torah of truth,
May God open our heart in Torah,
and set in our heart
love and respect for God,
Baruch Adonai
‫יוֹם יוֹם ַיעֲמָ ס־לָ נוּ‬
yom yom ya’amos lanu
‫הָ אֵ ל יְ שׁוּעָ תֵ נוּ סֶ לָ ה‬
ha’El yeshu’atenu selah.
‫יהוה ְצבָ אוֹת עִ מָּ נוּ‬
Adonai tzeva’ot imanu;
‫יְהוָה ְצבָ אוֹת‬
misgav lanu Elohei Ya’akov. Selah.
Adonai tzeva’ot,
� ָ‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי אָ ָדם בֹּטֵ חַ בּ‬
ashrei adam bote’ach bach.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה‬
Adonai hoshi’ah, hamelech
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁ ְבּ ָראָנוּ לִ כְ בוֹד ֹו‬
‫וְ ִהבְ ִדּילָנוּ ִמן הַ תּו ִֹעים‬
‫וְ נ ַָתן לָנוּ תּו ַֹרת אֱ מֶ ת‬
‫וְ חַ יֵּי ע ֹולָם נָטַ ע בְּ ת ֹוכֵנוּ‬
‫הוּא ִיפְ ַתּח לִ בֵּ נוּ בְּ תו ָֹרת ֹו‬
‫וְ י ֵָשׂם בְּ לִ בֵּ נוּ‬
‫אַהֲ בָ ת ֹו וְ ִי ְראָת ֹו‬
ya’anenu beyom kor’einu.
Baruch hu Elohenu
shebra’anu lichvodo,
vehivdilanu min hato’im,
venatan lanu torat emet,
vechayey olam nata betochenu.
and planted in us everlasting life.
asher nishba’ta la’avoteinu
ֹ ‫בָּ רוּ� ֲא‬
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ � ַי ֲענֵנוּ ְביוֹם־קָ ְראֵ נוּ‬
separated us from those who stray,
chesed le’Avraham,
who created us for God’s glory,
Titen emet leYa’akov,
mimei kedem.
vetoratcha emet.
‫ִמימֵ י קֶ ֶדם‬
‫ִמ ְשׂגָּב־לָ נוּ אֱ�הֵ י ַי ֲעקֹב סֶ לָ ה‬
Oh God, with hosts at your command,
Happy are they who trust in you.
Ps. 20:10
‫ִצ ְדקָ ְת� צֶ ֶדק ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
verav chesed lechol kor’echa.
Hu yiftach libenu beTorato,
veyasem belibenu
ahavato veyirato,
Micah 7:20 is the last verse of his book.
Sustain” could also be “burden,” as if to say “God loads us [with blessings].” Or, “Blessed be God every day.
If someone burdens us, God is our salvation.”
“The Lord of Hosts, happy is the person who trusts in you.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Torah Service
doing God’s will
and serving God wholeheartedly,
so that we do not labor in vain
nor give birth to panic.
May it be your will,
Sovereign God
and God of our ancestors,
that we observe your laws in this world,
and that we merit and live and see
and inherit goodness and blessing
in the time of the Messiah
Ps. 30:13
and in the life of the world to come.
‫וְ לַעֲ שׂוֹת ְרצוֹנ ֹו‬
‫וּלְ עָ בְ ד ֹו בְּ לֵבָ ב ָשׁלֵם‬
‫לְ מַ עַ ן �א נִ יגַע ל ִָריק‬
‫וְ �א ֵנלֵד לַבֶּ הָ ָלה‬
�‫י ְִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁנִּ ְשׁ ֹמר חֻ ֶקּי� בָּ ע ֹולָם הַ זֶּה‬
‫וְ נִ זְ כֶּה וְ נִ ְחיֶה וְ נִ ְראֶ ה‬
‫וְ נִ ַירשׁ טוֹבָ ה וּבְ ָר ָכה‬
ַ ‫לִ ְשׁנֵי ְימוֹת הַ מָּ ִשׁ‬
‫וּלְ חַ יֵּי הָ ע ֹולָם הַ בָּ א‬
So that glory may sing to you
and not be silent,
Blessed is the person
who places trust in God,
who has trusted God.
Isaiah 26:4
Trust in God forever,
ֶ ‫יְהוָה אֱ�הַ י ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הַ גֶּבֶ ר‬
velo neled labehalah.
Yehi ratzon milfanecha
Adonai Elohenu
vElohei avotenu
shenishmor chukecha ba’olam hazeh,
venizkeh venichyeh venir’eh
venirash tovah uv’rachah
lishnei yemot hamashi’ach
ulechayey ha’olam habah.
Lema’an yezamercha chavod
velo yidom,
Adonai Elohai le’olam odeka.
‫אֲשֶׁ ר יִ ְבטַ ח בַּ יהוָה‬
asher yivtach bAdonai
vehayah Adonai mivtacho.
those who seek you, God.
God wanted
for the sake of God’s righteousness
that the Torah should be made great and glorious.
Bitchu vAdonai adei ad,
‫ְבּיָהּ יְ הוָה צוּר עוֹלָ ִמים‬
ki beYah Adonai tzur olamim.
�‫◊ וְ יִ ְב ְטחוּ ְב‬
� ֶ‫יוֹדעֵ י ְשׁמ‬
◊ Veyivtechu vecha
yod’ei shemecha,
ָ‫ִכּי ל ֹא־עָ ז ְַבתּ‬
ki lo azavta
‫ד ְֹרשֶׁ י� יְ הוָה‬
dorshecha Adonai.
for you have not abandoned
Baruch hagever
They will trust in you,
those who know your reputation—
Isaiah 42:21
lema’an lo niga larik,
‫וְ הָ יָה יְהוָה ִמ ְבטַ חוֹ‬
‫ִבּ ְטחוּ בַ יהוָה ע ֲֵדי־עַ ד ִכּי‬
for in the Ruling God is the rock of ages.
Psalm 9:11
‫וְ ל ֹא יִ דֹּם‬
ule’ovdo belevav shalem,
My Sovereign God, forever I will thank you.
Jeremiah 17:7
‫ְלמַ עַ ן יְ זַמֶּ ְר� כָ בוֹד‬
vela’asot retzono
‫יְהוָה חָ פֵ ץ‬
Adonai chafetz
‫ְלמַ עַ ן ִצ ְדקוֹ‬
lema’an tzidko,
‫תּוֹרה וְ י ְַא ִדּיר‬
ָ ‫ַגְדּיל‬
ִ ‫י‬
yagdil Torah veya’dir.
On Rosh Chodesh, continue with the additional service, page 242.
Otherwise, the leader leads Full Kaddish, page 265.
Compare this with Isaiah 65:23.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Concluding Prayers
_____________________________ Our Duty ▪ ‫ ▪ עָ ֵלינוּ‬Aleinu1_____________________________
The Sovereign of all
‫ עָ לֵינוּ לְ ַשׁבֵּ ַח‬u u Aleinu leshabe’ach
to praise we’re bound,
The Creative Force
with greatness to crown,
Who made us like no other race
On earth, nor set us
in their place.
Our fate–like theirs God made it not
But chose for us a different lot.
‫לַאֲ דוֹן הַ כֹּל‬
‫ל ֵָתת גְּ דֻ לָּה‬
ִ ‫לְ יוֹצֵ ר בְּ ֵר‬
‫ֶשׁ�א עָ ָשׂנוּ כְּ ג ֹויֵי הָ אֲ ָרצוֹת‬
‫וְ �א ָשׂמָ נוּ‬
‫כְּ ִמ ְשׁפְּ חוֹת הָ אֲ ָדמָ ה‬
‫ֶשׁ�א ָשׂם חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ ָכּהֶ ם‬
‫הֲ מ ֹונָם‬-‫וְ גו ָֹרלֵנוּ כְּ ָכל‬
Some add the next three lines.
For they prostrate themselves
before futility and emptiness
“and pray to a god that can’t help.” ַ‫יוֹשׁיע‬
ִ ‫וּמ ְתפַּ ְל ִלים אֶ ל־אֵ ל ל ֹא‬
We bend the knee
and bow the head gratefully,
Is 45:20
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִמ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ וִ ים‬
‫לְ הֶ בֶ ל וָ ִריק‬
Before the Ruler whom rulers dread,
latet gedulah
leyotzer bereshit,
shelo asanu kegoyei ha’aratzot
velo samanu
k’mishpechot ha’adamah,
shelo sam chelkenu kahem
vegoralenu kechol hamonam.
Shehem mishtachavim
lehevel varik
“umitpalelim el el lo yoshia.”
‫ כּו ְֹר ִעים‬w ‫ וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬Va’anachnu zkor’im
‫וּמ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ וִ ים וּמו ִֹדים‬
ִ v y umishtachavim umodim
‫ לִ פְ נֵי מֶ לֶ� מַ לְ כֵי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬u u lifnei melech malchei hamlachim,
‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬Hakadosh baruch hu;
The holy, blessed One–
la’adon hakol,
For our note on Aleinu, please see page 275.
“We are bound to give praise / to the ruler of everything, /to acknowledge the greatness /of the one who
formed creation, who did not make us like other nations nor position us like the rest of the world’s families, /
who did not make our portion like theirs / nor our destiny like that of those multitudes.” If you dislike the idea
that Jews are a “chosen” people, you might consider that in ancient days our mission was to bring Torah values
to those who lacked them; now, perhaps, that mission is largely fulfilled. Or, you might say ‫ ֶשׁ�ו‬for ‫—שׁ�א‬the
two words sound identical—implying that God chose us, for God’s own purposes, to be like the other nations,
by showing them how to live a Torah-observant life.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
Who Is. 51:13 “stretches out the heavens,
‫נוֹטֶ ה שָׁ מַ יִ ם‬
‫וְ יֹסֵ ד אָ ֶרץ‬
Supports the earth below”;
Above, high in the sky,
The Presence does bestow;
Whose power dwells
In heights where none can go.
This is our God, there is no more;
our ruler is truth, beyond whom is naught.
It’s written in God’s Law:
Deut 4:39
‫וּמו ַֹשׁב ְי ָקר ֹו‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים ִממַּ עַ ל‬
‫וּשׁכִ ינַת ֻעזּ ֹו‬
‫בְּ גָבְ הֵ י ְמרו ִֹמים‬
‫הוּא אֱ �הֵ ינוּ אֵ ין עוֹד‬
‫אֶ מֶ ת מַ לְ כֵּנוּ אֶ פֶ ס זוּלָת ֹו‬
‫ַכּ ָכּתוּב בְּ תו ָֹרת ֹו‬
“This day you must know
‫תּ הַ יּ֗ וֹם‬
֣ ָ ְ‫וְ י ַָדע‬
and take it to heart
in heaven above
and on earth below: nothing else is.”
veyosed aretz,”
umoshav yekaro
bashamayim mima’al,
ushechinat uzo
begovhei meromim.
Hu Eloheinu, ein od;
emet malkenu, efes zulato.
Kakatuv b’Torato:
“Veyada’ta hayom,
vahashevota el levavecha
ִ֔ ‫ִכּ֤י יהוה ֙ ה֣ וּא ָ ֽהא‬
ki Adonai, hu ha’Elohim
‫בַּ שָּׁ ַמ֣יִ ם ִמ ֔ ַמּעַ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל־הָ ָא ֶ֖רץ ִמ ָתּ֑חַ ת ֵא֖ין ֽעוֹד‬
bashamayim mima’al,
ve’al ha’aretz mitachat: ein od.”
So we hope in you,
shehu “noteh shamayim
֒ � ֶ‫ל־לבָ ב‬
ֶ‫ַוהֲשֵׁ בֹתָ ֮ א‬
that God is God
Al ken nekaveh lecha,
Adonai Eloheinu,
lir’ot meherah betif’eret uzecha;
leha’avir gilulim min ha’aretz,
veha’elilim karot yikaretun,
� ְ‫עַ ל כֵּן נְ ַקוֶּה ל‬
God, our God,
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
�ֶ‫לִ ְרא ֹות ְמהֵ ָרה בְּ ִתפְ אֶ ֶרת עֻ זּ‬
soon to see your splendid power,
to make idols pass from the earth
ֶ ָ‫לְ הַ עֲ בִ יר גִּ לּוּלִ ים ִמן ה‬
and destroy false gods,
‫וְ הָ אֱ לִ ילִ ים ָכּרוֹת ִי ָכּ ֵרתוּן‬
to repair the world in the Almighty’s rule. ‫לְ ַת ֵקּן ע ֹולָם בְּ מַ לְ כוּת ַשׁ ַדּי‬
And all people
‫בְּ נֵי בָ ָשׂר‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
� ֶ‫ִי ְק ְראוּ ִב ְשׁמ‬
will call on your name,
to turn to you all the wicked on earth. ‫אָרץ‬
ֶ ‫ ִר ְשׁעֵ י‬-‫לְ הַ פְ נוֹת אֵ לֶי� ָכּל‬
They’ll see and know—
‫יַכִּ ירוּ וְ י ְֵדעוּ‬
‫יו ְֹשׁבֵ י ֵתבֵ ל‬-‫ָכּל‬
all earth dwellers—
�‫בֶּ ֶר‬-‫כִּ י לְ � ִתּכְ ַרע ָכּל‬
that to you each knee must bend,
each tongue must swear.
‫לָשׁוֹן‬-‫ִתּ ָשּׁבַ ע ָכּל‬
letahken olam bemalchut shadai,
vechol benei vasar
yikre’u vishmecha,
lehafnot elecha kol rish’ei aretz.
Yakiru veyed’u
kol yoshvei tevel,
ki lecha tichra kol berech,
tishava kol lashon.
We bend the knee / and bow in gratitude / before the ruler, / ruler of rulers, / the holy, blessed one, who
“stretches out the heavens, / supports the earth below;” / whose own dwelling place / is in the sky above / and
whose power is present / in the loftiest heights.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Before you, ruling God,
they will kneel and fall down,
and to the glory of your reputation
they will give honor.
And they will all accept
the yoke of your rule,
that soon you may rule them
forever and ever.
For this is your reign,
and forever and ever
you will rule in glory.
Ex. 15:18
God will be the ruler forever!
And it’s said in your scripture:
Zech. 14:9
‫לְ פָ נֶי� יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫ִיכְ ְרעוּ וְ ִיפֹּ לוּ‬
�‫וְ לִ כְ בוֹד ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫ְי ָקר ִי ֵתּנוּ‬
‫יקבְּ לוּ ֻכ ָלּם‬
ַ ִ‫ו‬
ֶ ְ‫עֹל מַ ל‬-‫אֶ ת‬
‫וְ ִת ְמ�� עֲ לֵיהֶ ם ְמהֵ ָרה‬
‫לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
‫כִּ י הַ מַּ לְ כוּת ֶשׁלְּ � ִהיא‬
‫וּלְ עוֹלְ מֵ י עַ ד‬
‫ִתּ ְמלוֹ� בְּ ָכבוֹד‬
�‫◊ ַכּ ָכּתוּב בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
Lefanecha Adonai Elohenu
‫יהו֥ה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלעֹ ָל֥ם וָעֶ ֽד‬
Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
It’s written in your Law:
over all the earth;
‫וְ נֶאֱ מַ ר‬
� ֶ‫וְ הָ יָה יְהוָה ְלמֶ ל‬
And God will be ruler
‫עַ ל־כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
on that day God will be one
and God’s name will be one.
‫יִהיֶה יְ הוָה אֶ חָ ד‬
ְ ‫בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא‬
‫וּשׁמוֹ אֶ חָ ד‬
yichre’u veyipolu,
velichvod shimcha
yekar yitenu,
vikablu chulam
et ol malchutecha,
vetimloch aleihem mehera
le’olam va’ed.
Ki hamalchut shelcha hi,
ule’olmei ad
timloch bechavod.
◊ Kakatuv beToratecha:
Vehayah Adonai lemelech
al kol ha’aretz;
bayom hahu yih’yeh Adonai echad
ushemo echad.
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit remain standing to lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
___________________________________ Daily Psalms __________________________________
We include the psalm of the day.
Wwe add Psalm 104 on Rosh Chodesh and Psalm 27 from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Hoshanah Rabbah.
After each of these psalms, mourners lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
Psalm 24, for Sunday
Today is the first day of the week,
on which the Levites would recite
this psalm in the Temple:
A psalm by David.
God’s is the world, with all it holds,
The land on which all people dwell,
On God’s hill, who can make th’ascent
To reach God’s holy station?
The pure of heart, the innocent:
Without equivocation,
Their vow is their intent.
‫ִכּי־הוּא עַ ל־י ִַמּים יְ סָ ָדהּ‬
ָ‫וְ עַ ל־נְ הָ ר�ת יְ כ�נְ נֶה‬
‫ִמי־ ַיעֲלֶ ה ְבהַ ר־יְ הוָה‬
shebo hayu haLevi’im omrim
beVeit haMikdash.
LeDavid mizmor:
LAdonai ha’aretz um’lo’ah,
tevel veyoshvei vah,
ki hu al yamim yesadah,
ve’al neharot yechon’neha.
Mi ya’aleh vehar Adonai,
umi yakum bimkom kodsho?
‫נְ קִ י כַ פַּ יִ ם וּבַ ר־לֵ בָ ב‬
“Neki chapayim uvar levav,
‫אֲשֶׁ ר ל ֹא־נָשָׂ א לַ שָּׁ וְ א נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
asher lo nasah lashav nafshi,
‫וְ ל ֹא נִ ְשׁבַּ ע ְל ִמ ְרמָ ה‬
velo nishbah lemirmah.”
‫יִ שָּׂ א ְב ָרכָ ה מֵ אֵ ת יְ הוָה‬
Yisa verachah me’et Adonai,
�‫וּצ ָדקָ ה מֵ אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁע‬
utzedakah me’Elohei yish’o.
For these are Jacob’s children, who
Seek only, God, to be with you. Selah.
‫זֶה דּ�ר דּ ְֹרשָׁ יו‬
‫ְמבַ ְקשֵׁ י פָ נֶי� ַי ֲעקֹב סֶ לָ ה‬
Ze dor dorshav,
mevakshei fanecha, Ya’akov. Selah.
‫תֵּ בֵ ל וְ ֹי ְשׁבֵ י בָ הּ‬
�‫וּמי־יָקוּם ִבּ ְמק�ם קָ ְדשׁ‬
God’s blessing will upon them smile,
Defending them in every trial.4
‫וּמל�אָ הּ‬
ְ ‫לַ יהוָה הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
Hayom yom rishon bashabbat,
‫ְל ָדוִ ד ִמזְמ�ר‬
For God fixed earth on running streams
Spread land o’er mighty oceans’ swell.2
‫הַ יּוֹם יוֹם ִראשׁוֹן בַּ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬
‫ֶשׁבּ ֹו הָ יוּ הַ לְ וִ ִיּם או ְֹמ ִרים‬
‫בְּ בֵ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
“To God belongs the world and its contents, the lived-on land and its inhabitants.”
“For God founded it above waters, and established it above rivers.
“The clean of hands and pure of heart, who has not held me in balance (i.e., has not given me an elusive answer, or equivocated) nor sworn deceitfully.”
“Such a person will bear a blessing from God, vindication from the God of his/her salvation.”
“This is the generation of his (Jacob’s) generations (i..e., these are Jacob’s distant descendants), who seek your
presence—Jacob!” As for the meaning of “Selah,” if I knew, I would have given it an English equivalent. It
may be a musical instruction for the singing of the psalm.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Now raise your beams, O gates, stretch high;
‫ְשׂאוּ ְשׁעָ ִרים ָראשֵׁ יכֶ ם‬
Doors of the world, reach to the sky—
The glorious sovereign is nigh!
Who is this sovereign glorious?
It’s mighty God, who fights for us,
Now raise your beams, O gates, stretch high;
‫וְ יָב�א מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
veyavo melech hakavod.
‫ִמי זֶה מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
Mi zeh melech hakavod?
‫ְשׂאוּ ְשׁעָ ִרים ָראשֵׁ יכֶ ם‬
Doors of the world, reach to the sky—
‫וּשׂאוּ ִפּ ְתחֵ י ע�לָ ם‬
The glorious sovereign is nigh!
vehinas’u pitchei olam,
‫יְהוָה גִּ בּ�ר ִמ ְלחָ מָ ה‬
Who is this sovereign glorious?
‫וְ יָב ֹא מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
‫◊ ִמי הוּא זֶה מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד‬
The God of hosts, who fights for us;
‫יְהוָה ְצבָ א�ת‬
God is the sovereign glorious.3 Selah!
Se’u she’arim rosheichem,
‫וְ ִהנּ ְָשׂאוּ ִפּ ְתחֵ י ע�לָ ם‬
‫יְהוָה עִ זּוּז וְ גִ בּ�ר‬
Unfailingly victorious!2
‫הוּא מֶ לֶ � הַ כָּ ב�ד סֶ לָ ה‬
Adonai izuz vegibor,
Adonai gibor milchamah.
Se’u she’arim rosheichem,
use’u pitchei olam,
veyavo melech hakavod.
◊ Mi hu zeh melech hakavod?
Adonai tzeva’ot,
hu melech hakavod. Selah!
Psalm 48, for Monday
Today is the second day of the week,
this psalm in the Temple:
A song, a tune, for Korach’s sons.
Great is God and greatly praised
A lovely place, joy of all the earth,
is Mount Zion, far to the North,
a great king’s city.
as the strongest citadel of all.
beVeit haMikdash.
Shir mizmor livnei Korach.
‫וּמהֻ לָּ ל ְמאֹד‬
ְ ‫גָּד�ל יְ הוָה‬
Gadol Adonai umehulal me’od
�‫ְבּעִ יר אֱ�הֵ ינוּ הַ ר־קָ ְדשׁ‬
be’ir Eloheinu, har kodsho.
‫יְ פֵ ה נ�ף ְמשׂ�שׂ כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
‫ר־ציּ�ן י ְַר ְכּתֵ י צָ פ�ן‬
‫קִ ְריַת מֶ לֶ � ָרב‬
In all its citadels, God is acknowledged
shebo hayu haLevi’im omrim
Yefeh nof, mesos kol ha’aretz,
Har Tziyon, yarketei tzafon,
kiryat melech rav.
‫ִשׁיר ִמזְמ�ר ִל ְבנֵי־ק ַֹרח‬
Hayom yom sheni bashabbat,
in God’s town, God’s holy hill.
‫הַ יּוֹם יוֹם ֵשׁנִ י בַּ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬
‫ֶשׁבּ ֹו הָ יוּ הַ לְ וִ ִיּם או ְֹמ ִרים‬
‫בְּ בֵ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
on which the Levites would recite
ַ ָ‫ֱ�הים ְבּאַ ְר ְמנ�תֶ יה‬
ִ ‫א‬
‫ְל ִמ ְשׂגָּב‬
Elohim be’armenoteha nodah
“Oh gates, raise your heads ; be lifted up, doors of the world, and the sovereign of glory will enter.” No earthly gate is high enough to admit God.
“Who is this ruler of glory? God, mighty and heroic; God is a hero of war.”
“Who is this ruler of glory? God of armies: God is the ruler of glory.”
This psalm may be written by Korach’s descendants (just as many psalms are “by” King David), or it may
have been used by them in the Temple service.
In the northern part of Jerusalem.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
For look, the kings congregated,
‫י־הנֵּה הַ ְמּלָ ִכים נ�עֲדוּ‬
ִ ‫ִכּ‬
they came over together;
‫עָ ְברוּ י ְַח ָדּו‬
they saw and were astonished,
‫הֵ מָּ ה ָראוּ כֵּ ן תָּ מָ הוּ‬
they panicked and ran away,
‫נִ ְבהֲלוּ נ ְֶחפָּ זוּ‬
Ki hineh hamlachim no’adu,
avru yachdav.
hemah ra’u, ken tamahu;
nivhalu, nechpazu;
trembling gripped them there,
‫ְרעָ ָדה אֲחָ זָתַ ם שָׁ ם‬
pangs, like a woman in labor—
‫ִחיל כַּ יּ�לֵ ָדה‬
chil kayoledah.
‫ְבּרוּחַ קָ ִדים‬
Beru’ach kadim
with an east wind
you shatter the ships of Tarshish.
We had heard of it, then we saw it,
‫ְתּשַׁ בֵּ ר אֳנִ יּ�ת תַּ ְר ִשׁישׁ‬
‫כַּ אֲשֶׁ ר שָׁ מַ עְ נוּ כֵּ ן ָר ִאינוּ‬
in the city of the Ruler of Hosts,
‫ְבּעִ יר־יְ הוָה ְצבָ א�ת‬
in the city of our God—
may God establish it forever.Selah.
Like your reputation, God,
your praise reaches the world’s end
�‫ֱ�הים חַ ְס ֶדּ‬
ִ ‫ִדּ ִמּינוּ א‬
—righteousness fills your right hand.
Mount Zion will rejoice,
Diminu, Elohim, chasdecha
Keshim’cha, Elohim,
‫כֵּ ן ְתּ ִהלָּ ְת� עַ ל־קַ ְצוֵי־אֶ ֶרץ‬
�ֶ‫צֶ ֶדק מָ ְלאָ ה יְ ִמינ‬
ָ‫סֹבּוּ ִציּ�ן וְ הַ קִּ יפוּה‬
ken tehilat’cha al katzvei aretz:
tzedek mal’ah yeminecha.
Yismach Har Tziyon,
tagelnah benot Yehudah
Study the fortifications,
‫ִשׁיתוּ ִל ְבּכֶ ם ְלחֵ ילָ ה‬
inspect the top of her strongholds
lema’an mishpatecha.
Sobu Tziyon vehakifuha,
sifru migdaleha.
ָ‫ִס ְפרוּ ִמגְ ָדּלֶ יה‬
Elohim yechoneneha ad olam. Selah.
Surround Zion, encircle her,
so you can tell future generations
be’ir Eloheinu—
ִ ‫ְכּ ִשׁ ְמ� א‬
�‫ְלמַ עַ ן ִמ ְשׁפָּ טֶ י‬
count off her towers.
be’ir Adonai Tzeva’ot,
bekerev heichalecha.
ָ ְ‫תָּ ג ְֵלנָה ְבּנ�ת י‬
because of your judgements!3
Ka’asher shamanu, ken ra’inu
� ֶ‫ְבּקֶ ֶרב הֵ יכָ ל‬
ַ‫יִ ְשׂמַ ח ה‬
Judah’s daughters celebrate
teshaber oniyot Tarshish.
‫ֱ�הים יְ כ�נְ נֶהָ עַ ד־ע�לָ ם סֶ לָ ה‬
ִ ‫א‬
God, we thought of your kindness
inside your sanctuary.
‫ְבּעִ יר אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
re’adah achazatam sham,
ָ‫פַּ ְסּגוּ אַ ְר ְמנ�תֶ יה‬
‫ְלמַ עַ ן ְתּסַ ְפּרוּ ְלד�ר אַ חֲר�ן‬
Shitu libchem lecheilah
pasgu armenoteha,
lema’an tesapru ledor acharon.
“God, among its strongholds, is known as a stronghold.” ָ‫ בְּ אַ ְרמְ נֹ ותֶ יה‬may be translated as “in its palaces” instead
of “strongholds”: a royal residence is both luxurious, a palace, and well-protected, a stronghold. The great fortresses of Jerusalem, where the great king lives, concede that it’s safer to be with God than to seek shelter in
any citadel.
“As we had heard, so did we see.”
I.e., when God executes judgement on bad people.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
◊ Ki zeh Elohim,
That this is God:
ִ ‫◊ ִכּי זֶה א‬
our God is forever:
‫אֱ�הֵ ינוּ ע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
Eloheinu olam va’ed;
‫הגֵנוּ עַ ל־מוּת‬
ֲ ‫הוּא יְ ַנ‬
hu yenahagenu al mut.
God will guide us beyond death.
Psalm 82, for Tuesday
Today is the third day of the week,
‫ישׁי בַּ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬
ִ ִ‫הַ יּוֹם יוֹם ְשׁל‬
‫ֶשׁבּ ֹו הָ יוּ הַ לְ וִ ִיּם או ְֹמ ִרים‬
‫בְּ בֵ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
on which the Levites would recite
this psalm in the Temple:
A tune by Assaf.
‫ִמזְמ�ר ְלאָ סָ ף‬
God stands in the courthouse4
judging among the judges.
“How long will you judge unfairly,
bringing satisfaction to the wicked? Selah!
Judge the poor and the orphan;
do justice for the humble and destitute.
Rescue the poor and needy
shebo hayu haLevi’im omrim
beVeit haMikdash.
Mizmor leAssaf.
Elohim nitzav be’adat El,
‫ֱ�הים יִ ְשׁפֹּט‬
ִ ‫ְבּקֶ ֶרב א‬
bekerev elohim yishpot.
‫עַד־מָ תַ י ִתּ ְשׁ ְפּטוּ־עָ וֶל‬
“Ad matai tishpetu avel
‫וּפנֵי ְרשָׁ עִ ים ִתּ ְשׂאוּ־סֶ לָ ה‬
ufenei resha’im tis’u? Selah.
‫טוּ־דל וְ יָת�ם‬
‫ִשׁ ְפ‬
Shiftu dal veyatom;
‫עָ נִ י ו ָָרשׁ הַ ְצ ִדּיקוּ‬
oni varash hatzdiku.
‫טוּ־דל וְ אֶ ְבי�ן‬
‫פַּ ְלּ‬
Paltu dal ve’evyon;
‫ֱ�הים נִ צָּ ב בַּ ע ֲַדת־אֵ ל‬
ִ ‫א‬
Hayom yom shelishi bashabbat,
save them from the power of the wicked.”
‫ִמיַּד ְרשָׁ ִעים הַ ִצּילוּ‬
miyad resha’im hatzilu.
‫ל ֹא י ְָדעוּ וְ ל ֹא י ִָבינוּ‬
Lo yad’u, velo yavinu;
They don’t know, don’t understand—
they walk in darkness,
I told them, “You are judges,
children of the Most High;
‫בַּ חֲשֵׁ כָ ה יִ ְתהַ לָּ כוּ‬
‫ל־מ�ס ֵדי אָ ֶרץ‬
ָ‫יִ מּ�טוּ כּ‬
bachashecha yit’halachu—
yimotu kol mosdei aretz.
weakening the world’s foundations.
‫ֱ�הים אַ תֶּ ם‬
ִ ‫אֲנִ י־אָ מַ ְר ִתּי א‬
‫וּבנֵי עֶ ְלי�ן כֻּ ְלּכֶ ם‬
Ani amarti, “Elohim atem,
uvenei Elyon kul’chem.
‫ פַּ ְסּגוּ‬is a plural imperative, “Be at the top her towers with your eyes.”
“The last generation.”
Psalms 73-83 are ‫לְ אָ סָ ף‬, to or for or by Assaf.
“In the congregation of God”; presumably, because true justice is a divine attribute, the place where justice is
dispensed is a place where people congregate to acknowledge God.
While ‫ אֱ�הִ ים‬is often a term for God, sometimes it seems to refer to human judges. When applied to God, it
suggests divine justice (rather than compassion).
“And raise the face of the wicked,” making them the opposite of our word “downcast.”
“All the foundations of the world are moved.” If justice is one of the founding principles of the world, unjust
judges may weaken the very existence of the world.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
even so, you will die like all humans
‫אָ כֵ ן ְכּאָ ָדם ְתּמוּתוּן‬
and fall like some petty potentate.”
‫וּכאַ חַ ד הַ שָּׂ ִרים ִתּפֹּלוּ‬
O God, arise and judge the world,
bringing your rule to every nation.
‫ֱ�הים שָׁ ְפטָ ה הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
ִ ‫◊ קוּמָ ה א‬
‫ִכּי־אַ תָּ ה ִתנְ חַ ל ְבּכָ ל־הַ גּ�יִ ם‬
Achen, ke’adam temutun,
uche’achad hasarim tipolu.”
◊ Kumah, Elohim, shaftah ha’aretz,
ki atah tin’chal bechol hagoyim.
Psalm 94, for Wednesday
Today is the fourth day of the week,
on which the Levites would recite
this psalm in the Temple:
‫יעי בַּ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬
ִ ִ‫הַ יּוֹם יוֹם ְרב‬
‫ֶשׁבּ ֹו הָ יוּ הַ לְ וִ ִיּם או ְֹמ ִרים‬
‫בְּ בֵ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
God of vengeance, God!
God of vengeance, show yourself!
Arise, judge of the world:
give the arrogant what they deserve!
How long will the wicked, O God,
how long will the wicked rejoice?
They bluster and brag,
they boast, all these evildoers.
They bully your people
and humiliate your own.
murder the orphan.
They say, “God won’t see;
Wise up, you brutes among the people;
fools, when will you realize?
‫אֵ ל־נְ קָ מ�ת יְ הוָה‬
El nekamot, Adonai,
‫אֵ ל נְ קָ מ�ת‬
El nekamot, hofi’a.
‫ִהנָּשֵׂ א שֹׁפֵ ט הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
‫הָ שֵׁ ב גְּ מוּל עַ ל־גּ ִֵאים‬
Hinaseh, shofet ha’aretz,
hashev gemul al ge’im.
‫עַד־מָ תַ י ְרשָׁ עִ ים יְ הוָה‬
Ad matai resha’im, Adonai,
‫עַד־מָ תַ י ְרשָׁ עִ ים ַיעֲ�זוּ‬
ad matai resha’im ya’alozu?
‫י ִַבּיעוּ יְ ַד ְבּרוּ עָ תָ ק‬
Yabi’u, yedabru atak;
God gave us ears: you think God can’t hear?
God made the eye: can God not see?2
‫יִ ְתאַ ְמּרוּ כָּ ל־ ֹפּעֲלֵ י אָ וֶן‬
yit’amru kol po’alei aven.
‫עַ ְמּ� יְ הוָה יְ ַד ְכּאוּ‬
Am’cha, Adonai, yedak’u,
‫וְ ַנחֲלָ ְת� יְ עַ נּוּ‬
ֲ ‫אַ ְלמָ נָה וְ גֵר ַי‬
venachalat’cha ye’anu.
Almanah veger yaharogu,
‫יְרצֵּ חוּ‬
ַ ‫ית�מים‬
‫ֹאמרוּ ל ֹא יִ ְראֶ ה־יָּהּ‬
ְ ‫וַיּ‬
‫וְ ל ֹא־י ִָבין אֱ�הֵ י ַי ֲעקֹב‬
vitomim yerachetzu.
Vayomru, “Lo yir’eh Yah,
velo yavin Elohei Ya’akov.”
Jacob’s God won’t know!”
beVeit haMikdash.
They kill the widow and stranger,
shebo hayu haLevi’im omrim
Hayom yom revi’i bashabbat,
‫ִבּינוּ ֹבּע ֲִרים בָּ עָ ם‬
‫ילים מָ תַ י תַּ ְשׂ ִכּילוּ‬
ִ ‫וּכ ִס‬
‫הנֹטַ ע ֹאזֶן הֲל ֹא יִ ְשׁמָ ע‬
‫ִאם־יֹצֵ ר עַ יִ ן הֲל ֹא י ִַבּיט‬
Binu, bo’arim ba’am,
uchesilim, matai taskilu?
Hanotah ozen, halo yishmah?
Im yotzer ayin, halo yabit?
“For you shall inherit all nations” implies that God will control and impose God’s beneficial will upon the
“The one who planted ears in our heads, God, do you think he won’t hear what you say? Do you seriously
think that the one who formed the eye will not look at what you do?”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
God punishes nations: will God not chide,
ִ ‫היֹסֵ ר גּ�יִ ם הֲל ֹא‬
who teaches humans whatever they know!
God knows people’s thoughts,
‫הַ ְמלַ מֵּ ד אָ ָדם ָדּעַ ת‬
‫יְהוָה י ֵֹדעַ מַ ְח ְשׁב�ת אָ ָדם‬
how silly they are.
‫ִכּי־הֵ מָּ ה הָ בֶ ל‬
Hayoser goyim, halo yochi’ach,
hamelamed adam da’at?
Adonai yode’ah machshevot adam,
ki hemah havel.
Lucky is the person whom God chides ‫ר־תּי ְַסּ ֶרנּוּ יָּהּ‬
ֶ‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הַ ֶגּבֶ ר אֲשׁ‬
and teaches from God’s law—
‫תּ�ר ְת� ְתלַ ְמּ ֶדנּוּ‬
ָ ‫וּמ‬
Ashrei hagever asher teyasrenu Yah
lehashkit lo mimei rah
to be at peace in evil days
‫ְלהַ ְשׁקִ יט ל� ִמימֵ י ָרע‬
until a grave is dug for the wicked!
God will not desert God’s people
nor abandon God’s own.
Who will stand up to the wicked,
stand with me against evildoers?
If God had not helped me,
Had I said, “My foot has slipped,”
But God is my stronghold,
my God is my safe refuge.
ve’acharav kol yishrei lev.
Mi yakum li im mere’im,
mi yityatzev li im po’alei aven?
Lulei Adonai ezratah li,
kim’at shochnah dumah nafshi!
Im amarti, “Matah ragli,”
chasdecha, Adonai, yis’adeni.
‫ְבּרֹב שַׂ ְרעַ פַּ י ְבּ ִק ְר ִבּי‬
Berov sar’apai bekirbi,
‫הַ יְ חָ ְב ְר� ִכּסֵּ א הַ וּ�ת‬
‫יֹצֵ ר עָ מָ ל עֲלֵ י־חֹק‬
tan’chumecha yesha’ashu nafshi.
Hayechovrecha kiseh havot,
yotzer amal alei chok?
They conspire against the just
Ki ad tzedek yashuv mishpat,
‫עָדנִ י‬
ֵ ‫חַ ְס ְדּ� יְ הוָה יִ ְס‬
‫תַּ נְ חוּמֶ י� יְ שַׁ עַ ְשׁעוּ נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
Can an unjust court be your companion
and condemn innocent blood.
‫ִכּ ְמעַ ט שָׁ ְכנָה דוּמָ ה נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
venachalato lo ya’azov.
When I am absorbed in my thoughts,
since it makes mischief the law?
‫ם־מ ֵרעִ ים‬
ִ‫ִמי־יָקוּם ִלי ע‬
‫ִאם־אָ מַ ְר ִתּי מָ טָ ה ַרגְ ִלי‬
your comforts bring me delight.
‫וְ אַ ח ֲָריו כָּ ל־יִ ְשׁ ֵרי־לֵ ב‬
‫זְרתָ ה ִלּי‬
ָ ֶ‫לוּלֵ י יְ הוָה ע‬
Your kindness, God, had nurtured me.
Ki lo yitosh Adonai amo,
‫ִמי־יִ ְתיַצֵּ ב ִלי עִ ם־ ֹפּעֲלֵ י אָ וֶן‬
my spirit would soon have been at peace!
�‫ִכּי ל ֹא־יִ טֹּשׁ יְהוָה עַ מּ‬
ad yikareh larashah shachat.
‫ִכּי־עַד־צֶ ֶדק יָשׁוּב ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
and all the upright will follow it.
‫עַ ד יִ כָּ ֶרה לָ ָרשָׁ ע שָׁ חַ ת‬
‫וְ ַנחֲלָ ת� ל ֹא ַי ֲעזֹב‬
The verdict will return to justice,
umiTorat’cha telamdenu,
‫יָג�דּוּ עַ ל־נֶפֶ שׁ צַ ִדּיק‬
‫וְ ָדם נָקִ י י ְַר ִשׁיעוּ‬
‫ַיְהי יְ הוָה ִלי ְל ִמ ְשׂגָּב‬
ִ ‫ו‬
‫וֵא�הַ י ְלצוּר מַ ְח ִסי‬
Yagodu al nefesh tzadik,
vedam naki yarshi’u.
Vihi Adonai li lemisgav,
vElohai letzur machsi.
“There being many thoughts within me”—this may refer to the distractions of an active brain, or the meditations of a peaceful heart.
“Could your companion be the official seat of evil, which makes trouble founded upon law?”
“The rock of my protection,” for one may feel safe hiding behind a rock.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
God will turn their evil against them,
‫ַויָּשֶׁ ב עֲלֵ יהֶ ם אֶ ת־א�נָם‬
cut them off in their wickedness;
‫וּב ָרעָ תָ ם י ְַצ ִמיתֵ ם‬
Vayashev aleihim et onam,
uvera’atam yatzmitem,
God, our God, will cut them off!
‫ י ְַצ ִמיתֵ ם יְ הוָה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬yatzmitem Adonai Eloheinu!
When reciting the Daily Psalm for Wednesday, add Psalm 95:1-3
Ps. 95:1-3
Come, sing for joy to God on high,
‫ ְלכוּ נְ ַרנְּ נָה לַ יהוָה‬Lechu neranena lAdonai;
On whose salvation we rely.1
Approach God with a thankful heart
With songs of praise to take your part.
For a great God is Adonai,
Above all powers ruling high,
nari’ah letzur yish’enu.
ָ ‫נְ קַ ְדּמָ ה פָ נָיו ְבּ‬
Nekadmah fanav betodah
�‫ִבּז ְִמר�ת נ ִָריעַ ל‬
Bizmirot, nari’ah lo.
‫◊ ִכּי אֵ ל ָגּד�ל יְ הוָה‬
◊ Ki El gadol Adonai
ִ ‫וּמֶ לֶ � גָּד�ל עַ ל־כָּ ל־א‬
on which the Levites would recite
this psalm in the Temple:
‫ישׁי בַּ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬
ִ ‫הַ יּוֹם יוֹם חֲ ִמ‬
‫ֶשׁבּ ֹו הָ יוּ הַ לְ וִ ִיּם או ְֹמ ִרים‬
‫בְּ בֵ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
Hayom yom chamishi bashabbat,
For the conductor, on the gittit, by Asaf.
‫לַ ְמנַצֵּ חַ עַ ל־הַ גִּ ִתּית ְלאָ סָ ף‬
Lamnatze’ach, al hagittit, le’Asaf.
To God, our refuge, sing in joy,
To Jacob’s God call out in glee:
Raise your voice and beat the drum,
With harp and lyre for harmony.
Let shofar blasts hail the new moon
To mark our day’s festivity.
Harninu lElohim uzenu,
‫הָ ִריעוּ לֵ א�הֵ י ַי ֲעקֹב‬
Hari’u lElohei Ya’akov.
ְ ‫אוּ־זִמ ָרה‬
Se’u zimrah utenu tof
‫ִכּנּ�ר נָעִ ים עִ ם־נָבֶ ל‬
Kinnor na’im im nahvel.
‫ִתּקְ עוּ בַ ח ֶֹדשׁ שׁ�פָ ר‬
Tik’u vachodesh shofar,
Bakeseh leyom chageinu.
‫ִכּי חֹק ְליִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל הוּא‬
Ki chok leYisra’el hu,
‫ִמ ְשׁפָּ ט לֵ א�הֵ י ַי ֲעקֹב‬
Mishpat lElohei Ya’akov.
Studied in God’s own school!
‫א�הים עוּזֵּנוּ‬
ֵ‫הַ ְרנִ ינוּ ל‬
‫בַּ כֵּ סֶ ה ְלי�ם חַ גֵּנוּ‬
For this is Israel’s rule,
beVeit haMikdash.
shebo hayu haLevi’im omrim
Umelech gadol al kol elohim.
Psalm 81, for Thursday
Today is the fifth day of the week,
‫נ ִָריעָ ה ְלצוּר יִ ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
“Sing to the rock of our salvation”; the rock is a firm foundation for our faith
“Powers”—the Hebrew could be “gods” or “heavenly powers.”
What is a “gittit”? Nobody is sure.
The drum could be like a tambourine, the kinnor is a type of lyre; in Sumer, a lyre could be a big thing you
rest on the ground. The Midrash says the nahvel (lyre) was so called because its ravishing sound shamed all
other instruments.
The new moon may refer to Rosh Hashanah, when we use this verse for evening kiddush.
“A judgement for the God of Jacob.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Joseph1 heard this law when he
�‫עֵדוּת ִבּיה�סֵ ף שָׂ מ‬
Left foreign tongue in Egypt land.
‫ְבּצֵ את� עַ ל־אֶ ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ָריִ ם‬
Edut biY’hosef samo
Betzeto al eretz Mitzrayim,
‫ְשׂפַ ת ל ֹא־י ַָדעְ ִתּי אֶ ְשׁמָ ע‬
Sefat lo yadati eshmah.
I freed his shoulder from its toil,
�‫יר�תי ִמסֵּ בֶ ל ִשׁ ְכמ‬
‫ה ֲִס‬
Hasiroti misevel shichmo,
From servant’s pail I took his hand.
‫כַּ פָּ יו ִמדּוּד תַּ ֲעב ְֹרנָה‬
You cried in pain, I set you free,
ָ‫בַּ צָּ ָרה קָ ָראתָ ָואֲחַ ְלּצֶ ךּ‬
In thunder met your mute demand.2
� ְ‫אֶ עֶ נְ � ְבּסֵ תֶ ר ַרעַ ם אֶ ְבחָ נ‬
‫עַ ל־מֵ י ְמ ִריבָ ה סֶ לָ ה‬
You opposed me, even so,
Where Meribah’s waters flow. Selah.
My people, if you heed my call
Israel, listen to me now!
Yisra’el, im tishmah li,
‫חוֶה ְלאֵ ל נֵכָ ר‬
ֲ ַ‫וְ ל ֹא ִת ְשׁתּ‬
‫הַ מַּ עַ ְל� מֵ אֶ ֶרץ ִמ ְצ ָריִ ם‬
Gape, like the bird’s young brood:
I’ll fill you full of food.5
My people would not hear my voice.
No, Israel cared no whit for me.
I let them chase their every lust
And follow their own vanity.
Would they had heeded me
Anochi Adonai Elohecha,
Hama’al’cha me’eretz Mitzrayim:
Har’chev picha va’amalehu.
ִ ‫וְ ל ֹא־שָׁ מַ ע עַ ִמּי ְל‬
Velo shama ami lekoli,
‫וְ יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ל ֹא־אָ בָ ה ִלי‬
VeYisra’el lo avah li.
‫ָואֲשַׁ ְלּחֵ הוּ ִבּ ְשׁ ִרירוּת ִלבָּ ם‬
Va’ashalchehu bishrirut libi,
‫י ְֵלכוּ ְבּמ�עֲצ�תֵ יהֶ ם‬
Yel’chu bemo’atzoteichem.
Lu ami shome’ah li, Yisra’el,
Velo tishtachaveh le’el nechar.
‫ב־פּי� ַואֲמַ ְלאֵ הוּ‬
ֶ‫הַ ְרח‬
‫לוּ עַ ִמּי שֹׁמֵ עַ ִלי יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
And walked my way, the path of purity.
Lo yih’yeh vecha el zar,
�‫אָ נ ִֹכי יְ הוָה אֱ�הֶ י‬
From Egypt. I fulfilled my vow.
Al mei merivah. Selah.
Shema ami, ve’a’idah bach;
To foreign gods you shall not bow.
E’en’cha beseter ra’am evchan’cha
� ָ‫ידה בּ‬
ָ ִ‫ְשׁמַ ע עַ ִמּי וְ אָ ע‬
‫ל ֹא־יִ ְהיֶה ְב� אֵ ל זָר‬
I am your God: I raised you, I,
Batzarah karata va’achaltzeka;
ִ ַ‫ם־תּ ְשׁמ‬
ִ ‫יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ִא‬
No heathen deities will you take,
Kapav midud ta’avorna.
‫ִבּ ְד ָרכַ י יְהַ לֵּ כוּ‬
bidrachai yehalechu.
Joseph’s name became Y’hoseph, tradition says, after he refused Potiphar’s wife (Gen.39).
Translators differ over who was thunder and who was mute: did Israel cry out with thunderous voice and God
answer quietly, or did Israel cry out quietly and God answer in thunder? We can appreciate the Psalmist’s contrast between God’s public salvation and the Israelites’ private pain.
God tested the Israelites at Meribah (Num. 20).
God promised Abraham that his descendants would suffer and be saved (Gen. 15).
As God fed them with quails and manna in the desert (Num. 11).
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
In a flash, I’d trounce their foes,
My hand would crush their woes.
ַ‫ִכּ ְמעַ ט א�יְ בֵ יהֶ ם אַ ְכנִ יע‬
Kim’at oyveihem achni’ah
‫וְ עַ ל צָ ֵריהֶ ם אָ ִשׁיב י ִָדי‬
Ve’al tzareihem ashiv yadi.
God’s enemies will crawl
‫ְמשַׂ נְ אֵ י יְ הוָה‬
cringing from their tricks;
�‫יְ כַ חֲשׁוּ־ל‬
I see their hearts: their fate is ever fixed.
But you shall feast on choicest cream of wheat, ‫◊ ַו ַיּא ֲִכילֵ הוּ מֵ חֵ לֶ ב ִחטָּ ה‬
On honey from the Rock—all you can eat!3
Today is the sixth day of the week,
on which the Levites would recite
God reigns, enrobed in regal grace,
Robed in grace and cloaked in power;
Firm is your throne from the first hour;
Eternal is your place.
God, streams have raised,
Vihi itam le’olam.
◊ Vaya’achilehu mechelev chitah,
Umitzur devash asbi’eka.
Psalm 93, for Friday
‫הַ יּוֹם יוֹם ִשׁ ִשּׁי בַּ ַשּׁבָּ ת‬
‫ֶשׁבּ ֹו הָ יוּ הַ לְ וִ ִיּם או ְֹמ ִרים‬
‫בְּ בֵ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
Hayom yom shishi bashabbat,
shebo hayu haLevi’im omrim
beVeit haMikdash.
‫יהוה מָ לָ � גֵּאוּת לָ בֵ שׁ‬
Adonai malach: ge’ut lavesh,
‫לָ בֵ שׁ יהוה עֹ ז ִה ְתאַ זָּר‬
lavesh Adonai, oz hit’azar.
ַ‫ף־תּכּוֹן תֵּ בֵ ל בּ‬
ִ ַ‫א‬
Af tikon tevel bal timot.
‫נָכוֹן ִכּ ְסאֲ� מֵ אָ ז‬
Nachon kis’acha me’az,
‫מֵ עוֹלָ ם אָ תָּ ה‬
me’olam atah.
‫נ ְָשׂאוּ נְ הָ רוֹת יהוה‬
Nas’u neharot, Adonai,
‫נ ְָשׂאוּ נְ הָ רוֹת קוֹלָ ם‬
nas’u neharot kolam,
The rivers crash and roar:
‫יִ ְשׂאוּ נְ הָ רוֹת ָדּ ְכיָם‬
yis’u neharot dochyam.
‫ִמקֹּלוֹת מַ יִ ם ַר ִבּים‬
Mikolot mayim rabim
The breakers on the shore:
‫אַ ִדּ ִירים ִמ ְשׁ ְבּ ֵרי־יָם‬
adirim mishberei yam,
God’s strength is more, much more!
‫אַ ִדּיר בַּ מָּ רוֹם יהוה‬
adir bamarom Adonai.
Let mighty waters make their noise,
yes raised their voice;
Yechachashu lo,
Earth cannot slip in God’s embrace;
� ֶ‫וּמצּוּר ְדּבַ שׁ אַ ְשׂ ִבּיע‬
this psalm in the Temple:
‫יהי ִעתָּ ם ְלע�לָ ם‬
ִ ִ‫ו‬
Mesan’ei Adonai
I would turn my hand against their troubles / oppressors.
The root ‫ כחש‬means deceive and become weak, “cringe” and “tricks” suggest both meanings.
The fatty or creamy part of the wheat berry is a delicacy (sorry, kids); at least, it beats a spoonful of bran!
Honey from the Rock is perhaps solid sweetener or rock candy; who knows?
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Your promises will be fulfilled:
‫◊ עֵ דֹתֶ י� נֶאֶ ְמנוּ ְמאֹד‬
Your sacred house you shall rebuild,
Sovereign, for evermore.
◊ Edotecha ne’emnu me’od
‫ית� ַנ ֲאוָה־ק ֶֹדשׁ‬
ְ ֵ‫ְלב‬
levetcha na’avah kodesh,
‫יהוה ְלא ֶֹר� י ִָמים‬
Adonai, le’orech yamim.
After the daily psalm, mourners and those observing yahrzeit lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
My soul, bless God!
Psalm 104, for Rosh Chodesh
‫בָּ רֲ ִכי נ ְַפ ִשׁי אֶ ת־יְהוָה‬
How great, my ruling God, you are,
‫יְהוָה אֱ�הַ י גּ ַָד ְלתָּ ְמּאֹד‬
Fame and glory are your veil,
ָ‫הוֹד וְ הָ ָדר לָ בָ ְשׁתּ‬
Wrapped as in a cloak of light,
‫עֹ טֶ ה־אוֹר כַּ שַּׂ ְלמָ ה‬
Spreading heaven like a sail,
You roof with rain its upper heights,
The misty clouds you ride,
Walk the wind far and wide.
Fixing firmly in its place
The Deep once clothed it like a cloak,
Seas surged over each mountain tip.
You fixed a border they can’t pass,
Lest they return to drown the land.
Hamkareh vamayim aliyotav,
Hasam avim rechuvo,
Hamhalech al kanfei ruach.
Oseh mal’achav ruchot,
Meshartav esh lohet.
Yasad eretz al mechoneha,
Bal timot olam va’ed.
‫ְתּהוֹם כַּ ְלּבוּשׁ ִכּ ִסּיתוֹ‬
Tehom kalvush kisito,
Al harim ya’amdu mayim.
Min ga’arat’cha yenusun,
Min kol ra’amcha yechafezun.
‫ַיעֲלוּ הָ ִרים י ְֵרדוּ ְבקָ עוֹת‬
Ya’alu harim yerdu veka’ot
‫ל־מקוֹם זֶה יָסַ ְדתָּ לָ הֶ ם‬
El mekom zeh yasadta lahem.
‫גְּבוּל־שַׂ ְמתָּ בַּ ל־ ַי ֲעבֹרוּן‬
‫בַּ ל־יְ שׁוּבוּן ְלכַ סּוֹת הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
You send springs to join the brooks;
‫הַ ְמשַׁ לֵּ חַ מַ עְ יָנִ ים בַּ נְּ חָ ִלים‬
Among the hills they make their way,
‫בֵּ ין הָ ִרים יְ הַ לֵּ כוּן‬
“Lest it stir forever and ever.”
“Stern command” is literally “raised voice.”
“To this place you founded for them.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Noteh shamayim kay’riyah.
Oteh or kasalmah;
‫ל־תּמּוֹט עוֹלָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
‫ִמן־קוֹל ַרעַ ְמ� יֵחָ פֵ זוּן‬
Climbed hills, and into valleys poured
Hod vehadar lavashta.
ְ ַ‫יָסַ ד־אֶ ֶרץ ע‬
‫ִמן־ ַגּע ֲָר ְת� יְ נוּסוּן‬
To where you ordered them to stand.
‫עֹ שֶׂ ה מַ ְלאָ כָ יו רוּחוֹת‬
‫עַ ל־הָ ִרים יַעַ ְמדוּ־מָ יִ ם‬
From your rebuke they fled in fear,
Hurried from your stern command,
ַ‫הַ ְמהַ לֵּ � עַ ל־כַּ נְ פֵ י־רוּח‬
Adonai Elohai gadalta me’od;
‫הַ שָּׂ ם־עָ ִבים ְרכוּבוֹ‬
‫ְמשָׁ ְרתָ יו אֵ שׁ �הֵ ט‬
The Earth, lest it should ever slip.1
‫הַ ְמקָ ֶרה בַ מַּ יִ ם ע ֲִליּוֹתָ יו‬
Of winds you make your messengers,
Ministers of blazing fire.
‫נוֹטֶ ה שָׁ מַ יִ ם כַּ יְ ִריעָ ה‬
Bar’chi nafshi et Adonai!
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Gevul samta bal ya’avorun;
Bal yeshuvun lechasot ha’aretz.
Hamshale’ach mayanim banchalim,
Bein harim yehalechun.
Concluding Prayers
With water for the woodland beasts,
‫י ְַשׁקוּ כָּ ל־חַ יְ תוֹ שָׂ ָדי‬
Wild asses’ thirst the streams allay.
‫יִ ְשׁ ְבּרוּ ְפ ָר ִאים ְצמָ אָ ם‬
Here live the birds that wing the sky;
They offer song among the leaves.
‫עֲלֵ יהֶ ם עוֹף־הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם יִ ְשׁכּוֹן‬
‫ִמבֵּ ין עֳפָ איִ ם יִ ְתּנוּ־קוֹל‬
With rising mist you bathe the hills:
Fruit of your work the wide Earth fills.
‫מַ ְשׁקֶ ה הָ ִרים מֵ ע ֲִליּוֹתָ יו ִמ ְפּ ִרי‬
Yashku kol chayto saday;
Yishberu fera’im tzema’am.
Aleihem off hashamayim yishkon;
Mibein ofayim yitnu kol.
Mashke harim me’aliyotav;
‫מַ עֲשֶׂ י� ִתּ ְשׂבַּ ע הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
Mipri ma’asecha tisba ha’aretz.
You pasture the cattle,
‫מַ ְצ ִמיחַ חָ ִציר לַ ְבּהֵ מָ ה‬
Matzmi’ach chatzir lab’hemah;
Grow crops for our toil—
‫וְ עֵ שֶׂ ב לַ ֲעב ַֹדת הָ אָ ָדם‬
We bring food from the soil
And wine to bring mirth,
A rich glow to our cheeks,
Trees drink their fill—in Lebanon
Where fluttering birds nest, and the stork
Goats leap upon the mountain crest;
Low boulders are the badgers’ rest.
You bring the dark; now it is night:
Yisbe’u atzei Adonai,
arzei Levanon asher nata,
‫אֲשֶׁ ר־שָׁ ם ִצפּ ֳִרים יְ קַ נֵּנוּ‬
asher sham tziporim yekanenu,
‫רוֹשׁים בֵּ יתָ הּ‬
ִ ‫ידה ְבּ‬
ָ ‫ח ֲִס‬
chasidah beroshim beitah.
‫הָ ִרים הַ גְּ ב ִֹהים לַ יְּ עֵ ִלים‬
Harim hag’vohim lay’elim,
‫ְסלָ עִ ים מַ ְחסֶ ה לַ ְשׁפַ נִּ ים‬
sela’im machseh lashfanim.
‫עָ שָׂ ה י ֵָרחַ ְלמוֹע ֲִדים‬
Asah yare’ach lemo’adim,
‫שֶׁ מֶ שׁ י ַָדע ְמבוֹאוֹ‬
shemesh yadah mevo’o.
‫יהי לָ יְ לָ ה‬
ִ ִ‫תָּ שֶׁ ת־חֹשֶׁ � ו‬
Tashet choshech vihi layla,
‫בּוֹ־ת ְרמֹשׂ כָּ ל־חַ יְ תוֹ־יָעַ ר‬
bo tirmos kol chayto ya’ar,
When forest creatures wake and roam,
‫יִ ְשׂ ְבּעוּ עֲצֵ י יְ הוָה‬
velechem levav enosh yis’ad.
God made the moon for festive
The sun has learned its evening
lehatzhil panim mishamen,
‫אַ ְרזֵי ְלבָ נוֹן אֲשֶׁ ר נָטָ ע‬
In shady cypress makes her home.
‫ְלהַ ְצ ִהיל פָּ נִ ים ִמשָּׁ מֶ ן‬
Veyayin yesamach levav enosh
‫וְ לֶ חֶ ם ְלבַ ב־אֱנוֹשׁ יִ ְסעָ ד‬
The cedars God planted in loam—
Lehotzi lechem min ha’aretz.
‫וְ יַיִ ן יְ שַׂ מַּ ח ְלבַ ב־אֱנוֹשׁ‬
A feast for the heart.
‫הוֹציא לֶ חֶ ם ִמן־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
ִ ‫ְל‬
Ve’esev la’avodat ha’adam,
“From the fruit of your deeds the land/Earth is satiated.”
“To make our faces shine with oil”; oil may be a symbol for rich produce, or it may simply mean that we get a
good crop of oil and use it to make our faces shiny. Richard Henry Dana in Two Years Before the Mast met
Russian sailors whose faces gleamed from the grease in their diet.
“The high hills are for the mountain goats; rocks are shelter for the badgers.”
“God made the moon for the seasons (or festivals).” The Jewish calendar of festivals is a lunar calendar. God
made sun and moon ‫ ּלְ מוֹעֲ ִדים וּלְ י ִָמים וְ ָשׁנִ ים‬/ lemo’adim uleyamim veshanim / “for seasons and for days and for
years” (Gen. 1:14). If you reckon that the sun marks the years and both sun and moon mark the days, then it’s
for the moon to mark the ‫ּמוֹעֲ ִדים‬, the festival times, which fall at specific places in the month.
“The sun has learned the place where it sets.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
Young lions roaring for their prey,
Asking God their food to grant.
At sunrise, they are gathered in,
Sent into their dens to lie.
Then people go about their work
Hakfirim sho’agim lataref
‫וּלבַ קֵּ שׁ מֵ אֵ ל אָ ְכלָ ם‬
ulevakesh me’El ochlam.
‫ִתּז ְַרח הַ שֶּׁ מֶ שׁ יֵאָ סֵ פוּן‬
Tizrach hashemesh ye’asefun
‫ל־מעוֹנֹתָ ם יִ ְרבָּ צוּן‬
ֶ‫וְ א‬
ve’el me’onotam yirbatzun.
‫וְ לַ ֲעב ָֹדתוֹ ע ֲֵדי־עָ ֶרב‬
How many are your works, O God—
‫שׁאֲגִ ים לַ טָּ ֶרף‬
ֹ ‫הַ ְכּ ִפ ִירים‬
‫יֵצֵ א אָ ָדם ְלפָ עֳלוֹ‬
To labor until night draws nigh.
‫ה־רבּוּ מַ עֲשֶׂ י� יְ הוָה‬
ַ ָ‫מ‬
Yetze adam lefo’olo
vela’avodato adei arev.
Mah rabu ma’asecha Adonai—
In wisdom you made every one.
ָ‫כֻּ לָּ ם ְבּחָ ְכמָ ה עָ ִשׂית‬
kulam bechochmah asita,
Your creatures1 fill the world.
�ֶ‫מָ ְלאָ ה הָ אָ ֶרץ קִ נְ ָינ‬
mal’ah ha’aretz kinyanecha.
Look at the vast and spacious sea,
Teeming with life
Small and great together
There go the ships, here’s Leviathan
God’s creature made for play at sea.
All of them depend on you
To grant them food as necessary.
You give them food, they gather it;
You open your hand, they fill their need.
and return to their dust.
‫שָׁ ם אֳנִ יּוֹת יְ הַ לֵּ כוּן‬
‫ִלוְ יָתָ ן זֶה־יָצַ ְרתָּ ְלשַׂ חֶ ק־בּוֹ‬
‫כֻּ לָּ ם אֵ לֶ י� יְ שַׂ בֵּ רוּן‬
Let God’s glory last forever;
Let God delight in God’s works—
sham remesh ve’ein mispar,
chayot ketanot im gedolot.
Sham oniyot yehalechun,
Livyatan zeh yatzarta lesachek bo.
Kulam elecha yesaberun
‫לָ תֵ ת אָ ְכלָ ם ְבּעִ תּוֹ‬
latet ochlam be’ito.
‫ִתּתֵּ ן לָ הֶ ם יִ ְלקֹטוּן‬
Titen lahem yilkotun
‫ִתּ ְפתַּ ח י ְָד� יִ ְשׂ ְבּעוּן טוֹב‬
‫תַּ ְס ִתּיר פָּ נֶי� יִ בָּ הֵ לוּן‬
tiftach yadcha yisbe’un tov.
Tastir panecha yibahelun
‫תֹּסֵ ף רוּחָ ם יִ גְ וָעוּן‬
tosef rucham yigva’un
‫וְ אֶ ל־עֲפָ ָרם יְ שׁוּבוּן‬
ve’el afaram yeshuvun.
‫ְתּשַׁ לַּ ח רוּחֲ� יִ בָּ ֵראוּן‬
Teshalach ruchacha yibare’un
When you send your spirit, they are created,
and you renew the face of the earth.
‫חַ יּוֹת קְ טַ נּוֹת ִעם־גְּ דֹלוֹת‬
Zeh hayam gadol ur’chav yadayim,
If you hide your face, they suffer dread.
If you gather their spirit, they are dead
‫ם־רמֶ שׂ וְ אֵ ין ִמ ְספָּ ר‬
ֶ ָ‫שׁ‬
‫זֶה הַ יָּם גָּדוֹל ְוּרחַ ב י ָָדיִ ם‬
‫וּתחַ ֵדּשׁ ְפּנֵי א ֲָדמָ ה‬
utechadesh penei adamah.
‫יְהי ְכבוֹד יְהוָה ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
Yehi chevod Adonai le’olam
‫יִ ְשׂמַ ח יְ הוָה ְבּמַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
yismach Adonai bema’asav.
“Your creatures (or possessions)” is from the word for “own” or “buy.” Earth is filled with God’s possessions;
having made it all, God owns it all.
“There are teeming things, and there is no number (or counting).”
“Living things small with great.” The sea contains creatures both tiny and huge.
“To give them food at its proper time.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
Whose glance makes the earth shiver,
‫הַ מַּ ִבּיט לָ אָ ֶרץ ו ִַתּ ְרעָ ד‬
Whose touch makes mountains smoke.
‫יִ גַּע בֶּ הָ ִרים וְ ֶיעֱשָׁ נוּ‬
yiga beharim veye’eshanu.
‫ירה לַ יהוָה ְבּחַ יָּי‬
ָ ‫אָ ִשׁ‬
Ashirah lAdonai bechayay
I will sing to God while I live
I will make music to my God while I last.
ִ ‫ֲאז ְַמּ ָרה לֵ א�הַ י ְבּ‬
Let my voice be sweet to God;
ִ ‫ֶיע ֱַרב עָ לָ יו ִשׂ‬
I will take delight in God.
Let sins pass from the earth
‫אָ נ ִֹכי אֶ ְשׂמַ ח בַּ יהוָה‬
‫◊ יִ תַּ מּוּ חַ טָּ ִאים ִמן־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
and the wicked be no more.
My soul, give blessing to God—
‫ְוּרשָׁ עִ ים עוֹד אֵ ינָם‬
‫בָּ רֲ ִכי נ ְַפ ִשׁי אֶ ת־יְהוָה‬
‫הַ ְללוּ־יָהּ‬
Hamabit la’aretz vatir’ad
azamrah lElohai be’odi.
Ye’erav alav sichi
anochi esmach bAdonai.
◊ Yitamu chata’im min ha’aretz
uresha’im od einam. Bar’chi
nafshi et Adonai
Psalm 27, for the Season of Repentance
From the beginning of Elul through Hoshanah Rabbah, we add Psalm 27.
A psalm of David:
‫ ְל ָדוִ ד‬LeDavid
God lights my way and saves me from alarm. ‫ירא‬
ָ ‫יהוה אוֹ ִרי וְ יִ ְשׁעִ י ִמ ִמּי ִא‬
God is my life-force. Who can do me harm? ‫יהוה מָ עוֹז־חַ יַּי ִמ ִמּי אֶ ְפחָ ד‬
Adonai ori veyish’i, mimi irah?
Bikrov alai mere’im
my flesh to eat,
My irksome foes slipped,
fell down at my feet.
Let armies camp!
my heart will not take fright.
Let war come;
‫ת־בּשָׂ ִרי‬
ֶ‫לֶ ֱאכֹל א‬
le’echol et besari
‫צָ ַרי וְ אֹיְ בַ י ִלי‬
tzarai ve’oy’vai li
‫הֵ מָּ ה כָּ ְשׁלוּ וְ נָפָ לוּ‬
hemah kashlu venafalu.
ֲ ַ‫חנֶה עָ לַ י מ‬
ֲ ַ‫ִאם־תּ‬
‫ירא ִל ִבּי‬
ָ ִ‫ל ֹא־י‬
‫ִאם־תָּ קוּם עָ לַ י ִמ ְלחָ מָ ה‬
ַ‫ְבּז ֹאת אֲנִ י ב�טֵ ח‬
Im tachaneh alai machaneh
lo yirah libi;
im takum alai milchamah
bezot ani vote’ach.
still I know that this is right.
‫ִבּקְ רֹב עָ לַ י ְמ ֵרעִ ים‬
When evil people came
Adonai ma’oz chayai, mimi efchad?
“A Psalm of David: God is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? God is the power of my life; of
whom shall I be afraid? When evil people came at me, to devour my flesh—my troubles, my enemies—they
stumbled and fell!”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
One thing I asked of God,
‫אַ חַ ת שָׁ אַ ְל ִתּי מֵ אֵ ת־יהוה‬
for this I pray:
‫אוֹתָ הּ אֲבַ קֵּ שׁ‬
To sit in God’s own house
‫ִשׁ ְב ִתּי ְבּבֵ ית־יהוה‬
living each day,
‫כָּ ל־יְמֵ י חַ יַּי‬
To view God’s grace,
and in God’s Temple stay.
‫וּלבַ קֵּ ר ְבּהֵ יכָ לוֹ‬
For God will keep me safe in evil days,
‫ִכּי יִ ְצ ְפּנֵנִ י ְבּסֻ כֹּה ְבּי�ם ָרעָ ה‬
‫לַ חֲזוֹת ְבּנֹעַ ם־יהוה‬
Achat sha’alti me’et Adonai,
otah avakesh:
shivti beveit Adonai
kol yemei chayai,
lachazot beno’am Adonai
ulevaker beheichalo.
Ki yitzpeneni besuko beyom ra’ah,
Perch me in secret tent
‫י ְַס ִתּ ֵרנִ י ְבּסֵ תֶ ר אָ הֳלוֹ‬
on mountain raised.
‫ר�ממֵ נִ י‬
ְ ְ‫ְבּצוּר י‬
betzur yeromemeni.
And now I’m high above
yastireni beseter oholo
Ve’atah yarum roshi
‫עַ ל אֹיְ בַ י ְס ִביבוֹתַ י‬
al oy’vai sevivotai
I’ll offer in God’s tent
‫וְ אֶ ז ְְבּחָ ה ְבאָ הֳלוֹ‬
ִ ‫וְ עַ תָּ ה יָרוּם ר‬
my enemies round;
my joyful sound.
With song to God my music will resound.
God, hear my cry,
and answer in your grace.
‫ז ְִבחֵ י ְתרוּעָ ה‬
zivchei teru’ah;
‫ירה ַו ֲאז ְַמּ ָרה לַ יהוה‬
ָ ‫אָ ִשׁ‬
ashirah va’azamrah lAdonai.
‫ְשׁמַ ע־יהוה קוֹ ִלי אֶ ְק ָרא‬
Shema Adonai, koli ekrah;
ve’ezbechah ve’oholo
‫וְ חָ נֵּנִ י ַו ֲענֵנִ י‬
My heart implored you, God, “O seek my face” ‫ְל� אָ מַ ר ִל ִבּי בַּ קְּ שׁוּ פָ נָי‬
As I seek yours.
‫אֶ ת־פָּ נֶי� יהוה אֲבַ קֵּ שׁ‬
vechoneni va’aneni.
Lecha amar libi, “Bakshu fanai.”
Et panecha Adonai avakesh.
“If an army camps against me, my heart will not fear. If war rises against me, this is what I’ll rely on. One
thing I asked from God, this is my request: to sit in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to view the
sweetness of God and to be a visitor in his Temple.”
“Zivchei teru’ah,” sacrifices of shouting, could imply lots of animals bellowing at their slaughter. On the other
hand, it may imply that a voice raised in song and praise is itself an acceptable offering, perhaps even an alternative to the blood and guts of the sacrificial system.
“For he’ll hide me in his shelter on a bad day, he’ll conceal me in the secrecy of his tent, he’ll lift me up on a
rock! And now my head is raised above my enemies all around, and I’ll offer in his tent sacrifices of joyous
shouting, I’ll sing and make music to God.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
‫אַ ל־תַּ ְסתֵּ ר פָּ נֶי� ִממֶּ נִּ י‬
Don’t turn away from me,
�‫ט־בּאַ ף עַ ְב ֶדּ‬
ַ‫אַ ל־תּ‬
Don’t send away your servant angrily.1
ָ‫עֶ ז ְָר ִתי הָ יִ ית‬
You helped me;
don’t spurn or abandon me.
‫ל־תּ ְטּשֵׁ נִ י וְ אַ ל־תַּ עַ זְבֵ נִ י‬
‫אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁעִ י‬
O God, you save me, time and time again.
My parents left me,
‫ִכּי־אָ ִבי וְ ִא ִמּי ֲעזָבוּנִ י‬
God will take me in.3
Elohei yish’i—
Ki avi ve’imi azavuni,
vAdonai ya’asfeni.
� ֶ‫הוֹ ֵרנִ י יהוה ַדּ ְרכּ‬
Horeni Adonai darkecha,
unecheni be’orach mishor
Don’t turn me over to my enemies,
‫ְלמַ עַ ן שׁוֹ ְר ָרי‬
‫ל־תּ ְתּנֵנִ י ְבּנֶפֶ שׁ צָ ָרי‬
What had I been, had I not known I’d spy
‫לוּלֵ א הֶ אֱמַ נְ ִתּי ִל ְראוֹת‬
‫ְבּטוּב־יהוה ְבּאֶ ֶרץ חַ יִּ ים‬
‫◊ קַ וֵּה אֶ ל־יהוה‬
� ֶ‫חזַק וְ ַיאֲמֵ ץ ִלבּ‬
Though God come late,
Be strong, take heart.
lema’an shorerai.
Al titneni benefesh tzarai,
ki kamu vi
edei sheker vife’ach chamas.
Lulei he’emanti lir’ot
betuv Adonai be’eretz chayim.
Wait for God, wait and trust.
‫וְ קַ וֵּה אֶ ל־יהוה‬
◊ Kaveh el Adonai:
chazak veya’ametz libecha:
vekaveh el Adonai.
And wait for God, just wait.
ָ‫ִכּי ק‬
‫עֵדי־שֶׁ קֶ ר וִ יפֵ חַ חָ מָ ס‬
God’s goodness here on earth before I die?
al titsheni, ve’al ta’azveni.
‫וּנְ חֵ נִ י ְבּא ַֹרח ִמישׁ�ר‬
who breathe brutality.5
Ezrati hayita:
set me on level ground
False witnesses,
al tat be’af avdecha.
Show me your way, God,
To stand against those who can boss me around!
‫וַיהוה יַאַ ְספֵ נִ י‬
Al tas’ter panecha mimeni,
“Listen, God; I’ll call with my voice: take pity on me and answer me. My heart said to you, ‘Seek my face.’
Lord, I shall seek your face! Don’t hide your face from me; Don’t turn your servant away in anger.”
“You have been my help: Don’t throw me off, don’t abandon me.”
“O Lord, you are my savior. For my father and mother abandoned me, and God will take me in.”
“God, show me your path and lead me on a level road (no ups and downs!) because of those people who can
ruin my day!”
“Don’t turn me over to the will of my foes, for there have risen against me witnesses who lie, breathing violence.” “Shorerai” means those who have power over me; they can ruin my day and put ups and downs in my
daily path.
“If I had not trusted that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living what would have become of me! Wait for the Lord: keep your heart strong and resolute, and wait for the Lord.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ַשׁחֲ ִרית‬Weekday Morning Service
In a house of mourning, add Psalm 49 and Mourner’s Kaddish, page 267.
For the leader: a song by Korach’s sons.
Hear this, all nations,
Psalm 49
‫לַ ְמנַצֵּ חַ ִל ְבנֵי ק ַֹרח ִמזְמוֹר‬
listen, all who live in the world,
With parents common or distinguished,
rich and poor together,
My mouth will speak wisdom,
my reflections will speak understanding.
I lend my ear to the example,
and to the lyre, I explain my mystery:
Lamnatze’ach livnei Korach mizmor.
‫ִשׁ ְמעוּ ז ֹאת כָּ ל הָ עַ ִמּים‬
Shim’u zot, kol ha’amim;
‫הַ ֲא ִזינוּ כָּ ל י ְֹשׁבֵ י חָ לֶ ד‬
ha’azinu, kol yoshvei chaled.
‫גַּם ְבּנֵי אָ ָדם גַּם ְבּנֵי ִאישׁ‬
‫יַחַ ד עָ ִשׁיר וְ אֶ ְביוֹן‬
Gam benei adam, gam benei ish,
yachad ashir ve’evyon.
‫ִפּי יְ ַדבֵּ ר חָ ְכמוֹת‬
Pi yedaber chochmot
‫וְ הָ גוּת ִל ִבּי ְתבוּנוֹת‬
vehagut libi tevunot.
‫אַ טֶּ ה ְלמָ שָׁ ל אָ זְנִ י‬
Ateh lemashal ozni,
eftach bechinor chidati.
Why need I be afraid on bad days,
‫ירא ִבּימֵ י ָרע‬
ָ ‫לָ מָּ ה ִא‬
Lama irah bimei rah
surrounded by the evil of swindlers,
‫עֲוֹן עֲקֵ בַ י יְ סוּבֵּ נִ י‬
avon akevai yesubeni,
Those who trust their power
‫הַ בּ ְֹט ִחים עַ ל חֵ ילָ ם‬
Habot’chim al cheilam
and praise their great wealth?
‫וּברֹב עָ ְשׁ ָרם יִ ְתהַ לָּ לוּ‬
‫יד ִתי‬
ָ ‫אֶ ְפתַּ ח ְבּ ִכנּוֹר ִח‬
One person can never save another;
one person can’t ransom another from God.
The ransom for a life is very costly—
to let someone live forever,
never to face destruction,
fool and brute are lost together,
leaving their power to others.
Ach lo fado yifdeh ish,
‫א�הים כָּ ְפרוֹ‬
ֵ‫ל ֹא יִ תֵּ ן ל‬
lo yiten lElohim kofro.
‫וְ יֵקַ ר ִפּ ְדיוֹן נ ְַפשָׁ ם‬
Veyekar pidyon nafsham,
‫וְ חָ ַדל ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
vechadal le’olam.
‫יחי עוֹד לָ נֶצַ ח‬
ִ ִ‫ו‬
Vihi od lanetzach,
‫ל ֹא יִ ְראֶ ה הַ שָּׁ חַ ת‬
lo yir’eh hashachat.
‫ִכּי יִ ְראֶ ה חֲכָ ִמים יָמוּתוּ‬
Ki yir’eh chachamim yamutu,
‫יַחַ ד ְכּ ִסיל וָבַ עַ ר י ֹאבֵ דוּ‬
yachad kesil vava’ar yovedu,
‫וְ עָ זְבוּ לַ אֲחֵ ִרים חֵ ילָ ם‬
ve’azvu la’acherim cheilam.
for one sees that even the wise die;
‫אָ ח ל ֹא פָ דֹה יִ ְפ ֶדּה ִאישׁ‬
it can never be paid off—
uverov oshram yithalalu.
“Both the children of common men and the children of distinguished men.”
“The meditation of my heart.”
“I incline my ear to a parable and open to the lyre my riddle.”
“A brother cannot save …”
“It is never done” or “it ceases only after an eternity.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Concluding Prayers
Rich people think their houses will last
‫קִ ְרבָּ ם בָּ תֵּ ימוֹ ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
Kirbam bateimo le’olam,
and their estates span generations;
‫ִמ ְשׁ ְכּנֹתָ ם ְלדוֹר ָודֹר‬
mishkenotam ledor vador,
they name lands after themselves.
‫קָ ְראוּ ִב ְשׁמוֹתָ ם עֲלֵ י א ֲָדמוֹת‬
A person cannot rest in honor
but is bound like beasts for slaughter.
Ve’adam bikar bal yalim,
‫נִ ְמשַׁ ל כַּ ְבּהֵ מוֹת נִ ְדמוּ‬
nimshal kab’hemot nidmu.
‫זֶה ַד ְרכָּ ם כֵּ סֶ ל לָ מוֹ‬
‫וְ אָ ָדם ִבּיקָ ר בַּ ל י ִָלין‬
That’s how they are, foolish;
so are those who agree with them. Selah.
Like a flock of sheep bound for hell,
‫וְ אַ ח ֲֵריהֶ ם ְבּ ִפיהֶ ם יִ ְרצוּ סֶ לָ ה‬
‫כַּ צּ ֹאן ִל ְשׁאוֹל שַׁ תּוּ‬
death is their shepherd.
Tomorrow the upright will rule them,
while their bodies will fade in hell,
But God will save my spirit
Don’t worry if someone else gets rich
and his household wins great honor,
For he takes none of it when he dies;
When he lived, maybe he praised himself:
“People admire you if you do well for yourself.”
and such people will never see the light.
‫ִמיַּד ְשׁאוֹל‬
‫ִכּי יִ קָּ חֵ נִ י סֶ לָ ה‬
Katzon liShe’ol shatu;
mavet yir’em,
vayirdu vam yesharim laboker
vetzuram levalot She’ol
mizvul lo.
Ach Elohim yifdeh nafshi
miyad She’ol
ki yikacheni. Selah.
A respected person who does not see this
‫ירא ִכּי ַיע ֲִשׁר ִאישׁ‬
ָ ‫אַ ל ִתּ‬
Al tirah ki ya’ashir ish
‫ִכּי יִ ְרבֶּ ה ְכּבוֹד בֵּ יתוֹ‬
ki yirbeh kevod beito,
‫ִכּי ל ֹא ְבמוֹתוֹ יִ קַּ ח הַ כֹּל‬
‫ל ֹא י ֵֵרד אַ ח ֲָריו ְכּבוֹדוֹ‬
Ki lo vemoto yikach hakol,
lo yered acharav kevodo.
�‫ִכּי נ ְַפשׁוֹ ְבּחַ יָּיו יְ בָ ֵר‬
� ָ‫יטיב ל‬
ִ ֵ‫יוֹד� ִכּי ת‬
ֻ ְ‫ו‬
Ki nafsho bechayav yevarech,
veyoducha ki teitiv lach.
‫תָּ בוֹא עַ ד דּוֹר אֲבוֹתָ יו‬
Tavo ad dor avotav,
‫עַ ד נֵצַ ח ל ֹא יִ ְראוּ אוֹר‬
ad netzach lo yir’u or.
‫◊ אָ ָדם ִבּיקָ ר וְ ל ֹא י ִָבין‬
◊ Adam bikar velo yavin,
He too will die,
‫ִמזְּבֻ ל לוֹ‬
ve’achareihem befihem yirtzu. Selah.
his honor does not follow him down under.
‫צוּרם ְלבַ לּוֹת ְשׁאוֹל‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬
Zeh darkam, kesel lamo,
when God takes me. Selah.
‫וַיִּ ְרדּוּ בָ ם יְ שָׁ ִרים לַ בֹּקֶ ר‬
‫ֱ�הים יִ ְפ ֶדּה נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
ִ ‫אַ � א‬
from the power of hell,
‫מָ וֶת יִ ְרעֵ ם‬
far from heaven.
kar’u bishmotam alei adamot.
is bound like beasts for slaughter.
‫ נִ ְמשַׁ ל כַּ ְבּהֵ מוֹת נִ ְדמוּ‬nimshal kab’hemot nidmu.
Mourners lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
Hell may not be a precise translation of ‫;שׁאוֹל‬
ְ it depends what we mean by hell and what the Psalmist meant
by ‫שׁאוֹל‬.
The traditional text is written ‫ וצירם‬and read ‫צוּרם‬
ָ ְ‫ו‬.
“It (his spirit / himself) will meet the generation of his ancestors”—i.e., such a man will meet his ancestors in
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ִמנְחָ ה‬
Weekday Afternoon Service
The afternoon service recalls the afternoon sacrifice from Temple times, and its heart is the amidah, said each
weekday morning, afternoon and evening.
The three blessings which begin, and the three blessings which end this amidah are like those of every other
amidah. The weekday amidah has thirteen central blessings of personal and communal thanks and petition.
Before the amidah, we say Ashrei—psalm 145. We say this psalm three times a day, following advice from
the Talmud (B.T. Berachot 4b), twice in the morning service and again for the afternoon service.
After the amidah, we finish with Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish.
On a fast day, we change the words of the final blessing of the amidah, the blessing for peace. Instead of the
wording used for afternoons and evenings, we use the morning wording, which includes the Priestly Blessing
(Num. 6: 23-27). Why? In Temple times, the priests would deliver their blessing in the morning, before eating
or (more important) drinking any wine (Leviticus 10:8-11 strictly prohibits drinking wine before a priest officiates). On a fast day, they’d be sober and hungry all day, so they could deliver their blessing in the afternoon.
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
Afternoon Service
_____________________________Psalm 145 ▪ ‫ ▪ אַ ְשׁ ֵרי‬Ashrei ____________________________
Ps 84:5
“Happy are they who live with you;
Forever they will praise you.”
Ps 144:15
“Happy is such a people;
‫ְתּ ִהלָּ ה ְל ָדוִ ד‬
Hailing the glory of your power,
In words your wonders stating,
Zealously recalling your great good,
Your creatures all will know you, God,
Bechol yom avar’cheka,
Va’ahalela shimcha le’olam va’ed.
Gadol Adonai um’hulal me’od,
Veligdulato ein cheker.
Dor ledor yeshabach ma’asecha,
Hadar kevod hodecha
‫וְ ִד ְב ֵרי נִ ְפ ְלא�תֶ י� אָ ִשׂיחָ ה‬
Vedivrei nifle’otecha asicha.
‫נ�ראֹתֶ י� י ֹאמֵ רוּ‬
ְ ‫ֶועֱזוּז‬
Ve’ezuz nor’otecha yomeru,
‫ב־טוּב� י ִַבּיעוּ‬
‫ֵזכֶ ר ַר‬
‫וְ ִצ ְדקָ ְת� יְ ַרנֵּנוּ‬
‫וְ ַרחֲמָ יו עַ ל־כָּ ל־מַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
�‫י�דוּ� יהוה כָּ ל־מַ עֲשֶׂ י‬
‫ידי� יְ בָ רֲ כוּכָ ה‬
ֶ ‫ַוח ֲִס‬
“And for his greatness there is no probing/examination.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Va’avar’cha shimcha le’olam va’ed.
ֶ ‫ה ַדר ְכּב�ד‬
‫ט�ב־יהוה לַ כֹּל‬
And your followers will bless you.
Aromimcha Elohai hamelech,
Ugevurotecha yagidu.
‫אֶ ֶר� אַ פַּ יִ ם וּגְ ָדל־חָ סֶ ד‬
And mercy informs all God’s work.
Tehilah leDavid:
‫וּגְ בוּרֹתֶ י� יַגִּ ידוּ‬
‫חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם יהוה‬
To all creatures God is good,
�‫דּ�ר ְלד�ר יְ שַׁ בַּ ח מַ עֲשֶׂ י‬
Ashrei ha’am she’Adonai Elohav.”
Ug’dulat’cha asaprena.
Zecher rav tuvcha yabi’u
Vetzidkat’cha yeranenu.
Charitable and caring is God,
Patient and most gracious.
‫גְדלָּ ת� אֵ ין חֵ קֶ ר‬
ֻ ‫וְ ִל‬
‫וּגְדוּלָּ ְת� אֲסַ ְפּ ֶרנָּה‬
In your righteousness delighting.
‫וּמהֻ לָּ ל ְמאֹד‬
ְ ‫ָגּד�ל יהוה‬
“Ashrei ha’am shekachah lo;
Voicing your awesome power,
Your greatness, too, relating;
ָ‫ְבּכָ ל־י�ם אֲבָ ְרכֶ ךּ‬
Deeds of yours praise every age;
Your mighty acts they ever speak —
‫ַואֲבָ ְרכָ ה ִשׁ ְמ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
‫ַואֲהַ ְללָ ה ִשׁ ְמ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
Great is God and greatly praised,
Great beyond all probing.
� ֶ‫ר�מ ְמ� אֱל�הַ י הַ מֶּ ל‬
ִ ‫א‬
Blessing to you each day I’ll bring,
I’ll praise your name forever.
Od yehalelucha selah.”
David’s praise:
And I’ll bless your name forever.
‫ע�ד יְ הַ ְללוּ� סֶּ לָ ה‬
‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ יהוה אֱ�הָ יו‬
Acclaim I’ll give my sovereign, God,
“Ashrei yoshvei veitecha;
�‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי הָ עָ ם שֶׁ כָּ כָ ה לּ‬
Happy are they whose God is the Ruler.”
� ֶ‫י�שׁבֵ י בֵ ית‬
ְ ‫אַ ְשׁ ֵרי‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Chanun verachum Adonai,
Erech apayim ug’dol chased.
Tov Adonai lakol,
Verachamav al kol ma’asav.
Yoducha Adonai kol ma’asecha,
Vachasidecha yevar’chucha.
Afternoon Service
Kingdom’s glory they will tell,
‫כוּת� י ֹאמֵ רוּ‬
ְ ‫ְכּב�ד מַ ְל‬
And your power they will speak.
‫יְדבֵּ רוּ‬
ַ �‫בוּר ְת‬
ָ ְ‫וּג‬
Let children sense your power well
‫ה�דיעַ ִל ְבנֵי הָ אָ ָדם גְּ בוּרֹתָ יו‬
ִ ‫ְל‬
And glory, your kingdom’s splendor;
�‫וּכב�ד ה ֲַדר מַ ְלכוּת‬
Monarchy is yours in every world,
And government in every age and time;
Supporting all who fall
Kevod malchut’cha yomeru,
Ug’vurat’cha yedaberu.
Lehodi’a livnei ha’adam gevurotav
Uchevod hadar malchuto.
‫כוּת� מַ ְלכוּת כָּ ל־עֹ לָ ִמים‬
ְ ‫מַ ְל‬
Malchut’cha malchut kol olamim,
‫וּמֶ ְמשַׁ ְל ְתּ� ְבּכָ ל־דּ�ר וָד�ר‬
Umemshaltecha bechol dor vador.
‫ס�מֵ � יהוה ְלכָ ל־הַ נּ ְֹפ ִלים‬
Somech Adonai lechol hanoflim,
And bracing those who are bent over.
ִ ‫וְ ז�קֵ ף ְלכָ ל־הַ ְכּ‬
Vezokef lechol hakfufim.
‫עֵ ינֵי־כֹל אֵ לֶ י� יְ שַׂ בֵּ רוּ‬
Einei chol elecha yesaberu,
In hope all eyes are on you,
And you give them their food in its time, �‫וְ אַ תָּ ה נ�תֵ ן־לָ הֶ ם אֶ ת־אָ ְכלָ ם ְבּעִ תּ‬
Ve’ata noten lahem et ochlam be’ito.
Pote’ach et yadecha,
Presenting your open hand
And filling every creature’s wish.
True is God in every way
‫ל־דּ ָרכָ יו‬
ְ ָ‫צַ ִדּיק יהוה ְבּכ‬
And loving in all deeds.
Close is God to those who call,
‫קָ ר�ב יהוה ְלכָ ל־ק ְֹראָ יו‬
To all who call on God sincerely.
‫ְלכֹל אֲשֶׁ ר יִ ְק ָראֻ הוּ בֶ אֱמֶ ת‬
Respect God, and your wish comes true;
God hears your cry and saves you,
Tribute to God my mouth shall deliver;
God’s holy name forever.
And as for us, we’ll bless God
From now and forever: Halleluyah!
Vechasid bechol ma’asav.
Karov Adonai lechol kor’av,
‫צ�ן־יְראָ יו ַיעֲשֶׂ ה‬
Lechol asher yikra’uhu ve’emet.
Retzon yere’av ya’aseh,
‫י�שׁיעֵ ם‬
ִ ְ‫וְ אֶ ת־שַׁ וְ עָ תָ ם יִ ְשׁמַ ע ו‬
Ve’et shav’atam yishma veyoshi’em.
‫שׁ�מֵ ר יהוה אֶ ת־כָּ ל־ ֹאהֲבָ יו‬
Shomer Adonai et kol ohavav,
‫וְ אֵ ת כָּ ל־הָ ְרשָׁ עִ ים י ְַשׁ ִמיד‬
Ve’et kol har’sha’im yashmid.
ֶ‫◊ ְתּ ִהלַּ ת יהוה יְ ַדבּ‬
◊ Tehillat Adonai yedaber pi,
‫וִ יבָ ֵר� כָּ ל־בָּ שָׂ ר‬
Vivarech kol basar
And let all creatures bless
Ps 115:18
Tzadik Adonai bechol derachav,
Sheltering those who love God
And destroying all the wicked.
‫וְ חָ ִסיד ְבּכָ ל־מַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
Umasbi’ah lechol chai ratzon.
�‫פּ�תֵ חַ אֶ ת־י ֶָד‬
‫וּמַ ְשׂ ִבּיעַ ְלכָ ל־חַ י ָרצ�ן‬
‫שֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁ� ְלע�לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ נְ בָ ֵר� יָהּ‬
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־ע�לָ ם הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
shem kodsho le’olam va’ed.
Va’anachnu nevarech Yah
Me’ata ve’ad olam Halleluyah!
This verse is one of the reasons the Talmud finds Ashrei so very important (B.T. Ber. 4b).
I used the plain translation “true” for “tzadik” (righteous); few English words begin with the tz/ts sound.
“In all his ways.”
“The wish of those who respect him, he performs; and their cry he will hear, and he will save them.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
The leader leads Half Kaddish, page 264.
We rise and take three steps back and three forward.
With feet together, we say the amidah (standing prayer) quietly. When the prayer leader chants aloud, we
easy to skip if you wish.
respond with the words in gray.1 Words added to honor the Matriarchs
Ruler, just open my lips
The two lines below introduce our silent prayer.
Adonai sefatai tiftach,
‫דנָי ְשׂפָ תַ י ִתּ ְפתָּ ח‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
Ps 51:17
and my mouth will declare your praise.
� ֶ‫וּפי יַגִּ יד ְתּ ִהלָּ ת‬
ufi yagid tehilatecha.
Opening Blessings
__________________________ 1. Ancestors ▪
We bless you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
our God
‫ ▪ אָבוֹת‬Avot
‫ יי‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Eloheinu
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ אֱ �הֵ י אַבְ ָרהָ ם אֱ �הֵ י ִי ְצחָ ק‬Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,
‫ וֵא�הֵ י יַעֲ קֹב‬vElohei Ya’akov
God of Abraham, God of Isaac,
and God of Jacob,
powerful and awesome, God on high;
‫הָ אֵ ל הַ גָּדוֹל‬
‫הַ גִּ בּוֹר וְ הַ נּו ָֹרא אֵ ל עֶ לְ יוֹן‬
ha’El hagadol
the God who is great,
and God of our ancestors,
hagibor vehanorah, El elyon,
Sometimes a congregation does a “heiche (or hoiche) kedushah”—Yiddish meaning “kedushah out loud.” The
prayer leader leads the congregation through kedushah; for minchah, the congregation then returns to the first
and recites the entire Amidah.
blessing (Ancestors / ‫)אָבות‬
We bow four times in the Amidah: at the beginning and end of the first blessing (Ancestors /‫ )אָבות‬and penultimate blessing (Thanksgiving / ‫)הוֹדָ אָה‬. Three times we bend the knees at “baruch,” bow at “atah” and straighten up at “Adonai”; at the beginning of the Thanksgiving blessing, we bow without bending the knees. Icons in
the text are reminders to bend the knees, w, to bow from the waist, v, and to stand up, u.
A note on page 277 describes sources for the first blessing of the Amidah.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Good deeds of kindness you reward—
For everything is in your power—
Our parents’ kind deeds you record
And rescue their posterity
‫גּוֹמֵ ל חֲ סָ ִדים טוֹבִ ים‬
‫וְ ק ֹונֵה הַ כֹּל‬
‫וְ ז ֹוכֵר חַ ְסדֵ י אָבוֹת‬
‫וּמֵ בִ יא גוֹאֵ ל לִ בְ נֵי בְ נֵיהֶ ם‬
‫לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ ֹו בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה‬
gomel chasadim tovim
vekoneh hakol,
vezocher chasdei avot
umevi go’el livnei veneihem,
To show your love and honesty.1
lema’an shemo be’ahavah.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded section; when repeating the amidah,
the prayer leader pauses while the congregation says these lines.
Remember us for life,
‫ זָכְ ֵרנוּ לְ חַ יִּים‬Zochrenu lechayim,
ruler who delights in life,
‫ מֶ לֶ� חָ פֵ ץ בְּ חַ ִיּים‬melech chafetz bechayim,
‫ וְ ָכ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר הַ חַ ִיּים‬vechotvenu besefer hachayim
for your own sake,2 God of life!
‫�הים חַ יִּים‬
ִ ֱ‫ לְ מַ עַ נְ � א‬lema’ancha, Elohim chayim.
Sovereign, helper, savior, shield.
‫ מֶ לֶ� ע ֹוזֵר וּמו ִֹשׁיעַ וּמָ גֵן‬Melech ozer umoshi’a umagen.
We bless you, Ruler,
‫ יי‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Abraham’s protector
‫ מָ גֵן אַבְ ָרהָ ם‬magen Avraham
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Amen
____________________________________ 2. Might ▪ ‫ ▪ ְגבוּרוֹת‬Gevurot ____________________________________
You are mighty forever, God,
‫ אַ ָתּה גִּ בּוֹר לְ ע ֹולָם אֲ ֹדנָי‬Atah gibor le’olam Adonai,
‫ ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים אַ ָתּה‬mechayeh metim atah
you bring life to the dead
and are strong in salvation—
ַ‫ ַרב לְ הו ִֹשׁיע‬rav lehoshi’ah—
and write us in the Book of Life
From Pesach to Shemini Atzeret, some add:
you make the dew fall.
‫ מו ִֹריד הַ טָּ ל‬Morid hatal.
From Shemini Atzeret to Pesach, we pray for Israel’s winter rains:
you make wind blow and rain fall.3
‫ מַ ִשּׁיב הָ רוּחַ וּמו ִֹריד הַ גּ ֶֶשׁם‬Mashiv haru’ach umorid hageshem.
“Who rewards good, kind deeds and owns everything, who remembers the good deeds of our ancestors, and
who is bringing a redeemer to their children’s children, for the sake of his name (i.e., to maintain his reputation—hence, to prove his honesty), with love.”
Because God takes delight in life (and in us when we choose the path that sustains life), writing us in the
“Book” of life is to God’s benefit.
Especially in winter, when nature seems dormant, we note that the cycle of seasons will bring a new spring
and reassure ourselves that the promise of resurrection—however we understand it—can surely be fulfilled.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
You feed the living with your grace,
Revive the dead with kind embrace,
Support the fallen, heal the sick,
And set the prisoners free,
And faithfully fulfill your trust
For people who sleep in the dust.
Who is like you, who can appear
Like you, sovereign of power?
Ruler, both death and life you bring;
‫ְמ ַכלְ כֵּל חַ ִיּים בְּ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים ַרבִּ ים‬
‫סוֹמֵ � נוֹפְ לִ ים וְ רוֹפֵ א חוֹלִ ים‬
ִ ֲ‫וּמַ ִתּיר א‬
‫וּמ ַקיֵּם אֱ מוּנָת ֹו‬
‫לִ י ֵשׁנֵי עָ פָ ר‬
‫ִמי ָכמוֹ� בַּ עַ ל גְּ בוּרוֹת‬
�ָ‫וּמי דּוֹמֶ ה לּ‬
‫וּמחַ יֶּה‬
ְ ‫מֶ לֶ� מֵ ִמית‬
‫וּמַ ְצ ִמיחַ יְשׁוּעָ ה‬
Mechalkel chayim bechesed,
mechayeh metim berachamim rabim.
Somech noflim verofeh cholim
umatir asurim,
um’kayem emunato
lishenei afar.
Mi chamocha ba’al gevurot,
umi domeh lach,
melech memit um’chayeh
You make salvation flower.
umatzmi’ach yeshu’ah.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded lines; when repeating the amidah,
the prayer leader pauses while the congregation says these lines.
Who is like you, source of mercy,
‫ ִמי ָכמוֹ� אַב הָ ַרחֲ ִמים‬Mi chamocha, av harachamim,
thinking of your creatures
to grant them life, in mercy.
Are firm, reliable, and true.
We bless you, God,
To bring the dead to life, O you
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
ָ ‫ז ֹוכֵר ְי‬
‫לְ חַ ִיּים בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וְ נֶאֱ מָ ן אַ ָתּה‬
‫לְ הַ חֲ יוֹת מֵ ִתים‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה הַ מֵּ ִתים אָמֵ ן‬
zocher yetzurav
lechayim berachamim.
Vene’eman ata
lehachayot metim.
Baruch ata Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
who revives the dead.
mechayeh hametim. Amen
The third blessing has two versions. One is responsive, led by the prayer leader;
for individual silent prayer, continue with 3b on page 160.
“Kind embrace” is literally “abundant mercies.”
We may understand this different ways: that God wakens “dead” sinners to a life of faith; or that God grants
an afterlife; or that God will revive dead bodies at some future date; or that God breeds life out of death and
decomposition, like mushrooms growing on a rotting log.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
____________________________ 3a. Holiness ▪ ‫דוּשׁה‬
ָ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Responsive Kedushah ____________________________
We include the responsive Kedushah when the prayer leader repeats the amidah
or leads a “heiche kedushah.” The congregation begins, and the prayer leader repeats.
Recite the Kedushah with feet together, rising on the toes for each of the following words:
“Kadosh, kadosh kadosh,” “Baruch (Kevod),” and “Yimloch.”
We shall make your name holy in the world, ‫ ִשׁ ְמ� בָּ ע ֹו ָלם‬-‫ נְ ַקדֵּ שׁ אֶ ת‬Nekadesh et shimcha ba’olam,
as the angels make it holy
in heavens above;
for your prophet Isaiah wrote,
‫ישׁים אוֹת ֹו‬
ִ ‫כְּ ֵשׁם ֶשׁמַּ ְק ִדּ‬
‫בִּ ְשׁמֵ י מָ רוֹם‬
� ֶ‫ַכּ ָכּתוּב עַ ל יַד נְ בִ יא‬
keshem shemakdishim oto
bishmei marom;
kakatuv al yad nevi’echa,
Bow left, then right for “zeh el zeh”:
Isaiah 6:3
And one called to the other, and said: ‫ זֶה וְ אָ מַ ר‬y‫ זֶה אֶ ל‬v ‫ וְ קָ ָרא‬Vekarah v zeh el yzeh ve’amar.
Congregation and prayer leader:
Isaiah 6:3
Holy, holy, holy
‫ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ‬Kadosh kadosh kadosh
is God of hosts;
‫ יהוה ְצבָ אוֹת‬Adonai tzeva’ot;
God’s glory fills the universe.
flowing from its source.”
‫ ְמל ֹא כָ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ ְכּבוֹדוֹ‬melo chol ha’aretz kevodo.
Congregation, then leader (based on Ezekiel 3:12)
The angels who face them say, “Blessed.”
‫ לְ עֻ מָּ ָתם בָּ רוּ� יֹאמֵ רוּ‬le’umatam “Baruch” yomeru.
Congregation and prayer leader:
Ezek 3:12
“Blessed is God’s glory
‫“ בָּ רוּ� ְכּבוֹד־יהוה‬Baruch kevod Adonai
‫ִמ ְמּקוֹמוֹ‬
Congregation, then leader:
Uvedivrei kodshecha katuv lemor:
And in your holy writings, this is written: ‫מר‬
ֹ ‫וּבְ ִדבְ ֵרי ָק ְד ְשׁ� ָכּתוּב לֵא‬
Congregation and prayer leader:
Ps 146:10
“God will reign forever,
‫יִ ְמ�� יהוה ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
Your God, Zion,
‫אֱ�הַ יִ � ִציּוֹן‬
Elohayich, Tziyon,
from age to age: Halleluyah.”
“Yimloch Adonai le’olam,
‫ְלדֹר ָודֹר הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
ledor vador: Halleluyah.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
The leader concludes:1
From age to age, your greatness we proclaim, �ֶ‫לְ דוֹר וָ דוֹר נַגִּ יד גּ ְָדל‬
Ledor vador nagid godlecha
Hallow your holiness
ul’netzach netzachim
‫וּלְ נֵצַ ח נְ צָ ִחים‬
for endless time.
‫ְקדֻ ָשּׁ ְת� נ ְַק ִדּישׁ‬
‫וְ ִשׁבְ חֲ � אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
Your praise shall
never, never leave our lips,
‫ִמפִּ ינוּ �א יָמוּשׁ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
God, great and holy sovereign.
‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� גָּדוֹל וְ ָקדוֹשׁ אָ ָתּה‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
kedushat’cha nakdish.
Veshiv’chacha Eloheinu
mipinu lo yamush le’olam va’ed.
Ki El melech gadol vakadosh atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ אָמֵ ן‬ha’El hakadosh. Amen
the holy God.
‫ הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ אָמֵ ן‬hamelech hakadosh. Amen
During the repetition, continue with blessing 4, Atah Chonen, on page 161.
the holy ruler.
____________________________ 3b. Holiness ▪ ‫דוּשׁה‬
ָ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Individual Kedushah ____________________________
You are holy, your name is holy
praise you, selah!
and every day the holy ones
‫אַ ָתּה ָקדוֹשׁ וְ ִשׁ ְמ� ָקדוֹשׁ‬
‫יוֹם‬-‫וּקדו ִֹשׁים בְּ ָכל‬
‫ְיהַ לְ לוּ� סֶּ לָה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Atah kadosh veshimcha kadosh,
ukedoshim bechol yom
yehalelucha selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Baruch atah Adonai,
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬ha’El hakadosh.
the holy God.
the holy ruler.2
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬
hamelech hakadosh.
Some say that during a heiche kedushah, while the leader concludes with “Ledor vador,” the congregation
should recite the short Holiness blessing (3b) and then continue the Amidah.
From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, we stress the theme of God’s sovereignty.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
The leader continues here.
Central Blessings
4. We thank God for our intellectual abilities, knowledge and understanding.
‫אָדם ַדּעַ ת‬
ָ ְ‫ אַ ָתּה ח ֹונֵן ל‬Atah chonen le’adam da’at
You grace humankind with knowledge
and teach people wisdom.
Grant us from yourself
knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who grants knowledge.
‫וּמלַמֵּ ד לֶאֱ נוֹשׁ בִּ ינָה‬
�‫חָ נֵּנוּ מֵ ִא ְתּ‬
‫דֵּ עָ ה בִּ ינָה וְ הַ ְשׂכֵּל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ח ֹונֵן הַ ָדּעַ ת אָמֵ ן‬
5. Bring us back to you, God.
Source of life, bring us back to your Torah; �‫הֲ ִשׁיבֵ נוּ אָבִ ינוּ לְ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
O Ruler, bring us close to serve you,
and bring us back
in full repentance before you.
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who cherishes repentance.
Choneinu me’it’cha
de’ah, binah, vehaskel.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
chonein hada’at. Amen
Hashivenu avinu leToratecha
vekarvenu malkenu la’avodatecha,
bit’shuvah shelemah lefanecha;
Baruch atah Adonai
Blessed are you, Ruler,
�‫וְ ָק ְרבֵ נוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ לַעֲ בו ָֹד ֶת‬
‫וְ הַ חֲ זִ ֵירנוּ‬
�‫בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה ְשׁל ֵָמה לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הָ רוֹצֶ ה בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
umelamed le’enosh binah.
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
for we have sinned;
pardon us, ruler,
for you forgive and grant pardons.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
gracious and liberal in forgiveness.
‫כִּ י חָ טָ אנוּ‬
‫ְמחַ ל לָנוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫כִּ י פָ ָשׁ ְענוּ‬
‫כִּ י מוֹחֵ ל וְ ס ֹולֵחַ אָ ָתּה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫חַ נּוּן הַ מַּ ְרבֶּ ה לִ ְס�חַ אָמֵ ן‬
ki chata’nu;
mechal lanu, malkenu,
ki fasha’nu,
for we have transgressed,
harotzeh bitshuvah. Amen
6. Pardon our sins.
We strike our chest for “chatanu” (we have sinned) and “fashanu” (we have transgressed).
‫ ְסלַח לָנוּ אָבִ ינוּ‬Selach lanu, avinu,
Forgive us, source of life,
ki mochel vesole’ach atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
chanun hamarbeh lislo’ach. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
7. Save us from our troubles.
Look on our misery, plead our cause,
‫ְראֵ ה נָא בְ עָ נְ יֵנוּ וְ ִריבָ ה ִריבֵ נוּ‬
and save us soon for your reputation,
� ֶ‫וּגְ אָלֵנוּ ְמהֵ ָרה לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
‫כִּ י גוֹאֵ ל חָ זָק אָ ָתּה‬
for you are a powerful savior.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who saves Israel.
‫גּוֹאֵ ל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
Re’ei nah ve’onyenu verivah rivenu,
save us, and we will be saved —
hoshi’enu venivashei’ah —
uge’alenu meherah lema’an shemecha,
ki go’el chazak atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
go’el Yisra’el. Amen
On a public fast day the leader adds Aneinu, page 237.
8. Heal and save us.
‫ ְרפָ אֵ נוּ יי וְ נ ֵָרפֵ א‬Refa’enu, Adonai, venerafeh;
Heal us, Ruler, and we will be healed;
for you are our praise.
‫הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ וְ נִ וָּ ֵשׁעָ ה‬
‫כִּ י ְת ִהלּ ֵָתנוּ אָ ָתּה‬
‫וְ הַ עֲ לֵה ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה‬
‫מַ כּו ֵֹתינוּ‬-‫לְ ָכל‬
And bring full healing
for all our maladies,
veha’aleh refu’ah shelemah
lechol makoteinu,
A private prayer for someone who is ill can be added here.
�‫יהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
ִ ִ‫ ו‬vihi ratzon milfanecha,
May your wish be—
ki tehilatenu atah,
O Ruler our God,
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
shetishlach meherah
refu’ah shelema min hashamayim,
refu’at hanefesh urefu’at haguf,
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
our ancestors’ God—
to quickly send
‫ֶשׁ ִתּ ְשׁ ַלח ְמהֵ ָרה‬
complete healing from above,
‫ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה ִמן הַ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
healing of spirit and of body,
‫ְרפוּאַת הַ נֶּפֶ שׁ ְוּרפוּאַת הַ גּוּף‬
for ____ son/daughter of _____,
_____‫בַּ ת‬/‫לְ _____ בֶּ ן‬
and all sick people in our community.2
‫בְּ תוֹ� ְשׁאָר ח ֹולֵי י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
for you are God, ruler, healer,
‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� רוֹפֵ א‬
‫נֶאֱ מָ ן וְ ַרחֲ מָ ן אָ ָתּה‬
faithful and merciful.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
healing the sick of your people Israel. ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
ְ ‫רוֹפֵ א ח ֹולֵי עַ מּ ֹו י‬
le_____ ben/bat_____,
betoch she’ar cholei Yisra’el.
ki El, melech, rofeh,
Insert the mother’s name, if known.
“Among the rest of the sick people in Israel (i.e., the Jewish community).
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ne’eman verachaman atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
rofeh cholei amo Yisra’el. Amen
9. Grant us a good year.
Ruling God, bless for us
‫בָּ ֵר� עָ לֵינוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫הַ ָשּׁנָה הַ זֹּאת‬-‫אֶ ת‬
this year
and all its kinds of produce, for good, ‫בוּאָתהּ לְ טוֹבָ ה‬
‫ ִמינֵי ְת‬-‫וְ אֶ ת ָכּל‬
Barech aleinu Adonai Eloheinu
et hashanah hazot
ve’et kol minei tevu’atah, letovah,
From December 51 (December 6 in Hebrew years divisible by 4, such as 5772) until Pesach,
replace the next line with the shaded line.
‫ וְ תֵ ן בְּ ָר ָכה‬veten berachah
and grant blessing
and grant dew and rain as a blessing
veten tal umatar livrachah
Sound the great shofar for our freedom,
Teka beshofar gadol lecherutenu
‫וְ תֵ ן טַ ל וּמָ טָ ר לִ ְב ָר ָכה‬
‫עַ ל פְּ נֵי הָ אֲ ָדמָ ה‬
on the face of the earth,
and satisfy us from its goodness
‫וְ ַשׂבְּ עֵ נוּ ִמטּוּבָ הּ‬
and bless our year like the best years. ‫ָתנוּ כַּ ָשּׁנִ ים הַ טּוֹבוֹת‬
ֵ ‫וּבָ ֵר� ְשׁנ‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who blesses the years.
‫ְמבָ ֵר� הַ ָשּׁנִ ים אָמֵ ן‬
10. Gather our exiles.
vesab’einu mituvah
uvarech shenatenu kashanim hatovot.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mevarech hashanim. Amen
ֵ ֵ‫ְתּ ַקע בְּ שׁוֹפָ ר גָּדוֹל לְ ח‬
‫וְ ָשׂא נֵס לְ ַקבֵּ ץ ָגלֻיּו ֵֹתינוּ‬
raise a banner to gather our exiles,
‫וְ ַקבְּ צֵ נוּ יַחַ ד‬
and gather us together
ֶ ָ‫אַרבַּ ע ַכּנְ פוֹת ה‬
ְ ֵ‫מ‬
from the four corners of the earth.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler;
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
gathering your dispersed people, Israel. ‫ִשׁ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
ְ ‫ְמ ַקבֵּ ץ נִ ְדחֵ י עַ מּ ֹו י‬
al penei ha’adamah,
vesa nes lekabetz galuyoteinu
vekabtzeinu yachad
me’arbah kanfot ha’aretz.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
and our advisors as in the beginning,2
take away our sorrow and sighing
mekabetz nidchei amo Yisra’el. Amen
11. Restore justice, that we may be ruled by God alone.
‫ הָ ִשׁיבָ ה שׁוֹפְ טֵ ינוּ כְּ בָ ִראשׁ ֹונָה‬Hashivah shofteinu kevarishonah,
Restore our judges as at first
‫וְ יוֹעֲ צֵ ינוּ כְּ בַ ְתּ ִח ָלּה‬
‫וְ הָ סֵ ר ִממֶּ נּוּ יָגוֹן וַ אֲ נָחָ ה‬
veyo’atzeinu kevat’chilah
vehaser mimenu yagon va’anacha,
For an explanation of this date, see page 275.
We pray to see Isaiah’s prophecy (1:26) fulfilled: “Ve’ashivah shoftayich kevarishonah veyo’atzayich kevֹ ‫ וְ אָ ִשׁיבָ ה שֹׁפְ טַ ִי� כְּ בָ ִרא‬/ I will restore your judges as at first and your advisors as in the
at’chilah / ‫שׁנָה וְ יֹעֲ צַ ִי� כְּ בַ ְתּ ִחלָּה‬
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
and rule us, God—you alone—
with kindness and mercy,
and make us right through judgment.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
�‫וּמ�� עָ לֵינוּ אַ ָתּה יי לְ בַ ְדּ‬
‫בְּ חֶ סֶ ד וּבְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וְ צַ ְדּ ֵקנוּ בַּ ִמּ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
umeloch aleinu atah Adonai levadcha
bechesed uverachamim,
vetzadkeinu bamishpat.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next two lines with the shaded line
‫ מֶ לֶ� אוֹהֵ ב‬melech ohev
ruler who loves
righteousness and justice.
ruler who dispenses justice.
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ט אָמֵ ן‬
ִ ‫ְצ ָד ָקה‬
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ִמּ ְשׁפָּ ט אָמֵ ן‬
12. Let evil people meet their fate.
For slanderers, let there be no hope,
‫וְ לְ מַּ לְ ִשׁינִ ים אַל ְתּ ִהי ִת ְקוָ ה‬
‫הָ ִר ְשׁעָ ה‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
and all wickedness—
‫כְּ ֶרגַע תֹּאבֵ ד‬
may it perish in an instant,
�‫א ֹו ְיבֵ י עַ ְמּ‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
and all your people’s enemies,
‫ְמהֵ ָרה ִי ָכּ ֵרתוּ‬
may they soon be cut down!
And the arrogant people—
‫וְ הַ זּ ִֵדים‬
‫וּת ַשׁבֵּ ר‬
ְ ‫ְמהֵ ָרה ְתעַ ֵקּר‬
may you soon uproot and crush them,
ַ‫וּתמַ גֵּר וְ ַתכְ ִניע‬
cast them down and humble them,
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
quickly and in our time!
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫שׁוֹבֵ ר א ֹו ְיבִ ים‬
who destroys foes
‫וּמַ כְ ִניעַ ז ִֵדים אָמֵ ן‬
and humbles the arrogant.
tzedakah umishpat. Amen
hamelech hamishpat. Amen
Velamalshinim al tehi tikvah,
vechol harish’ah
kerega toved,
vechol oy’vei am’cha
meherah yikaretu.
meherah te’aker uteshaber
utemager vetachni’a
bimherah veyameinu!
Baruch atah, Adonai,
shover oy’vim
and the elders of your people
the Jewish community,
for the remnant of their scholars,
for the righteous converts and for us
umachni’a zedim. Amen
13. But let the righteous enjoy their reward.
‫ עַ ל הַ צַּ ִדּ ִיקים וְ עַ ל הַ חֲ ִס ִידים‬Al hatzadikim ve’al hachasidim
For the righteous and devout
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
�‫וְ עַ ל זִ ְקנֵי עַ ְמּ‬
‫בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל פְּ לֵיטַ ת סוֹפְ ֵריהֶ ם‬
‫וְ עַ ל גּ ֵֵרי הַ צֶּ דֶ ק וְ עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ve’al ziknei amcha
beit Yisra’el
ve’al pleitat sofreihem
ve’al gerei hatzedek ve’aleinu
let your mercies be stirred,
yehemu nah rachamecha,
And to Jerusalem your city
Velirushalayim ir’cha
�‫יֶהֱ מוּ נָא ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
O Ruler, our God,
‫וְ תֵ ן ָשׂ ָכר טוֹב לְ כֹל‬
and grant a good reward to all
who rely on your reputation sincerely,
‫הַ בּ ְֹט ִחים בְּ ִשׁ ְמ� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬
‫וְ ִשׂים חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ ִעמָּ הֶ ם לְ ע ֹו ָלם‬
and put our lot with them forever —
we won’t be ashamed, for we trust you.
‫וְ �א נֵבוֹשׁ כִּ י בְ � בָּ טָ ְחנוּ‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!.
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
the support and trust of the righteous ‫יקים אָמֵ ן‬
ִ ‫וּמבְ טָ ח לַצַּ ִדּ‬
ִ ‫ִמ ְשׁעָ ן‬
14. And let Jerusalem be restored.
return in mercy,
�‫ירוּשׁ ַל ִים ִע ְיר‬
ָ ִ‫וְ ל‬
‫בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים ָתּשׁוּב‬
‫וְ ִת ְשׁכּוֹן בְּ ת ֹו ָכהּ ַכּאֲ ֶשׁר ִדּבַּ ְר ָתּ‬
‫וּבְ נֵה או ָֹתהּ בְּ ָקרוֹב בְּ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
‫בִּ ְניַן ע ֹולָם‬
‫וְ כִ סֵּ א ָדוִ ד‬
‫ְמהֵ ָרה לְ ת ֹו ָכהּ ָתּכִ ין‬
stay there as you promised,
and build it soon, in our days,
a structure to last forever;
set it there soon.
veten sachar tov lechol
habot’chim beshimcha be’emet
vesim chelkenu imahem le’olam—
velo nevosh, ki vecha batachnu.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mish’an umivtach latzadikim. Amen
berachamim tashuv,
vetishkon betochah ka’asher dibarta,
uveneh otah bekarov beyameinu,
binyan olam;
and David’s throne—
Adonai Eloheinu,
vechiseh David —
mehera letochah tachin.
On the Ninth of Av add Nachem, page 238, and skip the next three lines.
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫רוּשׁ ָל ִים אָמֵ ן‬
ָ ‫בּ ֹונֵה ְי‬
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
boneh Yerushalayim. Amen
15. Let the Messiah come — David’s descendant.
�‫צֶ מַ ח ָדּוִ ד עַ בְ ְדּ‬-‫ אֶ ת‬Et tzemach David avdecha
The flower of your servant David—
who builds Jerusalem.
hurry to make it bloom,
meherah tatzmi’ach,
ַ ‫ְמהֵ ָרה ַת ְצ ִמ‬
�‫וְ ַק ְרנ ֹו ָתּרוּם בִּ ישׁוּעָ ֶת‬
and in your salvation raise his horn:
we’ve waited all day for your salvation! ‫הַ יּוֹם‬-‫כִּ י לִ ישׁוּעָ ְת� ִקוִּ ינוּ ָכּל‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who makes the horn of salvation flourish. ‫מַ ְצ ִמיחַ ֶק ֶרן יְשׁוּעָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
vekarno tarum bishu’atecha,
ki lishu’at’cha kivinu kol hayom!
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
matzmi’ach keren yeshu’ah. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
16. Hear our prayers.
Hear our voice, Sovereign God,
pity us and be merciful to us,
and with mercy and favor accept
our prayer,
for you are a God who listens to
prayers and petitions.
Don’t turn us away from you emptyhanded,
O Ruler,
‫ְשׁמַ ע ק ֹולֵנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫חוּס וְ ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫וְ ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים וּבְ ָרצוֹן‬
‫ ְתּפִ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬-‫אֶ ת‬
ַ‫כִּ י אֵ ל שׁוֹמֵ ע‬
‫ְתּפִ לּוֹת וְ ַתחֲ נוּ ִנים אָ ָתּה‬
ָ ‫וּמלְּ פָ נֶי� מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ֵר‬
‫אַל ְתּ ִשׁיבֵ נוּ‬
Shema kolenu, Adonai Eloheinu,
chus verachem aleinu,
vekabel berachamim uveratzon
et tefilatenu,
ki El shome’ah
tefilot vetachanunim atah;
umilfanecha malkenu reikam
al teshiveinu,
On a public fast day individuals replace the next five lines with Aneinu, page 237.
ַ‫ כִּ י אַ ָתּה שׁוֹמֵ ע‬ki atah shome’ah
because you listen to
your people Israel’s prayer in mercy.
‫ְתּפִ לַּת עַ ְמּ� ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫שׁוֹמֵ עַ ְתּפִ לָּה אָמֵ ן‬
who listens to prayer.
tefilat amcha Yisra’el berachamim.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
shome’ah tefilah. Amen
Closing Blessings
________________________________ 1. Temple Service ▪ ‫ ▪ עֲ בוֹדָ ה‬Avodah ________________________________
Sovereign God, take delight
in your people Israel and in their prayer;
to the sanctuary of your house;
as for Israel’s fires and their prayer—
and may you always enjoy2
be’amcha Yisra’el uvitfilatam,
vehashev et ha’avodah
lidvir beitecha,
ve’ishei Yisra’el utefilatam
be’ahavah tekabel beratzon,
accept them with love and delight;
Retze Adonai Eloheinu
restore the Temple service
‫ְרצֵ ה יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫בְּ עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל וּבִ ְתפִ לּ ָָתם‬
‫וְ הָ ֵשׁב אֶ ת הָ עֲ בו ָֹדה‬
ֶ ֵ‫לִ ְדבִ יר בּ‬
‫וּתפִ לּ ָָתם‬
ְ ‫וְ ִא ֵשּׁי ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה ְת ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ָרצוֹן‬
‫וּת ִהי לְ ָרצוֹן ָתּ ִמיד‬
� ֶ‫עֲ בו ַֹדת י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬
utehi leratzon tamid
avodat Yisra’el amecha.
the worship of your people Israel.
On Rosh Chodesh add Ya’aleh Veyavo, page 232.
Include the shaded words if you favor the restoration of the sacrificial system.
“And may it be to your liking forever …”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
And may our eyes witness
‫ וְ ֶתחֱ זֶינָה עֵ ינֵינוּ‬Vetechezena eineinu
‫שׁוּב� לְ ִציּוֹן בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
ְ ְ‫ בּ‬beshuvcha leTziyon berachamim.
your return to Zion, in mercy.
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are you, Ruler;
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
you return your presence to Zion.
‫ הַ מַּ חֲ זִ יר ְשׁכִ ינָת ֹו לְ ִציּוֹן אָמֵ ן‬hamachazir shechinato leTziyon. Amen
_________________________________ 2a. Thanksgiving ▪ ‫ ▪ מו ִֹדים‬Modim _________________________________
We thank you,
�ָ‫ מו ִֹדים אֲ נ ְַחנוּ ל‬v y Modim anachnu lach
because you are the Ruler, our God,
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬sha’atah huu Adonai Elohenu
God of our ancestors,
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
The one sure thing in our lives,
‫ צוּר חַ יֵּינוּ‬Tzur chayenu,
the shield of our salvation—
‫ מָ גֵן ִי ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬magen yish’enu,
that is you, from age to age!
‫ אַ ָתּה הוּא לְ דוֹר וָ דוֹר‬ata hu ledor vador.
�‫ נוֹדֶ ה לְּ � וּנְ סַ פֵּ ר ְתּ ִה ָלּ ֶת‬Nodeh lecha unesaper tehilatecha
We thank you and declare your praise
For our lives, which in your hand you hold, � ֶ‫סוּרים בְּ יָד‬
ִ ‫ עַ ל חַ יֵּינוּ הַ ְמּ‬al chayenu ham’surim beyadecha,
Our souls, which in your care are told; �‫ֹתינוּ הַ פְּ קוּדוֹת ָל‬
ֵ ‫ וְ עַ ל נִ ְשׁמו‬ve’al nishmoteinu hapekudot lach,
Your miracles, with us every day,
‫יוֹם ִעמָּ נוּ‬-‫ וְ עַ ל נִ סֶּ י� ֶשׁבְּ כָ ל‬ve’al nisecha sheb’chol yom imanu,
�‫ וְ עַ ל נִ פְ לְ או ֶֹתי� וְ טוֹבו ֶֹתי‬ve’al nifle’otecha vetovotecha,
Your wonders and abundant boons,
‫ ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל עֵ ת‬shebechol et,
With us
evening, morn, and noon.
‫עֶ ֶרב וָ ב ֶֹקר וְ צָ הֳ ָר ִים‬
erev vavoker vetzohorayim.
Your mercies never end; the one
�‫ הַ טּוֹב כִּ י �א ָכלוּ ַרחֲ מֶ י‬Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha,
‫ וְ הַ ְמ ַרחֵ ם‬vehamrachem
All good and merciful and blessed,
�‫ כִּ י �א ַתמּוּ חֲ סָ דֶ י‬ki lo tamu chasadecha,
Whose kindnesses are never done.
In you our hopes forever rest.
�‫ מֵ ע ֹולָם ִקוִּ ינוּ ָל‬me’olam kivinu lach.
____________________2b. Teachers’ Thanksgiving ▪ ‫ ▪ מו ִֹדים ְד ַרבָּ נָן‬Modim Derabbanan____________________
When the leader repeats the amidah and says the Thanksgiving blessing, the congregation says this:
We thank you
�ָ‫ מו ִֹדים אֲ נ ְַחנוּ ל‬v y Modim anachnu lach
for you are the Ruler, our God
and our ancestors’ God,
God of all flesh,
our maker, who formed Creation.
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫בָּ ָשׂר‬-‫אֱ �הֵ י ָכל‬
ִ ‫יו ְֹצ ֵרנוּ יוֹצֵ ר בְּ ֵר‬
sha’ata hu u Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
Elohei chol basar,
yotzrenu, yotzer bereshit.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
Blessings and thanks we give
‫בְּ ָרכוֹת וְ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬
‫לְ ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוֹל וְ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬
ָ ‫עַ ל ֶשׁהֶ חֱ ִי‬
‫וְ ִקיּ ְַמ ָתּנוּ‬
‫וּת ַק ְיּמֵ נוּ‬
ְ ‫כֵּן ְתּחַ יֵּנוּ‬
‫וְ ֶתאֱ סוֹף ָגּלֻיּו ֵֹתינוּ‬
�‫לְ חַ ְצרוֹת ָק ְד ֶשׁ‬
�‫לִ ְשׁמוֹר חֻ ֶקּי‬
�ֶ‫וְ לַעֲ שׂוֹת ְרצ ֹונ‬
‫וּלְ עָ בְ ְד� בְּ לֵבָ ב ָשׁלֵם‬
�ָ‫עַ ל ֶשׁאֲ נ ְַחנוּ מו ִֹדים ל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אֵ ל הַ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬
to your great and holy name,
because you have given us life
and sustained us.
Keep giving us life and sustenance,
and gather our scattered exiles
to the courtyards of your sanctuary,
to keep your statutes,
do your will,
and serve you wholeheartedly
—for which we thank you.
Berachot vehoda’ot
leshimcha hagadol vehakadosh,
al shehecheyitanu
Ken techayenu utekaymenu,
vete’esof galuyotenu
lechatzrot kodshecha,
lishmor chukecha
vela’asot retzonecha,
ule’ovdecha belevav shalem;
al she’anachnu modim lach.
Blessed is the God of thanks.
Baruch El hahoda’ot.
On Chanukah and Purim, Israel’s Independence Day and Jerusalem Day,
add Al Hanisim, page 233. Continue the Thanksgiving blessing below:
‫ וְ עַ ל ֻכּלָּם‬Ve’al kulam
And for all these things may your
�‫ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ָתּ ִמיד לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
name be blessed and exalted,
yitbarach veyitromam shimcha
malkenu, tamid le’olam va’ed.
O our ruler, constantly, and for ever.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded words; when repeating the amidah,
the prayer leader pauses while the congregation says these lines.
And write down for a good life all the children ‫ וּכְ תוֹב לְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים‬Uchetov lechayim tovim
ֶ ‫בְּ נֵי בְ ִר‬-‫ ָכּל‬kol benei veritecha.
Every living being will thank you (selah),
‫ וְ כֹל הַ חַ יִּים יוֹדוּ� סֶּ לָה‬Vechol hachayim yoducha selah,
and they will hail your name in truth,
‫ וִ יהַ לְ לוּ אֶ ת ִשׁ ְמ� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬vihalelu et shimcha be’emet,
God, our salvation and help (selah). ‫ הָ אֵ ל יְשׁוּעָ ֵתנוּ וְ עֶ זְ ָר ֵתנוּ סֶ לָה‬ha’El yeshu’atenu ve’ezratenu selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫ יי‬u ‫אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y atah u Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
whose reputation is good,
�‫ הַ טּוֹב ִשׁ ְמ‬hatov shimcha
and to whom thanks are due.
‫ וּלְ � נָאֶ ה לְ הוֹדוֹת אָמֵ ן‬ulecha na’eh lehodot. Amen
of those with whom you made your agreement!
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
_____________________________________ 3. Peace ▪ ‫ ▪ ָשׁלוֹם‬Shalom _____________________________________
On public fast days say the blessing for Peace on page 240 instead of this one.
Abundant peace on your people Israel
�‫ ָשׁלוֹם ָרב עַ ל ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ ְמּ‬Shalom rav al Yisra’el amcha
bestow forever.
For you are the ruler,
sovereign of all peace.
And it’s good in your eyes
to bless your people Israel
every time, and every hour,
‫ָתּ ִשׂים לְ ע ֹו ָלם‬
�ֶ‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה הוּא מֶ ל‬
‫אָדוֹן לְ ָכל הַ ָשּׁלוֹם‬
�‫וְ טוֹב בְּ עֵ ינֶי‬
‫לְ בָ ֵר� אֶ ת עַ ְמּ� ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בְּ ָכל עֵ ת וּבְ ָכל ָשׁעָ ה‬
� ֶ‫בִּ ְשׁלוֹמ‬
tasim le’olam.
Ki atah hu melech
adon lechol hashalom.
Vetov be’einecha
levarech et amcha Yisra’el
bechol et uv’chol sha’ah
with your peace.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, use the shaded section instead of the next four lines.
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
We bless you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who blesses God’s people Israel
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הַ ְמּבָ ֵר� אֶ ת עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
hamvarech et amo Yisra’el
with peace.
bashalom. Amen
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, say the shaded lines; when repeating the amidah,
the leader pauses while the congregation says the next five lines, then repeats them.
In the Book of Life, blessing,
‫ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר חַ ִיּים בְּ ָר ָכה‬BeSefer Chayim, berachah
peace and good livelihood, may we be
veshalom ufarnasah tovah,
nizacher venikatev lefanechah, anachnu
vechol amchah Beit Yisra’el
‫וְ ָשׁלוֹם וּפַ ְרנָסָ ה טוֹבָ ה‬
reviewed and graded before you,
‫ִנ ָזּכֵר וְ נִ ָכּ ֵתב לְ פָ נֶי� אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬
with all your people, Israel’s descendants,
‫עַ ְמּ� בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
for a life of goodness and peace.
‫לְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
who makes peace.
‫עו ֶֹשׂה הַ ָשּׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
lechayim tovim uleshalom.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
oseh hashalom. Amen
The amidah ends here, but we remain standing to express our own thanks and the longings of our heart,
guided by the following paragraphs. The leader continues with Full Kaddish, page 265.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
_________________________________ Personal Prayer _________________________________
My God, keep bad words from my tongue,
Elohai, netzor leshoni mera,
Ps 60:7
“Lema’an yechaltzun yedidecha,
‫אֱ �הַ י נְ צוֹר לְ שׁוֹנִ י מֵ ָרע‬
‫וּשׂפָ ַתי ִמ ַדּבֵּ ר ִמ ְר ָמה‬
and lies from my lips.
‫וְ לִ ְמ ַקלְ לַי נ ְַפ ִשׁי ִתדּוֹם‬
Let me not try to answer those who curse me;
let my spirit be as still as dust to everyone. ‫וְ נַפְ ִשׁי כֶּעָ פָ ר ַלכֹּל ִתּ ְהיֶה‬
Open my heart with your teaching
�‫פְּ ַתח לִ בִּ י בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וּבְ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי� ִתּ ְרדּוֹף נַפְ ִשׁי‬
that my spirit may follow your rules.
‫הַ חו ְֹשׁבִ ים עָ לַי ָרעָ ה‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
As for all who plan harm for me,
‫ְמהֵ ָרה הָ פֵ ר עֲ צָ ָתם‬
quickly upset their designs
and spoil their plans.
‫וְ ַקלְ ֵקל מַ חֲ ַשׁבְ ָתּם‬
Do it for the sake of your reputation;
� ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
�ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְי ִמינ‬
do it for the sake of your right hand;
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְקדֻ ָשּׁ ֶת‬
do it for the sake of your holiness;
do it for the sake of your law.
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן תּו ָֹר ֶת‬
Psalm 19:15
ֶ ‫ְלמַ עַ ן יֵחָ ְלצוּן יְ ִד‬
“To save your devoted followers,
take action, rescue and answer me!”
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה יְ ִמינְ � ַו ֲענֵנִ י‬
“May what I say be to your liking,
ִ ‫יִהיוּ ְל ָרצוֹן ִא ְמ ֵר‬
and my deepest thoughts come before you,
�‫וְ הֶ גְ יוֹן ִל ִבּי ְלפָ נֶי‬
usefatai midaber mirmah.
Velimkalelai nafshi tidom,
venafshi ke’afar lakol tihyeh.
Petach libi beToratecha,
uvemitzvotecha tirdof nafshi.
Vechol hachoshvim alai ra’ah,
meherah hafer atzatam
vekalkel machashavtam.
Aseh lema’an shemecha,
aseh lema’an yeminecha,
aseh lema’an kedushatecha,
aseh lema’an Toratecha.
hoshi’ah yemin’cha, va’aneni.”
“Yi’heyu leratzon imrei fi,
vehegyon libi lefanecha,
may God bring peace
to us and to all Israel,
Now you say, “Amen.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ע ֶֹשׂה הַ ָשּׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬
‫הוּא יַעֲ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן‬
Oseh hashalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
God, my rock, my savior.”
‫צוּרי וְ ֹגא ֲִלי‬
ִ ‫ יְהוָה‬Adonai, tzuri, vego’ali.”
Take three steps back, bow left on “oseh shalom,” right on “hu ya’aseh” and forward on “aleinu.”
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line.
‫ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬Oseh shalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
ve’imru, “Amen.”
Add this if you mourn the loss of the sacrificial system, metaphorically or literally.
�‫ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬Yehi ratzon milfanecha
May this be what you want,
ruling God
and God of our ancestors:
that the Temple be rebuilt
soon, in our days,
and restore our rights in your Torah,
and there we shall serve you reverently
Mal 3:4
Mal. 3:4
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁ ִיּבָּ נֶה בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
�‫וְ תֵ ן חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וְ ָשׁם נַעֲ בָ ְד� בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
bimherah veyameinu
veten chelkenu beToratecha
vesham na’avod’cha beyir’ah
as in days of old and years long past. ‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמוֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
So that God will enjoy
Ve’arvah lAdonai
‫וְ עָ ְרבָ ה לַ יהוָה‬
‫הוּדה וִ ירוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
ָ ְ‫ִמנְ חַ ת י‬
as in days of old and years long past.
‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem
min’chat Yehudah Virushalayim
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
Take three steps forward after the amidah, as if emerging from sacred space.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add Avinu Malkenu, page 257.
Except on the following days, we add the following two sections from morning Tachanun prayers,
Being Downcast and Israel’s Protector. Then we continue with Full Kaddish (page 265) and Aleinu (page 175).
Friday afternoon; Rosh Chodesh and the preceding afternoon; the month of Nisan; Israel’s Independence Day,
Lag Ba’Omer and Jerusalem Day and their preceding afternoons; the afternoon before Rosh Chodesh Sivan
until the second day after Shavu’ot; the 8th, 9th and 15th of Av; the day before Rosh Hashanah; from the day
before Yom Kippur until the second day after Sukkot; Chanukah and preceding afternoon; the 15th of Shevat;
the 13th, 14th and 15th of Adar (and of Adar Rishon in a leap year); on the celebration of a marriage; in the house
of a mourner during the week of mourning; on celebrating a circumcision if the father, godfather (sandek) or
mohel is present.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
___________________ Being Downcast ▪ ‫אַ פַּ ִים‬
‫ ▪ נְפִ י ַלת‬Nefilat Apayim ___________________
We sit down and rest our head on our arm as if plunged in misery, with God our only hope.
When King David faced disastrous alternatives, he chose to rely on God’s mercy.
2 Samuel 24:14
David told Gad,
‫ וַיּ ֹאמֶ ר ָדּוִ ד אֶ ל־גָּד‬x {Vayomer David el Gad,
“I’m in real trouble.
‫ר־לי ְמאֹד‬
I hope we fall into God’s power
‫נִ ְפּלָ ה־נָּא ְביַד־יְ הוָה‬
since God is merciful;
‫י־ר ִבּים ַרחֲמָ יו‬
ַ ‫ִכּ‬
I hope we don’t fall into any person’s power!”
Merciful and gracious God,
‫ַרחוּם וְ חַ נּוּן‬
�‫אתי לְ פָ נֶי‬
ִ ָ‫חָ ט‬
‫יי מָ לֵא ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫ַרחֵ ם עָ לַי וְ ַקבֵּ ל ַתּחֲ נוּנָי‬
I have sinned in your presence.
God, full of mercy,
take pity on me and accept my pleas.
Psalms 6:2-11
‫וּביַד־אָ ָדם אַ ל־אֶ פֹּלָ ה‬
“Tzar li me’od.
Niplah nah veyad Adonai
ki rabim rachamav,
uveyad adam al epoleh!”
Rachum vechanun,
chatati lefanecha.
Adonai maleh rachamim,
rachem alai vekabel tachanunai.
God, don’t rebuke me in your anger ‫תוֹכיחֵ נִ י‬
�‫ל־בּאַ ְפּ‬
ַ‫יְהוָה א‬
nor punish me in your fury.
‫וְ אַ ל־בַּ חֲמָ ְת� ְתי ְַסּ ֵרנִ י‬
Adonai, al be’ap;cha tochicheni,
Choneni, Adonai, ki umlal ani;
Be kind to me, God, for I am miserable;
‫חָ נֵּנִ י יְהוָה ִכּי אֻ ְמלַ ל אָ נִ י‬
Return, God, give me strength,
save me, to show your kindness.
�‫הוֹשׁיעֵ נִ י ְלמַ עַ ן חַ ְס ֶדּ‬
heal me, God, for I feel shattered.1
refa’eni, Adonai, ki nivhalu atzamai.
‫וְ נ ְַפ ִשׁי נִ ְבהֲלָ ה ְמאֹד‬
Venafshi nivhalah me’od,
and you, God, how long must I wait for your help? ‫וְ אַ תָּ ה יְהוָה עַ ד־מָ תָ י‬
ve’atah, Adonai, at matai?
Shuvah, Adonai, chaltzah nafshi;
If you let us die, we can’t remember you;
I’m tired of moaning.
Ki ein bamavet zichrecha;
� ָ‫יוֹדה־לּ‬
ֶ ‫ִבּ ְשׁאוֹל ִמי‬
biShe’ol, mi yodeh lach?
‫אַ ְשׂחֶ ה ְבכָ ל־לַ יְ לָ ה ִמטָּ ִתי‬
with my tears, I dissolve my sleeping couch.
My sight is clouded by tears of vexation,
blinded by my troubles.
�‫ִכּי אֵ ין בַּ מָּ וֶת ז ְִכ ֶר‬
‫ָיגַעְ ִתּי ְבּאַ נְ חָ ִתי‬
every night I flood my bed
hoshi’eni lema’an chasdecha.
in the Underworld, who can acknowledge you?
‫שׁוּבָ ה יְ הוָה חַ ְלּצָ ה נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
I am completely dismayed,
‫ְרפָ אֵ נִ י יְ הוָה ִכּי נִ ְבהֲלוּ עֲצָ מָ י‬
ve’al bachamat’cha teyasreni.
‫ְבּ ִד ְמעָ ִתי עַ ְר ִשׂי אַ ְמסֶ ה‬
Yagati be’an’chati;
as’cheh vechol laylah mitati;
bedim’ati ar’si amseh.
‫עָ ְשׁשָׁ ה ִמכַּ עַ ס עֵ ינִ י‬
Asheshah mika’as eini;
‫ל־צוֹר ָרי‬
ָ‫עָ ְתקָ ה ְבּכ‬
ot’kah bechol tzorerai.
“My bones are terrified.”
“For there-is-no in-death memory-of-you; in She’ol, who will acknowledge you?”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Get away from me, all you evildoers,
for God has heard the noise of my weeping.
‫סוּרוּ ִממֶּ נִּ י כָּ ל־ ֹפּעֲלֵ י אָ וֶן‬
Suru mimeni kol po’alei aven,
‫ִכּי־שָׁ מַ ע יְהוָה קוֹל ִבּ ְכיִ י‬
ki shamah Adonai kol bich’yi.
God has heard my pleas;
‫שָׁ מַ ע יְ הוָה ְתּ ִחנּ ִָתי‬
Shamah Adonai techinati;
God will accept my prayer
‫יְהוָה ְתּ ִפלָּ ִתי יִ קָּ ח‬
Adonai tefilati yikach.
All my foes will wither and be baffled;
‫ֵיבֹשׁוּ וְ יִ בָּ הֲלוּ ְמאֹד כָּ ל־אֹיְ בָ י‬
they will turn back in sudden shame.
‫יָשֻׁ בוּ ֵיבֹשׁוּ ָרגַע‬
__________________ Israel’s Protector ▪ ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
O, protector of your people Israel,
for they declare the unity of your nature:
“The Ruler is our God; the Ruler is one.”
‫ֱ�הינוּ יהו֥ה ׀ אֶ ָ ֽחד‬
֖ ֵ ‫יהו֥ה א‬
don’t let Israel be destroyed
for they say, “Listen, descendants of Israel.”
O, protector of the one people,
protect the remnant of that one people,
O, protector of the holy people,
Shomer Yisra’el,
shemor she’erit Yisra’el,
ve’al yovad Yisra’el,
ha’omrim: “Shema, Yisra’el!”
Shomer goy echad,
Shemor she’erit am echad,
ve’al yovad goy echad,
don’t let the one people be destroyed
yashuvu, yevoshu ragah!
‫ ▪ שׁוֹמֵ ר‬Shomer Yisra’el _________________
‫שׁוֹמֵ ר י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ְשׁמוֹר ְשׁאֵ ִרית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ אַל יֹאבַ ד י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫הָ או ְֹמ ִרים ְשׁ ַ ֖מע יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא֑ל‬
‫שׁוֹמֵ ר גּוֹי אֶ חָ ד‬
‫ְשׁמוֹר ְשׁאֵ ִרית עַ ם אֶ חָ ד‬
‫וְ אַל יֹאבַ ד גּוֹי אֶ חָ ד‬
�‫הַ ְמיַחֲ ִדים ִשׁ ְמ‬
protect the remnant of Israel,
Yevoshu vibahalu me’od kol oy’vai;
“Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad!”
Shomer goy kadosh,
shemor she’erit am kadosh,
‫שׁוֹמֵ ר גּוֹי ָקדוֹשׁ‬
‫ְשׁמוֹר ְשׁאֵ ִרית עַ ם ָקדוֹשׁ‬
‫וְ אַל יֹאבַ ד גּוֹי ָקדוֹשׁ‬
don’t let the holy people be destroyed,
‫הַ ְמ ַשׁלְּ ִשׁים בְּ ָשׁ�שׁ ְקדֻ שּׁוֹת‬
for they declare holiness three times
to the Holy One.
‫לְ ָקדוֹשׁ‬
You grant favor because of your mercy
‫ִמ ְת ַרצֶּ ה בְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וּמ ְתפַּ יֵּס בְּ ַתחֲ נוּ ִנים‬
and are appeased by prayers;
‫ִה ְת ַרצֶּ ה וְ ִה ְתפַּ יֵּס‬
grant favor and be appeased
for the sake of this humiliated generation,
‫לְ דוֹר עָ ִני‬
‫כִּ י אֵ ין ע ֹוזֵר‬
for there is no other help.
protect the remnant of the holy people,
ham’yachadim shim’chah,
ve’al yovad goy kadosh,
ham’shal’shim beshalosh kedushot
Mitratzeh verachamim
umitpayes betachanunim;
hitratzeh vehitpayes
ledor oni
ki ein ozer.
“Who triple in the three holinesses.” You might think this implies that we say three Kedushah prayers each
day, but most days we say Kedushah twice, in the morning and afternoon Amidah prayers; instead, this refers to
three times as part of every Kedushah. Instead of ‫בְּ ָשׁ�שׁ ְקדֻ שּׁוֹת‬, Hertz uses
saying the word holy/‫קדוֹשׁ‬/kadosh
‫בְּ ִשׁ�וּשׁ ְקדֻ ָשּׁה‬, “in the tripling of Kedushah”; such trivial differences are common among siddurim.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
Source of life! Sovereign,
be gracious and answer us,
though we have done nothing to earn
your favor; be just and kind to us—
and save us!
But we don’t know
what to do—we look to you for guidance!
Ps 25:6
‫ מַ ה־נַּעֲ ֶשׂה כִּ י עָ לֶי� עֵ ינֵינוּ‬u
Remember your mercies, God,
‫ֹר־רחֲמֶ י� יְ הוָה‬
ַ ‫ְזכ‬
and your kindnesses,
�‫ַוחֲסָ ֶדי‬
for they have existed forever.
‫ִכּי מֵ עוֹלָ ם הֵ מָּ ה‬
Be kind to us, God,
Ps. 33:22
for we have hoped for you.1
Ps 79:8
“Don’t recall to our discredit
‫יְהי־חַ ְס ְדּ� יְ הוָה עָ לֵ ינוּ‬
� ָ‫כַּ אֲשֶׁ ר יִחַ ְלנוּ ל‬
chonenu va’anenu
ki ein banu ma’asim;
aseh imanu tzedakah vachesed,
quick, let your mercies reach us first,
for we are very low!”
Zechor rachamecha, Adonai,
ki me’olam hemah.
Yehi chasdecha Adonai aleinu
ka’asher yichalnu lach.
“Al tizkor lanu
‫ֲע ֹונֹת ִראשֹׁנִ ים‬
avonot rishonim;
�‫מַ הֵ ר יְ קַ ְדּמוּנוּ ַרחֲמֶ י‬
‫ִכּי ַדלּוֹנוּ ְמאֹד‬
Be gracious to us, God, be gracious to us;
umah na’aseh, ki alecha eineinu.
‫ל־תּזְכָּ ר־לָ נוּ‬
the sins of our first ancestors;
Ps 123:3
Avinu malkenu,
We stand for the second line of this section
‫ וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ �א נֵדַ ע‬Vana’nachnu lo nedah
II Chron. 20:12
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫חָ נֵּנוּ וְ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
‫כִּ י אֵ ין בָּ נוּ מַ עֲ ִשׂים‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ ְצ ָד ָקה וָ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫הושׁיעֵ נוּ‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬
‫חָ נֵּנוּ יְהוָה חָ נֵּנוּ‬
maher, yekadmunu rachamecha
ki dalonu me’od.”
Chanenu, Adonai, chanenu,
‫י־רב שָׂ בַ עְ נוּ בוּז‬
ַ ‫ִכּ‬
ki rav savanu vuz.
Habakkuk 3:2
‫רגֶז ַרחֵ ם ִתּזְכּוֹר‬
ֹ ‫ְבּ‬
Berogez, rachem tizkor.
‫ִכּי־הוּא י ַָדע יִ ְצ ֵרנוּ‬
Ki hu yadah yitzreinu;
‫זָכוּר ִכּי־עָ פָ ר ֲאנ ְָחנוּ‬
zachur ki afar anachnu.
Ps. 103:14
When angry, remember to be merciful.
God knows what we are made of;
it’s well known that we are dust.
Help us, saving God,
for the glory of your reputation,
rescue us and forgive our sins
for the sake of your reputation.
‫עָ ז ְֵרנוּ אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
Ozrenu, Elohei yish’enu,
Ps 79:9
we’ve had our fill of humiliation.
� ֶ‫בוֹד־שׁמ‬
‫ל־דּבַ ר ְכּ‬
ְ ַ‫ע‬
‫וְ הַ ִצּילֵ נוּ וְ כַ פֵּ ר עַ ל־חַ טּ ֹאתֵ ינוּ‬
� ֶ‫ְלמַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
al devar kevod shemecha,
vehatzilenu, vechaper al chatoteinu,
lema’an shemecha.
“May your kindness be upon us, God, as (or, according to the way that) we have hoped for you,” a plea that
God’s mercy and salvation, when it finally comes, should compensate for all the long years of hoping, suffering
and waiting.
I.e., before God’s anger reaches us.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
The leader leads Full Kaddish, page 265.
_____________________________ Our Duty ▪ ‫ ▪ עָ לֵינוּ‬Aleinu1 ____________________________
The Sovereign of all
‫ עָ לֵינוּ לְ ַשׁבֵּ ַח‬u u Aleinu leshabe’ach
to praise we’re bound,
The Creative Force
with greatness to crown,
Who made us like no other race
On earth, nor set us
in their place.
Our fate–like theirs God made it not
But chose for us a different lot.
‫לַאֲ דוֹן הַ כֹּל‬
‫ל ֵָתת גְּ דֻ לָּה‬
ִ ‫לְ יוֹצֵ ר בְּ ֵר‬
‫ֶשׁ�א עָ ָשׂנוּ כְּ ג ֹויֵי הָ אֲ ָרצוֹת‬
‫וְ �א ָשׂמָ נוּ‬
‫כְּ ִמ ְשׁפְּ חוֹת הָ אֲ ָדמָ ה‬
‫ֶשׁ�א ָשׂם חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ ָכּהֶ ם‬
‫הֲ מ ֹונָם‬-‫וְ גו ָֹרלֵנוּ כְּ ָכל‬
Some add the next three lines.
For they prostrate themselves
before futility and emptiness
Is 45:20
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִמ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ וִ ים‬
‫לְ הֶ בֶ ל וָ ִריק‬
We bend the knee
and bow the head gratefully,
Before the Ruler whom rulers dread,
The holy, blessed One–
latet gedulah
leyotzer bereshit,
shelo asanu kegoyei ha’aratzot
velo samanu
k’mishpechot ha’adamah,
shelo sam chelkenu kahem
vegoralenu kechol hamonam.
Shehem mishtachavim
lehevel varik
“umitpalelim el el lo yoshia.”
“and pray to a god that can’t help.” ַ‫יוֹשׁיע‬
ִ ‫וּמ ְתפַּ ְל ִלים אֶ ל־אֵ ל ל ֹא‬
la’adon hakol,
‫ כּו ְֹר ִעים‬w ‫ וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬Va’anachnu zkor’im
‫וּמ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ וִ ים וּמו ִֹדים‬
ִ v y umishtachavim umodim
‫ לִ פְ נֵי מֶ לֶ� מַ לְ כֵי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬u u lifnei melech malchei hamlachim,
‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬Hakadosh baruch hu;
For our note on Aleinu, please see page 275.
“We are bound to give praise / to the ruler of everything, /to acknowledge the greatness /of the one who
formed creation, who did not make us like other nations nor position us like the rest of the world’s families, /
who did not make our portion like theirs / nor our destiny like that of those multitudes.” If you dislike the idea
that Jews are a “chosen” people, you might consider that in ancient days our mission was to bring Torah values
to those who lacked them; now, perhaps, that mission is largely fulfilled. Or, you might say ‫ ֶשׁ�ו‬for ‫—שׁ�א‬the
two words sound identical—implying that God chose us, for God’s own purposes, to be like the other nations,
by showing them how to live a Torah-observant life.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ ִמנְ חָ ה‬Weekday Afternoon Service
Who Is. 51:13 “stretches out the heavens,
‫נוֹטֶ ה שָׁ מַ יִ ם‬
‫וְ יֹסֵ ד אָ ֶרץ‬
Supports the earth below”;
Above, high in the sky,
The Presence does bestow;
Whose power dwells
In heights where none can go.
This is our God, there is no more;
our ruler is truth, beyond whom is naught.
It’s written in God’s Law:
Deut 4:39
‫וּמו ַֹשׁב ְי ָקר ֹו‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים ִממַּ עַ ל‬
‫וּשׁכִ ינַת ֻעזּ ֹו‬
‫בְּ גָבְ הֵ י ְמרו ִֹמים‬
‫הוּא אֱ �הֵ ינוּ אֵ ין עוֹד‬
‫אֶ מֶ ת מַ לְ כֵּנוּ אֶ פֶ ס זוּלָת ֹו‬
‫ַכּ ָכּתוּב בְּ תו ָֹרת ֹו‬
“This day you must know
‫תּ הַ יּ֗ וֹם‬
֣ ָ ְ‫וְ י ַָדע‬
and take it to heart
in heaven above
that God is God
and on earth below: nothing else is.”
shehu “noteh shamayim
veyosed aretz,”
umoshav yekaro
bashamayim mima’al,
ushechinat uzo
begovhei meromim.
Hu Eloheinu, ein od;
emet malkenu, efes zulato.
Kakatuv b’Torato:
“Veyada’ta hayom,
֒ � ֶ‫ל־לבָ ב‬
ֶ‫ַוהֲשֵׁ בֹתָ ֮ א‬
vahashevota el levavecha
ִ֔ ‫ִכּ֤י יהוה ֙ ה֣ וּא ָ ֽהא‬
ki Adonai, hu ha’Elohim
‫בַּ שָּׁ ַמ֣יִ ם ִמ ֔ ַמּעַ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל־הָ ָא ֶ֖רץ ִמ ָתּ֑חַ ת ֵא֖ין ֽעוֹד‬
So we hope in you,
ve’al ha’aretz mitachat: ein od.”
Al ken nekaveh lecha,
Adonai Eloheinu,
lir’ot meherah betif’eret uzecha;
leha’avir gilulim min ha’aretz,
veha’elilim karot yikaretun,
� ְ‫עַ ל כֵּן נְ ַקוֶּה ל‬
God, our God,
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
�ֶ‫לִ ְראוֹת ְמהֵ ָרה בְּ ִתפְ אֶ ֶרת עֻ זּ‬
soon to see your splendid power,
to make idols pass from the earth
ֶ ָ‫לְ הַ עֲ בִ יר גִּ לּוּלִ ים ִמן ה‬
and destroy false gods,
‫וְ הָ אֱ לִ ילִ ים ָכּרוֹת ִי ָכּ ֵרתוּן‬
to repair the world in the Almighty’s rule. ‫לְ ַת ֵקּן ע ֹולָם בְּ מַ לְ כוּת ַשׁ ַדּי‬
And all people
‫בְּ נֵי בָ ָשׂר‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
� ֶ‫ִי ְק ְראוּ ִב ְשׁמ‬
will call on your name,
to turn to you all the wicked on earth. ‫אָרץ‬
ֶ ‫ ִר ְשׁעֵ י‬-‫לְ הַ פְ נוֹת אֵ לֶי� ָכּל‬
They’ll see and know—
‫יַכִּ ירוּ וְ י ְֵדעוּ‬
‫יו ְֹשׁבֵ י ֵתבֵ ל‬-‫ָכּל‬
all earth dwellers—
�‫בֶּ ֶר‬-‫כִּ י לְ � ִתּכְ ַרע ָכּל‬
that to you each knee must bend,
each tongue must swear.
‫לָשׁוֹן‬-‫ִתּ ָשּׁבַ ע ָכּל‬
bashamayim mima’al,
letahken olam bemalchut shadai,
vechol benei vasar
yikre’u vishmecha,
lehafnot elecha kol rish’ei aretz.
Yakiru veyed’u
kol yoshvei tevel,
ki lecha tichra kol berech,
tishava kol lashon.
We bend the knee / and bow in gratitude / before the ruler, / ruler of rulers, / the holy, blessed one, who
“stretches out the heavens, / supports the earth below;” / whose own dwelling place / is in the sky above / and
whose power is present / in the loftiest heights.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | ַויְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Before you, ruling God,
they will kneel and fall down,
and to the glory of your reputation
they will give honor.
And they will all accept
the yoke of your rule,
that soon you may rule them
forever and ever.
For this is your reign,
and forever and ever
you will rule in glory.
Ex. 15:18
God will be the ruler forever!
And it’s said in your scripture:
Zech. 14:9
Lefanecha Adonai Elohenu
‫יהו֥ה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלעֹ ָל֥ם וָעֶ ֽד‬
Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
It’s written in your Law:
‫לְ פָ נֶי� יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫ִיכְ ְרעוּ וְ ִיפֹּ לוּ‬
�‫וְ לִ כְ בוֹד ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫ְי ָקר ִי ֵתּנוּ‬
‫יקבְּ לוּ ֻכ ָלּם‬
ַ ִ‫ו‬
ֶ ְ‫עֹל מַ ל‬-‫אֶ ת‬
‫וְ ִת ְמ�� עֲ לֵיהֶ ם ְמהֵ ָרה‬
‫לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
‫כִּ י הַ מַּ לְ כוּת ֶשׁלְּ � ִהיא‬
‫וּלְ עוֹלְ מֵ י עַ ד‬
‫ִתּ ְמלוֹ� בְּ ָכבוֹד‬
�‫◊ ַכּ ָכּתוּב בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
over all the earth;
� ֶ‫וְ הָ יָה יְהוָה ְלמֶ ל‬
‫עַ ל־כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
on that day God will be one
and God’s name will be one.
velichvod shimcha
yekar yitenu,
vikablu chulam
et ol malchutecha,
vetimloch aleihem mehera
le’olam va’ed.
Ki hamalchut shelcha hi,
ule’olmei ad
timloch bechavod.
◊ Kakatuv beToratecha:
Vehayah Adonai lemelech
And God will be ruler
‫וְ נֶאֱ מַ ר‬
yichre’u veyipolu,
‫יִהיֶה יְ הוָה אֶ חָ ד‬
ְ ‫בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא‬
‫וּשׁמוֹ אֶ חָ ד‬
al kol ha’aretz;
bayom hahu yih’yeh Adonai echad
ushemo echad.
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ַמעֲ ִריב‬
Weekday Evening Service
The evening service begins the Jewish day, for when the Torah tells the story of creation, each day begins with
the evening.
Evening services begin with the Shema section: the call to prayer, blessings celebrating God’s creation and
love, the three parts of the Shema, and the blessings which recall God’s redemption at the Exodus and continuing protection.
The amidah is the same as the silent amidah for the afternoon service.
We conclude with Aleinu; from Pesach to Shavu’ot, we count the Omer.
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
Shema and Its Blessings
Usually, the leader chants the first line,
lets the congregation say all six lines, and repeats the last two lines.
Ps. 73:38
God is merciful, excuses sin
‫ וְ הוּא ַרחוּם יְ כַ פֵּ ר עָ ֹון‬Vehu rachum yechaper avon
and will not destroy us,
‫וְ ל ֹא־י ְַשׁ ִחית‬
often withholds divine anger
and does not arouse God’s rage.1
Ps. 20:10
God, save us: for at our demand,
Oh Ruler, you’ll give answer true.
velo yashchit,
‫וְ ִה ְרבָּ ה ְלהָ ִשׁיב אַ פּוֹ‬
vehirbah lehashiv apo,
‫וְ ל ֹא־יָעִ יר כָּ ל־חֲמָ תוֹ‬
velo ya’ir kol chamato.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה‬
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ � ַי ֲענֵנוּ ְביוֹם־קָ ְראֵ נוּ‬
Adonai hoshi’a—
hamelech ya’aneinu veyom kor’einu.
___________________________ Call to Prayer ▪ ‫ ▪ בָּ ְרכוּ‬Bar’chu___________________________
We rise as the prayer leader begins the call to prayer.
�‫ אֶ ת־ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u ‫ בָּ ְרכוּ‬v y Bar’chu u et Adonai hamvorach.
Bless God, the blessed one.
Blessed is God, the blessed one,
for ever and ever.
for ever and ever.
Blessed is God, the blessed one,
�‫ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u �‫ בָּ רוּ‬v y Baruch u Adonai hamvorach
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
�‫ יי הַ ְמ ֹב ָר‬u �‫ בָּ רוּ‬v y Baruch u Adonai hamvorach
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
We are seated x e
“And-he who is merciful will-pay-off wrongdoing/offense/sin and-not will-destroy and-has-acted-repeatedly
to-turn-back his-anger and-not will-awaken all his-anger.” Even if we suffer, we say that we deserve worse, and
so our suffering shows God’s mercy. The word ‫ ְיכַפֵּ ר‬is in “Yom Kippur”; the concept we translate as “atonement” also carries the idea of paying off required compensation for a misdeed—paying a fine, or ransom money. If life were Monopoly, God would be our Get Out of Jail Free card.
“Lord, bring salvation! The king will answer us on the day when we call.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
We respond “Amen” but not “Baruch hu uvaruch shemo” for the blessings before and after Shema.
____________________________ First Blessing Before Shema____________________________
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬x x Baruch atah Adonai
We bless you, Sovereign,
our God, ruler of time and space,
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
who by your word brings evening,
‫אֲ ֶשׁר ִבּ ְדבָ ר ֹו מַ עֲ ִריב עֲ ָרבִ ים‬
in wisdom opens the gates,
‫בְּ חָ כְ מָ ה פּו ֵֹתחַ ְשׁעָ ִרים‬
‫וּבִ ְתבוּנָה ְמ ַשׁנֶּה ִע ִתּים‬
with insight changes the times,
‫וּמַ חֲ לִ יף אֶ ת הַ זְּ מַ ִנּים‬
varies the seasons,
‫וּמסַ דֵּ ר אֶ ת הַ כּ ֹו ָכבִ ים‬
and arranges the stars
‫בְּ ִמ ְשׁ ְמרו ֵֹתיהֶ ם‬
in their guardposts
‫בָּ ָר ִקיעַ כִּ ְרצוֹנ ֹו‬
in the sky, by your will,1
‫בּו ֵֹרא יוֹם וָ ָל ְי ָלה‬
creating day and night,
ֶ ‫גּ ֹולֵל אוֹר ִמפְּ נֵי‬
rolling away light before darkness
and darkness before light,
‫חשׁ� ִמפְּ נֵי אוֹר‬
ֶ ְ‫ו‬
making day pass and bringing night.
‫וּמַ עֲ בִ יר יוֹם וּמֵ בִ יא ָל ְילָה‬
Separating day from night,
‫וּמַ בְ ִדּיל בֵּ ין יוֹם וּבֵ ין ָל ְילָה‬
‫יי ְצבָ אוֹת ְשׁמ ֹו‬
God is called the Ruler of Hosts.
God who lives and prevails
‫◊ אֵ ל חַ י וְ ַקיָּם‬
will rule us always, forever and ever. ‫ָתּ ִמיד ִי ְמלוֹ� עָ לֵינוּ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who brings on evenings.
‫הַ מַּ עֲ ִריב עֲ ָרבִ ים אָמֵ ן‬
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
asher bid’varo ma’ariv aravim,
bechochmah pote’ach she’arim
uvit’vunah meshaneh itim
umachalif et hazmanim
umesader et hakochavim
baraki’ah kirtzono.
Borei yom valaylah,
golel or mipnei choshech
vechoshech mipnei or,
uma’avir yom umevi laylah,
umavdil bein yom uvein laylah,
Adonai tzeva’ot shemo.
◊ El chai vekayam
tamid yimloch aleinu le’olam va’ed.
Baruch atah Adonai
hama’ariv aravim. Amen
Literally, “your word” and “your will” use the third person pronoun (“his word … his will”).
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
___________________________ Second Blessing Before Shema __________________________
With lasting love for Israel’s family
‫אַהֲ בַ ת ע ֹולָם בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫עַ ְמּ� אָהָ בְ ָתּ‬
have you loved your people.
‫וּמ ְצוֹת‬
ִ ‫תּו ָֹרה‬
Torah and commandments,
‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ִטים‬
ִ ‫חֻ ִקּים‬
statutes and judgements,
you have taught us.
‫או ָֹתנוּ לִ מַּ ְד ָתּ‬
Because of this, O Ruler, our God,
‫עַ ל כֵּן יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
when we lie down and when we get up,
‫בְּ ָשׁכְ בֵּ נוּ וּבְ קוּמֵ נוּ‬
we shall speak about your statutes,
�‫נ ִָשׂיחַ בְּ חֻ ֶקּי‬
�‫וְ נִ ְשׂמַ ח ְבּ ִדבְ ֵרי תו ָֹר ֶת‬
and we’ll rejoice in words of your Torah
and commandments forever and ever.
‫וּבְ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי� לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
For they are our life and our good old age, ‫כִּ י הֵ ם חַ יֵּינוּ וְ א ֶֹר� יָמֵ ינוּ‬
‫וּבָ הֶ ם נ ְֶהגֶּה יוֹמָ ם וָ ָל ְי ָלה‬
and we’ll enjoy them day and night.
And your love—
�‫◊ וְ אַהֲ בָ ְת‬
‫אַל ָתּ ִסיר ִממֶּ נּוּ לְ ע ֹול ִָמים‬
don’t take it away from us, ever.
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who loves your people Israel.
‫אוֹהֵ ב עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
Ahavat olam beit Yisra’el
amcha ahavta.
Torah umitzvot
chukim umishpatim
otanu limadta.
Al ken Adonai Eloheinu
beshochbenu uvekumenu
nasi’ach bechukecha,
venismach bedivrei Toratecha
uvemitzvotecha le’olam va’ed.
Ki hem chayeinu ve’orech yameinu
uvahem neh’geh yomam valaylah.
◊ Ve’ahavat’cha
Baruch atah Adonai,
ohev amo Yisra’el. Amen
al tasir mimenu le’olamim.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
______________________________ Shema (First Paragraph) _____________________________
Add this line when praying without a minyan.1
God is the reliable ruler.
‫ אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� נֶאֱ מָ ן‬El melech ne’eman.
Many people cover the eyes with the right hand for the next three lines.
Deut. 6:4
‫ ְשׁ ַ ֖מע יִ ְשׂ ָר ֵא֑ל‬Shema, Yisra’el:
Listen, descendants of Israel:
‫ֱ�הינוּ יהו֥ה ׀ אֶ ָ ֽחד‬
֖ ֵ ‫ יהו֥ה א‬Adonai Eloheinu; Adonai echad.
The Ruler is our God; the Ruler is one.
Say the next two lines quietly.
‫ בָּ רוּ� ֵשׁם‬Baruch shem—
Blessed is God’s name,
the glory of whose reign lasts forever.3
Deut. 6:5-9
You are to love your ruling God
‫כְּ בוֹד מַ לְ כוּת ֹו לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
ֶ ‫וְ ָא֣הַ ְב ֔ ָתּ ֵ ֖את יהו֣ה א‬
kevod malchuto le’olam va’ed.
Ve’ahavta et Adonai Elohecha
֥�‫ל־לבָ ְב‬
bechol levav’cha,
your whole self
֖�‫וּבכָ ל־נ ְַפ ְשׁ‬
uvechol nafshecha,
�‫ל־מא ֶ ֹֽד‬
ְ ָ‫וּבכ‬
uvechol me’odecha.
with your whole heart,
and all your resources.
These words
‫וְ הָ י֞וּ הַ ְדּבָ ִ ֣רים הָ ֵ֗אלֶּ ה‬
I tell you today must be
Repeat them to your children,
and talk about them
when you sit at home,
when you walk down the street,
al levavecha.
�‫וְ ִשׁנַּנְ ָתּ֣ם ְלבָ ֶנ֔י‬
‫וְ ִדבַּ ְר ָ ֖תּ ָבּ֑ם‬
Veshinantam levanecha,
vedibarta bam
֙ �֙ ֶ‫ְבּ ִשׁ ְב ְתּ�֤ ְבּבֵ ית‬
beshivtecha beveitecha,
�‫וּבלֶ ְכ ְתּ�֣ בַ ֶ ֔דּ ֶר‬
uvelechtecha vaderech,
when you go to bed and when you get up.
ֽ ֶ ‫וּב‬
ְ ֖�‫וּֽ ְבשָׁ ְכ ְבּ‬
uveshochbecha, uvekumecha.
�‫ל־לבָ ֶ ֽב‬
ְ ַ‫ע‬
asher anochi metzav’cha hayom
on your heart.
‫ֲשׁר אָ נ ִֹכ֧י ְמצַ וְּ �֛ הַ יּ֖�ם‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
Vehayu had’varim ha’eleh
Add three words to make up the number of words in Shema to 248, the number (tradition tells us) of parts in
the body—so we declare our love for God with every part of our body. When praying with a congregation, we
add three words at the end of Shema.
The ‫ ע‬of ‫ שמע‬and ‫ ד‬of ‫ אחד‬are large letters. Together, they form the Hebrew word ‫עד‬, “witness”; with this
declaration of God’s unity, we Jews bear witness to our faith. Another reason for the large letters is to avoid
misreading ‫( שמא‬perhaps) for ‫ שמע‬and ‫( אחר‬another) for ‫אחד‬, which would replace our confident faith with
agnostic uncertainty! Some say the large letters express hope for God’s universal acceptance in the four (‫)ד‬
“corners” of the earth and among the seventy (‫ )ע‬nations of the world (Genesis chapter X lists Noah’s seventy
grandsons, so we’re all descendants of Gen X-ers).
This phrase is a response to hearing God’s name. In the Temple, the people would respond with this phrase
when they heard the High Priest pronounce God’s name on Yom Kippur (Mishna Yoma, 3:9).
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
Tie them as a sign on your hand,
�֑‫וּקְ שַׁ ְר ָ ֥תּם ְלא֖ �ת עַ ל־י ֶָד‬
Ukeshartam le’ot al yadecha,
let them be on your forehead between your eyes, �‫וְ הָ י֥וּ ְלטֹטָ ֖ ֹפת ֵ ֥בּין עֵ ינֶ ֽי‬
vehayu letotafot bein einecha.
Uchetavtam al mezuzot beitecha,
and write them on your doorposts
֖ ֶ ֵ‫ל־מזוּ ֹז֥ת בּ‬
ְ ַ‫וּכתַ ְב ָתּ֛ם ע‬
and on your gates.
�‫וּב ְשׁעָ ֶ ֽרי‬
____________________________ Shema (Second Paragraph) ____________________________
Deut 11:13-21
This is what will happen
if you listen well to my commands,
‫וְ הָ ָי֗ה‬
ַ ֔ ‫ל־מ ְצו‬
ֶ‫מעַ ִתּ ְשׁ ְמעוּ ֙ א‬
ֹ ֤ ָ‫ִאם־שׁ‬
which I
‫א ֲֶשׁ֧ר אָ נ ִֹכ֛י‬
tell you today,
to love God, your God,
‫ְמצַ וֶּ ֥ה אֶ ְת ֶכ֖ם הַ יּ֑�ם‬
֙ ‫ֲבה אֶ ת־יהו֤ה א ֱֽ�הֵ יכֶ ם‬
ָ֞ ‫ְלאַ ה‬
and to serve God with your whole heart
and all your resources:
I will give your land its rain
at the right time, early and late rains,
and wine and oil.
uvechol nafshechem.
ve’asafta deganecha,
vetirosh’cha, veyitz’harecha.
Venatati esev besad’cha
ve’achalta vesava’ta.
ָ‫וְ אָ כַ ְל ָ ֖תּ וְ שָׂ ָ ֽבעְ תּ‬
‫ִה ָ ֽשּׁ ְמ ֣רוּ לָ ֔ ֶכם‬
ule’ovdo, bechol levav’chem,
be’ito, yoreh umalkosh,
֖�‫וְ נָתַ ִתּ֛י ֵע֥שֶׂ ב ְבּשָׂ ְד‬
But take care!
le’ahavah et Adonai Eloheichem
‫י�ר֣ה וּמַ ְלק֑ �שׁ‬
ֶ � ֖‫ְבּעִ תּ‬
�֑‫ִל ְבהֶ ְמ ֶתּ‬
so you can eat your fill.
metzaveh et’chem hayom,
Venatati metar artzechem
�֔‫תּ ְד ָג ֶנ‬
֣ ָ ‫וְ אָ סַ ְפ‬
I will provide grass in your fields
im shamo’ah tishme’u el mitzvotai
asher anochi
‫וְ נָתַ ִתּ֧י ְמ ַ ֽטר־אַ ְר ְצ ֶכ֛ם‬
�‫ֹשׁ�֖ וְ יִ ְצהָ ֶ ֽר‬
ְ ‫וְ ִ ֽתיר‬
for your cattle,
‫וּבכָ ל־נ ְַפ ְשׁ ֶ ֽכם‬
so you can harvest your grain
‫ל־לבַ ְב ֶכ֖ם‬
ָ‫וּלעָ ְב ֔ד� ְבּכ‬
Hishamru lachem
‫ֶ ֥פּן יִ ְפ ֶ ֖תּה ְלבַ ְב ֶכ ֑ם וְ סַ ְר ֗ ֶתּם‬
pen yifteh levavchem, vesartem
and serve other gods
‫ֱ�ה֣ים אֲחֵ ִ ֔רים‬
ִ ‫ַועֲבַ ְדתֶּ ם ֙ א‬
va’avadtem elohim acherim,
Don’t be misled, to turn from me
and worship them.
‫יתם לָ ֶ ֽהם‬
֖ ֶ ִ‫וְ ִה ְשׁתַּ חֲו‬
“Lest your heart (the thinking part) be misled.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
vehishtachavitem lahem.
Shema and Its Blessings
Then God will be angry1 at you
‫וְ חָ ָ ֨רה אַ ף־יהו֜ה בָּ ֗ ֶכם‬
and close up the sky:
֙ ‫וְ עָ ַצ֤ר אֶ ת־הַ שָּׁ מַ ֙יִ ם‬
there will be no rain,
‫וְ ֽל ֹא־יִ ְהיֶ ֣ה מָ ֔ ָטר‬
the earth will not yield its produce,
‫בוּל ֑הּ‬
ָ ְ‫הא ֲָד ֔ ָמה ֥ל ֹא ִת ֵ ֖תּן אֶ ת־י‬
֣ ָ ְ‫ו‬
and you will soon perish
‫ַואֲבַ ְד ֶתּ֣ם ְמהֵ ָ ֗רה‬
from the good land
ָ֔ ‫מֵ עַ ל ֙ הָ ָא ֶ֣רץ הַ טּ‬
which God gives you.
Set these words
on your heart and soul,
tie them as a sign on your hand,
‫ֹתן לָ ֶ ֽכם‬
֥ ֵ ‫א ֲֶשׁ֥ר יהו֖ה נ‬
‫ת־דּבָ ַר֣י ֵ֔אלֶּ ה‬
ְ ֶ‫וְ שַׂ ְמתֶּ ם ֙ א‬
‫ל־לבַ ְב ֶכ֖ם וְ עַ ֽל־נ ְַפ ְשׁ ֶכ ֑ם‬
ְ ַ‫ע‬
‫וּקְ שַׁ ְר ֨ ֶתּם א ָֹת֤ם ְלא�ת ֙ עַ ל־י ְֶד ֔ ֶכם‬
and place them on your forehead
between your eyes.
Teach them to your children,
talking about them
when you walk down the street,
Write them on your doorposts
and on your gates.
So that you and your children may spend a
long time,2 on the land
that God promised
va’avadtem meherah
me’al ha’aretz hatovah
asher Adonai noten lachem.
Vesamtem et devarai eileh
al levav’chem ve’al nafshechem,
ukeshartem otam le’ot al yed’chem,
vehayu letotafot
ֽ ֶ ‫ֵבּ֥ין עֵ ינ‬
bein eineichem.
‫ְל ַד ֵבּ֣ר ָבּ֑ם‬
Velimadtem otam et beneichem,
ledaber bam
֙ �֙ ֶ‫ְבּ ִשׁ ְב ְתּ�֤ ְבּבֵ ית‬
beshivtecha beveitecha
�‫וּבלֶ ְכ ְתּ�֣ בַ ֶ ֔דּ ֶר‬
uvelechtecha vaderech,
—as long as the sky is above the land!
ֽ ֶ ‫וּב‬
ְ ֖�‫וּֽ ְבשָׁ ְכ ְבּ‬
֖ ֶ ֵ‫ל־מזוּז֥�ת בּ‬
ְ ַ‫וּכתַ ְב ָתּ֛ם ע‬
�‫וּב ְשׁעָ ֶ ֽרי‬
uvshochbecha uvekumecha.
Uchetavtam al mezuzot beitecha,
֙ ‫ְל ֨ ַמעַ ן ְיִרבּ֤ וּ יְ מֵ יכֶ ם‬
‫ֵיכם עַ ֚ל ָ ֽהא ֲָד ֔ ָמה‬
ֶ ֔ ‫ימ֣י ְבנ‬
ֵ ִ‫ו‬
Lema’an yirbu yemeichem
‫ֲשׁר נִ ְשׁ ַבּ֧ע יהו֛ה‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
‫יכ֖ם לָ ֵת֣ת לָ ֶה֑ם‬
ֶ ֵ‫לַ ֲאבֹת‬
vimei veneichem al ha’adamah
asher nishbah Adonai
la’avoteichem, latet lahem,
to your parents, to give them,
veha’adamah lo titen et yevulah,
velo yih’yeh matar,
‫וְ הָ י֥וּ ְלט�טָ ֖ ֹפת‬
ֶ ‫ת־בּנ‬
ֶ‫וְ ִלמַּ ְד ֶ ֥תּם א ָֹת֛ם א‬
when you go to bed and when you get up.
ve’atzar et hashamayim,
when you sit at home,
Vecharah af Adonai bachem,
‫ימי הַ שָּׁ ַמ֖יִ ם עַ ל־הָ ָ ֽא ֶרץ‬
֥ ֵ ‫ִכּ‬
kimei hashamayim al ha’aretz.
“God’s nose will blaze against you.”
“So that your days may be many, and your children’s days…”
“Like the days of.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
_____________________________ Shema (Third Paragraph) _____________________________
Numbers 15:37
God told Moses:
‫וַיּ ֹ֥אמֶ ר יהו֖ה אֶ ל־מ ֶֹשׁ֥ה לֵּ א ֹֽמר‬
“Talk to the children of Israel,
֙ ‫ל־בּנֵ ֤י יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ֶ‫ַדּ ֵ֞בּר א‬
and tell them
they should make fringes
on the corners of their garments
as long as their people last.
On the corner fringe, they should put
you should not follow your heart
nor your eyes—
�‫ית֣ם א ֹ֗ת‬
ֶ ‫ְוּר ִא‬
‫ל־מ ְצ ֹו֣ת יהו֔ה‬
ִ ָ‫וּזְכַ ְרתֶּ ם ֙ אֶ ת־כּ‬
‫יתם א ָֹת֑ם‬
֖ ֶ ‫ַוע ֲִשׂ‬
֙ ‫ח ֵר֤י ְלבַ ְבכֶ ם‬
ֲ ַ‫וְ ֽל ֹא־תָ ֜ ֻתרוּ א‬
ֽ ֶ ‫אֲשֶׁ ר־אַ ֶ ֥תּם זֹנִ ֖ים אַ ח ֲֵר‬
‫ְל ַמ֣עַ ן ִתּז ְְכּ ֔רוּ‬
and be holy to your God.
‫ל־מ ְצו ָֹת֑י‬
ִ ָ‫יתם אֶ ת־כּ‬
֖ ֶ ‫ַוע ֲִשׂ‬
ֽ ֶ ֵ‫יתם קְ ד ִֹשׁ֖ים ֵ ֽלא�ה‬
֥ ֶ ִ‫וִ ְהי‬
ֶ ֗ ֵ‫א ֲִנ֞י יהו֣ה א ֱֽ�ה‬
֙ ‫֤אתי אֶ ְתכֶ ם‬
ִ ‫ה�צ‬
ֶ֨ ‫א‬
from Egypt,
‫מֵ ֶא ֶ֣רץ ִמ ְצ ַ ֔ריִ ם‬
to be your God.
‫אֲנִ ֖י‬
the Ruler, your God.”
It’s true…
ֽ ֶ ֵ‫◊ יהוה אֱ�ה‬
…‫אֱמֶ ת‬
“For their generations.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
Venatnu al tzitzit hakanaf
petil techelet.
Vehayah lachem letzitzit
ur’item oto,
uzechartem et kol mitzvot Adonai,
va’asitem otam,
velo taturu acharei levav’chem
ve’acharei eineichem
asher atem zonim achareihem;
lema’an tizkeru,
va’asitem et kol mitzvotai,
viheyitem kedoshim lEloheichem.
Ani Adonai Eloheichem,
asher hotzeti et’chem
me’eretz Mitzrayim
liheyot lachem lElohim.
‫א�ה ֑ים‬
ֵ‫ִל ְהי֥�ת לָ ֶכ֖ם ל‬
I am
I am the Ruler, your God,
who brought you
al kanfei vigdeihem
Rather, remember
and perform all my commands
֖ ֶ ‫עַ ל־כַּ נְ ֵ ֥פי ִבגְ ֵד‬
ֶ ֔ ‫וְ אַ ח ֲֵר֣י ֵעֽינ‬
for you stray after them!
ve’asu lahem tzitzit
֒ ‫יצת‬
ִ ‫וְ הָ יָ ֣ה לָ כֶ ם ֮ ְל ִצ‬
and you will perform them;
ve’amarta aleihem,
‫ְפּ ִת֥יל ְתּ ֵ ֽכלֶ ת‬
You will look at it
and remember all of God’s rules,
‫תּ אֲלֵ ֔ ֶהם‬
֣ ָ ‫וְ אָ מַ ְר‬
‫יצ֥ת הַ כָּ נָ ֖ ף‬
ִ ‫ל־צ‬
ִ ַ‫וְ נָ ְ֥תנ֛וּ ע‬
That will be your fringe.
“Daber el benei Yisra’el
ִ ‫הם ִצ‬
֥ ֶ ָ‫וְ עָ ֨שׂוּ ל‬
‫דר ָֹת֑ם‬
ֹ ‫ְל‬
a blue thread.
Vayomer Adonai el Moshe lemor:
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
◊ Adonai Eloheichem.”
Shema and Its Blessings
_____________________________ First Blessing After Shema ____________________________
…All this is certain—it’s our faith
and it’s proven for us,
that this is the Ruler our God,
and there is no other,
and we are Israel, God’s people.
God rescues us from the hand of kings,
our ruler, who redeems us
from the clutches of all tyrants;
God, who claims damages from our foes
and who pays back in full
Job 9:10
all our mortal enemies;
“Who does great things—
too many to find out—
“Who sets our souls in life
and has not let our foot falter”;
who leads us to our enemies’ heights
and has raised our glory
and revenge on Pharaoh,
on the land of Ham’s children;
who strikes in anger
all the firstborn of Egypt,
ki hu Adonai Eloheinu
ve’ein zulato
va’anachnu Yisra’el amo.
Hapodenu miyad melachim
malkeinu, hago’alenu
mikaf kol he’aritzim;
ha’El hanifrah lanu mitzareinu
veham’shalem gemul
lechol oy’vei nafshenu;
Ha- “Oseh gedolot
ad ein cheker
‫הַ שָּׂ ם נ ְַפשֵׁ נוּ בַּ חַ יִּ ים‬
venifla’ot ad ein mispar”;
‫וְ ל ֹא־נָתַ ן לַ מּוֹט ַרגְ לֵ נוּ‬
‫הַ מַּ ְד ִריכֵנוּ עַ ל בָּ מוֹת א ֹויְבֵ ינוּ‬
‫וַ יּ ֶָרם ַק ְרנֵנוּ‬
‫עַ ל ָכּל שׂנְ אֵ ינוּ‬
‫הָ ע ֶֹשׂה לָּנוּ נִ ִסּים‬
‫וּנְ ָקמָ ה בְּ פַ ְרעֹה‬
‫אוֹתוֹת וּמוֹפְ ִתים‬
‫אַדמַ ת בְּ נֵי חָ ם‬
ְ ְ‫בּ‬
‫הַ מַּ כֶּה בְ עֶ בְ ָרת ֹו‬
‫ָכּל בְּ כו ֵֹרי ִמ ְצ ָר ִים‬
“Hasam nafshenu bachayim,
velo natan lamot raglenu”;
hamadrichenu al bamot oy’veinu,
vayarem karnenu
al kol son’einu;
ha’oseh lanu nisim
unekamah beFar’oh,
otot umoftim
signs and wonders
vekayam aleinu
over all who hate us;
who works miracles for us
‫עַד־אֵ ין חֵ קֶ ר‬
‫וְ נִ ְפלָ אוֹת עַ ד־אֵ ין ִמ ְספָּ ר‬
… ve’emunah kol zot
and miracles beyond counting”;
Ps 66:9
‫… ֶואֱ מוּנָה ָכּל זֹאת‬
‫וְ ַקיָּם עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫כִּ י הוּא יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וְ אֵ ין זוּלָת ֹו‬
‫וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ ֹו‬
‫הַ פּוֹדֵ נוּ ִמיַּד ְמלָכִ ים‬
‫מַ לְ כֵּנוּ הַ גּוֹאֲ לֵנוּ‬
ִ ‫ִמ ַכּף ָכּל הֶ עָ ִר‬
‫הָ אֵ ל הַ נִּ פְ ָרע לָנוּ ִמצָּ ֵרינוּ‬
‫וְ הַ ְמ ַשׁלֵּם גְּ מוּל‬
‫לְ ָכל ֹא ְיבֵ י נַפְ ֵשׁנוּ‬
‫הָ עֹ שֶׂ ה גְ דֹלוֹת‬
be’admat benei Cham;
hamakeh ve’evrato
kol bechorei Mitzrayim,
“Ein zulato” (there is no other, or there is nothing except God) may mean that God has no rival, or perhaps
that God is all existence, all reality.
The first letter of the Hebrew, ָ‫“( ה‬the one who”), is added to the verse from Job.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
and brings out God’s people Israel
‫וַ יּוֹצֵ א אֶ ת עַ מּ ֹו ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ִמתּ ֹו ָכם לְ חֵ רוּת ע ֹולָם‬
from among them to eternal freedom;
‫הַ מַּ עֲ בִ יר בָּ נָיו‬
who guides the children
‫בֵּ ין ִגּזְ ֵרי יַם סוּף‬
between the parts of the Reed Sea
—their pursuers and enemies
‫אֶ ת רו ְֹדפֵ יהֶ ם וְ אֶ ת שׂוֹנְ אֵ יהֶ ם‬
God sunk into the depths,
‫בִּ ְתהוֹמוֹת ִטבַּ ע‬
while those children saw God’s strength,
‫בוּרת ֹו‬
ָ ְ‫וְ ָראוּ בָ נָיו גּ‬
gave praise and thanks to God’s name.
‫ִשׁבְּ חוּ וְ הוֹדוּ לִ ְשׁמ ֹו‬
Willingly, they accepted God’s authority1
‫◊ וּמַ לְ כוּת ֹו בְ ָרצוֹן ִקבְּ לוּ‬
over them.
‫עֲ לֵיהֶ ם‬
Moses and the children of Israel
‫משׁה וּבְ נֵי י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫לְ � עָ נוּ ִשׁ ָירה‬
answered you with song
‫אָמרוּ ֻכ ָלּם‬
ְ ְ‫בְּ ִשׂ ְמחָ ה ַרבָּ ה ו‬
in great joy, and they all said:
vayotzeh et amo Yisra’el
mitocham lecherut olam;
hama’avir banav
bein gizrei Yam Suf,
et rodfeihem ve’et son’eihem
bit’homot tiba,.
ve’ra’u vanav gevurato,
shibchu vehodu lishmo
◊ Umalchuto veratzon kiblu
Moshe uv’nei Yisra’el
lecha anu shirah
besimchah rabah,ve’amru chulam:
“Mi chamochah ba’elim Adonai?
Who is like you, sublime in holiness,
‫מכָ ה נ ְֶא ָדּ֣ר בַּ ֑ ֹקּ ֶדשׁ‬
ֹ ֖ ָ‫ִמ֥י כּ‬
Mi kamocha ne’dar bakodesh
awesome in praise, working wonders?”
‫נוֹרא ְת ִה�֖ ת ֹ֥עשֵׂ ה ֶ ֽפלֶ א‬
norah tehilot, oseh feleh?”
We say the next three lines aloud.
Ex 15:11
“Who is like you among gods, Ruler?
‫מכָ ה ָ ֽבּאֵ ִלם ֙ יה ֔וה‬
ֹ ֤ ָ‫ִ ֽמי־כ‬
Your children saw your ruling power
�‫כוּת� ָראוּ בָ נֶי‬
ְ ְ‫◊ מַ ל‬
ֶ ‫בּו ֵֹקעַ יָם לִ פְ נֵי‬
Ex 15:2
ְ ְ‫זֶה אֵ ִלי עָ נוּ ו‬
“This is my God,” they responded, saying:
◊ Malchut’cha ra’u vanecha
split the sea before Moses.
boke’ah yam lifnei Moshe.
Ex. 15:18
Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
Jer 31:10
‫◊ וְ נֶאֱ מַ ר‬
For God has redeemed Jacob,
saved him from a hand too strong for him.
Blessed are you, God,
who saves Israel.
‫ִכּי־פָ ָדה יהוה אֶ ת־ ַי ֲעקֹב‬
‫וּגְאָ לוֹ ִמיַּד חָ זָק ִממֶּ נּוּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫גָּאַל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל אָמֵ ן‬
“And God’s-sovereignty willingly they-took upon-themselves.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
◊ vene’emar:
And it’s said in your scripture:
“Zeh Eli,” anu, ve’amru:
God will be the ruler forever!
We say the next line aloud.
‫יהו֥ה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלעֹ ָל֥ם וָעֶ ֽד‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Ki fadah Adonai et Ya’akov
uge’alo miyad chazak mimenu.
Baruch atah Adonai,
ga’al Yisra’el. Amen
Shema and Its Blessings
___________________________ Second Blessing After Shema ___________________________
In peace, O God, lay us in bed,
‫הַ ְשׁכִּ יבֵ נוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ לְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
Wake us to life, O Sovereign.
‫וְ הַ עֲ ִמידֵ נוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ לְ חַ ִיּים‬
Your peaceful shelter o’er us spread,
� ֶ‫וּפְ רוֹשׂ עָ לֵינוּ סֻ ַכּת ְשׁלוֹמ‬
Guide us with good counseling.
�‫וְ ַת ְקּנֵנוּ בְּ עֵ צָ ה טוֹבָ ה ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
Save us for your reputation,
� ֶ‫וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
Shield us for our own salvation,
‫וְ הָ גֵן בַּ עֲ דֵ נוּ‬
Spare us these miseries: the foe,
‫וְ הָ סֵ ר מֵ עָ לֵינוּ א ֹויֵב‬
Pestilence, sword, famine and woe.
‫דֶּ בֶ ר וְ חֶ ֶרב וְ ָרעָ ב וְ יָגוֹן‬
Keep Satan
‫וְ הָ סֵ ר ָשׂטָ ן‬
‫ִמלְּ פָ נֵינוּ וּמֵ אַחֲ ֵרינוּ‬
from our front and rear,
‫וּבְ צֵ ל כְּ נָפֶ י� ַתּ ְס ִתּ ֵירנוּ‬
Hide us in shadow of your wing,
‫כִּ י אֵ ל שׁו ְֹמ ֵרנוּ וּמַ ִצּילֵנוּ אָ ָתּה‬
O God, our guard and rescuer,
Gracious and kind, our sovereign.
‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם אָ ָתּה‬
Protect us as we leave and return
‫אתנוּ וּבוֹאֵ נוּ‬
ֵ ֵ‫וּשׁמוֹר צ‬
ְ ◊
‫לְ חַ ִיּים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
in life and in peace
from now for ever.
‫מֵ עַ ָתּה וְ עַ ד ע ֹולָם‬
Blessed are you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who always guards your people Israel. ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל ָלעַ ד אָמֵ ן‬
ְ ‫שׁוֹמֵ ר עַ מּ ֹו י‬
Hashkivenu Adonai Elohenu l’shalom,
veha’amidenu malkenu lechayim,
uferos aleinu sukat shelomecha
vetaknenu be’etza tovah milfanecha
vehoshi’enu lema’an shemecha
vehagen ba’adenu
vehaser me’aleinu oyev,
dever vecherev vera’av veyagon,
vehaser Satan
milfaneineinu ume’achareinu,
uvetzel kenafecha tastirenu,
ki El shomrenu umatzilenu atah;
ki El melech chanun verachum atah.
◊ Ushemor tzetenu uvo’enu
lechayim uleshalom
me’ata ve’ad olam.
Baruch atah Adonai
shomer amo Yisra’el la’ad. Amen
Satan, the adversary in the book of Job, acts like a prosecuting attorney who probes human failings.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
____________________________ Third Blessing After Shema ____________________________
Ps. 89:53
May God be blessed forever—
‫בָּ רוּ� יהוה ְלע�לָ ם‬
this is really true!
Ps. 135:21
‫אָ מֵ ן וְ אָ מֵ ן‬
May God be blessed from Zion,
‫בָּ רוּ� יהוה ִמ ִצּיּ�ן‬
God who lives in Jerusalem: Halleluyah!
‫שֹׁכֵ ן יְ רוּשָׁ לָ ִם הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
May God, God, be blessed—
ִ ‫בָּ רוּ� יהוה א‬
Israel’s God,
‫אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
who alone makes miracles;
and God’s famous name be blessed forever,
�‫עֹ שֵׂ ה נִ ְפלָ א�ת ְלבַ דּ‬
‫וּבָ רוּ� שֵׁ ם ְכּב�ד� ְלע�לָ ם‬
Baruch Adonai le’olam:
amen ve’amen.
Baruch Adonai miTziyon,
shochen Yerushalayim: Halleluyah!
Baruch Adonai Elohim,
Elohei Yisra’el,
oseh nifla’ot levado;
uvaruch shem kevodo le’olam,
and may God’s glory fill the whole world: ‫וְ יִ מָּ לֵ א ְכב�ד� אֶ ת־כֹּל הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
Let it really be so!
‫אָ מֵ ן וְ אָ מֵ ן‬
veyimaleh chevodo et kol ha’aretz:
Ps. 104:31
Yehi chevod Adonai le’olam;
amen ve’amen.
‫יְהי ְכבוֹד יְהוָה ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
may God enjoy what God has made.
‫יִ ְשׂמַ ח יְ הוָה ְבּמַ עֲשָׂ יו‬
yismach Adonai bema’asav.
Ps. 113:2
�‫יְהי שֵׁ ם יְהוָה ְמב ָֹר‬
Yehi shem Adonai mevorach
May God’s glory last forever;
May God’s fame be blessed
I Samuel 12:22
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־עוֹלָ ם‬
from now on, forever and ever.
God will not disown God’s people, ‫ִכּי ל ֹא־יִ טֹּשׁ יְהוָה אֶ ת־עַ מּוֹ‬
and risk God’s great reputation,2
‫בַּ עֲבוּר ְשׁמוֹ הַ גָּדוֹל‬
for God agreed
I Kings 18:39
‫הוֹאיל יְ הוָה‬
‫לַ עֲשׂוֹת אֶ ְתכֶ ם לוֹ ְלעָ ם‬
Then the whole nation saw
and fell face-down and said:
God is the Divinity!”
ba’avur shemo hagadol.
Ki ho’il Adonai
la’asot et’chem lo le’am.
‫ַויּ ְַרא כָּ ל־הָ עָ ם‬
ְ ‫ל־פּנֵיהֶ ם וַיּ‬
ְ ַ‫וַיִּ ְפּלוּ ע‬
Vayar kol ha’am,
vayiplu al peneihem, vayomru:
ִ ‫יְהוָה הוּא הָ א‬
“Adonai, hu ha’Elohim,
ִ ‫יְהוָה הוּא הָ א‬
Adonai, hu ha’Elohim.”
“God is the Divinity!
Ki lo yitosh Adonai et amo
to make you God’s people.4
me’atah ve’ad olam.
From the root ‫נָטַ שׁ‬, “abandon.”
“For the sake of his great name”—i.e., God’s reputation (name) depends on the fate of God’s people. The
basis of God’s reputation is “truth,” keeping promises. If God abandons the people God promised to protect,
people will wonder whether God’s reputation for keeping promises is deserved!
‫ הו ִֹאיל‬is from the root ‫יאל‬, “consent; resolve; begin.”
After scolding the people for wanting a king, Samuel reassures them with these words.
Said after Elijah routed the prophets of Baal. What is the difference between Adonai and Elohim? “When I sit
in judgement on humanity, I am called Elohim. … And when I treat the world with compassion, I am known as
Adonai” (Exodus Rabbah 3:6, quoted by Ismar Schorsch in his commentary on sedrah Va’era, 5758).
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Shema and Its Blessings
Zech. 14:9
And God will be ruler
� ֶ‫וְ הָ יָה יְהוָה ְלמֶ ל‬
over all the earth;
‫עַ ל־כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
on that day God will be one
‫יִהיֶה יְ הוָה אֶ חָ ד‬
ְ ‫בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא‬
and God’s name will be one.
‫וּשׁמוֹ אֶ חָ ד‬
Ps. 33:22
Be kind to us, God,
‫יְהי־חַ ְס ְדּ� יְ הוָה עָ לֵ ינוּ‬
for we have hoped for you.1
Save us, O saving God,
I Chronicles 16:35
� ָ‫כַּ אֲשֶׁ ר יִחַ ְלנוּ ל‬
‫הוֹשׁיעֵ נוּ אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
gather us
‫וְ קַ ְבּצֵ נוּ‬
and save us from the other nations,
‫וְ הַ ִצּילֵ נוּ ִמן־הַ גּוֹיִ ם‬
to thank your holy name
and honor your praise.
Ps. 86:9-10
All the nations you made
will come and bring praises to you,
you, God, by yourself…
Ps. 79:13
…While we, your people—
the flock you tend—
ushemo echad.
Yehi chasdecha Adonai aleinu
ka’asher yichalnu lach.
Hoshi’enu, Elohei yish’enu,
vehatzilenu min hagoyim
lehodot leshem kodshecha,
� ֶ‫ְל ִה ְשׁתַּ בֵּ חַ ִבּ ְת ִהלָּ ת‬
lehishtabe’ach bit’hilatecha.
ָ‫כָּ ל־גּוֹיִ ם אֲשֶׁ ר עָ ִשׂית‬
Kol goyim asher asita
� ֶ‫דנָי וִ יכַ ְבּדוּ ִל ְשׁמ‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
‫ִכּי־גָדוֹל אַ תָּ ה וְ עֹ שֵׂ ה נִ ְפלָ אוֹת‬
yavo’u veyishtachavu lefanecha,
Adonai, vichabdu lishmecha.
Ki gadol atah ve’oseh nifla’ot,
from age to age we shall tell your praise.
May God be blessed in the daytime;
may God be blessed when we go to sleep;
may God be blessed when we wake up.
�‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ עַ ְמּ‬
� ֶ‫וְ צ ֹאן מַ ְרעִ ית‬
‫נוֹדה ְלּ� ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
atah, Elohim, levadecha.
Va’anachnu am’cha
vetzon mar’itecha.
Nodeh lecha le’olam,
� ֶ‫ְלדֹר ָודֹר נְ סַ פֵּ ר ְתּ ִהלָּ ת‬
‫בָּ רוּ� יי בַּ יּוֹם‬
‫בָּ רוּ� יי בַּ ַלּ ְילָה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� יי בְּ ָשׁכְ בֵּ נוּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� יי בְּ קוּמֵ נוּ‬
ledor vador nesaper tehilatecha.
Baruch Adonai bayom,
baruch Adonai balayla;
may God be blessed at night;
�‫ֱ�הים ְלבַ ֶדּ‬
ִ ‫אַ תָּ ה א‬
will thank you forever;
bayom hahu yih’yeh Adonai echad
for you are great and work wonders,
al kol ha’aretz;
� ֶ‫ְלהֹדוֹת ְלשֵׁ ם קָ ְדשׁ‬
�‫יָבוֹאוּ וְ יִ ְשׁתַּ חֲווּ ְלפָ נֶי‬
God, and honor your name,
Vehayah Adonai lemelech
baruch Adonai beshochbenu,
baruch Adonai bekumenu.
“May your kindness be upon us, God, as (or, according to the way that) we have hoped for you,” a plea that
God’s mercy and salvation, when it finally comes, should compensate for all the long years of hoping, suffering
and waiting.
Some siddurim (Birnbaum, Scherman) use the very similar verse from Psalms 106:47 instead of I Chronicles
16:35 (found in Brodie, Davis, Silverman). These works are listed in the bibliography.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
For in your power are
�‫כִּ י בְ י ְָד‬
‫נַפְ שׁוֹת הַ חַ ִיּים וְ הַ מֵּ ִתים‬
the souls of the living and the dead!
Job 12:10
Who holds every creature’s soul,
‫אֲשֶׁ ר ְבּיָדוֹ נֶפֶ שׁ כָּ ל־חָ י‬
and every person’s spirit.
Ps. 31:6
I will entrust my spirit to you:
you have set me free, ruling God of truth!1
God in heaven,
unify your reputation,
And establish your eternal rule,
and rule over us forever.
and our spirits delight
in your true salvation,
“Your God has become ruler!”
“God reigns”; “our God has ever reigned”;
“God’s reign eternal will not cease”;
For this is your reign,
Asher beyado nefesh kol chay,
‫ְבּי ְָד� אַ ְפקִ יד‬
Beyad’cha afkid ruchi,
‫אוֹתי יְ הוָה אֵ ל אֱמֶ ת‬
ִ ‫פָּ ִדיתָ ה‬
pedita oti, Adonai, El emet.
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ ֶשׁבַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
�‫יַחֵ ד ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫כוּת� ָתּ ִמיד‬
ְ ְ‫וְ ַקיֵּם מַ ל‬
‫וּמלוֹ� עָ לֵינוּ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
‫ִי ְראוּ עֵ ינֵינוּ וְ י ְִשׂמַ ח לִ בֵּ נוּ‬
‫וְ ָתגֵל נַפְ ֵשׁנוּ‬
‫בִּ ישׁוּעָ ְת� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬
‫בֶּ אֱ ֹמר לְ ִציּוֹן‬
�‫מָ לַ� אֱ �הָ ִי‬
Eloheinu shebashamayim,
� ָ‫יְהוָה מֶ לֶ � יְ הוָה מָ ל‬
‫יְהוָה יִ ְמ�� ְלעֹ לָ ם וָעֶ ד‬
yached shimcha.
Vekayem malchut’cha tamid,
umeloch aleinu le’olam va’ed.
Yir’u eineinu, veyismach libenu,
Vetagel nafshenu
bishu’at’cha, be’emet,
be’emor leTziyon:
”Malach Elohayich!”
“Adonai melech”; “Adonai malach”;
“Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.”
Ki hamalchut shelcha hi,
ule’olmei ad timloch bechavod.
‫כִּ י הַ מַּ לְ כוּת ֶשׁלְּ � ִהיא‬
‫וּלְ עוֹלְ מֵ י עַ ד ִתּ ְמלוֹ� בְּ ָכבוֹד‬
There is no true ruler except for you.
‫כִּ י אֵ ין לָנוּ מֶ לֶ� אֶ לָּה אָ ָתּה‬
Blessed are you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ� בִּ כְ בוֹד ֹו‬
the glorious ruler who
will constantly rule us forever and ever, ‫ָתּ ִמיד ִי ְמ�� עָ לֵינוּ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
us and all God’s creatures.
‫וְ עַ ל ָכּל מַ עֲ ָשׂיו אָמֵ ן‬
and forever and ever you will rule in glory.
nafshot hachayim vehametim.
veru’ach kol b’sar ish.
when Zion declares:
Ki veyad’cha
ִ ַ‫ל־בּשׂ‬
ָ‫וְ רוּחַ כּ‬
May our eyes see, our hearts rejoice
Ki ein lanu melech elah atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
hamelech bichvodo
tamid yimloch aleinu le’olam va’ed,
ve’al kol ma’asav. Amen
The leader leads Half Kaddish, page 264.
“Into your hand (i.e., into your power) I commend my spirit; you have taken notice of me (so you know who I
am; or, you redeemed me), Ruler, God of truth.”
Psalm 10:16; 93:1; Exodus 15:18.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Evening Silent Amidah
Evening Silent Amidah
We stand to recite the amidah (standing prayer) quietly. Those who wish may omit references to the Matriarchs.
Ps 51:17
Ruler, just open my lips
Adonai sefatai tiftach,
‫דנָי ְשׂפָ תַ י ִתּ ְפתָּ ח‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
and my mouth will declare your praise.
� ֶ‫וּפי יַגִּ יד ְתּ ִהלָּ ת‬
ufi yagid tehilatecha.
Amidah: Opening Blessings
___________________________1. Ancestors ▪
We bless you, God, our God
and God of our ancestors,
God of Abraham, God of Isaac,
and God of Jacob,
the God who is great,
‫ ▪ אָבוֹת‬Avot
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai Eloheinu
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ אֱ �הֵ י אַבְ ָרהָ ם אֱ �הֵ י ִי ְצחָ ק‬Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,
‫ וֵא�הֵ י יַעֲ קֹב‬vElohei Ya’akov
‫הָ אֵ ל הַ גָּדוֹל‬
‫הַ גִּ בּוֹר וְ הַ נּו ָֹרא אֵ ל עֶ לְ יוֹן‬
‫גּוֹמֵ ל חֲ סָ ִדים טוֹבִ ים‬
‫וְ ק ֹונֵה הַ כֹּל‬
‫וְ ז ֹוכֵר חַ ְסדֵ י אָבוֹת‬
‫וּמֵ בִ יא גוֹאֵ ל לִ בְ נֵי בְ נֵיהֶ ם‬
‫לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ ֹו בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה‬
powerful and awesome, God on high;
For everything is in your power—
Our parents’ kind deeds you record
And rescue their posterity
hagibor vehanorah, El elyon,
gomel chasadim tovim
Good deeds of kindness you reward—
ha’El hagadol
vekoneh hakol,
vezocher chasdei avot
umevi go’el livnei veneihem,
To show your love and honesty.1
lema’an shemo be’ahavah.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the four shaded lines.
Remember us for life,
‫ זָכְ ֵרנוּ לְ חַ יִּים‬Zochrenu lechayim,
ruler who delights in life,
for your own sake,2 God of life!
Sovereign, helper, savior, shield.
We bless you, Ruler,
Abraham’s protector
and write us in the Book of Life
‫ מֶ לֶ� חָ פֵ ץ בְּ חַ ִיּים‬melech chafetz bechayim,
‫ וְ ָכ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר הַ חַ ִיּים‬vechotvenu besefer hachayim
‫�הים חַ יִּים‬
ִ ֱ‫ לְ מַ עַ נְ � א‬lema’ancha, Elohim chayim.
‫ מֶ לֶ� ע ֹוזֵר וּמו ִֹשׁיעַ וּמָ גֵן‬Melech ozer umoshi’a umagen.
‫ יי‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai,
‫ מָ גֵן אַבְ ָרהָ ם‬magen Avraham
“Who rewards good, kind deeds and owns everything, who remembers the good deeds of our ancestors, and
who is bringing a redeemer to their children’s children, for the sake of his name (i.e., to maintain his reputation—hence, to prove his honesty), with love.” A note on page 277 describes sources for this blessing.
Because God takes delight in life (and in us when we choose the path that sustains life), writing us in the
“Book” of life is to God’s benefit.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
____________________________________ 2. Might ▪ ‫ ▪ ְגבוּרוֹת‬Gevurot ____________________________________
You are mighty forever, God,
you bring life to the dead
and are strong in salvation—
You feed the living with your grace,
Revive the dead with kind embrace,
Support the fallen, heal the sick,
And set the prisoners free,
And faithfully fulfill your trust
For people who sleep in the dust.
Who is like you, who can appear
Like you, sovereign of power?
‫אַ ָתּה גִּ בּוֹר לְ ע ֹולָם אֲ ֹדנָי‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים אַ ָתּה‬
ַ‫ַרב לְ הו ִֹשׁיע‬
‫ְמ ַכלְ כֵּל חַ ִיּים בְּ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים ַרבִּ ים‬
‫סוֹמֵ � נוֹפְ לִ ים וְ רוֹפֵ א חוֹלִ ים‬
ִ ֲ‫וּמַ ִתּיר א‬
‫וּמ ַקיֵּם אֱ מוּנָת ֹו‬
‫ישׁנֵי עָ פָ ר‬
ֵ ִ‫ל‬
‫ִמי ָכמוֹ� בַּ עַ ל גְּ בוּרוֹת‬
�ָ‫וּמי דּוֹמֶ ה לּ‬
‫וּמחַ יֶּה‬
ְ ‫מֶ לֶ� מֵ ִמית‬
‫וּמַ ְצ ִמיחַ יְשׁוּעָ ה‬
Ruler, both death and life you bring;
Atah gibor le’olam Adonai,
mechayeh metim atah
rav lehoshi’ah—
Mechalkel chayim bechesed,
mechayeh metim berachamim rabim.
Somech noflim verofeh cholim
umatir asurim,
um’kayem emunato
lishenei afar.
Mi chamocha ba’al gevurot,
umi domeh lach,
melech memit um’chayeh
thinking of your creatures
to grant them life, in mercy.
To bring the dead to life, O you
We bless you, God,
who revives the dead.
ָ ‫ז ֹוכֵר ְי‬
‫לְ חַ ִיּים בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וְ נֶאֱ מָ ן אַ ָתּה‬
‫לְ הַ חֲ יוֹת מֵ ִתים‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה הַ מֵּ ִתים‬
zocher yetzurav
lechayim berachamim.
Vene’eman ata
lehachayot metim.
Are firm, reliable, and true.
You make salvation flower.
umatzmi’ach yeshu’ah.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded section.
Who is like you, source of mercy,
‫ ִמי ָכמוֹ� אַב הָ ַרחֲ ִמים‬Mi chamocha, av harachamim,
Baruch ata Adonai,
mechayeh hametim.
“Kind embrace” is literally “abundant mercies.”
This could mean: God wakens “dead” sinners to a life of faith; God grants an afterlife; God will revive dead
bodies in the future; God breeds life out of death and decomposition, like mushrooms growing on a rotting log.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Evening Silent Amidah
__________________________________ 3. Holiness ▪ ‫דוּשׁה‬
ָ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Kedushah __________________________________
You are holy, your name is holy
‫אַ ָתּה ָקדוֹשׁ וְ ִשׁ ְמ� ָקדוֹשׁ‬
‫יוֹם‬-‫וּקדו ִֹשׁים בְּ ָכל‬
‫ְיהַ לְ לוּ� סֶּ לָה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
and every day the holy ones
praise you, selah!
Atah kadosh veshimcha kadosh,
ukedoshim bechol yom
yehalelucha selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Baruch atah Adonai,
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬ha’El hakadosh.
the holy God.
the holy ruler.1
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬
hamelech hakadosh.
_____________________________ Amidah: Central Blessings ____________________________
4a. We thank God for our intellectual abilities, knowledge and understanding
You grace humankind with knowledge
‫אָדם ַדּעַ ת‬
ָ ְ‫ אַ ָתּה ח ֹונֵן ל‬Atah chonen le’adam da’at
‫וּמלַמֵּ ד לֶאֱ נוֹשׁ בִּ ינָה‬
�‫חָ נֵּנוּ מֵ ִא ְתּ‬
‫דֵּ עָ ה בִּ ינָה וְ הַ ְשׂכֵּל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫ח ֹונֵן הַ ָדּעַ ת‬
and teach people wisdom.
Grant us from yourself
knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
You graciously granted us
the statutes of your will.
You distinguished, Sovereign God,
between light and dark,
between Israel and other nations,
Let the coming days begin
to bring us peace;
�‫לְ מַ ַדּע תּו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וַ ְתּל ְַמּדֵ נוּ ַלעֲ שׂוֹת‬
�ֶ‫חֻ ֵקּי ְרצ ֹונ‬
‫וַ ַתּבְ דֵּ ל יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫בֵּ ין קֹדֶ שׁ לְ חוֹל‬
ֶ ְ‫בֵּ ין אוֹר ל‬
‫בֵּ ין י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל לָעַ ִמּים‬
ִ ִ‫בֵּ ין יוֹם הַ ְשּׁב‬
‫לְ ֵשׁ ֶשׁת ְימֵ י הַ מַּ עֲ ֶשׂה‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫הַ חֵ ל עָ לֵינוּ הַ יּ ִָמים הַ בָּ ִאים‬
‫אתנוּ לְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
ֵ ‫לִ ְק ָר‬
lemada Toratecha
vatlamdenu la’asot
chukei retzonecha
vatavdel, Adonai Eloheinu,
bein kodesh lechol,
between holy and seculary,
Parent and sovereign,
Baruch atah Adonai,
and taught us to perform
and the six days of work.
de’ah, binah, vehaskel.
chonein hada’at.
4b. After Shabbat or a festival, say this instead of 4a.
‫ אַ ָתּה ח ֹונַנְ ָתּנוּ‬Atah chonantanu
knowledge of your Torah
between Day Seven
Choneinu me’it’cha
who grants knowledge.
umelamed le’enosh binah.
bein or lechoshech,
bein Yisra’el la’amim,
bein Yom Hashvi’i
lesheshet yemei hama’aseh.
Avinu malkeinu,
hachel aleinu hayamim haba’im
likratenu leshalom,
From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, we stress the theme of God’s sovereignty.
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‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
may we be kept far from sin,
‫חֲ שׂוּכִ ים ִמ ָכּל חֵ ְטא‬
‫וּמנ ִֻקּים ִמ ָכּל עָ וֹן‬
ֶ ‫וּמדֻ בָּ ִקים בְּ ִי ְר‬
�‫וְ חָ נֵּנוּ מֵ ִא ְתּ‬
‫דֵּ עָ ה בִּ ינָה וְ הַ ְשׂכֵּל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫ח ֹונֵן הַ ָדּעַ ת‬
cleansed of iniquity,
fixed in our reverence for you,
and grant us from yourself
knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
who grants knowledge.
5. Bring us back to you, God.
Source of life, bring us back to your Torah; �‫הֲ ִשׁיבֵ נוּ אָבִ ינוּ לְ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
O Ruler, bring us close to serve you,
and bring us back
in full repentance before you.
�‫וְ ָק ְרבֵ נוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ לַעֲ בו ָֹד ֶת‬
‫וְ הַ חֲ זִ ֵירנוּ‬
�‫בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה ְשׁל ֵָמה לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫הָ רוֹצֶ ה בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
who cherishes repentance.
chasuchim mikol chet
umenukim mikol avon
umedubakim beyir’atecha;
vechoneinu me’it’cha
de’ah, binah, vehaskel.
Baruch atah Adonai,
chonein hada’at.
Hashivenu avinu leToratecha
vekarvenu malkenu la’avodatecha,
bit’shuvah shelemah lefanecha;
Baruch atah Adonai
harotzeh bitshuvah.
for we have sinned;
pardon us, ruler,
for we have transgressed,
6. Pardon our sins.
We strike our chest for “chatanu” (we have sinned) and “fashanu” (we have transgressed).
‫ ְסלַח לָנוּ אָבִ ינוּ‬Selach lanu, avinu,
Forgive us, source of life,
Blessed are you, Ruler,
gracious and liberal in forgiveness.
and plead our cause,
and save us soon
for your reputation,
for you are a powerful savior.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
who saves Israel.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
mechal lanu, malkenu,
ki fasha’nu,
7. Save us from our troubles.
ki mochel vesole’ach atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
chanun hamarbeh lislo’ach.
Look on our misery
ki chata’nu;
for you forgive and grant pardons.
‫כִּ י חָ טָ אנוּ‬
‫ְמחַ ל לָנוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫כִּ י פָ ָשׁ ְענוּ‬
‫כִּ י מוֹחֵ ל וְ ס ֹולֵחַ אָ ָתּה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
ַ‫חַ נּוּן הַ מַּ ְרבֶּ ה לִ ְס�ח‬
‫ְראֵ ה נָא בְ עָ נְ יֵנוּ‬
‫וְ ִריבָ ה ִריבֵ נוּ‬
‫וּגְ אָלֵנוּ ְמהֵ ָרה‬
� ֶ‫לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
‫כִּ י גוֹאֵ ל חָ זָק אָ ָתּה‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫גּוֹאֵ ל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Re’ei nah ve’onyenu
verivah rivenu,
uge’alenu meherah
lema’an shemecha,
ki go’el chazak atah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
go’el Yisra’el.
Evening Silent Amidah
8. Heal and save us.
Heal us, Ruler, and we will be healed;
save us, and we will be saved —
for you are our praise.
And bring full healing
for all our maladies,
‫ְרפָ אֵ נוּ יי וְ נ ֵָרפֵ אּ‬
‫הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ וְ נִ וָּ ֵשׁעָ ה‬
‫כִּ י ְת ִהלּ ֵָתנוּ אָ ָתּה‬
‫וְ הַ עֲ לֵה ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה‬
‫מַ כּו ֵֹתינוּ‬-‫לְ ָכל‬
Refa’enu, Adonai, venerafeh;
hoshi’enu venivashei’ah —
ki tehilatenu atah,
veha’aleh refu’ah shelemah
lechol makoteinu,
A private prayer for someone who is ill can be added here.
�‫יהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
ִ ִ‫ ו‬vihi ratzon milfanecha,
May your wish be—
O Ruler our God,
Adonai Eloheinu
our ancestors’ God—
vElohei avoteinu
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
to quickly send
‫ֶשׁ ִתּ ְשׁ ַלח ְמהֵ ָרה‬
complete healing from above,
‫ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה ִמן הַ ָשּׁמַ ִים‬
healing of spirit and of body, for… ְ‫וּרפוּאַת הַ גּוּף ל‬
ְ ‫ְרפוּאַת הַ נֶּפֶ שׁ‬
____ child of _____,1
_____‫בַּ ת‬/‫_____ בֶּ ן‬
and all sick people in our community.2
‫בְּ תוֹ� ְשׁאָר ח ֹולֵי י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
for you are God, ruler, healer,
‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� רוֹפֵ א‬
‫נֶאֱ מָ ן וְ ַרחֲ מָ ן אָ ָתּה‬
faithful and merciful.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
healing the sick of your people Israel.
‫רוֹפֵ א ח ֹולֵי עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
shetishlach meherah
refu’ah shelema min hashamayim,
refu’at hanefesh urefu’at haguf, le…
_____ ben/bat_____,
betoch she’ar cholei Yisra’el.
ki El, melech, rofeh,
9. Grant us a good year.
‫בָּ ֵר� עָ לֵינוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫הַ ָשּׁנָה הַ זֹּאת‬-‫אֶ ת‬
and all its kinds of produce, for good, ‫בוּאָתהּ לְ טוֹבָ ה‬
‫ ִמינֵי ְת‬-‫וְ אֶ ת ָכּל‬
this year
Baruch atah Adonai,
rofeh cholei amo Yisra’el.
Ruling God, bless for us
ne’eman verachaman atah.
Barech aleinu Adonai Eloheinu
et hashanah hazot
ve’et kol minei tevu’atah, letovah,
Insert the mother’s name, if known.
“Among the rest of the sick people in Israel (i.e., the Jewish community).
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‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
From December 51 (December 6 in Hebrew years divisible by 4, such as 5772) until Pesach,
replace the next line with the shaded line.
‫ וְ תֵ ן בְּ ָר ָכה‬veten berachah
and grant blessing
and grant dew and rain as a blessing
on the face of the earth,
and satisfy us from its goodness
and bless our year like the best years.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
who blesses the years.
‫וְ תֵ ן טַ ל וּמָ טָ ר לִ ְב ָר ָכה‬
‫עַ ל פְּ נֵי הָ אֲ ָדמָ ה‬
‫וְ ַשׂבְּ עֵ נוּ ִמטּוּבָ הּ‬
‫וּבָ ֵר� ְשׁנ ֵָתנוּ כַּ ָשּׁנִ ים הַ טּוֹבוֹת‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫ְמבָ ֵר� הַ ָשּׁנִ ים‬
Sound the great shofar for our freedom,
raise a banner to gather our exiles,
10. Gather our exiles.
ֵ ֵ‫ְתּ ַקע בְּ שׁוֹפָ ר גָּדוֹללְ ח‬
‫וְ ָשׂא נֵס לְ ַקבֵּ ץ ָגלֻיּו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫וְ ַקבְּ צֵ נוּ יַחַ ד‬
ֶ ָ‫אַרבַּ ע ַכּנְ פוֹת ה‬
ְ ֵ‫מ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫ְמ ַקבֵּ ץ נִ ְדחֵ י עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׁ ָראֵ ל‬
and gather us together
from the four corners of the earth.
Blessed are you, Ruler;
veten tal umatar livrachah
al penei ha’adamah,
vesab’einu mituvah
uvarech shenatenu kashanim hatovot.
Baruch atah Adonai,
mevarech hashanim.
Teka beshofar gadol lecherutenu
vesa nes lekabetz galuyoteinu
vekabtzeinu yachad
me’arbah kanfot ha’aretz.
Baruch atah Adonai,
gathering your dispersed people, Israel.
mekabetz nidchei amo Yisra’el.
11. Restore justice, that we may be ruled by God alone.
‫ הָ ִשׁיבָ ה שׁוֹפְ טֵ ינוּ כְּ בָ ִראשׁ ֹונָה‬Hashivah shofteinu kevarishonah,
Restore our judges as at first
and our advisors as in the beginning,
take away our sorrow and sighing
with kindness and mercy,
and make us right through judgment.
veyo’atzeinu kevat’chilah
vehaser mimenu yagon va’anacha,
umeloch aleinu atah Adonai levadcha
and rule us, God—you alone—
‫וְ יוֹעֲ צֵ ינוּ כְּ בַ ְתּ ִח ָלּה‬
‫וְ הָ סֵ ר ִממֶּ נּוּ יָגוֹן וַ אֲ נָחָ ה‬
�‫וּמ�� עָ לֵינוּ אַ ָתּה יי לְ בַ ְדּ‬
‫בְּ חֶ סֶ ד וּבְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫וְ צַ ְדּ ֵקנוּ בַּ ִמּ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
bechesed uverachamim,
vetzadkeinu bamishpat.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Baruch atah Adonai,
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line.
ִ ‫ מֶ לֶ� אוֹהֵ ב ְצ ָד ָקה‬melech ohev tzedakah umishpat.
ruler who loves righteousness and justice. ‫וּמ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
ruler who dispenses justice.
‫הַ מֶּ לֶ� הַ ִמּ ְשׁפָּ ט‬
For an explanation of this date, see page 275.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
hamelech hamishpat.
Evening Silent Amidah
12. Let evil people meet their fate.
For slanderers, let there be no hope,
‫וְ לְ מַּ לְ ִשׁינִ ים אַל ְתּ ִהי ִת ְקוָ ה‬
‫הָ ִר ְשׁעָ ה כְּ ֶרגַע תֹּאבֵ ד‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
may wickedness perish in an instant,
�‫א ֹו ְיבֵ י עַ ְמּ‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
and all your people’s enemies,
may they soon be cut down!
‫ְמהֵ ָרה ִי ָכּ ֵרתוּ‬
And the arrogant people—
‫וְ הַ זּ ִֵדים‬
‫וּת ַשׁבֵּ ר‬
ְ ‫ְמהֵ ָרה ְתעַ ֵקּר‬
may you soon uproot and crush them,
ַ‫וּתמַ גֵּר וְ ַתכְ ִניע‬
cast them down and humble them,
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
quickly and in our time!
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
who destroys foes and humbles the proud. ‫שׁוֹבֵ ר א ֹו ְיבִ ים וּמַ כְ נִ יעַ ז ִֵדים‬
vechol harish’ah kerega toved,
vechol oy’vei am’cha
meherah yikaretu.
meherah te’aker uteshaber
utemager vetachni’a
bimherah veyameinu!
Baruch atah, Adonai,
shover oy’vim umachni’a zedim.
13. But let the righteous enjoy their reward.
‫ עַ ל הַ צַּ ִדּ ִיקים וְ עַ ל הַ חֲ ִס ִידים‬Al hatzadikim ve’al hachasidim
For the righteous and devout
Velamalshinim al tehi tikvah,
and the elders of your people
the Jewish community,
for the righteous converts and for us
let your mercies be stirred,
ruling God;
beit Yisra’el
ve’al pleitat sofreihem
to all who truly trust your reputation,
and put our lot with them forever —
Blessed are you, Ruler,
the support and trust of the righteous.
yehemu nah rachamecha,
Adonai Eloheinu;
veten sachar tov
lechol habot’chim beshimcha be’emet
vesim chelkenu imahem le’olam—
velo nevosh, ki vecha batachnu.
we won’t be ashamed, for we trust you.
ve’al gerei hatzedek ve’aleinu
and grant a good reward
ve’al ziknei amcha
for the remnant of their scholars
�‫וְ עַ ל זִ ְקנֵי עַ ְמּ‬
‫בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל פְּ לֵיטַ ת סוֹפְ ֵריהֶ ם‬
‫וְ עַ ל גּ ֵֵרי הַ צֶּ דֶ ק וְ עָ לֵינוּ‬
�‫יֶהֱ מוּ נָא ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וְ תֵ ן ָשׂ ָכר טוֹב‬
‫לְ כֹל הַ בּ ְֹט ִחים ְבּ ִשׁ ְמ� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬
‫וְ ִשׂים חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ ִעמָּ הֶ ם לְ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫וְ �א נֵבוֹשׁ כִּ י בְ � בָּ טָ ְחנוּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫וּמבְ טָ ח לַצַּ ִדּ ִיקים‬
ִ ‫ִמ ְשׁעָ ן‬
Baruch atah Adonai,
mish’an umivtach latzadikim.
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‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
14. And let Jerusalem be restored.
And to Jerusalem your city
return in mercy,
stay there as you promised,
and build it soon, in our days,
a structure to last forever;
and set David’s throne there soon.
�‫ירוּשׁ ַל ִים ִע ְיר‬
ָ ִ‫וְ ל‬
‫בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים ָתּשׁוּב‬
‫וְ ִת ְשׁכּוֹן בְּ ת ֹו ָכהּ ַכּאֲ ֶשׁר ִדּבַּ ְר ָתּ‬
‫וּבְ נֵה או ָֹתהּ בְּ ָקרוֹב בְּ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
‫בִּ ְניַן ע ֹולָם‬
‫וְ כִ סֵּ א ָדוִ ד ְמהֵ ָרה לְ ת ֹו ָכהּ ָתּכִ ין‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫רוּשׁ ָל ִים‬
ָ ‫בּ ֹונֵה ְי‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
who builds Jerusalem.
Velirushalayim ir’cha
berachamim tashuv,
vetishkon betochah ka’asher dibarta,
uveneh otah bekarov beyameinu,
binyan olam;
vechiseh David mehera letochah tachin.
Baruch atah Adonai
boneh Yerushalayim.
15. Let the Messiah come — David’s descendant.
�‫צֶ מַ ח ָדּוִ ד עַ בְ ְדּ‬-‫ אֶ ת‬Et tzemach David avdecha
The flower of your servant David—
ַ ‫ְמהֵ ָרה ַת ְצ ִמ‬
�‫וְ ַק ְרנ ֹו ָתּרוּם בִּ ישׁוּעָ ֶת‬
and in your salvation raise his horn:
we’ve waited all day for your salvation! ‫הַ יּוֹם‬-‫כִּ י לִ ישׁוּעָ ְת� ִקוִּ ינוּ ָכּל‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who makes the horn of salvation flourish.
‫מַ ְצ ִמיחַ ֶק ֶרן יְשׁוּעָ ה‬
meherah tatzmi’ach,
Hear our voice, Sovereign God,
Shema kolenu, Adonai Eloheinu,
hurry to make it bloom,
16. Hear our prayers.
ki lishu’at’cha kivinu kol hayom!
Baruch atah Adonai,
matzmi’ach keren yeshu’ah.
chus verachem aleinu,
vekabel berachamim uveratzon
‫ְשׁמַ ע ק ֹולֵנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫חוּס וְ ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ‬
pity us and be merciful to us,
‫וְ ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים וּבְ ָרצוֹן‬
and with mercy and favor accept
our prayer,
‫ ְתּפִ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬-‫אֶ ת‬
for you are a God who listens to
ַ‫כִּ י אֵ ל שׁוֹמֵ ע‬
‫ְתּפִ לּוֹת וְ ַתחֲ נוּ ִנים אָ ָתּה‬
prayers and petitions.
Don’t turn us away from you emptyhanded, ‫יקם‬
ָ ‫וּמלְּ פָ נֶי� מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ֵר‬
O Ruler,
‫אַל ְתּ ִשׁיבֵ נוּ‬
because you listen to
ַ‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה שׁוֹמֵ ע‬
your people Israel’s prayer in mercy. ‫ְתּפִ לַּת עַ ְמּ� ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
who listens to prayer.
‫שׁוֹמֵ עַ ְתּפִ לָּה‬
vekarno tarum bishu’atecha,
et tefilatenu,
ki El shome’ah
tefilot vetachanunim atah;
umilfanecha malkenu reikam
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
al teshiveinu,
ki atah shome’ah
tefilat amcha Yisra’el berachamim.
Baruch atah Adonai,
shome’ah tefilah.
Evening Silent Amidah
Amidah: Closing Blessings
________________________________ 17. Temple Service ▪ ‫ ▪ עֲ בוֹדָ ה‬Avodah ________________________________
Sovereign God, take delight
in your people Israel and in their prayer;
restore the Temple service
to the sanctuary of your house;
as for Israel’s fires and their prayer—
accept them with love and delight;
and may you always enjoy2
‫ְרצֵ ה יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫בְּ עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל וּבִ ְתפִ לּ ָָתם‬
‫וְ הָ ֵשׁב אֶ ת הָ עֲ בו ָֹדה‬
ֶ ֵ‫לִ ְדבִ יר בּ‬
‫וּתפִ ָלּ ָתם‬
ְ ‫וְ ִא ֵשּׁי ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה ְת ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ָרצוֹן‬
‫וּת ִהי לְ ָרצוֹן ָתּ ִמיד‬
� ֶ‫עֲ בו ַֹדת י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬
Retze Adonai Eloheinu
be’amcha Yisra’el uvitfilatam,
vehashev et ha’avodah
lidvir beitecha,
ve’ishei Yisra’el utefilatam
be’ahavah tekabel beratzon,
utehi leratzon tamid
avodat Yisra’el amecha.
the worship of your people Israel.
On Rosh Chodesh add Ya’aleh Veyavo, page 232.
‫ וְ ֶתחֱ זֶינָה עֵ ינֵינוּ‬Vetechezena eineinu
And may our eyes witness
‫שׁוּב� לְ ִציּוֹן בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
ְ ְ‫ בּ‬beshuvcha leTziyon berachamim.
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed are you, Ruler;
you return your presence to Zion.
‫ הַ מַּ חֲ זִ יר ְשׁכִ ינָת ֹו לְ ִציּוֹן‬hamachazir shechinato leTziyon.
_________________________________ 18. Thanksgiving ▪ ‫ ▪ מו ִֹדים‬Modim _________________________________
We thank you,
�ָ‫ מו ִֹדים אֲ נ ְַחנוּ ל‬v y Modim anachnu lach
because you are the Ruler, our God,
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬sha’atah huu Adonai Elohenu
God of our ancestors,
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬le’olam va’ed.
The one sure thing in our lives,
‫ צוּר חַ יֵּינוּ‬Tzur chayenu,
the shield of our salvation—
‫ מָ גֵן ִי ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬magen yish’enu,
that is you, from age to age!
‫ אַ ָתּה הוּא לְ דוֹר וָ דוֹר‬ata hu ledor vador.
�‫ נוֹדֶ ה לְּ � וּנְ סַ פֵּ ר ְתּ ִה ָלּ ֶת‬Nodeh lecha unesaper tehilatecha
We thank you and declare your praise
For our lives, which in your hand you hold, � ֶ‫סוּרים בְּ יָד‬
ִ ‫ עַ ל חַ יֵּינוּ הַ ְמּ‬al chayenu ham’surim beyadecha,
your return to Zion, in mercy.
Include the shaded words if you favor the restoration of the sacrificial system.
“And may it be to your liking forever …”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
Our souls, which in your care are told;
Your miracles, with us every day,
Your wonders and abundant boons,
With us
evening, morn, and noon.
Your mercies never end; the one
All good and merciful and blessed,
Whose kindnesses are never done.
�‫וְ עַ ל נִ ְשׁמו ֵֹתינוּ הַ פְּ קוּדוֹת ָל‬
‫יוֹם ִעמָּ נוּ‬-‫וְ עַ ל נִ סֶּ י� ֶשׁבְּ כָ ל‬
�‫וְ עַ ל נִ פְ לְ או ֶֹתי� וְ טוֹבו ֶֹתי‬
‫ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל עֵ ת‬
‫עֶ ֶרב וָ ב ֶֹקר וְ צָ הֳ ָר ִים‬
�‫הַ טּוֹב כִּ י �א ָכלוּ ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
‫וְ הַ ְמ ַרחֵ ם‬
�‫כִּ י �א ַתמּוּ חֲ סָ דֶ י‬
�‫מֵ ע ֹולָם ִקוִּ ינוּ ָל‬
ve’al nishmoteinu hapekudot lach,
ve’al nisecha sheb’chol yom imanu,
ve’al nifle’otecha vetovotecha,
shebechol et,
erev vavoker vetzohorayim.
Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha,
ki lo tamu chasadecha,
In you our hopes forever rest.
me’olam kivinu lach.
On Chanukah and Purim, Israel’s Independence Day and Jerusalem Day, add Al Hanisim, page 233.
‫ וְ עַ ל ֻכּלָּם‬Ve’al kulam
And for all these things may your
�‫ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ָתּ ִמיד לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
name be blessed and exalted,
yitbarach veyitromam shimcha
O our ruler, constantly, and for ever.
malkenu, tamid le’olam va’ed.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the two shaded lines.
And write down for a good life all the children ‫ וּכְ תוֹב לְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים‬Uchetov lechayim tovim
ֶ ‫בְּ נֵי בְ ִר‬-‫ ָכּל‬kol benei veritecha.
Every living being will thank you (selah),
‫ וְ כֹל הַ חַ יִּים יוֹדוּ� סֶּ לָה‬Vechol hachayim yoducha selah,
‫ וִ יהַ לְ לוּ אֶ ת ִשׁ ְמ� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬vihalelu et shimcha be’emet,
and they will hail your name in truth,
God, our salvation and help (selah). ‫ הָ אֵ ל יְשׁוּעָ ֵתנוּ וְ עֶ זְ ָר ֵתנוּ סֶ לָה‬ha’El yeshu’atenu ve’ezratenu selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫ יי‬u ‫אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y atah u Adonai,
whose reputation is good,
�‫ הַ טּוֹב ִשׁ ְמ‬hatov shimcha
and to whom thanks are due.
‫ וּלְ � נָאֶ ה לְ הוֹדוֹת‬ulecha na’eh lehodot.
____________________________________ 19. Peace ▪ ‫ ▪ ָשׁלוֹם‬Shalom ____________________________________
Abundant peace on your people Israel
�‫ ָשׁלוֹם ָרב עַ ל ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ ְמּ‬Shalom rav al Yisra’el amcha
‫ ָתּ ִשׂים לְ ע ֹו ָלם‬tasim le’olam.
bestow forever.
�ֶ‫ כִּ י אַ ָתּה הוּא מֶ ל‬Ki atah hu melech
For you are the ruler,
‫ אָדוֹן לְ ָכל הַ ָשּׁלוֹם‬adon lechol hashalom.
sovereign of all peace.
�‫ וְ טוֹב בְּ עֵ ינֶי‬Vetov be’einecha
And it’s good in your eyes
‫ לְ בָ ֵר� אֶ ת עַ ְמּ� ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬levarech et amcha Yisra’el
to bless your people Israel
‫ בְּ ָכל עֵ ת וּבְ ָכל ָשׁעָ ה‬bechol et uv’chol sha’ah
every time, and every hour,
with your peace.
� ֶ‫ בִּ ְשׁלוֹמ‬bishlomecha.
of those with whom you made your agreement!
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Evening Silent Amidah
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, add the shaded lines.
In the Book of Life, blessing,
‫ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר חַ ִיּים בְּ ָר ָכה‬BeSefer Chayim, berachah
peace and good livelihood, may we be
reviewed and graded before you,
with all your people, Israel’s descendants,
for a life of goodness and peace.
We bless you, God,
who blesses God’s people Israel
‫וְ ָשׁלוֹם וּפַ ְרנָסָ ה טוֹבָ ה‬
‫ִנ ָזּכֵר וְ נִ ָכּ ֵתב לְ פָ נֶי� אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬
‫עַ ְמּ� בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
‫לְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫הַ ְמּבָ ֵר� אֶ ת עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁלוֹם‬
veshalom ufarnasah tovah,
nizacher venikatev lefanechah, anachnu
vechol amchah Beit Yisra’el
lechayim tovim uleshalom.
Baruch atah Adonai,
hamvarech et amo Yisra’el
with peace.
The amidah ends here, but we remain standing to express our own thanks and the longings of our heart, guided by
the next paragraphs.
__________________________________________ Personal Prayer __________________________________________
My God, keep bad words from my tongue, ‫ אֱ �הַ י נְ צוֹר לְ שׁוֹנִ י מֵ ָרע‬Elohai, netzor leshoni mera,
‫וּשׂפָ ַתי ִמ ַדּבֵּ ר ִמ ְר ָמה‬
‫וְ לִ ְמ ַקלְ לַי נ ְַפ ִשׁי ִתדּוֹם‬
Let me not try to answer those who curse me;
let my spirit be as still as dust to everyone. ‫וְ נַפְ ִשׁי כֶּעָ פָ ר ַלכֹּל ִתּ ְהיֶה‬
Open my heart with your teaching
�‫פְּ ַתח לִ בִּ י בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וּבְ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי� ִתּ ְרדּוֹף נַפְ ִשׁי‬
that my spirit may follow your rules.
‫הַ חו ְֹשׁבִ ים עָ לַי ָרעָ ה‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
As for all who plan harm for me,
‫ְמהֵ ָרה הָ פֵ ר עֲ צָ ָתם‬
quickly upset their designs
and spoil their plans.
‫וְ ַקלְ ֵקל מַ חֲ ַשׁבְ ָתּם‬
Do it for the sake of your reputation;
� ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
�ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְי ִמינ‬
do it for the sake of your right hand;
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְקדֻ ָשּׁ ֶת‬
do it for the sake of your holiness;
do it for the sake of your law.
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן תּו ָֹר ֶת‬
usefatai midaber mirmah.
Ps 60:7
“Lema’an yechaltzun yedidecha,
and lies from my lips.
Velimkalelai nafshi tidom,
venafshi ke’afar lakol tihyeh.
Petach libi beToratecha,
uvemitzvotecha tirdof nafshi.
Vechol hachoshvim alai ra’ah,
meherah hafer atzatam
take action, rescue and answer me!”
Psalm 19:15
Aseh lema’an shemecha,
aseh lema’an yeminecha,
“To save your devoted followers,
vekalkel machashavtam.
ֶ ‫ְלמַ עַ ן יֵחָ ְלצוּן יְ ִד‬
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה יְ ִמינְ � ַו ֲענֵנִ י‬
aseh lema’an kedushatecha,
aseh lema’an Toratecha.
hoshi’ah yemin’cha, va’aneni.”
“May what I say be to your liking,
ִ ‫יִהיוּ ְל ָרצוֹן ִא ְמ ֵר‬
and my deepest thoughts come before you,
�‫וְ הֶ גְ יוֹן ִל ִבּי ְלפָ נֶי‬
vehegyon libi lefanecha,
‫צוּרי וְ ֹגא ֲִלי‬
ִ ‫יְהוָה‬
Adonai, tzuri, vego’ali.”
God, my rock, my savior.”
“Yi’heyu leratzon imrei fi,
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
Take three steps back, bow left on “oseh shalom,” right on “hu ya’aseh” and forward on “aleinu.”
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line.
‫ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬Oseh shalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
Making peace in heaven above,
may God bring peace
to us and to all Israel,
‫ע ֶֹשׂה הַ ָשּׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬
‫הוּא יַעֲ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן‬
Oseh hashalom bimromav
hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
Now you say, “Amen.”
ve’imru, “Amen.”
Add this if you mourn the loss of the sacrificial system, metaphorically or literally.
�‫ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬Yehi ratzon milfanecha
May this be what you want,
ruling God
and God of our ancestors:
that the Temple be rebuilt
soon, in our days,
and restore our rights in your Torah,
and there we shall serve you reverently
Mal. 3:4
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
bimherah veyameinu
veten chelkenu beToratecha
vesham na’avod’cha beyir’ah
as in days of old and years long past. ‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמוֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
So that God will enjoy
Ve’arvah lAdonai
Mal 3:4
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁ ִיּבָּ נֶה בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
�‫וְ תֵ ן חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וְ ָשׁם נַעֲ בָ ְד� בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
‫וְ עָ ְרבָ ה לַ יה ָוה‬
the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem
‫הוּדה וִ ירוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
ָ ְ‫ִמנְ חַ ת י‬
as in days of old and years long past.
‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
min’chat Yehudah Virushalayim
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
The leader leads Full Kaddish, page 265.
From Pesach to Shavu’ot, count the Omer, page 205.
On Chanukah, light the Chanukah lights, page 262.
On Purim, read the Book of Esther; on the Ninth of Av, read the Book of Lamentations.
Continue with Aleinu, page 211.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Evening Silent Amidah
_________________Counting the Omer ▪ ‫הָ עוֹמֶ ר‬
‫ ▪ ְספִ ַירת‬Sefirat Ha’Omer ________________
We count the Omer after dark from the second evening of Pesach until Shavu’ot.
We do not mention the number of the day before reciting the blessing.
If we mention the number by mistake, we cannot recite the blessing but may recite it on later nights.
If we forget to count at night, we can count during the next day without the blessing
and continue to recite the blessing on later nights.
But if we forget to count the next day too, we omit the blessing on all later nights.
Here I am, ready and prepared
to fulfill the positive commandment
of counting the Omer,
as the Torah says:
“Count for yourselves
‫וּמזֻמָּ ן‬
ְ ‫ִה ְננִ י מוּכָן‬
‫לְ ַקיֵּם ִמ ְצוַ ת עֲ ֵשׂה‬
‫ֶשׁל ְספִ ַירת הָ עוֹמֶ ר‬
‫כְּ מ ֹו ֶשׁ ָכּתוּב בַּ תּו ָֹרה‬
Lev 23:15-16
Opening Meditation
from the day after the Pesach holiday,
from the day you bring
seven weeks;
they must be full weeks.
Up to the day after the seventh week
you must count fifty days.”
‫ִממָּ ח ֳַר֣ת הַ שַּׁ ָ֔בּת‬
‫ִמיּוֹם ֙ ה ֲִב ֣יא ֔ ֲֶכם‬
ָ ‫ת־עמֶ ר הַ ְתּ‬
lekayem mitzvat aseh
shel sefirat ha’omer,
kemo shekatuv baTorah:
“Usefartem lachem
mimochorat hashabbat,
miyom havi’achem
et omer hatnufah
the offering of an omer of grain,
֙ ‫וּספַ ְר ֶתּ֤ם לָ כֶ ם‬
Hineni muchan umezuman
‫ֶשׁ֥בַ ע שַׁ בָּ ת֖ וֹת‬
‫מת ִתּ ְהיֶ ֽינָה׃‬
ֹ ֥ ‫ְתּ ִמי‬
ִ֔ ‫עַ ֣ד ִ ֽממָּ ח ֳַר֤ת הַ שַּׁ בָּ ת ֙ הַ ְשּׁ ִב‬
‫ִתּ ְס ְפּ ֖רוּ ח ֲִמ ִשּׁ ֣ים י֑וֹם‬
sheva shabatot,
temimot tiheyenah.
Ad mimochorat hashabbat hashvi’it
tisperu chamishim yom.”
We bless you, Ruler,
our God, eternal sovereign,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ָֹתיו‬
‫וְ צִ וָּ נוּ עַ ל ְספִ ַירת הָ עֹמֶ ר‬
Baruch atah Adonai,
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
asher kidshanu bemitzvotav
who made us holy with your rules
_______________________________ The Days of the Omer ______________________________
and told us about counting the Omer.
vetzivanu al sefirat ha’Omer.
Here is the list of days; we start on the 16th of Nisan, the second evening of Pesach
16 Nisan
Today is the first day into the Omer.
‫ הַ יּוֹם יוֹם אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬Hayom yom echad ba’Omer.
17 Nisan
Today is 2 days into the Omer.
18 Nisan
Today is 3 days into the Omer.
19 Nisan
Today is 4 days into the Omer.
20 Nisan
Today is 5 days into the Omer.
21 Nisan
Today is 6 days into the Omer.
‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁנֵי י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫�שׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם‬
‫הַ יּוֹם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
Hayom shnei yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shloshah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom arba’ah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom chamisha yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shishah yamim ba’Omer.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
22 Nisan
From Day 7 (22 Nisan, the last night of Pesach), count weeks and days
Today makes 7 days,
‫ הַ יּוֹם ִשׁבְ עָ ה י ִָמים‬Hayom shiv’ah yamim,
which is one week into the Omer.
23 Nisan
Today makes 8 days,
which is one week
and one day into the Omer.
Today makes 9 days,
24 Nisan
which is one week
and two days into the Omer.
25 Nisan
Today makes 10 days,
which is one week
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ָשׁבוּעַ אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁמ ֹונָה י ִָמים‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ָשׁבוּעַ אֶ חָ ד‬
‫וְ יוֹם אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫הַ יּוֹם ִתּ ְשׁעָ ה י ִָמים‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ָשׁבוּעַ אֶ חָ ד‬
‫וּשׁנֵי י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫הַ יּוֹם עֲ ָשׂ ָרה י ִָמים‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ָשׁבוּעַ אֶ חָ ד‬
‫לשׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫וּשׁ‬
‫הַ יּוֹם אַחַ ד עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ָשׁבוּעַ אֶ חָ ד‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬
and three days into the Omer.
26 Nisan
Today makes 11 days,
which is one week
and four days into the Omer.
shehem shavu’a echad ba’Omer.
Hayom shmonah yamim,
shehem shavu’a echad
veyom echad ba’Omer.
Hayom tish’ah yamim,
shehem shavu’a echad
ushnei yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom asarah yamim,
shehem shavu’a echad
ushloshah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom achad asar yom,
shehem shavu’a echad
which is one week
and five days into the Omer.
28 Nisan
which is one week
and six days into the Omer.
29 Nisan
Today makes 15 days,
which is two weeks
and one day into the Omer.
1 Iyar
Today makes 16 days,
which is two weeks
and two days into the Omer.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
shehem shavu’a echad
vachamishah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shloshah asar yom,
shehem shavu’a echad
veshishah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom arba’ah asar yom,
Today makes 14 days,
which is two weeks into the Omer.
30 Nisan
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ָשׁבוּעַ אֶ חָ ד‬
‫וַ חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫לשׁה עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬
ָ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ָשׁבוּעַ אֶ חָ ד‬
‫וְ ִשׁ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁנֵי ָשׁבוּעוֹת בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
Today makes 13 days,
ve’arba’ah yamim ba’Omer.
Day 12 (Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Memorial Day)
27 Nisan
Today makes 12 days,
‫ הַ יּוֹם ְשׁנֵים עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬Hayom shneim asar yom,
Day 15 (30 Nisan, Rosh Chodesh)
‫הַ יּוֹם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁנֵי ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וְ יוֹם אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
Day 16 (1 Iyar, Rosh Chodesh)
‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁ ָשּׁה עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁנֵי ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וּשׁנֵי י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
shehem shnei shavu’ot ba’Omer.
Hayom chamishah asar yom,
shehem shnei shavu’ot
veyom echad ba’Omer.
Hayom shishah asar yom,
shehem shnei shavu’ot
ushnei yamim ba’Omer.
2 Iyar
Evening Silent Amidah
Today makes 17 days,
‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁבְ עָ ה עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁנֵי ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫לשׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫וּשׁ‬
‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁמ ֹונָה עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁנֵי ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬
which is two weeks
and three days into the Omer.
3 Iyar
Today makes 18 days,
which is two weeks
Hayom shiv’ah asar yom,
shehem shnei shavu’ot
ushloshah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shmonah asar yom,
shehem shnei shavu’ot
and four days into the Omer.
ve’arba’ah yamim ba’Omer.
Day 19 (4 Iyar, Yom HaZikaron, Israel’s Memorial Day)
4 Iyar
Today makes 19 days,
‫ הַ יּוֹם ִתּ ְשׁעָ ה עָ ָשׂר יוֹם‬Hayom tish’ah asar yom,
which is two weeks
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁנֵי ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
shehem shnei shavu’ot
which is two weeks
and five days into the Omer.
‫ וַ חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬vachamishah yamim ba’Omer.
Day 20 (5 Iyar, Yom HaAtzma’ut, Israel’s Independence Day)
5 Iyar
Today makes 20 days,
‫ הַ יּוֹם עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬Hayom esrim yom,
and six days into the Omer.
6 Iyar
Today makes 21 days,
Today makes 22 days,
which is three weeks
and one day into the Omer.
8 Iyar
which is three weeks
and two days into the Omer.
9 Iyar
which is three weeks
and three days into the Omer.
10 Iyar
Today makes 25 days,
which is three weeks
and four days into the Omer.
11 Iyar
Today makes 26 days,
which is three weeks
and five days into the Omer.
Hayom echad ve’esrim yom,
shehem shloshah shavu’ot ba’Omer.
Hayom shnayim ve’esrim yom,
shehem shloshah shavu’ot
veyom echad ba’Omer.
Hayom shloshah ve’esrim yom,
shehem shloshah shavu’ot
ushnei yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom arba’ah ve’esrim yom,
Today makes 24 days,
veshishah yamim ba’Omer.
Today makes 23 days,
shehem shnei shavu’ot
which is three weeks into the Omer.
7 Iyar
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁנֵי ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וְ ִשׁ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫הַ יּוֹם אֶ חָ ד וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
‫לשׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁ‬
‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ ַנ ִים וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
‫לשׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁ‬
‫וְ יוֹם אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫לשׁה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
ָ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ‬
‫לשׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁ‬
‫וּשׁנֵי י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם‬
‫לשׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁ‬
‫לשׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫וּשׁ‬
‫הַ יּוֹם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
‫לשׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁ‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬
‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁ ָשּׁה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
‫לשׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁ‬
‫וַ חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
shehem shloshah shavu’ot
ushloshah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom chamishah ve’esrim yom,
shehem shloshah shavu’ot
ve’arba’ah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shishah ve’esrim yom,
shehem shloshah shavu’ot
vachamisha yamim ba’Omer.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
12 Iyar
Today makes 27 days,
which is three weeks
and six days into the Omer.
13 Iyar
Today makes 28 days,
which is four weeks into the Omer.
Today makes 29 days,
14 Iyar
which is four weeks
and one day into the Omer.
15 Iyar
Today makes 30 days,
which is four weeks
16 Iyar
Today makes 31 days,
which is four weeks
and three days into the Omer.
Today makes 32 days,
which is four weeks
and four days into the Omer.
18 Iyar
and six days into the Omer.
Today makes 35 days,
which is five weeks into the Omer.
Today makes 36 days,
which is five weeks
and one day into the Omer.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫לשׁה‬
ָ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ְ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם‬
‫וַ חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫אַרבָּ עָ ה‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ְ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם‬
‫וְ ִשׁ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁ ָשּׁה‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וְ יוֹם אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
veshishah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shmonah ve’esrim yom,
shehem arba’ah shavu’ot ba’Omer.
shehem arba’ah shavu’ot
veyom echad ba’Omer.
Hayom shloshim yom,
shehem arba’ah shavu’ot
ushnei yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom echad ushloshim yom,
shehem arba’ah shavu’ot
ushloshah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shnayim ushloshim yom,
shehem arba’ah shavu’ot
ve’arba’ah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shloshah ushloshim yom,
shehem arba’ah shavu’ot
vachamisha yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom arba’ah ushloshim yom,
Today makes 34 days,
which is four weeks
21 Iyar
Hayom tish’ah ve’esrim yom,
Day 29 (Pesach Sheni)
shehem shloshah shavu’ot
Today makes 33 days,
and five days into the Omer.
20 Iyar
‫הַ יּוֹם ִתּ ְשׁעָ ה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ְ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם‬
‫וְ יוֹם אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫ְלשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ְ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם‬
‫וּשׁנֵי י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם אֶ חָ ד‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ְ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם‬
‫לשׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫וּשׁ‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ ַנ ִים‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ְ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ָה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬
18 Iyar, Lag Ba’Omer
which is four weeks
19 Iyar
Hayom shiv’ah ve’esrim yom,
17 Iyar
‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁבְ עָ ה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
‫לשׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ְשׁ‬
‫וְ ִשׁ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁמ ֹונָה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים יוֹם‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ‫ֶשׁהֵ ם‬
and two days into the Omer.
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
shehem arba’ah shavu’ot
veshishah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom chamisha ushloshim yom,
shehem chamisha shavu’ot ba’Omer.
Hayom shishah ushloshim yom,
shehem chamisha shavu’ot
veyom echad ba’Omer.
Evening Silent Amidah
22 Iyar
Today makes 37 days,
which is five weeks
and two days into the Omer.
23 Iyar
Today makes 38 days,
which is five weeks
and three days into the Omer.
Today makes 39 days,
Hayom shiv’ah ushloshim yom,
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫לשׁה ו‬
ָ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וְ יוֹם אֶ חָ ד בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫אַרבָּ עָ ה ו‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וּשׁנֵי י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
Hayom shloshah ve’arba’im yom,
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫הַ יּוֹם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ו‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫לשׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫וּשׁ‬
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ו‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬
Hayom chamisha ve’arba’im yom,
24 Iyar
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁבְ עָ ה‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וּשׁנֵי י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁמ ֹונָה‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫לשׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ָ ‫וּשׁ‬
‫לשׁים יוֹם‬
ִ ‫וּשׁ‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם ִתּ ְשׁעָ ה‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫אַרבָּ עָ ה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
ְ ְ‫ו‬
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ‫הַ יּוֹם‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וַ חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫הַ יּוֹם אֶ חָ ד ו‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וְ ִשׁ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁ ַנ ִים ו‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
which is five weeks
and four days into the Omer.
25 Iyar
Today makes 40 days,
which is five weeks
26 Iyar
and five days into the Omer.
Today makes 41 days,
which is five weeks
27 Iyar
Today makes 42 days,
which is six weeks into the Omer.
28 Iyar
Today makes 43 days,
and one day into the Omer.
29 Iyar
Today makes 44 days,
and two days into the Omer.
1 Sivan
Today makes 45 days,
which is six weeks
and three days into the Omer.
2 Sivan
Today makes 46 days,
which is six weeks
and four days into the Omer.
shehem chamisha shavu’ot
ushloshah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom tish’ah ushloshim yom,
shehem chamisha shavu’ot
ve’arba’ah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom arba’im yom,
shehem chamisha shavu’ot
vachamisha yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom echad ve’arba’im yom,
shehem chamisha shavu’ot
veshishah yamim ba’Omer.
Day 43 (28 Iyar, Yom Yerushalayim)
Hayom shnayim ve’arba’im yom,
shehem shishah shavu’ot ba’Omer.
shehem shishah shavu’ot
veyom echad ba’Omer.
Hayom arba’ah ve’arba’im yom,
shehem shishah shavu’ot
which is six weeks
Hayom shmonah ushloshim yom,
which is six weeks
ushnei yamim ba’Omer.
and six days into the Omer.
shehem chamisha shavu’ot
Day 45, Rosh Chodesh Sivan
ushnei yamim ba’Omer.
shehem shishah shavu’ot
ushloshah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shishah ve’arba’im yom,
shehem shishah shavu’ot
ve’arba’ah yamim ba’Omer.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
3 Sivan
Today makes 47 days,
which is six weeks
and five days into the Omer.
4 Sivan
Today makes 48 days,
which is six weeks
and six days into the Omer.
Today makes 49 days,
5 Sivan
which is seven weeks into the Omer.
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫הַ יּוֹם ִשׁבְ עָ ה ו‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וַ חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫הַ יּוֹם ְשׁמ ֹונָה ו‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁ ָשּׁה ָשׁבוּעוֹת‬
‫וְ ִשׁ ָשּׁה י ִָמים בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
‫אַרבָּ ִעים יוֹם‬
ְ ְ‫הַ יּוֹם ִתּ ְשׁעָ ה ו‬
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִשׁבְ עָ ה ָשׁבוּעוֹת בָּ עֹמֶ ר‬
After counting the day, continue here.
Hayom shiv’ah ve’arba’im yom,
shehem shishah shavu’ot
vachamisha yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom shmonah ve’arba’im yom,
shehem shishah shavu’ot
veshishah yamim ba’Omer.
Hayom tish’ah ve’arba’im yom,
shehem shiv’ah shavu’ot ba’Omer.
________________________________ Closing Meditation ________________________________
May the merciful one restore
the Temple service
to its proper place.
May this be what you want,
and God of our ancestors:
that the Temple be rebuilt
soon, in our days,
and restore our rights in your Torah,
and there we shall serve reverently
Mal 3:4
Mal. 3:4
Harachaman, hu yachazir
avodat beit hamikdash
Yehi ratzon lefanecha
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
bimherah veyamenu
veten chelkenu beToratecha
vesham na’avod’cha beyir’ah
Ruler, our God
‫הָ ַרחֲ מָ ן הוּא יַחֲ זִ יר‬
‫עֲ בו ַֹדת בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
‫לִ ְמקוֹמָ הּ‬
�‫י ְִהי ָרצוֹן לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁ ִיּבָּ נֶה בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
�‫וְ תֵ ן חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וְ ָשׁם נַעֲ בָ ְד� בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
as in days of old and years long past. ‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמוֹנִ יּוֹת‬
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
So that God will enjoy
Ve’arvah lAdonai
‫וְ עָ ְרבָ ה לַ יהוָה‬
‫הוּדה וִ ירוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
ָ ְ‫ִמנְ חַ ת י‬
as in days of old and years long past.
‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
min’chat Yehudah Virushalayim
the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
Evening Silent Amidah
_____________________________________ Our Duty ▪ ‫ ▪ עָ לֵינוּ‬Aleinu1 _____________________________________
The Sovereign of all
to praise we’re bound,
The Creative Force
with greatness to crown,
Who made us like no other race
On earth, nor set us
in their place.
Our fate–like theirs God made it not
But chose for us a different lot. 2
Some add the next three lines.
For they prostrate themselves
before futility and emptiness
Is 45:20
‫ עָ לֵינוּ לְ ַשׁבֵּ ַח‬u u Aleinu leshabe’ach
‫ לַאֲ דוֹן הַ כֹּל‬la’adon hakol,
‫ ל ֵָתת גְּ דֻ לָּה‬latet gedulah
ִ ‫ לְ יוֹצֵ ר בְּ ֵר‬leyotzer bereshit,
‫ ֶשׁ�א עָ ָשׂנוּ כְּ ג ֹויֵי הָ אֲ ָרצוֹת‬shelo asanu kegoyei ha’aratzot
‫ וְ �א ָשׂמָ נוּ‬velo samanu
‫ כְּ ִמ ְשׁפְּ חוֹת הָ אֲ ָדמָ ה‬k’mishpechot ha’adamah,
‫ ֶשׁ�א ָשׂם חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ ָכּהֶ ם‬shelo sam chelkenu kahem
‫הֲ מ ֹונָם‬-‫ וְ גו ָֹרלֵנוּ כְּ ָכל‬vegoralenu kechol hamonam.
‫ֶשׁהֵ ם ִמ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ וִ ים‬
‫לְ הֶ בֶ ל וָ ִריק‬
“and pray to a god that can’t help.” ַ‫יוֹשׁיע‬
ִ ‫וּמ ְתפַּ ְל ִלים אֶ ל־אֵ ל ל ֹא‬
and bow the head gratefully,
Before the Ruler whom rulers dread,
The holy, blessed One–
lehevel varik
“umitpalelim el el lo yoshia.”
‫ כּו ְֹר ִעים‬w ‫ וַ אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬Va’anachnu zkor’im
‫וּמ ְשׁ ַתּחֲ וִ ים וּמו ִֹדים‬
ִ v y umishtachavim umodim
‫ לִ פְ נֵי מֶ לֶ� מַ לְ כֵי הַ ְמּלָכִ ים‬u u lifnei melech malchei hamlachim,
‫ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ בָּ רוּ� הוּא‬Hakadosh baruch hu;
We bend the knee
Shehem mishtachavim
For our note on Aleinu, please see page 275.
“We are bound to give praise / to the ruler of everything, /to acknowledge the greatness /of the one who
formed creation, who did not make us like other nations nor position us like the rest of the world’s families, /
who did not make our portion like theirs / nor our destiny like that of those multitudes.” If you dislike the idea
that Jews are a “chosen” people, you might consider that in ancient days our mission was to bring Torah values
to those who lacked them; now, perhaps, that mission is largely fulfilled. Or, you might say ‫ ֶשׁ�ו‬for ‫—שׁ�א‬the
two words sound identical—implying that God chose us, for God’s own purposes, to be like the other nations,
by showing them how to live a Torah-observant life.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
Who Is. 51:13 “stretches out the heavens,
‫נוֹטֶ ה שָׁ מַ יִ ם‬
‫וְ יֹסֵ ד אָ ֶרץ‬
Supports the earth below”;
Above, high in the sky,
The Presence does bestow;
Whose power dwells
In heights where none can go.
This is our God, there is no more;
our ruler is truth, beyond whom is naught.
It’s written in God’s Law:
Deut 4:39
‫וּמו ַֹשׁב ְי ָקר ֹו‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁמַ ִים ִממַּ עַ ל‬
‫וּשׁכִ ינַת ֻעזּ ֹו‬
‫בְּ גָבְ הֵ י ְמרו ִֹמים‬
‫הוּא אֱ �הֵ ינוּ אֵ ין עוֹד‬
‫אֶ מֶ ת מַ לְ כֵּנוּ אֶ פֶ ס זוּלָת ֹו‬
‫ַכּ ָכּתוּב בְּ תו ָֹרת ֹו‬
“This day you must know
‫תּ הַ יּ֗ וֹם‬
֣ ָ ְ‫וְ י ַָדע‬
and take it to heart
in heaven above
that God is God
and on earth below: nothing else is.”
shehu “noteh shamayim
veyosed aretz,”
umoshav yekaro
bashamayim mima’al,
ushechinat uzo
begovhei meromim.
Hu Eloheinu, ein od;
emet malkenu, efes zulato.
Kakatuv b’Torato:
“Veyada’ta hayom,
֒ � ֶ‫ל־לבָ ב‬
ֶ‫ַוהֲשֵׁ בֹתָ ֮ א‬
vahashevota el levavecha
ִ֔ ‫ִכּ֤י יהוה ֙ ה֣ וּא ָ ֽהא‬
ki Adonai, hu ha’Elohim
‫בַּ שָּׁ ַמ֣יִ ם ִמ ֔ ַמּעַ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל־הָ ָא ֶ֖רץ ִמ ָתּ֑חַ ת ֵא֖ין ֽעוֹד‬
So we hope in you,
ve’al ha’aretz mitachat: ein od.”
Al ken nekaveh lecha,
Adonai Eloheinu,
lir’ot meherah betif’eret uzecha;
leha’avir gilulim min ha’aretz,
veha’elilim karot yikaretun,
� ְ‫עַ ל כֵּן נְ ַקוֶּה ל‬
God, our God,
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
�ֶ‫לִ ְראוֹת ְמהֵ ָרה בְּ ִתפְ אֶ ֶרת עֻ זּ‬
soon to see your splendid power,
to make idols pass from the earth
ֶ ָ‫לְ הַ עֲ בִ יר גִּ לּוּלִ ים ִמן ה‬
and destroy false gods,
‫וְ הָ אֱ לִ ילִ ים ָכּרוֹת ִי ָכּ ֵרתוּן‬
to repair the world in the Almighty’s rule. ‫לְ ַת ֵקּן ע ֹולָם בְּ מַ לְ כוּת ַשׁ ַדּי‬
And all people
‫בְּ נֵי בָ ָשׂר‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
� ֶ‫ִי ְק ְראוּ ִב ְשׁמ‬
will call on your name,
to turn to you all the wicked on earth. ‫אָרץ‬
ֶ ‫ ִר ְשׁעֵ י‬-‫לְ הַ פְ נוֹת אֵ לֶי� ָכּל‬
They’ll see and know—
‫יַכִּ ירוּ וְ י ְֵדעוּ‬
‫יו ְֹשׁבֵ י ֵתבֵ ל‬-‫ָכּל‬
all earth dwellers—
�‫בֶּ ֶר‬-‫כִּ י לְ � ִתּכְ ַרע ָכּל‬
that to you each knee must bend,
each tongue must swear.
‫לָשׁוֹן‬-‫ִתּ ָשּׁבַ ע ָכּל‬
bashamayim mima’al,
letahken olam bemalchut shadai,
vechol benei vasar
yikre’u vishmecha,
lehafnot elecha kol rish’ei aretz.
Yakiru veyed’u
kol yoshvei tevel,
ki lecha tichra kol berech,
tishava kol lashon.
We bend the knee / and bow in gratitude / before the ruler, / ruler of rulers, / the holy, blessed one, who
“stretches out the heavens, / supports the earth below;” / whose own dwelling place / is in the sky above / and
whose power is present / in the loftiest heights.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Evening Silent Amidah
Before you, ruling God,
they will kneel and fall down,
and to the glory of your reputation
they will give honor.
And they will all accept
the yoke of your rule,
that soon you may rule them
forever and ever.
For this is your reign,
and forever and ever
you will rule in glory.
Ex. 15:18
God will be the ruler forever!
And it’s said in your scripture:
Zech. 14:9
Lefanecha Adonai Elohenu
‫יהו֥ה ׀ יִ ְמ ֖�� ְלעֹ ָל֥ם וָעֶ ֽד‬
Adonai yimloch le’olam va’ed.
It’s written in your Law:
‫לְ פָ נֶי� יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫ִיכְ ְרעוּ וְ ִיפֹּ לוּ‬
�‫וְ לִ כְ בוֹד ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫ְי ָקר ִי ֵתּנוּ‬
‫יקבְּ לוּ ֻכ ָלּם‬
ַ ִ‫ו‬
ֶ ְ‫עֹל מַ ל‬-‫אֶ ת‬
‫וְ ִת ְמ�� עֲ ֵליהֶ ם ְמהֵ ָרה‬
‫לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
‫כִּ י הַ מַּ לְ כוּת ֶשׁלְּ � ִהיא‬
‫וּלְ עוֹלְ מֵ י עַ ד‬
‫ִתּ ְמלוֹ� בְּ ָכבוֹד‬
�‫◊ ַכּ ָכּתוּב בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
over all the earth;
on that day God will be one
and God’s name will be one.
� ֶ‫וְ הָ יָה יְהוָה ְלמֶ ל‬
velichvod shimcha
yekar yitenu,
vikablu chulam
et ol malchutecha,
vetimloch aleihem mehera
le’olam va’ed.
Ki hamalchut shelcha hi,
ule’olmei ad
timloch bechavod.
◊ Kakatuv beToratecha:
Vehayah Adonai lemelech
And God will be ruler
‫וְ נֶאֱ מַ ר‬
yichre’u veyipolu,
‫עַ ל־כָּ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ‬
‫יִהיֶה יְ הוָה אֶ חָ ד‬
ְ ‫בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא‬
‫וּשׁמוֹ אֶ חָ ד‬
al kol ha’aretz;
bayom hahu yih’yeh Adonai echad
ushemo echad.
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit remain standing to lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
____________________________________ Psalm 27 ____________________________________
From the beginning of Elul through Hoshanah Rabbah, add Psalm 27.
A psalm of David:
‫ ְל ָדוִ ד‬LeDavid
God lights my way and saves
‫יהוה אוֹ ִרי וְ יִ ְשׁעִ י‬
me from alarm.
ָ ‫ִמ ִמּי ִא‬
God is my life-force.
‫יהוה מָ עוֹז־חַ יַּי‬
Who can do me harm?
‫ִמ ִמּי אֶ ְפחָ ד‬
When evil people came
‫ִבּקְ רֹב עָ לַ י ְמ ֵרעִ ים‬
my flesh to eat,
My irksome foes slipped,
fell down at my feet.
Let armies camp!
my heart will not take fright.
Let war come;
still I know that this is right.
One thing I asked of God,
ֲ ַ‫חנֶה עָ לַ י מ‬
ֲ ַ‫ִאם־תּ‬
‫ירא ִל ִבּי‬
ָ ִ‫ל ֹא־י‬
‫ִאם־תָּ קוּם עָ לַ י ִמ ְלחָ מָ ה‬
ַ‫ְבּז ֹאת אֲנִ י ב�טֵ ח‬
For God will keep me safe
in evil days,
‫לַ חֲזוֹת ְבּנֹעַ ם־יהוה‬
Im tachaneh alai machaneh
lo yirah libi;
im takum alai milchamah
bezot ani vote’ach.
Achat sha’alti me’et Adonai,
otah avakesh:
shivti beveit Adonai
kol yemei chayai,
lachazot beno’am Adonai
‫וּלבַ קֵּ ר ְבּהֵ יכָ לוֹ‬
ulevaker beheichalo.
‫ִכּי יִ ְצ ְפּנֵנִ י ְבּסֻ כֹּה‬
Ki yitzpeneni besuko
beyom ra’ah,
‫ְבּי�ם ָרעָ ה‬
Perch me in secret tent
‫י ְַס ִתּ ֵרנִ י ְבּסֵ תֶ ר אָ הֳלוֹ‬
on mountain raised.
‫ר�ממֵ נִ י‬
ְ ְ‫ְבּצוּר י‬
hemah kashlu venafalu.
and in God’s Temple stay.
‫הֵ מָּ ה כָּ ְשׁלוּ וְ נָפָ לוּ‬
‫כָּ ל־יְמֵ י חַ יַּי‬
To view God’s grace,
Bikrov alai mere’im
tzarai ve’oy’vai li
‫ִשׁ ְב ִתּי ְבּבֵ ית־יהוה‬
living each day,
mimi efchad?
‫צָ ַרי וְ אֹיְ בַ י ִלי‬
‫אוֹתָ הּ אֲבַ קֵּ שׁ‬
To sit in God’s own house
Adonai ma’o chayai,
le’echol et besari
‫אַ חַ ת שָׁ אַ ְל ִתּי מֵ אֵ ת־יהוה‬
for this I pray:
mimi irah?
‫ת־בּשָׂ ִרי‬
ֶ‫לֶ ֱאכֹל א‬
Adonai ori veyish’i,
yastireni beseter oholo
betzur yeromemeni.
“A Psalm of David: God is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? God is the power of my life; of
whom shall I be afraid? When evil people came at me, to devour my flesh—my troubles, my enemies—they
stumbled and fell!”
“If an army camps against me, my heart will not fear. If war rises against me, this is what I’ll rely on. One
thing I asked from God, this is my request: to sit in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to view the
sweetness of God and to be a visitor in his Temple.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Evening Silent Amidah
And now I’m high above
ִ ‫וְ עַ תָּ ה יָרוּם ר‬
Ve’atah yarum roshi
my enemies round;
‫עַ ל אֹיְ בַ י ְס ִביבוֹתַ י‬
al oy’vai sevivotai
I’ll offer in God’s tent
‫וְ אֶ ז ְְבּחָ ה ְבאָ הֳלוֹ‬
my joyful sound.
‫ז ְִבחֵ י ְתרוּעָ ה‬
With song to God my music
will resound.
God, hear my cry,
ashirah va’azamrah lAdonai.
‫ְשׁמַ ע־יהוה קוֹ ִלי אֶ ְק ָרא‬
Shema Adonai, koli ekrah;
‫וְ חָ נֵּנִ י ַו ֲענֵנִ י‬
My heart implored you, God,
“O seek my face”
As I seek yours.
Don’t turn away from me,
Don’t send away your servant angrily.
You helped me;
O God, you save me,
time and time again.
My parents left me,
God will take me in.
‫ְל� אָ מַ ר ִל ִבּי‬
Lecha amar libi,
‫בַּ קְּ שׁוּ פָ נָי‬
“Bakshu fanai.”
Et panecha Adonai avakesh.
‫אַ ל־תַּ ְסתֵּ ר פָּ נֶי� ִממֶּ נִּ י‬
Al tas’ter panecha mimeni,
�‫ט־בּאַ ף עַ ְב ֶדּ‬
ַ‫אַ ל־תּ‬
ָ‫עֶ ז ְָר ִתי הָ יִ ית‬
‫ל־תּ ְטּשֵׁ נִ י וְ אַ ל־תַּ עַ זְבֵ נִ י‬
al tat be’af avdecha.
Ezrati hayita:
al titsheni, ve’al ta’azveni.
don’t spurn or abandon me.
vechoneni va’aneni.
‫אֶ ת־פָּ נֶי� יהוה אֲבַ קֵּ שׁ‬
zivchei teru’ah;
‫ירה ַו ֲאז ְַמּ ָרה לַ יהוה‬
ָ ‫אָ ִשׁ‬
and answer in your grace.
ve’ezbechah ve’oholo
‫אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְשׁעִ י‬
‫ִכּי־אָ ִבי וְ ִא ִמּי ֲעזָבוּנִ י‬
Ki avi ve’imi azavuni,
vAdonai ya’asfeni.
‫וַיהוה יַאַ ְספֵ נִ י‬
Elohei yish’i—
“Zivchei teru’ah,” sacrifices of shouting, could imply lots of animals bellowing at their slaughter. On the other
hand, it may imply that a voice raised in song and praise is itself an acceptable offering, perhaps even an alternative to the blood and guts of the sacrificial system.
“For he’ll hide me in his shelter on a bad day, he’ll conceal me in the secrecy of his tent, he’ll lift me up on a
rock! And now my head is raised above my enemies all around, and I’ll offer in his tent sacrifices of joyous
shouting, I’ll sing and make music to God.”
“Listen, God; I’ll call with my voice: take pity on me and answer me. My heart said to you, ‘Seek my face.’
Lord, I shall seek your face! Don’t hide your face from me; Don’t turn your servant away in anger.”
“You have been my help: Don’t throw me off, don’t abandon me.”
“O Lord, you are my savior. For my father and mother abandoned me, and God will take me in.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ מַ עֲ ִריב‬Weekday Evening Service
Show me your way, God,
� ֶ‫הוֹ ֵרנִ י יהוה ַדּ ְרכּ‬
Horeni Adonai darkecha,
set me on level ground
‫וּנְ חֵ נִ י ְבּא ַֹרח ִמישׁ�ר‬
unecheni be’orach mishor
To stand against those
who can boss me around!
Don’t turn me over to my enemies,
False witnesses,
‫ְלמַ עַ ן‬
‫שׁוֹ ְר ָרי‬
‫ל־תּ ְתּנֵנִ י ְבּנֶפֶ שׁ צָ ָרי‬
ָ‫ִכּי ק‬
who breathe brutality.
What had I been, had I not known
I’d spy
God’s goodness here on earth
‫עֵדי־שֶׁ קֶ ר וִ יפֵ חַ חָ מָ ס‬
‫לוּלֵ א הֶ אֱמַ נְ ִתּי‬
‫ִל ְראוֹת ְבּטוּב־יהוה‬
‫ְבּאֶ ֶרץ חַ יִּ ים‬
Al titneni benefesh tzarai,
ki kamu vi
edei sheker vife’ach chamas.
Lulei he’emanti
lir’ot betuv Adonai
be’eretz chayim.
before I die?
Wait for God, wait and trust.
Though God come late,
Be strong, take heart.
� ֶ‫חזַק וְ ַיאֲמֵ ץ ִלבּ‬
‫וְ קַ וֵּה אֶ ל־יהוה‬
◊ Kaveh el Adonai:
chazak veya’ametz libecha:
vekaveh el Adonai.
And wait for God, just wait.3
‫◊ קַ וֵּה אֶ ל־יהוה‬
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit lead Mourners’ Kaddish, page 267.
“God, show me your path and lead me on a level road (no ups and downs!) because of those people who can
ruin my day!”
“Don’t turn me over to the will of my foes, for there have risen against me witnesses who lie, breathing violence.” “Shorerai” means those who have power over me; they can ruin my day and put ups and downs in my
daily path.
“If I had not trusted that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living what would have become of me! Wait for the Lord: keep your heart strong and resolute, and wait for the Lord.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫הו ָס ֹפות‬
Additional Material
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Prayer leader; congregation responds “Amen” and repeat this blessing:
We bless you, ruling God—
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬u u Baruch atah Adonai
Eternal is your might;
You made us holy with your rules
This Hallel to recite.
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ָֹתיו‬
‫הַ הַ לֵּל אָמֵ ן‬-‫וְ צִ וָּ נוּ לִ ְקרֹא אֶ ת‬
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
asher kidshanu bemitzvotav
vetzivanu likro et haHallel. Amen
____________________________________ Psalm 113 ___________________________________
‫הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
God’s servants, give praise!
‫הַ ְללוּ עַ ְב ֵדי יהוה‬
Praise God’s reputation!
Now and forevermore
God’s name be blessed.
From where the sun begins its course,
Until at last it comes to rest,
Above all peoples God is high,
God’s glory soars above the sky.
Who is like our sovereign God,
who deigns to peer
on us down here?
hallelu et shem Adonai,
�‫יְהי שֵׁ ם יהוה ְמב ָֹר‬
yehi shem Adonai mevorach
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־עוֹלָ ם‬
ְ ַ‫ִמ ִמּז ְַרח־שֶׁ מֶ שׁ ע‬
‫ְמהֻ לָּ ל שֵׁ ם יהוה‬
‫ָרם עַ ל־כָּ ל־גּוֹיִ ם יהוה‬
Ram al kol goyim Adonai,
‫ִמי כַּ יהוה אֱ�הֵ ינוּ‬
mi kAdonai Eloheinu,
‫יהי לָ שָׁ בֶ ת‬
ִ ‫הַ מַּ גְ ִבּ‬
hamagbihi lashavet,
‫ימי מֵ עָ פָ ר ָדּל‬
ִ ‫ְמ ִק‬
hamashpili lir’ot
bashamayim uva’aretz.
Mekimi me’afar dal,
from ashes brings the mourner,
mehulal shem Adonai.
al hashamayim kevodo;
‫בַּ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם וּבָ אָ ֶרץ‬
God lifts the pauper from the dust,
mimizrach shemesh ad mevo’o
‫עַ ל הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם ְכּבוֹדוֹ‬
‫ילי ִל ְראוֹת‬
ִ ‫הַ מַּ ְשׁ ִפּ‬
me’ata ve’ad olam;
whose throne is high above the sky,
Hallelu avdei Adonai
‫הַ ְללוּ אֶ ת־שֵׁ ם יהוה‬
God’s name be praised.
‫מֵ אַ ְשׁפֹּת י ִָרים אֶ ְביוֹן‬
me’ashpot yarim evyon
We add Hallel, psalms 113-118, on Rosh Chodesh and Chanukah; some add Hallel on Israel’s Independence
Day and Jerusalem Day (some add Hallel without the blessing). Hallel was part of the Temple ritual; for example, the Levites would recite Hallel as the Jews slaughtered their lambs for the Passover sacrifice (Mishnah
Pesachim 5:7).
Literally, “Who becomes lower in order to look on heaven and earth”—God is so very high that even the
heights of barely deserve God’s lofty attention.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
to seat him with the upper crust,
in the big givers’ corner.
ִ ‫יבי עִ ם־נְ ִד‬
ִ ‫הוֹשׁ‬
ִ ‫ְל‬
‫עִ ם נְ ִדיבֵ י עַ מּוֹ‬
God makes the childless woman
‫יבי עֲקֶ ֶרת הַ בַּ יִ ת‬
ִ ‫מוֹשׁ‬
a joyful mother of children; Halleluyah!
‫אֵ ם־הַ בָּ נִ ים ְשׂמֵ חָ ה הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
lehoshivi im nedivim,
im nedivei amo.
◊ Moshivi akeret habayit
em habanim semecha: Halleluyah!
____________________________________ Psalm 1143 ___________________________________
When Jacob’s house left Egypt land
‫ְבּצֵ את יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ִמ ִמּ ְצ ָריִ ם‬
Betzeit Yisra’el miMitzrayim,
‫בֵּ ית ַי ֲעקֹב מֵ עַ ם �עֵ ז‬
beit Ya’akov me’am lo’ez,
Judah was God’s holy place—
‫הוּדה ְלקָ ְדשׁוֹ‬
ָ ְ‫הָ יְ תָ ה י‬
hayta Yehudah lekodshoh,
A place God found among ‘em.
‫יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל מַ ְמ ְשׁלוֹתָ יו‬
Yisrael mamshelotav;
‫הַ יָּם ָראָ ה ַו ָיּנֹס‬
hayam ra’ah vayanos,
(They had been there too long!)
They left behind a place where people
Spoke in foreign tongue.4
Israel was in God’s own grasp,
And to their home God brung’ em.
The sea saw it and tried to split,
Like lusty rams the mountains pranced,
Hills skipped around like lambs.5
What’s got you on the run,
What’s got you cringing, Jordan,
That backward is your motion?
ִ ֵ‫הֶ הָ ִרים ָר ְקדוּ ְכא‬
heharim rakdu che’eilim
‫גְּ בָ עוֹת ִכּ ְבנֵי־צ ֹאן‬
‫ה־לּ� הַ יָּם‬
geva’ot kivnei tzon.
Mah lecha hayam
‫ִכּי תָ נוּס‬
ki tanoos,
‫הַ יּ ְַר ֵדּן‬
‫ִתּסֹּב ְלאָ חוֹר‬
tisov le’achor?
haYarden yisov le’achor;
What is your problem, ocean?
‫הַ יּ ְַר ֵדּן יִ סֹּב ְלאָ חוֹר‬
Upstream the Jordan ran.
It would be more literal to translate verses 7 and 8, “The pauper in the dust, God stands him upright. The
mourner in ashes, God lifts him up, to seat him with the big givers in the community.” A ‫ ָנ ִדיב‬is a magnanimous
person as well as brand of cheap Israeli cigarettes.
A pre-feminist way of saying that God grants our dearest wishes.
You can sing the English to the same tune as the Hebrew, but the English verses also work with “Let My People Go” (if you add your own chorus, though). For the rest of Psalm 114, you can sing the English to the same
tune as the Hebrew.
“When Israel came out of Egypt, when Jacob’s descendants left a people with a foreign language”
Literally, “When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob out of a people who spoke a strange language,
Judah became God’s holy thing, Israel God’s possession. The sea saw it and fled; the Jordan ran backwards. The
mountains danced like rams, the hills like lambs.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
What’s put you all a-jitter—
‫הֶ הָ ִרים‬
You mountains jump like rams!
ִ ֵ‫ִתּ ְר ְקדוּ ְכא‬
What’s put you all a-skitter,
‫ִכּ ְבנֵי־צ ֹאן‬
‫◊ ִמ ִלּ ְפנֵי אָ דוֹן‬
Hills gambolling like lambs?
At the presence of the Boss
‫גְּ בָ עוֹת‬
The fearful earth will shiver
‫חוּלי אָ ֶרץ‬
At the presence of the Boss,
‫ִמ ִלּ ְפנֵי‬
God of Jacob, it will quiver.
‫אֱלוֹהַּ ַי ֲעקֹב‬
God made a pool of water
‫הַ ה ְֹפ ִכי הַ צּוּר‬
From rock that flanked a mountain;
‫ֲאגַם־מָ יִ ם‬
That brittle flinty stone
Became a running fountain.
‫חַ לָּ ִמישׁ‬
‫ְלמַ ְעיְ נוֹ־מָ יִ ם‬
tirkedu che’eilim
kivnei tzon?
◊ Milifnei Adon
chuli aretz,
Elo’ah Ya’akov—
Ha’hofchi hatzur
agam mayim,
lemay’no mayim.
_________________________________ Psalm 115: 1-11 _________________________________
Not for us, God, not for us,
Omit on Rosh Chodesh.
‫ל ֹא לָ נוּ יהוה ל ֹא לָ נוּ‬
but for the sake of your name give glory,
for the sake of your kindness and truth.
Why should the other nations say of us,
“Where is their God?”
When our God is in heaven
doing whatever God wishes?
work of human hands.
al chasd’cha al amitecha
‫ֹאמרוּ הַ גּוֹיִ ם‬
ְ ‫לָ מָּ ה י‬
lama yomru hagoyim,
‫אַ יֵּה־נָא אֱ�הֵ יהֶ ם‬
“Ayeh na eloheihem?”
‫וֵא�הֵ ינוּ בַ שָּׁ מָ יִ ם‬
vEloheinu vashamayim,
‫כֹּל אֲשֶׁ ר־חָ פֵ ץ עָ שָׂ ה‬
kol asher chafetz asah.
‫עֲצַ בֵּ יהֶ ם כֶּ סֶ ף וְ זָהָ ב‬
Atzabayhem kesef vezahav,
Their idols are silver and gold,
� ֶ‫עַ ל־חַ ְס ְדּ� עַ ל־א ֲִמתּ‬
ki leshimcha ten kavod
‫י־ל ִשׁ ְמ� תֵּ ן כָּ בוֹד‬
ְ ‫ִכּ‬
Lo lanu, Adonai, lo lanu
‫מַ עֲשֵׂ ה יְ ֵדי אָ ָדם‬
Ma’aseh yedei adam.
“What’s wrong, sea, that you run away? / Jordan, that you turn back? / Mountains, that you dance like rams? /
Hills, like lambs?”
“Adon” in Hebrew is for someone in charge; in our society, that’s the Boss.
“Before God, dance, O earth, / Before the God of Jacob, / Who turned the rock into a pool of water, / The
flinty rock into a fountain.”
This psalm brings to mind the Midrashic story of young Abram, later Abraham. His father (the story goes)
made a living selling idols. One day, Abram smashed most of the idols in the shop, leaving one statue to hold
the hammer. Dad was angry; Abram blamed the idol. “That’s ridiculous,” said Dad, “they’re just stone.” “In
that case,” says Abram, “how can you sell them and let people pray to them?”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
They have a mouth but cannot speak;
eyes, but they cannot see.
They have ears, but they can’t hear;
Peh lahem velo yedaberu,
‫עֵ ינַיִ ם לָ הֶ ם וְ ל ֹא יִ ְראוּ‬
einayim lahem velo yir’u.
‫אָ ְזנַיִ ם לָ הֶ ם וְ ל ֹא יִ ְשׁמָ עוּ‬
a nose, but they can’t smell—
‫פֶּ ה־לָ הֶ ם וְ ל ֹא יְ ַדבֵּ רוּ‬
‫אַ ף לָ הֶ ם וְ ל ֹא יְ ִריחוּן‬
hands, but they can’t feel;
feet, but they can’t walk;
they can’t make a sound with their throat.
But Israel relies on God.
Those who fear God trust in God;
‫◊ יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל ְבּטַ ח בַּ יהוה‬
◊ Yisra’el b’tach bAdonai,
‫עֶ ז ְָרם וּמָ גִ נָּם הוּא‬
‫עֶ ז ְָרם וּמָ גִ נָּם הוּא‬
‫יִ ְראֵ י יהוה ִבּ ְטחוּ בַ יהוה‬
‫עֶ ז ְָרם וּמָ גִ נָּם הוּא‬
ezram umaginam hu.
Beit Aharon bit’chu bAdonai,
ezram umaginam hu.
Yir’ei Adonai bit’chu vAdonai,
ezram umaginam hu.
God is their help and their shield.
lo yeh’gu bigronam.
kol asher bote’ach bahem.
‫הרֹן ִבּ ְטחוּ בַ יהוה‬
ֲ ַ‫בֵּ ית א‬
God is their help and their shield.
ragleihem velo yehalechu,
‫כֹּל אֲשֶׁ ר־בֹּטֵ חַ בָּ הֶ ם‬
Aaron’s house trusts in God;
‫ַרגְ לֵ יהֶ ם וְ ל ֹא יְ הַ לֵּ כוּ‬
Kemohem yih’yu oseihem,
God is their help and their shield.
Yedeihem velo yemishun,
‫ְכּמוֹהֶ ם יִ ְהיוּ עֹ שֵׂ יהֶ ם‬
and so are all who rely on them.
af lahem velo yerichun.
‫יְדיהֶ ם וְ ל ֹא יְ ִמישׁוּן‬
‫ל ֹא־י ְֶהגּוּ ִבּגְ רוֹנָם‬
Their makers are like the idols they make,
Oznayim lahem velo yishma’u,
_________________________________ Psalm 115: 12-181 ________________________________
God has remembered us and will bless—
will bless the house of Israel,
God will bless those who fear God,
both small and great.
God will give you more,
you and your children.
You’ll be blessed by God,
Heaven is for God,
who gave the earth to people.
yevarech et beit Yisra’el,
ֲ ַ‫יְ בָ ֵר� אֶ ת־בֵּ ית א‬
yevarech et beit Aharon,
‫יְ בָ ֵר� יִ ְראֵ י יהוה‬
yevarech yir’ei Adonai,
‫הַ ְקּטַ נִּ ים ִעם־הַ גְּ ד ִֹלים‬
haktanim im hagdolim.
‫יֹסֵ ף יהוה עֲלֵ יכֶ ם‬
Yosef Adonai aleichem,
‫ל־בּנֵיכֶ ם‬
ְ ַ‫עֲלֵ יכֶ ם וְ ע‬
the maker of heaven and earth.
‫יְ בָ ֵר� אֶ ת־בֵּ ית יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
Adonai zecharanu; yevarech—
will bless the house of Aaron,
�‫יהוה ְזכָ ָרנוּ יְ בָ ֵר‬
aleichem ve’al beneichem.
‫רוּכים אַ תֶּ ם לַ יהוה‬
ִ ‫ְבּ‬
Beruchim atem lAdonai,
‫עֹ שֵׂ ה שָׁ מַ יִ ם וָאָ ֶרץ‬
oseh shamayim va’aretz.
‫◊ הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם שָׁ מַ יִ ם לַ יהוה‬
◊ Hashamayim shamayim lAdonai,
‫וְ הָ אָ ֶרץ נָתַ ן ִל ְבנֵי־אָ ָדם‬
veha’aretz natan livnei adam.
How is this related to the beginning of Psalm 115? The first part speaks of our trust in God; this part speaks of
God fulfilling that trust. The first part contrasts inanimate idols with the living God; this part contrasts the dead,
who cannot praise God, with us, who live and praise God.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Dead people don’t hail God,
nor do those who have gone down to silence.
‫ל ֹא הַ מֵּ ִתים יְ הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
Lo hametim yehal’lu Yah,
‫וְ ל ֹא כָּ ל־י ְֹר ֵדי דוּמָ ה‬
velo kol yordei dumah.
But we will bless God
‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ נְ בָ ֵר� יָהּ‬
from now on and forever.
‫מֵ עַ תָּ ה וְ עַ ד־עוֹלָ ם‬
‫הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
Va’anachnu nevarech Yah
me’atah ve’ad olam
________________________________ Psalm 116: 1-11 _________________________________
I love it when God hears
Omit on Rosh Chodesh.
‫אָ הַ ְב ִתּי ִכּי־יִ ְשׁמַ ע יהוה‬
Ahavti ki yishma Adonai
my voice, my prayers.
‫ת־קוֹלי תַּ חֲנוּנָי‬
et koli tachanunai,
‫י־הטָּ ה אָ זְנוֹ ִלי‬
ִ ‫ִכּ‬
ki hita ozno li
For God bent an ear to me,
so I’ll call on God all my days.
The bonds of death had tied me,
‫וּביָמַ י אֶ ְק ָרא‬
‫אֲפָ פוּנִ י חֶ ְבלֵ י־מָ וֶת‬
the narrow grave had found me;
‫וּמצָ ֵרי ְשׁאוֹל ְמצָ אוּנִ י‬
I had come to grief and trouble.
‫צָ ָרה וְ יָגוֹן אֶ ְמצָ א‬
So I called in the name of God,
“God, please! Save my soul!”
God is gentle and righteous,
and our God acts kindly.
‫אָ נָּה יהוה מַ ְלּטָ ה נ ְַפ ִשׁי‬
‫חַ נּוּן יהוה וְ צַ ִדּיק‬
‫וֵא�הֵ ינוּ ְמ ַרחֵ ם‬
I was down, but God saved me.
O my soul, return and rest,
and has saved my soul from death,
my eyes from weeping,
and my legs from failing.
I’ll walk before God
in the lands of the living.
um’tzarei She’ol m’tza’uni.
tzara veyagon emtza.
Uv’shem Adonai ekra,
“Ana Adonai, malta nafshi!”
Chanun Adonai vetzadik,
vEloheinu merachem;
‫שֹׁמֵ ר ְפּתָ ִאים יהוה‬
shomer peta’im Adonai,
ִ ְ‫לּוֹתי וְ ִלי י‬
ִ ‫ַדּ‬
daloti veli yehoshi’a.
‫שׁוּבי נ ְַפ ִשׁי ִל ְמנוּחָ יְ ִכי‬
Shuvi nafshi limnuchaychi
‫ִכּי־יהוה גָּמַ ל עָ לָ יְ ִכי‬
ki Adonai gamal alaychi,
because God has been kind to you
Afafuni chevlei mavet,
God guards the simple;
‫וּבשֵׁ ם־יהוה אֶ ְק ָרא‬
uv’yamai ekra.
‫ִכּי ִחלַּ ְצתָּ נ ְַפ ִשׁי ִממָּ וֶת‬
‫ן־דּ ְמעָ ה‬
ִ ‫אֶ ת־עֵ ינִ י ִמ‬
‫ת־רגְ ִלי ִמ ֶדּ ִחי‬
ַ ֶ‫א‬
‫אֶ ְתהַ לֵּ � ִל ְפנֵי יהוה‬
‫ְבּאַ ְרצוֹת הַ חַ יִּ ים‬
ki chilatzta nafshi mimavet,
et eini min dim’a,
et ragli midechi.
Et’halech lifnei Adonai
be’artzot hachayim.
“The heavens are the heavens of God, and God gave the earth to the children of Adam.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫◊ הֶ אֱמַ נְ ִתּי ִכּי א ֲַדבֵּ ר‬
I kept my faith even when I said,
“I’m really suffering.”
‫יתי ְמאֹד‬
ִ ִ‫אֲנִ י עָ נ‬
I said in my haste,
“All people are liars.”
‫אֲנִ י אָ מַ ְר ִתּי ְבחָ ְפזִי‬
ֹ ‫כָּ ל־הָ אָ ָדם‬
◊ He’emanti ki adaber,
“Ani aniti me’od.”
Ani amarti vechofzi,
“Kol ha’adam kozev.”
_________________________________ Psalm 116: 12-192 ________________________________
What can I do for God, in return
Mah ashiv lAdonai
‫גְמוּלוֹהי עָ לָ י‬
ַ‫כָּ ל־תּ‬
kol tagmulohi alay?
I’ll raise the cup of salvation,
‫כּוֹס־יְ שׁוּעוֹת אֶ שָּׂ א‬
Kos yeshu’ot esah
and I’ll call on the name of God.
‫וּבשֵׁ ם יהוה אֶ ְק ָרא‬
uv’shem Adonai ekra.
‫מָ ה־אָ ִשׁיב לַ יהוה‬
for all that God has done for me?
I’ll pay off my pledges to God
in front of all God’s people.
‫נְ ָד ַרי לַ יהוה אֲשַׁ לֵּ ם‬
Nedarai lAdonai ashalem
‫ֶגְדה־נָּא ְלכָ ל־עַ מּוֹ‬
ָ ‫נ‬
negda na lechol amo.
God sets a high price on
‫יָקָ ר ְבּעֵ ינֵי יהוה‬
Yakar be’einei Adonai
the death of those God loves.
ָ ‫הַ מָּ וְ תָ ה לַ ח ֲִס‬
hamavtah lachasidav.
God, I am your servant,
�‫אָ נָּה יהוה ִכּי־אֲנִ י עַ ְב ֶדּ‬
your servant, the child of your handmaid—
so you have unshackled me.
I’ll bring you thank-offerings
and I’ll call on the name of God.
I’ll pay off my pledges to God
in front of all God’s people,
in the courts of God’s Temple,
‫ִפּתַּ ְחתָּ ְלמוֹסֵ ָרי‬
ָ ‫ְל�־אֶ ְזבַּ ח זֶבַ ח‬
‫וּבשֵׁ ם יהוה אֶ ְק ָרא‬
ani avd’cha, ben amatecha—
pitachta lemoseray.
Lecha ezbach zevach todah
uv’shem Adonai ekra.
‫נְ ָד ַרי לַ יהוה אֲשַׁ לֵּ ם‬
Nedarai lAdonai ashalem
‫ֶגְדה־נָּא ְלכָ ל־עַ מּוֹ‬
ָ ‫נ‬
negda na lechol amo.
‫◊ ְבּחַ ְצרוֹת בֵּ ית יהוה‬
◊ Bechatzrot beit Adonai,
‫ְבּתוֹכֵ ִכי יְ רוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
betochechi Yerushalayim,
in your center, O Jerusalem.
� ֶ‫אֲנִ י־עַ ְב ְדּ� בֶּ ן־אֲמָ ת‬
Ana Adonai ki ani avdecha,
‫הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
The sense could be: “Even when I was suffering, and God seemed to have abandoned me, I trusted him. But
as for people, I could see pretty quickly that they’re not reliable.”
How does this follow from the first part of the psalm? The psalmist resolves to be as reliable toward God as
God has been toward him or her.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
____________________________________ Psalm 117 ___________________________________
◊ Halelu et Adonai kol goyim,
Hail God, all you nations;
‫◊ הַ ְללוּ אֶ ת־יהוה כָּ ל־גּוֹיִ ם‬
praise God, all you peoples.
‫שַׁ ְבּחוּהוּ כָּ ל־הָ אֻ ִמּים‬
shab’chuhu kol ha’umim;
‫ִכּי גָבַ ר עָ לֵ ינוּ חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
ki gavar aleinu chasdo,
For God’s kindness has overwhelmed us,
and God’s truth, forever. Halleluyah.
‫ֶואֱמֶ ת־יהוה ְלעוֹלָ ם הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
ve’emet Adonai le’olam. Halleluyah!
__________________________________ Psalm 118: 1-4 __________________________________
The prayer leader recites the verses in black, and the congregation responds with the grey verses
God is good, so we give thanks;
‫ הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי־טוֹב‬Hodu lAdonai ki tov;
God’s kindness is unlimited.
God is good, so we give thanks;
God’s kindness is unlimited.
Let this be sung by Israel’s ranks;
God’s kindness is unlimited.
God is good, so we give thanks;
Let Aaron’s children join the chorus:
God’s kindness is unlimited.
God is good, so we give thanks;
‫הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי־טוֹב‬
Hodu lAdonai ki tov;
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
‫י ֹאמַ ר־נָא יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
Yomar nah Yisra’el,
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
‫הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי־טוֹב‬
Hodu lAdonai ki tov;
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
Revere and praise what God does for us,
God’s kindness is unlimited.
God’s kindness is unlimited.
Yom’ru nah veit Aharon:
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
‫הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי־טוֹב‬
Hodu lAdonai ki tov;
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
‫ֹאמרוּ־נָא יִ ְראֵ י יהוה‬
ְ ‫י‬
Yom’ru nah yir’ei Adonai
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
‫הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי־טוֹב‬
Hodu lAdonai ki tov;
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
God is good, so we give thanks;
ֲ ַ‫ֹאמרוּ־נָא בֵ ית־א‬
ְ ‫י‬
God’s kindness is unlimited.
“Ki le’olam chasdo.”
God’s kindness is unlimited.
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
_________________________________ Psalm 118: 5-20 _________________________________
Bound in chains, I called on God;
God answered me with liberty.
‫עָ נָנִ י בַ מֶּ ְרחָ ב יָהּ‬
God is on my side, so I won’t worry;
what can a person do to me?
God is on my side, with my friends,
so I can face my enemies.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫אתי יָהּ‬
ִ ‫ִמן־הַ מֵּ צַ ר קָ ָר‬
Min hametzar karati Yah
anani vamer’chav Yah
ָ ‫יהוה ִלי ל ֹא ִא‬
Adonai li lo ira;
‫מַ ה־ ַיּעֲשֶׂ ה ִלי אָ ָדם‬
mah ya’aseh li adam?
‫יהוה ִלי ְבּעֹ ז ְָרי‬
‫ַואֲנִ י אֶ ְראֶ ה ְבשׂ ֹנְ אָ י‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Adonai li be’ozrai,
va’ani er’eh v’son’ai.
It’s better to trust God
‫טוֹב לַ חֲסוֹת בַּ יהוה‬
than rely on people.
‫ִמ ְבּטֹחַ בָּ אָ ָדם‬
It’s better to trust God
‫טוֹב לַ חֲסוֹת בַּ יהוה‬
Tov lachasot bAdonai
mibto’ach ba’adam.
Tov lachasot bAdonai
than rely on princes.
ִ ‫ִמ ְבּטֹחַ ִבּנְ ִד‬
mibto’ach bindivim.
‫כָּ ל־גּוֹיִ ם ְסבָ בוּנִ י‬
Kol goyim s’vavuni;
All the nations surrounded me;
in the name of God I cut them down.
‫ְבּשֵׁ ם יהוה ִכּי א ֲִמילַ ם‬
They were all around me, hordes of them;
in the name of God I cut them down.
‫ַם־סבָ בוּנִ י‬
ְ ‫סַ בּוּנִ י ג‬
‫ְבּשֵׁ ם יהוה ִכּי א ֲִמילַ ם‬
They swarmed like bees;
ִ ‫סַ בּוּנִ י ִכ ְד‬
they are quenched like a fire of thorns;
in the name of God I cut them down.
You pushed and pushed me to make me fall,
but God helped me.
God is my strength and my song,
There’s a cry of joy and salvation
in the tents of the righteous:
“God’s right hand is valiant
God’s right hand is valiant.”
I’m not going to die, but live
God punished me severely,
but didn’t give me over to death.
Open the gates of righteousness;
I will enter and thank God.
do’achu ke’esh kotzim;
beshem Adonai ki amilam.
Dacho d’chitani linpol,
‫ַויהוה ֲעז ָָרנִ י‬
vAdonai azarani.
‫זִמ ָרת יָהּ‬
ְ ְ‫עָ זִּ י ו‬
Ozi vezimrat Yah,
‫י־לי ִלישׁוּעָ ה‬
ִ ‫ַיְה‬
ִ ‫ו‬
vay’hi li lishu’ah.
‫קוֹל ִרנָּה וִ ישׁוּעָ ה‬
Kol rina viyshu’ah
‫ְבּאָ הֳלֵ י צַ ִדּיקִ ים‬
be’oholei tzadikim:
‫יְמין יהוה עֹ שָׂ ה חָ יִ ל‬
‫יְמין יהוה רוֹמֵ מָ ה‬
“Yemin Adonai osah chayil,
yemin Adonai romemah,
‫יְמין יהוה עֹ שָׂ ה חָ יִ ל‬
‫ל ֹא אָ מוּת ִכּי־אֶ ְחיֶה‬
‫ַואֲסַ פֵּ ר מַ עֲשֵׂ י יָהּ‬
yemin Adonai osah chayil.”
Lo amut ki echyeh
va’asaper ma’asei Yah;
and tell what God has done.
Sabuni chidvorim;
God’s right hand is lifted up,
‫ַדּחֹה ְד ִחיתַ נִ י ִלנְ פֹּל‬
Sabuni gam s’vavuni;
beshem Adonai ki amilam.
and this has been my salvation.
‫ְבּשֵׁ ם יהוה ִכּי א ֲִמילַ ם‬
‫דּעֲכוּ ְכּאֵ שׁ‬
beshem Adonai ki amilam.
‫ַיסֹּר יִ ְסּ ַרנִּ י יָּהּ‬
‫וְ לַ מָּ וֶת ל ֹא נְ תָ נָנִ י‬
‫חוּ־לי שַׁ ע ֲֵרי־צֶ ֶדק‬
‫ִפּ ְת‬
‫אוֹדה יָהּ‬
ֶ ‫אָ ב ֹא־בָ ם‬
Yasor yisrani Yah
velamavet lo netanani.
Pit’chu li sha’arey tzedek,
avo vam odeh Yah.
This is the gate to God;
‫זֶה־הַ שַּׁ עַ ר לַ יהוה‬
Zeh hasha’ar lAdonai
the righteous will enter it.
‫צַ ִדּיקִ ים ָיבֹאוּ בוֹ‬
tzadikim yavo’u vo.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
_________________________________ Psalm 118: 21-24_________________________________
‫יתנִ י‬
ָ ‫◊ או ְֹד� כִּ י עֲ ִנ‬
‫וַ ְתּ ִהי־לִ י לִ ישׁוּעָ ה‬
I thank you for answering me
and being my salvation.
I thank you for answering me
and being my salvation.
That block—it’s now the keystone—
◊ Od’cha ki anitani
vat’hi li li’shu’ah.
‫אוֹד� ִכּי עֲנִ יתָ נִ י‬
Od’cha ki anitani
‫י־לי ִלישׁוּעָ ה‬
ִ ‫ו ְַתּ ִה‬
vat’hi li li’shu’ah.
Even ma’asu habonim
was rejected by the mason.
‫הָ יְ תָ ה ְלר ֹאשׁ ִפּנָּה‬
haytah lerosh pinah.
That block—it’s now the keystone—
‫אֶ בֶ ן מָ אֲסוּ הַ בּוֹנִ ים‬
Even ma’asu habonim
was rejected by the mason.
‫הָ יְ תָ ה ְלר ֹאשׁ ִפּנָּה‬
haytah lerosh pinah.
‫אֶ בֶ ן מָ אֲסוּ הַ בּוֹנִ ים‬
This success has come from God;
to us, it seems miraculous.
This success has come from God;
‫מֵ אֵ ת יהוה הָ יְ תָ ה זּ ֹאת‬
‫ִהיא נִ ְפלָ את ְבּעֵ ינֵינוּ‬
‫מֵ אֵ ת יהוה הָ יְ תָ ה זּ ֹאת‬
Me’et Adonai haytah zot;
hi niflat be’eineinu.
Me’et Adonai haytah zot;
to us, it seems miraculous.
‫ִהיא נִ ְפלָ את ְבּעֵ ינֵינוּ‬
hi niflat be’eineinu.
‫זֶה־הַ יּוֹם עָ שָׂ ה יהוה‬
Zeh hayom asah Adonai;
‫נָגִ ילָ ה וְ נִ ְשׂ ְמחָ ה בוֹ‬
nagilah venismechah vo.
‫זֶה־הַ יּוֹם עָ שָׂ ה יהוה‬
Zeh hayom asah Adonai;
‫נָגִ ילָ ה וְ נִ ְשׂ ְמחָ ה בוֹ‬
This is the day that God has made,
a day of joy and happiness!
nagilah venismechah vo.
Please, God, save us;
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה נָּא‬
‫אָ נָּא יהוה‬
Ana Adonai hoshiah na;
Please, God, save us.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה נָּא‬
‫אָ נָּא יהוה‬
Ana Adonai hoshiah na.
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה נָּא‬
‫אָ נָּא יהוה‬
Ana Adonai hoshiah na.
This is the day that God has made,
a day of joy and happiness!
__________________________________ Psalm 118: 25 __________________________________
The prayer leader recites the verses in black, and the congregation responds with the grey verses.
Please, God, save us;
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה נָּא‬
‫ אָ נָּא יהוה‬Ana Adonai hoshiah na;
Please, God, save us.
Please, God, grant us success;
‫אָ נָּא יהוה הַ ְצ ִליחָ ה נָּא‬
Ana Adonai hatzlichah na;
Please, God, grant us success;
‫אָ נָּא יהוה הַ ְצ ִליחָ ה נָּא‬
Ana Adonai hatzlichah na;
Please, God, grant us success;
‫אָ נָּא יהוה הַ ְצ ִליחָ ה נָּא‬
Ana Adonai hatzlichah na.
Please, God, grant us success.
‫אָ נָּא יהוה הַ ְצ ִליחָ ה נָּא‬
Ana Adonai hatzlichah na.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
_________________________________ Psalm 118: 26-29 ________________________________
Welcome,1 in God’s name;
we bless you from God’s temple.
Welcome, in God’s name;
we bless you from God’s temple.
‫בָּ רוּ� הַ בָּ א ְבּשֵׁ ם יהוה‬
Baruch haba beshem Adonay;
‫בֵּ ַר ְכנוּכֶ ם ִמבֵּ ית יהוה‬
berachnuchem mibeit Adonay.
‫בָּ רוּ� הַ בָּ א ְבּשֵׁ ם יהוה‬
Baruch haba beshem Adonay;
‫בֵּ ַר ְכנוּכֶ ם ִמבֵּ ית יהוה‬
berachnuchem mibeit Adonay.
God is the ruler who shines light upon us;
‫אֵ ל יהוה ַויָּאֶ ר לָ נוּ‬
El Adonay vaya’er lanu;
bind the festive sacrifice with ropes
‫ִא ְסרוּ־חַ ג בַּ ֲעב ִֹתים‬
isru chag ba’avotim
to the horns of the altar.
ַ‫עַד־קַ ְרנוֹת הַ ִמּ ְזבֵּ ח‬
ad karnot hamizbe’ach.
God is the ruler who shines light upon us;
‫אֵ ל יהוה ַויָּאֶ ר לָ נוּ‬
El Adonay vaya’er lanu;
bind the festive sacrifice with ropes
‫ִא ְסרוּ־חַ ג בַּ ֲעב ִֹתים‬
isru chag ba’avotim
to the horns of the altar.
ַ‫עַד־קַ ְרנוֹת הַ ִמּ ְזבֵּ ח‬
ad karnot hamizbe’ach.
You are my God and I will thank you,
my ruler and I will exalt you.
You are my God and I will thank you,
Thank God, for God is good,
for God’s kindness lasts forever.
Thank God, for God is good,
ֶ ְ‫אֵ ִלי אַ תָּ ה ו‬
Elohai arom’mekah.
Eli ata ve’odekah,
ָ‫ֲרוֹממֶ ךּ‬
ְ ‫אֱ�הַ י א‬
Elohai arom’mekah.
‫הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי־טוֹב‬
Hodu lAdonai ki tov,
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
‫הוֹדוּ לַ יהוה ִכּי־טוֹב‬
‫ִכּי ְלעוֹלָ ם חַ ְסדּוֹ‬
ki le’olam chasdo.
Hodu lAdonai ki tov,
ki le’olam chasdo.
for God’s kindness lasts forever.
ָ‫ֲרוֹממֶ ךּ‬
ְ ‫אֱ�הַ י א‬
Eli ata ve’odekah,
my ruler and I will exalt you.
ֶ ְ‫אֵ ִלי אַ תָּ ה ו‬
‫ בָּ רוּ� הַ בָּ א‬means “welcome” today, but literally it means “Blessed is the one who comes.”
It doesn’t sound like a festive occasion for the sacrifice, does it?
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
__________________________________ Final Blessing __________________________________
To finish Hallel, we say this blessing silently; the leader concludes it aloud.
Let all your works praise you, ruling God,
‫ ְיהַ לְ לוּ� יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Yehalelucha Adonai Eloheinu
with your devoted ones,
�‫מַ עֲ ֶשׂי� וַ חֲ ִסידֶ י‬-‫ָכּל‬
the righteous people who do your will;
�ֶ‫צַ ִדּ ִיקים עו ֵֹשׂי ְרצ ֹונ‬
and let all your people, the house of Israel,
‫עַ ְמּ� בֵּ ית י ְְשׁ ָראֵ ל‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
joyfully thank and bless,
‫בְּ ִרנָּה יוֹדוּ וִ יבָ ְרכוּ‬
praise and glorify,
‫ישׁ ְבּחוּ וִ יפָ אֲ רוּ‬
ַ ִ‫ו‬
exalt and revere,
‫וִ ירו ְֹממוּ וְ יַעֲ ִריצוּ‬
sanctify and empower
‫וְ י ְַק ִדּישׁוּ וְ י ְַמלִ יכוּ‬
your name, O our ruler,
‫ ִשׁ ְמ� מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬-‫אֶ ת‬
for it is good to thank you
‫◊ כִּ י לְ � טוֹב לְ הוֹדוֹת‬
and fitting to sing to your name,
‫וּלְ ִשׁ ְמ� נָאֶ ה לְ זַמֵּ ר‬
because forever and ever
‫כִּ י מֵ ע ֹולָם עַ ד ע ֹו ָלם‬
you are God.
‫אַ ָתּה אֵ ל‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
sovereign hailed with praises.
‫מֶ לֶ� ְמהֻ לָּל בַּ ִתּ ְשׁבָּ חוֹת אָמֵ ן‬
kol ma’asecha, vachasidecha,
tzadikim, osei retzonecha,
vechol amcha beit Yisra’el
berinah yodu vivar’chu
vishabchu vifa’aru
viromemu veya’aritzu
veyakdishu veyamlichu
et shimcha malkenu,
◊ ki lecha tov lehodot,
uleshimcha na’eh lezamer,
ki me’olam ad olam
atah El.
Baruch atah Adonai,
melech mehulal batishbachot. Amen
On Rosh Chodesh, continue with Full Kaddish, page 265, then the Torah service, page 113 and musaf.
On Chanukah (not Rosh Chodesh) or Yom Ha’Atzma’ut,
continue with Half Kaddish, page 264, then the Torah service, page 113.
On Yom Yerushalayim, continue with Half Kaddish, page 264, then Ashrei, page124.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Haftarah Blessings for Fast Day Afternoons
Haftarah Blessings for Fast Day Afternoons
____________________________ Blessing Before the Haftarah1 ___________________________
We bless you, God,
our God, ruler of the universe,
who chose
good prophets,
and accepted their words,
which were spoken in truth.
We bless you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God's name!
your servant Moses,
who chooses Torah,
֙‫בָּ ֨רוּ� אַ ָ ֤תּה יי‬
‫�הינוּ֨ ֶ ֣מלֶ� הָ ע ֔וֹלָם‬
ֵ ֨ ‫ֱא‬
֙‫ֲשׁר בָּ חַ ר‬
ֶ֤ ‫א‬
ִ֔ ‫בִּ נְ בִ ֣יאִים‬
ֶ ֖ ‫וְ ָר ֥ ָצה בְ ִדבְ ֵר‬
‫הַ ֶנּ ֱאמָ ִ ֥רים בֶּ אֶ ֶ ֑מת‬
֗‫בָּ ֨רוּ� אַ תָּ֝ ה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמוֹ‬
ָ ַ‫בּוֹח֤ר בּ‬
ֵ ַ‫ה‬
‫משׁה ﬠַבְ דּ֔ וֹ‬
֣ ֶ ְ‫וּב‬
‫וּבְ י ְִשׂ ָר ֵ ֣אל ﬠ ַ֔מּוֹ‬
‫וּבִ נְבִ ֥יא ֵי הָ אֶ ֶמ֖ת ו ֽ ֶָצדֶ ק אָ מֵ ן‬
and your people Israel,
and prophets of truth and justice.
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
asher bachar
bin’vi’im tovim
veratzah vedivreihem
hane’emarim be’emet.
Baruch atah Adonai
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
habocher baTorah
uveMoshe avdo
uveYisra’el amo
uvin’vi’ei ha’emet vatzedek. Amen
____________________________ Blessings after the Haftarah ____________________________
1. Confidence of God’s Promise
We bless you, God,
rock of all worlds,
righteous in every age,
who says and who does,
who speaks and fulfills,
whose every word is true and just.
Baruch atah Adonai
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
tzur kol ha’olamim
tzadik bechol hadorot
ha’El hane’eman,
the faithful God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫הָ ע ֹול ִָמים‬-‫צוּר ָכּל‬
‫הַ דּוֹרוֹת‬-‫צַ ִדּיק בְּ ָכל‬
‫הָ אֵ ל הַ נֶּאֱ מָ ן‬
‫הָ אוֹמֵ ר וְ עו ֶֹשׂה‬
‫וּמ ַקיֵּם‬
ְ ‫הַ ְמ ַדבֵּ ר‬
‫ ְדּבָ ָריו אֶ מֶ ת וָ צֶ דֶ ק‬-‫ֶשׁכָּ ל‬
our God who rules forever,
ha’omer ve’oseh
ham’daber um’kayem
shekol devarav emet vatzedek.
The Haftarah is a reading from the Prophets; its origin is uncertain, but many agree that it was added at a time
when the civil authorities forbade the reading of the Torah. The Hebrew word ‫ הפטרה‬has connotations of both
“start” and “stop”!
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Faithful are you,
‫נֶאֱ מָ ן אַ ָתּה הוּא‬
ruling God,
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
and faithful are your words;
�‫וְ נֶאֱ מָ נִ ים ְדבָ ֶרי‬
and no single word of yours
�‫וְ ָדבָ ר אֶ חָ ד ִמ ְדּבָ ֶרי‬
will come back unfulfilled 1
ָ ‫אָחוֹר �א יָשׁוּב ֵר‬
for you are the ruling God,
�ֶ‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ ל‬
faithful and merciful:
‫נֶאֱ מָ ן וְ ַרחֲ מָ ן אָ ָתּה‬
blessed are you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God's name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
the God who is faithful in every word. ‫ ְדבָ ָריו אָמֵ ן‬-‫הָ אֵ ל הָ נֶּאֱ מָ ן בְּ ָכל‬
Ne’eman atah hu
Adonai Eloheinu
vene’emanim devarecha
vedavar echad mid’varecha
achor lo yashuv reikam
ki El melech
ne’eman verachaman atah:
baruch atah Adonai
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
ha’El hane’eman bechol devarav. Amen
_____________________________________________ 2. Zion _____________________________________________
‫ ַרחֵ ם עַ ל ִציּוֹן‬Rachem al Tziyon
Take pity on Zion
for that is the foundation of our life;
and for the humiliated spirit2
bring salvation quickly, in our days.
‫כִּ י ִהיא בֵּ ית חַ יֵּינוּ‬
‫וְ לַעֲ לוּבַ ת נֶפֶ שׁ‬
‫תּו ִֹשׁיעַ בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְמ ַשׂמֵּ חַ ִציּוֹן בְּ בָ נֶיהָ אָמֵ ן‬
We bless you, ruler
Blessed be God, blessed be God's name!
who makes Zion happy with her children.
ki hi beit chayeinu
vela’aluvat nefesh
toshi’a bimherah veyameinu.
Baruch atah Adonai
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mesame’ach Tziyon bevaneha. Amen
through Elijah the prophet, your servant,
your anointed king
—let it come soon and delight our hearts.
May no stranger sit on his throne,
� ֶ‫בְּ אֵ לִ יָּהוּ הַ נָּבִ יא עַ בְ דּ‬
‫וּבְ מַ לְ כוּת בֵּ ית ָדּוִ ד‬
� ֶ‫ְמ ִשׁיח‬
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה ָיבֹא וְ ָיגֵל לִ בֵּ נוּ‬
‫י ֵֶשׁב זָר‬-‫כִּ ְסא ֹו �א‬-‫עַ ל‬
BeEliyahu Hanavi avdecha
uvemalchut beit David
and with the rule of David’s line,
_______________________________________ 3. The Messianic Era _______________________________________
Make us happy, ruling God,
‫ ַשׂ ְמּחֵ נוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Samchenu Adonai Eloheinu
bimherah yavoh veyagel libeinu
al kis’o lo yeshev zar
“And not one word of your words will come back empty.”
“The humiliated spirit” is Zion and by extension the Jewish people, humiliated time and again by the blows of
history; yet this also gives voice to the personal anguish of those of us who face trouble and sorrow in our daily
By Jewish tradition, Elijah will herald the approach of the Messiah, and the Messiah will be descended from
David’s royal line.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Haftarah Blessings for Fast Day Afternoons
and let no others inherit his glory.
‫כְּ בוֹד ֹו‬-‫וְ �א ִינְ חֲ לוּ עוֹד אֲ חֵ ִרים אֶ ת‬
For in your holy name you promised him ‫שׁם ָק ְד ְשׁ� נִ ְשׁבַּ ְע ָתּ ל ֹו‬
ֵ ‫כִּ י ְב‬
that his light would not be snuffed out
‫ֶשׁ�א ִיכְ בֶּ ה נֵר ֹו‬
‫לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
forever and ever.
Blessed are you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God's name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
who protects David.
‫מָ גֵן ָדּוִ ד אָמֵ ן‬
velo yin’chalu od acherim et kevodo
ki veshem kodshecha nishbata lo
shelo yichbeh nero
le’olam va’ed.
Baruch atah Adonai
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
magen David. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Amidah Additions
Passages added to the amidah on infrequent occasions are in this section.
_____________________ Think of Us ▪ ‫וְ ָיבֹא‬
Our God
and God of our ancestors,
may there rise, approach and reach you,
be seen, favored, and heard,
noticed and remembered—
thoughts and memories of us,
and of our ancestors,
(your servant David’s descendant),
of Jerusalem
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
ַ‫יַעֲ לֶה וְ ָיבֹא וְ ַי ִגּיע‬
‫וְ י ֵָראֶ ה וְ י ֵָרצֶ ה וְ י ִָשּׁמַ ע‬
‫וְ ִיפָּ ֵקד וְ ִי ָזּכֵר‬
‫זִ כְ ר ֹונֵנוּ וּפִ ְקדּ ֹונֵנוּ‬
‫וְ זִ כְ רוֹן אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
ַ‫וְ זִ כְ רוֹן ָמ ִשׁיח‬
� ֶ‫בֶּ ן ָדּוִ ד עַ בְ דּ‬
‫רוּשׁ ַל ִים‬
ָ ‫וְ זִ כְ רוֹן ְי‬
�‫ִעיר ָק ְד ֶשׁ‬
�‫עַ ְמּ‬-‫וְ זִ כְ רוֹן ָכּל‬
�‫בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫לִ פְ לֵיטָ ה לְ טוֹבָ ה‬
‫לְ חֵ ן וּלְ חֶ סֶ ד וּלְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫לְ חַ ִיּים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫בְּ יוֹם רֹאשׁ הַ חֹדֶ שׁ הַ זֶּה‬
‫זָכְ ֵרנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫בּ ֹו לְ טוֹבָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
‫וּפָ ְקדֵ נוּ ב ֹו לִ בְ ָר ָכה אָמֵ ן‬
‫וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ ב ֹו לְ חַ ִיּים אָמֵ ן‬
‫וּבִ ְדבַ ר יְשׁוּעָ ה וְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫חוּס וְ חָ נֵּנוּ‬
‫וְ ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ‬
‫כִּ י אֵ לֶי� עֵ ינֵינוּ‬
�ֶ‫כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ ל‬
‫חַ נּוּן וְ ַרחוּם אָ ָתּה‬
of the Messiah
‫ ▪ יַעֲ לֶה‬Ya’aleh VeYavo _____________________
On Rosh Chodesh, we add this section to the Temple Service blessing.
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Eloheinu
and of all your people
the descendants of Israel
for deliverance, good,
grace, kindness, mercy,
on this beginning of the month.
Remember us, our sovereign God,
think of us for blessing; Amen
and save us for life. Amen
And as for salvation and mercy—
take pity on us, be gracious to us,
have mercy on us, and save us;
for our eyes are on you,
because you are God, a ruler
both gracious and compassionate.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
ya’aleh veyavo veyagi’a
veyera’eh veyeratzeh veyishama
veyipaked veyizacher
zichronenu ufikdonenu,
vezichron avoteinu
vezichron Mashiach
ben David avdecha,
vezichron Yerushalayim
ir kodshecha,
vezichron kol am’cha
beit Yisra’el lefanecha
lifleta letova
lechen ul’chesed ul’rachamim
lechayim ul’shalom,
beyom rosh hachodesh hazeh.
Zochrenu Adonai Eloheinu
bo letovah; Amen
on this day for good; Amen
life and peace,
your holy city,
velohei avoteinu
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ufokdenu vo livracha; Amen
vehoshi’enu vo lechayim. Amen
Uvidvar yeshuah verachamim
chus vechonenu
verachem aleinu vehoshi’enu,
ki elecha eineinu,
ki el melech
chanun verachum ata.
Amidah Additions
______________________ For the Wonders ▪ ‫הַ נּ ִִסּים‬
‫ ▪ עַ ל‬Al Hanisim _____________________
We thank God for intervening to save us, as we remember in the stories of Chanukah and Purim.
The phrase “in those days, at this time” succinctly brings together the cyclical and linear views of history.
Some add thanks for Israel’s Independence Day and Jerusalem Day.
‫ עַ ל הַ נִּ ִסּים וְ עַ ל הַ ֻפּ ְר ָקן‬Al hanisim ve’al hapurkan
For the wonders, the deliverance,
the heroic acts, the rescues,
and the wars you waged
‫וְ עַ ל הַ גְּ בוּרוֹת וְ עַ ל הַ ְתּשׁוּעוֹת‬
‫וְ עַ ל הַ ִמּלְ חָ מוֹת‬
‫ית לַאֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
ָ ‫ֶשׁעָ ִשׂ‬
‫בַּ יּ ִָמים הָ הֵ ם בַּ זְּ מַ ן הַ זֶּה‬
for our ancestors
in those days, at this time:
On Chanukah:
In the time of Mattathias, Yochanan’s son,
‫בִּ ימֵ י מַ ִתּ ְתיָהוּ בֶּ ן יוֹחָ נָן‬
the Hasmonean high priest, and his sons, ‫כֹּהֵ ן גָּדוֹל חַ ְשׁמ ֹונַאי וּבָ נָיו‬
when the evil Greek empire rose
‫כְּ ֶשׁעָ ְמ ָדה מַ לְ כוּת יָוָ ן הָ ְר ָשׁעָ ה‬
against your people Israel
‫עַ ל עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
�‫לְ הַ ְשׁכִּ יחָ ם תּו ָֹר ֶת‬
to make them forget your Torah
stray from the statutes of your will;
�ֶ‫וּלְ הַ עֲ בִ ָירם מֵ חֻ ֵקּי ְרצ ֹונ‬
and you in your many mercies
‫וְ אַ ָתּה בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
stood up for them in their time of trouble— ‫עָ מַ ְד ָתּ לָהֶ ם בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָר ָתם‬
you pleaded their cause,
‫ַרבְ ָתּ אֶ ת ִריבָ ם‬
‫ַדּנְ ָתּ אֶ ת ִדּינָם‬
you judged their claim,
you avenged their wrong;
‫נ ַָק ְמ ָתּ אֶ ת נִ ְקמָ ָתם‬
you handed over the strong to the weak, ‫ָשׁים‬
ִ ‫מָ סַ ְר ָתּ גִּ בּו ִֹרים בְּ יַד חַ לּ‬
the many to the few,
‫וְ ַרבִּ ים בְּ יַד ְמעַ ִטּים‬
‫וּטמֵ ִאים בְּ יַד ְטהו ִֹרים‬
the impure to the pure,
the evil to the righteous,
‫ְוּר ָשׁ ִעים בְּ יַד צַ ִדּ ִיקים‬
and the wicked to students of your Torah. �‫וְ ז ִֵדים בְּ יַד עו ְֹס ֵקי תו ָֹר ֶת‬
And for yourself you made
ָ ‫וּלְ � עָ ִשׂ‬
‫ֵשׁם גָּדוֹל וְ ָקדוֹשׁ‬
a great and holy name
� ֶ‫בְּ ע ֹולָמ‬
in your world,
ָ ‫וּלְ עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עָ ִשׂ‬
and for your people Israel
‫ְתּשׁוּעָ ה גְ ד ֹולָה וּ ֻפ ְר ָקן‬
you made a great victory and deliverance—
like today.
‫כְּ הַ יּוֹם הַ זֶּה‬
ve’al hagvurot ve’al hat’shu’ot
ve’al hamilchamot
she’asita la’avoteinu
bayamim hahem bazman hazeh:
Bimei Mattityahu ben Yochanan
kohen gadol Chashmonai uvanav,
keshe’amdah malchut Yavan harsha’ah
al amcha Yisra’el
lehashkicham Toratecha
uleha’aviram mechukei retzonecha;
ve’ata berachamecha harabim
amad’ta lahem be’et tzaratam
ravta et rivam
danta et dinam
nakamta et nikmatam;
masarta giborim beyad chalashim
verabim beyad me’atim
uteme’im beyad tehorim
ur’sha’im beyad tzadikim
vezedim beyad oskei Toratecha.
Ulecha asita
shem gadol vekadosh
ule’amcha Yisrae’l asita
teshu’ah gedolah ufurkan
kehayom hazeh.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
And after this your children came
to your holy of holies,
cleared out your temple,
purified your holy place,
and lit lights
in your holy courtyards,
and they set
these eight days of Chanukah
to thank and praise your great name.
In the days of Mordechai and Esther
when there rose against them
wicked Haman;
�‫וְ אַחַ ר כֵּן בָּ אוּ בָ נֶי‬
ֶ ֵ‫לִ ְדבִ יר בּ‬
�ֶ‫וּפִ נּוּ אֶ ת הֵ י ָכל‬
�‫וְ ִטהֲ רוּ אֶ ת ִמ ְק ָדּ ֶשׁ‬
‫וְ ִה ְדלִ יקוּ נֵרוֹת‬
�‫בְּ חַ ְצרוֹת ָק ְד ֶשׁ‬
‫וְ ָקבְ עוּ‬
‫ְשׁמ ֹונַת ְימֵ י חֲ ֻנ ָכּה אֵ לּוּ‬
‫לְ הוֹדוֹת וּלְ הַ לֵּל לְ ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוֹל‬
Ve’achar ken ba’u vanecha
‫בִּ ימֵ י מָ ְר ְדּ ַכי וְ אֶ ְס ֵתּר‬
‫שׁוּשׁן הַ בִּ ָירה‬
ַ ְ‫בּ‬
‫כְּ ֶשׁעָ מַ ד עֲ לֵיהֶ ם‬
‫הָ מָ ן הָ ָר ָשׁע‬
‫בִּ ֵקּשׁ לְ הַ ְשׁ ִמיד לַהֲ רֹג וּלְ אַ בֵּ ד‬
ִ ‫אֶ ת ָכּל הַ יּ‬
‫ִמנַּעַ ר וְ עַ ד ז ֵָקּן‬
‫טַ ף וְ נ ִָשׁים בְּ יוֹם אֶ חָ ד‬
‫בִּ ְשׁלו ָֹשׁה עָ ָשׂר‬
‫לְ חֹדֶ שׁ ְשׁנֵים עָ ָשׂר‬
‫הוּא חֹדֶ שׁ אֲ ָדר‬
‫וּשׁ ָללָם לָבוֹז‬
‫וְ אַ ָתּה בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
‫הֵ פַ ְר ָתּ אֶ ת עֲ צָ ת ֹו‬
‫וְ ִקלְ ַקלְ ָתּ אֶ ת מַ חֲ ַשׁבְ תּ ֹו‬
‫וַ הֲ ֵשׁבו ָֹת לּ ֹו‬
‫גְּ מוּל ֹו בְּ רֹאשׁ ֹו‬
‫וְ ָתלוּ אוֹת ֹו וְ אֶ ת בָּ נָיו‬
‫עַ ל הָ עֵ ץ‬
Bimei Mordechai ve’Esther
On Purim:
in Shushan the capital city,
he sought to destroy, slay and ruin
from young to old,
infants and women, in a single day,
on the thirteenth day
of the twelfth month,
which is the month of Adar,
and to loot and humiliate them;
ruined his plan
and frustrated his intention
and brought his deeds back
on his own head;
and they hanged him and his sons
on the gallows tree.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
ufinu et hechalecha,
vetiharu et mikdashecha,
vehidliku nerot
bechatzrot kodshecha,
shemonat yemei Chanukah elu,
lehodot ul’halel leshimcha hagadol.
beShushan habira,
keshe’amad aleihem
Haman harasha,
bikesh lehashmid laharog ule’abed
et kol haYehudim
mina’ar ve’ad zaken
taf venashim beyom echad,
bishloshah asar
lechodesh shneim asar,
hu chodesh Adar,
ushelalam lavoz,
ve’atah berachamecha harabim
and you in your multiple mercies
lidvir betecha,
all the Jews,
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
hefarta et atzato,
vekilkalta et machashavto,
vahashevota lo
gemulo berosho,
vetalu oto ve’et banav
al ha’etz.
Amidah Additions
On Israel’s Independence Day, Yom Ha’Atzma’ut:
When the Jewish people were returning
‫ בִּ ימֵ י ִשׁיבַ ת עַ ְמּ� ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬Bimei shivat am’cha Yisra’el
to their borders as in ancient times,
ligvulam, kimei kedem,
Ps. 20:9
Hemah kar’u venafalu,
‫לִ גְ בוּלָם כִּ ימֵ י ֶקדֶ ם‬
the gates of their land were sealed
‫אַרצָ ם‬
ְ ‫נִ ְסגְ רוּ ַשׁעֲ ֵרי‬
‫בִּ פְ נֵי אַחֵ ינוּ‬
against our brothers and sisters
as they fled destruction,
‫פְּ לִ יטֵ י חֶ ֶרב‬
and their enemies formed an alliance,
ָ ‫וְ א ֹו ְיבִ ים בַּ עֲ לֵי בְּ ִר‬
rose up to destroy the Jewish people. ‫ִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ְ ‫ָקּמוּ לְ אַ בֵּ ד אֶ ת עַ ְמּ� י‬
But you in your great mercy
‫וְ אַ ָתּה בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
stood up for them in their time of trouble— ‫עָ מַ ְד ָתּ לָהֶ ם בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָר ָתם‬
you pleaded their cause,
‫ַרבְ ָתּ אֶ ת ִריבָ ם‬
‫ַדּנְ ָתּ אֶ ת ִדּינָם‬
you judged their claim,
and avenged their wrong.
‫נ ַָק ְמ ָתּ אֶ ת נִ ְקמָ ָתם‬
Our foes crumpled and fell,
while we stood and prevailed!
ָ ‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ קַּ ְמנוּ וַנִּ ְת‬
bifnei acheinu,
pelitei cherev,
ve’oyvim, ba’alei beritam
kamu le’abed et am’cha Yisra’el.
Ve’ata berachamecha harabim
amad’ta lahem be’et tzaratam,
ravta et rivam,
danta et dinam,
nakamta et nikmatam.
va’anachnu kamnu venit’odad!
And for yourself you made
‫הֵ מָּ ה כָּ ְרעוּ וְ נָפָ לוּ‬
nisgeru sha’rei artzam
Ulecha asita
shem gadol vekadosh be’olamecha,
ule’amcha Yisrae’l asita
teshu’ah gedolah ufurkan
Uvachodesh hasheni,
ָ ‫וּלְ � עָ ִשׂ‬
a great and holy name in your world,
� ֶ‫ֵשׁם גָּדוֹל וְ ָקדוֹשׁ ְבּע ֹולָמ‬
and for your people Israel
ָ ‫וּלְ עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עָ ִשׂ‬
you made a great victory and deliverance.
‫ְתּשׁוּעָ ה גְ ד ֹולָה וּ ֻפ ְר ָקן‬
On the fifth day
‫וּבַ חֹדֶ שׁ הַ ֵשׁנִ י‬
of Iyar, the second month,
‫בַּ חֲ ִמ ָשּׁה ַלחֹדֶ שׁ‬
we were free of foreign domination. ‫ארנוּ‬
ֵ ָ‫פָּ ַרקנוּ עוֹל גּ ֹויִם מֵ עַ ל צַ וּ‬
bachamishah lachodesh,
paraknu ol goyim me’al tzavarenu.
“In the second month, on the fifth day of the month, we removed the yoke of other nations from our necks!”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
On Jerusalem Day, Yom Yerushalayim, commemorating the liberation of Jerusalem
In the 20th year of our nation’s rebirth, ‫ בִּ ְשׁנַת עֶ ְשׂ ִרים לִ ְתקוּמָ ֵתנוּ‬Bishnat esrim lit’kumatenu,
when our enemies rose against us—
Ps. 83:5
Saying, “Let’s destroy their state,
so the name ‘Israel’ will never be spoken!”
Then you in your great mercy
defended our people in their of trouble—
you pleaded their cause,
you judged their claim,
and avenged their wrong.
Ps. 20:9
‫בְּ קוּם עָ לֵינוּ א ֹו ְיבֵ נוּ‬
‫ידם ִמגּוֹי‬
ֵ ‫אָ ְמרוּ ְלכוּ וְ נ ְַכ ִח‬
‫וְ ל ֹא־יִ זָּכֵ ר שֵׁ ם־יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל עוֹד‬
‫וְ אַ ָתּה בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
‫עָ מַ ְד ָתּ לָהֶ ם בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָר ָתם‬
‫ַרבְ ָתּ אֶ ת ִריבָ ם‬
‫ַדּנְ ָתּ אֶ ת ִדּינָם‬
‫נ ַָק ְמ ָתּ אֶ ת נִ ְקמָ ָתם‬
Our foes crumpled and fell,
while we stood and prevailed!
‫הֵ מָּ ה כָּ ְרעוּ וְ נָפָ לוּ‬
And for yourself you made
a great and holy name in your world,
you made a great victory and deliverance.
In Iyar, the second month
on the twenty-eighth day
Ps. 122:2
We stood within your gates,
O Jerusalem!
ָ ‫וּלְ � עָ ִשׂ‬
� ֶ‫ֵשׁם גָּדוֹל וְ ָקדוֹשׁ ְבּע ֹולָמ‬
ָ ‫וּלְ עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עָ ִשׂ‬
‫ְתּשׁוּעָ ה גְ ד ֹולָה וּ ֻפ ְר ָקן‬
‫וּבַ חֹדֶ שׁ הַ ֵשׁנִ י‬
‫בִּ ְשׁמ ֹונָה וְ עֶ ְשׂ ִרים בּ ֹו‬
and for your people Israel
ָ ‫ַו ֲאנ ְַחנוּ קַּ ְמנוּ וַנִּ ְת‬
� ִ‫עֹ ְמדוֹת הָ יוּ ַרגְ לֵ ינוּ ִבּ ְשׁעָ ַרי‬
Amru, “Lechu venach’chidem migoi,
velo yizacher shem Yisra’el od.”
Ve’ata berachamecha harabim
amad’ta lahem be’et tzaratam,
ravta et rivam,
danta et dinam,
nakamta et nikmatam.
Hemah kar’u venafalu,
va’anachnu kamnu venit’odad!
Ulecha asita
shem gadol vekadosh be’olamecha,
ule’amcha Yisrae’l asita
teshu’ah gedolah ufurkan
Uvachodesh hasheni,
bishmonah ve’esrim bo,
Omdot hayu ragleinu bish’arayich,
‫יְרוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
bekum aleinu oyveinu—
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Amidah Additions
____________________________ Answer Us ▪ ‫ ▪ עֲ נֵנוּ‬Aneinu ____________________________
On public fast days, we add Aneinu. The leader’s and individual’s versions are slightly different.
‫ עֲ נֵנוּ יי עֲ נֵנוּ‬Aneinu, Adonai, aneinu
Answer us, God, answer
on our fast day
for we are in deep trouble.
Don’t think of our guilt
or turn away from us
or hide from our plea!
Please, be close to our cry
let your kindness be our comfort—
even before we cry out, answer us,
As the prophet says:
Isaiah 65:24
“And before they call
I will answer;
ֵ ִ‫בְּ יוֹם צוֹם ַתּעֲ נ‬
‫כִּ י בְ צָ ָרה גְ ד ֹולָה אֲ נ ְָחנוּ‬
‫אַל ֵתּפֶ ן אֶ ל ִר ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
‫וְ אַל ַתּ ְס ֵתּר פָּ נֶי� ִממֶּ נּוּ‬
‫תּת ִחנּ ֵָתנוּ‬
ְ ‫וְ אַל ִתּ ְתעַ לַּם ִמ‬
‫הֱ יֵה נָא ָקרוֹב לְ ַשׁוְ עָ ֵתנוּ‬
‫י ְִהי נָא חַ ְס ְדּ� לְ נַחֲ מֵ נוּ‬
‫טֶ ֶרם נִ ְק ָרא אֵ לֶי� עֲ נֵנוּ‬
‫ַכּ ָדּבָ ר ֶשׁנֶּאֱ מַ ר‬
‫וְ הָ יָה טֶ ֶרם־יִ קְ ָראוּ‬
‫ַואֲנִ י אֶ ֱענֶה‬
beyom tzom ta’aniteinu
ki vetzara gedolah anachnu!
Al tefen el rish’enu,
ve’al taster panecha mimenu,
ve’al tit’alam mitchinatenu!
Heyeh na karov leshav’atenu,
ye’hi na chasdecha lenachamenu
--terem nikrah elecha anenu!
kadavar shene’emar:
“Vehaya terem yikra’u,
va’ani e’eneh;
your people Israel’s prayer in mercy.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
before they finish speaking, I will hear.” ‫ עוֹד הֵ ם ְמ ַד ְבּ ִרים ַואֲנִ י אֶ ְשׁמָ ע‬od hem medabrim, va’ani eshmah.”
Individuals conclude with the next four lines:
because you listen to
ַ‫ כִּ י אַ ָתּה שׁוֹמֵ ע‬ki atah shome’ah
‫ְתּפִ לַּת עַ ְמּ� ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫שׁוֹמֵ עַ ְתּפִ לָּה‬
tefilat amcha Yisra’el berachamim.
Baruch atah Adonai,
answer in time of trouble,
in every time of trouble and woe.
We bless you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who answers in time of trouble.
‫הָ ע ֹונֶה בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָרה‬
‫פּוֹדֶ ה וּמַ ִצּיל‬
ָ ְ‫עֵ ת צָ ָרה ו‬-‫בְּ ָכל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הָ ע ֹונֶה בְּ עֵ ת צָ ָרה אָמֵ ן‬
ha’oneh be’et tzarah,
take notice and rescue
who listens to prayer.
shome’ah tefilah.
When repeating the amidah, the leader concludes with these seven lines:
‫ כִּ י אַ ָתּה יי‬Ki atah Adonai
For you, God,
podeh umatzil
bechol et, tzarah vetzukah.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
ha’oneh be’et tzarah. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
_____________________________ Comfort ▪‫ ▪ נַחֵ ם‬Nachem _____________________________
On the Ninth of Av, we add Nachem.
‫נַחֵ ם יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫אֶ ת אֲ בֵ לֵי צִ יּוֹן‬
those who mourn for Zion
‫רוּשׁ ַלֽ ִים‬
ָ ‫וְ אֶ ת אֲ בֵ לֵי ְי‬
and those who mourn for Jerusalem,
‫וְ אֶ ת הָ ִעיר הָ אֲ בֵ לָה וְ הֶ חֳ ֵרבָ ה‬
the grieving, ruined city,
despised and destroyed—
‫וְ הַ בְּ זוּיָה וְ הַ שּׁוֹמֵ מָ ה‬
grieving, for the loss of her children,
ָ‫הָ אֲ בֵ לָה ִמבְּ לִ י בָ ֶנֽיה‬
ָ‫וְ הֶ חֳ ֵרבָ ה ִמ ְמּעוֹנו ֶֹתֽיה‬
ruined, for all her homes are empty,
‫וְ הַ בְּ זוּיָה ִמכְּ בו ָֹדה‬
despised, for her glory is gone,
destroyed, for no one lives in her—
‫וְ הַ שּׁוֹמֵ מָ ה מֵ אֵ ין יו ֵֹשׁב‬
yet she lives on, head hidden in shame, ‫ֹאשׁהּ חָ פוּי‬
ָ ‫וְ ִהיא יו ֶֹשׁבֶ ת וְ ר‬
like a barren, childless woman;
‫כְּ ִא ָשּׁה עֲ ָק ָרה ֶשׁ�א יָלְ ָדה‬
Roman legions have destroyed her,
‫וַ ְיבַ לְּ ֽעוּהָ לִ גְ יוֹנוֹת‬
‫וַ ִיּ ָירשׁוּהָ עוֹבְ דֵ י ז ִָרים‬
heathens have dispossessed her,
slaughtered your people Israel,
‫עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל ל ֶָח ֶרב‬-‫וַ יּ ִָטילוּ אֶ ת‬
and arrogantly killed
‫וַ יַּהַ ְרגוּ בְ זָדוׂן‬
‫חֲ ִסידֵ י עֶ לְ יוֹן‬
the people who are devoted to God on high.
For this, Zion weeps bitterly
‫כֵּן ִציּוֹן בְּ מַ ר ִתּבְ כֶּה‬-‫עַ ל‬
and Jerusalem adds her voice of grief:
‫ירוּשׁ ַל ִים ִתּ ֵתּן ק ֹולָהּ‬
ָ ִ‫ו‬
“My heart, my heart, how I grieve for the slain, ‫לִ בִּ י לִ בִּ י עַ ל חַ לְ לֵיהֶ ם‬
my guts, my guts,1 how I grieve for the slain!” ‫מֵ עַ י מֵ עַ י עַ ל חַ לְ לֵיהֶ ם‬
For you, God, burned the city with fire,
‫כִּ י אַ ָתּה יי בָּ אֵ שׁ ִהצַּ ָתּהּ‬
ָ ‫וּבָ אֵ שׁ אַ ָתּה עָ ִתּיד לִ בְ נו‬
but in future you will rebuild it with fire, ‫ֹתהּ‬
as the prophet says:
Nachem, Adonai Eloheinu,
Zech. 2:9
“‘Va’ani ehyeh lah,’ ne’um Adonai,
Comfort, ruling God,
et avelei Tziyon
ve’et avelei Yerushalayim,
ve’et ha’ir ha’avelah vehechorevah
vehabzuyah vehashomemah—
ha’avelah mibli vaneha,
vehechorevah mim’onoteha,
vehabzuyah mikvodah,
vehashomemah me’ein yoshev—
vehi yoshevet veroshah chafu’i
ke’ishah akarah shelo yaldah;
vayevaluha ligyonot,
vayirashuha ovdei zarim,
vayahargu vezadon
chasidei elyon.
Al ken Tziyon bemar tivkeh
virushalayim titen kolah:
vayatilu et am’cha Yisra’el lecharev
‘a wall of fire all around,
and as glory I shall be within her.’”
me’ei, me’ei al chaleleihem!”
Ki atah, Adonai, ba’esh hitzatah,
“‘And I shall be for her,’ says God,
“Libi, libi al chaleleihem,
‫ַואֲנִ י אֶ ְהיֶה־לָּ הּ נְ אֻ ם־יְהוָה‬
‫חוֹמַ ת אֵ שׁ סָ ִביב‬
‫וּלכָ בוֹד אֶ ְהיֶה ְבתוֹכָ הּ‬
uva’esh atah atid livnotah,
‘chomat esh saviv
ulechavod ehyeh vetochah.’”
The grief is so overwhelming that it’s a physical pain inside the body.
I.e., God promises to rebuild Jerusalem by erecting a wall of fire around the city and by filling the city with
divine glory.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Amidah Additions
Blessed are you, Ruler,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who comforts Zion
and rebuilds Jerusalem.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְמנַחֵ ם צִ יּוֹן‬
‫רוּשׁ ַל ִים אָמֵ ן‬
ָ ‫וּב ֹונֶה ְי‬
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
menachem Tziyon
uvoneh Yerushalayim. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
____________________ Blessing for Peace ▪ ‫ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫ ▪ ִשׂים‬Sim Shalom____________________
When repeating the amidah on public fast day afternoons, the leader inserts the responsive Priestly Blessing:
Our God
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Eloheinu
and God of our ancestors,
bless us with the triple blessing
in the Torah,
written by your servant Moses,
spoken by Aaron and his children,
the priests—your holy people—
in these words:
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫בָּ ְרכֵנוּ בַ בְּ ָר ָכה הַ ְמשֻׁ לּ ֶֶשׁת‬
‫בַּ תּו ָֹרה‬
� ֶ‫משׁה עַ בְ דּ‬
ֶ ‫הַ כְּ תוּבָ ה עַ ל ְידֵ י‬
‫הָ אֲ מוּ ָרה ִמפִּ י אַהֲ רֹן וּבָ נָיו‬
�‫כֹּהֲ נִ ים עַ ם ְקדו ֶֹשׁ‬
vElohei avoteinu
bar’cheinu vaberachah hamshuleshet
hak’tuvah al yedei Moshe avdecha,
ha’amurah mipi Aharon uvanav
kohanim—am kedoshecha—
and protect you.
After each of the three verses of the Priestly Blessing, the congregation responds
Num 6:24-26
May God bless you
‫ יְ בָ ֶר ְכ�֥ יהו֖ה‬Yevarechecha Adonai
May this be your will!
May God smile at you
and show you favor.
�‫וְ יִ ְשׁ ְמ ֶ ֽר‬
‫כֵּן ְי ִהי ָרצוֹן‬
ken yehi ratzon
�‫י ֵָ֨אר יהו֧ה ׀ פָּ נָ ֛יו אֵ ֶל֖י‬
May this be your will!
ָ‫וִ ֽיחֻ נֶּ ֽ ךּ‬
‫כֵּן י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
May God let you perceive God’s presence
and set you at peace.
�‫שּׂא יהו֤ה ׀ פָּ נָיו ֙ אֵ ֔ ֶלי‬
ָ ֨ ִ‫י‬
‫ָשׂם ְל�֖ שָׁ ֽלוֹם‬
֥ ֵ ‫וְ י‬
Grant peace on earth,3
ken yehi ratzon
Yisa Adonai panav elecha
veyasem lecha shalom.
‫ כֵּן י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬Ken yehi ratzon
In the silent amidah, the congregation says this blessing:
‫ ִשׂים ָשׁלוֹם בָּ ע ֹולָם‬Sim shalom ba’olam
May this be your will!
Ya’er Adonai panav elecha
grace, kindness and mercy
for us and all Israel, your people.
Bless us all, O source of life,
as one, in the light of your presence.
‫טוֹבָ ה וּבְ ָר ָכה‬
‫חֵ ן וָ חֶ סֶ ד וְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
� ֶ‫י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬-‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל‬
‫בָּ ְרכֵנוּ אָבִ ינוּ ֻכּלָּנוּ‬
�‫כְּ אֶ חָ ד בְּ אוֹר פָּ נֶי‬
“May God send the light of God’s face/presence toward you”
“May God raise God’s face toward you”
“On earth” is added in the Conservative liturgy.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
tovah uv’rachah
goodness and blessing,
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
chen vachesed verachamim
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el amecha.
Bar’chenu avinu kulanu
ke’echad be’or panecha,
Amidah Additions
For in the light of your presence
you gave us, Ruling God,
the Torah of life, the love of kindness,
righteousness and blessing,
mercy, life and peace.
And it’s good in your eyes
to bless your people Israel
at every time and in every hour
�‫כִּ י בְ אוֹר פָּ נֶי‬
‫נ ַָת ָתּ לָּנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫תּו ַֹרת חַ ִיּים וְ אַהֲ בַ ת חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫וּצ ָד ָקה וּבְ ָרכָ ה‬
‫וְ ַרחֲ ִמים וְ חַ יִּים וְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
�‫וְ טוֹב בְּ עֵ ינֶי‬
‫עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬-‫לְ בָ ֵר� אֶ ת‬
‫ ָשׁעָ ה‬-‫עֵ ת וּבְ ָכל‬-‫בְּ ָכל‬
� ֶ‫בִּ ְשׁלוֹמ‬
ki ve’or panecha
natata lanu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Torat chayim ve’ahavat chesed
utzedaka uveracha
verachamim vechayim veshalom.
Vetov be’einecha
levarech et amcha Yisra’el,
bechol et uvechol sha’ah
with your peace.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, use the shaded section instead of the next four lines.
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הַ ְמּבָ ֵר� אֶ ת עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who blesses God’s people Israel
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
hamvarech et amo Yisra’el
with peace.
bashalom. Amen
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, say the shaded lines; when repeating the amidah,
the leader pauses while the congregation says the next five lines, then repeats them.
In the Book of Life, blessing,
‫ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר חַ ִיּים בְּ ָר ָכה‬BeSefer Chayim, berachah
peace and good livelihood, may we be
veshalom ufarnasah tovah,
nizacher venikatev lefanechah, anachnu
vechol amchah Beit Yisra’el
‫וְ ָשׁלוֹם וּפַ ְרנָסָ ה טוֹבָ ה‬
reviewed and graded before you,
‫ִנ ָזּכֵר וְ נִ ָכּ ֵתב לְ פָ נֶי� אֲ נ ְַחנוּ‬
with all your people, Israel’s descendants,
‫עַ ְמּ� בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
for a life of goodness and peace.
‫לְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
We bless you, God,
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
who makes peace.
‫עו ֶֹשׂה הַ ָשּׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
lechayim tovim uleshalom.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
oseh hashalom. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
In Temple times special days were marked by an extra sacrifice in addition to the morning and afternoon daily
sacrifices. This was the Musaf sacrifice.
In some ways, our prayers compensate for our inability to offer the sacrifices of ancient times. We can no
longer recover the feeling of union with God brought by the bloody system of animal sacrifices, and if verbal
prayer is a poor substitute, it’s all we have.
Accordingly, on Rosh Chodesh we add a Musaf amidah after the Torah service. The Musaf amidah begins
and ends with the blessings familiar from other amidahs, and the middle blessing recalls the Musaf sacrifices of
the day.
Why we had a sacrificial system, why we added sacrifices on special days, and why we lost our Temple, are
all questions worth exploring as we meditate on the significance of this prayer. Some people say the Temple is
gone, never to return, so we should skip the Musaf amidah. Others treasure the memory of ancient methods of
worship and mourn the loss of something we can no longer experience or understand.
After the Musaf amidah, we conclude the service with Aleinu.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
To prepare for the Musaf amidah, we rise as the leader leads Half Kaddish, page 264.
_____________________________________ Amidah1 ____________________________________
We take three steps back as if to create sacred space and three forward as if to enter it.
With feet together, we say the amidah (standing prayer) quietly.
When the prayer leader chants aloud, we respond with the words in gray.2
The two lines below introduce the silent amidah.
Adonai sefatai tiftach,
‫דנָי ְשׂפָ תַ י ִתּ ְפתָּ ח‬
ֹ ‫ֲא‬
and my mouth will declare your praise.
ufi yagid tehilatecha.
� ֶ‫וּפי יַגִּ יד ְתּ ִהלָּ ת‬
Ps 51:17
Ruler, just open my lips
‫ ▪ אָבוֹת‬Avot
‫ יי‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Eloheinu
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ אֱ �הֵ י אַבְ ָרהָ ם אֱ �הֵ י ִי ְצחָ ק‬Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,
‫ וֵא�הֵ י יַעֲ קֹב‬vElohei Ya’akov
_________________________ 1. Ancestors ▪
We bless you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
our God
and God of our ancestors,
and God of Jacob,
the God who is great,
God of Abraham, God of Isaac,
ha’El hagadol
powerful and awesome, God on high;
‫הָ אֵ ל הַ גָּדוֹל‬
‫הַ גִּ בּוֹר וְ הַ נּו ָֹרא אֵ ל עֶ לְ יוֹן‬
hagibor vehanorah, El elyon,
The amidah (standing prayer) for Rosh Chodesh Musaf consists of seven berachot (blessings). The first and
last three are basically the same as for the morning amidah. The middle blessing is about the extra sacrifices of
the day; we add “ya’aleh veyavo” to the fifth blessing; and on Chanukah, we add something extra in the sixth
Sometimes a congregation does a “heiche (or hoiche) kedushah”—Yiddish meaning “kedushah out loud.” The
prayer leader leads the congregation through kedushah; for minchah, the congregation then returns to the first
and recites the entire Amidah.
blessing (Ancestors / ‫)אָבות‬
We bow four times in the Amidah: at the beginning and end of the first blessing (Ancestors /‫ )אָבות‬and penultimate blessing (Thanksgiving / ‫)הוֹדָ אָה‬. Three times we bend the knees at “baruch,” bow at “atah” and straighten up at “Adonai”; at the beginning of the Thanksgiving blessing, we bow without bending the knees. Icons in
the text are reminders to bend the knees, w, to bow from the waist, v, and to stand up, u.
A note on page 277 describes sources for the first blessing of the Amidah.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Good deeds of kindness you reward—
‫ גּוֹמֵ ל חֲ סָ ִדים טוֹבִ ים‬gomel chasadim tovim
‫ וְ ק ֹונֵה הַ כֹּל‬vekoneh hakol,
For everything is in your power—
‫ וְ ז ֹוכֵר חַ ְסדֵ י אָבוֹת‬vezocher chasdei avot
Our parents’ kind deeds you record
And rescue their posterity
‫ וּמֵ בִ יא גוֹאֵ ל לִ בְ נֵי בְ נֵיהֶ ם‬umevi go’el livnei veneihem,
To show your love and honesty.1
‫ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ ֹו בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה‬lema’an shemo be’ahavah.
Sovereign, helper, savior, shield.
‫ מֶ לֶ� ע ֹוזֵר וּמו ִֹשׁיעַ וּמָ גֵן‬Melech ozer umoshi’a umagen.
We bless you, Ruler,
‫ יי‬u ‫ אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y ata u Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
Abraham’s protector
‫ מָ גֵן אַבְ ָרהָ ם‬magen Avraham
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Amen
____________________________________ 2. Might ▪ ‫ ▪ ְגבוּרוֹת‬Gevurot ____________________________________
You are mighty forever, God,
‫ אַ ָתּה גִּ בּוֹר לְ ע ֹולָם אֲ ֹדנָי‬Atah gibor le’olam Adonai,
‫ ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים אַ ָתּה‬mechayeh metim atah
you bring life to the dead
and are strong in salvation—
ַ‫ ַרב לְ הו ִֹשׁיע‬rav lehoshi’ah—
From Pesach to Shemini Atzeret, some add:
‫ מו ִֹריד הַ טָּ ל‬Morid hatal.
From Shemini Atzeret to Pesach, we pray for Israel’s winter rains:
you make wind blow and rain fall.3
‫ מַ ִשּׁיב הָ רוּחַ וּמו ִֹריד הַ גּ ֶֶשׁם‬Mashiv haru’ach umorid hageshem.
you make the dew fall.
You feed the living with your grace,
Support the fallen, heal the sick,
And set the prisoners free,
For people who sleep in the dust.
Mechalkel chayim bechesed,
mechayeh metim berachamim rabim.
Somech noflim verofeh cholim
umatir asurim,
um’kayem emunato
And faithfully fulfill your trust
‫ְמ ַכלְ כֵּל חַ ִיּים בְּ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה מֵ ִתים בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים ַרבִּ ים‬
‫סוֹמֵ � נוֹפְ לִ ים וְ רוֹפֵ א חוֹלִ ים‬
ִ ֲ‫וּמַ ִתּיר א‬
‫וּמ ַקיֵּם אֱ מוּנָת ֹו‬
‫ישׁנֵי עָ פָ ר‬
ֵ ִ‫ל‬
Revive the dead with kind embrace,4
lishenei afar.
“Who rewards good, kind deeds and owns everything, who remembers the good deeds of our ancestors, and
who is bringing a redeemer to their children’s children, for the sake of his name (i.e., to maintain his reputation—hence, to prove his honesty), with love.”
Especially in winter, when nature seems dormant, we note that the cycle of seasons will bring a new spring
and reassure ourselves that the promise of resurrection—however we understand it—can surely be fulfilled.
“Kind embrace” is literally “abundant mercies.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
Who is like you, who can appear
Like you, sovereign of power?
Ruler, both death and life you bring;
You make salvation flower.
To bring the dead to life, O you
Are firm, reliable, and true.
We bless you, God,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who revives the dead.1
‫ִמי ָכמוֹ� בַּ עַ ל גְּ בוּרוֹת‬
�ָ‫וּמי דּוֹמֶ ה לּ‬
‫וּמחַ יֶּה‬
ְ ‫מֶ לֶ� מֵ ִמית‬
‫וּמַ ְצ ִמיחַ יְשׁוּעָ ה‬
‫וְ נֶאֱ מָ ן אַ ָתּה‬
‫לְ הַ חֲ יוֹת מֵ ִתים‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְמחַ יֵּה הַ מֵּ ִתים אָמֵ ן‬
Mi chamocha ba’al gevurot,
umi domeh lach,
melech memit um’chayeh
umatzmi’ach yeshu’ah.
Vene’eman ata
lehachayot metim.
Baruch ata Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mechayeh hametim. Amen
____________________________________________ 3. Holiness ____________________________________________
The third blessing has two versions. One is responsive, led by the prayer leader;
for individual prayer, continue with 3b on page 246.
as the angels make it holy
for your prophet Isaiah wrote,
‫ישׁים אוֹת ֹו‬
ִ ‫כְּ ֵשׁם ֶשׁמַּ ְק ִדּ‬
‫בִּ ְשׁמֵ י מָ רוֹם‬
� ֶ‫ַכּ ָכּתוּב עַ ל יַד נְ בִ יא‬
keshem shemakdishim oto
bishmei marom;
in heavens above;
ָ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Responsive Kedushah
3a. Holiness ▪ ‫דוּשׁה‬
We include the responsive Kedushah when the prayer leader repeats the amidah
or leads a “heiche kedushah.” The congregation begins, and the prayer leader repeats.
Recite the Kedushah with feet together, rising on the toes for each of the following words:
“Kadosh, kadosh kadosh,” “Baruch (Kevod),” and “Yimloch.”
We shall make your name holy in the world, ‫ ִשׁ ְמ� בָּ ע ֹו ָלם‬-‫ נְ ַקדֵּ שׁ אֶ ת‬Nekadesh et shimcha ba’olam,
God’s glory fills the universe.
kakatuv al yad nevi’echa,
Bow left, then right for “zeh el zeh”:
Isaiah 6:3
And one called to the other, and said: ‫ זֶה וְ אָ מַ ר‬y‫ זֶה אֶ ל‬v ‫ וְ קָ ָרא‬Vekarah v zeh el yzeh ve’amar.
Congregation and prayer leader:
Isaiah 6:3
Holy, holy, holy
‫ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ‬Kadosh kadosh kadosh
is God of hosts;
‫ יהוה ְצבָ אוֹת‬Adonai tzeva’ot;
‫ ְמל ֹא כָ ל־הָ אָ ֶרץ ְכּבוֹדוֹ‬melo chol ha’aretz kevodo.
Congregation, then leader (based on Ezekiel 3:12)
‫ לְ עֻ מָּ ָתם בָּ רוּ� יֹאמֵ רוּ‬le’umatam “Baruch” yomeru.
The angels who face them say, “Blessed.”
This could mean: God wakens “dead” sinners to a life of faith; God grants an afterlife; God will revive dead
bodies in the future; God breeds life out of death and decomposition, like mushrooms growing on a rotting log.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Ezek 3:12
Congregation and prayer leader:
‫בָּ רוּ� ְכּבוֹד־יהוה‬
“Blessed is God’s glory
flowing from its source.”
‫ִמ ְמּקוֹמוֹ‬
Congregation, then leader:
ֹ ‫וּבְ ִדבְ ֵרי ָק ְד ְשׁ� ָכּתוּב לֵא‬
And in your holy writings, this is written: ‫מר‬
Congregation and prayer leader:
Ps 146:10
“God will reign forever,
‫יִ ְמ�� יהוה ְלעוֹלָ ם‬
Your God, Zion,
‫אֱ�הַ יִ � ִציּוֹן‬
from age to age: Halleluyah.”
‫ְלדֹר ָודֹר הַ ְללוּיָהּ‬
The leader concludes:1
From age to age, your greatness we proclaim, �ֶ‫לְ דוֹר וָ דוֹר נַגִּ יד גּ ְָדל‬
“Baruch kevod Adonai
Uvedivrei kodshecha katuv lemor:
“Yimloch Adonai le’olam,
Elohayich, Tziyon,
ledor vador: Halleluyah.”
Ledor vador nagid godlecha
Hallow your holiness
‫ וּלְ נֵצַ ח נְ צָ ִחים‬ul’netzach netzachim
kedushat’cha nakdish.
‫ְקדֻ ָשּׁ ְת� נ ְַק ִדּישׁ‬
‫ וְ ִשׁבְ חֲ � אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Veshiv’chacha Eloheinu
Your praise shall
mipinu lo yamush le’olam va’ed.
never, never leave our lips,
‫ִמפִּ ינוּ �א יָמוּשׁ לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
God, great and holy sovereign.
‫ כִּ י אֵ ל מֶ לֶ� גָּדוֹל וְ ָקדוֹשׁ אָ ָתּה‬Ki El melech gadol vakadosh atah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
the holy God.
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ אָמֵ ן‬ha’El hakadosh. Amen
3b. Holiness ▪ ‫דוּשׁה‬
ָ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Individual Kedushah
You are holy, your name is holy
‫ אַ ָתּה ָקדוֹשׁ וְ ִשׁ ְמ� ָקדוֹשׁ‬Atah kadosh veshimcha kadosh,
and every day the holy ones
‫יוֹם‬-‫וּקדו ִֹשׁים בְּ ָכל‬
ְ ukedoshim bechol yom
praise you, selah!
‫ ְיהַ לְ לוּ� סֶּ לָה‬yehalelucha selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
the holy God.
‫ הָ אֵ ל הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬ha’El hakadosh.
for endless time.
Some say that during a heiche kedushah, while the leader concludes with “Ledor vador,” the congregation
should recite the short Holiness blessing (3b) and then continue the Amidah.
From Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, we stress the theme of God’s sovereignty.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
_______________________ 4. Holiness of This Day ▪ ‫דוּשׁת הַ יּוֹם‬
ַ ‫ ▪ ְק‬Kedushat Hayom _______________________
The leader’s repetition continues here.
You gave your people New Moons,
a time for all their descendants to atone
by bringing to you
acceptable sacrifices
and young animals as sin-offerings
to atone for their sins—
may those sacrifices be for them all,
to save their lives from hateful power.
Prepare a new altar in Zion
so that the New Moon upward-offering
we may offer upon it
and bring young goats for sacrifice
In the worship of the Temple
we shall all rejoice, in that worship
and in the songs of your servant David
recited before your altar.
May you bring them lasting love
and the agreement with ancestors
biheyotam makrivim lefanecha
zivchei ratzon
use’irei chatat
lechaper ba’adam.
Zikaron lechulam yiheyu
uteshu’at nafsham miyad soneh.
Mizbach chadash beTziyon tachin,
ve’olat Rosh Chodesh
na’aleh alav,
use’irei izim na’aseh
Then bring us joyfully to Zion your city
uva’avodat Beit HaMikdash
nismach kulanu,
uveshirei David avdecha
hanishma’im be’irecha,
ha’amurim lifnei mizbechecha.
Ahavat olam tavi lahem
uverit avot
recall for the children.
and Jerusalem your Temple
zeman kaparah lechol toldotam,
that will be heard in your city
Rashei chodashim le’amcha natata,
in an acceptable manner.
in lasting happiness,
‫אשׁי חֳ ָד ִשׁים לְ עַ ְמּ� נ ָָת ָתּ‬
ֵ ‫ָר‬
‫זְ מַ ן ַכּפָּ ַרה לְ ָכל תּוֹלְ דו ָֹתם‬
�‫בִּ ְהיו ָֹתם מַ ְק ִריבִ ים לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫זִ בְ חֵ י ָרצוֹן‬
‫ש ִע ֵירי חַ טָּ את‬
ְֹ ‫וּ‬
‫לְ ַכפֵּ ר בַּ עֲ ָדם‬
‫זִ ָכּרוֹן לְ ֻכלָם ִי ְהיוּ‬
‫וּתשׁוּעַ ת נַפְ ָשׁם ִמיַּד שׂוׂנֵא‬
‫ִמזְ ֵַבּח חָ ָדשׁ בְּ ִציּוֹן ָתּכִ ין‬
‫עולַת רֹאשׁ חֹדֶ שׁ‬
ׂ ְ‫ו‬
‫נַעֲ לֶה עָ לָיו‬
‫ש ִע ֵירי עִ זִּ ים נַעֲ ֶשׂה‬
ְֹ ‫וּ‬
‫בְ ָרצוׂן‬
‫וּבַ עֲ בו ַׂדת בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדשׁ‬
‫נִ ְשׁמַ ח ֻכּלָּנוּ‬
� ֶ‫וּבְ ִשׁ ֵירי ָדוִ ד עַ בְ דּ‬
�‫הַ נִּ ְשׂמָ ִעים בְּ ִע ֶיר‬
� ֶ‫מוּרים לִ פְ נֵי ִמזְ בְּ ח‬
ִ ֲ‫הָ א‬
‫עולָם ָתּבִ יא לָהֶ ם‬
ׂ ‫אַהֲ בֲ ת‬
‫וּבְ ִרית אָבוׂת‬
‫לַבָּ נִ ים ִתּזְ כּוׂר‬
‫וַ הֲ בִ יאֵ נוּ לְ ִציּוׂן ִע ְיר� בְּ ִרנָה‬
�‫ירוּשׁ ַל ִים בֵּ ית ִמ ְק ָדּ ְשׁ‬
ָ ִ‫וְ ל‬
ׂ ‫בְּ ִשׂ ְמחַ ת‬
labanim tizkor,
Vahavi’enu leTziyon ir’cha berinah
veliYerushalayim Beit Mikdashcha
besimchat olam.
“May they (the sacrifices) be a remembrance for them all,” i.e., may those sacrifices long ago be remembered
(and attributed) to the descendants of those who offered them—even though the sacrificial system is long gone,
may we who can no longer bring them be granted whatever it was that they earned for our ancestors.
“A saving of their selves/persons/souls/lives from the hand (i.e., power) of one who hates”—i.e., may the
sacrifices of our ancestors win God’s continued favor so as to save us from our enemies.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Add this to recall the sacrificial system …
�‫ ֶשׁ ָשּׁם עָ שׂוּ אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ לְ פָ נֶי‬shesham asu avoteinu lefanecha
where our ancestors brought you
their required sacrifices,
‫ ָק ְרבְּ נוֹת חוֹבו ֵֹתיהֶ ם‬-‫ אֶ ת‬et korbenot chovoteihem,
… or this to pray for its restoration, literally or metaphorically
�‫ וְ ָשׁם נַעֲ ֶשׂה לְ פָ נֶי‬vesham na’aseh lefanecha
and we shall bring you
our required sacrifices,
‫ ָק ְרבְּ נוֹת חוֹבו ֵֹתינוּ‬-‫אֶ ת‬
the daily ones
and the extra ones, properly.
And the extra offering
of this New Moon day
Continue here
‫ְתּ ִמ ִידים כְּ ִס ְד ָרם‬
‫וּמוּסָ פִ ים כְּ ִהלְ ָכ ָתם‬
‫מוּסַ ף יוֹם‬-‫וְ אֶ ת‬
‫רֹאשׁ הַ ֹחדֶ שׁ הַ זֶּה‬
et korbenot chovoteinu,2
temidim kesidram
umusafim kehil’chatam.
Ve’et musaf yom
Rosh Hachodesh hazeh
Add this to recall the sacrificial system …
our ancestors brought to you
�‫ עָ שׂוּ וְ ִה ְק ִריבוּ לְ פָ נֶי‬asu vehikrivu lefanecha
… or this to pray for its restoration, literally or metaphorically
we shall perform and bring you
�‫ נַעֲ ֶשׂה וְ נ ְַק ִריב לְ פָ נֶי‬na’aseh venakriv lefanecha
Continue here
�ֶ‫ בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה כְּ ִמ ְצוַ ת ְרצ ֹונ‬be’ahava kemitzvat retzonecha,
lovingly, to observe your wishes,
in your Torah
by your servant Moses’ hand,
‫כְּ מ ֹו ֶשׁ ָכּ ַתבְ ָתּ עָ לֵינוּ‬
�‫בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
� ֶ‫משׁה עַ ְבדּ‬
ֶ ‫עַ ל יְדֵ י‬
‫ִמפִּ י כְ בוֹדֶ � ָכּאָמוּר‬
11 And on your New Moons,
bring an offering to God:
and one ram,
ֶ ֔ ֵ‫וּב ָראשֵׁ י ֙ חָ ְדשׁ‬
perfect ones—
mipi chevodecha ka’amur:
Uverashei chodsheichem
‫תַּ קְ ִ ֥ריבוּ עֹ ָל֖ה לַ יהוָ ֑ה‬
takrivu olah lAdonai:
parim benei vakar shnayim,
‫ְכּבָ ִשׂ֧ים ְבּנֵי־שָׁ נָ ֛ה ִשׁ ְבעָ ֖ה‬
ֽ ִ ‫ְתּ ִמ‬
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
al yedei Moshe avdecha,
֙ ‫פָּ ִ ֨רים ְבּנֵ ֽי־בָ ָ ֤קר ְשׁ ַנ ֙יִ ם‬
‫וְ ַא֣יִ ל אֶ ֔ ָחד‬
seven year-old sheep—
two year-old bulls
kemo shekatavta aleinu
spoken by your glory:
Num. 28:
as you wrote for us
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
ve’ayil echad,
kevasim benei shanah shiv’ah
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
and their flour- and wine-offerings
as mentioned:
twelve pounds of flour for each bull,
eight for each ram
and four for each lamb,
and wine for the wine-offering,
and a goat for atonement,
and two continual offerings,
according to their rules.
Our God,
this month
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫חַ דֵּ שׁ עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫הַ חֹדֶ שׁ הַ זֶּה‬-‫אֶ ת‬
‫לְ טוֹבָ ה וְ לִ בְ ָר ָכה אָמֵ ן‬
‫לְ ָשׂשׂוֹן וּלְ ִשׂ ְמחָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
‫לִ ישׁוּעָ ה וּלְ נֶחָ מָ ה אָמֵ ן‬
‫לְ פַ ְרנָסָ ה וּלְ ַכלְ ָכּ ָלה אָמֵ ן‬
‫לְ חַ ִיּים וּלְ ָשׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
‫לִ ְמ ִחילַת חֵ ְטא‬
‫וְ לִ ְסלִ יחַ ת עָ וֹן אָמֵ ן‬
and God of our ancestors,
renew for us
‫וּמנְ חָ ָתם וְ נִ ְסכֵּיהֶ ם‬
‫כִּ ְמדֻ בָּ ר‬
‫לשׁה עֶ ְשׂרֹנִ ים לַפָּ ר‬
ָ ‫ְשׁ‬
‫וּשׁנֵי עֶ ְשׂרֹנִ ים לָאָ ִיל‬
‫וְ ִע ָשׂרוֹן ַלכֶּבֶ שׂ‬
‫וְ ַייִן כְּ נִ ְסכּ ֹו‬
‫וְ ָשׂ ִעיר לְ ַכפֵּ ר‬
‫וּשׁנֵי ְת ִמ ִידים‬
‫כְּ ִהלְ ָכ ָתם‬
for joy and happiness,
for salvation and comfort,
for income and livelihood,
for life and for peace
shloshah esronim lapar
ushnei esronim la’ayil
ve’isaron lakeves
veyayin kenisko
vesa’ir lechaper
ushnei temidim
vElohei avoteinu
chadesh aleinu
et hachodesh hazeh
letovah velivrachah Amen,
lesason ulesimchah Amen,
lishu’ah ulenechamah Amen,
lefarnasah ulechalkalah Amen,
lechayim uleshalom Amen,
limchilat chet
for forgiveness from sin
for good and blessing,
umin’chatam veniskehem
You chose your people Israel
from all the other nations
and fixed for them
the New Moon rules.
We bless you, Sovereign,
Blessed be God, blessed be God's name!
who sanctifies Israel
and the new moons.
and pardon from transgression
velislichat avon. Amen
········································ Add this line in a leap year, from Marcheshvan through Adar II········································
and atonement of wrongdoing.
‫ וּלְ ַכפָּ ַרת פָּ ַשׁע אָמֵ ן‬ulechaparat pasha. Amen
‫כִּ י בְ עַ ְמּ� יִ ְשׂ ָראֵ ל בָּ ַח ְר ָתּ‬
‫הָ אֻ מּוֹת‬-‫ִמ ָכּל‬
‫אשׁי חֳ ָד ִשׁים‬
ֵ ‫וְ חֻ קֵ י ָר‬
‫לָהֶ ם ָקבָ ְע ָתּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫ְמ ַקדֵּ שׁ י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫אשׁי חֳ ָד ִשׁים אָמֵ ן‬
ֵ ‫וְ ָר‬
Ki ve’amcha Yisra’el bacharta
mikol ha’umot,
vechukei rashei chodashim
lahem kava’ta.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
mekadesh Yisra’el
verashei chodashim. Amen
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
________________________________ 5. Temple Service ▪ ‫ ▪ עֲ בוֹדָ ה‬Avodah ________________________________
Sovereign God, take delight
in your people Israel and in their prayer;
restore the Temple service
to the sanctuary of your house;
as for Israel’s fires and their prayer—
accept them with love and delight;
and may you always enjoy2
the worship of your people Israel.
And may our eyes witness
‫וְ ֶתחֱ זֶינָה עֵ ינֵינוּ‬
‫שׁוּב� לְ ִציּוֹן בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
ְ ְ‫בּ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הַ מַּ חֲ זִ יר ְשׁכִ ינָת ֹו לְ ִציּוֹן אָמֵ ן‬
your return to Zion, in mercy.
‫ְרצֵ ה יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫בְּ עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל וּבִ ְתפִ לּ ָָתם‬
‫וְ הָ ֵשׁב אֶ ת הָ עֲ בו ָֹדה‬
ֶ ֵ‫לִ ְדבִ יר בּ‬
‫וּתפִ לּ ָָתם‬
ְ ‫וְ ִא ֵשּׁי ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה ְת ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ָרצוֹן‬
‫וּת ִהי לְ ָרצוֹן ָתּ ִמיד‬
� ֶ‫עֲ בו ַֹדת י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬
Blessed are you, Ruler;
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
be’amcha Yisra’el uvitfilatam,
vehashev et ha’avodah
lidvir beitecha,
ve’ishei Yisra’el utefilatam
be’ahavah tekabel beratzon,
utehi leratzon tamid
avodat Yisra’el amecha.
Vetechezena eineinu
beshuvcha leTziyon berachamim.
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
hamachazir shechinato leTziyon. Amen
you return your presence to Zion.
Retze Adonai Eloheinu
Include the shaded words if you favor the restoration of the sacrificial system.
“And may it be to your liking forever …”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
_________________________________ 6. We Give Thanks ▪ ‫ ▪ מו ִֹדים‬Modim _________________________________
We bow at the waist for the word “modim” and straighten up at “Adonai.”
This blessing has two versions. We say the following in our individual silent prayer
and 6b, the shaded version, in response to the prayer leader’s repetition.
We thank you,
�ָ‫ מו ִֹדים אֲ נ ְַחנוּ ל‬v y Modim anachnu lach
because you are the Ruler, our God,
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬sha’atah huu Adonai Elohenu
God of our ancestors,
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬
The one sure thing in our lives,
‫צוּר חַ יֵּינוּ‬
the shield of our salvation—
‫מָ גֵן ִי ְשׁעֵ נוּ‬
that is you, from age to age!
‫אַ ָתּה הוּא לְ דוֹר וָ דוֹר‬
�‫נוֹדֶ ה לְּ � וּנְ סַ פֵּ ר ְתּ ִה ָלּ ֶת‬
We thank you and declare your praise
ִ ‫עַ ל חַ יֵּינוּ הַ ְמּ‬
For our lives, which in your hand you hold, � ֶ‫סוּרים בְּ יָד‬
Our souls, which in your care are told; �‫ֹתינוּ הַ פְּ קוּדוֹת ָל‬
ֵ ‫וְ עַ ל נִ ְשׁמו‬
Your miracles, with us every day,
‫יוֹם ִעמָּ נוּ‬-‫וְ עַ ל נִ סֶּ י� ֶשׁבְּ כָ ל‬
�‫וְ עַ ל נִ פְ לְ או ֶֹתי� וְ טוֹבו ֶֹתי‬
Your wonders and abundant boons,
‫ֶשׁ ְבּ ָכל עֵ ת‬
With us
evening, morn, and noon.
‫עֶ ֶרב וָ ב ֶֹקר וְ צָ הֳ ָר ִים‬
Your mercies never end; the one
�‫הַ טּוֹב כִּ י �א ָכלוּ ַרחֲ מֶ י‬
‫וְ הַ ְמ ַרחֵ ם‬
All good and merciful and blessed,
�‫כִּ י �א ַתמּוּ חֲ סָ דֶ י‬
Whose kindnesses are never done.
In you our hopes forever rest.
�‫מֵ ע ֹולָם ִקוִּ ינוּ ָל‬
vElohei avoteinu
le’olam va’ed.
Tzur chayenu,
magen yish’enu,
ata hu ledor vador.
Nodeh lecha unesaper tehilatecha
al chayenu ham’surim beyadecha,
ve’al nishmoteinu hapekudot lach,
ve’al nisecha sheb’chol yom imanu,
ve’al nifle’otecha vetovotecha,
shebechol et,
erev vavoker vetzohorayim.
Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha,
ki lo tamu chasadecha,
me’olam kivinu lach.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
The silent amidah continues below; on Chanukah, add Al Hanisim on page 233.
___________________ 6b. Teachers’ Thanksgiving ▪ ‫ ▪ מו ִֹדים ְד ַרבָּ נָן‬Modim Derabbanan ___________________
We read this silently when the prayer leader repeats the amidah.
We thank you
�ָ‫ מו ִֹדים אֲ נ ְַחנוּ ל‬v y Modim anachnu lach
for you are the Ruler, our God
‫ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬u ‫ ָשׁאַ ָתּה הוּא‬sha’ata hu u Adonai Eloheinu
and our ancestors’ God,
God of all flesh,
our maker, who formed Creation.
Blessings and thanks we give
to your great and holy name,
because you have given us life
and sustained us.
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫בָּ ָשׂר‬-‫אֱ �הֵ י ָכל‬
ִ ‫יו ְֹצ ֵרנוּ יוֹצֵ ר בְּ ֵר‬
‫בְּ ָרכוֹת וְ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬
‫לְ ִשׁ ְמ� הַ גָּדוֹל וְ הַ ָקּדוֹשׁ‬
ָ ‫עַ ל ֶשׁהֶ חֱ ִי‬
‫וְ ִקיּ ְַמ ָתּנוּ‬
‫וּת ַק ְיּמֵ נוּ‬
ְ ‫כֵּן ְתּחַ יֵּנוּ‬
‫וְ ֶתאֱ סוֹף ָגּלֻיּו ֵֹתינוּ‬
�‫לְ חַ ְצרוֹת ָק ְד ֶשׁ‬
�‫לִ ְשׁמוֹר חֻ ֶקּי‬
�ֶ‫וְ לַעֲ שׂוֹת ְרצ ֹונ‬
‫וּלְ עָ בְ ְד� בְּ לֵבָ ב ָשׁלֵם‬
�ָ‫עַ ל ֶשׁאֲ נ ְַחנוּ מו ִֹדים ל‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אֵ ל הַ הו ָֹדאוֹת‬
Keep giving us life and sustenance,
and gather our scattered exiles
to keep your statutes,
do your will,
and serve you wholeheartedly
—for which we thank you.
Elohei chol basar,
yotzrenu, yotzer bereshit.
Berachot vehoda’ot
leshimcha hagadol vehakadosh,
al shehecheyitanu
Ken techayenu utekaymenu,
vete’esof galuyotenu
lechatzrot kodshecha,
lishmor chukecha
vela’asot retzonecha,
ule’ovdecha belevav shalem;
al she’anachnu modim lach.
Baruch El hahoda’ot.
The Thanksgiving blessing continues here.
And for all these things may your
‫ וְ עַ ל ֻכּלָּם‬Ve’al kulam
�‫ ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם ִשׁ ְמ‬yitbarach veyitromam shimcha
O our ruler, constantly, and for ever.
‫ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ ָתּ ִמיד לְ ע ֹולָם וָ עֶ ד‬malkenu, tamid le’olam va’ed.
Every living being will thank you (selah),
‫ וְ כֹל הַ חַ יִּים יוֹדוּ� סֶּ לָה‬Vechol hachayim yoducha selah,
and they will hail your name in truth,
‫ וִ יהַ לְ לוּ אֶ ת ִשׁ ְמ� בֶּ אֱ מֶ ת‬vihalelu et shimcha be’emet,
God, our salvation and help (selah). ‫ הָ אֵ ל יְשׁוּעָ ֵתנוּ וְ עֶ זְ ָר ֵתנוּ סֶ לָה‬ha’El yeshu’atenu ve’ezratenu selah.
Blessed are you, Ruler,
‫ יי‬u ‫אַ ָתּה‬v �‫ בָּ רוּ‬w z Baruch y atah u Adonai,
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
‫ בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
whose reputation is good,
�‫ הַ טּוֹב ִשׁ ְמ‬hatov shimcha
and to whom thanks are due.
‫ וּלְ � נָאֶ ה לְ הוֹדוֹת אָמֵ ן‬ulecha na’eh lehodot. Amen
name be blessed and exalted,
Blessed is the God of thanks.
to the courtyards of your sanctuary,
vElohei avoteinu
In the silent amidah, continue with the blessing for peace, page 254.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
During the repetition, the leader adds the Priestly Blessing.
________________________ The Priestly Blessing1 ▪ ‫כֹּהֲ נִ ים‬
Our God
and God of our ancestors,
bless us with the triple blessing
in the Torah,
written by your servant Moses,
‫ ▪ בִּ רכַּת‬Bircat Kohanim ________________________
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬Eloheinu
‫ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬vElohei avoteinu
‫ בָּ ְרכֵנוּ בַ בְּ ָר ָכה הַ ְמשֻׁ לּ ֶֶשׁת‬bar’cheinu vaberachah hamshuleshet
‫ בַּ תּו ָֹרה‬baTorah
� ֶ‫משׁה עַ בְ דּ‬
ֶ ‫ הַ כְּ תוּבָ ה עַ ל ְידֵ י‬hak’tuvah al yedei Moshe avdecha,
‫מוּרה ִמפִּ י אַהֲ רֹן וּבָ נָיו‬
ָ ֲ‫ הָ א‬ha’amurah mipi Aharon uvanav
�‫ כֹּהֲ נִ ים עַ ם ְקדו ֶֹשׁ‬kohanim—am kedoshecha—
‫ ָכּאָמוּר‬ka’amur:
spoken by Aaron and his children,
the priests—your holy people—
in these words:
After each of the three verses of the Priestly Blessing, the congregation responds.
May God bless you
‫ יְ בָ ֶר ְכ�֥ יהו֖ה‬Yevarechecha Adonai
and protect you.
May this be your will!
Num 6:24-26
and show you favor.
May this be your will!
May God let you perceive God’s presence
and set you at peace.
�‫י ֵָ֨אר יהו֧ה ׀ פָּ נָ ֛יו אֵ ֶל֖י‬
ken yehi ratzon
Ya’er Adonai panav elecha
ָ‫וִ ֽיחֻ נֶּ ֽ ךּ‬
‫כֵּן י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
�‫שּׂא יהו֤ה ׀ פָּ נָיו ֙ אֵ ֔ ֶלי‬
ָ ֨ ִ‫י‬
‫ָשׂם ְל�֖ שָׁ ֽלוֹם‬
֥ ֵ ‫וְ י‬
‫כֵּן י ְִהי ָרצוֹן‬
ken yehi ratzon
Yisa Adonai panav elecha
veyasem lecha shalom.
Ken yehi ratzon
May this be your will!
‫כֵּן ְי ִהי ָרצוֹן‬
May God smile at you2
�‫וְ יִ ְשׁ ְמ ֶ ֽר‬
God dictated the Priestly Blessing for Aaron to use when blessing the Children of Israel (Num. 6:22-23).
“May God send the light of God’s face/presence toward you”
“May God raise God’s face toward you”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
____________________________________ 7. Peace ▪ ‫ ▪ ָשׁלוֹם‬Shalom ____________________________________
Grant peace on earth,1
goodness and blessing,
grace, kindness and mercy
for us and all Israel, your people.
Bless us all, O source of life,
as one, in the light of your presence.
For in the light of your presence
you gave us, Ruling God,
the Torah of life, the love of kindness,
righteousness and blessing,
mercy, life and peace.
‫ִשׂים ָשׁלוֹם בָּ ע ֹולָם‬
‫טוֹבָ ה וּבְ ָר ָכה‬
‫חֵ ן וָ חֶ סֶ ד וְ ַרחֲ ִמים‬
� ֶ‫י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬-‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל‬
‫בָּ ְרכֵנוּ אָבִ ינוּ ֻכּלָּנוּ‬
�‫כְּ אֶ חָ ד בְּ אוֹר פָּ נֶי‬
�‫כִּ י בְ אוֹר פָּ נֶי‬
‫נ ַָת ָתּ לָּנוּ יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫תּו ַֹרת חַ ִיּים וְ אַהֲ בַ ת חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫וּצ ָד ָקה וּבְ ָרכָ ה‬
‫וְ ַרחֲ ִמים וְ חַ יִּים וְ ָשׁלוֹם‬
�‫וְ טוֹב בְּ עֵ ינֶי‬
‫עַ ְמּ� י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬-‫לְ בָ ֵר� אֶ ת‬
‫ ָשׁעָ ה‬-‫עֵ ת וּבְ ָכל‬-‫בְּ ָכל‬
� ֶ‫בִּ ְשׁלוֹמ‬
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫בָּ רוּ� הוּא וּבָ רוּ� ְשׁמ ֹו‬
‫הַ ְמּבָ ֵר� אֶ ת עַ מּ ֹו י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ ָשּׁלוֹם אָמֵ ן‬
And it’s good in your eyes
to bless your people Israel
with your peace.
We bless you, God,
at every time and in every hour
Blessed be God, blessed be God’s name!
who blesses God’s people Israel
tovah uv’rachah
chen vachesed verachamim
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el amecha.
Bar’chenu avinu kulanu
ke’echad be’or panecha,
ki ve’or panecha
natata lanu, Adonai Eloheinu,
Torat chayim ve’ahavat chesed
utzedaka uveracha
verachamim vechayim veshalom.
Vetov be’einecha
levarech et amcha Yisra’el,
bechol et uvechol sha’ah
Baruch atah Adonai,
Baruch hu uvaruch shemo
hamvarech et amo Yisra’el
bashalom. Amen
with peace.
Sim shalom ba’olam
The amidah ends here, but we remain standing to express our own thanks and the longings of our heart,
guided by the next paragraphs.
After the repetition, the leader says the Full Kaddish on page 265.
“On earth” is added in the Conservative liturgy.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
‫ מוּסַ ף לְ רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶ שׁ‬Additional Service for Rosh Chodesh
_________________________________________ Personal Prayers _________________________________________
My God, keep bad words from my tongue, ‫ אֱ �הַ י נְ צוֹר לְ שׁוֹנִ י מֵ ָרע‬Elohai, netzor leshoni mera,
‫וּשׂפָ ַתי ִמ ַדּבֵּ ר ִמ ְר ָמה‬
‫וְ לִ ְמ ַקלְ לַי נ ְַפ ִשׁי ִתדּוֹם‬
Let me not try to answer those who curse me;
let my spirit be as still as dust to everyone. ‫וְ נַפְ ִשׁי כֶּעָ פָ ר ַלכֹּל ִתּ ְהיֶה‬
Open my heart with your teaching
�‫פְּ ַתח לִ בִּ י בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וּבְ ִמ ְצו ֶֹתי� ִתּ ְרדּוֹף נַפְ ִשׁי‬
that my spirit may follow your rules.
‫הַ חו ְֹשׁבִ ים עָ לַי ָרעָ ה‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
As for all who plan harm for me,
‫ְמהֵ ָרה הָ פֵ ר עֲ צָ ָתם‬
quickly upset their designs
and spoil their plans.
‫וְ ַקלְ ֵקל מַ חֲ ַשׁבְ ָתּם‬
Do it for the sake of your reputation;
� ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
�ֶ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְי ִמינ‬
do it for the sake of your right hand;
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ְקדֻ ָשּׁ ֶת‬
do it for the sake of your holiness;
do it for the sake of your law.
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן תּו ָֹר ֶת‬
usefatai midaber mirmah.
Ps 60:7
“Lema’an yechaltzun yedidecha,
and lies from my lips.
“To save your devoted followers,
venafshi ke’afar lakol tihyeh.
Petach libi beToratecha,
uvemitzvotecha tirdof nafshi.
Vechol hachoshvim alai ra’ah,
meherah hafer atzatam
vekalkel machashavtam.
Aseh lema’an shemecha,
aseh lema’an yeminecha,
aseh lema’an kedushatecha,
aseh lema’an Toratecha.
take action, rescue and answer me!”
Psalm 19:15
ֶ ‫ְלמַ עַ ן יֵחָ ְלצוּן יְ ִד‬
Velimkalelai nafshi tidom,
‫הוֹשׁיעָ ה יְ ִמינְ � ַו ֲענֵנִ י‬
“May what I say be to your liking,
ִ ‫יִהיוּ ְל ָרצוֹן ִא ְמ ֵר‬
and my deepest thoughts come before you,
�‫וְ הֶ גְ יוֹן ִל ִבּי ְלפָ נֶי‬
hoshi’ah yemin’cha, va’aneni.”
“Yi’heyu leratzon imrei fi,
vehegyon libi lefanecha,
Making peace in heaven above,
to us and to all Israel,
Now you say, “Amen.”
‫ע ֶֹשׂה הַ ָשּׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬
‫הוּא יַעֲ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן‬
Oseh hashalom bimromav
may God bring peace
God, my rock, my savior.”
‫צוּרי וְ ֹגא ֲִלי‬
ִ ‫ יְהוָה‬Adonai, tzuri, vego’ali.”
Take three steps back, bow left on “oseh shalom,” right on “hu ya’aseh” and forward on “aleinu.”
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line.
‫ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬Oseh shalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
ve’imru, “Amen.”
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Add this if you mourn the loss of the sacrificial system, metaphorically or literally.
�‫ י ְִהי ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬Yehi ratzon milfanecha
May this be what you want,
ruling God
and God of our ancestors:
that the Temple be rebuilt
soon, in our days,
and restore our rights in your Torah,
and there we shall serve you reverently
Mal 3:4
Mal. 3:4
‫יי אֱ �הֵ ינוּ‬
‫וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫ֶשׁ ִיּבָּ נֶה בֵּ ית הַ ִמּ ְק ָדּשׁ‬
‫בִּ ְמהֵ ָרה בְ יָמֵ ינוּ‬
�‫וְ תֵ ן חֶ לְ ֵקנוּ בְּ תו ָֹר ֶת‬
‫וְ ָשׁם נַעֲ בָ ְד� בְּ ִי ְראָה‬
Adonai Eloheinu
vElohei avoteinu
sheyibaneh beit hamikdash
bimherah veyameinu
veten chelkenu beToratecha
vesham na’avod’cha beyir’ah
as in days of old and years long past. ‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמוֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
So that God will enjoy
Ve’arvah lAdonai
the sacrifice of Judah and Jerusalem
‫וְ עָ ְרבָ ה לַ יהוָה‬
‫הוּדה וִ ירוּשָׁ לָ ִם‬
ָ ְ‫ִמנְ חַ ת י‬
min’chat Yehudah Virushalayim
as in days of old and years long past.
kimei olam ucheshanim kadmoniyot.
‫וּכשָׁ נִ ים קַ ְדמֹנִ יּוֹת‬
ְ ‫ִכּימֵ י עוֹלָ ם‬
After a heiche kedushah, the leader continues with Full Kaddish on page 131.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Source of Life! Sovereign! ▪
‫ ▪אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu Malkenu
Source of Life! Sovereign! ▪ ‫ ▪ אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu Malkenu
Source of life! Sovereign!
‫ אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu malkenu,
We have sinned in front of you!
�‫ חָ טָ אנוּ לְ פָ נֶי‬chatanu lefanecha!
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫ אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu malkenu,
we have no ruler but you.
‫ אֵ ין לָנוּ מֶ לֶ� אֶ לָּא אָ ָתּה‬ein lanu melech ela atah.
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫ אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu malkenu,
take action for us, for the sake of your reputation. � ֶ‫שׂה ִעמָּ נוּ לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ‬
ֵ ֲ‫ ע‬aseh imanu lema’an shemecha.
On public fast days, use the shaded line instead of the line above it.
‫ אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu malkenu,
Source of life! Sovereign,
grant us a good new year.1
‫חַ דֵּ שׁ עָ לֵינוּ ָשׁנָה טוֹבָ ה‬
bless us with a good year.
‫בָּ ֵר� עָ לֵינוּ ָשׁנָה טוֹבָ ה‬
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫בַּ טֵּ ל מֵ עָ לֵינוּ ָכּל ְגּזֵרוֹת ָקשׁוֹת‬
take away from us all harsh laws.
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫בַּ טֵּ ל מַ ְח ְשׁבוֹת שׂוֹנְ אֵ ינוּ‬
bring to nothing our enemies’ plans.
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫הָ פֵ ר עֲ צַ ת א ֹו ְיבֵ ינוּ‬
destroy our foes’ intentions.
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
destroy all trouble and enemies for us. ‫צַ ר וּמַ ְשׂ ִטין מֵ עָ לֵינוּ‬-‫ַכּלֵּה ָכּל‬
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ְסתוֹם פִּ יּוֹת‬
stop the mouths
‫וּמ ַק ְט ְרגֵינוּ‬
ְ ‫מַ ְשׂ ִטינֵינוּ‬
of our enemies and accusers.
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ַכּלֵּה דֶּ בֶ ר וְ חֶ ֶרב וְ ָרעָ ב‬
remove sickness, war and famine,
‫וּשׁ ַמד‬
ְ ‫וּשׁבִ י וּמַ ְשׁ ִחית וְ עָ וֹן‬
captivity, ruin, sin and devastation
ֶ ‫ִמבְּ נֵי בְ ִר‬
for the children of your contract.
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
�‫ְמנַע מַ גֵּפָ ה ִמנַּחֲ ל ֶָת‬
keep the plague away from your people.2
chadesh aleinu shanah tovah.
barech aleinu shanah tovah.
Avinu malkenu,
bateil me’aleinu kol gezerot kashot.
Avinu malkenu,
bateil mach’shevot son’einu.
Avinu malkenu,
hafer atzat oyveinu.
Avinu malkenu,
kaleh kol tzar umastin me’aleinu.
Avinu malkenu,
stom piyot
mastineinu umekatregeinu.
Avinu malkenu,
kaleh dever vecherev vera’av
ush’vi umashchit ve’avon ush’mad
mibnei veritecha.
Avinu malkenu,
mena magefa minachalatecha.
“Make new for us a good year.”
“Your inheritance”—we sometimes refer to ourselves as God’s “inheritance,” perhaps in the hope that God
will treasure us from generation to generation.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Source of life! Sovereign,
forgive and pardon all our sins.
Source of life! Sovereign,
forgive and ignore
our misdeeds and our sins
committed before you.
Source of life! Sovereign,
in your great mercy, erase
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫עֲ וֹנו ֵֹתינוּ‬-‫וּמחַ ל לְ ָכל‬
ְ ‫ְסלַח‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ְמחֵ ה וְ הַ עֲ בֵ ר‬
ֵ ‫פְּ ָשׁעֵ ינוּ וְ חַ טּ‬
�‫ִמ ֶנּגֶד עֵ ינֶי‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ְמחוֹק בְּ ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
‫ָכּל ִשׁ ְט ֵרי חוֹבו ֵֹתינוּ‬
Avinu malkenu,
‫הַ חֲ זִ ֵירנוּ בִּ ְתשׁוּבָ ה ְשׁלֵמָ ה‬
�‫לְ פָ נֶי‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ְשׁלַח ְרפוּאָה ְשׁל ֵָמה‬
� ֶ‫לְ ח ֹולֵי עַ מּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ְק ַרע רֹעַ ְגּזַר ִדּינֵנוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
�‫זָכְ ֵרנוּ בְּ זִ ָכּרוֹן טוֹב לְ פָ נֶי‬
hachazirenu bit’shuva shelema
selach umechal lechol avonoteinu.
Avinu malkenu,
mecheh veha’aver
pesha’einu vechatoteinu
mineged einecha.
Avinu malkenu,
mechok berachamecha harabim
every record of our guilt.1
kol shitrei chovoteinu.
The leader chants the next nine verses aloud, following the congregation
‫ אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu malkenu,
Source of life! Sovereign,
to you.
bring us back, fully repentant,
Source of life! Sovereign,
send complete healing
to our sick.
Source of life! Sovereign,
tear up our harsh sentence.2
Source of life! Sovereign,
Avinu malkenu,
shelach refu’ah shelema
lecholei amecha.
Avinu malkenu,
kera ro’a gezar dinenu.
Avinu malkenu,
zochrenu bezikaron tov lefanecha.
For the next five verses, on public fast days we say ‫;זָכְ ֵרנוּ‬
between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, ‫כּ ְָתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר‬
remember us with favor.
remember us for a good life.
write us in the book of good life.
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫זָכְ ֵרנוּ לְ חַ יִּים טוֹבִ ים‬
‫ָכּ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר חַ יִּים טוֹבִ ים‬
Avinu malkenu,
Source of life! Sovereign,
zochreinu lechayim tovim.
kotvenu besefer chayim tovim.
Or, “All documents that record our indebtedness to guilt.” The metaphor is financial; ‫ ְׁשטַ ר חוֹב‬can mean a bill
or promissory note.
“Tear up the harshness of the decree in our court-case”—we imagine that God has passed sentence, that it is
unfavorable, that it is written and recorded, and still we ask God to nullify it.
“Remember us with good memory before you.”
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Source of Life! Sovereign! ▪
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫זָכְ ֵרנוּ לִ גְּ אֻ לָּה וִ ישׁוּעָ ה‬
‫ָכּ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר‬
‫גְּ אֻ לָּה וִ ישׁוּעָ ה‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫זָכְ ֵרנוּ לְ פַ ְרנָסָ ה וְ ַכלְ ָכּ ָלה‬
‫ָכּ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר‬
‫פַּ ְרנָסָ ה וְ ַכלְ ָכּלָה‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫זָכְ ֵרנוּ לִ זְ כֻיּוֹת‬
‫ָכּ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר זְ כֻיּוֹת‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫וּמ ִחילָה‬
ְ ‫זָכְ ֵרנוּ לִ ְסלִ יחָ ה‬
‫ָכּ ְתבֵ נוּ בְּ סֵ פֶ ר‬
‫וּמ ִחילָה‬
ְ ‫ְסלִ יחָ ה‬
Avinu malkenu,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫הַ ְצמַ ח לָנוּ יְשׁוּעָ ה בְּ ָקרוֹב‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
� ֶ‫הָ ֵרם ֶק ֶרן י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל עַ מּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
� ֶ‫הָ ֵרם ֶק ֶרן ְמ ִשׁיח‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
�‫מַ לֵּא יָדֵ ינוּ ִמבִּ ְרכו ֶֹתי‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫מַ לֵּא אֲ סָ מֵ ינוּ ָשׂבָ ע‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ְשׁמַ ע ק ֹולֵנוּ‬
‫חוּס וְ ַרחֵ ם עָ לֵינוּ‬
Avinu malkenu,
remember us for rescue and salvation.
write us in the book
of rescue and salvation.
Source of life! Sovereign,
remember us for livelihood and fulfillment.
write us in the book
of livelihood and fulfillment.
Source of life! Sovereign,
remember us for merit.
write us in the book of merit.
Source of life! Sovereign,
remember us for forgiveness and pardon.
write us in the book
Source of life! Sovereign,
make salvation flower for us soon.
Source of life! Sovereign,
give pride to your people Israel.
Source of life! Sovereign,
bring your anointed one.2
fill our hands from your blessings.
Source of life! Sovereign,
fill our pantries with plenty.
Source of life! Sovereign,
hear our voice,
be kind and merciful to us.
ge’ulah vishu’ah.
Avinu malkenu,
zochreinu lefarnasah vechalkalah.
kotvenu besefer
parnasah vechalkalah.
Avinu malkenu,
zochreinu liz’chuyot.
kotvenu besefer zechuyot.
Avinu malkenu,
zochreinu lislichah umechilah.
kotvenu besefer
We continue silently
selichah umechilah.
hatzmach lanu yeshu’ah bekarov.
Avinu malkenu,
hareim keren Yisra’el amecha.
Avinu malkenu,
hareim keren Meshichecha.
Avinu malkenu,
Source of life! Sovereign,
kotvenu besefer
zochreinu lig’ulah vishu’ah.
of forgiveness and pardon.
‫ ▪אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu Malkenu
maleh yadeinu mibir’chotecha.
Avinu malkenu,
maleh asameinu savah.
Avinu malkenu,
shema kolenu,
chus verachem aleinu!
“Raise the horn.”
“Raise the horn of your anointed one,” an appeal for God to send the Messiah.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Source of life! Sovereign,
graciously and with favor accept
our prayer.
Source of life! Sovereign,
open heaven’s gates
to receive our prayer.
Source of life! Sovereign,
don’t sent us away
from you emptyhanded.
Source of life! Sovereign,
remember—we’re only dust.
may this be
a time of mercy
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ַקבֵּ ל בְּ ַרחֲ ִמים וּבְ ָרצוֹן‬
‫ ְתּפִ לּ ֵָתינוּ‬-‫אֶ ת‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫פְּ ַתח ַשׁעֲ ֵרי ָשׁמַ ִים‬
‫לִ ְתפִ לּ ֵָתנוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫נָא אַל ְתּ ִשׁיבֵ נוּ‬
�‫יקם ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
ָ ‫ֵר‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫זְ כֹר כִּ י עָ פָ ר אֲ נ ְָחנוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫ְתּהֵ א הַ ָשּׁעָ ה הַ זֹּאת‬
‫ְשׁעַ ת ַרחֲ ִמים‬
�‫וְ עֵ ת ָרצוֹן ִמלְּ פָ נֶי‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫חֲ מוֹל עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫וְ עַ ל ע ֹו ָללֵינוּ וְ טַ פֵּ נוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן‬
�‫הֲ רוּ ִגים עַ ל ֵשׁם ָק ְד ֶשׁ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן‬
� ֶ‫בוּחים עַ ל ִיחוּד‬
ִ ‫ְט‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן‬
‫בָּ אֵ י בָ אֵ שׁ וּבַ מַּ ִים‬
� ֶ‫עַ ל ִקדּוּשׁ ְשׁמ‬
Source of life! Sovereign,
take pity on us,
our children and our babies.
Source of life! Sovereign,
do it for the sake of those
who died to show your holiness.1
Source of life! Sovereign,
those slaughtered for your unity.
Source of life! Sovereign,
do it for the sake of
those who came through fire and water
to show your holiness.
kabel berachamim uveratzon
et tefilateinu.
Avinu malkenu,
petach sha’arei shamayim
Avinu malkenu,
na al teshivenu
rekam milfanecha.
Avinu malkenu,
zechor ki afar anachnu.
Avinu malkenu,
tehei hasha’ah hazot
she’at rachamim
ve’et ratzon milfanecha.
Avinu malkenu,
chamol aleinu
ve’al olaleinu vetapenu.
Avinu malkenu,
aseh lema’an
harugim al shem kodshecha.
Avinu malkenu,
aseh lema’an
do it for the sake of
Avinu malkenu,
and favor from you.
tevuchim al yichudecha.
Avinu malkenu,
aseh lema’an
ba’ei va’esh uvamayim
al kiddush shemecha.
“those killed for the sake of the reputation of your holiness”—the martyrs who died to show their faith in
God’s holiness.
Martyrs who by their deaths declared God’s oneness.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Source of Life! Sovereign! ▪
Source of life! Sovereign,
let us see retribution
for your servants’ spilled blood.
Source of life! Sovereign,
do it for your own reputation
if not for our sake!
Source of life! Sovereign,
do it for your own reputation; save us.
Source of life! Sovereign,
do it for your great mercy.
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫נְ קוֹם לְ עֵ ינֵינוּ‬
�‫נִ ְקמַ ת ַדּם עֲ בָ דֶ י� הַ ָשּׁפוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
� ְ‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ נ‬
‫ִאם �א לְ מַ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ נְ � וְ הו ִֹשׁיעֵ נוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ַרחֲ מֶ י� הָ ַרבִּ ים‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
�‫עֲ ֵשׂה לְ מַ עַ ן ִשׁ ְמ‬
‫הַ גָּדוֹל הַ גִּ בּוֹר וְ הַ נּו ָֹרא‬
‫ֶשׁנִּ ְק ָרא עָ לֵינוּ‬
‫אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬
‫חָ נֵּנוּ וְ עֲ נֵנוּ‬
‫כִּ י אֵ ין בָּ נוּ מַ עֲ ִשׂים‬
‫עֲ ֵשׂה ִעמָּ נוּ ְצ ָד ָקה וָ חֶ סֶ ד‬
‫הושׁיעֵ נוּ‬
ִ ְ‫ו‬
do it for your own reputation—
great, mighty and awesome—
by which we are called.
be gracious and answer us,
though we have done nothing to earn
your favor; be just and kind to us—
and save us!
Avinu malkenu,
nekom le’eineinu
nikmat dam avadecha hashafuch.
Avinu malkenu,
aseh lema’an’cha
im lo lema’aneinu.
Avinu malkenu,
aseh lema’ancha, vehoshi’enu.
Avinu malkenu,
aseh lema’an rachamecha harabim.
Avinu malkenu,
aseh lema’an shim’cha
hagadol hagibor vehanora
shenikra aleinu.
Avinu malkenu,
Source of life! Sovereign,
‫ ▪אָבִ ינוּ מַ לְ כֵּנוּ‬Avinu Malkenu
chonenu va’anenu
ki ein banu ma’asim;
aseh imanu tzedakah vachesed,
Birnbaum omits ‫לְ עֵ ינֵינוּ‬, one of many slight variations in different versions of this poem.
“By which we are called”—Birnbaum; “proclaimed upon us”—Scherman. The meaning is uncertain.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Chanukah ▪ ‫ ▪ חֲ נוּכָּה‬Chanukah
We bless you, Ruler,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
‫ אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
our God, eternal sovereign,
who made us holy with your rules
‫ אֲ ֶשׁר ִק ְדּ ָשׁנוּ בְּ ִמ ְצו ָֹתיו‬asher kidshanu bemitzvotav
and told us
‫ וְ צִ וָּ נוּ‬vetzivanu
to kindle Chanukah light.
‫ לְ הַ ְדלִ יק נֵר ֶשׁל חֲ נוּ ָכּה‬lehadlik ner shel Chanukah.
Some add the shaded words to honor our matriarchs, Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel.
We bless you, Ruler,
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch atah Adonai,
our God, eternal sovereign,
who performed wonders
for our ancestors
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫ֶשׁעָ ָשׂה נִ ִסּים‬
‫לַאֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫בַּ יּ ִָמים הָ הֵ ם בַּ זְּ מַ ן הַ זֶּה‬
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ מֶ לֶ� הָ ע ֹו ָלם‬
‫ֶשׁהֶ חֱ יָנוּ וְ ִקיְּמָ נוּ‬
‫וְ ִהגִּ יעָ נוּ לַזְּ מַ ן הַ זֶּה‬
Eloheinu melech ha’olam,
‫עַ ל הַ נִּ ִסּים וְ עַ ל הַ ְתּשׁוּעוֹת‬
ָ ‫וְ עַ ל הַ ִמּלְ חָ מוֹת ֶשׁעָ ִשׂ‬
‫לַאֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
‫עַ ל יְדֵ י כֹּהֲ נֶי� הַ ְקּדו ִֹשׁים‬
‫ ְשׁמׂנַת יְמֵ י חֲ נוּ ָכּה‬-‫וְ ָכל‬
‫הַ נֵּרוֹת הֲ לָלוּ ֹקדֶ שׁ‬
‫וְ אֵ ין לָנוּ ְרשׁוּת‬
‫לְ ִה ְשׁ ַתּמֵּ שׁ בָּ הֶ ם‬
‫אֶ לָּה לִ ְראו ָֹתם בִּ לְ בַ ד‬
al hanisim ve’al hat’shu’ot
she’asah nisim
in those days, at this time.
bayamim hahem bazman hazeh
For the first night, add this blessing of thanks for reaching this holiday
‫ בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬Baruch ata Adonai
We bless you, Sovereign God,
Who rules eternal time and space;
You raised us and sustained us,
shehecheyanu vekimanu
And you brought us to this place.1
Vehigi’anu lazman hazeh.
After lighting the first candle, say this; then light the rest of the candles
These lights we kindle
‫ הַ נֵּרוֹת הֲ לָלוּ אֲ ַנ ְחנוּ מַ ְדלִ ִיקין‬Hanerot halalu anachnu madlikin
and wars you fought
for our ancestors
by your holy priests.
these lights are holy,
and we don’t have the right
to use them for illumination,
only to look at them,
ve’al hamilchamot she’asita
al yedei kohanecha hakdoshim.
All eight days of Chanukah
for the wonders, rescues
Vechol shemonat yemei Chanukah
hanerot halalu kodesh,
ve’ein lanu reshut
lehishtamesh bahem
elah lirotam bilvad
“Place” is literally “time”; but are not time and space a continuum?
Mattityahu was a priest; pagan worship would have put him out of work, so he fought for his faith and his job.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Chanukah ▪ ‫ ▪ חֲ נוּכָּה‬Chanukah
so as to give you thanks
�‫כְּ דֵ י לְ הוֹדוֹת לְ ִשׁ ְמ‬
�‫יְשׁוּעָ ֶת‬-‫נִ סֶּ י� וְ עַ ל‬-‫עַ ל‬
�‫ ִנפְ לְ או ֶֹתי‬-‫וְ עַ ל‬
for your wonders, rescues
and miracles.
_______________________ Fortress, Rock ▪ ‫צוּר‬
kedei lehodot leshimcha
al nisecha ve’al yeshua’techa
ve’al nifle’otecha.
‫ ▪ מָ עוׂז‬Ma’oz Tzur_______________________
This song has five verses—some books print six—but most people stop after the first, the one printed here. This
verse indicates that we rely on God to slaughter our foes, and when the dirty work is over we’ll come in singing
psalms, clean up the Temple, and restore the Temple service. The next four verses thank God for rescuing the
Jewish people from an oppressive regime, and the sixth verse asks God to vanquish present and future foes.
The first letters of the first five verses form an acrostic for “Mordechai,” the hero of—um—Purim,
and the sixth verse contains an acrostic for “Chazak” (be strong!).
Fortress—rock—my rescuer,
‫ מָ עוׂז צוּר יְשׁוּעָ ִתי‬Ma’oz tzur, yeshu’ati,
to you, to you all praise is due;
please repair my house of prayer
‫לְ � נָאֶ ה לְ ַשׁבֵּ ַח‬
‫ִתּכּוֹן בֵּ ית ְתּפִ לּ ִָתי‬
‫וְ ָשׁם תּו ָֹדה נְ זַבֵּ ַח‬
‫לְ עֵ ת ָתּכִ ין מַ ְטבֵּ ַח‬
‫ִמצָּ ר הַ ְמּנַבֵּ ַח‬
‫אָז אֶ גְ מוֹר בְּ ִשׁיר ִמזְ מוֹר‬
‫חֲ נוּ ַכּת הַ ִמּזְ בֵּ ַח‬
so we may bring thanks to you;
when you plan the overthrow
I’ll complete with singing sweet
the altar’s dedication.
tikon beit tefilati,
vesham todah nezabe’ach.
Le’et tachin matbe’ach
mitzar hamnabe’ach,
of our snarling, howling foe,
lecha na’eh leshabe’ach;
az egmor beshir mizmor
chanukat hamizbe’ach.
“O fortress, rock on which I can rely, my rescuer, to you it is pleasant to give praise. Prepare the house of my
prayer, and there we shall bring thank-offerings. At the time when you shall prepare slaughter to save us from
the enemy who barks, then I shall finish up with psalm-song (as in the daily Temple service) the dedication of
the altar.” The Hebrew rhyme scheme really calls for “dedication” to rhyme with “foe,” but even I couldn’t
write “I’ll complete / with singing sweet / getting the altar ready to go”!
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
_______________________________ Kaddish _______________________________
The four kaddish prayers conclude sections of the service: the leader’s “half” and “full” kaddish, and for
mourners or those observing yahrzeit, the teachers’ and mourner’s kaddish.
__________________ Leader’s Half Kaddish ▪ ‫ַק ִדּישׁ‬
Let it be great, let it be holy,
God’s great name—(Amen)
—in the world created by God’s will,
which God will rule in sovereignty,
in your lifetime and in your days
and in the lifetime of all Israel,
quickly and soon.
‫י ְִתגּ ַַדּל וְ ִי ְת ַק ַדּשׁ‬
‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א אָמֵ ן‬
ֵ ‫בְּ עָ לְ מָ א ִדּי בְ ָרא כִ ְר‬
ֵ ְ‫וְ י ְַמלִ י� מַ ל‬
‫בְּ חַ יֵּיכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמֵ יכוֹן‬
‫וּבְ חַ יֵּי ְד ָכל בֵּ ית ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ עֲ ָגלָא וּבִ זְ מַ ן ָק ִריב‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
Now you say, “Amen.”
‫ ▪ חֲ צִ י‬Chatzi Kadish __________________
May God’s great name be blessed
forever and ever and ever.
forever and ever and ever.
Blessed and praised
and glorified and exalted
and raised and hailed
be God’s holy name,
‫ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ י ְִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח‬
‫וְ ִי ְתפָּ אַר וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם‬
‫וְ ִי ְתנ ֵַשּׂא וְ ִי ְתהַ ַדּר‬
‫וְ ִי ְתעַ לֶּה וְ ִי ְתהַ לַּל‬
‫קוּד ָשׁא‬
ְ ‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ְדּ‬
‫בְּ ִרי� הוּא בְּ ִרי� הוּא‬
shemeh rabah—Amen
—be’almah di verah chir’uteh
veyamlich malchuteh,
bechayechon uv’yomechon
uvechayei dechol beit Yisra’el
ba’agalah uvizman kariv.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Yitbarach veyishtabach
veyitpa’ar veyitromam
veyitnaseh veyit’hadar
and elevated and honored
May God’s great name be blessed
Yitgadal veyitkadash
veyit’aleh veyit’halal
shemeh dekudshah,
far above all1
blessing and song,
praise and repentance
that are spoken in this world.
Now you say, “Amen.”
blessed may it be—
Berich hu Berich hu.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ לְ עֵ לָּא ִמן ָכּל‬Le’elah min kol
above all
‫לְ עֵ לָּא לְ עֵ לָּא ִמכָּ ל‬
‫בִּ ְר ָכ ָתא וְ ִשׁ ָיר ָתא‬
‫תֻּ ְשׁ ְבּחָ ָתא וְ נֶחֱ מָ ָתא‬
‫ַדּאֲ ִמ ָירן בְּ עָ לְ מָ א‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
Le’elah le’elah mikol
bir’chatah veshiratah
tushbechatah venechematah,
da’amiran be’almah.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
The extra “le’elah” stresses God’s exalted nature. Changing “min kol” to one word, “mikol,” preserves the
number of words.
_____________________ Full Kaddish ▪ ‫ָשׁלֵם‬
Let it be great, let it be holy,
God’s great name—(Amen)
—in the world created by God’s will,
which God will rule in sovereignty,
in your lifetime and in your days
and in the lifetime of all Israel,
quickly and soon.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May God’s great name be blessed
forever and ever and ever.
‫ ▪ ַק ִדּישׁ‬Kadish Shalem _____________________
‫י ְִתגּ ַַדּל וְ ִי ְת ַק ַדּשׁ‬
‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א אָמֵ ן‬
ֵ ‫בְּ עָ לְ מָ א ִדּי בְ ָרא כִ ְר‬
ֵ ְ‫וְ י ְַמלִ י� מַ ל‬
‫בְּ חַ יֵּיכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמֵ יכוֹן‬
‫וּבְ חַ יֵּי ְד ָכל בֵּ ית ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ עֲ ָגלָא וּבִ זְ מַ ן ָק ִריב‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
May God’s great name be blessed
forever and ever and ever.
and glorified and exalted
and elevated and honored
and raised and hailed
—be’almah di verah chir’uteh
veyamlich malchuteh,
bechayechon uv’yomechon
uvechayei dechol beit Yisra’el
ba’agalah uvizman kariv.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
‫ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ י ְִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח‬
‫וְ ִי ְתפָּ אַר וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם‬
‫וְ ִי ְתנ ֵַשּׂא וְ ִי ְתהַ ַדּר‬
‫וְ ִי ְתעַ לֶּה וְ ִי ְתהַ לַּל‬
‫קוּד ָשׁא‬
ְ ‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ְדּ‬
‫בְּ ִרי� הוּא בְּ ִרי� הוּא‬
Yitbarach veyishtabach
veyitpa’ar veyitromam
veyitnaseh veyit’hadar
veyit’aleh veyit’halal
shemeh dekudshah,
be God’s holy name,
shemeh rabah—Amen
Blessed and praised
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
Yitgadal veyitkadash
far above all1
blessing and song,
praise and repentance
that are spoken in this world.
Now you say, “Amen.”
Berich hu Berich hu.
blessed may it be—
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ לְ עֵ לָּא ִמן ָכּל‬Le’elah min kol
above all
‫לְ עֵ לָּא לְ עֵ לָּא ִמכָּ ל‬
‫בִּ ְר ָכ ָתא וְ ִשׁ ָיר ָתא‬
‫תֻּ ְשׁ ְבּחָ ָתא וְ נֶחֱ מָ ָתא‬
‫ַדּאֲ ִמ ָירן בְּ עָ לְ מָ א‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
Le’elah le’elah mikol
bir’chatah veshiratah
tushbechatah venechematah,
da’amiran be’almah.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
The extra “le’elah” stresses God’s exalted nature. Changing “min kol” to one word, “mikol,” preserves the
number of words.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
May our prayers and pleas be accepted, ‫עוּתהוֹן‬
ְ ָ‫וּב‬
Titkabel tzelot’hon uva’ut’hon
prayers of the entire Jewish community,
dechol beit Yisra’el
before the Source of Life in heaven.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May there be great peace
from heaven—and life—
for us and the entire Jewish community.
‫ִתּ ְת ַקבֵּ ל ְצלו ְֹתהוֹן‬
‫ְדּ ָכל בֵּ ית י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ֳק ָדם אֲ בוּהוֹן ִדּי ִב ְשׁמַ יָּא‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁלָמָ א ַרבָּ א‬
‫ִמן ְשׁמַ יָּא וְ חַ ִיּים‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
kodam avuhon di vishmayah,
ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Yehei shelamah rabah
min shemayah—vechayim—
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
Now you say, “Amen.”
ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Take three steps back, bow left on “oseh shalom,” right on “hu ya’aseh” and forward on “aleinu.”
‫ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬Oseh shalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
may God bring peace
to us and to all Israel,
and to all who live on earth.
hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
ve’al kol yoshvei tevel
ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Now you say, “Amen.”
‫הוּא יַעֲ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל ָכּל יו ְׂשׁבֵ י ֵתבֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
This part is in Hebrew. We ask God’s blessing of peace for the congregation and the whole Jewish community.
Some congregations add the shaded line to pray for all of humanity.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
___________________ Mourners’ Kaddish ▪ ‫ ▪ ַק ִדּישׁ יָתוֹם‬Kadish Yatom1 __________________
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit remain standing to lead this kaddish, and we respond.
‫ י ְִתגּ ַַדּל וְ ִי ְת ַק ַדּשׁ‬Yitgadal veyitkadash
Let it be great, let it be holy,
God’s great name—(Amen)
—in the world created by God’s will,
which God will rule in sovereignty,
in your lifetime and in your days
and in the lifetime of all Israel,
quickly and soon.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May God’s great name be blessed
forever and ever and ever.
‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א אָמֵ ן‬
ֵ ‫בְּ עָ לְ מָ א ִדּי בְ ָרא כִ ְר‬
ֵ ְ‫וְ י ְַמלִ י� מַ ל‬
‫בְּ חַ יֵּיכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמֵ יכוֹן‬
‫וּבְ חַ יֵּי ְד ָכל בֵּ ית ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ עֲ ָגלָא וּבִ זְ מַ ן ָק ִריב‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
May God’s great name be blessed
forever and ever and ever.
and glorified and exalted
and elevated and honored
be God’s holy name,
blessed may it be—
veyamlich malchuteh,
bechayechon uv’yomechon
uvechayei dechol beit Yisra’el
ba’agalah uvizman kariv.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
‫ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ י ְִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח‬
‫וְ ִי ְתפָּ אַר וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם‬
‫וְ ִי ְתנ ֵַשּׂא וְ ִי ְתהַ ַדּר‬
‫וְ ִי ְתעַ לֶּה וְ ִי ְתהַ לַּל‬
‫קוּד ָשׁא‬
ְ ‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ְדּ‬
‫בְּ ִרי� הוּא בְּ ִרי� הוּא‬
Yitbarach veyishtabach
veyitpa’ar veyitromam
veyitnaseh veyit’hadar
veyit’aleh veyit’halal
and raised and hailed
—be’almah di verah chir’uteh
Blessed and praised
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
shemeh rabah—Amen
shemeh dekudshah,
Berich hu Berich hu.
Kaddish declares our faith in and our wish for God’s control of the world. It’s in Aramaic, not Hebrew, which
makes it more of a tongue-twister. There are four Kaddish prayers in the siddur; this one is for mourners to say
in the eleven months of mourning and on the anniversary (yahrzeit) of a loved one’s death.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
above all
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ לְ עֵ לָּא ִמן ָכּל‬Le’elah min kol
far above all1
blessing and song,
praise and repentance
that are spoken in this world.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May there be great peace
from heaven—and life—
for us and the entire Jewish community.
‫לְ עֵ לָּא לְ עֵ לָּא ִמכָּ ל‬
‫בִּ ְר ָכ ָתא וְ ִשׁ ָיר ָתא‬
‫תֻּ ְשׁ ְבּחָ ָתא וְ נֶחֱ מָ ָתא‬
‫ַדּאֲ ִמ ָירן בְּ עָ לְ מָ א‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁלָמָ א ַרבָּ א‬
‫ִמן ְשׁמַ יָּא וְ חַ ִיּים‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
Le’elah le’elah mikol
bir’chatah veshiratah
tushbechatah venechematah,
da’amiran be’almah.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Yehei shelamah rabah
min shemayah—vechayim—
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
Now you say, “Amen.”
ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Take three steps back, bow left on “oseh shalom,” right on “hu ya’aseh” and forward on “aleinu.”
‫ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬Oseh shalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
may God bring peace
to us and to all Israel,
Now you say, “Amen.”
hu ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
ve’al kol yoshvei tevel
ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
and to all who live on earth.
‫הוּא יַעֲ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל ָכּל יו ְׂשׁבֵ י ֵתבֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
The extra “le’elah” stresses God’s exalted nature. Changing “min kol” to one word, “mikol,” preserves the
number of words.
This part is in Hebrew. We ask God’s blessing of peace for the congregation and the whole Jewish community.
Some congregations add the shaded line to pray for all of humanity.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
________________ Teachers’ Kaddish ▪ ‫ְד ַרבָּ נָן‬
‫ ▪ ַק ִדּישׁ‬Kadish DeRabanan ________________
Mourners and those observing yahrzeit rise to recite this Kaddish; the congregation responds.
‫ י ְִתגּ ַַדּל וְ ִי ְת ַק ַדּשׁ‬Yitgadal veyitkadash
Let it be great, let it be holy,
God’s great name—(Amen)
—in the world created by God’s will,
which God will rule in sovereignty,
in your lifetime and in your days
and in the lifetime of all Israel,
quickly and soon.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May God’s great name be blessed
forever and ever and ever.
‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א אָמֵ ן‬
ֵ ‫בְּ עָ לְ מָ א ִדּי בְ ָרא כִ ְר‬
ֵ ְ‫וְ י ְַמלִ י� מַ ל‬
‫בְּ חַ יֵּיכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמֵ יכוֹן‬
‫וּבְ חַ יֵּי ְד ָכל בֵּ ית ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫בַּ עֲ ָגלָא וּבִ זְ מַ ן ָק ִריב‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
May God’s great name be blessed
forever and ever and ever.
and glorified and exalted
and elevated and honored
be God’s holy name,
veyamlich malchuteh,
bechayechon uv’yomechon
uvechayei dechol beit Yisra’el
ba’agalah uvizman kariv.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
Yehei shemei rabah mevarach
le’alam ul’almei almayah.
‫ִי ְתבָּ ַר� וְ י ְִשׁ ַתּבַּ ח‬
‫וְ ִי ְתפָּ אַר וְ ִי ְתרוֹמַ ם‬
‫וְ ִי ְתנ ֵַשּׂא וְ ִי ְתהַ ַדּר‬
‫וְ ִי ְתעַ לֶּה וְ ִי ְתהַ לַּל‬
‫קוּד ָשׁא‬
ְ ‫ְשׁמֵ הּ ְדּ‬
‫בְּ ִרי� הוּא בְּ ִרי� הוּא‬
Yitbarach veyishtabach
veyitpa’ar veyitromam
veyitnaseh veyit’hadar
veyit’aleh veyit’halal
and raised and hailed
—be’almah di verah chir’uteh
Blessed and praised
�‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁמֵ הּ ַרבָּ א ְמבָ ַר‬
‫לְ עָ לַם וּלְ עָ לְ מֵ י עָ לְ מַ יָּא‬
shemeh rabah—Amen
shemeh dekudshah,
far above all1
blessing and song,
praise and repentance
that are spoken in this world.
Now you say, “Amen.”
blessed may it be—
Berich hu Berich hu.
Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, replace the next line with the shaded line:
‫ לְ עֵ לָּא ִמן ָכּל‬Le’elah min kol
above all
‫לְ עֵ לָּא לְ עֵ לָּא ִמכָּ ל‬
‫בִּ ְר ָכ ָתא וְ ִשׁ ָיר ָתא‬
‫תֻּ ְשׁ ְבּחָ ָתא וְ נֶחֱ מָ ָתא‬
‫ַדּאֲ ִמ ָירן בְּ עָ לְ מָ א‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
Le’elah le’elah mikol
bir’chatah veshiratah
tushbechatah venechematah,
da’amiran be’almah.
Ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
The extra “le’elah” stresses God’s exalted nature. Changing “min kol” to one word, “mikol,” preserves the
number of words.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
For Israel and the teachers1
for the students
and for all their students
and for all those
who engage in Torah study
and everywhere—
may you and they have great peace
grace, kindness and mercy,
long life
and ample portions and redemption
‫עַ ל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל וְ עַ ל ַרבָּ נָן‬
‫וְ עַ ל ַתּלְ ִמידֵ יהוֹן‬
‫ ַתּלְ ִמידֵ י ַתלְ ִמידֵ יהוֹן‬-‫וְ עַ ל ָכּל‬
‫מָ אן‬-‫וְ עַ ל ָכּל‬
‫ְדּעָ ְס ִקין בְּ או ַֹר ְי ָתא‬
‫אַת ָרא הַ דֵ ין‬
ְ ְ‫ִדּי ב‬
‫אֲ ַתר וְ אֲ ַתר‬-‫וְ ִדי בְ ָכל‬
‫ְיהֵ א לְ הוֹן וּלְ כוֹן ְשׁלָמָ א ַרבָּ א‬
‫ִחנָּא וְ ִח ְס ָדּא וְ ַרחֲ ִמין‬
‫וְ חַ יִּין אֲ ִריכִ ין‬
‫וּפוּר ָקנָא‬
ְ ‫וּמז ֹונָא ְרוִ יחָ א‬
‫ִמן ֳק ָדם אֲ בוּהוֹן ִדּי בִ ְשׁמַ יָּא‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
before our creator in heaven.
Now you say, “Amen.”
May there be great peace
from heaven—and good life—
for us and the entire Jewish community.
‫ְיהֵ א ְשׁלָמָ א ַרבָּ א‬
‫ִמן ְשׁמַ יָּא וְ חַ ִיּים טוֹבִ ים‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
Al Yisra’el ve’al rabanan
ve’al talmideihon
ve’al kol talmidei talmideihon
ve’al kol man
de’askin be’Oraytah
di ve’atra hadein
vedi vechol atar ve’atar
yehei lehon ulechon shelamah rabah
chinah vechisdah verachamin
vechayin arichin
umezonah revichah ufurkanah
min kodam avuhon di vishmayah
ve’imru “Amen.” Amen
Yehei shelamah rabah
min shemayah—vechayim tovim—
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
may God mercifully bring peace
and to all who live on earth.
Now you say, “Amen.”
‫הוּא בְּ ַרחֲ מָ יו יַעֲ ֶשׂה ָשׁלוֹם‬
‫עָ לֵינוּ וְ עַ ל ָכּל י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫וְ עַ ל ָכּל יו ְׂשׁבֵ י ֵתבֵ ל‬
‫וְ ִא ְמרוּ אָמֵ ן אָמֵ ן‬
hu berachamav ya’aseh shalom
aleinu ve’al kol Yisra’el,
to us and to all Israel,
Now you say, “Amen.”
ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
Take three steps back; bow left on “oseh shalom,” right on “hu berachamav ya’aseh,” forward on “aleinu.”
‫ ע ֶֹשׂה ָשׁלוֹם בִּ ְמרוֹמָ יו‬Oseh shalom bimromav
Making peace in heaven above,
ve’al kol yoshvei tevel
ve’imru, “Amen.” Amen
The spirit of this Kaddish is to pray for the teachers and the students, those who transmit our tradition, recognizing that our people are scattered over the face of the earth—“here and everywhere.” Teachers will heartily
approve of the practical phrase “mezonah revichah”—“ample portions (of food)”— for the rewards of teaching
are notoriously spiritual!
This part is in Hebrew. We ask God’s blessing of peace for the congregation and the whole Jewish community.
Some congregations add the shaded line to pray for all of humanity.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
_________________________________ Dawn Blessings _________________________________
Most of us begin our spiritual day with the fifteen Dawn Blessings. Originally, a person would say these blessings at home, but many congregations begin their communal prayer with these blessings. They’re based on two
sources in the Talmud. Most of them are based on Berachot 60b, but blessings 2, 3 and 4 are based on
Menachot 43b. Traditional prayers books and Conservative prayerbooks have different versions of blessings 2,
3 and 4; neither version exactly follows the Talmud text. You can read the Talmud text below, study it in its
context, and then decide what’s right for you.
In Berachot 60b, the blessings follow the steps of getting up and dressed, an early version of the Activities of
Daily Living:
On hearing the rooster crow, say:
‫ כִּ י ָשׁמַ ע קוֹל ַתּ ְר ְנג ֹולָא לֵימָ א‬Ki shama kol tarngola, leima:
“Blessed … who gave a brain1 the wit
‫בָּ רוּ� אֲ ֶשׁר נ ַָתן ל ֶַשּׂכְ וִ י בִ ינָה‬
to distinguish between day and night.” ‫לְ הַ בְ ִחין בֵּ ין יוֹם וּבֵ ין ָל ְילָה‬
On opening the eyes, say:
‫כִּ י פָ ַתח עֵ ינֵיהּ לֵימָ א‬
“Blessed … who opens the eyes of the blind.”
‫בָּ רוּ� פּו ֵֹקחַ ִעוְ ִרים‬
On sitting up, say:
‫כִּ י ָת ִריץ וְ י ִָתיב לֵימָ א‬
“Blessed … who releases the imprisoned.”
ִ ֲ‫בָּ רוּ� מַ ִתּיר א‬
On dressing, say:
‫כִּ י לָבִ ישׁ לֵימָ א‬
“Blessed … who clothes the naked.”
ִ ֲ‫בָּ רוּ� מַ לְ בִּ ישׁ ע‬
On straightening up, say:
‫כִּ י ז ִָקיף לֵימָ א‬
“Blessed … who straightens the bent.”
‫בָּ רוּ� זו ֵֹקף כְּ פוּפִ ים‬
When stepping on the floor, say:
‫אַרעָ א לֵימָ א‬
ְ ְ‫כִּ י נ ִָחית ל‬
“Blessed … who spreads land on water.” ‫אָרץ עַ ל הַ מָּ ִים‬
ֶ ָ‫בָּ רוּ� רו ַֹקע ה‬
On walking, say:
‫כִּ י מַ ְסגֵּי לֵימָ א‬
“Blessed … who prepares a person’s steps.” ‫בָּ רוּ� הַ מֵּ כִ ין ִמ ְצעֲ דֵ י גָבֶ ר‬
On putting on shoes, say:
‫כִּ י סָ ֵיים ְמסָ א ֵניהּ לֵימָ א‬
“Blessed … who meets all my needs.”
‫בָּ רוּ� ֶשׁעָ ָשׂה לִ י ָכּל צָ ְרכִּ י‬
On fastening the belt, say:
‫כִּ י אָסַ ר הֶ ְמיָינֵיהּ לֵימָ א‬
“Blessed … who girds Israel with might.” ‫בוּרה‬
ָ ְ‫ש ָראֵ ל בִּ ג‬
ֹ ְ ‫בָּ רוּ� א ֹוזֵר ִי‬
“Baruch asher natan lasechvi vina
lehavchin bein yom uvein laila.”
Ki fatach einei, leima:
“Baruch poke’ach ivrim.”
Ki taritz veyativ, leima:
“Baruch matir asurim.”
Ki lavish, leima:
“Baruch malbish arumim.”
Ki zakif, leima:
“Baruch zokef kefufim.”
Ki nachit le’arah, leima:
“Baruch rokah ha’aretz al hamayim.”
Ki masgei, leima:
“Baruch hamechin mitzadei gaver.”
Ki sayem mesanei, leima:
“Baruch she’asah li kol tzorki.”
Ki asar hemyanei, leima:
“Baruch ozer Yisra’el bigvurah.”
Some translate ‫ ֶשׂכְ וִ י‬as “rooster,” but it’s a rare word (Job 38:36), and the meaning is uncertain.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
On donning a hat, say:
ֵ ‫סוּד ָרא עַ ל ֵר‬
ְ ‫כִּ י פָ ִריס‬
‫לֵימָ א בָּ רוּ� עוֹטֵ ר י ְִשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
ָ ְ‫בְּ ִתפ‬
“Blessed … who crowns Israel
Ki faris sudra al reishei, leima:
“Baruch oter Yisra’el
with glory.”
Menachot 43b, on the other hand, seems to reflect on our identity as we start the day:
Rabbi Me’ir says, “One should
ָ ‫ ר"מ אוֹמֵ ר חַ יָיב‬Rabbi Me’ir omer, “Chayav adam
say three blessings
every day; these are the ones:
‘Who made me Jewish,’
‘Who didn’t make me a woman,’
and ‘Who didn’t make me a fool.’”
‫לְ בָ ֵר� ָשׁ�שׁ בְּ ָרכוֹת‬
‫בְּ ָכל יוֹם אֵ לּוּ הֵ ן‬
‫ֶשׁעָ ַשׂאנִ י ִי ְשׂ ָראֵ ל‬
‫ֶשׁ�א עָ ַשׂאנִ י ִא ָשּׁה‬
‫ֶשׁ�א עָ ַשׂאנִ י בּוֹר‬
levarech shalosh berachot
bechol yom. Elu hen:
‘She’asani Yisra’el,’
‘Shelo asani ishah,’
‘Shelo asani bor.’”
Rabbi Meir’s blessings invite challenge.
Why whould anyone thank God for not making him a woman? Is it better to be a man? Doesn’t this feed
millennia of misogyny? How can you think God can want a blessing like this!
In our traditional prayer books, the “fool” became a “slave/servant.”
Ah, now we can say that Jewish men should thank God for their full slate of commandments. Women and
Jewish slaves need not observe time-bound commandments, so their obligations are ever so slightly less, leaving men to take perverse pride in their own greater spiritual debt.
Or you can be thankful for not being a slave, so you’re free to accept your obligations.
Then you can be thankful for being Jewish, so you have the Jewish obligations.
Then you can be thankful for not being a woman, so you have more obligations.
This is out of order. Try again. Not-a-non-Jew; thanks for the monotheism. Not a woman; thanks for the full
slate of commandments. Not a slave; thanks for the what I just said.
In my humble opinion, there’s no way to make sense of these blessings, in their order, even if you’re willing
to insult women.
Somehow our prayer books turned Rabbi Meir’s blessings into something worse. “Who did not make me a
non-Jew”; what’s wrong with non-Jews? “Who did not make me a woman,” while women say, “who created
me according to God’s will.” Some think this means there’s something inferior about being a woman, but one
can understand it to mean “who made me as God really wanted humans to be,” the crown and finishing touch of
creation. “Who did not make me a slave/servant.” Ha, ha, you haven’t talked to my boss lately!
There’s a story of a woman who said “who didn’t make me an animal,” and another of a woman who said
“who didn’t make me a woman”—perhaps she didn’t understand Hebrew, or perhaps she rejected the misogynistic side of fundamental religious practice and determined that she would not be the kind of woman that a man
would thank God for not being.
In the blessing thanking God for not making one a non-Jew, some books use ‫ גוֹי‬and some use ‫נָכְ ִרי‬. ‫גוֹי‬,
“people,” is often translated as “non-Jew” (as in late Hebrew), but the Torah uses this word for the Jewish people—‫גוֹי ָקדוֹשׁ‬, a holy nation (Ex. 19:6). So maybe it’s reasonable to translate “who didn’t make me a ‫ ”גוֹי‬as
“who didn’t make me a whole people” or “even though you made me just one person.” This is our translation,
and it’s designed to help us reflect on the limits of our influence as individuals.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Today, here’s how I understand the traditional version of Rabbi Me’ir’s blessings: “who did not make me a
people,” so that I realize I’m only one person and shouldn’t feel too bad that I can’t do everything; “even
though you didn’t make me a woman,” because I’m just a guy and it’s obvious that God created women last as
the crown of creation (not that there’s any point in trying to judge people); and “who made me free” instead of a
slave, so that I can make my own choices, which I hope are generally good rather than bad.
You too can be thankful for what you are thankful for, but in any case it seems like a good idea to take a
moment each day to think about who and what we are.
___________________________________ December 5 ___________________________________
In the weekday Amidah, blessing 9 asks either for rain or for dew and rain. We ask for rain from Shemini
Atzeret, and dew too from December 5 or 6 until Pesach. Why do we mix the solar calendar with the Jewish
lunar calendar? This goes back to Talmudic times, when our sages ruled that outside the Land of Israel, the
prayer for dew as well as rain should run from 60 days after the change of seasons (the fall equinox, September
23) until Pesach. Fixing the calendar was one of the final acts of the Sanhedrin.
But sixty days after September 23 is November 21, not December 5. Ancient calendar calculations were remarkably precise, but not quite perfect; that’s why the Gregorian calendar dropped 10 days from the prevailing
Julian calendar, so that Thursday, October 4, 1582 was followed by Friday, October 15. The errors that caused
that discrepancy account for one day every 128 years.
Yes, there’s a problem with the Jewish calendar. The Sanhedrin set our calendar—it was the body’s final act,
in the year 358 C.E.—and it would take a reconstituted Sanhedrin to fix it. To re-establish the Sanhedrin (if it’s
halachically possible at all) would require universal Jewish consensus (according to a suggestion by Maimonides). So our prayer in the 9th blessing isn’t just a request that God should make nature work as farmers expect,
it’s a prayer for Jewish unity.
______________________________________Aleinu _____________________________________
Aleinu is revered for its antiquity, its universal theme, and its position in Jewish history.
Some traditions attribute this prayer to Joshua, perhaps because it speaks of Israel’s mission in the world;
others trace its origin to the period of the second Temple, and still others say its author was the third-century
Babylonian teacher Rav.
Aleinu speaks not only of Israel’s mission, but of our belief that Jewish values of truth and justice will one
day fix the problems of our world and that all humanity will recognize the one God. While we do not proselytize members of other religions, we aspire for a day when all humans can together acknowledge the unity of
creation and our creator. It is a vision of true peace that concludes every one of our services and sends us from
the synagogue with a renewed sense of our purpose in the world.
Originally, Aleinu was part of the Rosh Hashanah musaf service, where it introduced the “Malchuyot” (Sovereignty) section and prepared us to acknowledge God’s universal rule. Later, it was added to the end of every
service. This may have been in memory of the martyrs of Blois, who in 1171 went to their deaths with Aleinu
on their lips. In addition to memorializing Jewish martyrs, this prayer is a testament to non-Jewish censorship
of Jewish prayer. At one time, it included an extra line about idolators, “They worship vanity and pray to a god
who will not save them” (see Isaiah 30:7, 45:20). In some communities, people would spit when they said this.
The Inquisition’s censors took exception to the spitting lines, which dropped out of printed siddurim in the 16th
century, but have recently been restored by some editors.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
An old story tells us that the prayers gathered round the throne of God. Aleynu complained: “How come
everyone spits when they recite me? How do you think I feel?”
To make Aleinu feel better, God decreed that we should all bow when reciting this prayer.
With its links to our ancient sages and tragic history, Aleinu’s exalted theme of messianic hope for all humanity justifies its prominence in our liturgy.
________________________________ Prayer Responses ________________________________
Here are some straightforward rules to explain when we indicate the congregation should respond during prayer, but of course opinions and customs differ.
1. It’s always good to say “Amen” to someone else’s blessing. Say “Amen” when someone else says a
blessing, even if you’re saying it too. For example, the congregation says the blessings for Shema with the
leader, so when the leader completes a blessing we all say “Amen” (except, ha ha, as noted below in point
2. When someone else says a blessing, it’s good to respond “Baruch hu uvaruch shemo” as well as
“Amen.” When someone else says a blessing for himself or herself, not for you, say “Baruch hu uvaruch
shemo” after he or she says “Adonai.” For example, after the congregation says the silent Amidah the
leader repeats it: the congregation responds to each blessing because these blessings are for the leader, not
the congregation.
3. When the other person says a blessing for me too (one that I too am obliged to say), it’s good to say
“Amen” but not “Baruch hu uvaruch shemo.” Some people say “Baruch hu uvaruch shemo” anyway;
that’s their custom or their ignorance. You can give them the benefit of the doubt. As for teenage boys who
yell “Schmo” because they think it’s funny … well, you can hope they live to regret their hijinks, as I
4. One complication: we are careful to avoid interrupting the blessings for Shema; even the normal responses
are an interruption. We say “Amen” but not “Baruch hu uvaruch shemo.” One reason for this is that each
congregant needs to say these blessings; the leader doesn’t repeat them. However, we conclude the blessing after Shema and before the Amidah with the leader instead of saying “Amen”: this is because we don’t
make any interruption between remembering how God saved us at the Red Sea (in the blessing before the
Amidah) and acknowledging God’s power (in the first blessing of the Amidah).
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
____________________________ First Blessing of the Amidah____________________________
The first blessing of the Amidah—about our ancestors—is composed of several scriptural quotations and allusions. Dembitz, pp. 112-3, lists them.
1. 1 Chron. 29:10, David’s praise of God at the end of his reign.
2. Ex. 3:6—God identifies God’s self at the Burning Bush.
3. Deut. 10:17 (or Nehemia 9:32), from one of Moses’ final talks to the community of Israel.
4. Genesis 14:19, from Abraham’s encounter with Melchizedek.
5. Based on Isaiah 63:7.
6. Based on Genesis 14:19, from Abraham’s encounter with Melchizedek.
7. Based on God’s promise to remember the agreement between God and our ancestors (Leviticus 26:42
or Exodus 2:24).
8. Based on Isaiah 59:20.
9. Fulfilling the promise made to our ancestors, God secures God’s reputation, as mentioned in Ezekiel
10. In Deuteronomy 7:7-8, we learn that God chooses Israel out of love and not for any other reason.
11. “Sovereign, helper, savior” are applied to God throughout scripture.
12. Based on Genesis 15:1.
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ תָּ ה יְ הוָה‬1 Baruch ata Adonai
We bless you, Ruler,
God of Abraham, God of Isaac,
and God of Jacob,
‫אֱ �הֵ ינוּ וֵא�הֵ י אֲ בו ֵֹתינוּ‬
Eloheinu vElohei avoteinu,
‫אֱ�הֵ י אַ ְב ָרהָ ם אֱ�הֵ י יִ ְצחָ ק‬2
Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak,
our God and God of our ancestors,
‫וֵא�הֵ י ַי ֲעקֹב‬
the God who is great, powerful & awesome, ‫נּוֹרא‬
ָ ַ‫הָ אֵ ל הַ גָּדוֹל הַ גִּ בּוֹר וְ ה‬
God on high;
‫אֵ ל עֶ ְליוֹן‬4
possess everything,
remember our ancestors’ kind deeds,
for their descendants,
for the sake of your reputation, lovingly.
Sovereign, helper, savior, shield.
We bless you, Ruler,
the shield of Abraham.
El elyon,
‫גּוֹמֵ ל חֲ סָ ִדים טוֹבִ ים‬
‫וְ ק ֹונֵה הַ כֹּל‬6
‫וְ ז ֹוכֵר חַ ְסדֵ י אָבוֹת‬7
‫וּמֵ בִ יא גוֹאֵ ל‬8
‫לִ בְ נֵי בְ נֵיהֶ ם‬
‫לְ מַ עַ ן ְשׁמ ֹו בְּ אַהֲ בָ ה‬9
gomel chasadim tovim
vekoneh hakol,
vezocher chasdei avot,
umevi go’el
and bring a savior
ha’El hagadol hagibor vehanorah,
you repay good acts of kindness,
vElohei Ya’akov
‫וּמָ גֵן‬12 ַ‫מֶ לֶ� ע ֹוזֵר וּמו ִֹשׁיע‬11
‫בָּ רוּ� אַ ָתּה יי‬
‫מָ גֵן אַבְ ָרהָ ם‬
livnei veneihem,
lema’an shemo be’ahavah.
Melech ozer umoshi’a umagen.
Baruch ata Adonai,
magen Avraham.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
Dear Reader:
This would have been the introduction, but you
wouldn’t have read it at the beginning of the book,
so I moved it to the back.
This first version of this book came into being
because Rabbi Lenny Gordon, Jen Feldman and
Rachel Gross of the Germantown Jewish Center
asked me to prepare a Shabbat morning siddur. I
don’t know how to thank them—for their encouragement and confidence, and for sending me on a
personal journey in which I have seen and learned
more than I can tell.
To be invited to prepare a siddur was a great
honor. I wish that I had been more deeply versed
in our profound tradition, more skilled as a translator, page designer and publisher—in short, that I
had been better prepared for the task and better
able to complete it. But in life we often find that
those who can do better than ourselves are busy
with other things; and if we don’t step in, the task
will be left undone.
In that humble spirit I offer this book to the
Jewish world, hoping it will win me fame and
A Practical Book
This is designed to be a practical book, one that
people can use without training, so they can follow
and participate in Jewish services.
It includes just about everything a congregation
needs for weekday services, including material for
festival intermediate days, but not Hoshanah Rabbah.
Egalitarian, Non-Sexist
More Thanks
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
I would be remiss if I did not thank my family,
who inspire my daily life, and my rabbis and
teachers, Rabbi David Nelson, Rabbi Robert
Gamer, and Shoshana Ben Ozer of Congregation
Beth Shalom, the late and sorely missed Rabbi
Eliezer Cohen of Congregation Or Chadash, and
the late Rev. Louis Klein of Congregation B’nai
Moshe. This book may not reflect what they wish I
had learned, and they are in no way responsible
for my errors, but I thank them for the many things
they have taught me.
I hope I’m not being too chutzpadik in claiming
this book is egalitarian and non-sexist. To avoid
sexism, the translation avoids male pronouns or
specifically male terms for God. To be egalitarian,
the Hebrew text adds the Mothers when the Forefathers are mentioned. These are the principal
departures from other siddurim. For some people,
this is too great a departure from tradition, for
others it’s not going far enough, so everyone can
find cause for complaint. I only hope that some
people will find this text opens the treasure-chest
of Jewish tradition, when they find other texts
slam the lid on their fingers.
I’ve explained about the pronouns in my introduction to the Hagadah, but I want to add a note
on using the word “lord.” It’s not a great word. Go
back in time, and you’ll find it’s derived from the
Old English words for warden of the loaf—“loafwarden”—whereas “lady” comes from “loafkneader.” Think of it: the lady did all the work,
kneading the daily bread, and the lord hoarded the
result and held the keys. Should we address our
prayers to such a word?
So instead of calling God “Lord,” I often use
the term “sovereign” or “ruler.” I think “Boss” is
the most accurate term in contemporary U.S. society for someone who has immediate power over a
person’s life; our government may be democratic,
but who gets to vote for his or her boss? However,
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
I also think most people would find the colloquial
immediacy of “Boss” an impediment to prayer.
Why Is the Translation Like That?
Most of the translation is contemporary English,
choosing a simple word when a lofty one could
also be used.
Some is in Singlish™, singable English that fits
the common Hebrew tune. Singlish is in bold type.
Some is in verse. As soon as you see verse, you
may be tempted to think that it can’t be close to
the original. Don’t jump to conclusions, though. In
many cases, I think the verse translation is closer
to the meaning of the original than a prose translation would be. After all, when Hebrew is artistic,
shouldn’t the translation somehow try to capture
that artistry?
If you don’t like it, I’m sorry. It’s the best I could
do, and it’s time to get over your distrust of rhyme.
Much truth can be conveyed through artistry.
the appropriate times to respond, see our note on
page 274.
Italics in the translation are for words added to
explain the literal meaning of the Hebrew. We
avoid gender-specific pronouns for God—we
don’t want to imply that God is either male or
female, so we use italics (God) where the Hebrew
uses a pronoun.
Our prayers often quote sources in the Torah or
other parts of our scripture. This book marks the
sources with a distinct Hebrew font, and the curious can easily chase the allusions to their source.
Torah quotations include the “trop,” the cantillation marks. Words added to honor the Matriarchs
as well as the Patriarchs are also in a distinct typeface so that those who wish may add the words,
while others can easily skip them.
Prayer ‫וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ אֹ ת ֹו‬
Scripture ‫וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹתוֹ‬
Torah ‫וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹת֑ וֹ‬
Translation and Typography
Shaded words show variations in the text, either
for Shabbat or for different versions of prayers.
ch is the guttural sound in “loch”
u is “oo” as in “good”
e is sometimes pronounced as in “get,”
sometimes as in “persnickety,” and
sometimes to rhyme with “may”
ei is usually pronounced to rhyme with
The meaning of our prayers is often subtle, and a
single translation cannot imply all the connotations. For that reason, this book uses different
types of translations. First, a single Hebrew phrase
can be translated different ways in different parts
of the book. Second, since many of our prayers are
poetry, this book sometimes uses the most common features of English poetry, especially rhythm
and rhyme. If the result departs too far from the
plain sense of the Hebrew, a footnote provides an
alternative translation.
Translations in bold text, like this, are Singlish—singable translations that fit the Hebrew
tune—so you can sing the English as well as the
Hebrew. Many of our psalms and other prayers are
acrostics; they follow each letter of the Hebrew
aleph-bet or spell a Hebrew word or name. The
acrostic letters are bold.
Pale characters, like this, show the congregation’s response to the leader. For an explanation of
Jewish Prayer
Well, you can’t work on a book like this without
developing some thoughts on Jewish prayer. Oy
vay! It’s so wrong in so many ways—so obscure,
so long, so demanding, so boring. I won’t try to
defend many aspects of our prayers, but I will say
this. You can look on the Siddur as a sourcebook;
read a little here, a little there. But wherever you
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here
‫ הוֹסָ פוֹת‬Additional Material
open it and whatever you read, you’ll find people
talking to God. You may not want to say the same
things in the same way, but you too want to join
their chorus: you want to talk to God. And if you
don’t know how, the siddur offers all kinds of
Anyway, you haven’t tasted true boredom until
you’ve heard the sermon delivered at our wedding.
The Tissue of Quotations
Our prayers use quotation from here, a quotation
from there. The whole thing looks like a patchwork of quotations; couldn’t someone think up
something original for a change?
Well now, when you think about it, there’s not
much original in any language. In English, we use
the same half-million or so words, just ringing the
changes on the combinations. In Hebrew prayer,
the vocabulary isn’t words—it’s phrases, quotations, verses from psalms and other sources, each
one rich with contextual connotations. I’ve tried to
show some of those connotations in the footnotes.
My Hope, My Fear
How long can a book like this last? While our
traditional prayers go back hundreds of years, the
way in which we present them can last only a
much shorter time. While I’d like to think this is a
book that “steel in strength and time in durance
shall outwear” (as Spenser said of his Shepherd’s
Calendar), I know better. A translation is useful if
it’s contemporary; five or ten years from now, the
English language will have moved on, and this
will be out of date.
In the meantime, I hope this book will help
people find Jewish tradition easier to reach, taste
and enjoy than before. How strange that my metaphor should recall the Garden of Eden and (as
Milton said) “the fruit of that forbidden tree.” For
deep beneath my sunny hope lives a dark fear: that
I should divert people from the true path of Jewish
prayer and undermine their bond with God, the
very bond I aim to strengthen. Dear Reader, you
must be my judge until one will come to settle all
our religious disputes.
Prayer ‫אֹת ֹו‬
‫ | וַ י ְַקדֵּ שׁ‬Scripture ‫ | וַיְ קַ ֵדּשׁ אֹ תוֹ‬Torah ‫| וַיְ קַ ֵ ֖דּשׁ אֹ ת֑ וֹ‬
Here’s a list of the books I had on my desk while I worked on this book. It doesn’t reflect the debts I owe to the
many writers and people who have made me think and brought me (some) understanding.
Adelsohn, A. Z. Jewish Liturgy and Its Development. New York: Henry Holt, 1932.
Alcalay, Reuben. The Complete Hebrew-English Dictionary. Jerusalem; Massadah Publishing, 1965.
Birnbaum, Philip, tr. and annot. Daily Prayer Book: Ha-Siddur Ha-Shalem. New York: Hebrew Publishing
Company, 1977.
Braude, William G. The Midrash on Psalms. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1959.
Dahood, Mitchell, S. J. tr. Psalms (three volumes). New York: Doubleday, 1966-70.
Danziger, Rabbi Hillel. tr. and annot. The ArtScroll Tehillim. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1988.
Davis, Rabbi Avrohom. The Complete Metsudah Siddur. New York: Metsudah, 1990.
Dembitz, Lewis N. Jewish Services in Synagogue and Home. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society,
Feuer, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim, tr. Tehillim: A New Translation with a Commentary Anthologized from Talmudic,
Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1977.
Graves, Robert and Raphael Patai. Hebrew Myths: The Book of Genesis. New York: Greenwich House, 1983.
Gold, Avie. The Complete ArtScroll Machzor: Succos (Nusach Ashkenaz). New York: Mesorah, 1987.
Harlow, Rabbi Jules, ed. and tr. Siddur Sim Shalom: A Prayerbook for Shabbat, Festivals, and Weekdays. New
York: The Rabbinical Assembly, 1985.
Hertz, Joseph H. The Authorised Daily Prayer Book, Revised Edition: Hebrew Text, English Translation With
Commentary and Notes. New York: Bloch, 1963.
Klein, Isaac. A Guide to Jewish Religious Practice. New York: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America,
Milgrom, Abraham. Jewish Worship. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 1971.
Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book. The Rabbinical Assembly of America and The United Synagogue of America, 1946.
Scherman, Rabbi Nosson. The Complete Artscroll Siddur. Brooklyn: Mesorah Publications, 1984.
Scherman, Nosson and Meir Zlotowitz, General Editors. The Mishnah: Seder Moed vol 1(a): A New Translation with a Commentary Anthologized from Talmudic, Midrashic and Rabbinic Sources. New York:
Mesorah, 1982.
Singer, Rev. S. The Authorized Daily Prayer Book of the United Hebrew Congregations of the British Commonwealth of Nations. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1962
The Koren Talpiot Siddur. Nusach Ashkenaz. Jerusalem: Koren Publishers, 2009.
‫ אָמֵ ן‬Congregation’s response | shade Added sometimes | wBend knees, bow head | vBow head |uStand | xSit | ◊ Leader starts here