One of the Dayanim I have been in contact with came cross the letter


One of the Dayanim I have been in contact with came cross the letter
To: 'Shia Heshel Kirsch'
Subject: RE: Request for an Appointment with Hagaon Moron Rosh Yeshiva and Rosh Av Beth Din
Surprisingly you responded.
I thought I made it very clear before. I will NEVER agree to have or be involved in a Din Torah in your
place. I feel we were abused, and defamed unjustifiably by your Bais Din.
So there is no "possible Din Torah". May I suggest that this discussion be a learning seder going
through sugyos in Choshen Mishpat.
See below please an added discussion or Mare Mekomos.
One of the Dayanim I have been in contact with came cross the letter in which you base your
Bais Din's halachic position.
You state that since there is a dispute regarding requiring the plaintiff to specify and clarify his
claim, therefore the “custom” is not to require it.
Interestingly, the Dayan never heard of such a “custom” especially since it seems to be in total
contrast to how we pasken on many facets as
we clarified to you so many times. We would appreciate if you can possibly enlighten us to the
origins of this so called “custom”.
Additionally he proposes that even were such a “custom” to exist, you state it is based upon the
fact that there is a dispute on the matter
(which lehalacha there really is none since we pasken like the shach). Is it possible you have
overlooked the fact that the hazmana
here was to a din torah zavla in which case the ramaz is of the opinion that even the ‫באר‬
‫ שבע‬agrees to the shach ?
Thus in our case there are no “two sides to the coin”. The chachma tzvi also indicates that
hazmana to a zavla din torah is reasoning to side with the shach
as zavla is costly and one can not just force someone to empty his wallet for no good reason
(see pischei teshuvah who brings this up too).
So as you see, we do not want to have a one sided discussion. What we are humbly requesting
is a general discussion about your handling of the
case, and was it justified to issue the documents you signed on which continues to cause
damages which eventually will be dealt with.
Nothing to do with any tevious, which really there weren't any tevious to my knowledge.
From: Shia Heshel Kirsch []
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2014 12:25 AM
To: Issac
Subject: Re: Request for an Appointment with Hagaon Moron Rosh Yesiva and Rosh Av Beth Din
Please be advised:
Moron Ha AB"D Shlita will not meet with one side of a possible Din Torah. See Rambam Lovin #281 Lo
Sisa Shaymoh Shov. If you will like to meet at Bais Din With the Rosh Hayeshiva and probably two other
Dayanim (the Rosh Hayeshiva avoids sitting as a Dayan Yochid) together with the other side (Yehuda
Lieberman) then I will try to arrange it. Please advise the Bais Din if you wish to arrange such a meeting.
‫‪Kol Tuv.‬‬
‫‪Rabbi Kirsch‬‬
‫;‪Mr. Kirsch‬‬
‫‪Once again I am requesting and asking for an appointment with the Rosh Av Beth Din. We would like to‬‬
‫‪see if he was informed of the proceedings‬‬
‫‪of our case. We would like to show him our materials that we as well as other Rabbinic, Dayonim,‬‬
‫‪Rishonim and Achronim ( still accumulating) feel that‬‬
‫‪you have done an injustice to us. Not only in defaming and allowed others to defame but also caused us‬‬
‫‪a huge monetary loss.‬‬
‫‪" .‬בי"ד של שלושה ‪ ...‬צריך שיהא בכל אחד מהם שבעה דברים ואלו הן‪ :‬חכמה וענוה ויראה ושנאת ממון‬
‫ואהבת האמת ואהבת הבריות להן ובעלי שם טוב‪ .‬וכל אלו הדברים מפורשים הן בתורה‪ .‬הרי הוא אומר‪:‬‬
‫אנשים חכמים ונבונים‪ ,‬הרי בעלי חכמה אמור‪ .‬וידועים לשבטיהם‪ ,‬אלו שרוח הבריות נוחה מהם‪ .‬ובמה יהיו‬
‫אהובים לבריות‪ ,‬בזמן שיהיו בעלי עין טובה ונפש שפלה וחברתן טובה ודבורן ומשאן בנחת עם הבריות‪ .‬ולהלן‬
‫הוא אומר אנשי חייל ‪ -‬אלו שהם גבורים במצוות ומדקדקין על עצמם וכובשין את יצרן עד שלא יהא להן שום‬
‫גנאי ולא שם רע ויהא פרקן נאה ובכלל אנשי חיל ‪ -‬שיהיה לב אמיץ להציל עשוק מיד עושקו‪.‬‬
‫כענין שנאמר‪" :‬ויקם משה ויושיען"‪ .‬ומה משה רבינו עניו אף כל דיין צריך להיות עניו‪ .‬יראי אלוקים כמשמעו‪.‬‬
‫שונאי בצע ‪ -‬אף ממון שלהם אינן נבהלים עליו ולא רודפין לקבץ ממון שכל מי שהוא נבהל להון חסר יבואנו‪.‬‬
‫אנשי אמת ‪ -‬שיהיו רודפין אחר הצדק מחמת עצמן בדעתן‪ .‬אוהבים את האמת ושונאין את החמס ובורחין מכל‬
‫מיני העוול‪( .‬רמב"ם הל' סנהדרין‪ ,‬פ"ב הל' ז')‪.‬‬
‫‪Issac Halpert‬‬