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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. BI3, PAGES 21,483-21,502, DECEMBER 10, 1990 Geochemistryof CrustallyDerivedLeucocraticIgneousRocksFrom the Ulugh MuztaghArea, NorthemTibet andTheir Implications for the Formation of the Tibetan Plateau L. W. MCKENNA 1 Departmentof Earth, Atmosphericand PlanetaryScience,Massachusetts Instituteof Technology,Cambridge J. D. WALKER Departmentof Geology,Universityof Kansas,Lawrence Igneous rocks collectedfrom the Ulugh Muztagh, 200 km south of the northem rim of the Tibetan Plateau (36ø28'N, 87ø29'E), form intrusive and extrusivebodies whose magmas were producedby partial melting of upper-crustal,primarily pelitic, source rocks. Evidence for source composition includes highinitial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (-0.711 to0.713), 206pb/204pb ratios of 18.72, 207pb/204pb of 15.63 and208pb/204pb of38.73.Thedegree ofmelting in thesource region wasincreased by significant heating via in situ decay of radioactive nuclides; a reasonable estimate for the heat production ratein thesource is 3.9x 10'6 W/m 3. Thecrystallization agesandcooling ages [Burchfiel et al., 1989] of the earliest intrusive rocks within the suite suggestcrustal thickening began in the northernTibetan Plateaubefore 10.5 Ma, with maximum averageunroofingrates in this part of the Tibetan Plateaufor the period between 10.5 and 4 Ma at approximately< 2 mm/yr. The Ulugh Muztagh flows are at the northernedge of a widely distributedfield of Plio-pliestocenevolcanic rocks in the north-central Tibetan Plateau. The crustally derived rocks described here are an endmember componentof a wide mixing zone of hybrid magmas; the other end-memberforms mantlederived, potassicbasanitesand tephrites exposedin the central section of the Plio-Pleistocenefield. The compositional trends in these belts strike east-west, at high angle to the N30E strike of the Plateau itself. Considerationof the chemical data and publishedgeophysicaldata argue that the subPlateau mantle is mechanically detachedfrom the overlying continental lithosphere, and that in this section of the plateau the thermal structureof the asthenosphereis not responsiblefor the formation or maintenanceof the plateau's topography. INTRODUCFION allow inferences to be madeon boththe composition of the Tibetan crust and the character of Miocene to Pliocene The collision(between40 and 50 Ma) and subsequent magmatism.Aspectsof the structuralgeologyin the Ulugh Muztaghareaare discussed by Burchfielet al. [1989]. continent createdboththe HimalayanRangeandthe Tibetan The Tibetan Plateau is typically divided into three Plateau[Molnar, 1988]. Althoughrecentyearshaveseenan structuralblocks; from north to south these are the Kunlun, enormous increasein our knowledgeof the geologyof the QiangtangandLhasablocks(Figure1; Changet al. [1986]). greater Himalayan orogen, little is still known of the The JinshaSuture,datedas end-Triassic[Harris et al., 1988], geologyof the TibetanPlateauand its surrounding areas. is the surfacetrace of the north-dipping[Harris et al., 1988] Our limitedknowledgeis derivedprimarilyfrom teleseismicor south-dipping [Pearce and Mei, 1988] subductionzone convergence of the Indian subcontinent and the Eurasian data,a smallnumberof seismiclines,andremotesensing which separatedthe Kunlun and Qiangtangterrainsprior to studies of thearea[Molnar,1988]and,withtheexception of collision. As describedby Burchfielet al. [1989], Ulugh the Royal Society-Academica SinicaGeotraverse results,few Muztaghlies astridea seriesof ophioliticfragmentswhich directedfield observations are available. The samplesof may mark the western extension of the Jinsha Suture into igneousrocks discussed in this report were collectedfrom this area. The mean age of crustalmaterial in the Kunlun the Ulugh Muztagh region of the north-central Tibetan blocksome500 km eastof UlughMuztagh,alongthe Royal Plateau(Figure 1) and providean opportunityto constrain SocietyGeotraverseroute, is constrained by the isotopic both the thermalstructureof the Tibetan crust and mantle, composition and ages of syn-collision to post-collision and the rates of crustal unroofing within the northern granitiods exposed in the Kunlun Mountains to be mid- TibetanPlateau. In addition,analysisof thesesamples Proterozoic [Harriset al., 1988]. Neodymium modelagesof sedimentaryrockscollectedalong the Geotraverseroute also ! NowattheDepartment ofGeology, University ofKansas, Lawrence Copyright1990 by the AmericanGeophysical Union Paper 90JB01427 0148-0227/90/90JB-01427 $05.00 give mid-Proterozoic ages. Accordingto the geological map of the Tibetan Plateau [Ministry of Geology and Natural Resources, 1980], country rocks of the Kunlun terrain includeCarboniferous to Permianrocksjuxtaposed with units of Triassicand Cretaceous age. Southof the suture,upper Triassic [Burchfiel et al., 1989] to lower to middle 21,483 21,484 MCKENNA AND WALKER: GEOC'ttEMISTRYOF LECOUCRATICIGNEOUSROCKS 50ø/• T T USSR T T T T T 500krn o 30 ø• ß ß • . ß .... 75øE -L INDIA 85o ß ß ß 2oo ß CHINA ' • 95 ø "• J. •5 ø 105 ø Fig. 1. Locationmap and regionalgeologicsettingof Ulugh Muztagh ("GreatSnowy Mountain"), which is situated 200 km south of the northern edge of the Tibetan Plateau, central Asia. Areas of Cenozoic magmatismare shaded,basinsare stippled,strikeslipfaults are shownwith half arrows indicating relative movements,thrust faults are shownwith barbson upper plate. Dashedlines with openbarb are suturezones; from north to south they are the Jinsha,Banggongand Indus-ZangpoSutures,respectively. International boundariesare shownby thin lines, degreesNorth latitude and East longitudeare also shown. Cretaceous sediments form the majorityof the pre-Cenozoicleucitites,phonolitesand pyroxeneandesites;thesesamples rocks. The apparentdiscrepancyof the age of the suture are discussed in more detail below (see Regional (end Triassic)and that of rocks which it truncates(middle Relationships). Additional major element determinations of Cretaceous) is probablydue to the poorlyknownagesof the a subset of these samples, along with new trace element sedimentary unitsin this largelyinaccessible region. data, were includedby Pearce and Mei [1988], who discussed The broadstructure of theTibetanPlateauas illustrated by the major and trace element chemistryof volcanicrocks geophysical data was recentlyreviewedby Molnar [1988]. encounteredalong the 1985 Royal Society-Academia Sinica From his review of seismic data, Molnar concludedthat the Geotraverse Route,approximately 500 km east of Ulugh depth to the Moho in the Ulugh Muztagh region of the Muztagh. north-centralTibetan Plateau(36ø28'N,87ø29'E)is some65 Country rocks in the study area proper consist of + 5 kin. While sucha crustalthickness wouldgenerallybe metamorphosed, openlyfolded,Triassicsedimentary rocks, consideredabnormallyhigh, it appearsto be 5 kin, and intrudedby granitoidrocksof Mioceneage [Burchfielet al., perhaps10 km, thinnerthan the crustof surrounding areas 1989]. Theseintrusiveswere thoughtby theseworkersto withintheplateau.Molnar [1988] alsoconcluded thatupper be responsiblefor the andalusite-grade,regional-scale asthenospheric temperatures for this area are higher than contact metamorphismof the country rocks in the area. surroundingareas, and cautiouslysuggeststemperatures at Mineralseparates of theseintrusive rocksgive40Ar/39Ar the crust-mantleboundarymay be as high as 1300 K. The coolingagesof 10.5 to 8.4 Ma ([Burchfielet al., 1989], see neotectonics of this area of the plateauare dominatedby of this paper for a summaryof the geochronologic data). north-directed thrusting of the Kunlun Shan and Tibetan The intrusive rocks are overlain, above a local Plateauoverthe Tarim Basinat a rate estimated by Molnar et unconformity, by boulderconglomerate overlainin turnby a al. [1987] at 6 + 4 mm/yr. sequence of now dissected extrusiverocks,principallyash The earliest(and,until recently,the only) reportsof the flow tuffs and flows. These flows are dated at 4.0 + 0.1 Ma geology of the area are those of Littledale [1886], (40Ar/39Ar, biotite fusion andK-feldspar, [Burchfiel etal., Backstrom and Johanssen[1907] and Norin [1946]. 19891). Somewhatmore recently, Deng [1978] reportedthe Field relationsallow divisionof the magmaticrocksinto petrologyand major elementchemistryof a numberof threegroups: (1) intrusivesamplesBKSP, UBTG, 2MGR, samples of Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks from a transect and QTD whichintrudethe metamorphosed basement; (2) southof UlughMuztagh.Theserocksincluded ultrapotassicsamples(definedbelow as the PotassiumPoor samples) MCKENNAANDW,M.,KER: GEOCItEMISTRY OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUS ROCKS 21,485 which crop out as small plugs (UM10, KSPO) and dikes (QTL) that intrude the Triassic sandstoneseast of the Ulugh Muztagh; and (3) the capping Ulugh Muztagh extrusive series(MV1B, UM1B, MV2, UMVU, UM3V, UMQP). in Appendix 1. The extrusive samples, with the exception of UMQP, all contain similar phenocryst assemblages of Sampleswere taken as 1 to 3 kg blocks from outcropsor, in the caseof samples UM10, BKSP, and UBTG, in moraine and stream depositsbelow outcrops,using an ice ax as the sampling tool. Weathered faces were removed with a diamond cutoff saw, and cut faces were polishedwith SiC to remove sawmarks. All sampleswere cleanedby boiling and then ultrasoundingin deionized water, then dried and hand crushed. Whole rock powderswere made from 50 to 100 g splits using a tungstencarbide shatterbox. Major and trace elements were determined by X ray fluorescenceon a fully automated Rigaku X ray spectrometer at the University of Kansas. Major elements were run as fused glass beadsfrom whole rock powders,with Li2B40 7 flux; trace elements were run as powdered disks with cellulose binder. Uncertainties, based on repeated analyses of standards,are 0.5-1% for major elements, 1-2% for trace elements with concentrationsgreater than 50 ppm, and 5- syneruptionalcrystal sorting was not significant in the ash flow tuffs, exceptfor UMQP which has no modal plagioclase and exceptionallyhigh K20. The intrusive samples(BKSP, 2MGR, UBTG) are dominantly hypidiomorphic to panidiomorphicgranulargranites,which show some signsof post crystallization strain. The typical assemblages is potassiumfeldspar+quartz+plagioclase +biotite :krnuscovite :kkaolinite(?). Visible accessoryphases are rare, generally limited to anhederal, turbid (xenocrystic ?) zircons, and prismatic, clear allanite. Samples QTL and UM10 are quartz+plagioclase+tourmaline (minor) porphyry trondhjemites with a microlitic quartz and plagioclase groundmass. Sample KSPO is a granodiorite containing coarse orthoclase phenocrysts+quartz+plagioclase with medium-grained biotite and muscovite. Allanite is a common accessorymineral. 10% for trace elements with concentrations less than 50 quartz+sanidine+plagioclase (An20_40)+cordierite+biotite+ tourmaline (rare) in microlitic to glassy groundmasses.The rocks occur as ash flow tuffs (UMVU, UM3V, MV2, and UMQP) and rhyolitic flows (UM1B, MV1B). Similar modal abundances for five of the samples suggests that Major Elements ppm. Major elementcompositionsof the samplesare shownin Isotope ratios and concentrationswere determinedthrough isotope dilution techniques [Hart and Brooks, 1977]. Table 1. Silica contentsrange from 71.1 to 75.5 weight Strontium and rubidium data were collected at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology (on a 23 cm, 60ø spectrometer) and Universityof Kansas(VG Sector);samples analyzed at both institutionsgive identical results within analyticaluncertainties.Strontiumdata are reportedrelative percent,Fe203* (all Fe as Fe203) from 0.15 to 1.5 wt %, MgO from 0.0 to 0.25 wt %, and total alkaliesfrom 7.2 to 9.6 wt %. Oxide variation diagramsfor K20 and Fe203* versus SiO2 are shown in Figures2a and 2b. The majority of the samplesdefine a trend of approximatelyconstantK20 to NBS 987 standard 87Sr/86Sr= 0.71024,andarenormalized (5 wt %), and slightly decreasingFe203* contents(1.5-1 wt relativeto 86Sr/88Sr=0.1194. Precisions are 0.1% for Rb, %), over a SiO2 of 71.0 to 74.5 wt %. (As noted above, 0.03% for Sr and <0.008%for 87Sr/86Sr. Strontiumand syneruptionalsorting has apparentlyimpoverishedUMQP in rubidium blank levels are insignificantfor the analyses plagioclase, resulting in high potash.) Three samples reported. All Pb analyseswere conductedat the University (UM10, QTL and KSPO) do not follow this trend, showing of Kansas,where blank levels for Pb analysesare 150-300 low K20 and very low Fe203* (as low as 0.2 wt %). These pg. All samples are fractionation corrected; the samples are henceforth referred to as the potassium-poor fractionation factorof 0.1 + 0.05%/amuwas determined by samples. repeated analysesof N'BS 982 common Pb standard. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) was carriedout at MIT; proceduresand analysistechniquesare Trace Elements Trace element data are given in Table 2. All samples (except for QTL and UM10, which consistentlydiffer from [1982]. High U concentrations in the samplesrequired corrections for La, Ce, Nd, and Sm due to interferences from the other samples) show high U, Rb, and Ba concentrations reportedby lla and Frey [1984] and Lindstrom and Korotev U fission products[Korotev, 1985]; correctionsare listed in Appendix2. BecauseB has an exceptionally largethermal neutron capture cross section, tourmaline-bearingsamples (QTL, UM10, andQTD) mayhavereceivedanomalously low neutron fluxes [King et al., 1988]. However, modal tourmaline is low in these samples, and elemental concentrationsof Rb determinedby INAA, XRF and ID agreewithin uncertainties, suggesting that this problemis not significantfor thesesamples. Reproducibilityof the analysesare approximately 1-5 %; the uncertainties quoted with the data includeall sourcesof errors,includingU corrections. RESULTS Petrography The petrography of the samples are briefly described below, summarized in Table 1, and described in more detail and low Sr and transition metal concentrations. Rare earth element (REE) distributions(see Figure 3a) are consistently light REE (LREE) enriched, concave upward, with large, negative Eu anomalies and constant Yb concentrations. Trace element concentrationsof samples QTL and UM10 vary inversely to those of the other samples:Sr is high, Rb, Ba and U are low, and Pb is very low. LREE abundancesin the potassium-poorrocks are generally lower than, and high REE (HREE) abundancesapproximatelyequal to, abundances in the remainder of the samples. Despite these differences, the REE distributions of the potassium-poor samples are grossly similar to those of the other Ulugh Muztagh samples. Sr and Pb IsotopicData Isotopic data are shownin Table 3, and isotopecorrelation plots for both Sr and Pb are presentedin Figures 4 and 5. MCKENNA ANDWALKER: GE(X2ttEMISTRY OFLECOU••C IGNEOUS ROCKS a ß 00 21,487 0 0 I b 00• 0 vvvvv vv v v vvvvv v ! uncertainty vvvvvvv 7 7 7 7 7 7 v SiOa(wt%) Fig.2. Wholerockoxidevariation diagrams for theUlugh Muztaghsamples.On thisandall subsequent diagrams, symbols are opencirclesfor extrusiverocks;filled squaresfor intrusiverocks; andfilled triangles for potassium-poor samples.(a) K20 versus SiO2 (wt %) showsapproximately constant K20 overtherangeof SiO2 for intrusiveand extrusivesamples;the potassium-poor 1F% ß samples (triangles) showverylow K20 at relatively highSiO2. Sample UMQPplotsabove thefield. (b)Fe203*(allFeasFe203) versus SiO2 though scattered, exhibits a small decreasewith increasing silica;the UlughMuztaghsamples are characterized by low transition-metal contents, includingFe, Mg, Cr, andNi. vv The trondhjemitic,potassium-poor samples(UM10 and QTD) have87 St/86 Sr of approximately 0.7118and87Rb/86Sr less than 1, while the remainder of the measuredsampleshave higher87Sr/86Sr ratiosof 0.71555(2) to 0.71817(3) (95% uncertaintiesin the last digit quotedfor all measurements are shown by the numbers in parentheses). Variations in Pb isotopecompositionsof the Ulugh Muztagh samplesare the inverse of the Sr isotope variations (Figure 5), with potassium-poor samples showing higher206pb/204pb and 208 204 slightly higher Pb/ Pb than the remainder of the samples; the latter cluster within uncertainties at 206pb/204pb = 18.73(5), 207pb/204pb= 15.63(5)and 208pb/204pb = 38.74(10). vvvv vvvvv vv ß 21,488 MCCA ANDWALKER: GEOCHEMISTRY OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUS ROCKS lO a I I I I I I I I I Element lOOO ,- 10 a. 1 i i I i I i I i I I o PAAS o MV1B - KSPO I I I i i i i i -_ I I i b UBTG - - •- I i - I UM Source I I I I I Element Fig.3. Chondrite normalized [Anders andEbihara, 1982]REEabundances fortheUlughMuztagh samples. Datain Table2, symbols asin Figure 2. (a) All samples show(La/Yb)cn greater than10;large,negative Eu anomalies; andsimilarYb andLu contents.Extrusive rocksshowlittle variation,intrusive rockshave generally lowerLREEabundances thantheextrasire rocks.Potassium-poor samples varyfromrelatively LREE-enriched (KSPO)to LREE-poor (UM10,QTL); HREEcontents for all threesamples are roughly constant. (b) Representative REE abundances for thethreesamples groups, the post-Archean Australian Shalecomposite [NanceandTaylor,1976](PAAS,opensquares withsolidline),and0.3-PAAS (open squares, dotted line). A possible model fortheREEabundances in theUlughMuztagh source region is given by the 0.3-PAASline. Seetext for discussion. MCKENNA AND WAIXER: GEOCttEMISTRYOF LECOU•TIC IGNEOUSROCKS 21,489 21,490 MCKENNAANDWAIXER:GEOCHEMIgrRY OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUS ROCKS 0.720 Extrusive rocks. Field relationships of these units indicate that they were extruded approximately synchronously,an observation supportedby the similar ß typical uncertainty 0.718 40Ar/39Arages(biotiteand K-feldspar) for two of the ß samples(MV2 and UM1B) of 4.1 + 0.1 and 4.0 + 0.1 Ma [Burchfiel et al., 1989]. The major elementvariationsof these rocks are similar to those producedexperimentallyby meltingof pelitic schist. The K20 versusSiO2 andA1203 0.716 0.714 ' I ' I " I ' I " I 38.9 0.712 0.710 0 10 20 30 87 4O 50 38.7 86 Rb/ Sr Fig. 4. Sr isotopecorrelationdiagramfor the Ulugh Muztagh samples.Symbolsas in Figure2; 2o uncertainties are smallerthan the symbols. Althoughthe samplesdo not define an isochron,a referenceline with a slopeequivalentto an age of 11 Ma is shown. 38.5 typical uncertainty Thepotassium-poor samples have verylow87Rb/86Sr ratios and indicate their initial ratios of-0.7117. The intrusive and extrusive samples have similar contemporary 87Sr/86Sr ratios, despite the , 38.3 differencein crystallization timesof at least4-6.5 Ma [Burchfietet 18.0 al.,1989].Average initial87Sr/86Sr ratios fortheintrusive and I I i I • 20.0 206 extrusive rocks (corrected for an age of 10.5 and 4.0 Ma, respectively) are 0.7123(7) and 0.7154(5). I 19.0 I 21.0 204 Pb/ Pb 20.5 I DISCUSSION Petrogenesisof the Ulugh Muztagh Samples 20.0 typical uncertainty We hypothesize below that the composition and mineralogyof the extrusive and intrusive samplegroupsare consistentwith derivation by partial melting of chemically 19.5 similar pelitic or psammiticsourcerocks. Ideally, evidence for such an argument would include observations and analysesof the restitic material. The Tibetan Plateauis, however, hardly an ideal place in which to conductfield 19.0 research, and such observations and samples are not available. Therefore we support our hypothesis by comparing the compositionof the Ulugh Muztagh samples to the expected composition of liquids producedby partial 18.5 , I , I , I , melting of crustal material. The characteristicsof partial 0.7100 0.7125 0.7150 0.7175 0.720 melting of pelitic rocks precludes detailed petrogenetic modeling of the processbecause(1) a wide variety of phases are potentially stable in the restitc; (2) the apparent andPb-Srisotope correlation diagrams for the partition coefficientsfor many of thesephasesare poorly, if Fig. 5. Lead-lead at all, constrained, and; (3) the apparent partition Ulugh Muztaghsamples,symbolsas in Figure 2, typical (2o) areshown.(a) 208pb/204pbversus coefficients of these phases can vary strongly with liquid uncertainties plotshows theextrusive samples andallbutoneof composition in highly silicic liquids. Instead, we make 206pb/204pb quantitative arguments on the composition of the source the intrusive samples (QTD) plotting within uncertainty at = 18.72 and208pb/204pb = 38.73. Potassium-poor area, the degree of partial melting in the sourcearea, and the 206pb/204pb samples QTD and UM10 (triangles) have considerably higher temperatureof the system during melting by comparingthe 206pb/204pb ratios, duetotheirverylowPbcontents of<2ppm. composition of the melts to those expected through partial With sampleKSPO, the potassium-poorsamplesdefine a trend that melting of crustal materials. We then present evidence that terminatesat the primary extrusive-intrusive group. (b) The plot of the potassium-poorsampleswere producedby a combination 206pb/204pb versus 87Sr/86Sr shows variable 87Sr/86Srwith of partial melting of amphibolitic or tonalitic source rocks, constant 206pb/204pb for boththeintrusive andextrusive rocks. along with variable addition of a potassium feldspar Thepotassium-poor samples scatter athigh206pb/204pb andlow componentto the liquid. Each sample group is discussedin 87Sr/86Sr. QTDappears anomalous, withhigh206pb/204pb and turn, beginning with the extrusive rocks. lower87Sr/86Sr. 87Sr/86Sr MCKENNA ANDWAIXER:G•MISTRY OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUS ROCKS versus SiO2 variations for the extrusive samplesare shown superimposedupon the 10-kbar, "pelitic, fluid absent "melt compositionsof Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988] in Figure 6. These compositions represent partial melts of a quartzplagioelase(An30)-kyanite-museovite-biotitegarne•staurolite+chlorite source with a pelitic bulk composition,melted over a temperaturerange of 1150 K to 1520 K. In these experimentsthe SiO2 contentof the melt decreasesmonotonicallywith increasingtemperature. Also shown in these figures are the water-saturatedhaplogranite 21,491 6 ß 5 a oco•OO • ' 4 minima of Nekvasil [1988], calculated at 5 and 10 kbar. As shown in Figure 6, the composition of the Ulugh Muztagh extrusive rocks is distinctly different than compositions of haplogranite melts, as modeled by Nekvasil's calculated compositions [Nekvasil, 1988]. As noted by Nekvasil [1988, p. 979], "partial melts derived from source regions with relatively high H20 contents shouldcluster aroundthe haplograniteminimum composition unless the An[orthite] content of the source area is high." Because the Ulugh Muztagh extrusive rocks do not cluster about any composition,we infer that the rocks were derived either from an H20-undersaturatedor anorthite-rich source 2 1 0 area. 17 Further insight into the chemical composition of the sourcearea is gained by comparingthe experimentalpelitic meltsof Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988] to the Ulugh Muztagh data. The Ulugh Muztagh extrusive rocks show a smooth variation in K20-A1203-SiO 2 composition space that parallels, although is not coincident with, the 0 15 ß o experimentallyderived melt composition. Higher potash ß o o ß lO kb contentsin the Ulugh Muztagh samplescould be due to small differences 14 in anorthite contents of the source area. 5 kb The calculations of Nekvasil [1988] indicatethat increasing the An contentof plagioclasein the sourcefrom 30 to 50 mole percentwould causean increasein both quartz and orthoclase components in the melt. The effect of adding5 wt % quartz and 5 wt % orthoclase to one of the 13 , 65 I 70 , I 75 , 80 SiO 2(wt%) experimental melts is illustratedby the arrow in Figure 6. The resultantchangein melt compositionis sufficient to explain the differences in potash contents between the Fig. 6. Oxide variation diagrams for laboratory melting experimental liquidsof Vielzeufand Holloway[1988] andthe experimentsof Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988] (shadedfield) and the Ulugh Muztagh extrusive rocks. The lower alumina contents calculated dry haplograniteminima of Nekvasil [1988] at 5 and 10 in the Ulugh Muztagh samplesrelative to the Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988] liquids is also partly explainedby increasesin the quartz and orthoclasecomponents in the melt. The sensitivity of the alumina compositionto pressurechanges(as shownby Nekvasil'scalculatedminima) suggests that the pressurein the sourcearea may also have influencedthe aluminacontentof the UlughMuztaghmelts. kbar. The data from Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988] representthe measuredcompositionof a melt producedby fluid-absentpartial 1200 K and 60%, respectively. This value for F v is an approximation only and probablyrepresentsan upperlimit estimatefor the actual degreeof partial melting in the source. An estimateof the relativedifferences in F v for the extrusiverocks can be made by assumingthat La acted arrowleadingfromthe shaded field. (b) TheA1203versusSiO2 for datafrom Vielzeufand Holloway [1988] demonstrates the relatively melting (at10x 108Pa)ofa pelitic-composition source rock; SiO 2 decreases with increasingdegreeof melting. Superimposed upon the melt data are the data for the Ulugh Muztagh samples(symbolsas in Figure2). (a) K20 versusSiO2 illustratesthe similaritiesin bulk compositionof the experimentallydeterminedmelts and the Ulugh Muztagh intrusive and extrusive samples; the potassium-poor This discussion indicatesthat the Ulugh Muztaghmagmas samples (triangles) show no relationship to the partial melt have compositionsconsistentwith derivationby partial composition. The potash composition of the Ulugh Muztagh samplesis parallel to, but greaterthan, the trend of the Vielzeuf and melting of a source of pelitic composition:the SiO2 Holloway data. This differenceis probablydue to higheranorthite contents of the magmaswouldthencorrespond, according to contentsin the Ulugh Muztagh source area, which increasesmelts the dataof Vielzeuf and Holloway[1988], to a temperaturequartzand K-feldsparcomponents.The changein melt composition and volumefractionof melt (Fv) of approximately1100- due to additionof 5 wt % quartzand K-feldsparis shownby the low alumina contentsof the Ulugh Muztagh samplescomparedto the10x 108Pamelts.Notetheslight increase in A120 3 with decreasingSiO2 in the Ulugh Muztagh extrusivesamples,a trend which parallels that in the experimentalmelts. The differencesin completelyincompatiblyduring melting, in which case the alumina may be due to lower pressureof fusion in the Ulugh relative ratio in Fv is equal to the ratio of La concentrations Muztagh sourceregion. 21,492 MCKENNA ANDWALKER: GEOCHEMISTRY OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUS ROCKS in the samples.The extremeLa ratiofor the extrusive rocks intrusiverocks range from <1040 K to 1150 K. Becausethe degree of partial melting within a source of pelitic is 1.2, suggesting that the variationin Fv was small. Additional evidencethat the extrusiverocks were produced composition changes dramatically within this temperature by meltingof a peliticsource is provided by theSr andPb range (10-60%, [Vielzeuf and Holloway, 1988]), it is isotoperatios of the samples. The Pb data are shown possible only to suggest a broad range of Fv, from 15 to superimposedupon Zartman and Doe's [1981] Pb 60%. Again assuming that the LREE acted completely composition diagrams in Figures7a and7b. All extrusiveincompatiblyduring melting, the relative differencein F v is samplesplot tightly within or adjacentto the "Pelagic small, <1.1. Lead and strontium isotope ratios of the intrusive rocks also argue for a source region of pelitic composition. externallyto fields containing80% of measuredupper crustal,lowercrustalandmanfiederivedrocks. The measured Strontium isotope ratios for some of the intrusive samples 87Sr/86Srvaluesfor the extrusive samples rangefrom must be recalculatedto accountfor postcrystallizationdecay. Crystallization ages for these rocks are not available: Sediments" field in both variation diagrams, and plot 0.71636(2) to 0.71735(8); recalculatingthese ratios to however, threesamples havebeendatedby the40Ar/39Ar correctfor postcrystallization decay(basedon a 4.0 + 0.1 and give ages of 10.5 + 0.1 Ma (UBTG, Muscovite Ma agefrom40Ar/39Ar geochronology [Burchfiel et al., method plateau)to 8.4 + 0.1 Ma (QTD, K-feldspartotal gas). Thus a 1989]givesa source 87Sr/86Sr of 0.7154(5).Thishigh minimum crystallization age for the intrusive suite is 10.5 value falls well within the "crustal"field of Faure's [1986] Rb/Srevolutiondiagram(his Figure10.4), andrequiresa sourceareawith a hightime-integrated Rb/Srratio. Miller Ma, and recalculationof initial isotope ratios basedon this age will representmaximum estimatesfor the initial ratios. [1985, p. 674] described12 "Criteria for Age-corrected Pb isotope ratios are not considered significant enough (<0.05) to require their use in the Identifying PeliticParentage of Igneous Rocks," reproduced discussion. Lead isotope data are presentedin Figure 7, hereasTable4, whichincludesfive criteriainvolvingmajor superimposed upon Zartman and Doe's [1981] Pb compositiondiagram. With the exceptionof sampleQTD, involvingisotoperatios. With the datadescribed above, the intrusiverocks plot, like the extrusiverocks, within or only eight of thesetests are possible. Comparisonof the elementchemistry, four involvingtraceelements, andthree criteria in Table 4 with the data in Tables 1 through4 shows adjacent to thepelagic sediments field. Initial87Sr/86Sr that all pelitic parentagecriteria are met or surpassed by the ratios range from 0.7123 to 0.7133, and are higherthan the extrusiverocks (with the exceptionof UMQP) collectedfrom 87Sr/86Sr mantleevolutioncurveof Faure [1986], Ulugh Muztagh. We concludethat althoughour knowledge suggestingthe intrusivemagmasformed by melting of a of source area chemistry and the chemographyof melting source with "crustal" composition. Comparison of the relationships is imprecise, the compositionsof the Ulugh Miller's [1985] criteria in for pelitic parentagein Table 4 Muztagh extrusiverocks are consistentwith derivation as a with the data in Tables 1 through 4 show that all pelitic partial melt of a pelitic sourcearea. The degreeof partial parentage criteria except for normative corundum and melting is broadly constrainedat 50-60%, at a temperature slightly high Na20 in QTD are met or surpassedby the of 1100-1200 K. intrusiverocks collectedfrom Ulugh Muztagh. cooling agesfortheintrusive andextrusive Intrusive rocks. The geochemical,geochronologicaland The40Ar/39Ar rocks exposed at Ulugh Muztagh imply minimum petrologicaldata presentedabove suggestthat the extrusive rocks analyzed in this study form a genetically related, emplacement ages for these units of 10.5 and 4.0 Ma comagmaticseries. However, the relationshipbetweenthese respectively. Despite these age differences, the extrusive extrusive rocks, the intrusive rocks (UBTG, QTD, 2MGR, and intrusive samples plot together on the Sr isotope and BKSP) and the potassium-poorsamples(KSPO, UM10, correlation diagram in Figure 4. Correcting for their and QTL) exposed in Ulugh Muztagh is less certain. respective ages, the intrusive and extrusive rocks have average initial87Sr/86Sr ratiosof 0.7123(7) and Evidencefor a pelitic sourcearea for the intrusivesamplesis distinct suggestedby evidencesimilar to that used for the extrusive 0.7154(5), respectively. The scatter in the initial ratios samples. The K20 and A120 3 variations for the intrusive may reflect $r isotopeheterogeneityof the sourcearea; such rocks are illustrated in Figure 6 along with the heterogeneityin leucocraticrocks formed by partial melting experimentally determinedpelitic partial melts of Vielzeuf of sedimentsis common, as discussedby, amongstothers, and Holloway [1988]. The intrusive rocks have similar to Le Fort [ 1981]. higher SiO2 and lower A1203 and K20 than the extrusive Potassium poor samples. The three potassium-poor rocks. By comparison to the experimentally produced samples(KSPO, UM10, and QTL) differ substantiallyfrom liquids of Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988], temperaturesof both the intrusive and extrusive rocks discussed above. The formation for the magmasrepresentedby the Ulugh Muztagh most striking differences, seen in Figures 2a and 2b and TABLE4. Criteria forIdentiftinl• PelticSource Areas Major'Element Concentration Trace Element Concentrtion Paragenesis (wt%) quartz Na20 -3.5 - 4 Rb > 100 A12SiO5 CaO < 2 Sr < 300 - 400 + cordierite SiO2 > 65 Ba < 600 - 1000 + garnet Norm C* >5 Rb/Ba > 0.25 + muscovite Modified from Miller [1985, Table 3]. Sr-Nd isotoperelationsare not shown. * Nonnative Conmdum Isotopic Composition (ppm) 87Sr/86Sr> 0.701 180/16 O > 11-12%o MCKENNAAND WALKER:GEOCHEMISTRY OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUSROCKS 21,493 15.9 a Pelagic Seds. M Upper Crust 15.7 15.5 Lower Crust 15.3 15.1 40 I I ! I I b UpperCrust M Pelagic Seds. Arc Oceanic Volc Rocks Lower Crust 37 16.5 I 17.5 206 19.5 20.5 204 Pb/ Fig. 7. I 18.5 Pb Leadisotopedatafor the UlughMuztaghsamples(typical20 uncertainties are shownin Figure5) superimposedupon the reservoir summary diagram of Zartman and Doe [1981]. Solid lines enclose approximately80% of all data points derived from each reservoir,including "probableaveragevalues"for pelagic sedimentsof Mesozoic and Cenozoic age. Range of whole rock Pb ratios for the Manaslu leucogranite (Nepalese Himalaya [Vidal etal.,1982] areshown byboxlabeled "M."(a) The207pb/204p versus 206pb/204pb data.Allsamples except forQTL,UM10(triangles) andQTD(solid square) plotwithin or adjacentto the Pelagic Sedimentsfield. As noted in text, correctionfor postcrystallizationdecay would probably relocate QTLandUM10to withinthePelagic Sediment field. (b)The208pb/204pb versus 206pb/204pb dataalso plotwithin thePelagic Sediments field,except forsamples QTL,UM10(triangles) and QTD (solid square). As notedin the text, correctionof QTL and UM10 ratiosfor postcrystallization decaywouldrelocatethe samples to withinthe PelagicSediment field. Tables2 and 3, are the low to very low K20, Fe203, MgO, examination and repeated staining of slabs failed to show Pb and Rb contentsof the potassium-poor samplesat SiO2 any modal K-feldspar in these two samples, while the contentsequivalentto the remainderof the Ulugh Muztagh relatively K20-rich, granodioritic KSPO has 13.5 wt % samples. As noted in Appendix 1, samplesUM10 and QTL normative K-feldspar. The chemical relationship between are trondhjemites composed entirely of porphyritic these samples and the remainder of the Ulugh Muztagh plagioclase,quartz, and rare tourmalinein a microcrystalline samples is investigated in Figure 8, a Pearce-typevariation groundmass of the sameminerals,with accessoryapatiteand diagram [Nichols, 1988] displaying the variation of 3K/Yb very rare zircon. Although these sampleshave 0.8 and 2.6 versus Si/Yb. In this diagram, addition of componentswith wt % normarive K-feldspar, respectively, thin section a cation ratio K:Si of a:b has slope 3 a/b; thus the trend 21,494 MCKENNAANDWALKER:GEOCttEMISTRY OFLF•OUCRATIC IGNEOUS ROCKS 1.0 . [ ' I ' I ' largestresiduals arein A1203,CaOandNa20, dueperhaps to I removalof a plagioclasecomponentfrom the QTL or UM10 liquid. Thishypothesis wasnot testedbecause theresulting 0.8 model would have been overdetermined. 0.6 Thesemassbalancecalculations requirethe subtraction of 12 and 13 wt % K-feldsparfrom KSPO to producethe compositionof QTL and UM10, respectively. Such a dramatic changein bulkcomposition shouldbe accompanied by a parallelchangein the concentration of traceelements; Ksp, Mica 0.4 thosecompatible with K-feldspar shouldbe greatlydepleted in QTL andUM10 in comparison to KSPO. Thishypothesis could be testeddirectly by analysisof K-feldsparand plagioclaseseparatesfor thesesamples,but becausethese dataarecurrently lackingwe usea morequalitative approach of comparing wholerockRb andSr contents to changes in total normativeweightpercentK-feldsparandplagioclase •V& 0.2 Qtz, Pig 0.0 I 2.4 I 2.6 I I 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 Si/Yb Fig. 8. A Pearce-typeelementratio diagram[Nichols, 1988] for K and Si. On this diagram, trends controlledby minerals with K:Si ratios of 1:3 (K-feldspar, micas) will have a slope of unity, as shown by line labeled "Ksp". Addition or subtractionof phases with K:Si of 0 will have a slope of zero, as indicatedby the line labeled "Qtz, Plg." Symbolsas in Figure 2. Data for intrusiveand extrusive groups fall approximately on a common line with slope 0.2 + 0.09 (2o); this line has a nonzero intercept at a 90% confidence level [seeNichols, 1988]an r2 of 0.81,andis significant(nonzero)abovethe 99% confidencelevel. Data for the threepotassium-poor samplesdefine a line of slope0.9 + 0.7 (2o); betweenUM10 and QTL, as normalizedrelative to KSPO. Because Rb and Sr are, relativeto one another,strongly partitionedinto K-feldsparand plagioclase, respectively [Nashand Craecraft,1985],andotherphases in the rocks (quartz and minor tourmaline)have small massesof these elements, a large fraction of the whole rock Rb and Sr shouldresidein the K-feldsparand plagioclase phases, respectively. This comparisonis shownin Table 5 and the results,thoughvery qualitative,supportthe hypothesis that the chemicalevolutionof the potassium-poor rockswas controlledby removal of K-feldspar. Changesin Rb contentsin QTL and UM10 measuredrelative to KSPO are very similar to the relative K-feldsparcontents,while the ther2 of 0.98is significant at the95%confidence level,althoughchange in relativeSr contents, thougha factorof 2 greater the regressionitself is significantonly at the 90% confidencelevel. The 3K/Si ratio of the experimentsof Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988] (and hence the slope on the Pearcetype diagram used here) for the SiO2 range sampledby the Ulugh Muztagh rocksaverages0.203 + of change. We concludethat removalof K-feldsparand 0.003, and falls to a value of 0.134 at an SiO2 of 66 vet%. Thus formation for thepotassium-poor samples, eventhough we than the relative plagioclaseincrease,show the samesense quartz from an initial melt was the dominant mechanismof the slope of the intrusive and extrasire line in this projection is are not able to offer a testablehypothesis to explainthe consistentwith derivationby melting of a pelitic source. The 3K/Si mechanismby which this removal occurred. ratio for a granite minimum melt is 0.24, which is greaterthan that Otherscenarios for theproduction of thepotassium-poor derived from the Ulugh Muztagh at greaterthan a 95% confidence interval. The slope of the trend line for the potassium-poor samplescould includelate weathering of an initially samples, although subject to great uncertainty, is consistentwith potassium-rich rockor alteration of an initiallypotassiumthe unit slope of the trend line expectedif removal of K-feldspar richrockby metasomatic fluids. The trendsin Figure8 from the system was the dominant mechanism for chemical differentiation. argues against the metasomatism model: such alteration wouldhavehad to removenot only potassium, but alsoA1 and Si in the ratio expected for K-feldspar, an unlikely Furthermore, thereis little petrographic defined by addition of K-feldspar (as well as biotite or happenstance. evidence of plagioclase replacement of K-feldspar in samples muscovite)has a slopeof unity, while the slopefor quartz UM10 and QTL. Although late stage weathering of the and plagioclaseis zero. Figure 8 clearly illustratesthat the potassium-poor sampletrend KSPO-QTL-UM10 could be producedsimplyby removalof K-feldspar(or mica) from a liquid. A simpleleastsquaresregression of this trendgives a slopeof 0.9 ñ 0.7 (2s) and while the uncertaintiesare clearly enormous,additional information is available to potassium-poor samplescouldexplainthe odd Pb/U ratio in thesesamples (seebelow),thesesamples wereamongthe freshestwe analyzed,and no petrographic evidencefor alterationis presentin the samples. Samples QTL andUM10 haveveryhigh206pb/204pb ratios,but 207pb/204pb and208pb/204pb thatareonly support this conclusion. A more detailed examination can be carried out through slightly higher than those of sample KSPO. The Pb ratios mass balance calculations. Whole rock contents of SiO2, of the latter sample are approximatelyequal to thoseof the A1203,CaO,Na2¸ andK20 in QTL andUM10 werealtered intrusive and extrusive samples collected from Ulugh in 206pb/204pb ratios by additionof orthoclase (Or) and quartz(Qz) to give the Muztagh.Partof thediscrepancy bestfit to the KSPO compositions.Resultsand assumptionswithin the potassium-poor samples is due to decayof 238Uin samples UM10and are given in Table 5. KSPO can be manufactured from postcrystallization mixtures of 0.8 1QTL+0.12Or+0.07Qtz and QTL, which have extremely low Pb contents (less than 2 0.8UM10+0.13Or+0.07Qtz(weight fraction). These models ppm for both). Unfortunately, the Pb analysesfor UM10 havehigh,but not terriblyhighZ2 of 36 and16.3, and QTL are not sufficiently accurateto allow correctionfor respectively,with two degreesof freedom. In both casesthe this decay, and thus their initial lead isotope ratios are not MCKENNA AND WALKER: GEOCHE••Y OF LF•OUCRATIC IGNEOUSROCKS 21,495 TABLE 5. Mass Balance Constraints on the Formation of the Potassium PoorSamples Major Element Constraints ModeledCompositions Final(KSPO) QTL KSPOmodeledas0.80 QTL+ SiO2 74.84 74.09 74.69 A1203 14.13 14.69 14.13 CaD 0.42 1.20 0.96 4.80 7.48 5.98 2.55 75.50 76.09 15.10 14.27 0.68 0.53 7.16 5.57 0.23 2.51 0.54 2.63 0.13Or+0.07 Qz (•2=35.7) UM10 KSPO modeled as 0.778 UM10+ 0.138 Or+0.084 Qz (Z2=9.8) Trace Element Sample Constraints Plag,wt Ksp,wt % % KSPO 41 QTL Fractionalchange 67 1.7 UM10 62 Fractional chanse 15 1.5 St, ppm Rb, ppm 54 388 3.2 0.2 171 3.2 49.7 0.13 1.4 135 21.7 0.09 2.5 0.06 Z2 values inthetable arecalculated assuming fractional (notwt%) uncertainties of 1% for SiO2 andA1203and10%for otheroxides.Thefractional changerowsin the bottomtableare calculated by dividingthe quantityfor QTL or UM10 by the corresponding quantitiesin KSPO. In this sectionof the table,wt % are nonnative, not modal, percentages. in the hanging wall of thrust faults by release of fluids from footwall rocks ("flux melting") [LeFort, 1981]; and in situ radioactive decay and mantle heating in thickened continental crust [Molnar et al., 1983]. The amount of melt producedby "flux melting" is probably minor without the input of additional heat and is not consideredfurther here. intrusive andextrusive samples. The87Sr/86Sri forsamplesShear heating, while capableof producinglarge quantitiesof QTL and UM10 is approximately equal to their measured heat obviouslyrequiresthe existenceof a fault in the source ratios due to the low Rb/Sr ratio of the rocks, the samples area, and while some Chinese workers have suggestedthrust may underlie average 0.7118(1). This ratio plots well within the faults of Cenozoicage with large displacements "crustally derived" field of Faure [1986], suggestingthat the Ulugh Muztagh region (B.C. Burchfiel, personal these magmas were derived from a source with crustal communication, 1988), little detailed information is composition. available to constrainheat productionby this mechanism. Heat productionin the Ulugh Muztagh sourceregion from In Situ Melting of Source Rocks in situ radioactive decay can be estimated from the A necessary (although not sufficient) requirement for a radionuclide concentration in the extrusive rocks, and their crustalsourcefor the Ulugh Muztagh magmasis that the P-T- estimated degrees of partial melting, F v. Assuming bulk X conditions within the crust were sufficient to produce a distributioncoefficientsfor Th and U of 0 during melting, an partial melt. A number of mechanismshave been proposed F v of 0.2 to 0.6, K20 concentrationin the sourceof 4-5 wt density of 2.8 x 103kg/m 3, the calculated for in situ melting of crustal rocks, including frictional %, anda source heating along thrust faults [LeFort, 1975]; melting of rocks heat productionin the source would range from 1.7 to 4.6 well constrained. If, as suggestedabove, KSPO, QTL and UM10 are comagmatic,than the Pb isotoperatios for KSPO, which has not changed significantly since crystallization, should give the initial ratio for all three potassium-poor samples:this sampleplots within the PelagicSedimentfield in Figure 7, althoughit does appear to be distinct from the TABLE ' 6. ' Minimum U 7h 4 5 K20 2.6 Source-Rock Concentrations BestEstimate Concentration* 10 12 " Maximun• 12 14 3.6 4 HeatProduction t •tW/m 3 1.7 3.9 HGU 4.0 9.4 4.6 11 * 'Uand"•Th concentrations inpans Permillion, K20inwt%,andare' basedon U and Th concentrations of the Ulugh Muztaghvolcanicrocks, dividedby degreesof partial meltingof 0.2 (minimum),0.5 (bestestimate) and 0.6 (maximum), and assumeddistribution coefficients of 0 for both Th and U. , Heatproduction assuming a density of2.8x103kg/m 3. Heat productionratesfrom Turcotteand Schubert[1982] • 21,496 MCKENNAANDWALKER:GEOCI•MISTRYOFLECOU•TIC !.tW/m 3. Detailsof thecalculations aregivenin Table6. While these rates of heat production are higher than those generallyquotedfor leucogranitesourceareas[e.g.,Pinet and Jaupart, 1987], these estimatesrepresentconservativelimits for the Ulugh Muztagh sourceregion: while decreasingFv would cause a linear decreasein the heat production rate, increasing the density of the source or the distribution coefficients for Th and U would increase heat production within the source. The presenceof stable zircon in the restitc would tend to increase the apparent partition coefficient of U in the system, and the model described above would then underestimate the source U concentration, IGNEOUS ROCKS for the Ulugh Muztagh intrusive and extrusiverocks, leading to temperature increasesof 70 to perhaps 200 K. These thermal perturbations can be maintained for long time scales, due to the long half-lives of the radionuclides. Withdrawal of the radioactive nuclides by partial melting, such as invoked for the intrusive and extrusive rocks, would reduce (to zero, with the assumptions above) the concentration of the radionuclides, effectively halting the temperature increase by this mechanism. For nonzero apparent partition coefficients, residual U and Th would remain in the source and could continue to heat the restitc. The pressure-temperature-composition conditionsnecessary to producepartial melts in pelitic rocks to form magmasof granitic compositionhave been discussedby a number of authors [Hyndman, 1981; Thompson, 1982; Vielzeuf and Holloway, 1988]. Figure 9 illustratesthe approximateP-T loci of water present and water absent liquidii for pelitic compositions,along with granite solidii and approximate steady state geotherms for the Ulugh Muztagh region. M'mimumtemperatures necessaryto producepartial melts are and hence the sourceheat production. The inferred Th and K20 contentsof the source region are similar to that of average shales, while our "best estimate" for the U concentrationis approximately 3 times that in the average post-Archeanshale [Taylor and McClennan,1985]. The effects of these heat production rates on crustal temperaturescan be inferred from the study of Molnar et al. [1983]. With slight modification of their results,this study can be used to determine the thermal perturbationsof thin ~920 K if the systemis saturatedwith externallyderived horizons of uraniferous rocks. Thermal effects of discrete water and 1120 K for the more likely scenarioof "fluidhorizons of radioactive material can be calculated from the absentmelting"of a systemwherein all fluid is suppliedby shear heating calculationsof Molnar et al., exchangingthe dehydrationof hydrousphasessuchas muscoviteand biotite productAoD (heat productivityfrom radioactivedecaytimes [Thompson, 1982; Vielzeuf and Holloway, 1988]. The layer thickness) for c•v (resolved shear stress times steadystategeotherms shownin the diagramare constrained of 65 :l: 5 km [Molnar, 1988], velocity). While these substitutionsappear ad hoc, both are by (1) the crustalthickness suggestedby Molnar et al. [1983]. (2) TMoho<1300 K [Molnar, 1988], and (3) nominalcrustal Temperatureperturbationsdue to in situ radioactivedecay heatproduction ratesof 0-1 x 10-6 W/m3. Thisillustration (ATr) in isolatedhorizons, using the parametersof Table 7, demonstratesthat temperaturesnecessaryto partially melt are functions of both the thickness and volumetric heat pelitic rocks can be attained within the thickenedcrust of production within the layer. For heat productionrates in the Tibetan Plateau, with a wide variety of plausible heat Table 6, and a radiogeniclayer 10 km thick, ATr within this sources. horizon range from 100 to 250 K some 20 Ma after the layer For the minimumgeothermmodeled,wherethe assumption was created. These A Tr estimates are of course very of no heat productionwithin the crusthas beenmade,the intersects the dry liquidusat -1100 K and70 km sensitive to the assumed parameters; the uncertainty in k geotherm (thermal conductivity,here assumedto be 2.1 W/m-K [Pinet depth;additionof heatby in situdecayof radioactive nuclei and Jaupart, 1987] is particularly large. Increasingk will (100-200 K) produceslocal intersectionof the liquidusat anddepthsof lessthan1050K and40 km. A lead to lower ATr becausethe heat will be transportedfrom temperatures the source at a greater rate. Nonetheless, this procedure geothermdeterminedwith an average volumetricheat demonstrates that in situ radioactive decay may have production rateof 1 x 10-6W/m3 in thetop30kmof crust contributedsignificantquantitiesof heat to the sourceregion intersectsthe dry liquidusat 1000 K and ~30 km depth; TABLE7. Temperature Perturbations Time, Ma* AoD, W/m 2 10 20 30 40 z•Tr (•0 0.017 0.039 0.046 73 170 205 95 220 265 0.017 0.039 0.046 78 183 220 105 245 295 105 240 290 110 255 305 Z•Tr (30 •n)? 120 285 •35 305 340 380 D=10km;Ao-l.7x 10-6,3.9x 10-6and4.6x 10-6W/m3; •- 2.1W/m-K; •-1x 10-6mY/s.Heatproductions arecalculated fromFigure 5 ofMolnar etal. [1983]. *Elapsedtime of decay. tTemperature increase (K) in the centerof a 10-km-thick layerduesolelyto heatingby in situradioactive decay,giventhe Ao of Table6 anddepthbelow surfaceof 20 (upperset)and30 km (lowerset). Otherparameters are givenabove. MCKENNA AND WALKER: G•MISTRY OF LECOUCRATIC IGNEOUS ROCKS 21,497 Temperature (K) 300 500 700 900 1100 0 -. ' --. A=0"., 15 -'q::i '•::i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:?,•' A=I ..... 0 • "- 10 " 0 ATr(K) 200 B•e ofContinental Cr•t "'• Fig. 9. Summa• diagramof the •e•d stmctu• of •e TiPton Plateau•d dep•-temperatu•relationsof •litic •d graniticliquidii, adapted• paa from Hyndman [1981], Thompson[1982] and Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988].Tem•rature isgiven • Kelv•andp•ssu•• 108Pa(=kba0.•i•er l•es show l•ati• of •uminosflicatestab•ity fields (A=andalusite,K=kyanite,S=s•anite). we• constructed us•g cu•nt crustal•ic•esses (65 2 5 •) •d Moho t•ratures 1988], •d n•• Steadystategeothe•s (g13• K) [Molnar, h•t production of0 and1x 10'6 W• 3 (straight andcu•edl•es labeled A=0andA=I, respectively). •rge, shadedtriangleillustratesl•ely temperature•creases • sourceregi• of Ulugh Mu•agh magmasdueto • sireradioactive decay(seeTables7 •d 8). •e tem•ramre increaseis a •nction of •e •ickness of •e sourcelayer; •is •c•ase is given, at a s•cdic •ickness indicatedby the veaical l•b of the triangleby •e dist•ce from the verticall•b to the hypot•euse of the •gle. D• •d wet melt•g •nes •dicate the P-T l•ii of water saturatedand water absentmelting of pelitic sourceareas [Vielzeufand Holloway,1988]. L•ely P-T field for eraplacement of •e UlughMu•agh •tmsive r•ks is stippled. addition of heat from in situ decay allows temperaturesin excessof 1200 K at depths as shallow as -20 km. These calculations show that superposition of reasonable geotherms for the Tibetan Plateau and temperature perturbations from radioactive decay can produce the temperaturesnecessary to partially melt even dry pelitic source rocks and to produce large volumes of melt. The upper temperaturelimits derived in Figure 9 are compatible with the temperaturerange of the experimentsof Vielzeuf and Holloway [1988], demonstrating that the pressuretemperature-composition relationshipswithin the sourcearea for the Ulugh Muztagh intrusive and extrusive rocks are sufficientto producean in situ partial melt. REGIONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND TECTONIC IMPLICATIONS The recent magmatismin the Ulugh Muztagh area is a part of a regionally extensive province of post-Middle Miocene vulcanism,which covers an elliptical area at least 300 km in extent north-south and 600 km east-west within the north- central Tibetan Plateau. The approximate age and type of volcanism is shown in detail in Figure 10, adapted from the GeologicalMap of the Tibetan Plateau [Ministry of Geology and Natural Resources, 1980]. Two features of interest in this map are the latitudinal zonation of the chemistryof the volcanics and the sharp, linear northern and easternedges of the province. This northernfront strikes obliquely relative to the edge of the plateau (as representedby the trace of the Altyn Tagh Fault), but is subparallel to, and 100-50 km north of, the trace of the Jinsha Suture. Ulugh Muztagh is found along the westernsectionof the northernedge of the province. Deng [1978] reportedthe resultsof a reconnaissance field trip, detailed optical petrography, and major element chemistryof Quaternaryvolcanic rocks exposedsouth of Ulugh Muztagh. He separatedtheseflows into threegroups: the southernBamogiongzong,central Yongbohu and the northernQiangbaqiansequences. As shown in Figure 10, these units lie 200, 100, and 50 km, respectively, south of 21,498 MCKENNAANDW•: + 82ø +• • G•STRY + 86ø OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUSROCKS + zsz -• 9• + oLhasa +30øN 94øE Fig.10. Simplified geologic mapof post-Early Miocene volcanic rocks ontheTibetan Plateau, modified andadapted fromTheGeologic MapoftheTibetan Plateau [Ministry of Geology andNatural Resources, 1980] and[Coulon etal.,1986].Rock types andapproximate ages areshown byshading: 1,Neogene andesitic volcanic rocks;2, Pliocene to Recentandesitic volcanic rocks;3, undffferentiated andesitic volcanic rocks; 4, potassic Pliocene to Recent andesitic volcanic rocks; 5, Pliocene to Recent basicvolcanic rocks;6, potassic Pliocene to Recentbasicvolcanic rocks;7, undffferentiated basicvolcanic rocks. Unshaded areas areolder,undifferentiated volcanic rocks.Thecentral Tibetan Plateau volcanic fieldis shown inthecenter ofthefigure, dotted lines separate areas ofdistinct rock type.TheAltynTagh Fault forms the northern structural andtopographic frontof thePlateau; notetheangular discordance between thisstructure andtheE-Wtrending northern boundary of thevolcanic province andcompositional subprovinces. Following Molnar, [1988], observe thatthevolcanic province islocated overanarea ofanomalously hot upper mantle; it appears fromthedataofDeng,[1978]; andPearce andMei,[1988]thatunits5, 6, and7 are formed bypartial melting of enriched mantle. Theband ofunit2 (which includes sample TQ3) between Ulugh Muztagh andTQ2 represent hybrid magmas formed through mixing of crustally derived mantle melts similar to those exposed at Ulugh Muztagh andmantle melts similar to those exposed at TQ2. Fault ornamentation as in Figure 1. thevolcanicunitsexposed at UlughMuztaghandlie on the trachydacites to subalkalic rhyolites[Deng,1978;Pearceand northernsectionof the Qiangtangterrain. The southern Mei, 1988]. Theageof all of these unitswassuggested by sequence includesultrapotassic rocksvaryingfrom tephrite Deng [1978]to be Quaternary, basedon relationships with basanitesto phonolites. Typical phenocrystsinclude underlying rocksof assumed Plio-Pleistocene age. The silica leucite, analcite,nephiline,nosean,olivine (Fo75) and andpotashconcentrations of thesesamples agreereasonably aegerine-augite. The central sequenceare transitionalto well with the compositions expected from their unit calc-alkaline tephrite basanitesto trachyandesites and identificationon the GeologicalMap of the TibetanPlateau. dacites,while the northerngroupare typicallycalc-alkalineIn that map's terminology,and in the terminologyfollowed MCKENNAANDWALKER:GEOCHEMISTRY OFLECOU••C in Figure 10, samplesTQ1, 2 and 3 are ultrapotassic basic rocks (unit 6 in Figure 10), ultrapotassicandesiticrocks (unit 4), and intermediaterocks (unit 2), respectively. The variation in rock type recorded by Deng [1978] in the Yongbohuvolcanicsmay indicate that the central unit 4 provincein Figure 10 includesa rangeof lithologiesfrom IGNEOUSROCKS 21,499 While we recognizethe potentialdangerof drawing conclusions from sucha small data set, the GeologicalMap of theTibetanPlateausuggests thatthepatterns seenin the datadiscussed heremaywellbe representative of patterns in the centralvolcanicprovinceas a whole,andarecertainly testablewhen additionaldata become available. These basanite to andesRe. resultsarecompatible with a modelfor Pleistocene-Recent One samplefrom eachof the sequences identifiedby Deng [1978] was re-analyzedby Pearce and Mei [1988]. As noted by Pearce and Mei [1988], the TQ samples all show extraordinaryenrichmentof the REEs and the LIL elements (Rb, St, Th) indicativeof derivationfrom a highly enriched source area, due perhaps to assimilationof a subduction component [Pearce and Mei, 1988]. Despite this enrichment,all three samplesdemonstratea consistenthigh field strength elements depletion [Salters and Shimizu, 1988], a characteristic not atypical of subcontinental lithosphere. The high MgO contentsand Mg numbersfor the basanite indicate that these magmas are direct mantle melts, apparentlyextrudedthroughthe 65 km thicknessof magmatism alongthenorthern Qiangtang terrainwhichis dominated by mixingof twoend-member compositions. The silicarich end-member (represented by the UlughMuztagh extrusives) formsthrough in situpartialmeltingof pelitic rockswithin the thickenedTibetancrust. The mafic endmember(represented by the TQ 2, the Yongbohusequence) forms through partial melting of enriched, perhaps metasomatized subcontinental mantle, and occurs, as shown in Figure 10, in a band50 km thick betweenthe southern ultrapotassic and the northernhybridprovinces.Theseendmembers occur approximately 100 km apart, while the hybridmagmalies 50 km southof Ulugh Muztagh. Most likely, neither of the chemical end-membersare point sources;we do not envisionveins of magma stretching50 km to mix together in the central belt. Rather, we hypothesizethat partial melting of the crust, and hence productionof the silicic end-member,occurs laterally throughoutthe crust. To the north, unadulterated crustal meltsreachthe surfaceowingto a lack of mantlemelt, while in the Qiangbaqianarea, subequalvolumes of the end membersare present. In the Yongbohu area,an entiresuite of basaniteto rhyoliteindicatesthe presenceof both hybrid liquidsandunadulterated mantlemelts. Finally,southof the Yongbohubelt, a wide areaof ultra-potassic rocksrepresents Bamogiongzong sequence, as represented by sampleTQ I of an area of hybrid liquids stronglymodifiedby low-pressure by sampleTQ 1. Pearce and Mei [1988], apparenfiy formed by fractional fractionation,as suggested A numberof studies(see Molnar [1988] for a review) have crystallizationof hybrid melts. the plateau. Basedon the availablemajor and traceelementdata for the TQ rocks,we suggestthat the volcanicrocksexposedin and southof Ulugh Muztagh are related by magmamixing: the end-membersare representedby the high silica crustalmelts exposedat Ulugh Muztagh and the basanitesamplesof the centralYongbohuprovincesouthof Ulugh Muztagh (Figure 11). Mass balance calculationsindicate that the analyzed samplefrom the northernQiangbaqian sequence(sampleTQ 3) formedfrom approximatelyequalfractionsof the two endmembers. The major element chemistry of the Tarim Tibetan Plateau Basin TQ2 UM TQ1 TQ3 Fig. 11. A sketch of the sourcesand mixing areas of magmas in the central Tibetan province, modified from Molnar, [1988]. The areasof mantle upwelling are shown by arrows; approximatelocations of Ulugh Muztagh, TQ 3 and TQ 2 are also shown. Silicic magmasare producedthroughcrustalmelting of pelitic or perhapsamphiboliticmaterial over a wide region of the plateau (N-dipping hatching), while manfie-derived melts occur only southof the area of active upwelling (S-dippinghatching). The resultinghybrid magmas can cover wide areas of the central plateau, but the northernterminusof the marie magmasshould indicate the northernterminusof the upwelling. If so, data for the Ulugh Muztagh extmsiverocksindicatethe length of the boundarybetweenerodedand unerodedlithosphereis of the order of 100 km. 21,500 MCKENNA AND WALKER: GE•MISTRY OF LECOUCRATICIGNEOUSR• demonstratedthe existenceof a high impedancezone in the the time-integrated unroofing rate for the Ulugh Muztagh upper mantle below the north-central Tibetan Plateau, the region is less than 1.25-2 mm/yr. Interestingly,Molnar et al. [1987] estimated that thrust faults along the northern same area occupied by the volcanic province. Molnar [1988] hypothesized that this anomaly was due to the edge of the Tibetan Plateau have vertical slip rates of 1-2 presenceof relatively hot, perhapspartially melted, mantle mm/yr, in good agreementwith the crustal thickeningrates material driven convectively against the base of the Tibetan estimatedby examination of the Ulugh Muztagh igneous continental lithosphere. This thinning of the mantle rocks. lithosphere beneath the central Plateau has produced the CONCLUSIONS lateral thermal gradients resolved by teleseismic studies. Molnar also suggestedthat the approximate correspondence The granites, granodiorites,rhyolites, and trondhjemites of the volcanic province with the thermal anomaly was collected from the Ulugh Muztagh region of the northern evidenceof a causal relationship. The large-scale mixing observed in the volcanic rocks Tibetan Plateau are leucocratic, potassic, primarily south of Ulugh Muztagh confirms this model and allows peraluminousrocks which formed from crustally derived some detail to be added to it. The geochemicalgradient partialmelts. Thesemelts were producedat depthsof 20-40 between the central Yongbohu sequence and the crustally km by heating of the source region through in situ derived melts is causedby the thermal gradient imposedby radiogenicdecay and mantle heat flux into thick, and hence mantle convection. The mantle-derived melts form south of the line at which hot, superadiabaticmaterial is juxtaposed with continental lithosphere. North of this line, mantle temperaturesare too low, or lithosphericthicknessestoo high, to allow formation of melts or their transportto the surface. If true, the distribution of volcanic rocks on the insulative, continental crust. The igneousrocks currently exposedat Ulugh Muztagh form both extrusive and intrusive bodies;regional contact metamorphicrelationshipssuggest that the intrusiverocks were emplacedat pressuresless than 4 x 108 Pa. Burchfiel et al. [1989]havereported 40Ar/39Ar datathat plateau suggest that the width of the thinned zone of documentsa minimum age difference between the intrusive asthenosphere is approximatelyequal to the width of the and extrusive samplesof 4-6.5 Ma. The youngerrhyolitic element abundances, trace mixing area defined by the Ulugh Muztagh and Yongbohu extrusive rocks have major 87 86 element abundances, and St/ Sr and206pb/204pb ratios sequences,or approximately100 km. This would require similar to those of the intrusive rocks. Although the significantlateral thermal and mechanicalgradientsin the extrusives appear to be significantly younger than the mantle below the plateau. intrusives,the chemical data suggestthat both the extrusive If the northward limit of Cenozoic volcanism does follow and the intrusive rocks considered here were derived from the subcrustal thermal anomalies, the angular discordance between this anomaly and the topographicand structural same, or very similar, source rocks of pelitic composition. front of the Tibetan Plateauhas importantimplications. The This history of crustally derived magmatism requires topographicrelief (from the westernmost exposureto the maintenanceor episodic attainment of super-soliduscrustal easternmostexposureof mafic melts, see Figure 10) along temperaturefor time scalesof 5 to 10 million years. The the northern limit of volcanism is over 2 km. If the depthof emplacementof the intrusiverocks and the inferred northern terminus of the mafic rocks maps the thermal depth of the source rocks suggests that rates of crustal anomaly within the mantle, the subcrustalthermal structure thickening and unroofing in the north-central Tibetan is clearly not affecting the formationof the plateau. In Plateau may be approximately equal, at 1-2 mm/yr. These otherwords,the mantle-crust systemin centralAsia appears rates are similar to those estimatedby Moltmr et al. [1987] to be decoupled,with the mechanisms of crustalthickening from ground level reconnaissanceobservationsand suggest operating independently, but synchronously,with the that the north central Tibetan Plateau may be in a steady mechanismsaffecting the mantle. If a link between the state condition, with the rates of crustal thickening mantle thermal structure and the creation and maintenance of approximatelyequal to the rate of unroofing. Considerationof the extrusivesamplesat Ulugh Muztagh the plateau's elevation does exists, it appears to be operatingon time scaleslonger than that recordedin the and other Pliocene to recent volcanic rocks south of Ulugh upperCenozoicvolcanicrockspresentin the centralplateau Muztagh suggeststhat large-scale mixing of crustal melts and mantle derived melts is occurring in the north central that are examined here. Tibetan Plateau. The east-westtrendingcompositionalzones The time scaleand rate of thickeningin this part of the are due to similarly trending thermal gradientsin the upper plateau canbeestimated fromthe40Ar/39Ar geochronology resultsof Burchfielet al. [1989], alongwith the estimatefor mantle below the plateau. The oblique angle between the maximumdepth of emplacementfor the intrusiverocks (4 x subplateauthermal structure and the Tibetan Plateau itself 108Pa,or approximately 10-12km). Theminimum ageof indicates that the mechanisms of crustal thickening may crystallizationfor the intrusiverocks is providedby the operate independently of mechanisms controlling the 10.5 Ma muscoviteplateauage for UBTG; the Sr isotopic datapresentedabovesuggestpossiblecrystallization agesof 11-12Ma. The intrusivesuitewasexposed at the surfaceby 4.0 Ma, as the well-dated extrusive rocks overlie a boulder conglomerate which contains abundantclasts of the intrusive thermal and mechanical structure of the mantle. APPENDIX 1 MV2, UMVU and UM3V are rhyolitic tuffs characterized by glomerophyricplagioclase(An20_25) and sanidine,phenocrystic quartz (up to 7 mm dianemr)and biotite, and subhederalto anhederal rocks. Thus the maximum averageunroofingrate between cordieritein a microliticgroundmass. CordierRe is surrounded by a 10-12 Ma and 4 Ma is 10-12 km/6-8 Ma=1.25-2 mm/a. The felty, colorlessrim 10-30 •.m thick, and locally has altered to actualunroofingrate may well have exceededthis average pinite. Zircon includedin cordieritecrystalsare anhederal,broken rate for shorttime intervals;our estimatemerelystatesthat grains,with no mandes. Sanidineand biotite separatesfrom MV2 MCKENNAANDWAIXER: GEOCHEMISTRY OFLECOUCRATIC IGNEOUSROCKS APPENDIX 2: REE Corrections From U Fission Extrusives Element MV1B ls 1.03 UM1B 1.03 MV2 21,501 Intrusives UM3V UMVU UMQP 0.72 0.69 0.63 0.47 QID BKSP UBTG 0.33 0.57 0.46 Potasslum-poor 2MGR KSPO QIL UM10 0.3 0.54 0.25 0.27 oLa* 0.24 0.2 0.1 0.15 0.1 0.06 0.04 0.12 0.1 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.04 Ce 7.02 7.02 4.91 4.7 4.27 3.19 2.24 3.89 3.13 2.08 3.67 1.73 1.86 oCe Ni 1.62 1.35 0.68 1.03 0.7 0.43 0.3 0.84 0.65 0.32 0.49 0.22 0.24 5.46 5.46 3.82 3.65 3.32 2.48 1.74 3.02 2.44 1.62 2.86 1.34 1.45 oNd 1.4 1.18 0.6 0.89 0.62 0.39 0.27 0.73 0.56 0.29 0.44 0.19 0.22 Sm 0.1 0.1 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 •Sm Valuesin the tableare the concentrations (in partsper million) of elements produced in the samplesby inducedU fission[Korotevand Kindstrom, 1985]. Thesevaluesweresubtracted fromtheINAA results to givethetrueconcentrations of theelements reported in Table2. * Fully propagated 2s uncertainties in the corrections, in partsper million. consists of quartzand plagioclase with were analysed for39Ar/40Ar. Thesanidine hadaplateau ageof4.0 The isotropicgroundmass _+0.1 Ma (72% of gas in threesteps,total gasage was4.1 Ma), and diameters less than 30-50 mm. In UM10, faces of tourmaline and quartzareroughon the scaleof 30-50ram,aparently dueto reaction biotite gave a total gasage of 4.2 _+0.1 Ma. UMQP is a porpyritic rhyolite with quartz, sanidine, cordieritc and biotite phenoctystsin a microlitic groundmass. Tourmaline is present in trace quantities,and althoughtypically of small size is clearly a phenocrysticphase. The isotropicgroundmassconsistsof 10-50 •tm diameter quartz+plagioclase+sanidine (70%), opaques (20%) and biotite (10%) MV1B and UM1B are glassy rholitic flows with porphyritic to locally glomerophyricplagioclaseand porphyrititc sanidine,quartz, cordieritc and biotite in a glassy matrix. Plagioclase is locally fluid-inclusion rich, individual laths are up to 4-5 mm in length. Cordieritc grains are typically smaller in size than the plagioclases, and some display overgrowths of cordieritc around central, zoned grains. A sanidine separate from MV1B had a 4.0 _+ 0.1 Ma 39Ar/40Ar plateau age(fivesteps, 100% ofthegas). BKSP and UBTG are coarsegrained,panidiomorphicgraniteswith phenocrystsof perthitic, poikolitic alkali feldspar and quartz with smaller phenocrysts of plagioclase (An25.45) and biotite in a medium grained, equigranulargroundmassof quartz, alkali feldspar and biotite. Zircon inclusionsin biotite included clear to very dark coloredgrains all less than 50 mm long. Clear grainsare euhederal and show no radiation haloes, dark grains are anhederal and are surroundedby radiation-damage haloes. Three mineral separateswere of the grainswith the groundmass, while the facesof plagioclase grainsare quitesharp.In QTL, the plagiodase grainsdisplaythis roughtexture,whilethequartzandtourmaline facesaresharp.Trace quantitiesof zircon (cloudy,anhederal)are presentwithin the tourmaline. KSPO is a rathercoarsegrainedgranodiorite with phenocrysts of alkali feldspar(2-15mmin length),quartzand plagioclase with interstitial,fine-grainedbiotiteand muscovite. Lathsof allanitc occurboth as inclusions in otherphasesand as interstitialgrains. In the formerenvironment, the grainsare stubyandanhederal, while the interstitialgrains are long, thin, optically clear laths upto 5001•min length. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank Drew Coleman for XRF preparation;S. R. Hart for the use of the Geoalchemylab at MIT; W. R. Van Schmus and M. E. Bickford for consultationat the XRF and mass-specfacilities at the University of Kansas; and F. Frey for use of, and P. Ila for her help in all aspectsof, the INAA facility at MIT. Ye Hongzhuankindly translatedmap legends and tables for us: his assistancewas crucial to our understandingof ideas presentedhere. Kevin Furlong wrote the program"Geotherm"used in producing Figure 9. B. Nelson and an anonymousreviewer providedexcellentreviewsof this manuscript;B.C. Burchfiel,P. Le analyzed by39Ar/40Ar. Muscovites gave a 10.5+ 0.1Maplateau Fort, K. Burke and V. Salters read early versions of the manuscript (78% of the gas in two steps),biotite a total gas age of 10.1 + 0.1 and suggested improvements to it. Although they may not Ma and sanidine displayed a minimum age of 9.1 Ma with a total necessairily agree with any of the ideas presented herein, we gas age of 10.2 + 0.1 Ma. appreciate their efforts. 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