תל אביב הזמנה


תל אביב הזמנה
‫חסות ראשית‬
‫אני שמח שזכינו לארח בביתנו את ‪ Prof. Bjorn Zachrisson‬מנרבגיה‬
‫ו‪ Dr. Sverker Toreskog -‬משודיה ביום חגה של המחלקה‬
‫לאורתודונטיה בביה"ס לרפואת שיניים באוניברסיטת תל אביב‬
‫המצינת ‪ 40‬שנה לקיומה‪.‬‬
‫יותר מכל אדם אחר האיש שהכניס את תחום ה"אסתטיקה"‬
‫לרפואת השיניים בהיבט אורתו‪-‬פרותטי הינו ללא ספק‬
‫‪ .Prof. Bjorn Zachrisson‬הגישה הטיפולית שפותחה על ידו עם‬
‫עמיתו הפרותטיקאי ‪ Dr. Sverker Toreskog‬מבוססת על שיתוף‬
‫פעולה הדוק המתחיל עם קבלת המתרפא לטיפול ונמשכת לאורך‬
‫שלבי הטיפול ושנים רבות מעם תום הטיפול‪" .‬עבודת צוות" זו‬
‫המיושמת למעלה מ ‪ 40‬שנה תוצג במהלך הכנס תוך שימת דגש‬
‫על מצוינות מקצועית והתחבטות עם שאלות הרטנציה והנסיגה‪.‬‬
‫כחוקר וקלינאי העוקב אחר עבודותיו של ‪Prof. Bjorn Zachrisson‬‬
‫אין לי ספק שהתרומה המקצועית הנרחבת אותה הנחיל לתחום‬
‫האורתו‪-‬פרותטי תעשיר את כל באי הכנס (אורתודונטים‪,‬‬
‫פרותטיקאים‪ ,‬פריודונטים‪ ,‬פדודונטים ורופאי שיניים כלליים) במטען‬
‫עתיר ידע הטומן בחובו הנחיות לישומים קלינים‪.‬‬
‫‪Leonardo City Tower Hotel, Ramat Gan‬‬
‫‪February 23, 2012‬‬
‫חסויות רגילות‬
‫ביטוח הראל‬
‫גל ‪ -‬אור‬
‫דנטל סטוראם בע”מ‬
‫מאודנטל ישראל בע”מ‬
‫מדאורד שיווק בע”מ‬
‫סילמט הפצה בע”מ‬
‫תשר געש‬
‫‪Registration: Ofakim Travel & Congresses Ltd.‬‬
‫‪Tel: 972-3-7610805/24, Fax: 972-3-7610799‬‬
‫‪Email: shir@ofakim.co.il‬‬
‫‪Site: www.ofakim-knasim.com‬‬
‫אל תוותרו על הזדמנות נדירה זו (ולמעשה אחרונה) ללמוד משני‬
‫ענקי דור אלו שיציגו מורכביות של טיפולים שעמדו הן במבחן‬
‫הזמן המידי והן במבחן הזמן הארוך‪.‬‬
‫פרופ‪ .‬אלכסנדר ורדימון‬
‫ראש המחלקה לאורתודונטיה‪ ,‬אוניברסיטת תל אביב‬
It is with much pleasure and great privilege that I
welcome Prof. Bjorn Zachrisson and Dr. Sverker Toreskog
from Sweden to our Department on the occasion of the
40th anniversary of the foundation of the Department
of Orthodontics at Tel Aviv University.
Bjorn Zachrisson has been undisputedly recognized as
being at the forefront in the orthodontic world in the
field of aesthetics, excellence in orthodontic treatment
and bringing us the relevance of interdisciplinary
clinical understanding especially related to aspects of
orthodontics and prosthetics. The treatment diagnoses,
techniques and approach that he has developed with
his close friend and associate Sverker Toreskog have
made an immense impact. Their full understanding
on clinical cooperation continues through all stages
of active treatment and is followed up for many years
after the treatment.
This “teamwork“ concept which has been applied for over
40 years, will be presented during the conference with
a special emphasis on professional clinical quality and
controversial questions such as retention and relapse.
As a researcher and clinician, who has been following
Prof. Bjorn Zachrisson’s work for many years, I have no
doubt that his broad professional contribution, which
he provides to the field of ortho-prosthetics, will enrich
each one of the conference attendees (orthodontists,
prosthodontists, periodontists and general practioners)
with immense applicable clinical recommendations.
I highly recommend that you participate in this unique
occasion (probably the last one), to learn from these two
giants of our generation. Their complex presentation
includes treatment cases that have prevailed through
both the short and long term periods of time.
We are highly honored to host such an event.
Prof. Alexander Vardimon
Head, Department of Orthodontics, Tel-Aviv University
Professor of Orthodontics
08:00 – 09:00 Registration and Exhibition
09:00 – 09:45Bjorn Zachrisson (BZ): Important
New Aspects on How-To-Obtain
Best Esthetic Outcomes in Clinical
Dentistry: Horizontal and Vertical
09:45 – 10:30 S verker Toreskog (ST): Minimally
Invasive Esthetic Dentistry and New
Aspects on Porcelain Laminate
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:45BZ + ST: Single Implants – Long Term
Esthetics: Good, Bad and Ugly – and
Rated by his orthodontic peers as the
finest adult orthodontist in the world,
Dr. Björn Zachrisson is Professor of
the Department of Orthodontics at
the University of Oslo, Norway and
maintains a private orthodontic
practice in Oslo, restricted to the treatment of adult
patients. He has published more than 200 scientific and
clinical articles in international journals and textbooks,
in orthodontics, periodontics and general dentistry.
Dr. Zachrisson is Associate Editor of the Journal of Clinical
Orthodontics, and a Member of the Editorial Boards
of the Seminars in Orthodontics, Angle Orthodontist,
World Journal of Orthodontics, Clinical Orthodontics and
Research, Practical Periodontics & Aesthetic Dentistry.
11:45 – 13:00BZ + ST: Conventional
Interdisciplinary Cases - Everyone a
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00BZ + ST: Interdisciplinary
Management of Missing Maxillary
Lateral Incisors
15:00 – 15:30 B
Z + ST: Severe Traumatic Injuries
with Loss of Incisors – Space Closure
Cases Long-Term
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:20BZ + ST: Severe Traumatic
Injuries with Loss of Incisors Autotransplantation Cases With
Interdisciplinary Efforts – Long-Term
Outcomes and Recent Advances
17:20 – 17:30 B
Z + ST: Conclusions, Questions and
DDS, MSD, Odont. Dr HC
Dr. Sverker Toreskog is a prosthodontist
in Göteborg, Sweden, with major
fields of interest being crown
and bridge, ceramics, aesthetics,
composites, implants, new materials
and techniques, especially in the area
of “Minimally Invasive Techniques”
such as Ultrathin Bonded Porcelain Restorations. He
has lectured extensively in the above fields of interest.
Dr. Toreskog has written on subjects such as, “Perspectives
on Dental Ceramics”, “Protecting Tissues with Aesthetic
Dental Treatment - a Visionary Handbook” and “A
Minimally Invasive and Aesthetic Bonded Porcelain
Technique - The Concept and the Vision”.
Dr. Toreskog is considered to be one of the finest
aesthetic dentists in the world - and perhaps the best
lecturer on the restorative circuit.
Leonardo City Tower Hotel, Ramat Gan • February 23, 2012