מְ - Ulpan-Or


מְ - Ulpan-Or
‫עִ בְ ִרית בְ כֵיף‬
‫ סידרת ערכות אינטראקטיביות הכוללות חומרי שמע‬- iHebrew™
'‫ָרמָ ה א‬
ֹ - ‫ּפוֹעַ ל‬
Learn Hebrew the Fun Way
iHebrew™ - a series of interactive rapid Hebrew study kits
Introductory Level
Verbs – Present Tense
Orly & Yoel Ganor
‫אורלי ויואל גנור‬
Copyright © 1998-2011 by Orly & Yoel Ganor
‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬
All rights reserved to Orly and Yoel Ganor
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means
without written permission from Orly and Yoel Ganor.
Catalogue No. VER-P-2011-2S-RW7
Ulpan-Or: www.ulpanor.com
Dear student,
This verb book is the result of many years of research. It has been
developed with the aim of helping people overcome their fear of
Hebrew grammar.
We simplified the way of teaching Hebrew verb structure that
lets you enjoy the beauty and the intrinsic musical qualities of
Hebrew grammar.
We are delighted to help you learn Hebrew, and we appreciate
receiving comments or remarks on this text.
Please feel free to contact us at:
With best wishes,
Orly & Yoel
* This book contains verses from the Torah and Psalms.
Please treat this book accordingly.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Table of contents
Ulpan-Or iHebrew™ Study Kit Series ..…………………... Pg. 7
Study instructions …………………………………………… Pg. 8
General Introduction ……………………………………….. Pg. 11
Verb Groups - Introduction ………………………………... Pg. 15
Verb Infinitive Form ………………………………………... Pg. 17
Time Words ………………………………………………..... Pg. 19
Helping Verbs …………………………………...................... Pg. 23
Helping Adverbs……………………………………………... Pg. 26
Binyan Piel - Infinitive Form ………………………………
Pg. 28
Binyan Piel – Present Tense ……………………………….. Pg. 37
Binyan Pa’al - Infinitive Form …………………………….. Pg. 47
Binyan Pa’al – Present Tense ……………………………… Pg. 68
Binyan Hif’il - Infinitive Form …………………………….. Pg. 127
Binyan Hif’il – Present Tense ……………………………..
Pg. 136
Binyan Hitpael - Infinitive Form ……………………..……
Pg. 144
Binyan Hitpael – Present Tense …………………………… Pg. 152
Binyan Nif’al - Infinitive Form ……………………..……... Pg. 160
Binyan Nif’al – Present Tense ……………………………... Pg. 170
Verb Summary ……………………………………………… Pg. 181
Prepositions ………………………………………………….. Pg. 187
Flash Cards ………………………………………………….. Pg. 205
Pg 5
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Following is a partial list of i Hebrew™ series study kits available
from Ulpan-Or:
Low and High Beginner Level
Hebrew Alphabet - addresses print and script letters.
Hebrew Experience - basic orientation Spoken Hebrew.
Kita Alef - introductory level study kit.
Verbs, Present Tense - verbs and grammar for low to high beginner
Low and High Intermediate Level
1. Verbs, Future Tense - verbs and grammar for intermediate level and
2. Verbs, Past Tense - verbs and grammar for intermediate level and up.
3. Dialogues - dialogues addressing various aspects of life.
4. Situations & Media - family / school / work situations and items
from the Israeli media.
Low and High Advanced Level
1. Verbs in a Nutshell - verbs in all tenses, including irregulars
2. Advanced Hebrew (Dalet) - dialogues, stories and media
3. Very Advanced Hebrew (Hey- Vav) - dialogues, stories and media
E-Tone® – Online Multimedia Weekly Newspaper issued in three
 Advanced Beginner - Low intermediate
 High Intermediate
 Advanced
We continuously update and improve our existing study materials and
continue creating new materials for all levels.
To find out more, please visit our site: www.ulpanor.com
Contact us for additional information at: office@ulpanor.com
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Study Instructions
Dear student,
This study kit uses a combined system of recorded and written
material. It is of utmost importance to use both – the text and the
recorded explanations, to achieve full understanding of the
Listen to each track and read the corresponding material 2-3
times and only then move on to new material.
Track 1 contains an affirmation statement. Listen to it, or repeat
it by yourself several times a day in order to overcome possible
difficulties and barriers in studying Hebrew.
Start studying with the explanation of the general structure of
Hebrew verbs on track 2 of CD 1.
Throughout the book there are many types of exercises. It is
important that you complete these before moving on to the next
After learning each verb tense, please do the exercises. These
will let you know how well you are doing, and whether you
need to review the material. Listen to the answers on CDs.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 1
Affirmation Statement
One of the best ways to accelerate your studying progress is to use
the technique of affirmations. The following affirmation sentence was
especially designed for this course. It has worked for so many of our
students and it will work for you!
“I enjoy studying Hebrew.
I understand and speak
Hebrew easily and fluently.
I progress rapidly in
.‫"אֲ נִ י אוֹהֵ ב לִ לְ מוֹד עִ בְ ִרית‬
.‫ּומדַ בֵ ר עִ בְ ִרית בְ ַקּלּות‬
ְ ‫אֲ נִ י מֵ בִ ין‬
".‫אֲ נִ י ִמ ְת ַקדֵ ם מַ הֵ ר בְ עִ בְ ִרית‬
Repeat your affirmation statement aloud 12 times a
day when relaxed.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 2
Verbs - General Introduction
On the following page you will find the
As you know, in the Temple there was a golden Menorah built with seven
branches. It was made of one single piece of gold to represent the
unification of the different…
The Temple Menorah was captured by the Romans after the destruction
of the second Temple.
After the foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, the Menorah became
the symbol of Israel.
The Hebrew verbs are divided into seven basic groups. Each group is
called "BINYAN". (BINYAN = building, structure)
In this book the verb groups are arranged in the
shape of a Menorah. (See next page).
Using this study kit you will learn the
Hebrew verbs in a unique and easy way, based on the sound
structure (music, or vowel combination) that distinguishes the
different groups. Once you have learned the music of a certain verb
group, you will automatically know how to use all the other verbs
having the same music. It will help you be on "auto-pilot" and
speak like an Israeli.
Let's take a look at the Verb Menorah.
 The 3 branches on the right side represent active verb groups
 The 3 branches on the left side represent passive verb groups
 The middle branch represents a group which is sometimes active
and sometimes passive.
At this stage please do not plunge into the details. Just absorb the
overall picture.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
‫ְמנוֹ ַרת הַ ֹּפעַ ל‬
The Verb Menorah
This Menorah represents the fantastic order and music of the Hebrew
language. Notice the 3 right-hand branches, which represent active verbs,
while the 3 left-hand branches represent passive verbs.
The middle branch represents verbs, which can be both active and
passive. (Listen to CD for explanation and demonstration of the music)
Binyan Name 
Example 
‫נִ ְפעַ ל‬
‫הֻּ ְפעַ ל‬
‫ֻּּפעַ ל‬
‫נִ כְ ַתב‬
‫הֻּ ְר ַגׁש‬
‫דֻּ בַ ר‬
passive passive passive
‫ִה ְתּפַ עֵ ל‬
‫ִה ְתלַבֵ ׁש‬
‫ִּפעֵ ל‬
‫ִדבֵ ר‬
‫ִה ְפ ִעיל‬
‫ִה ְרגִ יׁש‬
‫ּפָ עַ ל‬
‫כָ תַ ב‬
The Verb Menorah represents the mystical bond between the Hebrew
language and the deeper layers of Judaism and Torah. According to
tradition there are certain Psalms that are spiritually beneficial when
read as they are written in the shape of Menorah. (For instance Psalm
67, see next page).
* The passive verb groups ‫ ּפֻּ עַ ל‬and ‫ הֻּ ְפעַ ל‬will be covered in our
more advanced book "Verbs in a Nutshell".
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Psalm #67 in the shape of Menorah
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Psalms, Chapter 67
1 For the Leader; with string-music.
A Psalm, a Song.
2 God be gracious unto us, and bless us;
may He cause His face to shine toward us. Selah
3 That Thy way may be known upon earth,
thy salvation among all nations.
4 Let the peoples give thanks unto Thee, O God;
let the peoples give thanks unto Thee, all of them.
5 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy;
for Thou wilt judge the peoples with equity, and
lead the nations upon earth. Selah
6 Let the peoples give thanks unto Thee, O God;
let the peoples give thanks unto Thee, all of them.
7 The earth hath yielded her increase; may God,
our own God, bless us.
8 May God bless us; and let all the ends of the
earth fear Him.
Pg 14
,‫א לַמנַצחַ בנגינת‬
.‫מזמור שיר‬
‫ יחננּו ויברכנּו; יאר‬,‫ב אֱ ֹלהים‬
.‫פניו אתנּו ֶסלה‬
;‫ָארץ ַדרכֶ ָך‬
ֶ ‫ג ל ַדעַ ת ב‬
.‫ ישּוע ֶתָך‬,‫גוים‬-‫בכל‬
,‫ יודּוָך‬:‫ד יודּוָך עַ מים אֱ ֹלהים‬
.‫עַ מים כֻּלם‬
:‫ לאֻּ מים‬,‫ירננּו‬
ַ ‫ה ישמחּו ו‬
;‫תשפט עַ מים מישר‬-‫כי‬
.‫ָארץ ַתנחם ֶסלה‬
ֶ ‫ ב‬,‫ּולאֻּ מים‬
,‫ יודּוָך‬:‫ו יודּוָך עַ מים אֱ ֹלהים‬
.‫עַ מים כֻּלם‬
;‫ נתנה יבּולּה‬,‫ז ֶא ֶרץ‬
.‫ אֱ ֹלהים אֱ ֹלהינּו‬,‫יברכנּו‬
;‫ח יברכנּו אֱ ֹלהים‬
ֶ -‫ַאפסי‬-‫ כל‬,‫וייראּו אותו‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 3
Verb Groups – Binyanim
The Hebrew word for verb is ‫ ּפֹעַ ל‬-POAL, which is derived
from the root ‫( פעל‬PA’AL) - do, act.
Each verb group - Binyan is called by a name which incorporates the root
‫ פעל‬in the particular and unique way in which it is conjugated and
pronounced in the past tense - third person masculine.
Each Binyan has its unique music which is represented by the vowels
associated with the letters ‫פ ע ל‬.
The verbs associated with each Binyan have the same music as the name
of the Binyan and this will be helpful in remembering the verb
The first Binyan from the right on the Verb Menorah is named - ‫ ּפָ עַ ל‬and
it includes verbs such as:
ַ ‫י‬
‫ָׁשמַ ע‬
‫עָ בַ ד‬
‫לָמַ ד‬
‫כָ תַ ב‬
All of these verbs have the vowels A... A... in third person in
the past tense, which are the same sounds as in the name of
Binyan ‫ – ּפָ עַ ל‬PA’AL
The rest of the Binyanim are similarly named. They too are distinguished
by the vowels (music) in past tense - third person masculine.
Therefore, the verbs representing each Binyan in the Menorah have the
same "music" in past tense - third person masculine as the name of each
Binyan. (See chart on the next page).
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 4
Examples of the Music (core vowels) of Each Group
Listen to this part on the CD at least twice to get a good feel for
the music.
Binyan ‫ִבנְ יָן‬
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
‫ּפָ עַ ל‬
ַ‫ם ם‬
‫כתַ ב‬
‫למַ ד‬
‫י ַשב‬
Got dressed
‫התחַ תן‬
‫* הז ַדקן‬
Got old
‫פֻּטַ ר‬
Was laid off
‫קֻּ ַדם‬
‫סֻּ כַם‬
‫הֻּ ר ַגש‬
Was felt
‫הֻּ זמַ ן‬
‫נלמַ ד‬
‫הֻּ פסַ ק‬
Was stopped
‫ִה ְפ ִעיל‬
‫ִּפעֵ ל‬
‫ִה ְתּפַ עֵ ל‬
‫ּפֻּעַ ל‬
‫הֻּ ְפעַ ל‬
‫נִ ְפעַ ל‬
‫הת ַם ם‬
ַ‫םֻּ ם‬
ַ‫ ם‬.. ֻּ‫ה‬
‫ ַם‬..‫נ‬
‫נפ ַגש‬
Met (with)
active and
active and
* The verb ‫ ִהזְ דַ ֵקן‬sounds a bit different from the pattern, it still belongs
to the Heet'pa'el Binyan. The explanation is found in the relevant section.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Infinitive Form
Using the Infinitive
Verb Form
‫ֵׁשם הַ ּפוֹעַ ל‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Infinitive Form – Time Words
Track 5
Time Words
Before approaching the verbs, let's first get acquainted
with time words in order to make meaningful sentences using verbs.
In the present tense we usually use one of the following time words. The
time words will be used either at the beginning or at the end of a
Example: ‫ׁשו‬
ָ ְ‫ אֲ נִ י לוֹמֵ ד עִ בְ ִרית עַ כ‬- I am studying Hebrew now.
‫עַ כשו‬
‫כלל‬-‫ב ֶד ֶרְך‬
‫יוֹם‬-‫* כל‬
Every day
‫* כל הַ יום‬
All day long
‫פַ עַ ם ֹלא‬-‫ַאף‬
‫בַ ב ֶקר‬
In the morning
‫בַ צ ֳה ַרים‬
At noon
‫הַ צהֳ ַרים‬-‫ַא ֲחרי‬
In the afternoon
‫בעֶ ֶרב‬
In the evening
‫בַ ַלילה‬
At night
Sunday; On Sunday
‫ ביום ראשון‬,‫יום ראשון‬
Monday; On Monday
‫ ביום שני‬,‫יום שני‬
Tuesday; On Tuesday
‫ ביום שלישי‬,‫יום שלישי‬
Wednesday; On Wednesday
Thursday; On Thursday
Friday; On Friday
‫ ביום רביעי‬,‫יום רביעי‬
‫ ביום ֲחמישי‬,‫יום חֲ מישי‬
‫ ביום ששי‬,‫יום ששי‬
‫ בשַ בת‬,‫ַשבת‬
Saturday; On Saturday
Saturday night; On Saturday Night
‫ במוצאי שַ בת‬,‫מוצאי שַ בת‬
* Please note the difference between ‫יו ֹם‬-‫( כָל‬every day) and ‫( כָל הַ ּיוֹם‬all
day long). The addition of letter ‫ ה‬causes the expression to focus on the
same day (all day long).
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 6
Infinitive Form – Time Words
Questions with Time Words
Complete the following tables, using the examples in each table
now - ‫עַ כְ ָׁשו‬
Are you a student now?
Where is your family now?
Where are you now?
?‫אַ תה ַתלמיד עַ כְ ָׁשו‬
usually - ‫ְב ֶד ֶרְך כְ לָל‬
In the summer, are you usually
at the sea?
Are you usually a good student?
Do you usually eat fruits in the
What do you usually eat in the
Are you usually nice to all the
?‫בַ ַקיץ אַ תה בַ ים ְב ֶד ֶרְך כְ לָל‬
sometimes - ‫לִ ְפעָ ִמים‬
Are you at work at night
Are you in a coffee shop
Do you eat in a restaurant
At which restaurant do you eat?
?‫אַ תה בעֲבודה בַ לַילה לִ ְפעָ ִמים‬
always - ‫ָת ִמיד‬
Are there always doctors in the
Is it always cheap in the market?
Are you always at work in the
Pg 20
?‫חולים‬-‫יש ָת ִמיד רופאים בבית‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 6 (cont)
Infinitive Form – Time Words
every day - ‫כָ ל יוֹם‬
Are you at work every day? On
which day you are not at work?
‫אַ תה כָל יוֹם בעֲבודה? באיזֶה יום‬
?‫אַ תה ֹלא בעֲבודה‬
all day long - ‫כָ ל ַהּיוֹם‬
On Saturday are you at home for
the whole day (all day long)?
Is your boss at work the whole
?‫בשַ בת אַ תה כָל ַהּיוֹם בַ בַ ית‬
never - ‫ַאף ּפַ עַ ם ֹלא‬
Unlike English, in Hebrew we do use a double negative in a sentence.
What do you never eat?
Where do you never sit?
Pg 21
?‫מה אַ תה ַאף ּפַ עַ ם ֹלא אוכל‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Infinitive Form – Helping Verbs
Getting Acquainted with the
Different Verb Groups
Using the Ulpan-Or method you will be able to learn how to conjugate
new verbs quickly, and gain confidence in using them.
Following is the chart which will help you in understanding Ulpan-Or
learning process of the structure of different verb groups (Binyanim)
throughout this study kit.
Learning the infinitive form - 6 steps (for each
Phase 1 – absorbing new material
Phase 2 – internalizing the material
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 7
Infinitive Form – Helping Verbs
Helping Verbs + Infinitive
‫ ֵׁשם ּפֹעַ ל‬+ ‫ּפָ ֳעלֵי עֵ זֶר‬
Before we start learning an infinitive form of a certain verb group,
let’s first get acquainted with very useful helping verbs. These
helping verbs will help you to easily and quickly create sentences
with new verbs in the infinitive form.
As in English, it is impossible to use the infinitive form of the verb
without the preceding “helping” verbs.
For instance, you cannot say “I to eat soup now”.
The correct way is “I want to eat soup now”.
The helping verb "want" ‫ רוֹצֶ ה‬always comes in front of the infinitive
form of another verb. Let's first take a look at this verb in singular - male
and female.
Helping Verb "Want" - ‫רוֹצֶ ה‬
‫רוצֶ ה‬
And now let's see how the helping verbs are conjugated in the present
tense for singular and plural:
Plural Fem.
Plural Masc.
‫רוצֶ ה‬
* If you already know some verb infinitives, write down a few sentences
with the helping verb ‫רוצה‬.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Infinitive Form – Helping Verbs
Helping Verbs + Infinitive (cont.)
‫ ֵׁשם ּפֹעַ ל‬+ ‫ּפָ ֳעלֵי עֵ זֶר‬
We have already used the helping verb "want" - ‫רוֹצֶ ה‬.
The following additional helping verbs always come in front of the
infinitive form of another verb.
Let's see how the helping verbs are conjugated in the present tense for
singular and plural.
Please read and listen several times.
Plural Fem.
Plural Masc.
‫רוצֶ ה‬
Can, able to
Need (to)
‫צריכה צריכים צריכות‬
Love, like
‫אוהֶ בֶ ת אוהֲ בים אוהֲ בות‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Infinitive Form – Helping Verbs
Exercise: Fill in the following chart.
Plural Fem.
Plural Masc.
Can, able to
Love, like
Need (to)
Let us see now how the helping verbs are used.
Do you want to eat now?
Can the President of America
speak Hebrew?
?‫אַ תה רוֹצֶ הלֶאֱ כוֹל עַ כשו‬
‫הַ נשיא ֶשל ָאמֶ ריקה יָכוֹל‬
?‫לְ ַדבֵ ר עברית‬
Now, please write your own questions or sentences using helping verbs:
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 8
Infinitive Form – Helping Verbs
Helping Adverbs
In addition to helping verbs, there are also adverbs with which one can
create sentences using verb infinitive forms. Usage of these adverbs does
not require having pronouns in the sentence.
The following table shows adverbs that come in front of an infinitive in
order to create a statement.
Please read and listen several times.
It's good
It's easy
It's hard
It's possible
It's impossible
It's worthwhile
It's not worthwhile
It's fun
Pg 26
‫ָק ֶׁשה‬
‫אֶ ְפ ָׁשר‬
‫ִאי אֶ ְפ ָׁשר‬
‫כְ ַדאי‬
‫ֹלא כְ ַדאי‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Infinitive Form – Helping Verbs
Exercise: Fill in the following chart
It's hard
It's easy
It's fun
It's possible
It's impossible
It's worthwhile
It's not worthwhile
It's good
It's easy to speak Hebrew.
It's worthwhile to speak
Hebrew in Israel.
It's fun to eat ice cream.
It's hard to learn Chinese.
‫ַקל לְ ַדבֵ ר עברית‬
‫כְ דַ אי לְ ַדבֵ ר עברית בישראל‬
‫כֵיף לֶאֱ כוֹל גלידה‬
‫ָק ֶׁשה לִ לְ מוֹד סינית‬
Now, please write your own questions or sentences using helping
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 9
Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
Binyan Piel - Introduction
1. Learn &
infinitive form of
the Binyan
We will start our detailed study of the verb groups with Binyan Piel, since
it is one of the easiest groups to understand its structure in both: infinitive
form and present tense.
The music of Binyan Piel in the infinitive form is:
‫ְל םַ ם ם‬
To speak – ‫לְ ַדבֵ ר‬
‫לְ ַדבֵ ר‬
‫לְ ַםםם‬
‫שם הַ פעַ ל‬
Let’s take a look at additional verbs in this group in the chart on the next
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Track 10
Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
Binyan Piel - Infinitives
To talk
‫לְ דַ בֵ ר‬
To travel, to tour
‫לְ ַטּיֵ ל‬
To look for
‫לְ חַ ּפֵ ׂש‬
To visit
‫לְ בַ ֵקר‬
To call, to ring
‫לְ צַ לְ צֵ ל‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
Binyan Piel – Infinitives (cont.)
To pay
‫לְ ַׁשּלֵם‬
To arrange, to organize
‫לְ ַסדֵ ר‬
To get, to accept
‫לְ ַקבֵ ל‬
To tell
‫לְ ַסּפֵ ר‬
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 11
2. Practice use
of helping verbs
with the new
Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
Use of Helping Verbs with Verbs from Binyan Piel
Let’s now see how we use helping verbs and adverbs with verbs in this
Can/able to
‫רוצֶ ה‬
I need to speak with my friend – ‫אֲ נִ י צָ ִריְך לְ ַדבֵ ר עִ ם הֶ חָ בֵ ר ֶׁשּלִי‬
Exercise: Now make your own sentences using the different infinitives
from Binyan Piel with the helping verbs.
Use of Helping Adverbs with Binyan Piel Verbs
It's not
‫ֹלא כדַ אי‬
‫כדַ אי‬
‫אי אֶ פשר‬
‫אֶ פשר‬
‫קשֶ ה‬
It’s fun to visit Israel – ‫כֵ יף לְ בַ ֵקר בְ י ְִׂש ָראֵ ל‬
Exercise: Now make your own sentences using the different infinitives
from Binyan Piel with the helping adverbs.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
‫‪3. Practice the‬‬
‫‪new Binyan‬‬
‫‪using a story‬‬
‫‪Track 12‬‬
‫‪Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form‬‬
‫ִסיּפּור‪ִ :‬בנְ יָין ִּפעֵ ל – ֵׁשם ּפוֹעַ ל‬
‫לְקבֵ ל טֶ לֶפון מאַ בא ֶשלי‪ .‬אֲ ני שמחַ מאד לְ ַקבֵ ל טֶ לֶפון‪ ,‬כי עם הַ טֶ לֶפון‬
‫הַ יום אֲ ני צריְך ַ‬
‫אֲ ני יכול לְצַ לְצֵ ל לַחֲ ברים ּול ַדבר‪ּ ,‬ולְדַ בֵ ר‪ּ ,‬ולְדַ בֵ ר‪.‬‬
‫לְׁשּלֵם עַ ל הַ טֶ לֶפון ֶשלי‪.‬‬
‫זֶ ה כיף לְ דַ בֵ ר וֹלא ל ַשלם‪ ,‬כי אַ בא ֶשלי רוצֶ ה ַ‬
‫עַ כשו אֲ ני יכול לְ טַ ּיֵל בכל ישראל ּולְבַ ֵקר חֲ ברים‪ .‬אֲ ני ֹלא צריְך לְ חַ ּפֵ ׂש‬
‫אותם‪ ,‬כי אֲ ני יכול לְצַ לְצֵ ל לַחֲ ברים ולומַ ר להֶ ם – "אֲ ני בא עַ כשו"‪.‬‬
‫‪Now listen and read and check your comprehension sentence by sentence:‬‬
‫הַ יום אֲ ני צריְך ל ַקבל טֶ לֶפון מאַ בא ֶשלי‪.‬‬
‫אֲ ני שמחַ מאד ל ַקבל טֶ ֶלפון‬
‫כי עם הַ טֶ לֶפון אֲ ני יכול לצַ לצל לַחֲ ברים‬
‫ּול ַדבר‪ּ ,‬ול ַדבר‪ּ ,‬ול ַדבר‪.‬‬
‫זֶ ה כיף ל ַדבר וֹלא ל ַשלם‬
‫כי אַ בא ֶשלי רוצֶ ה ל ַשלם עַ ל הַ טֶ לֶפון ֶשלי‪.‬‬
‫‪( to get a‬צריְך) ‪Today I am supposed‬‬
‫‪telephone from my father.‬‬
‫‪I am very happy to get a telephone‬‬
‫‪because with the telephone I can call‬‬
‫‪friends and talk and talk and talk.‬‬
‫‪It's fun to talk and not to pay‬‬
‫‪because my father wants to pay for my‬‬
‫עַ כשו אֲ ני יכול לטַ יל בכל ישראל‬
‫‪Now I can tour all over Israel‬‬
‫ּולבַ קר חֲ ברים‪.‬‬
‫‪and visit friends.‬‬
‫אֲ ני ֹלא צריְך לחַ פש אותם‪,‬‬
‫‪I don't have to look for them,‬‬
‫כי אֲ ני יכול לצַ לצל לַחֲ ברים‬
‫‪because I can call the friends‬‬
‫ולומַ ר להֶ ם – "אֲ ני בא עַ כשו"‪.‬‬
‫‪and say to them, "I am coming now".‬‬
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‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‪-‬אור‪ .‬כל שימוש‪ ,‬העתקה והפצה אסורים‪.‬‬
‫‪Pg 32‬‬
Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
Check yourself
1. Tell the story in Hebrew while reading the English text.
2. Fill in the right column in Hebrew and check yourself using the
text on the previous page.
Today I am supposed )‫ (צריְך‬to get a
telephone from my father.
I am very happy to get a telephone
because with the telephone I can call
friends and talk and talk and talk.
It's fun to talk and not to pay
because my father wants to pay for my
Now I can tour all over Israel
and visit friends.
I don't have to look for them,
because I can call the friends
and say to them, "I am coming now".
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
4. Create your
own story
Your Story – Binyan Piel
Now create your own story in Hebrew using the above story as an
Use the following helping verbs:
want - ‫ רוֹצָ ה‬/ ‫רוֹצֶ ה‬
need - ‫ ְצ ִריכָ ה‬/ ‫צָ ִריְך‬
Use the following verbs in the infinitive form:
to get
‫לְ ַקבֵ ל‬
Pg 34
to call
‫לְצַ לְצֵ ל‬
to pay
to speak
‫לְדַ בֵ ר‬
to visit
‫לְ בַ ֵקר‬
to arrange
‫לְסַ דֵ ר‬
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Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
5. Do a
vocabulary test
Vocabulary Test – Binyan Piel
Translate the verbs and write them down in Hebrew in the right column.
to get
to talk
to call
to pay
to visit
to look for
to speak
to organize / put in order
to tour
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Track 13
6. Practice by
creating and
Binyan Piel – Infinitive Form
Practicing Binyan Piel
Listen once to the following questions in order to practice verbs in this
group. Then write the questions in Hebrew. Listen to the audio again and
check your translation.
1. Do you need to call your friends
every evening?
2. Is it expensive or cheap to call
3. Do you like (m.) to visit new
4. What do you need (m.) to look for
in the morning?
5. Do you like (m.) to put your house
in order?
6. Do you need (m.) to put the kitchen
in order every evening?
7. Do you like (f.) to speak Hebrew?
Write your answers to the above questions in Hebrew here:
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Learning the Present Tense – 6 steps
(applicable to every Binyan)
Phase 1 – absorbing new material
Phase 2 – internalizing the material
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 14
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Present Tense - Binyan Piel
1. Learn
conversion rules
from infinitive to
Present tense
The music of Binyan Piel in the present tense masculine is similar to its
infinitive form. L'…A…E…
‫לְ םַ םם‬
The letter ‫ ל‬of the infinitive is replaced with the letter
It becomes: M'…A…E…
‫ְמ ַםםם‬
For feminine singular we add the ending ‫ת‬
For plural we add the ending ‫ ים‬for masculine and
‫ ות‬for feminine.
We call this group – “The simple group”, because in the present tense it
merely mimics the sound pattern of the infinitive form.
General Structure
Pl. Fem.
Pl. Masc.
‫ְמםַ ֶםםֶ ת ְמםַ םםים ְמםַ םםוֹת‬
‫ְמםַ םם‬
‫לְ םַ םם‬
To speak – ‫לְ ַדבֵ ר‬
‫לְ ַדבר‬
‫ְמ ַדבר‬
‫ְמ ַדבֶ ֶרת‬
‫ְמ ַדברים‬
‫ְמ ַדברוֹת‬
General scheme
‫לְ ַםםם‬
‫ְמ ַםםם‬
‫ְמ ַם ֶם ֶםת‬
‫ְמ ַםםםים‬
‫ְמ ַםםםוֹת‬
Verb form
‫שם הַ פעַ ל‬
‫ זכר‬- ‫הוֶ ה‬
‫ נקבה‬- ‫הוֶ ה‬
‫ ַרבים‬- ‫הוֶ ה‬
‫ ַרבות‬- ‫הוֶ ה‬
Let’s now take a look at some more verbs in this Binyan on the next page.
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 15
2. Practice
conversion to
Present tense
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Binyan Piel
Moving from Infinitives to Present Tense
Let’s now get to know additional verbs in Binyan Piel.
Fill in the chart following the first two examples. Listen to the respective
CD track to check your answers.
‫ַר ִבים‬
‫נְ ֵקבָ ה‬
‫זָכָ ר‬
‫ֵׁשם ֹּפעַ ל‬
Pl. Fem.
Pl. Masc.
‫ ב‬,‫עם‬
‫ְמדַ בְ רוֹת‬
‫ְמדַ בְ ִרים‬
‫ְמדַ בֶ ֶרת‬
‫ְמדַ בֵ ר‬
‫לְדַ בֵ ר‬
‫ ב‬,‫ ל‬,‫עם‬
‫ְמטַ ּיְ לוֹת‬
‫ְמטַ ּיְ לִ ים‬
‫ְמטַ ּיֶ לֶת‬
‫ְמטַ ּיֵל‬
‫לְ טַ ּיֵל‬
To talk
To tour, to hike
To look for
‫ ב‬,‫ עם‬,‫אֶ ת‬
‫לְ חַ ּפֵ ׂש‬
‫ ב‬,‫ עם‬,‫אֶ ת‬
‫לְסַ דֵ ר‬
to arrange, to
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 15 (cont)
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Binyan Piel - Moving from Infinitives to Present Tense (cont)
‫ַר ִבים‬
‫נְ ֵקבָ ה‬
‫זָכָ ר‬
‫ֵׁשם ֹּפעַ ל‬
Pl. Fem.
Pl. Masc.
To visit
‫ ב‬,‫אֶ ת‬
‫לְ בַ ֵקר‬
‫ אֶ ל‬,‫ל‬
‫לְצַ לְצֵ ל‬
‫ אֶ ת‬,‫ל‬
‫ אֶ ת‬,‫מ‬
‫לְ ַקבֵ ל‬
To call
To pay
To get, to receive
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.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
‫‪3. Practice‬‬
‫‪Present tense‬‬
‫‪using a story‬‬
‫‪Binyan Piel – Present Tense‬‬
‫‪Track 16‬‬
‫ִסיּפּור‪ִ :‬בנְ יָין ִּפעֵ ל – ֹ‬
‫אוֹצָ ר ִמיּלִ ים‬
‫מַ זל‬
‫אין לי מַ זל‬
‫כ ֶ‬
‫ל ַקבל תשּובה‬
‫אֲ ני ֹלא מ ַקבל תשּובה‬
‫אֲ ני מ ַקבל עַ ל הראש‬
‫)‪I am not lucky (lt. I don’t have luck‬‬
‫)‪soccer (football in America‬‬
‫‪to get an answer‬‬
‫‪I don’t get an answer‬‬
‫‪I get reprimanded (lit. I get on the‬‬
‫שלום‪ .‬קוראים לי מרפי‪ ,‬ואין לי מַ זל‪.‬‬
‫אם אֲ ני ְמ ַׁשּלֵם ‪ֶ 5,000‬ש ֶקל עַ ל לַפטופ‪ ,‬אֲ ני ְמ ַקבֵ ל לַפטופ במַ תנה ַאחֲ רי יום‪.‬‬
‫אם אֲ ני ְמ ַסדֵ ר אֶ ת הַ חֶ ֶדר‪ַ ,‬אף אֶ חד ֹלא ְמבַ ֵקר‬
‫אותי‪ .‬אֲ בל אם אֲ ני ֹלא ְמ ַסדֵ ר‪ ,‬והַ חֶ ֶדר‬
‫קטַ סטרופה‪ ,‬הַ חֲ ברים ֶשלי ְמבַ ְק ִרים ביקּור‬
‫ַדּורגֶל‪ ,‬הַ חֲ ברים ֶשלי‬
‫אם אֲ ני רוצֶ ה ל ַשחק כ ֶ‬
‫עֲייפים‪ .‬וכַאֲ ֶשר הַ חֲ ברים ֶשלי ְמ ַׂשחֲ ִקים‬
‫ַדּורגֶל‪ ,‬אֲ ני עייף‪.‬‬
‫כ ֶ‬
‫אם אֲ ני ְמצַ לְ צֵ ל לַבַ נק‪ ,‬אֲ ני ֹלא ְמ ַקבֵ ל תשּובה‪.‬‬
‫ואם הַ בַ נק ְמצַ לְ צֵ ל אלַי‪ ,‬אֲ ני ְמ ַקבֵ ל עַ ל הראש‪.‬‬
‫כַאֲ ֶשר אֲ ני ְמחַ ּפֵ ׂש מַ ֶשהּו בַ בַ ית‪ ,‬אֲ ני ַאף פַ עַ ם‬
‫ֹלא יודעַ איפה זֶ ה‪ .‬אֲ בל כַאֲ ֶשר אֲ ני ֹלא ְמחַ ּפֵ ׂש‬
‫כלּום‪ ,‬אֲ ני יודעַ איפה כל דבר‪.‬‬
‫אַ ֶתם מבינים עַ ל מה אֲ ני ְמדַ בֵ ר?‬
‫‪Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited‬‬
‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‪-‬אור‪ .‬כל שימוש‪ ,‬העתקה והפצה אסורים‪.‬‬
‫‪Pg 41‬‬
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Now listen and read and check your comprehension sentence by sentence:
Hi, my name is Murphy, and I am not
.‫ ואין לי מַ זל‬,‫ קוראים לי מרפי‬.‫שלום‬
lucky [I don’t have luck].
If I pay 5,000 shekel for the laptop,
I get a laptop as a present the day after.
,‫ ֶש ֶקל עַ ל לַפטופ‬5,000 ‫אם אֲ ני ְמ ַׁשּלֵם‬
.‫אֲ ני ְמ ַקבֵ ל לַפטופ במַ תנה ַאחֲ רי יום‬
If I put my room in order,
,‫אם אֲ ני ְמ ַסדֵ ר אֶ ת הַ חֶ ֶדר‬
no one visits me.
.‫ַאף אֶ חד ֹלא ְמבַ ֵקר אותי‬
But if I don’t put (the room) in order
,‫אֲ בל אם אֲ ני ֹלא ְמ ַסדֵ ר‬
,‫והַ חֶ ֶדר קטַ סטרופה‬
and the room is a catastrophe,
my friends visit a spontaneous visit.
.‫הַ חֲ ברים ֶשלי ְמבַ ְק ִרים ביקּור ספונטני‬
‫אם אֲ ני רוצֶ ה ל ַשחק‬
If I want to play soccer, my friends are ‫ הַ חֲ ברים‬,‫כַדּורגֶל‬
.‫ֶשלי עֲייפים‬
ֶ ‫וכַאֲ ֶשר הַ חֲ ברים ֶשלי ִמ ְׂשחָ ִקים כַד‬
And when my friends play soccer, I am ,‫ּורגֶל‬
.‫אֲ ני עייף‬
If I call up the bank,
,‫אם אֲ ני ְמצַ לְ צֵ ל לַבַ נק‬
I don’t get an answer.
.‫אֲ ני ֹלא ְמ ַקבֵ ל תשּובה‬
And if the bank calls me,
,‫ואם הַ בַ נק ְמצַ לְ צֵ ל אלַי‬
.‫אֲ ני ְמ ַקבֵ ל עַ ל הראש‬
I get reprimanded.
When I look for something at home, I ‫ אֲ ני ַאף‬,‫כַאֲ ֶשר אֲ ני ְמחַ ּפֵ ׂש מַ ֶשהּו בַ בַ ית‬
.‫פַ עַ ם ֹלא יודעַ איפה זֶ ה‬
never know where it is.
But when I don’t look for anything , I ‫ אֲ ני‬,‫אֲ בל כַאֲ ֶשר אֲ ני ֹלא ְמחַ ּפֵ ׂש כלּום‬
.‫יודעַ איפה כל דבר‬
know where everything is.
Do you understand what I am talking
?‫אַ ֶתם מבינים עַ ל מה אֲ ני ְמדַ בֵ ר‬
Pg 42
Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited
.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Check yourself
1. Tell the story in Hebrew while reading the English text.
2. Fill in the right column in Hebrew and check yourself using the
text on the previous page.
Hi, my name is Murphy, and I am not
lucky [I don’t have luck].
If I pay 5,000 shekel for the laptop,
I get a laptop as a present the day after.
If I put my room in order,
no one visits me.
But if I don’t put (the room) in order
and the room is a catastrophe,
my friends visit a spontaneous visit.
If I want to play soccer, my friends are
And when my friends play soccer, I am
If I call up the bank,
I don’t get an answer.
And if the bank calls me,
I get reprimanded.
When I look for something at home, I
never know where it is.
But when I don’t look for anything , I
know where everything is.
Do you understand what I am talking
Pg 43
Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited
.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
4. Create your
own story
Your Story – Binyan Piel
Now create your own story in Hebrew using the above story
as an example.
Use the following verbs (masculine, feminine, singular, plural) in present
arrange, look for, visit, pay, call, accept, play
Pg 44
Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited
.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
5. Do a
vocabulary test
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Vocabulary Test - Binyan Piel
Complete the chart using the example:
‫נְ ֵקבָ ה‬
‫זָכָ ר‬
‫ֵׁשם ֹּפעַ ל‬
‫ְמדַ בֶ ֶרת‬
‫ְמדַ בֵ ר‬
‫לְדַ בֵ ר‬
To talk
To tour, to hike
To look for
To arrange
To visit
To call
To pay
To get, to receive
Pg 45
Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited
.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
Track 17
6. Practice by
creating and
Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Practicing Binyan Piel – Present Tense
Listen to the following questions practicing present tense. Then write the
questions from English to Hebrew. Check yourself listening to the audio
Do you call (m.) your friends every
Do you visit (f.) many new places?
What do you usually look for (m.) in
the morning?
Do you put (f.) your house in order
every day?
Do you put (m.) the kitchen in order
every evening?
Do you speak (f.) Hebrew?
Track 18
Practicing the Sound Structure of Binyan Piel
Exercise: Fill in the missing parts in the chart. (You don’t have to
know the meaning of the verbs). Check yourself by listening to the CD.
‫ ַרבות‬- ‫הוֶ ה‬
‫מטַ גנות‬
‫הוֶ ה – ַרבים‬
‫ נקבה‬- ‫הוֶ ה‬
‫ זכר‬- ‫הוֶ ה‬
‫מטַ גן‬
‫שם הַ פעַ ל‬
‫לצַ לצל‬
‫מַאר ֶגנֶת‬
‫מבַ לגן‬
‫ל ַקלקל‬
‫מבַ שלים‬
Pg 46
Copyrighted and owned by Ulpan-Or. Any usage without express permission from Ulpan-Or is prohibited
.‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬